Who played Gerasim in Mumu. The main characters of "Mumu": a brief description. Turgenev's attitude to serfdom

PROTOTYPES OF THE HEROES OF THE STORY "MUMU" Interesting facts about the creation of the most famous work of the outstanding Russian writer The story "Mumu" is based on real events that occurred in the family of the author himself, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. Prototypes of Gerasim and the mistress ************************************** It is known that the prototype of Gerasim from the story " Mumu" is the mute janitor Andrei, who served with Turgenev's mother, the landowner Varvara Petrovna Turgeneva. Relatives of Turgenev in their memoirs confirm that it was Andrei who became the prototype of Gerasim. Turgenev's mother became the prototype of the old lady. This is evidenced by the memoirs of Turgenev's sister, V. N. Zhitova. From the memoirs of V. N. Zhitova about the janitor Andrei, about the writer’s mother and other prototypes of the heroes of Mumu: “... Almost every summer, Varvara Petrovna went to the villages ... On one of these trips, we arrived in Sychevo<...>Approaching the village, Varvara Petrovna and all of us were struck by the extraordinary growth of one peasant plowing in the field. Varvara Petrovna ordered to stop the carriage and call this giant. For a long time they called him from afar, finally, they came closer to him, and to all the words and signs that referred to him, he answered with some kind of lowing. It turned out that someone was deaf-mute from birth. The summoned Sychevsky headman announced that the mute Andrey was a sober, hard-working and unusually serviceable man in everything, despite his natural defect. But it seems to me that, excluding Andrei's height and beauty, this shortcoming, as giving him even more originality, captivated Varvara Petrovna. She immediately decided to take the mute into the yard, in the number of her personal servants and in the rank of janitor. And from that day on, he received the name Mute. ... I asked eyewitnesses and found out that he really was very sad at first. Yes! It was necessary to have that love and that participation for the serfs, which our unforgettable Ivan Sergeevich had, in order to reach out to the feelings and to the inner world of our common people! He found out, however, that the Mute was bored and crying, and we all did not even pay attention. But it is comforting that Mute probably did not grieve for long, because before the accident with Mumu, he was always almost cheerful and showed especially strong affection for his mistress, who, in turn, was especially favorable to him. Varvara Petrovna flaunted her giant janitor. He was always beautifully dressed, and apart from red calico shirts he did not wear and did not like; in winter a beautiful short fur coat, and in summer a plush coat or a blue coat. In Moscow, a green shiny barrel and a beautiful dapple-gray factory horse, with which Andrei rode for water, were very popular at the fountain near the Alexander Garden. There everyone recognized Turgenev's Mute, greeted him cordially and made signs to him. Remarkably huge, but perfectly proportional to his gigantic stature, Andrey's face always shone with a good-natured smile. His strength was extraordinary, and his hands were so large that when he happened to take me in his arms, I felt exactly in what kind of carriage<...>...I saw Mumu for the first time. A tiny dog, white with brown spots, was lying on Andrei's bed.<...>... Everyone knows the sad fate of Mumu, with the only difference being that Andrey's affection for his mistress remained the same. No matter how bitter Andrei was, he remained faithful to his mistress, served her until her death, and did not want to recognize anyone except her as his mistress ... ... he pointed a finger at his mistress and hit himself in the chest, which was on his language meant that he loved her very much. He even forgave her the death of his Mumu! But it is remarkable that after the tragic end of his favorite, he never caressed a single dog ... The whole story of Ivan Sergeevich about these two unfortunate creatures is not fiction. All this sad drama happened before my eyes..." (V. N. Zhitova "Memories of the family of I. S. Turgenev", 1884) A relative of the writer E. N. Konusevich also indicates that the serf Andrey was the prototype of Gerasim: "... as a janitor in Spassky, carried water, chopped firewood, heated stoves in the house..." .." (Konusevich E. N. "Memories")

Ivan Turgenev wrote the story "Mumu", reflecting in it his experiences and concerns about the fate of Russia and the future of the country. And this is completely understandable, because in order to write a work, its author must be impressed and inspired by something, then these feelings can be clearly expressed on paper. It is known that Ivan Turgenev, as a true patriot, thought a lot about what awaits the country, and the events in Russia at that time were far from the most joyful for the people.

Making an analysis of Turgenev's "Mumu" and discussing the image of Gerasim, we will clearly see that the author built the plot around the problem of serfdom, which was very relevant in that era. We read about Turgenev's challenge to serfdom. Indeed, the action of the story "Mumu", an analysis of which must be done in order to better understand Turgenev's idea, takes place in a Russian village, but all this prompts deep reflection and draw important conclusions about the character of a Russian person and his soul.

