Features of the use of wax cream is healthy for joints with prices and reviews. Wax-cream for prostatitis "Healthy": description, composition, instructions and reviews The cream is healthy for prostatitis how to apply

Zdorov bee wax cream is one of the most popular remedies among patients diagnosed with dermatological pathologies. Preparations of the Zdorov series have established themselves as inexpensive products that are made from natural ingredients and really help to effectively cope with the disease. The result of use will be noticeable pretty quickly.

The composition includes only natural ingredients.

Propolis extract

It has a tonic effect - relieves pain and swelling, and also participates in the resorption of blood clots. Helps tissue healing and prevents cell aging.


Covering the skin with a thin invisible film, it works as a UV filter - it retains moisture, and is considered a hemostatic agent. Since wax is produced by bees in the course of their life, it consists of more than 300 useful components for human health.

Olive oil

Obtained by pressing olives. Perfectly moisturizes and softens, restores and renews the skin. Contains vitamins A and E.

bee venom

Stimulates blood flow, as a result of which the production of natural elastin and collagen is activated. Improves blood flow, relieves spasms. People prone to allergies need to be very careful when taking drugs with this component.

Dead bee extract

It relieves pain, inflammation in the joints and ligaments. Due to its ability to improve blood flow in small capillaries, wrinkles are smoothed out.

bee moth extract

Product of bee activity. Rich in amino acids and biologically active substances that have a great effect on the skin, significantly improving its appearance, making it supple and elastic. Increases venous and vascular tone, enhances metabolism.

horse chestnut extract

Such an extract contains many saponins and flavone glycosides, which reduce capillary permeability and significantly accelerate the process of skin regeneration. Horse extract also promotes anti-thrombosis of blood and reduces its viscosity. It has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect.

Terpenine (cedar resin)

This is the resin of the Siberian cedar. It eliminates blood clots and relieves inflammation, is involved in improving blood microcirculation. Restores and strengthens joints in joint diseases.

What are the results of using?

Cream - wax Healthy with propolis has an antimicrobial effect. It is a yellow mass of thick consistency with a sweet smell.

Important! The composition of the cream and the dosage of its individual components have been developed and approved by the World Dermatological Association, so it is considered a safe remedy.

Laboratory studies have shown:

  1. In 96% of patients with psoriasis, the symptoms of pathology disappeared.
  2. In 95% of people with varicose veins, the condition of the skin areas improved.
  3. 97% of men suffering from prostatitis refused to undergo surgery because their condition improved.

All this speaks about the effectiveness of the drug.


This wax cream is not the only remedy for all ailments, but a whole series, which consists of 13 types of creams.

The series includes remedies for the following diseases:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcers;
  • psoriasis;
  • varicose veins;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • mastopathy;
  • liver pathology and others.

Men should use the remedy to improve potency and prostatitis.

The effect of the drug

  • peeling;
  • dryness;
  • flabbiness;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • rashes and rosacea.

Thanks to natural ingredients, it effectively performs the following functions:

  1. Rejuvenates the face, eliminating visible wrinkles.
  2. Treats various defects on the skin, giving it a normal healthy look.
  3. Helps accelerate the healing of minor wounds and injuries.

Using the cream is very simple, you need to apply a thin layer of the necessary amount of cream to the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with clean hands, rub in circular massage movements until it is completely absorbed.

Nuance! The cream is approved for use at any age.


Since Zdorov cream-wax contains a significant amount of bee products, people with hypersensitivity to these substances should use the drug with caution. And for patients with allergies to honey and waste products, it is better to refrain from such drugs.

Side effects

Based on laboratory studies in which people who did not suffer from allergic reactions to bee products were taken, they showed excellent results, and side effects were practically not detected.

In isolated cases, burning or itching was observed, which disappeared without their symptomatic treatment after a while. In reasonable, small doses, the drug is approved for use by children and pregnant women.

Where can you buy cream?

To date, it is almost impossible to buy bee cream - Zdorov wax with propolis in Ukrainian pharmacies. Since the drug is absolutely natural, then its cost is high. Therefore, cream wax at an affordable price and without a pharmacy margin can be ordered in the online store. On average, it will cost a patient 400 UAH.

Products of the Zdorov series are popular among buyers due to a wide range of applications and herbal composition. You can be sure that you will not experience side effects.

