Forms of flower beds. Flowerbed or flower garden in the country. How to make a beautiful flower bed in the country with your own hands. Flowerbed of long-flowering plants

When creating a flower arrangement in your garden or in your country house, you should take into account a lot of landscape tricks and think over the design of a flower bed or flower garden to the smallest detail. If the mixborder is adjacent to a house or a hedge, then you need to focus on the selection of plants for a one-sided view. If it is possible to approach the flower garden from all sides, then cultures should be selected for a flower bed of a circular view, taking into account the principles of opposition and similarity.

A composition of a circular view is a group of plants that is viewed from different angles. Usually in gardens there are groups of herbaceous perennials located on the lawn. But more original solutions are also possible. For example, a composition built in a paving opening or a group of aquatic plants in a garden pond is very interesting. Even a small flower garden in a terracotta container, if it is skillfully arranged, can be considered a composition of a circular view.

Each flower arrangement in the garden has its own characteristics. So, when planning to set up a flower garden or a group on the lawn, think about making it convenient for you to mow the grass around the perimeter of the group in the future. In flower beds located in paving openings, low, "tamping" plants should overlap the borders of the cut window. Garden compositions of perennials grown along the perimeter of the pond should not crush the water surface too much. The best effect is produced by harmonious compositions, proportionate to the area of ​​the reservoir, reflected in the water. But with all the subtleties, the method of constructing a circular composition remains the same. After all, the laws of visual perception are constant and do not depend on the “genre” of the composition.

Pursuing landscape design flower garden with your own hands, keep in mind that by opening the center and shifting all plantings to the periphery of the site, you visually enlarge the garden. But, such gardens are not always interesting. The composition of the all-round view significantly increases the content of the garden, although it makes it visually smaller.

On this page you will learn how to make a flower garden in the garden not only beautiful, but also original.

How to make a beautiful flower garden in the garden: layout

When planning a flower garden with a circular view in the garden, style and location should be taken into account. The background of the circular composition changes depending on the point of view. It can be an apple orchard, your house or a neighbor's house.

Styling a garden composition so that it fits into any environment is extremely difficult. At the same time, it is also impossible not to take into account what is located around: the composition will be divorced from reality, integrity will be lost.

So, a rock garden, broken in the middle of a lawn, and even against the background of English mixborders, looks at least strange.

What is the cause of visual discomfort? The rock garden is a clear stylization, an attempt to imitate a particle of alpine nature. A stylized composition cannot exist on its own, out of context.

The environment in which a flower garden with a circular view is built in the garden affects not only its style, but also the choice of location.

For example, you do not like the neighbor's house. So why create a composition against its background? Trying to close an unsightly view? Unfortunately, it's unlikely to work. Most likely, you will not close the neighbor's house, but, on the contrary, will draw attention to it, because you will constantly look at it, admiring your composition.

Most often, the problem is solved by slightly shifting the composition. Please note: to distract from an unpleasant look, a person simply turns away.

These photos show flowerbeds and flower beds in the landscape design of the garden, created according to the principle of opposition and similarity:

Surprisingly, some unknown force is forcing many people to place circular view compositions directly in the geometric center of a lawn, pond, or site. Know that this is justified only when the garden has a regular layout. But in most cases, we do not seek to oppose our garden to nature, but, on the contrary, we try to model certain natural communities.

When composing a garden composition of flowers, centering looks unnatural, since nothing like this can be found in nature. Try to shift the group from the center, and you will see how the picture comes to life.

Do-it-yourself landscape design: the size of a flower bed or flower bed

When a place is found for a flower arrangement in a garden created by one's own hands, one must decide on its size. The height and width cannot be too large, otherwise the composition cannot be judged as a whole. On the other hand, too small a composition on a spacious lawn looks comical. As you can see, both options are dangerous.

  • Width. Unlike a mixborder, a circular view composition is built in such a way that it is perceived as a whole. Since we see the composition from different points - and from the porch, and from the gazebo, and from the path - we need to make some calculations. From each viewpoint of the flower bed in the garden of a private house, using a square, build 30-degree angles towards the intended location of the group. The intersection of the corners forms an area that will become the approximate width of the composition. Of course, you can deviate a little from the sizes. But just a little, but not significantly.
  • Height. It is necessary that tall elements not only fall into the vertical angle of view, but also have a little "air" around the edges - a strip of lawn in front of the composition, a piece of sky above. This is possible only if the decorative group is removed from the view point at a distance equal to at least 2-2.5 of its height. Theoretically, to calculate the height of the tallest element in the composition, you need to measure the distance from the viewpoint to the intended location and divide it by 2 or 2.5. But in this case, everything is more complicated, since there are several viewpoints.

See how beautiful landscape flower beds are in these photos:

Your task is to build a composition that will look good from all angles. Therefore, we proceed as follows. First, select the farthest viewpoint. Knowing the width of the composition, we calculate the height of the main element (core). To make the flower garden in the garden beautiful, we select subordinate elements to the core. We do this based on the laws of proportion and color, and also taking into account the nature seasonal changes plants. A little later we will talk about these laws in more detail.

Then we move on to another point. If the distance to the composition is the same, there is no problem. But when it is significantly smaller, we do not see the entire group, but only part of it (either lower or upper). For example, if the main element of a composition of garden plants is, then a cone is visible from the first point, and only a green background of needles from the second.

Against this background, we will build new group. That is, we again select the main and subordinate elements, taking into account all the conditions.

The main thing is not to spoil what has been done before, that is, to build not a new garden composition with your own hands, but to harmoniously complement the existing one. Next, we go through the remaining viewpoints and do the same.

The structure of a garden flower arrangement of perennial plants

The design and structure of the flower garden in the garden depends on the chosen style. The decorative panorama panel can be designed in a landscape or regular style. More often in gardens there are landscape compositions.

