The results of Belarusians at the Olympics in Rio. Olympics. Belarus enters an anti-record medal collection schedule at the Summer Olympics

Belarusian fans bought 109 tickets for the Olympics in Brazil, the most expensive ticket costing almost Br 3,000.

Oksana Lipai, deputy chief accountant of the Tiketpro company, told a BelTA correspondent about this. The most expensive ticket bought by Belarusians cost Br 2,866.14, the cheapest ticket cost Br 204.03.

A significant part of them are tickets for the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympics (42 pieces). Belarusians will also go to support athletes at competitions in athletics, boxing, artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, water sports, and tennis.

“In general, there was no particular excitement around tickets for the Olympic Games. This could be influenced by a number of factors, including various kinds of fears associated with visiting Brazil, significant financial costs for the flight and stay in the country. Closer to the Olympics, as our athletes won Olympic licenses, Belarusians showed interest in tickets for certain sports, but only a few tickets have been bought in recent months,” said Oksana Lipai.

The XXXI Summer Olympic Games will be held from 5 to 21 August in Brazil. The main site will be Rio de Janeiro. Competitions will also take place in Sao Paulo, Brasilia, Belo Horizonte and El Salvador. Ticketpro is the official distributor of tickets for Rio 2016 in Belarus.

Today, July 23, the first Belarusian athletes, the archery team, are leaving for the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. They will reach Brazil by the morning of the next day - the flight will be long and with a transfer.

The current Games, or rather the atmosphere and emotional background around them, are somewhat out of the usual rut and differ from what happened on the eve of the summer Olympics of previous years.

No competitions with grain growers, no medal plan, no tough order to win

In 2004, before the Athens Olympics, to increase the degree and increase the motivation of athletes, the president of the National Olympic Committee Alexander Lukashenko organized hitherto unprecedented competitions between peasants and Olympians - they say, who will show themselves better: athletes in the stadium or grain growers in the harvest field. And although the winner in these competitions was not officially determined (it is difficult to understand by what criteria to judge and how many tons of threshed grain to equate to a medal of what value), but the workers of the agricultural industry liked this competitive spirit.

In 2008, before the Games in Beijing, grain growers zealously rushed to harvest and, without the participation of the president, they themselves challenged the athletes. Those, in turn, were motivated by the state by assigning rewards for Olympic medals in the amount of 100, 50 and 30 thousand dollars, respectively, for gold, silver and bronze. And after the prize money was added with apartments.

At the same time, the Ministry of Sports and the NOC made medal plans and forecasts for both Athens and Beijing. They did not make a secret of this, but the expected number of awards was not advertised.

But before the London Olympics, sports management has already moved from forecasts to requirements. By 2012, competitions with grain growers became boring and went out of trend, and therefore Alexander Lukashenko and the most eloquent minister of sports in sovereign history tried to take on the role of the main motivators for the Olympians Oleg Kachan.

Alexander Grigoryevich, who escorted the athletes to the previous Games with fatherly parting words and wishes of good luck, in 2012 turned the Olympic principles upside down.

« I want you to understand that everything happens in sports, but not at the Olympic Games. A person is preparing for the Olympic Games and is preparing all the reserves that he has. Therefore, there can only be victory. - The main thing is not participation, but victory. Here is my order on behalf of the Belarusian people.”- said the President of the NOC.

Oleg Kachan, in his turn, fervently emphasized at almost every public speech that in London the Belarusian athletes were tasked with winning 25 medals, five of which must be gold.

By the way, before London the amount of prize money was increased. Rates have risen to 150, 75 and 50 thousand dollars.

However, neither money, nor plans, nor even the president's ultimatum call, brought any effect. In London, the Belarusian team held its worst Olympics, winning twelve medals - two gold, five silver and five bronze.

Apparently, having come to the conclusion that it is not worth acting with athletes using the whip method, the leadership changed tactics again before the current Olympics. Now there is no medal plan, for the first time there are no forecasts by the Ministry of Sports and the NOC on the number of awards, and at the ceremony of seeing off the delegation, Lukashenka did not punish, but expressed hope.

“We hope for the victories of the Belarusian athletes. You will plunge into the sea of ​​love and attention from our grateful fans. It is equally important that the state will appreciate your every successful performance. I will be very happy if this Olympics gives us a reason to sum up its results in front of the whole people and present well-deserved awards to everyone who forges the Olympic glory of the country., the president said.

