Sexual horoscope - Capricorn. Erogenous zones and favorite positions of the Capricorn Man?! Capricorn man gets wedged on a girl

Capricorn kamasutra for zodiac signs

Capricorn woman sex life and favorite poses of the Kama Sutra

Her passions are incorrigibly ordered. If it occurred to her to commit gang rape, she would carefully plan every step.
Whatever you may have heard before about Capricorn women, in fact, they are by no means cold. Those born under this sign simply need courage to overcome moral prohibitions. You may be able to persuade her to give free rein to her feelings.
She can find true satisfaction only by overcoming her cautious attitude towards love. Excessive vigilance can completely take over it. However, as soon as the Capricorn woman gains confidence in herself and in you, her initial restraint will evaporate. She loves to be the object of love.
Her gaze is never fixed on the stars. She is an earthly being. A Capricorn woman will never be impulsive in her attitude towards sex. Her passion is enough for any man, but she always controls herself.
She was born to be the object of admiration, courtship, persecution, but will never become someone's property. She knows what you want, but you cannot be sure that you know her thoughts. Many men are unable to figure out Capricorn. To others, her restraint and arrogance seem teasing, seductive, because they feel exceptionally strong emotions hiding behind this screen. However, the constant transitions from hot to cold will eventually drive any fan crazy.
When all the bright, dazzling, brilliant and accessible women are buried in your past, the Capricorn woman will remain in your mind. You will never forget her phone number. You will need extraordinary willpower to resist the temptation to dial that number again.
In truth, she is afraid of falling in love and wants to be sure of the authenticity of your feelings. She needs protection, strives for it.
Having become attached to her lover, she is unlikely to easily cool off towards him. She is an all-or-nothing maximalist. The Capricorn woman is exceptionally faithful to her chosen one.
However, in return, she should feel loved and desired. That is why at first she is cold and cautious. Before a true rapprochement with a person, she evaluates her chances. Her emotional "guard" never sleeps. Unfortunately, she doesn't always know how to relax. However, a man who really captures her heart and turns out to be worthy of her feelings will find in this woman an uninhibited and passionate partner, ready for anything for her chosen one.
Mistakes in choosing a lover that she makes are usually very serious. However, it can often turn a miss into a win. She has the patience, endurance and perseverance necessary for this. In the contest of wills, she will prove to be a strong opponent. Causing her serious pain is extremely dangerous. She will not forget and will not forgive insults. Her revenge knows no bounds.
She will always remain an independent person, defending her right to her own life. During the romance, she considers it permissible for herself to go anywhere and with anyone. In marriage, she would like to have her own car and a separate bank account. If she makes a career, then perhaps she will keep her last name. She will find a way to tell you, "I want to keep my identity."
Undoubtedly, she is very feminine and knows how important it is to look attractive. She has an innate neatness and tidiness, is very pedantic and meticulous in applying makeup, endowed with feminine taste in clothing and accessories. Her friends come to her for advice on how to dress and win over men.
She is prudent and will try to subjugate her partner, use him to achieve her goals. Weak men are drawn to the Capricorn woman. She is flattered by their attention, but she will not let them become a burden to her.
Shackled and timid in her youth, over the years she gains self-confidence. She usually marries late, after many affairs. But it never becomes a man's sex toy. She is too smart for this role. Her feelings are deep, in the absence of love, she may lose her physical or mental health. For a long-term relationship, it’s not enough for her to just have a good lover. She needs a man who can satisfy all her needs.
To be happy, she needs to be constantly busy, she often devotes her time to charitable or social activities. She takes life seriously and is deeply convinced of her ability to achieve significant goals. The problem is that she cannot find time to implement her plan. She always has new goals and desires that require mobilization of efforts. The Capricorn woman never finds complete satisfaction.
She respects successful people and is ready to follow their advice. She admires those in power and willingly obeys them. There is an easy way to deal with her tendency to be arrogant: don't be stingy with compliments. She loves them. Having gained a sense of confidence, believing in the sincerity of your admiration, she will become more human.
Calm, reserved, skillful, she doesn't always get what she deserves. She is pushed back by less talented rivals. But only for a while. In the end, she wins in spite of all difficulties, disappointments and obstacles.

