Signs of love in different zodiac signs. How do zodiac signs fall in love? spicy truth! Sagittarius in love


Aries are very impressionable and impulsive, so they often fall in love at first sight. Since they are self-confident and impatient, they usually immediately begin to take active steps to conquer the object of their passion. But no matter how passionate Aries' love may be, it can quickly fade if the relationship becomes monotonous and boring.

Taurus is also one of the most passionate signs of the zodiac, but his feelings flare up slowly. He needs time to realize his love, but if it turns out to be mutual, it is difficult to imagine a more tender, romantic and faithful companion than Taurus. Representatives of this sign are very sentimental, but do not like to show their feelings in public, preferring to intimate setting.

Gemini are very addicting and unpredictable natures. Although in love they show themselves to be very gentle and caring partners, often their feelings are rather superficial. Gemini's infatuation usually manifests itself in the form of a strong interest in a new person. But if at one fine moment it becomes boring next to him or someone more attractive appears on the horizon, Gemini can immediately change the direction of their feelings.

Cancer is the most romantic and dreamy, who is in constant search of ideal love. It is rather difficult to recognize a Cancer in love, as he is very vulnerable and sensitive, and therefore carefully hides his feelings. But if the object of his dreams takes a step forward, Cancer can instantly turn into a very resourceful boyfriend who will surround his chosen one with warmth and care.

Lions choose their partners quite meticulously. They are very ambitious, so they can only fall in love with a very bright, strong and self-confident person. A Leo in love immediately declares his feelings with the help of beautiful courtship and attentions that are impossible to resist.

In Virgo, coldness and sensuality are wonderfully combined. Due to the duality of nature, people of this zodiac sign feel insecure in love. On the one hand, they burn with tender feelings, and on the other, they try to drown out their passion with the voice of reason. But having become attached to her chosen one, Virgo becomes a very faithful and reliable companion who will make any sacrifice for the sake of love.

Libras are very charming and pleasant to talk to, so they always have a lot of fans. This zodiac sign does not belong to the category of conquerors and is not able to fall in love at first sight. Libras are attuned to relationships where partnership is not in the first place, and they prefer to be chosen and achieved.

Scorpios are capable of very strong feelings. They fall in love with all passion and strive to take first place in the life of the chosen one, taking possession of all his thoughts. People of this sign are promiscuous in love relationships and often start fleeting romances, but when they truly fall in love, they turn into faithful and reliable partners.

Sagittarians associate love with adventure and take it lightly. For them, the very process of conquest is important, and when the goal is achieved, Sagittarius can easily switch to another person. But even falling in love for real and becoming attached to a person, he will not take on any obligations and prefer to remain free. This sign suits the same independent partners who remain independent even while in a relationship and allow their companions to do the same.

Capricorn strongly opposes the feeling of falling in love and tries with all his might to control his emotions. He does not recognize his passion until the last and carefully hides it. But with all the outward coldness, people of this zodiac sign are very sensitive and vulnerable. The only way to be sure of Capricorn's feelings is to show your disposition towards him for a long time and patiently, waiting for the moment when he decides to open up.

Aquarius usually falls in love not with a person, but with an invented image, therefore, he is often disappointed. As a true representative of the air element, he is capable of numerous light hobbies and does not seek long-term relationships. Even if a person is very interested in him, he will treat him in a friendly way. Sometimes Aquarius can act very romantic, but this happens spontaneously when inspiration suddenly descends on him.

Pisces can be very difficult to start a relationship. Because of their indecision, they are not ready to take the first step, so they suffer for a long time because of their love, not daring even to approach the object of their dreams. But over time, Pisces can gain determination and be cautiously active. As a rule, the love of this sign is manifested in behavior very noticeably: Pisces become especially dreamy, quiet and absent-minded.

Love is a universal feeling, under the onslaught of which it is difficult to resist even the most strong personality.

Some of us fall in love immediately, while others need a long period of time to sort out their own feelings.

Astrologers believe that the sign of the Zodiac influences how love will proceed.

That is, each representative of the zodiac circle experiences tender feelings in their own way.

Let's find out how to fall in love different signs Zodiac.

