Application for the provision of public services to a citizen form. Sample application-questionnaire for the provision of state services to a citizen of assistance in finding a suitable job. Sample application form for the provision of a public service to a citizen assistance

The application form must be printed out and filled in by hand according to the sample.

Sample Fill

Applications-questionnaires for the provision of state services to a citizen of assistance in finding a suitable job

Application-questionnaire for the provision of state services to a citizen of assistance in finding a suitable job

I provide the following information about myself:

Citizenship: citizen Russian Federation

Address of residence (stay):____________________________

Trekhgorny city, Mira street, house 12 apartment 4 __ _______________

Contact phone number: ____________________________________

Name of educational institution, year of graduation: _____________________________

Vocational school No. 21 city of Yuryuzan, 1980 _______

Profession (specialty), qualification (in accordance with documents certifying professional qualifications): ___________________________

Locksmith of mechanical assembly works _______________________


Knowledge of a foreign language (specify): _________________ no ____________________

computer skills: _____ user of Word, Excel __________

possession of a driver's license (specify categories): ________ "B" ________

Conditions of the last place of work: _ LLC Construction and Installation Department _

profession (specialty), qualification, position: ___ electric and gas welder, 5th grade ___________

Job Requirements:

Profession (specialty), qualification: _ electric and gas welder, 5th category _____

Locksmith of mechanical assembly works, 3rd category _ _____________________________

Position: _ electric and gas welder, mechanical assembly worker ______

I agree / do not agree to the transfer of my personal data to the employer in order to select a suitable job (underline as necessary)

on granting a citizen

state services of assistance in search


Full Name


I ask you to provide the state service of assistance in the search


Date of birth: 19 years old (number of completed years)




Address of residence (stay):



Contact phone number:


Education (please underline):

basic general secondary vocational

secondary (complete) general higher professional

initial vocational


Name of educational institution, year of graduation:




Profession (specialty), qualification (according to

with documents certifying professional qualifications)




Additional profession (specialty), qualification, position,

work experience:




Additional skills (please underline):

knowledge of a foreign language (specify) ______________________________


Kind of activity:


Type of work (please underline):

permanent job seasonal job

temporary work home work

part-time work work in another area


Salary (income):


Additional wishes:



Questionnaire on the provision of state services to a citizen of assistance in finding a suitable job

  • citizens of the Russian Federation
  • Foreign citizens
  • stateless persons
  • Documents required to receive the state service of assistance to citizens in finding a suitable job

    For citizens who applied to the employment center for the first time:

    1. Application-questionnaire for the provision of state services of assistance in finding a suitable job.

    2. The application form is filled in legibly by hand, in Russian, without abbreviations and abbreviations. Answers to questions should be specific and comprehensive. The application form is certified by the personal signature of the citizen.

    3. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a document replacing it - for citizens of the Russian Federation

    4. Documents proving the identity and citizenship of a foreign citizen - for foreign citizens

    5. Identity documents - for stateless persons.

    6. Documents drawn up in a foreign language must be translated into Russian. The accuracy of the translation and the authenticity of the translator's signature must be notarized.

    7. A work book or a document replacing it - except for citizens who are looking for work for the first time (who did not work before).

    8. In addition, to confirm work experience in the profession (specialty), citizens can submit employment contracts, service contracts, civil law contracts.

    9. Documents certifying the professional qualifications of a citizen.

    10. Citizens who are looking for a job for the first time (have not previously worked), do not have a profession (specialty), submit a document on education.

    11. Certificate of average earnings for the last three months at the last place of work - except for citizens who are looking for work for the first time (who did not work before).

    12. An individual program for the rehabilitation of a disabled person, issued in accordance with the established procedure, for citizens who are disabled.

    Upon subsequent appeals of citizens:

    1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a document replacing it - for citizens of the Russian Federation Documents proving the identity and citizenship of a foreign citizen - for foreign citizens Identity documents - for stateless persons.

    2. An individual program for the rehabilitation of a disabled person, issued in accordance with the established procedure, for citizens who are disabled.

