Complete blood count decoding plt. Blood test for PLT and its interpretation. Causes of deviations below the norm

A clinical blood test is quite simple. As a rule, any patient can understand it at an elementary level. And what is the surprise of people when from the laboratory instead of the usual "erythrocytes", "platelets" and "leukocytes" they bring home a form with mysterious combinations of letters: RBC, PLT, WBC! In fact, this only means that the laboratory uses a special modern apparatus that automatically generates values ​​and uses Latin letters for their names. Deciphering the abbreviation PLT in a blood test is very simple - this is the content of platelets (from the English "platelets" - blood plates).

Platelets are non-nucleated flat disks of round or oval shape. They are formed in the red bone marrow and partially deposited in the liver and spleen. The life span of a platelet is approximately 8-11 days. The main task of platelets is to participate in blood clotting and maintain the normal functioning of the vascular wall.

In addition, they perform a number of other functions:

  • transport,
  • protective
  • inflammatory.

The transport function is realized due to the ability of platelets to adsorb biologically active substances or immune complexes on their surface. The protective function is provided by the absorption of foreign particles and viruses, the inflammatory function is provided by the release of substances that stimulate the inflammation process: the migration of leukocytes to the focus, the release of a bactericidal factor, etc.

The participation of platelets in blood coagulation is determined by their ability to adhere to the damaged vascular wall and stick together with the formation of a temporary plug. In addition, they are able to secrete some clotting factors. Among other things, platelets produce substances that cause narrowing of the damaged vessel, reducing blood loss. They stimulate the healing of the vascular wall due to the release of growth factors. In the period of absence of damage, they participate in the nutrition of the vessel wall.

The norm of platelets in adults is from 180 to 320 billion per liter of blood. This figure is the same for men and women. But in children, it varies depending on age. For an infant up to a year old, the norm is from 180 to 400 billion per liter, for children from one to six years old - 160-390, from seven to twelve - 160-380, in children over thirteen years old the norm has been set at 160-360 billion platelets per litre. A child's blood counts reach adult levels around the age of fifteen or sixteen.

An increase in the total number of platelets above the norm is called thrombocytosis, a decrease is called thrombocytopenia. Both conditions are equally unpleasant. With a decrease in the number of platelets below the norm, there is an increased fragility of small vessels, a tendency to bleeding, and a violation of blood clotting. If the level of platelets is elevated, then we can expect a tendency to thrombosis, which means ischemic strokes, heart attacks, circulatory disorders of the limbs and internal organs.

What does thrombocytopenia mean?

A decrease in the number of platelets in the blood below normal can be caused by one of three reasons:

  • violation of the formation of platelets,
  • their excessive destruction,
  • their redistribution.

Disruption of platelet formation may be due to exposure of the red bone marrow to chemicals and certain drugs. In particular, the cause of thrombocytopenia can be the use of cytostatics, phenytoin, heparin, gold preparations, thiazide diuretics, etc. For each such drug, this side effect is indicated in the instructions. In addition, platelet synthesis is impaired during prolonged exposure (for example, if a person works in a radiation-related industry or receives radiation therapy). Another common cause is malnutrition: a dietary deficiency of vitamin B 12 and folic acid. Also a possible option is hereditary disorders (in this case, thrombocytopenia manifests itself in children from an early age).

The destruction of platelets is most often due to the action of immune complexes: platelets begin to be damaged by their own immune system. This variant occurs with systemic lupus erythematosus, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, and an allergic reaction to certain drugs. It is also possible the destruction of the child's platelets in the prenatal period during the passage of the woman's antibodies through the placenta (or already during postnatal development, if maternal antibodies came to the child during childbirth). There is a possibility of platelet damage due to the body's reaction to the infection. There is also the so-called idiopathic thrombocytopenia, when it is not possible to identify why the own immune system begins to attack platelets (as a rule, it begins to manifest itself in children from an early age).

