Deciphering the HCT blood test, normal. HCT in a blood test: what is it, decoding the results obtained Nst blood test decoding

To make a correct diagnosis to the patient, the doctor first examines him and prescribes the necessary tests, one of which is a general blood test. And if the results obtained by hand were previously quite understandable to any patient, because they wrote there with the words: erythrocyte, leukocyte, hemoglobin, now on the leaves from the laboratory assistant you can only see the abbreviation written in English letters. The main parameter of blood, which is present today in the decoding of analyzes, is considered to be hematocrit, the designation of which is hct. Let us consider in more detail what this indicator is and what its deviations indicate.

Almost everyone knows how to take a general blood test, but not everyone knows what is allowed and forbidden to do on the eve of the study. Therefore, it is worth listening to the advice:

  • before taking tests, you need to refrain from carrying out procedures that use x-rays;
  • if possible, it is necessary to refuse to take drugs, especially if they are not administered orally;
  • it is important to take blood tests on an empty stomach;
  • increased mental and emotional stress can affect test results.

If you follow the above tips, you will be able to get reliable values ​​by which the doctor can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

The hct analysis, carried out in a blood test, reflects the ratio of the number of red blood cells to the CLA, expressed as a percentage. Moreover, doctors often use the term "hematocrit number", reflecting the assessment of the results. To put it simply, hematocrit is an indicator that characterizes the density of blood.

What analysis shows blood viscosity? This question is of great interest, because hematocrit hct is a fairly new term. In fact, clinical or biochemical analysis helps to determine the viscosity in terms of hst. The amount of hematocrit depends on the level of plasma and red blood cells in the body. If any of these values ​​deviate, then the hct indicator, which expresses the viscosity, will also change. For example, if the patient suffers from dehydration, then the blood will be thicker, the plasma level will decrease, and the hematocrit will increase. Therefore, the correct interpretation of the analysis is important, during which you need to understand why hct has changed.

There is not much difference in what kind of blood to take for analysis - venous or capillary. Therefore, most often the material for research is taken from the finger, since this procedure is practically not traumatic. After taking the blood, it is poured into a container, where the components are quickly separated from each other. Thanks to this, it is possible to accurately establish their correct level. At the bottom of the tank are leukocytes, the intermediate layer is made up of platelets and erythrocytes, and plasma is collected at the top. To determine the percentage level of each of these components, special equipment is used.


Deciphering hct in a blood test has a serious diagnostic value. So that the indicators are not something mysterious, it is worth learning more about them:

  1. RBC
    In this way, the main cells present in the blood are designated - erythrocytes. Their main function is to deliver oxygen throughout the body and collect carbon dioxide. An elevated RBC level indicates heart disease or acute intoxication of the body, while a lower one indicates anemia. The following indicator can confirm this diagnosis.
  2. HGB
    This is hemoglobin, the underestimated values ​​of which indicate the course of anemia or the accumulation of fluid in the body. An increase in hemoglobin is observed during a change in blood density, the cause of which is often considered Wakez's disease or dehydration.
  3. HCT
    The hematocrit in the analysis shows the ratio of red blood cells to its plasma. Decreased values ​​occur during blood loss, pregnancy, prolonged fasting, or the introduction of a large amount of fluid into the body. High levels are observed during dehydration due to burns, kidney disease, minimal water intake, peritonitis.
    All these indicators help to establish the level of hemoglobin, the saturation of red blood cells, which helps to determine the exact type of anemia and choose the right method of treatment.
  5. PLT
    These are platelets - the cells that are responsible for blood clotting. If this value is low, then the patient has excessive bleeding and bruises will constantly appear on the body. Elevated levels can lead to thrombosis.
  6. WBC
    This is the designation of leukocytes, which are called the defenders of the body. An increased number of cells is considered a symptom of the onset of inflammation and the main sign of a decrease in immunity.
  7. LIM
    This abbreviation refers to lymphocytes, the excess of which indicates the possible presence of bacterial, fungal and viral infections that occur in a neglected form.
  8. MON
    These are monocytes that absorb dead cells, pathogens and certain particles in the body. An increase in their number indicates the presence of an infectious process, and a decrease indicates a weakening of the immune system.
  9. Granulocytes
    This name includes indicators such as eosinophils, neutrophils and basophils. To identify disorders occurring in the body, each of them is determined separately, and their ratio is also examined.
  10. ESR
    This is the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, whose increase indicates the development of inflammation in the body. Low rates are quite rare and occur with a high level of red blood cells.

When decoding, it is important to pay attention to all of the above indicators.

Table of acceptable hematocrit values

The norm of hematocrit in different groups of patients has significant differences. To make it easier for the doctor to navigate the results, a special table has been developed that reflects all the values:

  • for men, the hct norm is 0.44-0.48;
  • for women - 0.36-0.43.

In children, this figure is significantly different, which can be seen from the first day of birth. In babies, hct is higher than in adults, by almost 10%, and in the first 2 weeks of life, this value even increases slightly. This can be easily seen by the following indicators of the norm:

  • 1-3 days - 0.45-0.67;
  • 7 days - 0.42-0.66;
  • 14 days - 0.39-0.63;
  • 1 month - 0.35-0.55;
  • 2 months - 0.28-0.42;
  • 3-6 months - 0.29-0.41;
  • 6 months - 2 years - 0.27-0.41;
  • 3-6 years - 0.31-0.40;
  • 7-12 years old - 0.32-0.41;
  • 13-19 years old - 0.33-0.47.

As can be seen from the data presented, hct fluctuations in a child of different ages are significant. The main reason can be called the fact that the children's body is constantly growing and developing, which does not happen calmly, but in leaps and bounds.

HCT in the blood of pregnant women

Hematocrit is considered a well-known blood indicator, with the help of which it is possible to assess the level of hemoglobin. This number during pregnancy greatly increases, as the density of the blood decreases. And the very amount of blood in a woman expecting a baby becomes larger, so the level of red blood cells also increases. If its consistency is liquid, and when deciphering the hemoglobin is small, this indicates the course of anemia. It is possible to lower the erythrocyte level by taking medications. In the event that a woman is not sick with any pathologies, and the pregnancy proceeds without complications, the hematocrit level becomes optimal only in the 3rd trimester. Every expectant mother needs to donate blood to determine the amount of hemoglobin, because the result of this analysis accurately shows the state of the body of the pregnant woman and the developing fetus. During labor, the patient often experiences profuse bleeding. Then the reason for the decrease in hematocrit becomes obvious - a large loss of blood.

If an adult noticed a slight decrease in the indicator, this does not mean that there was a problem with health. However, the doctor will regularly prescribe a medical blood test to monitor the condition of the body and the course of pregnancy.

