What is the head of the IC Alexander Bastrykin known for and who can replace him? Bastrykin Alexander Ivanovich, Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation: biography, family, title Bastrykin sk

General of Justice Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin heads the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. Doctor of Law, Professor. Member of several Russian academies and the Writers' Union of Russia. Awarded with state and public awards.

Childhood and youth

The origin of Alexander Ivanovich Bastrykin contributed to career advancement in the Soviet Union: neither nobles nor repressed relatives appeared in the profile of the future lawyer. Father Ivan Ilyich Bastrykin came from the Kuban Cossacks, served in the Navy from the age of nineteen, was awarded medals for exploits during the Great Patriotic War.

Antonov's mother Evgenia Antonovna was born in the city of Luga near Leningrad into a large peasant family, the head of which died at the front in the First world war. During the siege of Leningrad, she worked at a defense plant and defended the city, was awarded military medals. After the war, the older Bastrykin couple settled in Pskov, where on August 27, 1953, their son Alexander was born.

In 1958, the family moved to Leningrad, where Sasha received his education. School No. 27 on Vasilyevsky Island helped the boy to deeply study the Russian language, literature and history, thanks to which he entered Leningrad State University without any problems, despite the competition of 40 people for a place. In the same group with Alexander Bastrykin, he studied at the Faculty of Law, friendship with which contributed to the successful career of a Russian official.

Studying did not take away all the strength of the student: the future lawyer danced classical dances, played volleyball, studied at the theater studio and the school of a young journalist, played the guitar in the VIA of his faculty. After graduating from university in 1975, the young lawyer went to work in his specialty and served for three years as a criminal investigation investigator. At the same time, he joined the Party (at that time - the only one in the country, the communist one).


In 1979 he entered the graduate school of Leningrad State University and in 1980 he defended his Ph.D. thesis and began teaching. In parallel with teaching at his native university, he built a political career, successively rising from the secretary of the Komsomol cell of the Leningrad State University (1980) to the secretary of the Leningrad regional committee of the Komsomol (1983-1985), he was a deputy of the district council. He supervised the education of youth, culture, agitation and propaganda.

In 1987 he defended his doctoral thesis in the field of interaction between international and Soviet law. In 1988, he headed the Institute for the Improvement of the Qualifications of Investigative Workers at the USSR Prosecutor's Office in Leningrad, head of the Department of Investigative Tactics. In parallel, he is engaged in party work.

In 1991, the CPSU ceases to exist, and Alexander Bastrykin adapts to the changed conditions. The knowledge of a lawyer is in demand even after the collapse Soviet Union. In 1992-1995, he headed the St. Petersburg Law Institute, teaching jurisprudence also in other educational institutions of the city.

In 1996, the leadership of the legal department of the North-Western District of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was added to the teaching work. Ten years later, Bastrykin first took the post of head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Central federal district, and after - the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.

In 2007, the newly established post of First Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation - Chairman of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation was added to his duties. 18,000 employees of the prosecutor's office were transferred to the new organization, whose task was to investigate crimes. In 2009, Bastrykin was wounded during operational work at the site of the explosion of the Nevsky Express.

On January 15, 2011, Alexander Bastrykin was appointed Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, whose duties he had been performing since October 2010, when the Investigative Committee became a structure not subordinate to the prosecutor's office and. In his new position, Bastrykin personally meets monthly in Moscow and the regions with citizens who have made an appointment in advance.

Practice has shown that the personal participation of the colonel-general of justice (the title was received simultaneously with the position) in the investigation speeds up the course of the case. In addition to his immediate duties, while serving as Chairman of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin takes care of educating a young shift of investigators: at his suggestion, cadet corps and classes of the Investigative Committee were opened.

The Institute of Criminalistics was recreated. The chairman holds meetings with young investigators, trying to quickly solve their problems. He was accused by journalists and public figures of plagiarism and links to crime. It is included in the sanctions lists of the USA, Great Britain, Ukraine and Lithuania. According to his subordinates, he is an authoritarian leader, a tough party functionary of the old school.

In 2015, the media quoted Bastrykin's statement that the investigation had established the participation of a detachment of Ukrainian nationalists UNA-UNSO in the First Chechen war on the side of Ichkeria. In the same year, the general came up with a legislative initiative to abolish the priority of international law over domestic law, proposing to remove the relevant articles from the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Personal life

Alexander entered his first marriage in 1981. Bastrykina (nee Kuznetsova) Natalya Nikolaevna studied with him at Leningrad State University at the same faculty. The couple divorced in 1988, maintaining friendly relations. Natalya Bastrykina is a talented business woman who owns, in particular, the Oreol publishing house, which publishes books ex-husband Natalia.

Together with his second wife Alexandrova Olga Ivanovna, Alexander Bastrykin raised two children. Olga Alexandrova is a colleague of her husband in the field of legal sciences, she leads the All-Russian State University of Justice. Evgeny Bastrykin, the son of a general, is also successfully building a career in the public service.

Alexander Bastrykin now

News about the professional activities of the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia can be obtained from the media, from the official’s personal blog on the official website of the Investigative Committee, read on personal pages in

Alexander Bastrykin was born on August 27, 1953 in the city of Pskov. Grew up in a family of workers. His father Ivan - from the Kuban Cossacks, went through the whole war. Mother, Evgenia Antonova, worked at a defense enterprise during the blockade. In 1958, the Bastrykin family moved to live in St. Petersburg. In 1970 he graduated from secondary school No. 27 of the Vasileostrovsky district of Leningrad with an in-depth study of the Russian language, literature and history.

In 1975 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Leningrad State University, studied in the same group with Putin and was the head of this group. Subsequently, Bastrykin entered the closest circle of Putin's associates, where he received the informal nickname "Starosta".

In his youth, Bastrykin studied classical dance for eight years at the National Ballet Theater of the Palace of Culture named after the First Five-Year Plan. Along with this, he was fond of volleyball, played the guitar in the student vocal and instrumental ensemble of the Faculty of Law of Leningrad State University. He attended classes at the "School of a Young Journalist" at the youth newspaper "Change".

