Constant nosebleed. Why does the nose bleed: causes of nosebleeds. Classification of nosebleeds

Many seemingly minor health problems are actually symptoms of serious illnesses. Nosebleeds in an adult are often quickly eliminated, so it does not always cause concern. However, the negative symptom may be just the tip of the iceberg. So why is the nose bleeding? The reason may lie in the development of a serious disease affecting the entire body.

The structure of the nose and its blood supply

The nose is an important part of the human body, performing the function of recognizing odors and cleaning the air entering the lungs. In addition, it is an integral part of the appearance of every person.

The basis of the nasal cavity is the bones of the facial skeleton: nasal, ethmoid, vomer, upper jaw. Cartilage completes the picture. The nasal cavity is divided into two parts by an osteochondral septum. Nasal conchas, located on the ethmoid bone, form three passages. The two upper ones communicate with the paranasal sinuses, the lower one serves to drain tears from the eye.

The blood supply to the nasal cavity comes from the ophthalmic artery, which is one of the terminal branches of the internal carotid artery. The latter originates on the lateral surface of the neck in the thickness of the muscle tissue. The largest accumulation of vessels is located in the anterior third of the nasal septum - the Kisselbach zone. It is here that the source of bleeding is most often found.

Why does the nose bleed: local causes

An unpleasant phenomenon in adults is most often not just a negative symptom, but a sign of a serious illness. The reasons for this process may lie inside the nasal cavity.

Rupture of the vessel of the nasal septum

The nasal septum is a very sensitive area, riddled with vascular plexuses. The most common cause is damage. The integrity of the vessel can be broken in case of injury. A blow to the face, a fall from a height of one's own height, the impact of a deployed airbag in a car. In all these cases, there is a rupture of one or more vessels, accompanied by the development of bleeding.

Erosion of the vascular wall

The vessel can be damaged not only by direct impact. A prolonged inflammatory process in the nasal cavity often causes the destruction of a thin vascular wall. The defect in this case is called erosion. The picture is complemented by thinning of the nasal mucosa. Most often, such changes occur against the background of long-term use of vasoconstrictor drugs. Their impact leads to a violation of the protective function of the mucous membrane. Naked vessels lose their strength with any, even a slight impact. Erosion will be detected by an ENT doctor when examining the nasal cavity.


A hemangioma is a benign tumor consisting of a collection of dilated blood vessels. Often such a formation is located precisely in the nasal cavity. The vessels of the hemangioma differ in structure from those located in the septum. Any slight impact or increased dryness of the mucous membrane leads to a massive flow of blood. The hemangioma itself does not pose a danger to the body. However, bleeding from its vessels can lead to a large loss of blood. A hemangioma is suspected by an otolaryngologist when examining the nasal cavity. It is possible that a microscopic examination of a tumor sample (histology) may be required. .

Angiofibroma of the skull

Angiofibroma is another type of benign tumor. Its structure combines dilated vessels and connective tissue. Most often, the tumor originates at the base of the skull. As it grows, it penetrates the nasal cavity and can become a source of profuse recurrent bleeding. Angiofibroma of the skull is perfectly visible on tomographic images of the head. However, only a histological examination of its sample can accurately determine the nature of the tumor.

Malignant tumors of the nose

In the nasal cavity, as in any part of the human body, malignant tumors can develop. Any component can become their source: bone, connective tissue, blood vessels, mucous membrane. Any malignant tumor lives and spreads due to the huge consumption of nutrients. That is why such formations are equipped with vessels in large quantities. A long-term tumor corrodes the vascular wall, and therefore there is a high risk of massive bleeding. Suspicion of an oncological process in the nasal cavity requires confirmation - computed or magnetic resonance imaging. The type of tumor is necessarily established during the histological examination of the sample.

Causes of nosebleeds - video

Diseases of the body as a cause of nosebleeds

In some cases, it is not easy to determine the cause of recurring attacks in an adult, especially if the disease lurks deep in the bowels of the body.

Hypertonic disease

Most adults over 40 have high blood pressure. An increase in blood pressure at the onset of the disease is felt by tinnitus and headaches. However, people with thin walls of nasal vessels often experience bleeding. Recurring negative symptoms are a reason to measure blood pressure.

Secondary arterial hypertension

High blood pressure is not always a consequence of hypertension. The tension of the vascular bed is regulated by many factors. The greatest role is played by the substance angiotensin, secreted by the kidneys. Any violation of their work - inflammation (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis) or blood deficiency due to cholesterol plaques in the renal vessels leads to an increase in blood pressure. In addition, the tone of the vascular wall is regulated by hormones: aldosterone, thyroxine, vasopressin, adrenaline, norepinephrine, cortisol. An uncontrolled increase in their production also leads to an increase in blood pressure. Before making a conclusion about the presence of hypertension, it is necessary to exclude other possible factors.

