Swollen labia. What causes swelling of the labia in women With thrush, the lips swell what to do

If the patient has swollen labia, the doctor will definitely ask if there are any other complaints.

In a situation where swelling and itching of the labia, swelling of the labia and discharge, rashes are observed at the same time, the first thing to do is to check for infections, including genital ones.

So, with primary syphilis, the characteristic manifestation of chancre may have an atypical form.

In this case, a dense swelling of the labia majora is determined, which does not leave depressions after pressure.

Swelling of the labia often accompanies vulvovaginitis in women caused by genital herpes, chlamydia, candidiasis and other diseases.

In addition to edema, in such cases there will be other signs characteristic of these pathologies.

For example, swelling of the labia with thrush accompanied by redness of the mucous membranes, curdled discharge.

Swelling of the mucous membrane of the labia may accompany bacterial vaginosis, nonspecific vaginitis and other similar conditions.

A specific disease in which there is swelling of the inner labia in the area of ​​​​the entrance to the vagina is bartholinitis.

This inflammation of the Bartholin's gland is usually unilateral.

Allergic severe swelling of the labia- a common manifestation in women of genital allergies (the so-called allergic contact vulvovaginitis).

Most often occurs when using vaginal tablets, creams, suppositories, medicinal or contraceptive, unusual brands of soap, intimate hygiene products, etc.

Most often, such a reaction develops on iodine preparations (Betadine) and nonoxynol-9 spermicide.

Also, an allergic lesion is caused by thrush - fungi of the genus Candida are strong allergens (patients complain of swelling of the labia and white discharge of a grainy appearance).

If after sex with a condom you develop a reaction such as swelling of the labia minora, in the area of ​​the urethra and clitoris, with itching and redness, a possible cause is an allergy to a latex product.

A much rarer option, in which there is swelling of the clitoris and labia, as well as extragenital manifestations (bronchospasm, urticaria, and even anaphylactic shock), is an allergy to sperm.

Such a reaction, for an unknown reason, can occur even after several years of sexual relations with the same partner.

It is assumed that allergens are glycoproteins of the secretion of seminal vesicles and prostate, mixed with sperm during intercourse.

Therefore, even a vasectomy in the sexual partner does not solve the problem.

Factors contributing to this form of allergy include:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • use of the Navy;
  • stressful situations;
  • pregnancy, etc.

Quite often, women are interested in the question, why do labia swell during pregnancy.

If there are no other complaints and the swelling is mild, then the condition is most likely caused by hormonal activity, blood flow to the pelvic area and preparation of the body for childbirth.

Pathological edema during pregnancy develops against the background of varicose veins of the labia due to an increase in the load due to the growing fetus.

The older the woman, the higher the risk of her developing this form of varicose veins.

In such a situation, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner to assess and correct the violation.

Swelling of the labia after childbirth is usually traumatic.

Physiologically due to a small swelling of the labia before menstruation, in the menopause.

Thus, there are many reasons and only a doctor after a diagnostic examination can answer the question of why the labia swells.

Diagnosis includes:

  • questioning the patient about existing complaints and events preceding edema;
  • gynecological examination;
  • tests for STIs, general / biochemical blood and urine tests, smears for flora, etc .;
  • if necessary, for example, to exclude malignant tumors in the pelvis, instrumental examinations.

In a condition such as swelling of the labia, treatment is prescribed only after the establishment of the cause that caused it.

Sometimes the elimination of education is carried out by aspiration (with subsequent analysis) of fluid from the edematous area.

The presence of an infectious process involves the use of antibacterial and / or antifungal drugs.

Traumatic swelling after sex is usually a short-term and self-limiting phenomenon.

To alleviate the condition, you can apply ice to the injured area.

The greatest difficulty with the answer is the question of how to remove the swelling of the labia of an allergic nature and prevent its development in the future.

First aid includes taking anti-allergic drugs, but to achieve a long-term effect, it is necessary to eliminate the irritating factor - the rejection of certain brands of intimate hygiene gels, pads, etc.

Thus, the use of condoms can be replaced by the use of combined oral contraceptives, the installation of the Novaring vaginal ring, the Mirena system, etc.

Conversely, semen allergy requires the use of condoms (although situations with a joint allergy to latex fabric and semen are possible).

With varicose veins of the labia against the background of pregnancy are shown:

  • rest with an elevated position of the legs;
  • compression stockings;
  • local warming;
  • taking paracetamol as an anesthetic, etc.

You can undergo a comprehensive examination, get detailed recommendations from specialists on resolving the problem of labia edema in our dermatovenerologic dispensary.

