Natural cream-wax Healthy from hemorrhoids - the power of nature guards your health. Features of the use of wax cream is healthy for joints with prices and reviews How to use prostatitis cream

A quarter of men suffer from inflammation of their "second heart" (prostate). This pathological process worsens the quality of life, general health, there are disturbances in the work of the genitourinary system, and depression begins. The most dangerous in this condition is the risk of developing adenoma. This may be if the treatment process is not started in time or the body is treated incorrectly.

The lack of treatment of prostatitis leads to the formation of adenoma

The composition of the cream "Healthy" and instructions for use

The cream has no prohibitions on use, since it contains exclusively organic components. Due to their proper combination, Zdorov wax is considered safe and effective for the treatment of prostatitis. Some men are sure that this cream is a scam. However, many do not agree with this opinion, and are sure that this is not a divorce. But there are those who do not trust such drugs. This is explained by the fact that prostatitis should be treated in a complex way, not only by the external method.

  • Propolis extract in a number of constituent components acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, normalizes the process of emptying the bladder. Helps kill bacteria.
  • Beeswax regenerates affected cells, eliminates discomfort and eliminates pain.
  • Bee subpestilence in the composition relieves inflammation.
  • Bee venom kills microbes, restores pathogenic flora. It also has the ability to normalize blood circulation so that oxygen enters the prostate.
  • Bee moth - an extract from bee larvae. Thanks to it, stagnation of the prostate gland is reduced and eliminated.

The benefits of Zdorov cream for prostatitis are due to its rich composition

  • Horse chestnut has long been used by doctors as an antithrombotic agent. It improves the condition of the blood, normalizes its circulation in the affected organ.
  • Cedar resin has long been used to treat male infections. It has the ability to restore tissues, improves blood flow, and prevents stagnation from forming.
  • Olive oil is used as an additional component, as it helps the cream to penetrate the mucous membrane faster.
  • Beeswax is used topically. The cream can be applied both on the skin and inside the anus. Before this, you should do an enema. It is advisable to use this wax before going to bed.

To start a course of treatment, you need to apply a prostatitis cream twice a day to the area where the prostate gland is located. It is recommended not just to apply it, but to rub it in a circle. The treatment course is about a month if the prostatitis is chronic. With a more neglected condition, the treatment period is extended to 60 days. It is also worth knowing that the Zdorov cream can be used if a man works in a sedentary job, has sex irregularly or in the absence of it. As a prophylaxis, wax is used for a week twice in six months.

The cream can be used to prevent congestion in men with sedentary work

Does the cream help?

Most of the men who have used the cream in the complex treatment of prostatitis and with the implementation of prostate massage, say that after the first application, health improves. Reviews are usually more positive. Wax restored potency, normalized the process of urination in half of the men who tried the remedy.

Specialists believe that this drug is able to improve the condition of a man even in the absence of drug treatment. It turns out that the remedy is effective and allows you not to take antibiotics. Since this point is controversial, many men are still treated in a universal way.

Cream action

Treatment of a male disease should be complete, including drugs. It is impossible to cure prostatitis by massaging and taking a few pills. Some experts advise adding a prostatitis cream "Healthy" to the list of drugs for the inflammatory process in the gland.

With the help of the cream you can relieve pain in prostatitis

This drug quickly eliminates unpleasant symptoms, gradually reduces inflammation and painful spasms. Improves the process of blood circulation. It is well absorbed by the skin and easily penetrates to the prostate gland. The wax bypasses the stomach and begins to heal only the affected area. Divorce it or the truth, to judge exclusively by men.

The drug is used not only for different types of prostatitis, but is well suited as a prophylaxis. The effect of the remedy is persistent, and allows you to forget about the pronounced signs of the disease for a long time. The drug has no analogues, and it is problematic to purchase it in ordinary pharmacies. Of course, it is better to purchase it from an official supplier for proper treatment.