What are the reasons for the change in indicators

A blood test is not always able to give positive results. Sometimes a certain indicator is higher or lower than the norm. The reasons for this are as follows:

High hematocrit

The main factor in increasing the value is an increase in the level of red blood cells or the volume of these cells. Then the density of the blood changes. This happens with the development of erythrocytosis, diseases of the lungs and heart, pathologies of the kidneys. All diseases cause an increase in erythropoietin and lead to a lack of oxygen, which requires a decrease in erythrocyte volume.

Additional causes are cardiomyopathy, intestinal obstruction, peritonitis, a large number of burns, a decrease in plasma blood volume.

The convenience of the method lies in the fact that this indicator is determined automatically using the analyzer.

Norm hct

The normal hct indicator depends on gender, as well as on age. The norm for different categories of patients looks like this:

  • men from 18 to 45 years old - 39-49%;
  • men aged 45 and older - 40–50%;
  • women from 18 to 45 years old - 35-45%;
  • women aged 45 and older - 35-47%;
  • newborn children - 33-65%;
  • children from 2 weeks to 1 year - 33-44%;
  • children from 1 to 5 years old - 32-41%;
  • children from 6 to 11 years old - 33-41%;
  • teenagers from 12 to 17 years old: boys - 35-45%; girls - 34-44%.

Reasons for increasing hct

An increase in hct is possible in the following cases:

  1. Prolonged hypoxia (lack of oxygen): in this case, the body tries to increase the efficiency of transporting oxygen through the blood system from the lungs to all cells of the body, increasing the amount of hemoglobin and the absolute content of red blood cells (which contains hemoglobin). It manifests itself in smokers, tourists who have been high in the mountains, people with diseases of the respiratory system, highlanders.
  2. Dehydration (dehydration): often occurs in the presence of infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, peritonitis, extensive burns.
  3. Blood diseases and kidney cancer: Excessive blood density may indicate the presence of leukemia or kidney cancer. This increases the formation of erythropoietin. If such pathologies are suspected, an additional examination should be performed.

The level of hct in the blood test may increase in case of an increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood. A similar condition is observed in such diseases and conditions:

  1. The development of polycystic kidney disease or hydronephrosis.
  2. Erythremia.
  3. Long-term therapy with glucocorticosteroids.

Reasons for the decrease in hct

A decrease in hct is less common than an increase in hct. A decrease in hct is possible in such cases:

  1. Presence of heavy bleeding.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. With the slow formation of red blood cells.
  4. The presence of anemia.
  5. With an increase in blood volume in the body.
  6. With the rapid death of red blood cells.
  7. Blood thinning.

A decrease in hematocrit sometimes indicates the presence of such a pathology as hypoplastic anemia.

Hyperhydration does not mean that the patient consumes an increased amount of fluid, but at the same time, an excessive amount of it is present in the blood. The cause of the development of this condition is often poisoning, kidney failure, the presence of viruses or other infectious agents in the body. All these factors lead to a deviation of the hct indicator from the norm.

The presence of hyperproteinemia indicates that the protein in the body intensively absorbs fluid, and this leads to a decrease in blood density. And an increase in the amount of protein in the blood may indicate liver disease.

A complete blood count helps determine the hematocrit level. This result will be expressed as a percentage of formed components to the total volume of blood. This indicator also reflects the content of erythrocytes in the blood, since these cells make up the bulk of the formed elements. Sometimes the hematocrit is expressed in liters per liter.

A low hematocrit in the analysis should attract the special attention of patients, as it indicates poor health.

Today, this analysis is done in various diagnostic centers and specialized clinics.

There are other reasons for a reduced hct:

  1. A decrease in the hct value can occur in the presence of inflammatory processes in a chronic form.
  2. A decrease in hematocrit may also indicate the occurrence of oncology.
  3. Often, the indicator decreases with a strict diet, starvation, or the wrong diet.
  4. The indicator may decrease with prolonged adherence to bed rest.
  5. The hct value may be below normal in diseases of the heart and kidneys. In the presence of such diseases, the volume of circulating plasma increases, which leads to a decrease in hematocrit.

In the case of a decrease in the level of hct, you should undergo a comprehensive examination of the body. A complex of diagnostic measures will help to establish the cause of a decrease in hematocrit and timely identify the development of the disease.

Sometimes there are cases of incorrect determination of the hct indicator. When deciphering a blood test, this indicator is often lowered. In this case, we can say about a false indicator of hematocrit.

A false decrease in hematocrit is possible in such cases:

  1. When taking blood for analysis, the patient is in a supine position.
  2. With prolonged compression of the vein with a tourniquet.
  3. In case of blood thinning. This situation is possible if blood is taken for analysis at the site of a recent infusion.

hct level during pregnancy

Hematocrit is a measure of the amount of hemoglobin in a patient's blood. During pregnancy, the number of red blood cells in the blood increases, as its total volume in the body increases. When visiting a gynecologist, pregnant women are required to undergo a hematocrit test. If in decoding its indicator is reduced, then this may indicate the development of anemia. In the absence of any diseases during pregnancy, the hematocrit level increases and returns to normal in the last trimester of pregnancy.

Naturally, during pregnancy, significant changes occur in a woman's body that affect the circulatory system. During childbirth, a woman can lose a significant amount of blood. In the case of a low hematocrit at the time of delivery, a woman may need a blood transfusion to avoid a threat to her life.

Signs of pathology and treatment

A decrease in hct may indicate:

  • regular fatigue;
  • increased heart rate (tachycardia);
  • pallor of the skin;
  • the presence of shortness of breath;
  • hair loss.

Signs are more pronounced during pregnancy and in case of acute anemia.

With a low level of hematocrit in the decoding of a blood test, you should get rid of the cause of this condition. If an incorrect diet has led to violations, the patient is prescribed taking iron supplements, as well as a special diet that includes eating foods with a high iron content. These foods include: liver, nuts, apples, eggs, fruits and red meats. You can increase the hematocrit with the help of Hematogen.

If the indicator has decreased due to the intake of any drugs, you should stop using them. During pregnancy, a decrease in the level of hct is not associated with diseases, to increase it, medications that contain iron are prescribed.

In general, getting rid of pathology involves the treatment of diseases that have led to a decrease in hematocrit. Accordingly, treatment is prescribed depending on the cause of such a condition.

In conclusion, it should be said that the hematocrit level is a rather important indicator in deciphering a blood test, its deviations from the norm can indicate a variety of disorders in the body. It must be remembered that a decrease in the level of hct can mean the presence of diseases such as anemia, bleeding, and the development of oncology. That is why it is important to identify such a condition in a timely manner and seek help from a specialist to determine the cause of its occurrence.

