State allowances for children per year. Terms of registration and payment of benefits to families with children. Changes to the current procedure for indexing social benefits

The birth of a baby can always be associated with pleasant chores, but at the same time, it is also an additional expense from the family budget. After all, almost all parents want their children to not need anything. Therefore, the state went towards young parents and pays various kinds of financial assistance, compensating for the costs of caring for and maintaining the baby.

What payments are due at the birth of a baby in 2016 and how to complete all the required documents are two burning questions that absolutely all newly-made parents ask themselves. Let's try to understand all this, and understand in what cases this or that benefit is paid.

One-time allowance at the birth of a child

The one-time allowance for the birth of a child in 2016 is a one-time deduction for one of the parents. If a woman immediately gives birth to two or more children, then the same amount of money is put on each of the babies.

From February 1 of this year, the amount of state assistance provided to families with the appearance of children is 15,512 rubles. for one crumb. It is extremely important to dwell on the next point. In rural areas and small towns, the total cash benefit depends on wages. That is, a certain coefficient is set, which is closely related to your salary. Therefore, the size of the amount in a particular region may not differ significantly.

About what payments are due at the birth of a child in 2016 to the unemployed, they wanted to get information not only for unemployed persons, but, for example, for part-time students. There is an opinion that only officially working parents can apply for financial assistance from the state budget, but this is not at all the case. Naturally, the amount of the allowance will directly depend on the mother's employment, but the fact that deductions are due to all segments of the population is unequivocal.

In order to receive state assistance in the above amount, one of the parents must apply for it to the relevant authorities at the place of registration of residence (in the absence of official employment) or at the location of the employer.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the father can also apply for and receive benefits, but only in the case of official employment. If he does not work anywhere, then only the mother has the right to receive payment.

Child care allowance (2016)

As already mentioned, a lump sum deduction for newly-made mothers can be received regardless of the availability of places of permanent employment. In addition, when the baby reaches one and a half years, the family will receive a fixed amount every month.

Working citizens who have become parents of crumbs should contact their employer for legal financial assistance. If it so happened that neither the father nor the mother is employed, then you can apply for this type of social assistance by applying to the executive bodies of the local administration.

The amount of cash payments that parents will receive every month for 1.5 years of caring for a baby in 2016 directly depends on the salary and is calculated using a special formula. But it's quite simple. Deductions are made in the amount of 40% of the average semi-annual salary. The minimum amount of monthly deductions of the state allowance cannot be lower than 2908.62 rubles. At the same time, the Government also provides for a maximum of 5817.24 for the second and subsequent babies. Both housewives and student mothers can apply for such deductions.

But what payments are due at the birth of the first child in 2016? The firstborn born allows parents to count on the following amount of state material support:

  • A one-time one-time amount when a crumb appears;
  • Social allowance for the child reaching 1.5 years;
  • Financial assistance on sick leave, on the basis of pregnancy and childbirth.

In order to complete all appointments and receive everything that is due, after the birth of a child, within six months, it is necessary to go with a full package of documents to the municipal authorities involved in social security of the population. Payments will not be processed after this deadline.

In different regions of our country, mothers receive different amounts. For example, in order to understand what payments are due at the birth of a child in 2016 in the Moscow region, it is necessary to elaborate on this issue.

For residents of the Moscow region, the prescribed amount of benefits is different. So one-time state material assistance at the birth of the first child is 10,000 rubles, the second - 20,000 rubles, the third - 30,000 rubles. When twins or twins are born, parents will be given an amount of 70,000 rubles. But mothers of triplets are supposed to receive a payment of 150,000.

In turn, the amount of the monthly allowance for babies living in the Moscow region is 2206 rubles.

It would seem that one country, but in Moscow the amount of benefits differs from what payments are due at the birth of a child in 2016 in St. Petersburg. It should be noted right away that, in general, the differences are not significant. The presence of the "Children's Card" program, available only to residents of the former Leningrad, is the only payment to young parents that is not available in Moscow.

If you are a large family, then you can apply to the social protection authorities with a request for the accrual of social assistance to large families. In this case, before going to the authorities, it is necessary to prepare a package of all the requested documentation.

But residents of the northern part of Russia are interested to know what payments are due at the birth of a child in Novosibirsk (2016)?

Mothers who live in Novosibirsk will also be able to receive a one-time and regular monthly payment for caring for their baby. The principles for calculating benefits are the same. The amount is identical. But there are some differences. An additional amount will be received by young parents who, at the time of replenishment of their young family, have not reached the age of 30. Therefore, they receive additional funds in the amount of 6000 r. for the firstborn and 12,000 r. for the second baby.

Documents for registration

Before applying to the relevant authorities for the appointment of state assistance to families with children, it is necessary to prepare all the required documents. This way you can save a lot of time and get money much faster. All parents must provide:

  • a statement asking for state assistance in connection with the birth of a baby;
  • a copy and original of the baby's birth certificate;
  • a certificate confirming that none of the parents is the recipient of additional payments for crumbs;
  • a certified copy of the work book;
  • a copy and original of the marriage certificate or other documents (on divorce, court decision on divorce, change of surname, alimony, etc.) in case of receiving alimony.