Aries man

Representatives of the fiery sign fall in love easily and immediately proceed to take active steps to conquer the desired object.

Conquering the girl you like Aries will be stories about how strong, smart, rich and in general he is. the best option among all other men.

He will speak about his passion immediately without hesitation. And if the fair sex really feels sympathy, it is better to answer “yes”, the second sentence after the refusal may not follow. Aries will not suffer for a long time from unrequited love, but will quickly find new solace for themselves.

Aries Woman

Representatives of the fire sign are so confident in themselves that they can take the first step themselves. They don't have the patience to wait for his offer.

Not a single man can resist such pressure, since the Aries woman will try everything to achieve mutual sympathy. If you reciprocate, you will literally be overwhelmed by a whirlpool of love feelings.

taurus man

A sensible Taurus man knows how to take care of a woman in the best classical traditions. He will seek your recognition by inviting you to exhibitions, movies and other social events.

During courtship, expensive flowers and sweets - required attribute. And the more the representative of the sign spends money on you, the more significant you are in his eyes. But due to the indecision of Taurus, the candy-bouquet period can stretch. If this man is really dear to you, take the initiative into your own hands.

Taurus Woman

The Taurus woman's arsenal of proven remedies is impeccable appearance, inviting perfume aroma and skillfully selected jewelry.

Along with ideal external data, the representative of the earth sign will conquer you with her wit and lively mind. This woman knows how to listen to a man, as well as cook delicious homemade meals. If you're not going to marry her, don't waste your time. Your doubts about her will definitely provoke a serious conversation with a showdown. The Taurus woman needs to know your intentions.

Gemini Man

The obsession of the representatives of the sign is sincerely surprising. This man will literally follow the girl he likes, as well as constantly remind you of himself in the form of emails, phone calls and playful SMS.

But those born under the element of Air tend to idealize the features of their chosen one. And after a close acquaintance, the Gemini man may be disappointed in you.

Marriage with a representative of the sign also requires considerable effort for constant self-improvement and great patience.

Gemini Woman

Representatives of the Zodiac have a fairly broad outlook, so they will definitely find something in common with their desired object - it can be a hobby or some significant character traits.

A woman who likes a man will constantly call at any time of the day and incessantly talk about important and not so important things. In principle, with a woman born under the sign of Gemini, you can experience interesting romantic adventures, but it will be difficult for you to be alone with her, as she is constantly surrounded by friends.

The main thing for her is fun and pleasant pastime in noisy companies. The rest can wait.

cancer man

In the first place, the Cancer man has a family and family values, so he will definitely demonstrate his most best qualities the girl you like. Namely: devotion, practicality and experience.

At the same time, he will use all sorts of tricks to find out your attitude to the family hearth and housekeeping. At the same time, he will not rush to make an offer, Cancers think for a long time before making a serious decision.

To verify the authenticity of his feelings, it is enough for a woman to ask a Cancer man for any service. And then, with what zeal, he will rush to fulfill it, and will be a litmus test of the seriousness of his relationship.

Cancer Woman

If a representative of this constellation, for no particular reason, begins to feed a man with delicious homemade food, then she cares about him. At the same time, she herself is in no hurry to report her feelings. You just have to be content with her admiring glances and boundless care. You will have to take the first step.

But as soon as the Cancer woman notices a chill on your part or considers that you do not appreciate her, she will immediately become cold and aloof.

male lion

The gallant representatives of the sign immediately make it clear to the chosen one about their feelings. Movie-like courtship with trips to expensive restaurants and noble deeds is quite real with a male Leo. He will try to do everything to make it seem to you that Leo does not need money and is quite successful. But at the same time, he secretly can pick up debts.

So that after marriage with a representative of the sign you do not have to pay off your debts for several years, be able to stop the gallant gentleman in time.

lion woman

The Lioness in love gives the man she likes a special look and shows different signs of attention. She will lift you to the top of the pedestal, telling everyone about the nobility and your strength. She will never ask for reciprocity, but she may hint that she likes you.

A female lion prefers if the initiative comes from a man. If she is really dear to you, then give her disinterested signs of attention, gratitude will not take long.