Rondu-Osler disease

Another cause of recurring episodes of nosebleeds is a rare hereditary vascular disease - Rondu-Osler syndrome. Normally, the vascular wall is quite strong and consists of three layers: the inner intima, the muscular media, and the outer connective tissue adventitia. A hereditary disease leads to a congenital defect in the structure of the vascular bed: the absence of the middle and outer membranes. Such vessels are very thin, and therefore a slight impact can lead to profuse nosebleeds.

Systemic vasculitis

The cause of nosebleeds can be diseases that cause inflammation of the vascular wall - vasculitis. Most of them are based on the aggression of the immune system against its own tissues and organs, including blood vessels. Such pathologies include:

All these diseases lead to a decrease in the strength of the vascular wall, which causes blood from the nose. Pathology requires confirmation - a histological examination of a tissue sample of the nasal cavity.

Diseases of hematopoiesis

Hematopoietic diseases are another possible cause of frequent nosebleeds. Blood cells - leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets - are formed in the red bone marrow, undergoing several successive transformations. Any disruption of these processes can lead to repeated episodes. The disease can affect only one link of hematopoiesis - the formation of erythrocytes, leukocytes or platelets. Such pathologies include:

To confirm a hematopoietic disease, a complete blood count and microscopic examination of a bone marrow sample taken with a sternum puncture are required.

Liver disease

The liver is an extremely important part of the human body. It performs many different functions. Among them, not the last place is occupied by the formation of substances with the help of which blood coagulation occurs. Chronic inflammation in the liver (hepatitis), proliferation of connective tissue (cirrhosis) inevitably leads to disruption of this process. The lack of blood coagulation factors can be manifested not only by nosebleeds, but also by hematomas on the skin or internal hemorrhages. Confirmation of liver disease requires a comprehensive examination using analysis, ultrasound, tomography.

Infectious diseases

Blood from the nose often occurs against the background of a common infectious disease. Influenza, a severe viral pathology, is becoming a particularly common cause. The causative agent, penetrating into the body, releases specific toxins. As a result, the integrity of the vascular wall is violated not only in the nasal cavity, but throughout the body, including the brain. In addition, the pathological process can cause not only nosebleeds. Areas of hemorrhages along the vessels, located throughout the body, are of great danger. Currently, the diagnosis of influenza requires laboratory confirmation.

Other factors

The phenomenon can develop in a healthy body in the absence of any diseases. Its development can be facilitated by sudden changes in atmospheric pressure. At an altitude of more than 2 thousand meters above sea level, the air pressure is much lower than that to which the inhabitants of the flat terrain are accustomed. Being in the mountains, especially for the first time, can cause not only the symptoms of oxygen starvation, but also recurring nosebleeds.

An increase in body temperature can also cause a problem. However, the cause of such changes is not always a disease. An increase in body temperature may be the result of sunstroke or heatstroke that occurs during a long stay in a stuffy room, bath, sauna, under the scorching sun.

Another factor is a foreign object in the nasal cavity. Most often, this situation is a child. Open access to small items - coins, buttons, parts of toys, combined with children's curiosity becomes the main predisposing factor.

The time of occurrence of nosebleeds can indirectly indicate the cause of a negative symptom. Evening is a period of high blood pressure. Many cerebral hemorrhages occur in the afternoon hours. In the morning, nosebleeds are more likely to indicate changes in the nasal cavity.

First aid

Competent assistance to an adult is an important step towards a favorable outcome of the disease. However, in an emergency, mistakes are often made:

First aid algorithm:

Help with nosebleeds - video

Medical assistance

The phenomenon poses a danger to the body of an adult, since it is not always possible to cope with it on its own. It is necessary to consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • ongoing nosebleeds;
  • massive flow with clots;
  • severe weakness, combined with cold clammy sweat and frequent pulse;
  • nose and head trauma;
  • a foreign object in the nasal cavity that caused the phenomenon.

A foreign object must be removed using a special hook. After the nasal passage is released, the doctor will examine the mucous membrane and identify the source of bleeding. There are several methods for solving the problem.

Anterior tamponade is most often used to stop. It does not require anesthesia, it is used at any age. It is done with a bandage. Expanding the nasal passage with a special tool - a nasal mirror, the doctor tampons it with tweezers, starting from the bottom.

