Chili pepper or spicy. The benefits and harms of chili peppers: what prevails? Is it possible to red pepper pregnant and lactating

Ecology of life: Red hot pepper has amazing properties due to the presence of capsaicin in its composition. Capsaicin is an alkaloid found in various Capsicum peppers.

Red hot pepper has amazing properties due to the presence of capsaicin in its composition. Capsaicin is an alkaloid found in various Capsicum peppers. Pure capsaicin is a colorless crystalline substance with a pungent taste. It is he who has a beneficial effect on the human body.

In countries such as Mexico, Chile, red pepper is constantly used in the preparation of meat and other types of dishes. These countries are famous for their spicy recipes, but also for the opportunity to improve their health by eating red pepper.

Residents of Mexico claim that it brightens the mind, while the inhabitants of Thailand and India consume hot pepper the most and are sure that they owe their good health to it. Hindus believe that, if it were not for red pepper, the poor population of the country would have died out without exception long ago due to poor nutrition.

Let's see what is the use of red hot pepper?

First, it is a benefit to the stomach. Thanks to the alkaloid it contains. Hot red pepper is able to help digest heavy foods. For example, if you use this seasoning for meat, it will become the most useful, and will contain fewer harmful substances, fats and carbohydrates. Thus, a person will be able to enjoy the taste of his favorite dish, which will satisfy his appetite and at the same time he will not have to worry about extra calories, because red pepper can reduce them by 2 times. However, it is worth remembering that red hot pepper will not be useful for those who suffer from high acidity in the stomach, diabetes, diseases of the liver, intestines, as well as ulcers or gastritis.

Secondly, red pepper is good for the intestines. The intestines contain a very large number of various bacteria, so it is very important to monitor its regular cleaning. In order for the process of getting rid of excess food residues to be more effective, you need to pay attention to nutrition, daily routine and physical activity. Often people observe only the last two points, but, alas, they forget about the first. The result is colic, constipation or frequent urges. The intestines must work constantly, being freed after each meal. If a failure occurs, then it is enough to eat a piece of meat or fish, to which seasoning is added - red hot pepper. After a while, you will feel that the intestines have begun to work like clockwork again. By the way, if you refuse products such as meat or fish, then prefer to use a side dish for lunch or dinner, which will be prepared using this miraculous seasoning.

Pepper is actively involved in the metabolic processes in the body and thus saturates the blood with useful components. As for blood clots, we can say that pepper is able to cope with the causes of thrombosis and similar diseases.

We must not forget about such a wonderful property of pepper as a hematopoietic and diuretic. Thanks to pepper, many women can solve their gynecological problems. For example, such a problem that occurs in most women - an irregular menstrual cycle, occurs due to the fact that a woman is emotionally stressed, has not paid much attention to her food for a long time, does not move much, and has little sleep and rest. In this situation, it is useful to use the usual seasoning - red hot pepper - for the treatment and restoration of the ovaries. After a week of use, you can notice how the work of the gastrointestinal tract has improved, as well as how the ovarian system has begun to improve. Thanks to the particles that make up its composition, it is able to quickly return menstruation.

But it is important to remember that during the period themselves, you can not use red pepper for nutrition, as it will not bring benefits. The fact is that those girls who experience abdominal pain should not eat salty, fatty and spicy foods. This can only provoke spasms and thereby increase pain. In order to get rid of the pain, you need to temporarily stop taking spicy foods and it is better to pay attention to fresh fruits and vegetables.

Now it is worth considering the effect of red hot pepper on hair growth and improving the blood supply to nail tissues. Red hot pepper can effectively promote hair growth, as well as strengthen hair roots and make nails strong and healthy. Hair masks made from vegetable oils with the addition of hot red pepper well stimulate the blood circulation of the scalp, strengthen the hair follicles. That is why in medicine they consider pepper a useful product, an excellent healing seasoning and also an excellent healer for those who suffer from brittle hair, weakness of the nail plate. In just a couple of days, it will restore the functioning of internal organs and help strengthen hair and nails.

