Do-it-yourself two-chamber septic tank from reinforced concrete rings. How to independently make a septic tank from concrete rings on the site? Types of septic tanks made of concrete rings

When sewerage is performed in a private house, many questions may arise on the topic of how to make a septic tank from concrete rings on your own. In this article, you can find a detailed description of the device itself and the process of its manufacture.

Septic tanks: advantages and principle of operation

It is necessary to answer the question why the septic tank is considered the basis of the sewer system? There is such a device as a cesspool for sewage. But it has its main drawback. The hole must be constantly pumped out.

This means that the more often the sewer system is used, the more drains will fall into the pit. Accordingly, you will have to call the feces pumping machine more often.

Helpful information ! A septic tank is a device that, having made it once, you can forget about what sewage is for a long time. If the septic tank is made according to the rules, and the quality of the drainage is excellent, then you can do without a pumping machine. Once in a long time, you only have to clean the bottom of the tank.

So, you need to figure out what is a do-it-yourself septic tank made of concrete rings? This is a whole structure, which consists of at least three compartments. Each of them is connected by pipes. Drains enter the septic tank through the first pipe from the room.

In the first chamber of the septic tank, water partially evaporates. It is cleaned of impurities and undergoes a process of biological decomposition. Anaerobic bacteria are involved in a complex process of breakdown into inorganic substances. Gases are also released.

Gases exit through a special pipe to the surface. Almost pure water passes into the second chamber of the septic tank. This is called a filtration well.

Important! In order to speed up the decay process in a septic tank, a certain amount of artificial bacteria can be added inside the tank. But it is worth noting that the already real bacteria that are already in the septic tank do their job well.

Currently, you can buy a septic tank already in finished form and only assemble it on the site. But such a purchase will be expensive. They even use worn-out car tires of large diameter to equip a septic tank. But in order not to go from one extreme to another, you can simply make a septic tank from concrete rings.

Septic tank made of concrete rings: general information

is a design that is reliable in operation and ensures the proper level of treatment of water effluents. Installation costs for such equipment are minimal.

Even if there are no certain skills, you can still do the installation work yourself. Although it is worth noting that in some works experience will be required, but more on that later.

The septic tank chamber is created by reinforced concrete rings, which are installed one on top of the other in the pit. The inside of the septic tank is sealed. This allows you to protect the environment and soil from unwanted pollution. A special compound is used that allows you to seal the joints in the rings of the septic tank.

A cast-iron manhole is placed on top of the septic tank. Through the hatch, you can carry out equipment diagnostics and pumping. Pebbles or coarse gravel are used as a filter in a septic tank. from concrete rings lies in the fact that its dimensions can be independently controlled and such a tank can be installed, which would be required for a particular house.

We calculate the volume of the septic tank

Before starting, it is necessary to carry out its calculations. If you need to determine the depth of the pit under the septic tank, then you need to take into account the approximate amount of effluent that will flow into the tank per day. Of course, a lot depends on the size of the rings.

  • On average, one person consumes up to 200 liters of water per day. Therefore, a family of three members uses about 0.6 cubic meters of water per day. Experts note that it is best to use a measure of three-day water use. In this situation, this is 1.8 cubic meters. If a larger volume is chosen, then this will only increase the strength and durability of the entire structure.
  • If you use standard rings 10-8 for a septic tank, then the volume of one ring is 0.63 square meters. If a single-chamber septic tank is designed, then at least three rings will be needed to ensure the stable operation of the device.
  • Before creating the desired depth of lowering the rings into the ground, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of connecting sewer pipes to the device. The sewer pipe depends on the slope and distance of the septic tank from the house. For example, if the sewer pipe runs at a depth of 50 centimeters, then the height of the pit should be at least three meters.
  • As for the second chamber of the septic tank, it must be said that its volume should be 16 times more than the daily water consumption of all family members. The well must be either very deep or wide.
  • In extreme cases, the walls of the septic tank are made of brick. But in this case, it is necessary to perform additional sealing with bitumen over the entire surface.