A decrease in the number of platelets may be due to their excessive consumption. A striking example of this is DIC. A fairly common cause of thrombocytopenia is systemic inhibition of hematopoiesis, which is observed in leukemia.

Redistributive thrombocytopenia, in turn, develops after blood transfusion, with alcohol intoxication, an increase in the size of the spleen, and due to some other reasons. To determine what exactly caused the development of this symptom, when deciphering the results, it is necessary to look at the whole picture, and not just at the PLT indicator in the blood test. You should pay attention to symptoms such as bleeding gums, bruising, spider veins, heavy menstruation in women, nosebleeds, etc.

Possible Causes of Thrombocytosis

The level of platelets in the blood may be elevated after bleeding due to increased function of the red bone marrow. This is necessary to replenish blood loss as quickly as possible. According to this mechanism, platelets rise above normal in women during menstruation or after childbirth. The same is observed when recovering from an injury or internal bleeding. If, in all of the above cases, platelets did not rise above the established values, this is an alarming symptom, indicating a decrease in bone marrow function. In addition, platelet levels may be slightly elevated in convalescent infections.

It is much worse when platelets in the blood rise above normal due to malignant neoplasms. For example, their level is increased in the initial stage of chronic leukemia. Thrombocytosis occurs in polycythemia vera. In this case, the number of platelets per liter of blood is above 400 billion (the level of leukocytes and erythrocytes is also increased). In addition, an increase in the number of platelets above the norm is often observed in inflammatory rheumatic diseases.

The fact that the level of platelets in the blood is elevated should alert the doctor during the decoding of the analysis. But thrombocytosis itself does not mean anything: you need to evaluate other parameters: they can also be above or below the norm, look at the clinical picture. Thrombocytosis has no independent diagnostic value due to the imperfection of the method of counting blood platelets.

Thus, there are a huge number of reasons why the PLT indicator in a clinical blood test can be lower or higher: from serious diseases, such as leukemia, to the peculiarities of the menstrual cycle in women. There are many hereditary factors that lead to a change in platelet count in children from a very young age. To correctly determine the cause, one decoding of a blood test is not enough: it is required to evaluate the indicators in conjunction with the clinical picture and the results of additional studies. Therefore, do not try to diagnose yourself - it is better to consult an experienced doctor.

A complete blood count for platelets can rightfully be attributed to one of the most common diagnostic methods. Whenever you visit a doctor, a laboratory study of blood flow is the first thing that will be suggested after taking an anamnesis and visual examination. And it is not surprising, since by the state, number, volume of blood cells, you can immediately identify the presence of any pathological process or make sure that you are in an excellent state of health. To understand what plt is in a blood test and why it is done, you will first need to familiarize yourself with the terminology.

Determination of platelets and plt

Consider first what plt is in the bloodstream. The designation PLT in the full interpretation of the abbreviation - Platelets is translated from English as "plate", represents the proportion of platelets per unit volume of blood. What are platelets - these are the smallest, flat, rounded cells of the blood stream with several outgrowths that do not have nuclei. They are synthesized in the central organ of hematopoiesis, that is, in the bone marrow. The life of each platelet varies from 8 to 12 days, then the particle is eliminated in the spleen and liver, and the process of cell formation is repeated again.

The mission of platelets is incredibly important, they are responsible for:

  • Blood clotting (hemostasis). They affect the instantaneous regeneration of internal and external soft tissues of the body in case of damage. In addition, platelets produce substances that constrict the damaged blood vessel, thereby eliminating bleeding. Thanks to growth factors, they also affect the healing of vessel walls.
  • Blood purification. It is carried out due to the removal from it of the components of the immune system, released in the presence of inflammation. Namely, particles of viruses, bacteria and other antigens destroyed and associated with antibodies.
  • The release of substances that stimulate the course of the inflammatory process - platelets contribute to the movement of leukocytes to the center of the focus of pathology.
  • Vascular nutrition. Occurs due to the supply of biologically active elements and nutrients to them.