If the anterior tamponade fails, the posterior tamponade is used. This procedure is already more complicated, requiring pain relief with potent drugs. Posterior nasal tamponade algorithm:

However, this procedure may also be ineffective. In this case, ligation of the external carotid artery in the neck is applied. If the doctor has visually established the source of bleeding in the nasal cavity, he can perform the procedure of cauterization of the pathological area using an electrocoagulator, laser, or cryodestruction apparatus.

What to do for prevention

Prevention of nosebleeds includes the following activities:

Bleeding from the nose in an adult is by no means a harmless symptom. It can be caused by serious reasons that require the attention of a specialist. With recurring episodes, not only consultation with an otolaryngologist is necessary, but also a deeper examination.

Everyone has experienced nosebleeds. According to the International Classification of Diseases, the phenomenon is called epistaxis and serves as a signal of the negative impact of various factors and pathologies. As a rule, it does not pose a danger to life. However, the causes that caused it can be very serious. If the situation is repeated regularly, is protracted, accompanied by a large loss of blood, then measures must be taken.

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To understand the cause of the condition, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of its development. Epistaxis is predominantly associated with capillary damage. In 9 out of 10 cases, it occurs precisely because of a violation of their integrity x, in the rest - because of a rupture of the artery.

Diseases that can cause epistaxis are quite diverse. Let's analyze the most common pathologies.

Table. Why does an adult regularly bleed from the nose

Arterial hypertensionSustained increase in pressure (BP) over 140/90 mm Hg. Can cause rupture of blood vessels in the nasal mucosa
Inflammatory process (acute/chronic)Sinusitis, SARS, rhinitis can cause nosebleeds in an adult
Bad habitsAlcohol abuse, smoking and drug addiction can lead to regular bleeding. Alcohol dilates blood vessels, and drugs and cigarettes dry out the mucous membrane, leading to damage to blood vessels.
Diffuse connective tissue pathologiesAn adult with lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, polymyositis often has a nosebleed
Hematological diseasesA set of pathologies that lead to a violation of the structure, number or activity of blood cells
Allergic reactionOne of the most common reasons. Occurs due to dust, pollen, food, etc.

Often, nosebleeds are due to traumatic influences, but other factors are also likely. Only one symptom is not enough to make an accurate diagnosis. A comprehensive examination is recommended.

Fortunately, bleeding itself rarely leads to serious consequences. It can be dangerous for people with bleeding disorders.

The fair sex is often faced with the fact that periodically blood flows from the nose while carrying a child. This phenomenon may be related to:

  • increase in blood pressure;
  • hormonal fluctuations.

From the 2nd semester, blood pressure increases due to an increase in the load on the mother's cardiovascular system. This is considered normal, but can cause damage to the nasal vessels. Hormonal fluctuations are also associated with changes caused by pregnancy. If bloody discharge flows from time to time, does not worsen the general condition and does not lead to large blood loss, then you should not worry.

It is important to know how to help yourself with sudden nosebleeds

Often teenagers complain that they constantly bleed from the nose. This may be due to a change in hormonal levels due to the onset of puberty. In girls, epistaxis sometimes coincides with the onset of critical days, which is also due to the release of hormones. In addition, teenagers experience significant emotional stress, which can cause nosebleeds. With frequent bleeding, it is worth visiting a doctor to exclude the presence of dangerous pathologies. Among them are congenital heart defects, hemophilia, diseases of the endocrine system, etc.

Epistaxis in a child is a real stress for their parents. The causes of nosebleeds in children are almost the same as those in adults. However, most often the situation is caused by factors such as:

  • traumatic injury;
  • dry air;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • allergy;
  • overheat.

The lack of B vitamins, vitamin K and ascorbic acid leads to the fact that the child is bleeding from the nose. Children often fall, hit, fight, which causes damage.

Babies quickly overheat in the sun. It is strictly forbidden to send a child for a walk in sunny weather without a hat.

Among children's cases of epistaxis, the presence of a foreign body is in the lead. If the child suddenly started bleeding, it is likely that he will place a small toy, pebble or other object in the cavity. In this case, you need to immediately seek medical help. Sometimes blood means that the child likes to "pick his nose." This unpleasant habit sometimes signals developmental disabilities.

Moderate picking is not considered abnormal

What does it mean if you went in a dream?

When bleeding at night, do not panic. If the blood from the nose went in a dream, then this may be due to fluctuations in blood pressure, preceding intense physical or emotional overload. If the blood from the nose during sleep went in large quantities, and the epistaxis itself did not last long, then the rupture of the aneurysm, a large vessel in the nasal cavity, or the rupture of neoplasms should be excluded. A nosebleed in a dream can also signal dry bedroom air.