Virgo Man

Representatives of the constellation will decide for a long time whether the girl they like is suitable as a chosen one. The nature of the Virgo man is such that the representative of this sign, before offering a hand and heart, will collect all available information about you, will not be too lazy to find out more about you from your mutual friends, study your pages on social networks and get acquainted with the characteristics of the character of your sign by horoscope.

At secular meetings, where he will definitely invite you, he will also carefully look at and study you.

And if, deep down, the Virgo man decides that you are exactly the one he was looking for, wait for an immediate offer. Even if you say no, he will court you for a few more years, hoping that you will change your mind when you get to know him better.

Virgo Woman

Representatives of this zodiac sign are so correct that it is difficult to judge their feelings from the outside. At least the Virgos have learned to hide them carefully due to their restraint.

To find out about her feelings and intentions, you can invite her to an inexpensive but cozy cafe. If she is comfortable, you will definitely feel it. Accepting an expensive gift from you can also indicate Virgo's sympathy.

Libra Man

The Libra man loves the courtship process itself and is never in a hurry to move on to the next step in the relationship. A woman should take the initiative in her own hands, but a lady who is too assertive can push him away. In addition, Libra, even being crazy about the object of passion, is very afraid of obligations and responsibilities.

To keep such a man, in no case do not force him to do anything in an orderly tone, but simply let go of the situation. Let events develop in their own way, but under your indirect influence. So that he doesn't think about it.

Libra Woman

Representatives of the sign of each man they like are considered as a candidate for husbands. And after studying his character and habits, either they reject or accept the chosen one.

If the candidate is not suitable for the role of a husband in the understanding of a woman, then no tricks and tricks on your part will make her fall in love with you. If she chose you, then she will spend all her strength to win her love. And so skillfully and diplomatically that you yourself will make her an offer.

Scorpio Man

If a representative of the sign has feelings for you, you will immediately know about it. And running is useless. Not a single woman can resist his pressure and natural magnetism! Like a good psychologist, he will tell you words that hit right on target and make non-banal compliments.

The Scorpio man is used to getting his own way, so do not be surprised at your weakness and the first kiss already on the first date. But as an ardent owner, after your consent, the representative of the sign will behave as if you belong entirely to him. If you do not want scandals, do not give the slightest reason for jealousy.

Scorpio woman

Representatives of this constellation are attracted to strong and successful men. A Scorpio woman can challenge you: if you are afraid to answer it, then she will immediately lose all interest in you.

She appreciates decisive steps, timid men are not for her. And if she refuses you, then her “no” really means “no”. And to check the sincerity of the feelings of a Scorpio woman, just try kissing her on the cheek. The response will be the main answer to the cherished question.

Sagittarius man

Men born under this constellation will constantly try to be close to the woman they like. At the same time, the legs themselves carry it to you against your will. A man will incessantly tell you interesting things, striking with his mind, erudition and erudition. In a break between conversations, he can suddenly say, as if by chance, about his feelings and inquisitively wait for an answer.

If you like him, it is better to agree immediately. In case of refusal, his ardent passion can quickly fade away, and he will find himself a new object of adoration. In other cases, the refusal will only provoke the representative of the sign, and he will use all conceivable and unthinkable tricks to get your attention. But not forever, of course.

Sagittarius Woman

Sagittarius women who are addicted can easily fall in love with an unfamiliar man or experience feelings at the first meeting. Make no mistake, you are hardly the first person she has suggested to climb Everest or any other adventure.

If you appreciate her attention and her feelings, just enjoy spending time with her, broaden your horizons, learn new things together and try not to argue with the Sagittarius woman if you don’t want noisy scandals. Do not demand too much from her about the housework, and then in her company you will be able to live the most beautiful and bright moments.

Capricorn Man

Representatives of the sign fall in love extremely hard. At first, they will struggle with a surging feeling, and deliberately demonstrate a cold attitude towards the desired object.

After a futile struggle with himself, Capricorn finally comes to terms with his feelings, but he needs time to carefully weigh and think everything over. Don't rush him or you'll scare him away.