Which woman is better in bed? opinion of men about the best lover according to the signs of the zodiac. Vote for your zodiac sign

Capricorn man sex life and favorite poses of the Kama Sutra

When you wish him "good night" and start to close the door, he will prevent you from doing this by putting his foot on the threshold. He won't accept rejection. Will be persistent until it breaks your resistance. Of course, sometimes "no" sounds like "yes" - or like "maybe". But why not say yes?
The goat is the symbol of this sign. Those born under this constellation make love with the voluptuous energy of a four-legged animal. Sex is necessary for them, like food and sleep.
Perhaps already on the first date you will suspect that you are faced with a sensual and earthly male. He expects the woman to go along with his desires. He is convinced that inside every most virtuous person there is a whore hiding, trying to break out. Sexual intercourse is more important to him than the partner herself. Undoubtedly, many men who are distinguished by a consumerist, disrespectful attitude towards a woman were born under this sign.
Capricorn is not naturally as cruel as Scorpio, but powerful sexuality makes him arrogant. He willingly uses the inexperience and naivety of the victim, he is attracted to partners who are significantly inferior to him in age.
He is passionate, sensual and cannot stand rejection. He won't let a woman tease him. He doesn't like to waste time. However, he will show understanding if you have reasonable reasons to refrain from immediate intimacy - he knows how to be patient. It will be enough for you to state your arguments. Don't try to play. He will not like it, he will immediately recognize the falsity.
Capricorn needs you to reassure him of your sympathy. He is demanding and wants to win your affection. If you pour balm on his pride, say how pleasant his company is for you, he will become an obedient puppet in your hands. Capricorn is loyal. He does not understand why many men feel the need for variety. If you have a good woman, why do you need others? Capricorn is satisfied with you alone.
He prefers to stay at home than to seek entertainment at parties. This does not mean that your family life will be boring. Sexual Capricorn will never get fed up with love - over the years, his abilities will only increase. Capricorn's interest in the physical side of relationships is inexhaustible. When his peers are in rocking chairs, Old Goat will lure women into his bedroom. The experience gained will hone his skills.
Needing relationships that bring physical satisfaction, he is not content with them alone. A woman must meet his requirements in other areas as well. He expects from you that you will turn out to be an excellent hostess, work partner, and true friend. He wants to feel that you are made for a romantic union. However, this is not the most important point for him. One Capricorn confessed to me: “To feel happy, it’s enough not to have false hopes.” Those born under this sign are primarily concerned with financial well-being. Capricorn is cautious, prudent, uncompromising. He will always do what he considers his duty. When wills clash, do not look for a reasonable compromise. Even if your partner pretends to give in to you, in reality he is just trying to buy time.
You will never know what's on his mind. He manages to hide his thoughts behind a mask of gloomy thoughtfulness. There is only one thing you can be sure of, behind his impassive expression, a secret flame can rage.
It moves towards the goal, sweeping away everything in its path, like a lava flow. He knows how to focus on one thing. He knows that no talents can help a person who does not know how to work. This is the key to his success in both love and business.
A born administrator, he usually climbs to the very top in his chosen field. He is determined, practical and ambitious. People who render him services will always be richly rewarded. If he fails, he will show steadfastness and perseverance, will win back his positions.
Capricorn men really tend to marry for convenience more often than representatives of other signs. Possessing pragmatic natures, they believe that love should be subordinated to the personal benefit of a person. Is it harder to fall in love with a rich woman than a poor one? Making love in the attic is no more romantic than in a luxury apartment. According to them, poor nutrition does not inflame sexual appetite at all.
As a rule, Capricorn is a sensual creature. He rises to the heights of love through purely physical passion. In emotional relationships, he demands a lot, but he himself tries to give as little as possible. He will not go out of his way to please or charm you. He regards such means of gaining love as the least important.
Given Capricorn's attitude towards women and his ability to handle money, it will not seem surprising that many representatives of this sign become pimps, producers of porn films or dealers in erotic products.