Therefore, a blood test for the number of platelets allows you to identify serious pathologies. Since, if the plt indicators in the blood have deviations from the norm, this clearly indicates damage to the activity of vital functions in the body. It also acts as a harbinger of inflammatory and other adverse processes that occur hidden or without pronounced symptoms. It is important to realize that the violation of the main purpose of platelets in the blood - its coagulation, can cost a person life.

plt data in clinical blood test

To learn how to take a blood test for platelets, you will need to consider all the prerequisites under which the examination is allowed. This clinical blood test for platelets is performed to calculate the total number of non-nuclear platelets. Anticipating the question of how to take a platelet test, it should be noted that there are a few simple but mandatory requirements that must be met.

The list of the main conditions under which you can take the OAC:

  1. Plt analysis is done before visiting physiotherapy, radiography, ultrasound.
  2. In the morning hours, preferably as soon as possible after waking up from about 7.30 to 9.00 am.
  3. On an empty stomach, at least 12 hours should elapse after the current meal.
  4. Significant physical activity can increase the number of platelets in a blood test.
  5. People who smoke need to stop smoking for at least two hours before donating platelets.
  6. The day before the Oak, the dealer must refrain from drinking alcohol and eating smoked, heavily seasoned, very salty, fatty and fried foods.

You can donate your blood for platelets in any laboratory, but the easiest way is a clinic attached to the area of ​​​​residence. The plt analysis is a quick and painless procedure. Blood donation occurs by taking a small amount of venous or capillary fluid from the bloodstream for examination in the laboratory. How shaped blood particles are designated in the research form is far from clear to every ordinary layman. Therefore, blood transcription is carried out only by a competent medical specialist.

Normal plt in the bloodstream of a healthy person ranges from 150 to 320 thousand platelets per milligram of blood. For men in particular, the allowed platelet saturation level can be stated as 200–400,000 squamous cells per milligram of plasma.

In newborns, the platelet count starts from 100,000 µl and, in increasing, gradually, towards adulthood, reaches the values ​​of an adult.

A slight fluctuation in plt in blood tests is not critical. The only cause for concern is a dramatic increase in the number of platelets, more than 400 thousand per microliter or a strong decrease of less than 140 thousand microliters. The deviation from the norm in the direction of increase is called thrombocytosis, and in the smaller direction - thrombocytopenia.

Possible Causes of Thrombocytopenia

First of all, when interpreting information about plt in a blood test obtained from the laboratory, it is necessary to take into account the individual physiological characteristics of an organism, which differ in sex, age, and other characteristics. So, for example, in women during pregnancy or during menstruation, the level of platelets often decreases. In other cases, the process of reducing platelet production indicates some kind of pathology in the human body.

Diseases caused by thrombocythemia include:

  • Various forms of anemia.
  • Viral pathologies of the liver.
  • Diseases of the skin.
  • Imbalance of the endocrine system.
  • Disruption of the bone marrow.
  • Oncology, leukemia and others.

The origin of thrombocytopenia can develop while taking hormonal contraceptives and medications, as well as antidepressants. In addition, the insufficient presence of vitamin K, B12, B6 in the diet, which, together with other microelements, are responsible for the normal state of the blood, may affect.

A low plt in a complete blood count can occur for a number of reasons:

  • With a decrease in platelet production.
  • If there is their enhanced destruction.
  • In case of their incorrect redistribution and thereby a decrease in the concentration in the bloodstream.

A strong decrease in the quantitative level of platelets, usually acts as evidence of a person's predisposition to heavy bleeding. With this diagnosis, the use of drugs that increase blood clotting is indicated. In addition to pharmaceuticals, if plt indications are not critical, you can normalize the condition with the help of increased consumption of products such as cream and butter, buckwheat, beets, red peppers, broccoli, legumes, purple berries, bananas, mangoes, walnuts and many other.

Why does thrombocytosis occur?

