Hitler's children Eva Braun and Hitler. The real story of Hitler's wife Eva Braun had children

Adolf Hitler learned at breakfast that Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin flew into space. After his successful flight to Argentina, the Nazi leader liked to sleep until half past nine. While listening to the radio station of the German colonists, Hitler drank two cups of hot milk, ate two biscuits and some ground chocolate. Then the maid brought a bowl of muesli: milk, oatmeal, grated apple, a few nuts. The woman who served Hitler on the day of Gagarin's flight is called Catalina Gomero - she is alive and in her right mind.

In the photo: Our film crew interviewed several witnesses of the movement of Adolf Hitler in Argentina

Catalina said that after the war, Adolf Hitler lived under a false name, without the famous mustache, his head was completely gray-haired, almost bald. It was impossible to recognize him immediately.

Hitler's Argentine maid was found by local journalist Abel Basti. And we, Ukrainian journalists, found Basti himself. Together with him, our film crew followed the route that the Fuhrer and his wife Eva set off on their journey.

In the photo: With the experts of the film crew Alexander Turenko and Andrey Lopushansky, we are laying a route in the footsteps of Nazi fugitives

Exactly 68 years ago, Adolf Hitler, Eva Braun and five other people close to them went by plane from besieged Berlin to fascist Spain - to General Franco. There they transferred to a submarine and, accompanied by two more submarines, crossed the Atlantic Ocean. In the bay of Caleta de los Loros in the province of Rio Negro, Adolf Hitler and his relatives were met by officers of the then vice-president of Argentina, Juan Peron.

In the photo: With Alexander Turenko we are preparing equipment for diving to the bottom of the Argentinean bay of Caleta de los Loro

After the landing, all three boats were flooded and no one saw them until the day when our film crew found the submarines. The Ukrainian team included a specially trained combat swimmer, versed in military underwater transports - Oleksandr Turenko. He recorded on a video camera that in this area of ​​​​the Patagonian coast, at a depth of 30 meters, there are three German submarines, the sinking of which is not mentioned in any of the archives of the headquarters of the Navy or the Ministry of Defense.

In the photo: Expert submarine Alexander Turenko is preparing to dive to the bottom of the Argentinean bay of Caleta de los Loros

The video of the sunken German submarines was included in the documentaries "Hitler's Last Secret" and "False History", which we presented to the world community on ICTV, on the Internet and at the Cannes Film Festival.

These films also included documentary footage filmed along the route of the Nazi fugitives. Not only, by the way, Hitler and Eva Braun, but also Bormann, Mengel, Eichmann. We interviewed witnesses to the Nazi stay in the provinces of Buenos Aires, Mendoza and La Rioja. At one time, Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun lived in the La Angostura estate, owned by Jorge Antonio, a businessman close to Argentine President Perron.

In the photo: Indian girls on the shore of the bay, on which Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun landed in the summer of 1945

Every April 30, Adolf Hitler celebrated another anniversary of the official date of his death. In fact, he intended to live a long time, followed his health. The Fuhrer came to Argentina still relatively young, at the age of 56. For comparison, Stalin at that time was 66 years old.

According to Catalina Gomero, after breakfast, Hitler took medication, in total he was prescribed about ninety different medications, mainly for insomnia and indigestion.

Hitler dined at 13.00, sometimes one and a half or two hours later. Loved scalding hot soup. After a bowl of soup, Catalina served an omelet with asparagus, spinach or cauliflower, and green salad. Dinner was at 20:00. As a rule, for dinner, Adolf Hitler ordered some vegetable dishes from the cook.

The Jewish public usually expresses indignation when someone talks about Hitler as a simple person. But Argentine pensioners, who witnessed the Nazis in their country, are ill-informed about the consequences of the Holocaust in Europe. In general, they consider it a great blessing that several tens of thousands of Nazis arrived in Argentina - engineers, military specialists, builders, scientists, whom Juan Peron, who became president in 1946, received with the consent of the British and Americans.

His wife, the famous Evita Peron, was friendly with Eva Braun and helped the Hitler family. Eva and Adolf had two daughters in Argentina who now presumably live in South Africa. By hosting the German Nazis, Argentina and Chile were noticeably ahead of their neighbors in South America. So, for example, from the German backlog, Chile is still leading in the exploration of Antarctica.

So at school and at the university they taught us in the USSR and now in Ukraine they teach a fake history of Hitler. DNA analysis has proven that the skull, stored in Moscow, does not belong to the Nazi Fuhrer. The leader of the Third Reich did not commit suicide in a Berlin bunker on April 30, 1945, in the last days of World War II. The world powers-winners agreed to think so. Joseph Stalin did not agree with this and the USSR entered into the April 30 conspiracy only after his death.