Cream "Healthy" quickly moves to the prostate gland, after it has penetrated into the tissues of the organ, the prostate juice begins to liquefy. Cream substances have a detrimental effect on the flora, destroying it. After two or three uses of the remedy, blood circulation improves, and this is important in the treatment of prostatitis.

The cream is able to increase male libido

The cream has such effects as:

  • removal of the inflammatory process;
  • relief of painful spasms;
  • increased sexual desire;
  • elimination of discomfort during urination;
  • reduction of itching and swelling;
  • reduction in the number of trips for small needs at night;
  • increase in the efficiency of blood vessels;
  • promoting the production of prostate juice;
  • increasing the smoothness and elasticity of the capillary mucosa.

The use of the cream does not affect the condition of the kidneys, in contrast to the treatment with tablets


The truth is that a prostatitis cream that can get rid of annoying and disturbing symptoms has many benefits. Ointment "Healthy" is rubbed into the skin, penetrates to the organ and quickly begins active work to restore its work. For this reason, there is no need to use medications in the treatment, to make injections and droppers.

Wax tends to bypass the gastrointestinal tract and does not have a negative effect on the kidneys. In addition, it is not addictive, but this moment is observed in drugs that are prescribed for prostatitis. No side effects. After its application, you can drive a car, the effect of the drug does not affect the nervous system.

To use a cream or not, this is a private matter for a man. Truth or divorce, you also have to decide for yourself. However, this is also a medicine, so it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting treatment.

The video will focus on the “Healthy” cream for prostatitis:

Cream from prostatitis differs from other drugs in that it contains components of natural origin. It is designed for outdoor use. Its use is recommended both for the direct fight against the disease, and for prevention.

General information about the tool

Cream Zdorov from prostatitis has a prolonged effect. The drug has a beneficial effect on the patient's immune system. The cream can provide a favorable result only if used in parallel with other drugs. Its main advantage is considered a quick local effect.

The cream is easy to use and convenient, which makes it possible to take it with you on trips. The components included in the composition not only carry out effective treatment, but also do not leave marks on the linen. Zdorov cream is used during therapeutic measures aimed at improving the condition of the prostate gland, which is prone to inflammatory processes.

Prostatitis can appear due to various infections, constant stress, in case of frequent hypothermia, or after exhausting physical work. The drug is able to eliminate or significantly reduce the symptomatic manifestations of the disease in the form of itching and burning in the genital area, pain and frequent urination.


Cream Zdorov from prostatitis contains natural ingredients. It has a unique balanced composition. This is due to the careful selection of active substances, all ingredients together complement each other.

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How to increase sperm count.

Cream active ingredients:

  1. Bee venom or apitoxin is designed to normalize blood flow, improve muscle tone, and also relieves the appearance of spasms and pain in the muscles.
  2. Dead bee concentrate eliminates inflammation and relieves pain and itching.
  3. The extract obtained from propolis prevents the formation of blood clots and the removal of already formed ones, normalizes blood flow, and tones the walls of blood vessels. Reduces puffiness and eliminates pain.
  4. Cedar oleoresin restores the process of blood circulation, eliminates deviations of blood flow in cells, and provokes rapid resorption of blood clots.
  5. Horse chestnut concentrate allows you to clear blood vessels from blood clots, makes blood less frequent, and performs an anti-inflammatory effect.
  6. The bee or wax moth moth concentrate normalizes the tone of the walls of blood vessels, normalizes the outflow of blood, ensures the correct and rapid absorption of the ingredients included in the medication.
  7. Olive oil provides optimal blood flow, makes the patient's skin soft, promotes good absorption of the cream.
  8. Beeswax enables damaged tissues and individual cells to recover and function optimally.

When purchasing wax cream in pharmacies, consumers should read the instructions and the composition of the drug. The presence of the above components may indicate the naturalness and effectiveness of the product.

How to apply the cream

The cream can be freely used without assistance at home. You should open the package, apply the drug to the skin area in the area of ​​the damaged organ (prostate) and rub the product thoroughly with massage movements. Performing the manipulation, you need to evenly distribute the product on the skin. In order for the medicinal mass to be absorbed faster, when rubbing, you need to make circular movements with your hand clockwise or counterclockwise.

