How different zodiac signs fight. How the zodiac signs behave during a quarrel Horoscope of a quarrel

Quarrels and conflict situations occur in the life of every person without exception. Only some know how to quickly resolve the conflict, while others manage to further aggravate the situation and lead to a grandiose scandal.

And all why? Because in order to resolve a conflict situation, it is necessary to know about the behavior of a participant in the conflict and quickly find a way to approach him. Astrology will help you learn about the behavior of different signs of the zodiac during quarrels.

Astrologers about the temper of different zodiac signs


Aries, due to their quick-tempered and impulsive nature, can instantly flare up like a match. He can be offended by any, even the most harmless word. He immediately begins to clash, expressing his anger with shouting and impulsiveness. However, it should be noted that the representatives of this constellation quickly depart, and all the words that they shout during a quarrel most often fly out not from evil, but as a kind of defensive reaction.


Taurus most often try to avoid conflicts, however, if they nevertheless enter the "warpath", then his opponent will not be greeted. In addition, Taurus is quite vindictive. Everything that a person says during a scandal, Taurus remembers and for a long time then still holds a grudge.


Gemini rarely come into conflict, it is very difficult to bring them to emotions and really piss them off. They can conflict and quarrel only if there is actually a good reason. And almost always they come out of a quarrel as a winner, because they are able to bring a lot of arguments and arguments on a conflict situation.

Cancers always resolve conflicts peacefully, because due to their emotional and sensitive nature, even the slightest disagreement is very much experienced, not to mention a major quarrel. Even the slightest increase in voice can cause indignation in Cancer, a sense of helplessness and a stream of tears.

Lions most often stand to the end, defending their own rightness. Moreover, even if they are fundamentally wrong, and they themselves understand this. After a quarrel, realizing that he had greatly offended his opponent, he would nevertheless come and ask for forgiveness if the person was truly dear to him.


Virgos categorically do not like to conflict and quarrel, but often they themselves become instigators. And the thing is that sometimes their pedantry and endless instructions can bring out even the calmest person.


Libra is the first to almost never go into conflict, because they know their weaknesses. If they notice that the opponent is starting to give up and goes to tricks, showing care and attention (which, in fact, Libra usually lacks), they will stop “extinguishing” him and will easily go to reconciliation.


Quarreling with Scorpio is more expensive for yourself. Representatives of this constellation are characterized by such negative qualities as: vindictiveness, rancor and unwillingness to resolve the situation peacefully. However, quarreling with a person, they most often defend themselves, thus building an imaginary wall that does not let someone else's negativity into his vulnerable soul.


Even if Sagittarius himself becomes the instigator of a conflict or quarrel, he will try with all his might to immediately extinguish it. But, even if the quarrel lasted only a few minutes, Sagittarius during this time is able to say a huge amount of rude and offensive words. All his words uttered during a quarrel should not be taken seriously, because in many cases Sagittarius himself does not understand why he said all this.


Capricorns themselves rarely start a conflict, but! If they see that a person provokes him himself, they will not get involved in him and continue long gossip. They will calmly get out of the conflict, but at the same time harbor a strong resentment. They will hatch a plan for the implementation of their revenge for a long time and will not rest until this is done.


For Aquarius, it all depends on their mood. If they are in a good mood, they will not defend their point of view, even if they are completely right. They will let their opponent emerge victorious from the quarrel. And even if Aquarius is in a bad mood, he will not particularly conflict, but he will defend his innocence. At the same time, screams, irascibility and aggressiveness are definitely not about Aquarius.


Pisces can go to a truce if they respect and love their opponent. At the same time, it is very difficult to bring them into conflict, because they do not like to be in a state of hostility. In a state of anger, they are able to tell a person everything they think about them, but at the same time they move away quickly enough.

Unfortunately, quarrels are an integral part of our lives. It does not matter where they happen, in the family or at work, in any case, they can ruin our mood for a long time and in some cases even affect our health negatively. It is especially difficult for us to experience a quarrel with loved ones. Sooner or later there will be a desire to reconcile. And in order to know what to expect from this or that person during a quarrel and how to make peace, you can turn to the stars. It has long been noticed that representatives of different signs in a quarrel behave differently.

It is important for Aries that the reason for the quarrel be explained to them as soon as possible, but at the same time they do not want to listen to the explanations and will not. Therefore, the best way to calm down is to let them shout, give him the opportunity to speak. Such aggression for them is a way to let off steam, and not a sign that they hate you.


Taurus always think that all problems will be settled by themselves, so they rarely enter into an argument. If Taurus started a dispute, then this means that his discontent has reached its highest point. Then you need to discuss the problem with him, and if possible, do it calmly without screaming and swearing.


