Viral sexual infections. STI testing - what is it? STIs in women and men. ippp: list. Other sexual infections

Home doctor (handbook)


Venereal diseases no longer cause fear. In any case, the majority: "It's not about me, it's about homosexuals and prostitutes. Even if you get infected (of course, not AIDS), being cured is a trifle. With modern means!"

The successes of medicine create the illusion that you can do without a doctor - you just need to take antibiotics and everything will pass. A dangerous delusion - not only will it not go away, but it can go into a more difficult stage and manifest itself when it becomes very difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to do something.

General symptoms. The first sign is discharge from the genital organs, sores and "abrasions" on their surface, but sometimes the disease does not manifest itself for the time being. It happens that it does not develop at all, but a person carries a pathogen in himself and can infect his sexual partners, intrauterine transmission of the microbe from mother to child is also possible.

Serious consequences should be remembered: in newborns - eye damage (conjunctivitis), pneumonia, sepsis and meningitis, birth defects, disability and even death; in women - inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriages, premature births and stillbirths; in men - narrowing of the urethra, impotence, comfort and other infertility. Some types of pathogens contribute to the development of cancerous tumors of the cervix, skin and internal organs.

Sexually transmitted diseases have never been considered only from a medical point of view, they have always been associated with ethical standards: the infected person is to blame. The sexual revolution, having radically changed views on sexual life, has led to a significant increase in such patients - there are about 1 billion of them in the world. In other words, every fifth inhabitant of the Earth suffers from sexually transmitted diseases. Recently, the most formidable - AIDS - has been added to them. The danger is great enough. Therefore, it is necessary to have at least a minimum of knowledge about these diseases - their manifestations, course and consequences, means of treatment and prevention.

Gardnerellosis. Inflammation of the vagina (vaginitis). Transmitted sexually. It has now been established that the cause is a special microorganism called gardnerella. The patient develops foul-smelling leucorrhoea (the smell of rotten fish), which intensifies after intercourse. With such secretions, it is imperative to consult a doctor, and the sexual partner should also be treated so as not to get infected from him again.

Hepatitis B.
One of the serious diseases of the liver. It is transmitted through blood, as well as sexual contacts, which are the ones that "supply" a significant number of patients. The risk of contracting hepatitis B is extremely high in people who have promiscuous sex. It was found in 1/3 of homosexuals and bisexuals (who have sex with both men and women), while among men who have intercourse only with women - only 6%. Almost 300 million people in the world are carriers of the disease virus.

In patients with hepatitis B, yellowness of the skin, eyes, pain in the liver, changes in the color of urine, feces, deterioration in general well-being are observed. However, often the disease is asymptomatic, without jaundice and other signs. A severe complication is primary liver cancer, which in some regions of the world is the most common form of malignant neoplasms, especially among men (see also Chapter Infectious Diseases).

Genital herpes (genital herpes, HSV-2). In recent years, it has become increasingly common in many countries around the world. For example, in the United States, 200-500 thousand patients are registered annually. According to the UK Venereology Service, women are 6 times more likely to get genital herpes than men.

Symptoms and course. Usually 3-6 days after infection, blisters appear on the skin and mucous membranes. Sometimes there are no signs of the disease for quite a long time. In men, blisters appear on the penis, especially on the glans and foreskin. Before this, patients feel a burning sensation, itching, tingling. The same eruptions can occur in the mouth as a result of sexual intercourse through the mouth. Bubbles, merging and bursting, turn into small wounds. Some patients develop discharge from the urethra, pain during urination, and even urinary retention. The temperature may rise, headache, general malaise, enlarged lymph nodes.

In women, blisters and ulcerations appear on the genitals, in the perineum and near the anus. Then the bubbles disappear, and after a while they reappear.

A sick woman during childbirth infects her child. The newborn may develop damage to the nervous system, skin, mouth and internal organs. Most children who get herpes die. The survivors have severe complications from the nervous system. If in the later stages of pregnancy, genital herpes is found in women, they try to do a caesarean section to protect the child from infection when passing through the birth canal.

Gonorrhea. An infectious disease it is also called gonorrhea, a change caused by gonococcus. Neisser, the scientist who discovered this pathogen in 1879, said: "I do not hesitate to declare that, in terms of its consequences, gonorrhea is a disease incomparably more dangerous than syphilis."

Indeed, gonorrhea brings a lot of suffering to people of sexually active age. This was especially noticeable in a period when there were no antibiotics in medical practice. Its main danger stems from a frivolous attitude that it is possible to recover easily, even without a doctor - with the help of the advice of "experienced" friends and acquaintances. Of course, gonorrhea is not as destructive as syphilis, but the likelihood of infertility (both in men and women), sexual disorders in men, infection of children during childbirth is extremely high.

It should be added that gonorrhea is much more common than syphilis. She, as well as syphilis, can be ill several times. Many, not suspecting that they are sick, continue to live sexually, infecting their partners, are not treated, and the disease progresses, leading to severe complications. Infection occurs with various forms of sexual intercourse: with "normal" sexual intercourse, with "incomplete" (when there is only mutual contact of the genital organs, without the introduction of the penis into the vagina), with orogenital (contact of the genital organs and oral mucosa), with anal.