When all verification work has been completed, you can begin to dig a pit for a septic tank. It is necessary to dig a hole, taking into account the fact that the rings of the septic tank and the filtration compartment should enter it.

It is best to dig a septic tank with an excavator. However, if there is no place where to drive it, for example, in a private house, then you will have to do the work manually - with shovels.

The bottom of the pit must be concreted. Concrete rings will be placed there. The concrete bottom allows you to protect the soil from the penetration of unfiltered waste. Where the filtration well will stand, the bottom is not concreted. It is covered with filtration material - pebbles or gravel - for better filtration.

The layer of filtration material should be within 50-100 centimeters. This must also be taken into account when digging a pit and arranging a septic tank as a whole.

Installation of rings

When the pit is ready, you can begin to install the septic tank rings - both the main tank and the filter compartment. Here you need to use the services of a crane. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to lift the concrete rings and lower them into the pit manually.

Attention! If there is no truck crane or there is no possibility of its access to the site, you can do otherwise. Rings standing on the ground are dug up until they begin to sink into the ground. This method of installation is rarely resorted to, so there is a lot of work to be done. It must also be remembered that the concreting of the rings is carried out only after all the rings are immersed in the ground.

Rings that are installed on top of each other are sealed. The joints are well smeared with cement mortar. Use resin to seal joints. With joints, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bconnection of the upper ring to the bottom of the base of the septic tank is also sealed.

The rings on the filtration well are also sealed at the seams. The lower ring is installed on the ground without sealing.

The next stage of work is the implementation of overflow pipes on the first compartment of the septic tank. It is best when the overflows are made in the form of curved pipes using the water seal method. Thus, air will not enter the pipes.

Excavated soil is filled between the walls and rings of the pit. If possible, some sand is added to the soil.

Overlapping a septic tank

The last stage that crowns everything is the implementation of the overlap.

Additionally, a ventilation duct is made in the ceiling. A pipe with a diameter of 100 millimeters is inserted. It should rise above the level of the septic tank to a height of one meter.

Use cast-iron hatches, you can buy a plastic hatch. The main thing is that its size fits this septic tank. If possible, the floor slab is covered with earth. Only hatches are left on the surface.

If you perform the arrangement of the septic tank yourself according to the above instructions, then the quality of work should be perfect, and the septic tank itself will last a long time.

Today, you can easily provide rental of any kind of tools and equipment for installation work. In this case, you can not do without the participation of professionals, such as an excavator. In construction hypermarkets, you can buy all the necessary materials for high-quality finishing of a septic tank.

Helpful information! If it is not possible to fit the working equipment to the place of work, then you need to seek help from at least friends who will help in digging a hole for the concrete rings of the septic tank. It will be difficult to dig a large pit for equipment on your own in the shortest possible time.

In the event that there is no certainty that all the work can be done with your own hands, then you need to seek help from specialists who will have all the necessary tools and will complete the work as soon as possible.

You should not save on the purchase of materials for arranging a septic tank. This equipment is not made for one year. Therefore, the quality of work must be as high as possible.

It is necessary to take seriously the arrangement of a septic tank near a private house. The condition of the soil and wastewater near the house depends on the operation of the sewer system, and the septic tank. If you neglect some points when performing installation work, you can harm not only your site, but also the environment.

A common suburban method of collecting wastewater into a well system requires careful sealing of septic tanks from concrete rings, which are the main component of the storage and sewage treatment. Leaky conjugation of the rings lead to the filtration of fecal effluents into the soil and further into the underground horizons of groundwater, their infection with pathogenic microflora. The reverse process also occurs - filling the wells of the septic tank with groundwater, which leads to their premature filling.