Deciphering HTC in a blood test: norm and deviations

A general blood test is included in the list of mandatory laboratory tests when visiting a doctor. And no wonder, since this is perhaps the fastest, most informative and at the same time an objective way to assess the state of human health. The analysis includes a number of well-known data, such as the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, but the hematocrit (HCT) is an indicator that often raises many questions in people who receive the results of the study.

What is HCT in a blood test

Hematocrit (hematocrit, HCT) is a relative value that indicates the percentage of formed elements in the total blood volume.

In other words, hematocrit is the volume of cells in the blood.

Despite the fact that the concept of "blood cells" includes erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets, only red blood cells (erythrocytes) are of practical importance, since they make up 99% of all blood cells. Thus, hematocrit is determined in order to measure the degree of saturation of the blood with red blood cells and, accordingly, to study the respiratory function of red cells - the transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

The hematocrit is determined using a special device - hematocrit - a glass tube with marks, into which blood is collected and subjected to centrifugation, and then it is indicated which part of the vessel is erythrocytes. Today, more and more often, the value is determined using automatic analyzers, which is due to the simplicity and speed of the study.

Deciphering the analysis and the norm of hematocrit

The hematocrit rate may vary depending on gender, age and some physiological, normal for a person, conditions, which include:

  • pregnancy (especially the second and third trimesters) is a physiological decrease in hematocrit, which is explained by an increase in the volume of plasma (liquid part) of the blood and the normal formation of red blood cells. The HCT norm for pregnant women is 33–40%. It should be noted that after childbirth, the hematocrit rises and returns to normal;
  • menstruation - a physiological decrease in hematocrit due to heavy or prolonged periods;

A large amount of blood released during menstruation, especially if such a phenomenon is regular, is a serious reason to see a doctor.

For men, the average hematocrit ranges from 39–49%, for women this figure is slightly lower - 35–45%.

Normal indicators in children and adults - table

Elevated hematocrit

The main and most common cause of an increase in hematocrit is an increase in the number or size of red blood cells. In this case, the blood thickens, the percentage of cells and the liquid part changes. Similar changes are possible in such pathological conditions:

  1. Erythrocytosis (polycythemia) is a blood disease in which the production of red blood cells by the red bone marrow increases.
  2. Diseases of the cardiovascular, pulmonary systems - congenital heart defects, cardiomyopathies, bronchial asthma, in which there is a compensatory increase in the number of red blood cells to eliminate hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) in the body.
  3. Kidney diseases - renal failure, benign and malignant processes in the kidneys. In such cases, the production of the hormone erythropoietin increases, which affects the synthesis of red blood cells, increasing it.

Another cause of an increase in hematocrit may be a decrease in plasma volume. Thus, during the normal synthesis of erythrocytes, the content of the liquid part decreases, which leads to a relative increase in the hematocrit. Conditions that can cause this phenomenon include:

  1. Prolonged and frequent vomiting, diarrhea.
  2. Intestinal obstruction.
  3. Burn disease.
  4. Peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum).

For athletes, the maximum allowable hematocrit value is 50%, an increase in this indicator indirectly indicates the use of doping.

Reduced rate

A decrease in hematocrit may be the result of pathological changes in both erythrocytes and blood plasma. In the first case, this is due to a decrease in the level of red blood cells, in the second - an excessive accumulation of fluid and proteins in the body. The following conditions and diseases can be the causes:

  1. Blood loss of any origin:
    • acute - with massive bleeding (trauma);
    • chronic - with a stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, with heavy menstruation, hemorrhoids.
  2. Hemolytic anemia is an anemia that is characterized by intense destruction of red blood cells. This condition occurs as a result of heavy metal poisoning, incompatible blood transfusions and Rhesus conflicts.
  3. Iron deficiency anemia is anemia that occurs due to insufficient dietary iron intake or problems with the absorption of this trace element in the body.
  4. Aplastic anemia - anemia, which is characterized by a decrease in blood formation in the bone marrow.
  5. Pernicious anemia is anemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency, which is often associated with folic acid deficiency.

If the hemoglobin level is below 80 g/l and the hematocrit is less than 25%, an urgent blood transfusion is needed.

Undoubtedly, it is difficult to talk about the state of health on the basis of hematocrit data alone, since this parameter is very relative, it will not indicate the cause of the disease. However, the slightest deviation from the norm helps to suspect the presence of a particular disease and indicates the need for additional laboratory and instrumental studies to make the correct diagnosis.

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The material is published for informational purposes only and under no circumstances can be considered a substitute for medical advice from a specialist in a medical institution. The site administration is not responsible for the results of using the posted information. For diagnostics and treatment, as well as prescribing medications and determining the scheme for taking them, we recommend that you contact your doctor.

Hematocrit: concept, norms in analyzes and deviations - decrease and increase

It is doubtful that a patient studying a general blood test taken the other day and performed on an automatic analyzer will be primarily interested in such an indicator as hematocrit. Unless doctors in a conversation among themselves drop about its values ​​or tell the patient if its level does not fit into the norm and causes concern on the part of doctors.

Hematocrit is the ratio of red blood cells to its total volume. The approximate level of this indicator can be seen with the naked eye, if you let the blood settle, and then estimate by eye how many percent are settled erythrocytes and how much remains in the plasma. Meanwhile, this technique is given only to explain to the reader, using a simple example, what a hematocrit is, but not as a means of calculating the indicator on its own. With spontaneous erythrocyte sedimentation, the hematocrit will be almost 20% higher, so this technique is not used in the laboratory. The percentage of red blood cells in whole blood, expressed as a fraction (liters in liters) or multiplied by 0.01 as a percentage result, called hematocrit, is measured manually using the necessary devices or calculated in an automatic analyzer.

Hematocrit norm for gender and age

In a normal state, the body of an adult contains approximately 4.5 - 5 liters of blood, which is represented by a red heavy part (erythrocyte mass), which sinks to the bottom when settling, and a light yellowish liquid (plasma), if the blood was taken with an anticoagulant. Blood taken into a dry dish without the use of anticoagulants forms a fibrin clot with erythrocytes stuck on it and a liquid part - serum, which is more transparent and differs from plasma in the absence of fibrinogen protein in it. Until the blood has left the bloodstream, it exists in the form of plasma with circulating formed elements (leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets), clotting factors and other proteins in it. The serum is devoid of many components.

The erythrocyte mass in males is approximately% or 0.44 - 0.48 l / l. In women, of course, this figure is lower (%), and in newborns it can generally be high -% (N - 0.44 - 0.62).