Representatives of this sign, as soon as they notice that a conflict is brewing, they try to run away from it. They can do this in a variety of ways: leave the room, switch to another person or activity. Do not stop them from leaving, they will definitely return and forget everything. Otherwise, the problem must be solved using more compelling arguments. If you do not, then the representative of this sign will decide that you are an empty, petty tyrant who is ready to roll scandals over trifles.

Cancers are quite vulnerable to quarrels. Therefore, they can plunge into internal conflict, not only because of words, but even because of other people's thoughts. Therefore, it is worth speaking with representatives of this sign carefully and, if possible, reassure without conflict. They understand body language more than words.

If Leo is insulted or offended, then he proudly retires and becomes cold and formal. In case of disagreement with Leo, you should try to solve the problem calmly and avoid insults. Otherwise, he will decide that you are too hysterical and will not want to continue communication with you.

As for the representatives of such a sign as Virgo, they often suffer from too low self-esteem. For this reason, even small remarks can humiliate them. Therefore, when discussing a particular conflict situation with Virgo, first of all, you need to convince of your good attitude. And only then explain the reason for your dissatisfaction.

If Libra is offended, then they often withdraw into themselves. Therefore, you can make amends to the representatives of this Zodiac Sign with the help of good gift, sweets or flowers. Signs of attention - this is the surest key to the heart and thoughts of Libra.


Scorpions themselves are often provocateurs of quarrels and conflicts. They don't always understand what they are doing. In conflict situations, they feel comfortable. Therefore, it is useless to sort things out with them. Joint vigorous activity will help to improve the atmosphere between you. For example, you can play sports.


During a quarrel, a representative of this sign can become angry and even cruel, but this usually does not last long. They leave quickly. The past for Sagittarius is only an abstraction. Even if it was only five minutes ago. Therefore, you should not remember your grievances and his recent behavior.


Capricorns experience conflicts for a very long time, while in their heads they go through all the options for reconciliation. At the same time, outwardly, they look indifferent. When dealing with them, be as gentle as possible. If they see that no one blames them for anything, they will quickly move away and perhaps even apologize themselves.


Representatives of this sign are very unpredictable, not only in a quarrel, but also in life. Therefore, during a conflict, they can withdraw into themselves, they can lightly ironize, and at another time they can break something against the wall. The best way in case of a conflict with a representative of this sign is to simply wait for a while, and then return to the conversation in a calm atmosphere.

In general, Pisces are sensitive and vulnerable, but this does not mean that they do not know how to defend themselves. True, they do this by going into themselves. It is easy to offend Pisces, but it is difficult to get forgiveness from them. They are not affected by affection and friendly looks. Pisces are calm only when the one who is nearby is calm. To achieve forgiveness, you will have to try all known means. -

Everyone has scandals. Moreover, the manner of doing this is different for different signs of the zodiac. By the way, psychologists say: . Then instead of conflicts there will be a discussion that will help solve the problems that have arisen.

How the zodiac sign Aries fights

Aries love to yell, slam doors and send all your friends and relatives to hell. The main thing - do not take these curses seriously - this is Aries' way to let off steam.

How the zodiac sign Taurus is scandalous

They can arrange a dispute out of the blue, they will prove their case for a long and tedious time. When their point of view is not perceived, they begin to boil. But they leave quickly. The truth is, they never apologize.

How the zodiac sign Gemini is scandalous

They do not like to scandal, but they know how to masterfully insult and say various nasty things. And then they don’t understand why they were offended.

How the zodiac sign Cancer rages

How the zodiac sign Leo fights

They don’t really like scandals, but they love to watch those who quarrel. When it comes to a collision with foreheads, they can give out a real animal roar.

How the zodiac sign Virgo scandals

Virgos can scream, but somehow not impressive. Presto to be heard better. Usually they quarrel, proving their case with dry facts.

How the zodiac sign Libra quarrels

Scandals are not tolerated, but when they are brought to the handle, they can yell. Although they often consider everyone around fools.

How the zodiac sign Scorpio rages

Scorpios quarrel with rapture, love quarrels and are ready to invent colorful insults.

How the zodiac sign Sagittarius scandalizes

They love to quarrel, scandalize and be rude even for no reason. They love to swear and say such nasty things that their ears wither.

How the zodiac sign Capricorn is scandalous

They do not like to spoil relations with people they value. But if it comes to a scandal, everyone will remember. And then they stop all communication.

How the zodiac sign Aquarius scandalizes

They know how to call nice names if they are touched. But they do not like quarrels and are not the first to start.

How the zodiac sign Pisces is scandalous

They don't like to scream - it's not nice. Usually they just keep silent.