Nevertheless, Hitler could not simply flee from Germany to Argentina without first agreeing with the intelligence services of the United States of America, which already at that time had a system of radar stations that made it possible to monitor the movement of ships and aircraft around the world.

More than three hundred thousand Nazis took refuge in the United States, where they were used in the fight against the USSR. Even before the end of World War II, another war began, the Cold War. The United States was interested in the atomic bomb, the process of enriching uranium, which was owned by German specialists. In Chile, in Argentina, in the USA, there was a large-scale transfer of technological knowledge from the Germans, developed by Germany during the years under the leadership of Hitler.

According to Latin American experts, if not for the war, the portrait of Adolf Hitler would have adorned all textbooks on economics and management. They believe that he was a very gifted and intelligent person. Adolf Hitler realized that he was losing the war and already in 1943 developed a plan for the evacuation of human, technical and scientific resources with Martin Bormann.

In the photo: The secrets of the waters of the Argentine bay in the lens of Ukrainian journalism

After the publications of Argentinean Abel Basti and Ukrainian documentaries, British historians Gerrald Williams and Simon Dunsten released at the end of 2011 the book "The Gray Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler", in which all our evidence is presented in favor of the fact that Hitler really fled Germany and hid in Argentina. We're talking about at least half a dozen witnesses we've interviewed. Among the evidence of British scientists that were not available to us, we can name the FBI documents. This department was well aware that Adolf Hitler and his wife settled in the city of Mar del Plata - British historians confirm our version.

However, according to the British, the Nazi leader died in 1962. According to our information, in 1962 he only got to the Mar del Plata hospital, where he died in 1964. And the journalist Abel Basti even believes that in 1964 Hitler did not die, but again staged his death; as if he moved to Paraguay, where the organizer of the escape, Martin Borman, lived in those years.

Not so long ago, Abel Basti sent me a letter stating that he had found new evidence of this and even the probable grave of the leader of world Nazism. Calls again to come with the film crew.

Hitler's children: do they really exist? The rule is that personal life people occupying a prominent place in world politics, has always been of interest to both contemporaries and descendants. And if we are talking about the mysterious personality of Adolf Hitler, then there is no end to the rumors and versions about his relationship with other women, as well as about his children. In this article, we will try to find the answer to the question of the existence of the Fuhrer's children, based on various sources.

Did Hitler have children: the official version

Second World War ended long ago. All those involved in its beginning and denouement have already died, having been condemned to death. Most of the ruling elite of the Third Reich left no heirs: they either died with their families, or were childless.

There are no officially registered children of Hitler. It is common knowledge that there was Eva Braun. The couple committed suicide without leaving heirs. "Did Hitler have children?" - this question still haunts the representatives of the world press until now.

The thing is that back in 1935 in Germany, according to Himmler's plan, several special maternity hospitals were built and put into operation. The purpose of these maternity centers was to ensure the breeding of a new race - "blonde beasts". For this, the parents of the future elite of Germany were very carefully chosen. These were racially selected German women, and Children born according to this plan were formally adopted by Hitler.

Erich Runge version

Erich Runge is a former SS Obersturmführer. It was thanks to him that a sensation appeared that the children of Adolf Hitler now live almost all over the world. There are dozens of them, and these people do not even know who their father really is.

According to archival reports, in 1940, at one of the secret meetings, it was decided that only a person who would be a direct descendant of the Fuhrer could inherit power in Germany.

There is a version that Hitler's envy of Stalin, who had sons, served as the development of another secret operation, which was called "Thor".

The essence of the secret operation

Hitler's children were to see the light of day by fertilizing specially selected women with the Fuhrer's sperm.

Researchers of the life of Adolf Hitler state the fact that he was indifferent to sex, moreover, he even felt disgust for it. Therefore, it was decided to implement the plan with the birth of an heir in this way.

Women for participation in this project were selected with special care. They were young girls, 100% Aryan with a good pedigree. The operation was strictly classified, the girls who passed the selection did not even know who would become the father of their future children. The participants in the operation were explained that they had a high mission to become mothers of children from SS soldiers, true Aryans.

After birth, Hitler's children were transported to a complex specially prepared for this purpose, which was located in the Alps.

Alessandro Giovenese version

Few people believed the story of Erich Runge. In addition, he soon died of a heart attack. For a certain time, the topic of Hitler's offspring was closed.