To get rid of the disease as soon as possible and eliminate the symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to use cream-wax every day in the morning and evening. The duration of the therapeutic effect on the body varies depending on the severity of the disease. A mild form of prostatitis will be cured by bee cream in 1 or 2 weeks, subject to constant use. The treatment course for patients with advanced prostatitis can last about 30 days.

The drug has a beneficial sparing effect on the prostate tissue, without causing pain. According to the manufacturers, the drug is not able to have side effects on the body of a man. However, it should be borne in mind that some individuals may have individual intolerance to individual active ingredients. There is a high probability of allergic reactions to bee products, so if you are allergic to honey, you should think about the advisability of treating with this medication.

Cream wax has many advantages over other monotherapy methods. It does not adversely affect the functioning of the stomach, intestines and the entire digestive system. The optimally selected composition prevents the negative effect of the drug on the liver or kidneys.

Unlike other drugs, wax cream does not provoke addiction in a man. After applying the remedy, no disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system were noticed, a man can safely perform work that requires a high concentration of attention, drive a car. Manufacturers of the medicine claim that men after several sessions feel a significant influx of sexual strength and energy.

Excellent results

Regular use of the drug for prostatitis does not harm the body, so experts recommend that patients use the remedy for medicinal purposes at the first symptoms of prostate dysfunction. Daily rubbing of the cream into the skin makes it possible to significantly increase potency and completely eliminate even the most neglected form of the disease. As part of the prevention, the drug is recommended to be used after recovery.

The consequence of the constant use of the cream is the normalization of the prostate gland. Cream Zdorov from prostatitis allows you to:

  • completely neutralize the processes of an inflammatory nature in the internal organs of the small pelvis and prostate gland;
  • normalize the functioning of the human circulatory system;
  • positively affect the state of the whole organism of the patient;
  • eliminate pain;
  • normalize venous outflow, which prevents the development of such a disease in a man as varicose veins of the spermatic cord;
  • in the pelvic area, the itching sensation is minimized and is completely eliminated by the end of the treatment course.

Manufacturers guarantee that the tool allows you to achieve the following results in a short time:

  • improves the functioning of the prostate;
  • there are no negative deviations associated with the process of urination;
  • increased muscle tone of the prostate;
  • it turns out to be an excellent effect associated with sexual function and attraction;
  • the male body is toned.

In order for the treatment course not to be delayed and the possibility of getting rid of the unpleasant symptoms of prostatitis as soon as possible, one should resort to complex treatment. After consultation with the attending physician, the therapeutic effect can be supplemented with a number of carefully selected medicines, for example, tablets and injections.

Patient opinions

Cream Healthy for the treatment of prostatitis - truth or scam? This question torments a large number of men who suffer from the disease. No one wants to resort to the use of a drug that will not bring a positive result.

The drug for prostatitis receives reviews from patients, both positive and negative. Qualified specialists attribute such an ambiguous reaction of patients to the fact that some patients use the drug without following the recommendations. In addition, different results can be obtained due to the individual characteristics of the course of the disease and the reasons that provoked the appearance of prostatitis. It is necessary to take into account the degree of development of the disease and the stage at which treatment was started.

The drug Zdorov in the form of a cream is a really good and, most importantly, high-quality, natural drug. Patients should remember that the result of treatment depends on the correct diagnosis and selected drugs. Therefore, you can not self-medicate. Before using the product, be sure to consult a specialist.

Zdorov Joint Cream is an effective therapeutic and prophylactic agent that has a powerful strengthening and tonic effect. How does it help to cope with diseases of the joints, and what is its fundamental difference from other drugs?

The tool helps with various diseases that affect the joints, helps to eliminate pain and increase motor activity. Cream-wax consists of substances that have an effect on damaged joints, strengthening and restoring them. Regularly using this tool, you can significantly improve your well-being, and the activity of movements presented to them will allow you to enjoy life again.