The reasons

In order to consider the situation in more detail and, so to speak, as deeply as possible, you need to know that the labia are divided into large and small. Accordingly, the reasons for some and for others can be completely different:

  • Inside the labia majora are small ones hidden, they frame the "entrance" to the vagina, so if the labia minora (MPG) swells, this is often associated with the internal genital organs.

  • The labia majora (LPG) are covered with skin and swelling can be caused more by skin diseases, and sometimes they swell for completely natural reasons.

Read more about all this below.

Why do the labia majora swell?

This can occur both due to infection and due to non-infectious ailments, as well as for physiological reasons, for example, during stimulation during sexual intercourse:

  • Allergy- almost the most obvious reason. BPG can swell, itch, redden due to an allergic reaction to intimate hygiene gel / soap, linen, washing powder, conditioner or daily. It should also be borne in mind that if the MPGs touched linen, then they can swell for the same reason.
  • contact dermatitis. In its manifestations, it is similar to an allergy, but it occurs only in the place where there was contact with an unfavorable factor. Provocateurs of this disease can be: tight synthetic underwear, deep depilation of the bikini area, as well as hypothermia.

  • bacterial inflammation. It is quite natural that the labia is not sterile and the skin is full of microorganisms. If you suddenly have wounds, scratches, insect bites, these microorganisms are able to penetrate inside and cause inflammation, as a result of which swelling can be observed.
  • Genital herpes. This type of disease shows itself as inflammation and small rashes on the skin of the labia majora in the form of bubbles. It is the result of infection with herpes.
  • Pregnancy. Swelling of the labia during pregnancy is quite natural. It would be more accurate to say that they look like swollen, but this is not entirely true. During pregnancy, a fairly large amount of trace elements and nutrients are deposited on the labia, which are necessary for the full growth of the child; this can easily be mistaken for swelling. However, the labia can indeed swell during pregnancy, since during this period the blood circulation in the body decreases due to pressure on the organs by the growing fetus and uterus, as a result of which the arteries are clamped.

For this reason, small seals may appear - varicose veins of the labia. This is a fairly common occurrence, and with a healthy course of pregnancy after childbirth, varicose veins disappear. To protect yourself as much as possible from such consequences of pregnancy, you need to:

  1. Wear comfortable underwear made from natural materials.
  2. Future mothers should have a good rest, sleep only on their side, allowing blood to circulate freely.
  3. If you find something clearly unnatural on your labia or if there is a discharge and itching, then contact your gynecologist leading your pregnancy.
  4. It is worth remembering that some infections can be dangerous for your baby.

If you saw a red sore on the surface of the labia, but it does not itch, does not itch and does not manifest itself in any way, then this may be one of the signs of syphilis - a hard chancre.

Why do the labia minora swell?

We have already mentioned above that MPGs can swell due to an allergic reaction to the gel, powder, underwear, etc. Often, MPG swelling is the norm, it shows a woman's sexual arousal. Edema is caused by a rush of blood to the genitals and disappears after the logical completion of sexual intercourse.

However, women sometimes feel mild discomfort after sex because MPGs do not immediately return to normal after sexual arousal wears off. In this case, you do not need to sound the alarm, quite often this happens due to prolonged sexual games or rough sex. However, after a few hours (usually about 12) everything should return to normal sizes, if not, then yes, see a doctor. This may be caused by a violation of the reproductive system.

  • Bartholinitis- inflammation in the Bartholin's gland, located at the "entrance" to the vagina. It is caused by an infection that has broken through into the female body and is often accompanied by purulent formations. The skin becomes unnaturally red and swollen. During sexual intercourse and walking pain intensifies.

  • Candidiasis- a fairly common disease, in the female "world" it is better known as thrush. Itching, swelling, pain during sex and urination, as well as cheesy white discharge from the vagina are the main signs of the disease. Since both men and women are susceptible to the disease, both partners should be treated. The most obvious way of infection is sexual intercourse. In addition, infection can occur if you wear someone else's underwear. The catalyst for the development of the disease can be a decrease in immunity, hormonal disruptions, non-compliance with a balanced diet, as well as synthetic low-quality underwear. As a result of candidiasis, swelling and itching of the labia are felt. It is also possible to observe all these symptoms during menstruation and before menstruation.

  • Vulvovaginitis- inflammation in the tissues of the labia. Appears due to irritation by mechanical contact or due to vaginal discharge, which have undergone compound changes due to non-compliance with the necessary hygiene of the intimate area. All this is also accompanied by severe itching.
  • Vulvodynia manifested by severe throbbing pains that suddenly arise and can also suddenly disappear. This disease appears due to chronic candidiasis, long-term use of antibiotics, wearing uncomfortable underwear, and also due to sexually transmitted infections. Severe pain manifests itself when walking and having sex. You need to be very careful and it is advisable to immediately consult a doctor, because the pain can become so severe that it will be impossible to simply sit.
  • Vulvit. If you feel swollen labia, pain when urinating, itching, greenish-yellow discharge and an unpleasant odor, then this ailment is likely. The vulva is the external genital organs, which include the labia, clitoris, vagina, and hymen. Inflammation of this entire area is called vulvitis. It can occur due to increased humidity of the genital organs, non-observance of intimate hygiene, abortion, frequent change of sexual partners. In addition to redness of the vulva, a burning sensation and general weakness are possible.

