Fluoride-rich foods. Fluorine (F): all about the chemical element and its role in human life. Sources in food

"Fluorine" means "destruction" ( from Greek) and this name was not given to it by chance. Many scientists died or became disabled trying to obtain pure fluorine, which is why this element was nicknamed “the bringer of doom.”

Only at the end of the 19th century were French chemists able to isolate fluorine. At the same time, it was proven that it is the main constituent element in mineral metabolism, performing many important functions in the human body. The condition of the bones, their hardness and strength, the correct formation of the skeleton, the condition of the hair and its growth, and, of course, the health of the teeth depend on this substance.

Fluoride, with the participation of phosphorus and calcium, is able to prevent the development of caries by penetrating microcracks in tooth enamel and smoothing out irregularities. It is also involved in the process of hematopoiesis, helps prevent osteoporosis, supports the immune system, and accelerates bone tissue regeneration in case of fractures. Fluorine ensures better absorption of some other elements, and also allows you to get rid of radionuclides.

Daily requirement

The human body weighing 70 kg contains approximately 2.6 g fluorine The daily need for fluoride is determined by many factors: body weight, age, energy consumption:
adults – 1.5 mg
children - 1 mg
pregnant women - 1.5-2 mg
athletes and people exposed to intense physical activity – 2 mg.

Children are especially sensitive to fluoride. Up to 17 years old, i.e. They especially need it during the formation and mineralization of bone tissue and teeth. Fluoride is assimilated in the children's body. The body should receive per day 0.5 mg fluorine is the minimum necessary for reactions caused by this element to take place. Fluoride is best absorbed from drinking water , and if there is not enough of it there, fluoride-containing drugs are prescribed. They must be taken with caution! Dose over 10 mg per 1 kg of food will lead to permanent deformation of the skeletal bones, and above 5 mg– to fluorosis – severe damage to tooth enamel in the form of brown spots. Large doses of fluoride – more 2 g- cause poisoning. Fluorine content in water above 5 mg/l can provoke cancer.

The lethal dose is 5 g fluorine

To satisfy the daily need for fluoride, you need to drink 5 glasses of black tea or 20 liters of milk, or eat 300 g of nuts, 3.5 kg of bread or 700 g of salmon.

Fluoride is best absorbed from drinking water - 70% bioavailability. Therefore, water is fluoridated in many regions both in Russia and abroad. Fluoride is sometimes added to milk or salt. Such products have appropriate labels on the label.

Functions of fluoride in the body

Fluorine is a microelement that is very important for the body and performs many functions:
Together with phosphorus and calcium, the formation and strengthening of tooth enamel and bone skeleton;
Ensuring normal hair and nail growth;
Participation in many biochemical processes and enzymatic reactions;
Stimulation of hematopoietic processes;
Strengthening immunity;
Promoting the removal of radionuclides from the body;
Prevention of the development of osteoporosis;
Suppression of the activity of acid-forming bacteria (it is due to this property that fluorides are added to toothpastes);
Providing protection against caries and periodontal disease.

Fluoride deficiency

The cause of the deficiency may be insufficient fluoride content in drinking water, because it is the main source of this element.

Deficiency symptoms:
Fragility and fragility of hair, split ends, appearance of “white” spots along the length of the hair, hair loss;
Thinning of enamel, carious lesions, tooth hypersensitivity, crown fractures. Since a lack of fluoride increases the enamel’s susceptibility to destruction, erosion, abrasion, and even necrosis are characteristic;
Osteoporosis. Especially typical for people over 50 years of age. Fractures of the femoral neck, repeated fractures, and slow healing are common.

The best way to eliminate the deficiency is to change the source of drinking water or take fluoride-containing medications (strictly as prescribed by a doctor). If changes appear on the enamel, use fluoride-containing toothpastes and undergo remineralization therapy at the dentist (a special composition is applied that replenishes the lack of calcium and fluoride in the tooth enamel).

Replenishment of fluoride deficiency can be general and local - depending on the manifestations, concomitant diseases and taking into account possible contraindications. Now there are a lot of drugs containing fluoride, but when taking them you need to be careful and consider the fluorides contained in the foods and vitamins that you take. Do not forget about the compatibility of drugs - carefully read the instructions for all medications!


The cause of an overdose may be an increased fluoride content in drinking water, uncontrolled use of drugs containing fluoride.

Signs indicating excess fluoride content in the body do not necessarily appear all at once: at first, for example, vomiting and weakness may appear, and the next day the voice may “sag” and bradycardia may occur. Any alarming symptom should be a reason to immediately consult a doctor, since fluoride poisoning is very dangerous, and treatment of the resulting disorders can be lengthy.

