Signs that it is cancer. Oncology in a woman's body. Rectal cancer

In this article we will look at the general symptoms and signs of a disease such as oncology. Let us consider in more detail the signs of cancer in different systems of the human body: stomach, intestines, lungs, prostate, as well as signs of cancer in women and men.

In the modern world, more and more people are diagnosed with cancer every day. This is due to improved diagnostics in medicine and increased life expectancy. The risk of getting cancer increases proportionally as a person ages. However, there are tumors that only affect children and young people. In general, tumors in young people are very insidious and dangerous; they develop rapidly and often quickly take away life.

In this article I will tell you about the most common tumors among the adult population, the first signs of oncology, and measures to prevent cancer of various localizations.

Often, when cancer begins to manifest itself in some way and the first symptoms appear in specific organs, this is not the first stage of the disease. Learning to diagnose cancer at the first stage is the main task, first of all, of primary care doctors and oncologists. Every person should be wary of cancer. This does not mean that you should be afraid and wait for cancer. You just need to listen and watch your body so as not to miss the first signs. It is also necessary to understand that all of the following symptoms do not necessarily indicate that you have cancer. You just need to observe yourself and consult a doctor with your complaints. And only with a comprehensive examination, after performing examinations, can a diagnosis be made. So, the most common general symptoms of cancer are:

General weakness

General weakness accompanies almost all human diseases, and therefore is the most nonspecific symptom. Often, general weakness in cancer patients occurs due to chronic blood loss. Most often this occurs with tumors of the stomach and intestines. When bleeding, a person loses hemoglobin, a protein that carries oxygen to organs and tissues. When organs, and primarily the brain, do not receive enough oxygen, general weakness occurs.

Unexplained weight loss

If you suddenly start losing weight rapidly, for example, 4-5 kg ​​in a month, and after three months the scales show minus 15 kg, you should immediately consult a doctor. Such sudden weight loss can be caused by tumors of the pancreas, stomach, and lung. Also, such rapid weight loss may be the first symptom of tuberculosis, thyrotoxicosis and other serious diseases.

Increased body temperature

Often, an increase in temperature occurs as a protective reaction of the body, as an activation of the immune system, and can be observed as a response to therapy or as the process progresses. But as the first symptom of a tumor it does not occur very often, for example with lymphogranulomatosis.


Pain as the first sign of cancer is observed in testicular cancer and bone tumors. Most often, pain is already a symptom of the spread of the oncological process. Therefore, in the last stages of cancer, pain relief, often with narcotic analgesics, is the only help for the patient.

You've probably noticed that the first symptoms of cancer are very vague and completely non-specific. Unfortunately, most tumors do not manifest themselves at all at the first stage, when treatment is most effective, and only manifest themselves at later stages, when it is extremely difficult to cope with the disease. That is why it is important to understand that it is necessary to visit the clinic annually to undergo “routine” but very important screening examinations.

Cancer screening

Screening is an examination to identify a particular malignant neoplasm in a patient when he does not complain about anything. In contrast to screening, the so-called “early diagnosis” consists of detecting cancer in patients who have consulted a doctor with any complaints. The difference between these two approaches is that during screening, patients are examined on the initiative of medical professionals, and during early detection, patients are examined on their own initiative.

Therefore, when a nurse drops a note in your mailbox saying that they want to see you at an appointment, or the local therapist scolds you for not having a fluorography or not going through the examination room, then you should only thank them for what they are more interested in your health than you are.

