Types of prostatitis and their treatment. Types of prostatitis in men, the main forms of the disease. How does prostate adenoma develop?

Prostatitis is one of the most dangerous “male” diseases. Patients often delay getting a diagnosis until the last minute because the symptoms of prostate inflammation can be extremely unpleasant and even embarrassing. As a result, the patient gets an appointment already at a late stage of the disease, which is much more difficult to deal with.

If you notice at least one of the symptoms of prostatitis, then do not delay visiting a doctor. The sooner you establish the cause of the violations, the more successful the treatment will be. When diagnosing inflammation, it is especially important to determine the specifics of the disease. Different types of prostatitis in men require different therapeutic methods and develop at different rates. Focusing on the varieties of this disease, you can quickly cope with unpleasant symptoms and embark on the path to recovery.

Types of prostatitis are distinguished by the forms of the course and the sources of the disease. The proportion of bacterial infections is becoming smaller every year, giving way to non-bacterial factors. The average age of the patient is decreasing every year: more and more patients are younger than 30 years.

Forms of the course of prostatitis

Prostatitis never starts as a chronic disease. A global lesion is always preceded by an acute stage, characterized by the most striking and noticeable symptoms. Then the disease "calms down", the body gets used to living with it. At this stage, many patients decide that the danger has passed, and do not try to continue treatment. In fact, a “lull”, accompanied by somewhat less unpleasant symptoms, may indicate the transition of prostatitis to a chronic form. The next stage is adenoma, the growth of a cancerous tumor.

All forms of prostatitis are dangerous for the patient. The longer the inflammation remains untreated, the greater the chance of complications. Nevertheless, modern medicine is able to overcome prostatitis in any of its forms: at least until pathological transformations begin.

acute form

The initial stage of prostatitis, characterized by particularly painful sensations. It occurs due to infection of sensitive tissues of the prostate by hostile microorganisms, usually bacteria or protozoa. In rare cases, a fungus can act as the causative agent.

When the inflammatory process begins, the healthy balance of the prostate microflora is disturbed. Microorganisms begin to multiply at a tremendous speed. Weakened immunity cannot fight the “invasion”, and the inflammation worsens.

Manifestation of an acute form of prostatitis

At risk is any man suffering from a weakened immune system. Even if you take care of your immune system, you can still get into a situation where the body's defenses cannot resist. Here are just a few of the conditions that deplete the body's immunity:

  • Any surgical operation.
  • Pathological processes in the internal systems of the body.
  • Hormonal imbalance, increased estrogen production.
  • Untreated caries.
  • Any chronic disease.

The acute form is characterized by the extremely rapid development of the inflammatory process. If you notice any of the following symptoms, contact your doctor immediately:

  • Characteristic pain in the anus, aggravated by an attempt to defecate.
  • Acute pain syndrome: pain in the groin and base of the lower back, pulling unpleasant pain in the muscles.
  • Problems with urination: soreness, frequent urges, delays.

It also prevents you from enjoying intimate relationships: it negatively affects erection and prevents ejaculation. If hospitalization is avoided for too long, urination and defecation may begin to be accompanied by pus. Do not try to self-medicate! Suitable antibiotics can only be prescribed by a qualified specialist.

At the first examination of a patient with acute prostatitis, it is especially important to determine its specificity. There are diffuse prostatitis, in which the entire prostate gland increases in size, and focal, characterized by only partial damage to the organ. The gland is also checked for complications. Acute inflammation can be complicated by abscesses of nearby tissues or even vascular thrombosis. After testing for other infections, your doctor may prescribe treatment.

Examination of a patient with prostatitis

In most cases, the acute phase is treated in a hospital. This allows you to stop the disease in the bud, preventing the development of unpleasant complications. The basis of any treatment course are antibiotics supported by suppositories with anti-inflammatory effect. As an aid, drugs are often used to relieve swelling and resume normal urine circulation. Enemas with medicinal fees, drugs to strengthen immunity and physiotherapy also have a positive effect. If delayed with treatment, the disease can go into a chronic stage.

Chronic form

Prostatitis in the chronic stage is characterized by a "sluggish" course. The symptoms either get stronger or seem to go away. The patient's quality of life deteriorates, and prolonged ignoring of the problem prepares the conditions for the occurrence of adenoma.

All types of chronic prostatitis develop against the background of insufficient attention to health. This stage is not always preceded by acute prostatitis: sometimes congestion in the organs can become the cause for the development of the disease. Even the microorganisms that live in our immune system can become dangerous aggressors. Risk factors include:

  • Lack of movement and exercise, "sedentary" work.
  • Eating disorders and (or) abuse of harmful, fatty foods.
  • Chronic deficiency of immunity.
  • Toxic Habits: Smoking, Alcohol in Prostatitis.
  • Past injuries and infections of the genital organs (including those treated).
  • Weakened by stress and lack of sleep nervous system.
  • Hypothermia of the pelvic area.