Cream Zdorov for joints - description of the product

Many people have to deal with diseases of the joints and the musculoskeletal system. Most of these diseases affect the elderly, as well as those whose lifestyle is not mobile enough. In addition, injuries of the musculoskeletal system are a fairly common problem among athletes and people who regularly experience increased physical activity.

To restore health and freedom of movement to the joints, as well as get rid of painful sensations, it is necessary to use restorative and anti-inflammatory drugs for the joints. One of the most effective and already enjoying well-deserved popularity is Zdorov wax cream.

This unique preparation has an absolutely natural composition, which was carefully developed taking into account various factors. It has a general effect on the musculoskeletal system and directly on the joints. Experienced specialists approached this task with all responsibility and developed the optimal composition. The result is a product that is highly effective and significantly improves the condition after the first day of use.

Wax cream properties

There are many medical ointments and creams that are designed to get rid of pain in the statutes. Doctors usually prescribe them as an adjunct to the main therapy. The effectiveness of such drugs is low, because among them there are none that can have such a profound effect as to eliminate the original cause that caused the pain.

Cream Zdorov for joints is an absolutely natural remedy. The unique healing components that make up its composition can not only relieve pain, but also restore soft and cartilaginous tissues. Reviews of doctors about the cream-wax Healthy for joints are mostly positive, it is very often recommended to patients. This is due to the fact that the tool has many positive qualities, among which are the following:

  • The cream actively, but at the same time delicately, has an effect on the original source of pain.
  • Helps to normalize the mobility of the limbs and eliminate their numbness.
  • Restores the damaged part of the cartilage tissue.
  • Relieves all types of pain.
  • Eliminates puffiness, nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

The list of numerous advantages of this product should include the fact that it can be used in combination with absolutely any medication. At the same time, Healthy Joint Cream is also effective as a monotherapy.


Zdorov cream-gel contains only natural and safe ingredients. It consists of:

  • Propolis. This substance is the main product of beekeeping. Its healing properties lie in the fact that it, having a profound effect, not only eliminates skin edema, but also helps to tone veins, restore tissue, and dissolve blood clots.
  • Beeswax. This component is actively involved in all regenerating processes of soft and cartilaginous tissues, normalizes blood circulation.
  • Bee venom. It is just such a unique ingredient that relieves pain, eliminates muscle spasms and restores the functioning of circulating blood.
  • Bee dead. The extract of this substance helps to eliminate inflammation processes, relieves pain in the joints, cartilage, ligaments and tendons.
  • Bee moth extract. This component, entering the human body, begins to perform a building function, improving the elasticity and resilience of the walls of blood vessels, as well as toning them.
  • Cedar resin. This ingredient has an effect on the condition of the joints, restores cartilage tissue, and normalizes blood circulation. It is effective even in such serious diseases as arthrosis and arthritis.
  • Olive oil. It is necessary for the most part not for internal functions, but for external ones: having high nutritional and moisturizing properties, the oil significantly improves the condition of the skin, saturating it with healing elements, vitamins and minerals.
  • Vitamins. The vitamins contained in the wax cream strengthen and restore the joints themselves and the vascular system as a whole.

Instructions for use

In order for the therapy to bring the desired results, the first thing to do is to visit a doctor who will help determine the cause that led to this problem and choose the appropriate method of treatment.

In addition, you will need to consult an allergist in order to determine the presence or absence of an allergy to this drug. It should be borne in mind that bee products often cause allergic reactions. If there is no such problem, then you can buy a wax Zdorov cream for joints and start using it, after agreeing this with your doctor.

Buy Cream-wax Zdorov for joints on the official website

According to the instructions for use, with the help of the cream it is necessary to carry out a course of therapy, using it three times a day. The duration of treatment is at least 14 days. You need to apply the tool as follows:

  1. The area of ​​the skin to which the cream will be applied must be pre-cleaned and dried.
  2. Next, you should take a little money. A large amount is not required, as the cream is perfectly distributed on the skin.
  3. After applying the cream-wax on the skin area in the area of ​​the affected joints, it is necessary to gently rub it with massage movements.