If you have not collected a complete package of documents, then you should not run several times to the social security authorities. It would be wiser to collect everything you need, and then go to apply for financial assistance. This, at least, will help save you strength and nerves. The main thing to remember is that you can issue baby money no later than 6 months after the birth of your crumbs.

When making payments for low-income families, it is necessary that each of the spouses provide the authorities with a certificate of income from work. Otherwise, you won't get paid. It is up to you to decide what is the right thing to do in this situation.

Maternity capital in 2016

So, you have found out what payments are due at the birth of the first child in 2016, now let's talk about mother capital. The maternity capital program is designed to improve the demographic situation in the country. Therefore, the state decided to help young parents provide for their children. Families who have a second or third child are eligible for this financial assistance.

The amount of maternity capital in 2016 is 453,026. You can spend these funds no earlier than the child reaches the age of three.

Payments for the first child in 2016

Parents expecting their first child in 2016 can count on the following benefits:

  • One-time allowance for pregnancy and childbirth;
  • Monthly allowance for caring for a child up to one and a half years;
  • Payments from the regional budget.

The allowance is paid to a pregnant woman if she is registered with the local antenatal clinic no later than the 12th week of pregnancy.

Financial assistance in connection with childbirth is accrued regardless of the time at which the mother became registered.

This allowance is calculated as follows:

70 days before childbirth + 70 days after childbirth = 140 calendar days (in case of complicated childbirth, another 16 days (156 days) are added); if two or three children were born, then another 54 calendar days (194 days) are added to 140 days.

Formula for calculating benefits:

(total income for 2013 + income for 2012) / total number of days in the previous two years (731) * 140 days.

Let's say the income of a working woman for 2013 was 200,000 rubles, and for 2012 - 150,000 rubles. Add these two numbers together:

200 000 + 150 000 = 350 000

The resulting figure must be divided by the number of days for 2012 and 2013 (731 days because 2012 was a leap year):

This number must be multiplied by the number of days of maternity leave:

478.796169630 * 140 = 67.031 is the amount of maternity benefit.

The amount of the allowance for a working woman is equal to 100% of the average annual earnings for the previous two years, but cannot exceed 186,986.8 rubles.

Required documents

In order to receive the allowance, the mother must submit the following documents to the personnel department of the entire enterprise:

  • Application addressed to the head of the organization;
  • Sick leave (issued by a doctor from the antenatal clinic).

Payments at the birth of the first child in 2016

A one-time allowance for a child, regardless of which account it is, in 2016 it is 15,382.17 rubles (in 2015 it was 14,497.8 rubles). Get maternity benefits for the first child can both employed and unemployed citizens of our country.

In order to receive a one-time allowance, working parents must submit the following documents to the personnel department of the institution in which they work:

  1. Application addressed to the head of the enterprise for the appointment of benefits;
  2. Certificate and / or certificate of the birth of the child from the registry office;
  3. Passports of both parents;
  4. A certificate received by the other parent at his work that he was not paid benefits.

All documents, except for the application, must be accompanied by photocopies of the originals.

Monthly child allowances in 2016

In 2015 monthly first child allowance in the family was 2718.34 rubles. In 2016 - 2884.16 rubles. This benefit can be applied for before the child reaches the age of two.

The allowance for caring for a child, from the moment he turns one and a half to the age of three, is paid to working parents in the amount of 50 rubles per month. Low-income families, whose total monthly income does not exceed the established subsistence level for each family member, can also apply for it. The amount of the allowance can be specified in the OSZN. You can get it by contacting the local social security with the following documents:

  • application for benefits;
  • Certificate from the tax service on the income of each of the family members;
  • Information about the composition of the family;
  • Child's birth certificate + photocopy.

Payments and benefits for single mothers

Single mothers, in addition to the above benefits, are entitled to receive compensation for food (in the event of an increase in prices) for a child under the age of three, free clothes for an infant, payment for special food until the child reaches the age of two (a certificate is taken from the local pediatrician). Benefits are provided for utility bills until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years. At the expense of state funds, children from 0 to 3 years old are provided with the necessary medicines. Every month, a single mother should receive an allowance in the amount of 1,830 rubles (if she does not work) or an increase in wages in the amount of 40% of her monthly earnings.

To apply for a grant, you must collect the following documents:

  1. Certificate from the local housing office stating that the child lives with the mother;
  2. Birth certificate;
  3. The passport;
  4. account number or savings book;
  5. Employment book (if the mother does not work).

Local payments

Governor's allowance for the first child are not paid in all areas of our country. The amount of payments varies depending on the region. Check out the list of subjects where benefits are paid at the expense of the regions of the Russian Federation.

The state takes care of children, helping their parents with material and targeted assistance, which significantly facilitates their work in the complex process of upbringing and providing everything necessary for full growth and development.

The implementation of state and regional programs lasts from the moment of a woman's pregnancy until her child reaches the age of majority.