Overdose symptoms:
loss of voice;
severe weakness, trembling fingers;
abdominal pain, diarrhea;
fragility of teeth, microcracks, chipped enamel;
skin irritation, rash, red spots on the face and body;
bleeding gums;
fluorosis - manifests itself in the form of brown spots on the enamel;
bleeding gums;
disorders of fat metabolism;
damage to the central nervous system;
skeletal deformity;
pulmonary edema.

Fluorine exhibits toxic properties when taken orally starting from 20 mg once.

To eliminate an overdose of photor, you should take a large amount of liquid and always calcium (can be in the form of a solution of calcium gluconate or lactate) to achieve fluoride precipitation. After fluoride poisoning, it is advisable to induce vomiting and install a system for gastric lavage with acidified water or a 1% solution of calcium chloride. The doctor will prescribe saline laxatives, intravenous injections of electrolytes, vitamins and conduct symptomatic therapy. You may need to purify the blood with an artificial kidney device.

If an excess of fluoride is caused by drinking water, in which the content of this element is too high, it is recommended to change your place of residence or switch to another source of drinking water. It is advisable to avoid fluoride-containing toothpastes.

Sources in food

The most fluoride is found in the following foods:
seafood (especially mackerel, salmon, cod, shrimp, sardines);
freshwater fish;
oats, corn, rice and buckwheat;
onions, potatoes;
beef, chicken;
grapefruits, apples, mangoes, tangerines.
Drinks containing a lot of fluoride:
whole milk;
Black tea;
green tea;
red wine.

Interaction with other substances

Fluorides react with magnesium, calcium and aluminum ions, forming poorly soluble compounds. Magnesium significantly inhibits the absorption of fluoride. Therefore, if you take fluoride preparations with medications based on these metals, the absorption of fluoride will slow down.

If you take vitamins A and D together with fluoride, then the formation of calcifications - hard formations on the bones - is possible.

In turn, thanks to fluoride, the absorption of iron improves - this can be seen in the relationship between diseases such as caries and iron deficiency anemia, they often occur together.

When they talk about teeth or the construction of bones, they primarily mean calcium. But we already know that calcium also forms bone tissue in the presence of phosphorus and vitamin D. Only this triumvirate (calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D) ensures calcium-phosphorus metabolism.

After it was discovered that bone tissue contains fluoride, they began to enrich water with fluoride, but a few years later it became known that excess fluoride in drinking water causes dental disease. We began to purify the water from fluoride! And again it’s bad! Dental caries has appeared!

It turned out that the amount of this element (0.5 mg per 1 liter) is too small for the health of the body; 1 and 1.5 mg per 1 liter are acceptable and sufficient amounts, but more is too much. You see! The difference between beneficial and harmful doses is so insignificant that many speak out against water fluoridation. But at the same time, some experts argue that it is thanks to fluoride that children and adults get rid of caries. Obviously, fluorine can be a useful element if there is little of it, and harmful if there is a lot of it.

Today, when new industrial enterprises are springing up everywhere, all living things are simply poisoned with fluorine.

When fluoride salts accumulate in large quantities in the air, soil, and water, they enter the human body and concentrate in his bones. Excess fluoride causes osteochondrosis, changes in the color and shape of teeth, the direction of their growth, coarsening of joints, their immobility, and bone growths.

The body excretes it in urine, but it cannot cope with its excess. Large doses of fluoride are extracted from the body by magnesium, which is found in the blood lymph. But magnesium should always be 2 times less than calcium, and large doses of it reduce the calcium content in the bones, which ultimately leads to their destruction. And calcium breakdown products accumulate in the kidneys, lungs, and muscles.

How to neutralize the harmful effects of fluoride?

“You can reduce the toxicity of fluoride by adding aluminum or calcium salts to the soil,” writes Yu. Aleksandrovich. Nothing is known about aluminum yet, but an increase in calcium can be beneficial for our body. However, the danger of fluoride increases with the growth of industry and the use of inorganic fertilizers in agriculture.

Most food products contain an average of 0.2-0.3 mg of fluoride per 1 kg of product: in fish - 5-15 mg/kg, in milk - 0.1-0.2 mg/l.

Not so long ago, many people were interested in krill. The cheap product is a source of protein that can be used to make excellent flour, etc. But it turned out that krill contains an incredibly high and dangerous amount of fluorine: 1 kg of raw mass contains 2 g of this element, and boiled mass contains an average of 750 mg (for reference, we add that in 1 liter of any wine the maximum permissible fluorine content is - 5 mg).

