Portobello mushrooms in your kitchen. Learn to cook original dishes. Portobello - bellissima brava! Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms How to Cook Portobello Mushrooms

For many people, this is the first time they hear such a name for mushrooms as portobello, but in fact this is one of the varieties of popular champignons. They stand out for their large size, and their hat is almost always open. Initially, portobellos grew only in polluted areas, so they were not used for food. Today, this variety is grown at home and on special farms.

Beneficial features

Portobello is not only a delicious food product, but also very healthy. It contains proteins of animal and vegetable origin. In addition, they have a rich and unique set of vitamins, micro and macro elements, as well as amino acids and other useful substances.

It is believed that this food product has a positive effect on the state of the blood, and it is also used in the prevention of cancer and infectious diseases. Portobello has a positive effect on the activity of the immune system and on the state of the cells in the body.

Portobello Mushroom Recipes

This variety can be used like ordinary champignons for preparing various dishes, for example, soups, salads, snacks, etc. They can be subjected to various culinary treatments, and they are especially tasty at the stake. Consider a few original and affordable recipes that are suitable for everyday use and for the festive table.

Japanese mushroom soup

This is tasty dish for our area is exotic, and before it could be tasted only in oriental restaurants. The recipe was adapted for home use and today everyone has the opportunity to cook such a soup on their own. We are sure that many will like it.

For this recipe, you need to take the following products: 150 g of shiitake, 100 g of portobello, half a stalk of celery, onion, half a carrot, 1 teaspoon of chopped ginger root, a clove of garlic, 2 liters of beef broth, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped green onions.

  • First you need to prepare the vegetables that need to be washed and peeled. Cut the celery, onion and carrot into small cubes. After that, send them to the pan;
  • Put ginger, garlic passed through a press and some mushrooms cut into large pieces there. Pour in the broth and place over high heat. When the liquid boils, cover the pot with a lid and lower the heat. Boil for 45 minutes;
  • Put the rest of the mushrooms in a saucepan, and fill them with water. Boil to make a concentrated decoction. Strain it and add to soup. Serve with green onions.

Caesar salad"

If you don’t know how to cook portobello mushrooms, then you can use everyone’s favorite and popular salad all over the world. Thanks to the new ingredient, the dish acquires an unusual taste. Ingredients are for 6 servings.

For this recipe, you need to prepare the following products: 9 canned anchovies, 3 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice, 6 cloves of garlic, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of Dijon mustard, 0.6 tbsp. olive oil, 1 head of Romano and Radicchio salad, 3 portobellos, parsley, 250 g of parmesan.

  • Grind anchovies and combine them with lemon juice, mustard and garlic passed through a press (3 cloves). Start whisking and pour in 0.5 tbsp. oils to make a homogeneous sauce;
  • Separately, connect the lettuce leaves that need to be torn with your hands;
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the remaining garlic until golden brown, which must first be crushed. After 4 min. remove the garlic, as it has already fulfilled its function and given off the aroma;
  • Add sliced ​​mushrooms to the pan and fry them until golden brown. This will take approximately 6 minutes. After the time has elapsed, turn off the fire, add salt, pepper and chopped parsley;
  • Add dressing to lettuce leaves. Mix everything well, and then add grated cheese, salt and pepper to taste. Arrange everything on plates, and put the mushrooms on top.

Pizza in hats

This appetizer will decorate any holiday, and all thanks to the original performance. Due to the lack of dough, the dish will be ready in 25 minutes. It is also worth mentioning its low calorie content, so even a person on a diet can afford a serving.

For this recipe, you need to prepare the following ingredients: 170 g portobello, 65 ml pizza sauce, 6 slices of pepperoni, 30 g mozzarella, basil, a pinch of dried oregano, salt, pepper,

  • Immediately turn on the oven to 200 degrees. Grease a baking sheet with oil or cover with parchment paper;
  • Wash the portobello, dry and separate the legs. Peel the mushroom caps from the inner plates to make a pizza base. Lay them out on a baking sheet inside up. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste;
  • Divide the sauce and grated cheese into all hats. Cut the pepperoni into 4 parts and also arrange them into blanks. Sprinkle all over with oregano;
  • Cook in the oven for 15 minutes. As a result, the mushrooms should become soft, and the cheese should melt. Serve with chopped basil.

Grilled portobello mushrooms

They can be used as an appetizer as well as a main course. This is a great addition to barbecue, and if chopped, you can put them in salads, appetizers and other dishes.

For this recipe, you should take the following products: 2 mushrooms, 2 cloves of garlic, thyme, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil and wine vinegar, as well as parsley, salt and pepper.