The condition when platelets in the blood test are elevated is due to intense sports or is associated with strong and prolonged physical overload. Failure in the body in the direction of abnormal thickening of the blood is fraught with clogging of the passages in the blood vessels. This can lead to serious cardiovascular diseases, including heart attacks and strokes.

There are two main types of thrombocytosis:

  1. Primary - this is when the formation of flat blood cells in the bone marrow is disrupted.
  2. Secondary can develop against the background of various pathologies, which include deviations in the activity of the circulatory system, malignant tumors, infections of various origins, as well as surgical interventions, injuries, and taking certain medications.

Also, recent operations on the liver or spleen can affect the blood test for platelets. As you know, these organs, primarily the spleen, are responsible for the utilization of obsolete platelets. Therefore, during the period of remission, they are not able to fully cope with their duties regarding the elimination of flat cells of the blood stream.

The importance of diagnosing blood components should not be underestimated. How many times a year to conduct examinations to determine platelets in the blood is the personal choice of each person, depending on how you feel. One thing is obvious that only thanks to a clinical blood test, it is possible to identify unfavorable deviations from the norm in time and restore a healthy balance of the body in a timely manner. It must be remembered that only an experienced doctor will be able to correctly interpret the data obtained during the examination and prescribe competent treatment.

In contact with

PLT analysis is one of the most popular blood diagnostics. It is carried out in order to find out about the presence of platelets in the patient's blood. There is a special abbreviation for research. This analysis must be performed several times in the life of each person. The indicators of this study allow us to draw a conclusion about all the processes occurring in the body.

It is thanks to the analysis of platelets that it is possible to identify most of the diseases and inflammatory processes that can take place in the body in a chronic form. This means that other diagnostics may miss them and the lesion may go unnoticed. When analyzing blood for platelets, you can identify any, even the most minor violations in the functioning of the body and prevent the development of serious diseases.

Determining the level of platelets is necessary when confirming many diagnoses. These elements themselves are initially formed in the bone marrow. Violation of their number may indicate the incorrect operation of this system, first of all. Platelet function is vital. They regulate the process of blood clotting and are responsible for the formation of blood clots. These proteins contribute to the formation of other elements. Even with a slight damage to the cells by the vessel, serious damage to the entire tissue of the organ can begin and an ulcer forms at this place, which will contribute to the destruction of the cells. But at normal platelet levels, these cells fill up with a protein that prevents further destruction. As soon as the elements perform their function, they are destroyed.

The platelet count can be different for men, women and children. It can also vary depending on the innate characteristics of the organism. Throughout a person's life, the rate of protein content in plasma changes. Even within 1 day, the amount of the element may be different. This is due to increased physical activity, menstruation, pregnancy. Basically, the norm is violated in women, but such changes are not provoked by inflammatory processes in the body. Normalization of the state occurs immediately after the elimination of the cause. But if the norm is violated for other reasons, this indicates violations in the patient's body.

It is necessary to take a blood test in the morning. Prior to this, it is advisable for the patient not to eat anything for 12 hours. At the same time, you can only drink water. Tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages and smoking are prohibited. All this can affect the level of platelets, and the interpretation of the analysis will be incorrect. Blood for platelets is not taken from a vein, but from a finger. Deciphering the analysis does not take much time and within a few days you will receive the result. For an adult, the platelet rate is 180-320 × 10⁹ per 1 liter of plasma. At the same time, in children, the indicators change with age. For a one-year-old baby, this is 150-350 × 10⁹. After 1 year, the norm is equal to the adult rate.

Reduced score

Platelets may be low. Various factors contribute to this. If a woman is menstruating during the test or she is pregnant, then the indicator may be lowered. This is a normal and natural phenomenon. But a low level of PLT in the analysis can be triggered by thrombocytopenia. This is a change in the body, which is provoked by the development of various diseases. These include:

  1. Chronic leukemia.
  2. various forms of anemia.
  3. Purpura.
  4. Hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver.
  5. Lupus.
  6. Frequent skin diseases.
  7. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  8. Infectious lesions of the body.
  9. Bone marrow damage and cancer.