We will talk about how this happens with representatives of different zodiac signs.

archers quarrel quickly, because they usually have no time. The only exception is a quarrel with a person about whom Sagittarius had a high opinion. Frustration makes you forget about other things and give vent to words and feelings. However, this does not drag on for long: after all, there are many other good people in the world.

Capricorn, on the contrary, quarrel slowly. First you have to get to the boiling point, and that takes a lot, a lot of time. So many that your opponent may already forget how it all started. But nothing, you remind. Then, just as slowly, you return to your normal state - and then you can already continue a calm conversation. In general, a good quarrel can compete in duration and with the Game of Thrones.

Aquarius quarrel without pleasure. You are not very interested in all this at all: mutual accusations, exchange of reproaches, some kind of claims. But if the opponent insists, you will speak out. Then, so that it doesn’t seem a little, add. Then you say what you didn't say. Then ... Oh, they don't beat a lying person.

Fish quarrel strangely: for unknown reasons and with surprising results. Keep in mind: your opponent may simply not know what's going on. Or think you're joking. Or - that you offer to take a walk together, and do not send him somewhere alone. However, sometimes you yourself are not sure which is better.

Family conflicts, quarrels and disputes are an integral part of life loving friend friend of people. Perhaps there is no couple in the world who would live their lives without ever quarreling. Here are just some people quarreling quietly, not taking out "dirty linen in public", others shout and insult each other, and still others beat dishes and break furniture!

I wonder how representatives of various signs of the Zodiac behave in family conflicts? We learn about it from our review.

Aries - pressure and aggression

Family conflict with Aries always turns out to be very loud. During a quarrel, this person becomes furious and demands an immediate explanation. Do not argue with him, be silent or run away from the conversation. By doing this, you will only increase his aggression and provoke him to rash acts. It is better to calmly and bluntly express your position. When Aries himself is forced to make excuses, you should not interrupt him. He just needs to talk and let off steam.

In most cases, quarrels and disputes in the Aries family fade as quickly as they flare up. These people will not "play silent" for several days. At most, the quarrel will last until the evening, where in bed Aries or his partner will definitely make amends.

Taurus - patience and care

A characteristic feature of all Taurus is a long unwillingness to discuss the problem that has arisen. Sometimes they are lucky, and the problem is eliminated by itself, but more often Taurus accumulates anger and, having passed the point of no return, splashes out all the accumulated negativity on the partner. In this case, it is better for the partner to remain silent, not reacting to the offensive words or actions of Taurus, who beats the dishes. This is his way of throwing out negativity. You should not argue or enter into a skirmish, because a heated Taurus can say too much, and even decide to part.

After a loud quarrel, it is worth leaving Taurus alone for a while, and then begin to take conciliatory steps with the help of affection and care, without touching the conflict topic with a word. When the representative of this sign cools down, he himself will return to an unpleasant conversation, but already calm and ready for dialogue.

Gemini - Conflict Avoidance

Gemini are extremely non-conflict personalities who prefer to avoid quarrels and disputes by any means. They will find thousands of ways to get away from the conversation, and if it doesn’t work out, they will run away to work or simply pack their things and leave, just not to answer the accusations and not to sort things out. And even if you manage to bring the Twin to the discussion of the conflict, he will never spread out in excuses or indulge in long explanations.

In general, if you intend to solve a family problem with a Gemini, do it in a friendly, peaceful conversation, and do not raise your voice. A loud quarrel and scandal will not end in anything good for you.

Cancer is a one-man theater

Representatives of the Cancer sign are extremely vulnerable and touchy, and therefore loud quarrels and conflicts arise in their family almost constantly. Cancers tend to wind themselves up and inflate problems of a universal scale out of trifles. Even if the representative of this sign is to blame for the conflict, the quarrel will end with accusations against the partner, and Cancer will remember all previous grievances for him, curse his entire family and raise the question of parting.

Do not take the emotional outburst of Cancers seriously. With any conflict in the soul, these people turn on an “emotional meat grinder”, which grinds everything indiscriminately. The partner will have to show miracles of restraint so as not to react to the barbs and not to be led to the provocations of Cancer. When he cools down, he will be the first to back down and begin to build destroyed bridges.

Leo - pressure and resentment

Any careless word or action can provoke Leo into conflict. Moreover, he flares up literally in a second, swooping down on his partner like a kite and pouring tons of insults on him. Leo expresses his indignation in an extremely impulsive manner - with a scream, swear words and breaking dishes. It is not surprising that everyone around knows about the conflicts in the Leo family, even if they are in neighboring apartments. True, quickly flaring up, it also rapidly fades, calming down and falling silent. At this moment, you need to start talking with him on an equal footing, without humiliation and insults, finding out the essence of the conflict.