Capricorns, of course, are not the most romantic representatives of the starry sky. But what can you do? But they are practical and convenient in everyday life, you can rely on them and feel like behind a stone wall. But there is one way to see him as a romantic! It only happens in bed.

Behavior in bed

In bed, the Capricorn man rightfully considers himself not just a connoisseur of women, but an connoisseur of their sexual sphere. He is experienced in sex, at whatever age you meet him. He is confident in himself and his masculine strength, and if a woman makes it clear that he did not satisfy her, Capricorn will rather consider that she is “some kind of wrong” and, just in case, stop contact with this lady.

Like any other man, Capricorn in sex wants to appear macho, being a complexer. His complexes are the fear of not being able to get excited, ending at the wrong time, not bringing a woman to orgasm. Don't criticize or blame him if something goes wrong. Any indelicate word in this intimate area can discourage you from wanting forever.

With Capricorn in bed is not very easy and pleasant. He does not need a woman to explain to him “where she is pleased”, he will even consider it immodest, vulgar and personal insult if she starts this conversation. Come to terms with the fact that in sex you will have everything as he said, and pray that this suits you.

Capricorn man does not know how to be a lover. He does not crave extreme sex and does not want to hide in the closet when her husband returns from work knocks on the door. For Capricorn, it is very important that the bed is neatly made, everything is clean, calm and, most importantly, quiet. The ringing phone, the noise outside the window will knock him out of rhythm, but if you come across a patient Capricorn man, he will be able to occupy himself with masturbation while you turn off the exploding phone.

How to please Capricorn?

The main erogenous zone of a Capricorn man is his penis. He does not like to experiment with postures, he considers it a bad form and a waste of time, and he does not want you to study his body, looking for the third meridian of the fifteenth width in feng shui. Capricorn loves and honors women who can give him oral pleasure. If a woman refuses, it's personal
an insult to his manhood, which he cherishes very much.

In bed, you will not need to philosophize on how to satisfy a Capricorn man, even if you have absolutely no experience in dealing with men in sex. Capricorn will gladly teach you to do everything the way he likes. The main thing is to be an exemplary student and grasp on the fly.

Although Capricorn is not the most inventive person in bed, intimate relationships with him will not bother the mind of any woman. Everything will turn out somehow by itself, without theater, masks and pretense. In his arms, a woman can feel not only desirable, but also a skilled seducer.

Capricorns are not the best

romantic individuals on earth, but their main advantage is reliability, behind a man - Capricorn you will be like behind a stone wall. The only place where he is a real romantic is the bed. And this means that if you are in a close relationship with a Capricorn and want to reveal it to 100%, unnoticed by him, smoothly transfer events to bed.

Any woman can become an ideal lover for a Capricorn man, if only she is smart, professionally independent and can shine in any society with her beauty and intelligence. Of course, it is not always possible to feel confident next to such a man, because it is difficult to understand what to say and what to keep silent about, so we bring to your attention an article in which you will find a guide so that this man will surely like it. So, first things first.

The behavior in bed of this man is influenced by the environment. You need to prepare for intimacy with him in advance. What is needed for this? The room should be twilight, the bed made with silk linen. And a woman should lie in bed in a beautiful position, waiting for her chosen one. This is enough to ignite a man in seconds, but you can’t torment him for a long time, be active.

Women's activity and initiative!

The very first and most important advice is to be active. You need to take the initiative. You should not rush at a man, but at the same time you should not demonstrate insensitivity, you should not force him to conquer you. He won't appreciate it.

This man will exalt a woman who will provoke sexual intercourse herself. Of course, he will be the leader in sex, but this does not mean at all that it is worth shifting all responsibility for pleasure to him. Women's activity really likes this man during intimacy. This, in fact, excites him even more. If she is passive, a man may regard this as an insult, and will also make him think about his male inferiority.

Believe me, this man will be more pleased with a simulator who will imitate an orgasm than one who will just lie like an insensitive doll. Such a woman is unlikely to be in the same bed with him again. Sex is a proof to each other of love, as well as a game that is more interesting to play together.