Quite often, a decrease in PLT can be provoked by taking certain medications. These include antidepressants, hormonal and contraceptive drugs. A strong decrease in indicators indicates a predisposition to heavy bleeding. This factor is especially important for pregnant women, who can lose a lot of blood during childbirth. A blood test makes it possible to protect yourself and prevent a similar situation.

Often, a decrease in the indicator in the blood test in female representatives is observed for 1-2 weeks after 1 day of menstruation. A similar reaction of the body prevents the formation of blood clots, damage to the bone marrow and heart of the patient. If the rate is lowered regardless of this parameter, then it is necessary to use special medications that will help improve blood clotting. Otherwise, platelets will not be produced in the right amount and will not be able to help eliminate both minor and major damage in the body. This can lead to the formation of ulcers of the internal organs and profuse hemorrhage.

Increase in platelets

If the analysis is increased, then this does not always indicate violations in the patient's body. During the day, these figures may change. Usually, a sharp increase in protein in a blood test can be caused by active sports or heavy physical exertion. If the result is increased not as a result of the patient's frequent activity, then this may indicate the presence of inflammatory processes in the body or a predisposition to certain diseases. Provoke such changes in PLT can:

  1. Various forms of rheumatic lesions of the joints.
  2. Arthritis and arthrosis.
  3. Cancer tumors.
  4. Various types of anemia.
  5. Lesions that lead to the destruction of red blood cells.
  6. Tuberculosis.
  7. Blood diseases.

Protein levels may be elevated in patients who have recently had surgery to remove the spleen. They are prescribed a special course of medications that can affect the level of protein in the blood. Often after using these drugs, the change in platelet count may persist for some time. If the decoding of the analysis showed thrombocytosis, then this means that the patient's body is prone to the formation of blood clots.

If a person has increased blood clotting, then blood clots can form in excess and clog blood vessels. This leads to the fact that blood can no longer pass through these channels. The patient begins to experience pain in certain parts of the body. The damaged area begins to go numb and edema forms around it.

When the decoding gives such a result in the diagnosis of blood, it means that it is necessary to start treatment. In this case, the patient is prescribed special medications aimed at reducing platelets and reducing the rate of blood clotting. Usually, the patient is prescribed antiplatelet agents and is prescribed a second analysis in six months. If you ignore this result in a blood test, then negligence can lead to the development of many blood diseases, heart disease, heart attack or stroke.

Platelet analysis in children

A blood test in children is slightly different from the usual analysis that all adults undergo. Children's norms change as they grow up. It is generally accepted that a protein level below 150 K/UL or above 450 K/UL is considered unacceptable. The causes of changes in indicators in children are usually very different from those that provoke deviations from the norm in adult patients.

Children's thrombocytopenia can be caused by an allergic reaction to foods or medications. A low protein level is usually provoked by a viral infection or severe intoxication. Such a violation can occur in a child when he is still in the womb. If a woman has a sharp decrease in the level of platelets, then this can lead to a similar change in the amount of protein in the child's body.

Often children are prone to diseases such as rubella or chickenpox. This can cause a decrease in the amount of active protein in plasma. If a child has had a severe illness or injury, as a result of which he was given a blood transfusion, then the level of platelets can drop sharply if it does not correspond to the norm in the transfused plasma.

In order to limit the child from such a violation, it is advisable to protect him from traumatic sports for the first few years of his life, not to allow him to use sharp objects, to ensure that the bristles of the toothbrush are soft, not hard, and not to use aspirin. This medication provokes a decrease in blood clotting. If, nevertheless, the damage was inevitable and the child started bleeding, he must be taken to the hospital.

Platelet levels may be elevated. The primary form of damage is a violation of the functioning of bone marrow cells. They cease to create enough protein for the normal functioning of the body. The index may also be increased as a result of a secondary disorder - leukemia. This is a pathological process that is caused by the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.

