How to make a woman squirt. cervical fluid. Learn to fight back against your desires.

Each of us sometimes cannot fall asleep for a long time, although there seems to be no good reason for this. Or there are situations when we know that tomorrow we have to get up very early, and it would be logical to go to bed early today, but our body does not quite agree with this. And we just lie there and try hard to fall asleep, instead of the expected sleep. And as a result, we spend the whole next day tired, broken and devoid of enthusiasm. How to deal with this? We hope this article will help you learn how to fall asleep quickly.

Learning how to quickly fall asleep is impossible by magic, for this you will need some time, sometimes it takes several months. But a healthy and sound sleep is worth learning how to quickly move into the alluring embrace of Morpheus. So, to business. In this article, we will share a few rules that will help you fall asleep quickly.

6 ways to fall asleep quickly

1. It is necessary to get tired physically during the day.

If a person is physically tired during the day, then he will fall asleep much faster than a person who has not experienced all day physical activity. Therefore, if you work because of a position or type of activity and get tired only mentally, then you just need to find an occupation in which you would be physically tired. It could be, for example, fitness or gym. But it’s not enough just to come there, you need to work hard and get tired.

With this arrangement of things, you will not only be tired by the end of the day, but also give vent to the emotions that have accumulated throughout the day.

2. Come up with some sort of bedtime ritual for yourself.

Going to bed is very difficult when a lot of thoughts are spinning in your head, namely: chat with friends, work, watch a movie and much more. At these moments, we think something like this: “Why go to bed when there is so much more to do?”. But at the same time, it eludes us that if we go to bed earlier today, then tomorrow we will be able to do the same things several times faster due to greater efficiency.

So, in order to “deceive” yourself, come up with your own ritual of going to bed. Start before going to bed to perform a certain action (you can do several). Read a book, watch an episode of your favorite show, talk on the phone, etc. This action can be anything, as long as you immediately go to bed after it. This ritual must necessarily bring positive emotions so that you want to do it, and then, as expected, go to sleep.

3. Don't bring your work home.

Sometimes the cause of painful and endlessly long falling asleep is emotions, some problems associated with work. Therefore, remember a simple rule for yourself: “do not bring work home.” Teach yourself to forget about work-related problems when the work day ends. No need to make work plans for the next day or week at home. Engage in all working moments only during working hours, and rest at home, relax.

You can throw out the emotions accumulated during the day in different ways: the gym, talking with heart-to-heart friends, etc. The main thing is that these emotions do not remain in you and do not interfere with sleep. And having a good night's sleep, solving any problem at work is much easier than being tired and overwhelmed.

4. It is necessary to observe the regime of the day.

This paragraph echoes the paragraph about the ritual before going to bed because the same principles are laid down here: accustom your body to a certain order. If you can force yourself to go to bed strictly at one specific time, then soon the body itself will require sleep at that particular time. Thus, going to bed will not take much time. Make a sleep schedule for yourself, but do not forget about its quantity. If you plan to go to bed all the time at 2 am and get up at 7 am, it will not lead to anything good. Leave 7-8 hours of sleep. This is the time your body needs to be alert and full of energy in the morning.

5. Use quick sleep techniques.

The Internet is teeming with various methods for quickly falling asleep, but the essence of all methods is that you “try on” the waking behavior of a sleeping person. That is:

  • watch your breath. In a sleeping person, the exit is longer than the inhale. Those who are awake exhale quickly, and inhale longer;
  • focus on the eyes. Looking up, you imitate the position of the eyes of a sleeping person;
  • body position. Experts advise taking the “on the back” position, because it is easiest to relax and fall asleep in it.

By the way, complete relaxation of the body is another factor for falling asleep quickly.

Methods are methods, but do not take everything in reverse: if you have been sleeping on your side all your life, you should not try to fall asleep on your back, or concentrate on breathing so diligently that you will simply beat off the same dream. Everything in moderation.

