Mystical omens. Night and mysticism of belief. Mystical properties of mirrors Night and mysticism of belief

The supernatural, sacred mysteries to which some people are initiated have been confirmed by many well-known cases. Although skeptics may reject mysticism, the connection of certain signs with real consequences was noticed even by our distant ancestors. And many of them have survived to this day, and are still relevant today.

To follow the beliefs that have come down to us from the depths of centuries, or not, to perceive them with disdain or respectfully is a personal matter. Specialists in matters of the paranormal are advised to treat them with understanding. After all, many rituals, which at first glance seem absolutely meaningless, can distract a person from the problem and help to adapt to reality in various ways. And in some sacraments, nature itself comes to the rescue. He will talk about this in his article.

Examples of effective signs

  • When a new moon happens and a new month is born, it is very good to fill a glass glass with water and put it on the windowsill. Let it stand there for the entire period, how long the month will “grow”. And when the time of the full moon comes, with the words “As the month was thin, but it became full, so is my good to be full” you need to wash.
  • If it rains unexpectedly during the preparations for the road - good luck. Heavenly water will wash away all sorrows and possible difficulties. And if, moreover, it ended just before the exit, nature itself blesses this path.
  • Insomnia is a real torment for a person. There are many ways to deal with it. There is also a folk one. Before going to bed, put on and take off night clothes three times, as if to emphasize that I have not slept for a long time, I have been suffering for three days. Then arrange your slippers in different corners, as if giving an instruction - they are not needed until the morning, I will get up in the morning, then I will collect them. Say: “You stand in these corners, and I sleep until dawn. Amen" - go to bed.
  • When buying any container (bucket, pot, even a bread box), you need to say: “the container should be full, but I will forget poverty.”
  • In order for a relative to hurry home, for example, a husband, after finishing work, or a son after graduation, you need to collect running water, put it closer to the door and say: “Servant of God (name), here is your water.”
  • So that money is not transferred, in the evenings you need to avoid any financial transactions: loans, recalculations.
  • In order not to disturb the energy money cycle, it is correct to take money with your left hand, and give it with your right.
  • There is a broom in any lady and it is necessary that it is always clean, because it collects energy throughout the house. If you hold it with the handle down, money will be found in the house. Another broom can not be crossed - to the disease.
  • You should not pick up things on the street, especially if everyone successfully managed without them. Many healers speak illnesses on some subject, for example, a headache on a comb. Picking up such a little thing, you will get a disease.
  • You can’t store broken dishes in the house - this is a flawed and unbearable relationship, unfortunately.

You can learn more interesting and useful tips from the articles by Svetlana Raevskaya. For example, to learn how to

Every person at least once thought about his destiny, about fate, about life. Unfortunately, not everything depends on us. Sometimes throughout life we ​​find ourselves in such difficult living conditions that not everyone can cope with. Then we turn for help to people endowed with the talents of Healing, Clairvoyance, Prediction.

Bioenergy in our life

1. It is believed that if a person's face and ears are on fire, someone remembers him. Indeed, the energy impact of one person on another can occur at a distance. To get rid of this, you need to rinse your face with cool water and run your wet hand where the crown is located. There is no water nearby - make a washing gesture.

2. A bath or shower always makes you feel better. Isn't that why after an unpleasant event you really want to wash yourself? Washing, we not only wash away the dirt, relieve tension, but also get rid of harmful energy, restore the aura.

3. We raise our voices at each other, yell at children. So parents dump the accumulated pathological energy, and then wonder why the child is nervous, why he constantly has health problems. The most dangerous thing is to shout at a child in the back. This is a real energy blow, traces of which can remain for a long time in the form of stuttering or other nervous disorders. If you feel it necessary to scold the child, do it looking into his eyes.

4. If during the day you have gained “alien energy” (through handshakes, accidental touches, money, documents, dishes, mirrors), then at the end of the working day or after work, shake your hands 6 times towards the ground and carefully with soap wash with cold water. This removes all negative information.

Tips for all occasions

1. Monday and Wednesday are the most unfavorable days for washing your hair.
2. While eating, do not look in the mirror so as not to lose beauty.
3. Two cannot eat with one spoon, you can quarrel.
4. Do not give handkerchiefs to family and friends. Let them buy their own.
5. To avoid heartburn, do not take bread with dirty hands.
6. Do not put a new, freshly bought suit on the bed.
7. Hiccups attacked - stretch until a crunch in the bones.
8. Alms must be given only with the right hand.
9. Do not give needles and threads to anyone, you will get sick.
10. Don't step over the broom so you don't get sick.

Mystical signs and beliefs

I think that mysticism should not be rejected just because it is incomprehensible. For one can repeat the mistake that the French Academy of Sciences made in its time with regard to meteorites: it decided that they do not exist and cannot exist, because there cannot be stones in the sky. As a result, the most valuable exhibits were thrown away.

Bitter mistakes, as a rule, come from ignorance, and, alas, people persistently gravitate towards them in all ages. From the darkness of primitive times, man, along with the rudiments of knowledge, brought out various beliefs. Historians of culture claim that this is the oldest knowledge expressed in poetic form.

Beliefs were the focus of practical information about the world, they played the same role in the ancient practice of people as the exact sciences in modern production. Psychologists believe that beliefs, signs are fragments of ancient truth, and therefore one should not be freed from them. They, even if at first glance meaningless, help people adapt to difficult living conditions.