Basic way

  • Apply cream wax 1-2 times a day.
  • Rub into the skin with massage, lightly tapping movements.
  • Do not pull, do not rub the skin! This can cause the formation of microcracks.
  • The cream is absorbed quickly and leaves no residue on clothes.

The components that make up the active formula of the composition, ways to integrate into cellular structures, improving blood circulation and metabolic processes. For example, it destroys pathogenic microorganisms on the skin faster than similar drugs, due to rapid absorption into the skin and active anti-inflammatory action.

Manufacturers of products believe that it is necessary to strengthen the body's immune system in order to prevent the occurrence of diseases again. Therefore, they make products that not only neutralize the focus of infection, but also completely restore the body after an illness!

But do not forget about regular use! If you stop applying the Zdorov wax for osteochondrosis immediately after getting rid of the pain, it will return after a while. It is recommended that treatment be carried out in a course of three to four weeks until complete recovery.

  • When treating psoriasis with cream-wax "Healthy" and other means of this series, completely exclude the use of medications!
  • Follow the regularity and dosage indicated in the instructions. Specialists have selected for you a combination of strong natural ingredients that must be taken no more than the specified therapeutic dose.
  • Review your diet! During treatment, do not consume fatty foods and alcoholic beverages.
  • It is recommended to reduce the frequency of smoking. And it is better to try to get rid of the addiction altogether. Smoking weakens the immune system!
  • Introduce physiotherapy procedures into your habitual lifestyle, which will help increase the effect of using wax cream.
  • Lead an active lifestyle, do fitness. If physical activity is contraindicated for you, be sure to take a walk in the fresh air before going to bed.
  • Carry out hygienic procedures for cleansing the problem area if you use Zdorov wax cream for varicose veins. The skin must be cleaned of dirt and fat before applying the therapeutic composition.

Natural remedy for chemistry

Undoubtedly, medications consisting of chemical elements act quickly, but put a heavy burden on the liver and kidneys. Natural remedies have a cumulative effect, but they are completely safe. Restore the body and strengthen the immune system due to the content of useful vitamins and minerals. Chemicals destroy the immune system and are addictive!

In addition, the natural remedy does not fight the symptoms, but the causes, activating the protective functions of the body. But you should not exceed the dosage to achieve a quick result, the composition contains bee venom, which can cause an allergic reaction.

Where to buy Zdorov products?

The “Healthy” series based on beeswax is produced in limited quantities, therefore, deliveries to pharmacies and shops are not made. You can buy the drug on our website by filling out an application for receiving the goods. Be sure of the quality of products, for this it is enough to read a lot of reviews on well-known forms and sites. Cream-wax "Healthy" from wrinkles and rejuvenation is especially appreciated by customers.

The “Healthy” series will restore your health, restore immunity, protect against virus attacks in winter and give you a charming figure. Try it to make sure of the unique properties of the product, otherwise the manufacturer will refund your money! You risk nothing, just try and evaluate.

Please note that only our site is official. Currently, there is an attractive promotion, you can place an order for cream wax at a nice price. We carry out postal and courier delivery, payment after receipt of cash on delivery. Give yourself health!

Book a free consultation on our website!

Not a single man is immune from inflammation of the prostate gland: after 40 years, the disease occurs in every second representative of the stronger sex. To overcome it, it is necessary to carry out effective treatment of prostatitis already in the early stages of its development.

Normalization of all functions

Today, urologists are increasingly prescribing to their patients the "Healthy" cream for prostatitis, which quickly eliminates the symptoms of the disease and returns the man to a full life. Before using the drug, you should consult your doctor and carefully read the instructions. Cream "Healthy", used for the treatment of prostatitis, refers to a new generation of drugs that have a complex effect on the prostate gland. Using the drug in accordance with the instructions allows you to eliminate the inflammatory process, relieve swelling and improve blood circulation in the prostate, remove discomfort during urination, and normalize sexual function.

Before starting the treatment of prostatitis in men with the Zdorov cream, you need to pay attention to its composition. In the manufacture of the drug, only natural components of animal and vegetable origin are used, which are completely safe for health and have no contraindications for use. The main active ingredients of the cream are extracts of propolis, horse chestnut, bee moth and dead bee, cedar resin, olive oil, beeswax and poison. The composition of the medicinal product does not contain synthetic dyes and fragrances, it is not capable of causing allergic reactions or side effects. The only contraindication to its use can be called individual intolerance to the components that make up its composition. In all other cases, it can be safely used by men to treat prostatitis.