From 1975 to 1978 he served in the internal affairs bodies of Leningrad as an inspector of the criminal investigation department, an investigator. In 1977, he joined the ranks of the CPSU. He did not leave the party until its liquidation in 1991.

In 1979, he entered the graduate school of the Law Faculty of the State University at the Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, which he graduated in 1980. After that, he began teaching there in the academic discipline "criminal procedure-criminology", which he conducted until 1988. He combined teaching at the university with social and political work. He was the secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the Leningrad State University, a member of the party committee of the Leningrad State University. After a year he was the secretary of the Leningrad city committee of the Komsomol.

From 1983 to 1985 - Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the Komsomol. He supervised the work of the departments of agitation and propaganda, culture, military-patriotic education of youth, the Leningrad city Komsomol operational detachment, issues of interaction with the Komsomol organizations of the Leningrad military district, the Leningrad naval base, internal and border troops, law enforcement agencies of Leningrad and the Leningrad region. He was a people's deputy of the Dzerzhinsky District Council of People's Deputies of Leningrad and the Lomonosov Council of People's Deputies of the Leningrad Region.

From 1985 to 1986, he was a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the Leningrad State University, he taught the main course of lectures on forensic science, read a special course "Investigation, inquiry, investigation." From 1986 to 1988 - Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the CPSU of Leningrad State University for ideological work. From 1988 to 1991 - Director of the Institute for Advanced Training of Investigative Workers at the USSR Prosecutor's Office in Leningrad, Head of the Department of Investigative Tactics.

In 1992 he became the head of the department of law at the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions. From 1992 to 1995 - Rector and Professor of the St. Petersburg Law Institute. In 1995 - Head of the Department and Professor of the Department of Transport Law of the St. Petersburg State University of Water Communications.

From 1996 to 1998 he was an assistant to the commander of the military district for legal work - head legal management Northwestern District of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. At the same time, he taught at the St. Petersburg Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the St. Petersburg School of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

From 1998 to 2001 - Director of the North-Western Branch of the Russian Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Academic Council, Head of the Department of Theory of State and Law. From 2001 to 2006, he headed the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the North-Western Federal District, continuing his teaching work at the Russian Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice of Russia.

From June 12 to October 6, 2006, he was the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Central Federal District. And on October 6, 2006, at the 183rd meeting of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, Bastrykin was approved as Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation. He supervised the issues of compliance with the law in the preliminary investigation bodies.

At the 206th meeting of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation on June 22, 2007, a resolution was adopted on the procedure for appointing the Chairman of the UPC RF. At the same meeting, Bastrykin was approved as First Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation - Chairman of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation. On September 7, 2007, Bastrykin took up his duties in a new position. He was not dismissed from the post of First Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.

Alexander Bastrykin has been acting since October 4, 2010, and since January 15, 2011 he was appointed Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. Russian President Vladimir Putin on February 20, 2016, awarded the head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin the highest rank - General of Justice of the Russian Federation.

Russian President Vladimir Putin June 13, 2019 included Alexander Bastrykin in the organizing committee "Victory". The Committee is an advisory and advisory body under the President of Russia and was formed to pursue a unified state policy in the field of patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation and in relation to veterans.

Bastrykin is the author of more than 120 scientific papers on topical issues of state and law. Chairman of the Academic Council of the Russian Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation - North-Western Branch and Professor of the Department of Theory of State and Law. Doctor of Law, Professor. Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation.

Family of Alexander Bastrykin

First wife, in 1981-1988 - Bastrykina Natalya Nikolaevna, lawyer, owner of LAW Bohemia s.r.o. since May 21, 2001.

The second wife is Olga Ivanovna Alexandrova, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Rector of the All-Russian University of Justice, RPA of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, before that she was the director of the academy branch in St. Petersburg. There are two children in the family.

Alexander Khinshtein

Who is Alexander Ivanovich Bastrykin?

The chairman of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office - some will say.

Putin's classmate - others will answer.

All of them will be right. But not to the end. Because no one knows the true face of Alexander Bastrykin; including, I'm afraid, even his former classmate.

In addition to all his other virtues and ranks, the chairman of the UPC has one more thing - the talent of a merchant.

This is not a journalistic allegory at all, but the most medical fact, confirmed in addition by official documents.

The chief investigator of the country, who has been secretly running his own business in Central Europe for many years; such a thing will not be dreamed, it seems, even in a terrible dream ...

In the official biography of Alexander Bastrykin, there is nothing outwardly that would be conducive to doing business. He never worked in the supply chain. Government orders were not distributed. He was not involved in oil and gas.

All life is like a continuous Criminal Code; militia, prosecutor's office, science, justice. But this is only the first, deceptive impression ...

... The Troja district in the north of the Czech capital met me with green grass and the glow of tiled roofs. Birds sang.

“One of the most prestigious and greenest districts of Prague,” the guide says about Troy. - Most of the parks are occupied: Stromovka - the oldest, most beautiful Prague park; Troy Park adjacent to Troy Castle; zoo and botanical garden.

Back in the 17th century, Troy was chosen by the royal dynasty. From those years, the Prague residents were left with the royal castle in the early Baroque style - now it houses an art museum - and dozens of luxurious mansions; once the Czech nobility preferred to settle in them.

Today, as in ancient times, Troy is back in fashion. Living here is honorable and prestigious; like a city, and no longer a city: parks, greenery, a river. It is not surprising that Alexander Bastrykin also liked this area.

…That's the street I need. Knezdenska, 767/2c, - reads a sign on a multi-story multi-colored tower, built already in the era of capitalism. It is here, according to the documents, that the office of the company “LAW Bohemia” is located.

True, there are no identification marks on the house. At the entrance hang only signs with the names of the residents; "LAW Bohemia" is not among them. None of the neighbors I interviewed had heard of such a company either. And yet it is right here; just for some reason, its owners are in no hurry to advertise their activities.