Fluoride tablets are sometimes given to school-age children to prevent dental caries. This is very dangerous, especially if there is excess fluoride in the soil or if you live in areas adjacent to superphosphate factories or aluminum smelters.

Tea lovers should know: the amount of fluoride in the finished drink depends on its strength, duration of infusion and duration of boiling. You need to boil water once and quickly, otherwise the salts turn into hard-to-digest compounds. The tea should be steeped for no more than 5-6 minutes. and remember that in 1 glass of long black tea you will get 0.2 mg of fluoride.

In such varieties of tea as Ceylon, Assam, Darjeeling, etc., 100 g of dry leaf contains from 10.26 to 15.25 mg of fluoride. In Chinese tea it can be from 3 to 400 mg, since the Chinese use fluoride-containing pesticides to spray the tea bush.

If you want to be healthy, it is wiser not to drink too strong tea. In addition, xanthine1 was found in tea - it is a poison for hemoglobin. It is better to drink infusions from the leaves and petals of dried plants - black currant, sage, thyme, raspberries, rose hips, chicory.

Excess fluoride is dangerous!

How do you know if there is too much of it in the body?

Initially, small spots appear on the enamel of the teeth - lighter or darker - but the more fluoride in the body, the darker the spots and, finally, they become brown or black. The teeth begin to look holey, crumble, and are even difficult to fill.

According to Japanese scientists (1969), there is a connection between an increase in fluoride in food products and cancer of the digestive system.

There is more fluorine in the soil and air in areas where industry is developed. But even natural fluoride compounds are very toxic in excess. They often cause diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, have a toxic effect on plasma cells and lungs, causing symptoms similar to severe asthma. When accidents occur at enterprises, large amounts of fluorine and sulfur are released from pipes. In case of acute poisoning with these salts, paleness, blueness of the skin appear, the heart beats less and less, hoarseness and vomiting occur.

The compounds of this element are soluble, so plants receive them from water, from the air, through leaves (fluorine accumulates in fruits). The fluorine concentration in leaves can increase 240-260 times. In Florida, where superphosphate production is developed and 17 factories emit 17 tons of fluorine compounds into the atmosphere every day since 1966. On citrus plantations, 60 miles away from the factories, the yield sharply decreased, oranges grew there only the size of plums, and it was also noticed that cats began to die.

The fact is that plants convert the fluorine compounds they absorb into toxic substances that are very harmful to people and animals. Organic fluoride compounds extracted from soybeans were 500 times more toxic than inorganic compounds found in water and air. So it is dangerous to water plants with water containing fluoride.

Canadian scientists determined the fluoride content in canned foods (pork and beans, tomato soup, mixed vegetables, two types of beans, peas, etc.) and seasonings and came to the conclusion that the content of fluoride compounds is rapidly increasing in widely distributed food products. They demanded that the food industry indicate on labels the amount of fluoride in products.

Dentists find “spotted” teeth in children because the industry “provides” excess fluoride in the air and water.

What to do to avoid fluoride poisoning?

Much depends on industry: fluorine is released into the air by factories and plants that produce not only superphosphates, but also iron, steel, copper, zinc, aluminum and other metals, as well as ceramics, bricks, enamels, and glass. All these substances are also released by oil industry enterprises.

Relevant institutions are obliged to take measures to protect the environment from fluoride and in any case to combat attempts to fluoridate water, salt and other food products, especially in places poisoned by fluoride. And fluoride should be prescribed as a therapeutic agent only individually, very carefully, taking it under the constant supervision of a doctor and with regular testing.

You can reduce the fluoride content in food at home by soaking it for a few seconds before eating and rinsing it under running water. Fluoride compounds dissolve easily in water, so fluoride can be “washed out.” This is especially necessary for residents of industrial areas, whose homes are located close to highways, city highways, factories, factories, etc. Water must be purified from fluoride, and special filters are indispensable.

Main sources:

Leafy vegetables, spinach, apples, grapefruits, grains, rice, potatoes, nuts, onions; as well as drinks such as tea and wine, sea fish and other seafood, chicken, eggs, milk, meat and offal.



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"Fluorine" means "destruction" (

from Greek) and this name was not given to it by chance. Many scientists died or became disabled trying to obtain pure fluorine, which is why this element was nicknamed “the bringer of doom.”

Only at the end of the 19th century were French chemists able to isolate fluorine. At the same time, it was proven that it is the main constituent element in mineral metabolism, performing many important functions in the human body. The condition of the bones, their hardness and strength, the correct formation of the skeleton, the condition of the hair and its growth, and, of course, the health of the teeth depend on this substance.

