Poorly boiled peas in the soup what to do. What needs to be done so that the peas boil completely. Why peas do not boil. How to cook pea soup

Many who are going to cook this first course are puzzled by the question of how to cook pea soup so that the peas boil. This is exactly the recipe for homemade pea soup with step by step photos, just below, we will consider.


  • Peas - 400 grams
  • 400 ... 500 grams of meat for the broth
  • Potatoes - 3-4 pieces
  • one carrot
  • onion bulb
  • Smoked products - 400 grams
  • Water, salt, sugar, spices


Delicious and proper homemade pea soup and just pea soup, these are, as they say, "two big differences." Therefore, so that even a novice cook will hear a lot of flattering reviews, and not cook an unappetizing something that vaguely resembles pea soup, let's try to talk about all the "pitfalls" of this amazing dish. But at the same time, we will try to make the cooking itself as simple as possible and tell you how to cook pea soup so that the peas boil.

So the first thing to do in order to cook a delicious pea soup is to soak the peas. In fact, there is nothing complicated about this, just 400 ... 450 grams of dry peas

pour two liters of ordinary water at room temperature and "forget" about it for eight ... twelve hours. And although such preparation does not fit well with how to quickly boil peas for soup, it is really necessary. But there is a little trick: if you forgot to do it in advance, it does not matter. Fill the peas with water not at room temperature, but with boiling water. And then the peas will swell and become soft during cooking in just a couple of hours.

Now that the peas have been "precooked", put them to boil. A liter of water (it is better to leave the one in which he soaked), one teaspoon of salt, the same amount of sugar, and on the stove. You need to cook it on the smallest fire after boiling and under the lid, until a homogeneous puree. Usually it's an hour ... an hour twenty, no more. Yes, and it’s better to cook right away in a three-liter saucepan, which will then be the measure of pea soup, but more on that below.

However, what is pea soup without a delicious, rich broth. Therefore, 400 ... 500 grams of meat, one medium onion (put directly in the husk, anyway, then the broth will drain, and everything will be thrown out of it), a teaspoon of salt, black peppercorns, bay leaf and two liters of water. After boiling - everything is as always, remove the foam, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook our broth for pea soup for about an hour and a half.

While the broth and peas are cooking, clean and chop the other components of the pea soup. Six - seven small (or three - four larger) potatoes,

cut into thin, short strips.

One large carrot

rub on a large grater.

Every day, thousands of young housewives are faced with such a problem as cooking peas. Everyone wants pea porridge to be boiled and tasty, and not “oak” and hard. The success of cooking depends on such trifles. Before proceeding to the recipe itself, it is necessary to consider all the subtleties of cooking in order to get a really tasty and healthy dish. Important components are: the choice of cereals and the selection of dishes, cooking time, pre-treatment.

What to do to boil peas?

To make the peas boil faster, split grains are used to prepare hot dishes. Regardless of whether peas are bought in a bag or by weight, they should always be washed well in running water. Before cooking, it must always be soaked for several hours, most best option– 6-8 hours. It should be noted that the water must be changed periodically to avoid the fermentation process.

In order for the peas to boil in the soup, it is necessary to let the groats swell well in cold water, and only after that it can be boiled over low heat. If you do not have enough time to pre-prepare peas and need to cook soup or porridge as quickly as possible, then you can use the secret that was known even before the invention of various kitchen appliances, such as a blender. In the water, which will be filled with washed peas, you will need to add half a teaspoon of baking soda and mix well. After the peas are infused in soda water for about 30-40 minutes, they can be boiled. However, one should not forget to rinse the swollen peas well in running water, otherwise the taste of soda will remain.

How to soak peas?

Wetter grains cook faster than dry ones because they swell faster. Dry peas are recommended to be soaked before cooking. But even here there are subtleties.

