Sights of Donetsk: overview and photos of interesting places. Places in Donbass that we don’t know about (photos) What wonderful places in Donbass do you know?

Located in the east of Ukraine, the million-strong city of Donetsk is the administrative center of the region of the same name. From 1869 to 1923, in memory of its founder John Yuzovka, it was called Yuzovka. Then it was called Stalino, and since 1961 its modern name.

Near the city rich story related to industrial development. Along with this, it became a famous cultural center. It is officially registered over 250 cultural heritage monuments. It attracts guests with the best hotels in Ukraine, the most modern sports and entertainment facilities.

In 2001, a memorial sculpture to the English engineer John Hughes was erected on the territory of the Donetsk National Polytechnic University. A hereditary British metallurgist, at the age of 55 in 1869 he bought a plot of land from the Russian Prince Kochubey on the banks of the Kalmius River. He builds a metallurgical plant and a workers' settlement for it, called Yuzovka. Thanks to the plant, the village developed and became a city called Donetsk. The plant today is one of the leaders in the metallurgical industry.

Location: Artema street - 96.

This temple was consecrated in 1886. It was founded under him fraternal school. In the thirties of the last century, the church was destroyed for building materials. In 2006, a new cathedral of the Holy Transfiguration was built of stone on the Cathedral Square of the city.

There is a bronze statue at the entrance Archangel Michael. The Church of Sergius of Radonezh was built next to the cathedral. Its highly artistic interiors were created by the country's best artists.

Location: Artema street-1.

One of the outstanding people who left an indelible mark on the history of this city was the Englishman John Hughes. He founded this city and built a metallurgical plant that made it famous. In 1873, not far from the factory, he built a red brick house for his family. The building was decorated with a balcony with openwork metal railings and a spacious beautiful terrace. A garden was laid out around it.

After the Yuzov family returned to their homeland, it was used for the residence of the company's managers; a maternity hospital and other organizations were located here. There are plans for its restoration and display as a historical object of interest to city residents and its guests.

Location: Klinicheskaya street.

When Donetsk was called Yuzovka at the end of the 19th century, it was crossed by a single street called the First Line. In the 20s of the last century, an asphalt surface appeared on it. It was renamed the street named after the famous revolutionary Artem.

Today it is a busy ten-kilometer highway with heavy traffic. There are theaters on it, educational establishments, business centers, hotels, shopping malls and other important urban infrastructure facilities. Among the most interesting objects are the opera and music-drama theaters, the building of the former Ministry of Coal Industry.

In 1938, four testers conducted experiments in the stratosphere on the effect of high altitude pressure on human body. They flew on a special substratostat filled with hydrogen. When the oxygen equipment failed, they died from suffocation. The gondola of the device fell in a city park.

In this place in 1953, a two-meter bronze monument was erected depicting a pilot peering into the sky. Below it is a five-pointed star and a memorial plaque with bas-reliefs of four fallen stratonauts.

Location: Pushkin Boulevard-2.

In the city park of culture and recreation in 1984, the Monument to the liberators of Donbass from Nazi invaders in 1943. This is one of the largest sculptural complexes in this region of Ukraine. Next to it is a site where military equipment from the war period is exhibited.

There is a memory bell, a stele in honor of underground fighters and partisans, and a veteran's park. In the interior of the monument there is a museum of the Great Patriotic War with a rich exhibition and a hall of military newsreels, various thematic exhibitions are shown.

Location: Park of Culture and Leisure named after. Lenin Komsomol.

In the center of Donetsk, shows are regularly held at the Nemo Dolphinarium. It is part of a network of similar complexes with the same name. The performances include bottlenose dolphins - Black Sea dolphins, fur seals from South America and sea lions. The entertainment enterprise, along with making a profit, popularizes knowledge about the inhabitants of the seas.

The Dolphinarium provides adults and children with opportunities to snorkel and swim with dolphins. Dolphin therapy sessions are organized here. In the future, it should turn into a multi-level complex with underwater reservoirs, hotels and restaurants. Unfortunately, there was a fire in the dolphinarium and nothing is known about possible restoration yet.

Location: Stadionnaya street - 1D.

There are no similar museums in Ukraine. It appeared thanks to the activities of the Heritage charitable foundation. The museum's funds were replenished by exhibits received from Ukraine and Russia, gifts from photojournalists and residents of other cities. There are fascinating exhibitions about the work of journalists who captured many outstanding events with their cameras. Special attention dedicated to photojournalists of Donbass.