Fluoride, with the participation of phosphorus and calcium, is able to prevent the development of caries by penetrating microcracks in tooth enamel and smoothing out irregularities. It is also involved in the process of hematopoiesis, helps prevent osteoporosis, supports the immune system, and accelerates bone tissue regeneration in case of fractures. Fluorine ensures better absorption of some other elements, and also allows you to get rid of radionuclides.

Daily requirement

The human body weighing 70 kg contains approximately 2.6 g fluorine The daily need for fluoride is determined by many factors: body weight, age, energy consumption:

adults –

1.5 mg

pregnant women -

1.5-2 mg

athletes and people exposed to intense physical activity –

2 mg .

Children are especially sensitive to fluoride. Up to 17 years old, i.e. They especially need it during the formation and mineralization of bone tissue and teeth. Fluoride is assimilated in the children's body. The body should receive per day 0.5 mg fluorine is the minimum necessary for reactions caused by this element to take place. Fluoride is best absorbed from drinking water, and if there is not enough of it there, fluoride-containing drugs are prescribed. They must be taken with caution! Dose over 10 mg per 1 kg of food will lead to permanent deformation of the skeletal bones, and above 5 mg– to fluorosis – severe damage to tooth enamel in the form of brown spots. Large doses of fluoride – more 2 g- cause poisoning. Fluorine content in water above 5 mg/l can provoke cancer.

The lethal dose is 5 g fluorine

To satisfy the daily need for fluoride, you need to drink 5 glasses of black tea or 20 liters of milk, or eat 300 g of nuts, 3.5 kg of bread or 700 g of salmon.

Fluoride is best absorbed from drinking water - 70% bioavailability. Therefore, water is fluoridated in many regions both in Russia and abroad. Fluoride is sometimes added to milk or salt. Such products have appropriate labels on the label.

Functions of fluoride in the body

Fluorine is a microelement that is very important for the body and performs many functions:

Together with phosphorus and calcium, the formation and strengthening of tooth enamel and bone skeleton;

Ensuring normal hair and nail growth;

Participation in many biochemical processes and enzymatic reactions;

Stimulation of hematopoietic processes;

Strengthening immunity;

Promoting the removal of radionuclides from the body;

Prevention of the development of osteoporosis;

Suppression of the activity of acid-forming bacteria (it is due to this property that fluorides are added to toothpastes);

Providing protection against caries and periodontal disease.

Fluoride deficiency

The cause of the deficiency may be insufficient fluoride content in drinking water, because it is the main source of this element.

Deficiency symptoms:

Fragility and fragility of hair, split ends, appearance of “white” spots along the length of the hair, hair loss;

Thinning of enamel, carious lesions, tooth hypersensitivity, crown fractures. Since a lack of fluoride increases the enamel’s susceptibility to destruction, erosion, abrasion, and even necrosis are characteristic;

Osteoporosis. Especially typical for people over 50 years of age. Fractures of the femoral neck, repeated fractures, and slow healing are common.

The best way to eliminate the deficiency is to change the source of drinking water or take fluoride-containing medications (strictly as prescribed by a doctor). If changes appear on the enamel, use fluoride-containing toothpastes and undergo remineralization therapy at the dentist (a special composition is applied that replenishes the lack of calcium and fluoride in the tooth enamel).

Replenishment of fluoride deficiency can be general and local - depending on the manifestations, concomitant diseases and taking into account possible contraindications. Now there are a lot of drugs containing fluoride, but when taking them you need to be careful and consider the fluorides contained in the foods and vitamins that you take. Do not forget about the compatibility of drugs - carefully read the instructions for all medications!


The cause of an overdose may be an increased fluoride content in drinking water, uncontrolled use of drugs containing fluoride.

Signs indicating excess fluoride content in the body do not necessarily appear all at once: at first, for example, vomiting and weakness may appear, and the next day the voice may “sag” and bradycardia may occur. Any alarming symptom should be a reason to immediately consult a doctor, since fluoride poisoning is very dangerous, and treatment of the resulting disorders can be lengthy.

Overdose symptoms:

severe weakness, trembling fingers;

abdominal pain, diarrhea;

fragility of teeth, microcracks, chipped enamel;

skin irritation, rash, red spots on the face and body;

bleeding gums;

fluorosis - manifests itself in the form of brown spots on the enamel;

bleeding gums;






disorders of fat metabolism;

damage to the central nervous system;

skeletal deformity;

pulmonary edema.

Fluorine exhibits toxic properties when taken orally starting from 20 mg once.

