Symptoms and treatments for gonorrhea in women at home. Symptoms and treatment of gonorrhea in men Tripak treatment at home

Gonorrhea is an infectious pathology that occurs due to the activity and reproduction of gonococci - Neisseria gonorrhoeae, sexually transmitted. The disease is accompanied by damage to the mucous membranes of the genital organs and the urethra. Refers to venereal infections. The treatment regimen for gonorrhea in men with drugs is compiled individually, since the disease can be acute, subacute and chronic. Tablets are prescribed for oral administration, intramuscular administration of drugs. Consider antibacterial drugs for the treatment of gonorrhea in men.

Medicines for the treatment of gonorrhea

Therapy of gonorrhea should be started immediately after the detection of the pathogen in the male body. Treatment continues until the patient is completely cured, which is confirmed by clinical and laboratory methods. Unreasonable interruption of the course leads to a relapse of the disease (re-development) or the infection transforms into a chronic form, which is more difficult to treat with medication.

Gonorrhea does not go away on its own. This is due to the fact that immunity cells are not able to capture and destroy all gonococci without exception, which is why pathogenic microorganisms continue to multiply. Over time, the activity of immunity decreases even more, as a result of which the disease becomes chronic, which is fraught with serious complications.

The main drugs for gonorrhea in men are antibiotics, regardless of the diagnosed form of the disease. In the acute phase, the use of antibacterial drugs is sufficient; against the background of a chronic or torpid course, additional therapeutic measures are required.

gonorrhea pills

The pharmaceutical industry provides a wide range of drugs that effectively treat gonorrhea. From the group of penicillins, a medicine called Amoxicillin is used. The drug is characterized by a wide range of effects. With a mild form of gonorrhea, the daily dosage is 500 mg, the total dose for the course of therapy is 6 g.

Tablets are taken orally, washed down with a sufficient amount of clean liquid. Treatment lasts about 10 days. Even if the alarming symptoms are leveled within a few days, the course of therapy still continues. Contraindications: allergic form of diathesis, bronchial asthma, hay fever, severe pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, respiratory infections.

Derivatives of the tetracycline series:

  • Chlortetracycline. The dosage at one time is 300 mg - the first two days of treatment, in the following days 200 mg. Take five times a day. In acute gonorrhea, the daily dose is 5000 mg. If necessary, an increase of up to 10 grams is allowed;
  • Rondamycin. On the first day, take 600 mg, the next days, 300 mg 4 times a day. In the acute phase, the dosage is 2400 mg on the first day;
  • Doxycycline. The first time take 200 mg, after 100 mg twice a day.

Sulfonamides are a drug group of drugs that is prescribed for the treatment of gonorrhea in men. The drugs in this group are the drugs of choice. They are prescribed in cases where the administration of penicillins did not have the desired effect, or the patient has a history of intolerance to them. Sulfadimetoksin is prescribed - antibacterial tablets, which are taken three times a day, 1500 mg each. In the future, the dose is reduced to 100 mg. The entire treatment course implies 15 g of the drug, and against the background of a severe chronic course - 18 g.

If gonorrhea is combined with chlamydia, trichomoniasis and other sexually transmitted infections, then Ciprofloxacin is recommended. Tablets are taken once at a dosage of 500 mg. Do not prescribe for severe pathologies of the liver / kidneys, organic intolerance.

The treatment regimen may include the following drugs for gonorrhea:

  1. Trichopolum. This remedy is recommended for mixed infections. The dose is calculated individually. As a rule, you need to take one tablet three times a day. The course of therapy lasts one week.
  2. Cefixime is prescribed at a dosage of 400 mg once. It is forbidden to combine with aminoglycosides, as a toxic effect develops. The remedy often leads to side effects. Patients complain of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, headache, sleep disturbance.
  3. Bassado. The drug is prescribed for complicated gonorrhea. Take according to a certain scheme: 500 mg is divided into three applications. The first time take 300 mg, the next two times 100 mg.