When decorating flower beds and flower beds in the garden, keep in mind that the regular composition has a concentric structure. The main element is placed in the center. Shrubs and/or perennials are planted at different distances from it, observing symmetry.

The elements of the flower garden in such a garden composition have strict geometric contours. Plants with picturesque forms of crowns are used extremely rarely.

But the composition may not produce the desired effect if it is placed in the wrong environment. Imagine a lawn girded with picturesque shrub groups and perennial flower beds. Agree, a regular group located in the center of such a lawn looks comical.

A landscape-type composition looks much better among the smooth lines of mixborders. Such a group is not located in the geometric center of the lawn. In addition, its main element is also not centered.

The best do-it-yourself flower beds in landscape design are shown in the photo:

Landscape design tricks: the principles of creating a flower garden in the garden (with photo)

Regardless of what kind of composition - regular or landscape - you decide to create, the principles do not change. There are only two of them. They are called differently: either the principles of contrast and nuance, or the methods of opposition and similarity. Given these landscape tricks, when creating a flower garden in the garden in both cases, a comparative analysis of the elements used in the composition is carried out.

Working on the principle of contrast (opposition), we select plants that differ sharply from each other. Plants selected according to the principle of nuance (similarity) also have differences, but these differences are stepped, insignificant.

Under the characteristics to be compared, we mean the size of plants, their color, shape and texture of the surface of the crown. Contrasting the characteristics (vertical - horizontal, dark - light, pyramidal - spherical), we get a contrast. Step change (rich green - light green - salad; small ball on a high stem - medium ball on a medium stem - large ball on the ground) gives nuanced combinations.

It is worth noting that not all characteristics can be compared in both cases. For example, contrast in form is often used, but contrast in size is a utopian thing. Conversely, it is quite difficult to imagine a nuance in form, and a nuance in size - please.

How to arrange a flower garden in the garden, choosing plants according to the principle of contrast? To do this is quite simple. But keep in mind, this is a very powerful technique. Using it, it is easy to go too far, that is, to create an overly tense composition. Why is there no tension in nature? Because we do not see contrasts. This doesn't mean they don't exist. In addition, natural contrasts are extremely expressive. Imagine the water surface of the pond and the vertical lines of the branches of the weeping willow, the coastal reeds and the rounded leaves of the water lilies.

The same goes for sharp color contrasts. Sometimes they cause a storm of emotions. In the short term, this is good. For example, in a bouquet for a loved one, color intensity is appropriate.

As you can see in the photo, in a garden composition or flower garden, a sharp color contrast is possible only under certain conditions:

For example, a short contemplation of simultaneously blooming contrasting flowers is pleasant. But the combination of blue-black Ottawa with lemon-yellow barberry Thunberg ‘Aigea’, “pleasant” from spring to autumn, not everyone can endure.

If there is already a similar beautiful garden composition on the site and you don’t want to part with it, you can weaken the contrast with the help of silvery, white-motley or plants blooming abundantly with white flowers. There are a lot of similar plants, both herbaceous and woody.

The method of contrast or nuance is also applicable to the relation of a composition to its surroundings. For example, a group of vertical conifers against the background of a squat "Finnish" house made of timber (contrast in shape). Or a circular nuanced composition of blue-violet plants against a yellow fence (color contrast).

Similarly, you can build nuanced relationships. But many are afraid that in this case the composition will merge with the environment, that is, it will not be perceived independently. This is what makes gardeners move the group away from the objects tied to the place and place it almost in the center of the open space. Such a line of thought is wrong.

There is a rule for constructing a composition, which says: if parts that are similar in color, texture, shape and size are placed at a close distance, they will merge into a whole. It turns out that in order for the group to mix with the environment, you need to build a composition from the same plants that are in the environment. But, as you can imagine, this rarely happens.

These photos show flower arrangements in the garden, created taking into account all the principles:

Building a beautiful garden composition of flowers with your own hands (with photo)

Creating flower beds and flower beds in landscape design with your own hands, after choosing a method of working with plants, they begin to build a composition. Regardless of what kind of composition you have in mind, landscape or regular, nuanced or contrasting, the hierarchy of elements must be clearly observed in it: the main one - the subordinates of the first order - the subordinates of the second order and so on. Moreover, the lower the level, the more elements it contains.

Pay attention to the photo - in the flower garden in the garden, the main element is always one, there are more subordinates:

The number of components of the lowest level is not even counted. The inverse relationship is impossible for the simple reason that this does not happen in nature.

First, based on the height, location and stylistic image, when decorating a flower garden in the garden, choose the dominant of the group. Here it is very important to choose a plant of the correct form.

Have you ever seen that in nature a plant with a clear vertical contour obeys a sprawling one? On the contrary - please, and so - no. In addition, some plants have a "tired look" (stephanandra, kerria). It is also difficult to imagine them as a dominant.

These photos show how to arrange a flower garden in the garden, taking into account all the principles of building a composition:

Landscape design of a summer cottage: proportions of a flower garden (with photo)

We will assume that you figured out the number of elements. And how to determine the size of a flower garden in a garden created by one's own hands? It is clear that the height of the subordinate elements is less than the height of the main one. In this case, the height difference cannot be either too large or too small. If the subordinate element differs slightly in height, it will compete with the main one, and if it is larger in volume, it may even dominate, shifting the emphasis in an undesirable direction.

As shown in the photo, in the landscape design of a summer cottage, flower beds will be perceived more harmoniously if the ratio of the heights of all elements of the composition approximately corresponds to the proportion of the golden section:

  • Proportion of the golden section: segment AB is divided by point C in proportion to the golden section, if its length (AB) is related to its larger part (AC) as much as the larger part (AC) is related to the smaller one (CB). The exact numerical expression of the proportion is 0.618: 0.382. But using the digital expression of proportion, you see, is inconvenient. In addition, mathematical precision is not needed when working with plants. It is better to use a series of Fibonacci numbers, where each subsequent number is obtained by adding the two previous ones (1.2, 3, 5, 8.13, etc.). Starting at 3/5, each fraction in the series (5/8, 8/13, etc.) is a golden ratio.