In rare cases, the disease may not manifest itself in any way, while the inflammatory process will be aggravated asymptomatically. In other cases, chronic prostatitis is accompanied by the following:

  • Burning pain in groin.
  • Problems with urination: false urges, urinary retention.
  • Slight pain in the genitals.
  • General fatigue, lethargy, soreness.
  • Sexual dysfunction, attraction problems.

With hypothermia or severe fatigue, the disease can flow into an acute form. In this case, you must first get rid of the exacerbation of the inflammatory process, and only then treat chronic prostatitis. Outpatient treatment is usually prescribed, antibiotics and physiotherapy are selected. The diet must be adjusted. Massage may also be prescribed; in especially advanced cases, the patient is sent for surgery.

Varieties of prostatitis

In the case of such a disease “rich” in complications as prostatitis, the classification is carried out not only according to the forms of the course, but also according to concomitant factors.

There are several most common types of prostatitis. They may be found in the same patient, especially if treatment has been delayed too long.

This variety is becoming less and less common: out of a hundred patients, less than 10 are infected by the bacterial route. The causative agent can be any microorganism that has broken through the immune defenses of the prostate gland (eg, Escherichia coli). Symptoms are consistent with the usual manifestations of acute prostatitis, while laboratory tests reveal changes in the structure of urine, blood and secretions.

Identification of microorganisms-causative agents of prostatitis

Patients 19-40 years of age usually become victims of bacteria. Prolonged stress and overload, exposure to cold and smoking contribute to the development of the disease. Risk factors also include lack of movement and reduced immunity. A large proportion of infections occur in postoperative conditions.

Infectious prostatitis

It is similar to bacterial, but fungal microorganisms can act as the causative agent. The symptoms do not differ from acute prostatitis. Treatment, in addition to dealing with symptoms, comes down to finding and destroying the pathogen.

When getting rid of the source of the disease, rapid relief occurs. Delay in hospitalization can lead to infertility or the formation of chronic pathologies.

congestive prostatitis

One of the most inconspicuous varieties of prostatitis, as it occurs with mild symptoms. Pay attention to the following factors:

  • Minor chronic pain in the genitals.
  • Retention of urine.
  • High fever, mild chills.
  • Deterioration of mood, unmotivated feeling of anxiety.
  • Minor disorders of the genital area (liquefaction of semen, slight ejaculation delays, sluggish orgasm).

Stages of development of congestive prostatitis

Stagnant processes are characterized by slow blood circulation in the groin (a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle) or irregular secretion renewal (with the refusal of masturbation and sexual activity). Treatment is accompanied by the establishment and elimination of the cause of congestion. Also, the patient is prescribed drugs that stimulate the acceleration of blood, and hormonal agents.

This is a complicated form of prostatitis that occurs only in patients who have avoided treatment for a long time. Improper circulation of urine leads to the formation of salt stones, making it even more difficult to urinate. Endogenous stones may not cause tangible inconvenience for years, while exogenous stones can completely block the canal, which leads to severe pain during urination, severe pain when walking and sexual contact.

Calculous prostatitis (stones in the prostate)

The complication can cause impotence and infertility, so it must be cured as soon as possible. Massage procedures are excluded as potentially traumatic. They try to get rid of the stones in a non-surgical way, but at some stages, surgical intervention is inevitable.

Not many men of the middle and elderly age group can boast of the absence of problems with the organs of the genitourinary system. Despite the rapid development of the medical diagnostic industry, the problem of inflammatory lesions of the prostate gland does not lose its relevance.

In medical practice, prostatitis subdivided into chronic and acute forms. The appearance of a chronic form of the disease is observed with long-term untreated acute prostatitis.

In addition to classification by the nature of the flow, inflammatory lesions of the prostate gland is divided into several main types, which will be discussed in detail below.

Acute form of the disease

For this inflammatory lesion of the prostate characterized by a sudden onset, accompanied by severe clinical symptoms. In 80% of cases, the development of an acute form of the disease was preceded by the penetration of pathogens into the gland tissue.

The acute form of prostatitis often develops in men who have recently suffered from diseases of the upper respiratory tract, such as sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis. In addition, the presence of a chronic infectious focus in the oral cavity (caries) can lead to the spread of pathogenic microorganisms throughout the body, with their subsequent penetration into the prostate tissue.

For the acute form of the pathological process typical clinical manifestations:

  • frequent urge to empty the bladder, accompanied by urinary retention;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • the appearance of purulent discharge from the urethra;
  • weakness and general malaise, signs of intoxication of the body, fever and chills;
  • acute pain in the anorectal region, radiating to the lower back, sacrum and perineum.