The legislative framework

Until 2016, the system of organizing social assistance to parents and guardians of children continued to be improved by expanding the list and amount of benefits, indexing payments taking into account the planned inflation rate. Due to this, there was an increase in funding for the planned articles of the social section, which were included in the budget during its planning and approval.

By 2016, a budget deficit began to be observed, as a result of which the government had to limit and modify some payments, including those coming from regional sources.

At that time, laws that became unpopular were adopted, the meaning of which is:

  • in the reduction of entities that are recipients of social benefits based on certain criteria of need;
  • in the abolition of the annual indexation from the beginning of the year, based on the planned indicators;
  • in the introduction of additional indexation, on the basis of which a certain list of subsidies is recalculated taking into account the coefficient based on the results of the previous year's data.

The amount of benefits and the procedure for their indexation are approved in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

When considering the state budget for 2019, innovations were provided for changes in the procedure for indexing payments.

Last changes


A certain level of inflation is planned annually in the country. The recalculation of subsidies taking into account these indicators has been provided since 2008.

In 2019, the recalculation of social payments in terms of indexation was not stopped.

Not allowed such payments in the following cases:

  • alcohol abuse by parents;
  • civil marriage;
  • lack of official income from an able-bodied father of the family.

Upon receiving the status of low-income, the state not only pays a monthly allowance, but also makes targeted accruals in combination with various benefits.

Large families

At the birth of the third and each subsequent child, the family is entitled to:

If in a family over 10 kids, then she is supposed to:

  • 10,000 rubles for the period of registration of the mother's pension;
  • 10,000 rubles as a lump sum payment on the family day;
  • 15,000 rubles for first-graders on the day of knowledge.

At birth in a family more than 7 children, parents are awarded the Order of Parental Glory. In this case, a lump-sum allowance in the amount of 100,000 rubles is paid.

Single mothers

For single mothers, the procedure for calculating subsidies for the year has somewhat changed. Benefits now have targeted character and are paid only to the category of women who really need them. Upon receipt of a positive response to the request for payment after providing a certificate of income for the last 6 months, it will be calculated based on 100% of the minimum per child.

Despite the unpopular laws put into effect, the state does a good job of helping those who really need help. The new law contributes to a more equitable distribution of budgetary funds.

The list of child benefits can be found in the following video:

The birth of a baby is a bright event in the life of every family. But there are also significant financial costs to meet all the needs of the newborn. Help in the form of a lump sum here comes in handy. We will tell you how much new parents can expect, how to apply for and receive the payment due.

What is a lump sum allowance?

Absolutely all women who are citizens of the Russian Federation, foreigners / stateless persons (if they permanently reside in Russia or temporarily with registration in social insurance as an insured person) are entitled to a one-time state allowance at the birth of a child. Funds can be received both at birth and when adopting a baby. Their size is not affected by:

  • family income (above or below the subsistence level);
  • employment of the mother (funds are paid to the unemployed, officially employed, students, as well as persons who have issued an IP);
  • mother's work experience, etc.

Families who have given birth to a baby both in marriage and out of marriage, as well as single mothers, can receive a one-time allowance. The federal benefit is paid in cash. Assistance is issued at a time at the rate of 1 allowance for 1 family (or mother or father, for whom the child is listed).

Amount of aid

The amount of the lump-sum allowance for the birth of a child in 2018 is legally fixed. For parents whose children were born before 02/01/2018, this amount is 16759,09 rub.

This amount will be paid to parents, regardless of how the baby appeared in the family - the first, second or third - in each case, the compensation will be the same.

The size is indexed every year. The next increase is expected from February 1, 2019. The exact amount is not yet known.

Adoption payments

If the spouses adopted one baby, then the compensation for them remains at the standard amount. 16 759,09 rub. If a child of 7 years of age and older is accepted for adoption, then the parents are entitled to a payment in the amount of 128 053,08 rub. The same amount is due for the adoption of a disabled child. If you decide to take into the family several children who are brothers / sisters to each other, then you will also receive 128,053.08 rubles from the state. for every adoptee. It should be noted that this amount is paid if the adoption certificate is dated February 1, 2018 or later.

Help for a second child

The amount of one-time assistance does not change depending on the number of children in the family. Whether the child is born first or second, etc. the amount of compensation will be the same.

In this case, the parent will receive state assistance for the birth of each child, the parent separately. That is, the payment for the firstborn does not deprive the right to receive subsequent benefits for the birth of new children.

If several children are born at once - twins, triplets (or one is born and the other is adopted / adopted), then the amount of the allowance is determined by simple arithmetic addition.

For example, Ivanova O.I. She gave birth to twins on August 10, 2018. She applies for payment to the employer and the latter is obliged to make a double payment equal to 33,518.18 rubles.

There is also a state program to help families with many children, according to which, at the birth of a second child (and subsequent children), parents receive a certificate for maternity capital. The amount of capital in 2018 is 453.026 rubles, it was not indexed and remained the same compared to the previous year.

Dependence on the region of receipt

Although the amount of the lump sum in connection with the birth of a child is firmly fixed and equal for everyone, there are still certain deviations. It depends on the region where the payment is received. We are talking about the district coefficient (Northern coefficients, as they say differently).