  • You should start by preparing the marinade, for which combine oil, vinegar, chopped garlic, 4 sprigs of thyme, and salt and pepper to taste. For spice, you can put a little chili;
  • Separate the caps from the legs, which we will not use in this recipe. It is important not to wash the mushrooms first, as they will not roast well on fire;
  • Sprinkle the caps with marinade on each side and leave them for 30 minutes. After the time is up, grill them twice on each side. As a result, they should turn golden. Serve hot with chopped parsley.

risotto recipe

This dish will be a great alternative to boring pilaf and other side dishes. It is not difficult to cook it, the main thing is to know some culinary features. The quantity of products is designed for 6 servings.

To prepare this dish, you need to take the following products: 450 g of sausages, 250 g of portobello, 300 g of shiitake, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of thyme and oregano, 1.5 tbsp. wine "Madeira", 6 tbsp. chicken broth, 0.5 tbsp. butter and shredded cheese, onion, 4 cloves of garlic and 2 tbsp. rice.

  • First, heat the oil in a frying pan and add a pinch of salt. Cut the sausages into medium cubes and fry them until golden brown;
  • Cut the mushrooms into small pieces and send them to the sausages. Put thyme, oregano there and fry everything for 10 minutes;
  • After the time has elapsed, pour 0.5 tbsp. wine and simmer everything over high heat for about a minute, stirring constantly;
  • Bring the broth to a boil, and then reduce the heat to a minimum;
  • Separately, in another pan, melt the butter, add chopped onion, garlic and fry for 5 minutes. Add rice to it and stir for 2 minutes. Pour in the rest of the wine and keep stirring for 2 minutes. During this time, the wine should be absorbed into the rice;
  • Pour the broth into it so that it covers the cereal. Boil until the liquid is absorbed again. Add broth and stir until rice is cooked through. This will take approximately 25 minutes. It is important that the rice does not overcook and remains a little hard inside;
  • Combine rice with sausages and mushrooms, and then mix well. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve with shredded cheese.

As you can see, mushrooms can be used to prepare various dishes that will appeal to many. Use portobello for your culinary experiments, getting new and original dishes.

by the materials mjusli.ru

2015-10-23T07:05:46+00:00 adminculinary encyclopediasecond courses, culinary encyclopedia, savory pastries, first courses, useful tips, salads and snacks

For many people, this is the first time they hear such a name for mushrooms as portobello, but in fact this is one of the varieties of popular champignons. They stand out for their large size, and their hat is almost always open. Initially, portobellos grew only in polluted areas, so they were not used for food. Today this variety is grown in...

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I love mushrooms. And baked with cheese and nuts - it's just a song! Portobello is a type of mushroom. They are distinguished by their impressive size and nutty flavor. Which is what I wanted to highlight.

By the way, Portobello can be replaced with ordinary champignons.

First, I will give the basic recipe, on the basis of which I prepared this wonderful dish:


  • portobello mushrooms - 6 pcs.
  • parmesan - 50 gr.
  • walnuts - 10 pcs.
  • goat cheese - 30 gr.
  • garlic butter - 3 tsp
  • breadcrumbs - 3-4 tbsp.
  • salt - ground pepper.
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp.
We chop the nuts.
In a bowl, mix breadcrumbs, cheese, salt, pepper and nuts. You can add a couple of tablespoons of sour cream.
Wash mushrooms thoroughly. Carefully separate the legs from the hats. We put the hats on a lined baking sheet or in a baking dish. In each mushroom we put 1/2 tsp. butter with herbs and garlic (if not ready, then just add a little garlic and dill).
Sprinkle cheese topping on top. Spray with olive oil.
Bake at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes. Serve hot. Bon appetit!

I have modified this recipe a bit. The fact is that in all the recipes I found on the Internet, for some reason, mushroom legs were not used (they are usually sent to soup). I decided to correct this omission ... And I did not regret it: o).

So, we need:

  • portobello mushroom - 6 pieces (take larger)
  • walnut - 7-10 pcs
  • pine nuts - 30 gr (optional)
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • breadcrumbs - 2-3 tbsp.
  • butter - 50 gr
  • cheese - 20 gr
  • salt, ground black pepper

Wash and clean mushrooms.

Carefully cut the legs and chop finely.

Scoop out the inside of the cap with a spoon to enlarge the calyx.

Toast the pine nuts in a hot, dry frying pan until golden brown, then add them to the pan. walnuts. Finely chop the onion and, together with the legs of the mushroom, fry in butter (I also added mushroom lumps scooped out of the cap). At the end, add breadcrumbs, mix, salt and pepper. Add the resulting cooled mixture to the nuts and mix - this will be the filling.