Russians? Yes, there are some kind of visits, - the middle-aged lady coming out of the entrance draws out uncertainly; she takes the child for a walk in the yard (graveled paths, neatly trimmed lawns) and is clearly not in the mood for conversations ...

... Alexander Bastrykin has a peculiar sense of humor. “LAW Bohemia” means “Bohemian Law” in translation. This office, however, has nothing to do with jurisprudence; as follows from the founding documents, the subject of its activity is real estate transactions; In other words, real estate.

I don't know if the Czech (including the Bohemian) right allows its officials to engage in commerce; in Russian legislation there are no two opinions on this matter.

If someone else had been in Bastrykin's place - the director of the theater, for example, or the head of the boat station - he could still make a reservation about his legal illiteracy. But for the chief investigator of the country, a professional jurist, a doctor of sciences who has devoted his whole life to jurisprudence, such common truths seem so obvious that they do not even require explanation.

However, to the point.

The company "LAW Bohemia" was established in Prague on March 1, 2000. The form of organization is a limited liability company. Type of activity, as already mentioned, real estate transactions. The authorized capital is 100 thousand Czech crowns (4 thousand euros).

All this information can be easily obtained in the commercial register of the Prague City Court - an analogue of our registration service; in the Czech Republic, information about commercial firms is open; it is given to anyone who wants it.

This one, taken by me, also contains information about the owners of “LAW Bohemia”. There are only two of them:

Alexander Bastrykin, 08/27/1953 year of birth, St. Petersburg, st. Galernaya, 26, kv.№№, Russian Federation. Contribution to the authorized capital - 50 thousand kroons. Ownership share - 50%.

Olga Alexandrova, 03/28/1970 year of birth. The address, the amount of the contribution and the shares are the same.

Both the date of birth and the home address - everything coincides with the personal data of the chairman of the UPC; It wasn't hard to check it out. As for the second founder of the company, there are no questions here either: Olga Ivanovna Alexandrova is the legal wife of the chairman of the UPC, the mother of his two children and, as it turns out now, a partner.

However, when "LAW Bohemia" was just created, there was nothing reprehensible in that; in March 2000, Bastrykin was still head of the North-Western branch of the Russian Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice and was not a civil servant. By law, he could establish any commercial structures; The main thing is to submit declarations on time.

And therefore, with a light heart, Bastrykin, having organized “LAW Bohemia”, simultaneously became its director; so as not to share with anyone, apparently.

In July 2001, however, he was appointed acting. Head of the Federal Department of the Ministry of Justice for the Northwestern Federal District. From that day on, Bastrykin, obeying the law “On Civil Service”, was obliged to immediately resign as director of “LAW Bohemia” and withdraw from the founders. This procedure is not complicated at all, thousands of people have passed through it; transfer your share to the wife-companion, and that's the end of it.

But for some reason he doesn't. The necessary changes will be made to the register of the Prague Commercial Court only in March 2003. The chairman of the UPC has not said goodbye to the foundation to this day; despite the fact that he managed to work both as the head of the head office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Central Federal District and as deputy prosecutor general, now he is at all - he heads the most powerful department.

The official extract I received (as of May 2008) states that Alexander Bastrykin is still the owner of a 50% stake in LAW Bohemia. In accordance with Czech law, this means that he owns not only half of the company, but also half of its entire property. In the event of the liquidation of LAW Bohemia, Bastrykin and his wife will automatically receive all the property of the company.

In particular, housing in house No. 767/2s on Knezdenska Street. In this mysterious house, I counted at least three apartments associated with "LAW Bohemia". One of them has its legal address registered. The second is the full property of the company (read - the Bastrykin family). The third belongs to the son of their business partner, 22-year-old Georgy Shutenko. (His father, Igor Shutenko, is today the director of LAW Bohemia in place of Bastrykin.)

In a word, there is where to roam. Prices for Prague real estate are growing by leaps and bounds. In this area, they are among the most expensive: 2.5-3 thousand euros per square meter. (One of the residents of the “Bastrykino” house confessed to me, for example, that he bought his 80-meter apartment for 5.3 million crowns - in terms of about 210 thousand euros.)

But there are also houses where “LAW Bohemia” was registered before. Until 2003, its legal address was located in the fashionable town of Kladno, 15 kilometers from Prague (Jizni Street, 2942). Then two years - in the suburban area Tukhomiritsa. Only in 2005 “LAW Bohemia” finally moved to Troy, to Knezdenska.

It is clear that such an economy needs an eye and an eye. Probably for this reason Bastrykin flew until recently to the Czech Republic with an enviable frequency. His last visit was noted in December last year, that is, already when he was chairman of the UPC.

The most striking thing is that at the same time, Alexander Ivanovich also managed to get himself a ... two-year business visa. It was issued by the Czech police on February 6 last year (No. FA 0436991) and is still valid. Moreover, it is affixed in ... his service passport (62 No. 2739038).

Who does not know: a business visa is a document that gives the right to engage in commercial activities in the host country. To get it, you need a very serious justification.

I bet you will never guess what wording the Deputy Prosecutor General wrote in his visa application (Bastrykin was then in this position). “Execution of managerial functions” is inscribed in black and white on his papers. (All of them, by the way, are stored in the Czech police department for work with foreigners.)

These documents also contain a notarized invitation issued to Bastrykin by Georgy Shutenko, the son of the director of LAW Bohemia; he guaranteed that he would put him in his apartment at the address already known to us: Prague-8, Troy, Knezdenska, 767/2s.

(I doubt, however, that Alexander Ivanovich would need to take advantage of his hospitality; everything is in order with a roof over his head.)

Frankly, I tried to track down Shutenko's father and son in order to understand what connects them with the chief Russian investigator. Alas, my search was in vain.

As a result, we managed to learn a little about them. Both of them are natives of Ashgabat. In 1993, they received Russian citizenship. Officially, the Shutenko family is registered in the remote village of Seltsovo, Pochinkovsky district, Smolensk region, where, of course, no one has ever seen them. In parallel, in the mid-1990s, Shutenko Sr. was registered in Ukraine (Kyiv, Garina St., 51). Apparently, they live permanently in the Czech Republic. They are co-founders of a number of local commercial structures.