Not all territories, regions, republics of Russia provide coefficients. In the same place where it is applied, the amount of the birth benefit increases by the value of this coefficient. A simple calculation is taken from the minimum lump sum allowance for the birth of a child in 2018 (the base amount is 16,759.09 rubles) and multiplied by a coefficient. The result is the amount of money to be issued. The rest of the payment rules remain the same.

For example, in the Perm Territory, the district is equal to 1.15. This means that in Perm the amount of state benefits will be equal to 19,272.95 (16,759.09 X 1.15) rubles.

Region Coefficient value
Altai Republic 1,4
Republic of Bashkortostan 1,15
The Republic of Buryatia 1.2 (1.3 and 1.7 in separate territory)
The Republic of Dagestan 1.15 (1.2 in territory)
Republic of Kalmykia 1,1-1,3
Republic of Karelia 1.15 (1.3 and 1.4 in the hotel area)
Komi Republic 1,2 – 1,6
Saha Republic 1.7 and 2
Tyva Republic 1.4 and 1.5
Udmurt republic 1,15
The Republic of Khakassia 1,3
Altai region 1.15 and 1.25
Zabaykalsky Krai 1,3
Kamchatka Krai 1.6 1.8 and 2
Krasnoyarsk region 1.3 (1.5 1.6 and 1.8 in a separate territory)
Primorsky Krai 1.3 and 1.4
Khabarovsk region 1.3 1.5 and 1.7
Amur region 1,3 – 1,7
Arhangelsk region 1.2 and 1.4
Astrakhan region 1.1 - 1.35 (in some parts of the region)
Vologodskaya Oblast 1.15 and 1.25
Irkutsk region 1.3 1.4 1.6 and 1.7
Kemerovo region 1,3
Kirov region 1,15
Kostroma region 1.15 (for workers in the timber industry)
Kurgan region 1,15
Magadan Region 1,7
Murmansk region 1.5 (1.7 and 1.8 on a separate part)
Novosibirsk region 1,25
Omsk region 1,15
Orenburg region 1,15
Perm region 1.15 and 1.2
Rostov region 1.1 (in part of the territory)
Sakhalin region 1.6 1.8 and 2
Sverdlovsk region 1.15 and 1.2
Tomsk region 1.3 1.5 and 1.7
Tyumen region 1,15 1,5 1,217
Chelyabinsk region 1,15
Jewish Autonomous Region 1,3
Nenets Autonomous Okrug 1,5
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug 1.3 and 1.5
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug 2
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 1,5

In the subjects of the Russian Federation that are not listed in the table, the regional coefficient is not applied, that is, it is equal to "1"

Registration of benefits

In order to receive one-time help at the birth of a baby, you need to make sure that:

  • You are a citizen of the Russian Federation, or a foreigner or a stateless person permanently residing in Russia and insured by the FSS (usually employed).
  • the fact of the birth of the baby is confirmed by a certificate. The presence / absence of information about paternity in the document does not affect the order and amount of payments, single mothers receive assistance in the general manner.

Who will receive the allowance at the birth of a child, the father or mother is determined by the parents themselves (if both are unemployed or both work). But in some situations there is no choice:

  • one parent is employed, and the other is unemployed (individual entrepreneur, student, etc.) - the employed person receives assistance;
  • the father and mother are divorced, then the payment is due to the one with whom the child lives.

Where to go

Benefits are available from two organizations:

at the employer
  • employed. If he works for several employers part-time, then for any recipient of his choice;
  • civilian personnel of military formations located on the territory of other states.
in the territorial department of social protection
  • unemployed or persons officially unemployed (in both cases, insurance payments are not transferred to the funds);
  • full-time students (universities, technical schools, vocational schools, etc.), as well as residents, graduate students, cadets;
  • entrepreneurs who do not pay contributions.
social insurance fund Individual entrepreneurs who pay mandatory insurance premiums for themselves.
other special institutions The military, serving under the contract at the place of service.

That is, depending on who pays the allowance, applicants need to apply there.

If in a family one parent is working and the other is not in any labor relations, then only the employed can receive benefits.


The terms for the payment of a lump-sum allowance at the birth of a child are strictly established.

You can apply for benefits within 6 months of the child's birth. If this deadline is missed, compensation will be denied. And the only way to get it back is through the courts.

After the application is submitted, the money is paid within 10 days (from the employer or to the Social Insurance Fund).

If you have to receive benefits from Social Security, then payments are made before the 26th day of the next month after the documents are submitted.

We provide assistance through the employer

What documents are needed when applying for a one-time allowance at the birth of a baby.

If you are officially employed and plan to receive funds through the employer, then you will need:

  • birth certificate/court decision on adoption (copy);
  • a copy of the marriage certificate (if divorce, then on dissolution);
  • a certificate stating that the second parent did not receive benefits (from the place of work of father / mother or from the Social Security);
  • application (a sample application for a one-time allowance for the birth of a child is usually provided by the accounting department or the personnel department. In addition to personal data, the application indicates the bank account number for transferring funds);
  • a certificate from the Criminal Code stating that the baby lives with you (if you are divorced and draw up compensation for yourself);
  • Form No. 25 (If you are a single mother).