Who to contact

Specialists dealing with these issues are a gynecologist or a dermatovenereologist. You can go to an appointment both at your regular registered clinic and at private clinics. Fortunately, we have enough good professionals in this area.


If you experience any of the above symptoms, you should go to the doctor. And do not hope that everything will pass by itself. Especially if you want to have healthy children or even have your own babies.

Your doctor will be able to conduct a complete analysis of your condition and determine the correct diagnosis. On the basis of which he will prescribe the necessary treatment.

There is a huge number of different types of honey. funds. However, these are mainly antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral agents:

  • One of the most popular antifungal drugs is (costs from 205 to 377 rubles). Usually it is taken once a day for 50-150 mg. Your doctor will tell you how long to take it, usually two to four weeks. However, during pregnancy, this remedy is prohibited.

  • If allergic causes of labia edema are identified, antihistamines may be prescribed. One of these is Amizol (costs about 170 rubles), it must be taken pyrorally. No more than 1 g of the drug should be administered per day.
  • Antiseptics mainly include topical ointments or tinctures. For example, Betadine (costs from 154 to 777 rubles) should be used three times a day and applied to disturbing areas of the skin. In order not to spoil the linen, you can use panty liners.

Quite often, specialists also prescribe drugs that stimulate the immune system.

Be very attentive to your body in order to avoid all sorts of troubles. Of course, this applies to everyone, but I would especially like to single out girls of childbearing age. You, like no one else, need to monitor the health of intimate organs if you want to have children in the future.

You can also watch a video where the doctor will tell you how many percent are infected with herpes, how this disease can be cured.

What symptoms can accompany swollen labia?

In addition to swollen labia, infections or other medical problems associated with this condition can cause the following symptoms:

  • sensitivity or feeling of heat in the vulva;
  • bumps or bumps on the labia;
  • burning;
  • pain;
  • redness;
  • strong or unpleasant odor from the vagina;

Why do the labia swell?

Common causes of swollen labia include the following.

Yeast infections

About 75% of women have experienced or will experience yeast infections at some point in their lives.

Yeast infection symptoms include:

  • burning;
  • swelling;
  • white discharge, which may be thick and lumpy.

Conditions that increase the risk of developing a yeast infection include pregnancy, uncontrolled diabetes, and a weakened immune system.

In addition, certain medications, including steroids, antibiotics, and birth control pills, can increase your risk.

Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis affects approximately 30% of women of childbearing age. This disease is the result of a bacterial imbalance in the vagina.

Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis include swollen labia, green or gray discharge, and a fishy smell. However, many women with a bacterial imbalance may not experience any symptoms.

Risk factors for bacterial vaginosis include:

  • douching;
  • having a new sexual partner;
  • having multiple sexual partners.


Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that affects approximately 3% of women of childbearing age. Many women with this condition do not show any symptoms, but those who do may experience the following:

  • irritation and itching in the vulva;
  • painful urination;
  • swollen labia;
  • smell from the vagina;
  • yellow-gray discharge.

Having a history of sexually transmitted infections, as well as sexual relationships with multiple partners, increases the risk of developing trichomoniasis.

Allergies and irritations

If there are no infections in the vulva, this suggests that the swelling may be caused by contact of the labia with irritants or allergens.

Substances that can cause swelling include:

  • chemicals or tissues;
  • fragrances in soaps or detergents;
  • latex condoms;
  • spermicides.

Bartholin gland cysts

Bartholin's glands are located on both sides of the entrance to the vagina. These glands can become clogged and cause swelling inside and outside the vagina.

While swelling usually does not cause additional symptoms in such cases, it can lead to infection and, as a result, pain and pus.

About 2% of women experience Bartholin gland cysts. These cysts usually appear in women in their twenties, and as they get older, the risk of developing this condition gradually decreases.

sexual contact

Sexual intercourse without sufficient natural or artificial lubrication can result in unnecessarily rough friction.

This friction can damage the vaginal and labia area, causing swelling and discomfort.

How is swollen labia diagnosed?

The following can be used to determine the causes of swollen labia:

  • history of diseases and sexual relations;
  • a complete list of observed symptoms;
  • physical diagnosis;
  • smear from the vagina or vulva;
  • taking a tissue sample;
  • Analysis of urine.