There is another way to proportion. It is based on the rule of an unequal triangle. It is especially convenient to use this rule if the composition consists of three main elements. In plan, they form an unequal triangle, the long side of which is in front of the observer, and the short side is to the left of him.

The height of the elements is regulated: the middle one is the highest, the left occupies an intermediate position, the right one is the lowest. If there is a need to move the middle element to the right, then the length of the sides is changed so that the short one is on the right.

As for the distances between plants, you should focus on the size of the crowns. The crowns of trees and shrubs should not close tightly, unless we are talking about a bouquet planting. However, too much distance is bad. To determine the planting, it is necessary, bearing in mind the dimensions of the plants in the adult state, to put them on the diagram.

How to arrange a flower garden in the garden at the dacha with your own hands: flower arrangements and their photos

The composition of the all-round view is not always created from different types of plants. It may well be homogeneous in composition.

In a sense, a group of trees in a bouquet planting can be considered a circular composition. Landing rules are as follows. Several trees of the same species are planted in a large hole or at a close (up to 50-60 cm) distance. The type is chosen depending on the size of the group. The size, in turn, is regulated by the area of ​​the plot. It can be birch, nuts.

Trees will develop in different ways. Straight trunks of pine trees will shoot up, birch trees will arcuately bent, nuts will completely disperse their trunks to the sides from each other. At the same time, the total crown will cover a rather large area, and the plants will look like one multi-stemmed tree with a lush crown.

When choosing plants for a flower garden created by your own hands in the landscape design of a summer house, first of all, evaluate the environmental conditions of the site. The option when they try to change the conditions in connection with the requirements of the plants will not work here. In addition, garden areas intended for planting should be sufficient for the development of both the aerial part of such a group and its root system.

These photos show the design of flower beds in the garden, consisting of different plants:

Of course, there cannot be such a variety as in the compositions of a one-sided review. There can be no variegation: all types that we use must be combined in terms of physiognomic type, style. Although the opportunity to diversify the range, of course, remains.

Speaking about the range, one cannot ignore the issue of perception of certain plants from different distances. There are plants that look spectacular from afar, others are good only up close.

Since the view point can be removed from the composition or, on the contrary, approach it almost closely, it is logical to arrange the plants so that their decorative qualities “work” to the maximum.

For example, some varieties, due to their bright bark, are very spectacular in winter, and in summer they become a neutral background for other species and varieties. An ideal composition can be considered as a composition that is consistently decorative and at the same time has changing accents. Most often, accents are color (flowering time, seasonal color).

In the composition of the all-round view, as, indeed, in any other, the growth dynamics and longevity of plants are important. When creating this or that group, we focus on the size of plants in the adult state. And it is right. But before the plants reach the design size, it will take some time. And time plays a decisive role in the fate of the composition. Judge for yourself.

Different plants do not reach the peak of decorativeness at the same time, because they grow at different speeds. Because of this, the picture that you drew in your imagination may not work out.

After all, by the time the slow-growing plants mature, their fast-growing partners will already have left, having completed their life cycle. Therefore, plants with similar growth rates or different ages are selected in one composition.

And what to do while the plants-accents grow up? How to compensate for the lack of volume? Best in color. This is due to the peculiarities of visual perception. Bright colors distract the observer's attention from the lack of volume, and light colors make objects visually larger.

You can use fast-growing annuals (amaranth, castor bean), perennials and shrubs. And with climbing lianas (nasturtium, sweet pea, morning glory) it is good to twist the supports. No need to make a permanent support. Let it be, for example, from a willow rod. By the time the trees grow up, the support will rot, the annuals will change many times, some perennials or fast-growing shrubs will fall out, you will refuse others yourself.

In winter, the picture can be revived with a feeder on a support. If you do not forget to add cereal, such life will boil around that you will forget about the problem of lack of volume.

When selecting compensatory plants, it is important to take into account the biology of species that are already growing in a permanent place. Compensatory landings should not harm the main ones.

So, if you cover slow-growing Amur velvet with large annuals or perennials, this will even help him: shading will stimulate growth and contribute to the formation of a straight trunk. A pine seedling cannot be planted in this way.

See how original flower beds look in the garden of a private house in these photos:

Do-it-yourself landscape design in the country: the environment of a flower garden in the garden

Finally, let's once again turn to the problem of visually combining the decorative group with the environment. But merging is easily avoided by placing the group at a distance of at least two of its diameters from the edge of the environment. If the plant composition of the group differs significantly from other plantings, the composition can be placed almost right next to a small dividing strip of a lawn or paving. Agree, a decorative apple tree will not merge with a background of shrubs, even if they are separated by a narrow strip of lawn.

2014-07-04 105


Remember the legendary phrase of the house manager from the Soviet bestseller "Diamond Arm"?

"Our yards are planned not for festivities, but for aesthetics."

I always remember this film fragment when I start decorating country flower beds in the spring. As selflessly as the colorful house manager performed by Nona Mordyukova, each hostess guards her flower bed from outside intrusions. On the plots of land, we break flower beds for aesthetic pleasure, to enjoy every new bud, enjoy the aroma, watch how bees work on colorful "platforms".

Do you know that the competent design of flower beds is an important component of the art of landscape design? A flower garden can become not just a picturesque corner of your dacha, but also a link between buildings and planted areas. With the help of a flower bed, you can visually combine the garden and the house into a single harmonious picture, which will create an atmosphere of comfort. Perhaps it would be superfluous to say that flower arrangements are the best decoration for a summer cottage.

