How old are the birth dates now? How much do they pay for the first child - types of government support. How is the amount calculated?

The procedure for calculating child benefits has not changed in 2016. However, the maximums and minimums for various “children’s” benefits have changed. This is due to the indexation of child benefits in 2016.

Let’s say right away that the maximum amount of an employee’s earnings that can be taken into account when calculating benefits in 2016 is ():

Child birth benefit in 2016

One-time benefit for the birth of a child in 2016 is 14,497.80 rubles. (). The benefit is paid in this amount if the child was born in January 2016.

If the child is born in February or later, the benefit will be 15,512.65 rubles.

Early pregnancy: guide 2016

The benefit for women who registered in the early stages of pregnancy, if maternity leave began in January 2016, is 543.67 rubles. (clause 2, part 1, article 8 of Law dated December 1, 2014 No. 384-FZ).

For those who go on vacation in February and later, the benefit will be 581.73 rubles.

Maternity benefit in 2016

The maximum daily benefit if maternity leave began in 2016 is RUB 1,772.60. (Article 11, Article 14 of the Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ). That is, the maximum benefit during a standard maternity leave of 140 calendar days will be 248,164 rubles.

And here minimum size benefits are calculated based on average daily earnings in the amount of 203.97 rubles. This minimum is taken into account when calculating benefits if:

  • the woman had no salary at all in 2014 and (or) 2015 (for example, the woman was on maternity leave);
  • the woman did not work for you in 2014 and (or) 2015 and did not bring certificates of earnings from other employers;
  • the average earnings of a female employee for each month of the billing period are less than the minimum wage, equal to 6,204 rubles.

Another a special case- this is an employee whose work experience by the day she goes on maternity leave is less than 6 months. For vacation days falling in 2016, her maximum daily allowance will be as follows:

Child care benefit in 2016

We present in the table the minimum and maximum amounts of a monthly allowance for caring for a child under the age of one and a half years (

In anticipation of a miracle, parents not only stock up on clothes and baby products for the baby in advance, but also carefully study innovations in legislation in order to find out - . According to the law, parents are entitled to several types of benefits this year.

So, those who become parents of their first child in 2016 will receive:

  • One-time maternity benefit;
  • Allowance for child care up to one and a half years old, which will be issued once a month;
  • Regional additional payments (if they are provided for by the regional budget).

In addition, when registering with a antenatal clinic, women can receive an additional one-time benefit of just over 500 rubles. However, to do this, she must do this before the 12th week of pregnancy, that is, in the first trimester.

As for financial assistance in connection with childbirth, it pays regardless of the date of registration.

This benefit is calculated approximately as follows:

  • In the case of a favorable birth and the birth of one baby, the woman is paid the equivalent amount for 140 days (70 before and 70 after childbirth).
  • In case of childbirth with complications – 156 days.
  • For the birth of two or more children - 194 days.

To calculate benefits, the total number of days for the two previous years, as well as income during this time, is taken into account. Let’s assume that the total income for 2012 and 2013 was 731 days and amounted to 350 thousand. We divide 350 thousand by 731 days, the resulting amount is 478 rubles. This is per day. Multiply by 140 days and get 67 thousand. This is the amount of thousands of maternity benefits. However, according to the law, the amount of the benefit cannot exceed 186,986.8 rubles.

To apply for benefits, a working woman submits an application to the accounting department of her employer addressed to the head of the enterprise and sick leave from residential complex.

One-time benefit

The one-time benefit for a child is 15 thousand 382 rubles, which is one thousand more than in 2015. Both working and non-working women can receive this benefit. To do this, they must provide the employer’s HR department with:

  1. An application addressed to the manager regarding the assignment of this social benefit;
  2. Birth certificate of the child from the registry office;
  3. Mom and Dad's passports;
  4. A certificate from the second parent’s place of work stating that he does not receive this type of benefit.

All documents, except the application, must be supported by photocopies.

Monthly child care allowances

This year the monthly benefit is 2884.16 rubles. It is received up to one and a half years. After this, the mother has the right to monthly assistance in the amount of 50 rubles per month.

Low-income families with less income can also apply for it living wage for each family member. The exact amount of the benefit must be clarified with the social protection authorities.

So, to assign it, you need to contact the social security authorities with an application for benefits, a certificate from the tax office on the income of each family member, a certificate of family composition, as well as a child’s birth certificate.

Benefits for a single mother

In addition to all the benefits listed, this category of citizens has the right to additional benefits and allowances. In particular, they are entitled to compensation for food when food prices increase, free clothing for infants, and special food for a child up to two years of age.

In addition, payment benefits are provided utilities until the child is one and a half years old. Also, at the expense of the state budget, single mothers up to three years of age are provided with free medicines.

If a woman does not work, then she should receive a monthly allowance in the amount of 1 thousand 830 rubles. If you are employed, you will receive a salary increase of 40% of your monthly earnings.

In order to apply for benefits as a single mother, a woman must provide the social security authorities with:

  1. A certificate from the Housing Office or the Regional Repair Office stating that the baby lives with his mother;
  2. Birth certificate of the baby;
  3. Mother's passport;
  4. Bank account number for calculating payments;
  5. A work book if the mother does not work.

Regional payments

Now you know, how much do they pay for the birth of their first child in 2016 in Russia. However, in addition to all the state benefits listed and provided for by law, in some regions Russian Federation gubernatorial benefits are assigned. There is no exact amount of the payment, since in each region where this type of payment is supported, the amount of the benefit depends on the financial capabilities of the regional budget.

The birth of a baby can always be associated with pleasant chores, but at the same time it is also additional expenses from family budget. After all, almost all parents want their children to not need for anything. Therefore, the state has accommodated young parents and pays various types of financial assistance, compensating for the costs of caring for and maintaining the baby.