Flows in the morning just like that

Most often, such a complaint occurs in the elderly. They periodically bleed from the nose due to dry mucous membranes. In addition, most older people have arterial hypertension. If the nose bleeds just like that in the morning, then the cause may be lack of sleep, fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, drinking alcohol before bedtime, etc. In rare cases, a symptom signals the occurrence of neoplasms, blood pathologies, and systemic diseases.

When blowing your nose

If during SARS the mucus from the nose comes out with a small amount of blood, then you should not worry. The appearance of brown fluid is associated with an inflammatory process localized on the mucosa. However, if a person feels healthy, but finds blood when blowing his nose, then it is necessary to undergo an examination. A similar phenomenon is considered a symptom of cysts in the sinuses, polyps, chronic sinusitis, etc.

If it happens often

In most cases, a person can answer the question why the nose bleeds on their own. For some, this was the result of a stroke, someone found high blood pressure, and someone is struggling with SARS. However, it happens that a person cannot understand why he can bleed from his nose and why this is repeated regularly. Sometimes the condition provokes pharmacological therapy. Among the possible causes are also heart failure, anatomical deformities, neoplasms, etc.

Regular nosebleeds - a reason to see a doctor

Persistent nosebleed

Regular epistaxis is an alarming signal. When the nose bleeds every day for no apparent reason, hematological diseases are suspected. The symptom is typical for:

  • anemia;
  • neoplastic diseases;
  • Werlhof's disease, etc.

Anemia is a reduction in hemoglobin levels and a decrease in the number of red blood cells. Neoplastic pathologies is the collective name for a whole group of diagnoses that affect the hematopoietic and lymphatic systems. Werlhof's disease is a hemorrhagic diathesis. Pathology affects platelets.

From what comes every day periodically?

Such frequent epistaxis is a sign of tumor formations. One of the reasons why the nose bleeds daily is nasopharyngeal cancer. Pathology is typical for East Asian territories, but also occurs in Russia. It not only causes nosebleeds in the morning or at any other time of the day, but also leads to congestion, pain, tinnitus, etc.

What if it gives you a headache?

Symptoms may be associated with a pressure surge. If nosebleeds have opened and your head hurts, then the following are likely:

  • hypertensive crisis ();
  • chronic sinusitis or sinusitis;
  • allergic reaction, etc.

Severe dizziness, pain, the presence of foam in the bloody discharge are characteristic of lung damage. An increase in temperature signals the penetration of an infection or the course of an inflammatory process. If prolonged excruciating headaches and bleeding from the nose for a long time, then this is an occasion to be checked for neoplasms.

If there is blood from the nose, then it is important to stop it not only quickly, but also correctly. It is forbidden to take a horizontal position or raise your head up. If bleeding has flowed, then:

  • it is necessary to take a half-sitting position;
  • loosen tight clothing;
  • apply a cold compress to the bridge of the nose (no more than 10-12 minutes).

If the bleeding from the nose does not stop, then you should call an ambulance. The same should be done with a large blood loss.

Regardless of the cases in which the child has a nosebleed, you should use the scheme above. If necessary, turundas moistened with saline can be injected into the nose. One-time use of vasoconstrictor drops is allowed.

Useful video

Otolaryngologist Igor Branovan will talk about the causes of frequent nosebleeds and explain what to do if your nose bleeds:


  1. There are many reasons why a nose bleeds.
  2. The most common are allergies, the course of the inflammatory process and mechanical damage.
  3. There are also more serious pathologies: vascular and heart diseases, hematological diseases, neoplasms, etc.
  4. Only a doctor can determine what to do if the blood comes from the nose, and what the appearance of a symptom means in a particular case.
  5. To fully establish the diagnosis, it is necessary to obtain data on the patient's condition in full.

In contact with

Nose bleed (epistaxis) - bleeding from the nasal cavity, which can usually be seen when blood flows through the nostrils. There are two types of nosebleeds: anterior (most common) and posterior (less frequent, but requiring more attention from the doctor). Sometimes, in more severe cases, blood can rise through the nasolacrimal canal and flow out through the eye socket. Fresh and clotted blood can also drain into the stomach, causing nausea and vomiting. Nosebleeds are extremely rarely fatal; for example, in the United States in 1999, only 4 deaths from epistaxis out of 2.4 million deaths were recorded. Perhaps the most famous death from a nosebleed is that of Attila, who choked with blood in his sleep after a stormy feast on the occasion of his own wedding. According to statistics, about 20% of all patients with epistaxis turn to ENT doctors for emergency help. In 80-85% of patients, problems with the hemostatic system are diagnosed. About 85% of cases of epistaxis are a symptom of diseases of the organs and systems of the body, and in 15% of cases the causes of the phenomenon are pathologies of the nasal cavity.