For many housewives, hot red pepper is considered one of the favorite seasonings. In a small amount, pepper complements various dishes, giving a piquant taste to meat, soups, marinades. Since ancient times, it has already been known about the miraculous healing agents of this vegetable. So, red pepper is able to strengthen the immune system, helps in the treatment of sore throats, normalizes blood circulation, improves the well-being of a person suffering from bronchial asthma.

More recently, scientists have found that red pepper helps fight excess weight. Due to the fact that this vegetable activates blood circulation and normalizes metabolism, the body accelerates the process aimed at splitting fat cells. In addition, pepper helps to remove various toxins and harmful substances from the colon.

It is worth saying that red pepper is a very low-calorie product, which contains practically no carbohydrates. It is recommended to lose weight with red pepper by taking a tincture obtained from this vegetable. When creating this tincture, alcohol or vodka is used.

To prepare the tincture, one part of red pepper, which should be crushed very finely, is poured with five parts of vodka or the same amount of 90% medical alcohol. If alcohol is used to create the tincture, then the remedy should be infused for seven days. In the case of using vodka, the resulting infusion must be kept for three weeks. Red pepper for weight loss, prepared as a tincture, should be taken three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

For men, there is great news - red hot pepper restores potency and solves the problem associated with sexual addictions. Now you can make a tincture of red pepper or cook something spicy for your loved one for dinner. Then the evening will be unforgettable. The main thing, of course, is not to overdo it.

Children who do not like to learn lessons, have poor attention, can also achieve heights if they start eating pepper, because it is very useful for brain function.

According to experts, red pepper should also be included in the daily diet. If you can not eat this vegetable whole, then chop finely, and make seasonings for various dishes. You can also use ground red pepper.

Cook delicious dishes with the addition of pepper for the whole family and be healthy! published

If your life lacks thrills, try to bring them with the help of a hot pepper. It will not only spice up your favorite dish, but also make your brain work better, strengthen your hair and take you out of a stressful state. You can grow hot peppers both in the garden and on the balcony or window.

On this page of the site for beginners, we decided to consider the most popular chili pepper varieties. Photos and description, we hope, will help you choose what you need. Isn't it time to add some spice to your life?

Chili pepper - what do we know about it?

Its homeland is tropical America of those times when it was inhabited by the indigenous population - the Indians. Today it is mainly grown in India and Thailand. Chili peppers are called several varieties of hot peppers. Although it translates as "red", in fact, the fruits can have yellow and even dark shades.

The spiciness of chili peppers is due to the unique substance contained in it - capsaicin. Its amount is measured in Scoville and is referred to as SHU. Bell peppers are endowed with zero scovilles, the mildest chili pepper contains from 100 to 500 scovilles, and the most spicy (it was included in the Guinness book) - more than 1 million scovilles. The most effective way to fight pepper fire in the mouth is fresh milk.

The most popular varieties of chili peppers - description, photo

Burning bouquet

A plant up to half a meter high with 10 cm fruits, which, as gourmets describe, have a special peppery aroma. The burning bouquet belongs to the early varieties, it can be grown outdoors and in shelter.

In the photo, a variety of chili peppers Burning bouquet

double abundance

Long (18-20 cm) proboscis thick-walled pepper. The variety under consideration has three main advantages: high yield, resistance to viruses and strong summer heat.

Thick Walled Hot Pepper Double Plenty

Chinese fire

Pepper pods are long - up to 25 cm and have a particularly strong pungency. The plant stretches up to 65 cm, shows good resistance to diseases.

Long pods of Chinese fire pepper

Indian elephant

Trunk-shaped thick-walled semi-hot peppers, each of which weighs about 30 g. Plant height can reach 1.3 m. The variety is very productive and very fragrant.