The image of Gerasim in Turgenev's story "Mumu"

Before the readers of the story "Mumu" appears the image of Gerasim. In this image, magnificent qualities are revealed. Turgenev shows kindness, strength, diligence and compassion. Gerasim possesses all these qualities, and his example shows how Turgenev would like to see a Russian person. For example, Gerasim has considerable physical strength, he wants and can work hard, the matter is argued in his hands.

Gerasim is also neat and clean. He works as a janitor and approaches his duties with responsibility, because thanks to him the owner's yard is always clean and tidy. When analyzing Turgenev's "Mumu", it is impossible to ignore the image of Gerasim. The author shows his somewhat reclusive character, since Gerasim is unsociable, and even a lock always hangs on the doors of his closet. But this formidable appearance does not correspond to the kindness of his heart and generosity, because Gerasim is open-hearted and knows how to sympathize. Therefore, it is clear: it is impossible to judge the internal qualities of a person by appearance.

What else can be seen in the image of Gerasim when analyzing "Mumu"? He was respected by all the household, which was deserved - Gerasim worked hard, as if he carried out the orders of the hostess, while not losing his sense of self-respect. The main character of the story, Gerasim, did not become happy, because he is a simple village peasant, and city life is built in a completely different way and flows according to its own laws. The city does not feel unity with nature. So Gerasim, once in the city, understands that he is bypassed. Having fallen in love with Tatyana, he is deeply unhappy because she becomes the wife of another.

A puppy in the life of the main character "Mumu"

At a difficult moment in life, when the main character is especially sad and hurt at heart, a ray of light is suddenly visible. The image of Gerasim continues to be revealed to the reader, and the analysis of "Mumu" is supplemented by an important detail - here it is, the hope for happy moments, a cute little puppy. Gerasim saves the puppy and they become attached to each other. The puppy's name is Mumu, and the dog is always with his big friend. At night, Mumu guards, and wakes up the owner in the morning.

It seems that life is filled with meaning and becomes happier, but the lady becomes aware of the puppy. Deciding to subjugate Mumu, she experiences a strange disappointment - the puppy does not obey her, but the lady is not used to ordering twice. Can you command love? But that's another question.

The mistress, accustomed to seeing how her instructions are carried out at the same moment and meekly, cannot bear the disobedience of a small creature, and she orders the dog out of sight. Gerasim, whose image is well revealed here, decides that Mumu can be hidden in his closet, especially since no one goes to him, but the puppy reveals himself with his barking. Then Gerasim realizes that he has no choice but to resort to drastic measures, and he kills the puppy, who has become his only friend. We will answer the question "Why did Gerasim drown Mumu" in another article, but for now, in the analysis of Turgenev's Mumu, we emphasize that in the image of Gerasim the author showed an unfortunate serf. Serfs "dumb", they cannot claim their rights, they simply obey the regime, but in the soul of such a person there is hope that someday his oppression will end.

We strongly recommend that you read the full version of the work, or at least for informational purposes, a summary of the story. We hope you found this article useful, in which we showed an analysis of Turgenev's "Mumu" and the image of Gerasim.

The story "Mumu" is one of the most famous works of the outstanding Russian writer I. S. Turgenev.
The story "Mumu" is based on real events that took place in the family of the author himself, I. S. Turgenev.
Prototypes of Gerasim and the mistress It is known that the prototype of Gerasim from the story "Mumu" is the mute janitor Andrei, who served with Turgenev's mother, the landowner Varvara Petrovna Turgeneva. Relatives of Turgenev in their memoirs confirm that it was Andrei who became the prototype of Gerasim.

Turgenev's mother became the prototype of the old lady. This is evidenced by the memoirs of Turgenev's sister, V. N. Zhitova.
Below are excerpts from the memoirs of V. N. Zhitova about the janitor Andrei, about the writer’s mother and other prototypes of the Mumu characters: in the estates of the Oryol, Tula and Kursk provinces<...>On one of these trips, we arrived in Sychevo<...>
Approaching the villages, Varvara Petrovna and all of us were struck by the extraordinary growth of one peasant plowing in the field. Varvara Petrovna ordered to stop the carriage and call this giant. For a long time they called him from afar, finally, they came closer to him, and to all the words and signs that referred to him, he answered with some kind of lowing. It turned out that someone was deaf-mute from birth.

The called Sychevsky headman announced that the mute Andrey was a sober, hard-working and unusually serviceable man in everything, despite his natural defect. But it seems to me that, except for Andrey's height and beauty, this shortcoming, as giving him even more originality, captivated Varvara Petrovna.