6. Learn to fight back your desires!

Although this rule is listed last in importance, it is one of the first. The essence of it is to say to yourself “No!” to all desires and temptations that can interfere with sleep. Namely: drinking coffee before going to bed, watching 5-8 episodes of a series at a time, chatting with friends or relatives for too long, etc. The point is, the more we hold back and move away from sleep, the more difficult it will be to fall asleep immediately, but even if you can fall asleep quickly, it will be very difficult to wake up. Do not underestimate the importance of sleep, healthy sleep is the key to excellent well-being all day long.

We sincerely hope that this article will help you learn how to fall asleep quickly.

People always. They are trying to invent something incredible or to ban it. One of the more mysterious moments is squirting (female) orgasms. Often some difficulties are attributed here,. Let's try to simplify. And at the same time, we will begin a series of articles about sex and relationships in a new style. Attention, it will be in an adult way, 18+.

What is a squirt? Usually this word denotes a situation when during sex a liquid is released from a girl through the urinary canal. There is a lot of controversy about what this liquid is. In fact, it is very common to have an orgasm, especially when it happens for the first time. Then constant jokes about the need to dry a sofa, mattress, sheet or car seat. And a lot of talk that it's very cool.

So, let's start with the fact itself. It is necessary to achieve a pleasant release of liquid. As every observation made shows, this fluid is by no means urine. You can trace the pattern that if a girl just went down and peed properly, it will be hard with a squirt. Science still does not fully tell how and why, we will assume that a liquid is released without urea in it. Close to neutral in smell and taste.

There is a lot of strange literature, where some recommendations are given. But today there are many videos with this type of orgasm, where you can look at everything. The only question is the pressure, whether there will be a fountain and so many in a row, which is rather a big, big rarity. Therefore, we will consider the most effective, always working on any girl. Although no, rather only on cute and pleasing.

What do you need to get started. Ideally, a girl who is downright eager to learn and try, as well as trust and general relaxation. At the same time a comfortable place. Often this can be done both with your hands and more traditionally - during sex. It remains the case for the small. Do. It is immediately worth noting that the incredible descriptions and sensations are rather so bright in their originality, unusualness. There is nothing too supernatural in this - just different. There is a small percentage of girls with whom this happens on its own. Consider a "sure" style guide.

What do you need from a guy. A firm hand or a good erection, good physical fitness and the ability to hold out at least some solid time without ejaculation. Ideally, no need for condoms (another type of contraception). The circuit is very simple. The idea is that you need a fairly good excitation of the girl "before" and, accordingly, almost an excess of lubricant. The task is to force the muscles of the vagina to contract. Usually this is achieved by arbitrary (in depth) powerful and short-lived movements, then at a light peak, you need to completely remove the effect with your fingers (usually the middle and ring fingers) or with the sex boat. Take it out, and most likely for a few seconds. Repeating over and over again, acting sharply and feeling the situation.

You need to methodically try to play in such a way that it becomes very narrow. One of the magical actions - during the "taking out" is to "beat" a member of the clitoris or just touch your fingers. And so continue. Ideally, the girl lies on her back with at least her knees up. As a maximum, the legs are thrown almost to the head with the knees.

After the peak of tension is reached, it is worthwhile to enter sharply, rather for a long time, and methodically and rhythmically press exactly on the well-known ji point "G", choosing the ideal position for yourself. And each time more powerful and sharper, a little deeper and without stopping, thus touching the clitoris along the way. If the first time did not work out, then it is worth repeating the maneuver to achieve maximum tension in the muscles of the vagina. With experience, this skill can be developed very strongly and squirt in just a minute or two from the very beginning. Of course, in each case there will also be some nuances, details that will be situationally useful somewhere.

Of course, if you have already succeeded a couple of times, then it will be easier with the same partner, and with others, if necessary. Based on the collected statistics, the method always works for everyone. In most cases, the guys have a penis bent up - which makes it easy to put pressure on the G point. The better the position for pressure is chosen, the more effective. In general, this effect will depend weakly on the size of the genital organs, except in very rare cases. Moreover, the same can be done with your fingers.

