The fourth is positive and the second is positive. Blood groups, compatibility and inheritance. Competently: obstetrician-gynecologist answers questions

The compatibility of blood groups for conceiving a child is a very important parameter that determines the normal course of pregnancy and the absence of disturbances in the formation of the fetus. This topic has become relevant along with the development of genetics as a science. Of course, any family should be built on the basis of mutual respect, love and trust, the presence of common views on style, lifestyle and much more. However, the conception, bearing and birth of a healthy and happy baby should be based on the biological and genetic compatibility of future parents.

In any of the centers for family planning, many hours are devoted to this issue. We are talking about blood groups and Rh factors, and that if these characteristics are incompatible in future parents, pregnancy can be difficult for a potential mother, and for a baby, a “blood conflict” threatens the risk of abnormal intrauterine development.

Blood type compatibility - what you need to know

Blood is a unique biological fluid that provides all the vital functions of the body. It is the basis of life, concentrated in small blood cells.

Erythrocytes make up the bulk of the blood and have a complex biochemical composition. Their main function is to transport oxygen to all anatomical structures of the body. At the same time, the composition of blood cells in different people is not the same, it may differ in the presence or absence of certain proteins.

It is the proteins or antigens that make up red blood cells that allow you to divide blood into groups. In addition, each erythrocyte carries a certain Rh factor, which makes it possible to divide people not only by blood groups, but also by such status as Rh-negative or Rh-positive factor.

Human blood can belong to one of four groups, each of which is distinguished by a set of specific proteins (antigens) that form the basis of red blood cells. Antigens are commonly referred to as A and B. Blood cells of the 1st blood group do not contain antigens, proteins A are present in the erythrocytes of the 2nd group, proteins B are in the third group, and blood cells of the 4th group contain both antigens (A and B).

Blood types - description

Blood groups were formed in the process of human evolution. Scientists believe that initially, all people had 1 blood group. Then, as a result of mutations, mixed marriages and changes in the living conditions and existence of different peoples, other blood groups began to form.

  • Group 1 is the oldest, over 60,000 years old. This is the blood of hunters and gatherers, whose diet was dominated by meat food. The peculiarity of this group is that erythrocytes do not contain antigen proteins.
  • Group 2 - formed more than 25,000 years ago as a result of a change in diet, in which meat food was replaced by vegetable food. The blood of the 2nd group belonged to the first farmers and was formed during the transition to a sedentary lifestyle associated with the domestication of livestock and the cultivation of cereals. Evolution gradually changed the human digestive and immune systems, forcing them to adapt to the assimilation of plant foods, and the blood type also changed accordingly. As a result of a mutation, a specific protein (antigen) A appears in the blood cells of the 2nd blood group.
  • Group 3 - the blood of nomads and pastoralists. It first appeared as a result of a mutation among representatives of the Mongoloid race, and together with them migrated from the steppe plains to Europe. The erythrocytes of this blood group contain the B antigen.
  • 4 blood group is the youngest and most mysterious, its blood cells contain two antigens at once (A and B). It is believed that it appeared 1500 years ago as a result of mixing the blood of different races. It is this blood type that is considered the most biologically complex, and the rarest is the 4th group with negative Rh.

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Interesting fact: Studies of the Shroud of Turin, in which Jesus Christ was wrapped after the crucifixion, showed that he was the owner of the 4th blood group.

What you need to know before conception?

Pregnancy planning and the birth of a child must be approached competently. Reproductologists advise in advance to find out the blood group and Rh factor of both spouses, this will help to avoid possible complications and will allow you to determine what qualities the child will inherit from both partners.

It is especially important to check for Rh compatibility, which will prevent dangerous consequences, in particular hemolysis during pregnancy. It should be remembered that if a woman has a positive, and a man has a negative Rh factor, an Rh conflict develops, in which the mother's body perceives the fetus as a foreign organism and begins to fight it, producing antibodies. This situation is dangerous not only for the woman, but also for the fetus, since the likelihood of developing a hemolytic disease in a baby increases significantly.

If you determine in advance whether conception will succeed by blood type, you can protect the mother and the future baby as much as possible. And using the Ottenberg rule, a physician can find out in advance what diseases can occur during pregnancy, approximately establish the chromosome combination scheme and the Rh factor of the unborn child, and also determine the color of his eyes, hair, height and other features.

The ratio of blood types of mother and father is an important point, but their incompatibility does not mean the impossibility of getting pregnant, but only indicates that problems may arise in the process of bearing a child. However, today, we can safely say that this thesis is not undeniable. The future genetic characteristics of the planned baby, as well as the very fact of his conception and intrauterine development, depend on a combination of the characteristics of both parents. Two main indicators are taken into account:

  • blood type;
  • Rh factor.

Directly on the possibility of conception, none of these indicators does not affect. The incompatibility of partners is important already when carrying a child, but even in this case, the conflict between the blood of the fetus and the mother does not always develop. Nevertheless, it is necessary to have information about the possible risk, this will allow you to take certain measures in advance and plan a successful pregnancy, taking into account possible pathologies and difficulties.

Blood group compatibility table - 1, 2, 3 and 4

The blood type compatibility table for conceiving a child will help you independently calculate how comfortable the mother will be during the gestation of the fetus and with what blood type the baby will be born.

