Politics and the Olympic Games. Political Olympic Games. – And what are these ideological theses

The Olympics is an important sporting event with an interesting centuries-old history. Recently, this event has become popular all over the world, affecting different areas activities of mankind - cultural, health-improving, general education, political and, of course, sports.

The Olympic movement and our homeland did not bypass. AT Russian Federation much attention is paid not only to the beauty and health of the population, but also to its physical culture life, as well as international and multinational ties and relations.

When did the Olympic movements first appear in Russia? What is the history of their origin and development? What is the modern Olympic movement doing in Russia today? These questions will be the subject of this article. We will also get acquainted with Russian Olympic champions and their achievements.

A Brief History of the Olympics

Born in Ancient Greece. It was in this country, at the foot of the famous Mount Kronos, that the Hellenes competed for the right to be considered the strongest and most enduring. Until now, the Olympic flame is traditionally lit in this place as a symbol of international competitions.

The first Olympic Games were held in the distant 776 BC. e., over the years they became less and less popular and little visited, until they were finally abolished in 394 AD. e.

Almost sixteen centuries later, the tradition was revived by the French leader de Coubertin. Thanks to his assistance, in 1896 the first International Olympic Games which the world community liked so much that they became regular and systematic.

Since then, every four years, different countries of the world have been honored to host the Olympics and Olympic guests. In the entire history, such a cycle was interrupted only three times, and then because of world wars.

How did the development of international Olympic Movement to Russia? Let's find out.

Period before the October Revolution

How did this period of time affect the Olympic movement in Russia? At a time when the entire world community was on fire with the idea of ​​a new sports competition, the Russian Empire was going through difficult times. Was canceled serfdom, and the factory and factory industry only began to gain momentum. The general population paid little attention to sports and exercise.

However, this did not mean that the state lagged behind the international community. According to the history of the Olympic movement in Russia, there were progressive people in the country striving for an international sports community.

One of these people was General of the Army Alexei Butovsky. He was one of the co-founders of the International Olympic Committee, created under the leadership of de Coubertin. Thanks to the efforts of Butovsky, already in 1908 our country had its representatives at the Olympics, held in London. Moreover, Russian athletes not only attended the new competition for them, but also won prizes.

The first Russian Olympic champions were figure skater Panin-Kolomenkin (gold), lightweight wrestler Nikolai Orlov and heavyweight wrestler Petrov Andrey (both silver medalists of the competition). Thus, the Russian Empire forced the attention of the world sports community to draw attention to itself and loudly declared itself as a strong competitor.

Thanks to the first triumph, the Olympic movement in Russia reached the state level. A domestic Olympic Committee was created, led by Vyacheslav Sreznevsky. The emperor himself patronized athletes.

However, the games of 1912 were not as successful for the Russian Empire as the previous ones. Our athletes won only two silvers and two bronzes. From that moment it was decided to prepare more carefully for the competition, attracting new athletes and holding state competitions.

However, these plans were not destined to materialize in the coming decades.

Due to revolutionary events, the development of the Olympic movement in Russia was suspended. For political reasons, the newly formed USSR also did not take part in international sports competitions.

Only in 1951 was it decided to take part in the next Olympics in Helsinki. For this, the Soviet Olympic Committee was established. That Olympics became gold-bearing for the USSR. Soviet athletes won 22 gold medals, thirty silver medals and nineteen bronze medals.

Among the strongest athletes of that competition, one should definitely mention the discus thrower Nina Ponomareva, the gymnast Maria Gorokhovskaya and the gymnast Viktor Chukarin. A little more about this person should be told.

Athlete contrary

Viktor Chukarin participated in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Olympic Games, winning seven gold medals, three silver medals, and one bronze medal. And this despite the fact that at the time of the Olympics in Helsinki, the athlete was already over thirty and he went through seventeen concentration camps, survived Buchenwald, physical and emotional abuse.

At the 1952 Olympics, Chukarin showed the best results in the all-around, vault, rings and pommel horse.