Depending on the results obtained and individual symptoms, other diagnostic procedures may be performed.

When should I see a doctor for swelling of the labia?

A woman should see a doctor if the swelling of the labia worsens over time or is accompanied by at least one of the following symptoms:

  • bumps or bumps on the labia;
  • severe or persistent pain;
  • persistent unpleasant odor from the vagina;
  • unusual vaginal discharge.

How to treat swollen labia?

The choice of treatment for swollen labia depends on the underlying cause. Therapy options may include the following.

Medical treatment and surgery

Steroid creams may be helpful if the swelling is caused by sexual intercourse or allergies.

Women with a yeast infection need an over-the-counter antifungal medication, which can either be taken by mouth or applied directly to the affected area.

If the swelling of the labia is caused by bacterial infections, such as bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis, then treatment will involve taking antibiotics.

Bartholin gland cysts do not always require treatment. However, in some cases, a woman may need antibiotics, surgical cleaning, and even tissue removal.

Treatment for swollen labia at home

Home remedies for swollen labia may include the following.

  • Cold compresses. By applying cold compresses to the labia, swelling can be reduced. This procedure should be repeated several times a day.
  • Sitting baths. Bartholin gland cysts can be treated with sitz baths. This procedure involves the presence of a woman in a bath filled with a certain amount of heated water. Taking sitz baths several times a day for four days or more can help drain small cysts.
  • Probiotics. Some studies have shown that probiotic supplements can treat or prevent vaginal infections. Regular consumption of foods rich in probiotics, such as natural kefir or yogurt, can be beneficial in this regard.
  • Apple vinegar. 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar diluted in a glass of water is a popular home remedy for fungal infections. It is necessary to drink such portions up to three times a day.
  • Garlic. Garlic is a natural antifungal that is often used in the treatment of vaginal infections. Although the effectiveness of this herb needs further study, one study has confirmed the benefits of garlic and thyme vaginal cream in fighting yeast infections.
  • Decreased sugar intake. It is thought that a high-sugar diet may play a role in recurrent yeast infections. Therefore, in the presence of such conditions, a woman is advised to limit the consumption of sugar, processed foods, as well as fruit juices.
  • Elimination of allergens and irritants. If the swelling of the labia is caused by certain chemicals, then the problem can be solved immediately after the allergens and irritants are eliminated. Such products may include soaps, detergents, garments and condoms.

How to prevent swollen labia?

There are several preventive measures a woman can take to prevent swollen labia. These measures include the following:

  • healthy hygiene;
  • using pads instead of tampons;
  • refusal to douche;
  • wearing loose clothing;
  • wearing cotton underwear;
  • after toilet wiping from front to back;
  • refusal to use flavored products;
  • taking antibiotics only when needed;
  • taking probiotics;
  • use of barrier methods of contraception;
  • using artificial lubricants during sex.


In most cases, swollen labia do not indicate dangerous diseases. However, if a woman experiences swelling that does not go away or is accompanied by other symptoms, she should see a doctor.

There is a wide range of therapeutic tools for swollen labia. After examining and determining the cause, the doctor will choose the most suitable of them. In addition, there are several effective treatment strategies that a woman can use at home.

To prevent the development of swollen labia and other problems with the genitals, a woman should take care of hygiene, use contraception, and avoid using clothes and hygiene products that can cause irritation or allergies.

Sometimes a woman has unpleasant symptoms in the genital area. And they do not always force themselves to immediately resort to the help of a doctor, because of embarrassment, fear or shame. One of these symptoms is swelling of the labia. Usually, they try to cure such a malaise on their own, which does not always lead to the desired result. And if a woman is not sure of the root cause of the disease, which is easily eliminated, then you should contact a specialist.

Clinical picture

Important reproductive organs of a woman have an internal location and the labia play an important role in their protection. They are divided into small and large. Small - protect the entrance to the vagina, and their swelling is often associated with diseases of the internal genital organs. The large labia hide the small ones, they are covered with a thicker layer of skin on the outside - this is how they additionally protect the genitourinary system, and their swelling is often associated with skin diseases and pathologies of an external nature.

If one labia is swollen more than the other, a Bartholin gland cyst is often detected, which in mild cases does not cause pain. But if there is discomfort during the position, sitting and walking, as well as the swollen lip is highly sensitive and has acquired a rich red tint, you should immediately consult a doctor, as an abscess is likely to develop.

Swollen labia can be observed after sexual contact or masturbation. this is due to increased blood circulation during the period of excitement and blood flow creates a slight swelling. This condition lasts a short period of time and disappears on its own.

But if the swelling lasts more than 12 hours, it is important to consult a gynecologist.