The museum houses their personal belongings, awards, documents and photographs. There is a unique collection of photographic equipment here, and a photography library has been created.

Location: Shakespeare street - 11.

Aquosphere" - one of the largest and most modern in Ukraine. It was opened in December 2012. Its uniqueness is that the huge dome of the room can be moved apart, and visitors spend time in the open air. Five thousand people can relax in it at the same time. There are several unique water slides here.

There is a 25-meter-high, 85-meter-long complex attraction, a calm river and a wave pool. An artificial beach and a special area for children have been created. The water park is among the ten best in Europe.

Location: Shcherbakov Park, Stadionnaya Street - 1st.

In front of the Donetsk City Council there is a copy of the Tsar Cannon located in the Moscow Kremlin. It was manufactured at one of the enterprises of the Russian Izhevsk and donated to the city by the Moscow government. This was a reciprocal gesture to the gift to the capital of Russia of a copy of the unique Mertsalov Palm.

Unlike the original, the cannon installed in Donetsk differs in that its barrel is cast from cast iron rather than bronze. It is 6 cm shorter than the original and weighs 44 tons. The cannon, along with a 20-ton carriage, was delivered to the city by two powerful tractors.

One of the most important landmarks is the stadium with that name. It was built in 2009 and is the base of the famous football club Shakhtar. It is natural that the design of the complex is made in black and yellow team colors. It is often called a flying saucer due to its special roof design and completely glass-enclosed façade.

Huge 53 thousand capacity arena amazes with the originality of the architectural solution. Those entering the stadium are greeted by a fountain, which is a 28-ton granite ball rotating in two powerful jets of water. It is a contender for inclusion in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's largest rotating ball.

Location: Chelyuskintsev street - 189e.

Since 2008, the city has had a renovated planetarium, which has been operating since 1962. Today it is the best of two hundred digital planetariums in the world. It is equipped with the most modern digital equipment that allows you to create three-dimensional images of planets solar system, the effect of presence in space travel.

Here, unique audio and visual effects are simulated, and family viewings of films about cosmonautics and astronomy are organized. The planetarium is named after pilot-cosmonaut G.T. Beregovoy.

Location: Artema street - 46B.

Near the city administration you can see a park of metal sculptures. It represents unique works of art made by outstanding blacksmiths of Donetsk and Ukraine. It began in 2001 with a dozen forged sculptures. Now there are more than one and a half hundred of them.

Location: Artema street - 98.

Installed opposite the Olympic sports complex and depicts the great athlete Sergei Nazarovich Bubka. He is a thirty-five-time world record holder in pole vaulting, a six-time world champion and a champion Olympic Games. Today S.N. Bubka is a member of the International Olympic Committee, chairman of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine, an honorary citizen of Donetsk.

The monument was erected in August 1999. It is a sculpture of an athlete with a pole preparing to jump. The height of the pedestal under the monument, 6 meters 15 centimeters, is equal to the record set by the athlete in indoor pole vaulting.

Location: Artema street - 145.

This monument to those killed in the Great Patriotic War was erected near the Palace of Culture of Metallurgists. In this place, during the occupation of Donetsk by Nazi troops, a concentration camp was created where 25 thousand Soviet prisoners of war were kept. Dead prisoners were buried in the park near the Palace of Culture.

Later, a hill was raised in this place and a small monument was erected. For the 20th anniversary of the Victory over Germany, a monument of six twelve-meter pylons was erected. They are connected at the top by a wreath welded from metal sheets. There is an eternal flame between the pylons; they are illuminated from the inside. Victory Day and the anniversary of the liberation of the city are celebrated here annually.

Location: Kuibysheva street-67.

Next to the railway station built in 1951, in the premises of a former depot, a unique museum of the history of Donetsk was opened in 2001. railway. Its peculiarity is that here you can see rare examples of railway rolling stock. These are over fifty locomotives and carriages of different years of production, more than a thousand other rare exhibits.

These include the carriage of Marshal K.E. Voroshilov, made in 1898, and the legendary steam locomotive “Cuckoo”. In addition to archival documents and photographs, you can see here railway tools and apparatus, a Morse telegraph, and uniforms of railway workers of yesteryear.