If you show your activity during intimacy, you will show this man that you love him, you want intimacy with him. And he will always understand that she is with him to get another portion pleasure.

Tell him about your desires!

Talk about your desires to your man. You need to talk about your desires, preferences, what you like and what you don’t. It is worth showing attention to him so that he gets satisfaction from sex. You can make a kind of sex instruction, in which all the important points for intimacy will be painted. Despite his chastity, he will like it. And it’s enough just to start a conversation for him to support it. After all, he will now understand how best to behave in order to deliver and enjoy.

However, many women refuse this conversation. And absolutely in vain. If you like this man, and you value yourself, it is worth talking about this topic, talking about your desires, and learning about his preferences. Just get started - it's not that hard. And he, for his part, will definitely appreciate your sincerity and openness.

Confidence is sexy!

Girls are constantly worried about the problems of their appearance. They are especially tormented by the question of extra centimeters at the waist and hips. And this is in vain, because men do not look for flaws in their chosen one. He thinks in a completely different way, because he is interested in the process itself, rather than some features of the figure. And besides, there are simply no perfect girls, and that's the whole point. Believe me, this man is the least interested in what color underwear you are wearing, what hairstyle you have, and how many centimeters of cellulite are on your thighs. He just wants to have fun with you.

Do not hold back your desires, if you want to do something, you need to do it. In general, ideal behavior in bed is getting rid of all complexes. In general, intimate relationships are attention to each other, and for this it is enough just to see what each other likes.

Don't try to hit him!

Many girls try to impress this cold-looking man with their underwear and grooming.
all this is nonsense for him, if she does not have any feelings for him. He would like his partner to be relaxed and natural. Do not suppress your desires and instincts. He is observant and experienced enough to recognize the game behind her behavior. If she behaves naturally, she will conquer him forever. Also, she should not use generally accepted erotic clichés on him, he will definitely not like it.

Be emotional!

Some women are so shy that they are afraid to show their feelings. It can attract him, but only at the very beginning of the relationship. Then he will want to be with a woman who reacts emotionally to her caresses. The modest will get tired of the monotony, and he will try to move away. In intimacy, a woman has every chance to be natural in order to show her love. Do not suppress screams and groans, he may like it. However, it is also impossible to go to the other extreme, becoming an angry tigress.

Have sex with full dedication!

Of course, it is very important to have feelings for this man in order to have sex with him. However, it is worth remembering that he may be a supporter of scented candles, music, a pleasant atmosphere in the bedroom, but sometimes he does not need all this. He is more interested in the physiological act itself. And you should give it to him, because it will help you to have a better understanding. Besides, sex is great way replace training, throw off a few pounds.

During the action, you can not be silent. Of course, chatting all the time is also not an option. You can whisper something gentle and unforgettable in his ear, or you can direct his actions to get more pleasure. Making the process enjoyable for both is as easy as saying it!

The love bed is not a place for selfish people. Each of the partners must do everything to please their soulmate. Some women believe that he should shower her with gifts, caresses and do everything to please her. But it is worth remembering that he also wants to get affection, to enjoy communicating with you. Understanding this, you can make the process more enjoyable for both, and especially come to the understanding that morally and physically you are the only one for him.

Touch him after intimacy!

Behavior after sex is very important, as well as behavior before and after it. Studies say that it is important for this man to feel the support and love of his partner after intimacy. To do this, just touch it with your lips and hands, or you can touch it with your whole body and stay in this position. This will help him recover from intimacy. It should be noted that caresses before and after sex speak of a strong attraction between partners.

Have conversations with him after intimacy!

If you lack tenderness and affection in sex, you can easily fix it. Tell him about your feelings, desires, thank him for a great time. As a result, your intimacy will become more harmonious, and relationships stronger.

The most important thing!

It is not difficult to follow all these rules, especially considering the reward for this - excellent intimacy satisfying both, increased sensuality. It is enough just to be attentive to him so that the relationship becomes stronger and with a perspective.