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Platelets (PLT) - platelets (Bizzocero's plaques), fragments of megakaryocytes, play an important role in the human body. Slightly activated even in normal conditions, they always rush to the area of ​​damage to the vessel in order to stop bleeding together with the endothelium by forming. Platelets carry out microcirculatory (primary, vascular-platelet) hemostasis, which occurs in small vessels. The reaction of blood coagulation in large vessels is realized by the mechanism of secondary hemostasis, which is also called macrocirculatory or hemocoagulation.

platelet formation

Where is the golden mean?

Just like other formed elements, platelets can have a tendency to both decrease and increase, which is often a pathology, since the norm of these cells in the blood is 200-400 * 10 9 / l and depends on the physiological state of the organism. Their number varies depending on the time of day and season. It is known that at night and in spring the number of platelets falls. The level of platelets in women is lower (180-320 x 10 9 / l), and during menstruation their number can decrease by up to 50%. However, in this case, platelets are physiologically lowered as a protective reaction (prevention of thrombosis in women), so this condition does not require treatment.

The number of platelets in the blood is slightly lower during pregnancy, but if their level falls below 140 x 10 9 /l, then measures must be taken immediately as the risk of bleeding during childbirth increases.

Special events are also carried out when Diseases that cause low platelets are:

  • Violation of hematopoiesis in the bone marrow;
  • Liver disease;

An increase in platelets can also be physiological, for example, after staying in a high mountainous area or during hard physical work. But when platelets are elevated in the blood due to pathological conditions, then the risk increases and, because platelets are responsible for blood clotting, and their excess number will lead to increased thrombosis.

In children after a year, the level of red blood cells does not differ from those in adults. . Up to a year, the number of platelets in the blood is slightly lower and amounts to 150-350 x 10 9 / l. The norm in newborns starts at the level of 100 x 10 9 / l.

However, it should be remembered that when the platelets in the blood of a child are elevated, this will be a warning factor and in such cases the following pathology can be assumed:

In a word, this will be an occasion to consult a doctor without fail, but first you will have to take a blood test again to rule out an error.

Platelets in the general blood test

Although modern clinical laboratory diagnostics uses the old proven methods of staining and counting platelets on glass, it also resorts to studying the platelet population using a hematological analyzer, the possibilities of which are much wider.

The hematological analyzer allows you to determine which it not only measures, but also presents in the form of a histogram, with the old elements on its left side, and the young ones on the right. The size of the cells makes it possible to judge the functional activity of platelets, and the older they are, the smaller their size and activity.

a - normal platelets b - platelets of different volume (pronounced anisocytosis) c - huge macroplatelets

An increase in MPV is observed with anemia after bleeding, macrocytic thrombodystrophy of Bernard-Soulier and other pathological conditions. The decrease in this indicator occurs in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • inflammation;
  • tumors;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • collagenoses;
  • Thyroid diseases;
  • Diseases of the kidneys and liver;
  • Disturbances in the blood coagulation system;
  • Blood diseases.

Another indicator of platelet quality is relative, which indicates the degree of platelet change in size (anisocytosis), in other words, it is an indicator of cell heterogeneity.

Its deviations indicate a pathology such as:

  1. Anemia;
  2. Inflammatory process;
  3. Worm infestation;
  4. Malignant neoplasms.

The ability of platelets to stick to a surface that is foreign to them (collagen, saturated fatty acids, which form the basis of an atherosclerotic plaque) is called adhesion, and the ability to stick to each other and form conglomerates is called aggregation. These two concepts are inextricably linked.

Platelet aggregation is an integral part of such an important process as thrombosis, which is the main protection against bleeding in case of damage to the vascular wall. However, a tendency to increased thrombus formation (or other pathology) can lead to uncontrolled platelet aggregation and be accompanied by pathological thrombosis.