Unripe semi-hot pepper Indian elephant


The height of the bush is usually approximately 1 m, the length of the peppers is 10 cm. On average, 35 peppers ripen on each plant. To get a full crop, it is better to grow this pepper in protected ground. Harvest Jalapeno without waiting for maturity.

photo of chili jalapeno

Habanero Tobago Seasoning

Pepper has a somewhat "rumpled" appearance and can be not only red, but also have other colors (yellow, brown, pink). Average weight - 15 g, has a fruity flavor. On one bush there are up to 1000 bright peppercorns.

Habanero Tobago Seasoning

cayenne red

The fruits are thin, each about 12 cm long, the sharpness is medium. One and a half meter bush requires a garter. A very productive variety of pepper - about 40 peppers can be plucked from one bush.

red cayenne pepper

7 Pot Brain Strain Red

7 Pot Brain Strain Red


The fruits are very unusual in appearance (see photo), with a wall thickness of 3 mm, medium-sharp. The bush is quite tall and spreading. Vizier is a very productive late variety.

In the photo there is an unusual type of chili pepper Vizir


Chili pepper variety with high yield, late ripening. One and a half meters is the usual height for this plant, 5 cm is its usual length. Burniness - medium. This variety is resistant to many diseases.


Jati Jolokia

In the photo, a late variety of chili pepper Jati Jolokia

We have brought to your attention the best varieties of chili peppers. Photos and descriptions should help you make a choice. Dilute your lean life with a hot and healthy chili pepper!

The name "chili" is used commercially and culinarily to refer to the cayenne pepper Capsicum annuum, and is also applied to all of the most pungent varieties of red hot peppers to distinguish them from medium to low scorching ones. The name "chili" in Russian is consonant with the name of the country Chile, but in fact it comes from the word "chilli" from the Astec languages ​​of Nahuatl (the territory of modern Mexico) and is translated as "red".

Pepper spiciness is measured on the Scoville scale. This scale was proposed by the American chemist Wilbur Scoville for a comparative assessment of the degree of hotness of different varieties of pepper. The Scoville Units (SUS) provide an estimate of the quantitative content of capsaicin and are based on organoleptic testing of pepper extracts. It is capsaicin that gives pepper a burning taste, it is associated with the perception of substances that stimulate "thermal" receptors. Capsaicin is widely used in medicine, but not only. For example, it is a component of an alcohol tincture and a medical patch used as a distraction and pain reliever, as well as an ointment for frostbite. Capsaicinoids are used in self-defense gas weapons: in gas pistols and revolvers, gas cartridges.

To make it clearer, sweet bell pepper corresponds to 0 on this scale, tabasco sauce - 5000 units, jalapeno - 8000 units, hot Thai pepper - 50-100 thousand. By the way, while in Thailand, I tried dishes that Thais cook for themselves and, to be honest, I couldn’t eat more than two tablespoons. Jamaican hot pepper is gaining 100-200 thousand units. The peppers I'm going to talk about in today's post start at 225,000 (!) on the Scoville Hotness Scale.

So let's get started. I must say right away that the most interesting and extreme are at the end of the list.

22nd place. Madame Jeanette (225,000 units)

This variety of pepper comes from Suriname. According to one version, it got its name from the name of a prostitute from Paramaribo. The harmless-looking smooth yellow pod contains a powerful charge of sharpness. It doesn't have any fruity or floral notes, it's just tangy. Madame Jeanette can be found in traditional Surinamese and Antillean cuisines. This variety is often confused with "Yellow Suriname" - Surinamese chile peppers are yellow in color, but mature Madame Jeanette peppers are reddish-yellow in color, they are larger and irregular in shape. The plant is very productive, grows little and does not like coolness, can grow indoors.

21. Scotch bonnet (100,000 - 350,000 units)

Scotch bonnet is found mainly in the Caribbean, Guyana (where it is called "fireball"), the Maldives and West Africa. It got its name in honor of the resemblance to the traditional Scottish tam-o-shenter headdress. This is a wide wool beret with a pompom on top. These peppers are used to flavor various dishes, as well as in hot sauces and condiments. It gives pork or chicken dishes a unique taste. Scotch bonnet has a sweeter taste and thicker shape than its habanero cousin, with which it is often confused.