We use words "flower bed" and "flower garden" as equivalent, but for very picky readers I will say that these are slightly different concepts. The essence does not change, but country beds usually have the correct geometric shape - rectangular or oval. Other options are also possible, but strict geometry is always observed.

But the design of the flower garden can be of absolutely any configuration, even bizarre shapes. In the form of a silhouette of an animal, to represent some kind of ornament. It can be decorated in a free style, it is a kind of spontaneous flower bed, for which no design laws are important. Only fantasy, only a bright palette of colors.

Flowerbed design and their varieties

Before breaking flower beds in the country, you need to carefully consider how they will fit into the overall design of the site, whether they will match the style decision. There are many varieties of flower beds, and each type is interesting in its own way. For example, a narrow flower garden or a row of plants planted along a path is called a flower border. Here, low flowers look best, which form compact bushes.

The rectangular flower bed is called discount. On it you can plant plants of the same height or create a multi-tiered effect. And the small pond inside the rabatka looks very nice. A very original solution for spacious areas.

A very fashionable trend in such a matter as the landscape design of the flowerbed in front of the house is mixborder. Behind this complex name lies a flower garden of free configuration that has already become familiar to domestic latitudes. Designers are actively using this option for decorating country houses.

Here you can combine colors and styles. But there are also some rules. Firstly, the mixborder must be in a state of constant flowering. Let it be alternately blooming flowers, but such a flower bed should not be empty. Experts recommend using at least two dozen varieties of plants and grouping them by height and timing of active flowering.

Novice gardeners who are just trying to create original flower beds will like this look like flowerbed-monoflower. From the name it is clear that plants of the same species grow here. Despite the simplicity of design, such a flower bed looks simply gorgeous. Such an impressively bright picture, from which you just can’t take your eyes off.

By the way, I can recommend a mini rose garden as a variant of a monoflower. Just please don't get carried away with the abundance of varieties. One, maximum two flowers of roses will be enough. And you can plant medium-sized perennials that form lush colorful bushes. Look how bright, stylish, unusual.

Very popular today vertical flower beds. This is, so to speak, the aerobatics of backyard design. Do you want to work out? Try to build a pyramid of several flower pots of different diameters. Sow different flowers in each of them. But they should be about the same height and with visually similar petals - for example, begonia and petunia.

And this option is for more experienced gardeners. This will require some skill. Using a chain-link mesh and decorative stone, you can create beautiful flower beds that resemble mountain serpentine. Alpine forget-me-not, viola, primrose will look especially romantic on such a flower garden. If you want to add an exotic touch, plant a squat chamerops or dracaena on top of this design.

They say that a real woman can create a scandal, a hat and a salad out of nothing. And an amateur gardener knows how to create beauty out of nothing. In this case, we are talking about a flower bed. Absolutely all improvised materials are suitable for arranging a flower garden. To bring to life the beautiful ideas of flower beds for a summer residence, significant investments are not required. As borders for flower beds, our "crazy" gardeners use:

  • old tires from a car;
  • saw cuts of trees;
  • brick;
  • a natural stone;
  • unnecessary kitchen and household utensils;
  • broken furniture.

I really like the idea of ​​car tires. Round flower beds made of tires in the country look great. But you just need to show imagination. If you just plant flowers in a tire, it will be a little dull. For example, like here.

Take some time and make something like a flower pot on a stand out of the tire. A completely different look! Elegant and original. It remains only to paint the tire in some bright color - and you're done, we got a great flower bed for a summer residence.

If you have the skills of laying brick or stone, it will not be difficult for you to build beautiful flower beds with your own hands in your favorite area. Of course, these are quite expensive materials, but you can use what is left of the construction site. Just a few rows - and your flower garden looks really impressive.

Dear readers, I hope you understand main idea which I wanted to convey to you. You can create a real landscape fairy tale in the country with your own hands. To learn how to properly design a flower bed, it is not at all necessary to seek help from a professional designer. Let your imagination run wild and be creative. Dream, try, get experience.

Photo selection of flower beds

Need ideas for inspiration? See a variety of ideas for decorating flower beds in this photo collection.

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For owners of country houses, the spring period is a favorite time when you can design and create the most creative and original ideas in your summer cottage and turn the local area into a colorful flower garden or a luxurious park. Flower beds in the courtyard of a private house bring great joy, photos of which can be seen in this review. Flowers are an essential element in creating landscape design, so before planting trees and a variety of vegetables on the site, it is worth considering where to leave space for creating a flower garden.

Free form flower garden

Front gardens and a variety of flower beds bring revitalization of the territory. Do not immediately take on complex compositions. Using the advice of professionals, you can create interesting landscape solutions.

The first time you can choose the appropriate option and follow the steps. Flower beds can be vertical, horizontal, as well as in the form of rockeries and alpine slides.

Flower beds in the courtyard of a private house, photos of which you can see, come in a variety of forms:

  • The most common geometries are circle and oval. They make up the most beautiful compositions, starting from the outline of the structure and gaining strength towards the central part.

  • In a flower garden of a square configuration, bright and rich ornaments are created. The simplicity of this geometry allows you to perform beautiful patterns.

  • Flower beds in the shape of a triangle or a star look spectacular.

  • Decoration of landscape design can be structures of irregular configuration. Such elements fit perfectly into uncomfortable areas.

Expert point of view

Oksana Borisova

Ask a Question

Varieties of flower beds

You can consider and pick up flower beds in the courtyard of a private house from the photo. There are several original types of flower beds. Basically, they differ in materials and purpose.

The following options are worth considering:


  • Rabatka is a flat structure that consists of various plants. It may be on one side.

  • The front garden is a space in front of the house, which may border the road.