Location: Artemovskaya street - 47.

I want to dispel the myth that Donbass is only about mines and factories, that there is absolutely nothing to see there. There's actually some amazing stuff there. Beautiful places, comparable to Crimea, Ternopil region, Poltava region, Cherkasy region.
Beautiful chalk mountains, steppes, flowering meadows, unique natural monuments.
Below we briefly describe four such places located in the vicinity of Kramatorsk.
1) River Seversky Donets
2) Alekseevo-Druzhkovka. Stone trees. (Konstantinovsko-Druzhkovskaya anticline)
3) Regional landscape park Kleban-Byk
4) Chalk cliffs in the village of Belokuzminovka

Seversky Donets River

Seversky Donets (Ukrainian Siversky Donets, ancient Greek according to Ptolemy Tanaid, Tanais, Italian Tan, Old Russian Great Don, Donel, Don) is a river in the south of the East European Plain, flowing through the Belgorod and Rostov regions of Russia, as well as Kharkov and Donetsk and Lugansk region of Ukraine, the right (largest) tributary of the Don. The fourth largest river in Ukraine and the most important source fresh water in the east of this country. Sometimes it is also called the Northern Donets, in the 17th-18th centuries - the Northern Donets. Wikipedia

The Seversky Donets is an amazingly beautiful river, in some places it reminded me of Psel and Ros. Not a very fast current, picturesque banks, a lot of egg pods, and white lilies in places. An excellent place for kayaking trips and parking on the shore. The only thing is that near large cities, all the banks are occupied by recreation centers and private estates.

Seversky Donets

White wagtail (Motacilla alba) and tourist sites on the banks

A typical Donbass landscape with waste heaps.

Alekseevo-Druzhkovka. Stone trees.

Here, in a former quarry for the extraction of refractory clay, there are the remains of petrified trees, araucaria, which are about 250 million years old. Currently, similar trees have been preserved in South America, in Australia and the islands of New Caledonia.
There are very beautiful meadows around the quarry.
We saw only one tree, the rest were smaller pieces, local residents they were stolen for souvenirs and to decorate fireplaces.

The fairly flat terrain in this area is cut by several gullies - former clay quarries

The slopes of the quarry are gradually overgrown

All around are steppe and meadows that have not yet been scorched at this time of year.

Stone outcrops on the slopes

Actually, that's why it's worth going there. Fossilized Aurucaria

This giant can only be dragged away with the help of a crane, which is why it remained on the slope of the quarry

Sandy-clayey slopes

A great place to play Indians. Surprisingly, the surrounding area is quite clean, I’m glad there is no garbage

More quarry slopes

View of the quarry from above

Surrounding meadows

More forbs

Some kind of tansy and cornflower (genus Centaurea), which I have never seen before

The meadows of these cornflowers look very beautiful, at the top they are already in full bloom, and just below there are still buds

Speedwell (Veronica spicata) and Thuringian hutma (DOG ROSE) (Lavatera thuringiaca)

Common bruise (Echium vulgare) and tansy (Tanacetum vulgare L.)

Tansy fields

Mullein (Verbascum) and sage (Salvia)

Scabiosa and Mylabris variabilis eating yellow Senecio flowers

Field Consolidum (Royal Delphinium) (Consolida regalis) and Prickly Zopnik (Zheleznyak) (Phlomis pungens Willd.)

Zopnik thickets

Podalirius (Iphiclides podalirius L.)
Among the interesting creatures I also saw crested larks (Galerida cristata), in Kyiv they appear only in January-February.

Kleban the Bull

Regional landscape park "Kleban-Byk" is located on the territory of the Konstantinovsky district Donetsk region, total area park - 2142 hectares. The territory of the park is a picturesque mountainous area on both banks of the Kleban-Byk reservoir, which is at the mouth of the Bychok River (a tributary of the Krivoi Torets River).
This area is closely connected with the history of the Zaporozhye Army and its state - the glorious Zaporozhye Sich. Almost since 1500, in the royal charters issued to the Zaporozhian Army on the boundaries of Cossack liberties, the name “Bychok River Tract” has been found, since 1600 – “Klebina”, and since 1720 – “Kleban-Byk”.
Anyone who believes that the name of the reserve and the tributary of the river is somehow connected with the bulls that were allegedly bred in this area is mistaken. In fact, the combination of the words kleban-bull means approximately the same as “bottom of the pit.” The fact is that the entire territory of this park 200 million years ago was the bottom of the Permian Sea, as evidenced by the imprints of mollusks and shell rock on sandy stones.