I will give you a few signs and beliefs, in the mysterious language of which nature itself speaks to a person:

1. If you have insomnia, bad sleep, nightmares, and you can’t get rid of it in any way, then do this: in the evening, going to bed, put on a dress, shirt or shirt three times, and put slippers in different corners with the words:

"You stand in these corners,
and I don’t wake up until dawn, sleep,

2. When buying a new bucket, you must say the following words 3 times:

"Bucket full to be
and me to forget all poverty.

3. If someone pesters you in transport, queues or other public places, trying to put you off balance with words, then, looking at this person, mentally say (mandatory in the plural): "Close their eyes."

4. On the new moon, when a new month is born, pour a glass of water and leave it on the windowsill behind the curtains until the full moon comes. Then wash yourself with this water, saying: "Just as you, the month, were thin, but became full, so I have every good thing to be full." After a while, you will notice and feel that all your affairs are on the mend.

5. In order for loved ones (husband, groom, and so on) not to linger somewhere, but to rush home, take a cup, pour water from the tap into it and, putting the door to the threshold, say: "Servant of God (name), your water is here."

6. When undressing, things must be carefully hung up, and not scattered anywhere, as an evil spirit sits on thrown things.

7. Avoid borrowing money on Tuesday - you will be in debt all your life; and also you can’t exchange money on Tuesday (it’s better to give them without change). Money in the evening of any day does not take and do not count - they will not be found. You need to take money with your left hand, and give it with your right, then they will not be transferred from you.

8. Do not eat or drink in front of a mirror - you will eat all your beauty, you will lose your health.

9. The broom should always be kept down with the handle - money will be found.

10. You can not sit in the place of the patient.

I told you only about a few signs and beliefs. I hope that after reading the article you will want to know more about them.

For individual consultations, please contact an experienced parapsychologist Tatyana Anatolyevna. With the help of tarot card predictions, healing and psychoanalysis, she will help you solve your problems in all areas of your life.

Everyone dreams of living in abundance and having money. Folk signs and beliefs, rituals will help you achieve what you want.

During a quarrel, scandal, showdown, you need to lower your eyes several times and look into the groin of your opponent, mentally say: “In the stomach from the head! May it be so!"
When exchanging a large bill or exchanging money for another currency, you need to look at the money, and not at the one who changes it.
If you have to choose between two identical things or items to buy, preference should be given to the one on the left.
To get rid of pain, try to attach a piece of foil to the sore spot with the reflective side inward and mentally say: “What stuck, it was reflected!”
To win the competition, ceteris paribus, it is useful to have a nickel with you, on which you must first say 7 times: “Come with me (your full name), win with me! May it be so!"
If a man quickly passed in front of your very nose, you should say in a whisper: “I carried it with me” (if a woman - “I carried it with me”).
If you were called by name, you looked around and didn’t see anyone, you must say three times: “I’m sending you to the east!” and draw a counterclockwise circle with your ring finger in the air.
If you want people of the opposite sex to pay even more attention to you, when you leave the house, looking in the mirror, you must say: “See people, show yourself!”
In no case should you leave a knife stuck in bread - this is a quarrel; you should not prick bread with a fork - this is a disease; do not throw away bitten bread, it should be fed to animals, otherwise you can bring trouble on yourself.
It is believed that if you point your finger at your house, car, child, plot, etc. with the words: “This is my car (my child, house, plot ...)”, then what you point to will suffer misfortune, fire, disease, accidents…
When buying, so that you are not deceived by naming the product, look at the bridge of the seller's nose. At the same time, squeeze the thumb of your left hand into your fist as tightly as possible.
If someone came to the house while bathing the baby, then he should remain there until the end of the water procedures. Otherwise, it will put the child in danger.
While cleaning your home, when you remove cobwebs from the ceiling and walls with a broom, say: “What came, went to the broom!”
If you come in a new outfit somewhere, ask a person of the opposite sex about something. There will be luck. If there is a need to trade in the market, put in your wallet an unchangeable bill, one that you are not going to spend under any circumstances.
It is not recommended to fulfill the requests and instructions said to you in the back when you leave, shouted from the balcony, from the porch, from the open window or through the window. It is believed that such a request, if fulfilled, does not bring good.
Never leave the house with empty pockets. It is advisable to have a wallet in your pocket or at least a few cents of change.
When entering the apartment or house of the person who invited you for the first time, make sure to sit on a chair after the owner has done it, and get up a little before him.
If, when buying loose goods, it turned out that the change is 13 hryvnias (or rubles), then take this change with both hands with the words: “Not for me!”
If your loved one left you, then within three days after this unpleasant moment, drinking any liquid, pour out half of it, while saying: “I went for (the name of the departed lover)!”
If you lost money (or they stole it from you), then take a nickel to the crossroads next noon with one coin, throw it and say: “Paid off!”
If you have to ask someone for forgiveness, then make sure that you have a small banknote with you at that moment, which you then need to donate to the beggar.
Do not store backpacks, suitcases, etc. under the bed. Otherwise, you will have dreams that you should not have. This applies only to the bed on which you sleep.
To sell a house faster, you need to sweep it for three days in a row at sunrise, and throw garbage over the fence.
So that the husband does not walk, pull the laces out of his shoes, put new ones in. And burn the old ones with the words: “Burn, burn out, don’t walk anymore!”
After completing the repair of the apartment at sunrise during the waning moon, drive a carnation into the front door hatch (in its upper left part). Let the carnation be small and there will be 7 hammer blows. At the same time, say: “I don’t drive a nail, I beat off the evil eye. Exactly!" The word "precisely" must coincide with the last blow of the hammer. Then hide the hammer for 12 days.
It is better to complete work related to profit on odd dates of the calendar, and all the rest on even ones.
When watering indoor plants, do not forget to talk to them in a gentle voice - from this they develop noticeably better.
When looking at your reflection in the mirror, try not to criticize yourself. Otherwise, you run the risk of really becoming "ugly", "good for nothing", etc.
If you have not used the purchased item for 3 years, then you need to sell it, donate it or throw it away. In any case, you should say: “I didn’t have to.”