Where their paths crossed with Bastrykin - only God knows. But, apparently, each of the parties does not regret the acquaintance; They have been together for five long years.

After all, even if you are at least three times a professor and a doctor of sciences, you still cannot do without quick and tortuous cosmopolitan partners; especially if you live in Russia and do business in the Czech Republic…

Most recently, the leadership of the UPC announced that the employees of this department "became the object of the activities of Western intelligence services and terrorist organizations." Simply put, foreign spies and saboteurs are trying to recruit honest Russian investigators.

Holy simplicity! Why fuss, look for approaches to ordinary investigators, solder them, build multi-way combinations, when under your nose - you just have to stretch out your hand - here it is, the desired goal.
The head of a law enforcement agency, the highest-level secret carrier, secretly doing business in a foreign country - yes, no self-respecting intelligence agency will miss such an amazing recruitment opportunity.

I have no doubt that the Czech counterintelligence has long been interested in the activities of the modest office "LAW Bohemia"; and how else, if a business visa is pasted into the general's official passport.

The Czech Republic has always been an invisible field of spy wars; its geopolitical position is the best way to do this. Only before the Czech special services worked under the supervision of older brothers from the KGB, and today the vacant place was taken by “partners” from the CIA.

This is especially true now that the construction of an American radar station, the largest electronic intelligence center in Europe, aimed at Russia, has begun at the Brda military training ground.

However, let him better understand these secret intricacies of the FSB. Let's turn to the legal side.
Remaining among the co-founders of the Czech company, the chairman of the UPC, like no one else, could not help but understand that he was grossly violating several laws at once.

First, the laws on the prosecutor's office and on the civil service, which strictly forbid officials to be owners of commercial structures.

Secondly, the tax code: after all, Bastrykin prudently does not indicate income from the activities of “LAW Bohemia” in his declarations, thus concealing them from taxes.

Thirdly, the law on state secrets, which prohibits secret carriers from traveling abroad without hindrance. Each voyage to the Czech Republic Bastrykin was obliged to issue an official report addressed to his leader; and not just formalize, but also justify the purpose of the trip. Naturally, he never wrote such documents; and what could he explain? What travels to another country to “perform managerial functions” with a service passport in his pocket?

Each of these violations is quite enough for the instant dismissal of Bastrykin, and even for the initiation of a criminal case. But…

Who will check it? Attorney General? He has no power over the chairman of the UPC, although he is his first deputy. The president? He is not a procedural person.

Moreover, no one can even initiate cases against Bastrykin, except ... Bastrykin himself. And this is the key to understanding everything that is happening.

There is no doubt: there are no angels among the current powers that be; salt is odorless. But everything has its limits, the rules of decency after all.

How can you make beautiful speeches about the rule of law, declare a crusade against crime, initiate criminal cases yourself and at the same time - quietly ride across the cordon, inspecting your own “candle factory”? This is not just a violation of the law, it is a complete discrediting of it. After this, who will believe in the honesty and integrity of the Investigative Committee, if its chairman sells real estate abroad in his free time?

And after all, nothing prevented Bastrykin from doing the same without showing his own ears. I would have issued “LAW Bohemia” for my wife or for the same cosmopolitans Shutenko and lived quietly, without secret voyages, entrepreneurial visas. No.

Why. What is the reason?

Greed? I doubt it too. What difference does it make who the business is registered for - for you or your wife.

The feeling of complete impunity is perhaps the most accurate answer. Absolute permissiveness, when it seems that you have already grabbed God by the beard, any knee-deep sea and the law is you yourself.

On such orange peel more than one dignitary stumbled: remember, for example, the high-profile case of Mabetex, when Russian officials openly opened Swiss bank accounts in their names.

I had a chance to write about another story almost similar to Bastrykin's - about the adventures of Vladimir Simonov, director general of the Agency for Control Systems, who also, having come to the civil service, “forgot” to leave the founders of Czech companies.

The career of such people ended, as a rule, bleakly: they were quietly sent into retirement or into honorable exile. And not because the authorities were being purged of those who discredited it, rather, the hardware instinct of self-preservation worked: anything can be expected from such subjects.

I do not know how the facts I have made public will affect the further fate of the Chairman of the UPC. Alexander Bastrykin enjoys the open support of many state leaders; again - the law faculty of Leningrad State University. That is why he behaves so confidently, and the whole series of scandals that constantly shake the Investigative Committee ends painlessly for him.

However, it is unlikely that both the President and the Prime Minister (not to mention the Secretary of the Security Council with the director of the FSB) were aware of the second, secret life of their colleague until today; and even more so - it is unlikely to cause them great delight.

In the end, everything - even old student friendships - must have some limits ...



Born into a family of workers. Father, Ivan Ilyich, from a family of Kuban Cossacks. Member of the Finnish and Great patriotic war. Naval officer on torpedo boats Northern Fleet. He has military awards. In 1942 he joined the party.

Mother, Evgenia Antonovna, blockade. Worked at a defense company. Since 1943, as part of combat units Baltic Fleet fought as an anti-aircraft gunner. She took part in the battles for Koenigsberg.

Alexander Bastrykin is married for the second time. First wife (in 1981-1988) - Bastrykina Natalya Nikolaevna, lawyer.

Second wife - Alexandrova Olga Ivanovna, candidate of legal sciences, currently - rector Russian Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, previously worked as the director of the branch of the academy in St. Petersburg.

Bastrykin has two children (according to other sources - four).


Graduated from the Faculty of Law in 1975 Leningrad State University(LSU). Was a classmate V.V. Putin, leader of the group.

In 1975-1978 he worked in the internal affairs bodies of Leningrad as a criminal investigation inspector and investigator.

In 1979-1980 he studied at the post-graduate course of the Faculty of Law of the Leningrad State University at the Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics. As a graduate student, he began teaching, reading "criminology".