To please a Capricorn man, you need to behave with dignity and prudence. So, he can test you by sitting on his lap on the first date. If you allow this to be done, then do not wait for marriage proposals. In his understanding, the future wife should not behave like this.

Capricorn Woman

Coquetry is alien to those born during this period, they do not understand why they spend time on this. But it’s not worth checking feelings with a direct question on the forehead. If a Capricorn woman allows you to take her home or gives you her phone number, this is already saying something.

After you have taken place as a couple, the representative of the sign can calmly offer to move to her or to your apartment in order to live together. Why pull?

Despite such practicality, Capricorns are not alien to romance. To touch those same strings of the soul, give her flowers with or without reason, write poetry and dedicate songs. She will definitely thank you.

Aquarius Man

As an avid romantic, an Aquarius man will propose to a woman he likes in some special place. It can be the ruins of an ancient city or a deserted sea coast. Moreover, at first glance, insignificant circumstances can affect his decision to make an offer. For example, a breath of wind special for him or a beautiful sunset, as well as an unexpectedly important word heard by a stranger.

For representatives of the sign, friendship often develops into love. But it also happens the other way around. One thing can be said, it will not be boring with such a man.

Aquarius Woman

Representatives of the sign live by their own rules, do not take into account the opinions of others and do not know restrictions. An Aquarius woman in love may seem cheeky from the outside, but she is not. Her behavior is a reflection of her condition. If she is in love with a man, then one day she may simply appear with a suitcase on the threshold of his door, offering to live together. She just thinks that there is no point in pretending and hiding her feelings. If you let her in, she will use all your things without a shadow of hesitation. Do not forbid her, in return you will find boundless love and absolute trust. True, one day, an Aquarius companion can just as easily disappear from your life as it appeared. Just leave in English without explanation.

Pisces man

Enamored representatives of the Pisces sign do not immediately decide to tell their chosen one about their feelings. Such a man will write poetry, dedicate songs, dream and grieve about the woman he likes, not daring to approach his ideal. Over time, he gains courage and confesses his feelings, talking about how lonely he is and how much he needs love.

Among the signs of attention of a Pisces man in love are modest but touching gifts. Indecision can drive him into sadness and depression, so a woman for whom the feelings of a Pisces man are significant should take the initiative into her own hands.

Pisces Woman

Representatives of the sign love male signs of attention and beautiful gallant courtship. In a Pisces woman in love, in the presence of the desired object, everything falls out of her hands, and the conversation does not go well.

Those who know her little may think that she is boring, awkward and uninteresting. Night tears because of the man you like in the evening or during the day will turn into spiritual revelations to your diary.

If you notice confusion in her eyes, as soon as you get closer to her and want to be with her, take the first step. And be sure to say that you will protect her from the whole world. Pisces women love strong, real men. And then she will surely illuminate you with a charming smile.

The serious problem of mankind is that all people for some reason were born under some constellations. That is, we could live, work and - especially - love in a completely normal way. If not for these stars.


Capricorns fall in love rationally. None of these here - bydysch, lightning, as if from a tub it poured over and butterflies in the stomach. Capricorn knows that butterflies in the stomach are contrary to physiology, and before falling in love, you need to properly study the performance characteristics of the alleged sudden passion. It is a mistake to believe that Capricorns are herbivores. Oh no. They sit on a branch like a jaguar, and can look closely at their prey for years, in order to then make an accurate jump - and now the victim is already defeated and whispers: "I love you too."
And no training will help to avoid this predatory love.


Aquarians fall in love the right way. All other signs see falling in love like this: "I love you, which means you owe me your time, attention, wallet and everything else that you have." Aquarius, on the other hand, believes that if I fall in love with someone, I should take care of him. They have a fantastic gift - even when the romance is in full swing, do not be offended if your loved one has not called for forty minutes. And he reacts to late arrivals something like this: “Tomorrow is also a blockage at work? Here, take this cheese sandwich with you.” And the sandwich is really cheese, not strychnine.