Clarithromycin is used to treat gonorrhea. It is prescribed for mixed infections, for example, gonorrhea + chlamydia. Adult men are prescribed 0.25-0.5 g every 12 hours. The duration of the treatment course varies from 6 to 12 days. Contraindications: intolerance to components, simultaneous use with Pimozide, Terfenadine, Cisapride. Patients with impaired renal and hepatic function are prescribed with caution.

Injections for gonorrhea

Along with pills, injections for gonorrhea in men are recommended. Benzylpenicillin is often prescribed. Dosage form - ampoules with a solution. The agent is administered intramuscularly. The starting dose is 600,000 IU. Then, every 3-4 hours, 300,000 units are administered. In acute / subacute form, the dosage per course is 3.4 million units. If the patient has chronic gonorrhea or there are complications, then the dose varies from 4.2 to 6.8 million units.

Injections for gonorrhea in men are prescribed in cases where the patient, for whatever reason, cannot take the pills. The form of the disease is also a priority. Practice shows that intramuscular administration provides the best result of therapy.

The following gonorrhea injections can be used for treatment:

  • Bicillin-3 is an antibiotic that slowly gains the required concentration in the blood, but takes longer to be excreted from the male body. The starting dose is 600,000 IU once every seven days or twice as much, but every 14 days;
  • Ecmonovocillin is an injectable drug for gonorrhea. The entire course is 3 million units of an antibacterial drug.

Fact: the treatment of gonorrhea in men with one injection is possible only with an uncomplicated form of the disease and at an early stage. A single application does not mean a rapid recovery. The effectiveness of therapy is necessarily confirmed by laboratory tests.

To cure gonorrhea with one injection, the following medicines are used:

  1. Zinacef. The dosage of the drug is determined individually. Do not prescribe against the background of organic intolerance to penicillins. Caution is used in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, renal failure.
  2. Novosef is a drug for intramuscular injection. It is used only in stationary conditions.

Many antibacterial drugs, including in the form of injections, are sold without a doctor's prescription. However, this does not mean that it is allowed to self-medicate. To cure gonorrhea, it is necessary to take into account many nuances when choosing drugs. Self-administration of tablets is a high risk of developing resistance strains of gonococci. In other words, an unsuccessful attempt at self-treatment leads to the fact that it is difficult to choose the remedy that will really help to cure, since pathogenic microorganisms have acquired resistance to antibacterial substances.

What type of medicine to choose?

Before prescribing a medicine, the doctor recommends an examination. A swab is taken from the urethral canal, which is examined in the laboratory. Biological material is placed in a nutrient medium. If there are gonorrhea pathogens, then the growth of colonies of microbes is detected. Then an antibiogram is performed - a test that allows you to determine the susceptibility of bacteria to antibacterial substances. This study allows you to choose the most effective drug.

Most often, injections are prescribed, which is due to high performance, when compared with the tablet form. For example, for a mild form of gonorrhea, one injection with Spectinomycin is given, while the tablets must be taken for at least five days. Therefore, if the patient has a choice, it is better to choose injections. It should also be noted that the injections act faster, which allows you to stop the alarming symptoms as quickly as possible. Another plus: there is no detrimental effect on the gastric mucosa; rarely develop negative phenomena.

There are situations when even strong antibiotics do not help to cure the patient. Therefore, when choosing a drug, it is necessary to take into account the phenomena of resistance. In medical practice, drugs are isolated:

  • Basic medicines. This group includes antibiotics that have an extremely high level of biological activity against gonococci. It is better to prescribe them immediately after the discovery of gonococcal flora;
  • Alternative Medicines- these are products that are characterized by high and medium activity against pathogenic microorganisms. They are prescribed when the main group has not helped or is allergic to it;
  • Reserve drugs are used last when the first two groups did not give the desired result. Such drugs effectively destroy gonococci, but there is a risk of developing resistance to them.