    When contacting for the first time:

    1. A citizen personally applies to the district department of the employment center (CZN) at the place of residence with a package of necessary documents (waiting time - no more than 30 minutes).

    2. An employee of the EPC checks the documents, makes a decision on the provision or refusal to provide a public service.

    3. In case of refusal to provide a public service, the EPC employee explains the reasons, grounds for refusal, the procedure for providing a public service, draws up a decision in writing and issues it to a citizen (10 minutes).

    4. In the case of the provision of a public service, an EPC employee:

    5. - explains to the citizen the procedure for selecting suitable job options, taking into account the documented information contained in the application - questionnaire

    6. - informs about the provisions of the "Law on employment in the Russian Federation" (5 minutes)

    7. - registers a citizen in order to find a suitable job in the register of recipients of public services (employee bank)

    8. - prints out the form and assigns it an individual number (5 minutes).

    9. The CZN employee selects a suitable job option for a citizen on the basis of a completed form, prints out a list of vacancies, and offers it to a citizen (10 minutes).

    10. The citizen chooses a suitable job option and agrees to be sent for an interview with the employer.

    11. The worker of the central health center agrees by phone with the employer on the direction of a citizen for an interview, issues a referral to work (10 minutes).

    12. A citizen confirms the fact of receiving public services with a signature in the form of accounting documentation.

    13. CZN worker:

    14. - fixes the result of the provision of public services in the register of recipients of public services (bank of employees) (2 minutes)

    15. - notifies the citizen of the need to provide information on the results of the interview with the employer, submit to the CZN the issued job referral with the employer's mark (3 minutes).

    16. Upon receipt of information about the negative results of the interview of a citizen with an employer

    17. An employee of the EPC invites a citizen to visit the EPC to continue searching for a suitable job or to receive a referral to paid public work or temporary employment (5 minutes).

    18. The CZN employee transfers the completed forms of accounting documentation to the current archive (5 minutes).

    19. On subsequent calls:

    20. A citizen personally applies to the employment center (CZN) with the documents necessary for subsequent applications (waiting time - no more than 30 minutes).

    21. CZN worker:

    22. - checks the availability of documents and makes a decision on the provision or refusal to provide a public service

    23. - informs the citizen about the decision.

    24. In case of refusal to provide a public service, an EPC employee:

    25. - explains the reasons, grounds for refusal, the procedure for providing public services, draws up a decision in writing and issues it to a citizen (5 minutes).

    26. In the case of the provision of a public service, an EPC employee:

    27. - sets the search parameters for information about a citizen in the register of recipients of public services (employee bank) and finds previously filled out forms of accounting documentation that correspond to the personal data of a citizen (5 minutes)

    28. - finds out from the citizen the results of an interview with employers, accepts job referrals noted by employers, and, if necessary, clarifies the criteria for further search for suitable job options (5 minutes)

    29. - selects a suitable job option for a citizen in accordance with the sequence of actions provided for in paragraph 2.

    The maximum allowable time for providing citizens with the state service of assistance in finding a suitable job should not exceed 55 minutes, and for subsequent requests - 45 minutes.

    Sample application form for providing a citizen with a state service of assistance in finding a suitable job

    On the provision of certificates of the presence (absence) of a criminal record

    The Information Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Karelia provides citizens with a public service for issuing certificates of the presence (absence) of a criminal record and (or) the fact of criminal prosecution or the termination of criminal prosecution in accordance with the requirements of the administrative regulation approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 1121 dated 07.11.2011.

    Circle of applicants

    Citizens of the Russian Federation

    Foreign citizens

    Stateless persons

    Authorized Representatives

    State or municipal bodies that have the right to process personal data on a criminal record within the powers granted to them in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, or by virtue of granting them by applicants in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, such powers to act on their behalf when interacting with other executive bodies authorities in the provision of public services.

    Methods for filing and sending applications for consideration in person

    The basis for starting the provision of public services is the applicant's appeal to the Information Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Karelia.