In 1980-1987 he was a lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the Leningrad State University at the Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics.

In 1980 he defended his thesis on the topic: "Problems of investigation of criminal cases involving foreign citizens".

In 1980-1982 he was the secretary of the Komsomol Committee of Leningrad State University.

In 1982-1983 Secretary of the Leningrad City Committee Komsomol. According to some reports, Bastrykin personally expelled from the Komsomol Boris Grebenshchikov for a "politically illiterate" performance at the Tbilisi Rock Festival, after which he was fired from his post as a researcher.

In 1983-1985, Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the Komsomol.

In 1985-1986 he was a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Law.

1986-1988 - Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee CPSU LGU.

In 1987 he defended his doctoral dissertation "Interaction of national and international law in the sphere of Soviet criminal justice".

In 1988-1991 - Director of the Institute for the Improvement of Investigative Workers at the USSR Prosecutor's Office in Leningrad, Head of the Department of Investigative Tactics.

1991-1992 - temporarily not working.

1992-1992 - Head of the Department of Law of the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions.

1992-1994 - Rector of the St. Petersburg Law Institute.

1994-1995 - Professor of St. Petersburg Law Institute.

In 1995 - Head of the Department of Transport Law at St. Petersburg State University of Water Communications.

In 1995-1996 - Professor of the Department of Transport Law of the St. Petersburg State University of Water Communications.

In 1996-1998 - assistant to the commander of the troops of the North-Western district of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for legal work.

In 1998-2001 - Director of the North-Western Branch of the Russian Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

In 2000, together with his second wife Olga Alexandrova, he founded Czech Republic LAW Bohemia s.r.o.

In 2001-2006, he headed the Department of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Northwestern Federal District.

From June 12 to October 6, 2006 - Head Main Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior Russian Federation for the Central Federal District.

On October 6, 2006, at a meeting of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation submitted for consideration Bastrykin's candidacy for appointment to the post of Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation. The Federation Council of the Russian Federation almost unanimously approved his candidacy.

In 2007 - 2009 he had a residence permit in the Czech Republic as a manager of a Czech company Law Bohemia.

On June 22, 2007, at a meeting of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, Bastrykin was approved as First Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation - Chairman of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation.

On May 22, 2009, Bastrykin made harsh statements at an interdepartmental meeting on combating crime among migrants and improving migration policy. He pointed to the increased level of illegal migration to Russia and criticized the corruption in the Federal Migration Service.

Bastrykin personally supervised the investigation into the murder of the Hero of Russia Ruslana Yamadayeva.

On January 15, 2011, he was appointed Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. At the same time, formally, he was still the First Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.

In 2013, according to Slon.ru, Bastrykin began to communicate daily with Vladimir Putin, and the department headed by him, along with other law enforcement agencies, became a political entity autonomous from the presidential administration.

On January 15, 2015, in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta, on the occasion of the 4th anniversary of the TFR, Bastrykin stated:

"The number of criminal cases on extremism initiated by the Investigative Committee of Russia increased almost one and a half times in 2014. Considering the ever-increasing activity of extremism and terrorism in the world, as evidenced by the events in France and other countries, we are constantly fighting these dangerous phenomena.".

According to him, over the past years, investigators have practically uncovered all terrorist acts and strengthened the inevitability of responsibility for extremism: " If in 2013 there were 460 such cases, in 2014 there were about six hundred, which is almost one and a half times more".

Total, " since the formation of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, almost 3.5 million reports of crimes have been considered, more than 500 thousand criminal cases have been initiated, more than 360 thousand criminal cases have been sent to the courts. Nearly 29,000 crimes were uncovered, criminal cases on which were suspended in previous years and, as they say, were gathering dust on the shelves before the reform of the investigative bodies. And this is more than 2.8 thousand murders, 3 thousand rapes and intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm to citizens", Bastrykin emphasized.

In June 2015, Bastrykin said at a meeting with schoolchildren from Luhansk that Russia is using all international legal opportunities to respond to war crimes in southeastern Ukraine.

"You probably feel that Russia is doing everything it can within the framework of those formal legal international legal possibilities ... The ICR opened a number of criminal cases against the Ukrainian military. I am convinced that sooner or later retaliation will catch up with war criminals.".

Alexander Bastrykin Doctor of Law, Professor.

Author of over 120 scientific works on problems of state and law. Chairman of the Academic Council and Professor of the Department of Theory of State and Law of the North-Western Branch of the Russian Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure Law and Criminalistics of the Russian Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, lectures on forensic science and criminal procedure.

Included in dissertation council D 212.232.66 at St. Petersburg State University.

Active member of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts, Russian Academy of Social Sciences, Baltic Pedagogical Academy.

Has state awards.


For 2013, Bastrykin indicated income in the declaration 7.8 million rubles. Compared to last year, it has increased by one million.

The declaration also indicated an apartment with an area of ​​224.4 square meters, which he rents with his wife and two children, and a dacha with an area of ​​257.4 square meters.

The wife of the head of the UK earned in a year 1.85 million rubles. She is the owner of an apartment of 216 square meters, which also belongs to two children in equal shares.

Scandals, rumors

In 2007, Bastrykin was accused of plagiarism, allegedly in his book "Dactyloscopy. Signs of the hand" contains large borrowings from the famous book "The Age of Forensic Science" by the German writer Jurgen Thorwald no credits to the author.

In 2013, a whole chapter from the book was also discovered in Bastrykin's work. Anthony Summers"The FBI Empire: Myths, Mysteries, Intrigues".

On August 15, 2004, Bastrykin, who then served as head of the Federal Directorate of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the North-Western Federal District, in the courtyard of his own house threatened a man with a dog walking there, to shoot them both, and even, according to the victim, poked him several times with a pistol breast.

The man was denied a criminal case. Deputy Prosecutor Gladkov, in the decision to refuse to initiate proceedings, wrote: " in a telephone conversation, Bastrykin A.I. categorically refused to give explanations ... In the actions of Bastrykin A.I., only unworthy behavior of a civil servant is seen, and not a crime".