Important: during oral or intramuscular use of drugs, it is necessary to abandon the use of alcoholic beverages - ethanol reduces the effectiveness of antibiotics. To exclude re-infection, simultaneous treatment of both partners is carried out. For the period of therapy and until the results of the tests are obtained, sexual rest is recommended.

At the first symptoms of gonorrhea, you should consult a doctor. The sooner treatment is started, the lower the risk of complications. Lack of therapy leads to negative consequences: erectile dysfunction, prostatitis and urethritis (often), infertility and atrophic changes in the testicles (rarely).

Gonorrhea is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. The disease is diagnosed in both women and men. Most often, the pathology occurs in people aged 19-35, however, it can also affect newborns. In some situations, gonorrhea can be asymptomatic, which makes it difficult to diagnose it in a timely manner. And the disease in advanced forms is dangerous for its consequences.

The acute form of gonorrhea is easy to diagnose, since it proceeds with pronounced characteristic signs. If a disease is suspected, both sexual partners must undergo a medical examination and pass the appropriate tests to identify the causative agent of the disease. Interesting fact! Gonococcus in half the cases accompanies chlamydia, syphilis and trichomoniasis.

Diagnostic activities include:

  • bacterioscopic examination of the smear;
  • bacteriological research;
  • methods of provocation;
  • laboratory and instrumental research methods;
  • polymerase chain reaction.

To identify the causative agent of gonorrhea and assess the general condition of the patient, the doctor uses the results of the following laboratory tests:

  1. General blood test. Helps to detect the development of an infectious-inflammatory process in the body. The presence of pathology will be indicated by an increase in the concentration of leukocytes, an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).
  2. General analysis of urine. This study is not considered specific for gonorrhea, however, it helps to detect the symptoms of the disease. The development of a purulent-inflammatory process will be indicated by elevated levels of erythrocytes and leukocytes in urine.
  3. Direct immunofluorescence reaction. This research method helps to detect the causative agent of gonorrhea in a very short time. For analysis, the resulting biomaterial is placed on glass and stained. Next, the smear is processed with a fluorescent antiserum, which contains antibodies that can bind to antigens located on the surface of gonococci.

In addition, the three-cup Thompson test is used to diagnose gonorrhea in men. This urine test allows you to determine the location of the pathology.

Morning urine is used as a biomaterial. The patient for one urination should fill 3 glasses without interrupting the process. Each sample is examined separately. If pus was detected in the first glass, but was absent in others, then the pathology is localized in the urethra. If there is pus in the second glass, it can be assumed that the prostate, posterior urethra and seminal vesicles are affected.


This analysis is considered one of the fastest and most accurate methods for detecting gonococcus, the causative agent of gonorrhea.

Stages of diagnostics:

  1. Biomaterial is taken from the patient. Purulent plaque from the mucous membrane of the pharynx, vaginal discharge, discharge from the rectum or urethra can serve as a material for research.
  2. The resulting biomaterial is applied to a special glass and stained. As a dye, as a rule, methylene blue acts.
  3. The dye penetrates and stains different structures of gonococci and can be easily detected under a microscope.

This study is effective in the diagnosis of acute gonorrhea, when the gonococcus is found in purulent discharges, for example, from the urethra or other affected areas.

In the chronic form of the disease, it is not always possible to identify the pathogen in the smear, so the doctor prescribes additional studies.

The purpose of this study is to stimulate the release of gonococci from the mucous membranes in the affected area. This increases the chances of detecting the pathogen under a microscope.

