What does it mean to be rich? What does it mean to be rich or the story of one banker

Going back to when I worked in a bank in the bond sales department, I remember how many of us talked about our “DIG”. A “digit” is the amount of money that you can say “Fuck that Money!” “Fuck you Money” if you didn’t work on Wall Street represents the amount of money you need to ignore whose or need. In other words, this is the amount that will allow you to get up from the table, walk out the door and never look back.
My partner and my friend, with whom I sat at neighboring tables, kept a table on the desktop of his computer, in which he accurately calculated how close he got to his "Digit". He worked at Goldman longer than I did and stayed for another 5 years after I left. Although I didn't ask him directly, after he left the GE, I'm more than sure that he reached his "Number".
I left Goldman Sachs in 2004, long before I had my personal “Fuck that money.” After 9/11 happened, I no longer wanted to live an everyday unhappy life by focusing on delayed gratification, a key factor in creating my Number.
I thought about what it really means to be wealthy for two reasons. First, because today is Bonus Day at Goldman, and second, because I taught a course in personal finance this semester.
Preparing for the course pushed me to come up with a better definition of Wealth or Wealth before students ask me about it.

My response to them was similar to the following:

1. Wealth (Wealth) cannot be defined by one, static, figure of net worth**. Because I know that on the one hand, Mike Tyson was making $30 million a fight and $300 million in his entire life, but he suddenly filed for bankruptcy in 2003. For people like Tyson, that figure could be more than $300 million. and may never be reached.
2. What I know from Tyson's example is that current living expenses play a big role in determining whether you are rich or not, at almost any level of asset accumulation. Some people may be wealthy with a net worth of $3 million, while others may be poor or even bankrupt with an income of $300 million.
3. The 19th century English authors Jane Austen and Anthony Trollope gave me a great example of how to understand wealth in general and the role of passive income in particular. At that time in England, a nobleman received a passive income from the property that his family owned, property that would never have been voluntarily sold. At that time, unlike today, a nobleman would never have calculated his wealth based on the value of real estate, he would have done it only in the amount of passive annual income received from the land. Each mountain and heroine of the story of Austin and Trollp had an income known to the whole society, and expressed in thousands of pounds a year. Their "Digit" followed them as they searched for romantic relationship. It's like the marriage-seeking Sims walking around with a number floating above their animated heads.
4. One of the meanings of the word rich in our popular culture is that you never have to work like a nobleman again. Because the landowner of the 19th century did not work in order to live. I like the analogy between the "Number" of every Jane Austen character and the "Number" that makes us rich today. The best way to know if you're rich, by this analogy, is to compare the passive income you can earn from your assets on an annualized basis with your annual spending on the lifestyle you're used to. If your passive income exceeds your expenses for the rest of your life, guess what? - You are rich. I convinced my students to look at wealth from this angle because, as a 19th century landowner, you should not depend on selling your assets to cover expenses, as this is an inefficient practice.
5. Time, especially life expectancy, plays a huge role in my definition of Resilience. If you have enough income or assets to cover all expenses for only the next three years, but only expect to live for one year, you are three times richer than you need to be. If your passive income and assets are high right now, but you deplete them before you die, then you are far from wealthy. A young person needs more passive income and assets in order to cover the costs of his expected rest of his life, while more old man perhaps, by my definition, closer to wealth due to the fact that he had less to live.
6. Passive income in modern world rarely depends on only one property. More often, it comes from several sources such as dividends, stocks, business investments, pension plans, annuities, bond coupons, social benefits in addition to traditional real estate income.

A more accurate version of being wealthy or wealthy doesn't include "Fuck that..." Job.
Stop at this moment!!! I haven't finished my definition of what it means to be wealthy. My full definition adds one important feature to the question "Do you have enough money to quit your job?". After all, work gives meaning to life. Work feeds us, sets our position in society and gives us a sense of being needed, of being useful to others. Work in this sense is good in itself. So how do I tie this in with my definition of wealth?