So, the minimum examinations that are recommended for everyone:

  • X-ray or fluorography of the lungs. This is a mandatory screening method for all segments of the population over 18 years of age to exclude tuberculosis and lung cancer.
  • Cervical cancer screening involves regular examination of cytological smears from the cervix. Allows you to identify pathology with minimal cellular changes in the epithelium. A cytology test is taken in the examination room. But the colposcopy procedure is performed by a doctor. During a colposcopy, the doctor examines the cervix with a magnifying glass and, if necessary, takes a biopsy. Conducting comprehensive cervical cancer screening can reduce the incidence of cervical cancer by 80% and mortality from this disease by 72%. Also, with the availability of ultrasound in our time, I would recommend that every woman perform an ultrasound of the pelvic organs once a year to exclude pathology from the ovaries.
  • Breast cancer screening involves performing mammography for women aged 45-70 years every 2 years. For women with a history of mastopathy or a family history (for example, maternal breast cancer), it is recommended to have a mammogram once a year. For younger women, it is better to do an ultrasound to exclude gland pathology, since at the age of 45-50 years the mammary glands are difficult to visualize with mammography, and the ultrasound method will be more informative.
  • Screening for prostate cancer involves regularly measuring the level of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in the blood of men aged 50 to 65-70 years. PSA is a tumor marker for prostate cancer. With prostate cancer, more PSA protein enters the blood than in a healthy person. Thus, by determining the concentration of PSA in a man’s blood, one can suspect cancer or a benign tumor of the prostate - an adenoma. If the PSA level increases approximately above 4 ng/ml, a consultation with a urologist and an ultrasound of the prostate is required. Men with a family history of prostate cancer can have their PSA tested starting at age 40.
  • Screening for colon cancer involves taking a stool test for occult blood - hemocult test. To avoid a positive test, you must give up meat, liver and all foods containing iron (spinach, apples, beans, etc.) for 3 days. If the stool test for occult blood is positive, then it is necessary to undergo a test - a colonoscopy. During colonoscopy, a probe with an optical device at the end inserted into the anus examines the large intestine. If the doctor comes across a polyp, he will definitely remove it and perform a subsequent tissue biopsy. Hemoculttest is prescribed annually to all people over 50 years of age.

Now let’s talk about the first signs of oncology, which is most common in our region.

The first signs of stomach cancer

Gastric cancer in the early stages, as a rule, does not have obvious clinical signs, but some of them still attract attention.

  • A persistent decrease in appetite or its complete loss, up to an aversion to food, without any objective reason.
  • Unmotivated weakness and weight loss.
  • Changes in mental status (loss of joy in life, interest in the environment).
  • The phenomenon of “gastric discomfort” is constant or associated with food intake discomfort, a feeling of heaviness, fullness.
  • Pain is the most common symptom. In advanced forms of stomach cancer, pain becomes constant, dull, persistent, not associated with food intake, occurring for no apparent reason and intensifying after eating. Sometimes the pain is so severe that it is difficult to relieve with medications.

Belching, heartburn, and nausea are common in stomach cancer, but do not have any characteristic features. The patient should be alerted to a feeling of fullness in the stomach and persistent belching, first with air, and then with rotten air. Vomiting occurs when the lumen of the stomach is significantly narrowed by a tumor.

Your doctor should hear all these symptoms and send you for tests and studies in order to verify the diagnosis.

Prevention of stomach cancer

  • The cancer prevention diet is what is recommended for most people who want to be healthy. It is necessary to reduce, or better yet, completely abandon the consumption of smoked meats, marinades, preservatives, fast food products, and, on the contrary, increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables. You should not consume excessively hot food and drinks - this is harmful to the pharynx, esophagus and stomach.
  • To give up smoking. For those who stop smoking, the risk of developing cancer decreases over time.
  • Limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • Fighting chronic infections in the stomach, primarily the bacterium that can cause the development of gastritis and stomach ulcers - Helicobacter pylori.
  • Timely treatment of precancerous diseases of the stomach - polyps.

Every person should be on alert for cancer. And it is important to understand that cancer in the first stages of almost any localization responds well to treatment.

I offer you natural herbal preparations to combat stomach diseases: Stomak comfort- regulates the acidity of gastric juice, Liquid chlorophyll– promotes the healing of ulcers of the mucous membranes, HP Fighter- fights Helicobacter pylori.