This is the norm of hematocrit in percent, which for convenience is multiplied by 0.01 and the values ​​\u200b\u200bare obtained:

  • Hematocrit norms for men: 0.44 - 0.48 (in some sources up to 0.52, which may well be, because male blood is not updated as often as female blood);
  • Hematocrit norms for women: 0.36 - 0.43, however, during pregnancy (from the 20th week), the hematocrit decreases;
  • In children: newborns - 0.44 - 0.62, babies up to 3 months - 0.32 - 0.44, up to a year - 36 - 44 (as in women), up to 10 years - 37 - 44, and then everything depends on gender and health status.

A change in the hematocrit volume of erythrocytes in one direction or another may indicate either the degree of concentration of the blood, or how much the blood is diluted.

When the hematocrit is low...

It is not difficult to guess that hematocrit values ​​directly depend on red blood cells, or rather, on their size and number. If, for some reason, they become very large (hematocrit increased) or too small (hematocrit decreased), or their sizes, due to certain circumstances, begin to change in the direction of decrease or increase. Of course, the volume of the cellular part of the blood will also deviate proportionally in the corresponding direction. They say about low hematocrit if its level drops to 20-25%, which indicates anemia. As a rule, such changes are caused by factors involved in the formation of the pathological process.

The cause of a decrease in hematocrit can be a drop in the level of red blood cells (erythropenia), an excess accumulation of water in the body, which dilutes the blood and changes the percentage of red blood cells and plasma (hyperhydration), or an excessive increase in the concentration of proteins (hyperproteinemia), which bind and retain water in the body. Such changes are observed under the following circumstances:

  1. Blood loss, but if the volume of circulating blood (CBV) can be restored relatively quickly with infusion solutions, then it takes a certain time for red blood cells to return to normal.
  2. In the bone marrow, the formation of red blood cells is impaired (reduced) (anemia, leukemia, treatment with cytostatics and antitumor drugs, kidney paresis).
  3. Erythrocytes are intensively destroyed: hereditary and acquired hemolytic anemia, poisoning with hemolytic poisons (pale toadstool, salts of heavy metals), serious infections (typhoid fever, malaria).
  4. Giving a large amount of intravenous fluid to patients with impaired renal function increases the total blood volume with normal red blood cells, naturally, this leads to a lower hematocrit.
  5. The hematocrit is also lowered during pregnancy, especially in the second half, due to an increase in plasma volume while maintaining the same level of red blood cells.
  6. Anemia of any kind and origin.
  7. Hyperhydration: BCC increases, the content of red blood cells remains unchanged - the hematocrit is lowered (water intoxication, circulatory failure, decreased functional abilities of the excretory system, etc.).
  8. Hyperproteinemia. It is formed by a wide range of conditions of different severity: vomiting, diarrhea, acute infections, myeloma, Hodgkin's lymphoma, paraproteinemic hemoblastoses. An increase in protein in the blood ultimately leads to the accumulation of fluid in the body and an increase in BCC (erythrocytes remain indifferent to these changes).

For children, there are no separate causes of low hematocrit, therefore, the fall in the level of this indicator in a child is subject to the same law as in an adult, except that the baby's body is more sensitive to such changes and the disease is often somewhat more severe.

…or promoted

The main reason for an increase in hematocrit is an increase in the number of red blood cells (overproduction in the bone marrow) or an increase in their size, which creates additional volume.

Thus, the hematocrit is increased in all diseases and conditions caused by a change in the number or size of red blood cells:

  • Erythrocytoses are redistributive and true.
  • Erythremia (polycythemia, Wakez disease) is the result of increased production of red blood cells. The disease is accompanied by heaviness in the head, cardialgia, unpleasant tingling in the fingers of the upper and lower extremities, unnatural redness of the skin. Similar symptoms can be observed in other diseases associated with the formation of oversized red blood cells.

redness of the palms with erythremia

The reasons for the increased relative hematocrit may be transient conditions:

  1. Intestinal obstruction (movement of fluid there);
  2. Frequent vomiting;
  3. Profuse diarrhea (thickening of the blood);
  4. Hyperhidrosis (intense sweating);
  5. burn disease;
  6. Inflammation of the peritoneum (peritonitis);
  7. Alpine conditions.

It is obvious that an analysis of only hematocrit without determining the number of erythrocytes and their morphological features is unlikely to satisfy the needs of clinicians in the diagnosis of various hematological pathologies, since the test, although it carries general information, does not reveal the reason for the increase or decrease. Usually, hematocrit is included in the number of indicators of a general blood test, where it can be compared with other parameters (erythrocytes, hemoglobin, ESR, color indicator). However, hematocrit can be one of the first signals to conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient in order to find the cause of a decrease or increase in the index, or rather, a disease well disguised at first.

Hematocrit is lowered: causes

Hematocrit is a value that measures the volume of red blood cells (erythrocytes, platelets and leukocytes) and determines the ability of blood to transport oxygen molecules. The hematocrit value shows how much of the total amount of blood is erythrocyte mass, since more than 98% of the red blood components are erythrocytes.

A decrease in hematocrit can indicate serious diseases, such as anemia, therefore, in the event of a significant deviation of this indicator to a lower side, it is necessary to find out the cause. To do this, you need to contact the local therapist.

Hematocrit is lowered: causes

The norm of hematocrit depending on age

Normal hemogram values

Causes of low hematocrit

Most often, a decrease in the volume of red blood cells in the total mass of blood is due to insufficient intake of iron and a decrease in hemoglobin synthesis. This situation is typical for women who have been following strict diets or practicing fasting for a long time. In children, iron deficiency can occur for several reasons:

  • unbalanced diet with insufficient intake of foods containing iron (meat, buckwheat, pomegranate juice, apples);
  • accelerated growth;
  • violation of iron absorption as a result of diseases of the digestive tract.

Important! Low hematocrit is not an independent diagnosis, but can lead to a persistent decrease in immunity, bleeding disorders and other dangerous conditions, so proper nutrition at any age is the main healthy lifestyle.

What is hemocrit

Another reason for a decrease in hematocrit is large blood loss. They can occur with prolonged and heavy menstruation (menorrhagia), internal bleeding, injuries and fractures, accompanied by significant blood loss. Uterine bleeding with endometrial hyperplasia or endometriosis is almost always accompanied by a decrease in hematocrit, so during this period it is important to follow the recommendations of doctors on nutrition and regimen.

One of the factors that can affect the level of red blood cells and their number in relation to the total components of the blood is the accumulation of fluid and thinning of the blood. Moisture can be retained in the tissues in violation of the kidneys, increased consumption of salt and spices, as well as a long stay in a supine position. In diseases requiring bed rest, hematocrit also usually decreases.

Important! Intravenous infusion of drugs and solutions can lead to the accumulation of fluid structures. Drugs for blood thinning and thrombosis prevention also affect the hematocrit level, so if the patient is prescribed therapy with their use, it is better to measure Ht after the end of treatment.

Hematocrit in the blood

What diseases cause low hematocrit?