Acute form of inflammatory lesions of the prostate separately subdivided into diffuse and focal types. With a diffuse lesion, the prostate gland is involved in the inflammatory process over its entire area. If the disease is focal in nature, then an ultrasound examination of the organ will show local zones of the inflammatory process.

Chronic form of the disease

In most cases, this type of prostatitis occurs in men with long-term untreated acute inflammation of the prostate.

If chronic prostatitis is left unattended for a long time, then, in the end, it provokes a benign neoplasm in the prostate area (adenoma).

Cause chronic inflammatory lesions of the prostate are not always pathogens. As a rule, this pathology is formed under the influence of age-related changes in the male body, as well as against the background of stagnant processes in the pelvic region. Additional predisposing factors for the development of chronic prostatitis include:

  1. Abuse of alcohol and smoking.
  2. Traumatic injuries of the pelvic region.
  3. Hypothermia or overheating.
  4. Frequent constipation.
  5. Regular exposure to stress on the male body.
  6. Maintaining an inactive lifestyle (physical inactivity).

Chronic variant of pathology accompanied by a list of clinical symptoms:

  • development of erectile dysfunction and loss of interest in intimacy;
  • mild pain in the anus, perineum and lower back;
  • difficult emptying of the bladder.

Prolonged chronic prostatitis is dangerous for a man's health, as over time it leads to inflammatory lesions of the genitourinary system, the development of prostate adenoma, and infertility in young and middle-aged men.

Infectious prostatitis

Infectious and inflammatory lesions of the prostate tissue occurs when pathogens enter bacterial, fungal or viral etiology. Very often, infectious agents penetrate into the tissue of the gland with the bloodstream, lymph flow, as well as the ascending path through the urinary system.

Depending on the infectious agent of this pathology, prostatitis classified into these types.:

  • trichomonas;
  • viral (human herpes simplex virus);
  • tuberculosis;
  • mycoplasma;
  • fungal (with a long course of candidiasis);
  • gonorrheal;
  • mixed.

Most often, the cause of infectious prostatitis in men is the causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases. No less common pathogens of the infectious form of the disease are streptococci and Escherichia coli.

Depending on the way the infection enters the glandular tissue of the organ, allocate lymphogenous, canalicular mechanical, descending, ascending and hematogenous prostatitis.

If infectious pathogens have penetrated into the prostate gland from the underlying organs of the urinary tract, then we are talking about an ascending type of infection. If the kidneys are the source of infection, then the infection is descending. We can talk about the canalicular type of infection if pathogenic microorganisms have entered the gland from the testicles.

Purulent prostatitis

Considering the classification of inflammatory lesions of the prostate gland, one cannot fail to mention the purulent form of the pathology, which is infectious.

The characteristic signs of a purulent-inflammatory lesion of the prostate are symptoms of general intoxication of the body, an increase in body temperature over 38 degrees, as well as the release of a purulent secret from the urethra.

In medical practice, they tend to subdivide purulent prostatitis for such subspecies:

  1. Parenchymal. This type of prostatitis is characterized by a severe course. It is characterized by intense pain, accompanied by fever and marked secretion of pus from the urethra. Comprehensive treatment of parenchymal prostatitis takes a long time.
  2. catarrhal. This type of inflammatory process often develops in men against the background of a decrease in the body's defenses, as well as in combination with an acute respiratory viral infection, influenza and tonsillitis. Catarrhal prostatitis is not accompanied by pronounced clinical symptoms. The main manifestations of this disease include frequent urge to urinate and pain in the perineum.
  3. Follicular. This subspecies of the disease can be perceived as a continuation of catarrhal prostatitis. The follicular type of the disease is characterized by purulent secretion inside the gland itself. At the same time, a man's body temperature rises, a pain syndrome is formed, and urination disorders develop.
  4. Abscessing. With this form of the pathological process, a limited purulent-inflammatory focus - an abscess - is formed in the gland tissue. A man with abscessing prostatitis develops an intense pain syndrome, body temperature rises above 38 degrees, and intense purulent discharge from the urethra is also observed.

congestive prostatitis

On the background sedentary lifestyle, as well as under the influence of other negative factors, in middle-aged and elderly men, a congestive inflammatory process in the prostate gland is often formed. This pathological phenomenon has a chronic course, and does not depend on the ingress of pathogens.

Congestive prostatitis occurs when there is a violation of the venous outflow in the pelvic region, as well as a decrease in the draining function of the prostate gland, when a secret accumulates in the organ.

Stagnation very often occurs not only with hypodynamia, but also with irregular sex life.

This form of prostatitis does not affect the quantitative and qualitative composition of biological fluids such as urine and seminal fluid.

In 70% of cases, congestive prostatitis has a hidden (latent) course. The main signs of this pathology include:

  • an increase in body temperature within 37.5 degrees;
  • difficulty emptying the bladder;
  • a feeling of discomfort and mild pain in the anus, perineum and scrotum;
  • causeless feeling of anxiety;
  • decrease in the quality of sensations during intimacy.