To eliminate an overdose of photor, you should take a large amount of liquid and always calcium (can be in the form of a solution of calcium gluconate or lactate) to achieve fluoride precipitation. After fluoride poisoning, it is advisable to induce vomiting and install a system for gastric lavage with acidified water or a 1% solution of calcium chloride. The doctor will prescribe saline laxatives, intravenous injections of electrolytes, vitamins and conduct symptomatic therapy. You may need to purify the blood with an artificial kidney device.

If an excess of fluoride is caused by drinking water, in which the content of this element is too high, it is recommended to change your place of residence or switch to another source of drinking water. It is advisable to avoid fluoride-containing toothpastes.

Sources in food

The most fluoride is found in the following foods:


seafood (especially mackerel, salmon, cod, shrimp, sardines);

freshwater fish;

oats, corn, rice and buckwheat;

onions, potatoes;

beef, chicken;

grapefruits, apples, mangoes, tangerines.

whole milk;

Black tea;

green tea;

red wine.

Interaction with other substances

Fluorides react with magnesium, calcium and aluminum ions, forming poorly soluble compounds. Magnesium significantly inhibits the absorption of fluoride. Therefore, if you take fluoride preparations with medications based on these metals, the absorption of fluoride will slow down.

If you take vitamins A and D together with fluoride, then the formation of calcifications - hard formations on the bones - is possible.

In turn, thanks to fluoride, the absorption of iron improves - this can be seen in the relationship between diseases such as caries and iron deficiency anemia, they often occur together.

The human body contains fluorine and fluoride (a compound of fluorine with components) in bones, teeth, skin and the thyroid gland. Fluorine content is approximately 2.6 g.

The role of fluoride in the human body

  1. Teeth: Fluoride is required for the formation of enamel and hard tissue of teeth (dentin). It protects teeth from caries and various destructions, creating a stable connection with phosphorus and calcium. During pregnancy, baby teeth form in the first few months, and permanent teeth form during the last few months. Adequate amounts of fluoride in a pregnant woman's diet will ensure that the baby's teeth are less susceptible to tooth decay. There is evidence that fluoride inhibits acid-forming bacteria.
  2. Skeletal system: adequate fluoride intake helps strengthen bones and prevent degenerative processes.
  3. Other functions: fluoride promotes rapid wound healing and improves iron absorption.

Fluoride in food

Water is the main source of microelements, with it the body receives 2/3 of the mineral substance; tea also contains a lot of fluoride.

Fluoride in products food (1/3):

  • sea ​​fish (the highest concentration in catfish, cod, mackerel), seaweed;
  • liver, lamb, veal, milk, eggs;
  • wholemeal bread, rice, oatmeal;
  • onions, spinach, apples;
  • nuts.

Fluoride rate in food - 1.5 mg, maximum allowable amount - 4 mg.

Fluoride deficiency

Fluoride deficiency in the body is usually associated with a low content of the microelement in water - less than 0.7 mg/l.

Causes lack of fluoride:

  • Unsatisfactory amount of microelement intake into the body.
  • Fluoride metabolism disorders.

Symptoms of fluoride deficiency:

  • Dental caries is a disease accompanied by the process of demineralization and destruction of hard dental tissues with the subsequent formation of cavities.
  • Osteoporosis is a thinning of the cortical and spongy layers of bone tissue as a result of fragmentary resorption of bone substance.

Excess fluoride

Most fluoride compounds are highly toxic. A toxic dose of fluoride for humans is considered to be 20 mg, lethal - 2 g.

In the process of acute fluoride intoxication, the predominant symptoms are damage to the central nervous system and digestive tract: muscle spasms, drop in blood pressure, coma, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea.

Chronic poisoning, as a rule, develops as a result of drinking water with high levels of fluoride - over 4 mg/l. In this case, the lesions mainly affect bones and teeth, but in addition, metabolic disorders, blood clotting disorders, etc. are noted.

There is evidence that fluoride increases the likelihood of osteosarcoma.

Causes excess fluoride:

  • Excessive intake of microelements into the body through drinking water, for example, in some areas of northern Russia, in the vicinity of aluminum production enterprises.
  • Chronic poisoning with hydrofluoric acid and other fluorine compounds in production conditions.
  • Long-term overdose of drugs containing fluoride.
  • Fluoride metabolism disorders.

Symptoms of excess fluoride:

  • The appearance of chalky stains on teeth, fragility, damage to tooth enamel, fluorosis.
  • Formation of bone spurs, osteoporosis, osteomalacia, calcification in ligaments and tendons.
  • Hemorrhages of the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, as well as in the gum area.
  • The appearance of a dry suffocating cough, loss of voice.
  • Decreased blood pressure, bradycardia (low heart rate).
  • Skin itching, irritation and exfoliation of the upper stratum corneum of the skin.
  • Disorders of carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

Materials for the article are indicated in the general list http://properdiet.ru/literatura/

Residents of some areas regularly use fluoridated tap water. If you are one of them, then you should know how you can remove fluoride from your body.