There are the following types of provocation:

  • biological. The patient is injected intramuscularly with an inactivated gonococcal vaccine, which contains inactive gonococci with preserved antibodies on their surface. The latter begin to stimulate the immune system, contribute to the faster absorption of pathogens by the cells of the immune system and their release with pus. Biological provocation can also be carried out by introducing the immunostimulator Pyrogenal into the rectum;
  • chemical. In this case, various chemicals are injected into the urethra, for example, a solution of silver nitrate or Lugol;
  • mechanical. It is carried out using a metal tube, which is inserted into the urethra;
  • alimentary or food. The essence of the provocation is the use of alcohol, salty and spicy foods.

To obtain more accurate results of the study, it is recommended to combine several provocations at the same time.

After the provocations have been carried out, a smear is taken from the alleged lesion area for microscopic examination. The sampling of biomaterial in women should be carried out on the 3rd-5th day of the menstrual cycle, since menstruation, as a rule, has an effective provoking effect.


With this method of research, the obtained biomaterial is transferred to nutrient media favorable for the growth of gonococcus. If bacterioscopic examination of the smear could not detect the causative agent of the disease, then this diagnostic method is able to detect even a small amount of gonococci, which, as a result of active reproduction, form gonococcal colonies on a nutrient medium.

Such a study allows you to make the correct diagnosis, as well as select antibacterial drugs, to which the gonococcus will be as sensitive as possible.

During the sampling of the biomaterial, the patient should not take any antibiotics, since the latter may adversely affect the results of the study.

Polymerase chain reaction is a modern diagnostic method that allows detecting the causative agent of the disease even in their low concentrations in the biomaterial.

The main advantages of the technique include:

  • high accuracy compared to other diagnostic methods;
  • speed of implementation. The results will be ready in a few hours.

The probability of an erroneous result in PCR diagnostics is practically zero.

Instrumental research methods

Diagnostic measures are effective not only for identifying the causative agent of gonorrhea, but also for detecting various complications of the pathology.

The most common are:

  1. Urethroscopy. A ureteroscope is used to examine the mucous membrane of the urinary tract. The study allows you to assess the condition of the mucosa, detect erosion, places of pathological narrowing or sources of bleeding.
  2. Colposcopy. The doctor examines the mucous membrane of the entrance to the vagina with a colposcope.
  3. Cervicoscopy. With the help of a hysteroscope, the doctor examines the mucous membrane of the cervical canal.

And also diagnostic laparoscopy helps to identify gonorrhea and its complications. At the same time, small punctures are made in the patient's abdominal cavity, through which tubes with video cameras at the ends are inserted. This method allows you to examine the ovaries, fallopian tubes and their patency.

According to the results of the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes the treatment of gonorrhea. Timely diagnosis increases the chances of recovery.

The prescribed scheme should be strictly adhered to in order to avoid the recurrence of the disease or its transition to a chronic or latent form, which are difficult to treat.

Treatment of gonorrhea in men and women is carried out with the same drugs.

Which doctor should I contact?

At the first manifestations of the disease, you should contact a dermatovenereologist. The doctor will examine and interview the patient to collect an anamnesis and prescribe additional tests. After the diagnosis is made, the doctor determines how gonorrhea can be treated.

Gonorrhea is usually treated at home. Hospitalization is carried out in case of development of infectious complications. Pharmaceutics offers a wide range of medicines, the doctor will select effective medicines at a price that suits the patient.

Antibiotic therapy

Antibiotics are the main drugs for the treatment of all forms of this disease.

The main antibacterial drugs are listed in the table.

Medicine name Short description
Benzylpenicillin Effectively prescribed for the treatment of acute gonorrhea.

Enter intramuscularly. In case of eye damage, the medicine is used in the form of eye drops.