In December 2009, State Duma deputy Boris Reznik in an article in Izvestia, he accused Bastrykin of concealing crimes committed by his subordinate, the head of the investigation department of the RF Investigative Committee for the Khabarovsk Territory, General Gennady Fateev, which, according to Reznik, is kept by thieves in law.

In October 2010, Fateev was fired with the wording "for breaking the oath." Bastrykin is also mentioned in media publications about the connections of the UK with the criminal world.

On June 13, 2012, Novaya Gazeta published an open letter from the editor-in-chief of the publication Dmitry Muratov to the Chairman of the Investigative Committee A. I. Bastrykin, which alleges that Bastrykin threatened the life of a Novaya Gazeta journalist Sergei Sokolov, who wrote an article about the verdict to Sergei Tsepovyaz.

Tsepovaz allegedly destroyed evidence related to the murder of 12 people in the village Kushchevskaya, and was sentenced for this only to a fine. Muratov and Sokolov claimed that Bastrykin threatened the journalist's life and, at the same time, "jokingly remarked that he himself would handle the murder case."

The deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security, in an interview with Business FM, indicated the place where the "conversation" took place: " They were in the forest, in the area of ​​Mozhayskoe highway.".

On June 14, 2012, in an interview with the Izvestiya newspaper, Bastrykin denied the accusations against him: "No one took anyone out - it's just the nonsense of an inflamed brain" and pointed to the lack of evidence. However, a few days later, during a meeting with the editors-in-chief of the Russian media, Bastrykin confirmed that he had indeed met with Sokolov, but "not in the forest, but by the side of the road."

On July 5, 2012, at the joint board of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg, Bastrykin, without embarrassment in expressions, reprimanded the employees of the Investigative Committee of the Kirov Region for terminating the criminal case against.

After that, the investigation "Kirovles", previously terminated due to lack of corpus delicti, was resumed, and on March 19, 2013 it was transferred to the Prosecutor General's Office.

Navalny also accused Bastrykin of tax evasion and forgery of notarial powers of attorney. The blogger claims that Bastrykin combined government positions in Russia with the ownership and management of a foreign commercial organization and concealed these facts.

Earlier, in 2008, Alexander Khinshtein claimed that Bastrykin and his wife had established a limited liability company in Prague "LAW Bohemia" real estate transactions.

To this accusation, Bastrykin stated: " In order to dispel all sorts of rumors once and for all, I declare officially that neither I nor my family members have ever been engaged in entrepreneurial activities either in Russia or abroad. The information disseminated in the media is not true, but, in other words, is a gross lie and misleading".

However, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Czech Republic officially confirmed that Bastrykin had a residence permit in the period from February 2007 to February 2009, issued to ensure his activities on the board of Law Bohemia.

It is also indicated that this company ceased to exist in 2009, in connection with which the Czech Ministry of Internal Affairs pointed out the illegality of Bastrykin's actions, who did not notify in a timely manner of the termination of his functions in the company and could use a visa-free entry to the Czech Republic for six months.

August 1, 2012 Press Secretary of President Vladimir Putin Dmitry Peskov confirmed Navalny's appeal and said that the documents submitted by him were being sent to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation for verification. Bastrykin, in an interview with Izvestia, said that since 2008 he has only a visa to the Czech Republic in his diplomatic passport, and no residence permit in this country.

According to Bastrykin, he currently does not have any business abroad either. However, refuting his previous statement, he confirmed that before he really had a company that he needed to obtain a long-term visa to the Czech Republic, allowing him to move around Europe without any problems.

Buying an apartment in Prague Bastrykin explained that in the late 1990s he planned to work on a scientific line in Europe, not assuming that he would return to the civil service in Russia and take a high post.

On September 19, 2012, Novaya Gazeta, on the basis of documents issued by the Spanish authorities, stated that Bastrykin's wife Olga Alexandrova owned an apartment with a total area of ​​80 m² in the city Torrevieja (Spain) from February 26, 2007 to August 2, 2011.

As a civil servant, Bastrykin was obliged to declare all real estate belonging to him and his family members, however, in Bastrykin's income and property declarations from 2008 to 2011, there is no mention of his wife's apartment in Spain.

Alexander Ivanovich Bastrykin- Soviet and Russian statesman, chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, also in his biography was the post of Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation. Alexander Bastrykin - General of Justice, legal scholar, Doctor of Law, writer.

The early years and education of Alexander Bastrykin

Father - Ivan Ilyich Bastrykin(1920−1993) - originally from the Kuban Cossacks. He was called up by the Komsomol recruitment to the fleet. Member of the Soviet-Finnish War and the Great Patriotic War. Bastrykin's grandfather, Ilya Kallistratovich, was shot in 1942 by Nazi invaders in the yard of his own house, in the village of Novo-Mikhailovskaya, Krasnodar Territory, as the father of a Komsomol and Red Navy member who fought on the fronts of the fight against fascist german invaders.

Mother - Evgenia Antonovna Antonova survived the siege of Leningrad. She worked as a machine operator in a besieged city at a defense enterprise. Since 1943, she fought as part of the combat units of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet, was an anti-aircraft gunner. She took part in the battles for Koenigsberg.

The Bastrykins lived in Pskov until 1958, and then moved to Leningrad. Alexander went to school with an in-depth study of the humanities. He studied well, according to Bastrykin's biography on Wikipedia. In addition, he was an active boy, studied classical dances, played the guitar, attended a theater studio, a school for a young journalist at the youth newspaper Smena, went in for sports, and he was especially fond of volleyball.

After graduating from school, Alexander Bastrykin entered the law faculty of Leningrad State University. And at the university, Alexander was an active student. Firstly, he was the head of the group, he studied well. After graduating from high school in 1975, Bastrykin received a distribution to the police.

In 1977, Alexander entered graduate school, and already in 1980 he defended his thesis.