Often people try or add some kind of b to this activity. But this can be done almost always, there are no secrets. With good physical fitness and mood, desire - almost 100% efficiency. Is it worth doing this all the time and flooding all mattresses with sofas is a question. Often "accidentally" comes out in those couples when the size of the genitals ideally match (often the penis is larger than average). It also happens when the girl is on top and controls the process.

If it doesn't work the first time, be patient. The only thing that definitely should not be done is when the girl does not want this, she resists. Although, with very good physical indicators - and this is not a hindrance, but it is worth being reasonable and not engaging in violence. Another point is that when squirting, it is very easy to make a series of orgasms that. Yes, and a good squirt is a guarantee of an orgasm, most likely far from one.

So, nothing mythical or. There are situations when it will be possible to make a squirt without the direct described impact, but more indirect.

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Female orgasm myths and reality.

7 myths about the female orgasm.

The female orgasm is shrouded in a veil of mysteries, so it is not surprising that there are so many different myths about the female orgasm. Some of the myths exist exclusively in the minds of men, and some mislead even women. Therefore, we will try to understand some common myths, find out where is the truth and where is fiction.

Myth #1 Women cannot ejaculate.

Not true. With sufficient stimulation of the G-spot, some women are able to ejaculate. They can throw out a clear liquid, both before orgasm, and during the onset of orgasm. Some women who are able to ejaculate try to avoid sex or orgasm because they are simply embarrassed about their ability to ejaculate.
This is the so-called squirt.
The term "squirt" comes from English word"squirt" - a jet - and denotes the release of a transparent specific white liquid in a volume of 15-45 ml from the vagina at the moment of orgasm or before it. Synonyms for "squirting": "squirting", "female ejaculation".

The debate around squirting has been going on for a long time. Does female ejaculation exist or not? Where does ejaculate come from in women? Why does it look like urine? How to achieve squirt? These are the questions we have to answer today.

At present, the prevailing view is that the walls of the vagina are not erogenous zone. However, there is one amazing place in the vagina - the so-called G-spot. This is a cluster of nerve endings, the stimulation of which leads to orgasm. It is located on the anterior wall of the vagina at a depth of 5-7 cm.
During the stimulation of the G-spot, many women experience the same female ejaculation that we strive for.

Women experiencing ejaculation are often embarrassed by such manifestations, sometimes they regard it as involuntary urination. In fact, this is a normal physiological phenomenon.

Modern scientists explain the phenomenon of female ejaculation by the presence of the so-called Skene's glands, which are located on the anterior wall of the vagina around the lower end of the urethra. They are also called small vestibular, paraurethral glands, U-point or female prostate. The glands open into the urethra near its external opening.

It turns out that in women, just like in men, the urethra removes not only urine. In the specialized paraurethral glands of Skene, under the influence of stimulation, a secret is released that has an alkaline reaction, chemically similar to male seminal fluid.

Myth #2. Women who have never had a vaginal orgasm are a problem.

Not true. It is not known where this came from, perhaps due to Freud, who believed that there are 2 types of orgasm: vaginal and clitoral. He believed that a woman in adulthood should only experience a vaginal orgasm, and then it was already widely believed that any woman could experience an orgasm from vaginal penetration. But the truth is that only 1/3 of women are able to experience a vaginal orgasm every time they have sex. If a woman can't achieve a vaginal orgasm, then she certainly can achieve a clitoral one, and that's completely normal!

Myth number 3. A vaginal orgasm is better than a clitoral one.

Not true. The strength of an orgasm can vary in women in different ways depending on the situation. Most women always experience an orgasm with the same intensity, and some women experience even stronger sensations from a clitoral orgasm. Therefore, do not underestimate the clitoral orgasm.

Myth number 4. Sex without an orgasm does not give a woman satisfaction.

Not true. This myth is much more common among men than among women, because women know that good sex can be a lot of fun without an orgasm.

Myth number 5. Women are more likely to be satisfied if their partner has a long penis.