Men do not always get infected from women with gonorrhea. With a small number of gonococci, they may not enter the narrow opening of the urethra. If nevertheless hit, they can be thrown away or washed away with urine. Most often, a woman infects a man during menstruation or immediately after it, with prolonged sexual intercourse, with its rapid end, when gonococci are taken out of the deep sections of the glands.

Unlike men, women "catch" gonorrhea in almost all cases of sexual intercourse with the patient.

The child can become infected from the mother when passing through the birth canal. At the same time, the mucous membrane of the eye is affected, and in girls, the genitals are also affected. Blindness in newborns in 56% of cases is caused by gonorrhea. Gonococci can also be brought into the genitals of girls by contaminated hands of the mother, a towel, sponge, bed linen, etc.

Symptoms and course. Gonorrhea affects the genitourinary organs, rectum, mucous membranes of the eyes, oral cavity and pharynx, sometimes joints, heart and other organs. In men, usually 3-5 days after infection, abundant purulent, mucopurulent discharge appears, accompanied by itching, pain or pain when urinating. Allocations are either spontaneous or appear when pressure is applied to the glans penis. Yellow-green stains remain on the underwear. The lips of the urethra become inflamed, swollen, slightly painful.

If the disease is not treated, then the process extends to the entire canal, prostate, seminal vesicles, testicles. There is painful, frequent, difficult urination. The temperature may rise, chills, pain during bowel movements. A serious complication of gonorrhea, often leading to infertility, is the defeat of the testicle. Usually there is swelling, sharp pain, it increases in size.

After gonorrheal inflammation of the epididymis (epididymitis), the formation of spermatozoa is disrupted and, with a bilateral process, the possibility of fertilization drops sharply. Undesirable consequences can be avoided only with timely treatment, strict adherence to the doctor's recommendations, temporary cessation of sexual activity, refusal of alcohol, etc.

"A 29-year-old man was transferred to the venereology department of the hospital from a surgical hospital. He moved on crutches due to an increase and sharp pain in the ankle joint. He had slight cloudy mucous discharge from the urethra. He fell ill suddenly: he went to bed healthy, and in the morning he had pain in the joint, fever, chills, weakness made him call an "ambulance", which took him to the surgical department. The patient is not married, often engages in promiscuity. 3 years ago he had trichomoniasis. It turned out that a few days after sexual contact with an unfamiliar woman for 3-4 weeks, he had a slight discharge from the urethra.Determining that this was again trichomoniasis, he began to take the medicines that he was prescribed for this disease, and continued to lead his former lifestyle: playing sports, sex, drinking. In the venereology department, a patient was diagnosed with gonorrhea.

Sometimes a person who has had sexual contact with a known gonorrhea patient does not show any signs of the disease. This does not mean that he was not infected. It is imperative to do research. The so-called asymptomatic course of gonorrhea is dangerous both for the sick person and for those who come into contact with him. It is of particular importance during pregnancy, as it is possible to infect the child. 50-70% of women with gonorrhea have no discomfort. The rest may have purulent or mucopurulent discharge from the vagina, frequent urge and pain when urinating. Late seeking medical help with asymptomatic gonorrhea leads to the fact that the disease passes from the cervix to the uterine mucosa, fallopian tubes, ovaries. There is a risk of ectopic pregnancy, infertility, complications during childbirth.

Often, complications of gonorrhea occur in women almost imperceptibly. Only a few have pain in the lower half of the abdomen, bleeding from the vagina, fever, headache, general malaise. If a patient with gonorrhea is pregnant, then she has a high risk of miscarriage, fetal death and postpartum infection.

A very unpleasant complication of gonorrhea in women is inflammation of the large vestibular glands (bartholinitis), which usually begins 2-3 weeks after infection. Gonococci, penetrating into the duct of the gland, cause inflammation, and a painful cord or nodule appears in the groin: when pressed, pus can be released. If the mouth of the gland is closed, pus, accumulating in the excretory duct, stretches it. Then a painful, mobile tumor, ranging in size from a cherry to a large egg, protrudes from the genital slit. The woman feels pain in the vulva, it is difficult for her to walk, sit. When other microorganisms are attached to the gonococcus, the temperature rises to 38-39°C. The tumor bursts, pus pours out of it, the pain disappears, the temperature decreases, but after a while, if treatment is not carried out, pus accumulates again, redness of the skin, soreness, swelling appear, and everything starts all over again. Often, patients with such complications have to undergo surgery.

With sexual intercourse through the mouth, gonorrhea of ​​​​the oral cavity and pharynx occurs. Signs of it are redness and sore throat, sometimes severe, with high fever. For the most part, gonorrhea of ​​the genital organs also occurs at the same time.

If there is a discharge from the rectum and discomfort in this area, you should also consult a doctor and be examined. Gonorrhea of ​​the anus is possible not only in homosexual and bisexual men, but also in women, after sexual intercourse through the anus or as a result of leakage of infected vaginal discharge.

Gonorrhea is especially dangerous for children. Only a few become infected through a common bed due to poor hygiene. In most cases, they are "rewarded with a bad disease" by older family members or friends at home, forcing them to cohabit.

The initial manifestation of gonorrhea in a newborn is usually eye disease. A few days after birth, the child's eyes turn red, yellow or green discharge begins from them.

It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment in order to prevent damage to the cornea and all tissues of the eye, leading to blindness. Children often pay for the mistakes of adults or become their victims.