She immediately decided to take the mute into the yard, in the number of her personal servants and in the rank of janitor. And from that day on, he received the name Mute. How this happened, whether Andrei willingly exchanged his peasant work for an easier one at the manor's house - I don’t know.<...>
... I asked eyewitnesses and found out that he really was very sad at first. Yes! It was necessary to have that love and that participation for the serfs, which our unforgettable Ivan Sergeevich had, in order to reach out to the feelings and to the inner world of our common people! He found out, however, that the Mute was bored and crying, and we all did not even pay attention. But it is comforting that the Mute, probably, did not grieve for long, because before the accident with Mumu, he was always almost cheerful and showed especially strong affection for his mistress, who, in turn, was especially favorable to him.
Varvara Petrovna flaunted her giant janitor. He was always beautifully dressed, and apart from red calico shirts he did not wear and did not like; in winter a beautiful short fur coat, and in summer a plush coat or a blue coat.
In Moscow, a green shiny barrel and a beautiful dapple-gray factory horse, with which Andrei rode for water, were very popular at the fountain near the Alexander Garden. There everyone recognized Turgenev's Mute, greeted him cordially and made signs to him.
Remarkably huge, but perfectly proportional to his gigantic stature, Andrey's face always shone with a good-natured smile. His strength was extraordinary, and his hands were so large that when he happened to take me in his arms, I felt exactly in what kind of carriage<...>
...I saw Mumu for the first time. A tiny dog, white with brown spots, was lying on Andrei's bed.<...>... Everyone knows the sad fate of Mumu, with the only difference being that Andrey's affection for his mistress remained the same. No matter how bitter Andrei was, he remained faithful to his mistress, served her until her death, and did not want to recognize anyone except her as his mistress ...<...>
... he pointed a finger at his mistress and hit himself in the chest, which in his language meant that he loved her very much. He even forgave her the death of his Mumu! But it is remarkable that after the tragic end of his pet, he never caressed a single dog ...<...>
The whole story of Ivan Sergeevich about these two unfortunate creatures is not fiction. All this sad drama happened before my eyes..." (V. N. Zhitova "Memories of the family of I. S. Turgenev", 1884)
A relative of the writer Konusevich E. N. also points out that the serf Andrey was the prototype of Gerasim: "... a janitor in Spassky, carried water, chopped firewood, stoked stoves in the house ..." "... a handsome man with blond hair and with blue eyes, of enormous growth and with the same strength, he lifted ten pounds ... "(Konusevich E. N. "Memoirs")

Prototype of Kapiton Klimov
It turns out that the minor character Kapiton Klimov also had a prototype. In 1846 and 1847 the lady Varvara Petrovna Turgeneva (the prototype of the lady) kept a special book. In this book, she wrote down the bad deeds of her servants. In this book ("The book for recording the malfunctions of my people ...") there is an entry from which it can be seen that among the servants of V.P. Turgeneva there really was a drunkard named Kapiton: "
... Kapiton came to me yesterday, it smells of wine from him, it’s impossible to speak and order - I kept silent, it’s boring to repeat the same thing ... "(V. P. Turgeneva)
Prototype of Uncle Tail Uncle Tail, the hero of the story "Mumu", also had a prototype. The writer's sister, V.N. Zhitova, writes about this in her memoirs. The bartender Anton Grigorievich, who lived in Spassky, became the prototype of Uncle Tail:
"... the old barman, Anton Grigorievich (Known in Mumu under the name Uncle Tail - a man of remarkable cowardice.)..." (V. N. Zhitova "Memories of the family of I. S. Turgenev", 1884)
The Prototype of the Doctor Khariton According to the researchers, the prototype of the doctor Khariton in "Mumu" is the half-brother of the writer - PT Kudryashov. (According to the material of the book "V. N. Zhitova and her memories" by T. N. Volkova.)

The story "Mumu", written by Turgenev in the early 50s, did not accept censorship. Critics considered the plot of the harmless work ticklish, out of place in print. Readers could feel pity for the main character, a dark, uneducated peasant, and this is unacceptable. Nevertheless, the story was published in 1854.

The Silent Giant

The mistress was surrounded by a numerous household. There were no remarkable personalities among the servants. The exception was Gerasim, whose characterization the author gives a very detailed one. He was complex in a heroic way: tall, strong. However, deaf-mute from birth. Gerasim differed from other courtyards in unprecedented strength, thanks to which he got to the mistress. Once she took him from the village, where he lived alone in a small hut. Gerasim worked for four. The constant silence gave the working process a certain solemnity.


If Gerasim had not been born deaf, any girl would have gone for him. But such a flaw put an end to family life. This is a very important point in the characterization of Gerasim. The hero of the story is doomed to loneliness.

So, the peasant, who was distinguished by unprecedented strength and diligence in his work, was brought to Moscow, dressed and assigned as a janitor. He did not like city life: he was accustomed to rural life.

Characteristics of Gerasim: silent, hardworking. And, as already mentioned, very lonely. Any other person gets used to a new environment through communication. Gerasim did not have such an opportunity. In two or three hours he did all his work, which seemed too easy to him compared to the peasant, and then he stopped in confusion in the middle of the manor's courtyard and looked at the passers-by.