Melbourne and Winter Olympics

This competition, held in 1956 in Australia, also brought incredible popularity to the USSR. took first place in the number of prize awards won. How many Olympic medals has Russia won in this Olympics? Almost forty gold, about thirty silver and 32 bronze!

Among the outstanding athletes of that competition, ten-time Olympic champion Larisa Latynina (gymnastics) and world record holder Vladimir Kuts (athletics) should be mentioned.

The first Winter Olympic Games, held in the same year, also left their mark on the international prestige of the USSR. Soviet athletes won sixteen prizes. Grishin Evgeny (skater), Baranova Lyubov (skier), Bobrov Vsevolod (hockey, national team) were especially distinguished.

Olympics in Russia

Within the framework of this article, we will not analyze all the victories of our country in international competitions. However, one should definitely mention such an important political, economic and cultural event as the Olympics in Russia.

This event took place in Moscow in 1980. And although some countries refused to participate in Russian Olympics(in connection with the introduction of the Soviet military into the territory of Afghanistan), nevertheless, athletes from eighty states were present at the Moscow Games. Our team has won almost two hundred prize awards!

Among the brightest performances, the gymnast Alexander Dityatin (eight medals) and the record-breaking swimmer (three golds) especially distinguished themselves.

Sports Russian Federation

As you can see, there are three main stages of the Olympic movement in Russia. Starting from the earliest, these are the pre-revolutionary and Soviet periods, as well as the era after the so-called perestroika.

Since 1994, Russian athletes have competed under the flag of the Russian Federation, which in no way affected their victories. In January of this year, the Winter Olympic Games were held, which brought eleven prizes. Athletes Egorova Lyubov (skier) and figure skaters Gordeeva and Grinko (pair skating), Grischuk and Platov (dancing) and Urmanov (single skating) especially stood out.

Olympics in Rio de Janeiro

The 2016 Olympics also pleased the Russians. Our athletes (286 in total) took part in 23 of the 28 accepted sports and brought with them 55 prizes (nineteen gold and bronze medals, seventeen silver). Our volleyball player became the standard-bearer at the event in honor of the opening of the Olympics, and swimmers Ishchenko and Romashina were honored to close the sporting event with a banner in their hands.

At the Olympics in Rio, athletes of such disciplines as wrestling and fencing (four first prizes), as well as judo, synchronized swimming and rhythmic gymnastics (two silver medals each).

Winter Olympics 2018

It is planned that these competitions will be held from February 9 to 25, 2018 in the Republic of Korea (Pyeongchang). There will be 84 participating countries in total. 98 medals in seven sports will be played.

Presumably, 220 Russian athletes will go to Korea.

According to the results of the qualification, the Russian Federation received eleven quotas for participation in biathlon and figure skating.

Athletes have not yet been selected for some disciplines. The decision will be made after the December final tournaments. However, it is already known that, most likely, Anna Sidorova, Margarita Fomina, Alexandra Raeva (women's team) and Alexander Krushelnitsky, Anastasia Bryzgalova, Vasily Gudin (mixed doubles) will most likely represent Russia in curling competitions.

Also, the women's and men's Russian hockey teams will fight for the first place.

However, with the participation of the Russian Federation in the 2018 Winter Olympics, not everything is so simple.

Will Russia go to Pyeongchang?

On October 20, 2017, at an official interview in Sochi, the President of the Russian Federation stated that Russia would not be allowed to compete in the Republic of Korea. The fact is that the International Olympic Committee is under enormous pressure to ban Russian athletes from participating in the Olympics. According to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, not only the political forces of Western countries insist on this, but also important sponsors, international TV channels and popular advertisers.

According to the President, they want to impose on domestic athletes not to compete under their own flag, but under the banner of the IOC. Such categoricalness is fundamentally impossible for a strong and prosperous state.

As Putin said, this state of affairs will not harm Russia, but, on the contrary, will strengthen its sovereignty.