  • Peas are soaked in cold water, the temperature of which does not exceed + 15 °. If the peas are soaked in warm water and left for a long time, for example, for 5-8 hours, then it can simply turn sour. And it is not always possible to determine appearance or the taste of sour peas. After all, slight souring does not manifest itself in any way, but when cooked, peas do not boil well and acquire an unpleasant “soapy” taste of sprouted grain.
  • For soaking take twice as much water as peas.
  • Soaked peas double in volume.
  • If peas are used for cooking pea soup, then the peas can not be soaked. It is enough just to sort it out, removing debris, and then wash it in cold water. Because when cooking without soaking, almost all peas lose their shape, that is, they boil.
  • If the dish does not need boiled peas, but whole, then it is soaked in cold water for 5-6 hours. This allows you to double the yield of finished products. For cooking pea puree, do the same. When the peas are cooked, the cooking is stopped, the peas are salted and left in the broth for 15-20 minutes. Then the broth is drained, and hot peas are rubbed through a sieve or passed through a meat grinder or crushed with a crush.

Which peas boil well?

It often happens that even washed and soaked peas remain hard after several hours of cooking - this is due to the fact that the wrong type of cereal has been selected. Despite the fact that a total of seven species of peas are known, only two cultivated species are used for food - shelling and sugar. Pea seeds that have not accumulated enough starch are brain sugar and are used to preserve premium green peas.

Therefore, if you determine which peas boil well, use simple advice- take dried grains of shelling varieties. It will be quite simple to choose - brain varieties wrinkle during drying, while peeling ones remain the correct rounded shape. Overdried peas acquire a whitish coating and change their taste, so it is not advisable to use it for making soups. Good quality peas have grains of the same size, large enough and not damaged by pests.

Soaked peas are poured cold water, bring to a boil and cook for 1-1.5 hours until soft. The water should only boil slightly. It is believed that peas will cook faster if they are poured with cold boiled water. Although practice shows that the fact in which water the peas are dipped for cooking does not play a special role. Peas dipped in boiling water cook exactly the same as peas drenched in cold water, moreover, taken from the same pack.

If according to the recipe you need to add tomato paste, vinegar and other spices (including salt) to the peas, then this is done at the very end of cooking, when the peas are completely cooked.

When peas are boiled for a long time, the water boils away strongly, and the housewives are forced to add water. And here there are subtleties. If, however, the water has boiled away, then you need to add only boiling water so that the boil does not stop. But if you add cold water, then the grains ... crack. That the hostesses are also sometimes on hand.

The cooking time of peas depends on its shape. Round, light yellow peas take much longer to cook than split yellow peas.. If you still need to cook peas faster, then in exceptional cases they resort to one proven method. During cooking, a little soda is added to the water with peas (on the tip of a knife). The resulting foam is removed. This method allows you to speed up the cooking of peas, but at the same time, vitamin B1 is destroyed, and the taste of peas, although slightly, worsens.

But no matter what tricks the housewives go to quickly cook peas, they must remember that peas are the most “long-playing” vegetable.

Therefore, you need to be patient, choose the right varieties of peas, and then you won’t have to wonder why the peas don’t boil for a long time.

Easy Pea Soup Recipes

Recipe "classic"

We figured out why peas do not boil in soup. Now, using the example of this dish, we will tell you how to properly prepare this component. It is necessary to take 0.5 kg of yellow or green dry crushed peas, 8 glasses of broth. From vegetables, one onion and carrots and a couple of potatoes will be enough. You can also add, if you are a lover of spices, a teaspoon of oregano, the same amount of basil, a couple of bay leaves, a couple of garlic cloves, salt, pepper to taste. You can also take 300 grams of tomatoes.

Bring the broth to a boil, pour crushed peas into it and leave it on low heat. In the meantime, you can cut potatoes, onions, carrots. Put cooked spices (oregano, basil, bay leaf) into the broth.

Now dip the chopped vegetables there and cook for another 50 minutes. If the water boils away, add as needed. Now you can add chopped tomatoes. And cook for another 15 minutes with the lid open. This dish is not only quick to prepare, but also low in calories, so it can be consumed by girls who are on a diet.

Soup for men

For men who cannot live without meat, there is another tasty, and most importantly, easy-to-cook dish. To do this, you will need 200 grams of dry peas, a pound of necessarily smoked pork ribs, two carrots, one onion, a couple of potatoes, salt, pepper and, of course, vegetable oil for frying. Beans need to be soaked for a couple of hours.