Erotic horoscope Capricorn

In the sexual life of Capricorn, there is a large, СЗем Сѓ РґСЂСѓРіРёС… Р·Раков, dependence on age. In their younger years, R"SRґRyo этого знака Р-одиака are more restrained in this regard, but only due to their own willpower, since they experience far from comic passions. They go to great lengths to mask their feelings.

Closer to middle age, Capricorns, due to certain life achievements, become more self-confident and bold in the intimate sphere. They will not put on a show to win over members of the opposite sex, betting on the strength of their status. Capricorn does not care about giving love a romantic flair, remaining outwardly restrained and cold.

But having celebrated their fortieth birthday, Capricorns are already able to rush into all serious and completely cease to restrain sexual impulses, as if intending to catch up with everything that was missed before.

Erotic horoscope: Capricorn man

PњСѓR¶С‡РёРЅС‹ этого знака, for the most part, like RїСЂРµРєСЂР°СЃРЅРѕРјСѓ полу, but they themselves do not like fleeting connections. They are not the most passionate lovers, they do not give their partners the opportunity to see and understand the full power of their feelings, although sometimes they allow themselves to open up more than usual. For them, sex is a kind of ritual that allows you to get rid of the accumulated tension, stress, it is during intimacy that the best features of the Capricorn man appear.

A Capricorn man most likely will not be able to experience physical passion for a woman for whom he does not have respect. He loves that love dates take place in the most comfortable environment, according to the laws of the genre - in a mysterious twilight, to pleasant music, on beautiful bedding, etc.

Possessing excellent potency, the Capricorn man in bed is able to completely control it, and he is proud of it a lot. Hearing flattering words about his abilities, he is even more inspired, ready for new exploits.

The sexual behavior of Capricorns may not be without oddities. For example, many of them like to fake rape, they like to make love when their partner's hands are tied and a gag is inserted into her mouth. Even if a woman is initially ready for such a scenario, in the end she may suffer, because. resistance attempts (already real, not simulated) only increase his sadistic inclinations in Capricorn-lover. Faced with opposition, he will take his own with even greater persistence by force, not taking into account the requests of the partner, because. in bed, a Capricorn man is obsessed only with himself. Repentance comes only after the final, but the next time everything can happen again.

Erotic horoscope: Capricorn woman

The natural temperament and sexuality of such a woman is constantly in conflict with external propriety. Men are often perplexed when they encounter unexpected psychological barriers during intimacy with them. Nevertheless, the accumulated sexual energy from time to time takes over, and then the man can only be surprised at the sophistication and passion of his Capricorn partner.

Nature gave the Capricorn woman the ability to quickly get excited even from minor touches and enjoy without tricks in the form of bizarre poses, all kinds of devices, etc. The Capricorn woman in bed is more interested in the duration of the act than in its diversity and even more exotic. She likes to be given the opportunity to lead.

Like men, Capricorn women are prone to sadism, they like to “punish” their partner, while becoming seriously excited. At this moment, P¶PµRSC‰PёRSC‹ этого знака often bite, and they can do it very painfully, leaving deep wounds.

Erogenous zones of Capricorn

Representatives of both sexes of this zodiac sign react violently when partners pay special attention to their knees. From their inside the skin is so sensitive that exposure to it quickly excites Capricorns, and the upper part of the inner thighs is also particularly sensitive. Capricorns really like back massage, which should be started starting from the lower back, then moving up and paying attention to each vertebra. A special place on the body of Capricorns are the armpits: a variety of effects on this sensitive area can give them an unforgettable experience.

Capricorn man in Bed, Capricorn man loves.

Capricorns are not the best

This man can demonstrate different feelings and passions in different ages. In his younger years, he completely controls himself, preventing serious passions from escaping. With age, he lets go of the reins and begins to amaze his partners with performances. At the same time, outwardly, he remains restrained and cold. He mistakenly believes that he attracts women with his financial position. After forty years, he completely abandons restraint, and can go to all lengths to catch up.