I think wealth or wealth, in general, is not so much about "Fuck you Money" or reaching your "Number" as being able to choose the work you do, regardless of the level of remuneration.
So here's my definition of wealth - If you have enough assets and passive income to cover all your living expenses for the rest of your life, and this money allows you to do what you love, no matter how much you earn from it - then you are rich. .
Let's say you enjoy feeding the less successful. If you have enough passive income in excess of your expenses to feed the homeless with soup, even if you get mere pennies for it, then you are rich.

If the greatest pleasure of your life is reading novels and writing memoirs every day, and you can live modestly enough for the rest of your life, then you are rich.

If you make a living doing eye surgeries and the joy of your life is restoring sight to the sick, and you can afford to do it even if Medicare*** cuts your remuneration to one tenth of the current level, then you are rich. .

If you were to make a living selling bonds for the love of the process itself - efficient asset allocation, or whatever you called it to yourself - then you wouldn't worry too much about what bonus Goldman would pay you today. What if you lost 25% last year or gained 100% this year? Who cares? You love it. If you do it anyway and can afford it, then you are a rich person.

However, if you are earning something day in and day out that you will immediately quit as soon as you accumulate enough money, I bet you are far from wealthy. You may cover your expenses and accumulate enough assets, but you are much further from the real goal of wealth than you think.

*"Wealthy" is more correctly translated as wealthy than rich. But in the article I use both words.
** Net Worth is defined as the difference between all a person's assets and their liabilities (loans and debts)
*** Medicare - Barack Obama's Medical Benefits Program

Wealth is not in money. Good luck, be rich.

Think like a millionaire Belov Nikolay Vladimirovich

What does it mean to "be rich"?

What does it mean to "be rich"?

The word "wealth" generates in the minds of people a number of images, and sometimes contradictory concepts. In the end, each of us looks at wealth from our own point of view. For one person, wealth can mean having enough money to do what you want to do. For another person, wealth means freedom from debt, from the constant threat of debt. For a third person, wealth can mean the possibility of growth and "conquest of new heights."

And now let's turn to the etymology, that is, the origin of this word. In the word "WEALTH" the main root base is GOD. The ancient Slavic root BOG means “giving wealth”, “giving prosperity”. Interestingly, the Indo-European bhaga speaks of the same thing - "well-being", "happiness", as well as "giving", "bestowing". In the Greek language, this word carries such concepts as "a loaf of bread", "lord", "king".

To become RICH means to become self-sufficient both in the spiritual and in the material sphere. Show yourself like God in different guises. WEALTH is the realized divine possibilities of a person. And in all spheres of life. It is life itself in its entirety. If a person has a lot of money, but does not have health, I will never call him RICH. This is, rather, a financially wealthy person, but he is still far from real WEALTH.

I am often asked the following questions: “How do you explain the fact that many people with a rich soul and high spirituality do not succeed financially at all. And rich businessmen are extremely cynical, and often uneducated, uncultured. Their moral character is terrible - they are prone to betrayal, set-ups and profit at the expense of other people, to impudent profit! There is no spirituality there at all. However, these people are doing well. It turns out that wealth and spirituality are incompatible concepts? Why?"

Before answering these questions, I want to offer you a brief digression into the history of the psychology of our fellow citizens. Psychologically, we all come from the USSR. In a socialist society, starting from the October Revolution, social equality was cultivated and wealth was condemned. Wealthy people who were in those days, imposed a cliché of immorality. And at the end of the 20th century, every wealthy person was viewed through the prism of public morality. Rich people in those days were considered thieves and swindlers. By honest work, only a few could earn a comfortable life for themselves, which included, for example, leading athletes. But they also envied them and looked for "spots in the sun."