Pisces fall in love classically. According to the clear canons of romance novels - to passion, hormones, torn shirts, happiness, pain and bloody snot. Important point: the object of love should be as hard to reach as possible: live in another city, even better - in another country, and, ideally, fly on a research mission to Mars. The fish must suffer and overcome obstacles, otherwise there is no point in moving their gills. After romances with Pisces, a scorched desert remains, covered with a thick layer of colorless ash. And only bloody snot in bright balls fly somewhere in the orbit of Phobos.


Aries falls in love calmly. This is the rare case when Aries puts aside his fiery temperament and sits quietly on the river bank with a blade of grass in his teeth until the corpses of all rivals swim by. After that, Aries lazily approaches the object of his passion and casually says: "Let's go to the bushes, we'll sign."


Taurus falls in love passionately. The object of love must belong to Taurus completely - with all the giblets and credit cards. Because otherwise... oh no, you don't want to know. The passion of Taurus lives according to the precepts of the Little Robber: "I will order you to be whipped with whips, and you will love me like a pretty one." Love, I said! So Taurus is always reciprocated (otherwise scary, very scary). And if they suddenly leave the Taurus, then - on tiptoe, under the cover of night and in what they were.


Gemini fall in love sincerely. And forever. “Forever” lasts about six months, and there can be, for example, two objects of sincere love. But they are both truly and sincerely loved. It is absolutely normal for a Gemini to cry in the morning because of one messed up eternal love, and in the evening to cut veins because of eternal love number two. Moreover, grief in both cases is completely genuine. And who does not understand this, that Aquarius.

Cancer falls in love gently. It crawls in a circle, not approaching, and carefully clicks its claws: “What if it’s not her?”, “What if it’s the same thing with her, and then I realize that it’s not her?” The object of love, these gastropod movements tire a little more than completely, so the likelihood of a romance depends on the patience of the chosen one (s) of Cancer. But those who are especially patient will be rewarded - Cancer in love is able to put the whole world at the feet of his beloved. However, the process of shifting the worlds under the feet of the beloved goes according to the usual pattern: “What if this world is boring?”, “What if the beloved breathes chlorine, and she doesn’t need a second oxygen world at all?” and so for years, years.

Leo falls in love reluctantly. That is, it is clear that this is good for health, but the modern social contract offers equal rights to lovers. It is completely incomprehensible to Leo how one can have equal rights with these nonentities. On the other hand, if you say the magic phrase: “Come on, you will be on top” (not only in the context of sex), Leo automatically accepts you into the pack, which guarantees delicious cookies and other goodies. Because Leos tend to be really cool to the point of impossibility.


Virgo falls in love like the last time. The enamored Virgo from the threshold gives the object of passion for the undivided use of her hand, heart, friends, children from her first marriage and a great aunt from Syzran. To the timid question: “But aunt, aunt why?”, in love, but still reasonable, Virgo will answer that not such things suddenly came in handy in the household. If suddenly the object of passion evaporates, Virgo will suffer humbly and wait a couple of years for the object to change its mind. By the way, changing your mind and returning to Virgo is the right decision.


Libras fall in love out of love for art. Because romance is beautiful. A beautiful novel - generally zashib. Libras will groom beautifully, have beautiful sex, and walk beautifully into the night forever. And then nice to come back. In general, they will wear out to impossibility. But by no means from evil - just life is short, and you need to try everything. After all, everything is delicious.


Scorpio falls in love at lunchtime. Between the drama circle and the photo circle. In addition, Scorpio falls in love very technically: a quick choice of a victim, a point injection in the heart, and now the victim is already writhing in agony, begging: "Come on, take me." Scorpio happily takes, kisses the navel and runs away to yoga.

Capricorns fall in love rationally. None of these here - bullyshch, lightning, as if from a tub doused and butterflies in the stomach. Capricorn knows that butterflies in the stomach are contrary to physiology, and before falling in love, you need to properly study the performance characteristics of the alleged sudden passion. It is a mistake to believe that Capricorns are herbivores. Oh no. They sit on a branch, like a jaguar, and can look at their prey for years, then to make an accurate jump - and now the victim is already lying with a torn throat (crossed out) without panties and whispers: "I love you too."