Nosebleed causes

The first group of nosebleeds

Drops or trickle of blood emerging from the nasal passages are the result of damage to the vessels. This happens as a result of either mechanical impact (nose injury) or internal processes in the body.

Cause a nosebleed the mucous membranes may also dry out, as the capillaries become fragile. Drying of the nasal mucosa can be the result of a long stay in a room with dry air or in the cold.

Impact of external conditions. Long exposure to the sun, overwork, physical activity are factors that can cause spontaneous nosebleeds. This is a solitary phenomenon, it is not a reason to go to the doctor, the blood stops quickly, and the incident is forgotten.

Sunstroke and overheating- one of the main factors of bleeding from the nose, especially in the summer. Due to high temperatures, the nasal cavity becomes dry and the vessels become fragile. They burst easily and cause nosebleeds. To protect yourself from heatstroke, you need to wear a panama or a hat, stay in a shady place more.

Injury- most often, various blows to the face area lead to injury to the nose, which may be accompanied by a fracture of its septum with the development of severe bleeding. In childhood, the habit of picking your nose with your finger or any objects (pencil, pen) leads to injuries to the nasal mucosa.

Second group of nosebleeds

In this group, bleeding is usually caused by much more serious causes, consisting in systemic disorders.

Diseases associated with disorders blood clotting such as hemophilia.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia- accompanied by weak, fragile vessels, often causing nosebleeds in an adult or child diagnosed with VVD. Additional symptoms are watery discharge of blood, pain in the head, tinnitus.

Papillomas in the nose- growths on the mucous membrane. They are the result of a viral infection, dangerous mutations into malignant tumors. Polyps put pressure on blood vessels, make breathing difficult, and cause frequent bleeding in the morning.

Atherosclerosis- changes in blood vessels, loss of their elasticity, frequent damage with the occurrence of various bleeding (internal and external).

Pheochromocytoma- a tumor of the adrenal glands, due to which the level of stress hormones rises. Because of this, the pressure rises sharply and constantly bleeding from the nose. Signs of this tumor are frequent nosebleeds and dryness in the nose. With such symptoms, you should contact the clinic.

Hypertension. Increased arterial or intracranial pressure can also cause nosebleeds. But this is more of a blessing than a disaster, because it is better to lose some blood and reduce pressure than to have a stroke. By the way, most often pressure drops occur from 4 to 6 in the morning. This fact explains why some people have nosebleeds in the morning.

Vitamin C deficiency. As you know, vitamin C strengthens the walls of blood vessels. If it is not enough, the vascular walls become loose and brittle. This fact may be the answer to the question of why the nose often bleeds.

Oncological diseases. Epistaxis occurs with malignant and benign neoplasms in the nose. In addition to bleeding, there may be an ulcer on the nasal mucosa, swelling of the nose, and a change in its shape.

Inflammation of the nasal mucosa (rhinitis) or his sinuses (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis) - inflammation weakens the walls of blood vessels, making them more brittle. An acute respiratory viral infection, allergic rhinitis, bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli) can lead to the development of the inflammatory process.

Taking medication. As a rule, bleeding is caused by drugs aimed at preventing blood clotting. These include heparin, aspirin and others. Blood from the nose can flow with prolonged and uncontrolled use of nasal sprays that dry out the mucous membranes.

How to stop a nosebleed

If an adult or elderly person has a nosebleed, follow these steps:

- First aid is to stop the bleeding. First you need to calm down, seat the victim on a chair, slightly tilt his head forward.

- On the bridge of the nose you need to put a cold compress (ice from the freezer wrapped in a napkin). Keep the compress for 10 minutes.

- In order for air to freely enter the lungs of the victim, you should unbutton his belt, the top buttons of his shirt, untie his tie (if epistaxis is observed in men), unbutton his bra, remove jewelry (if women are bleeding from the nose).

- If blood has descended into the nasopharynx, it must be spit out.

- With slight bleeding, you can pinch the nostrils at the wings of the nose with your fingers for 5-7 minutes. If there is an assistant who will clamp the victim's nostrils, the patient can stretch two hands up if epistaxis is observed from two nostrils, or one corresponding to a bleeding nasal passage. Thus, the blood flow in the organ slows down, and the resulting blood clot clogs the vessel.

- If the blood continues to flow, then the peroxide is applied to a cotton swab and injected into the nasal passage, gently pressing against the central wall of the nose.

- If the patient is unconscious, you should lay him on his back, take his head to the side. Then call an ambulance.

- With significant bleeding in the nostrils, you can drip 3% peroxide or any drug with a vasoconstrictor effect.