Many folk signs and beliefs are associated with a cat. This independent animal, "walking on its own", has long been considered mysterious by mankind. Even in our time, magical abilities are attributed to him, they believe in a connection with witchcraft. Many are convinced that a cat receives and transmits information from the other world and those astral sources that are inaccessible to humans. Perhaps that is why so much mysticism is associated with this animal. All countries have their own signs. Often contradictory. Some promise happiness, others warn of trouble.

How cozy they are!

Don't hurt the cat

A person who deliberately offended a cat runs the risk of getting some kind of “nasty” from life in retaliation. This is at best. The layout may be different. Up to illness and serious troubles. I know several cases where cat abusers were severely punished.

Familiar cat owners unanimously declare that their pets have a bewitching and even hypnotic look. They are even sometimes frightened by the eyes of a cat glowing in the dark. Looking into the cat's eyes is not recommended, it threatens with serious troubles. A domestic cat often perceives a gaze as a threat or a sign of aggression and is internally wary. No wonder the cats freeze before the fight and look into each other's eyes. There have been cases when a cat reacted to the gaze of a person "inadequately" (from a human point of view). It's best not to make eye contact for long periods of time. Then the cat will not decide that you are infringing on its rights.

Street cats act differently. They calmly maintain the gaze, hoping for feeding.

Intent cat's eye

The cat sees the brownie

It is believed that the cat is able to see. They may even become friends. Noisy nighttime games often wake up cat owners. However, you can’t disperse friends, otherwise the brownie may get angry. Through the cat it is possible to convey the request to the brownie.

The cat enters the new home first

There is a good tradition: the cat must enter the new house first. Some people believe that the animal will drive away the evil force. Others are sure that in this way contact with the brownie will be established.

The cat protects from evil forces

Sometimes the cat goes into the far corner and is alert. This is explained by the fact that there she saw evil spirits. You need to help your pet drive away evil spirits. Some people use a broom for this, others read cleansing prayers or conspiracies, and still others do not pay any attention to this situation.

Cats help protect against damage and the evil eye. In order to take advantage of the strong energy of the animal, when you feel danger or hostility, you need to take the animal in your arms and stroke it with your left hand. Definitely on the scruff. Such affection will strengthen the energy connection with the cat and give protection.

The cat has changed direction

If the cat is frightened of the oncoming person and runs in the opposite direction, then you should immediately step aside (left or right) at least a couple of steps. After that, you can continue on your way. Such a simple maneuver insures against failures associated with the delay of cases, the loss of papers and documents, or all sorts of inconsistencies.

Make way for the cat

Don't kiss a cat on the nose

We will consider this sign not from the point of view of hygiene, but mysticism. It turns out that when human lips and a cat's nose come into contact, a channel opens through which not only energy, but also a particle of life leaves a person.

How not to kiss this cute face!

sneezing cat

Any bride is happy if a cat sneezes next to her. This is a wonderful sign. Marriage promises to be happy, life together is long, and the husband is loving and kind.

The cat sneezes three times - to a cold of the owner or to rain. If the cat "rages", rolls on the ground, digs the surface, then a strong wind and downpour are expected. The obvious anxiety of the animal is often associated with an impending storm. The cat meows loudly at night - bad weather can last several days.

The water in which the cat was bathed is needed by the patient

Such a belief has come down to our days: a cat is bathed, but the water is not poured out until a sick person is washed in it. It is believed that such water will benefit the patient. Then the water is poured away from the house so that the twigs cannot return.

Black cat

We do not like a black cat, a symbol of witchcraft and magic. They spit over their shoulders every time a black cat crosses the road. Or wait until someone else passes first. However, many people love cats of this particular color. A black cat living in the house scares off thieves who covet someone else's property. She shares her life force with her masters, sharpens their insight and intuition, and averts trouble.

In the old days, sailors rejoiced when they learned that a black cat had settled on a ship. This was a happy sign. Especially when the cat was jet black with no white markings. The animal was not chased away and in every possible way gratified. They did not want it to run away in port to the shore or to another ship. In a shipwreck, they tried to save a drowning animal. If the cat fell overboard, then the sailors were waiting for a storm with a storm.

In some countries, the wives of sailors kept black cats in their homes. They believed that then their husbands would be safe.

This black cat accompanies people on long walks

red cats

These animals, filled with energy, bring well-being and prosperity to the house. Cats of this color are excellent healers and nannies. They spend a lot of time next to a sick person. Ginger cats do not like moving, because. very attached to their home. It is believed that it is they who quickly establish friendly relations with brownies.