Fluoride can cause neurotoxicity in animals, and acute fluoride poisoning can cause neurotoxicity even in adults, but very little is known about its effect on the development of the children's nervous system. Studies of the relationship between high fluoride levels and delayed neurodevelopment of children living in areas where the water contains high levels of fluoride showed that their intelligence quotient (IQ) was significantly lower than that of children living in areas with little fluoride in the water. The data obtained confirm the possibility of a negative effect of large amounts of fluoride on the development of the children's nervous system.

There are thousands of cases of skeletal fluorosis due to cumulative exposure to fluoridated water. The researchers also concluded that fluoride may subtly alter endocrine function, especially the function of the thyroid gland, which produces hormones responsible for growth and metabolism.

However, there are many natural ways to cleanse your body of fluoride that will help you stay healthy and beautiful.

Sufficient amount of iodine

Iodine is an important element for normal cell metabolism, especially for thyroid hormones. It removes fluoride from the body through urine. Sources of iodine include: lingonberries, organic yoghurts, potatoes, strawberries, beans.

Boron is a natural element that helps flush fluoride from the body. Rich in boron: nuts, dates, prunes, honey, broccoli, bananas, avocados. You can also dilute 1/32 teaspoon of boron per liter of distilled water and drink it throughout the day.

Selenium is often recommended for those who want to get rid of sodium fluoride that accumulates in the body. According to research, selenium actually blocks the effects of fluoride and destroys it. Brazil nuts are an excellent natural source of selenium. However, remember to eat a balanced diet: do not eat these nuts in handfuls, as a rule, the recommended amount is 100-200 mcg.


Have you ever heard of tamarind? It forms the basis of the ancient Ayurvedic system of medicine, which is considered the “mother” of all natural medicine. Tamarind can be added to tea to remove fluoride from the body through urine.

Dry saunas

Intense but safe sweating at high temperatures, as during sports, removes sodium fluoride from fatty tissues. Just make sure you keep yourself hydrated (with distilled water) and protect your kidneys (chickweed tea can help with that). As with any other type of cleansing, be careful: monitor your well-being and the state of your body.

You can also limit the amount of fluoride entering the body with water if you use special filters, for example, with a reverse osmosis system. By ridding your body of accumulated fluoride, you will feel a general improvement in your health and change your attitude towards drinking water forever. Published by econet.ru

Fluorine is an element necessary for the human body, the main role of which is in the formation of bone tissue and tooth enamel, together with calcium and phosphorus. The norm for the body of an adult is the content of this microelement in an amount of 2 to 3 g. The main supply of the element in the body is contained in the enamel of teeth and bone tissue.

The absorption of fluoride depends on the amount of calcium in the body, and this mineral also interferes with the absorption of magnesium. Thanks to this microelement, the absorption of iron improves and the process of inhibition of iodine metabolism occurs. Lack of fluoride leads to bone destruction and deterioration of teeth.

The main functions of fluoride in the body

Functions of the mineral in the body:

  • Strengthening the bone skeleton and tooth enamel;
  • Ensuring normal growth of nails and hair;
  • Participation in important biochemical reactions;
  • Stimulation of hematopoietic processes;
  • Strengthening immunity;
  • Removal of heavy metals and radicals from the body;
  • Prevention of the development of osteoporosis;
  • Suppression of the activity of acid-forming bacteria;
  • Prevention of periodontal disease and caries.

Most scientists believe that fluoride in small quantities is beneficial to humans, and its overdose can lead to frightening consequences.

Products containing fluoride

Fluoride comes from food - 1/3 and from water - 2/3 of the total amount. This mineral is practically not found in food products, because its concentration in sources of plant and animal origin is negligible, with the exception of sea fish and tea.

Marine fish contain relatively high amounts of fluoride

Food products containing fluoride should not be cooked in aluminum cookware, since the reaction of this trace element and aluminum contributes to the loss of the mineral. It is very difficult to obtain this element from food in sufficient quantities for the human body, since almost all sources containing the trace element lose it during cooking.

To obtain the daily norm of fluoride, you must eat the following food products containing this mineral: 3.5 kg of bread, 700 gr. salmon, 300 gr. walnuts or 20 liters of milk. Not every person can cope with so much monotonous food every day, which is why, if there is a deficiency of this element, doctors do not recommend a diet, but taking medications containing fluoride.