The first signs of intestinal cancer

Like all tumors in the early stages, intestinal tumors practically do not manifest themselves in any way. As the oncological process develops, signs appear that force a person to see a doctor; in the final stages - severe intestinal disorders. The first signs of intestinal cancer that you should pay attention to:

  • Decreased appetite, nausea, general unexplained weakness.
  • Significant weight loss, even with preserved appetite.
  • Prolonged constipation followed by diarrhea. Feeling of unemptied bowels after bowel movements.
  • Presence of blood in the stool. These may be streaks of blood, scarlet blood, or altered blood. The color of stool is an important diagnostic sign for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Read more in the article What should a chair be like?.
  • Mucus or pus appears in the stool, which is why the stool has an irritating, foul odor.
  • Abdominal pain at the site of the tumor intensifies as the tumor grows.
  • Pain in the anus, aggravated by defecation. Frequent urge to go down.

Prevention of bowel cancer

  1. The fight against chronic constipation is essential in the prevention of intestinal cancer. It is necessary to adjust your lifestyle so that you have bowel movements DAILY.
  2. When feces are not removed from the intestines for a long time, the time of contact of the harmful substances they contain with the intestinal mucosa increases, which leads to the development of chronic inflammation, and subsequently significantly increases the risk of developing intestinal cancer.
    If you are struggling with constipation using enemas, you should understand that this is an emergency measure. During enemas, only the lower intestine is cleansed, and harmful substances located at a further distance from the rectum are not washed out. Read the article about what you need to do to have daily bowel movements. Constipation? No problem!
  3. Changes in modern human nutrition over recent decades have led to an increase in the incidence of colon cancer. The fact that this is mainly due to a decrease in plant foods in the diet, an increase in the consumption of refined foods and animal fats (lamb, beef, pork) has been irrefutably proven by many studies. Therefore, limiting animal fats in the diet and enriching your diet with fiber is the basis of a healthy intestine.
  4. It has also been proven that antioxidant vitamins C, E, A and B vitamins inhibit the formation of carcinogens in the body, which in turn helps prevent colon cancer.
  5. Quitting alcohol, and especially beer, reduces the risk of developing colon cancer. This is evidenced by a number of scientific works and statistical data.

I offer you natural herbal preparations to eliminate intestinal problems, as well as to prevent intestinal cancer: Loklo- a drug for daily use for those people who want to be healthy. Loklo is the key to the health of your intestines, complete natural fiber from a variety of vegetables and fruits for effective cleansing of the intestines and normalization of stool; Indole-3-carbinol- thanks to its composition, it reduces the risk of developing cancer of the small and large intestines, and also prevents breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men. Cascara Sagrada- an effective natural laxative without addictive effects;

The first signs of cancer in women

In this section of the article I will talk about the first symptoms of breast and uterine cancer.

First signs of breast cancer

  • Lump in the mammary gland. One of the earliest signs of breast cancer is a lump. According to statistics, 70-80% of all sick women were able to independently notice the first symptoms of breast cancer. Of course, among all the detected tumors, most of them turn out to be benign. But the help of a specialist - an oncologist or a mammologist - is urgently needed as soon as possible.
  • Discharge from the mammary glands. The color of the discharge can be any - transparent, bloody, yellow-green, mixed with pus. If you have any type of discharge from the mammary gland, you should immediately see a doctor. As the disease progresses, ulcers appear that affect not only the nipple, but also spread to the rest of the breast.
  • Changes in the appearance of the breast. As the disease develops, the color of the skin over the tumor changes, from pinkish to purple, and the skin itself changes. With breast cancer, the skin of the breast seems to sink, and the breast may become flattened or elongated. The right and left mammary glands may become different in size. Although women usually have one breast larger than the other, as the disease progresses, this asymmetry becomes more noticeable.
  • Nipple retraction. Moreover, as the disease progresses, the nipple retracts more and more.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes. Enlargement of the axillary and periclavicular lymph nodes and pain on the affected side is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