To shelter and warm a ginger cat is a good thing, promising happiness and prosperity to the family. Girls and unmarried women should be especially interested in this. A red cat will not only give material stability, but will also miraculously help you meet the desired groom.

This red cat feels great in the stable

gray cats

Gray cats (especially groomed ones) are sometimes nondescript. Then they draw less attention to themselves. But these animals also give people their love and devotion, which fill their hearts. In some countries, cats and cats of different shades of gray are given to newlyweds to strengthen family relationships, stability and well-being.

white cats

Cats with white fur are loved not only by adherents of lunar magic, healers, but also by aesthetes. These beautiful animals help relieve tension (physical and spiritual) and remove negative energy.

A white cat with a gray tail and a spot behind the ear is a favorite of the residents of a multi-storey building

Siamese cat color

The coat color of the Siamese cat is considered the "royal suit". Animals of this color bring success and glory to their owners in their youth, health and activity in old age.

Tricolor cats (white + red + black)

Tricolor cats are not only elegant, but also have powerful energy, so they are loved by white magicians. Animals with this coat color bring good luck, happiness and joy. One owner of a tricolor cat told me that she signs contracts and studies documents only when her already old cat lies next to her. For many years, this animal accompanied its owner to ... the tax office.

Bicolor cats (bicolor) not only beautiful, but can also be considered a kind of talisman, a talisman of the house.

What a beautiful cat!

tortoiseshell cats

Cats of a unique tortoiseshell color (not to be confused with tricolor) are suitable, first of all, for women. They don't hurt small children. They say that in a family in which such a cat lives, household members have good intuition, and sometimes the gift of clairvoyance. A tortoiseshell cat feels a person's sore spot and helps him cope with the disease.

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Signs appeared thousands of years ago, at the dawn of mankind. They played an important role in the lives of our ancestors. This was especially true of weather issues, since the safety and very existence of people largely depended on natural factors.

Secular Observations

Observing animals, plants and the weather, a person noticed some regularity between recurring events. Based on this, signs appeared that could predict whether the year would be fruitful or dry, whether the winter would turn out to be cold, and even what the coming day would be: sunny or rainy.

The peel on the bulb is thin - the winter will be mild, thick - harsh. Thunder in March - to the return of cold weather. In the spring, a lot of cobwebs fly - the summer will be hot. Horses snort before the rain. Grasshoppers chirp in the evening - tomorrow the weather will be fine.

Today, thanks to the meteorological service, it is no longer necessary to determine the weather from the behavior of animals or changes in the plant world. But signs on everyday or mystical topics have been preserved. For several centuries, many of them have lost their main significance. Without knowing the circumstances of the appearance of certain signs, modern man often gives them a special, mysterious meaning. For example, a sign that breaking a mirror is bad luck. Even in a skeptical person, a broken mirror still causes inexplicable fear. The roots of this superstition go back to the distant past, when craftsmen used mercury to make mirrors. If the mirror, God forbid, broke, mercury scattered around the house in tiny balls and posed a mortal danger to households.

The appearance of a sign that spilling salt is a quarrel falls on a time when this substance was a scarce product and was worth its weight in gold. Salt shakers were put on the table on major holidays and for the most respected guests. Accordingly, spilling salt in such a situation led to trouble and a quarrel with the owners. The background of another sign about salt is interesting: if the hostess salted the food, it means that she is in love. It is not clear what is the connection between these events? But it turns out that a person in love as a result of physiological processes has a lack of salt in the body. What was the result of long observations is now explained with the help of science.

Friday the 13th is a lucky day

Different nations have their own signs. Some of them coincide in interpretation, and some have a completely different interpretation. So, in England, unlike in Russia, a meeting with a black cat portends success. In Greece, the number 13 brings good luck, and Friday the 13th, unlike England, is a happy day at all. Almost every person has at least one or two signs in which he believes and which come true. This is perhaps the most important psychological moment. Someone rightly believes that the number 13 brings good luck - and it will work for him as a talisman. This is especially true for those people who were born on the 13th. And someone considers this number fatal and will constantly find confirmation of this in their lives.
A sign has the properties that it is endowed with. Most superstitions come into our lives from parents, friends, books. These are signs based on well-known stereotypes, which have often come down to us in a distorted form. But sometimes there are very observant people with a well-developed intuition who notice individual relationships with the outside world and understand that the same situations, numbers or objects affect everyone differently.
Given the patterns that are favorable or unfavorable for them personally, these people create their own signs. For someone, it is a good omen to see a certain combination of numbers on the license plate of a passing car. Someone in the house lives a black cat, which the owners love and consider a talisman for the whole family. Even clothing can have the power to influence a person's luck and health. For example, when you put on a blue sweater, your day is going great, and if you put on a raspberry one, conflicts and troubles cannot be avoided.

Sign on the contrary

A psychologist friend told me about his sign. Contrary to the well-known belief that returning is a bad omen, it is a good sign for him. If you have to return for a forgotten thing or check if the lights are off, the day is going very well. An incident that happened to him not so long ago convinced him even more.

On that fateful evening, he was in a hurry to a meeting and, leaving the apartment, he remembered that he had forgotten some papers at home. He thought for a few seconds, but because he was in a hurry, he did not return, but quickly went down the stairs and walked to his car. It is surprising that when he was going down the stairs, he suddenly thought: if I get into an accident, it will be because I did not return. Half an hour later, another one crashed into my friend's car, which skidded on ice. He immediately remembered the sign. Fortunately, no people were hurt, although the accident was serious. Now, when he has to return, he thanks his guardian angels who protect him from danger.