  • Arabesques will appeal to fans of non-standard solutions. In this case, undersized crops are used, which are planted in the form of geometric shapes. In addition, stones, lawn grass and fine gravel are used.

  • The rock garden is a hill of stones, on the surface of which shrubs and plants are planted.

Related article:

Alpine slide with your own hands. Step-by-step photos, drawings and competent planning of your own unique composition at their summer cottage. Recommendations of designers and some tricks in a special material.

  • A tapeworm is a flower garden planted with flowers that have a common feature.

Stylish solution - tapeworm

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An overview of coniferous and deciduous plants for creating a beautiful hedge on your own, examples of beautiful solutions and care tips in a special publication.
  • Rockery consists of a mixture of stones and plants.

Stages of creating a flower bed

The creation and design of flower beds in the courtyard of a private house photo is characterized by a strict sequence. It is necessary to properly cultivate the soil and pick up and plant flowers.

Choosing the right place

Before proceeding with the implementation of flower arrangements, it is recommended to draw and mark the project on paper. The shape of the structure is selected depending on the style of construction and the surrounding landscape. The site is chosen so that the plants receive at least five hours of light per day. It is better to choose a sunny place without drafts. Lawn grass and weeds are removed from the selected area.

Astra seeds

Expert point of view

Oksana Borisova

Leading landscape engineer "SpetsParkDesign"

Ask a Question

“In the planned project, it is necessary to take into account the flowering periods of the selected crops. In order for flowering to occur throughout the year, in addition to flowers, it is worth using various crops with an evergreen cover.

How to determine the type of soil?

A flower garden can be broken into areas with any type of soil. If the soil is clay, then you can add sand. Poor soil can be fertilized with compost. It improves soil fertility and improves air exchange. Peat is used as fertilizer. Under any soil, you can choose suitable plants.

Soil preparation methods

Before proceeding with the arrangement of flower beds in the courtyard of a private house, the photos of which are given in the article, it is required to prepare the soil. To saturate the soil with oxygen and distribute fertilizers, the soil is dug up with a garden fork or a shovel. First, the perimeter is marked and the soil is prepared for planting. The base is prepared as follows:

  • Marking is applied using pegs and a cord.
  • Sod is being removed.
  • Drainage is made of pebbles and sand.
  • The fertile layer falls asleep.

Then the relief is created. Levels are made from large stones and pebbles, which are then filled with earth. The soil for flowers should be sifted, cleaned of rhizomes and enriched with fertilizers. The ornament is marked with a tape. And the plants are placed from the center to the perimeter.

Helpful advice! The best time for all planting work is spring.

Flowerbed design options: how to decorate

The design of a flower bed in the courtyard of a private house, photos suggest the use of certain types of crops. Plants must have the following properties:

  • Long flowering period.
  • Decorative during growth.
  • Weather resistant.
  • Good adaptability after transplantation.

Some simple plants look great in the form of a border strip or in small groups. This is begonia, sea alissum or ageratum. To design a flower garden, cultures of purple, brown-reddish and silver colors are often successfully used. These are coleus, geyhera, silver cineraria and irezine.

by the most the best option for flower designs are long-flowering and low plants. These include marigolds, pansies, salvias, and daisies.

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Seedlings are planted as follows:

  • Before planting, seedlings are watered.
  • The plant is taken out of the pot along with the soil.
  • Roots with a clod of earth are placed in the hole.
  • All free space around the roots is sprinkled with earth and rammed.

pansy seeds

Helpful advice! Plants that grow quickly are not suitable for flower arrangements. They remain decorative for several weeks, and then grow rapidly. These include rudbeckia and dicentres. They can be planted in groups, and not in a flower garden.

Flower garden care

In order for the design to retain its decorative effect for a long time, it must be constantly looked after. When caring for a flower garden, the following procedures are performed:

  1. For better gas exchange, regular loosening is recommended. For mulching bark or sawdust is used.
  2. The flower garden should be regularly weeded from weeds.
  3. Tall plants need to be supported with supports.
Helpful information! Weeds are easier to remove from wet soil. Therefore, the flower garden must be watered before weeding.

Creating a flower bed gives unlimited scope for design ideas. Any original ideas can be used. Original designs are made from the following materials:

  • Flower beds made of stones look original and natural. Similar stones are selected in size and color. The design of slate in several layers looks stylish.

Related article:

Step-by-step instructions for making, types of forms, materials, decoration techniques and many photo examples in a special publication of our online magazine.
  • A beautiful flower garden is made of logs. To do this, a piece of log is cleared of bark. With the help of an electric saw, a niche is cut out, where drainage is laid and the earth is filled up. The surface of the log can be varnished.

It is difficult to imagine a suburban area without a bright flower garden. To enjoy the riot of colors throughout the warm period, it is not necessary to be an experienced landscape designer.

Principles of flower garden formation

Before proceeding with the improvement of the territory of the cottage, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the fundamental principles of designing flower beds.

The shape and location of the flower bed in the country affects the choice of plant height. A strict and narrow ridge is often filled with plants with the same height within 15-40 cm. For a round flower garden, a flower bed with tall plants in the center is suitable, then medium-sized specimens are planted, the outer circle is formed by undersized species. A mixborder near a fence or building wall is also equipped with plants of various heights, but according to a different principle: in the background, flower beds are tall flowers or a neat shrub with a gradual transition to medium-sized and then undersized species.

Beginners, in order to arrange a harmonious flower garden at the dacha with their own hands, should first draw up or select a suitable scheme indicating the landing zone of each type. This will facilitate the calculation of the need for planting material and the entire process of landscaping the flower garden.