A decrease in Ht can also be observed in various diseases. In adults, the cause of pathology can be:

  • violation of the protein structure of hemoglobin;
  • genetic and autoimmune diseases;
  • infectious diseases in which there is an accumulation of an increased volume of fluid in the tissues of internal organs and subcutaneous fat;
  • malignant formations of plasma cells (myeloma);
  • tumors of the lymphatic tissue and the hematopoietic system (hemoblastosis).

In children, low hematocrit is observed with bleeding, reduced production of red blood cells in the spinal cord and a high content of protein elements in blood components.

Note! A false-positive hematocrit result may occur after intravenous infusions, menstruation, prolonged bed rest, or severe compression of the veins with a medical tourniquet.

Scheme for determining hematocrit

Other diseases

The number of red blood cells may decrease with infectious diseases of viral or bacterial etiology. In chronic inflammatory processes (for example, chronic cystitis or glomerulonephritis), the lag behind the norm will be very significant, so it is important to take a blood test during and after treatment to make sure that there are no other foci of infection left in the body, and there are no hidden diseases. A similar clinical picture can be observed in other diseases, some of which have a high mortality process.

Pathologies of the vascular system

The most common disease in which there is a decrease in hematocrit is atherosclerosis. This is a pathology of the arteries, which is chronic in nature and is manifested by the deposition of cholesterol in the vascular membranes (in the inner part). Atherosclerosis is caused by a lipid metabolism disorder, which is often a complication of obesity, diabetes mellitus and other endocrine diseases.

A decrease in hematocrit is also characteristic of thrombosis. This is a disease in which a blood clot forms inside the vessel, interfering with the free flow of blood. The result is a violation of cellular nutrition and acute tissue hypoxia. Some types of thrombosis (for example, coronary artery thrombosis) lead to life-threatening conditions, the main of which is myocardial infarction.

The norm of hematocrit in the blood

Important! In some cases, low hematocrit can be diagnosed in patients with thrombophlebitis. With this pathology, inflammation of the venous walls occurs, which is accompanied by the formation of a blood clot. To confirm the diagnosis, you must contact a phlebologist or vascular surgeon and undergo an examination.

kidney disease

Kidney pathologies often lead to a decrease in hematocrit, since in various forms of renal failure fluid retention occurs in the subcutaneous fat. A decrease in Ht is observed in the following diseases:

  • pyelonephritis - damage to the parenchyma of the kidneys, renal pelvis and calyx, accompanied by an inflammatory process;
  • glomerulonephritis - inflammation of the renal glomeruli of autoimmune or infectious etiology;
  • stenosis (narrowing) of the renal artery;
  • Polycystic kidney disease is a disease accompanied by the formation of cysts with serous contents in the kidney tissues.

A nephrologist deals with the diagnosis of kidney pathologies. In the absence of highly specialized specialists in a medical institution, you can contact a local therapist who will give a referral to auxiliary rooms.

Liver disease

Often the hematocrit is lowered if the patient has abnormalities in the functioning of the liver. The list of the main diseases, which are characterized by a decrease in the number of red blood cells in relation to the total mass of blood components:

  • hepatitis - inflammation of the liver of predominantly viral etiology;
  • cirrhosis - a pathology of the liver, accompanied by the death of hepatocytes (organ cells) and the formation of fibrous areas in their place;
  • fatty degeneration of the liver is a chronic disease in which liver cells are replaced by adipose tissue;
  • opisthorchiasis is a type of helminthic invasion in which the liver is affected by fluke worms.

Sometimes the liver can be affected under the influence of harmful factors: alcohol and tobacco abuse, a sedentary lifestyle and a rich diet with high energy value.

Video - What blood tests say

Attention: cancer!

A chronic decrease in hematocrit may indicate the development of an oncological process. In women, in the vast majority of cases, malignant tumors are diagnosed in the mammary glands, as well as the body and cervix. In men, the larynx, esophagus, testicles and scrotum, prostate and liver are considered the most vulnerable. In the initial stages, it is almost impossible to recognize cancer without a special examination, but there are certain signs that should alert the patient and become a reason to see a doctor. These include:

  • temperature fluctuations (from 35.8° to 37.5°);
  • pale skin;
  • rapid weight loss while maintaining the same physical activity and habitual diet;
  • skin itching and rashes of unknown etiology.

Important! Cancer can be diagnosed only after passing a comprehensive examination. If the results of the blood test showed that the hematocrit is low, it is necessary to retake it again after some time. In the case of a chronic decrease in hematocrit (three tests in a row), the patient is shown a consultation with an oncologist.

Hematocrit analysis

Decreased hematocrit in pregnant women

In pregnant women, the percentage of red blood cells in the total blood volume may be below normal. This phenomenon is considered normal, since during pregnancy there is an increase in the amount of circulating blood, while red blood cells remain at the same level.

Another reason for a decrease in hematocrit in pregnant women is a violation in the functioning of the kidneys, which cannot cope with their function and cannot remove all excess fluid from the body. The result of insufficient kidney function is the appearance of edema and blood thinning due to the accumulation of fluid in the tissues of internal organs and subcutaneous fat.

Important! Despite the physiological reasons for the decrease in hematocrit in pregnant women, one should not take the results of a laboratory study lightly. Sometimes it is the hematocrit value that makes it possible to suspect serious deviations during pregnancy and fetal development, therefore, if there is any doubt, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Complete blood count during pregnancy

The decrease in hematocrit in most cases is due to physiological factors, but only a doctor can rule out the possibility of serious diseases. If the result of a blood test shows a decrease in the hematocrit value, it is necessary to retake it 1-2 more times. In the case of a chronic deviation from the norm, the patient is shown a comprehensive examination, including an examination of specialized specialists, for example, an oncologist, hepatologist or phlebologist.

Why does blood hematocrit decrease, causes, methods of treatment and prevention

The total volume of formed elements in the blood is called the hematocrit. Most of the hematocrit is made up of red blood cells. This value in a biochemical study is measured as a percentage and is abbreviated as HCT.

Blood is the supplier of fats, carbohydrates and proteins in the body. Any changes in the structure or physiology of organs are reflected in the circulatory system. Therefore, biochemical and general clinical blood tests are priority examinations.

What is hematocrit?

Hematocrit is the volume of particles suspended in the blood. Red blood cells and other formed elements perform vital functions in the body - they carry oxides, participate in the synthesis of biological substances, and remove waste.

The transfer of oxides is carried out by a protein globule in red blood cells - hemoglobin. Mutations that lead to misassembly of hemoglobin can slow down the transport of oxides.