Lay baking paper on a roasting sheet (baking pan). Gently place the mushrooms on it with their hats down. Put a small piece of butter in each mushroom and stuff it tightly with the nut mixture.

Send to the oven for 10 minutes on medium heat.
Remove the baking sheet from the oven and sprinkle each mushroom with grated cheese.

If you don’t want to bother, then you can simply put a thin plate of cheese on top of the mixture

And put in the oven for another 5 minutes until the cheese is completely baked.

It can be served both hot and cold.
Bon appetit!

Portobello (giant mushrooms) stuffed with turkey

stuffed portobello hats

A very tasty, savory hot appetizer - stuffed portobello, which is cooked no more than 30 minutes, is great as an appetite-warming dish before serving the main one!

Portobello mushrooms are a beautiful name (one might say - a trademark) of simple, fully ripened crimino mushrooms (crimino), a variety of champignons, giant hats of which can reach a diameter of up to 15 cm. Once simple and nondescript, but very large crimino mushrooms are bad were sold, stale on the shelves, they deteriorated, and then some resourceful merchant figured out how to fix the situation. Beautiful, melodic "portobello" sounds better and more mysterious than some kind of "crimino", right?

In order for the mushrooms to come out as a light and tender snack, it is advisable to stuff them with meat from turkey, chicken, or lean ham. A dish of portobello mushrooms with turkey is for true gourmets. People who know a lot about mushrooms!

Ingredients(snack for three):

  • portobello (or huge champignons) - 3 mushrooms
  • turkey fillet - 200 grams
  • grated cheese -100 grams
  • butter-50-80 grams
  • 1 bulb
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • spices: salt, black pepper
  • English mustard with seeds - 3 dessert spoons
  • small bunch of fresh parsley

This is what raw caps of giant champignons look like - portobello.

How to cook portobello (large champignons)

Cut the turkey fillet as small as possible (you can use minced meat), cut the onion into cubes, chop the parsley with a knife, just as finely.

We prepare the mushrooms - wash them a little, dry them with a paper towel, then spread the inner wall of the mushroom with a thin layer of mustard.

Coat the portobello caps with mustard and sprinkle with parsley.

We mix soft butter with chopped parsley and put it on top of the mustard on the mushroom, also not in a very thick layer.

Put the turkey fillet in a well-heated pan with vegetable oil and fry it on all sides until golden brown. Salt, pepper to taste, then add onions and fry for another 3-5 minutes. Let the meat and onions cool down, and then spread the filling evenly over our mushrooms.

Stuffed portobello hats before baking

It remains only to sprinkle them with grated cheese and put in the oven on a baking sheet to bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees.

Portobello appetizer stuffed with turkey, herbs and cheese

Features of cooking stuffed portobello

How to replace portobello

To prepare this snack, you can use not only portobello, but also simple champignons, just choose larger mushrooms. Only in this case, you need to cut the legs and excess pulp from the mushroom, cut it into smaller pieces and fry along with the turkey and onions.

Why is there butter in minced mushrooms

Butter with parsley may not be added to our dish of stuffed mushrooms, but it is butter that gives juiciness to the mushroom, and parsley, together with English mustard, gives a kind of piquancy.

How to replace cheese in portobello filling

If you do not have cheese on hand, then after the dressing has cooled down, add one raw chicken egg there and mix everything well.

What else can you make portobello with?

Other filling options for mushroom hats can be found in

An unfamiliar name can easily be misleading and give rise to fantasize a lot of things that are far from the truth. Few people know exactly what portobello mushrooms are. The refined name hints that something exotic, like truffles, is meant. Meanwhile, our hostesses know them under the “nickname” of imperial champignons. And the portobello mushroom (photo in the article) is indeed their huge variety, with the unpretentious official name "crimino". And the beautiful name - only once clever mushrooms sold extremely poorly, introducing traders at a loss. Having become "portobello" instead of the indistinct "crimino", they quickly gained popularity and began to disperse from the shelves.

Portobello mushrooms: benefits and harms

The main nutritional qualities of "crimino" basically correspond to those of other mushrooms. The positive ones include:

  1. Low amount of carbohydrates. That is, the product is ideal for a vegetarian and dietary table.
  2. Portobello mushrooms reduce the overall nutritional value of meals, greatly expanding the list of dieters allowed.
  3. Mushrooms have a rather high content of selenium with copper, which is rare in other products.
  4. Portobello has a cleansing effect, removing heavy metals from the body.