Structures created using reinforced concrete elements often appear to be structures that are not subject to temporary destruction. This opinion is only partly true. Reinforced concrete is a strong and durable material, but it requires protection. Sewer drains contain a huge set of aggressive components that adversely affect the material of the rings and can lead to the following:

  • violation of the structure of the concrete mass due to leaching processes;
  • development of corrosion processes in reinforcing belts;
  • critical weakening of the bearing capacity;
  • complete loss of the structural qualities of the reinforced concrete product.

The underground location of septic tanks naturally makes it difficult to carry out repair and restoration activities. A large amount of excavation work, raising the rings to the surface for restoration or replacement requires the involvement of earthmoving and lifting equipment. This leads to large financial costs, violation of the landscape improvement of the site. The forced cessation of access to public amenities causes great inconvenience.

A septic tank made of concrete rings, the waterproofing of which is made at the stage of its construction, can be effectively operated for many years, while requiring minimal maintenance. Properly executed waterproofing of a septic tank from concrete rings, in addition to protecting against premature destruction of the structure itself, will save you from other unpleasant phenomena. Manifestations of unsatisfactory tightness of the septic tank can be the contamination of water in wells and wells with pathogens and the spread of odors of decaying sewage throughout the site.

There is an opinion about the futility of carrying out measures to seal the ring joints. As a weighty argument, a composite structure of the well is given, the sealing of which can easily be destroyed by a seismic shock, seasonal heaving or other soil movements. Insinuations on this topic are untenable for several reasons:

  1. Concrete rings during the construction of wells can be securely fixed from possible displacements with metal fasteners.
  2. The industry produces well rings, in the design of which special locks are integrated that prevent the elements from moving relative to each other.
  3. Known technological methods for waterproofing, which exclude the possibility of leakage, even if the ring will receive some displacement relative to the other.

Violation of the technology for performing work on sealing the joints of the rings leads to the same consequences that arise in the complete absence of waterproofing.

Known and used various methods and types of sealing ring mates.

Completing work on some of the methods involves the use of equipment with specific properties. Other technological processes are available for high-quality performance only by specially trained specialists. There are also methods for arranging waterproofing that are available for do-it-yourself work. A reasonable choice in favor of one or another method of sealing can only be made after getting an idea of ​​the technological features, advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

All the differences between waterproofing methods lie in the field of materials used, processing methods and budgetary burden. The most widespread are 6 types of waterproofing.

Penetrating chemicals

Many specialists in the field of protection of reinforced concrete structures consider this type of concrete protection to be the best of all existing ones. Penetrating waterproofing is performed using compositions with specially developed physical and chemical properties. Chemical mixtures penetrate into the concrete mass of the structure, filling the pores and voids with subsequent crystallization. This process has a prolonged effect: an increase in the level of humidity initiates its slowdown, and a decrease, on the contrary, accelerates it. This allows waterproofing compounds to quickly fill the cracks that appear in the thickness of the concrete.

The significant disadvantages of penetrating waterproofing include its high cost and laboriousness of implementation. Concrete surfaces of well rings require careful preparatory measures and preliminary processing.

Application of bituminous materials

Giving waterproofing properties to various structural materials by treating them with heated petroleum bitumen is one of the methods most used in the recent past. The advent of modern waterproofing materials has left this method with only one advantage - its low cost. Bituminous coatings have low resistance to variable temperature changes. Low adhesive interaction with concrete surfaces provokes delamination and cracking of the waterproofing bituminous layer.

Another type of material that has a bituminous component as a base is specialized mastic. Additives with special properties are integrated into its composition, which are designed to increase the resistance of the waterproofing layer and significantly increase its service life. The advantage of using mastics over bitumen is also the cold method of applying them to the insulated surface, which greatly simplifies and speeds up the work.

In order to improve the waterproofing properties and increase the service life of bituminous coatings, experts recommend supplementing with wrapping with rolled waterproofing. For this, roofing material can be used, but the best effect is the use of deposited roll materials.