Professional superstitions

Representatives of those professions whose work involves a risk to life have their own signs. So, pilots never take pictures and do not give interviews before the flight. It is customary for astronauts to watch the film "White Sun of the Desert" shortly before the launch. And in order for the crew to successfully return home, they are escorted to the launch complex to the famous song “Grass at the House”.
Signs are very common among athletes. Their superstitions are related to clothes, hair, T-shirt numbers, personal talismans. The famous German footballer Gerd Müller always played in boots of size 41, although he had a 38. Barcelona striker Eidur Gudjohnsen kisses his shirt before the match. Many Brazil players play matches in the most important tournaments in the same shorts. Among hockey players, a generally recognized sign is the winding of a stick with electrical tape. And one of the famous NHL players, Wayne Gretzky, sprinkled his stick with baby talc before the game. Alina Kabaeva stepped onto the mat with her left foot. And here is what gymnast Elena Kanaeva says about her observations: “I remember that I put on a red suit - I did not perform very successfully. The next day I put on white - performed well. A day later, I put on white again. Good luck."
Most often, these are positive signs that help to concentrate, tune in to win, inspire confidence and calmness. The same applies to student superstitions that help relieve stress during the session: if you want to pass the exam, touch the one who has already passed; to consolidate knowledge, put a note or textbook under the pillow the night before the exam.

For luck

And what to do if the memory keeps the horror stories known from childhood about women with empty buckets or a bird flying in the window? .. And I want not to think about it, but still there is an unpleasant feeling of confusion and anxiety. In such situations, negative signs are easy to neutralize with the simplest tricks. It is enough to cross two fingers or fold the fiddle, knock on wood, spit three times over the left shoulder, so that harmful attitudes become useful.
Think about the fact that no signs work on some people or they work the other way around, that is, they bring good luck. Try to surround yourself with positive, good signs: broken dishes - fortunately, seeing a spider at sunset - for good, sneezing before eating - for good news, crying in a dream - for joy in reality. And you can come up with your own happy signs that will help, support and inspire. And remember the Eastern wisdom: do not attach too much importance to what is happening.

Our life is full of superstitions, and they are completely different. Sometimes they seem absurd to us, but sometimes we understand that since they exist, it means that they should be listened to. In this article, I want to introduce you to mystical signs that may help you become happier.

What not to do: Mystical signs

Magazine: Magazine Mystic #7, 2015
Rubric: Journey into the world of advice

There is a belief from which it follows that if a person, having heard the doorbell, opens it and does not see anyone on the threshold, he will soon die. It is not known how long it will take - it can be a day, a month, a year, or several years. It all depends on how long he is destined to live. If something similar ever happens to you, urgently rush for help to a good healer so that he bargains with Death and redeems your life. This sign does not apply to cases when the doorbell is rung for the sake of pampering. In no case do not take an ax found in a forest or field. The fact is that some healers, trying to help a person heal, read a conspiracy on an ax, after which they can leave it anywhere (in a field, in a forest, on the street). If you pick it up, you will take on someone's illness or even damage. If you want to be hired, when you go to an interview, take a small padlock with you. Having crossed the threshold of the building, immediately latch it, as a result of which, most likely, a successful outcome of the case is guaranteed to you. If you want to constantly please yourself with new clothes, then when buying a new thing, unnoticed by others, kiss it. This ritual is especially effective on the growing moon. If you do not want to be in need, then do not give alms with the money that was given to you as change after buying salt or bread. Remember, change from buying food is not given to the poor - otherwise you will have to experience hunger not only for yourself, but also for your children. You can neither sew, nor wash your hair, nor wash, nor clean, nor lend during the three-day holy holidays (Easter, Trinity and Christmas), since you can invite poverty and tears on yourself. In no case do not step over the trousers and underwear of your lover - soon he will lose all interest in you. It is impossible for two people to look in one mirror - soon there will be a quarrel, or even the relationship will go wrong forever. In addition, do not let anyone look out the window from behind your back, or rather, over your shoulder if you yourself look into it.
Our ancestors believed that: In no case will a dog touch food if it was eaten by a person who is soon destined to die. However, do not bother. Despite the fact that dogs very keenly anticipate the death of their master, it also happens that they simply do not like something, which is why they do not take a treat.
Wedding rings should not be confused, otherwise a quarrel will happen between the spouses soon.
The icon falls from the wall unfortunately, and the portrait - to the death of the one depicted on it. Mothers, when cleaning the house, in no case should even sweep their children as a joke - they will be unhappy in marriage. If an embittered spouse is sewn into a piece of hare fur, he will become quiet.
If a person in a conversation with others constantly mentions devils, then he has a good relationship with the latter.
It is impossible for anyone, and even for yourself, to be allowed to stand on the threshold of your home, because otherwise adversity will settle in your house.

Whoever hears the doorbell or knocks on the door, and, having opened it, does not see anyone, he will soon die - in a week, a month, a year, or, at the most, in three years, depending on how many more days fate will give him. if this happens, you need to urgently run to a good healer, and he will reprimand, will reject your life with prayers.