  • Having your first child before age 30, breastfeeding for at least 6 months, and not having an abortion are thought to reduce your risk of developing breast cancer.
  • Quitting alcohol and smoking, living in environmentally friendly conditions, minimizing stressful situations.
  • Monthly breast self-examination. It is advisable to carry out sequential palpation of the mammary gland after menstruation. And women in menopause need to choose a specific day of the month and do not forget to conduct regular examinations. Shape, symmetry, the presence of pits, tubercles, seals, changes in the skin - everything is worth paying attention to.
    It is also necessary to examine the armpits and collarbone area in search of individual enlarged lymph nodes. If any changes or suspicions appear, you should immediately contact a specialist.

I suggest you pay attention to a natural herbal preparation made from broccoli - Indole 3 Carbinol, which reduces the threat of developing a number of hormone-dependent tumors: breast cancer, uterine cancer, uterine fibroids, colon cancer, and also fights mastopathy. Indole-3-carbinol has established itself as the number one drug in the treatment of mastopathy in women of different ages; many gynecologists successfully use it in their practice.

The first signs of uterine cancer

It is very problematic to suspect a disease of the cervix or uterine body in the early stages due to the lack of clinical manifestations. Therefore, annual screening is extremely important for cancer of this localization! The most common symptoms of uterine cancer:

  • Cervical cancer is characterized by spotting after intercourse and/or pain during intercourse.
  • Cancer of both the cervix and uterine body is characterized by bleeding and intermenstrual discharge of varying intensity. Sometimes it happens that a woman in menopause experiences bleeding, but she does not attach any importance to it, believing that it is her menstruation that has returned.
  • Pain that occurs in the lower back, sacrum, lower abdomen and rectum is the most recent symptom and indicates the spread of the tumor process to the lymph nodes and nearby tissues.

Prevention of uterine cancer

  • Timely initiation of sexual activity (after 18 years), a limited number of sexual partners, since sexually transmitted infections provoke the development of uterine cancer. The role of human papillomavirus (HPV) has been scientifically proven in the development of cervical cancer. If there is still some kind of infectious disease, then it is necessary to cure it.
  • The risk of developing the disease increases with overeating, excessive consumption of fried foods, and with an abundance of animal fats in food.
  • Vitamins play an important role in metabolic processes, including those that have a protective antitumor effect.
  • To prevent cervical cancer, it is necessary to promptly treat cervical erosions, cervicitis and leukoplakia. That is, you must not forget to regularly look into the gynecologist’s office.
  • Quitting alcohol and smoking. Special studies have found that smoking slightly increases the risk of developing cervical cancer. It turned out that consumption of various alcoholic beverages in terms of pure ethyl alcohol in doses of more than 30 g per day also increases the risk of cervical cancer.

Of the natural products from the NSP company, I would like to first of all draw attention to the product Indole 3 Carbinol, which removes excess estrogen from the body and helps prevent the development of hormone-dependent tumors (breast and uterine cancer), and also inhibits the growth of tumor cells infected with the human papillomavirus.

Just as for the prevention of other tumors, it is necessary to take courses of antioxidants: Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Antioxidant, Grepine with protectors, Zambrosa, Protective formula and etc.

The first signs of lung cancer

Unfortunately, lung cancer is not particularly different from other types of oncology, and it just loves and knows how to camouflage itself. Therefore, symptoms begin to manifest themselves more actively as the disease progresses.

  • General weakness, increased fatigue, weight loss. Body temperature may rise to 37-37.5 degrees.
  • Severe cough, especially with blood in the sputum.
  • Shortness of breath, chest pain, often worsening with inhalation.
  • As the disease progresses, the tumor begins to grow and compress nearby organs and structures. This can lead to difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, and hoarseness.