Information about the flowering period

Flowerbeds of continuous flowering transform the cottage, making the site attractive all season. The key condition in drawing up schemes for such a flower bed is the regular presence of at least one flowering species. For the correct configuration of the scheme, you need to familiarize yourself with the timing of flowering plants:

Types of flower beds and choice of location

The place for a flower garden is determined based on its shape. A flower bed in the country can take on various shapes, the most common are the following types:

With proper drawing up of a flower garden scheme, even primitive plantings can look spectacular and attract admiring glances. When choosing a flower bed scheme, it is preferable for beginners to stop at flower beds of an irregular nature, such as a mixborder or an alpine slide. The accumulated experience will allow in the future to engage in the design of regular flower beds in the country, where a strict geometric pattern is achieved by selecting plants with the same flowering time and observing a certain interval between planting.

To attract butterflies, a mixborder of arborvitae, David's buddley, zinnia, goldenrod and purple echinacea will help.

The optimal place for a flower garden is a plot that is well visible from all sides of the cottage. Multi-level plantings are usually arranged near walls or a fence, an arabesque flower bed will become an original decoration of the lawn, it is better for beginners to practice on an alpine hill.

Comment! Forming a flower bed scheme for a specific area for summer cottages, shaded and well-lit places are marked on it. This will help to properly equip the flower garden, providing the plants with optimal conditions for development.

Flower bed preparation

To calculate the required number of seedlings, the flower garden scheme is divided into squares with a conditional side of 1 m. After that, the area occupied by each species is calculated. The resulting value is divided by the average landing rate per 1 m 2:

  • large plantings 1.0-1.2 m high - 2-3 pieces;
  • medium-sized flowers from 40 to 90 cm tall, 4-6 pieces are enough;
  • with a plant height of 20-40 cm, 7-9 specimens are planted in a flower garden per 1 m 2;
  • for dwarf flowers from 5 to 20 cm, the norm is 16-20 pcs.

To transfer the flowerbed scheme to the dacha site, the landing contours are marked with sawdust, sand or chalk. Before this, the earth is dug up to a depth of 0.4 m, all weed roots and the top layer of turf are removed. Specially prepared soil is poured on top for the flower garden.

An example of a successful decoration of the entrance to the cottage is presented in the following diagram, where roses, petunias, thuja, delphinium, lilies, asters and a cuff are used in the design of the flower bed:

Before planting in a flower garden for 2-3 hours, seedlings need preliminary watering. The optimal landing time in the country is the absence of bright sun, that is, in the early morning or at the end of the day. It is even better to choose the period before the rain. A round-shaped flower garden is filled from the center to the edges, a flower bed located near the fence of a summer house or building begins to be drawn up from the background according to the chosen scheme.

The roots of the seedlings are straightened, after deepening the soil near the neck of the plant is compacted. Upon completion of the work, the flower garden is watered abundantly, tall weak seedlings are propped up with a stick. If a flower has not taken root, it can be replaced at any time with a new specimen from the pot. Don't expect perfect appearance perennial flower garden in the country in the first year of breakdown.

Advice! The unattractive voids of the flower beds are temporarily filled with annual flowers that are suitable for the conditions of detention with the whole scheme.

It looks interesting fragrant flower garden of hibiscus, kufei, penstemon, milkwort and petunia, the diagram of which is shown below:

Do not be afraid to make adjustments to the existing flower bed scheme. Replacing one species with another similar in content, changing the shape or area is only welcome.

In addition to the flowering period, when forming a flower garden scheme for a summer residence, the requirements of plants for soil acidity, lighting conditions, as well as their height are taken into account.

In the group of undersized plants there are unpretentious bulbous specimens: hyacinths, snowdrops, crocuses and muscari. For beginners, as perennials for a flowerbed scheme, you can advise a felt stalk, awl-shaped phlox and primrose. Decorate the cottage and bright biennials in the form of daisies, forget-me-nots and pansies. Annual representatives of the flora in the form of undersized marigolds, petunias, purslane are capable of organically complementing the flower garden scheme.

Flowers of medium height are basic foundation dacha flower garden, so for the scheme it is preferable to choose specimens with a special decorative effect. These conditions are met by such perennials:

  • daylilies;
  • peonies;
  • chamomile;
  • lilies;
  • irises;
  • bells;
  • phloxes;
  • hosts.

Annual species will help to fill the voids in the new flower bed in the country: marigolds, asters, lavatera and salvia. In the background or in the center of the flower bed in the scheme, a place is given to tall plants. For these purposes, aconite, decorative sunflower, clary sage, delphinium, lupine are suitable.

Shaded areas of the cottage will be decorated with flower beds with Japanese anemones, sedum sedum, hosts of various colors of flowers and leaves, ferns, common primrose and dark geranium. A dacha with acidic soil is a great place to decorate a flower garden with hydrangea, rhododendron, fern. The flower bed scheme may also include herbal carnation, heather, Canadian dogwood, broom or hearty bergenia.

Examples of harmonious flower beds

In conclusion, I would like to give a few more examples of flower beds for giving different levels of complexity.

The scheme of the simplest flower bed for teapots will decorate the cottage with a warm palette of pinks, oranges and reds, diluted with a purple tone. Heliotrope arborescens is planted in the background (1). Terry marigolds and Sander's tobacco form the middle tier (in the diagram they are marked with numbers 3 and 2, respectively). The parterre of the flower garden is occupied by a low-growing New Guinean balsam at number 4.

For an extensive mixborder flower garden you will need:

  1. Giant mallow Pleniflora.
  2. Ten-petalled sunflower.
  3. Icelandic poppy.
  4. St. John's wort
  5. Lobelia cardinalis.
  6. Fassen's catnip.
  7. Bell.
  8. Katananhe "Blue Cupid"
  9. Avens
  10. Sedum Matrona.
  11. Heuchera Miracle.