Then we take a pan for two and a half liters of water. Pour the peas there and bring to a boil. Then leave on low heat for 40 minutes. While the peas are cooking, make the roast. Grate the carrots and send them to a heated frying pan. Next, send finely chopped onions. Bring the roast to a golden color. After the peas have boiled, put the chopped smoked ribs. We wait another 10 minutes and add the chopped potatoes and frying. We introduce spices into the pan 7 minutes before the soup is ready. Turn off and let the dish brew for 15-20 minutes. Everything: delicious, and most importantly - nutritious soup is ready.

Cooking a dish in a slow cooker

I would like to recall modern kitchen appliances, which greatly facilitate the process of fussing in the kitchen. A multicooker is perfect for this. Before cooking soup in it, soak whole peas for just a couple of hours. Then rinse it and put it with all the other ingredients in the slow cooker. Then choose the desired mode and ... that's it. It will take you no more than an hour to cook soup in a slow cooker. From the products it will be enough to take 300 grams of smoked pork ribs and 50 grams of dry peas, carrots, onions and potatoes. If your family likes thick soup, use more dry peas and less water. In this case, the dish turns out to be puree-like.


I boil the bone, fill in the washed peas, which are halves, stir several times, reduce the fire to almost a minimum and leave for 30-35 minutes, I come and then just fill the soup, potatoes there, carrots with onions, spices, everything)


I often cook pea soup, my husband loves it. Always melts great. I usually take peas in half. The main thing is that the peas are soaked for at least 8-9 hours. And then I cook, as usual (the Internet is full of recipes). I immediately add lavrushka. When the peas are almost ready, I add chopped carrots, potatoes, fried onions, and cook for another 15 minutes. I add a couple of chopped garlic cloves to the finished soup and let the soup brew. Peas are completely boiled soft, soft, no problems.


So. I take whole peas. I don't soak. I fill it with water and cook for an hour and a half (if on a sugar bone) or two hours (if on smoked meats), without salt. Peas don't cook well in salt water, you see. Then I add the meat and cook as usual. It always boils down into "smoke".


I make pea porridge without a multicooker. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and stir well. After 20-30 minutes again until boiling. And little by little, she's slowly falling apart.

Tatyana Zhogina

just don't soak peas, especially overnight. cook immediately after washing. I used to soak it too and it boiled very badly for me, now everything is boiled down

Winter Strawberry

I soak for an hour in cold water with baking soda. soda put a teaspoon. Well, I'll mix it a couple more times while it's standing.


A simple rule is not to salt the peas. and any porridge until it boils. There may also be hard water - be sure to pass the water through a filter to remove hardness salts. Well, now just a pinch of soda ...

I soak peas in the morning for 4-5 hours, in the afternoon I just cook in a saucepan on the stove and it’s already porridge in 30 minutes ... Moreover, I buy peas in different stores from different manufacturers and it’s always the same in 30 minutes it’s porridge right away ... Just try it on the stove in regular saucepan!

Stacy's mom

No soda needed. Just add a little bit of cold water every half hour. For 1-1.5 peas are boiled soft. I never soak, neither does my grandma. No soup, no pies. Once there was a "wooden" pea. I wanted green, so he did not boil. And so for stewing and you will have porridge)))


I’m not sure that this is the case, but I’ve noticed more than once that long-soaked peas do not boil soft or boil poorly ... I keep the peas soaked for an hour, maybe a little more ... and it always boils very quickly and well ... I cook on a regular stove ... it costs leave overnight or 4 hours, then everything ...


It is necessary to cook like this: washed, thrown into cold water, put on the stove over medium heat, boiled - add half a cup of cold water there and on a slow fire, boiled - again cold water ... and so 3-4 times. It will cook much faster + boil soft, salt only at the end! Good luck with the soup!!!

How long to cook peas, how long to soak peas? - FAQ. Peas are useful and necessary in the diet! This is the oldest cultivated plant, which man learned to grow as early as the 4th century BC. But the hostesses often underestimate and dislike him. How often does it happen that it does not boil soft and it is unpleasant to eat it?