- If the nose bleeds unexpectedly due to overheating, then the victim must be taken to a cool place and an ice compress should be applied to the nose. The victim will need hospitalization.

- If in 15-20 minutes first aid does not give positive results, you need to contact the clinic.

What is forbidden to do when the nose bleeds

- Do not blow out the blood from the nose: the consequence of rash actions is severe bleeding.

- You can’t lean forward too much - this makes the hemorrhage worse.

- Tilt your head back - blood can go down the esophagus, causing a gag reflex; provoke suffocation.

- You can not remove the tampon from the nostril with a sharp movement - it should first be soaked with peroxide.

- If the reason why blood is pouring from the nose is a foreign object, you should not try to get it yourself.

Therapeutic treatment of nosebleeds (epistaxis)

Cauterization of the nasal mucosa

Treatment with medication. If blood comes from the nose repeatedly, pressure-lowering drugs are prescribed, hemostatic, vascular-strengthening, and improving blood clotting.

Tamponade- Nasal tamponade is necessary in case of bleeding from the nasal cavity. It helps stop bleeding and retains a significant portion of the blood. Tamponade is often confused with first aid for nasal hemorrhages, however, it cannot be done at home and is a qualified operation, not a temporary measure of relief.

The procedure is carried out in medical institutions in accordance with the rules of hygiene, and self-execution will only worsen the dangerous situation.

Surgical methods. With weak bleeding, the surgeon can inject novocaine (0.5%) or quinine dihydrochloride (0.5-1%) under the mucosa, remove the submucosa of the nasal septum, and scrape out vascular growths. If the blood flows constantly through the nose, ligation of the vessels is performed, with a recurrent problem, nasal skin plasty is performed (the mucous membranes of the anterior part of the nasal cavity are excised and replaced with a skin flap taken from the patient's behind the ear area).

Cauterization of the nasal mucosa. It is used if the factor why blood drips from the nose is the small vessels of the anterior wall of the organ.

If folk remedies do not help you, then you need to see a doctor.

Everyone has had a nosebleed for some reason at least once. Unsuccessful manipulations with hygiene procedures, strong blowing your nose, blow during physical education.

However, there are bleedings that you need to pay close attention to, because they are a harbinger of a serious illness. This may be hypertension and diseases of the paranasal sinuses, a violation of blood clotting and fragility of blood vessels.

Depending on the nature of bleeding and previous symptoms, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment. With frequent bleeding, do not forget to consult a doctor for advice.

Types of nosebleeds in adults

Nosebleeds can go anywhere. For some, it just drips, for others it flows in a stream, and it is difficult to stop it. Be sure to focus on blood loss in order to have time to call an ambulance if necessary.

There are several types of bleeding, for example:

All types of bleeding have a cause, so it is very important to understand the problem in order to exclude a critical condition.

Nosebleeds: Causes in an Adult

Let's take a look at what could be the cause:

The most common cause of bleeding is trauma. They can be accompanied by a broken nose, so be sure to consult a specialist. The second common problem may be a long stay in the sun, overwork.

Bleeding is minor and often goes away on its own. Exposure to heat can also cause blood loss, which is usually eliminated quite easily. Dryness of the mucosa and fragility of capillaries are more common among residents of megacities, since it is they who are more faced with dry air due to air conditioners and batteries and a lack of vitamins and minerals.

Taking certain types of medications can also affect the capillaries. Therefore, you should pay attention to the problem if you are taking antiplatelet agents, vitamin K, hormones, acetylsalicylic acid. Often, drugs are used to thin blood clots, which can affect the frequency of bleeding.

With liver problems, in particular those associated with alcoholism, you may also encounter an increase in nosebleeds. This is due to the loss of vitamins and thinning of the capillary walls.

There is blood from the nose at night or in the morning: causes in adults

Most often, in adults, blood at night can come from overwork and lack of sleep. Sometimes sinusitis, rhinitis or high blood pressure can be the cause. The most important thing is to get up and wash with cold water. If the blood flows in a continuous stream, you need to stop the bleeding with cotton wool soaked in hydrogen peroxide or a solution of vasoconstrictor nasal drops. If even ice does not help, it is better to call an ambulance.

Intracranial pressure, hormonal failure can cause bleeding in adults in the morning. If a person does not get enough sleep, works in shifts, it is worth reviewing the work schedule and adding days off. Constant bleeding from the nose can indicate fragility of blood vessels, an onset of the disease, or a lack of vitamin C.

Be sure to be examined for the presence of various diseases. The doctor often prescribes Askorutin if fragility of the vessels is observed. With dry mucous membranes, nasal lavage with an isotonic solution can be prescribed, which can be done at home on your own.

Just stir half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water.