Some time later, the former SS medical officer (1943-1945), Alessandro Giovenese, who was a resident of Brazil, continued to testify on this topic.

It turns out that he was one of the participants in the secret operation "Thor". Hitler's children were indeed in the Alps at the end of the war. In early May 1945, the workers of the complex received an order to evacuate 22 children. Of course, everything happened in strict secrecy, so the documents were destroyed. The children were divided into different families. The new parents were informed that they were orphans from maternity hospitals in nearby areas.

Werner Maser version

Werner Maser is the most famous researcher of the Fuhrer's biography. He claims that Hitler has a child born from an affair with Charlotte Edoxy Alida Lobjoie.

Hitler had a relationship with a young Frenchwoman during the First World War. Young Adolf went to fight as a volunteer and, of course, did not deny himself the pleasure of communicating with the beautiful inhabitants of the northern part of France.

In 1981, an autobiography was published which claimed to be Hitler's son. The lack of materials for genetic examination did not allow to fully prove the relationship between these people. The author of another sensation died four years later, without proving his connection with the Fuhrer.

Hitler and Geli Raubal

According to official figures, Adolf Hitler had no family. However, two of his mistresses are known: and Eva Braun (we will talk about Eve a little later).

Geli was the Fuhrer's niece. It was a scandalous, incestuous affair. It is not known exactly whether she shot herself or was killed, but her life was cut short in 1931.

Now the fun part: a certain US citizen, Werner Schmedt, appeared, who presented proof that Hitler was his father. These were photographs. On them, Werner himself and his mother embrace the Fuhrer. It turns out that Hitler's children have photos as evidence.

The birth certificate of this citizen contains encrypted data about the parents: the mother is designated with one letter "P", the father - "G". The child was born in 1929. After the death of his mother, the boy was given to the upbringing of nannies. He lived in both Germany and Austria.

Werner claimed that Hitler often visited him, and even sometimes spent the night with him. The boy was guarded, his place of residence was often changed for security reasons.

On the first anniversary, 10 years old, the son received a horse as a gift from his father.

According to Hitler's son, they saw each other for the last time in 1940. Then the father told the boy that at the end of the war he would receive the whole world as a gift.

These promises were not destined to come true. Werner hid after the war, hiding his origins.

After long wanderings around the world, Werner settled in the USA, where he lives now. Hitler's son agrees to conduct a DNA test to prove his relationship with the leader of the Third Reich. But so far it is impossible to make such an analysis, because in addition to the son’s materials, samples of the father’s cells are needed.

Hitler and Eva Braun

How are things going with family life this couple? There are two versions of their relationship. The first says that the relationship between these people was platonic, because Hitler was disgusted with sex.

The second claims that the children of Hitler and Eva Braun exist. Yet they were officially registered marriage. And although the year of registration of marriage is 1945, according to historians, in 1938 the couple had a girl. The girl's name is Ursula.

Notable is the fact that she can be seen in many photographs from Eva Braun's personal albums. Eva claimed that this was the daughter of her best friend, Herta Schneider. However, these stories are not supported by any facts. It is known that Gerta had one child, and it was not Ursula.

It is also alarming that the Hitler couple has always avoided any mention of this girl. British historians, taking this data as a basis, argue that the words "Hitler", "wife", "children" are inextricably linked. It was a complete family.

There are versions that Ursula was not the only child of the couple. The name of the second daughter is not mentioned anywhere at all, and allegedly in 1943 Hitler's wife also gave birth to a dead child.

Other children of the Fuhrer

Unfortunately, the documented facts of Hitler's paternity have not been preserved in history. All versions are based on eyewitness accounts and versions of historians.

One of these versions suggests that Hitler could be the father of the daughter of Tilly Fleischer, the famous Olympic champion. Gisella, that was the name of the girl, wrote a book in which she made it clear to the world who her father was. However, her mother did not confirm this version.

There is also Magda Goebbels, who claims that Hitler, and not her legal spouse, should be recognized as the father of her son. But this, again, is not a confirmed version.

What did Hitler do with children, and how many did he have? History does not give an exact answer to this question. It remains only to analyze the received versions, look for new evidence and speculate.

Modest and sweet, unpretentious and compliant - this was exactly the woman who idolized the tyrant and dictator. Her whole world revolved around her lover. He sowed death and destruction, and she worried about his health and dreamed of marrying him. Did the dreams of the naive Eva Braun come true? Yes, but she paid an exorbitant price for it.

Eva Anna Paula Brown was born into a classic Aryan family of the early twentieth century - a resigned mother and a despot father who always dreamed of a son, but raised three daughters. Eva was the second child in the family, she was born on February 6, 1912. The older sister Ilse first saw the world in 1909, and the youngest Gretl Brown in 1915.