Infection caused by immunodeficiency viruses (HIV). Another name is AIDS (AIDS, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). In recent years, it has become epidemic in the world; it is caused by human immunodeficiency viruses found in the saliva and mucous secretions of patients. This infectious disease, which develops when the pathogen enters the bloodstream, is most often transmitted sexually. Infection with HIV infection is also observed during intravenous administration of drugs during blood transfusion and its preparations due to a non-sterile instrument, especially a needle.

AIDS pathogens are destroyed by boiling, ether, acetone, ethanol (20%), sodium hypochlorite (0.2%). For the first time this disease was detected in homosexuals and drug addicts. It was even called at first "the disease of homosexuals." Mostly men were ill (9 out of 10). In the future, it began to spread widely also among people who have promiscuity. Transmission of the virus from mother to child during pregnancy and childbirth has been proven.

Symptoms and course. First, the temperature rises to 38-40 ° C at any time of the day, profuse sweating appears, and physical activity sharply decreases. At the same time, loose stools, weight loss, shortness of breath, inflammatory changes in the skin of the face, hair loss, and swollen lymph nodes can be observed. This may go on for several years. Patients then develop various concomitant infections that are rare in people with normal immunity. They can affect the skin, lymph nodes, eyes, various parts of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and central nervous system. In this case, various rashes appear on the skin (spotty, nodular, vesicular, etc.), often accompanied by itching. The severe course of these diseases is due to the extremely limited protective forces of the body. Most often, AIDS patients develop bilateral persistent pneumonia. Often there is oral candidiasis, which, spreading, leads to the appearance of ulcers of the esophagus and lungs. Bubble rashes appear on the mucous membrane of the mouth, genitals and perineum. Many are affected by the central nervous system, eyes (chorioretinitis). Diarrhea is often noted, which is quite difficult, with frequent watery stools (up to 15 liters per day). In most patients, immediately after recovery from one infectious disease, another begins, or a combination of various infections is observed.

Approximately 40% of AIDS patients develop malignant tumors. Often they are diagnosed at a late stage or after the death of the patient. Approximately 1/3 Kaposi's sarcoma occurs, in which not only the skin is often affected, but also the lymph nodes, mucous membranes and internal organs.

Quite often, those infected with the virus for several years, in addition to an increase in the cervical, axillary or occipital lymph nodes, have no other symptoms of the disease with a further classic picture.

Human immunodeficiency viruses, like war, affect people of the most active age.

Candidiasis. Inflammation caused by Candida yeast. Candidiasis ("thrush") is one of the most common infections, especially in women.

The occurrence of candidal inflammation of the vagina is promoted by increased skin moisture (when wearing nylon tights); violation of carbohydrate metabolism; the use of antibiotics or other chemotherapeutic agents, including drugs prescribed for trichomoniasis, which eliminate other microorganisms that are natural antagonists of fungi; the use of hormones (taking steroid drugs and birth control pills); diseases that weaken the body's immune system; infection from a sick man.

Symptoms and course. A third of sick women become infected with candidiasis during sexual intercourse. They develop cheesy discharge from the genital tract, itching and pain, aggravated by urination and sexual intercourse. The vaginal vestibule becomes dark red, and redness may spread to adjacent areas of the skin, in particular around the anus.

In men, the glans penis and the skin covering it usually turn red, covered with a white coating, sometimes wounds appear on them, patients are worried about itching and burning. It happens that inflammation of the urethra begins with mucous discharge from it and the presence of flakes in the urine.

Molluscum contagiosum. It spreads through close contact, including sexual contact. Children become infected when they are breastfed by an ill mother and through household items. In terms of up to 3 months after infection, small nodules appear on the skin of patients ranging from a pinhead to a pea with an impression in the center. In children, rashes are more often located on the skin of the hands, face, neck; in adults - on the skin of the trunk and genitals, the inner surface of the thighs, pubis and abdomen. These nodules are painful.

Treatment - see Ch. Skin diseases, section 5, Molluscum contagiosum.

Pubic lice (pediculosis). Lice is spread not only sexually, but also through underwear. The pubic louse lives in pubic hair, in the armpits, as well as in the beard, mustache, eyebrows and eyelashes.

It does not affect the hair of the head, which distinguishes it from the head louse. On the affected areas of the hairline, mainly the perineum, thighs, anus, small hemorrhages, cyanotic spots, signs of inflammation, scratching appear. In the future, small nodules, vesicles, pustules may form. Patients are worried about constant itching. Lice can be seen at the roots of the hair, small nits are found on the hair.

What is an STD? The decoding is as follows: Almost all the sexually mature population of the planet knows this abbreviation, because it is difficult to avoid meeting with them, and in quality it is necessary to arm yourself with knowledge.

male problem

In most cases, STDs (decoding - sexually transmitted diseases) pass without symptoms that are uncomfortable for a person, although there are exceptions, of course. Therefore, no one goes to the doctor, especially if the reason for the consultation embarrasses the patient or puts him in an uncomfortable position in front of his family. Unfortunately, "ego" plays a more important role in the modern system of values ​​of the individual than good health. Abortive, erased or ignored diseases lead to serious consequences in the future. STDs in men can cause prostatitis, urethritis, inflammation and infertility. Sexual function also suffers: a decrease in libido, problems with erection, ejaculation, orgasm are directly related to the infection. Women are no less than men prone to acquiring sexually transmitted diseases and spreading them. But the beautiful half is more conscious of their own body, so they have a higher desire to be healthy, and the percentage of recoveries, respectively, is also higher.

under attack

The risk category includes young people, women and men of childbearing age, people who are promiscuous and often change partners. Vulnerable are also women engaged in prostitution as a means of earning money.