Why it hurts and why the labia swells

Swelling on the labia has many reasons that are both harmless in nature and a serious signal for examination by a doctor. The first thing a woman should do, after she has discovered a symptom, is to identify possible factors that provoked swelling and additional manifestations: delay, discharge, or pain in the tumor area.

Often the cause of edema is:

  • allergy;
  • pregnancy;
  • infection;
  • low-quality linen;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • endocrine diseases.

Each of these reasons requires an individual approach to treatment, and in some cases ignoring can lead to complications.


Swelling and discoloration of the genitals may indicate pregnancy. This is due to an increase in blood circulation in the pelvic area and active oxygen saturation. Also during this period, an increase in secretions is possible, which can lead to the development of thrush. If there is an unpleasant smell of discharge, you need to inform your doctor about this.

Usually, swelling of the labia is observed in the second and third trimester of pregnancy - when the weight of the fetus increases and pressure increases.

Sometimes a woman may observe swelling of the veins in the intimate area, this is usually considered the norm, but you should consult your doctor about further actions to exclude the occurrence of venous stasis.

Allergic reaction

Swelling of the labia may be a symptom of an allergy to laundry detergent, shower gel, synthetic underwear, condoms, pads, or other products with which there was direct contact.

This cause is easily identified, since the symptom occurs in the coming hours after interaction with the allergen and leads to the following symptoms:

  • redness of the labia;
  • edema;

This condition is not accompanied by secretions and disappears after the exclusion of the irritant and the use of antihistamines. A woman does not have to see a doctor if she independently identified the cause and can exclude it from her life.

yeast infection

The development of candidiasis, or as it is also called - thrush, can be provoked by many factors: poor hygiene, taking antibiotics, hormonal failure, wearing synthetic underwear.

Yeast infection symptoms:

  • curdled discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • swelling of the labia;
  • itching and soreness during intercourse or urination.

If a woman has found inflammation, then not only she, but also her partner should undergo treatment in order to exclude relapse. Seeing a specialist is necessary not only because of the appointment of treatment, but also to identify the causes. Since candidiasis can be a concomitant complication of certain diseases. Therefore, if the above symptoms are observed, it is worth excluding sexual relations before making a diagnosis.

In some cases, thrush occurs before or immediately after menstruation. This happens due to hormonal changes and does not have serious consequences if you consult a doctor.


The labia majora can swell due to sexually transmitted diseases, such as genital herpes. It can also develop through direct contact with the herpes simplex virus. As the inflammation spreads, a woman observes swelling in the intimate area, itching, redness, and vaginal discharge. These symptoms portend serious consequences and require immediate treatment before the virus spreads further.

Herpes poses a great danger to the unborn child, so many pregnant women are seriously scared when they find swelling.

Sexual intercourse and other causes

Sexual contact often provokes swelling of the labia. Since sexual arousal leads to an increase in blood circulation in the genital area. Also, swollen labia minora can be observed after sex if there was not enough lubrication or the partner preferred sharper frictions. If the swelling disappears in less than 12 hours after intercourse, you don't have to worry. If this condition persists for a long time, you should consult a doctor.

The intimate area can also swell after childbirth. This is due to several factors:
severe pressure during delivery; lochia - physiological bleeding after childbirth; hormonal changes.

Diseases such as:

Bartholinitis- Bartholin's gland becomes inflamed and the genitals become reddened, increase in size. Sensitivity increases and pain appears when walking.

Vulvovaginitis develops against the background of inflammation of the tissues of the labia, which develops with their mechanical damage and non-compliance with hygiene.

Vulvitis also provokes swelling, it occurs due to high humidity in the genital area, poor hygiene, regular change of partners or abortions.

Any of the above diseases causes discomfort to a woman and requires medical treatment.

Associated symptoms

Depending on the causes, swollen labia are accompanied by different symptoms. Often this allows a woman to assess the severity of her condition.

Enlargement of the labia after sex, childbirth, or arousal usually does not cause any symptoms and usually does not require medical attention. But if the left lip is swollen and hurts more than the right, you should pay attention to whether there is redness and a feeling of a ball, as a cyst or inflammation of the Bartholin gland may appear.

Swollen intimate organs may also indicate an inflammatory process of the internal genital organs, starting with thrush and ending with sexually transmitted infections. The main symptoms are swelling, itching, pain, various vaginal discharge.

Therefore, if a woman has a swollen and sore genital area, you should hurry up with a visit to the gynecologist until complications arise.

What to do if the labia is swollen

Do not ignore the slightest swelling and redness on the labia, and the first thing to do after identifying the symptom is to contact your doctor, who will determine why the labia is swollen. The gynecologist will conduct a visual examination, which will clarify additional signs, and also prescribe additional diagnostics to identify cysts or genital inflammation.

Medical treatment

Almost any condition that causes swelling of the labia can be treated with medication. They differ from each other only in the direction of action, depending on the causes of the disease.