Giving a description of Gerasim, the author says: "he looked like a sedate gander." The janitor loved order, always performed his duties brilliantly, but without unnecessary fussiness. About a year after Gerasim arrived in Moscow, an incident occurred that formed the basis of the plot of the story "Mumu". The image of Gerasim is revealed in the climax. But first it is worth talking about one of the heroines of Turgenev's work.


Among the servants was a small, shy woman who had not seen anything good in her life. She was afraid of Gerasim. And he had a deep feeling for her. And Tatyana appeared, to her misfortune, an intercessor.

Being, like all dumb people, very quick-witted, Gerasim felt when Tatyana was mocked. The courtyards were afraid of him, and therefore, in his presence, they did not allow themselves jokes about a harmless, shy woman. Gerasim already dreamed of marrying Tatyana. However, the lady once came up with the idea of ​​marrying Tatyana to Kapiton, a bitter drunkard and loafer. Which was done.

Mu Mu

Probably, on the day when Tatyana married the shoemaker Kapiton, Gerasim said goodbye to the dream of marriage. And later I found a little puppy by the pond. Not every mother takes care of her child the way Gerasim took care of his little dog.

In his soul, apparently, there was a lot of unspent love and tenderness. At first, Mumu was a sickly, weak mongrel. But through the efforts of Gerasim, she turned into a fine dog with long ears and a fluffy tail. It is worth saying that it was a very smart dog. It didn’t bark or whine in vain, it was friendly with everyone. However, she loved only Gerasim.

old lady

Once she saw a dog in her flower bed and immediately demanded to bring it into the house. But Mumu, unlike the hangers-on and lackeys, did not know how to be hypocritical. She did not wag her tail in front of the mistress, hid in the farthest corner, and when she approached her, she growled. This seemingly insignificant event changed the fate of Gerasim.

The lady ordered to get rid of the dog. First, the butler took Mumu away from home. The owner was looking for his dog for a long time, went around almost all of Moscow. But I didn't find it. Mumu herself returned to her benefactor. However, the lady insisted, demanded to get rid of the dog once and for all. Then the deaf-mute took his pet, took it to the river and drowned it.

How did Gerasim change after the death of Mumu

He returned to his closet, which is not far from the manor house, but did not stay here for a long time. Hastily collected his belongings and went to the village. The fugitive courtyard was not returned to Moscow. In the village, Gerasim worked just as well. However, the peasants said that after Moscow he had changed a lot. From now on, he was not interested in women and never got dogs.

"Turgenev's lesson" - After the Moscow Metropolitan University, Turgenev seemed colorless. In 1852, a separate book "Notes of a Hunter" was published, the collection includes 20 stories. There are a few guys around the campfire. What feelings does the author of the story describe? The activities of a librarian in a school are quite diverse. I. S. Turgenev (1818-1883).

"Writer Turgenev" - Small living room. Pauline Viardot was born on July 6, 1821 in Paris. I. S. Turgenev was associated with France for 38 years. Maiden. Emile Zola. Bougival is located near Paris. Coat of arms of the Turgenev family. Museum-Reserve "Spasskoe-Lutovinovo". There, the air seems to be “full of thoughts”!.. The Moscow Museum of I. S. Turgenev.

"Years of Turgenev" - In 1833, 15-year-old Turgenev entered the verbal department of Moscow University. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. 1818-1883. In 1841 Turgenev returned to his homeland. Leads and stories. Mother, Varvara Petrovna Lutovinova, came from a wealthy noble family. In 1846, the stories Bretter and Three Portraits were published.

"Turgenev Fathers and Sons" - The history of the creation of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. 4 group. Arkady Kirsanov. 5 group. "Fathers and Sons" is perhaps the most noisy and scandalous book in Russian literature. Collect information about Evgeny Bazarov. 2 group. 1 group. Vasily Ivanovich Bazarov. 3rd group. P. Weil, A. Genis.

"Turgenev as a writer" - Standing: L.N. Tolstoy, D.V. Grigorovich. Above the table are portraits of V. G. Belinsky and M. S. Shchepkin. In Spassky, Turgenev and Savina developed a particularly trusting and sincere relationship. "On the eve" 1860. Artist D. Borovsky. 1980. Emile Zola. Author D.N. Kardovsky. 1933. Opening of the monument to Pushkin in Moscow.

"Turgenev biography" - What story are we talking about? Contemporaries 2 (3 minds). Who did Turgenev call his teacher? The novel "Fathers and Sons" 3 (5 minds). Warm up. One of the main topics in the novel is the theme of relations between generations. "Erudite". Biography 3 (5 minds). Biography 1 (1um). Heroes and works 3 (5 minds). Heroes and works 1 (1um).

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