Aquarians fall in love the right way. All other signs see falling in love like this: "I love you, which means you owe me your time, attention, wallet and everything else that you have." Aquarius believes that if he fell in love with someone, he should take care of him. They have a fantastic gift - even when the romance is in full swing, do not be offended if your loved one has not called for forty minutes. And he reacts to late arrivals something like this: “Tomorrow is also a blockage at work? Here, take this cheese sandwich with you.” And the sandwich is really cheese, not strychnine.


Pisces fall in love classically. According to the clear canons of romance novels - to passion, hormones, torn shirts, happiness, pain and bloody snot. An important point: the object of love should be as hard to reach as possible: live in another city, even better - in another country, and ideally fly on a research mission to Mars. The fish must suffer and overcome obstacles, otherwise there is no point in moving their gills. After romances with Pisces, a scorched desert remains, covered with a thick layer of colorless ash. And only bloody snot in bright balls fly somewhere in the orbit of Phobos.


Aries falls in love calmly. This is the rare case when Aries puts aside his fiery temperament and sits quietly on the river bank with a blade of grass in his teeth until the corpses of all rivals swim by. After that, Aries lazily approaches the object of his passion and casually says: "Let's go to the bushes, we'll sign."



Taurus falls in love passionately. The object of love must belong to Taurus completely - with all the giblets and credit cards. Because otherwise... oh no, you don't want to know. The passion of Taurus lives according to the precepts of the Little Robber: "I will order you to be whipped with whips, and you will love me like a pretty one." Love, I said! So Taurus is always reciprocated (otherwise scary, very scary). And if they suddenly leave the Taurus, then - on tiptoe, under the cover of night and in what they were.


Gemini fall in love sincerely. And forever. “Forever” lasts about six months, and there can be, for example, two objects of sincere love. But they are both truly and sincerely loved. It is absolutely normal for a Gemini to cry in the morning because of one messed up eternal love, and in the evening to cut veins because of eternal love number two. Moreover, grief in both cases is completely genuine. And who does not understand this, that Aquarius.


Cancer falls in love gently. It crawls in a circle, not approaching, and carefully clicks its claws: “What if it’s not her?”, “What if it’s the same thing with her, and then I realize that it’s not her?” The object of love, these gastropod movements tire a little more than completely, so the likelihood of a romance depends on the patience of the chosen one (s) of Cancer. But those who are especially patient will be rewarded - Cancer in love is able to put the whole world at the feet of his beloved. However, the process of shifting the worlds under the feet of the beloved goes according to the usual pattern: “What if this world is boring?”, “What if the beloved breathes chlorine, and she doesn’t need a second oxygen world at all?” and so for years, years.


Leo falls in love reluctantly. That is, it is clear that this is good for health, but the modern social contract offers equal rights to lovers. It is completely incomprehensible to Leo how one can have equal rights with these nonentities. On the other hand, if you say the magic phrase: “Come on, you will be on top” (not only in the context of sex), Leo automatically accepts you into the pack, which guarantees delicious cookies and other goodies. Because Leos tend to be really cool to the point of impossibility.


Virgo falls in love like the last time. The enamored Virgo from the threshold gives the object of passion for the undivided use of her hand, heart, friends, children from her first marriage and a great aunt from Syzran. To the timid question: “But aunt, aunt why?”, in love, but still reasonable, Virgo will answer that not such things suddenly came in handy in the household. If suddenly the object of passion evaporates, Virgo will suffer humbly and wait a couple of years for the object to change its mind. By the way, changing your mind and returning to Virgo is the right decision.


Libras fall in love out of love for art. Because romance is beautiful. A beautiful novel - generally zashib. Libras will groom beautifully, have beautiful sex, and walk beautifully into the night forever. And then nice to come back. In general, they will wear out to impossibility. But in no case from evil - just life is short, and you need to try everything. After all, everything is delicious.


Scorpio falls in love at lunchtime. Between the drama circle and the photo circle. In addition, Scorpio falls in love very technically: a quick choice of a victim, a point injection in the heart, and now the victim is already writhing in agony, begging: "Come on, take me." Scorpio happily takes, kisses the navel and runs away to yoga.