The century has changed, but in the worldview and psychology, little has changed since the old days, and, consequently, in relation to wealth. We have all been given equal opportunity become successful, wealthy and successful. Has everyone taken advantage of this? Unfortunately no. Doubts, disbelief in one's own strength, false beliefs of the Soviet mentality did their dirty work. Those who took the risk and put everything at stake - were the winners. Let's not get into a long discussion about the cost of restructuring and getting rich quick from what belonged to everyone. We are not talking about this now, but about how stable the psychology of the poor turned out to be among our fellow citizens. What's the matter?

Many are looking for excuses for their own lack of money and inaction, pointing to the pernicious “wealth syndrome” that accompanies enrichment. They say to me: “When my friends and I, who are not at all poor and wealthy, we remember how one of our acquaintances “rose” before our eyes, we note that positive human qualities in people are somehow lost with the acquisition of prosperity. Is this some kind of “wealth syndrome”?! Not everyone can adequately endure the arrival and presence of true prosperity. Not everyone can preserve both morality, and morality, and capital.

But I, as a psychologist, declare with confidence that this is not a “wealth syndrome”. This is a TEST OF MONEY, the same as a test of fame, power, poverty, illness. Someone comes out of this test strong and spiritually hardened, and someone breaks down. From this point of view, getting rich quick, which often destroys people, is especially dangerous.

Surely everyone remembers a curious case described several years ago in Komsomolskaya Pravda - a family of alcoholics won several million rubles in the lottery. What would you do in such a situation? Imagine such an event. Set aside reading the book and try to see this rosy picture. Finally! It's done! AND?

Most of the lucky ones will rush to spend this money on pleasure, patching holes in family budget, repay loans, a smaller one - invest in some object. And the family of alcoholics simply drank this money away in a year. All that was needed was to first arrange the washing of such a turn of fate together with all the drunken brethren, and then they simply could not get out of this state. They did not invest in real estate, did not pay for the education of their half-starved children. True, this year for the family of "lucky lottery" passed under the sign of the abundance of boiled sausage. That's really what they ate to satiety!

If fate threw this gift to a rich person, then he would invest the money in something or someone and put some of the money to charity. But the most important thing is that he would not violate the law of capital - money should bring money.

To give a sweeping assessment of all wealthy people that they are unspiritual - to become like those. "Judge not, lest you be judged." Such people need to be pitied, as people who are hopelessly dependent on something are pitied. AT this case from wealth. That is why I say that getting rid of the myths of poverty, studying the philosophy of wealth and expanding your inner wallet should be gradual so that dizziness from success does not occur. You let wealth into your life, but you don’t know what to do with it. Lack of intelligence, knowledge, internal culture. Because of this, sprouts of swagger, arrogance, arrogance begin to sprout. Such a person begins to "star", and this can already lead to mental disorders. Therefore, it is important to learn how to accept the flow of money into your life, "without losing your face", observing the laws of society and morality.

Many modern wealthy people cope with these tasks. I want to say that there are no unspiritual people among my environment. This is a pure truth! At the same time, all my friends are successful people. Only one out of ten people is employed - and then in such a high position, from where you yourself will not leave. All the rest have long and firmly developed their own business, which brings a stable income, and from year to year they all get richer, not forgetting about charity. Giving tithes to them, as the Bible teaches, is a matter of course. And they teach their children to be active, but at the same time tolerant, moral. And none of the people in my circle have children who are drug addicts, alcoholics or rake, idly burning their lives. All of them are accustomed to work, despite the fact that they were born in wealthy families. Therefore, it is wrong to put an equal sign between rich and immoral people. Are there few immoral people among the poor? Jesus said in his sermon: “A good man out of a good treasure brings forth good things; but an evil man out of evil treasure brings out evil"(Gospel of Matthew, chapter 12, verse 35).

Buddhist preacher and successful businessman Geshe Michael Roach claims that wealth contributes to spiritual development. He says that money itself is not evil, because in fact a person with great resources can do much more good than one who does not have them. The question is whether we maintain a moral attitude towards money. In his book "Diamond Cutter", he proves that only a positive attitude towards the world, the ability to see the positive in any event - best strategy to achieve financial success.