As for the Olympic Committee, it is a pity that international political organizations influence it, since sports (including the Olympics) should be far from social and political conflicts.

A few words in conclusion

It can be seen from the history and the current state of affairs that the Russian Olympic Movement occupies an important place in the sports life of not only the state, but also individual citizens. For more than a hundred years, Russia has been taking part in the Olympic Games, and its victories have become simply legendary and historical.

The Olympic Games have long been a political event. The upcoming Games in London were no exception. Neither was the Olympics in Beijing, which was poisoned by the aggression against South Ossetia by Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili. Wars, mutual boycotts of the sports festival, hostage-taking... Alas, no funds have yet been found to politicize sports.

Recently, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has been fighting for maximum equality between men and women. Due to gender inequality, the right to participate in the Olympics almost lost two rich Arab countries - Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The strictest norms of Islam are in force there, there have never been any women in their teams. But now they will - of course, in hijabs. As it turns out, for the sake of the Olympics, it is possible to loosen the bans a little.

For the first time in 40 years, a single UK football team was supposed to appear at the Olympics. As you know, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have separate teams, and because of this, the British Olympic team actually ceased to exist. For the sake of the home tournament, they decided to revive it, however, only players from England and Wales are in the preliminary application. Scotland and Ulster refused to share football independence.

The first Olympic Games of antiquity were held in 776 BC. And initially they had a political meaning. It was assumed that during the competition, which lasted two weeks, wars should stop throughout Ancient Greece. When, at the end of the 19th century, Baron Pierre de Coubertin decided to revive the Games, he proclaimed: "O sport! You are the world." Alas, politicians did not always want to hear it.

If in Ancient Greece wars stopped during the Olympics, then in the 20th century everything was different. The Games of 1916 in Berlin, 1940 in Tokyo and Helsinki, 1944 in London were disrupted - world wars prevented. There were no more cases of cancellation of the main sports festival. But politics still rudely and shamelessly interfered in the course of the Games.

The 1936 games in Berlin have long been considered a model for the politicization of sports. Adolf Hitler dreamed of turning them into a celebration of the Aryan race. However, the black American Jesse Owens won the competition in the 100 and 200 meters. They say that the Fuhrer was furious. Legend has it that Hitler defiantly did not come out to congratulate the winner. But this is only a legend. In fact, no protocol required him to do so. But the leader of the Third Reich was annoyed for sure.

Why there was no team at the Olympics until 1952 Soviet Union, although before the First World War the team of the Russian Empire participated in the Games? Yes, because it existed in a hostile environment, and everyone else tried to isolate it as much as possible. This also applied to sports. Only in 1952 in Helsinki the "Olympic blockade" was finally broken.

In 1956 the Olympics were held in Melbourne. And the echo of the events in Hungary reached distant Australia, when the Soviet troops suppressed the anti-communist uprising of the Magyars. Soviet and Hungarian water polo players met in the final, but the match was more like a massacre. Our rivals fought, kicked, openly insulted the Soviet players for political reasons. As a result, the Magyars won - and in full force decided not to return to their homeland.

In 1964, due to the apartheid regime, the South African team was suspended from the Games for a long 28 years. Four years later, the GDR team appeared for the first time at the main sports festival. Until then, East Germany was not allowed to compete separately, and for three consecutive Olympics, a unified German team was sent to the Games, where athletes from Germany prevailed. The reason was again political: West Germany, followed by other Western countries, did not recognize the GDR. Or only partially recognized.

The 1972 Olympics in Munich witnessed the biggest tragedy in modern Olympic history. Members of the Palestinian group "Black September" took hostage a group of athletes and coaches from Israel. As a result of the unsuccessful assault, 11 hostages and one policeman were killed. The games were interrupted for one day, and the USSR delegation ignored a moment of silence. Moscow decided that since Israel is a hostile state, then you can ignore it ...