A dog will never eat up a person when he is destined to die. If you give your dog a half-eaten piece and he turns up his face, this should alert you, because the dog always feels the death of the owner.

To avoid being denied a job, bring a new lock with you. As you cross the threshold of the institution, immediately close the lock with a key, and you will be hired.

If you furtively kiss the update, then there will be a lot more updates. This is done on the waxing moon.

In order not to become impoverished, never give alms with the money that was given to you in change for bread or salt.

They don’t give change from the food they buy, you and your children will starve.

Never sew, wash your hair, wash or lend on the three-day holy holidays, otherwise you will make yourself tears and poverty. The three-day holy holidays are Easter, Trinity and Christmas. These holidays are celebrated for three days. In order not to lose your memory after hitting your head, you need to put your forehead on the icon of John the Baptist.

If you accidentally hit your forehead with another person, you need to lightly bite your tongue, otherwise your head will hurt.

You can’t step over your husband’s trousers and underpants, otherwise he will stop being attracted to you

Whoever looks together in one mirror will quarrel and part forever.

Do not also allow to look over your shoulder with you at the window.

For an evil husband, sew a piece of rabbit fur into his clothes, and he will be as quiet as a hare.

Whoever endlessly mentions devils in a conversation fraternizes with them. Confusing your wedding ring with your husband is a quarrel.

If an icon or a picture falls - unfortunately, and whose portrait falls from the wall - he will die.

If you put a candle on your health, and it immediately sparkled and crackled, then this is a disease, and if you put a candle on the canon for the deceased parents and it crackled, then this is to death.

Do not allow guests and do not stand on the threshold yourself, otherwise trouble will take root in your house.

If a mother, while sweeping the house, accidentally or jokingly sweeps the legs of her son or daughter with a broom, then they will never be happy in marriage.

Whoever wipes his hands or face on the edges of the tablecloth will either be too fat or very thin. the tablecloth is the cover for your home throne.

Do not breastfeed your baby either with your own or with strangers, then there will be a lot of milk.

Do not step on the shadow of a person and try so that no one steps on your shadow, so as not to stand up for the Guardian Angel.

If you are waiting for an unwanted guest - for example, your husband invited him, and not you, then, while preparing dinner, tie and untie your apron three times, while saying: How my knot was tied and untied, So it would be (such and such) From my family got rid of. Amen. Amen. Amen.

At night, a baby is not bathed, and in the dark too, otherwise, when he grows up, his life will be full of black days. Never try on someone else's cross, no matter how beautiful it may be. Trying on someone else's cross, you thereby take away all the fateful burdens of this person, because everyone has their own weight of the cross, which a person must carry in his life.

Do not lift an ax in the forest and in the field, even if it is very necessary on the farm. Sometimes a healer, in order to heal a person, speaks an ax and leaves it on the street, in a field or in a forest, and with it leaves someone's illness or damage.

  • Signs for weddings, weddings and family life.

    If someone gets married on the day of his angel, he will be unhappy. The bride must beware that the wedding does not take place at the time of menstruation, in turn ...

  • Notes on the cemetery. Signs at funerals and at the cemetery.

    Bad herbs grow on the graves of evil people: nettle, thistle, thistle. Roses, lilies, and hawthorn grow on the graves of the righteous and victims of unhappy love...


Psychologists believe that beliefs
omens are fragments of ancient truth,
and therefore should not be freed from them.
They, even at first glance, the most meaningless, help people adapt to difficult living conditions.
Below are 50 mystical signs and beliefs,
in the mysterious language of which with man
Nature speaks.

1. If a person goes missing or just doesn’t return for a long time, then you need to take 3 linen bags, cut multi-colored pieces of natural fabrics into them (excluding fabrics of black and dark brown tones) and bury them with a slander: “An arrow - fly, a running one - stop, thirsty - get drunk, lost - return. Amen. Amen. Amen". The next day (after this procedure), you need to give someone, as if as a gift, a new warm wadded blanket, always light or colored (in no case dark). This action must be completed before 12 noon. If a person is alive and well, then he will definitely return in the near future.

2. When buying a new bucket, you must say the following words 3 times: “Be full of a bucket, but I will forget all poverty.”

3. If you have insomnia, poor sleep, nightmares and you can’t get rid of it in any way, then do this. In the evening, going to bed, put on and take off a dress, shirt or shirt three times, and put the slippers in different corners with the words: “You stand in these corners, and I sleep until dawn, without waking up. Amen. Amen. Amen".

4. When buying land, it is necessary to give money for it of as little value as possible, and not large, so as not to transfer the future harvest of the land to the former owner.

5. If in the middle of winter a fly appeared in the house, then this, according to signs, is for the dead. Then you need to lightly tap on the window glass and say: "Every time has its own hour, and this trouble is not for us." The next day, the fly will disappear, and therefore, trouble will not come to your house.

6. If someone is staring at you on the beach or in the bathhouse, then to prevent the evil eye, say to yourself: “Look at me, but see not me.”

7. If someone pesters you in transport, queues or other public places, trying to unbalance you with words, then, looking at this person, mentally say (always in the plural): "Close their eyes."

8. It often happens that after the wedding night, the wife begins to experience an incomprehensible disgust for her husband, it is likely that she was under a spell or damage. To get rid of this, she must wash the hem of her wedding dress, and pour the water over the threshold. When washing, it is necessary to say: “What I collected with the hem, I washed it. Amen. Amen. Amen".