Father's details Mother's data Probability of incompatibility Traits inherited by the baby
I (O) I (O) - I (O)
I (O) II (A) - II (A) / I (O), in the probability of 50/50
I (O) III (V) - III (B) / I (O), in probability 30/70
I (O) IV (AB) - II (A) / III (B), in the probability of 50/50
II (A) I (O) I (O) / II (A), in probability 60/40
II (A) II (A) - I (O) / II (A), in probability 30/70
II (A) III (V) 70% chance of developing a "blood conflict", complications and pathologies during gestation

50% chance of miscarriage or premature birth

I (O) / II (A) / III (B) / IV (AB), in equal parts of probability
II (A) IV (AB) - I (A) / III (B) / IV (AB), with an equal degree of probability
III (V) I (O) 80% chance of developing a "blood conflict", complications and pathologies during gestation

40% chance of miscarriage or premature birth

I (O) / III (B), in probability 30/70
III (V) II (A) 60% chance of developing a "blood conflict", complications and pathologies during gestation I (O) / II (A) / III (B) / IV (AB), with equal probability
III (V) III (V) - I (O) / III (B), in the probability of 50/50
III (V) IV (AB) - I (O) / III (B) / IV (AB), with an equal degree of probability
IV (AB) I (O) 100% probability of developing a "blood conflict", complications and pathologies during gestation

100% chance of miscarriage or premature birth

100% probability of violations during intrauterine development, insufficiency in the formation of organs and tissues

100% probability of deviations in a child, developmental delay, autism or mental pathology

II (A) / III (B), with equal probability
IV (AB) II (A)
IV (AB) III (V) 40% chance of developing a "blood conflict", complications and pathologies during gestation II (A) / III (B) / IV (AB), with an equal degree of probability
IV (AB) IV (AB) - II (A) / III (B) / IV (AB), with an equal degree of probability

What you need to know about blood incompatibility?

Accordingly, when planning a family, it must be taken into account that 1 positive father's blood type gives full compatibility for conception and pregnancy with any mother's blood type, but is not predominant in the inheritance of the unborn baby.

The compatibility of the 3rd blood group for conceiving a child in the father is already quite complicated, it goes well only with the 3rd and 4th blood groups in the mother, but the probability of having a baby with the 1st group is quite high. However, the risk of any complications in this variant, although very likely theoretically, is quite rare in practice.

But the compatibility of the 4th group for conceiving a child, if the father has it, is possible only with the same group in the mother. If the expectant mother has a different blood type, then the risks during pregnancy are very high, not only for the health and condition of the woman, but also for the full development and health of the baby.

With a combination of the 4th group in the father with the 1st group in the mother, the probability of the following pathologies in the unborn child reaches a maximum:

  • downism;
  • autism;
  • general lag in development, including in physiological terms;
  • congenital malformations, including heart disease or anomalies in the structure of the kidneys.

Unfortunately, there is no chance to avoid complications or give birth to a healthy baby with a combination - IV (AB) in the father / I (O) in the mother.

Also, the compatibility of the 2nd group of the father with the 3rd and 1st mothers is unlikely, and gives an almost complete guarantee of a difficult and extremely difficult pregnancy. However, the child is born completely healthy and without any abnormalities.

By Rh factor

The course of pregnancy and the possible development of a “blood conflict” between the expectant mother and the baby are influenced not only by the compatibility of blood groups with a potential father, but also by such a characteristic as the Rh factor. A visual representation of its influence is given by the table:

From the side of such a characteristic as the Rh factor, the development of a “conflict” during pregnancy is possible with a very high degree of probability, but, which is very paradoxical, it is practically quite rare.

Moreover, the complications caused by this characteristic of the blood, more precisely, by the incompatibility of the Rh factors of the parents, mean only severe toxicosis, severe vomiting, swelling and other, of course, difficult moments for the mother. This nuance does not affect the health and intrauterine development of the baby.

According to the table, conflict during conception is possible in the following cases:
  • if a woman has 1 blood group with a negative Rh, an incompatibility reaction may occur on the protein A of the second blood group, on the antigen B of the third group and on the protein with a Rh-positive blood factor;
  • if the expectant mother has 2 blood group, Rh-negative, then incompatibility with antigens B of the third and fourth blood groups is possible, as well as with blood with a Rh-positive factor;
  • if a woman has a 3 blood group with a negative Rh, then a conflict arises on protein A of the second and fourth blood groups and Rh is a positive factor.

You should know that the Rh-positive blood of a woman is compatible with any blood of the fetus. With a Rh-negative blood factor, the probability of a conflict is within 50%.

However, compatibility issues are a delicate matter and it concerns not only the process of bearing a child, but also the very possibility of conception. It is not uncommon for a woman's body to start producing so-called antisperm bodies that kill spermatozoa and exclude the possibility of egg fertilization. In this case, they say that in this way the woman's immune system reacts to the invasion of foreign agents carrying a set of incompatible antigen proteins.

To avoid incompatibility by blood type or Rh factor, spouses should clarify all parameters in advance when planning a pregnancy.

What is a "blood conflict" during pregnancy?

The blood itself is a very complex combination of plasma, white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets. In addition to "chemistry and biology", blood is also a carrier of genetic information and performs many other functions in the human body. "Blood conflict" during pregnancy develops through the fault of red blood cells. With opposite, incompatible qualities of these cells, they inevitably start mutual "attacks".

The most serious consequence that is possible with such a complication in pregnancy is the development of the process of intrauterine hemolysis in the baby's red blood cells, that is, the destruction of his blood cells by the immunity of the mother's body.

A direct consequence of this pathology is the oxygen starvation of the child inside the womb, dropsy and hemolytic jaundice. All these pathologies significantly affect the well-being of the expectant mother, and entail the birth of an inferior and not entirely healthy baby.

Fortunately, modern possibilities in the field of family planning very accurately predict the degree of risk of such pathologies and allow them to be avoided.

How to avoid

However, if for some reason, a conception with a high risk of complications nevertheless occurred, a woman needs to be prepared for the fact that medical care will be focused mainly on the health of the baby and the preservation of pregnancy. The measures taken by doctors, in addition to examinations and analyzes of the condition of the unborn baby, as a rule, include the prevention of possible complications.