What does low hematocrit mean: causes

Reduced hematocrit in the blood is observed with hyposecretion of red blood cells by the bone marrow. In some cases, the decrease in hematocrit is due to the accelerated breakdown of red blood cells. A decrease in the volume of red blood cells worsens the rheological properties of the blood. The body receives an insufficient amount of substances, chronic hypoxia is observed, and spontaneous bleeding occurs.

Important! If the hematocrit is below normal, the patient needs urgent help, because even if he does not bleed extensively, he may die.

Reasons for low hematocrit:

  • Severe bleeding.
  • Hyperhydration.
  • Starvation.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Chronic inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Diseases of the excretory system.
  • Various types of anemia (iron deficiency, sickle cell and others).
  • Chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system or liver.

The HCT index can be lowered due to hereditary diseases. The attending physician can determine the exact cause of the decrease in NST.

Normal hematocrit values ​​in women and men

The human body contains approximately 5 liters of blood. HCT in a blood test shows "thickness" of liquid tissue. The HCT norm in a blood test directly depends on a person's gender and age. For a man, the figure is 42-52%, and for an adult woman - from 34 to 47%.

During menstruation in women, the level of hemoglobin may drop sharply, but this is a variant of the norm. This condition disappears after the end of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. In some cases, tests show a false positive result due to improper blood sampling from the patient.

What does a low hematocrit in the blood of a child mean?

In the presence of a serious pathology, the hematocrit is lowered in a child. In this condition, you need to see a doctor to find out the cause. Often this happens when the child has excessive water intake (hyperhydration). However, fluid often accumulates in the body due to the pathology of the excretory system.

Children may develop swelling in the arms, legs, or other parts of the body, difficulty breathing, feeling weak, and "lightheaded". With hyperhydration, a substance is prescribed that reduces the volume of circulating blood. Low hematocrit in a child is dangerous because it can delay the normal development of the bone and muscle systems. Low HCT values ​​in infants can cause sudden death.

How to raise the level of hematocrit in the blood?

Depending on the etiology of the disease, recommendations are given to increase hematocrit. For iron deficiency anemia, add foods containing iron and vitamin B12 to the diet. With hyperhydration, reduce the intake of fluids and salts in the body that retain water (sodium chloride, for example). Regular physical activity and normalization of lifestyle are recommended. Diuretics can increase HCT levels by "actively" removing fluid from the body.

Advice! If there are serious pathologies from the excretory system, you should consult a doctor to draw up a treatment plan. Uncomplicated and physiological forms of low hematocrit resolve on their own.

A general blood test is prescribed for patients with various diseases. We can say that this procedure is almost mandatory during the examination. But how to understand by the results of the analysis, is everything in order? To do this, you need to know what is the norm of the content of various components in the analyzed blood. Thanks to this data, deciphering the results of the analysis will no longer be so difficult.

When is an analysis scheduled?

A referral for a general blood test is always issued when a patient is admitted to a hospital for treatment. You will also have to donate blood if you are undergoing serious outpatient treatment.

Deciphering the blood test will allow the attending physician to determine some infections, as well as inflammatory processes occurring in your body. The blood formula can tell a lot about the state of your immune system, as well as the presence of anemia.

The main goals for conducting a laboratory blood test

When analyzing blood, the laboratory assistant examines the quantity and quality of such fragments:

  • erythrocyte cells;
  • leukocyte formula;
  • the presence of platelets;
  • hemoglobin level;
  • hematocrit level (hct);

When is the best time to visit the lab?

In order for the result of laboratory tests to be as clear as possible, it is best to donate blood early in the morning. Before taking the biomaterial for analysis, you can not eat. We are only allowed to drink water.

If you are scheduled for a second blood test, try to take it at the same time as the first time. This will allow the doctor to more accurately assess your health status.

The main role of each component in the blood formula

Before we know what is the normal content of each fragment in the blood fluid, it is important to understand what function they perform. This gives a more complete understanding of how important it is to monitor the condition of the blood and regularly take laboratory tests.

Erythrocytes and their role in life

These cells are produced by the red part of the bone marrow. Their main purpose is to carry hemoglobin and oxygen molecules throughout the human body. As a rule, the norm of the content of these red cells in men is always higher than in women. RBCs are labeled RBCs on the test results sheet.

If there is a disorder with the norm of these cells, this can tell the doctor about problems in the functioning of the bone marrow, as well as that blood clots form in the veins. There may be other problems that cause deviations in the blood formula.

When examining your biomaterials, the laboratory assistant will definitely pay attention to the presence and number of reticulocytes. This is the form of red blood cells in the developmental stage. Usually their number rises sharply with large blood losses, when the body begins to actively create new cells to replace the lost ones.

Importance of white blood cells

When analyzing blood, it is important to look at more than just the white blood cell count. It must be remembered that there are different types of leukocytes. We will talk about each of them in more detail.

The activity of basophils

The role of neutrophils

The main purpose of neutrophils is to help the body fight penetrating bacterial infections. They keep the immune system stable. The norm of the content of these components ranges from 60 - to 75% of all white cells.

Neutrophils are also the janitors of human blood. They are engaged in the removal of dead leukocyte cells.

Why does a person need eosinophils?

As the decoding shows, these cells should not be more than five percent of the total number of leukocytes.

Significant role of lymphocytes

Lymphocytes are also responsible for the release of antibodies into the blood and the production of immunoglobulins.

The role of monocytes

These cells are considered the largest in the leukocyte formula. They are responsible for the final destruction of foreign particles. Most of all, monocytes interact with lymphocytes.

Upon contact with a foreign substance, the monocyte identifies it as potentially dangerous and transfers it to the lymphocyte, which neutralizes it. The balanced work of these cells guarantees the body reliable protection against various external factors.

Why are platelets in the blood?

The main role of these cells is blood clotting. If there were no platelets in our body, then the slightest scratch could lead to a tragic death.

The size of a platelet cell is huge compared to other blood components. The bone marrow is also responsible for their production.

The main purpose of hemoglobin cells

Without oxygen, our life would be impossible. How to deliver vital nutrition to every cell? This is the function of hemoglobin.

Deciphering a blood test designates hemoglobin as Hb. If the amount of this protein is reduced, doctors diagnose anemia.

Hematocrit level

In another way, the hematocrit is called hct. What does this mean?

By hct, specialists mean the total ratio of the main particles of blood to plasma. The hct norm in women is always slightly lower than in men.

What should be the ESR?

ESR is the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. This figure is different for men and women. It also affects the age of the person. In pregnant women, this figure is also unstable. In many ways, it depends on the state of the body, but on age and on the hormonal background.

The rate or reaction of erythrocyte sedimentation can alert the doctor to hidden diseases and conditions. On average, within a day after the start of a negative process in the body, this indicator will deviate from the norm.

Deciphering a blood test

Now is the time to find out what problems, pathologies and diseases you can learn about by deciphering a blood test.