For diagnostics congestive form of prostatitis will require not only a standard list of laboratory and instrumental methods of examination, but also an assessment of the condition of the veins of the pelvic region.

Calculous prostatitis

Of all the listed types of this pathological condition, calculous lesions of the prostate gland least common.

Elderly men have a special predisposition to the development of calculous prostatitis, in whose body not only congestion is formed, but also the process of reverse development (involution).

With a long course of a chronic inflammatory process in the prostate gland, dense foreign formations are formed in the organ itself, consisting of inflammatory exudate, calcifications and phosphates.

In urological practice, there are two main types of stones in the prostate:

  1. Exogenous stones having a similar composition with stones in the kidney or bladder. They often form against the background of prostate adenoma or chronic prostatitis.
  2. Endogenous stones. These foreign formations are the result of chronic stagnant processes in the prostate gland. Since they are small in size, a man may not be aware of them for a long time.

You can recognize calculous prostatitis by: characteristic symptoms, as pain in the pelvic region and sacrum, aggravated by intimacy and while walking, blood fragments in seminal fluid, decreased erectile function, urination disorder, apathy and irritability.

age prostatitis

Despite the fact that in 50% of men aged 40-45 years, individual changes in the prostate gland can be detected, it is possible to talk about the development of age-related prostatitis only in old age. In men over 60 there are involutive changes in the prostate, which lead to the development of chronic prostatitis, prostate adenoma, as well as to fibrosing changes in the organ.

In order to avoid the serious consequences of age-related prostatitis, every man over 45 is recommended to visit a urologist at least 2 times a year, undergo a comprehensive examination of the urinary and reproductive organs, as well as treat chronic prostatitis in a timely manner and restore the normal outflow of biological fluids from this reproductive organ. .

Acute or chronic prostatitis is found in almost half of men of active age. Bacteria, congestion, stones are diagnosed more often at an older age. Infections provoke illness in the young part of the male population. The therapy is long, complex, does not always give a complete recovery. Therefore, contacting a urologist at the earliest stages of identifying symptoms is important for a speedy cure.

The inflammation of the prostate gland is called prostatitis. Men of active age suffer from the disease. It depends on the causes, the presence of aggravating factors, the patient's lifestyle. There are different types of prostatitis. Often the disease contributes to the development of other prostate problems. Among them are tumors.

Benign processes cause the development of adenoma. Malignant ones lead to cancer. Tumors tend to develop in older men.

Ascending infection refers to the predominant causes of the onset of the disease. The harmful agent from the urination canal reaches the prostate gland. There it has a damaging effect on the tissue of the organ. This type of inflammation is called non-specific.

This scenario of the development of the disease is typical for the spread of alien and its own microflora. Own bacteria cause inflammation under certain conditions. This can occur with a reduced protective function due to hypothermia, a concomitant disease. An important role is played by a chronic focus of infection - caries, tonsillitis. Prostatitis of a non-specific nature makes up the majority of the problems that occur in the prostate gland.

The following pathogens provoke infectious nonspecific inflammations:

  • viruses;
  • gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria;
  • gardnerella - small sticks;
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmas.

Infectious prostatitis nonspecific may appear due to infection of the patient after sexual contact. There is also a way for a foreign agent to penetrate from purulent foci of the skin, mucous membranes, and other sources of infection, for example, with tonsillitis.

The causes of inflammatory processes in the prostate can be congestive (stagnant) phenomena. Venous or secretory stasis in the gland is possible in certain situations. Provoking factors include reduced or excessive sexual activity, prolonged abstinence, frequently practiced interrupted sexual intercourse, nicotine and alcohol dependence.

Men often ignore the initial manifestations of the inflammatory process. Postponing a visit to the doctor is dangerous. It is also important to lead a proper lifestyle, treat comorbidities in a timely manner, and get rid of sources of infections. Chronic prostatitis is often caused by several pathogens.

Risk factors

The possibility of problems with the prostate increases if there is a history of infectious diseases, as well as conditions that are accompanied by stagnation. Hypothermia and a decrease in immunity also affect. Factors contributing to the development of prostatitis:

  • not the correct rhythm of sexual activity;
  • hypothermia (frequent or one-time);
  • inert lifestyle, work that forces you to sit for a long time;
  • frequent constipation;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • perineal injury;
  • diseases that are sexually transmitted;
  • chronic pathologies or foci of infection (cholecystitis, caries, tonsillitis);
  • nervous stress, depression;
  • frequent colds.

With constant intoxication after the use of nicotine, alcohol, drugs, the risk of developing the disease increases. All of the above causes contribute to the appearance of pathology, enhancing the latent inflammatory process in the prostate.