There is an opinion that peas need to be soaked overnight and only after that it will become boiled. I DO NOT SOAK PEAS OVER THE NIGHT! What for?

Everything is done much faster!

Choice of peas.

Many types of peas are sold in stores, now assortment of peas very wide:

  • chickpeas are lamb, or chickpeas,
  • pea flakes ( cooking time: no more than 10 minutes),
  • whole or sized peas (peas of the same size),
  • pea seed sprouts
  • a mixture of chopped and whole good
  • split or crushed peas (usually halves of peas, dried)

We will talk about the most common and common peas, how to cook chopped or crushed peas in mashed potatoes or boiled.

How long to cook peas?

So, first of all, we measure the right amount of peas. We examine the peas and sort them out like Cinderella.)) cereals and low-quality peas (black or too green, shriveled, etc.) can usually get into the package. We wash our peas under running water and inspect again, choosing the excess. Because in pea flour we can not see the bad peas.

Next, we pour the peas in a bowl with boiling water 1 cm above the peas themselves. We mix and again pops up bad, empty peas and slag. We remove it. Add boiling water and leave the peas for an hour or two to swell. The water will be cloudy, this is normal.

We cook peas in the usual way. Moreover, the water (or broth) in which you cook the peas CANNOT BE SALTED! If this is not possible according to the recipe, for example, in pea soup you use already salted smoked meats, boil the peas in a separate bowl. You will be surprised, but it will be ready in 30 minutes. After 50-60 minutes, the puree will be ready.

We attach a video on how to cook peas:

Do not waste precious time in vain! Thinking about making pea soup? Brew! All you need is to soak it 1 hour in advance!

Good luck with your meals! Sincerely, Your "Simple Recipes".

In the store, you get hard packaged peas, which can be either whole or half. It depends on how long it takes to soak.

The ideal option to speed up the cooking of peas is to pre-soak in cold water.

Whole peas are poured with cold water in a ratio of 1: 2. That is, if you have one glass of peas, then there should be twice as much water. The process will take at least five hours. When the beans swell and increase in size, they can be used for further cooking, which will take about 90 minutes.

Split peas are considered a more popular component, due to the fact that they do not require long preparation. It is enough to leave it in cold water for only 30-60 minutes, and then lower it into cold water and bring it to readiness for 50 minutes over low heat.

Quick boil option without soaking

If you don’t have time to wait until the peas become softer, then you can use quick recipes that do not involve soaking.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the legumes well, fill them with cold water, so that it covers them by about two centimeters. Bring to a boil, immediately drain the water, rinse and do it again.
  2. In total, you will need to repeat these steps three times, and before the end of cooking, add a little salt so that the peas do not fall apart at all.

Another way to cook peas without soaking is to add baking soda. You need to bring it to a boil and put half a teaspoon of soda in two liters of water. Then in five minutes you will get a soft product.

How to quickly cook pea puree?

Pea dishes are always repelled by a long cooking process, but there is a way to quickly cook pea puree.

Pea mash It can be served on its own or served as a side dish.

Required products:

  • two glasses of peas;
  • a quarter of a small spoon of soda;
  • seasonings to your taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the peas thoroughly until the water is almost clear.
  2. We place it in a saucepan, preferably with a thick bottom and fill it with cold water, so that it covers the contents by about 2 centimeters, add soda.
  3. Bring to readiness within 60 minutes after the start of the boil. If suddenly the peas start to burn, then add more water if necessary. Before removing from the heat, put the spices to taste and grind in a blender or pusher.

With the addition of water while boiling

Despite the simplicity of this method, it really works and allows you to bring the peas to full readiness in a minimum amount of time without the need to use anything special.

Required products:

  • two glasses of peas;
  • the right amount of water;
  • salt to taste;
  • half a glass of cold water.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the peas, lower them into a saucepan and fill with water. It should be twice as much as the product.
  2. Add salt and spices as you wish.
  3. We wait until the contents come to a boil and after 10 minutes pour the indicated amount of cold water. After that, the mass will become soft after five minutes.

With butter

This cooking option also does not take much time, it eliminates soaking, and due to butter, the peas are soft, tasty and rich.