What payments are due at the birth of a baby in 2016 and how to complete all the required documents are two pressing questions that absolutely all new parents ask themselves. Let's try to figure it all out and understand in what cases this or that benefit is paid.

One-time benefit for the birth of a child

A one-time benefit for the birth of a child in 2016 is a one-time deduction to one of the parents. If a woman gives birth to two or more children at once, then the same amount of money is allocated for each child.

From February 1 of this year, the amount of state assistance provided to families when children are born is 15,512 rubles. for one little one. It is extremely important to make the following point. In rural areas and small towns the total monetary amount of the benefit depends on wages. That is, a certain coefficient is established that is closely related to your salary. Therefore, the amount of the amount in a particular region may differ slightly.

Not only unemployed people, but, for example, part-time students wanted information about what payments were due at the birth of a child in 2016 to unemployed people. There is an opinion that only officially working parents can apply for financial assistance from the state budget, but this is not at all true. Naturally, the amount of the benefit will directly depend on the mother’s employment, but the fact that deductions are due to all segments of the population is clear.

To receive government assistance in the above amount, one of the parents must apply for it to the relevant authorities at the place of registration of residence (in the absence of official employment) or at the location of the employer.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the father can apply for and receive benefits, but only in the case of official employment. If he does not work anywhere, then only the mother has the right to receive the payment.

Child care benefit (2016)

As already mentioned, a one-time deduction for new mothers can be received regardless of the availability of permanent employment. In addition, when the baby reaches one and a half years old, the family will receive a fixed amount monthly.

Working citizens who become parents of a baby should contact their employer to receive legal financial assistance. If it so happens that neither the father nor the mother is employed, then apply for this type social assistance possible by contacting the executive bodies of the local administration.

The amount of cash payments that parents will receive every month for 1.5 years to care for the baby in 2016 directly depends on the salary and is calculated using a special formula. But it's quite simple. Deductions are made in the amount of 40% of the average six-month salary. Minimum monthly contribution amount state benefit cannot be lower than 2908.62 rubles. At the same time, the Government also provides a maximum of 5817.24 for the second and subsequent children. Both housewives and student mothers can apply for such deductions.

But what payments are due at the birth of the first child in 2016? The birth of their first child allows parents to count on the following amount of government material support:

  • A one-time one-time amount when the baby arrives;
  • Social benefits when the child reaches 1.5 years old;
  • Cash assistance for sick leave based on pregnancy and childbirth.

In order to complete all the appointments and receive everything that is due, after the birth of the child within six months, you must go with a complete package of documents to the municipal authorities dealing with social security issues. Payments will not be processed after this period.

In different regions of our country, mothers receive unequal amounts. For example, in order to understand what payments are due for the birth of a child in 2016 in the Moscow region, it is necessary to consider this issue in detail.

For residents of the Moscow region, the required benefit amounts differ. Thus, one-time state financial assistance for the birth of the first child is 10,000 rubles, the second – 20,000 rubles, the third – 30,000 rubles. When twins or twins are born, parents will be provided with an amount of 70,000 rubles. But mothers of triplets are entitled to receive a payment of 150,000.

In turn, the monthly benefit for children living in the Moscow region is 2,206 rubles.

It would seem that they are one country, but in Moscow the amounts of benefits differ from what payments are due at the birth of a child in 2016 in St. Petersburg. It is worth noting right away that in general the differences are not significant. The presence of the “Children's Card” program, available only to residents of the former Leningrad, is the only payment to young parents that is not available in Moscow.

If you are a large family, then you can contact the authorities social protection with a request for the accrual of social assistance to large families. In this case, before going to the authorities, it is necessary to prepare a package of all requested documentation.

But residents of the northern part of Russia are interested in knowing what payments are due at the birth of a child in Novosibirsk (2016)?

Mothers who live in Novosibirsk will also be able to receive a one-time and regular monthly payment for child care. The principles for calculating benefits are the same. The amount is identical. But there are some differences. An additional amount will be received by young parents who, at the time of replenishing their young family, have not reached the age of 30. Therefore, they receive additional funds in the amount of 6,000 rubles. for the firstborn and 12,000 rub. for the second baby.

Documents for registration

Before contacting the relevant authorities for the assignment of state assistance to families with children, it is necessary to prepare all the required documents. This way you can save a lot of time and get money much faster. All parents must provide:

  • an application requesting state assistance in connection with the birth of a baby;
  • copy and original of the baby’s birth certificate;
  • a certificate confirming that neither of the parents is the recipient of additional payments for the baby;
  • a certified copy of the work record;
  • a copy and original of the marriage certificate or other documents (divorce, court decision on divorce, change of surname, alimony, etc.) in case of receiving alimony.

If you have not collected a complete package of documents, then you should not run several times to the social security authorities. It would be wiser to collect everything you need and then go to apply for financial assistance. This will, at a minimum, help save your strength and nerves. The main thing to remember is that you can apply for baby money no later than 6 months after the birth of your baby.

When applying for payments for low-income families, it is necessary that each spouse provide the government authorities with a certificate of income from their place of work. Otherwise you simply won’t get paid. It's up to you to decide what to do in this situation.

Maternity capital in 2016

So, you have found out what payments are due at the birth of your first child in 2016, now let’s talk about maternity capital. The “maternity capital” program was developed to improve the demographic situation in the country. Therefore, the state decided to help young parents provide for their children. Right to this financial assistance receive families who have a second and third child.

Sum maternity capital in 2016 is 453,026. These funds can be spent no earlier than the child reaches the age of three.

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