In 1976, delegations from more than 20 African countries did not come to the Games in Montreal. They did not like that shortly before that, the South African team, suspended from the Olympics due to the policy of apartheid, played in the international rugby tournament. And although rugby is not one of the Olympic sports, it was not possible to persuade the Africans.

The most high-profile case of political interference in sports took place at the 1980 and 1984 Olympics. Due to the introduction Soviet troops In Afghanistan, delegations from dozens of countries, including the United States, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Norway, Turkey, and Argentina, did not come to Moscow. The socialist countries, led by the USSR, responded to this four years later with a boycott of the Games in Los Angeles. True, Romania and Yugoslavia, which kept somewhat apart, went to the USA.

At the Olympics in Los Angeles, another long-awaited event happened: the Olympic debut of the Chinese team. Prior to that, Beijing refused to participate in the Games for the reason that Taiwanese representatives were allowed to participate. For a long time, it was the Taiwanese who single-handedly represented China. Finally, the IOC decided to admit both China and Taiwan to the Games. And until now, the "two Chinas" are different teams.

The 1988 Olympics were held in Seoul. The North Korean authorities insisted that the Games should be hosted not only in South Korea, but also in North Korea. However, Pyongyang was never given any competition, and as a result, the followers of the Juche idea ignored the game. Following them, representatives of several other socialist countries (for example, Cuba) did the same. But the USSR and the delegations of European socialist countries arrived in South Korea.

The 1992 Games were held against the background of the collapse of the USSR and Yugoslavia. As a result, the CIS team, made up of representatives of the 12th republic, arrived in Barcelona. Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia were admitted as separate countries. As for Yugoslavia, Serbia and Montenegro, which were under the pressure of international sanctions, were not allowed into Spain. But Slovenia and Croatia brought their delegations. Bosnia-Herzegovina and Macedonia were not in Barcelona either. They did not have time to form their own Olympic committees ...

Politics returned for the 2008 Olympics. Many people were dissatisfied with the fact that it will be held in Beijing. The Chinese were reminded of the violation of human rights; during the Olympic torch relay, supporters of the independence of Tibet staged their political actions. Some leaders of Western states defiantly did not come to the opening of the Games.

Unfortunately, in the first days of the Olympics in Russia and Georgia, there was no time for sports. For the first time in history, the leader of one of the states timed the start of the war to coincide with the opening of the Games. Of course, we are talking about Mikheil Saakashvili. "Patriotic frenzy" seized some of the Georgian athletes, they wanted to withdraw from the competition, return to their homeland and pick up machine guns. Not in time - the war ended quickly.

The United States also excelled. At the opening of the Olympics in Beijing, the star-striped flag was carried by a native of South Sudan, Lopez Bomong. So the Americans expressed their dissatisfaction with the fact that China cooperated with Northern Sudan, declared a pariah country by the West. And at the closing ceremony American flag was in the hands of a native of Georgia, Khatuna Lorig. This is how Washington supported Georgia after the war in South Ossetia.

Do not be surprised that before the Olympics in London, political moments reminded of themselves. Apparently, politics will influence the main sports festival for a long time to come. Funds for the depoliticization of the Olympic Games have not yet been found. And are they looking for it at all?

Read all articles in the "" section.

The upcoming Sochi Olympics will not only be an important event in the world of sports. It will also be an important event for President Putin. So to speak, an exam, a test of strength. This Olympics, in many ways, HIS Olympics - this is Putin, before his resignation from the post of President, he went almost to the ends of the world to achieve the Olympics for our country. The venue - Sochi, is also largely determined by Putin's predilections. He invested a lot in her. Therefore, now he is extremely interested in its success. 2013 was a successful year for Putin, who has been called by many one of the most influential and important politicians and people in the world. 2014 is the year when lame duck Barack Obama, who in 2013 suffered a number of significant defeats and lost in the rating, will take revenge. It has already reached the point that in America itself voices began to be heard that, they say, it would not be bad to wave the Presidents of Russia. Positive traits The President of Russia noted that, most importantly, the American neocons, who are the most prominent spokesmen for the anti-Russian policy of the United States.