A very picturesque place, you can see campsites with tents on the other side

Below the village of Kleban-Byk, fields and meadows



Geological natural monument local significance. Located in the Konstantinovsky district of the Donetsk region near the village of Belokuzminovka. The status of a natural monument was assigned by decision of the regional executive committee No. 310 on June 21, 1972. Area - 0.35 hectares.
The age of the chalk mountain is 90 million years. The mountain is made up of sediments last period Mesozoic era, which formed in clean warm sea ​​waters from small marine organisms with a calcareous skeleton. Vertical white-gray rocks stand out in the rock; the eastern edge of the mountain ends with white-gray rocks. At the foot of the mountain there are numerous niches, potholes, large and small caves. Flint is often found among chalk rubble.
The chalk outcrop rises to a height of more than 25 meters. Mount Sword stands alone on the eastern edge of the outcrop.
The outcrop and rocks are completely devoid of vegetation. Vegetation consisting of meadow and dry-loving plants is found only on the edge of the scree; buttercups, clover, and meadow geranium grow here. Swift nests are found in crevices and niches at the tops of rocks.
Not far from the rocky outcrop of the Upper Cretaceous, a site of a primitive man was discovered with a workshop for processing flint mined in this mountain.
Since 2004, the rocky outcrop of the Upper Cretaceous has been part of the Kramatorsk regional landscape park.

View of the rocks from Belokuzminovka

Near the rocks there is a small lake and chalk hills

The official sign and a slightly less official one

Flowering meadows, cows and generally an idyll all around


Once again meadows, cows and hills

Nonea (Nonea (possibly N. Russian (russica), but maybe dark brown (N.pulla DC), some believe that this is the same thing) and Oregano (Origanum vulgare)

Common toadflax (Linaria vulgaris) and Tatarian fireweed (Goniolimon tataricum)

Chalk block and more rocks

There are many inclusions of silicon in the rocks

Everything around is strewn with these silicon fragments.

November 24 2014 11:00


Slavyansk: mud baths, salt and former fortress
The history of the city begins with the small fortress Tor, founded in 1645 on the salt lakes. The city was a center for salt mining and a stronghold for protecting the state from Tatar raids.
Slavyansk is one of the oldest mud resorts in Ukraine. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, gastritis, nervous system. The bulk of visitors to sanatoriums are miners after work-related injuries, but there are also representatives of other professions. The conditions here are not 5-star, but not bad. Muds really have healing properties, and massage therapists - with golden hands.
Slavyansk's sister city is Magdeburg.
Here, as in many cities in the region, there are waste heaps - artificial mountains formed from a mound of waste rock. They can be adapted for sporting purposes.

Svyatogorsk: monumentArtema and cool chalk caves
A visit to the Svyatogorsk Lavra is a common weekend route for vacationers in Slavyansk sanatoriums. The most beautiful place here is a chalk mountain with internal tunnels, monastic cells and the St. Nicholas Monastery at the top.
It’s a special pleasure to travel inside the mountain in the summer: you come out of the heat into a cool chalk tunnel, which centuries ago monks cut along the width of a wine barrel, you climb up for a long time (a pleasant strain on your muscles) in order to have time to miss the sun, and eventually meet it at the top near Nicholas Cathedral - romance.
The main attractions of Svyatogorsk: the Lavra, the monument to Artem by the sculptor Kavaleridze, the old Kamyshev oak.
In general, the city (or rather the village from which it grew) was founded in the 16th century. Cossacks and fugitive peasants from central Russia and Right Bank Ukraine.
Later, the village was ruled by Grigory Potemkin, then by the communists - in general, the history of the city is long, complex (you can’t tell it at once), filled with interesting details. For example, before the revolution there was a horse-drawn trolleybus.

A young developing city. Until 1923, it was called Yuzovka - on behalf of the English entrepreneur John Hughes (Hughes), who in the 60s of the last century founded a metallurgical plant on these lands, known throughout the empire and even beyond its borders). The name Donetsk (since 1961) is associated with the Seversky Donets River. Hughes's dilapidated house remains in Donetsk to this day.