Sagittarius prefers not to fall in love at all. Because Everything Will Be Bad. Everything will be very bad, as always. If Sagittarius still manages to fall in love, he will listen sensitively - but is everything already bad? Or is it still ok? Or still not, oh my God ... But if suddenly Sagittarius manages to stop projecting the terrible experience of previous loves on each current chosen one, all the other signs will smoke sadly and enviously in the corner.

In love, everyone is different. Someone is sensual and emotional, someone is calm and balanced, someone is romantic and enthusiastic. Naturally, one wants to know in advance what a person will be like when he is subject to this wonderful feeling. And yes, you can look at yourself a little differently. It is for such purposes that a special horoscope "How the signs of the Zodiac fall in love" was created. In this article, we will try to reveal some of the secrets of lovers and what they become in a relationship with their soulmate.

A man of this sign lights up very quickly and immediately proceeds to take active steps to win a woman's heart. A frank confession of one's feelings is just for him. If such a man is to your taste, then it is better not to torment him, because he will not offer his heart for the second time. He solves any obstacles and problems quickly and confidently. But if someone refuses him, then Aries will not have to grieve for a long time: he will quickly find solace with another lover.

The Aries woman also likes to be direct and can often take the first step in starting a relationship. And the point here is that she hates to wait. When a partner does not reciprocate, she does not give up, making every effort to achieve her goal. Do you like this lady? Tell her bluntly about your feelings - she will only be happy!

How do Taurus fall in love?

Representatives of the strong half of humanity, born in this constellation, know how to care for and seek the favor of a lady in the best traditions. They will tell old jokes, take them to restaurants and cinemas, invite them to concerts and exhibitions, give sweets and bouquets - and, as a rule, the more he spends, the more important his beloved is for him.

The lady of this sign will use the entire female arsenal to win the heart of the guy she likes: from perfume to heel height. She will admire you, give meaningful glances and treat you with real culinary masterpieces. If the lover hesitates a little, then she can call him to a conversation in which everything will fall into place. If marriage with her is not included in your plans, then it is better not to waste your time.

How do Geminis fall in love?

The Gemini man will constantly accompany his beloved, not finding the opportunity to break away from her even for a minute. If he is in love, then he may even pursue the girl, arranging secret meetings almost everywhere. Unfortunately, it is this sign that often idealizes love, endowing the object of its feelings with non-existent qualities.

Gemini ladies will attract attention with conversations and reasoning. Since they have a fairly broad outlook, you may have common hobbies or a sense of adventure. She will quickly prove that you are two kindred spirits who are very good together. She also likes to chat on the phone, controlling a loved one a little.

How do Cancers fall in love?

For a representative of the strong half of humanity, the family occupies an important place, therefore, to the girl he likes, he will demonstrate his thriftiness and nepotism. It will be important for him to find out her attitude to these values, which he will do gradually, involving his beloved in a conversation. To find out about his true feelings, you just need to ask for a favor and look at the speed with which he will perform it.

The feelings of a Cancer woman can be guessed by the way she feeds you. If there is a lot of food and it is tasty, then she is in love! She will not waste time or money on men she does not like. She will not speak directly about her feelings, sighing ambiguously, smiling and hinting. If you do not need such attention, then she can feel it and become cold and distant.

How do lions fall in love

Such a man will immediately make it clear that he likes you. And since he is very gallant and courteous, other boyfriends will simply fade against his background. Before you, he will be a superhero and a man of dreams. He will overspend, make beautiful gestures and drive to the best restaurants. Often, for this, he can even get into debt.

The Leo woman will provide rather condescending signs of attention to the man she likes and will not object to the initiative on his part. In front of strangers, she will praise you and put you in a noble light. In addition, the royal nature does not allow her to ask, she can only hint, and it will depend on your ingenuity whether you understand or not.

How Virgos fall in love

Such a man does not like to advertise his feelings. Often he is in no hurry to admit them to either himself or the girl. He will collect information for a long time, learn about you through acquaintances, be interested in your opinion on many issues. And only after that he will make a final decision for himself, after which a marriage proposal may even follow. If you reject him, then he will not stop courtship, giving you a chance to get to know him better.