The scheme of a flower garden, resembling a piece of cake in shape, must be prepared:

  1. The corner of the flower bed is filled with a daylily in the amount of 3 bushes.
  2. Under the number 2 are silvery leaves of wormwood, 2 copies on each side.
  3. A dark red bark is planted in the center, 6 pieces are enough.
  4. The edges of the flower garden are decorated with 3 bushes of geyhera with burgundy leaves.
  5. On the front of the flower bed there are 5 specimens of silver leaves of the chistets.

The absence of a reservoir in the country can partially replace a flower bed, the scheme of which contains flowers of blue and blue hues. The bed of the stream imitates large pebbles, painted in blue. Glass beads will add transparency and dynamism. The flower garden is decorated with the following plantings:

  1. Bamboo leafy.
  2. Iris bearded.
  3. Lubelia.
  4. Creeping tenacious.
  5. Bell.
  6. Shaving hybrid.
  7. Bruner large-leaved.
  8. Awl-leaved bryozoan.
  9. Creeping tenacious.

The proposed schemes are not an unshakable postulate. Based on them, in the country you can create your own unique flower garden, pleasing to the eye throughout the warm season.

Beautiful flower beds and flower beds always attract the eyes of others, guests who visit your home. The originality of the options is very high. It all depends on the imagination of the owners. What flower bed do you have? If you are still searching and thinking about the design of your site, then our article will bring a lot of interesting and useful things to your thoughts.

In mid-autumn, looking at the flower garden, the eye can catch only the fading chrysanthemums, almost all seasonal work is behind, so there is an opportunity to focus on miscalculations.

Garden path decorated with a flower garden

In spring, flower lovers make the same mistake: they try to fit as many plants as possible in a limited area. After all, the leaves have not yet blossomed, and when planning plantings, we often do not take into account what they will be like in a month or two.

  • Therefore, the first rule: keep your distance! This year we had to cut off an old, still great-grandfather's apple tree, the branches of which, under the weight of the fruits, broke off and fell on the flower garden, causing a lot of harm. Without an apple tree, it became, as it were, more spacious and lighter, but the part that felt comfortable in partial shade (primroses, hostas, ferns, aquilegia) is now in the sun, and in the spring they will have to think about moving them.
  • And since there are not enough shady places for everyone, fast-growing tall ones, for example, castor bean, sunflower, and evening primrose, can help. So, rule two: plants also need comfort.
  • Come to the flower garden not only with a chopper and a watering can, but also with a notebook and a pen. Sketch out a planting plan, record the beginning and end of flowering. And this is the third rule.

The art of landscape design

Which of us, visiting flower growers and noticing some new plant, did not experience a sinking heart: “I want it! Want! Want!" And also trips to flower exhibitions, and just to the flower rows in the market, an interested examination of various catalogs with interesting offers. They never noticed how they turned their flower garden into a collection site with a huge number of very different ones. They do not have enough space, they obscure each other, preventing us from enjoying their beauty, but they add trouble to us.

Create the flower bed you've always wanted:

  • You must imagine where to plant it so that it does not interfere with anyone.
  • Contemplating the work of landscape designers, you are convinced that plants look best when they grow in groups.
  • Fifteen bulbs, say tulips different varieties and flowers planted in a row will not look as attractive as a group of the same variety from the same fifteen.
  • But when creating such compositions, it is important to take into account the height, color and size of the leaves, the duration and duration of flowering.
  • Each grower has his own little secrets of success and a list of annoying failures.


Colored spots in the flower garden, created by one variety, always look more spectacular than many different ones planted in one row.

Types of flower beds

Now, more and more often, household plots and dachas are used not for getting a rich harvest of vegetables, not for planting potatoes or working in greenhouses. More and more often our country life is not communication with a shovel, but communication with flowers.

Some of the summer residents refuse from "slave" labor and work for their own pleasure. For them, a dacha is one big flower garden in which they feel like in a fragrant paradise.

But to arrange a beautiful flower garden is no less difficult than to form a garden bed. To do this, you need to have some idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat kind of flower beds are, and what plants are planted in them.

Even improvised means are used to decorate the flower garden. For example, an old sink. Here you will also need:

  • pieces of chain-link;
  • soil, crushed stone;
  • pebbles;
  • stones.

With the help of this inventory, the sink needs to be given a more aesthetic appearance. After that, start planting plants. Naturally, the design of the flower garden is completely dependent on the wishes of the owner.. This applies to cases of professional help.

First you need to create a small hill. After all, the building should stand out from the rest of the landscape. In addition, it is necessary to give the hill the desired shape. Here you will need a cord, ruler and other equipment. Additionally, it is worth creating a stone or plastic fence. What will not let the flower bed overgrown with grass. After that, planting begins.


The most common type of flower garden in the garden is, of course, a flower bed. But, despite the tradition, the variety of flower beds, at times, is amazing. Triangular, square, round, in two, three tiers, in outdoor flowerpots with long legs or just standing on the ground. A huge number of varieties that are designed to decorate with themselves the place in which the flower bed was installed. In general, all flower beds can be either geometric or free.

Their shape can be anything, and not only round or square. The main thing is to plant it correctly. The selection of varieties is carried out so that they all have different flowering periods.

On the site you can form a mixborder and discount. Moreover, it is possible to implement the plan without the help of a professional designer.

First, it is necessary to solve a number of issues, in particular, to choose the optimal combination of shades on the site. You also need to choose flowers. Usually combine three species in one flower bed. It is better to pre-select the geometry of the site and take into account the flowering period.

Varieties of flower beds

The carpet type is characterized by a rectangular or square configuration. Most often, low-growing multi-colored vegetation is placed here. Thanks to this, unusual patterns and patterns are created. There are also regular and irregular varieties. In the first case, all bloom at the same time. In the second - the flowers replace each other.

Quite often, gardeners create a rose garden on their own plot. Here you will definitely need a well-lit place, with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than twenty square meters. First you need to make a choice of a place for roses, then start preparing the soil, planting.