The main role in the development of the disease is played by the phenomena of stagnation. Problems of blood flow in the capillaries provoke metabolic disorders. The addition of specific and nonspecific flora against the background of the situations described is the most common cause of prostatitis.

Classification of types and forms

Currently, there are many classifications of prostatitis. This includes definitions of the process by frequency of occurrence, cause of occurrence, route of infection. Let us dwell on the simplest and most popular varieties from a practical point of view. According to the etiology, prostatitis is:

  • bacterial;
  • infectious;
  • calculous;
  • stagnant;
  • purulent.

Flow shape:

  • spicy;
  • chronic.

Statistical data indicate that more often pathology is provoked by causes of a non-bacterial nature. There is also a significant rejuvenation of the disease. Previously, it was considered a problem for older men. Now more and more young patients suffer from prostatitis.

Acute prostatitis

It occurs quickly, the symptoms are growing actively, rapidly. Usually the process is infectious, provoked by harmful agents - bacteria, fungi, protozoa. A common cause may be Escherichia coli, enterococci, Proteus and others. Many microorganisms are part of their own flora. In conditions of reduced immune response, they become pathogens and cause damage to the prostate gland.

The presence of sources of infection - caries, tonsillitis, chronic pathological processes increase the likelihood of the disease. Men determine their illness almost immediately. There are symptoms of general intoxication.

Expressed pain in the perineum, groin, radiating to the anus, lower back. Possible pain during defecation, myalgia. Urine comes out with difficulty, the urge to empty the bladder is frequent, with delays. Patients note worsening of erection, ejaculation. There is pus in urine and secretions, usually when the disease is neglected.

Chronic prostatitis

The disease can be caused by various reasons: the phenomena of stagnation, the ingress of microbes, age-related changes. Often the prostate is attacked by its own immune system after an absolute cure. This is possible if the patient is subject to stress, has injured the prostate gland, and is often hypothermic.

Also, chronicity is due to an untreated acute process. Possible manifestation of an asymptomatic form. In this case, there is inflammation, but the pathogenic flora does not reveal itself.

Manifested the disease is less pronounced than in the acute course. Patients note some problems with urination against the background of discomfort. There may be a decrease in sexual activity, weakness appears, sometimes there is pain in the groin, a burning sensation.

Periods of exacerbation are characterized by symptoms of an acute process.

Bacterial prostatitis

This type of inflammation is acute and chronic. It is caused by various pathogenic organisms. Symptoms as in acute course. After the examination, changes in fluid media are detected, on this basis a diagnosis is made.

This disease is more common in young people. Contribute to its development is a decrease in the immune response, the influence of external factors - stress, frequent alcohol consumption, cooling, weak motor mode. Infectious foci and chronic pathologies of the body, surgeries are also important.

In an acute course, patients note symptoms of intoxication - chills, weakness, hyperthermia, myalgia. Painful sensations of the perineum, anus, and genital organs are locally manifested. Problems with urination, worsening of erection are also expressed. In the blood, secreted fluids characteristic changes.

In its chronic course, the symptoms are not so obvious. The exacerbation is manifested by signs of an acute course.

Inflammatory process of the gland caused by foreign microbes. There are acute and chronic. Symptoms and course resemble a bacterial type of pathology. This disease is distinguished by the fact that it is caused by protozoan, fungal pathogens. Among other types of the disease, it is rare, mainly in young patients. The reasons are common factors and the penetration of pathogens into the gland from the foci of infection.

Calculous prostatitis

The inflammatory process develops due to the presence of stones. A very rare form, it occurs almost always in elderly patients. Appears after untreated chronic inflammation. Stones can be of endogenous origin and exogenous.

The first appear due to stagnation in the body. They are small and may not show up. They are rarely detected, since there are no painful sensations.

The latter are similar in composition to those found in the bladder and kidneys. Formed due to chronic inflammation of the gland or adenoma. Usually they give a pronounced pain syndrome. Localization of sensations - sacrum, lower back, small pelvis. After sex, in motion, walking, the pain intensifies. The ejaculate may contain a few drops of blood. Other symptoms of the disease are also expressed - irritability, worsening of erection, problems with emptying the bladder.

congestive prostatitis

Refers to the chronic form. Its appearance is provoked by stagnation of the secretion of an organ or blood in the small pelvis. Development goes unnoticed. Symptoms are mild:

  • urination disorders;
  • general intoxication;
  • discomfort, pain in the perineum, groin, scrotum;
  • decreased quality of sperm, orgasm;

There are no specific changes in the excreted fluids. There are infectious and non-infectious. Such manifestations as weakness, depressive states are possible.

Severe form of the acute course of the infectious process. Diagnosis is based on the main symptom - the appearance of pus from the canal. Runs at high temperatures. Its varieties:

    • catarrhal;
    • follicular;
  • parenchymal;
  • abscessing.