Eva's family did not live in poverty, father Friedrich was a school teacher, mother Francis was a dressmaker, although after the birth of her daughters she devoted all her time to the family. The girls were kept in tight rein, demanded strict obedience, and were not bestowed with parental affection and warmth. By the standards of that time, the lot of a woman consisted of three “Ks”: kirche, kinder, kyuhe (church, children, kitchen).

Despite the reign of conservative views, Eva Braun received a good education, she graduated from:

  1. Primary monastic school;
  2. Munich Lyceum;
  3. The Institute of English ladies-in-waiting in Simbak (popularly called the "forge of future wives").

Albion Books

Learning to type on a typewriter, learning the basics of the French language, accounting and the theory of housekeeping, seventeen-year-old Eva returned to Munich again. Parents helped the girl get a job at the photo studio of Heinrich Hoffmann, where Eva gladly mastered the intricacies of photography.

Acquaintance with Hitler

Young Eve dreamed of one thing - an all-consuming mutual love. Fate made its own adjustments: Evino's heart was captured by an imperious middle-aged man, and not by the young prince from her dreams. Promising, confidently striding towards the political Olympus, Adolf Hitler was a friend of the owner of the photo studio, Heinrich Hoffmann. Very soon he noticed a cute assistant photographer. Eva was not interested in politics, she did not know what kind of person appeared in her life, and plunged headlong into a love pool.

Day online

In the biography of Hitler there are many interesting facts, testifying to his unique abilities to charm, to attract others like a magnet, to make them look at the world through his eyes. The naive and romantic Eva Braun, at the age of 17, could not resist the onslaught of a charming forty-year-old man who bestows exquisite compliments on her.

Eva fell in love without a memory, but were her feelings mutual? Hitler was flattered by the attention of a pretty young girl. He was madly in love with her athletic, fit figure, tall stature and slightly stupid expression on her face. According to Hoffmann, it was Eve's narrow-mindedness, naivety and apoliticality that gave inspiration to the odious politician.


This is also evidenced by famous quote Aryan leader: "A smart man should always choose a primitive and stupid woman." He preferred to stay away from smart, self-sufficient ladies who could somehow influence his political career. Eva Braun, as a person, did not play any role in the history of Germany. She simply loved and was ready to give her life for her beloved tyrant.

Relationship with Hitler

Decisive and assertive in solving political issues, Hitler was in no hurry to move to a new stage of relations with his young girlfriend. They often spent time together: walking along the alleys of the park, going to the cinema, talking about books and sports. But in the heart of Adolf lived love for another woman - his close relative Geli Raubal. It was with her that he appeared in society, he hurried to her in the evenings.

Brown knew well about Geli and for two years sought to win the heart of a tyrant. Only after the mysterious death of his lovely niece did Hitler look at Eva with different eyes - a new round began in their relationship. But there is an opinion that Geli was the only passion of the Fuhrer, a woman capable of causing a storm of emotions in an imperious patron.

Adolf's attitude towards Eve cannot be called unambiguous. He was attentive and caring, and then suddenly disappeared from her life for several days or even months.


There were legends about the Fuhrer's novels. Eve suffered, but willingly and meekly forgave his adventures. The demonic charms of this man often subjected women to madness, they were ready to say goodbye to life for him.

Suicide attempts

The girl brought up in strictness endured the ambiguity of her position - a kept woman, a lover, but not a spouse. Despite this, she did not try to break this vicious relationship and devoted herself entirely to her lover. Neither the prohibitions of the parents, nor the love affairs of the chosen one, nor his rudeness could cool the ardor of the girl.


Entirely submitting to the whims of Adolf, suffering from his indifference and coldness, Eve twice wanted to commit suicide:

  • In 1932, in her parents' house, she tried to shoot herself with her father's pistol;
  • In 1935, Eva swallowed pills.

In one of the documentaries about Brown's life, the emphasis is on the fact that the woman lived in her own fictional world, as if she was playing a role. And the suicide attempts were also demonstrative and planned. Thus, she unbalanced her beloved, made her worry and begged for crumbs of attention.

Bunker wedding

The first sign of the seriousness of Hitler's intentions was that he not only found out Eva's nationality, but also checked her pedigree. It was extremely important to him that his life partner was not Jewish. In 1935, the Fuhrer bought a house in which the younger Brown sisters Gretl and Eva settled. The financial situation of Hitler's mistress was enviable - she did not deny herself anything and endlessly updated her wardrobe.