All collected papers must be transferred to the place of work no later than 183 days from the date of birth of the baby.

In order for the funds to arrive on time, keep the second copy of the application (with a mark of transfer to the employer) submitted to the Human Resources Department along with other documents. From the date specified in the application, no more than 10 business days should elapse until the funds are credited to your account (or issued at the cash desk of the enterprise).

Payments through RUSZN

All citizens who do not pay insurance payments to social funds apply to social security for benefits. As a rule, these are unemployed (or unofficially employed) and students. Also, through Social Security, individual entrepreneurs receive benefits (if they do not pay deductions to the FSS for themselves).
To receive compensation, you need a standard package of documents. That is, the same documents for the payment of a lump-sum allowance at the birth of a child as when applying to the employer (see description above). Additionally, in addition to the specified papers, you will need:

  • passport (certified copy with the original);
  • a copy of the work book (if any);
  • IP certificate, as well as a certificate of non-receipt of compensation from the FSS;
  • certificate from the place of study (for students);
  • certificate of family composition (registration of family members);
  • a document confirming the lack of employment of the husband / wife (certificate from the employment center, a copy of the work book, etc.).

As in the case of registration through the employer, a certificate stating that the other parent did not receive benefits is mandatory. The exception is single mothers.

The application is made on the form of the department of social protection.

You can transfer all the collected papers in a way convenient for you, namely:

  • personally bring to the Social Security or territorial MFC. On the spot, an employee of the institutions will check the completeness of the documents and the correctness of their execution. Mistakes can be corrected there;
  • through a representative under a notarized power of attorney;
  • by mail with notice. Do not forget to put an inventory in the envelope, in which indicate all the enclosed documents. Upon receiving the letter, the Social Security officer will check the actual availability of papers with the inventory and sign for receipt;
  • submit an electronic application through the electronic resource "Gosuslugi". To do this, you need to register on the website and submit an application through your personal account.

On the fact of acceptance of documents, an employee of the Social Security Service (MFC) draws up a special receipt, which is transferred or sent (if the documentation was sent by mail) to the recipient of state assistance.

The choice of where to receive benefits does not arise, since the applicant must have a bank account, where the amount of the payment is transferred.

The deadline for receiving funds is no later than the 26th day of the month following the month in which the documents were submitted.

Example #1. A baby appeared in the family of the Skvortsov spouses. Father Skvortsov V.S. is working, mother Skvortsova T.K. - University student. Who can receive benefits? Since Skvortsova T.K. does not work and does not make payments to social funds, then the payment is made to the father of Skvortsov V.S. at his place of work. In order to receive funds, in addition to other documents, Skvortsov will need a certificate from the Social Security Council stating that his wife did not receive funds through the Social Security authorities.

Regional lump sum payments

In addition to nationwide payments, parents can additionally count on a one-time allowance for a child from the regional authorities. For example, residents of Moscow receive one-time compensation payments in the amount of 5,500 (for the birth of their first child) or 14,500 (for the second and subsequent children). To receive the payment, you need to contact the district social protection authority (RUSZN), or the MFC. If only one of the parents is a Muscovite, then in order to apply, in addition to standard documents (passport, birth certificate of the baby), you will need a certificate stating that the baby lives in Moscow (with a Muscovite parent).

Another type of assistance from the Moscow authorities was sent to support young families. One-time benefits are paid to parents under 30 years of age (citizens of the Russian Federation, both under the specified age). The amount of funds depends on the established value of the subsistence minimum (PM) and is 5 PM at the birth of the first baby, 7 PM for the second and 10 PM for subsequent children. If the baby was born in January - March 2018, then the PM is applied at the rate of 15.786 rubles.

Example #2. Residents of Moscow, the Orlova spouses are a young family (Orlov S.V. - 29 years old, Orlova K.T. - 28 years old). In August 2013, the Orlovs had their first child, Orlov P.S. Three years later (in March 2018), the Orlov family was replenished with a daughter, Orlova E.S. Let's calculate how much the Orlov family received from the Moscow municipal authorities for each child:

  • for the first son, the Orlovs received a standard compensation payment - 5,500. Since at the time of the birth of their son, each of the spouses was under 30 years old, the Orlovs were also entitled to an allowance under the program for helping young families (the so-called “Luzhkov payments”) - 5 PM. The subsistence level at the date of birth of the baby (Q3 2015) is 15.141. Thus, the Orlovs received an additional 75.705 (15.141 * 5). In total for the son of Orlov P.S. the family will receive assistance 81.205 (5.500 + 75.705);
  • at the birth of her daughter Orlova E.S. the family is only entitled to compensation of 14.500. Since in March 2018 each of the Orlov spouses was over 30 years old, they are not entitled to payments under the assistance program for young families.

The total amount of funds that the Orlovs received from the municipality of Moscow amounted to 95.705 (81.205 + 14.500).