There are more than twenty STD pathogens. The list of diseases is not inferior in number of positions and begins with the most famous and common of them: syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, bacterial vaginosis. Next come nosologies that are less common: balanoposthitis, urogenital shegellosis, genital warts, giardiasis, amoebiasis and others.

Reasons for the spread

  1. The preponderance of the demographic situation in favor of the young population, the leveling of the institution of marriage and the change in the norms of social and family morality.
  2. The growth of cities, the total use of the Internet to expand the circle of acquaintances, international tourism, including sex tours.
  3. Tolerance for differences in sexual relations (homo- and heterocomposite couples, free marriage).
  4. Public, social unrest: wars, uprisings, natural disasters, epidemics.
  5. Low availability of contraceptives in third world countries where the population is growing and living conditions leave much to be desired.
  6. Prevalence of prostitution on a voluntary or forced basis.
  7. Drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism.
  8. The resistance of pathogens to drugs, antiseptics due to their widespread use without a doctor's prescription.


Tests for STDs include examination of secretions from the external genitalia. At the appointment, the doctor makes a swab from the genitals, which is transferred to the laboratory for examination. The contents are microscoped, stained with aniline dyes, sown on meat-peptone agar or a specific medium in order to grow a cell culture. These are the most accessible methods of laboratory diagnostics. In addition, a blood test is taken to detect signs of infection and to check for specific antibodies to clarify the diagnosis. More expensive and more accurate tests, such as a DNA test or PCR, which identify the pathogen by the presence of its genetic material (even in trace amounts) in human biological fluids. Testing for STDs can be done at any commercial or government laboratory, with or without a referral from a doctor.

Briefly about the main infections

So, let's characterize the most common STDs.


How does this infection enter the body? STDs of this type, unfortunately, are transmitted not only sexually, but also through household contact. Runs almost asymptomatic. The first rash appears after 3-5 weeks. During this time, it manages to spread throughout the body and increase the number of its colony. After the rash disappears (and this will happen quite quickly), there will again be a period of calm.

The next manifestation is a hard chancre at the gates of infection (oral cavity, genitals, places of damage to the skin). They can also pass on their own, without medical intervention. When, two months later, the person notices the rash again, the disease has already passed to the next stage. After a while, the rash will disappear again, and syphilis will not make itself felt for years, even decades. To then manifest itself in the form of a tertiary chancre, corroding the skin, muscles and bones, very painful. The end of all this is a long and painful death from comorbidities such as paralysis, cardiovascular disease, encephalopathy.

Genital herpes

Such an STD (we already know the decoding), like the herpes simplex virus of the second type, causes an infection that manifests itself only on the genitals. It is transmitted sexually and vertically (during childbirth) by. Manifested by itching in the genital area, the appearance of bubbles (vesicles) on the buttocks, inner thighs, burning during urination.

After four weeks, the symptoms disappear and reappear only when the body is weakened by another infection or immunity is reduced. Without treatment, the disease becomes chronic. It is important, if there is a history of suspected herpes, to be examined during pregnancy planning, otherwise the child may be born with intrauterine malformations.


A bacterial sexually transmitted disease transmitted exclusively through sexual contact. A few days after the dubious contact, men begin purulent discharge during urination, accompanied by painful sensations of pain, itching, tingling in the groin. There are symptoms of the infectious process: fever, chills, lack of appetite.

When the infection spreads higher to the internal genital organs, it leads to painful defecation, inflammation of the testicle and, as a result, to infertility. Timely treatment helps to avoid possible complications, but the immunity is unstable, so the risk of getting sick again remains.


The first symptoms appear within a week after contact. There are mucous or purulent discharge, itching, pain. Over time, discomfort disappears, and the disease becomes chronic. Without proper treatment, the carrier is able to infect his sexual partner.


After the venereologist suspected an STD in the patient, the decoding of his tests and the collection of anamnesis were successful, the diagnosis was established - treatment can begin. Given the significant number of diseases and the blurring of the clinical picture due to untimely seeking medical help, the diagnostic process may be somewhat delayed.

The treatment of STDs consists in the impact on the pathogen (antiviral, antibacterial drugs), the strengthening of natural defenses (immunomodulators) and preventive sanitary and educational work with the patient. In addition, you need to persuade a person to bring his regular partner for examination, as he, too, may be sick. STD treatment cannot be interrupted after all symptoms disappear, because the pathogen has not yet completely left the circulatory system, and the disease may return.


At the moment, measures to reduce the number of cases of infection with sexually transmitted diseases are reduced to lectures among schoolchildren on safe sex, distribution of free condoms and mandatory annual medical examinations.

Prevention of STDs is necessary so that people turn to medical institutions for help in a timely manner. Awareness of the population, especially young people, about the methods of protection and early manifestations of these diseases reduces the percentage of chronicity and severe complications. Self-prevention of STDs is the availability of barrier contraception and careful selection of partners.