Solemn farewell to the Belarusian sports delegation at
XXXI Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

“There really are no medal predictions for this Olympics. The bet is placed on each athlete,- confirms the press secretary of the NOCAnastasia Marinina. - We look forward to traditionally medal-intensive sports for Belarus. Athletics, weightlifting, rowing, rhythmic gymnastics, taekwondo, cycling, wrestling, table and tennis, sailing».

Prize money for medals remained at the level of the last Olympics.

Who, when and how flies to Rio

The Belarusian delegation to the Rio Games is not numerous compared to the delegations to the Olympics in 2008 and 2012. Thus, Belarus sent more than 300 people to Beijing, including 180 athletes; to London - 350 people, of which 166 athletes. Only 230 people fly to Rio, of which 125 are athletes.

Both the administrative and technical headquarters and the number of athletes have been reduced. By the way, after Beijing - our most successful Olympics - who at that time held the post of Minister of Sports Alexander Grigorov noted that the ranks of athletes "Could be cleaned up".

Before the Olympics in Rio, the purge, apparently, was quite tough and the number of "tourists" was reduced to a minimum.

“Weak athletes do not go to the Olympics- said Anastasia Marinina. - If an athlete has won a license, then he is among the top athletes in his form..

As shown by previous Olympics, about every tenth athlete becomes a medalist among Belarusians. Given these statistics, as well as the men's kayaking and canoeing team - one of the main contenders for awards (in London, male rowers won two "silver" and one "bronze"), we dare to make a disappointing forecast - in Brazil in terms of the number medals, the Belarusian team can set an anti-record.

But for now, I don’t want to think about the bad, and we propose to keep faith in the best until the end. With it, at least, it will be more interesting to watch the performances of our athletes, whose first group went to Rio today, July 23.

The pioneers from the Belarusian delegation - the technical group - are already in Brazil. They flew to Rio in the middle of this week.

From Saturday, the transfer of Belarusian troops to Brazil and in the opposite direction will take place almost every day. The women's basketball team will go to South America next - departure on July 25th.

“All athletes, with the exception of those who fly to Rio from foreign training camps or competitions, go to Brazil along one route: Minsk - Frankfurt - Rio. It was not chosen by chance. It is with this route that the minimum waiting time for a transfer is 6 hours. With other routes, the waiting time for a transfer would be from 9 to 12 hours. Also very convenient and arrival time in Rio - about 6 am local time. The carrier is Lufthansa. The national air carrier company Belavia does not have aircraft that can perform such 12-hour flights”, - Anastasia Marinina revealed the details.

“Someone arrives in advance, before the start of the Games, someone is already in the process of the Olympics. It all depends on the sport and the recommendations that are developed for each athlete by the relevant specialists, based on acclimatization factors, weather conditions and other subtleties., - adds the press secretary of the Ministry of Sports Vladimir Nesterovich.

At whose expense is the banquet?

The Olympics itself, no matter how strange it may seem at first glance, is perhaps the most economical tournament for Belarus in terms of public spending.

Firstly, accommodation and meals for all accredited persons, that is, the entire delegation, are paid by the organizers of the main start of the four-year period.

Secondly, the Belarusian side will initially have to fork out for a flight from Minsk to Rio, but then the International Olympic Committee partially compensates the cost of tickets for each member of the delegation.

“Compensated from 30% to 80% of the cost of tickets. The amount of compensation is different for each category of persons. For athletes - one, for the administrative headquarters - another, for officials - the third ", - explains Anastasia Marinina.

We looked at how much tickets for the flight our athletes fly. A one-way ticket from Minsk to Rio in economy class will cost 1430 euros, in business class - 3450 euros.

But as for the costs of preparing for the Olympics, then the figures are, of course, colossal and they fall entirely on the shoulders of the state.

“We didn’t count how much money was spent on the training of one Olympian, but in general, over four years, about 120 billion rubles went to prepare for the Olympics in London, with the exception of salaries”, - noted in 2012 the Assistant to the President for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism Development Igor Zaichkov.

If we translate this amount into a dollar equivalent, then we get about 15 million (in mid-August 2012, the dollar exchange rate was about 8,350 rubles).

Belarusians won 12 medals in London (there was also gold Hope Ostapchuk in the shot put, but after a doping disqualification, this medal was taken away). That is, roughly speaking, each of them cost the country $1.25 million.

The cost of preparing for Rio was not disclosed. Neither the NOC nor the Ministry of Sports could provide us with information, just as we did not try to achieve at least some figures. However, it is unlikely that they have become smaller.

Will the main fan fly to Rio?

Alexander Lukashenko during the reign of the country (and this is neither more nor less than 22 years) has visited three Olympics: one summer and two winter.