Eve was more oppressed by isolation. She had no right to attend meetings, even organized in their house. When the Fuhrer "entrusted" her with the position of secretary, she began to accompany him to official receptions.

In 1944, the winds of change at the front blew against Germany, and Hitler forbade Eva to appear in the capital. By this time, he had already drawn up a will, in which Brown's interests were taken into account in the first place.

Prisoners of Eternity

For the first time in 16 years, Eve, trembling with fear, did not obey her lover's order. On February 8, 1945, she accomplished her last feat - she went to Hitler, realizing that she was going to her death. And now the dream of her whole life came true - touched by her act and grateful for the sacrifice, the tyrant proposed to her in the atmosphere of an underground bunker, far from romantic.

04/29/1945 the bride was in a black dress - so the groom wished. Wine, candles pouring from the gramophone songs. The couple accept congratulations and drink wine.


On April 30, 1945, a married couple left this world by committing a joint suicide.


What were the causes of death of a faithful and sweet woman? Endless love for her husband, without whom she did not want to live. His Evil Empire collapsed. As a faithful companion of a true tyrant, she took poison in order to go to another world together.

Braun was Hitler's wife, but only for one day.

Death of Hitler, Eva Braun and the Goebbels children. How it all happened and who was the executor of this terrible scenario, recently opened archival materials show. None of the Goebbels children knew that they were destined to die.

In 1945, along with Adolf Hitler, six young children were killed in a Berlin bunker: five daughters and the son of propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels. They were poisoned just before the suicide of the Goebbels couple. How it all happened and who was the executor of this terrible scenario, recently opened archival materials show.

Death of Hitler, Eva Braun and the Goebbels children

None of the Goebbels children knew that they were destined to die. Not twelve-year-old Helga, nor eleven-year-old Hilda, nor eight-year-old Holda, nor six-year-old Hedda, nor four-year-old Haida, nor nine-year-old Helmut. The name of each in honor of the Fuhrer began with "H" (like Hitler).

The Goebbels children did not like Hitler's bunker, where the Reich Chancellery was located: dark concrete, low aisles, subdued lights. Dark impression. Probably no one could feel comfortable here. Moreover, just a few weeks ago, the children were away from the capital of Germany, in the countryside, where they played carelessly with their peers and ran around wherever they wanted.

Yes, there is a bunker! All of Berlin, being destroyed, at the end of April 1945 was a pitiful sight. The Russian soldiers were only a few hundred meters from the bunker, so its inhabitants urged the Minister of Propaganda to send the children to safety. But the minister's wife, Magda Goebbels, remained adamant. “My children would rather die than live in shame and humiliation,” she said. - In addition, the husband is afraid that they may fall into the hands of Stalin, who will make them communists. No, we'd better take the kids with us."

April 30 at 15.30 Hitler and Eva Braun committed suicide. This was a signal to the rest of the inhabitants of the Reich Chancellery. A day later, all six of the Goebbels children were dead. First, to turn off consciousness, they were injected with morphine, and then poisoned with hydrocyanic acid. Death came instantly.

At the end of the 50s, all judicial investigations into the death of the last inhabitants of the bunker were terminated, and the documents were transferred to the state archive of the city of Münster. Until recently, researchers were not given the opportunity to get acquainted with them. A few years ago, the German authorities opened the archives for those who wished. This makes it possible to reconstruct what happened to the Goebbels' children in the last days of the Millennium Reich.

Helmut Kunz: dentist and member of the SS

Almost the main character in these archival documents is Helmut Kunz, who was born in 1910 in the city of Ettlingen. He first studied law, then medicine (specializing in dentistry). Kunz's dissertation is titled "Research on caries in school-aged children with regard to breastfeeding". From 1936, Kunz practiced near Leipzig, and the following year he joined the SS (company 10/48).

When World War II began, Kunz served as an officer in the SS medical battalion. In 1941, Kunz was badly wounded, and after his recovery he was transferred to Berlin. In April 1945, Kunz, with the rank of Sturmbannfuehrer, was sent to the Reich Chancellery. Undoubtedly, for a person "with a completely soldier's mentality" (as eyewitnesses spoke of him), such an appointment was the ultimate dream.

A direct order from Hitler?

On April 22, 1945, the Goebbels left their apartment on Hermann Goering Strasse. The children began to say goodbye to their teacher Keti Huebner. “We are going to the Fuhrer in his bunker,” said little Helmut. - Are you coming with us? Huebner didn't go anywhere. Magda Goebbels told her that she would "completely voluntarily go with the Führer to the very end."