Therapeutic effect

In order for the Zdorov cream to bring a quick effect, it is recommended to prescribe it at the first symptoms of inflammation of the prostate gland. It is also actively used in the treatment of chronic prostatitis and adenoma. The drug can be used for both external and rectal use. In the first case, it should be applied in a thin layer on a clean and dry area of ​​the perineum, in the second case, it should be injected into the rectum using the applicator attached to the package with the cream. The therapeutic effect of the cream becomes noticeable very quickly: within a few days after the start of treatment, the man's complaints about frequent urge to urinate and the discomfort that accompanies this process disappear. Gradually, itching in the groin area disappears, erectile function improves. It is very important not to stop using the cream immediately after the symptoms of the disease disappear, otherwise the inflammatory process will return again.

Dosage and duration of treatment

The dosage and duration of treatment with a cream is determined by the doctor, taking into account the degree of neglect of the disease. In most cases, the drug is prescribed rectally or externally at bedtime. If the external application of the cream does not cause difficulties (it is simply rubbed into the problem area), then the introduction into the rectum can provoke certain difficulties. The drug is applied to the prostate gland through the intestines using a special metered syringe with an applicator (sold with a cream). Before rectal administration, 4-5 ml of the cream is drawn up with a syringe, after which an applicator lubricated with vegetable oil is put on it. Next, the man should sit on his left side, bend his right leg at the knee and bring it to his chest. The syringe is taken with the right hand and gently inserted into the anus for the entire length of the applicator. After the injection of the medicine, the syringe is thoroughly washed in hot water with soap and disinfected.

When treating prostatitis with Zdorov cream, it is not necessary to give up intimacy, but it is recommended to start sexual intercourse no earlier than 40 minutes after using the medicine. The drug is intended for long-term use: for chronic prostatitis, it is prescribed for a period of up to 2 months, for adenoma, the course of treatment can be extended up to 4 months. If the need arises, the agent can be used up to six months, however, such long-term therapy should take place under the constant supervision of a specialist. After the end of treatment, the Zdorov cream is recommended to be used periodically as a prophylactic to prevent recurrence of the disease.

Innovative product

Although the cream belongs to innovative products, its effectiveness and safety have been fully proven to date. Before putting the drug on sale, it was tested for a long time on men suffering from prostatitis, prostate adenoma and other diseases of an intimate nature. Representatives of the stronger sex of different ages took part in the experiment. All of them were offered the drug "Healthy" as a remedy for the disease, which they had to use in accordance with the recommendations of the doctors. In parallel with the test team, another group was created in which men were offered treatment according to the generally accepted scheme. 2 months after the start of the treatment experiment, it became clear that the Zdorov cream has a faster therapeutic effect than other drugs.

With the advent of the Zdorov cream, effective treatment of prostatitis has ceased to be a problem. The uniqueness of the drug is that it relieves inflammation in the prostate gland, without causing any side effects on the body. The tool is ideal for the treatment of elderly men who, due to health conditions, cannot use other drugs for prostatitis. The cream will eliminate the symptoms of the disease, improve potency and allow the stronger sex to feel young and cheerful again.

As we age, our health begins to falter. If you start healing in time, you can avoid many problems. The main thing is to choose the right tool. Preparations made from natural materials are considered the most effective, especially in the initial stages. One of these preparations is Zdorov wax cream.

Where can you buy? The best solution is the official website. How much does it cost in pharmacies? On the pharmacological market, it has an expensive price, it is about 1 thousand 300 rubles. Our article will help you understand the advantages and disadvantages. We will talk about the reviews of those who have already used it and what the result is.


A product based on beeswax with propolis has many recommendations for use. Its natural component allows it to be effectively used for various diseases. Doctors often prescribe this ointment to their patients. According to patients, it has a positive therapeutic effect.

It has such qualities as:

  1. Gentle direct effect on the source of pain.
  2. Stops the inflammatory process, promotes the regeneration of cartilage and bone tissue.
  3. Restores joint mobility, blood circulation and lymph flow in the limbs.
  4. Removes puffiness, moisturizes the skin.