Prevention of lung cancer

  • Quitting smoking, both active and passive, significantly reduces the risk of developing lung cancer. Smoking increases the risk of lung cancer by 5 times! Science has repeatedly proven that when smoking, more than 40 types of different carcinogens enter the body.
  • Professional factors. Work related to chemicals such as asbestos, arsenic, radon, cadmium, nickel, chromium (their inhalation and regular contact with them) is one of the serious risk factors. Therefore, when working with harmful substances, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment.
  • Polluted environment. A pattern has been revealed that rural residents develop lung cancer 4 times less than residents of large cities, all other things being equal.
  • Proper nutrition with enrichment of the diet with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Sufficient consumption of vegetables, fruits and berries helps reduce the risk of cancer.
  • To prevent lung cancer and other types of tumors, I also recommend taking courses of natural plant antioxidants: Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Antioxidant, Grepine with protectors, Zambrosa, Protective formula, TNT and etc.

The first signs of prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is characterized by a stable malignant course. It is very difficult to detect the disease in the early stages, since at first the tumor does not manifest itself, and the tumor continues its persistent growth. This tumor is characterized by a special insidiousness - the symptoms have not even appeared yet, and the neoplasm is actively metastasizing (i.e., tumor screenings appear in other organs, for example, in the bones, liver). As a result, even a small primary lesion can spread beyond the affected gland in a short period of time, making the prognosis unfavorable.

  • Impaired urine flow is one of the very first symptoms. As the tumor grows, it puts pressure on the urethra. Patients with a tumor may have trouble starting urination, a feeling of incomplete emptying, and a painful urge to urinate. Urinary incontinence is also one of the symptoms. But such symptoms often bother men with prostate adenoma, so the first symptoms of cancer may go unnoticed.
  • As the tumor grows, it will begin to grow into nearby organs and tissues, which will lead to painful sensations. Prostate cancer is characterized by pain in the perineum and pubic area, and patients may also experience discomfort above the pubic bone. Later, blood may appear in the urine and blood in the ejaculate. Erectile dysfunction is possible.
  • With further progression of the tumor, bone pain appears (especially often in the lower back), significant weight loss, and a decrease in blood hemoglobin levels. There may be restriction of movement of the lower extremities, swelling, and sometimes paralysis caused by compression of the enlarged tumor of the spinal cord.

Let me remind you that no man is immune from prostate tumors. It is extremely important, for life as well, not to miss the moment and to diagnose the disease as early as possible. The main method of early diagnosis and prevention of cancer localized in the prostate is annual urological screening for men over 45 years of age. (See above in the article on PSA testing). Any suspicious signs indicating prostate cancer at this age should be an alarm bell! Contact your doctor immediately.

Prevention of prostate cancer

  • Diet - with particular importance given to vegetables and fruits (tomatoes, cabbage, broccoli, soybeans, grapes and others) and limiting foods containing animal fats. Scientists have noticed that the incidence of prostate cancer in the world is distributed unevenly. For example, it has been noted that Japan has a fairly low incidence.
    It is believed that this is due to the fact that the Japanese have a lot of plant-based products in their diet, especially soy. It contains phytoestrogens, which are similar in composition to female sex hormones. These substances reduce the content of male hormones in the body. At the same time, the body does not lose its masculine qualities, but the likelihood of prostate cancer is significantly reduced.
    Carotenoids and alpha-tocopherol (beta-carotene and vitamin E) play a major role in the prevention of prostate cancer. They are found mainly in products of plant origin.
  • Lifestyle - it is worth limiting tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption, increasing the level of physical activity. Physical exercise can reduce excess weight, which can become a risk factor for prostate cancer.

Of the natural herbal preparations from the NSP company, I would like to draw attention to preparations for men's health, which are recommended to be taken periodically 2-3 times a year. These are phytocomplexes containing Serena repens and African plum: Achiv with Yohimbe, About the formula, Saw Palmetto(courses of 4-6 weeks). The drug deserves special attention Indole 3 Carbinol, which reduces the threat of developing a number of hormone-dependent tumors, including prostate cancer.

Cancer is a very dangerous group of diseases for humans, which are accompanied by various symptoms. Symptoms depend on the location and size of the cancer, as well as the extent to which surrounding organs or tissues of the human body are affected. When metastasis spreads, cancer symptoms appear in different parts of the body.