Look into the hidden corners of your soul: don't you feel that your life could be something more? Don't you believe you're meant for something more? If only you could find the cause of your failures and remove the hindrance! Your success is hidden under all the layers of false beliefs about wealth that have been planted since childhood.

This text is an introductory piece. From the book Exchange - The game for money of the author


author Belov Nikolay Vladimirovich

What does it mean to "be a millionaire"? For many people, the word "WEALTH" is associated with the word "MILLIONAIRE". By the way, the attitude towards millionaires in our country is also negative. In the post-Soviet space, the main source of information about millionaires remains jokes about “new

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What does it mean to be rich? Is it easy? Such questions began to come to my mind rather late. Early childhood and youth were spent in poverty, that is, among unpainted floors, bare walls, windows littered with thick ice in winter, overshadowed by white-gray fringe, hard plank beds, patchwork quilts, homespun rugs. If I had to read in books: “the courtiers were dressed to the nines”, then this “down and out” seemed to me in the form of white and fluffy sweaters, and nothing more. When I happened to see luxurious rooms, halls where capitalists and landowners lived in the cinema, I thought about who cleans everything there: washes the floors, windows, doors. How many servants were needed to keep such a room in order. As a rule, servants were not often shown in the cinema, and then only so that they would say to their masters: "Dinner is served."
Everything in our life was different. Our home is a small room in a communal apartment. The kitchen, bathroom, toilet and corridor in this apartment served several families. But what kind of flies, bedbugs, lice and cockroaches we had, well-fed, satisfied with their existence, not striving for any heights. God! What we just did not do to get rid of them. They stained with dust, poured boiling water over them, crushed them with their hands ... It was especially pleasant to crush the lice. It used to happen that you spread a newspaper on the table and you start combing your head over it with a frequent comb, and they, damned, fall so hard and loudly on the newspaper. Here you crush them with your fingernail. Chitin bursts with a bang. Beauty, and more! Do not be horrified, reader. Neat people lived in our communal apartment, but in the apartment of my school friend, Galka Filippova, the tenants basically did not follow cleanliness. Nobody wanted to do anything for others. There, flies hovered in clouds over the heads of the residents. I'm not talking about public spaces. I can only say that when Galkina's mother invited me to dine with them, I ran home. I remember that a lonely young woman lived in this apartment in a tiny room. I don't know how she got on, but I never saw her in the kitchen.
However, the years went by. And we overcame difficulties with honor. Insects have disappeared from our lives. I finally got rid of lice at adolescence, and then thanks to our class teacher. She advised me to buy a glass of cranberries at the market, mash them and smear cranberry juice on my head. I did just that: I bought it, kneaded it, smeared it, tied a scarf around my head and walked around the apartment like that for several hours. A neighbor saw me and asked: “Ira, did you dye your hair?” I nodded my head. She looked at me so respectfully, as if I had been canonized as a saint.
I saw the last cockroach in my apartment (I already had a separate two-room apartment) much later. It happened when my son made repairs in the apartment. The floor was replaced, the ceilings too, the windows, radiators, plumbing were changed. Everything was new, made of plastic. The walls in the kitchen and bathroom were tiled. There was nothing left of the former existence with lime and oil paint. A cockroach wandered into us after repairs (obviously, a scout), looked, thought, left and did not appear again. And the bugs and flies themselves were removed somewhere long before the repair. After all that I had experienced, I came to the conclusion: bedbugs love the sick, lice love the hungry, cockroaches and flies love all sorts of loopholes, cracks, crevices. That is, they are all a product of poverty. However, my neighbor in the country, Lilya, says otherwise. Ecology is the reason. The insects have disappeared, and after them we will leave. Creepy, isn't it?! Is prosperity worth enjoying if you have to pay so dearly for it? Or maybe you shouldn't think about it? What for? After all, this way you can come to the conclusion that wars, repressions, obscurantism are not such a bad thing. Pip on my tongue! Fuck me, fuck me! Forgive me, Lord, and all who live in this world.
And yet, what does it mean to be rich? Our family always, even before I was born, had a small plot of land. Vegetables grew there: potatoes, carrots, beets, etc. Otherwise, it was impossible to survive everything that fell to our lot. So it was in my native Achinsk. In Krasnoyarsk, where fate threw us in 1950, my older brother took a piece of land, 6 acres, outside the city. O! If you knew what kind of land it was! Grey, dusty, hard as stone. Rare weeds with difficulty made their way through its thickness and felt deeply unhappy. And so my mother and I undertook to nurse this abandoned inconvenience. There was a road near our site. And behind the road stretched an ancient beam. A stream flowed along its bottom, protected from the outside world by lush, abundant bushes. Lush grass grew on the slopes of the ravine, and thin birch trees could be seen here and there. Cows and horses often grazed there. My mother and I went there with bags to collect cow cakes and horse apples. The cows calmly looked at us, not seeing anything reprehensible in our actions, but the horses were perplexed. They looked at us puzzled and, of course, thought: “Oh my God, how far people can go!”.