Plant sources of fluoride

  • Cereals – wholemeal flour, rye vegetable bran, rice, oatmeal, buckwheat;
  • Vegetables – pumpkin, onions, potatoes;
  • Fruits – apple, grapefruit;
  • Tea – green and black;
  • Seaweed, wine and honey;
  • Walnuts.

Animal sources of fluoride

  • Meat and liver;
  • Fish - tuna, mackerel, pollock, hake, cod, haddock, capelin, pink salmon, ruffe, flounder, chum salmon, smelt;
  • Seafood – oyster;
  • Dairy products - milk.

Video from the Internet

Daily fluoride norms

Fluorine is a complex element, the boundary between deficiency and excess in the human body, for which it is very difficult to discern. It is very easy to get excess fluoride by not following the recommended dosages of medications or by drinking large quantities of water rich in this element. This element is contained in negligible quantities in food products, so it is impossible to get an overdose of the mineral, even with daily use.

The daily fluoride intake for a person ranges from 0.5 to 4 mg, depending on age, diet and area of ​​residence.

Daily fluoride intake for children

  • 0-1 year – 0.5 mg;
  • 1-3 years – 0.7 mg;
  • 3-6 years – 0.9 mg;
  • 6-9 years – 1.1 mg;
  • 9-14 years – 1.3 mg.

Daily fluoride intake for women

  • 14-18 years old – 1.5 mg;
  • 18 years and older – from 1.7 to 4 mg.

Daily fluoride intake for men

  • 14-18 years old – 1.5 mg;
  • From 18 and older – 1.7 to 4 mg.

Lack of fluoride in the human body

Fluoride deficiency has practically no clear symptoms that can be noticed independently and measures can be taken in time to eliminate it.

Symptoms of fluoride deficiency

  • Deterioration of the condition of the skeletal system;
  • Deterioration of the health of teeth and nails;
  • Hair loss;
  • The occurrence of iron deficiency anemia.

A deficiency of a mineral causes much less harm to the human body than an overdose, which indicates that there is no need to independently monitor the level of this substance in the body.

Excess fluoride in the body

It is easy to exceed the dosage of fluoride, which turns this microelement into poison, which it is in nature.

Consequences of an excess of the mineral:

  • Bone deformity;
  • Damage to tooth enamel;
  • The appearance of general weakness;
  • Vomit;
  • Deterioration of breathing;
  • Kidney damage;
  • The appearance of seizures;
  • Decreased blood pressure;
  • Depression of thinking abilities.

Poisoning with the mineral can lead to conjunctivitis, irritation of the skin and mucous membranes of the bronchi, the development of pneumonia, damage to the central nervous system, and there is also a possible risk of coma.

The presence of fluoride in food, water and toothpaste rich in the element can lead to intoxication of the body - fluorosis. This condition is accompanied by metabolic disorders, destruction of bone tissue and tooth enamel. There is a deterioration in the functioning of the liver and thyroid gland, and breathing becomes difficult.

It has been proven that fluoride cannot completely rid a person of caries; this element can only stop the degree of dental disease, and nothing more. Despite this, there is no doubt about the benefits of this mineral, because without it the formation of bone tissue would not occur, but even a small excess of fluoride can lead to irreversible consequences for the body.

Preparations containing fluoride

  • ACT – used to prevent caries. It is a gel that is applied to the teeth and forms a film that helps saturate the enamel with fluoride;
  • Coreberon – has anticaries, antirachitic and trophic effects. Prescribed for many forms of osteoporosis. Has a wide range of side effects and contraindications;
  • Sodium fluoride – used to prevent tooth decay in children and adults. This drug should be used after consultation with a specialist.

The history of the discovery of fluorine (lat. Fluorum) is very rich. Many famous chemists, starting from 1771, tried to isolate this element from fluorine-containing compounds. However, their experiments ended either in death or severe injuries and illnesses. For this reason, this element began to be called fluorine (Greek phtoros - destruction, death). Only in 1886, the French chemist A. Moissan was able to obtain this dangerous gas. But although this gas is a very dangerous element, the role of fluorine in the human body is simply invaluable.

Properties and role of fluorine

Fluorine is an essential element for the human body, as it is the main participant in mineral metabolism. Fluorine also promotes normal skeletal development, makes bone tissue harder and stronger, improves the condition of hair, teeth and nails and ensures their growth.

By interacting with phosphorus and calcium, fluoride prevents the development of caries, since it has the ability to penetrate microcracks formed in tooth enamel and eliminate them. In addition, fluoride is directly involved in the process of hematopoiesis, increases the rate of bone healing during fractures, maintains the functioning of the immune system and prevents osteoporosis.