The Olympic debut for Lukashenko was the 1998 Games in Nagano, Japan. They say that Alexander Grigoryevich was not originally going to the Olympics and decided to visit it only after two victories of the hockey team dear to the heart over the Germans and the French.

Alexander Lukashenko at the Nagano Olympics. Photo ITAR-TASS

At the same time, the Japanese authorities refused the president an official visit, but he flew anyway. Moreover, Lukashenka, apparently, was so worried about the hockey team that, in violation of all the rules, during one of the training sessions of the Belarusians, he broke into the playground.

“We practiced on the ice. Look, the president is coming to us. He came up, said hello, supported the guys, and asked me: “Why is he so pale?” I don't even remember what I answered. And the fact that the media wrote that he was trying to teach us how to play hockey is not true. He only supported the team and wished to perform as best as possible among the strongest teams in the world. He spoke briefly with us and went to inspect the palace.”, - recalled in an interview for website Anatoly Varivonchik who led the team at the time.

For subsequent Olympic Games - in Sydney (summer, 2000), Salt Lake City (winter, 2002), Athens (summer, 2004) and Turin (winter, 2006) - Alexander Lukashenko watched, like most Belarusians , on TV. The reason for this was the significantly shattered image of Belarus in the international arena in terms of observing the principles of democracy.

For example, the then Minister of Sports and Tourism, appointed head of the Belarusian delegation in Athens Yuri Sivakov was forced to lead the team from his office in Minsk. Suspected of involvement in the disappearances of well-known Belarusian politicians Sivakov, the European Union and the Greek Foreign Ministry warned even before the start of the Games that he could be deported or even arrested if he appeared on Greek soil.

And by the time the Olympics were held in Turin, Belarusian high-ranking officials were also restricted from entering the EU countries.

Alexander Lukashenko and his son Nikolai
at the Beijing Olympics. Photo BelTA

In general, Alexander Grigorievich got to his next Olympics only ten years later. In 2008, in Beijing, with which Minsk was already friends with might and main, the Belarusian president and his youngest son Nikolai were welcomed with open arms.

In 2010, Lukashenka, as reported by the media, preferred a business visit to Switzerland to the Games in Vancouver, which was combined with "short break".

Alexander Grigoryevich was not accredited to the London Olympics in 2012.

“President Lukashenko is on the list of persons who are banned from entering the European Union due to his participation in violating international standards during the presidential elections in Belarus on December 19, 2010, as well as the ensuing crackdown on civil society and democratic opposition. This ban remains in effect and will be in effect during the Olympic Games. The decision on this matter will not be changed.”, - the message of the British Embassy in Belarus said.

At the 2014 Olympics in Sochi, the Belarusian president and his son Nikolai were received as relatives. At the same time, the head of the NOC not only followed the performances of our athletes, but was also one of the first to congratulate them in case of success.

Whether Alexander Grigoryevich will fly to Rio is still unknown. The press service of the NOC does not have this information. And contact the head of the press service of the head of state Natalya Eismont we failed.

By the way, if the president still decides to visit the current Olympics, it will be his second visit to Brazil. In 2010, Lukashenka and his youngest son have already visited this sunny country.

Goat Hennes

Perhaps the most famous goat in Germany is the mascot of the Bundesliga football club Cologne Hennes (Geißbock Hennes). Over the entire history of the team, seven artiodactyls have already changed. Today, Hennes the Eighth lives in the zoo in his own enclosure and travels to the club's games in a special car.

Red Devil

This red devil is the mascot of the second Bundesliga football club Kaiserslautern. The mystical creature is responsible for the mood in the stands. As for luck, it's hard to say - last season the players took only tenth place in the standings.

Sports mascots from Germany

Eagle Attila

The players of the Eintracht Frankfurt am Main football club are called "eagles" for a reason: this male named Attila has been bringing luck to the team since 2006. The bird weighs a little less than four kilograms, the wingspan reaches two meters. According to the fans, Attila is the most beautiful Bundesliga mascot.

Sports mascots from Germany

King Louis

The lion, nicknamed King Louie, is the most colorful mascot among American football teams in Germany. A plush predator guards the "Monarchs" from Dresden.

Sports mascots from Germany

This dinosaur is the protagonist of the fairy tale story "Urmel aus dem Eis" by the German writer Max Kruse. In November 2006, Urmel was chosen as the symbol of the German Hockey Association and the mascot of the national team.

Sports mascots from Germany

Polar Bear Bully

The next hockey mascot is the polar bear Bully of the Icebeeren team in Berlin. Together with a cub named Bully Bambini, they have been protecting the sports club since 2001.