It is very difficult to determine from such a woman how she treats you. She is always correct, friendly and restrained. This is how she behaves both with her beloved and with everyone around her. Don't ask her about her feelings, just take the first step. It can be a compliment, an invitation to the cinema or a small gift. If you want to take a chance, then present a worthwhile gift. And if she accepts it, be sure she is in love.

How do Libras fall in love?

The Libra man loves the period of courtship, when he can show signs of attention and show all his talent. Often, it seems that he is equally gallant with all the ladies, but this is not so. In front of his beloved, he will build castles and offer the fulfillment of any desire. To move to the next stage, you should not put pressure on it. The best thing to do is to let the relationship develop in his order by giving him a little push to take action.

Such a girl is aimed at marriage and regards each representative of the strong half of humanity as a potential spouse. If you don't fit her idea of ideal husband she won't fall in love with you. If you suit her, then she will focus on you and will use all her charm and talent to make you become one.

How do Scorpios fall in love?

If a Scorpio man is in love, then you will immediately understand this. He will seduce, promise, call with him. It's almost impossible to refuse him. He knows many methods of seduction and is considered a skilled lover who does everything in order to achieve his goal. If you are already together, then he can surprise you with his jealousy, showing possessiveness. He does not like to lose and does everything to achieve his goal in the shortest possible time.

A woman chooses self-confident men, strong and worthy. If you are too timid, then she will lose any interest and switch to another representative of the strong half of humanity. In addition, by taking the initiative, you can win her heart very quickly. just say that now she is yours, and she will love you with all her heart.

How do Sagittarians fall in love?

A Sagittarius man, when in love, tries not to leave the girl and constantly looms before her eyes, talking about seemingly ridiculous things. He always smiles and in a fit of feelings he can even call for marriage. It is better not to refuse such an offer, because who knows when he will decide to ask again. Naturally, you should agree when the feelings are reciprocal. If you refused him, then at first it can only provoke him if he is not carried away by another beauty.

If she is in a great mood, always laughs loudly and loudly, then this does not mean that she is in love. She is often fond of unfamiliar people and can call with her on a trip around the world. Agree, you will not find such a company anymore. However, you should not demand something from her, limit or be jealous - this can push her away. When she is in love, she can say it directly or hint about it, but even if you refuse her, she will not be very upset when she goes to conquer other men's hearts.

How do Capricorns fall in love?

For men of this type, love is a real test. He can go through several stages on his own, ranging from rejection of the object of affection to the moment of despair, when he finally realizes that he has met his man. He should not be rushed, so as not to seem like an unsuitable party and a frivolous person. To make sure that the choice is correct, he can arrange separate checks and texts, after passing which the girl will rise in his eyes.

For a woman born in the sign of Capricorn, simple coquetry is a waste of time. She believes that it’s not worth wasting time, so she can be the first to talk about cohabitation or a wedding. If she is dear to you, then show your romantic nature: give flowers, arrange dates - she, despite some callousness, will fully appreciate them.

How do Aquarians fall in love?

All his confessions are romantic and sensual events. He can prepare for a long time and only then say the magic words. By the way, it is in men of this type very often friendship turns into love and vice versa. But, in any case, the girl will be a part of his life if she is dear to him.

For such a woman, there are only her personal rules, by which she lives. If she likes someone, she can be a little intrusive, but she does it at the behest of her heart. Just at one moment, it will seem to her that you can be much better together. True, if she is disappointed in you, she will just as surely disappear from your life.

How do Pisces fall in love?

When strongly in love, a man born under the sign of Pisces will not even be able to approach the object of his feelings due to embarrassment. He will write poetry, sigh, be a little sad and shy in her presence. Only when he mustered up the courage, he will be able to appear before her, presenting a cute gift. His indecisiveness often prevents him from doing what he wants. Now is the time for the girl to take the initiative in her own hands.

When a woman of this sign is in love, everything will fall out of her hands, she will stutter in a conversation with her beloved, seem boring and a little uninteresting. Alone, she will reproach herself for all the mistakes. If it seems to you that it is changing with you, then it's time to take the initiative.

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