In bed, Capricorns consider themselves real connoisseurs, at any age, even young, he will feel confident. The Capricorn man is afraid to fall face down in the dirt in bed in front of a girl. If something did not happen the way you wanted, then it is better to keep silent and do not criticize him, otherwise you will push him away from you forever. If a woman says or makes it clear that he could not satisfy her appetite, Capricorn will consider her wrong and leave her in search of another girl.

For him, intimacy is a ritual during which he gets rid of negative emotions. He just rests, but at the same time he tries to get pleasure. Often in pursuit of his own pleasure, he forgets about his partner. Therefore, often she does not get the opportunity to open up in full force. He usually furnishes the action with skill and taste. This is a beautiful bedding, comfortable environment. He may seem strange in the manifestation of feelings, as he gravitates towards dubious pleasures, always informing his partner about this in advance.

He never enters into intimacy if he does not respect a woman. For him, she is the embodiment of femininity, beauty and charm. He tries to make his partner understand his desires even before the start of the action. If she refuses, she will never use force. Delicacy and the ability to accept someone else's opinion are good features in this man. But in bed, he is always fixated on himself, so he cannot always give her pleasure. And it's not because he doesn't want to. He does not understand that it is he who must try to do this.

Capricorn men love to make love in a quiet romantic setting, you can turn on quiet music, invite him to dance. During the dance, the partner should stroke his arms, shoulders, back, kiss his neck, whisper in his ear about how much you want him, and then slide your hand into his boxers. Such a gesture will ignite Capricorn, and he will burn with passion and desire to get you as quickly as possible.

With Capricorn, it’s not very easy in bed matters, because he always acts as he sees fit, and if you start talking to him about your bed desires, he may consider it vulgar and will not want to listen to you or take these words seriously.

It is difficult to determine the role of a woman in a relationship with this man. He will definitely be the leader. She can play some roles, but usually he writes the script. He likes to act out scenes in which he acts as a villain. At the same time, he does not always understand that he should ask how much his partner likes it. He may become aware of his rude behavior in the finale. But this is not a guarantee that the situation will not happen again. But usually this behavior is characteristic of him at a young age, when he often has to restrain his emotions.

There are men who love role-playing games, play with him an innocent girl or a nurse and a victim, a red cap or a schoolgirl, such games excite Capricorns just as much, some even offer to play something in bed. But not all men of this zodiac sign are like that, there are Capricorns who are insecure in themselves, with whom you need to be as careful as possible so as not to accidentally hurt him. A light back massage also excites Capricorn. It is necessary to hold the palms along the back, paying attention to each vertebra. If everything is done correctly, then you will have a Capricorn in the guise of a lion.

To attract and keep this man, you will have to fulfill all his ideas and fantasies, break the ice of his aloofness with complete trust. At the same time, his partner should play along with him the way he wants it. She will have to become as hardy as he is. He is in full control of himself, so it will take a lot of effort to wear him down and give him satisfaction. Rather, she is frazzled. With him there will be no romantic raid on intimacy, but she will always be furnished with special comfort and even luxury.

@ Neonilla Samukhina, philosopher, Russian writer and publisher Capricorns are very peculiar and often their personality depends on the gender of the person who was born under this sign. They are often victims of their emotions, which are very strong and especially in the field of sex. The erogenous zones of Capricorns will help you find the key to their heart. Erogenous zones of Capricorn - where? Where are the erogenous zones of Capricorn: The knees and popliteal fossa are especially sensitive zones of this sign. TO... >>>>>

@ Neonilla Samuhina, philosopher, Russian writer and publisher Recently, Capricorn is most often of interest to women. After all, this is one of the most reliable signs that have a fairly large willpower. Many women say about such people: "Like behind a stone wall." Capricorn is a lover - what is he like in love and sex Long-term romances are possible with a Capricorn man, but there will also be periodic betrayals in his personal life. Although in spite of everything, family and children are everything for him ... >>>>>

@ Neonilla Samukhina, philosopher, Russian writer and publisher In order to find out what Capricorn is like in bed, you need to get to know his character and hobbies. Capricorns in bed - what kind of lovers are they? This sign is characterized by a cold attitude towards others and rarely smiles. If you see Capricorn, you may think that he is simply unfriendly to you, but this is not so. After all, this is just a mask of indifference, which is “put on” so that he is not touched once again on empty ... >>>>>