20. White habanero (100,000 - 350,000 units)

This habanero variety is rare because it is quite difficult to grow. The white habanero fruit grows on tiny bushes but is extremely productive. Opinions about the origin of the variety differ (Peru or Mexico), but it is most often found in Mexican cuisine.

I suggest you watch a video review of a white habanero with a tasting. As it turned out, this is a fairly popular genre of video reviews on YouTube. The internet is filled with videos of men blushing and sweating while munching different varieties of peppers.

19. Kclassic habanero (100,000 - 350,000 units)

Despite its official name, Capsicum chinense, the classic habanero comes from South America. Nikolaus Jaquin, who discovered this plant, mistakenly believed that it spread from China. This species naturally grows in Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and the Caribbean. Residents of Mexico are immensely fond of spicy food, and tourists are offered to taste dishes with habanero peppers in the restaurant. The visitor who ordered this hot pepper is immediately respected by the locals. Habanero pepper is part of the famous Tabasco sauce.

18. Fatali (125,000 - 325,000 units)

The Fatali pepper, or South African habanero, is the first pepper on our list that is not native to the Western Hemisphere. South Africa is considered its homeland. This variety has a pleasant fruity taste. Depending on the place of growth, you can catch the aroma of citrus or peach, although I personally do not understand how you can distinguish any shades of taste when tasting such a sharp product.

17. Tongue of the devil (125,000 - 325,000 units)

This variety is similar in appearance to Fatali and is also a member of the Habanero family. This pepper was first discovered on a farm in Pennsylvania, but the history of its origin is unknown. The fruits of this pepper have a bright, fruity, slightly nutty taste (let's take our word for it).

16. Tigerpaw NR (265,000 - 328,000 units)

This habanero variety was bred at the USDA Science Lab. The prefix NR in the name of the pepper stands for "nematode resistance", which means the resistance of this variety to root nematodes (pests that usually attack pepper bushes). Due to the artificial origin of Tigerpraw NR, the tradition of using it for food has not developed. However, its resemblance to the classic orange habanero allows it to be used as a substitute for any kind of cooking, although the Tigerpraw NT is slightly spicier.

15. Chocolate habanero (aka Congo Black) (300,000 - 425,000 units)

This variety is originally from Trinidad and, in fact, has absolutely nothing to do with the Congo. Chocolate habaneros have gained particular popularity with spicy lovers, who can stay awake long enough to savor the rich "smoky" flavor buried deep beneath the spicy spiciness. This variety can be found in traditional hot sauces from Mexico to Jamaica.

Review-tasting chocolate habanero:

14. Red Savina (200,000 - 450,000 units)

Another variety of habanero, specially bred by breeders in order to get larger and juicier fruits. Like some other habanero varieties, Red Savina comes from Central America, but it got its new look in California greenhouses. So that you understand what awaits you further on this list, let me explain: this variety held the palm among the hottest varieties of pepper for 12 years (from 1994 to 2006), and we still haven’t reached the middle!

13. Red Caribbean Habanero (300,000 - 475,000 units)

This variety is almost twice as hot as the classic habanero. Like some of the other varieties on this list, the red habanero is native to the Amazon basin, although some believe it has Mexican roots. The red Caribbean habanero is widely used in Mexican cuisine, mainly in salsa and other hot sauces.

12. Trinidad Scorpion CARDI (800,000 - 1,000,000 units)

The Trinidad Scorpion cultivar group gets its name from its characteristic scorpion tail shape. Place of origin - the island of Trinidad. The abbreviation CARDI explains that this variety was bred within the walls of the Caribbean Agricultural Research Institute. Growing and processing this pepper requires wearing gas masks and protective clothing similar to chemical protective suits. In its homeland, the Trinidad Scorpion is used in the military industry to produce tear gas. Also, capsaicin obtained from it is added to the paint, which is used to cover the bottoms of ships to protect against mollusks.