    Applicants apply:

  • with a written application in person at the Information Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Karelia
  • with a written application in person to the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Karelia Multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services of the Republic of Karelia.
  • with a written application in person to the territorial body of internal affairs of the Republic of Karelia at the place of residence (place of stay)
  • in the form of an Internet appeal by filling out a special form in the federal state information system Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions).
  • 1. Appeal in person to the Information Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Karelia.

    Reception of citizens is carried out in the premises of the Center for the provision of public services at the address: Petrozavodsk, K. Marks Ave., 18 (separate entrance from K. Marks Ave.).

    Days, hours of reception of citizens:

  • Monday: from 09:00 to 18:00 without a break,
  • Wednesday: 09:00 to 14:00
  • Friday: from 09:00 to 18:00 without a break
  • First and third Saturdays of the month: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.
  • Pre-registration of citizens for filing an application and obtaining a prepared certificate by phone 715-571.

    Contact numbers of the Information Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Karelia: (814-2) 71-56-75, 71-55-71

    2. Appeal in person to the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Karelia Multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services of the Republic of Karelia.

    G.Petrozavodsk, st. Kalinina, 1 (Business Center Yamka, 2nd floor, former OTZ plant management). Working hours: Monday-Friday - from 8:00 to 20:00 (without a break) Saturday - from 9:00 to 15:00. Sunday is a day off.

    G.Kondopoga, st. Proletarskaya, 20. Schedule: Monday-Friday - from 8:00 to 20:00 Saturday - from 9:00 to 15:00.

    G. Olonets, st. Field, 39. Schedule: Monday-Friday - from 9:00 to 17:00.

    G. Sortavala, st. Komsomolskaya, 10. Schedule: Monday-Friday - from 9:00 to 17:00.

    Kostomuksha, Lazarev Boulevard, 8. Working hours: Monday-Friday - from 9:00 to 17:00.

    3. Appeal personally to the territorial body of internal affairs of the Republic of Karelia.

    Applications submitted to the territorial police departments must be sent to the Information Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Karelia within 7 days from the date of registration.

    4. Appeal in person through the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (functions) (

    Required documents when applying in person:

    A copy of all completed pages of an identity document for citizens of the Russian Federation - a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (copies of pages 2,3,5)

    A copy of the power of attorney for the right to obtain a certificate of the presence (absence) of a criminal record, issued in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (notarized), - when an application is submitted by an authorized person

    A copy of a document confirming kinship or the fact of adoption (adoption), - when a legal representative (parent, adoptive parent) submits an application for issuing a certificate of the presence (absence) of a criminal record in relation to a minor who has reached the age from which criminal liability arises

    A copy of the document confirming the establishment of guardianship - when the guardian submits an application for issuing a certificate of the presence (absence) of a criminal record in relation to the person under his guardianship

    A copy of the document confirming the establishment of guardianship - when the guardian submits an application for issuing a certificate of the presence (absence) of a criminal record in relation to the person under his guardianship.

    Appeal of state and municipal authorities:

    Required documents:

    List of persons subject to verification for the presence (absence) of a criminal record and (or) the fact of criminal prosecution or termination of criminal prosecution

    Extract from the order of appointment or a copy of the application for employment

    Or a copy of the application for registration as an individual entrepreneur of a person who intends to carry out activities to which, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, persons who have or had a criminal record, are or have been subjected to criminal prosecution are not allowed.

    The term for the provision of public services

    The service execution time depends on the receipt of responses to requests from the FKU SIAC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the IC of the regions of the Russian Federation, but does not exceed 30 days from the date of registration of the application in the Information Center.

    If it is necessary to obtain additional information from other bodies, organizations and institutions, the period for consideration of the application may be extended by the head of the IC or an official replacing him, but not more than 30 days, of which the applicant is notified.

    Procedure, amount and grounds for collection of state duty or other fee

    The state service for issuing certificates of the presence (absence) of a criminal record and (or) the fact of criminal prosecution or the termination of criminal prosecution is provided without charging a state fee or other fee.