Polymer-cement mortars

Hydraulic isolation of well rings in septic tanks can be performed using cement compositions with the addition of modifying polymer components. The cost of various polymer-cement compositions is higher than bituminous materials, but they have significantly less penetrating chemical mixtures. Solutions are applied in 2-3 layers with an ordinary maklovitsa - a wide flat brush. The application process does not take much time for the reason that the application of the second and subsequent layers is carried out without waiting for the previous one to dry.

Clay waterproofing lock

The presence of sand-free clay layers at a short distance from the site allows you to perform external waterproofing of septic tank wells with the arrangement of a clay castle. The space surrounding the installed and fixed rings is filled with clay with compaction by tamping each poured layer. Clay locks are usually complementary to bituminous hydraulic insulation. For obvious reasons, this method cannot be used in the internal cavity of the well.

Plaster hydraulic insulation

The method consists in two-layer plastering of the inner or outer surface of the well using special equipment. Cement guns are used as it, with the help of which a plaster mortar is applied to the walls of the rings under high pressure. The method is not widely used for several reasons. In addition to attracting specific equipment, the process takes a long time period.

Insulation with plastic shell

Effective hydraulic isolation of wells from the inside can be performed by installing a sealed polymer insert into the cavity of the septic tank. The latter is a structure made of durable polymeric materials, the linear dimensions are chosen corresponding to the cavity of the well. Additional rigidity of the structure is provided by the integration of reinforcing elements in the form of ribs into its surface. Access to the internal space of the insert is carried out through the hatch provided by the design.

The use of a polymer insert allows you to restore an old well that has lost the necessary operational qualities from concrete rings. The space remaining between the insert and the inner surface after installation is completed is filled with a cement-sand mortar.

Sealing of circumferential seams

Without careful sealing of the ring interfaces, even the best hydraulic surface isolation will not provide full results. The seams between adjacent concrete rings are the most vulnerable point of any well structure. It is in these places that the first filtration in both directions begins in case of violations in the orientation of the rings. Proven methods are used to prevent leaks:

  1. The joints of the rings are sealed with gaskets with bentonite granules integrated into the rubber mass.
  2. The girth joints are sealed with rubber tape reinforced with a UV curable fabric.
  3. The joint between the rings can be concreted with a polymer-cement mortar. The role of a deformation compensator in this method is performed by an additionally laid rope made of natural materials.

The need for high-quality hydraulic insulation of a septic tank is beyond doubt. It is important to choose the optimal type of insulation, careful preparation and professional performance of work.

In the absence of a centralized sewage system, a local treatment plant next to a private house is a vital necessity for its residents. There are many options for such a structure. However, only a do-it-yourself septic tank made of concrete rings is the easiest and fastest to make. For a device of this design, a couple of days is enough. It is not necessary to wait for the concrete to harden here; ready-made prefabricated concrete products are taken for work. They only need to be assembled as a constructor.

The device and principle of operation of septic tanks

The owners of small houses outside the city of a septic tank most often make a single-chamber version with a sealed or draining bottom. In the first case, a conventional wastewater storage tank is obtained, and in the second case, a classic cesspool with drainage is obtained. At the same time, it is recommended to choose a purely accumulative sump only if clayey or watered soils simply do not allow a structure with filtration to be arranged.

A septic tank in the form of a storage tank is sealed and limited in volume. It fills up quickly enough, you will often have to call a sewage truck. A concrete cesspool with gravel bottom drainage is more rational. Most of the sewage that enters it is filtered into the soil. Here, sewers will need to be invited a maximum of twice a year to pump out excess sludge.

Scheme of work from two wells

The most effective is a septic tank made of concrete rings, made according to the scheme with three separate chambers. Structurally, it resembles a factory VOC, which has several compartments for sewage sludge and their partial processing.

Scheme of 3 wells

Three-chamber works on the following principles:

    First, the effluents enter the first chamber, where heavy particles settle (clarification of household water from the sewerage in the house).