RBC levels

If the red blood cell count is exceeded, this warns you of such possible problems:

  • erythrocytosis due to improper functioning of the bone marrow;
  • a significant increase in blood density, which leads to a decrease in these formed elements in biomaterials.

Decreased rates are called erythropenia by doctors. Such a problem may appear due to large blood loss, as well as accelerated destruction of red blood cells. It is possible that the indicators may be reduced due to a slowdown in the production of these cells by the bone marrow.

The average norm of the content of these components in the blood formula is from 6 - 10 in 1 μl. These indicators are very individual depending on gender and age.

A decrease in the level of leukocytes may indicate such problems:

  • weakening of the immune defense;
  • development of immunodeficiency diseases (AIDS, HIV);
  • purulent infections in the body;
  • transferred surgical interventions;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • stressful conditions;
  • systemic diseases;
  • some types of anemia.

An increase in the level of leukocytes can warn of such conditions:

  • inflammatory diseases;
  • oncological processes;
  • allergic reactions;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • viral infections.

Before coming to any conclusion and starting treatment, it is important to consult with your doctor, who will take into account your condition and choose the most effective method for solving the problem.

Platelet counts

The number of platelets in a blood test can range from 150 to 400 units. An increase in the content of these cells is observed with large blood loss, as well as after operations to remove the spleens.

The platelet count in the analysis will be reduced if the patient suffers from any systemic disease or thrombocytopenia.

Hemoglobin indicators

When analyzing blood in a man, the hemoglobin level ranges from 120 - 170 grams per liter. For a woman, this figure is slightly lower: from 110 - 155 grams per liter.

A sharp decrease in hemoglobin occurs with a lack of vitamins, especially group B, as well as iron. Exceeding the norm of the content of this protein is extremely rare. This phenomenon was observed in those who endure high physical exertion, or live high above sea level.


The hematocrit index in the analysis of an adult is in the range of 37 - 50 units. In general, the results depend on the gender and age of the patient.

An increase in hematocrit can be caused by severe dehydration, diseases of the heart, kidneys and lungs. A decrease in this indicator can occur due to anemia, bleeding, cancer, and pregnancy.

ESR norms

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is measured in millimeters per hour. Measurements are taken 60 minutes after biomaterial sampling. The analysis complies with the standards if the ESR is up to 10 mm/hour for men and 15 mm/hour for women.

A laboratory blood test allows you to evaluate not only the course of the inflammatory process, but also the state of the body at the time of the examination. Hematocrit in the results is a very important indicator.

In a general blood test, NBT is a hematocrit. This is a conditional indicator that indicates the percentage in the total volume of blood.

This indicator is correctly called the hematocrit number, but among health workers you can often hear “hematocrit”.

To find out what part of the total volume is erythrocytes, the laboratory uses a special device - hematocrit. In appearance, it resembles a glass test tube with divisions. It is installed in a centrifuge. After that, the formed elements settle and determine the density of the blood.

The level of hematocrit, depending on the age of a person, has different indicators.

A hematocrit study can be performed for a general blood assessment, with suspicion of polyglobulia, polycythemia, and also internal.

Features of the preparation and conduct of the procedure

The hematocrit is determined from the results. Preparation for blood sampling from a finger is as follows:

  1. It is undesirable to smoke before the study, as the spasm of peripheral vessels decreases, as a result, blood access to the fingertips is difficult, and it is difficult to obtain a sample.
  2. A day before blood sampling, you should not eat fatty foods and alcoholic beverages.
  3. When using any drugs that affect, it is necessary to notify the doctor and, if possible, do not use on the day of the study. This applies to non-steroidal analgesics.
  4. Tests are not taken against the background of a viral infection and for some time after recovery. A general blood test is taken on an empty stomach, however, it is allowed to conduct a study 1-2 hours after a light meal.
  5. It should be remembered that external factors can influence the results: physical activity, stressful situations, smoking, invasive diagnostic methods, etc. Long stay at high altitude increases the amount of hematocrit.

To determine the hematocrit, capillary blood is examined, so blood is taken from a finger. Sometimes venous blood is used to study hematocrit and other indicators.

Decryption: normal indicators NST

The hematocrit can change throughout life, as the volume of blood increases, and the number of formed elements changes accordingly.

The hematocrit is calculated using the following formula: HTC = RBCxMCV, where RBC is the total amount and MCV is the average volume.

Hematocrit rate:

  • The highest rate is diagnosed in newborns - up to 60%.
  • By the year, the hematocrit decreases and can be as low as 38%.
  • From a year to 6 years, the figure is 32-42%.
  • In children under 9 years old - 33-41%.
  • In adolescents under 18 years old - 34-48%.
  • In women, the normal hematocrit is in the range of 33-47%.
  • In men - 49-54%.
  • During pregnancy, the rate is normally 31-35%, and by the third trimester it increases to 40%.

The hematocrit is an important indicator for diagnosing possible pathologies, however, the interpretation of the results should be carried out taking into account all other data.

If the hematocrit level deviates from the norm up or down, then this may indicate various pathological conditions.

An increase in hematocrit is observed in the following cases:

  • Dehydration of the body.
  • Severe burn.
  • Peritonitis.
  • Intestinal infection.
  • Pathology and the respiratory system.
  • Heart diseases.
  • An increase in hematocrit may be observed with the use of corticosteroids.

With an increase in the blood, it negatively affects the vessels. As a result, oxygen starvation occurs and compensatory reactions are triggered in the body. Against this background, blood parameters change, including the hematocrit level changes upwards.

With a high HCT, blood viscosity increases. As a result, the blood becomes viscous and slowly flows through the vessels, which increases the risk of thrombosis.

The patient may complain of frequent dizziness, numbness of the extremities, shortness of breath, shortness of breath.

There are several ways to reduce the level of NBT in the blood: carrying out erythrocytepheresis, using antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants. Treatment is carried out only with an increased rate.To reduce the hematocrit, it is enough to change the diet, drink more fluids, give up alcoholic beverages, smoking, and eat plenty of foods containing antioxidants.

Decreased hematocrit: causes and signs

A decrease in hematocrit may indicate a serious violation of the hematopoietic function.

The main reasons for the decrease in hematocrit:

  • Blood thinning.
  • Inadequate nutrition.
  • Chronic foci of inflammation.
  • Destruction of blood.
  • Prolonged stay in a supine position.

A decrease in NBT can be observed with hyperhydration, i.e. increase in blood volume due to kidney failure, poisoning, infectious or viral disease.Hyperproteinemia also causes a decrease in hematocrit.In some diseases, and blood vessels, a decrease in hematocrit is observed in the analysis results.

Signs of a decrease in hematocrit are:

  • Dyspnea.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Paleness of the skin.
  • Hair loss.
  • Feeling tired.