11. Naga Morich (aka Dorset Naga) (1,000,000 units)

From this point on, we are moving into a completely different category of varieties with a level of spiciness over a million Scoville units! It's hard to imagine, but "gastromasochists" from all over the world chew these peppers too. Central American habaneros will have to make room: the Naga pepper family is native to northern India and Bangladesh. There they are usually eaten unripe. In addition to the spicy spiciness, "naga morich" boasts a fruity aroma, with some fans catching notes of orange and pineapple. One variety of this Dorset Naga pepper has been specially torn down for maximum spiciness. It was the first variety in the world to cross the 1 million Scoville mark.

10. Bhut Jolokia (aka Ghost Pepper) (800,000 - 1,001,304 units)

In 2011, Bhut Jolokia (or Naga Jolokia) entered the Guinness Book of Records as the hottest pepper in the world. Now there are already more spicy varieties of chili, bred in laboratories, but it is worth remembering that Bhut Jolokia is a natural creation of nature, growing for centuries in India. It is noteworthy that the sharpness of this pepper directly depends on the geographical location and climate of the area where it grows. So, the sharpest Bhut Jolokia grows in the relatively sparsely populated northeastern part of India, also known as the "Seven Sister States", where they are plastered with fences to keep wild elephants away from human dwellings. In the drier state of Madhya Pradesh (the center of the country), it is half as sharp as in the northeast. The Ministry of Defense of India, after conducting tests, announced that grenades stuffed with Bhut Jolokia effectively cooled the ardor of hooligans. After that, pepper grenades came into the possession of the Indian army.

9. Bhut Jolokia chocolate (800,000 - 1,001,304 units)

The chocolate variant of Bhut Jolokia is very rare in nature. It got its name not only for its characteristic color, but also for its sweetish aftertaste. But don't be fooled: it's no less pungent than its red counterpart, with about the same level of capsaicin at 1 million units. Native to India, these peppers are used in all varieties of curries.

8. 7 Pot Chili (over 1,000,000 units)

This chili variety also comes from Trinidad, where the fiercest peppers grow naturally as weeds. This pepper is found in dishes throughout the Caribbean. In Jamaica, it is called the "seven-pot" pepper, to show that one pod is enough to fill seven pots of food with flavor and aroma. Like other spiciest varieties, 7 pot chili fruits have an uneven, bumpy surface, as if boiling from the inside due to their spiciness.

7. Gibralta (Spanish Naga) (1,086,844 units)

Based on the name, this variety of naga is grown in Spain, although it was bred in laboratories in the UK. To obtain such sharpness, gibralta is cultivated under extreme conditions: indoors, in closed polyethylene tunnels, using extremely high temperatures. Since it is an artificially bred variety, it is difficult to find it in traditional Spanish cuisine.

6. Infinity chili (1,176,182 units)

Most of the top ten chili cultivars were produced artificially, and Infinity chili is no exception. It was bred by British breeder Nick Woods, but only lasted two weeks as the hottest pepper. Like the two previous varieties, it's just as red and bumpy and bad-looking, just like those amateur tasters after they've tasted it.

5. Naga Viper (1,382,118 units)

Nature couldn't invent a pepper as hot as the Naga Viper. It is so unnatural that this variety loses its properties with each new bush. Naga Viper is an unstable genetic hybrid of three other chili varieties: Naga morich, Bhut jolokia and Trinidad scorpion. If you want to buy seeds and try growing Naga Viper yourself, get in line with Gerald Fowler, the breeder from the UK who developed this variety. At the moment, there are already several thousand people on the list.

4. 7 Pot Douglah (aka Chocolate 7 Pot) (923,000 - 1,853,396 units)

Trinidad's chocolate 7 pot chili is approaching the dangerous 2 million Scoville mark. Fans say that this variety is one of the juiciest and most aromatic varieties of chili. The word "dougla" in Trinidad refers to people of mixed African and Indian blood.