    After the clarified masses flow into the second compartment for fermentation.

    Then, the already fermented effluents end up in the third chamber, where they are drained into the ground.

The level of purification in the three-chamber version reaches 90%. The remaining ten percent is sludge, which, as the chambers fill up, will still have to be removed. However, cleaning in this case will only be required once or twice a year. But the volumes of effluents such a system can process are quite large. For a two-story private house and / or a family of 3-5 people, it is more than enough.

The volume of the septic tank for the house

According to the norms, the minimum capacity should be equal to the three-day volume of sewage from the house. At the same time, about 200 liters / day (0.2 cubic meters / day) fall on each family member. That is, we multiply the number of people living in the cottage by 3 and by 0.2 - we get the estimated cubic capacity of wastewater. This volume must be completely contained in the first two chambers, which are with a sealed bottom.

Correctly calculate the volume

The drainage tank is not included in these calculations. It infiltrates water into the ground. If the project is done correctly according to all building codes, then it is necessary to take into account the ability of soils under the gravel-sand filter to receive moisture. And for this, it will be necessary to carry out geological surveys on the plot where the septic tank will be installed. However, a private trader usually does not have extra money, so the third chamber in terms of capacity is most often built the same as the first.

Knowing the cubic capacity of the estimated effluents from the house, it is not difficult to calculate the required number of products in order to build a septic tank yourself with your own hands. Their height ranges from 0.5–1 meters, and they have an internal diameter of 80 to 250 cm. These parameters are always indicated in the marking for each product sold by the reinforced concrete products.

And then the formula for calculating the volume of a cylinder comes into play. It is necessary to multiply 3.14 (Pi number), height (H) and diameter squared (D * D), and then divide all this by 4. The result will be the cubic capacity of one ring of concrete. And then the division of the total volume by the capacity of one round concrete goods.

Table of sizes of reinforced concrete rings

Name Height Diameter (inner) Volume of concrete
COP 7-3 290 mm 700 mm 0.05 cubic meters
COP 7-6 590 mm 700 mm 0.1 cubic meters
COP 7-9 890 mm 700 mm 0.15 cubic meters
COP 10-3 290 mm 1000 mm 0.1 cubic meters
COP 10-6 590 mm 1000 mm 0.16 cubic meters
COP 10-9 890 mm 1000 mm 0.23 cubic meters
COP 15-3 290 mm 1500 mm 0.14 cubic meters
COP 15-6 590 mm 1500 mm 0.26 cubic meters
COP 15-9 890 mm 1500 mm 0.4 cubic meters
COP 20-6 590 mm 2000 mm 0.39 cubic meters
COP 20-9 890 mm 2000 mm 0.59 cubic meters

Advantages and disadvantages of a septic tank

The concrete option has a lot of advantages, among which are:

    Long service life of reinforced concrete in 50-100 years;

    High installation speed;

    Autonomy of work (by definition, there are no electric pumps in the cleaning system);

    Ease of maintenance and repair;

    Extremely simple technology for installing rings on top of each other;

    High efficiency of the three-chamber treatment plant (up to 90%).

The technology of work and the design scheme are so simple that it is possible to equip an autonomous LOS of the type in question even in the absence of experience in the construction business. And this is done in the shortest possible time. Sewerage in a private house will start working within a couple of days after the start of digging the earth for a septic facility.

Among the shortcomings worth mentioning:

    Certain difficulties in the installation of overflows between the chambers;

    The need to use lifting equipment.

The main disadvantage of these septic tanks is the large weight of reinforced concrete products. To install them in place, you will have to order a crane. At the same time, the concrete rings themselves, despite their external solidity, are quite fragile. If, when unloading from a truck body, you accidentally drop one of them on a round side, then it will definitely crack.

Installation instructions

It is built in six stages:

    Choice of location.

    Digging a hole.