Occurs against the background of influenza, tonsillitis, SARS, weakened immunity. These types differ in the severity of the flow. A different amount of pus is released.

Differential Diagnosis

All types and forms of prostatitis require a medical examination, laboratory diagnostics. The clinic depends on the characteristics of the course. Be sure to do analyzes of excreted fluids for the presence of PSA antigen (a specific protein in the disease). An ultrasound of the pelvic organs is performed.

Test for pathogens, sexually transmitted, allows you to differentiate the bacterial or infectious process. Congestive is diagnosed according to the results of a study of the veins of the small pelvis. Calculous is determined by assessing the general condition of the patient, palpation data of the organ, urine and blood tests.

Features of treatment depending on the type and stage of the disease

Acute prostatitis is treated in a hospital. Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, substances that reduce swelling and improve urine outflow, immunomodulators, therapeutic microclysters, and physiotherapy are prescribed. It is recommended to use medicinal suppositories. In chronic processes, prostate massage is added. With a calculous disease, massages are prohibited, surgical treatment is possible.

Consequences and prevention

Any types and forms of prostatitis require urgent diagnosis and proper treatment. It is difficult to cure a chronic process, so it is important not to start an acute one. Under the influence of inflammation, iron changes irreversibly. This leads to infertility, impotence, abscess, formation of stones and tumors in the organ.

Prevention implies the right lifestyle, sports, regular sex, the exclusion of promiscuity.

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What are the types of prostatitis and the symptoms of the disease? A variety of negative factors can affect the state of men's health, such as stress, bad habits, malnutrition, poor environmental conditions and other circumstances leading to such a disease as prostatitis without symptoms at its initial stage. Indeed, as a result of the influence of these causes, the male body is unable to withstand various infections, therefore, inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system are a fairly common manifestation in men. Since many men do not like to visit doctors, especially at the initial stage of the disease, later the doctor has to treat an already complicated condition.

Classification of prostatitis

A disease such as prostatitis or inflammation of the prostate gland. This is one of the serious male ailments, since it can lead to big problems, up to the development of oncological complications. This is often due to the fact that men hide their problems in the intimate and genitourinary spheres to the last, which leads to a deterioration in the condition.
That is why it is necessary to visit a doctor at the first symptoms of the disease, so that after a thorough diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe the correct treatment.
The types of this disease depend on the cause of its occurrence (bacterial, congestive calculous, etc.) and the form of the course (acute or neglected). Most often, prostatitis develops for non-bacterial reasons. And if older men suffered from this disease earlier, now prostatitis has noticeably “younger” and is already manifested in men under 30 years old. In addition to the above division, an international classification of the disease of prostatitis was compiled, according to which it is divided into the following types:
  • Category 1 - acute pathology;
  • Category 2 - chronic types of prostatitis caused by bacterial flora;
  • Category 3 - chronic disease: with inflammation of the urinary system and prostate; without symptoms of inflammation;
  • Category 4 - asymptomatic pathology of the advanced type.
This disease is quite dangerous, but with normal vigilance in the treatment of prostatitis, you can get rid of it.

It is also worth knowing that the non-infectious type of prostatitis has another name - non-specific. To avoid further problems, you must constantly monitor your own health and prevent non-infectious prostatitis from becoming infectious.

Varieties of prostatitis in the form of leakage

This disease according to the form of the course is divided into the following types.


Inflammation of the prostate appears as a result of the abnormal development of bacteria in the body. However, sometimes the development of the disease can be affected by infectious microbacteria that have entered the body from the outside. Regardless of the cause of the development of the disease, it is an abnormally high number of harmful microorganisms that leads to inflammation of the prostate gland, which causes the development of acute prostatitis. The main feature of this disease is its rapid development. The main symptoms of acute prostatitis include:
  • pain in the anus, groin and lower back;
  • lethargy;
  • increased body temperature;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • deterioration of erection;
  • purulent secret - at an advanced stage of the disease.
Recognizing the acute form is quite simple if a man is familiar with the symptoms of prostatitis that develops in the first stage.


It occurs as a result of the two most important reasons - processes leading to stagnation of the secretion and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria on the tissue of the prostate gland. As a result of certain features of its structure and location, the prostate is vulnerable to the effects of various infections. As a result of this, the disease becomes neglected - in this case, it is not always possible to cure the pathology. The main signs of advanced prostatitis:
  • difficulty urinating;
  • regular pain in the groin;
  • decreased sexual activity;
  • weakness;
  • increased nervousness.

This is a rather dangerous pathological condition, since prostatitis develops in stages, with virtually no symptoms at the initial stage. That is why most men do not notice minor ailments, which later develop into serious health problems.

Classification of prostatitis due to its occurrence

There are a large number of inflammations of the prostate gland, due to the development of which they are divided into the following types.