Not only the Moscow authorities support families in which children appear. For example, residents of St. Petersburg, in whose family the first baby has appeared, receive funds in the amount of 29.839, the second - 39.788, and for large families (third and subsequent children) compensation is 49.733. In the Vladimir region, in addition to providing standard regional assistance (3.913 for the first child, 7.824 for the second and subsequent), payments are provided for twins (13.039) and triplets (19.559). In the Altai Territory, parents are entitled to a free land plot for a third child. In the Orenburg and Pskov regions, compensation for the third and subsequent children is 100,000 rubles. In order to clarify information on the amount of assistance in your region, you need to contact the RUSZN at the place of residence. They will also tell you what documents are needed when paying a childbirth allowance, in addition to the standard ones (passport, birth certificate, application) and what is the procedure for paying a lump-sum allowance of regional significance.

Table of regional assistance by region:


The subject of the Russian Federation The amount of the regional birth allowance
Republic of Adygea
  • 1 000 rub. - for the first child;
  • 1 600 rub. - on the second;
  • 2 200 rub. - on the third and subsequent.

There is no allowance for adoption.

Altai Republic Missing
Republic of Bashkortostan 300 thousand rubles for the first child, parents under the age of 35, intended use (for improving living conditions)
The Republic of Buryatia 250 thousand rubles for the adoption / adoption of a child left without parental care.
The Republic of Dagestan
  • 10 000 rub. for 5,6,7,8,9 children;
  • 300 000 rub. for 10 and subsequent children;
  • 20 000 rub. for twins;
  • 100 000 rub. for triplets.

There is no provision for adoption.

The Republic of Ingushetia
  • 10 000 rub. for the 8th child;
  • 11 000 rub. on the 9th;
  • 12 000 rub. - on the 10th;
  • 13 000 rub. on the 11th;
  • 14 000 rub. on the 12th;
  • 15 000 rub. on the 13th;
  • 16 000 rub. on the 14th;
  • 17 000 rub. on the 15th;
  • 18 000 rub. for each subsequent one.
Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
  • RUB 3149.23 for the birth of a child;
  • RUB 3149.23 - in case of adoption / adoption; 50,000 rubles. at the birth of three or more children at the same time (for each child).
Republic of Kalmykia missing
Karachay-Cherkess Republic 13 000 rub. allowance for the adoption/adoption of a child
Republic of Karelia
  • 2000 rub. for the first child
  • 3000 rub. on the 2nd;
  • 4000 rub. on the third and subsequent;
  • 100 000 rub. upon adoption/adoption.
Komi Republic missing
Republic of Crimea RUB 27,446.9 at the birth of a child, regardless of the order and upon adoption / adoption.
Mari El Republic missing
The Republic of Mordovia missing
Republic of Yakutia (Sakha) 6516 rub. for the first child of parents under the age of 30, as well as in case of adoption / adoption
Republic of North Ossetia-Alania 8000 rub. when for an adoptive parent, guardian, foster parent.
Republic of Tatarstan 10 000 rub. at the birth of three or more children at the same time. amount per child.
Tyva Republic missing
Udmurt Republic
  • 15 000 rub. at the birth of twins;
  • 20 000 rub. at the birth of triplets.
The Republic of Khakassia
  • 100 000 rub. upon adoption / adoption;
  • 200 000 rub. when adopting / adopting a disabled child.
Chechen Republic
  • 8000 rub. upon adoption / adoption;
  • 100 000 rub. when adopting brothers/sisters or a disabled child.
Chuvash Republic missing


Altai region
  • 200 000 rub. at the birth of four or more;
  • 20 000 rub. upon adoption.
Zabaykalsky Krai missing
Kamchatka Krai
  • 3500 rub. when a child is born to low-income parents;
  • 18 000 rub. when twins are born and if the family already has at least one child;
  • 31000 rub. at the birth of triplets;
  • 41 000 rub. with the simultaneous birth of 4 or more children.
Krasnoyarsk region
  • RUB 13,087.61 upon adoption for each child;
  • RUB 234,000 when adopting a child from 7 years and older;
  • RUB 44,550 at the birth of two or more children at the same time (for each child).
Perm region
  • 60 000 rub. at the birth of a child to a mother aged 19 to 24;
  • 4 618, 45 rub. at the birth of 3 or more children at the same time (for each);
  • 100 000 rub. upon adoption.
Primorsky Krai missing
Stavropol region missing
Khabarovsk region
  • 5000 rub. for the second and subsequent children born (for each);
  • 250 000 rub. for the adoption of an orphan child.