For the prevention of possible pathologies, with a period of 27-30 weeks, a woman is sent to a course of immunoglobulin injections. This drug partially blocks, suppresses blood "antibodies", that is, it actually "freezes" the woman's immunity, ensuring the comfortable growth of the unborn child. However, such procedures can adversely affect the condition and well-being of a woman.

The expectant mother needs to take this into account, and especially take care of herself if she had to go through a course of such therapy, because after such injections her body will not be able to cope even with a common cold, and it is not allowed to help herself with medicines during this period.

Blood transfusion

In the most severe cases, doctors resort directly to blood transfusion procedures or the introduction of biomaterial particles directly through the umbilical cord into the placenta in order to restore and normalize the red blood cells of the unborn baby.

The development of a “blood conflict” and the complications that follow it have an extremely negative impact on the health and psychological state of a woman, and can affect the health of the unborn baby, even with constant care from doctors and constant monitoring of the growth and formation of the fetus.

The modern development of science in the field of family planning makes it possible to avoid unwanted complications, you just need to take such a step as pregnancy and the appearance of a new little person with the utmost responsibility, using the achievements of modern science and medicine.

A mandatory analysis when planning a pregnancy is a blood sample that reveals the indicators of the group and Rhesus. Both future parents are analyzed to identify compatibility or possible conflict. Incompatibility can be predicted both by the parameter of the blood group or the Rh factor, and in the aggregate of both indicators. The analysis allows you to calculate the percentage probability of pregnancy complications and gives time to undergo treatment courses designed to overcome the possible consequences of a blood conflict.

The genetic parameters of the blood of the parents form a set of genes for inheritance by the fetus that is formed at the time of conception.

The group and the Rh factor are constant throughout life, so a preliminary study before pregnancy allows you to identify possible conflicts in advance.

When planning a pregnancy, parents have the opportunity to calculate their blood compatibility options. If the percentage of the absence of any blood conflict is high, then for future parents, conception and the gestation period will proceed normally.

What is incompatibility

Incompatibility is a conflict between the mother's body and the fertilized egg, which manifests itself from the moment of conception in the reaction of the mother's body to the embryo as to a foreign object. The mother's reproductive system joins with the immune system to fight the embryo and try to deprive it of life support, eventually getting rid of it.

The classification of blood groups into the first, second, third and fourth is based on the content of agglutinins in plasma and agglutinogens in erythrocytes. The Rh factor is the presence (positive) or absence (negative) of an antigen protein on the surface of red blood cells, the most common of which is type D antigen.

When it happens

  1. when the mother's blood type does not match that of the fetus
  2. in a situation of an Rh-negative mother pregnant with an Rh-positive child.


It is a prophylactic drug necessary to stop the production of antibodies by the mother's body that fight the Rh-positive fetus. The introduction of the drug allows you to save the pregnancy and prevent possible pathologies of the mother and child.

The use of immunoglobulin is prescribed by a doctor according to an individual scheme and implies:

  • monthly check-ups up to 30 weeks
  • once every two weeks for a period of 30 to 36 weeks
  • once a week for a period of 36 weeks until delivery.

Also, the prophylactic administration of anti-Rhesus is carried out immediately after childbirth, which helps to prevent conflict in case of possible future pregnancies.

Is pregnancy and childbirth possible?

Modern medical technologies allow you to save a pregnancy in any conflict.

The greatest help is the planning of conception, since the attending physician is aware of the risks of incompatibility in advance, which allows him to choose a scheme for pre-treatment and subsequent pregnancy management. During the gestation period, the problem of incompatibility is concentrated on measures that prevent the reaction of the mother's immunity to the fetus.

During childbirth, incompatibility results in health problems for the baby, which are dealt with by the neonatologist after birth.

dangerous moments

The greatest danger to the fetus is the Rh conflict. The mother organism regards the antigen protein as a microorganism that poses a threat, and directs the activity of all systems to produce antibodies. They subject the fetus to an attack, which is designed to get rid of it as soon as possible, which often ends in the fading of pregnancy, the death of the fetus and miscarriage.

With incompatibility between mother and fetus, the most dangerous developmental option is hemolytic disease of the embryo, which leads to an abnormal increase in the size of the child's liver, jaundice, developmental delay due to insufficient blood supply to the brain.

More important for pregnancy blood type or Rh factor

It is impossible to choose a single important factor, because the incompatibility of partners for a healthy pregnancy cannot be accurately predicted, whether it is possible to assess the likelihood of a conflict. The most stringent medical control requires the pregnancy of an Rh-negative mother with an Rh-positive child.

However, the conflict between maternal and fetal blood types is more difficult to trace, as it occurs in the first days after conception. Then a miscarriage may occur, which will pass unnoticed by the couple (like another menstruation) and will not provide information about what happened for further pregnancy planning.

Identical blood types: compatibility

When a couple with the same blood types plans a pregnancy, the child is protected from incompatibility.

If the parental blood types match, the fetus has several inheritance options, but all of them are safe and fully compatible.

The only obstacle to successful conception can only be the Rh factor of partners, which must be monitored even at the stage of pregnancy planning.


Parents with the first blood groups pass on to the gene pool of future children a set of proteins only for this group. This means that the child will definitely inherit the first group.


Parents with second blood groups have a chance of conceiving both a child with the same group and with the first. In the first case, the probability of inheriting the second blood type is 94%, while the first is only 6%. In both cases, there will be no conflict.


Parents with third blood types are 94% likely to pass it on to their child. However, there is a 6% chance of conceiving a fetus of the first group.


The largest range of possible blood types of the future baby in partners with the fourth blood groups. Such couples can also conceive a child with the fourth group in 50% of cases, with the second - in 25%, with the third - in 25%.