Blood coagulates upon contact with any foreign surface, because only the vascular endothelium is its native environment, where it remains in a liquid state. But as soon as the vessel is damaged, the environment immediately turns out to be alien and platelets begin to rush to the accident site, where they self-activate to form a blood clot and “patch” the hole. This is the mechanism of primary hemostasis and it is carried out in case of injury to a small vessel (up to 200 µl). As a result, a primary white thrombus is formed.

When a large vessel is damaged, the contact factor (XII) is spontaneously activated, which begins to interact with factor XI and, being an enzyme, activates it. This is followed by a cascade of reactions and enzymatic transformations, where coagulation factors begin to activate each other, that is, a kind of chain reaction occurs, as a result of which the factors are concentrated at the site of damage. There, along with other cofactors (V and high molecular weight kininogen), blood coagulation factor VIII (antihemophilic globulin) also arrives, which is not an enzyme itself, however, as an auxiliary protein, it takes an active part in the coagulation process.

The interaction between factors IX and X occurs on the surface of activated platelets, which have already been in contact with the damaged vessel and special receptors have appeared on their membrane. Active factor X converts to thrombin, and at this time, factor II also attaches to the surface of platelets. There is also an auxiliary protein - factor VIII.

The process of blood coagulation can begin with damage to the surface of the endothelium (vascular wall), then the internal mechanism of the formation of prothrombinase is triggered. Clotting can also be triggered by contact of blood with tissue thromboplastin, which is hidden in the tissue cell if the membrane is intact. But it comes out when the vessel is damaged (an external mechanism for the formation of prothrombinase). The triggering of this or that mechanism explains the fact that the clotting time of a capillary blood sample (external route) is 2-3 times less than that of venous blood samples (internal route).

To determine the time required for blood to clot, laboratory tests based on these mechanisms are used. The Lee-White coagulation study is carried out by taking blood into two test tubes from a vein, while the formation of prothrombinase along the external path is studied according to Sukharev (blood from a finger). This blood clotting test is quite simple to perform. In addition, it does not require special preparation (it is taken on an empty stomach) and a lot of time for production, because capillary blood (as mentioned above) coagulates 2-3 times faster than venous blood. The norm of blood clotting time according to Sukharev is from 2 to 5 minutes. If the clot formation time is shortened, then there is an accelerated formation of prothrombinase in the body. This happens in the following cases:

  • After the massive one, to which the coagulation system responds;
  • DIC-syndrome in stage 1;
  • The negative impact of oral contraceptives.

Delayed formation of prothrombinase will be expressed by prolongation of the clot formation time and will be observed under certain conditions:

  1. Deep deficiency of I, VIII, IX, XII factors;
  2. hereditary coagulopathy;
  3. Liver damage;
  4. Treatment with anticoagulants (heparin).

How to raise the level of platelets?

When platelets are low in the blood, some people try to raise them themselves with the help of alternative medicine, using foods that increase blood platelets in the blood and healing herbs.

It should be noted that the diet to increase blood platelets can be considered truly royal:

  • Buckwheat;
  • Red meat, cooked in any variant;
  • All varieties of fish;
  • Eggs and cheese;
  • Liver (preferably beef);
  • Rich meat broths, sausages and pates;
  • Nettle, cabbage, beetroot, carrot, bell pepper salad dressed with sesame oil;
  • All kinds of greens (dill, celery, parsley, spinach);
  • Rowan berries, bananas, pomegranates, rosehip juice, green apples, nuts.

People say that you can increase platelets with folk remedies if you eat 1 tablespoon of sesame oil on an empty stomach (three times a day) or drink fresh nettle juice (50 ml) with the same amount of milk. But all this is probably possible if platelets are slightly reduced and the reason for the drop in their level is clarified. Or as ancillary measures in the main treatment, which is carried out in a hospital and consists in the transfusion of donor thrombus mass, specially prepared for a particular patient.

Treatment is associated with certain difficulties, since platelets do not live long, therefore platelet concentrate is stored for no more than 3 days in special “turntables” (cells must be constantly mixed during storage). In addition, for a qualitative increase in platelets, they must take root in the body of a new host, therefore, before transfusion, an individual selection is made according to the HLA leukocyte system (analysis is expensive and laborious).