    The result of the provision of public services

    1. When contacting in person

    The result of the provision of the service is the receipt by the applicant of:

    Certificates of the presence (absence) of a criminal record (including canceled and withdrawn) and (or) the fact of criminal prosecution or the termination of criminal prosecution

    Letters of refusal to issue a certificate of the presence (absence) of a criminal record.

    Certificates are drawn up on strict reporting forms, endorsed by the executors and the head of the Information Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Karelia. Signed certificates are certified by the official seal.

    Sample application for the provision of public services


    on the provision of public services
    on the organization of temporary employment

    I, ________________________________________________________________

    (last name, first name, patronymic, last name - if available)

    I ask you to provide a public service for organizing temporary employment, as I belong to one of the following categories of citizens (underline as appropriate):

    minor citizens aged 14 to 18;

    unemployed citizens experiencing difficulties in finding work;

    unemployed citizens aged 18 to 20 from among the graduates of educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education who are looking for work for the first time.

    I provide the following information about myself:

    Gender ________________ Date of birth: "___" ___________ _____,
    Age ______________ Citizenship _____________________________

    number of completed years

    Registration at the place of residence / stay (underline as appropriate):

    Registration address ________________________________________________


    Contact phone number: ______________________________________________

    E-mail address (if available): ______________________________________________

    Education (please underline):

    student primary vocational

    basic general general secondary vocational

    secondary (complete) general higher professional

    Profession (specialty), qualification (in accordance with documents certifying professional qualifications) ___________________


    Main profession (specialty), qualification, position, work experience: __________________________________________________________


    Additional profession (specialty), qualification, position, work experience: _______________________________________________________________


    Additional skills (please underline):

    knowledge of a foreign language (specify) _________________________________

    knowledge and ability to use a computer

    possession of a driver's license (specify categories) ______________

    Conditions of the last job:


    profession (specialty), qualification, position, type of activity


    nature of work: __________________________________________________
    Wishes for temporary employment:

    Profession (specialty), qualification: _____________________


    Position: ________________________________________________________

    Kind of activity: _________________________________________________
    A mark on the set of documents (put in the absence of one or more of the documents that are not at the disposal of the bodies providing public services, or organizations subordinate to the state authorities participating in the provision of public services)
    Date: "____" ____________20___ ________________________________

    citizen's signature

    Proposal for the provision of a public service

    organization temporary employment
    State Treasury Institution of the Moscow Region

    Employment center


    offers the citizen ________________________________________________


    (surname, name, patronymic of the citizen)

    registered in order to find a suitable job / as an unemployed citizen (underline as appropriate)

    personal file of the recipient of public services dated "___" ______ 201__ No. ______

    receive a public service for the organization of temporary employment.
    Employee of the GKU MO __________________ CZN _____________________________

    (last name, first name, patronymic of the employee)

    "___" _____________ 201___ _______________________________

    (employee's signature)
    I am familiar with the proposal, agree / do not agree to receive public services (underline as necessary)
    Rejection reason________________________________________________________


    (give reason)
    "______" _______________ 201__ ________________ ________________________________)

    (signature of a citizen) (surname, name, patronymic of a citizen)

    Size: px

    Start impression from page:


    1 Application-questionnaire for providing a citizen with a state service of assistance in finding a suitable job I provide the following information about myself: Gender Date of birth: "day" month year, age (number of full years) Citizenship: Address of residence (stay): Contact phone number: Education (underline as necessary): basic general secondary (complete) general primary vocational Name of educational institution, year of graduation: secondary vocational higher professional Profession (specialty), qualification (in accordance with documents certifying professional qualifications) Main profession (specialty), qualification, position, work experience: Additional profession (specialty), qualification, position, length of service: Additional skills (underline as appropriate): knowledge of a foreign language (specify) knowledge and ability to use a PC possession of a driver’s license (specify categories) Conditions of the last place of work: profession (specialty), qualification, position, type of activity: period of work: nature of work : wages (income): Wishes to iskomo and work: Profession (specialty), qualification: Position: Type of activity:

    2 Nature of work (underline as appropriate): permanent job temporary job part-time job Salary (income): Additional wishes: seasonal work home work work in another area I agree / disagree with the transfer of my personal data to the employer in order to select a suitable job (underline as necessary ) Date: “day” month year () signature of a citizen on providing the employer with a state service of assistance in the selection of necessary employees I provide the following information: Name of the legal entity / last name, first name, patronymic of an individual entrepreneur or individual Certificate of registration of a legal entity / individual entrepreneur Main state registration number: Address (location): Contact phone number, fax, e-mail address: form: Form of ownership (underline as appropriate): state municipal Type of economic activity (according to OKVED): Number of employees: Number of employees laid off since the beginning of the year:. Number of jobs: private public associations or organizations I agree / disagree to participate in active employment policy activities (underline as appropriate): job fairs and training jobs paid public works temporary employment of minors aged 14 to 18 in

    3 free time from study temporary employment of unemployed citizens aged 18 to 20 from among graduates of primary and secondary vocational education institutions looking for work for the first time temporary employment of unemployed citizens experiencing difficulties in finding a job Please post information about the need for workers, the availability of free workers places (vacant positions) (underline as appropriate): in the bank of vacancies: at the territorial level at the inter-territorial level at the federal level in the media on the Internet resources of the bodies involved in the provision of public services Date: “day” month year. M.P. position, surname, initials, signature of the employer (his representative) on the provision of public services for the organization of temporary employment from 14 to 18 years old / unemployed citizens experiencing difficulties in finding a job / unemployed citizens aged 18 to 20 years old from among graduates of educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education who are looking for a job for the first time (underline as necessary) "day" month year citizen's signature

    4 I, on the provision of public services for the organization of paid public works last name, first name, patronymic, I ask to provide a public service for the organization of public works. I provide the following information about myself: Gender Date of birth: "day" month year, age (number of full years) Citizenship Address of residence (stay): Contact phone number: Education (underline as necessary): basic general secondary vocational secondary (complete) general higher vocational primary vocational Profession (specialty), qualification (in accordance with documents certifying professional qualifications) Main profession (specialty), qualification, position, work experience: Additional profession (specialty), qualification, position, work experience: Additional skills (underline as necessary ): knowledge of a foreign language (specify) knowledge and ability to use a PC possession of a driver's license (specify categories) category Conditions of the last place of work: profession (specialty), qualification, position, type of activity: nature of work: Wishes for social work: Profession (specialty) , qualification: Position: Type of activity sti: Date: "day" month year. citizen's signature

    5 on the provision of a public service for informing about the situation on the labor market in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the last name, first name, patronymic of a citizen or the name of the employer, I ask you to provide a public service for informing about the situation on the labor market in the name of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation “day” month year signature of a citizen or employer State service provided. An employee of a state institution of the employment service "day" month year. State service received. position, surname, name, patronymic signature of the employee "_" month year signature of the citizen or employer

    6 on the provision of an unemployed citizen with a state service for the social adaptation of unemployed citizens in the labor market signature of an unemployed citizen

    7 I am asking for the provision of a public service for vocational guidance in order to select a field of activity (profession), employment, vocational training (last name, first name, patronymic of a citizen) I ask you to provide me with a state service for vocational guidance in order to select a field of activity (profession), employment, professional education in connection with (specify the reason) I provide the following information about myself: Date of birth: age (number of full years) gender Citizenship Address of residence (stay): Contact phone number: Education (underline as necessary): basic general secondary (complete) general primary professional Name of educational institution, year of graduation: secondary vocational higher professional Profession (specialty), qualification Main profession (specialty), qualification, position, work experience: Additional profession (specialty), qualification, position, work experience: Agree / disagree testing I for the purpose of (specify as necessary): the choice of the field of activity (profession (specialty)) employment vocational training meet the need for professional self-determination the choice of the optimal type of employment development of professional career "06" June 2009. (signature of the citizen)