Not true. It is established that the G-spot is approximately 5 cm from the entrance to the vagina. From this we can conclude that the size of the partner's penis is not important for a woman, the main thing is the ability of a man to manage his "dignity". In general, the size of the penis is more important for men themselves than for women.

Myth number 6. Only women fake orgasms.

Not true. No one denies the fact that some women fake orgasms in bed, but men are not far behind in this regard. Sometimes even men fake an orgasm during sex. What is the meaning of this, you ask? The fact is that men, unlike women, are always able to achieve orgasm, and if a man suddenly cannot ejaculate for a long time, then it will be easier for him to simulate an orgasm.

Myth number 7. An orgasm is necessary for a woman to get pregnant.

Not true. Although scientists have proven that after the onset of an orgasm, it will be easier for a woman to become pregnant, but reaching an orgasm is not a prerequisite for conceiving a child. A woman may well become pregnant without an orgasm.

Squirting is the most powerful, most intense and vivid form of a woman's orgasm, which is accompanied by ejaculation. But do not think that, as in the case of men, semen is excreted - this, of course, does not happen in women. Getting completely different sensations from orgasm is due to the separation of the jet with a transparent color and odorless, emanating directly from the vaginal cavity. This state can be achieved both with the help of various intimate cosmetic products, and in a natural way - by stimulation with the fingers of the hand.

What should every girl know about squirting?

Squirting is a phenomenon that few women are familiar with. Most of them will never experience this type of orgasm in their lives, and men even have an idea about this process only from erotic films.

One of the main problems of women is that they mistake squirt for the act of uncontrolled urination. However, this is actually fundamentally wrong.

According to the statement of sexologists, who rely on proven facts from biology and physiology, the walls of the vagina have an extremely low threshold of sensitivity, or in some cases do not have it at all. Hence the conclusion follows - the friction of this intimate zone will not lead to any orgasm. But doesn't that contradict the fact that women experience orgasms when they stimulate the vagina? No. Such an orgasm can be experienced even on a psychological level, and the female sexual pleasure It is achieved due to the combination of many factors, and not due to the stimulation of any intimate zone.

Speaking of squirt, it is also necessary to mention the "dot G "- an area located approximately at a depth of 5-7 cm from the inlet of the vagina. It is here that the largest number of sensitive nerve endings is accumulated. point stimulation G and leads to the most violent and vivid squirt.

Why does not everyone manage to experience this type of orgasm? The thing is that neither men nor women themselves can know exactly where this cherished point is. G , and often stimulate the wrong area, which should be. In addition, you also need to know at what pace and for how long to stimulate in order to achieve a squirt.

Basic rules for achieving squirt

Every woman can achieve squirt, the main thing is to know yourself and your body, and also connect a little psychology. Let's analyze a few main preparatory and executive points that need to be worked on:

  1. Psychology is everything . Achieving squirt will be difficult if you don't love yourself, your body. Dissatisfaction with oneself negatively affects intimate life including without a sexual partner. Before you start learning new types of orgasm, get busy getting things done at work, in family life, work on your body to wake up with pleasure and always be in a good mood.
  2. First clitoral orgasm . The clitoris is a part of the female body that helps to achieve a full orgasm. The rejection of masturbation, the constraint of this process, the fear of unknown sensations - all this stops a woman on the way to squirt. Try to stimulate the clitoris during masturbation and achieve an orgasm thanks to this - this will be the first step towards the goal!
  3. In search of that one . Well, the main secret to achieving squirt with your fingers is to find the cherished point G . During masturbation, take your time, gradually go deep into the vagina and try to find the point G . For each woman, it is located in a different place, but approximately at a depth of 5-7 cm from the entrance to the vagina - be guided by these numbers. When you feel that the area has been found, start stimulating it. During this, a feeling similar to the urge to urinate should appear - do not be afraid of it. Find out that you exactly found the point G can be very simple: after a little stimulation, it should gradually turn into a “bulging ball”.