Career of Alexander Bastrykin

In the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, Alexander Bastrykin began his career as an investigator, then as an inspector of the criminal investigation department. Entered the ranks of the CPSU.

After defending his Ph.D. thesis, Alexander Bastrykin worked as a teacher at the university, and at the same time was actively involved in Komsomol activities. Alexander Ivanovich went from the secretary of the Komsomol committee of the Leningrad State University to the secretary of the Leningrad regional committee of the Komsomol.

Then, from 1986 to 1988, Bastrykin was in charge of ideological work at the party committee of Leningrad State University.

Continuing to engage in scientific activities, Alexander Bastrykin defended his doctoral dissertation in 1987.

In 1988, he continued his career as director of the Institute for the Improvement of Qualifications of Investigative Workers at the USSR Prosecutor's Office in Leningrad. Alexander Bastrykin worked in this position until 1991.

Further, from the biography of Bastrykin, it is known that he was the rector and professor of the St. Petersburg Law Institute (1992-1995), and after that he headed the Department of Transport Law at the University of Water Communications (1995-1996).

In 1996-1998, Alexander Bastrykin served as deputy commander of the troops of the North-Western District for legal work, and then headed the North-Western branch of the Russian Academy of Law.

Bastrykin's career growth continued in the Ministry of Justice, where he moved to work in 2001. Since 2006, Alexander Ivanovich worked as a Deputy Prosecutor General, supervised the issues of compliance with the legality of the preliminary investigation in the main department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In the photo: Deputy Chairman of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin and Russian President Vladimir Putin (from left to right) during a meeting in the Kremlin, 2007 (Photo: Dmitry Astakhov)

In 2008, the Presidential Anti-Corruption Council was established. Alexander Bastrykin became a member.

In February 2008, a regional prosecutor was killed in Saratov Evgeny Grigoriev. Alexander Bastrykin personally led the investigation, which ended within three weeks. The case was opened.

When the Investigative Committee was created within the prosecutor's office, Alexander Bastrykin personally signed the order to transfer 18 thousand employees from the prosecutor's office to the Investigative Committee, as he acted as head of the committee. The new structure was created by the Federal Law of June 5, 2007 No. 87-FZ “On Amending the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation”” within the framework of the prosecutor's office.

In 2008, the investigation group of the Investigative Committee conducted an investigation into the so-called five-day war - the armed aggression of Georgia against South Ossetia. The work of the group was headed by Alexander Bastrykin. The case was referred to the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

In the photo: Alexander Bastrykin, Chairman of the Investigative Committee at the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, Yuri Chaika, Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, and Sergei Shoigu, Head of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, during a working visit, 2009 (Photo: Vladimir Mukagov / TASS)

In 2009, the head of the UK sharply criticized Russia's migration policy, leading to an increase in crime among migrants, and a high level of corruption in the Federal Migration Service. It is worth noting that extradition issues were under the jurisdiction of the prosecutor's office, and not the Investigative Committee.

On November 27, 2009, when the Nevsky Express branded high-speed train was blown up, Alexander Bastrykin went to the scene of the attack. At that moment, another explosive device went off at the scene. The head of the Investigative Committee received a concussion and a moderate wound, the news reported.

In 2010, Alexander Bastrykin led the investigation into the mass murder in the village of Kushchevskaya, Krasnodar Territory.

In the photo: Alexander Bastrykin, head of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, during a meeting with residents of the village of Kushchevskaya, 2010 (Photo: Valery Matytsin / TASS)

In 2014, the head of the Investigative Committee initiated a criminal prosecution of Ukrainian officials accused of war crimes and genocide against the civilian population of southeastern Ukraine.

“None of them will escape responsibility. We will get them even at the bottom of the ocean, and sooner or later they will bear moral, political, and criminal responsibility for the acts that they commit today against the peoples of Ukraine,” said Alexander Bastrykin, head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, speaking at a meeting of the fund “ Generals and naval commanders" on the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the marshal Fyodor Ivanovich Tolbukhin.

In the photo: Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin (center) at the Moscow school No. 263, which was captured by an armed man, 2014 (Photo: Artem Geodakyan / TASS)

On September 8, 2015, in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Alexander Bastrykin was surprised by the news that the department he heads has information about the participation of the Prime Minister of Ukraine (at that time) Arseniy Yatsenyuk in the First Chechen War.

“Arseniy Yatsenyuk participated in at least two armed clashes that took place on December 31, 1994 on Minutka Square in the city of Grozny and in February 1995 in the area of ​​the city hospital No. 9 in the city of Grozny,” Bastrykin claimed. “And also in the torture and execution of captured Russian army soldiers in the Oktyabrsky district of the city of Grozny on January 7, 1995.”

Bastrykin also stated that, according to the Russian Investigative Committee, Yatsenyuk fought in Chechnya as part of the Argo punitive detachment, and then Viking under the leadership of Alexandra Muzychko.

“The interrogated associates of Yatsenyuk characterize him as an educated, intelligent person, but at the same time cunning and dodgy, as they say, from an early age striving for power and publicity,” Bastrykin summed up.

In the photo: Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin at a meeting of the collegium of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, 2015 (Photo: Mikhail Klimentyev / Press Service of the President of the Russian Federation / TASS)

In 2016 the President of Russia Vladimir Putin awarded the head of the TFR, Alexander Bastrykin, the highest rank provided for by the law "On the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation" - General of Justice of the Russian Federation.

In 2017, the head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin told the recipe for fighting corruption in Russia. “Until we resolve the issue of introducing into the legislation a full-fledged form of confiscation of property, not only stolen or transferred to relatives, but real compensation for damage in the amount in which it was caused by the criminal, we will not be able to achieve a real turning point in the fight against corruption and theft, especially state funds, ”Bastrykin was quoted in the news. In the same year, the Head of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin expressed his attitude towards the death penalty in our country.