    8 on the provision of public services to promote the self-employment of unemployed citizens I, (last name, first name, patronymic (the last - if any) of an unemployed citizen) ask to provide me with a public service to promote self-employment of unemployed citizens in connection with: (indicate the reason) "day" month year (signature of the unemployed citizen)

    9 on the provision of public services for psychological support of unemployed citizens I, (last name, first name, patronymic of an unemployed citizen) ask to provide me with a state service for psychological support of unemployed citizens in connection with: (indicate the reason) "day" month year (signature of an unemployed citizen)

    Appendix N 7 of assisting citizens in finding a suitable job, I ask you to provide a public service to assist citizens in finding a suitable job. I provide the following information about myself: address of the place

    Annex N 7 Application for the provision of public services to assist citizens in finding a suitable job, I ask you to provide a public service to assist citizens in finding a suitable job.

    For applied citizens The list of documents required for the provision of public services for finding a suitable job: 1) An identity document: a) a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a document

    P / p 1 Departmental list of public services (works) provided (performed) by state institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Personnel Policy as the main

    REPORT of the Main Directorate of the State Employment Service of the Omsk Region on the fulfillment of the state task for the provision of public services in the field of promoting employment of the population

    GOVERNMENT OF THE ORENBURG REGION REGULATION January 12, 2015 Orenburg 1-p On approval of the procedure for employers to submit information and information to the employment service of the Orenburg

    Department of Labor and Employment of the Sverdlovsk Region EMPLOYMENT AND UNEMPLOYMENT IN THE SVERDLOVSK REGION Express information 2016 September 9 Yekaterinburg 2 LABOR MARKET Number of applications

    Department of Labor and Employment of the Sverdlovsk Region EMPLOYMENT AND UNEMPLOYMENT IN THE SVERDLOVSK REGION Express information 2016 October 10 Yekaterinburg 2 LABOR MARKET Number of applications


    MAIN DEPARTMENT FOR LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT OF THE POPULATION OF THE KURGAN REGION Department of Employment and Special Programs Guidelines for employers on the implementation of legislation on employment

    REPORT ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STATE TASK N70/2017 for 2018 and the planning period 2019 and 2020 dated December 27, 2018 Name of the state institution of the Ivanovo region (separate subdivision):


    APPROVED Head of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Nenetsky S.A. Sviridov 20 a STATE ASSIGNMENT Treasury institution of the Nenets "Employment Center" for 2015 and the planning period

    GOVERNMENT OF THE MAGADAN REGION DECISION No. 1077-pp of December 18, 2014 Magadan

    Employment department for the Kaduy district of a government institution Employment center of the Vologda region Address: Vologda region, Kaduy st. Lenina d. 32 Phones: Chief Lukyanchenko

    STATE TASK State institution of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug "Public Employment Center" for 2014 SECTION 1

    LAW OF THE KRASNODAR REGION On the Bodies of the State Employment Service of the Krasnodar Territory Adopted by the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory on June 20, 2007 This Law was developed in accordance with

    GOVERNMENT OF THE ROSTOV REGION DECISION No. 476 of 01.06.2012 Rostov-on-Don On the procedure for quoting jobs for the disabled in the Rostov region In order to provide guarantees of employment

    Special programs of the employment service for citizens experiencing difficulties in finding a job Measures to promote the employment of citizens of pre-retirement and retirement age 1. Informing citizens



    APPENDIX APPROVED by the order of the Department of Labor and Employment of the Krasnodar Territory from the DEPARTMENTAL TARGET PROGRAM "PROMOTION OF EMPLOYMENT OF THE POPULATION OF THE KRASNODAR REGION FOR 2014-2016" PASSPORT

    AOHEIIKAfl HAPOAHAfl PE CIIYEJII,IKA COBET MI4HHCTPOB TIOCTAHOBJIEHHT: I& 3-6 or 12.03.2015 r. O6 yrnepxaehnrr BpeMeHHoro rropflaka orqernocrlr rr MonrrroprrHra AeflTeJrbHocrrl cy6rexron xosqficrbobah)

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