If you are unable to bring yourself to squirt with your fingers, then it's time to think about buying a vibrator. With it, you can simultaneously act on the clitoris and on the point G . With this device, squirting will not be a problem for most women. So that the intimate area is not damaged when rubbing with a vibrator or fingers, it is recommended to purchase a special lubricant-lubricant. It will make the skin in the intimate area smooth, moist and soft. Today, manufacturers make intimate lubricants without the addition of harmful chemical substances Therefore, the use of such cosmetic products is completely safe for health.

Let's add a few more tips for achieving squirt yourself with your fingers:

  1. Feel free to make erotic natural sounds when the point is stimulated G or the clitoris - believe me, over time it will excite you even more.
  2. Do not stop at one point stimulation technique G . Try such methods as strong pressure, circular movement of the fingers, relaxing massage, intense twitching.
  3. When stimulating a point G fingers, try to touch the clitoris at the same time - this will speed up the process of achieving a squirt and make it more powerful.
  4. On the way to the final squirt, you will have incomprehensible, and even frightening sensations - in no case stop because of this and continue stimulation. It's just that our body is always suspicious of everything new and this is a normal reaction.

Be sure to try to masturbate using additional intimate cosmetics - this will greatly facilitate the process and save you from microtrauma. You can purchase high-quality drugs for beauty, health and improving sexual life at the online pharmacy site. There is a huge selection of beauty products for both women and men, and you will definitely be able to choose something suitable for yourself.

And most importantly, remember that any intimacy that occurs for a specific purpose deprives you and your partner of pleasant sensations on a psychological level. Make love from the heart and for the soul, and then your sex life will bloom with new colors and aromas!


In the last article, you learned the secrets of how to bring a girl to orgasm. But orgasms are different. What if what you already know is not enough for you? And you want to try to make a girl squirt?

A jet orgasm is an orgasm that is accompanied by the release of female secretions. This is the most powerful and long female ecstasy.

Squirting is an unreal pleasure for a young lady. I am sure you are very interested in how you can bring a girl to squirt and give her such a buzz.

Watch my free video tutorials and learn the strategy to conquer the young lady! And then I'll tell you how to make a woman squirt.

How to make a girl squirt:

There are very few frigid women. Much more men who do not study the body of their young lady. And they do not know how to give her maximum pleasure. Including jet orgasm.

Any healthy girl knowledgeable man can get all facets of pleasure. Your task is to learn the theory and competently apply it in practice.

The secret of squirting is the stimulation of the G-spot. Many people call it the spot, but it's a whole zone.

Area G is located on the anterior wall of the woman's vagina. During penetration, you touch her member casually. And to activate the area, you need to press on it. Try it with your hands first, and don't forget about the clitoris.

Keep in mind that the first time it can take quite a long time. But then you can quickly bring the girl to squirt.

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To the touch, this place is a little rough, bumpy. You will feel that it is different from the walls of the vagina. Move your fingers a couple of centimeters deep inside the excited girl (important detail) and find this area.

Area G is the glands that just secrete the secretion we need.

When the G region is stimulated, Skene's glands begin to swell and accumulate fluid. At a certain stage of arousal, secretion shoots out of them, like a male orgasm.

Keep in mind that due to the stimulation of the G area, the girl will think that she wants to go to the toilet. Ask her to go before sex so that she is not afraid to urinate. And during the process, convince them not to hold back.

The young lady is not described, because it is impossible in an excited state. Only succumbing to instinct, the girl will completely relax and be able to get a jet orgasm.

The deceptive feeling that a woman wants to use the toilet indicates that a jet orgasm is approaching.

Did you read the article? But how do you put all this information into practice? How to get step-by-step and comprehensive instructions to achieve a specific girl?

You will learn about this at a paid training "How to turn a woman's NO into a woman's YES".

Get 3 video lessons from this course:

1. Reasons why you have difficulty with a girl
2. Thinking of a successful man;
3. 7 critical mistakes that you make when communicating with a girl.

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