Probability of Rh conflict: incompatibility table

Rh incompatibility occurs only when the mother's Rh negative conflicts with the baby's Rh positive. Maternal blood, which does not contain the antigen protein, perceives the blood of the fetus as hostile due to the presence of the D-antigen on its erythrocytes. Such a Rh conflict is fraught with rejection of the fetus already in the very early stages of pregnancy.

In cases where a miscarriage does not occur, during the period of gestation, the embryo is constantly attacked by the immune cells of the mother's body, which provokes the development of jaundice, anemia, and dropsy in the child.

With which group is it difficult for a woman to get pregnant

The process of fertilization of an egg by a sperm is in no way connected with the characteristics of the blood of each of the parents. Conception occurs or not according to its own laws, separately diagnosed by a doctor and not building a prognosis for the course of gestation. The difficulties of pregnancy are associated only with the gradually developing incompatibility of partners, which is detected already during the course of pregnancy.

First negative

The I negative blood type of a woman has the most limited number of safe pregnancy options. Firstly, a negative Rh is demanding to that of a partner. Secondly, group I, which does not have protein tags, will conflict with male II, III, and IV, producing anti-tags to A, B, and AB proteins, respectively. A healthy pregnancy without worries about any incompatibility for women with I negative blood is promised by a partner who has exactly the same group.

In addition, repeated studies of female subjects aged 35 years have shown that it is the owners of group I who have increased levels of follicle-stimulating hormone, which indicates the imminent depletion of the ovarian reserve.

Second negative

It has type A antigen, which indicates a probable conflict with the blood of a man of III and IV groups. A positive Rh in a partner can aggravate a planned pregnancy.

Third negative

Statistically, the most rare blood group, so the prediction of conception and the course of pregnancy is purely individual. It contains type B protein, therefore, for easy fertilization and gestation, it requires a negative partner with group I or III.

fourth negative

A rare blood type, with which the greatest number of conjectures and calculations are associated, based more on rumors and superstitions than on scientific facts. In fact, group IV has AB tags, which makes it ideally compatible with any partner's blood type. Negative Rhesus requires standard for all groups of accounting for Rhesus men and therapy in the case of a positive spouse.

Positive group in a woman

Women with a positive blood type may not be afraid of an Rhesus conflict. The presence of a protein antigen in their blood makes it possible to conceive and bear a child with any Rh factor inherited from both parents without any problems.

This happens due to the fact that the body, which first encountered the antigen, will try with all its might to overcome it and remove it from its blood system.

In the blood of a positive Rh factor, the protein is already present and is easily recognized by the mother's organism in the embryo, if any. If the fetus inherits a negative Rh, then the mother's immunity simply has nothing to react to, the pregnancy proceeds well.

Positive blood type in a man

In the case of a positive Rh male, a strict comparison with the group and mother's Rh is necessary. The presence of Rh will not affect the pregnancy if the partner is also Rh positive. If the mother's body is unfamiliar with the Rh antigen, then possible fertilization with the development of a positive blood group in the fetus will lead to provoking rejection (miscarriage) by the mother's womb.

Therefore, future fathers still need to prepare for pregnancy to do an analysis that specifies the group and Rh (even if they are completely confident in their knowledge), so that in case of incompatibility it is possible to take precautions in advance.

Different blood types of parents: compatibility table

Father's blood group Mother's blood type Child's blood type Probability of conflict
First Second First or second 0%
First Third First or third 0%
First Fourth Second or third 0%
Second First First or second 50%
Second Third Any of the four 25%
Second Fourth 0%
Third First First or third 50%
Third Second Any of the four 50%
Third Fourth 0%
Fourth First Second or third 100%
Fourth Second First or second or fourth ≈66%
Fourth Third First or third or fourth ≈66%

The table shows data on the probabilistic incompatibility of the mother's blood group with the blood group of the embryo, based on data on the groups of both parents. So, pregnancy is complicated in cases where the group of the child is different from the group of the mother. At the stage of pregnancy planning, an accurate prediction of the group of the future embryo with different blood types of the parents is impossible, therefore, the consequences of the conflict are neutralized already during gestation.

The most common of these is the hemolytic disease of the baby, which provokes jaundice and increases the level of bilirubin. Hemolytic disease is most severe when the mother's first blood group conflicts with the second or third fetus.

Does a negative Rh factor play a role in men?

The absence of Rh in the blood of a man does not affect the course of pregnancy. If the mother of the child also has a negative Rh, then the fetus inherits it from both parents and is not a carrier of an unfamiliar protein for the mother's womb. If the mother has a positive Rh, then the child can inherit both the presence of Rh and the absence of Rh, which in any case is also not regarded by the mother's body as a threat to the immune system.

How to get pregnant for a married couple with incompatibility

Couples with different mother and father groups face the greatest difficulties in getting pregnant in options such as I + II, I + III and II + III. With this ratio, a fertilized egg can be rejected by the mother's body within 3-4 days, so the woman does not have time to notice the pregnancy. To avoid miscarriage, pre-planned continuous ultrasound monitoring of ovulation and fertilization is necessary.

It is impossible to maintain pregnancy with blood group I in the mother and IV in the father, since possible II or III blood groups of the embryo will be perceived by the maternal immune system as hostile. In this case, surrogate motherhood technologies and the expectation of other innovations in medicine come to the aid of parents.

Partner analysis to determine compatibility

As a rule, the initial stage of checking for compatibility involves determining the main indicators of partners in the clinic. Based on the data, a forecast is made about a possible conflict of groups or Rh factors. At this stage, the analysis indicators provide information only about the probabilistic incompatibility, which may not occur. If, during pregnancy, the fact of incompatibility between the fetus and the mother's body is confirmed, then the necessary drug therapy is selected individually by the doctor.