@ Neonilla Samukhina, philosopher, Russian writer and publisher Capricorns are picky, so remember well how to please Capricorn in bed. This sign is characterized by shyness and restraint in relationships, so not everyone knows the answer to this question. Saturn is the slow planet that completes the first cycle of the zodiac in 30 years. People who are born under this sign are very similar to it. Capricorn in bed - what to expect from him During this period, his... >>>>>

@ Neonilla Samuhina, philosopher, Russian writer and publisher Charming this man, at some point you may be faced with the question: how to seduce Capricorn? This task is often very difficult. After all, Capricorns are often attracted only to what makes practical sense. He also tries to be careful and unhurried in everything. How to seduce Capricorn - tips Basically, Capricorns do not like to start windy romances that will lead nowhere. So they are looking... >>>>>

@ Neonilla Samukhina, philosopher, Russian writer and publisher In the personal life of every person it is very important that sex satisfies personal needs. Consider what is sexual compatibility this sign with representatives of other signs of the zodiac. With which of them will Capricorn be better? Sexual compatibility of Capricorn with other signs of the zodiac Capricorn and Capricorn So two loneliness met ... Capricorn and Aquarius Aquarius for Capricorn is an unnecessary luxury, only trouble from him ... >>>>>

@ Neonilla Samukhina, philosopher, Russian writer and publisher Consider what features a Capricorn woman has. We are talking about women born on December 22 - January 20. Capricorn woman in love and sex Despite the strictness in observing external decorum, she is erotic and amorous, but often resists her attraction. The mask of icy indifference sometimes hides the most painful passions that are suppressed and find a way out in numerous complexes. But from time to time fermented well ...

Capricorns are not the most romantic individuals on earth, but their main advantage is reliability, behind the Capricorn man you will be like behind a stone wall. The only place where he is a real romantic is the bed. And this means that if you are in a close relationship with Capricorn and want to reveal it to 100%, unnoticed by him, smoothly transfer events to bed.

This man can demonstrate different feelings and passions at different ages. In his younger years, he completely controls himself, preventing serious passions from escaping. With age, he lets go of the reins and begins to amaze his partners with performances. At the same time, outwardly, he remains restrained and cold. He mistakenly believes that he attracts women with his financial position. After forty years, he completely abandons restraint, and can go to all lengths to catch up.

His behavior in bed

In bed, Capricorns consider themselves real connoisseurs, at any age, even young, he will feel confident. The Capricorn man is afraid to fall face down in the dirt in bed in front of a girl. If something did not happen the way you wanted, then it is better to keep silent and do not criticize him, otherwise you will push him away from you forever. If a woman says or makes it clear that he could not satisfy her appetite, Capricorn will consider her wrong and leave her in search of another girl.

For him, intimacy is a ritual during which he gets rid of negative emotions. He just rests, but at the same time he tries to get pleasure. Often in pursuit of his own pleasure, he forgets about his partner. Therefore, often she does not get the opportunity to open up in full force. He usually furnishes the action with skill and taste. This is a beautiful bedding, comfortable environment. He may seem strange in the manifestation of feelings, as he gravitates towards dubious pleasures, always informing his partner about this in advance.

Relationship with a partner

He never enters into intimacy if he does not respect a woman. For him, she is the embodiment of femininity, beauty and charm. He tries to make his partner understand his desires even before the start of the action. If she refuses, she will never use force. Delicacy and the ability to accept someone else's opinion are good features in this man. But in bed, he is always fixated on himself, so he cannot always give her pleasure. And it's not because he doesn't want to. He does not understand that it is he who must try to do this.

Capricorn men love to make love in a quiet romantic setting, you can turn on quiet music, invite him to dance. During the dance, the partner should stroke his arms, shoulders, back, kiss his neck, whisper in his ear about how much you want him, and then slide your hand into his boxers. Such a gesture will ignite Capricorn, and he will burn with passion and desire to get you as quickly as possible.