3. Trinidad Scorpion Butch T (1,463,700 units)

The Trinidad Butch T scorpion was listed in the Guinness Book of Records in 2011. It was obtained by crossing other varieties and named after Butch Taylor from the USA, who grew them from the seeds of another fellow pepper lover. To prepare food using this pepper, you need protective equipment: a mask, gloves, a protective suit. Chefs claim that numbness in the hands lasts for about two more days after cooking.

2. Trinidad Moruga Scorpion(2,009,231 units)

This variety for the first time crossed the threshold of 2 million units on the Scoville scale and for several years held the title of the hottest pepper in the world. It is the hottest pepper found in the wild and comes from the Moruga region of Trinidad (of course). A medium-sized fruit contains about 25 ml of pure capsaicin, about the same amount as a police pepper spray. If you decide to bite off a piece of Trinidad Moruga Scorpion pepper, then in the first minutes you will think that it is not spicy at all. However, after a few minutes, the degree of stinging will begin to skyrocket, and you will feel as if your tongue, throat and esophagus are on fire! Blood pressure will rise, the face will turn red, and the eyes will begin to water heavily. Some who tried this pepper had bouts of nausea. In addition to its sharpness, Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend is notable for its fruity aroma, thanks to which its fruits, added to food in very small quantities, give the dish a piquant and, at the same time, pleasant taste.

1. Carolina Reaper (1,569,300 - 2,200,000 units)

The leader of the ranking is the Carolina Reaper, grown in South Carolina on the farm of Ed Curry, owner of PuckerButt Pepper Co. The Carolina Reaper, declared the hottest pepper in November 2013, beat the nearest competitor by 200,000 units. Like its other closest relatives from Trinidad, it is equipped with a bumpy surface and a scorpion tail.

In this funny video, two reckless comrades are tasting Carolina Reaper:

Let me remind you something else interesting about food and food: but for example. Here they are eaten. I can even tell you. Well, look how it looks The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy is made -

Capsicumfrutescens, annuum) is the most poignant character in the vast culinary history. The name itself comes from chilli, which means red in Aztec.

In Europe, chili seasoning appeared after the expeditions to the American continent of the famous traveler Christopher Columbus, who brought beans, tobacco, various vegetables and chili peppers from there.

Members of this expedition described this plant as follows: “it grows on the island of Hispaniola, and the locals call it “axi”. Chili is very often used by the natives, and it has a sharper taste than ordinary pepper. It grows as a bush, just like a rose. The fruits are small, inside which are quite sharp seeds. In the Caribbean, chili is perceived as a fruit and is eaten accordingly. The discovery of this spicy product brought huge profits to the Spaniards. It's safe to say that the European Chili Capital is Hungary. He appeared here during the invasion of the Turks. The appearance of this pepper in the country cannot be called calm, as it was accompanied by murder and violence. Evidence has even been found that the plant is endowed with magical properties. Hungarians claim that it was thanks to chili that they were able to maintain their special temperament. The national Hungarian dance called "Czardas" owes its "fiery rhythm" to pepper.

Oddly enough, but chili and pepper have nothing in common, despite the fact that they are called by the same name "pepper". On sale it is indicated as a dark red fruit. Dried and carefully crushed pods are sold as "cayenne pepper", "chili" and "Turkish pepper". It is known to the French as "cayenne pepper", and they associate it with a hard labor colony, because chili was grown there along with other plants.

The name "chile" appeared thanks to the conquistadors who were involved in its distribution. This is due to the fact that they mistakenly considered the country of Chile to be the birthplace of this plant.


  • bird's eye- It is very sharp and has an acute-angled shape.
  • Poblano- large pepper and medium hot.
  • habanero- the so-called "beast" of all varieties of chili.
  • Serrano– this variety is distinguished by its bullet-shaped form.
  • jalapeno- It can be either red or green.
  • Anaheim- It has a rather mild taste.