Pea porridge with butter can be served for breakfast,

Required products:

  • two small spoons of oil;
  • a glass of peas;
  • the amount of water required
  • seasonings to your liking.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the indicated amount of peas so that the water ceases to be cloudy, fill it with cold liquid, it should be twice as much, and put the pan on the stove, turning on a low heating level.
  2. We are waiting for the contents to boil, add oil, seasonings to taste and bring to full readiness.

How to quickly cook pea soup without soaking?

Making pea soup without soaking is not at all difficult if you follow the instructions. The result is a tasty and rich dish.

Required products:

  • bulb;
  • two potatoes;
  • a glass of peas;
  • half a spoonful of soda;
  • seasonings and herbs to your taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Put the indicated amount of peas in a bowl and start rinsing them, do this several times until the water is almost clear.
  2. Pour the washed peas with boiling water, let it stand for 15 minutes, then drain, add hot water again to cover the contents, add soda. Simmer for about 30 minutes over low heat, covered, until all the liquid has evaporated.
  3. At this time, cut the potatoes into cubes, pour two more liters of boiling water over the peas and lay out the potatoes.
  4. Chop the onion and carrot, lightly fry and send to the pan for the soup. At this stage, you can put the selected seasonings. Keep about five minutes on the stove, then turn off and let it steep for 10 minutes.
With a multicooker, the process of cooking a dish is greatly simplified.

Necessary products for cooking:

  • two glasses of peas;
  • 20 grams of butter;
  • half a teaspoon of soda;
  • seasonings to your taste;
  • the right amount of water.

Cooking process:

  1. As always, we start with the preparation of peas, they must be washed so that the water stops being cloudy and cleaned of impurities.
  2. After that, put it in the multicooker bowl and pour in cold water. It should be about twice as much as the product itself.
  3. Set the oven to the "Extinguishing" mode by setting the time for at least two hours.
  4. It remains to wait until the specified time has passed, season the peas with the selected spices to your liking, add oil to it.

Ready boiled peas can be combined with various foods, such as fried vegetables, mushrooms or meat, chicken, ham. It can be crushed and served as a puree or used for soup. You will get a very nutritious and healthy lunch.

Pea soup or mashed potatoes is an excellent fasting dish, and besides, it has great benefits for humans. The biggest problem that cooks face is how to boil legumes so as to get a homogeneous mass. Consider the advice of professional chefs and the most traditional methods.


Every housewife knows that it takes a long time to boil peas, because it does not split well. A dietary product does not “give up” immediately. What to do if peas do not boil? Bean dishes have been prepared since ancient times. A cauldron was placed on the fire, yards of peas were poured into it and covered with a lid. Porridge languished for several hours while the hostess was busy with other things. Today, technology will reduce the time spent on cooking, however, it is still impossible to cook soup or mashed potatoes in fifteen minutes, and all thanks to the composition of cereals.

The nutritional value of peas is impressive and surpasses even potatoes and any meat product. Satiety when eating bean dishes comes quickly, while the calorie content remains at minimum level, only 60 kcal per 100 grams. And it decreases depending on how long the product is cooked.

Peas help to strengthen the immune system, it contains vitamins of different groups (A, C, B) and other elements (calcium, phosphorus, iron). The components present in the composition help the body fight malignant tumors and maintain vision.

Peas provide an amazing supply of energy for the whole day, they are simply an indispensable part of the diet of those who work hard physically. Athletes are also advised to consume more legumes, as the body recovers faster after serious exertion.

Despite the huge amount of useful elements, legumes are highly resistant to heat treatment, and all because they have a high content of proteins and starch. At the moment of drying, moisture evaporates, hence the need for subsequent long heat treatment. Before you start cooking the dish, you must first prepare the peas, only then start cooking. But you also need to soak it correctly, since the process will help to significantly reduce the cooking time.

How to soak?

You can make pea porridge a little faster. The speed of cooking will depend not only on the variety chosen, but also on how long the peas have been soaked. The nucleoli, completely devoid of moisture, have a strong structure; immersion in a humid environment can reduce their density and increase in size. Water should be twice as much as the peas poured into the container.