Reduce the number of platelets

Lowering platelets is easier than raising them. Preparations containing acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) contribute to blood thinning and thus reduce the level of platelets. Also, for similar purposes, they are also used, which are prescribed by the attending physician, and not by a neighbor on the landing.

The patient himself can only help the doctor by giving up bad habits (smoking, alcohol), eating foods rich in iodine (seafood) and containing ascorbic, citric, malic acids. These are grapes, apples, cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, citrus fruits.

Folk recipes for lowering platelet levels recommend garlic tincture, ginger root powder, which is brewed as a tea (1 tablespoon of powder per cup of boiling water), and cocoa without sugar in the morning on an empty stomach.

All this, of course, is good, but it should be remembered that all activities should be carried out under the supervision of a physician, since blood elements such as platelets are not very subject to traditional medicine methods.

Video: what do blood tests say?

Reading 6 min. Views 678

PLT in a blood test, or platelets, are platelets (branded blood cells) that provide one of the most important functions of blood - its clotting. PLT shows the number of blood cells and their condition, which makes it possible to detect the presence of pathological processes in the body that occur at an early stage without a pronounced symptomatic picture.

When is an analysis ordered?

To determine platelets, a general blood test is taken, the results of which can be used to find out about the patient's state of health. A blood test for PLT is scheduled for conducting in the following cases:

  • frequent bleeding;
  • anemia accompanied by microcytosis;
  • recurrent hematomas and bruises with unknown etiology;
  • pathological bleeding.

PLT is determined in the blood during the preparation of the patient for surgery, as a control over the positive dynamics of the treatment of bone marrow diseases. In addition, a regular blood test for PLT in patients undergoing radiation and chemotherapy is mandatory.

How the study is done

Knowing what PLT is in a blood test and how important it is to get a reliable result, you need to properly prepare for the study. To do this, it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations standard for such analyzes - to take biological material only in the morning, exclusively on an empty stomach. Before blood sampling, do not smoke, be in a calm physical and psycho-emotional state. Blood is taken from the ring finger.

How often do you take a blood test?

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    Only by prescription of the attending physician 30%, 949 votes

    Once a year and I think it's enough 18%, 554 vote

    At least twice a year 15%, 460 votes

    More than twice a year but less than six times 11%, 344 vote

    I monitor my health and take it once a month 6%, 197 votes

    I'm afraid of this procedure and try not to pass 4%, 135 votes


The biological material collected in a test tube is placed in a centrifuge, where the blood cells are separated from the liquid. Characterization and calculation of PMT can be done manually or using automated instruments. The results of the analysis are presented as a histogram with a curve.


The doctor-diagnostician is engaged in deciphering the blood test. The desired indicator in the form is indicated by PLT. It can be within the normal range or deviate from it up or down.

Normal values

The value of platelets differs depending on age, gender and the presence of special physical conditions. PLT in a blood test, the norm in adults (both men and women), regardless of age, should be in the range from 100 to 450 * 10^9 / l.

The rate of PLT in a child depends on the age group:

  • from the moment of birth to 14 days - from 144 to 449;
  • from 14 days to 1 month - from 249 to 586;
  • from 1 to 2 months - from 229 to 597;
  • from 2 months to six months - from 244 to 580;
  • from six months to 2 years - from 206 to 459;
  • from 2 to 6 years - from 189 to 403;
  • from 6 years old - from 140 to 400.

In the female body, hormonal changes are constantly occurring due to menstruation, pregnancy, menopause. Therefore, in women, the platelet count may change throughout life. Normal indicators for women, depending on different physiological conditions: 1 trimester of pregnancy - from 170 to 360, 2 - from 160 to 340, 3 - from 140 to 330, 1-3 days before delivery - from 160 to 420. The first month of breastfeeding feeding - from 135 to 400. During the period of menstruation, PLT is from 85 to 210.

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