Amur region
  • 300 000 rub. upon adoption;
  • 600 000 rub. when adopting a disabled child;
  • RUB 129,360 adoption of a child in a foster family;
  • RUB 161,700 adoption of a disabled child into the family.
Arhangelsk region
  • 30 000 rub. mothers from 22 to 24 years old with an income of no more than 1.5 subsistence minimum for each family member;
  • 7196 rub. at birth or adoption of 3 and subsequent children.
Astrakhan region 100 000 rub. at the birth of triplets or more children at the same time.
Belgorod region missing
Bryansk region
  • 1000 rub. for the birth of a child;
  • 2000 rub. for the birth of the third and subsequent children (for each);
  • 15 000 rub. for adoption;
  • 10 000 rub. for placement in a foster family of a child with a disability.
Vladimir region
  • 3 913 rub. for the second child
  • 7 824 rub. on the third and subsequent;
  • RUB 13,039 for twins;
  • RUB 19,559 for triplets.
Volgograd region 11 400 rub. at birth and adoption.
Vologodskaya Oblast 2000 rub. at the birth (adoption) of the second and subsequent children (for each).
Voronezh region 20 000 rub. at birth or adoption.
Ivanovo region missing
Irkutsk region
  • 5000 rub. at the birth of a child, if the average per capita income in the family is less than 2 times the subsistence level;
  • 35 000 rub. at the birth of twins, triplets and more children at the same time (for each child);
  • 100 000 rub. for adoptive parents.
Kaliningrad region
  • 3500 rub. for the first child
  • 7 000 rub. on the second;
  • 10 000 rub. on the third and subsequent;
  • RUB 615,000 for the adoption of an orphan.
Kaluga region
  • 15 600 rub. at the birth of a second child;
  • 6 000 rub. for adoption.
Kemerovo region
  • 20 000 rub. at the birth of a child in a student family;
  • 20,166.45 with the simultaneous birth of 2 or more children (for each);
  • 20 000 rub. for an adopted child;
  • 100 000 rub. for an adopted child with a disability
Kirovsky district
  • 2017 rub. at the birth of a child;
  • 50 000 rub. for the adoption of a child.
Kostroma region
  • 3500 rub. for the first child
  • 4500 rub. at the birth of a second child;
  • 6000 rub. at the birth of the third and subsequent children;
  • 30 000 rub. when adopting a child;
  • RUB 170,000 when adopting a disabled child.
Kurgan region
  • 40 000 rub. at the birth of two or more children at the same time;
  • RUB 18,802.88 when adopting a child;
  • 25 000 rub. at the birth of the second and subsequent children
Kursk region
  • 100 000 rub. at the birth of triplets;
  • 20 000 rub. when adopting a child.
Leningrad region
  • 20 000 rub. at the birth (adoption) of a child;
  • 40 000 rub. at the birth of two children;
  • 100 000 rub. at the birth of triplets and more children at the same time (for each).
Lipetsk region
  • 20 000 rub. for the birth of a child in a poor family;
  • 30 000 rub. when a child is born to parents (former orphans);
  • 50 000 rub. when adopting orphans;
  • 50 000 rub. at the birth of a third or subsequent children;
  • 50 000 rub. at the birth of twins;
  • 120 000 rub. at the birth of triplets or more at the same time children.
Magadan Region
  • RUB 26,105.58 at the birth of a child in a student family;
  • 30 000 rub. at the birth of twins;
  • 50 000 rub. with triplets;
  • 300 000 rub. when adopting an orphan or deprived of parental care;
  • 350 000 rub. when adopting a person with a disability.
Moscow region
  • 10 000 rub. for the first child
  • 20 000 rub. on the second;
  • 30 000 rub. on the third;
  • 70 000 rub. for twins;
  • 150 000 rub. at the birth of triplets;
  • 30 000 rub. for the adoption of a child.
Murmansk region
  • RUB 13,386 at the birth (adoption) of two or more children at the same time;
  • RUB 9,238.79 when adopting orphans (without parental care);
  • RUB 147,000 adoption of a disabled child.
Nizhny Novgorod Region
  • 8000 rub. the birth of the first and second child for low-income families;
  • 10 000 rub. at the birth of a third child in a poor family;
  • 25 000 rub. at the birth of a second child and subsequent children, regardless of the financial situation;
  • 3000 rub. at the birth of two or more children at the same time (for each child);
  • 100 000 rub. upon adoption;
  • 200 000 rub. when adopting a child older than 7 years.
Novgorod region
  • 7500 rub. for the first child
  • 3000 rub. for the birth of the third and subsequent children (for each born).
Novosibirsk region
  • 10 000 rub. for the birth of each child (valid in Novosibirsk);
  • 5000 rub. for the birth of a child in a student family (valid in Novosibirsk);
  • 6 000 rub. for the first child
  • 12 000 rub. on the second;
  • 18 000 rub. on the third and subsequent;
  • 5000 rub. for twins, triplets (for each child).
Omsk region 10 000 rub. at the birth of two or more children at the same time (for each).
Orenburg region 25 000 rub. with the simultaneous birth of two or more children (for each);
Oryol Region
  • RUB 20,791.62 at the birth of a third child;
  • RUB 27,722.18 at the birth of the fourth and subsequent children.
Penza region
  • RUB 225,780 upon adoption / adoption;
  • RUB 11,340 at the birth of twins, triplets (or the adoption of two or more children at the same time).
Pskov region missing
Rostov region
  • RUB 61,291 with the simultaneous birth of three or more children (for each);
  • 30 000 rub. when adopting an orphan.
Ryazan Oblast
  • 5 000 rub. at the birth of a third child (in a low-income family);
  • 10 000 rub. at the birth of twins (for a poor family);
  • 15 000 rub. at the birth of triplets (for a poor family).
Samara Region
  • 50 000 rub. at birth (adoption) of twins;
  • 350 000 rub. at birth (adoption) of triplets;
  • RUB 22,417 when adopting a child;
  • RUB 12,417 when transferred to a foster family.
Saratov region
  • 2500 rub. at the birth of the third and subsequent children;
  • 2500 rub. when adopting a child.
Sakhalin region
  • RUB 57,438 at the birth of a child in a student family;
  • RUB 54,444 at the birth of a child in an ordinary family (not students);
  • RUB 710,000 adoption of a child;
  • RUB 1,149,000 when establishing a disabled child;
  • RUB 500,000 when adopting orphans;
  • RUB 1,000,000 at the birth of three or more children at the same time (per family).
Sverdlovsk region
  • 5 000 rub. at the birth of twins, triplets or the birth of a third or subsequent babies;
  • RUB 57,054 when adopting a child;
  • RUB 456,435 when adopting a disabled child;
  • RUB 228,218 when adopting two or more children at the same time;
  • RUB 228,218 when adopting a child under the age of 10 years.
Smolensk region RUB 5,129.58 at the birth of a child, regardless of the status of the parents and the number of children.
Tambov Region 200 000 rub. when adopting a child.
Tver region absence
Tomsk region
  • 10 950 rub. at the birth of triplets or more children at the same time (for each);
  • 10 950 rub. adoption of three or more children at the same time (for each).
Tula region
  • RUB 7,711.35 when triplets or more children are born at the same time (for each);
  • RUB 10,933.98 if one of the parents is a student or a poor family;
  • 10 933, 98 rub. a second child was born;
  • RUB 10,933.98 twins were born;
  • RUB 17,767.78 triplets were born;
  • 13 RUB 75.92 adoption of an orphan child;
  • RUB 47,633.25 adoption of the second and next child;
  • 50 000 rub. adoption of a child with limited physical or mental capabilities;
  • 40 000 rub. placement in the family of a disabled child (orphan).
Tyumen region
  • RUB 10,890 when transferring a child of preschool age to a family;
  • RUB 11,330 when transferring a schoolchild to a family.
Ulyanovsk region
  • 1100 rub. at the birth of the first child;
  • 2000 rub. for the second child
  • 3000 rub. on the third;
  • 10 000 rub. at the birth of twins (per family);
  • 100 000 rub. to adopt a child;
  • 200 000 rub. adoption of a child with a disability or older than 7 years.
Chelyabinsk region
  • 2000 rub. for the first child
  • 3000 rub. for the second child
  • 4000 rub. for a third child
  • 5000 rub. for the fourth child;
  • 6000 rub. for fifth and subsequent children.
Yaroslavl region
  • 4 258 rub. for the first child
  • RUB 5,677 for the second child
  • RUB 7,096 for the third and subsequent children;
  • RUB 42,720 on the birth of two or more children or the adoption of two at the same time.