1. "Blue" question.
It all started with the well-known law on the prohibition of homopropaganda (which, by the way, are currently in force in 8 US states, including Utah and Texas), which caused great indignation among the Western public. LGBT activists squealed like cut pigs. Obama supported LGBT people. Same-sex "marriages" are legalized in France, which caused massive protests (millions took to the streets) of supporters of traditional values ​​- and a considerable number of their participants openly spoke out in support of Russia. Marine Le Pen, leader of the French right, expressed her support for Putin's initiative. On the part of LGBT supporters, there were calls to boycott the Olympics in Sochi. Of the world leaders, it seems, they said that they would not go to the Olympics for this very reason, very few, and even then of the second tier: Obama, Cameron, Hollande would not go to Sochi at all. but because they don't want to. In any case, they simply do not want to be present at the actual triumph of Russia and Russian President. President Obama openly included openly homosexuals on the US team and delegation. Putin declared that homosexuals of all countries can freely come to Sochi. However, it is possible that same-sex kisses on cameras await us at the Olympics - I am sure that some Western athletes will do this on purpose and knowingly when they win, declaring that they are "protesting against the homophobic law." However, God is their judge.

2. Terror attacks.
The worst thing that everyone is afraid of. For a terrorist attack on the day the Olympics began is scary, it is a real stain on the country's reputation, it is a clouding of the sports holiday. But the Olympics will be held not far from the hotbeds of tension in the region. And if even further, then there is Syria. In general, such a threat strains many. If you look in the other direction - here you have restless Ukraine next to you, here you have the American fleet that entered the Black Sea. Yes, and much more. The closer to the Olympics, the more tension will grow. The duty of the President is to prevent any excesses that could overshadow this bright sports holiday.

3. The rise of patriotism.
That we are all about the bad, let's also say about the good. I am personally pleased to see that the level of patriotism has noticeably increased in society - Russians confidently declare their love for their Motherland, openly believe in our athletes and are proud of it. It's nice that patriotism today is topical and even comme il faut in contemporary Russian society. Being a patriot today is a good form. And this is good. It was in the 90s that it was customary to pour slop on their homeland and strive to leave for a free and distant America, in which there is only happiness and real dolce vita. Post Russian flag rooting for Russia, being proud of one's history and country - today this is quite naturally perceived by society. This is fine. And it pleases. Each victory of a Russian athlete in Sochi will cause an unreal surge of patriotism. And people also specifically connect digital television - to follow sports events from their homes. Growing interest in sports. The youth join him. All this causes only pride, only the most pleasant feelings.

The Sochi Olympics is an event that is significant not only for the world of sports. It is also an important political event. This is a possible bonus in the piggy bank of Russia and President Putin (no matter what they say, but today he really occupies a significant place in Russian politics and in world politics): the successful holding of the Olympics with virtually no serious excesses, and even with a significant number of medals for our athletes - all this will raise the weight and prestige of Russia on the world stage. There is no doubt that Putin will use this success in the 2018 elections as well - the real victories of our athletes may well outshine in the eyes of the people all the costs of the Olympics, all corruption scandals and so on. But failures and failures will only add fuel to the fire of discontent. That is why it is so important for Putin that the Olympics go off without a hitch.

However, Russian citizens can not bother with this and just look at the competitions of athletes, of course, rooting for ours.


The article presents an analysis of the facts and the interaction between politics and sports. A number of examples from the history of modernity are analyzed, proving the relevance and historical basis of this topic. The author defines the main factors of the use of sports in political activity. The influence of political conjuncture and geopolitical processes on sports is shown. Attention is focused on the active use of sports as a channel of influence on society. The distinctive feature of sport and its benefits for politicians and political forces are explained. The article considers the relationship between sports and politics as social phenomena. It is concluded that at present sport performs many social and political functions. Moreover, modern sport is used by political elites to achieve their political benefits.

international organizations.

modern sport

international olympic committee

sports diplomacy



bilateral cooperation

1. Islyamov, D. Modern Olympic Games: business, politics or sport? / D. Islyamov // Pedagogical-psychological and medical-biological problems physical culture and sports. - M.: Thought, 2014. - 384 p.