You should try to use the cream regularly, and then the results will not be long in coming.

Indications for use

Cream Zdorov for joints has excellent tonic and regenerating properties. It helps to improve well-being and make joints healthy. The tool is recommended to be used to provide a therapeutic effect, as well as as a preventive measure for increased physical exertion. It has proven its effectiveness in arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, muscle damage, and various injuries. The drug is recommended to be used for prevention by athletes, the elderly, as well as those leading a sedentary lifestyle.


The tool does not cause side effects, so it has no contraindications. You can not use the cream only if you are allergic to honey and other components that make up the drug. The manufacturer claims that it can be used even by pregnant women and children.

Price and where can I buy Healthy Joint Cream?

You should know that only the original product is actually considered effective. However, the popularity that this tool is now enjoying has led to the fact that a lot of fake products began to appear. So, Zdorov cream for joints also began to appear on pharmacy shelves, but no one will give a guarantee that this is not a fake.

Therefore, in order to avoid purchasing a non-original and, therefore, ineffective, and in the worst case, unsafe drug, it is better to order the product only on the official website. This can be done by a resident of absolutely any city, and not necessarily only on the territory of the Russian Federation. In order to cover a large number of buyers in all parts of the world, the official representative offered favorable conditions offering to deliver the product to absolutely any city both in Russia and in other countries: Belarus, Ukraine, Armenia, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and even European countries.

Thus, to place an order, you only need to fill out a special form on the site and as soon as the specialist calls back, tell him your address. After that, the goods will be delivered by parcel or by a transport company.

How much does Wax Cream Zdorov for Joints cost?

The cost of funds on the official website is 990 rubles. The price of Zdorov cream for joints in a pharmacy can be much higher.

Buy Cream-wax Zdorov for joints on the official website
Truth or divorce?

Of course, there is no medicine that will suit absolutely everyone and cure any disease for everyone. According to statistics, Zdorov cream helped to get rid of joint pain in about 95% of patients. Unfortunately, the remaining 5% will have to choose other methods of treatment, and this is absolutely normal.

In addition, we must not forget that the strong therapeutic effect of the cream is imperceptible to humans. Using the drug according to the instructions, as well as complex treatment, will not make the patient think about its healing qualities. Everything will be seen in good health.

In general, the drug is considered very effective and unparalleled. Moreover, it has many benefits. Among which it is worth noting the following:

  • The cream not only eliminates the symptoms of the disease, but also the causes that caused it.
  • Heals injured skin and tissues.
  • It activates the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, strengthens ligaments and cartilage, tightens and rejuvenates the skin.
  • Tonic affects the venous vessels, prevents the formation of varicose veins.
  • It has a good analgesic effect, relieves spasms.
  • Helps to improve the process of blood circulation in the affected tissues.
  • It helps to avoid the formation of blood clots, as well as reduce blood viscosity.
  • Suspends the course of inflammation processes.
  • It has a completely natural composition.
  • There are no contraindications, with the exception of a possible allergic reaction.
  • The application is not difficult at all.
  • You can buy it without a doctor's prescription.
  • Affordable price and convenient delivery anywhere in the country.

Having decided to buy this remedy for the first time on a personal decision, and not on the recommendation of a doctor, you should ask your friends who use it how effective it is. If there are no such acquaintances who could give advice on this matter, then you can read the reviews on the Internet, which are quite a lot.

Every person has experienced joint pain at least once in their life. With age, the problem only gets worse, as the joints “wear out”, arthrosis develops, and signs of degeneration of the articular surfaces appear. You don’t want to constantly take synthetic drugs, because it negatively affects the liver and other internal organs. However, many people forget that natural remedies can easily relieve pain. An example of a joint health product containing exclusively natural ingredients is Zdorov wax cream.