In the Reich Chancellery, the wife of the Minister of Propaganda became Kunz's first patient: Magda Goebbels developed suppuration in her lower jaw. After a while, she took the doctor aside and asked if he could "help kill children" (which is how the doctor later relayed the request to Frau Goebbels). Kunz refused, saying that he had lost two of his daughters in an air raid a few months earlier. After what happened, he "simply is not able to help Frau Goebbels to carry out his plan."

However, Magda Goebbels found a way out. After a while, she told Kunz that it was "not about her desire, but about a direct order from Hitler." Goebbels also asked "whether it is sufficient that she orally transmit this order, or is it necessary that the Führer personally transmit it."

Kunz supposedly replied: "Your words are enough for me." On the evening of May 1, 1945, the Goebbels children were put to bed. "Don't be afraid," their mother told them. “The doctor will give you an injection that is given to children and real soldiers.” After that, Magda Goebbels left the room, and Kunz gave morphine injections "first to the two older girls, then to the boy, and then to the rest of the children, which took about 10 minutes."

As soon as the children were quiet, Goebbels entered the room, holding capsules of hydrocyanic acid in her hands. After a few seconds, she burst into tears and said: “Mr. Doctor, I can’t do this, you can do it.” "I can't either," Kunz replied. Then Goebbels asked: "Call Dr. Stumpfegger." Ludwig Stumpfegger was a year younger than Kunz and was one of the confidants of SS chief Heinrich Himmler.

A week later, Russian doctors opened the bodies of Goebbels' children and concluded that "death was due to poisoning with cyanide compounds." The parents of the children were dead. Stumpfegger died while trying to escape from Berlin.

Kunz - the only participant in what happened - survived. He could slander others and save himself. On July 30, 1945, he was taken to Moscow. The doctor spent six and a half years in prison, and in February 1952 he appeared before the court as a member of the Nazi Party and the SS, and also (according to Kunz himself) as the alleged murderer of the Goebbels children.

Germany softens sentences for Nazis

By the time the Kunz case was considered in Moscow, the Nuremberg trials were over. West German justice gradually began to soften in relation to Nazi criminals. A special article 131 was introduced into the Constitution of the country, protecting the interests of people whose alleged crimes in Nazi times were related to the execution official duties. This article amnestied many former civil servants and opened up opportunities for them to return to work in state institutions. Already in 1949, the first wave of amnesty took place, and in 1954 a second followed. According to the amnesty law, "certain crimes committed during the time of National Socialism should not be prosecuted or should have a reduced measure of restraint in the presence of extenuating circumstances."

Under the action of this law fell primarily Nazi officials. For them, the document contained a special clause that the law applied to persons "who from October 1944 to July 31, 1945 were in the line of duty and committed certain crimes on the direct orders of their superior."

The law came into force on July 18, 1954. Of course, for Helmut Kunz, who spent almost 10 years in a Soviet prison, he was of crucial importance. The USSR released the former doctor on October 4, 1955 and handed it over to the German authorities. A little later, the German authorities resumed an investigation into the circumstances of the death of Goebbels and his family. The witness in the case was the former SS Oberscharführer Harry Mengershausen.

Judge: “I don’t understand the death of children”

Mengershausen talked about Hitler's suicide and then moved on to Goebbels. Judge Heinrich Stefanus asked him again: “The death of children is completely incomprehensible to me: it is not known who is guilty of it. Some call a certain Dr. Kunze ... ”It is significant that neither Stefanus nor Mengershausen could name Kuntz exactly.

Meanwhile, Kunz himself settled in Münster. He took a job as a volunteer in a university dental clinic, and then took up a position as a doctor in the German armed forces. The local prosecutor Middeldorf initiates a preliminary investigation into the murder of the Goebbels children. Case number 1041/56.

Over the next few months, Middeldorf brings in as witnesses people who were in Hitler's bunker during the last days of the war. Hitler's secretary Traudl Junge, valet Heinz Linge, driver Erich Kempka and pilot Hans Baur were interrogated. Some of the witnesses had never heard of Kunz, some knew his story. However, Middeldorf did not need the classic witnesses for the prosecution: even during the first interrogation, Kunz admitted that he injected the children with morphine, but after that he left the room in which Magda Goebbels and Stumpfegger remained. A few minutes later, Frau Goebbels left the room with the words: “Finally, everything is behind us!”