Solving the problem in the presence of a blood conflict

Modern medicine offers several essentially different options for maintaining pregnancy with any type of incompatibility. Timely examination at the planning stage and regular visits to the doctor leading the pregnancy can minimize the risks of complications.


The procedure for purifying the mother's blood plasma from antibodies and its possible replacement with sterile or vitamin solutions. Plasmapheresis is carried out at different stages:

  • When planning pregnancy to cleanse the body of toxins and antibodies;
  • With the initial detection of a Rh conflict, when replacing about 30% of the plasma with saline or albumin solution makes the development of the embryo safe;
  • With a sharp increase in the level of antibodies in the mother's blood, diagnosed at any stage of pregnancy.

Blood transfusion

It is a process of blood transfusion to the fetus inside the womb for a period of 22 weeks. In this case, blood is taken of the same group as that of a child, and always Rh-negative. The procedure is performed through the umbilical vein under ultrasound control and is designed to stop the rejection of the child by the mother's immune system.

The main indications for transfusion are:

  • polyhydramnios;
  • Detection of fluid in a child on ultrasound of the abdominal cavity or an enlarged liver;
  • Thickening of the placenta;
  • Change in the diameter of the umbilical veins.

Labor induction

If, when a blood conflict is detected, the number of antibodies is small, then preference is given to natural childbirth. Stimulation of labor or the appointment of a caesarean section require constant medical supervision in a hospital setting. The number of antigens is measured twice a day, and in case of a significant excess of the usual level, labor is induced immediately. At the same time, the treatment of a newborn from the possible consequences of a conflict with maternal blood is carried out after childbirth.

Prognosis for bearing a child

The developments of modern medicine offer more and more innovations in the field of reproduction - precision equipment, analyzes of the necessary samples, IVF procedures, etc.

Timely selection by a doctor of a complex of means to neutralize the incompatibility of parents can guarantee a desired pregnancy.

To avoid fading pregnancy or miscarriage, numerous treatment options are called for, based on the artificial introduction of immunoglobulin into the maternal body. This procedure allows you to save the pregnancy and facilitate its course.

In case of a diagnosed conflict between the blood of the parents, it is necessary to strictly follow the examination plan and strictly follow the medical recommendations.

The incompatibility of partners can lie both in psychological reasons, and be predictable in advance with the help of analyzes at the stage of preparation for conception. About 15% of couples face the problem of the impossibility of a successful pregnancy due to the Rh-conflict of partners. However, early medical control and a responsible approach to the necessary procedures provide a high chance of a healthy pregnancy.

Useful video on the topic

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Those who treat family planning issues with particular trepidation try to foresee everything, well, or almost everything. Therefore, often future parents (more often - the beautiful half of humanity) ask questionsblood compatibility for conceiving a child.

The question is interesting, with its own nuances, so today we will try to answer the most common questions regardingblood group compatibility and Rh factor to conceive a child.

  1. Why Blood Matters in Planning
  2. Rh factor and rhesus conflict
  3. What could be the consequences and ways to solve problems
  4. Conclusion

Why is blood important in planning matters?

What is blood? The internal fluid of our body, which maintains its constancy and performs a great many functions - bloodplays its part and in processes of new life. With the help of a blood test, you can find out many important information about the state of the body, for example, blood test for find out about pregnancy before use .

Whether you are planning a pregnancy in the near future or are already registered with the antenatal clinic - you (and then your spouse) will be asked to take a blood test that will determine your blood type and the presence / absence of antigen- D. These two values ​​play a decisive role.

As you know, there are 4 generally accepted blood groups (0 (I) , A (II) , B (III) and AB (IV)) , which differ from each otherproperties of antigen proteins, which, in turn, are located on the surface of erythrocytes. Distinguish as well as indicators of the Rh factor.

This is a kind antigen marker D on the same formed elements of the blood.We should talk about a positive Rh in case of detection of this antigen, and, accordingly, if it is not there, then the indicator Rh will be with a minus sign. By the way, people with negative Rh relatively small (about 15% of the total mass).

Speaking of blood group compatibility for conception, some adjustments need to be made. There is an opinion,certain combinationparental blood types affects the likelihood of conceiving a child and even his future sex.Here, for example, is a table according to which it is allegedly possible to track the sex of the unborn child, knowing the blood types of the father and mother.

There is a similar about blood group compatibility. Table illustrates whether parents are compatible with certain indicators.

According to experts in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, onand subsequent gestation the child is only affected by Rh. Therefore, you can sleep peacefully:the gender of the unborn child and the chances of conceiving him are not affected by belonging to one or another blood type.

T. e. all of the above labels don't have the slightest scientific justification and are based on dubious data and the conclusions of those people who have very mediocre knowledge in such matters.

You can ask questions about what groups are not compatible or compatible, however, this does not apply to family planning, but rather answers the question of compatibility when a blood transfusion is needed. It is known that certain blood suits a certain person. To example people with I group can be donors for everyone else, and those who have IV - can accept any blood group. Belowgroup compatibility label.

A simple survey can serve as proof that such conclusions are beyond reality. Take an interest in the blood types of your relatives and friends, for sure they are all different. Different people link their lives and give birth to children, having different marks on the type of blood in their medical records. And u all u n them, one way or another, children are born, and possible problems with conception are likely to be of a completely different nature.
To summarize: oncourse of pregnancyif raise blood issues, affectsonly the Rh factor. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Rh and rhesus conflict

Another of the blood systems, which was discovered in the middle of the last century, how proved to have a significant impact on childbearing.In this case, the key is the concept of "Rhesus conflict". What is this fruit and what is it eaten with?