Be attentive to your health! Untreated STDs in men are one of the first factors of infertility and sexual impotence.

There are many diseases with similar symptoms, and the symptoms of STDs differ little from each other. Often, signs of sexually transmitted diseases can confuse not only the patient, but also the doctor.

The question of how long venereal diseases appear is quite relevant. In most cases, after how many STDs appear, it is 1-7 days. After that, men may experience symptoms of urethritis (stinging and burning when urinating,), and in women, symptoms of urethritis and colpitis (stinging, burning, itching when urinating,).

In fact, the answer to the question of how long sexual infections appear is individual for each individual organism.

The main symptoms of STDs observed everywhere are:

  • rash with sexually transmitted diseases caused by various causes;
  • discharge in venereal diseases, mainly accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

Asymptomatic STDs

Many sexually transmitted diseases are asymptomatic or have such mild signs that they are simply ignored by the sick. The more dangerous such asymptomatic STDs for the patient and his sexual partner.

Harmless at first glance, asymptomatic STDs (,) without appropriate treatment become chronic. They cause serious disorders in the body and can lead to both male and female infertility.

Venereal diseases in the oral cavity

In most cases, sexually transmitted diseases in the oral cavity (, genital herpes, chlamydia, and) may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • painful swallowing;
  • red spots on the soft palate or back of the throat;
  • dense red nodules on the tongue and hard palate;
  • flat spots on the tongue;
  • vesicles, pustules on the lips;
  • erosions and ulcers in the oral cavity and on the lips;
  • white curdled coating:
  • hoarseness of voice.

Sexually transmitted diseases in the mouth easily pass to other parts of the body. If one or more of the above signs appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Temperature in genital infections

In some cases, sexually transmitted diseases are accompanied by a strong or slight increase in temperature, however, due to the fact that the latter can be caused by many reasons, the temperature during sexual infections is easily knocked down by antipyretics.

So a fever with an STD is one of the signs that you should be tested.

The first signs of sexually transmitted diseases

As a rule, the first signs of sexually transmitted diseases include:

  • purulent, bloody or curdled discharge;
  • itching, redness, ulceration, vesicles and microcracks on the mucous membrane and skin;
  • burning, stinging and soreness when urinating;
  • drawing pains in the lower abdomen.

The first signs of sexual infection should not be ignored. When they appear, you should consult a doctor. After all, any first symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases can become fatal if they are not noted in time and measures are not taken.

STD symptoms in men

Despite the fact that the group of sexually transmitted diseases includes a huge number of diseases, the symptoms of STDs in men are basically the same. Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases in men include:

  • itching, burning and pain in the urethra, aggravated both during urination and after it;
  • specific discharge from the penis - abundant or scanty, purulent or cheesy, with or without an unpleasant odor;
  • a feeling of heaviness, discomfort and pain in the perineum, lower abdomen and groin area;
  • sexual dysfunction.

Sometimes, turning into a chronic form, the disease can be manifested by a slight increase in temperature, weakness and loss of appetite. Signs of STDs in men may be mild, but at the first appearance of them, you should consult a doctor.

STD symptoms in women

The main symptoms of STDs in women:

  • redness of the mucous membranes in the genital area;
  • sores in the anus and on the labia;
  • and urination;
  • frothy, cheesy, purulent, with an admixture of blood discharge, with an unpleasant odor;
  • rash in the genital area or all over the body;
  • menstrual irregularities.

Symptoms of STIs in women, as in men, may not be as pronounced, especially if there are no other problems in the body. Therefore, it is so important to note any symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases in women and contact a gynecologist in time.

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a group of diseases whose main route of transmission is through sexual contact. They are divided into:

1) microbial, such as gonorrhea, syphilis,
2) protozoal infections (unicellular) - trichomoniasis,
3) viral-herpes, hepatitis B, C, HIV.

Separately, I would like to single out diseases where sexual transmission is frequent (scabies, molluscum contagiosum, the same herpes, pubic pediculosis, hepatitis).

By order of the Ministry of Health, part of the sexually transmitted infections is classified in a separate heading - this is "Venereal Diseases". There are only 5 of them: gonorrhea, syphilis, donovanosis, soft chancre, lymphogranuloma venereum. The last three are most common in countries with a tropical climate, but given the openness of the borders, they must also be remembered.

STD symptoms

When can you still suspect that you have a sexually transmitted disease? I will conditionally divide all the symptoms into internal and external, which we will see on our skin. If we talk about the first group of symptoms, then this is: deterioration, muscle pain, fever, that is, everything that we observe with a common cold. All this is observed in diseases such as viral hepatitis, HIV infection. Very often, patients begin to treat themselves, starting the course of the infection, ignoring the call of the local doctor to the house (much better) or contacting the clinic, to which they are "fixed". After all, it is easier to treat an infection in an unopened state, it is easier to avoid complications.

Mentioning manifestations on the skin, of course, you need to remember such a disease as syphilis. No wonder he is called the "monkey of all diseases." A lot of states, "parodies" this infection. "Sore" (hard chancre) at the site of contact, appearing 3-5 weeks after sexual intercourse with a sick person, painless, often mistaken for herpes or simply skipped. In the future, as the disease develops, it disappears, the process goes into a neglected form. Very often, the chancre is treated with a soapy solution when toileting the external genitalia, and the soap has a detrimental effect on the causative agent of syphilis, but in this case only "superficially". The chancre disappears, diagnosis becomes more difficult, an imaginary well-being appears, and the infection inside the body, meanwhile, affects all organs and systems: the nervous, bone, gastrointestinal tract ... You must have heard of such a complication as "nose retraction? Frequent localization of the chancre - this is the inner leaf of the foreskin in men and the lower commissure of the labia majora in women is closer to the anus.You should also pay attention to the state of the inguinal lymph nodes: they are enlarged.