As a malignant tumor develops and grows, nearby organs, blood vessels and nerves are compressed. This compression determines the occurrence of symptoms. This is especially true if the tumor is located in a particularly sensitive area, such as the brain. In this case, even a small tumor is characterized by early symptoms.

In some cases, cancer cells release special substances into the bloodstream. Then signs of the disease appear that are not characteristic of a tumor. For example, a malignant neoplasm located in the pancreas area leads to the formation of blood clots in the vessels of the lower extremities.

Some types of cancer cause elevated blood calcium levels, which leads to general weakness and dizziness.

But often a tumor forms in areas of the human body where symptoms do not appear until the tumor reaches a large size.

For example, pancreatic cancer is difficult to detect by external examination. Symptoms do not appear in any way until the process of metastasis involves nerves, leading to back pain. Signs and symptoms of prostate cancer appear very late.

Malignant neoplasms developing near the bile duct cause changes in skin color and jaundice. In other localizations the symptoms are different. Therefore, let’s talk in more detail about what are the first signs of cancer in the body.

There are general, nonspecific symptoms of malignant diseases that every person needs to know about. Among them, the most common are: unexplained, rapid weight loss, fever, increased fatigue, pain, changes in skin color and structure. But of course, they do not always mean the presence of a malignant tumor. However, you should pay special attention to them and consult a doctor for examination.

Rapid and unexplained weight loss

Most patients with this dangerous disease experience noticeable weight loss at some point. One of the first signs of cancer is an unreasonable weight loss of 4-5 kg. This is especially true for tumors of the pancreas, stomach, esophagus or lung.

Increased fatigue and weakness

As the tumor develops and the disease progresses, another important sign of cancer appears - increased fatigue and general weakness. Sometimes these symptoms occur in the early stages of the disease, especially when it causes chronic blood loss. This usually happens with cancer of the colon or stomach.


Pain is a common symptom of bone or testicular tumors. But pain appears already with a widespread disease process.

Skin changes

In addition to skin cancer, some types of tumors of internal organs cause visible signs of the disease and its changes. In these cases, hyperpigmentation of skin areas, erythema (redness), and jaundice occur. Visible changes are also accompanied by itching and excess hair growth.

Specific signs and symptoms of cancer

In addition to the general symptoms described above, the development of malignant tumors is also accompanied by specific symptoms. We will look at some of them. It should be said right away that general and specific signs do not always mean cancer. They often accompany other diseases. But this does not mean at all that you should not pay attention to them. On the contrary, you should immediately report them to your doctor.

Dysfunction of the excretory system

The appearance of chronic constipation or diarrhea, a change in the amount of feces excreted, may indicate the presence of colon cancer. Painful sensations when urinating, inclusions of blood in the urine, and impaired frequency of urination may indicate the development of cancer of the bladder or prostate gland.

Long-term non-healing wound or ulcer

Very often, malignant tumors on the skin can bleed. They look like a wound or ulcer. You should pay the most serious attention to such non-healing ulcers and tell your doctor about them and undergo a medical examination.

Bleeding or discharge

Blood in the stool and black stool may be a sign of colon or rectal cancer. Unexplained bleeding and spotting from the vagina may indicate cervical cancer. If blood appears in the urine, a bladder or kidney tumor may develop. Blood from the nipple may indicate breast cancer.

Changing a wart or mole

If a habitual mole on the body or a wart changes in shape, color and size, you should immediately visit an oncologist. Such a change is very often a sign of dangerous melanoma. When diagnosed early, this form of cancer is easily treatable.

Now you know what the first signs of cancer are in the body. It's important to know them. After all, in general it is always effective if the tumor is detected at an early stage of the disease. When a tumor is detected early, therapy will be started on time, with a small tumor size, when metastases have not yet spread to other organs and systems. Therefore, the likelihood of a complete recovery in this case is much higher. Be healthy, don't get sick!