  1. Overflow device between chambers.


    Insulation and backfilling of the structure with earth.

When choosing a place for a septic tank near a private house, it is imperative to comply with the norms of the relevant SanPiNs and SNiPs. Any VOC with drainage should be 5 m away from housing and beds, and at least 30 m from wells and reservoirs. Failure to comply with these requirements will dramatically increase the risk of the spread of intestinal infections.

We mark a place on the site

With all this, it is important not to forget that a sewage truck will drive up to the septic tank later. It also needs to provide a place next to the treatment system.

Excavation is best done with an excavator. The treatment plant of three chambers takes up a lot of space. Products are usually installed at a distance of about 30–50 cm from each other. Even with a minimum diameter of 0.8 meters, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe entire structure is large.

Another point is the depth of the hole. When installing, the lower rings should be located in the soil below the level of its freezing. Digging a deep pit by hand is difficult, long and unsafe. Its walls may crumble.

It must be clearly understood that when installing on a site near a cottage, it will not be possible to do without a crane. This foam concrete or frame house, with a strong desire, can be built alone without special equipment. With factory concrete products, this will not work. It is better to immediately order lifting equipment for the construction of VOCs from reinforced concrete products, having provided a place for it at the construction site in advance.

We mount covers

Rings mounted

The bottom of the first chamber must be sealed. To do this, in a dug hole under the rings, a special bottom is laid in the form of a “pancake” made of reinforced concrete. Such a foundation slab is also made at the reinforced concrete plant. If this product is not on sale, then you can perform it under a septic tank that is being arranged by pouring the solution yourself in a pit 15–20 cm thick. But then wait for it to fully set.

The bottom filter in the second chamber is made in three layers, each with a thickness of 20–40 cm:

    Sand below.

    Small fractional crushed stone in the middle.

    Gravel or crushed stone of a large fraction of 40–70 mm from above.

To insert the entry from the sewer in the house and the overflow pipes between the chambers in concrete, you will have to punch a hole of the appropriate size. Ideally, it should be drilled with a diamond core bit so that the edges of the hole are even. So the metal or plastic overflows inserted into the septic tank will be easier to seal. In this case, the inputs to the chamber are always located above the outputs.

Digging a trench for laying pipes

Bituminous waterproofing is carried out only outside the structure. Inside from it there will be only harm. Bitumen and any aggressive chemicals that eat organic matter in wastewater are harmful to bacteria, and without them, septic tanks will function less efficiently. For outdoor waterproofing work, mastic, roofing material and even soft roofing are quite suitable, if you don’t feel sorry for her.

We cover all the seams in the first well - it must be airtight

Warming is carried out only in the upper part of the "well". Here it is best to use moisture-resistant polystyrene foam 10–20 cm thick. From above, the chambers are closed with covers made of reinforced concrete slabs with a hole for an inspection hatch.

If the cottage is built in a cold region, then it is better to change one of the upper rings for a brick neck with polystyrene foam insulation on the outside. Then, from the sides, this structure is sprinkled with a layer of soil for better preservation of heat and, if desired, is decorated. Facade clinker tiles or porcelain stoneware are suitable for decoration.

Ring septic tank and its application

Concrete treatment facilities are suitable for any country houses. The three-chamber scheme guarantees high efficiency clarification and processing of wastewater. It is only necessary to correctly calculate their required volume.

Staged cleaning

Construction country house It is best to start with the arrangement of sewers. Agree, it is not an easy task to properly design and organize wastewater disposal at the site. We'll have to think carefully about solving this problem. After all, improper arrangement of sewerage threatens to make life in the house unbearable.

We will tell you how to independently create a functional septic tank on the site. So, among affordable materials used in the construction of local treatment facilities, today the most popular are concrete rings.

It will be about how to build septic tanks from rings with your own hands, and what to consider during the installation process. In addition, in the article you will find videos with advice from experienced professionals, detailed instructions for installing a septic tank, as well as many useful advice about the sewerage country house.