If a decrease in hematocrit is associated with anemia, then the patient needs to change the diet in order to increase the number of red blood cells. It is important to change your lifestyle, then the indicators will return to normal.

More information about the general blood test can be found in the video.

Conducting a general blood test at the first visit of a patient to a doctor has long become the norm in diagnosing diseases. Often, HCT is also assessed in a child's blood test. The data obtained in this way are subject to a comprehensive assessment, where each individual indicator is not informative in itself.

The hematocrit indicator carries information only about the volume of red blood cells. The informative value of the HCT indicator in a blood test cannot be considered in isolation from other indicators. It should be supplemented with information about the amount, form and value of the hematocrit is important for the diagnosis of various anemias.

What is hematocrit?

The hematocrit, or hematocrit, is one of the indicators calculated in an analytical blood test. Hematocrit is the ratio of red blood cells to the total volume of blood in the body. Symbol in the HCT form in the blood test.

The short name "hematocrit" originates from the name of the analyzer flask for the study. Another name that fits the hematocrit would be "density". In some sources, the indicator is defined as the ratio of cells to the total volume of blood.

Visually, this indicator can be determined by pouring a little blood into a test tube. When it settles, you can see two layers - a dark layer of settled cells and a light layer of blood plasma. The percentage of layers will be an approximate example of calculating the required number.

What does HCT mean in a blood test? This is an indicator of hematocrit, which determines the level of red blood cells in the total volume, where they make up 99%.

Calculation and recording of hematocrit

In laboratory conditions, the ratio is calculated as a percentage of red blood cells. Counting is done manually or in a laboratory automatic analyzer. In some laboratories working according to a foreign model, the HCT indicator in a blood test is measured as a liter per liter.

For example, the same analysis in different views:

  • accepted entry: 35%;
  • western record: 0.35 l/l.

What to do if HCT in a blood test is lowered? Deviations of the indicator from the norm show quantitative changes in the composition.

How to get tested for HCT?

In order for the analysis to show the correct hematocrit number, the patient should follow certain rules:

  • exclude alcohol the day before blood donation;
  • do not eat fatty, meat, fried foods for 24 hours;
  • avoid smoking;
  • do not eat on the day of analysis, water in small quantities is allowed;
  • do not be nervous and avoid physical exertion;
  • if you can’t do without breakfast (diseases, pregnancy), you can include unsweetened porridge on water or an apple, weak tea without sugar.

The doctor warns the patient about these rules 24 hours before the analysis.

When is a hematocrit test indicated?

Hematocrit values ​​are important for:

  • anemia - with a general decrease in hemoglobin levels;
  • polycythemia - an excess level of red blood cells, the disease is typical for the elderly, rarely - in adults and children;
  • polyglobulia - an excessive amount of protein;
  • a sharp loss of fluid in the body;
  • various bleeding.

Determining the number of hematocrit will be necessary when monitoring the treatment of various blood diseases and the general condition of the patient during operations with transfusion or dialysis.

How is a hematocrit test performed?

Blood is taken from the patient's finger, but it is possible to take an analysis from a vein. Blood is placed in a special hematocrit flask, a reagent is added to it, which will not allow it to clot.

Hematocrit is installed in a laboratory centrifuge for separation - layer separation. Rapid rotation causes heavy red blood cells to sink down. The mass after processing is divided into three layers:

  • Lower - consists of erythrocytes.
  • Medium - from leukocytes and platelets.
  • Upper - contains plasma.

Hematocrit is defined as the percentage of layers. Nowadays, automatic analyzers are used more and more widely for research in laboratories.

Only a doctor should decipher and analyze HCT in a blood test in relation to other indicators.

Hematocrit norms in children, men and women

Hematocrit fluctuation indicates the level of blood concentration (how diluted it is). The hematocrit number has a different meaning for men, women and children. So, what should be the value of HCT in a blood test? The norm for children of different ages is:

  1. 1-3 days - from 45 to 67%.
  2. 30 days - from 31 to 55%, regardless of gender.
  3. 180 days - from 32.5 to 41%, regardless of gender.
  4. 24 months - from 32.5 to 41% for boys.
  5. 24 months - from 31.5 to 41% for girls.
  6. 6 years - from 31 to 40.5% for boys.
  7. 6 years - from 27 to 40.5% for girls.

For men, HCT will differ in the analysis is:

  1. From 20 to 50 years - from 38 to 49%.
  2. From 50 to 65 years - from 37.5% to 49.5%.

Women have their own HCT in the blood test. The norm for women is:

  1. From 20 to 50 years - from 33 to 45%.
  2. From 50 to 65 years - from 34 to 46%.

Causes of an increase in hematocrit

High hematocrit is observed in diseases and conditions of the body, the cause of which is a change in the quantity or quality of red blood cells:

  • a sharp loss of fluid by the body - dehydration;
  • primary erythremia;
  • peritonitis;
  • renal pathologies;
  • diseases of the respiratory organs;
  • bone marrow diseases;
  • various burns;
  • heart defects and disorders in the cardiovascular system;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • various blood diseases;
  • abuse of diuretics.

A high number of the indicator is observed during various kinds of hypoxia and is a protective reaction of the body - an increase in the number of red blood cells and an increase in hemoglobin ensures a normal supply of oxygen to all cells of the body.

Elevated hematocrit indicates either a sharp outflow of fluid from the body, or a pathological increase in the number of red blood cells. If there are symptoms of kidney and blood disease, an elevated hematocrit may confirm leukemia or a neoplasm in the kidneys.

An increase in the number of red blood cells is possible with increased bone marrow function - this disease is called erythremia. A symptom of the disease are red skin and palms. Hematocrit must be considered in conjunction with other indicators characterizing erythrocytes - ESR,

It is detected in smokers, residents of mountainous areas, climbers, people suffering from lung diseases.

Hematocrit values ​​below normal

A low hematocrit is defined as a level below 20%. Such a decrease indicates the presence of anemia and other pathologies in which the volume of liquid in the composition increases.

HCT blood tests are low in the following conditions:

  • pregnancy - the total volume of plasma increases while maintaining the mass of red blood cells;
  • regular blood donation;
  • anemia - a decrease in the number of hematocrit is the main confirmation of the disease;
  • various kinds of poisoning - pale grebe, salts of heavy metals;
  • renal pathologies that increase the volume of water with intravenous influences during their treatment;
  • various liver lesions that cause an abnormal concentration of proteins in the body and retain moisture;
  • bleeding of various nature - the volume of blood in the body was replenished with plasma, erythrocytes have not yet recovered;
  • severe infections - typhoid, malaria.

Despite the specific secondary value of the hematocrit, its sharp deviations from the norm will be a signal for a more thorough examination of the patient.

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