Kunz is not a killer, but an accomplice in murder

In January 1959, the Kunz case was reclassified not as murder, but as assistance in organizing the murder of six people. The prosecutor also wanted to rule out the possibility of applying an amnesty to Kunz. He explained this by saying that the murder of children is “an audacious crime for which there can be no justification; moreover, it cannot be done by command.” In addition, Middeldorf insists that Magda Goebbels simply could not give the order to Kunz, and if something like this happened, the doctor misunderstood the woman and should not have obeyed.

However, the prosecutor failed to prove his position. The Collegium for Criminal Cases of Münster determined that in any case the amnesty law applied to Kunz, since if he did not comply with the order, even if it was transmitted by Magda Goebbels, he would be punished as a war criminal. The investigation was closed, and all charges against the doctor were dropped.

Some judges were Nazis

A curious detail of the investigation is that the rehabilitated Nazis Gerhard Rose (head of the collegium, born in 1903, personal number 4413181) and Gerhard Alich (born in 1905, personal number 4079094) were members of the Collegium for Criminal Cases. By a strange coincidence, both of them joined the NSDAP on May 1, 1937, on the same day as Kunz.

Kunz lived to an old age

Kunz died in 1976 in Freudenstadt. Before last day During his life, he had an extensive practice, and few remembered his involvement in the murder of Goebbels' children.

The remains of the children of Goebbels, by decision of the Soviet forensic experts, were buried near Berlin. After some time, the Politburo decided to open the grave in strict secrecy and destroy the remains. The operation was entrusted to the KGB and received the code name "Operation Archive".

On the night of April 5, 1970, the graves were opened, the remains were removed and burned. The ashes were scattered over the Elbe.

Who is Joseph Goebbels

Paul Joseph Goebbels (October 29, 1897 - May 1, 1945) - Nazi criminal, German statesman and politician, orator, Reich Minister of Public Education and Propaganda of Germany (1933-1945), Imperial NSDAP propaganda leader (since 1929), Reichsleiter (1933) , penultimate chancellor of the Third Reich (April-May 1945), commissioner of defense of Berlin (April 1945).

After graduating from the gymnasium in Reidt from 1917 to 1921, Goebbels studied at the universities of Freiburg, Bonn, Würzburg, Cologne, Munich and Heidelberg, where he studied philosophy, German studies, history and literature. In 1921, at the University of Heidelberg, Goebbels defended his dissertation on romantic drama, receiving a Ph.D. During the First World War, he was declared unfit for military service due to lameness.

In 1922, Goebbels joined the NSDAP, initially joining its left socialist wing, led by the Strasser brothers.

In 1924, Goebbels moved to the Ruhr and tried his hand at journalism as an editor. At the same time, he sent 48 articles to one of the largest newspapers in Germany in the 20s, the Berliner Tageblatt, but all of them were rejected by the editors because of the anti-Semitic tone. This period, tinged with violent polemics between the Strassers and Hitler about the degree of socialism in the National Socialist movement, belongs to the famous statement of Goebbels: "The bourgeois Adolf Hitler must be expelled from the National Socialist Party!".

However, in 1926 his political sympathies changed dramatically in favor of the future Fuhrer. Goebbels began to perceive him "either as Christ or as Saint John." "Adolf Hitler, I love you! ", he wrote in his diary. Subsequently, Goebbels repeatedly spoke in public about Hitler in excellent tones, as a result of which, in 1926, he was appointed Gauleiter of the NSDAP in Berlin-Brandenburg.

In 1928, Goebbels was elected a member of the Reichstag from the Nazi Party, and in 1929 Hitler appointed Goebbels as the Imperial propaganda leader of the Nazi Party.

In 1932, Goebbels organized and led Hitler's election campaigns for the nomination for the presidency.

On March 13, 1933, Hitler appointed Goebbels as Chancellor of the Reich Minister of Public Education and Propaganda.

During the suppression of the July conspiracy of 1944, Goebbels showed great activity, after which Hitler appointed him the chief commissioner for mobilization for "total war".

In his political testament, Hitler appointed Goebbels as his successor as Chancellor, but the very next day after the suicide of the Fuhrer, Goebbels and his wife Magda committed suicide by poisoning their six children. On May 1, at 21:00, Goebbels shot himself, having shot his wife before that at her request.

Tags: Peace, Society, Hitler

Adolf Hitler is recognized today as one of the greatest villains in human history. Knowing how much death and destruction this man is guilty of, it is difficult to believe that he could be loved by women. However, on April 29, 1945, the Fuhrer married his longtime mistress Eva Braun. A day later, the Fuhrer's personal valet declared the death of Hitler and Eva Braun: the newly-made spouses committed suicide.