Fluorine promotes better absorption of iron and also purifies it from radionuclides and heavy metal salts.

The use of fluoride toothpaste prevents the proliferation of harmful bacteria, helps maintain the integrity of teeth, and protects them from the formation of plaque and tartar.

Fluoride is essential for the body to form tooth enamel and bone tissue.

Daily requirement for fluoride

The daily intake of fluoride is 0.5-4 mg. A person receives most fluoride through drinking water, and slightly less through food. To provide the body with fluoride, in many areas where the content of this trace element in a liter of water does not exceed 5 mg, a synthetic substance such as sodium fluoride is added to it.

Fluoride in products

The most fluoride is found in tea, black and green, in seafood, sea fish, and walnuts. Cereals such as oatmeal, buckwheat, and rice are also rich in this microelement. Fluorine is also found in bran, milk, meat, liver, wholemeal flour, eggs, onions and potatoes. It is also found in small quantities in wine. Fluoride is also present in some fruits, for example, apples, grapefruits, and green leafy vegetables.

It is quite difficult to satisfy the daily need for fluoride with food: to do this, an adult needs to eat, for example, 700 grams of salmon or 3.5 kilograms of grain bread, or 300 grams of walnuts. By the way, you can drink about 20 liters of milk. Of course, this is practically impossible. But with drinking water, up to 70% of the daily fluoride intake enters the body.

You need to be extremely careful when consuming fluoride, since the line between a deficiency of this microelement and its excess is very thin. Do not forget that in nature fluoride is a poison, and it becomes poison when taking an excess dose.

Deficiency and excess of fluoride

Fluoride deficiency in the body provokes the development of caries; children are most prone to this. In addition, bones become weaker and more fragile, nails become brittle, and hair loss becomes a problem. Due to the fact that iron is well absorbed only together with fluoride, iron deficiency anemia often occurs when there is a lack of this microelement.

Excess fluoride leads to the fact that the metabolic process becomes slower, growth also slows down, bones are damaged, the health of tooth enamel deteriorates, weakness and vomiting appear. An increase in the amount of fluoride leads to rapid breathing, decreased blood pressure, seizures and kidney damage.

Poisoning caused by excess fluoride can lead to conjunctivitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia. In addition, the mucous membranes of the bronchi and skin are affected, and the activity of the central nervous system is disrupted. Fluoride poisoning can lead to coma.

Fluoride poisoning has its own name - fluorosis. Most often, it affects people who live in areas rich in this microelement and use toothpaste containing fluoride.

Fluorosis threatens to disrupt metabolic processes and destroy the enamel of teeth and bones. By the way, the teeth begin to crumble without causing any pain.

With fluorosis, organs such as the thyroid and parathyroid glands and the liver cease to function normally. The body tissues begin to suffocate.

As a rule, the development of fluorosis is caused by drinking water with a high concentration of microelements (above 4 mg per liter) for 10-20 years.

Fluorine also forms some toxic compounds, for example, NaF, 5-10 grams of which can be fatal.

In Russia there are standards according to which the amount of fluoride in water should not be more than 1.5 mg per liter, however, for example, in Moscow and some other regions this concentration is higher.

Advertising at every turn insists that toothpaste containing fluoride is essential for everyone. But in some countries, for example, in Belgium, such paste is prohibited, since it can cause excess fluoride in the human body. In addition to toothpaste, there are other products containing fluoride that are supposedly beneficial for teeth, for example, chewing gum, elixirs, and vitamins. They will really only bring benefits if there is a deficiency of fluoride in the body, but their frequent and complex use leads to an oversaturation of the body with this microelement.

In addition, do not forget that fluoride itself does not cure caries - it only serves as a means of prevention.

The worst thing is when teenagers living in regions with a high content of trace elements in water use toothpaste and other products with fluoride - they develop tissue mineralization, since teeth are in the process of formation. Fluoride also has a harmful effect on developing hair, skin, nails, muscles, ligaments and blood vessels, connective tissue and endocrine glands.

Fluoride is very useful for the human body, in particular for the development of teeth and bones, but do not forget that excess fluoride, as well as its deficiency, are destructive.

Remember that you cannot simultaneously use toothpaste with fluoride and another product that contains this microelement. In regions where drinking water contains the daily allowance of fluoride, only toothpastes with low or no levels of the element can be used.

People who live in fluoride-rich regions, such as the Urals, Moscow and Moscow region, are contraindicated from using fluoride-containing products.

And remember that, first of all, you need to find out what microelements are included in the water you drink.

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