2. Markelov, V. Management of the development of integral individuality in sports: a systematic approach / V. Markelov // Theory and practice of physical culture. - 2009. - N 5. - C. 37-41.

3. Matveev, L. Theory and methods of physical culture / L. Matveev. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2015. - 160 p.

4. Stepovoy, P. Sport, politics, ideology / P. Stepovoy. - M.: Logos, 1994. - 317 p.

5. Strovsky, D. Journalism and political culture: on the issue of interaction / D. Strovsky // Accents. New in mass communication. – M.: Omega-L, 2011. – 348 p.

The development of the international sports movement began at the end of the 19th century. Its main forms gradually developed: the international sports movement in certain sports, the international Olympic movement, the international student sports movement, the international sports movement in mass and recreational physical culture and sports, the work of international sports organizations in various areas of international cooperation in the field of physical culture and sports .

In the structure of the international sports movement, the Olympic is considered the most powerful and popular in the world, with a fairly well-developed management base. 200 NOCs of different countries are part of the IOC. In daily activities, the Olympic Movement is based on the content of the Olympic Charter. characteristic feature of the Olympic movement is a manifestation in it of a constant and continuous confrontation between different states, in which sport becomes a means of demonstrating the advantages of one system over another, and confrontation from political sphere transferred to gyms.

Modern sport is a phenomenon that affects the interests of very large groups of people. At present, sport performs many social and political functions. First of all, he cultivates healthy lifestyle life, which is very important both for the economy and for the defense capability of any state. That is why in most countries, state control over sports is carried out by adopting relevant regulations, implementing programs and allocating funding.

But the socio-political functions of sport are not limited to the sphere of improving the health of the population. In the event that a country receives the right to host a prestigious international competition or the victory of the athletes of the national team, the patriotic feelings of citizens are activated, uniting the nation, acting as effective remedy education of the masses. The sporting successes of the state as a whole contribute to the creation among the majority of its citizens of the idea of ​​the correctness of the course pursued by the government, the truth of the system of values ​​prevailing in this society. Thus, sport can be used as a tool to manipulate the mass consciousness of citizens.

The holding of major sports competitions of international importance in the country makes it possible to divert the attention of the population from the social, economic, political and other problems existing within the state. Various elements of sports can also be used as part of the election campaigns of specific candidates and political parties. Thus, the political elite attracts sport as an instrument of political influence on society.

In studying the political aspect of international sports, Western researchers use the term "sports policy", which is equivalent to the term "social policy in the field of sports". Thus, sports policy is considered similar to social, economic, educational, etc. policy. Sometimes it is singled out as an important component of the policy in the field of youth work, directed, programmed and implemented by the state. Depending on political priorities, sport can be placed at the service of humanism or, on the contrary, run the risk of directing young people to "animalism" (i.e. bestial instincts) that promote and develop their worst aggressive aspirations. Usually, the use of international sports competitions for political purposes occurs during periods of foreign or domestic political crises.

In general, through the organization of major international sports competitions, politicians can solve a number of political tasks, including:

Inciting nationalism in one's own country and interethnic conflicts in another country in order to destabilize the situation in it;

Switching the attention of the population from pressing political, social, economic and other problems to the sphere of big sport;

Proving the success of the policy pursued by the political elite and public authorities of a given country, as well as increasing the prestige of the host country of the competition and its top officials in the international arena;

Formation among citizens of a sense of pride in their country and the policy pursued by its leadership;

Approval of a certain system of political values ​​and its dissemination in other countries;

The use of competitions as a specific part of the election campaign of specific political figures or parties;

Putting pressure on countries with an allegedly undemocratic regime or with a different socio-political system;

The use of international competitions to adjust the domestic and foreign policies of other states;

Building relations between the region and the center by delegating the center to the region the rights to hold an international sports competition.