With genital herpes, the "ulcer" is painful, the person complains of a "burning" feeling. By the way, the presence of genital herpes, and even more so its frequent relapses, are a direct indication for testing for HIV and urogenital infections.

A rash on the body can be accompanied by itching, such as with scabies (rashes on thin areas of the skin: interdigital spaces, lower abdomen, nipple halos in women), or not, as with the syphilis I mentioned - this is a spotted roseolous rash on the lateral parts of the body, without subjective sensations (already in the secondary period) as well as on the palms, soles, oral mucosa, tongue.

Many STIs can be passed from mother to child. In a pregnant woman, the germs and viruses that cause STIs can disrupt the normal course of pregnancy. The child can become infected while in the womb, during childbirth and while breastfeeding. The infection can cause serious harm to the baby's health.

Testing for STIs

If we talk about how quickly you need to see a doctor after casual sex, then I will tell you this: "The sooner the better." It is very good if the doctor will carry out active prophylaxis for you - treatment of external and internal genital organs, prophylactic prescription of antibiotics and antimicrobial drugs.

This can reduce your treatment time and prevent a lot of complications. Do not forget to consult a doctor and with preventive examinations, take tests, of which there are now a lot. With diseases such as syphilis, hepatitis, HIV - this is blood. With urogenital infections, these are smears that are taken in the same way, but "look" differently. This includes the detection of the pathogen in "fresh" material (microscopic examination of the smear), staining of the smear, when the pathogen becomes clearly visible, and crops, if the amount of the pathogen is small, then they grow on nutrient media, and it is easier to detect under a microscope.

Microscopic examination of a smear can only give reliable results when the infection is fresh. If the disease is running, such an analysis may not show anything. In such cases, methods are used: bacteriological culture, detection of specific sections of the pathogen's DNA (PCR method), blood tests aimed at detecting the pathogen itself or antibodies to it in the blood. In most cases, several different studies are needed to reliably diagnose STIs.

If a person has had unprotected sexual contact, and even if there are no painful manifestations, you should ALWAYS consult a doctor!

STI treatment

In the treatment of STIs, a doctor has a lot of antibiotics, antimicrobials in his arsenal, but it is always more difficult to treat advanced forms and combined infections. There is a myth among the people "about a single pill that will cure everything", but this is just a fairy tale. There is no such pill, and I don't think there will be in the near future.

If a person has several infections, you have to take complex drugs or combine them. Such conditions are treated worse, complications arise faster. For example, the combination of gonorrhea and trichomoniasis often leads to abscesses (purulent lesions) of the prostate gland, uterus, appendages, ovaries, which are treated surgically. With trichomoniasis, it is easier to "get" an HIV infection, as local immunity suffers, and mobile Trichomonas carry immunodeficiency viruses.

It is essential to treat STDs. To date, not a single case of spontaneous cure from any sexually transmitted disease has been registered. It is not necessary to think that if the symptoms have disappeared, then the disease has passed. The disease can go into a chronic stage and proceed without symptoms. Such a latent course of the disease is dangerous, as serious complications can occur. In addition, not knowing about his disease, a person leads a habitual lifestyle and can transmit the disease to others. No less dangerous is self-medication with random drugs. In this case, the cure, as a rule, does not occur, the disease becomes chronic and even more difficult to treat. If there are suspicions of STIs, then only a specialist can help - a gynecologist, urologist or dermatovenereologist.

Only an early visit to the doctor and careful implementation of all medical recommendations can guarantee a complete recovery from STIs..

Doctor venereologist Mansurov A.S.

Diseases that can be contracted through sexual contact are dangerous for both men and women. First of all, infections affect the organs of the genitourinary system. A sick person not only suffers himself, but is also a source of infection for those with whom he has sexual intercourse, and sometimes even just contacts in everyday life. Many STDs have hidden symptoms. Some pathogens are able to spread through the blood throughout the body, which leads to severe, often irreparable consequences. An important role is played by the early diagnosis of such infections.


General characteristics of STDs

The prevalence of diseases transmitted to people through sexual contact is due to the fact that the symptoms of infection appear only after 1-4 weeks after sex. All this time, the carrier of the infection is able to transmit it to other people, without even suspecting that he is contagious. The incubation period can be much longer, and sometimes the disease is almost asymptomatic until complications arise.

The infectiousness of diseases transmitted mainly through sexual contact is very high. In women, the risk of infection is increased due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the genitourinary organs. The likelihood of the disease increases with repeated intercourse with the same infected partner or with contacts with different sexual partners. The most important factor that increases the body's susceptibility to sexual infections is the weakening of the immune system. Therefore, the likelihood of infection is increased in pregnant women or in people who have undergone any operations (especially if organ implantation has been performed, after which drugs that reduce immunity are usually prescribed).