A liter of liquid is poured into half a glass, the average soaking time is six hours, but more is possible, no one limits the cook in this. It is worth remembering that if you overexpose the legumes, then the water will begin to ferment, and this is not the best way for cooking, as the peas acquire an unpleasant odor and a sour taste. Some cooks say that peas reach their ideal structure only after 10 hours of soaking, but in this case it is better to change the water several times, and use the latter directly for cooking.

Basic cooking rules

Cooking peas (pea porridge) will not work quickly, you need to do it correctly, observing the proportions of water and legumes, otherwise the dish will simply burn, but unboiled kernels will remain. To boil the legumes, be sure to soak them, otherwise you will have to boil for several hours more. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of cereals, whole peas are most useful than its halves, but the cooking time also increases significantly.

According to its properties, whole peas are healthier than chopped ones, but porridge from the latter can be made faster. Consider the variety, since "Idaho" quickly turns into a homogeneous mass, therefore, to create dishes, it is preferable to look for it on the shelves of the store. Pay special attention to the color of the kernels, yellow is best cooked, all others require a long boil. Soak the kernels in cold water, but indoors at room temperature. After a couple of hours, you can see how they began to swell.

When there is no time and you need to cook dinner urgently, you can try frying peas in a frying pan. Dry roasting for fifteen minutes will make the kernels more brittle. No matter how strange it may sound, but the hardness of the water during cooking also affects the speed of boiling.

Moderately soft water contributes to the rapid preparation of porridge. With all this, it is necessary to cook in the same liquid in which the kernels were soaked, with the addition of a small portion of water.

The best container is a cast-iron or a thick-bottomed pan, in which porridge will be cooked according to the same principle as pilaf. After bringing the water to a boil over high heat, reduce the fire to a minimum and cover the container with a lid. On average, it will take about an hour to get a porridge of a homogeneous structure. The dish must be constantly stirred and remove the foam. It also happens that the kernels are in no hurry to boil despite the efforts and expectations of the cook. This happens most often when the harvest of the old year was used.

There are many cooking tricks, one of them is to add a small amount of baking soda. Half a teaspoon is enough for a liter of liquid. The soda flavor will go away quickly, and the remaining kernels will take a few minutes to fully boil. Additionally, you can use a blender to make the porridge more airy. Butter dressing goes well with this dish. Porridge is served both as an independent dish and as a side dish for meat, fish and vegetables.

Professional cooks know how best to cook peas so that they are completely boiled and uniform. Changing the intensity of the fire contributes to better boiling of the kernels. While the porridge is being cooked for forty minutes, you can either add gas or reduce it. The cooking process is faster, as the peas rise and settle, from this process they soften.

When making soup, you don’t always want the beans to boil completely. Crushed cereal perfectly retains its shape, you can add to taste tomato paste or some vinegar. Onion fried and a little spices go well with pea soup. One of the options for serving soup to the table is fresh herbs, which are poured into a plate, as well as some crackers.

Few people know, but it is required to cook pea kernels in unsalted water. It is salt that makes them hard and slows down the process.

But to avoid the fermentation process is very simple, the water is periodically changed in the container. Spicy soup or porridge will add garlic, which is added in a small amount at the end of cooking.

If the hostess is in a hurry to prepare dinner, butter comes to the rescue, the addition of which during cooking speeds up the process. The dish from such an additional assistant becomes only tastier and more aromatic. But if you are on a diet or the ingredient is not at hand, then use a simple vegetable oil. Although it will not be possible to further improve the taste of the product due to this component.

We must not lose sight of modern kitchen appliances that come to the aid of housewives. Ideal porridge and soup are obtained in a slow cooker, because unique conditions are created there. The cooking process is simplified to the maximum, you only need to set the mode. With the right approach to the cooking process, any housewife can not only save time, but also get a nutritious, tasty product, characterized by a huge amount of useful properties. For this, it is necessary to comply simple rules soaking and boiling peas, as well as take advantage of the tricks of professional chefs.

Peas will cook quickly if you follow some rules. This is detailed in the video.

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