Concrete rings, which are the basis for the manufacture of structure walls, have high operational parameters.

Thanks to their technical advantages, the tanks built from them are durable and highly resistant to aggressive media.

Concrete ring septic tanks, designed for collection and subsequent biological treatment of wastewater - ideal for well-drained and, moreover, soils not prone to frost heaving

The arrangement of such systems requires large squares of space. But under given conditions, sometimes only such a system works.

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Polypropylene pipes are famous for their strength and elasticity; their operating temperature is about 65°C

The diameter of asbestos-cement or polymer pipes used for overflow should be 110-120 mm.

Step # 3 - digging a pit and arranging the bottom

Earthwork is best done after the onset of the first frost or in the hottest months. During this period, there is the most low level groundwater.

The pit can be dug manually by hiring a team of "diggers" for this, or using the services of an excavator. If we take into account the costs of excavation, then the costs for a team of diggers will be comparable to the amounts that will be spent on calling special equipment.

The dimensions of the finished pit should exceed the dimensions of the installed rings by 50-80 cm. This will simplify the installation process and allow external waterproofing of the construction joints.

When calculating the depth of the pit, three values ​​\u200b\u200bare summed up: the height of a monolithic or filtration cushion (20-30 cm) + the height of the rings (indicated in the table) + the height of the slab (15 cm).

A large amount of soil extracted from the pit should be removed from the site immediately, using the same machine that delivered the rings.

The pit for the installation of a treatment plant should be two-tiered: its second tank should be buried 50 cm lower than the first. Alternatively, dig your own hole for each tank.

To bring sewer pipes, trenches are dug, laying them below the freezing depth of the soil. The width and depth of the trenches are selected based on the dimensions of the rings used to build the tanks. Most often they are made 50 cm wide with a depth of 1.2-1.5 m.

You can’t do without an autonomous sewage system in the country, as well as without a heating or plumbing system. Cesspools are outdated and inconvenient, purchased septic tanks are too expensive, which can become the best option, affordable and not very difficult to install? There is nothing better than building a septic tank from concrete rings with your own hands.

Carrying out calculations and drawing up a diagram

First you need to decide on the number of structures. There may be a different number of them, but the standard set consists of three:

  • chamber for settling wastewater;
  • chamber for cleaning from pollution;
  • well for filtration (can be replaced by a filtration field).

A diverse device of a septic tank made of concrete rings depends on the number of residents.

Water goes through three levels of purification in the chambers and the filter well, then additional purification - in the ground

Two cleaning chambers are necessary if several people live in the house who actively use the washing machine and dishwasher, shower, and bath. Discharges to the sewer will be large, respectively, the effluent will require more thorough treatment.

For a small family using a small amount of household appliances, one settling tank is enough, respectively, a septic tank made of concrete rings will have two wells.

Septic tanks from two wells with one cleaning chamber are provided for small families

Suppose there are 5 people permanently living in the house. On average, each of them uses about 200 liters of water during the day, therefore, the total daily consumption is 1000 liters. There are building codes, according to which the volume of the cleaning chamber should assume the flow of effluents in 3 days, that is, at least 3000 liters. Take for example a concrete ring with a volume of 0.62 m³ - this means that 5 rings are needed for each well. Usually, 2-3 rings are used to build each chamber.

The diagram reflects the number of concrete rings, their location and connections

A scheme of a septic tank of concrete rings is drawn up before construction begins.

Selecting the optimal location for installation

When installing a septic tank, the tolerances prescribed in the regulatory documents should be taken into account. Sanitary rules prohibit the location of structures dangerously close to human habitation and sources of drinking water.

The choice of location for the installation of a septic tank largely depends on the size of the site.