Bicillin-3 Long lasting agent. It is administered intramuscularly.
Augmentin Combined drug with amoxicillin in the composition. It is available as a powder for oral suspension.
Clarithromycin Prescribed if penicillins are not effective. Produced in tablet form.
Produced in tablet form.
Azithromycin Produced in the form of capsules. Effective in uncomplicated and complicated form.
Sumamed Produced in the form of capsules.
Norfloxacin Tablets are effective for the treatment of uncomplicated gonorrhea.
Ciprofloxacin Available in tablets. It is prescribed for the treatment of uncomplicated and complicated gonorrhea.
Ofloxacin Tablets. It is used to treat complicated and uncomplicated gonorrhea.
Lomefloxacin Tablets. Assign for the treatment of uncomplicated and complicated forms of the disease.
Ceftriaxone Powder for injections. Used to treat uncomplicated and complicated gonorrhea
Azaran Effective in uncomplicated form. Available as a powder for injection
  1. Biseptol.
  2. Doxycycline
  3. Kirin. Ineffective in the fight against chlamydia.

Before prescribing an antibacterial drug, it is necessary to determine which drugs the gonococcus is most sensitive to. For this, bacteriological research is used. Women who have given birth are advised to stop breastfeeding for the duration of treatment. In addition, antibacterial drugs have some contraindications, so their independent intake is strictly prohibited.

Immunotherapy for gonorrhea

The essence of the treatment is the intramuscular administration of a special gonovaccine to the patient, which contains inactive forms of gonococci. The latter stimulate the immune system, and also increase the body's resistance. The therapeutic course is 6-8 injections.

Local therapy includes the use of medicines that have antiseptic and bactericidal effects.

For washing the urethra, the following agents are used:

  • potassium permanganate solution;
  • chlorhexidine solution;
  • silver nitrate solution;
  • protargol solution.

With damage to the skin, warm baths with Furacilin or potassium permanganate are effective. And also Clotrimazole cream and Miramistin spray have proven themselves well.

Local therapy should always be combined with the use of antibiotics.

Candles from gonorrhea

To improve the patient's condition, as well as eliminate the symptoms of the disease, the doctor prescribes rectal suppositories. The main advantage of rectal administration of the drug is the minimal risk of possible side effects, since they are absorbed into the bloodstream, bypassing the liver and portal vein.

The most effective suppositories for gonorrhea are:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Paracetamol, Indomethacin. Block the development of the pathological process in the body. They are characterized by analgesic and antipyretic effects.
  2. Antispasmodics: Papaverine. Relax smooth muscles and eliminate pain in various complications of gonorrhea.
  3. Immunomodulators: Viferon. They have a strong immunostimulatory effect. Slow down the processes of proliferation of connective tissue in the affected organs.

Positive feedback is left by patients who used suppositories with protargol for treatment.

The chronic form of the disease is difficult to treat.

Therapy for chronic triper includes taking the following drugs:

  • antibiotics. Medicines should be taken for several weeks;
  • immunomodulators;
  • anti-inflammatory agents. Effective only during periods of exacerbation.

In addition, in combination with drug therapy, physiotherapy procedures are effective: laser therapy and magnetotherapy. They help to reduce the severity of the pathological process, as well as accelerate the healing of affected tissues.

Treatment of extragenital forms of the disease

The following conditions are considered the most common:

  1. Anal gonorrhea. The disease affects the rectum. For treatment, as a rule, Benzylpenicillin, Levomycetin, Ciprofloxacin are prescribed. In addition, the use of rectal suppositories based on protargol is effective. Such suppositories have antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.
  2. Oropharyngeal gonorrhea. The infection affects the oral cavity, mucous membranes of the throat. Antibiotic therapy consists of taking Azithromycin or Ciprofloxacin. In addition, it is recommended to gargle with a weak soda or saline solution.

With gonorrhea, the gonococcus affects the conjunctiva of the eyes. For treatment, antibiotics are prescribed in combination with eye drops with an anti-inflammatory effect, for example, Tsiprolet. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, taking into account the severity of the course of the disease.

Since antibacterial drugs have a toxic effect on the developing fetus, the treatment of gonorrhea during the period of bearing a child can present certain difficulties. The child can become infected during childbirth, so the therapy of the pregnant woman is still carried out. The woman is sent to the hospital, where a doctor will observe her in order to notice a possible side effect in time.