Caution in the use of mushrooms should be shown only to those who have difficulties with the digestive system: they are not too easy food for digestion.

Portobello for barbecue

Any connoisseur of picnics in the bosom of nature will say with confidence that it is impossible to limit oneself to meat alone - it is boring and not very tasty. Grilled vegetables become the must-have companions for mouth-watering pork. And portobello mushrooms are completely out of competition in this respect. In order for them to please all the participants in the picnic, they should first be divided: only hats will be used, since the legs, for all their aroma, are fibrous and rough, of which only a decoction for soup is good. The next step is marinating. For the sauce, two tablespoons of wine vinegar and vegetable oil are combined, plus crushed garlic, salt, thyme, parsley and pepper. Half an hour of aging - and on the grate!

Fried eggs with mushrooms "inside out"

The huge size of portobello hats gives the widest scope for culinary imagination. In particular, you can treat yourself to non-standard scrambled eggs in the morning. For her, the hat is cleaned from most of the plates, lubricated both outside and inside with olive oil mixed with pepper and salt, thyme and garlic. Carefully, so as not to damage the yolk, an egg is poured into each hat (choose small ones to fit). Portobello mushrooms are sprinkled with grated cheese on top, after which they are placed in the oven. The approximate baking time is a quarter of an hour, but for the first time be vigilant, yet all ovens are different.

stuffed hats

Perhaps this is the most seductive portobello. There are a lot of options for fillings, and no one forbids coming up with your own. However, it has been experimentally established that the meat filling works better from tender varieties of meat - chicken, turkey or not too fatty ham. Consider the turkey version.

The first step is to prepare the meat: it needs to be finely chopped and thoroughly fried until a uniform blush on all sides. Next, the turkey is salted and peppered, after which it is supplemented with chopped onions in a frying pan and fried with it for another 2-3 minutes.

Washed and dried portobello mushrooms are divided into hats and legs. The latter are deposited on the soup, and the hats are thinly smeared with English, with grains, mustard from the inside. Soft butter is rubbed with chopped parsley - this will be the next thin layer in the hat. When the filling has cooled, it is laid out in "nests" so that it protrudes slightly above the edges. The final touch is a topping with grated cheese. Prepared hats are laid out on a greased oven sheet, which is put into the oven for a third of an hour.

Eat better right away. However, when cold, it’s also quite okay, unless the melted and cooled cheese seems rubbery to you. On the other hand, the snack can be warmed up in the microwave.



Portobello is a type of champignon, a rather large mushroom, when its cap is fully opened, it reaches a diameter of 15 cm. Thanks to a fully opened cap, more moisture evaporates from the portobello mushroom than from any other mushrooms, so their structure is dense and fleshy, and when cooked they are very fragrant. Portebello is the most refined type of champignon, which is used in all European cuisines. Portobello is one of the most delicious and easy to prepare mushrooms. These mushrooms are salted, marinated, grilled and pan-fried, stewed in sour cream and sauces, added to salads, omelettes and pizza.

History and distribution

In nature, portobello grows in unsightly conditions: along roadsides, in pastures and even in cemeteries. The name "portobello" appeared in the 1980s in order to popularize this type of mushroom. Previously, these mushrooms were not used in cooking and were often simply thrown away. Now portobello is one of the most popular mushrooms used in Israeli and European cuisine.


Portobello mushrooms are rare enough that you can buy them in gourmet shops and some supermarkets.

Portobello is often used in the preparation of various snacks and main courses. It is ideal for baking. So, for example, it is used in the preparation of such a favorite dish as.

When preparing soups, broths and sauces, the legs of the portebello mushroom are removed, as they are very fibrous and dense. Mushroom caps are used in the same way as other mushrooms: cut or left whole. Whole caps are best for roasting.

The longer the portobello mushroom cooks, the denser it will be and take on a distinct meat flavor. Little Secret: To Achieve best taste when preparing these mushrooms, do not wash them, but scrape off the contamination with a knife.

Composition and properties

Like other types of mushrooms, portobello is very nutritious and high in calories. It is sometimes called "vegetarian meat" due to the fact that it contains a large amount of protein and because of the rich smell of meat. This mushroom contains many vitamins and trace elements such as copper and selenium.

Eating this mushroom contributes to the natural excretion of heavy metal salts from the body, so these mushrooms are often eaten almost raw, dipped in lemon sauce.


Portobello mushrooms are considered a heavy food due to their high protein content.

How long to cook portobello

Portobello should be boiled in salted water for about 15 minutes.

calories portobello

Calorie Portobello - 26 kcal.

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