Cities of federal importance

Moscow city
  • 5 500 rub. for the first child
  • 14 500 rub. for the second and subsequent children;
  • 50 000 rub. at the birth of triplets or more children at the same time (or the adoption of three or more), issued to the family;
  • 80 800 rub. for the first child of parents not older than 30 years;
  • 113 120 rub. for the second child of parents not older than 30 years;
  • RUB 161,600 for the third and subsequent children of parents not older than 30 years.
City of St. Petersburg
  • RUB 29,839 on the first born;
  • RUB 39,788 on the second;
  • RUB 49,733 on the third and subsequent;
  • RUB 28,258 the child is transferred to the family;
  • RUB 108,800 adoption.
City of Sevastopol
  • RUB 27,446.9 at the birth of a child;
  • RUB 27,446.9 upon adoption

Question answer

Can a father apply for and receive a one-time allowance for the birth of a child?

Yes maybe. But only if the mother of the baby did not use this right. To confirm this fact, along with a standard package of documents, it is necessary to provide a certificate from the mother’s workplace (for employees) or Social Security (for non-workers) to the RUSZN authorities stating that the mother did not receive funds for the child.

Can a young family count on "Luzhkov's payments" as part of the Moscow family assistance program if one of the spouses is under 30 years old and the other is older.

No, the age of each spouse must be no more than 30 years old.

Can a foreigner (non-resident) receive one-time assistance if the child was born on the territory of the Russian Federation?

Yes maybe. If a foreigner permanently resides in the Russian Federation (for example, has a residence permit) or is temporarily registered and registered with the FSS (for example, due to employment), then benefits will be received at his request.

The father and mother of the child are divorced, the child lives with the mother. Who is entitled to a lump sum in this case?

The mother has the right to receive assistance, since she actually lives with the baby. To apply for benefits, along with other documents, the mother must provide a certificate of divorce, as well as a certificate from the housing office on the composition of the family.

Can a mother who is a citizen of the Russian Federation who went abroad for permanent residence receive benefits?

No, despite the fact that my mother has official citizenship of the Russian Federation, she cannot receive funds, since she permanently lives abroad.

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