In short, in four years, in four summer seasons, we revived our site, and it began to give out in such quantity and quality that I became proud. I began to brag to my girlfriends about our achievements in the field Agriculture. Once I heard in response: “Oh, yes, it’s time to dispossess you!”. I immediately bit my tongue. I realized: you can’t show your joy, your well-being, your love for work, for all living things. This can have bad consequences.
And yet we were rich. With my first paycheck, I bought an orange blouse, a black skirt, and green high-heeled shoes. When I first showed up in the courtyard of our house in my new clothes, the neighbor's boy shouted, pointing his finger at me: “Dandy! The dude is coming!" I showed him my fist, and in my heart I rejoiced. It seemed to me that I had risen to the highest level of my material perfection.
All this is very good. But it is strange that I do not remember the feeling of hunger that I should have experienced in post-war years. I remember that we, children, chewed all sorts of rubbish: var, salt, green rolls. (I think they were milky seed pods of some kind of herbaceous vegetation). What is hunger, I realized later, when the food became better. I, perhaps, still can not get used to the fact that the food has become better. I remember one day our daughter-in-law, the wife of my older brother, Lida, brought home a bunch of green onions, chopped them, ate them, and then rolled around on the bed in a fit of severe pain. It was, I think, 1952. Our daughter-in-law is an amazingly beautiful woman. Marlene Dietrich - a languid beauty with plucked eyebrows - could not compare with her beauty. But Lydia Ivanovna's fate was different, completely different. She tried with all her might to improve her life, to decorate it: she studied, worked, drew well, but, alas, she had neither fur coats, nor famous friends, nor fame, nor fame. She has been gone for fifteen years now.
Why do I still not remember the feeling of hunger? Maybe because everything is comprehended in comparison: both grief and joy. I have been hungry since birth. I didn't know what it meant to be full. And since she didn’t know, she didn’t suffer from hunger. I’ll stuff something into my mouth: var, salt, a piece of clay, edible grass - and order, a simple matter. And I got off of it relatively easily: just gastritis, frequent fainting and poor school performance. Only in the Khrushchev period, when the stores were filled with food, did I get rid of these troubles, and, finally, I understood what it means to be hungry.
And the years, as you know, went on and on. Just think, only at the age of 36 I moved from a communal apartment to a separate two-room apartment. I got it by a lucky coincidence. The circumstances, of course, were unfortunate, but not for me. I was just very lucky back then. Further more. My adult son took and bought a four-room apartment in a new house. Four rooms, a huge kitchen, a full-length loggia, a corridor - it was too much for me. However, soon my daughter-in-law (son's wife) began to complain that cleaning and mopping took up a lot of time from her. “I used to wash the floor in a two-room apartment in half an hour, but now I need two hours,” she said. Then a car called "Pickup" appeared. Dear infection! But how powerful! She can move in water at a depth of one meter, climb a steep slope like a bug on a wall, and what a beauty when she is washed: dazzling white - you won’t take your eyes off. And what? Again dissatisfaction. Joy from all this real estate is not enough. At first, for sure - delight, like on a honeymoon. And then other thoughts come to mind. Oh, so you fail! It is necessary, twice a year, to change tires, take it for inspection, keep it in order, wash it. And how much diesel fuel she eats - you won’t get enough. In a word, there are enough worries. They also bought a dacha in addition to the one that we already had from pre-perestroika times. The places are painfully beautiful there - Astafevsky. Near the river Mana, the monastery, the rocky bank of Mana, overgrown with coniferous forest (for which he was hooked there, because the rocks are ...), a white cross painted on an exposed piece of rock, the calm flow of the toiler Mana, blissful silence, a quiet splash of water, overflows of solar lights on the tops of pine trees, and gray clouds with dazzling white lining, floating across the blue sky.
All this is very good, but back to the dacha. You need to mow the grass, you need to take care of the garden, you need to repair something, build something ... - you spin all day, spin, and there is no time to think about whether I am happy or not. I remember when the perestroika boom had already subsided and sobering up began, my son said to me with sadness in his voice: “Mom, if I had been born ten years earlier, I would now be a very rich person.” I answered him this: “My dear, you would have been killed. Do you really think that all these gentlemen would let you into the perestroika trough? And there is no need, there is no need for any millions with which the newly appeared prophets fool the heads of gullible simpletons. We have something that I didn’t even dare to dream about, and couldn’t because of my unpreparedness: apartments, summer cottages, a car. Enough. The most valuable thing is the land, and what grows on it. In any case, if we are alive, we will not be lost. My dear son, if you want to be rich, don't be greedy; if you want to be happy, don't be selfish. Of course, there is reason to think, there is something to be sad about. Sometimes it seems to me, when I look at the world around me, that the nuclear catastrophe that science fiction writers write about has already happened. How some people, seemingly smart, educated, who have climbed to the heights of culture, science, power, suddenly began to become stupid in front of our eyes, to become demoralized. So, in fact, trouble cannot be avoided. What other experiences and shocks are needed to calm them down? My son, honor the commandments of God, do not succumb to the temptations of the evil one, everything will be fine.