Addition: Adolescents are at an increased risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections. About the signs and consequences of such diseases, even many adults have only a vague idea. What to say about boys and girls who are just beginning to gain sexual experience. They receive information about the prevention of diseases mainly from each other.

Ways of spread of infections

Transmission of STIs from one person to another is possible in the following ways:

  1. Sexually. Moreover, the likelihood of infection is high with any method of sexual contact.
  2. In contact with areas of the patient's skin on which there are characteristic rashes or sores.
  3. Through contaminated blood. For example, syphilis, HIV, hepatitis can be contracted from a dentist, surgeon, gynecologist when using insufficiently sterile instruments, as well as when transfusing blood, using syringes and reusable needles. The risk of infection by the hematogenous route is especially high among homosexuals and drug addicts.
  4. Household way when using common towels, washcloths, bed linen. Such infection occurs much less frequently, since most STD pathogens quickly die outside the human body, and their transmission requires direct bodily contact with the patient.

Intrauterine infection of the fetus or when it passes through the birth canal is possible, as well as infection of the baby if infected adults are caring for it.

What is the danger of STDs

Sexually transmitted diseases vary in severity. Some of them (for example, gardnerellosis, thrush, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis) are quite easily curable. Their pathogens are considered conditionally pathogenic, that is, they are present in the healthy microflora of organs. They have a morbid effect only when the content is excessive, and one of the mandatory methods of treatment is the appointment of drugs containing lactobacilli, which normalize the composition of the microflora. Other STDs, such as HIV or advanced syphilis, are deadly and have no cure.

There are sexually transmitted infections that remain permanently in the human body (for example, herpes viruses or HPV). Often, they do not pose an immediate threat to life, but they occur with frequent painful relapses. The human papillomavirus can cause genital warts and cervical cancer.

Getting into the genitals of a woman, the infection causes the development of severe inflammatory processes in the uterus and appendages. The consequences may be the inability to become pregnant or miscarriages, ectopic pregnancy, complicated childbirth. In addition, infection of a pregnant woman affects the intrauterine development of the fetus and the health of the child in the future.

The consequences of sexually transmitted diseases are not only physical suffering, but also a complication of sexual life.

Types of sexually transmitted infections

Currently, there are approximately 30 known sexually transmitted infections. According to the type of pathogens, they are divided into the following types:

The most common diseases in women are gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, genital herpes, bacterial vaginosis, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis. In men, infection with syphilis, gonorrhea, genital herpes, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis is most often observed.

Symptoms in men and women. When a visit to the doctor is required

The severity of the symptoms of such diseases may depend on the general health of the woman or man, individual susceptibility to infection, the number and degree of activity of pathogens that have affected the body. Sometimes the presence of one infection (for example, fungal) provokes the reproduction of other pathogens transmitted through sexual contact, which complicates the symptoms.

Symptoms in women

The development of various sexually transmitted infectious and inflammatory diseases leads to a change in the vaginal environment and damage to the mucous membranes of the external and internal genital organs, as well as the urinary tract. Manifestations of such processes can be:

  • burning and itching in the vulva and vagina;
  • pain and increased urination;
  • the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • violation of the nature of menstruation and the appearance of bleeding between them;
  • the appearance of unusual rashes or ulcers on the skin and mucous membranes.

Particular attention should be paid to vaginal discharge. If they become plentiful, foamy, have a yellow-green color due to impurities of pus, a sharp unpleasant odor appears, it is necessary to undergo an examination.

Symptoms in men

When infected with infections transmitted during sex, after a while, just like in women, inflammation of the urethra (urethritis), bladder (cystitis) develops. In addition, the process in men extends to the prostate gland and genitals. This leads to pain in the scrotum and testicles. It becomes painful urination, sexual intercourse. Pus exudes from the urethra.

The severity of symptoms is often weaker than in women. Often, inflammatory diseases in men occur in a latent (hidden) form. This does not reduce the degree of contagiousness and severity of the consequences of such diseases.

What to do if you suspect an infection

It is necessary to pay attention to the appearance of alarming signs and symptoms, even if a decent amount of time has passed since the "doubtful" sexual relationship. If infection is suspected, women should contact a gynecologist as soon as possible, men - to an andrologist, urologist. If a rash is found, it is necessary to visit a dermatovenerological dispensary and be tested for sexually transmitted infections.

Many clinics have anonymous rooms where you can undergo an express examination and get advice from a dermatologist-venereologist about treatment.

Video: By what signs can you guess about infection with sexually transmitted diseases

Overview of the most common diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases often occur together in a person. So, for example, syphilis is often accompanied by gonorrhea, and thrush or gardnerellosis facilitate the reproduction in a weakened body of many other infections transmitted during sex.

HIV infection

HIV infection leads to suppression of the immune system. The disease lasts for years, the person's condition invariably worsens. The last stage of the disease is AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). The patient develops severe bacterial, fungal and other infections that a healthy body can easily cope with.

Without maintenance therapy, irreversible changes occur in the tissues of vital organs, numerous malignant tumors are formed. AIDS is often fatal. Drugs used in the last stages of the disease can only slightly alleviate the symptoms.


This is one of the sexually transmitted diseases known since ancient times. The causative agent is the bacterium Treponema pallidum. The disease develops in stages.