As already mentioned, specific D antigens are either present ( Rh + ), or absent ( Rh-) on the surface of red blood cells.Accordingly, spouses may have several options:

  • Rh + mother and Rh + father;
  • Rh + mother and Rh - father;
  • Rh - mother and Rh - father;
  • Rh - mother and Rh + father.
Only the last case is of particular interest.And it's all about the absence D antigeno in the mother. Probability of conflict if the father has Rh + blood, as can be seen from the table below, is 1 to 2. If the future baby will take from mothers are Rh negative, then there is no point in worrying, but if it is positive, then the creatures reduces the likelihood of Rhesus conflict - a state in which m The mother's unified system perceives the fetus as something else and tries in every wayget rid of it. In such situation does not play any role, but it can affect gestation.

Such and m mothers moon answer whom organism directly negativeaffects the mother's body, in somecases threaten the health and life of the child. But during the first pregnancy, such a conflict is not observed, since the body has not yet had time to accumulate enough antibodies to Rh + blood, howeversubsequent pregnancies, the situation may change dramatically. It is for this reason that negative mothers are not recommended to terminate their first pregnancy.

In subsequent pregnancies, the likelihood of conflict in the "mother-fetus" system increases significantly. Signs may be certain ailments in a woman:

  • general ailments;
  • gestosis of pregnant women;
  • pregnancy diabetes;
  • uterine hypertonicity, etc.
In the case of the fetus, the following pathologies may be revealed:
  • anemia;
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • neonatal jaundice;
  • dropsy of the fetus;
  • swelling;
  • hemolytic disease;
  • enlarged liver and spleen on ultrasound results.

What happens when rhesus conflict?

And why does it only work after the first birth or abortion? It's all about incest woman and her baby. Normally, this does not happen, but when a pregnancy is terminated or in the processdelivery, the baby's blood enters the maternal circulation.

The so-called sensitization process begins: maternal organ nism produces and accumulates antibodies to Rh-positive blood, mistaking it for someone else's, and subsequently attacks the erythrocytes of the child, leading to the above-described consequences.

It turns out that in the risk group there will be mothers with no Rh antigen provided that the father has such a protein.

We determine the blood of the unborn child

Horse Of course, this does not apply to the question of whichblood groups are compatible, and which ones are not, we found out that this parameterdoes not affect at allon the likelihood of conceiving a baby.But still curious which groupthe child will inherit the blood.The table below will help you figure it out.

An interesting situation for parents II and III group: their children can inherit any of the four types of systems. As for Rh , then the baby will inherit a negative Rh only if both parents "wear" Rh- otherwise the odds are 50/50.

What are the possible consequences and ways to solve problems

Now about the consequences of incompatibility.Women at risk pass the mandatory list e ny research and sdcarry out the necessary analyses.It is important to exercise careful con monitoring the state of the expectant mother and fetus to identifymanifestations of signs of sens and bilization. For the same china times in a certain pra period of time passes tests, the results of which determine corrective therapy.

Signs that the mother's body produces antibodies to the fetus, serves anemia in the fetus and subsequent hypoxia that develops indue to insufficient number of erythrocytes,carrying oxygen. Erythrocytes die under the influence of maternal antibodies. The severity is determined by the amount of these same antibodies. In extreme cases, a decision is made to have a preterm controlled delivery or a blood transfusion immediately after the baby is born.

There is a panacea for all this - serum immu noglobulin, which is offered to all Rh-negative mothers in case of bearing a “positive” baby.Such measures allow you to start the process of destruction of antibodies to erythrocytes Rh + child in casethe ice ones will fall into the maternal or g a nism.

Immu noglobulin-D applied by intramuscular injection in cases conflict :

  • first three days after delivery;
  • in cases of risk of sensitization (chorionic biopsy, abdominal trauma, etc.);
  • in case of termination of pregnancy;
  • at 28 and 34 weeks of gestation.
Modern medicine allows minimizing the consequences of a possible Rh conflict in mother and child.. With timely diagnosis and intervention, a woman gives birth to healthy children without the threat of complications during the current pregnancy and in the future. However, women at risk should take a more responsible approach to family planning and take into account national complications.


When planning to have a baby, treat the issue with full responsibility and understanding. Contrary to the opinion walking in the vastness of Int e rnet and on the lips of some mothers, the blood type in no way affects either the sex of the child or the success of his conception. In matters of compatibility and possible problems, only the Rh factor of the mother plays a role. And only those women are at risk, whose Rh is negative.

But even in this case (and this is about 1 pregnancy out of 10)modern medicine is able to correct the situation and give the expectant mother the happiness of bearing a healthy baby.

Blood is the main carrier of information about the human body. To date, there are 4 groups and 2 types of this substance. Each blood group has its own characteristics. In addition, it is this component that helps to lay in a person some character traits and preferences. Today we have to understand what a 2 positive blood type is. Characteristics, compatibility and nutritional features are the topics that will be covered next. All the information presented to your attention may pleasantly surprise you. Few people even think about how a person's blood affects his life.

common data

Blood is the most informative unit of the human body. Her group is a genetic trait that does not change throughout life. Regardless of the circumstances, the blood always remains the same. It is laid in a person in the womb, and then accompanies a citizen all his life.

Today, in science, as already mentioned, 4 blood groups are distinguished: the first, second, third and fourth. The 2nd blood group, according to statistics, is the most common. About 1/3 of the entire population of the Earth are its owners. This blood is often called the blood of the landowners. This group is considered the oldest, it existed even before the mixing of human races.

As already mentioned, there are 2 types of blood - positive or negative. The most common option is the first one. 2 positive blood group, the characteristics of which will be presented below, is available in a larger number of the population around the world.

It is noted that this type of blood appeared only after the 1st. Some suggest that this is due to the development of mankind. Primitive people were able to eat carbohydrates. They began to engage in gathering and farming. In the course of this, the 2nd blood group was formed.