Every person in the depths of his soul dreams of becoming rich, so as not to think about tomorrow and live for his own pleasure. But what is wealth? Do people correctly interpret this concept? And is it only material goods that are meant by this word? Perhaps the category of wealth is not as narrow as it is commonly believed in society?

The meaning of the concept of "wealth"

There are many definitions of this term. So, wealth can be understood as financial security or as the breadth of the possibilities of the human mind and body, nobility, the ability to compassion, kindness and many other spiritual qualities. Wealth is, on the one hand, a large number of all kinds of material goods a person has that contribute to a comfortable life. In this sense, this term is usually synonymous with the income of a member of society, which allows him to spend a lot of money on the image and acquisition

On the other hand, wealth is its intellectual capital, variety of emotions and various positive traits. In this sense, the term is not tied to any material objects, be it money or the attributes of a luxurious life (luxurious houses, yachts, designer items, etc.). Wealth becomes something that cannot be seen at first sight, without penetrating into the essence of human nature.

Synonyms for "wealth"

Synonyms for the word "wealth" basically describe this term from the material side. So, the most common synonymous concept is "luxury". Luxury is a person's possession of expensive items of clothing, things that raise prestige in society and increase the level of social status. This word means only material goods, which are designed to make a person's life more comfortable.

Another synonym is abundance. Abundance means a huge, innumerable amount of something. This concept, of course, can describe both the material and spiritual viability of a person, but more often it is still used to characterize monetary income.