How to choose

When buying a chili pepper, carefully inspect the pod. In dried form, it should have a uniform color. The fruit should be elastic, without a single sign of cracking. If there is a spot of light orange on it, then this is a sign that microbes attacked the pepper much earlier than you.

How to store

Fresh chili is elastic to the touch and has a shiny skin. If you want to keep it in the same form, then it should be put in the refrigerator, but you should not keep it for more than five days.

For long-term storage, it can be treated in vinegar or vegetable oil.

Store it in pods, not ground. Ground pepper loses its flavor and is also provided.

Freezing is another storage method, but the pepper should be wrapped in a plastic bag first. It should be resorted to in exceptional cases, because in this form it loses very important substances.

In cooking

Chile is the most popular spice, and all over the world. In cooking, he simply has no equal. The smaller the pepper, the sharper it is. If you do not know how hot the pepper is, put only a little in the dishes at first, and then add as much as you need.

It is very often used for making soups: fish, tomato. It is an essential component of most meat dishes. Chili is added during the preparation of fish, sausages, beans, sauces, rice and cabbage.

It is also used for conservation. Never add pepper to boiling oil because it turns black, loses its color and becomes bitter.

In culture

This hot chili pepper is the most important component of the seasoning with the same name, it is its main component. His journey began in the tropical part of America, and from there it began to spread throughout the world. Mexico opened new doors for him, because it was there that chili was made a symbol of national cuisine. This pepper was an essential part of the Aztec diet. It became popular because of Indian beliefs, according to which, eating a huge amount of this vegetable can not only affect sexual potency, but also gives you magical powers that allow you to influence people. Among some tribes of Mexican Indians, chili was equated with a deity.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of chili pepper

Composition and presence of nutrients

Chili peppers contain a huge amount of vitamins, niacin, choline, folic acid, thiamine, beta-carotene, pyridoxine, riboflavin and ascorbic acid. In addition, it contains manganese, iron, zinc, calcium and phosphorus.

Useful and medicinal properties

The benefits of chili lies in the vitamins, microelements and macronutrients contained in it.

Moderate consumption of it improves appetite, normalizes the digestive system and speeds up metabolism. This is by no means the only positive property of hot peppers. Everyone knows its positive effect on the functioning of the brain and liver.

It should be used by people suffering from insomnia, allergies, colds, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, hepatitis and atherosclerosis. It is very important to know that this burning plant can slow down the development of a malignant tumor.

With its help, endorphin is produced in the body, which increases our resistance to stress, and also significantly increases the pain threshold. Chile improves blood circulation and affects the immune system.

As a result of the research, it was found that pepper can be used to treat diabetes.

Dangerous properties of chili pepper

Be careful not to let it come into contact with mucous membranes and open wounds.

Chile can harm people who have any gastrointestinal problems. Doctors also say that it is imperative to ensure that pepper does not fall on wounds and mucous membranes.

Also, this pepper can cause heartburn. In order not to feel any problems, it is advised to consume chili in small quantities.

Everyone knows that chili is not only very spicy, but also not less healthy. The plot reveals the secret of his bitterness.

Scientists have long disproved the myth that chili peppers cause stomach ulcers and negatively affect the digestive system. In fact, the spicy relative of sweet pods, consumed without excess, not only does not harm health, but can even boost immunity and increase the body's resistance to various diseases.

Experts from the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences analyzed the diets of 500,000 people from 10 different regions of the country, as well as their medical data collected from 2004-2008. The experiment involved people from different age groups, including the elderly. During the study, 20,000 of them died. The researchers compared people's mortality with their diet and attitudes towards spicy food. As a result, it was found that regular use of chili peppers and other spicy spices reduces the risk of sudden death by 14%. The scientists also noted a lower chance of death due to cancer, coronary heart disease or respiratory disease in those who add the product to food at least several times a week.

Chili peppers are highly valued throughout South America, as well as in eastern India and Southeast Asia. In the last decade, there has been a huge increase in the popularity of this plant in various parts of the world. Today, when you go to the grocery store or the market, you can choose fresh or dried chili, as well as seasonings and sauces with it.