The composition of the wax includes substances that are different in the way they act, which can have an analgesic effect, which is confirmed by customer reviews. Instructions for use of the cream wax Zdorov says that it includes the following ingredients:

  • Propolis (extract). It is a venotonic, that is, it has a beneficial effect on the vascular wall. Due to this property, the gel wax relieves swelling, reduces the severity of pain. It has the ability to increase the regeneration (recovery) of damaged tissues and activates the metabolism. Treatment with propolis was practiced by our ancestors, which indicates the effectiveness and safety of the component.
  • Bee venom. Treatment with bee venom is carried out by improving the blood circulation of the affected tissues, as indicated by the reviews of apitherapists. Also, bee venom is a good antispasmodic.
  • Beeswax. The inclusion of this component in the product is not accidental. Wax has the ability to enhance regeneration. In addition, an excellent hemostatic effect was noted.
  • Horse chestnut (extract). The active substances of the plant have long been noticed by phytotherapists and even recognized by pharmacologists, so preparations with chestnut extract have long been used to reduce joint pain. The most effective is the treatment with external use of the drug. Chestnut has antithrombotic activity, that is, it prevents the formation of blood clots in the lumen of blood vessels, improves microcirculation (blood circulation in the smallest capillaries). Also, the treatment of joints with Zdorov cream is carried out due to the anti-inflammatory activity of horse chestnut.
  • Pomor bee extract. It is no coincidence that this component is included in Zdorov. It makes the treatment more effective due to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Olive oil. Even local treatment with olive oil relieves joint pain due to improved blood supply to the focus of inflammation or degeneration, which is confirmed by the manufacturer's reviews.
  • Bee fire. The Zdorov wax cream contains a specially obtained extract, which is an active venotonic.
  • Cedar resin. Prevents thrombosis, improves blood circulation, strengthens joints and reduces pain.

As you can see, the composition of the wax is really natural. The therapeutic effect is carried out through a reflex effect on the tissues surrounding the diseased joint. The active components of Healthy excite numerous nerve endings at the site of application of the medicine, which increases blood circulation, accelerates regeneration and reduces pain, which is confirmed by the reviews of traditional medicine specialists.

Positive and not so good moments

There are certain indications for the use of wax cream:

  • Inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Dysfunction of the joints.
  • Post-traumatic pain.
  • Pain that occurs after excessive physical activity.
  • Cracking or discomfort in the joints.
  • Pain in the joints at the change of weather, meteosensitivity of the musculoskeletal system.

If we talk about the main properties that determine the indications for use, then we will mention the most significant of them for the joints:

  • Elimination of pain and swelling.
  • Improvement of blood circulation.
  • Treatment with the drug has a positive effect on the state of the immune system.
  • The active ingredients that make up the cream have antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activity.
  • Accelerates regeneration.

A positive aspect of the application is the almost complete compatibility of the Zdorov cream product with other drugs. Wax can be used both for monotherapy and for complex treatment.

The instructions for use indicate that the only contraindication to the use of the cream is that a person has an allergic reaction to bee products and other ingredients of the product. The website of the official seller even indicates the possibility of using Zdorov wax for the treatment of children and pregnant women.

The ease of use of the tool is its undoubted advantage. Even an elderly person will be able to use the Zdorov cream on their own, which is confirmed by customer reviews aged. Mode of application:

  1. Take the required amount of cream from the package and apply to the affected joint.
  2. Perform a light massage.
  3. Wait until the wax is completely absorbed Zdorov 15 minutes.

The frequency of use should be determined individually by the attending physician. The manufacturer recommends continuing treatment for 3 full weeks. You should not be afraid of a slight burning sensation or redness of the skin at the site of application of the cream. If they are expressed slightly and quickly passed, then these symptoms are not a reason for refusing the medicine.

It is possible to use the product for preventive purposes. The course of application in this case is 14 days, and it is better to carry it out in the off-season - in spring and autumn.

The price of a cream gel is usually indicated on sites that distribute natural products.