For the treatment of gonorrhea during the period of bearing a child, as a rule, the following medications are used:

  • antibiotics: Erythromycin, Benzylpenicillin, Levomycetin. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the minimum dosage of the drug is prescribed. From the second trimester, the dose increases;
  • gonovaccine. Appointed from the third trimester;
  • local therapy. It is carried out at any stage of pregnancy and even before childbirth.

The introduction of drugs into the vagina, for example, suppositories for pregnant women is strictly prohibited.

Treatment of gonorrhea with folk remedies at home

It is important to remember that the causative agent of gonorrhea is difficult to treat without the use of antibacterial drugs. Therefore, it is very important to use folk methods in combination with antibiotic therapy.

The following folk methods are considered the most effective:

  1. Infusion of chamomile flowers. Has an antimicrobial effect. For cooking, pour 0.5 liters of warm water 4 tbsp. spoons of crushed flowers. Boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Next, cool the infusion and apply externally in the form of trays (for urogenital gonorrhea), for rinsing the mouth, and also for microclysters for anal gonorrhea.
  2. Infusion of the herb yarrow. The plant is characterized by antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects. To prepare, pour 500 ml of warm water 4 tbsp. spoons of herbs. Cook for 15 minutes in a water bath. Let the infusion cool and drink 2 tbsp. spoons half an hour before meals three times a day.
  3. St. John's wort herb infusion. The plant is characterized by astringent, anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects. The infusion is effectively used to treat gonorrhea of ​​the mouth and throat. For cooking, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over 50 g of chopped herbs and cook in a steam bath for 30 minutes. Then cool the product, strain and use for rinsing the mouth and throat. Procedures are carried out 3 times a day for 1-2 hours after meals.

After the course of treatment, the patient should undergo a complete examination and take tests to make sure that there is no gonococcus. Very often, both spouses must undergo treatment for the disease.

Consequences and complications of gonorrhea

Timely diagnosis and treatment reduces the risk of dangerous consequences and complications.

The main complications of gonorrhea in men are:

  • littreite;
  • inflammation of Morgagni's lacunae;
  • colliculitis;
  • tysonite;
  • lymphangitis;
  • inguinal lymphadenitis;
  • acute prostatitis;
  • vesiculitis;
  • epididymitis.

Women may experience the following complications of the disease:

  • endometritis;
  • salpingitis;
  • pelvioperitonitis.

Sepsis is also considered a dangerous complication that occurs in both men and women.

In most forums, patients who have recovered from gonorrhea leave mostly positive reviews and photos. Gonococci are resistant to some antibiotics, so treating gonorrhea is a bit difficult. The human body does not develop immunity to the causative agent of the disease, so there is a risk of re-infection. In such situations, the old treatment regimen will not bring results.

Every year, 62 million people are diagnosed with the disease. This is the second most important infection after chlamydia. Many people who have become infected with this disease are interested in the question of how to treat gonorrhea at home.

If the duration of the disease does not exceed two months, they speak of a fresh form of gonorrhea (which in turn is divided into acute, subacute and torpid). In the event that the process is sluggish and lasts more than two months, a chronic illness is diagnosed.

How they get infected and how dangerous the disease is

Gonorrhea is a very common disease, with several possible routes of infection. You can get infected in the following ways.

  • Most often, people become infected with gonorrhea during unprotected sexual contact. This can be vaginal, anal, oral-genital intercourse, or simply contact of the mucous membranes of the genital organs.
  • In rare cases, you can get gonococcus through household items. Women due to the structure of the genital organs in this way get the disease more often than men.
  • A newborn can get gonorrhea while passing through the birth canal. In this case, the gonococcus infects the child's eyes.