The city has a pleasant Shcherbakova recreation park with a bridge over the river, Pushkin Avenue, where local artists display their creations, the Gandzhubas club, and the Liverpool art hotel. By the way, the active youth here is pleasant to see: for example, there are volunteers who organize master classes, educational programs, create information centers, mini-libraries of a progressive format.

Also in the Donetsk region is the village of Krasnoe, where composer Sergei Prokofiev was born. There is a museum named after him in the village. There is a river flowing nearby where you can relax with tents.
Nikolai Leontovich, the author of the world famous Shchedrik, lived and worked in the Donetsk region from 1904 to 1909.

The Khomutovskaya steppe is also a very protected place in the Novoazovsky district of the Donetsk region.

And a little about waste heaps. Once, the waste heap, which is located almost in the center of Donetsk, was used to prepare athletes for the Ukrainian Cup in mountain tourism.

Lugansk region: Donetsk Ridge, forests, steppes, Cossack architecture
According to travelers, in the Lugansk region there are many untouched steppe zones with beautiful line horizon where you can pitch a tent. Tents can also be set up near forest beams in which wild pears and other wild trees grow. Now many of these places are undergoing military exercises before being deployed to hot spots, but in times of peace it is truly beautiful here.
The author of the Insider resource is also advised to visit the village of Nagolno-Tarasovtsy with the ancient wooden Holy Assumption Church. There is very attractive rural architecture here. In general, the tourist attractiveness of the Lugansk region is described concisely and well in this Insider material - beautiful, informative, and a little sad.

Ukraine is a diverse, beautiful and complex country. This eclecticism of territories and customs has a special appeal and potential. We hope we can keep the country united.

I want to dispel the myth that Donbass is only about mines and factories, that there is absolutely nothing to see there. In fact, there are stunningly beautiful places there, comparable to the Crimea, Ternopil region, Poltava region, Cherkasy region.
Beautiful chalk mountains, steppes, flowering meadows, unique natural monuments.
Below we briefly describe four such places located in the vicinity of Kramatorsk.
1) Seversky Donets River
2) Alekseevo-Druzhkovka. Stone trees. (Konstantinovsko-Druzhkovskaya anticline)
3) Regional landscape park Kleban-Byk
4) Chalk cliffs in the village of Belokuzminovka

Seversky Donets River

Seversky Donets (Ukrainian Siversky Donets, ancient Greek according to Ptolemy Tanaid, Tanais, Italian Tan, Old Russian Great Don, Donel, Don) is a river in the south of the East European Plain, flowing through the Belgorod and Rostov regions of Russia, as well as Kharkov and Donetsk and Lugansk region of Ukraine, the right (largest) tributary of the Don. The fourth largest river in Ukraine and the most important source of fresh water in the east of this country. Sometimes it is also called the Northern Donets, in the 17th-18th centuries - the Northern Donets. Wikipedia

The Seversky Donets is an amazingly beautiful river, in some places it reminded me of Psel and Ros. Not a very fast current, picturesque banks, a lot of egg pods, and white lilies in places. An excellent place for kayaking trips and parking on the shore. The only thing is that near large cities, all the banks are occupied by recreation centers and private estates.

Seversky Donets

White wagtail (Motacilla alba) and tourist sites on the banks

A typical Donbass landscape with waste heaps.

Alekseevo-Druzhkovka. Stone trees.

Here, in a former quarry for the extraction of refractory clay, there are the remains of petrified trees, araucaria, which are about 250 million years old. Currently, similar trees survive in South America, Australia and the islands of New Caledonia.
There are very beautiful meadows around the quarry.
We saw only one tree; the rest, smaller pieces, were stolen by local residents for souvenirs and to decorate fireplaces.

The fairly flat terrain in this area is cut by several gullies - former clay quarries

The slopes of the quarry are gradually overgrown

All around are steppe and meadows that have not yet been scorched at this time of year.

Stone outcrops on the slopes

Actually, that's why it's worth going there. Fossilized Aurucaria

This giant can only be dragged away with the help of a crane, which is why it remained on the slope of the quarry

Sandy-clayey slopes

A great place to play Indians. Surprisingly, the surrounding area is quite clean, I’m glad there is no garbage

More quarry slopes

View of the quarry from above

Surrounding meadows

More forbs

Some kind of tansy and cornflower (genus Centaurea), which I have never seen before

The meadows of these cornflowers look very beautiful, at the top they are already in full bloom, and just below there are still buds

Speedwell (Veronica spicata) and Thuringian hutma (DOG ROSE) (Lavatera thuringiaca)

Common bruise (Echium vulgare) and tansy (Tanacetum vulgare L.)