What is your role?

With Capricorn, it’s not very easy in bed matters, because he always acts as he sees fit, and if you start talking to him about your bed desires, he may consider it vulgar and will not want to listen to you or take these words seriously.

It is difficult to determine the role of a woman in a relationship with this man. He will definitely be the leader. She can play some roles, but usually he writes the script. He likes to act out scenes in which he acts as a villain. At the same time, he does not always understand that he should ask how much his partner likes it. He may become aware of his rude behavior in the finale. But this is not a guarantee that the situation will not happen again. But usually this behavior is characteristic of him at a young age, when he often has to restrain his emotions.

The most important thing!

There are men who love role-playing games, play with him an innocent girl or a nurse and a victim, a red cap or a schoolgirl, such games excite Capricorns just as much, some even offer to play something in bed. But not all men of this zodiac sign are like that, there are Capricorns who are insecure in themselves, with whom you need to be as careful as possible so as not to accidentally hurt him. A light back massage also excites Capricorn. It is necessary to hold the palms along the back, paying attention to each vertebra. If everything is done correctly, then you will have Capricorn in the guise of a lion.

To attract and keep this man, you will have to fulfill all his ideas and fantasies, break the ice of his aloofness with complete trust. At the same time, his partner should play along with him the way he wants it. She will have to become as hardy as he is. He is in full control of himself, so it will take a lot of effort to wear him down and give him satisfaction. Rather, she is frazzled. With him there will be no romantic raid on intimacy, but she will always be furnished with special comfort and even luxury.

Capricorns love to lead in all areas of life, including sexual relationships. Outwardly, they can be quite reserved and modest, but in bed they change and become passionate, inventive and very seductive lovers. But in fact, sexual relations for representatives of this zodiac sign are not the most important thing. After all, sex is just an opportunity to be closer to your loved one, to give him and yourself pleasure. They prefer rather long-term relationships, not welcoming fleeting hobbies. Capricorns are looking for faithful and obedient companions in life and make quite a lot of demands on them. They themselves feel comfortable only if they have complete freedom. Erotic massage, fine wine and scented candles are great for exciting people born under this sign of the Zodiac.

Capricorn Man

In life, a Capricorn man is very cheerful, does not accept problems and difficulties. Sexual relations for him are associated with emotional and psychological experiences, and pleasure is the highest joy. He receives full satisfaction from erotic experiences, in which he plunges very deeply. He is fond of his partner with all the passion he is capable of, so he will never pay attention to other women. If he is loved, then he is immensely happy, but if his love is unrequited, he will be in despair. A Capricorn man often hides his feelings, remaining rather introverted. Among Capricorns, there are a fairly large number of not very happy husbands and lovers due to the fact that these men cannot always open up towards their partner. Representatives of this zodiac sign prefer to be leaders in relationships, plan everything themselves and make all decisions. Capricorn himself will never submit or yield.

In sexual relationships, Capricorn male prefers positions 81, 8 and 36.

Capricorn Woman

A Capricorn woman does not know how to distinguish between sex and love - for her, the first is impossible without the second, and therefore she falls in love with each of her partners. Can be quite jealous and even aggressive, but never allows the same feelings towards herself. Starting with her easy, non-binding, flirting is almost useless. Family and children for a Capricorn woman is a necessity. Under the influence of falling in love, he often marries quite early, the chosen one must be polite, smart and brilliant. Representatives of this zodiac sign almost always remain faithful to their husbands, even after many years of marriage and with dissatisfaction in bed. A sense of responsibility does not allow fleeting hobbies. If he decides to cheat, he constantly feels guilty. The soul of such a woman is a mixture of responsibility and strong emotions. In bed, it can be very different, depending on the partner, mood and environment. If everything goes well, then the Capricorn woman is able to reach the highest peaks of pleasure. In bed, the most preferred positions are 67 and 108.

You can see the descriptions of the poses mentioned above in the Poses section of the Kamasutra. Also on the site published the book Kama Sutra - full text.

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