If you briefly describe people with such "substance", you can see that they are sociable and flexible. In addition, they tend to idealize the world. People with the 2nd blood group are excellent organizers.

About genetics

Now a little about the genetic properties of the studied information unit of the human body. The second blood group is designated as A (II). This is the interpretation proposed in the AB0 system. The only thing that distinguishes this blood type is the presence of A-antigens of erythrocytes.

In order for the properties of an information unit to be inherited by a child, one of the parents must have a similar antigen. Accordingly, the 2nd positive blood group, the characteristics of which are given below (and the negative one too) can be combined with other blood. There are 3 different combinations in total.

It is necessary to understand the genetic characteristics even at the stage of planning a child. The thing is that often problems with conception occur due to the characteristics of the blood of the parents. In addition, complicated pregnancy and health problems in a child can also be associated with blood. Especially with the Rh factor.

If the parents of the baby have the same antigens, then the child will definitely inherit them. Otherwise, the strongest component will "win". It can be either from the mother or from the father.

Blood type of parents and children

In order to correctly answer this question, it is necessary to study genetics thoroughly. But for ordinary people, scientists have come up with a variety of calculators and compatibility tables.

If the parents have a 2+ blood type, it is likely that the child will also have an A (II). But the Rh factor can be negative. In addition, it is possible that the baby will have the 1st blood group. This is normal, although very rare. It occurs in approximately 6% of cases.

To be able to give birth to a baby with the 2nd blood group, the following combinations of this substance must be present in the parents:

  • 2nd and 4th;
  • second or fourth + 1st (without antigen);
  • fourth or second + 3rd.

Parents with the 1st and 3rd blood groups will never have a child with the 2nd. All this is due to the absence of antigens. Such a combination is the reason for a medical examination. The thing is that if the mother and father have the 1st and 3rd blood groups, they cannot be the parents of a baby with the 2nd group.

Blood compatibility in transfusion

But this is not all interesting and important facts. 2 positive blood group, the characteristics of which will be fully studied further, has its own characteristics of compatibility during transfusion. It is at this point that the Rh factor must be taken into account. Any blood transfusion center specifies the donor's blood group before starting the process. Otherwise, you can lose the patient.

The 2nd positive blood group does not have too extensive compatibility. This means that not everyone can transfuse it. Such people can act as donors for patients with the 2nd or 4th positive blood groups. As a recipient, citizens with group 2+ can receive the 1st and 2nd blood groups. In this case, the Rh factor can be any - both positive and negative.

With the rest of the blood, A + does not combine in any way. As already mentioned, this blood type has very limited compatibility. This fact should be taken into account by all medical workers.

Blood and character

2 positive blood type, the characteristics of which are presented to our attention, endows its carriers with certain character traits. Some believe that it is blood that influences human behavior.

People with the 2nd positive blood group have a decent attitude towards relatives, friends and relatives, a tendency to group work, sympathy and care for those who are dear.

Such people are great leaders. Only in fact they usually give priority to others. People with A+ dream of recognition and leadership, but they carefully hide it. Such behavior often leads to internal feelings and stress.

On choosing a profession

And what is the best job for carriers of the 2nd positive blood type? To do this, you need to pay attention to the characteristics of a person's character. Nature has come up with many professions for such people.

All the features listed above should not be overlooked. People with blood type 2 (positive) are excellent teachers, doctors, social workers. They work wonderfully with personnel, they can help in election campaigns. It is in these areas that it is recommended to choose a profession for such citizens.

health risks

But this is not all interesting and important facts. Compatibility of 1 and 2 blood groups (positive) is now clear. Moreover, it is now clear what character traits the carriers of this informational genetic unit are endowed with. An extremely important point is the state of health of a person with A +.

Some believe that blood type has a serious impact on the human body. In addition to character traits, people acquire certain vulnerabilities. For example, such citizens have the following features:

  • low immunity that occurs with infections, stress, malnutrition or physical exertion;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • impaired absorption of proteins and fats;
  • decreased acidity of the stomach.

Accordingly, the 2 positive blood type, the compatibility of which we already know, gives a person the following vulnerabilities:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • allergic reactions;
  • increased susceptibility to foodborne infections;
  • predisposition to gastritis, pancreatitis;
  • risk of developing malignant tumors.

Perhaps these are all the features of health that you need to remember. What else is important to know about people with the 2nd positive blood type?

About nutrition

For example, it is recommended to pay special attention to nutrition. It in the studied category of persons implies a sparing regimen. How should nutrition be organized by blood type? 2 positive (a table of allowed products will be presented later) blood is not only a tendency to leadership, but also an organization for the prevention of obesity.

Accordingly, you need to eat right. It is noted that many people with A+ tend to be vegetarian. Their main diet is vegetables and fruits. Vegetable oils are also beneficial. For example, linseed or olive. Cereals allowed for consumption are buckwheat, rice, millet, barley. Beans and lentils should not be forgotten either. Cereals for people with A+ are a great menu item.

Among vegetables and fruits, it is necessary to give preference to those that increase the formation of gastric juice. For example: cherries, oranges, apples, pineapples, beets, carrots, bell peppers, cucumbers. Spices are not recommended. You can leave only mustard.

Seafood and delicacies can be consumed, but in limited quantities. Garlic, ginger, soy sauce and drinks with malt are also not recommended. Despite this, they are not prohibited. Soy substitutes are allowed to be used without restrictions.

Results and conclusions

Now it is clear what constitutes Rh positive blood in the second group. In addition, from now on it is clear what character traits people possess - carriers of this informational genetic unit. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the 2nd positive blood type makes a person with leadership qualities, empathy, a tendency to stress and reduced immunity. Nutrition for such people should be balanced.