Rinsing the mouth and washing the nose, when one nostril needs to draw in water and then release it, will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve the surface of the mucous membrane and strengthen the immune system.

What to do when blood flows from the nose of an adult?

Most often, an adult responds adequately to bleeding, but some are afraid of it and may panic. First of all, it is necessary to calm the victim, create all the necessary conditions for his speedy rehabilitation:

Be sure to see a doctor if bleeding becomes regular. This suggests that urgent action is needed. The therapist, otolaryngologist will examine and prescribe the necessary medications that will strengthen the blood vessels or cure the infection.

If the air is dry, you can buy a humidifier at home, lubricate the nose with various vegetable oils such as olive or sunflower.

Do not blow your nose hard, if the vessels are brittle, then the slightest internal tension will create a tendency to bleed in the nose.

Treatment of nosebleeds (in hospital, at home)

In order to stop bleeding, the hospital uses several methods. Usually use hemostatic therapy, tamponade, anterior or posterior. Since the method is quite complicated, it is necessary to carry it out only in medical institutions.

The swab can be impregnated with special solutions, including antibiotics. Sometimes it is administered for several hours, and sometimes it is left for several days. With tamponade, fixation with threads is performed so that it does not enter the respiratory tract. If the bleeding cannot be stopped, the doctor may suggest surgery.

The doctor may prescribe a consultation with a hematologist, as well as ask to take tests for biochemistry, a general blood test and a coagulogram. If the cause of the bleeding was a disease, then it is necessary to cure it, only in this case there is a chance to get rid of the bleeding.

At home, as mentioned above, you can use:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide 3%;
  2. Cold items;
  3. Drip drops in the nose;
  4. Alternatively, you can try contrast baths, when hands are dipped in cold water and feet in hot water. However, in the presence of thrombosis, it is better not to experiment;
  5. Small swab.

The patient needs to be reassured, seated on a chair and advised to breathe more calmly. This will help lower your blood pressure and calm your heartbeat. The blood flow to the head will decrease and the nosebleeds may stop.

You should not use various drugs and folk remedies, if the blood does not stop, it is better to contact an ambulance.

What not to do if an adult has a nosebleed

If the blood flows in a thin stream, then it will quickly stop and clot. But with heavy bleeding of a bright red color, even from the mouth, it is necessary to sound the alarm. There is no way to stop the bleeding on your own, and you need to urgently call a doctor.

You can not blow your nose, the blood can go stronger. Do not throw your head back too much, blood can enter the stomach, and vomiting will begin. You also do not need to tilt your head down and forward, as the bleeding will increase.

It is necessary to unfasten the clothes, if it squeezes the neck, sit on a chair, stop panicking. Many are frightened by the sight of blood, so they rush around the room or even faint.

Do not take alcohol or drugs without a doctor's prescription, this can aggravate the situation. If you do not know what a person cannot tolerate, the best remedy is a gauze or cotton swab in the nose and cold to the bridge of the nose.

For more information on the causes of nosebleeds in adults, see the next video.

Frequent nosebleeds in adults are a malaise, which is a signal of any disturbances in the body. Almost every person has experienced nosebleeds in their life. The sight of blood dripping from the nose often causes panic, frightens, makes it difficult to collect thoughts and resort to a speedy stop of bleeding.

What causes nosebleeds and how to stop running blood?

The nasal cavity of any person is covered with a network of small vessels and capillaries. By supplying blood to the nose, they allow this organ to function normally. Due to any negative effects on the capillaries, causing injury or fragility of these microvessels, nosebleeds occur.

Causes of nosebleeds in adults also include:

  • mechanical damage to the nasal cavity
  • teen fights
  • birth trauma
  • deformation of the nasal septum due to impact,
  • foreign bodies in the nose
  • active cleaning of the sinuses
  • surgical intervention in the nasal cavity
  • nasal tumors - both benign and malignant
  • pregnancy
  • inflammatory diseases
  • vascular disease
  • heat or sunstroke
  • deficiency in the body of vitamins such as C or K
  • menopause
  • heart failure
  • puberty, etc.

In older people, jumps in arterial or intracranial pressure can be a common cause of bleeding from the nose.

What should I do if my nose is bleeding?