For fungal infections, women are treated with an antifungal drug such as flucostat. It is important to know that if candidiasis is detected, both partners are treated to prevent recurrence.

Any inflammatory diseases and infections require antibiotic therapy, often complex treatment is carried out, which not only destroys the source, but also alleviates the symptoms.

An allergic reaction is treated with antihistamines and the complete exclusion of the allergen.

Any treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, only he can determine the dosage of drugs so that the disease does not go into a latent or chronic stage.

homeopathic treatment

There are preparations of homeopathic origin that can be used in the treatment of various types of inflammation, which are accompanied by swelling of the labia. Bartholinitis or genital herpes is successfully treated with the drug Gepar Sulfur, which is based on a combination of sulfur and calcium. effectively fights inflammation of the glandular tissue.

Candida albicans well treats any form of candidiasis, as well as contact dermatitis and an allergic reaction. Kalium bichromicum also has the same effect, which is also effective for vulvovaginitis.

Folk remedies

Treatment by methods of traditional medicine of a tumor of the small or large labia should be carried out only after agreement with the doctor. Often it is not the main, but an additional remedy that will alleviate the symptoms due to the antiseptic and wound healing action. It should be understood that the infection cannot be cured only with the help of herbs, antibiotic therapy is required.

It is believed that coconut oil, which is applied in large quantities to intimate places, relieves swelling well. Oil reduces swelling, relieves tooth and pain.

The use of natural unprocessed apple cider vinegar is also popular. It is believed to relieve vulvar infection, relieve itching, and neutralize the pH level in the vagina.

Any woman can face swelling of the labia, and if it does not subside within 12 hours, then it is necessary to sound the alarm and consult a doctor.

To prevent this condition, you must adhere to the following recommendations of gynecologists:

  • observe hygiene;
  • use only your own clean disposable machines;
  • change underwear daily;
  • exclude unprotected sexual contact with an unfamiliar person;
  • refuse abortion;
  • adhere to a healthy diet;
  • with a dry vagina before sexual contact, use special lubricants;
  • timely attend preventive examinations at the gynecologist.

Most women know firsthand what candidiasis is. Edema with thrush is one of the common symptoms of an illness that causes panic and depresses. However, this is not the first sign of the disease. Puffiness is the cause of neglect of one's own health. Due to an untimely appeal to the doctor, the fungus grows, causing redness and swelling of the labia.

Causes of edema in thrush

Swelling of the external genital organs is accompanied by redness and swelling. This occurs as a result of the expansion of blood vessels and their overflow with blood. There are several causes of edema:

  • Pregnancy. During the development of the child, the female body is rebuilt. There is a deposition of fat in the abdomen and labia to protect the fetus and maintain a comfortable temperature. This is a natural process that every woman faces during pregnancy.
  • Diseases that contribute to swelling of the body or certain organs. Such a reaction is caused by diseases of the kidneys, endocrine and cardiovascular systems.
  • Damage to the labia during childbirth or rough intercourse.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Infectious diseases.

Poor hygiene of intimate organs contributes to the spread of infection.

However, the most common cause of swelling in the vaginal area is thrush. Yeast due to poor immunity and an imbalance of microflora grows, forming a film or white lumps. With poor hygiene, this leads to reddening of external organs, the formation of small ulcers and swelling.

Other symptoms of pathology


A smear will help determine the presence of thrush.

To confirm thrush, a woman is examined by a gynecologist and takes a smear for analysis. If there is an excess of fungal mycelium in the test material, the diagnosis of Candidiasis is made. Practice has shown that thrush in most cases is a consequence of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. Therefore, a woman must:

  • visit a venereologist;
  • take a PCR test for sexually transmitted infections;
  • donate blood for enzyme immunoassay and immunofluorescence reaction.

If the disease is chronic, the woman is sent for a comprehensive examination and a blood test for glucose is prescribed, since candidiasis is the first sign of diabetes. Examinations of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of ultrasound and tests are also prescribed. If the disease has led to complications in the genitourinary system, the patient is referred to a urologist. She needs to undergo an ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder, pass urine and a smear from the vagina for analysis.

Every woman takes care of her health, however, sometimes intimate problems arise. Swelling of the labia is a very delicate topic that a woman will not immediately tell about. When the first symptoms appear, more questions than answers arise.

The causes of occurrence can sometimes be the most banal, in complicated cases of an infectious nature. In any case, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, if necessary, a urologist.

Only a specialist will be able to establish the cause, prescribe a competent treatment. In order to avoid complications of the state of health, it is important to immediately visit a doctor after identifying the problem.

Symptoms of the inflammatory process

This disease is characterized by:

  • specific edema;
  • hyperemia of the genital organs;
  • pain aching or twitching sensation;
  • itching or burning.