Most often, the doctor prescribes an ointment for such diseases:

  • Injuries and bruises of soft tissues.
  • Inflammation of the joints of the upper and lower extremities.
  • Hernias, various infringements of a backbone.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Hemorrhoidal internal and external nodes.
  • Skin lesions - psoriasis, dermatitis, nail fungus.
  • Prostatitis and erectile dysfunction.
  • Getting rid of wrinkles and cellulite.
  • Cream Zdorov from orange peel


A lot of positive feedback. Most anti-cellulite products contain pepper and, as a result, give rise to allergic reactions.

This one does not bake, the skin after its application becomes smooth and silky. The healing effect is due to natural ingredients. It is necessary to treat for a long period with a small massage and body wrap. The result will not keep you waiting.


Skin lesions have a variety of origins. Rashes can be caused by various factors:

  • Allergic reaction.
  • stressful situations.
  • The genetic predisposition of the organism.

The reasons are different, the result is almost the same - red spots on the skin that constantly itch and peel off. Ulcers may appear. Clinical trials were conducted, where patients were asked to use only this cream for treatment.

The result exceeded expectations. All those who took part in the tests successfully got rid of unpleasant sensations, the skin cleared up, became smooth, without any lesions. Now experts recommend the drug for the treatment of dermatitis. It suits almost everyone.


Inflammation of the mammary gland, which is accompanied by pain, sometimes a rise in temperature, is quickly eliminated by this remedy.

Cream wax is developed on the basis of natural ingredients that effectively relieve inflammation and dissolve seals.

It can be used during lactation and directly feeding the baby. It does not affect the taste of milk and will not harm it.

Used in the following conditions:

  • Enlargement and redness of the breast of the lymph nodes of the armpit with fever.
  • Pain sensations.
  • Seals and secretions.

It should be used twice a day, gently rubbing into the chest area. This should be done after consulting a doctor, under his guidance and supervision. Self-medication in such conditions is unacceptable.


This is a disease that affects the skin of a person, causing pain, itching, bleeding ulcers. In addition, patients are ashamed of their illness - it is also a psychological wound.

Reviews speak of the positive dynamics of psoriasis therapy. Before starting treatment, it is imperative to do a test for the effect of the drug. Apply a little ointment to the fold of the arm and wait a while.

If there is no allergic reaction, the medicine can be used. The main thing is to apply the ointment correctly, according to the instructions.

The treatment is long, but the result will not keep you waiting. By the end of the first week, the skin will become soft and the itching will stop. It is necessary to treat until complete cleansing of the disease.


Inflammation of the prostate gland is a disease of a strong half of humanity. Every year she gets younger, affects men after 25 years. Not everyone wants to take chemical medicines, so they turn to herbal, natural preparations.

  1. Violation of urination due to severe inflammation.
  2. Pain in the prostate.

It is necessary to use the cream in complex treatment with medications to quickly relieve inflammation. A small amount is applied to the prostate area.

Rub in with gentle circular motions until completely absorbed. The treatment is long, it can go as an auxiliary with medication. Do an allergy test before use.

It is used as intimate in order to improve erection, increase potency. It acts externally on the problematic organ. Rubbing into the penis will increase blood circulation, improve the elasticity of blood vessels.

These manipulations will help to raise an erection, prolong sexual intercourse. To achieve good results, it is necessary to rub the cream into the organ twice a day for 5-7 minutes, having previously carried out hygiene procedures.

There are practically no contraindications. The only reason why you can not use the cream is an allergy to the components that make up the drug.

According to the reviews of men who have experienced the effect of the ointment, almost all are positive. It can be used as a cosmetic to improve the condition of the skin.


It is based on natural products. This is a fairly new tool that has proven itself well.

In addition to rejuvenation, it smoothes mimic wrinkles. The herbal composition allows you to use it from any defects (pimples, redness), at any age. There are all necessary certificates for effective use. Anti-wrinkle ointment will replace costly procedures to improve skin condition.


Diseases of the spine and bones are a disease not only of old people, but also of young people. A sedentary, sedentary lifestyle negatively affects our bone tissue.

To relieve pain, stop the inflammatory process by applying wax cream Healthy from osteochondrosis. In addition, it is recommended to use for arthritis, pain in the knees and spine.

Under such conditions:

  • For pain relief in chronic bone ailments.
  • Removal of inflammation after surgery on the vertebra.
  • With age-related changes, for joint mobility.
  • People who lead an inactive lifestyle.
  • Anyone who spends their working day on their feet.
  • Athletes with "heavy" types (weightlifters, boxers).