It is necessary to start the treatment of even a sluggish infection on time, since it can cause the following pathologies:

  • Cicatricial changes in the epididymis in men, which is fraught with infertility.
  • Blockages and adhesions in the fallopian tubes in women, which can also affect the ability to fertilize.
  • Prostatitis, which in turn negatively affects erection.
  • Problems with the course of pregnancy in women (early miscarriages, premature births, ectopic pregnancy, fetal growth retardation).
  • An infected mother may have a baby with conjunctivitis, sepsis, or otitis media.
  • Gonococcus can spread throughout the body, affecting the heart, joints, and kidneys.

Symptoms in women

Unlike men, gonorrhea in the fairer sex proceeds sluggishly and not too noticeably. The first manifestations of the disease may occur one or two weeks after infection. Gonorrhea is indicated by:

  • Yellow-green offensive discharge.
  • Cutting in urethra during urination and frequent desire to urinate.
  • Aching pain above the pubis, radiating to the back or leg.
  • Problems with the menstrual cycle.

These symptoms disappear very quickly, which makes it possible for a woman to feel healthy and have an active sex life, becoming a source of infection for her sexual partners.

In this case, the inflammatory process spreads to the uterus and fallopian tubes, which leads to the formation of adhesions.

Symptoms in men

3 to 5 days after sexual contact with an infected partner, a man experiences the first manifestations of the disease. Symptoms of gonorrhea are quite pronounced:

  • Burning sensation in the head of the penis, which may be accompanied by itching.
  • At the exit of urine, unpleasant sensations multiply.
  • The head of the penis turns red and swells.
  • After sleep, the external opening of the urethra sticks together.
  • Immediately after infection, a scanty discharge of a grayish tint appears. After a few days, the amount of whiter increases, they change their color, become yellow-green, fetid and stain underwear. The consistency of the discharge is thick and viscous, in the event that gonorrhea is accompanied by trichomoniasis, they become foamy.
  • At night, a man has a painful erection.
  • In rare cases, general symptoms appear, such as weakness, dizziness, fever, loss of appetite.

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease. In men, it is characterized by the occurrence of gonorrheal urethritis, caused by damage to the lower genitourinary system. The relevance of this pathology is associated with its growth and some of its features. The fact is that gonorrhea is often combined with other STIs (sexually transmitted infections), which makes it difficult to treat. Difficulties in therapy are also associated with the resistance of the pathogen to many antibacterial agents. This all speaks of the importance of prescribing the right and effective drugs with which you can be treated at home.

Description of the disease

Gonorrhea (gonorrhea) is an inflammatory disease of an infectious nature, which is caused by gonococcus. In its structure, this microorganism is a diplococcus, i.e., consisting of two cells. On the surface of the microbe contains many villi, with the help of which it is held and moves along the mucous membrane of the urogenital tract.


The pathogen can be transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person in the following ways:

  • Sexual. This path is the main one. It provides for the development of gonorrhea during any intimate contact with a sick person, in which the gonococcus enters the mucous membranes.
  • Contact household. Infection by this route occurs very rarely due to the weak resistance of the bacterium in the external environment. For the occurrence of the disease, contact of the mucous membrane of a healthy person with a household item contaminated with fresh gonococci is necessary, which will happen with a low probability.

Clinical picture

The first 10-14 days correspond to the incubation period of the disease, characterized by the absence of any symptoms. This is due to the spread and reproduction of the pathogen. When a significant number of gonococci are formed, the first signs of the disease begin to appear, the main of which is the presence of discharge from the urethra.

They occur last and are initially mucous. After a while, the discharge becomes purulent. Their intensity also depends on the time of onset of inflammation and increases as it progresses. Other symptoms of gonorrhea include:

  • itching, burning, pain in the urethra, as well as the spread of pain in the perineum;
  • dyspareunia (discomfort during sexual intercourse);
  • dysuric disorders (violation of urination by the type of difficulty and pain);
  • redness and swelling of the lips of the penis;
  • exit from the urethra of purulent contents of yellow-brown color when pressing on the head.