This inflammation occurs when the organ is negatively affected by harmful microorganisms, to which the body loses its ability to resist. This type often has both forms inherent in the disease. With the acute development of pathology, the patient notices the following symptoms:
  • muscle pain;
  • the occurrence of weakness;
  • an increase in temperature, which constantly "jumps";
  • pain in the anus and groin;
  • frequent urination;
  • deterioration of erection;
  • change in urine, secretion and blood serum.
With the development of a neglected form, the symptoms are almost the same, only they are less pronounced.


This type of disease is still little studied, but it has been established that it appears as a result of damage to the prostate by dangerous viruses. Its main feature is that viral prostatitis is able to spread in the prostate cavity from one small focus, while quickly affecting the entire area of ​​​​the organ or its surface tissues. The main signs of the disease:
  • heat;
  • violation of the process of urination;
  • pain in the region of the gland.
When examining an organ, the doctor will easily notice its tense, enlarged and painful form, but it looks quite normal in appearance. The contours of the prostate are clear, and the adjacent organs are also not subject to anomalies. Most often, this type of prostatitis occurs when exposed to the influenza virus, herpes or papillomavirus.


This type is similar to bacterial, especially in its symptoms. Their main difference is as follows - the appearance of infectious prostatitis can be caused by other foreign microorganisms.

non-infectious or non-specific

In this case, inflammation of the prostate is caused by a violation of the movement of blood flow and lymph in the pelvic organs. Despite the fact that the main cause of disturbed current is a sedentary lifestyle, many doctors believe that non-infectious prostatitis is caused by hormonal disorders. Non-infectious prostatitis does not have pronounced symptoms. First, the patient develops minor pain in the groin, after which there is an increased urge to urinate, especially at night.
However, urination can pass with a slight aching pain, which intensifies if the man spent a long time in a standing position or leads an active sex life. These symptoms may appear for more than one year. In addition to the above types of this disease, it can also be:
  • calculous - formed due to stones in the prostate cavity;
  • latent - characterized by the absence of symptoms;
  • fungal - damage to the gland by a fungus (most often candida);
  • chlamydial - infection with chlamydia, which is transmitted only through sexual contact;
  • herpetic - occurs when the gland is damaged by the herpes virus, therefore, in terms of symptoms, it resembles viral prostatitis;
  • gonorrheal - originates from gonorrheal urethritis;
  • purulent is a severe type of acute infectious disease;
  • fibrous - occurs as a result of the growth of organ tissues, due to which the gland begins to strongly compress neighboring organs, while bringing discomfort to a person.

A clear classification of prostatitis by its types allows you to make an accurate diagnosis and start effective and quick treatment.

The main types of prostatitis in men: acute and chronic forms.

When it comes to diseases of the reproductive system, men postpone a visit to the doctor until the last, which causes irreparable harm to their health. According to statistics, most often urologists are forced to treat advanced forms of diseases, which include many types of prostatitis.

Before answering the question What is prostatitis?”, we will give a definition of this phenomenon: this is the name for inflammation of the prostate gland (prostate). Under the general term hides about a dozen different diseases. There are many classifications of prostatitis, but we systematize its main types according to two main features:

  • the form of the disease;
  • the cause of occurrence and the specifics of the pathological process.

Consider the types of prostatitis in more detail.

Forms of the disease

Depending on the characteristics of the course, an acute, chronic and asymptomatic form of the disease is distinguished.


It is characterized by a sudden and rapid onset of the inflammatory process. Among the main symptoms:

  • fever and general malaise of the body;
  • problems with urination (frequent urination, pain, difficulty or retention of urine, its white color);
  • pain in various parts of the pelvis;
  • violations in the sexual sphere (premature ejaculation, lack or weakness of erection, decreased libido);
  • purulent discharge from the urethra (in advanced cases).

The detection of any of the above signs or their combination is a reason to immediately undergo a urological examination.


Unlike the previous form of prostatitis, this type of disease has a sluggish course. As a rule, it occurs as a result of incorrect or untimely treatment of the acute form, less often it manifests itself.

Symptoms are characterized by significant time intervals, therefore, diagnosing chronic prostatitis is much more difficult, and this is its danger. Often men do not pay attention to short-term pain in the groin and genitals, periodic erectile dysfunction, and meanwhile the disease progresses. Chronic, or so-called terry prostatitis can provoke the development of serious complications, up to prostate adenoma, cancer or infertility.

Asymptomatic (latent)

It most often develops in older men. Inflammation proceeds hidden, without pronounced external signs. Only a doctor can identify asymptomatic prostatitis - palpation of the prostate gland reveals the following changes:

  • increase in size;
  • asymmetry;
  • structural heterogeneity;
  • soreness.