Orthopedic doctors prescribe this ointment for therapy. Reviews are positive, there are very good results. Despite the effectiveness, treatment should be comprehensive.

The liquid must be rubbed into the sore spot until it is completely absorbed. This should be done 3-4 times a day. If there is no allergic reaction to the composition of the ointment, there are no other contraindications.


This is a disease that develops for various reasons and causes great trouble to the patient. There are four stages of the disease.

Clinical trials that were conducted showed the effectiveness of the drug. 1-3 is eliminated by 100%, in the fourth there is an improvement, but requires longer treatment.

What is the action of the cream:

  • Reduces inflammation and swelling of hemorrhoidal veins.
  • The bleeding stops.
  • The tone rises.
  • Reduces blood stasis, improves blood circulation.

It is important to start treatment on time. Hemorrhoids do not go away on their own. There are many medicines against the disease, but not all of them are effective, they consist of chemicals.

Natural wax will quickly and without harm to health relieve the disease. The drug is easy to use. It is applied to the outer part of the hemorrhoids and rubbed gently.

You need to wait a bit until it is absorbed, remove the excess with a napkin. This should be done 2-3 times a day, after having carried out hygiene procedures.

To completely get rid of the disease, at least 4 cans will be required. Do an allergy test before use.

Varicose veins

Varicose veins are a common disease. Legs swell, knots appear. Stagnation of blood and lymph creates a feeling of fatigue and heaviness in the legs.

Ulcers appear, the skin becomes dark. Treatment often requires surgery. It is known that any disease is best treated in the initial stages, when the effectiveness of therapy is much higher.

Anti-varicose cream helps with such symptoms:

  • Edema and heaviness.
  • Night cramps.
  • Venous nodes and networks.
  • Pigmentation, burning sensation.
  • Excessive dryness.

The natural composition of the drug helps to remove the symptoms of the disease:

  1. Improve blood circulation in the vessels.
  2. Remove swelling and inflammation.
  3. Acts as a wound healer.
  4. Increases the functioning of the lymphatic system.

Anti-varicose cream Healthy, when used correctly, will help improve the condition of blood vessels, bring relief to the disease. It is recommended to buy it on the official website, the price is much cheaper.

Nail fungus

This is a severe and difficult to treat disease. In addition to aesthetic discomfort, it brings great harm to the whole body.

Medical treatment is expensive and time consuming. Studies have shown the effectiveness of wax against fungal infection.

  • Bad smell and sweating.
  • Cracked heels, dryness. Appearances of skin exfoliation.
  • Itching, peeling.
  • Changing the nail plate.

At the first unpleasant signs, it is necessary to begin therapy. In the early stages, the fungus is treatable. Before applying, you need to steam your feet well, then wipe them dry.

Cover with a layer of ointment on the entire foot and nails. Massage until completely dry. To smear to apply daily before recovery. Cannot be dropped on first upgrade. The nail plate should grow back.


It includes bee products and natural herbal supplements. There are several varieties of cream in which some components change, but the base remains the same.

bee subpestilence

This product is made from naturally dead bees and drones. They have a healing and anti-inflammatory effect. The hood has the following properties:

  • Promotes the resorption of blood clots.
  • It is an anesthetic.
  • Improves tissue microcirculation.
  • Activates the metabolism in the body.
  • Slows down the aging process of cells.


This product of beekeeping has always been considered medicinal. Its properties have been known since time immemorial.

Its influence is as follows:

  1. Suppresses growth and development of bacteria, shows antimicrobic action.
  2. Detrimental to fungal infections.
  3. Increases the body's defenses.
  4. It acts as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic.
  5. It has a positive effect on the growth of cartilage tissue.
  6. Clears blood vessels, increases blood flow.

cedar resin

Known for its healing properties in folk medicine. It is used by the inhabitants of the North for the treatment of many diseases.

It can affect blood circulation in small vessels, help restore blood circulation in a damaged organ. Well relieves inflammation, swelling. Reduces pain syndrome.


It is the basis of the ointment. Its properties to stop blood and heal wounds are known to medicine and are used in various preparations.

Instructions for use

Self-medication is dangerous for human health. Before you start therapy with a cream, you need to visit a doctor. Make a test for the body's reaction to bee products.

All your actions must be coordinated with a specialist. After establishing the diagnosis, you can buy an ointment.