Fuhrer's personal life

The first meeting of Eva Braun with Adolf Hitler took place when the girl was only 17 years old, and her chosen one was forty. At that time, Hitler lived with his niece, which did not prevent him from spending his days with Eva Braun. The girl was very worried about this, but did not break the connection. Only in 1931, when Geli Raubal, Hitler's lover, committed suicide, did Eva become his mistress. It is not known what she felt at the same time: there is no such evidence left. But in 1932, Eva Braun, like her predecessor, attempted suicide by shooting herself in the neck. The next suicide attempt was made in 1935.

Eva Braun was a beautiful blond girl - quite in Hitler's taste. Following the fashion of that time and wanting to please her lover, she carefully looked after herself and went in for sports. In 1935, she left the atelier and became Adolf's personal secretary. In the same year, Hitler bought a house for her, where Eva lived with her sister.

In the future, Eva lives in the Alpine residence of Hitler, and since March 1945 - in his bunker in Berlin. All this time she is the actual wife of the Fuhrer, but her status is not advertised. Eva does not take part in political life, and even British intelligence until the summer of 1944 considers her only one of the Fuhrer's secretaries. Adolf Hitler has been officially considered single all this time and receives many letters from girls in love with him.

However, the official wedding ceremony is held only on April 29, when it is clear to everyone, including Hitler, that the Third Reich is doomed. The day after the wedding, the couple committed suicide at the same time: according to some reports, they shot themselves, according to others, they were poisoned with potassium cyanide.

Girlfriends of youth spoke of Eva Braun as an accommodating girl with a good character. Perhaps it was her cheerful disposition that captivated Adolf Hitler. But very little is known about Eva: she did not take part in the political life of the country, she did not emphasize her special status in any way, she did not tell anyone about her life.

The suicide attempts made by Eve after a close acquaintance with Hitler suggest that the life of the mistress of the German idol of that time was not so cloudless. Little evidence of Eva's life, however, remains, and the diaries and other papers were destroyed by her sister in April 1945.

Therefore, it remains unknown whether Hitler's beloved was aware that she had connected her life with one of the greatest villains, guilty of the deaths of millions of people. Most likely not: in everyday life, Hitler, judging by the memoirs of his contemporaries, was a well-mannered, gallant and very charming person.

It is known that Hitler tried to take care of his beloved, and in 1945 he ordered her to stay in a safe residence in the Alps. However, she may have disobeyed the Fuhrer for the first time and came to dilapidated Berlin. It is unlikely that Eva could not appreciate the situation at that time: at that time, the near end of the Third Reich was obvious even to the most fanatical fans of the Fuhrer. However, she came to her beloved man, lived with him for the last months in a bunker, and even married him on the eve of their death. Perhaps the young woman was dying happy: for so many years, the status of a secret mistress that had burdened her was over, and at least before her death, Eva was able to call herself "Frau Hitler."

The wedding, which took place on the night of April 28-29 in the Fuhrerbunker, was quite original. The young spouses were well aware that after the wedding, death awaits them. There was no way out, the decision to commit suicide was made ten days before the wedding. Bormann and Goebbels were witnesses. Adjutants, secretaries and cooks were also invited to the celebration - no one paid any attention to the conventions.

On April 30, after dinner, the couple committed suicide. Interestingly, some sources claim that poison was chosen as the instrument of death, others that Hitler and Eva Braun shot themselves. One way or another, their bodies were taken out into the yard, doused with gasoline and partially burned, and then buried in the ground.

The Nazis did not have time to carefully cover their tracks. On May 4, the bodies of the fascist leader and his wife were found by the Red Army. For unknown reasons, they ended up in the morgue only four days later, where they were identified. Takova official version events.

Other hypotheses

It is known that Hitler, not unreasonably afraid of assassination attempts, had several doubles. According to some reports, his mistress also had twins. Therefore, many researchers are still not sure that the bodies found on May 4 belonged to Hitler and Eva Braun. The corpses were half burnt, and they were identified by their height and teeth. Hitler's dentist testified that the teeth shown to him really belonged to the Fuhrer. However, many historians do not trust his words, suspecting collusion.

There are versions that the suicide was staged: the doubles of the spouses were killed, and Adolf and Eve secretly left for Argentina and hid there. At least, a lot of eyewitness accounts have been preserved who met a person very similar to Hitler in different parts of the country.

There is a lot of evidence that after April 20, Hitler changed a lot, often fell into a stupor, stuttered. Many researchers suggest that these changes were due to the fact that in the place of the Fuhrer there was already another person - his double. The real Adolf Hitler at that time was approaching with fake documents to the shores of Argentina - a country that became a refuge for many Nazis.

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