All of the above clinical manifestations characterize the acute form of the disease. In the absence or incorrectness of therapy, it becomes chronic. In this case, the symptoms are erased and often completely absent. There is only one manifestation of gonorrhea - purulent discharge. They are scarce, observed only in the morning.


At the first signs of the disease, you need to consult a doctor to establish its etiology (cause). A smear of discharge from the urethra is taken, followed by examination under a microscope and determination of the susceptibility of microbes to antibacterial agents. Only after the detection of gonococci can therapy be started, which is based on established sensitivity to certain groups of antibiotics.

Gonorrhea treatment aims to:

  • eradication (destruction) of gonococcus;
  • complete relief of clinical manifestations;
  • preventing the development of complications.

The doctor writes out a prescription with drugs, which must be used according to the prescribed scheme, taking into account the available instructions for use. Antibiotics of the cephalosporin series, macrolides and fluoroquinolones, which can be taken in tablets or administered intramuscularly with injections, are effective against gonococcus. The dosage is selected according to the severity of the disease individually.

Effective drugs

A pronounced effect is observed from taking medicines with the following active ingredients:

Active substance Description
CeftriaxoneIt destroys the wall of bacteria, inhibiting their vital activity. This medication is produced in vials with powder for the preparation of a solution that is administered intravenously or intramuscularly. The course of treatment is 14 days with a daily single injection of 1 gram of the drug. In a pharmacy, it is sold under the same name Ceftriaxone from different manufacturers.
CefotaximeIt is an analogue of ceftriaxone with the same mechanism of action and release form. Specific drugs with this substance are Cefotaxime, Claforan, Talcef, Cefabol, Cephalosin and others. It is applied 3 times a day for two weeks.
CefiximeThis medication also belongs to the cephalosporin group, like the previous two. Its difference is that it is available in the form of capsules, tablets and suspensions for oral administration. Scheme of application: 14 days with a double dose of 400 mg. Trade names of this medicine: Pancef, Suprax, Ceforal Solutab, etc.
AzithromycinBelongs to the macrolide series of antibacterial agents. They disrupt the DNA synthesis of a microbial cell and, as a result, prevent its reproduction. A characteristic feature of this substance is its ability to destroy the L-forms that the gonococcus forms for its protection. It is sold in oral forms under the name Azitral, Azithromycin, Sumamed, Sumamox, Sumaklid, Azitsid, Azivok
CiprofloxacinKills gonococci by blocking protein synthesis in cells. It is mainly used for gonococcal eye damage (gonoblenorrhea) in the form of eye drops. Trademarks - Tsiprolet, Tsipromed, Oftsipro

In a more rare case, gonorrhea can be treated with Metronidazole, provided that the bacteria are sensitive to it.

How to apply?

Antibiotics in tablets should be washed down only with drinking water according to the scheme. The suspension is also prepared with water.

With intramuscular use, the mechanism is more complex and includes step-by-step preparation of the solution. First, 3-4 ml of anesthetic (novocaine, lidocaine) is drawn into the syringe, which is then injected into the vial with the powder. Shake the bottle well until the product is completely dissolved. The solution should not contain flakes or sediment. The resulting agent is drawn back into the syringe and the needle is changed. The drug is injected into the upper-outer square of the muscle with its preliminary treatment with an antiseptic solution.

When treating gonorrhea, several rules should be followed:

  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages, as they reduce the effectiveness of medicines.
  • The course of antibiotic therapy must be completed completely, without gaps and breaks. Incomplete treatment leads to drug resistance of gonococci, and subsequently they will not be able to kill him.
  • During therapy, it is necessary to refuse sexual intercourse. This can provoke re-infection, the addition of other infections, as well as the transfer of bacteria to another person.
  • All sexual partners of a sick person should be treated.

Timely initiated and adequate therapy in compliance with all conditions will quickly relieve a man from this disease.

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