Tansy fields

Mullein (Verbascum) and sage (Salvia)

Scabiosa and Mylabris variabilis eating yellow Senecio flowers

Field Consolidum (Royal Delphinium) (Consolida regalis) and Prickly Zopnik (Zheleznyak) (Phlomis pungens Willd.)

Zopnik thickets

Podalirius (Iphiclides podalirius L.)

Among the interesting creatures I also saw crested larks (Galerida cristata), in Kyiv they appear only in January-February.

Kleban the Bull

The regional landscape park “Kleban-Byk” is located on the territory of the Konstantinovsky district of the Donetsk region, the total area of ​​the park is 2142 hectares. The territory of the park is a picturesque mountainous area on both banks of the Kleban-Byk reservoir, which is at the mouth of the Bychok River (a tributary of the Krivoi Torets River).
This area is closely connected with the history of the Zaporozhye Army and its state - the glorious Zaporozhye Sich. Almost since 1500, in the royal charters issued to the Zaporozhian Army on the boundaries of Cossack liberties, the name “Bychok River Tract” has been found, since 1600 – “Klebina”, and since 1720 – “Kleban-Byk”.
Anyone who believes that the name of the reserve and the tributary of the river is somehow connected with the bulls that were allegedly bred in this area is mistaken. In fact, the combination of the words kleban-bull means approximately the same as “bottom of the pit.” The fact is that the entire territory of this park 200 million years ago was the bottom of the Permian Sea, as evidenced by the imprints of mollusks and shell rock on sandy stones.

A very picturesque place, you can see campsites with tents on the other side

Below the village of Kleban-Byk, fields and meadows



Geological natural monument of local significance. Located in the Konstantinovsky district of the Donetsk region near the village of Belokuzminovka. The status of a natural monument was assigned by decision of the regional executive committee No. 310 on June 21, 1972. Area - 0.35 hectares.
The age of the chalk mountain is 90 million years. The mountain consists of sediments from the last period of the Mesozoic era, which were formed in clear warm sea waters from small marine organisms with a calcareous skeleton. Vertical white-gray rocks stand out in the rock; the eastern edge of the mountain ends with white-gray rocks. At the foot of the mountain there are numerous niches, potholes, large and small caves. Flint is often found among chalk rubble.
The chalk outcrop rises to a height of more than 25 meters. Mount Sword stands alone on the eastern edge of the outcrop.
The outcrop and rocks are completely devoid of vegetation. Vegetation consisting of meadow and dry-loving plants is found only on the edge of the scree; buttercups, clover, and meadow geranium grow here. Swift nests are found in crevices and niches at the tops of rocks.
Not far from the rocky outcrop of the Upper Cretaceous, a site of a primitive man was discovered with a workshop for processing flint mined in this mountain.
Since 2004, the rocky outcrop of the Upper Cretaceous has been part of the Kramatorsk regional landscape park.

View of the rocks from Belokuzminovka

Near the rocks there is a small lake and chalk hills

The official sign and a slightly less official one

Flowering meadows, cows and generally an idyll all around


Once again meadows, cows and hills

Nonea (Nonea (possibly N. Russian (russica), but maybe dark brown (N.pulla DC), some believe that this is the same thing) and Oregano (Origanum vulgare)

Common toadflax (Linaria vulgaris) and Tatarian fireweed (Goniolimon tataricum)

Sights of Donetsk. The most important and interesting sights of Donetsk - photos and videos, descriptions and reviews, location, websites.

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  • Donetsk is a young city in Ukraine. There are practically no monuments of the 19th century here, but you can find amazing modern buildings. Donetsk residents believe that their attractions have no analogues in the world. To see this, you don’t have to drive around the city by car - just walk around Donetsk on foot and appreciate the unique places of the capital of Donbass.

    Holidays in Donetsk

    Donetsk is an amazing mixture: here waste heaps and mines are combined with public gardens, parks, and botanical gardens. There are many places in the city where you can have a good rest. Donetsk is suitable for lovers active rest, and for those for whom an evening walk and admiring the sights is enough.