The well-known French sociologist J. Meino in his monographic study "Sport and Politics" wrote about the difference between the influence of politics on sports and the influence of sports on politics. At the same time, he emphasized that sport more often becomes a tool in the hands of politics than it itself has an impact on it. Exploring the motives for state intervention in the field of sports, Meino identified three main reasons for it: the care and health of the population; concern for the maintenance of public order; concern for the assertion of national prestige.

The mass nature and close connection of sports with all currently existing channels of mass communication actually predetermined the place of sports in the system of manipulating public opinion. The technologies of using sports to influence the mass consciousness make it possible to present in a positive or negative light a certain state, its domestic and foreign policy, the socio-political system prevailing in the country, its values ​​and the social, economic, political and other processes taking place in the country. Creating an aura of sensation after the victory of the national team in international competitions allows you to present it as great achievement state importance.

Indeed, modern states often try to use sports for political and propaganda purposes, and political relations between countries also often affect the state of Olympic sports. For example, the revival of the Olympic Games was conceived with the aim of using sport as a means of establishing interstate sports contacts in order to strengthen friendship, peace and mutual understanding between different countries. In reality, the Olympic Games have become an arena for big politics, in which conflict situations, calculated in sports from the field of politics.

Over the decades of the existence of the international sports movement, certain problems have been formed in it. These problems arose, were resolved, and some of them remain relevant at the present time.

One of the most difficult is the problem of racial discrimination, by the beginning of the 1990s. almost completely resolved. The indigenous population of some states, people with different skin colors, national minorities today participate in the most famous international competitions.

Contradictions in the ideology and politics of different countries were also quite often transferred to international sports. For example, a boycott by a number of countries of the 1980 and 1984 Olympics. - a vivid example of the intervention of politics in sports. It should be noted that this problem by the end of the 1980s. in the international sports movement was considered overcome. At least until the end of the 1990s. 20th century She didn't show up noticeably.

The problems of commercialization, amateurism and professionalism are closely interrelated. In 1966, the financial affairs of the IOC were in a deplorable state. The 1976 Games cost the host city (Montreal) a billion dollars in losses. There were fewer and fewer cities claiming to host the Olympic Games. For example, only Los Angeles claimed to host the Olympics in 1984. X.A. Samaranch, who led the IOC in 1980, is often called a reformer, as he commercialized the sport and legalized the admission of professionals to the Olympic Games. This issue is very complicated, especially since not all experts agree with the position of Samaranch, with the essence of his sponsorship programs, the implementation of close cooperation with the world's largest companies. The results of Samaranch's financial policy were not long in coming: the Olympic Games in Sarajevo, Calgary, Albertville, Lillehammer, Los Angeles, Seoul, Barcelona, ​​Atlanta turned out to be profitable. More than one hundred million dollars accumulated on the accounts of the IOC, which began to be spent on the development of mass sports in different countries. It was concluded that the sport of high performance can no longer exist as non-commercialized, but it should be managed by sports functionaries, not businessmen.

A well-known Russian specialist in the field of physical culture and sports L.P. Matveev, wrote: “... Professionalism is by no means alien Olympic sport- with a sufficiently high level of development of elite sports, including Olympic sports, the professionalization of sports activities and the lifestyle of those athletes who actually pave the way to new sports achievements of a universal scale and are their bearers naturally takes place. The provisions of the Olympic Charter that contradict this (rule 26, together with explanations to it), are subject to fundamental revision. Further, Matveev spoke about the need to clarify some terms and concepts: “... sport of the highest achievements that is not subject to commerce, of course, is by no means similar to the professional sport that operates in the business sphere. For their terminological distinction, the first one can be called “super-achievement”, the second - professional-commercial”.