Any blood transfusion center will tell you that there may be problems with the transfusion. After all, the 2nd positive blood does not fit well with the rest of the genetic information units. This must be remembered by all people.

With the development of genetics, the compatibility of the blood of future parents during conception has become a hot topic in medicine. Family planning is based on love and mutual understanding, but the birth of a child is the most important event in the life of every couple, and for a successful pregnancy, gynecologists recommend undergoing research to eliminate the incompatibility of a woman and a man.

The essence of the study is to determine the blood type of the future mother and her husband and to identify their Rh factors. The ideal combination is recognized as the same blood belonging to both sexes, especially with regard to Rh compatibility. Because with the incompatibility of factors in the parents, a blood conflict may develop between the mother and the child, which aggravates the course of pregnancy and negatively affects the development of the fetus.

The incompatibility of sexual partners by blood does not cause problems with conception. The situation with non-pregnancy is due to immunological incompatibility and depends on the characteristics of the female and male body in each case.

A study on the Rh factor excludes the possibility of developing a conflict between the mother and the fetus, and does not affect the process of conception.

The compatibility table for the Rh factor clearly shows the risks of developing a conflict pregnancy:

At conception, Rh factor compatibility is determined in the early stages. The expectant mother and her husband undergo examinations at the antenatal clinic during registration. A conflict pregnancy can make life extremely difficult for future parents.

However, this condition is not regarded as a complete incompatibility of the couple for conception; from the compatibility table data, it can be seen that the conflict does not always develop. Even under the most unfavorable set of circumstances, when the expectant mother has a negative Rh factor, and her husband is positive, the baby has a 50% chance of inheriting negative mother's blood, which eliminates the possibility of conflict.

In a situation where the mother has a positive second, third, or any other blood type, carrying a baby with negative blood, there will be no erythrocyte conflict, since positive blood is always stronger. Conception compatibility is not determined by groups, only the difference in the Rh factors of the parents matters during the planning period, and even it is not an indicator of complete incompatibility.

Compatibility of partners during pregnancy

During pregnancy, after examining a married couple to determine their conflicts according to the Rh factor, it is necessary to assess the compatibility of their blood groups, and it is possible to calculate the probability of a group in an unborn child.

The group, like the Rh factor, depends on special proteins on the surface of red blood cells. In the first, there are no proteins at all, and in the second, third and fourth they are present, but each with its own characteristics.

In a situation where a woman does not have the protein that her husband has, the child can inherit the father's protein and come into conflict with the mother's body. This happens less frequently than an Rhesus conflict, but you need to be aware of such a possibility.

From the table compiled on the basis of a study of the interaction of erythrocytes, we can draw conclusions about the compatibility of parents by blood type:

Father Mother Child Incompatibility
I (O) I (O) I (O) No
I (O) II (A) I (O) or II (A) No
I (O) III (V) I (O) or III (B) No
I (O) IV (AB) II (A) or III (B) No
II (A) I (O) I (O) or II (A) 75%
II (A) II (A) I (O) or II (A) No
II (A) III (V) 70%
II (A) IV (AB) No
III (V) I (O) I (O) or III (B) 75%
III (V) II (A) I (O) or II (A) or III (B) or IV (AB) 70%
III (V) III (V) I (O) or III (B) No
III (V) IV (AB) II (A) or III (B) or IV (AB) No
IV (AB) I (O) II (A) or III (B) 100%
IV (AB) II (A) II (A) or III (B) or IV (AB) 50%
IV (AB) III (V) II (A) or III (B) or IV (AB) 50%
IV (AB) IV (AB) II (A) or III (B) or IV (AB) No

From the indicators of the table, we can conclude that the compatibility of the blood of a husband and wife does not always occur, the likelihood of incompatibility is not uncommon. However, in a happy family born in love, a change of partner due to such incompatibility is excluded, so it is necessary to look for ways to mitigate the consequences of the conflict and be more attentive to the course of a conflict pregnancy.

A conflict in a group develops with 100% probability only in a combination of group 1 in a woman and group 4 in a man. Characteristics of the compatibility of 4 and 3 positive groups are:

  • From the third in a man, a conflict will develop in women with groups 1 and 2.
  • With the fourth rare in a man, a conflict will arise in three cases out of four possible combinations - there will be no conflict when two fourth groups are connected. In a situation where a woman has 4, a conflict is possible if she is negative at the same time.

There is a high probability of a conflict with the first negative blood in a future mother, so gynecologists recommend that mothers with this blood accessory undergo all recommended examinations on time and take an antibody test starting from the 8th week of pregnancy.

conflict pregnancy

A blood conflict is formed when incompatible erythrocytes of a mother and a child collide, as a result of which the latter are attacked by maternal immunity and are gradually destroyed. A similar phenomenon entails hemolysis of the baby's erythrocytes with further concomitant complications in the form of hemolytic jaundice, fetal dropsy and oxygen starvation.

In case of suspicion of a complicated pregnancy, the gynecologist prescribes additional examinations of the child with the help of ultrasound, CTG and even amniocentesis. Doctors do their best to prevent the development of serious diseases in the baby or the possible loss of the child.

As a preventive measure for complications, an injection of immunoglobulin is prescribed for a period of 28 weeks. Immunoglobulin slows down the development of antibodies in the female body, "attacking" the placenta with a growing baby. In rare cases, a small amount of biomaterial is transfused through the umbilical cord to the child in order to normalize his level of red blood cells and reduce the negative effect of hemolysis of red blood cells.

For the successful conception and development of a baby, an atmosphere of love and understanding in the family will be needed, and determining the compatibility of groups and Rh factors of parents is one of the studies aimed at eliminating possible complications of pregnancy.

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