As a rule, the patient seeks medical help when the latent form of the disease has developed into a sluggish or acute stage. Like the chronic form, an asymptomatic inflammatory process is difficult to treat, therefore, to prevent it, it is recommended to be examined by a urologist at least twice a year.

Causes of the disease

The classification of prostatitis based on its nature is more branched and complex. This is due to the fact that each type of the disease is divided into several subspecies, due to additional factors.

infectious group

Inflammation is caused by the ingestion of pathogenic bacteria, viruses or microscopic fungi into the prostate gland. Depending on the nature of the pathogens, the disease has several varieties. Let's name some of them:

  1. Chlamydial prostatitis. The cause of its occurrence is a timely untreated urogenital chlamydia, sexually transmitted. The inflammatory process can develop asymptomatically, sometimes the patient has pulling pains in the rectum and perineum, itching in the urethra, and frequent urination. In the absence of complex treatment, chlamydial prostatitis takes a chronic form, fraught with serious complications such as impotence or infertility.
  2. Gonorrheal. Another type of prostatitis, provoked by a sexually transmitted infection, namely the microbe gonococcus. It is characterized by purulent discharge from the urethra and pain during defecation.
  3. Trichomonas prostatitis. It is formed as a result of a disease caused by a distant relative of the ciliates-shoes - Trichomonas. Basically, inflammation is hidden, only 10-15% of carriers have acute symptoms: tingling in the head of the penis, burning and itching, whitish, grayish or watery discharge from the urethra.
  4. Viral. It occurs due to the ingestion of various viruses (papilloma, herpes, influenza, cytomegalovirus, etc.) into the prostate gland. It is quite rare, so it is little studied. The disease is dangerous because it can affect not only the prostate, but also nearby organs.
  5. Fungal. The causative agent is a yeast infection (candida), which can be contracted both sexually and as a result of a weakened immune system. It is difficult to diagnose this type of prostatitis, because there are usually no symptoms, and the disease makes itself felt several years after the onset.
  6. Tuberculous prostatitis. It is provoked by Koch's wand and can affect a man at any age. In the vast majority of cases, prostate tuberculosis is accompanied by inflammation of the seminal vesicles or epididymis. At the initial stage of the disease, clinical manifestations, as a rule, are not observed. Later stages are characterized by symptoms typical of the acute form.

Almost all infectious types of prostatitis in men are complications caused by advanced sexually transmitted diseases. Most often, inflammation occurs in young people from 20 to 40 years old, leading a promiscuous sex life.

Important information: Chlamydial prostatitis is one of the most common types of inflammation of the prostate: every year it is found in 30% of the male population in the world.

Severe form of infection

A dangerous type of disease is purulent prostatitis. An infection in the prostate gland causes an abscess in the tissues, which manifests itself in the form of pus secretions. There are four stages of the disease:

  1. Catarrhal. Inflammation occurs against the background of weakened immunity after suffering ARVI, influenza or tonsillitis. If you start treatment at this stage, it passes quickly and without consequences.
  2. Follicular. This stage is characterized by acute symptoms: a sharp increase in temperature and severe pulling pain in the perineum and inner thighs, difficulty urinating. With timely medical assistance, positive dynamics is achieved in 100% of cases.
  3. Parenchymal. Pus is discharged from the urethra and / or rectum, the pain intensifies, the fever does not subside. Purulent prostatitis at this stage is difficult and long-term treatment.
  4. Abscessing. The patient's condition becomes critical: temperature up to 40°C, profuse discharge of pus, general intoxication of the body. In this case, immediate medical intervention is required, otherwise serious complications, including death, are possible.

In the early stages, purulent prostatitis is detected by palpation. An ultrasound image also helps to detect enlarged lobes of the gland.

Non-infectious group

Types of prostatitis, included in this association, develop due to many different factors, a complete list of which is still unknown to scientists. The most common are the following prostatitis.

congestive prostatitis

Caused by circulatory disorders in the pelvic area or stagnation of the secretion of the prostate gland. The main causes of occurrence are a predominantly "sedentary" lifestyle, rare sexual contacts, bad habits, and disturbed hormonal levels. Symptoms of the disease are mild and resemble chronic prostatitis.

Age type of prostatitis

At risk - men over 40 years. With age, the concentration of sex hormones in the body changes, which leads to the formation of an inflammatory process in the prostate and an increase in its size. In most patients, this type of disease is asymptomatic, but in some cases, signs of an acute or chronic form may appear.

Calculous prostatitis

Inflammation is caused by the presence of stones in the prostate gland. It is mainly diagnosed in older people with untreated chronic prostatitis. What are the symptoms: acute pain during ejaculation, a decrease in the amount of ejaculate, drops of blood in the semen may be present, as well as general disease syndromes.

We told you about what types of prostatitis are most common. We hope this information will clarify some issues and help you prevent the further development of the disease. Be healthy!

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