It is important to know that the rosary is arranged in a special order.

That is, in the first line there are undersized bushes, the height of which is no more than forty centimeters. Climbing roses are planted in the last row, capable of reaching several meters. The procedure is best done in early summer.

Flowerbeds near the pond

Flower beds can be quite original. The presence of a reservoir makes it possible to create a floating structure. This will require lightweight and non-sinking material. Styrofoam is excellent for this function.

Plants located in such a flower bed must love moisture and water. On the site you can place wooden structures. It is better to make them hanging. Otherwise, the material will quickly deteriorate.


In second place after the flower beds are rabatki. These are long stretches of land that perfectly decorate paths and alleys in your garden. The width of the rabatka cannot be more than three meters. It can be planted in several tiers, and the far row will be high, and then descending. These flower beds can be placed in the garden along paths, or around free-standing trees. But the flower beds themselves also need decoration. For this, borders are usually used.

The border can have one or two tiers, the width is no more than half a meter. For borders, small, low plants are used so that you can see from the flower bed. Borders are very well combined with flower beds and rabatka.


There is such a type of flower beds as a mixborder. This means that in such a flower garden there will be a variety of plants, not only in terms of flowering, but also in growth.

But you can’t put plants in the mixborder that love different growing conditions: light and shade that love water and don’t need it. The mixborder has one more purpose - mixborder flowers can be cut and made into bouquets.

It must necessarily have an asymmetric shape and branches of various lengths.

Flowerbed care

Every gardener, gardener, florist should take care of protecting his site from pests and diseases. Doing work in manual mode is very time consuming, then all kinds of sprayers-sprayers come to the aid of fellow summer residents.

This technique is designed to create excess pressure, due to which there is a fine dispersion of the sprayed mixture. Finely dispersed particles of the sprayed liquid fall on the surface of plants, penetrating into hard-to-reach areas.

In the state of the smallest droplets, the solution is perfectly retained on the microvilli of the stems and leaves. Twenty years ago, the choice was limited to a couple of the simplest sprayers, but now a variety of models are on the market. Competition encourages manufacturers to look for new solutions, to create engineering designs.


When creating alpine slides, install the stones firmly, as they will have to be moved during care.

To make very beautiful designer flower beds with your own hands, you will have to spend an impressive amount of time and effort. But, now, thanks to information from the Internet, you can implement really interesting decor ideas from improvised materials. Gardening is an abstract art along with landscaping and architecture.

It seems to be the easiest task to buy your favorite flowers and plant them in the ground. And the more diverse the vegetation, the more beautiful the result. Alas, in this way you can only get a pile of different plants, which will create a rather untidy look overall. This will be especially evident where the vegetation does not match in height, shape and color. Also, problems can cause different time periods of flowering. It's a pity to get such unflattering results after all the effort.

  • Creating the right composition is a well-planned operation that requires a clear plan of action.
  • Some still prefer to plant their own designed flower garden. It can be a fun time. It is advisable not to use a wide variety of types, especially if space is limited.
  • To arrange a flower bed, you will need to choose a height, a blooming calendar, and a color scheme. It is also important to comply with the conditions environment(loving light, preferred humidity, soil type and acidity, etc.).

Due to the peculiarities of the vegetation and the surrounding landscape, the decorated corner acquires its own individuality and will be unique.


Do not worry that if you use ready-made schemes, your flower bed in the garden will become typical and uninteresting. After all, it is very unlikely that any of the acquaintances will use the same scheme. Don't be afraid to experiment. Often unique compositions obtained from those who, relying on information on the Internet, came up with their own design. Creating your own flower gardens and flower beds can be a real source of pride.

Think carefully when choosing. For example, what size do you want for your flower bed, the size of its border, etc.

Perennial plants in the flower bed

Perennials are preferred for those who don't want to replant their beds every year.

Perennials have the following advantages:

  • a wide range of forms;
  • relative ease of care;
  • undemanding.

And the direct destruction of the flower bed of perennials or bulbs can be delayed for several years with the help of tillage and fertilization of the land.

However, as a rule, the flowering period for these plants is only 3 weeks, which is not very much..

  • After flowering, a perennial flower bed does not look so bright, so it is recommended to dilute it with annual plants.
  • Choose depending on the flowering season.
  • Often, owners want flower beds and gardens in the courtyard of the house to be pleasing to the eye from the beginning of the spring period and ending with the winter cold. To do this, take into account the seasonality of the vegetation used by the flora.
  • Summer flower beds and garden arrangements can be formed from such a wide range that it is quite easy to get lost in his list. Experts advise paying special attention to long flowering species or those that can bloom twice. Among perennial long flowers there are some varieties of roses, geraniums, catnip, chamomile.


Summer is the flowering time for many species of annuals. You may be thinking about how to make your own flower bed look more inviting. You can plant:

  • beautiful asters;
  • dahlias;
  • coreopsis;
  • various chrysanthemums;
  • calendula.

Related ornamental plants will give a special charm to the selected floral ensemble.

A vertical flower bed will look great with ampelous plants. They give volume and shine, and there are lovely petunias, lobelia and verbena that look great in a vertical flower bed.

aromatic flower bed

The perfect solution - an aromatic flower bed of lavender, sage, oregano. It is better to place it directly with the seating area. You will smell the aroma as you pass by the flower garden. It has a beneficial effect on the immune system, brain function and the cardiovascular system.

To create such a flower bed, we need:

  • Plastic containers.
  • Dye.
  • Sphagnum moss (you can even use old moss).
  • Soil mix.
  • seedlings.

Step 1

Paint the containers and wait for them to dry. Soak the moss to a comfortable consistency, allowing you to "sculpt". Moss should be placed in all containers after which they should be covered with a layer of soil previously mixed with fertilizer. Subsequently, the earth must be compacted and watered.

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