The word "prosperity" can also in some cases be wealth. This happens if we are talking about something inanimate (city, area, field, region, etc.). The phrase "thriving city", for example, can describe locality with high level people's lives, favorable conditions for its development.

Antonyms for the word "wealth"

The lexical meaning of the word "wealth" can also be explained through antonyms. So, the most common of them - "poverty". This word can be understood as the absence Money to create comfortable conditions for life, and a narrow outlook, the scarcity of spiritual qualities.

Another antonym is "poverty". This word describes the worse material and spiritual condition of a person than poverty. And again, this term describes the external and internal spheres of the life of society and its individual members.

Another antonym of wealth is need. This word speaks for itself. It includes in its meaning the concept that a person lacks something for a comfortable, well-fed life, that his income is too small to purchase expensive household items, prestigious clothing models, technical innovations, etc.

Symbols of wealth

In human culture, fairly stable ideas about wealth have developed. Depending on the customs and traditions of each particular people, certain symbols and talismans have appeared that help to attract prosperity and well-being to the house.

Especially widely the theme of wealth is revealed in Eastern cultures. For example, in China, the feng shui flow explains not only which talismans need to be kept in the house to attract wealth and good luck, but also how they should be located so that the energies of water, air, fire and earth are not extinguished. So, the symbol of wealth in China is - is the character of the same name. It is believed that this image must be placed next to money so that their number multiplies and increases, for example, draw on a wallet, put a piece of paper with such a pattern in a safe, and also next to valuables (in a jewelry box or with important papers). Another talisman of the Celestial Empire is coins with square slots. It must be hung on a string in the house or worn around the neck. A toad with a coin in its mouth will also help attract wealth. According to Feng Shui, you need to place several figures in each room in the southeast with their backs to the entrance. This will give the illusion that the toad has just jumped into the room and brought money with it.

In Russian culture, there is also a symbol of wealth. This is a horseshoe that is traditionally hung over front door. It is believed that this talisman brings wealth, happiness and good luck to the house, and also drives away evil spirits that spoil things and people's relationships.

gods of wealth

Eastern peoples worship a large number of gods that can give people prosperity, wealth and happiness. In Indian mythology, the god of wealth is Kubera. This deity not only increases wealth, but also keeps the secrets of underground treasures and precious metals.

Which god to worship depends not only on the preferences of each person, but also on what zodiac sign he was born under and in what year eastern horoscope. So, the Buddhist deity Dzambala is recommended to pray to people who were born in the year of the Rooster or Monkey.

In ancient Greek mythology, the god of wealth is Plutos. He was brought up from early childhood by two goddesses: Tyche and Eirena. Plutus brings prosperity and profit only to those who work hard. He himself did not know how to properly manage material wealth, for which he was punished by the supreme god of the Greeks Zeus.

sayings about wealth

Many great people have mentioned wealth in their quotes. These are quotes filled with deep meaning. “The greatest wealth is to live and be content with little,” the Greek poet and writer Plato said about prosperity. This statement can be interpreted as follows: desiring a lot, a person becomes greedy and ceases to appreciate what he already has.

“All wealth is a product of labor”, - this is how John Locke, an English philosopher, described luxury and abundance. From his quote it is clear that a great material fortune cannot be achieved without effort. Nothing in life comes easy.

Wealth as a material category

The first meaning of the word wealth is the presence of material goods, namely money. A large number of monetary units allows a person not to think about what to buy, what to eat, where to relax. On the other hand, wealth does not have to be selfish. For example, many famous people donate a lot of money to charity, help international organizations, send them to zones of armed conflicts. All these are examples of how wealth can serve the benefit of the whole society, and not an individual.

Wealth as a spiritual category

The material component is only a small part of what is included in the concept of "wealth". It is also the ability and desire to do good deeds, extensive knowledge in various areas of life, high moral principles and strong moral principles. This is what every person should really strive for, not limited to narrow ideas about wealth as a pile of money that can be thoughtlessly spent left and right on all sorts of pleasures.

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