According to the instructions, the cream should be rubbed into the sore spot three times a day. The course of treatment should be at least 2-3 weeks. According to the doctor's prescription for some diseases, it can be extended until full recovery.

Having appeared on the market 3 years ago, the cream is still a topic of discussion by numerous users on health forums and thematic sites.

Let us consider in more detail whether it is really so effective, whether it has contraindications, side effects, how to use it correctly and where to buy it in order to avoid fakes, what is the opinion of doctors about this.

How does wax cream Zdorov from hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are the scourge of modern society and a very delicate problem, with which patients are in no hurry to go to see a proctologist. But treatment on its own can end not only with serious complications, but also with death. In 77% of cases, the disease causes bowel cancer, which is almost impossible to cope with.

The disease causes dilatation of the veins of the rectum, in other words, their varicose veins. The main reasons can be listed:

  • a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle, most often associated with work;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • bad habits, especially smoking and alcoholic beverages;
  • malnutrition;
  • frequent constipation associated with digestive problems.

The disease deprives our life of peace, worsens its quality, causing pain, bleeding, prolapse of hemorrhoids, itching, burning, and many other unpleasant moments.

Try a cream that contains only natural ingredients. After visiting the proctologist and his appointments, you can include him in the general therapy of hemorrhoids in order to quickly deal with the main symptoms:

  • eliminate pain after the first application;
  • stop bleeding from the rectum;
  • relieve itching and burning, feeling of a foreign body and false urge to defecate;
  • relieve redness and inflammation of the skin of the perineum;
  • reduce hemorrhoids.

After a course of 1 month, according to manufacturers and patients, it is possible to stop the disease at any stage.

Tests have shown that the cream helps in 89 cases out of 100.

Natural active ingredients help to cope with the main causes of the disease - they improve the condition of blood vessels, eliminate venous congestion, improve blood flow, restore elasticity and purity to the vascular walls.

The tool has:

  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • tonic and softening;
  • decongestant;
  • restoring;
  • regenerating;
  • bactericidal;
  • antioxidant;
  • immunomodulatory properties.

Basic actions:

  • eliminates inflammatory processes in internal and external hemorrhoids;
  • contributes to the reduction of hemorrhoidal cones, normalizes blood pressure in the veins of the rectum;
  • facilitates the process of defecation;
  • fights pathogenic microflora;
  • dissolves blood clots and prevents the appearance of thrombosis;
  • eliminates anal fissures and bleeding;
  • heals damaged perineal tissues, restores and regenerates new ones.

Users confirm that even after a short daily use, the symptoms of hemorrhoids are significantly reduced, and relapses become less frequent.

The composition of the cream-wax Healthy from hemorrhoids

It is the scientifically developed formula of the drug that distinguishes it from analogues. The composition includes unique natural ingredients.

  1. propolis extract- helps at the most advanced stage, improves blood flow, eliminates infections, prevents their occurrence in the future, heals anal fissures and damaged mucous membranes, helps get rid of itching and pain.
  2. Extract of cedar resin, or cedar resin- a natural antioxidant, an excellent prophylactic agent for varicose veins, reduces the repetition of relapses. It relieves irritation and pain, softens, improves blood flow, and eliminates swelling. Has bactericidal properties.
  3. bee moth extract- a bee product obtained from insect larvae. It plays a significant role in the treatment of hemorrhoids and has important therapeutic effects - it improves metabolic processes and increases local immunity, restores blood microcirculation, prevents stagnant processes and the formation of blood clots.
  4. bee venom extract- a powerful natural antibiotic. Prevents infectious processes in the perineum, in its damaged areas. It improves blood counts, increases hemoglobin, which is very important for heavy or persistent bleeding from the anus. Reduces false urge to defecate.
  5. beeswax extract- contains a large amount of minerals, esters, vitamins. It is a hemostatic agent. It is not addictive even with constant use.
  6. Dead bee extract- has pronounced analgesic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal properties. Increases immunity, dissolves blood clots and prevents their formation. Rich in useful substances.
  7. olive oil- is an antioxidant, contains vitamin E and many useful organic acids. Recommended for oral administration in parallel with the use of the cream. Facilitates bowel movements, eliminates itching and pain during bowel movements. With course use, it returns elasticity to the walls of the sphincter.
  8. horse chestnut extract- is included in the composition of many venotonics due to a wide spectrum of action: it eliminates blood stasis, reduces bumps, and dissolves blood clots.
  9. Vitamins B1, B2, B6- enhance the effectiveness of other components.