Sports mascots from Germany

bull bully

Another mascot nicknamed Bulli. This steer brought good luck to his team for several seasons in a row: in three years, the RB Leipzig football club escaped from the third Bundesliga to the first.

Sports mascots from Germany

Little Bear Guertinho

The brown bear Herthinho hasn't missed a home match at Hertha Football Club since 1999. According to legend, a plush figure more than two meters high flew straight from Brazil.

23.08.2016 - 17:28

News of Belarus. They prepared for it for 4 years, and she raced in 17 days. The Olympics in Rio ended on the night of August 22, and Belarusian athletes are already returning home. All of them undoubtedly received valuable professional and life experience, and some athletes also received medals, proving to the whole world that they are the best in their disciplines.

In the final medal standings, Belarus was 40th (out of 87). We have 9 awards - from gold to bronze. Let's remember, as they say, names, appearances, flogged!

No. 1. Silver Daria Naumova

Belarusians waited for the first medal for 7 whole days. The 20-year-old weightlifter Daria Naumova opened the account for the awards. In the weight category up to 75, the athlete lifted 258 kg and won a silver medal at the first Olympic Games in her life! And this is all the more significant because the girl came from light to weightlifting only 5 years ago.

No. 2. Gold of Vladislav Goncharov

Vlad is also only 20 years old, and the Olympics in Rio is also the first for him, as well as the medal in trampolining for Belarus in the entire history of our athletes' participation in this sport. The first - and immediately golden!

No. 3. Silver Vadim Streltsov

The history of this medal is from the category of the legend of the Phoenix. In the status of the country's most promising weightlifter, Vadim participated in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. But he arrived there injured and failed miserably. Career began to crumble before our eyes: in 2013, Streltsovets was directly offered to leave big-time sports. And with the support and thanks to the personal initiative of coach Viktor Leonidovich Shershukov, he rehabilitated himself - he became the world champion in weightlifting in 2015 and a silver medalist in Rio! By the way, Vadim is unlucky at the Olympics: he performed in Brazil with a sore knee.

No. 4. Bronze of Alexandra Gerasimenya

Alexandra Gerasimenya pleases us with the second Olympics in a row! In London 2012, the athlete was a 2-time silver medalist in the 100m and 50m freestyle heats. In Rio Alexandra, only the 50-meter race succumbed, but its weight is immeasurable in metal. Here the matter is in the results of competitions in the inter-Olympic period. At the 2015 World Cup in Kazan, Alexandra failed at both crown distances: at the “hundredth” she became the penultimate one in the semifinals, at the “fifty dollars” she did not even leave the “preliminary”. And many hurried to write off our "goldfish" from the accounts ... But no such luck!

No. 5. Bronze by Javid Gamzatov

26-year-old Javid Gamzatov brought a bronze medal in Greco-Roman wrestling for Belarus, but also to the delight of Dagestan. 10 years ago, the athlete moved to the Gomel region. He trained first in Mozyr, then in Gomel. And the fact that the Olympic medalist grew out of Gamzatov must be thanked to his older brother, who brought the 9-year-old Javid to the wrestling section.

No. 6. Silver Maria Mamoshuk

This medal is especially valuable for Belarus - it is the first in women's wrestling in the history of the country's participation in the Olympic Games. And it was won by a 23-year-old girl from the small village of Zyabrovka, 18 kilometers from Gomel. Mashenka grew up there, and a serious athlete Maria Mamoshuk was brought up in the Gomel Olympic Reserve School!

No. 7. Silver Ivan Tikhon

The medal of Ivan Tikhon is more than the award of the main start of the four years in the piggy bank of Belarus. This is a triumphant return of an athlete to big sport after almost 8 years. This is the restoration of a seriously tarnished reputation. This is a personal victory for those who have always believed in Tikhon. This is beyond words, read here:

No. 8. Bronze women's kayak-four

Margarita Makhneva, Nadezhda Lepeshko, Olga Khudenko and Marina Litvinchuk brought medals in the 500m. The girls, as they say, with their breasts stood for the entire Belarusian rowing and canoeing in Rio. Because of the men's team from the Olympics, the women's team played in Brazil without their "second half" and without a coach, who, for the same reason, was forced to stay in Minsk.

No. 9. Bronze by Ibragim Saidov

Dagestani Ibragim Saidov under the flag of Belarus won a bronze medal in freestyle wrestling in heavyweight. In the fight for the third place, he defeated an Armenian with a Georgian surname Berianidze on the mat. Here is such an international battle for third place! You won’t believe it: Ibrahim didn’t count on a medal in Rio - a week before the start he injured his jogging leg and performed injections in Brazil.