In advanced cases, the local temperature rises and, in case of complications, the general body temperature. This condition of women requires treatment in a hospital.

The swelling may extend beyond the anatomical boundaries of the labia. Sometimes ulcers, sores, erosion may appear. Watery discharge appears on the linen, with a complicated course of the process, blood. Regional lymph nodes thicken and in some cases are also involved in the pathological process.

Discomfort, pain is aggravated by physical activity, sexual intercourse, urination. Inflammation and swelling can spread to the large and small labia, as well as the clitoris, cervical (urethra) canal. Incessant itching or burning in the perineum, redness of the skin.

Why does swelling of the labia occur

Puffiness of intimate origin makes women turn to a gynecologist. A competent examination, an additional diagnostic examination helps to establish the cause, find out why the swelling of the labia occurs. Inflammations are of infectious origin and non-infectious.

In the first place is such a disease that causes swelling of the labia, like bartholinitis. The disease begins with hyperemia of the tissues, swelling around the gate of the vagina. This is due to the anatomical location of the Bartholin glands, into which the infection has penetrated.

These glands are designed to produce a special lubricant for the genitals. Violation of work leads to dryness, which negatively affects the condition of the tissues of the reproductive organs.

If treatment is not started in a timely manner, then a purulent process or a cyst in the inflamed gland becomes a frequent complication of bartholinitis. During sexual intercourse, the infection penetrates into deeper tissues, the healing process is delayed.

With early recognition of the disease (redness), the recovery process is quite fast and simple in medical procedures. There are no complications and full recovery occurs.

Second place is occupied by vulvovaginitis - the process of inflammation of the tissues of the small, large labia. Occurs when personal hygiene is violated or the presence of vaginal infections. It is manifested by edema, inflammation, causing burning, itching, discomfort during urination.

Another common disease is candidiasis (thrush). Most women mistakenly let this disease take its course. It is manifested by inflammation, swelling of the small, large labia. Itching, burning disturb around the clock, aggravated by secretions of curdled consistency. Pain in the genitals is aggravated by urination or sexual intercourse.

The disease is sexually transmitted, affects women and men, so it is necessary to treat both partners at once.

You can also get infected through someone else's underwear. Contribute to the development of the disease: reduced immunity, hormonal disorders, poor quality underwear.

Vaginitis in women occurs for several reasons: violation or lack of personal hygiene, frequent changes in sexual partners, sexually transmitted infections, injuries, abortions. Accompanied by pain when urinating. There is a strong unpleasant odor and discharge. Burning, itching of the genitals.

The insidious disease herpes manifests itself during the period of exacerbation. Easily transmitted through sexual intercourse. With constant changes in the sexual partner and reduced immunity, the chance of catching an infection increases. The main manifestation is the formation of vesicles with liquid and ulcers. Redness of the skin, burning, itching of the genitals. Women experience pain when urinating. In other periods of the disease, no symptoms appear.

Non-infectious edema

During pregnancy, swelling of the labia minora may appear, which disappears after childbirth. If you experience severe discomfort, you should consult a gynecologist.

After too active sexual intercourse, traumatic edema appears, which disappears on its own after a few hours. If redness and swelling does not go away for a long time, you should visit a doctor.

Prevention and treatment

It is recommended to observe the rules of personal hygiene and take a shower regularly. In complicated conditions, hygiene procedures are carried out with each urination. If any incomprehensible swelling and edema appear, you should visit a doctor. Treatment is always prescribed individually after diagnosis. After the course of treatment, a follow-up examination prescribed by a doctor is mandatory.


Not always a woman who is faced with a gynecological problem can consult a doctor to find out the cause. Quite often there is not enough determination to ask a delicate question to a specialist. But it needs to be done. If there is swelling of the labia, you should definitely get an appointment with the attending gynecologist, as this symptom may indicate the presence of various diseases in gynecology.

The main causes of occurrence

Both small and large labia can swell. The problem can be caused by a physiological or pathological cause.

The body of a woman is designed in such a way that, under certain circumstances, swelling of the external genital organs is the norm and is due to the nature of the functioning of the body.

The norm is swelling of the labia majora after intercourse. After a couple of hours, everything should return to its previous state. In this case, swelling of the labia minora can also be observed. This phenomenon is associated with blood flow to the genitals. If, after a certain time, the swelling does not go away, you should consult a doctor, since the cause of the symptom may be the development of a gynecological disease.

During pregnancy, the labia also swell. This is due to the accumulation of fat cells in the lower abdomen to provide the fetus with the most comfortable conditions and maintain heat. In addition, during pregnancy, the fetus grows and puts pressure on the internal organs, as well as on the arteries. Because of this, the blood circulates a little worse than usual, and swelling of the labia occurs.