9. You should never swear by your health, your loved ones, relatives. The worst thing is when they swear by children. But if it does happen, people get sick from fear that something bad might happen to them. It must be remembered that the Lord is a philanthropist, and then only a judge. God knows how to understand and forgive. Words that free from fear: “I am walking through a burnt field past three graves, past tears and blood, past a black cross. I carry Faith in me. I believe in Christ the Savior, in Christ the Redeemer, in Christ the Healer, in His Father and Mother, through faith, neither mortal fear nor the execution of the villain, fire and sword can take me. A candle burns near the icon, but true faith is in my heart. Amen. Amen. Amen".

10. And on the new moon, when a new month is born, pour a glass of water that day and leave it on the windowsill behind the curtains until the full moon has come. Then wash yourself with this water, saying: “Just as you, the month, were thin, but became full, so I have every good thing to be full.” After a while, you will notice and feel that all your affairs are on the mend.

11. In order for loved ones (husband, wife, bride, groom, etc.) not to linger somewhere, but to hurry home, take a cup, pour cold water from the tap into it and, putting the door to the threshold, say: "Servant of God (name), your water is here."

12. On the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos (August 28), in no case should you walk barefoot on the ground. Take special care of the children and do not allow this, as on this day all diseases stick to bare feet.

13. On the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos (April 7), in no case do they borrow or give anything from home. Otherwise, you will give away your health, well-being and peace.

14. On the Annunciation, you should not go to the hairdresser, and it is also not recommended to do anything with your hair and even comb your hair, because the Scripture says: “A bird does not nest, a maiden does not weave braids.”

15. Annunciation prosphora can be stored for a whole year: if someone in the family gets sick, then you can treat it.

16. Whoever calls her husband 34 times “dear” on the Annunciation from morning to midnight - the husband will have a beloved all year.

17. Ash taken from the blower for the Annunciation has the power to remove damage. Also, if you burn salt in a furnace, the resulting ash is stored for sprinkling the garden in order to protect it. Annunciation ash is preserved for cabbage and other garden plants; when they spoil, they are sprinkled with this ash.

18. You can’t wear new clothes for the Annunciation, otherwise you will tear or ruin it.

19. Under the Annunciation, the fires in the huts and lamps are not extinguished at night - wheat, rye, flax and potatoes will be better born; will not burn crops and buildings with lightning.

20. On which day of the week the Annunciation falls, do not start any new business all year round. For example, if the Annunciation fell on Wednesday, then things do not start on any Wednesday throughout the year.

21. “Whatever the Annunciation you spend, such you will spend the whole year.” It is forbidden to work on this day. On the Annunciation and Easter sinners are not tormented in hell.

22. On the Annunciation they go out to sleep in the hallway (or hallway).

23. The wedding ring must not be lost, removed from the hand; don't give it to anyone. If you lose it - a divorce, and if you let someone try it on, the husband will cheat.

24. When undressing, things must be carefully hung up, and not scattered anywhere, as an evil spirit sits on thrown things. It is strictly forbidden to put a hat and a bag on the table.

25. You can’t borrow money or lend something on Monday, then you will have losses during the week, and the one who borrowed will have a successful and profitable whole week. After sunset nothing can be borrowed.

26. Evil spirits act at night: “The sun has set - do not sweep the rubbish out of the hut” (you cannot take out the trash can); "Sweeping the floor in the evening is not good"; "Don't leave at midnight - there will be no way"; “You can’t remember the devils by night”, “Do not leave a knife on the table for the night - the evil one will slaughter.” You can’t leave a dish with water open, otherwise the “unclean” will slip into it, especially if the water remains in this form overnight. Buckets of water are covered or two splinters are placed: “Crosswise, so that the devil does not fit in.”

27. The thickness of the body copper cross must be at least 0.7 mm.

28. In order for the newlyweds to have a good life, before the wedding, put 3 leaves of mountain ash in shoes for the night. Before picking a mountain ash, it is necessary that the leaves attract you with their beauty. Remember: you can’t tear a mountain ash without work - there will be misfortunes. In the morning, these leaves are taken out of the shoes, when thrown away, one must ask their forgiveness.

29. Do not throw away hair and nails - they must be burned. Try to keep a stranger in your house from combing. Left someone else's hair pulls energy to its owner.

30. Washing floors on Friday is prohibited. It is also forbidden to wash and sweep the floors if someone from the household leaves the house for a while so as not to blur the way back.

31. Avoid borrowing money on Tuesday - you will be in debt all your life, and you can’t exchange money on Tuesday (it’s better to give money without change). Money in the evening of any day does not take and do not count - they will not be found. You need to take money with your left hand, and give it with your right, then they will not be transferred from you.

32. Do not pick up a trifle, especially where there is a crossroads or a road, as many diseases are reduced to trifles. You can do without a trifle, and by lifting it, you will lose strength and health.

33. In order for money to flow, it is necessary to borrow it for such a period of time as to borrow it for a young month, and give it back for a flawed (aging) one.

34. A mirror and a handkerchief are not given to someone who is dear to you - otherwise you will part.

35. Do not eat or drink in front of a mirror - you will eat all the beauty, you will lose your health.

36. It is necessary to ensure that the child cannot see himself in the mirror until the age of one, otherwise he will make amends for his happiness.