How to stop nosebleeds in adults? Correct actions in such a situation can lead to a quick stop of blood loss. Here are some simple rules to follow when bleeding from the nose:

  • Raise your head so that it is much higher than your torso.
  • In order to prevent blood from entering the mouth and nasopharynx, it is necessary to tilt the head forward.
  • Never blow your nose while bleeding.
  • Attach something cold to the bridge of your nose - ice, a piece of meat from the freezer wrapped in cotton, etc.
  • If the bleeding is anterior, then in this case, you should pinch your nose for 5-7 minutes.
  • Why does an adult bleed from the nose even after clamping and what to do in this case? If, after pinching the nose, the blood still continues to flow, it is necessary to insert swabs soaked in hydrogen peroxide into the nasal passages and press them against the nasal septum with your fingers. The thickness of the tampons should be 1.5 cm, length - 2.5 cm. It is recommended for children to make tampons ½ cm thick. It is advisable to keep the tampons in the nose for at least half an hour.
  • If it was not possible to stop the bleeding, you should seek medical help.

Medical assistance will also be required if a person begins to lose or has lost consciousness, if blood has got into his throat and provoked hematemesis, if blood comes from the nose every day, if blood comes from using ibuprofen, aspirin, heparin.

How to stop nosebleeds on your own?

How to stop nosebleeds at home? To do this, you can resort to several simple methods.

  • Drip yarrow juice into the nose, a few drops into each nostril.
  • Take an onion, cut it in half and apply the cut to the back of the neck. Apply pressure or secure with adhesive tape and leave until the bleeding stops.
  • Helps with nosebleeds pouring enough cold water.
  • You can also sniff salty or vinegar water (1 teaspoon of vinegar per glass of water).
  • If the bleeding comes from the right nostril, it is necessary to raise the right hand and hold the nose with the left hand. And vice versa.

How to determine the degree of blood loss in an adult?

There are several degrees of blood loss due to nosebleeds. So, how to understand how much blood a person has lost?

Lost a few drops or a few milliliters of blood pose no danger to health. If a person has lost about 700 ml or less, then there is a slight blood loss. In this case, the victim may experience slight malaise, weakness, dizziness, rapid pulse, flashing points before the eyes.

If adults often bleed from the nose and a person loses from 1000 ml to 1400 ml of blood, then this degree of blood loss is called medium. A person may feel dizzy, thirsty, weak throughout the body, headache, shortness of breath, tinnitus, etc.

With a severe and most dangerous degree of blood loss, a person loses about 20% or more of blood from its total amount in the whole body. In this case, the victim may undergo hemorrhagic shock, in which the blood supply to the organs of the body is expressed at an insufficient level. Blood pressure in such a situation drops sharply, the body's reactions are inhibited, a person may lose consciousness or it may be disturbed.

If there is blood from the nose, the causes in an adult can be very different. Only a doctor can determine the true cause. That is why with frequently recurring, prolonged bleeding, it is necessary to consult a doctor and follow all the doctor's recommendations in order to avoid recurrences of this ailment.

Why does nose bleed during pregnancy?

Pregnant women often experience nosebleeds while carrying a baby. What are they with can be connected and how dangerous is it for the health of mother and baby? The fact is that during pregnancy, a woman's blood formation increases, because the body provides it with 2 organisms at once - maternal and child.

It is logical that the blood flow increases not in any particular organ, but throughout the body, including the mucous membranes. During this period, the mucous membrane becomes very sensitive to the slightest damage and various external factors, as a result of which nosebleeds may occur.

It is recommended to address this problem to the doctor who leads the woman's pregnancy, because if the cause of blood flow from the nose is high blood pressure (blood pressure), then this threatens the fetus with health problems. As practice shows, nosebleeds in pregnant women stop immediately after the birth of a child.

Why does my nose bleed in the morning?

Vitamins to strengthen blood vessels.

The causes of frequent nosebleeds in adults in the morning can be associated with vascular atrophy that occurs against the background of mental or physical overwork of the body, stress, harmful working conditions, smoking, etc. Nosebleeds are especially frequent if the above factors are combined with injuries nose in the past.

According to statistics, men are more prone to morning blood loss. If, upon awakening, a man experiences a flow of blood from his nose, he is advised to contact a medical institution for the advice of a doctor. Under this ailment, not only atrophy of the mucous membranes can be hidden, but also another, more serious disease.

Preventive measures

After a visit to the doctor, the found causes of nosebleeds in adults allow the patient to prescribe a number of measures and procedures that will reduce the frequency of bleeding, make them less abundant or completely nullify. As a rule, patients are prescribed:

  • complete rest;
  • walks in the open air;
  • the use of a large amount of liquid (at least 1.5 liters per knock);
  • regular humidification of the room in which the maximum amount of time is spent;
  • compliance with sleep and rest;
  • eating more vegetables and fruits;
  • getting rid of bad habits;
  • take vitamin complexes;
  • less nervous, etc.

A trifling, at first glance, malaise can hide a serious illness. The sooner a person sees a doctor with this problem, the more effective his treatment will be.

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