Sometimes the cause of swelling can be varicose veins in the genital area of ​​a pregnant woman. This is not a pathology, if it does not cause serious discomfort. Everything will be back to normal after delivery. But you should follow some recommendations: walk more and sleep on your side. In addition, it is imperative to be observed by a specialist in order to avoid possible complications.

Gynecological diseases that cause swelling of the labia minora and labia majora include:

  1. Candidiasis (thrush). This fungal infection provokes the appearance of such symptoms: cheesy discharge, itching and burning in the genital area. Thrush can occur during stressful situations, reduced immunity, unbalanced nutrition, hormonal changes, due to friction of synthetic or tight-fitting underwear. You can also get thrush through sexual contact.
  2. Vulvodynia, when the pain is throbbing in nature is felt inside the vagina. There is a disease due to prolonged candidiasis, infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, prolonged antibiotic therapy, wearing uncomfortable underwear, various somatic diseases. Sometimes the burning sensation and pain are so strong that wearing pads or using tampons is uncomfortable.
  3. Vulvitis is an inflammation of the vulva (clitoris, vagina, labia), which is characterized not only by the presence of swelling, but also by severe burning, redness of the skin of the genital organs, discomfort and pain. The inflammatory process can occur as a result of non-compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene, long-term treatment with medications (especially antibiotics), excessive moisture in the genital area, and allergic reactions.
  4. Bartholinitis, in which the Bartholin glands located at the base of the vagina become inflamed. Inflammation begins with the development of an abscess. A sexual infection can provoke bartholinitis. At the same time, the genitals swell, there is a strong redness at the location of the Bartholin glands.
  5. Gardnerellosis, referring to one of the varieties of vaginal dysbacteriosis. The disease is characterized by swelling of the labia, foamy discharge and an unpleasant fishy smell.

Also, the cause of swelling can be genital herpes, when one or more bubbles filled with a clear liquid appear in the labia. The main symptoms of the period of exacerbation of this infectious disease are itching, burning, heat in the genital area. There is swelling and redness. The woman feels weakness and deterioration of the general condition. These signs are noted for one to two weeks and disappear after the exacerbation passes. Provoking factors that increase the risk of infection or the frequency of periods of exacerbation are the frequent change of sexual partners and a decrease in the protective functions of the body.

In addition, swelling of the genital organs can occur in such situations:

  • allergic reactions;
  • mechanical impact on the pelvic organs;
  • chronic urological diseases;
  • infectious diseases such as: ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, chlamydia.

Treatment of swelling of the labia

Therapy will directly depend on the cause of this symptom. After the gynecologist determines what led to the swelling, a method will be chosen to remove the swelling in the labia area:

  1. If thrush is diagnosed, the specialist will prescribe special vaginal suppositories and medications that increase immunity.
  2. With vulvitis, puffiness will be removed by the use of an antiseptic.
  3. Taking antibacterial agents is indicated for the development of bartholinitis.
  4. Infectious diseases are treated using antibiotics, immunomodulators, antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  5. When the cause of labia edema is diseases of the endocrine system, a competent and effective treatment is selected by an endocrinologist.

Vulvodynia is often a complication of thrush that has not been treated for a long time, so therapy will be as follows:

  • taking hormonal preparations containing female hormones;
  • the use of analgesics to help eliminate pain;
  • treatment with antidepressants and antihistamines;
  • carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures (acupuncture gives good results);
  • the use of folk remedies - baths based on anti-inflammatory medicinal herbs (calendula, chamomile and string).

Sometimes, in rare cases, surgical intervention is indicated.

If the labia is swollen as a result of an allergic reaction, it is necessary to stop exposure to the allergen in intimate areas: stop using soap or gel that are not suitable, do not wear synthetic underwear that causes allergies. In addition, antihistamine and hormonal ointments are used. If puffiness occurs during pregnancy, they try to cope with the problem with folk remedies so as not to harm the fetus.

Preventive actions

In order for a problem of this nature not to arise, a woman must observe the rules of intimate hygiene using special hygiene products. Proper care of the genitals should be organized, dirt should not get on the genitals, and underwear should be changed regularly. Intimate hygiene products should sufficiently moisturize the skin and not lead to its drying out.

An important factor is the selection of comfortable high-quality underwear.

Good immunity will protect the body from the occurrence of various gynecological diseases, so it is necessary to pay attention to strengthening the immune system.

It is important to remember that puffiness in the labia area, which does not go away for a long time, cannot be ignored by a woman. It is necessary to make an appointment with a doctor and visit a gynecologist as soon as possible. Self-medication in this case is inappropriate, since the elimination of the external manifestations of the disease does not solve the main problem, but can lead to more serious complications.

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