True, some Lions after a quarrel like to put on the mask of an offended person, and wait for the partner to bow and repent of all mortal sins. Leo himself will never be the first to put up.

Virgo - self-digging and humiliation

Virgos tend to self-digging and blame all conflicts, first of all, themselves. These people are not prone to loud quarrels and disputes, they try to sort things out delicately so that others do not hear. Virgos take each such conflict to heart, and any rude word from a partner can greatly hurt their soul. Knowing about this feature, the partner should restrain himself and choose expressions. Otherwise, Virgo will close in on herself and start playing "silent". In some couples where Virgo is one of the partners, the "silent war" can go on for months.

Virgos will never be the first to approach, even if they wish it with all their heart. The partner should be reasonable and apologize first. It is not worth returning to the discussion of the experienced conflict. Everything should be clear without words.

Libra - justice first

Libra will never quarrel with a loved one without a good reason. They know how to convey their demands in peaceful ways, and even if they quarrel, they do it delicately, without offending the partner and not provoking him to aggression. True, these individuals have a heightened sense of justice, which means that they will certainly express their dissatisfaction if a loved one does not act in good conscience. But Libra does not forgive inflicted insults. They will remember insulting words all their lives, periodically reproaching their partner for not following the words.

But with Libra it is quite easy to extinguish conflicts. Sometimes sincere repentance, a small gift or a romantic date is enough for Libra to no longer remember the quarrel.

Scorpio - conflict as the norm

For Scorpio, conflict is a common thing. These people will quarrel with the whole yard, and at home they will make a scandal to their loved one. This is their lifestyle, without which life turns into a routine. Scandal, on the other hand, causes a rush of adrenaline in Scorpio and allows you to “let off steam”. And after each noisy conflict, Scorpios are ready to put up with a special passion, and this fact definitely adorns their relationship.

The best way to deal with a conflicted Scorpio is to walk away without conflict, or try to turn the argument into a joke. In general, a partner should find a way for Scorpio to “let off steam”, for example, give a gym membership or find a job that will take a lot of energy. Then the desire to swear for no reason will appear much less frequently.

Sagittarius - away from uncertainty

Sagittarians are very peaceful creatures with whom you can live your whole life without quarreling or arguing. That's just for this it is important that in the relationship of two people there is clarity and certainty. Sagittarians hate innuendo, it is such moments that lead them to quarrels and conflicts. But even in this case, their anger is righteous, and is not aimed at insulting and humiliating a partner.

It is also worth remembering that Sagittarius does not tolerate aggression in his direction. He will immediately respond to any aggressive attack no less aggressively, quickly putting the person in his place. But to calm, reasoned accusations, Sagittarius will always answer honestly, and if he is guilty, he will find the strength to ask for forgiveness.

Capricorn - calmness and logic

In most cases, Capricorns quarrel politely, without raising their voices and stating their claims with reason. You need to answer these personalities in a similar manner, then there will be practically no conflicts with Capricorn. These people love clarity and logic, and are not used to showing their real emotions. They experience a storm of indignation within themselves, without making it public.

However, if the arguments of Capricorn do not reach the partner, if he does not intend to come to a unified decision, but provokes Capricorn to emotions, he may not be greeted. Having broken loose, the representative of this zodiac sign becomes uncontrollable and categorical, he can easily decide to leave, and leave the house slamming the door.

Aquarius - unpredictability and farce

Representatives of the Aquarius sign are real actors who, depending on the essence of the conflict, can play at least a drama, at least a comedy. It doesn’t cost them anything to pretend to be humiliated and insulted, and when necessary, to play anger. This is their way to get away from a well-deserved censure or teach a loved one a lesson for their words and actions. This person always tries to reduce the accusations against him to a joke.

Solving emerging family problems with Aquarius is quite simple. It is necessary to show a minimum of emotions and make more rational proposals, while not forgetting to convey future benefits to Aquarius. This person will immediately grab a sensible proposal, and the conflict will be settled.

Pisces - touchiness and causticity

Pisces are extremely vulnerable creatures that can take offense at any offensive word or rude tone of a partner. In this case, they go into themselves and may not communicate with their loved one for a long time. Pisces will never be the first to reconcile, although in response to affection and warmth they will immediately respond with their thawed heart.

If Pisces has a reason for conflict, this person will attack the partner until he admits he was wrong. The course will be causticity and other attempts to prick the partner more painfully. Do not be surprised if you hear provocative statements about separation and divorce. This is a feature of the "fish" nature, which they regret after the quarrel is over.

Conflicts happen in every family, but if you value your loved one, never get personal and do not insult each other. Protect the feelings of your loved ones!

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