The incubation period continues depending on the state of immunity for 3-30 days. However, there are no signs of infection.

primary syphilis. On the genitals (in women on the labia or in the vagina, in men - on the penis or foreskin), a small round ulcer of a dense consistency (hard chancre) appears, which does not increase in size, but does not heal either. It can also appear on 1 or 3 fingers, in the mouth or on the lips. Sometimes there are symptoms of angina (sore throat, high fever). But unlike it, inflammation of the tonsil occurs only on one side. Swollen lymph nodes near the ulcer or inflammation. Primary syphilis is cured with antibiotics.

Secondary syphilis. It develops approximately 2-4 months after infection. At the same time, a rash appears on different parts of the body, the patient has a fever. Not only the nearest, but also distant lymph nodes increase and become painful. Hair loss on the head begins, extensive merging warts appear on the genitals and in the anus.

Tertiary syphilis. Bones (in particular, the bones of the face), skin, nervous system, and internal organs are affected. Tumors (gummas) appear in various parts of the body in soft tissues, and syphilitic meningitis develops. Damage to the brain leads to deterioration of vision and hearing, loss of the ability to normal orientation in space. Often, the aggravation of the disease ends in the death of the patient.

Gonorrhea (clapper)

Typical manifestations of this disease in women and men are abundant purulent discharge. In women, they appear due to inflammation of the mucous membranes of the vagina, cervix and uterine cavity, as well as tubes and ovaries. In men, inflammation of the epididymis, as well as the prostate and seminal vesicles, leads to the development of impotence and infertility.

Possible damage to the rectum gonococci, mucous membranes of the eyes.

The incubation period averages 4-7 days. In some women, the symptoms of the disease may be absent for a long time, then menstrual irregularities appear, bleeding between periods, and infertility develops.


Activation of Trichomonas that have entered the mucous membranes of the urogenital organs occurs approximately 5-21 days after infection. As a result, intense yellowish-white discharge with an unpleasant odor appears. Typical symptoms are also itching and burning in the genitals, especially during urination. Inflammation of the uterus, ovaries and urinary tract in women can go into the peritoneum and cause peritonitis.

In men, sometimes the symptoms of the disease are smoothed out. The development of infection in the body is indicated by weak purulent discharge from the urethra, decreased potency, soreness and frequent urination.


The incubation period lasts from several days to 1 month, after which the acute stage of the disease begins. There are signs of purulent inflammation of the genitourinary organs, and among them - abundant discharge of greenish mucus.

In women, inflammation of the uterus and appendages occurs. There are pains in the lower abdomen and in the lower back. There may be bleeding between periods. Infection with chlamydia leads to pregnancy complications or infertility.

In men, inflammation of the testicles (orchitis), prostate gland (prostatitis) can develop, which leads to a weakening of potency.

Infected people of both sexes develop cystitis and urethritis. Inflammation can spread to other internal organs (spleen, liver), as well as to bones and blood vessels. Possible damage to the conjunctiva and as a result - loss of vision.

Video: How to get infected with chlamydia. Possible consequences

Genital herpes

You can become infected with herpes viruses when you have vaginal or anal intercourse with a partner who has herpes sores in the genitals or in the rectum. Sometimes there are no external signs of infection, but the person is an asymptomatic virus carrier. During oral sex, herpes viruses can enter the genitals and the surrounding area.

Painful bursting vesicles appear at the site of the lesion. The resulting ulcers do not heal for a long time. Outbreaks of the disease are periodically repeated, accompanied by fever, aching muscles, and sometimes a sore throat.

Infection can occur during fetal development or during the passage of the child through the birth canal. Sometimes this leads to a deadly condition in a newborn. In order to reduce the risk of infection during childbirth, a woman is given a caesarean section.

Cytomegalovirus infection

The causative agent belongs to the herpesvirus family. In an infected person, the virus is found in semen, genital mucus, and other body fluids (urine, saliva, breast milk, tears, and blood). In most healthy adults, the infection does not manifest itself in any way. With a deficiency of immunity, viruses infect the salivary glands, penetrate into the lymph nodes. Atherosclerosis and hypertension are provoked.

In adult patients, complications are hepatitis, inflammation of the colon, esophagus, lungs, brain (development of encephalitis). Infection with cytomegalovirus accelerates the growth of malignant tumors.

STD diagnosis

To detect sexually transmitted diseases, blood and urine tests are usually performed. Smears from the external genital organs, from the cervix in women, and also from the urethra in men are examined. A secret from the prostate gland is taken for analysis. Methods such as bacterioscopy (detection of microorganisms under a microscope), seeding of biomaterial to determine the type of bacteria and their sensitivity to antibiotics are used. The most accurate methods for determining the type of infections transmitted through sex are a genetic blood test (PCR) and the detection of antibodies to pathogens by ELISA. The same methods control the process of treatment.

Video: STD symptoms. How is the diagnosis carried out

Measures to prevent infection

It is possible to completely avoid infection only by refusing sexual contact. To reduce the risk of infection, casual sex should be avoided. It is desirable to have a permanent partner who can be trusted. Either way, it won't hurt to be vigilant. If a person with whom an intimate relationship is supposed to have suspicious external signs indicating a possible sexually transmitted disease, it is better not to risk it and refuse to have sex.

When engaging in sexual intercourse with an unfamiliar person, a condom should be used. An important role is played by personal hygiene, the use of antiseptic agents for the treatment of the genitals after intercourse.

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