37. You can not kiss a child under a year old on the lips: "Do not kiss a child on the lips - he will not talk for a long time."

38. If the mirror is beating - it's a disaster. Trouble can be averted with the following words: "The mirror breaks, the trouble of the slave (name) does not concern." A cracked mirror must be thrown away as soon as possible.

39. If you left the house, but forgot something and you need to return, look in the mirror when you enter the house, otherwise there will be no way, good luck, etc.

40. When entering a new house, it is necessary to say: "The owner-father, the neighbor-mother and all four corners, accept, we will host together."

41. As you enter the bath, cross the threshold with your right foot so as not to take away the damage that someone may have removed in the bath.

42. Do not look for a second slipper with one foot already shod: this leads to the death of relatives.

43. If during a walk in the forest a spider fell on your face, you should immediately say: “Don’t mind me, but the neighbor’s horse.” But if this time the spider sits on you again, spit first in front of you, then behind you, otherwise trouble awaits you.

44. If you find garbage at your doorstep and clearly know that someone is harming you, wanting there to be quarrels and discord in your house, then take a broom and say: “Do not litter and do not quarrel, not to my house, but from my house, from my threshold. Amen,” mark as far as possible the garbage. The broom, before bringing it back into the house, must be thrown up 3 times.

45. If bad luck settled in your house and your relatives began to get sick often, you need the youngest in the family to exchange trifles for a ruble and, speaking a slander, leave all the trifles at the crossroads: “Take our money, and in addition to them - our worries. So say 3 times and leave without looking back.

46. ​​If someone has died in your house, be sure to give people a cup, spoon, glass of the deceased on the 10th day.

47. In order for rats and mice to leave the house, you need to take a thing, for example, a handkerchief of a person who has already died, and read the following words on this thing: “How the servant of God (name) left this house and does not return, so that mice and the rats left this house and did not return.” Throw this thing where you have rats or mice.

48. The child must be weaned from the breast for a full month, then the child will be full. It is better to take away in winter, best of all in February, when there is no flight of birds.

49. If someone from the family does not return home, but you are worried, take his slippers, knock on the threshold and say: “Slave (name), go home, I am standing in front of you, waiting for you” (say 3 times) .

50. A broom must always be kept up - money will be found.

Some signs and superstitions promise not just failures, but serious troubles. We invite you to learn about the most terrible beliefs that should not be ignored.

The most popular superstitions come to us from antiquity and continue to enjoy polarity among modern people. Sometimes even skeptics who deny the existence of everything mystical attach importance to the signs of fate and nature, which often appear in our lives for a reason. If you already know about signs that portend happiness, then it's time to learn about those that promise danger and trouble. Site site experts present you with a list of the most terrible signs and superstitions that everyone needs to know about.

If suddenly your door or your neighbors has fallen off its hinges, this is a bad sign. In most cases, this sign promises fires. If such an accident occurred in your home, illness is possible.

It is believed that the belongings of the deceased should not be thrown away. It is better to burn things in order to protect yourself and other people from danger.

There are many signs regarding birds flying in the window. If a crow flies through your window, in most cases it threatens with serious trouble.

People whose profession is related to working underground are forbidden to whistle and respond to the whistle of other people, otherwise there is a risk of “causing” an accident.

If you happened to pass by a lake or a swamp, do not say out loud the names of your enemies and ill-wishers, otherwise they will remember you in the near future and try to harm you.

Never do household chores on the last day of the month, otherwise you risk attracting poverty into your life.

The person behind the wheel is strictly forbidden to whistle. According to the sign, this can threaten a car accident.

If you see a red moon in the sky, try not to look at it. This can lead to unpleasant consequences and attract serious illness.

It will be useful for motorists to learn that it is forbidden to purchase parts from cars that have been in an accident. Otherwise, your car may soon find itself in the same situation.

If a picture accidentally fell off the wall in your house, one of your relatives will soon fall ill. To avoid trouble, you should immediately get rid of the picture after it falls.

If a crack appears on the mirror for no reason, you need to prepare for the worst times. This sign may portend serious problems and troubles. You can prevent harmful consequences by getting rid of the damaged item.

If 13 people gathered at the festive table, cutlery should be served for the fourteenth person, otherwise one of those present may soon go to another world.

Never let other people eat after you. In this way, a person can "bite off" your happiness and take away your luck. Also, you should not try the food of another person, so as not to take away his problems.

If at night you dreamed of the image of a deceased relative, then the spirit of a loved one is trying to warn you of the impending danger. In the near future, try to be on the alert and be careful.

If you had to return home late at night, you do not need to respond to the call of other people and make acquaintances. At this time of day, dark forces and evil become more active.

Also, at night, do not let strangers cross the threshold of your house. During this period, strangers may come to your house in order to bring damage to you or your loved ones.

If you accidentally turn onto a road that you have not traveled before, return to your usual path. Superstitious people believe that in this way evil spirits are trying to confuse a person and direct him to danger.

Despite the fact that sometimes we are forced to celebrate a birthday earlier or later, it is strongly not recommended to do this. Otherwise, the birthday boy will have a difficult year.

This article describes superstitions that promise troubles and dangers. However, not all accidents that happen to us warn us of trouble. Thanks to folk signs, you can learn how to attract luck, happiness and prosperity into your life. We wish you successand don't forget to press the buttons and

09.08.2018 07:14

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