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The uterus is a hollow female organ, the main function of the organ is to provide optimal conditions and environment for the attachment of an egg (fertilized) to its walls and the further development of the fetus. Oncology in the reproductive system of women is a common phenomenon, especially, according to statistics, in recent years.

Uterine cancer ranks second, after breast cancer, among all cancers. If the signs of uterine cancer are recognized in time and undergo effective therapy, then relapse can be avoided, and the prognosis is likely to be favorable.

This disease has many names: mucosal cancer, endometrial cancer, uterine cancer, and so on. All of the listed oncological processes in a woman’s body are of the same nature and manifest themselves in the same way.

The concept of uterine cancer and symptoms of the disease

Uterine cancer is a malignant neoplasm that is formed from the cells of the epithelial layer inside the organ - the endometrium. According to statistics, this pathology is diagnosed in approximately 3% of women on the planet. Endometrial cancer is a disease that every woman can get, but most often those at risk are those who are over 45 years old and those older than this milestone.

Important fact! According to statistics, uterine cancer has become younger and today a significant proportion of women of reproductive age suffer from this disease.

An increase in cases of the disease is also observed during menopause. The main cause of the disease, according to oncologists, is considered to be a hormonal imbalance in the body, which is the main provocateur of the proliferation of mucous membranes in the body of the uterus.

Every woman over 40 years of age is recommended to take a closer look at both her general health and possible manifestations of oncology. When signs of uterine cancer (or endometrial cancer) are detected at an early stage, and the patient promptly contacts doctors, her chances of recovery increase significantly.

Unfortunately, clear manifestations of signs of uterine cancer in the first stages of development are not observed. Their obvious symptoms are visible only in the later phases, when therapy is already difficult and ineffective.

Initially, the clinical picture of the disease is based on the patient’s complaints: the presence of bleeding or leucorrhoea and pain in the abdomen.

All three of these signs can occur already during the period of decay of the oncological neoplasm, and not during the onset of ulceration. That is why signs of uterine cancer do not clearly appear in the initial stages.

Cancer of the uterus during pregnancy is an extremely rare phenomenon, but if the disease is diagnosed, then in order to save the life and health of the patient, termination of pregnancy at any stage, surgical intervention and removal of the uterus, and chemotherapy are possible.

Important! If there are assumptions, albeit imaginary ones, that a neoplasm of an oncological nature is forming in the body of the uterus, then you should not go to the doctor, but run, and urgently.

Any delay is fraught with complications in therapy and disappointing prognosis. You need to understand that oncology develops rapidly, and once metastases appear, it is almost impossible to control the disease.

Which signs can you identify on your own, and which can only be identified by a doctor?

In the early stages, endometrial cancer may be accompanied by:

Important tip! The listed symptoms may also be signs of other gynecological diseases, but they should definitely alert every woman.

Symptoms that a gynecologist can identify when examining a patient:

Causes of the disease and changes in symptoms depending on the stage of the disease

Why uterine cancer develops has not yet been precisely established. However, there are a number of factors influencing the development of the disease:

In gynecology, a list of factors has been identified that increase the likelihood of developing the disease:

Advice! Detection of oncology in the early stages is possible only when a woman regularly visits a gynecologist.

There are several pathological conditions of the uterine body, which in gynecology are considered precancerous.

These include:

  • polyposis;
  • papillomas;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • erosion and others.

Helpful advice! If at least one of the listed diseases is present, regular colposcopy, other additional studies (usually prescribed by a local gynecologist) and personal observation of the patient’s general well-being and obvious changes in the pelvic organs are recommended.

Manifestations of the disease at different stages

The insidiousness of endometrial oncology lies in the asymptomatic course of the disease in the early stages. If symptoms do appear, they are very blurry and dim. For early detection of uterine cancer, it is necessary to listen, look closely and regularly examine the generally accepted triad of symptoms:

As for blood discharge, in early stages of uterine cancer, it is of a different nature. For example, with cervical cancer – spotting or bleeding between menstruation, and with uterine cancer – heavy bleeding during the menstrual cycle.