Alexandra Gerasimenya: “I bring medals to the Second Olympics, and the second Olympics is considered unsatisfactory”

News of Belarus. The swimmer commented on the Belarusian athletes during the talk show.

There are no complaints against you regarding the Olympics - you brought a medal. But you, too, are part of the team, and for sure, you also partly accept this assessment at your own expense. Fair estimate? Failure? Disgusting results?

Alexandra Gerasimmenya, Olympic medalist (Rio de Janeiro, 2016):
In fact, of course, I bring medals to the second Olympics, and the second Olympics is considered unsatisfactory. Of course, for me personally, this is a shame, because I consider my performance to be quite successful. Maybe not 100% as I wanted, of course. But I completed my minimum program. Yes, of course, it is possible that the guys could not reach a higher level in order to perform more successfully at the Olympics and at least break through to the semi-finals and finals. But, given that it was such a massive decline in results, I think it’s not even their mistake here. Because, after all, if there is a drop in the result precisely by the team - and they were preparing in the same places, at the same training camp - then, I think, there is already a question for the leadership, why this happened.

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Olympics. Belarus enters an anti-record medal collection schedule at the Summer Olympics

2016-08-11 01:12:24

In Rio de Janeiro, Belarus entered an anti-record medal collection schedule at the Summer Olympics. Until now, the worst figure was at the 2012 Games in London, when the Belarusian delegation received its first award only on the fifth day of the competition (Marina Shkermankova, weightlifting, category up to 69 kg).

At the 2016 Olympics, the fifth day of the competition did not bring any awards to our athletes. The piggy bank of the Belarusian national team in Rio de Janeiro is still empty.

Comments (84)


So what?? What does it say?

Countries such as Norway and Finland do not need to prove anything, their economic level is already quite high.

string(8) "Kalash47" string(17) "11 Aug 2016 14:38" string(1134) "

Even such a puppet state as Kosovo already has a medal, the great sports power of Kyrgyzstan also has a medal)

And Germany has only 4, Norway and Finland have NONE.

So what?? What does it say?

Norway and Finland are northern countries, their strong point is the winter olympiads.

Yes, and I deeply doubt that bureaucrats in these countries set some kind of medal plan for their athletes, here are 20 medals and no less!

What is the Olympics in modern realities? This is essentially a clownery, many countries are tearing their ass on medals to demonstrate that their country is not the most backward in this world, i.e. a kind of "measuring peeps". Belarus is no exception, the more medals, the more we will perform for the whole world as a country with huge economic development, since athletes win, it means that the country has money to finance sports in the country.

Countries such as Norway and Finland do not need to prove anything, their economic level is already quite high. " Array

Even such a puppet state as Kosovo already has a medal, the great sports power of Kyrgyzstan also has a medal)

And Germany has only 4, Norway and Finland have NONE.

So what?? What does it say?

the Poles also have one bronze so far, a relative failure

string(6) "VaDDok" string(17) "11 Aug 2016 14:38" string(393) "

Even such a puppet state as Kosovo already has a medal, the great sports power of Kyrgyzstan also has a medal)

And Germany has only 4, Norway and Finland have NONE.

So what?? What does it say?

the Poles also have one bronze so far, a relative failure " Array


Where we can, doping controls are very tight!

string(9) "montrealc" string(17) "11 Aug 2016 14:29" string(390) "

no need to participate in 25 sports. It's too costly and inefficient. Highlight 5-7 where we can have a result. There is no need to build a power out of yourself. We are a provincial poor country and we need to live up to this.

Where we can, doping controls are very tight! " Array

Even such a puppet state as Kosovo already has a medal, the great sports power of Kyrgyzstan also has a medal)

And Germany has only 4, Norway and Finland have NONE.

So what?? What does it say?

string(9) "montrealc" string(17) "11 Aug 2016 14:27" string(312) "

Even such a puppet state as Kosovo already has a medal, the great sports power of Kyrgyzstan also has a medal)

And Germany has only 4, Norway and Finland have NONE.

So what?? What does it say? " Array

No need to participate in 25 sports. It's too costly and inefficient. Highlight 5-7 where we can have a result. There is no need to build a power out of yourself. We are a provincial poor country and we need to live up to this.

string(5) "marek" string(17) "Aug 11, 2016 2:25 pm" string(218) " no need to participate in 25 sports. It's too costly and inefficient. Highlight 5-7 where we can have a result. Not we need to build a power out of ourselves. We are a provincial poor country and we need to comply with this " Array

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