Capsicum red pepper is widely used in cooking as a seasoning. It adds spice to the dishes and does not cause harm. It is also a popular addition to confectionery products, emphasizing the taste of sweetness. It also has medicinal properties, and therefore can be used as a means for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

Benefit for health

Due to its rich composition, hot red pepper promotes health. 100 grams of this vegetable account for up to 240 percent of our body's daily requirement for vitamin C, 39 percent for vitamin B6 and 32 percent for vitamin A.

The pungent taste of chili comes from capsaicin, which has been shown to have antibacterial, anticancer, pain relief, and antidiabetic properties, according to numerous studies. Bitter red pepper also contains potassium, manganese, magnesium and iron.

The health benefits of chili have been proven by numerous scientific studies. Here are just some of the amazing properties that it has due to its unique composition.

  • Protects the heart

The capsaicin found in chili protects the heart by helping to lower blood cholesterol levels. The benefit of this substance is also that it helps to dissolve fibrin, which affects the formation of blood clots in blood vessels. In cultures whose menus often use red peppers in significant quantities, the risk of heart attack and stroke is much lower than in other parts of the world.

  • Helps reduce weight

Capsaicin plays an important role in the diet of men and women who want to lose weight. It stimulates fat burning in the body by increasing metabolism and increasing heat production. If you combine the use of hot red pepper with adequate physical activity, weight loss will no longer be an impossible dream.

  • Anti-cancer

According to recent research, capsaicin, already known to us, can also kill pancreatic cancer cells without harming the remaining healthy ones. By the action of this particular substance, scientists explained why people living in Mexico and India, whose diet is considered spicy, as a rule, are less likely to get some types of cancer than the inhabitants of the planet, whose diet is dominated by fresh food.

  • Prevents headaches and migraines

Other studies have shown that eating chili can relieve migraines, headaches, and sinus pain. And this is thanks to the same capsaicin. Therefore, if you suffer from frequent headaches and migraines, go to the store instead of a pharmacy and buy hot red pepper.

  • Prevents the formation of gastrointestinal diseases

Capsaicin is characterized by another healing property. It helps to cure inflammatory bowel disease and kill bacteria such as Helicobacter pylori, which are one of the main causes of gastritis. Studies in Asia have shown that eating chili reduces the risk of ulcers by up to 53 percent. However, hot peppers are contraindicated in people with diseases of the kidneys, liver or stomach, as they can cause even more harm to their health.

  • Restores potency in men

In a study conducted in France, 114 men aged 18-44 took part. After eating, their saliva was taken for analysis. Those who consumed chili sauce with meals had the highest levels of testosterone in their saliva. Subsequent studies have confirmed the relationship found. Thus, it was found that the constant consumption of hot peppers increases testosterone levels in the strong half. This is the main male sex hormone, the lack of which causes significant harm to the body, reducing the sexual activity of a person. Accordingly, the use of chili pepper is that its use normalizes potency.

Using Chili Peppers: Be Careful

Like any other product, hot red pepper should be consumed without frills. Despite the fact that the benefits of this vegetable are undeniable, in large doses it can harm the health of both men and women. So, Mexican studies have shown that eating 9 pods a day increases the risk of developing stomach cancer.

Scientists from the United States have found that capsaicin, in addition to its many healing properties, can cause irreparable harm to the body. External use of this substance leads to the formation of skin cancer. This must be taken into account when choosing painkillers and warming ointments and gels in a pharmacy, which may contain chili-based substances. Scientists also believe that alcohol infused with hot peppers has a negative effect on the reproductive system.

However, do not be afraid to eat hot red pepper in food. After all, its health benefits are enormous, and potential harm can be prevented by following a few simple recommendations. Do not forget about the sense of proportion - and then you can not only enjoy the taste of chili pepper, but also feel only the healing properties of this unusual vegetable.

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