In his opinion, the differences are mainly in the goals:

In the first case, focus on high sporting achievements;

In the second - obtaining financial profit, profitable entrepreneurship.

Consequently, there are differences in the features of both competitive and training activities in these different types of sports.

The problem of terrorism and major tragedies in sports arenas is not considered purely "sporting". The fact is that large international sports forums - the Olympic Games, world and continental championships, etc. - form "ideal conditions" in which international terrorists can "show themselves". Major tragedies at various stadiums around the world most often occur during football matches. The main reasons for this are poor forethought in the organization of large sports events, the occurrence of riots among fans, the technical costs of maintaining sports facilities, etc. Over the past fifty years, more than a dozen major tragedies have occurred. This problem will remain topical for a long time, since it requires the implementation of clear and thoughtful actions of the organizing committees for the preparation and holding of major international competitions, and this is not always possible.

In the mid 1990s. two more new problems became apparent - the choice of cities for hosting the Olympic Games and Olympic education.

The emergence of the problem of the procedure for selecting cities - candidates for the right to host the games can be easily explained by the increase in the profitability of the organizing committees that host the Olympic Games and, as a result, an impressive increase in the number of candidate cities participating in the competition for the right to host the Olympics. On the other hand, this has led to a significant increase in the expenses of the candidate cities, which are associated with the promotion and advertising of the upcoming Games, as well as with the inspection by the IOC and IFs of the Olympic venues of the candidates. The resolution of this problem is complicated by the fact that so far the procedure for the preliminary selection of several candidate cities is not regulated in the Olympic Charter. This circumstance allows the formation of a controversial situation, since the decision of the IOC, according to the Charter, is considered final only if it does not contradict its content.

The problem of improving Olympic education is a consequence of the contradiction between high level development of sports and the unsatisfactory state of the level of implementation of the ideals and values ​​of Olympism in the education process, especially for children and youth. For example, the Olympic Games - a sports festival for the youth of the whole world - should embody the ideas of Olympism. However, the visible result of the Olympic Movement is only the actual practice of the Olympic Games.

From the point of view of Olympic education as a pedagogical process, the educational effect from the implementation of this idea can only be expected if it is implemented in common system education. The functioning of various Olympic and physical culture and sports structures can contribute to the emergence of such an effect, but cannot replace the entire education system. In Olympic education and upbringing, at least three main directions should be provided: cognitive, motivational and practical. The first will solve the problems of forming knowledge about the Olympic Games, the evolution of the Olympic movement, the humanistic values ​​of modern sports, etc. The second is designed to ensure the emergence of a need for physical culture and sports activities, the desire to achieve specific results in this activity, developing interest in sports in general. The purpose of the third is to promote the practical development of the principles and values ​​of Olympism through the constant and active involvement of children and youth in participation in physical education and sports.

Thus, we can conclude that sport and politics have always been in a complex relationship, which should be considered taking into account a specific historical period, in dynamics and taking into account various aspects. It is necessary to analyze the relationship between sports and politics in a particular social system, the relationship of international sports relations with foreign policy individual states or with international politics. The theses about the “apoliticality of sport”, “about sports outside of politics” do not correspond to the real state of affairs, being rather the desire of the organizers of the international sports movement to separate sports from politics, which is almost never possible. "Clean" sport in modern world does not exist. The international sports movement is provided big influence various factors, including political ones. In the international sports movement, the following problems are especially relevant: racial discrimination, disagreements on political and ideological grounds, commercialization, differentiation between amateurism and professionalism, international terrorism and major tragedies in sports arenas, the choice of cities for the Olympic Games and Olympic education. These problems arose in different years, some were resolved, and some of them remain acute at the present time.

Bibliographic link

Kurasova K.A. SPORT AS A TOOL OF POLITICAL FIGHT IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. // International Student Scientific Bulletin. - 2016. - No. 2.;
URL: http://eduherald.ru/ru/article/view?id=15873 (date of access: 04/02/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

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