The main benefits of Zdorov cream

The reviews that buyers and doctors leave online are mostly positive. In them, they emphasize the main advantages of the drug:

  • ease of use;
  • natural composition;
  • treats hemorrhoids of any stage;
  • the speed of elimination of pain syndromes;
  • low cost;
  • use as a prophylaxis;
  • no contraindications.

The cream is especially suitable for those who are at risk: lead an inactive life, do not move, are overweight and smoke. As well as women during pregnancy and after childbirth.

How to use for hemorrhoids

Before using Zdorov cream, consult your doctor and carefully read the instructions for use, which are in each package of the branded drug.

With external hemorrhoids at its initial stage, it is enough to rub the remedy once a day. The duration of the course depends on the result obtained.

With internal hemorrhoids, use 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening after a bowel movement. The drug is administered anorectally, after half an hour the excess is removed with a napkin.

Read more in the insert.

With regular use:

  • stop bleeding quickly
  • reduce pressure on the vascular walls, restore their integrity and elasticity;
  • reduce inflammation;
  • eliminate stagnation of blood in the veins;
  • increase the strength of capillaries;
  • get rid of clots.

The only contraindication is allergic reactions to the components in the composition.

Sold without a doctor's prescription.

You can buy Zdorov cream today only by ordering it on the Internet. But on the other hand, there are always discounts on the site, so the price will pleasantly surprise you.

Zdorov cream wax quality certificates

Passed multi-stage serious research and certification at the University of Proctology in Berlin, verified by the US Federal Medical Service, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and recognized by them as one of the best for the treatment of hemorrhoids and the prevention of rectal cancer.

Has all certificates of conformity and licenses for sale.

Cream-wax Healthy from hemorrhoids: summing up

A person suffering from hemorrhoids is in no hurry to use the services of a proctologist. Confusion, fear, lack of time - there are many reasons. Therefore, many try to find a miraculous, magical remedy and fall into the networks of scammers.

Cream-wax Zdorov from hemorrhoids caused just a flurry of responses, both positive and not so. Many sites are trying to figure out if this is true or another scam. But in the end, they leave a link to buy, offering to just try it.

There is no magic wand against hemorrhoids, especially in advanced form. This is a serious disease that requires careful diagnosis and an integrated approach to treatment. Often everything ends with an operation.

Moreover, no cream can prevent the formation of cancer cells.

Main disadvantages:

  • does not have the official status of a medicinal product, despite certificates and marketing authorizations;
  • is not sold through pharmacy chains, which is already in doubt. In addition, it is very inconvenient, since there is no way to use it immediately if necessary;
  • the statement about the complete victory over the disease at any stage is unjustified and illiterate. After all, often even professionally selected complex treatment does not help, and the case ends with an operation.

The only thing that is not in doubt is the healing properties of the natural ingredients in the composition. They have long been known for their anti-inflammatory, analgesic and healing abilities. Therefore, they can really help at the very beginning of the development of the disease and relieve pain.

But to order it specifically or take the advice of your proctologist and be treated with proven means - everyone decides for himself, having read the information and reviews.

We are waiting for your feedback, if you already have experience of using Zdorov Hemorrhoids Wax Cream and we will be glad for any correct comments.

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The term "venereal diseases", widely used in Soviet times in relation to syphilis and gonorrhea, is gradually being replaced by more ...

Syphilis is a serious disease that affects various parts of the human body. Dysfunction and pathological phenomena of organs occur ...

Home Doctor (Handbook) Chapter XI. SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES Venereal diseases have ceased to cause fear. In every...

Ureaplasmosis is an inflammatory disease of the genitourinary system. The causative agent - ureaplasma - an intracellular microbe. Transferred...
If the patient has swollen labia, the doctor will definitely ask if there are any other complaints. In a situation where...
Balanoposthitis is a disease that affects both women and men and even children. Let's look at what balanoposthitis is, ...
The compatibility of blood types for conceiving a child is a very important parameter that determines the normal course of pregnancy and the absence of ...
Epistaxis, or bleeding from the nose, can be a symptom of a number of diseases of the nose and other organs, and in addition, in some cases ...
Gonorrhea is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in Russia. Most HIV infection is transmitted during sexual contact, ...