Average wax price

When purchasing a product online, the price may include courier delivery. Read

Zdorov bee wax cream is one of the most popular remedies among patients diagnosed with dermatological pathologies. Preparations of the Zdorov series have established themselves as inexpensive products that are made from natural ingredients and really help to effectively cope with the disease. The result of use will be noticeable pretty quickly.

The composition includes only natural ingredients.

Propolis extract

It has a tonic effect - relieves pain and swelling, and also participates in the resorption of blood clots. Helps tissue healing and prevents cell aging.


Covering the skin with a thin invisible film, it works as a UV filter - it retains moisture, and is considered a hemostatic agent. Since wax is produced by bees in the course of their life, it consists of more than 300 useful components for human health.

Olive oil

Obtained by pressing olives. Perfectly moisturizes and softens, restores and renews the skin. Contains vitamins A and E.

bee venom

Stimulates blood flow, as a result of which the production of natural elastin and collagen is activated. Improves blood flow, relieves spasms. People prone to allergies need to be very careful when taking drugs with this component.

Dead bee extract

It relieves pain, inflammation in the joints and ligaments. Due to its ability to improve blood flow in small capillaries, wrinkles are smoothed out.

bee moth extract

Product of bee activity. Rich in amino acids and biologically active substances that have a great effect on the skin, significantly improving its appearance, making it supple and elastic. Increases venous and vascular tone, enhances metabolism.

horse chestnut extract

Such an extract contains many saponins and flavone glycosides, which reduce capillary permeability and significantly accelerate the process of skin regeneration. Horse extract also promotes anti-thrombosis of blood and reduces its viscosity. It has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect.

Terpenine (cedar resin)

This is the resin of the Siberian cedar. It eliminates blood clots and relieves inflammation, is involved in improving blood microcirculation. Restores and strengthens joints in joint diseases.

What are the results of using?

Cream - wax Healthy with propolis has an antimicrobial effect. It is a yellow mass of thick consistency with a sweet smell.

Important! The composition of the cream and the dosage of its individual components have been developed and approved by the World Dermatological Association, so it is considered a safe remedy.

Laboratory studies have shown:

  1. In 96% of patients with psoriasis, the symptoms of pathology disappeared.
  2. In 95% of people with varicose veins, the condition of the skin areas improved.
  3. 97% of men suffering from prostatitis refused to undergo surgery because their condition improved.

All this speaks about the effectiveness of the drug.


This wax cream is not the only remedy for all ailments, but a whole series, which consists of 13 types of creams.

The series includes remedies for the following diseases:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcers;
  • psoriasis;
  • varicose veins;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • mastopathy;
  • liver pathology and others.

Men should use the remedy to improve potency and prostatitis.

The effect of the drug

  • peeling;
  • dryness;
  • flabbiness;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • rashes and rosacea.

Thanks to natural ingredients, it effectively performs the following functions:

  1. Rejuvenates the face, eliminating visible wrinkles.
  2. Treats various defects on the skin, giving it a normal healthy look.
  3. Helps accelerate the healing of minor wounds and injuries.

Using the cream is very simple, you need to apply a thin layer of the necessary amount of cream to the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with clean hands, rub in circular massage movements until it is completely absorbed.

Nuance! The cream is approved for use at any age.


Since Zdorov cream-wax contains a significant amount of bee products, people with hypersensitivity to these substances should use the drug with caution. And for patients with allergies to honey and waste products, it is better to refrain from such drugs.

Side effects

Based on laboratory studies in which people who did not suffer from allergic reactions to bee products were taken, they showed excellent results, and side effects were practically not detected.

In isolated cases, burning or itching was observed, which disappeared without their symptomatic treatment after a while. In reasonable, small doses, the drug is approved for use by children and pregnant women.

Where can you buy cream?

To date, it is almost impossible to buy bee cream - Zdorov wax with propolis in Ukrainian pharmacies. Since the drug is absolutely natural, then its cost is high. Therefore, cream wax at an affordable price and without a pharmacy margin can be ordered in the online store. On average, it will cost a patient 400 UAH.

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