In 2018, a fire broke out in the Zimnyaya Cherry shopping center. Alexander Bastrykin said that at one time a high-ranking official interfered with the inspection of the Kemerovo shopping center "Winter Cherry". “In 2016, there was an attempt to check this center, and the check was not carried out, because a high-ranking official intervened in the process, but we don’t name his position yet,” Bastrykin was quoted by the media. As a result, the examination was never carried out.

In the photo: Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin (second from left), who arrived in Kemerovo in connection with the investigation of criminal cases related to the death of people in a fire in the Winter Cherry shopping and entertainment center, during a conversation with local residents, 2018 ( Photo: Danil Aikin / TASS)

It is reported that investigators found documents and an act of incomplete verification. It is there that the name of the official who came to the shopping center is indicated.

In addition, the investigators confirmed that the door handles of the emergency exit from the cinema hall, in which many people died, were closed by the visitors themselves. According to investigators, the doors were closed after seeing a wall of black smoke. It is also reported that people in the cinema took off their clothes and plugged the cracks so that the smoke would not enter inside.

In the summer of 2018, Bastrykin said that a large group of experienced investigators and forensic specialists from the central office of the Investigative Committee were dealing with the case, and expressed confidence that they would be able to thoroughly understand all the details. The head of the TFR said that there are 11 people among the defendants in the criminal case, including the former head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Kemerovo Region Alexander Mamontov.

The staff of investigators, both in the central office and in the territorial investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee, will be increased, - said the head of the department Alexander Bastrykin.

According to him, the number of investigators under the chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation will increase, the staff of the Main Investigation Department will increase: “Given that the specifics of investigative work in the central office involves frequent business trips, and sometimes investigators are around the clock at the workplace, issues of further material support for their activities are being worked out, as well as issues of social support for investigators and their families,” he said in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

In the photo: Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kolokoltsev, Director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops - Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation Viktor Zolotov, Director of the Federal Security Service (FSO) Dmitry Kochnev, Head of the Russian Emergencies Ministry Evgeny Zinichev and Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin (from left to right) ) at a meeting of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee, 2018 (Photo: Musa Salgereev / TASS)

At the same time, the head of the TFR noted that all changes will be made "within the existing staffing, that is, we are not talking about increasing the staff of the Investigative Committee."

In 2018, Alexander Bastrykin stated that in the future, improving the efficiency of the units will be associated with a complete transition to Russian forensic technology.

In 2019, Alexander Bastrykin, Chairman of the Investigative Committee, instructed to organize the work of a dedicated telephone line in the near future, to which it would be possible to report facts of pressure on business.

Literary career of Alexander Bastrykin

Despite the workload, Alexander Ivanovich was successfully engaged in scientific and literary activities. He is the author of more than 150 scientific papers, has written books: “Shadows disappear in Smolny. Murder Kirov”, “The ideal crime of the century or the collapse of the criminal case”, “The murder of Kirov A new version of the old crime”. Alexander Bastrykin put forward his own version of the murder of Sergei Kirov, which occurred in 1934.

One of the famous books by Alexander Bastrykin “Dactyloscopy. Hand Signs (2004). However, for this book the writer was accused of plagiarism. The book found significant borrowings from the well-known work Jurgen Thorwald"Age of Criminalistics". However, Bastrykin's book was translated into French, and in 2016 he became a member of the Writers' Union. Bastrykin himself does not agree with the accusation, since in his book there is a reference to the work of Jurgen Thorwald.

There was information in the news that Alexander Ivanovich writes poetry and publishes them on the Poetry.ru website, posing as the Polish poet Stanislav Strunevsky. The poems are written in an ironic style.

In an interview, the General of Justice said that he published some books at his own expense.

Income of Alexander Bastrykin

The income of the head of the TFR Alexander Bastrykin in 2017 amounted to 16.5 million rubles. This amount also included the recalculation for 2014-2016, which amounted to 5.45 million rubles.

In the photo: Alexander Bastrykin, head of the Russian Investigative Committee (center) (Photo: Mikhail Metzel/TASS)

According to the declaration, the head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation owns an apartment with an area of ​​224.4 sq m, as well as two dachas with an area of ​​294.3 and 138.5 sq m. The wife of Alexander Bastrykin earned 4.64 million rubles in 2017.

For 2016, Bastrykin indicated an income of 8.4 million rubles in the declaration.

Scandals around Alexander Bastrykin

In 2012 Alexey Navalny accused Bastrykin of having real estate in the Czech Republic, that Alexander Bastrykin is a co-owner of LAW Bohemia and has a residence permit in the Czech Republic. Information about this is published in Bastrykin's biography on Wikipedia.

Bastrykin admitted only the presence of a visa and an apartment in Prague with an area of ​​46 sq.m. The head of the UK said that he purchased the property worth $68,000 in installments before starting his civil service. Bastrykin sold his share in LAW Bohemia, according to the biography of the head of the UK on the site "Learn everything."

“In order to dispel all sorts of rumors once and for all, I declare officially that neither I nor my family members have ever been engaged in entrepreneurial activities either in Russia or abroad. The information disseminated in the media does not correspond to reality, but, in other words, is a gross lie and misleading,” Alexander Ivanovich said.

Bastrykin was included in the sanctions list by the Ukrainian authorities for initiating the initiation of criminal cases against high-ranking officials of Ukraine and military personnel of the Ukrainian army. Alexander Ivanovich is also included in the sanctions lists of Ukraine in the case Hope Savchenko convicted by a Russian court. On April 12, 2016, Lithuania announced the inclusion of Bastrykin in the sanctions list of persons who are prohibited from entering Lithuania in connection with the conviction of Savchenko by a Russian court.

In 2017, the US Department of the Treasury expanded the so-called "list Magnitsky”, including the head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin.

Personal life of Alexander Bastrykin

First wife - Bastrykina Natalia Nikolaevna- advocate. Alexander was married to Natalya from 1981 to 1988.

Second wife - Olga Ivanovna Alexandrova- candidate of legal sciences. According to information for 2013 - Vice-Rector for educational work of the Russian Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, before that she was the director of the branch of the Academy in St. Petersburg. There are two children in the Bastrykin family.

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