    Some of the most famous places in the city are Shcherbakov Park, Artema Street (the central street of Donetsk, where beautiful buildings are located), Pushkin Boulevard, where the famous Mertsalov palm tree is installed, the Donbass Arena stadium, and the botanical garden.

    Local bars and restaurants are very popular among tourists. For example, the Liverpool bar, dedicated to the work of the English group The Beatles. Or the Yuzovskaya brewery, which serves perhaps the most delicious beer in the city.

    Not far from Donetsk there are boarding houses, recreation centers and private villas, where you can also have a good time. In addition, you can go on an ethnographic tour and get to know better the traditions and life of Ukrainians living in this region. For extreme sports enthusiasts, Donetsk has paintball clubs, military training, diving centers and a parachute club.

    Monuments of Donetsk

    There are more than 250 monuments in Donetsk, which include memorials, sculptures, memorial signs, and so on. Most of them are dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, the October Revolution, as well as art and labor.

    Famous sculptors such as Georgy Bero, Makar Vronsky, Yuri Baldin, Naum Ginzburg and many others worked on the monuments of Donetsk. Some of the monuments were donated by other cities, such as Bochum in Germany or Moscow in Russia.

    Among the monuments that are especially interesting for tourists are the following: “Glory to Miner’s Labor” on Shakhtarskaya Square, the famous monument to Taras Shevchenko on the boulevard of the same name, the monument to Artyom - the founder of the Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Republic, John Hughes - the Welsh industrialist and founder of Yuzovka, now Donetsk, the king of the cannon is a copy of the Moscow monument.

    Famous sculptors such as Georgy Bero, Makar Vronsky, Yuri Baldin, Naum Ginzburg and many others worked on the monuments of Donetsk.

    In addition, in Donetsk you can find unusual monuments to a student (the courtyard of the new building of the Faculty of Economics and Law of Donetsk National University), the Beatles (near the Liverpool bar) and Sergei Bubka, the famous pole athlete and Olympic champion.

    And the real center of metal compositions in Donetsk is the park of forged figures. It is located in the park near the Donetsk City Executive Committee. More than 160 works of artistic metal are presented here, including benches for lovers, the Zodiac Signs alley, the alley of superstitions and the alley for Euro 2012.

    Churches of Donetsk

    Representatives of different religious movements coexist in Donetsk. Most of the buildings belong to the Orthodox Church. In addition, Protestant houses of worship, Catholic churches, Greek Catholic churches, synagogues and a mosque are open in the city.

    Ukrainian Orthodox Church represented by the buildings of the Moscow and Kyiv Patriarchates. Among the most famous are the Church of St. Alexander Nevsky, St. Nicholas Cathedral, the Holy Intercession Church, the Church of the Nativity, the Church of St. Equal to the Apostles Prince Vladimir, St. George's Cathedral, and the Transfiguration Cathedral.

    There are also Greek Catholic churches in Donetsk (Spaso-Preobrazhensky, Church of the Intercession Holy Mother of God and the chapel of St. Vervitsa), Roman Catholic Church of the parish of St. Joseph, Donetsk synagogue. Protestants are represented by Baptists, Pentecostals, Seventh-day Adventists, and the Full Gospel Church.

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Foot tendinitis is a common disease characterized by inflammatory and degenerative processes in tendon tissue. At...

It requires immediate treatment, otherwise its development can cause many, including heart attacks and... On the market you can find...

Head of the department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Yulia Eduardovna Dobrokhotova Addresses of clinical bases of City Clinical Hospital No. 40 Moscow, st....

In this article you can read the instructions for use of the drug Eubicor. Feedback from site visitors is presented -...
The benefits of folic acid for humans, interaction with other vitamins and minerals. Combination with drugs. For normal...
In the 60s of the twentieth century, at the Research Institute of Biologically Active Substances in Vladivostok, under the leadership of the Russian pharmacologist I. I. Brekhman...
Dosage form: tablets Composition: 1 tablet contains: active substance: captopril 25 mg or 50 mg; auxiliary...
is an inflammatory disease of the large intestine that can occur for various reasons. The disease can be caused by poisoning...
Average price online*, 51 rub. (powder 2g) Where to buy: Instructions for use Antimicrobial agent, Sulfanilamidum,...