Before marking the site, it is necessary to remember the following provisions:

    • The distance from the treatment plant to the residential building is at least 5 m.
    • A long distance to the house (20 m or more) will cause difficulties and additional costs for the construction of the pipeline.
    • The distance from the septic tank to the water source (well, well) is at least 50m.
    • A prerequisite is an entrance for special vehicles.

The groundwater level must not be high at the installation site.

When installing a septic tank, do not forget about laying the ventilation pipe

Attention! If the pipeline nevertheless turned out to be long, then every 15-20 m and at turns it is necessary to arrange revision wells.

Preparation of a pit for tanks

In any case, the pit will turn out to be large, since both the cleaning chambers and the filtering well must fit into it. The ideal option is to use special equipment, it will save time. In the absence of it or if it is impossible to rent, manual labor can also be used, but it will be longer and harder.

The area of ​​the pit depends on the number of planned wells (2 or 3)

Untreated drains should not fall into the ground, therefore, a concrete base should be erected at the installation site of the sedimentation tanks. As a drainage, a sand cushion 40-50 cm thick is used.

Attention! There are concrete rings with a blank bottom. They are ideal for settling chambers and do not require additional concreting of the bottom.

Concreting of the base of wells prevents the penetration of polluted effluents into the soil

The base of the filter well also needs additional preparation. A pillow of sand, gravel and crushed stone with a thickness of 50 cm or more is the best option.

The process of installing concrete rings

Most likely, special equipment will be required. It is difficult to dig a pit manually, but it is possible, and to install heavy concrete structures without special equipment will not work. Renting a lift for a few hours will pay off with high-quality installation of structures.

For a septic tank, it is better to use lock well rings, their approximate cost is 1,500 rubles apiece

The installation of concrete rings is a crucial moment, so it is better to use lifting equipment

Proper installation of a septic tank from concrete rings involves the construction of wells in series. The rings are installed according to the scheme, tightly interconnected and fastened with cement mortar.

If possible ground movements are expected, metal plates or staples are used for additional fixation.

After the installation of the rings, pipes are brought.

Attention! During the laying of the pipeline, it is necessary to use a pipe with a bend resembling a water seal, this will protect against the unpleasant smell of sewage.

Joint sealing and backfilling

The seams between the two rings are sealed with ordinary cement mortar or a ready-made mixture is bought, for example, "Aquabarrier". Outside, coating waterproofing is produced, for reliability, built-up sealants are used.

Seams and joints are sealed on both sides - internal and external

Sometimes the structure is reinforced with plastic liners - cylinders of a suitable volume installed inside the well. Reliable waterproofing of a septic tank made of concrete rings will prevent drains from entering the ground, extend the life of the structure and eliminate unpleasant odors.

Due to poor-quality sealing of seams, untreated drains fall into the ground

Backfilling is done at the end of installation work. The soil removed from the pit is mixed with sand and distributed around the structures, evenly compacting. A lid is placed on top of each tank - a concrete slab with a hole provided for the hatch.

The lid has a large hole for installing the hatch.

The seams are sealed in the same way. This completes the installation of a septic tank made of concrete rings, its service life depends on the quality of the installation and waterproofing work.

Pros and cons of homemade concrete structures

What is a good septic tank from the rings?

  • Low cost, availability.
  • The possibility of self-arrangement.
  • Ease of maintenance.

Having installed a septic tank from the rings with your own hands, you involuntarily get acquainted with its features, so in the future it is easier to monitor its operation.

One of the disadvantages of a septic tank made of concrete rings is incomplete wastewater treatment.

Cons noted by summer residents:

  • The presence of an odor. The tightness of the structure is relative.
  • Periodic call of sewer trucks.

Attention! Using bioactivators, it is possible to reduce the frequency of service by vacuum trucks. Active additives minimize the amount of solid waste.

A septic tank made of concrete rings is an easy-to-maintain budget facility

We can say that a septic tank made of concrete rings is great for giving: its operation allows you to provide the family with all the necessary amenities.

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