They can be different in color and smell. The pain symptom manifests itself at a later date. During this period, oncological processes extend beyond the uterus with gradual penetration into other organs of the small pelvis and beyond.

Important warning! In the final stages of cancer development, therapy is virtually ineffective. Its main essence in this case is to prolong and improve the patient’s quality of life as much as possible, alleviating the symptoms of the disease.

If oncology of the reproductive system is not recognized in time and treatment is not started, then the development of secondary forms of cancer will not be long in coming. This is usually cancer of the kidneys, lungs, liver, and so on.

In oncology and gynecology, there are 4 stages of uterine cancer. Symptoms characteristic of each of them may be as follows:

If you learn to correctly identify and recognize the first symptoms, and undergo timely diagnosis at a medical institution, then cancer can be successfully cured.

In gynecology, the five-year survival rate of patients is:

  • Stage I – 98%;
  • Stage II – 70%;
  • Stage III – 32%;
  • Stage IV – 5%.

A woman who promptly applies for detailed diagnostics can be 100% protected from the development of endometrial cancer. This could be: the complete absence of malignant cells and formations (unconfirmed diagnosis) or a unique opportunity to recognize oncology in the first phases of development and begin treatment on time.

Today, oncological diseases have ceased to be a death sentence - the efforts of doctors are aimed at early detection of pathology, which allows saving more than half of the patients. The first symptoms of trouble in the body are a signal for a woman to see a doctor and get examined.

What types of cancer threaten a woman?

The most common type of cancer in women is hormone-dependent neoplasms of the breast, uterus and ovaries. It is not difficult to recognize early signs of cancer in a woman’s body if you know what to look for. Doctors say that if you have new painful sensations or feel unusual discomfort in your body, consult a doctor immediately.

General signs of oncology

A growing tumor does not always make itself felt with specific symptoms, especially at an early stage. However, the breakdown products of malignant cells gradually poison the body. The process of intoxication begins, which is manifested by symptoms:

  • weakness and fatigue;
  • evening temperature rise to 37.1 - 38°C;
  • depression.

A sign of some forms of cancer is weight loss of an average of 5-7 kg per month.

Weight loss as a symptom is absent in breast cancer, thyroid cancer, uterine cancer and melanoma.

At the onset of the disease, pain is often absent.

Signs of breast cancer

Doctors have different opinions about the age at which a woman should undergo regular breast self-examination. Some believe that girls should be taught this from the age of 16-17, others call the age when puberty ends - from 20-25 years. But the greatest risk of developing a malignant tumor occurs during menopause.

Changes that indicate neoplasm:

Signs What to pay attention to
Nodule in breast tissue seal with uneven edges
Nipple discharge It does not matter what color the liquid is - clear, yellowish or bloody. When it appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Changed appearance of the breasts
  • change in skin color over the tumor (from pink to purple);
  • a depression appears at the site of tumor growth;
  • changes in the size and shape of the affected mammary gland;
  • the formation of bumpy areas with wrinkled skin on the surface of the chest;
  • the appearance of areas of erosion around the nipple.
Areola retraction As the disease progresses, the areola becomes more retracted.
Lymph node changes On the affected side, the lymph nodes in the armpits and near the collarbones enlarge and become painful.
Other changes Swelling of the arm on the affected side.

A nonspecific symptom is pain between the shoulder blades. The lump is not always malignant, but this will be determined during the examination.

Ruthless statistics show that about 80% of women who died from breast cancer could have been cured if they had not ignored the symptoms.

Any of the listed signs is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

Signs of cervical cancer

Ranking third in frequency after breast and endometrial cancer, cervical cancer often develops in women between 40 and 50 years of age. The absence of manifestations of pathology in the initial stage leads to the fact that in 40% of patients it is diagnosed only at stages 3 and 4. Early diagnosis is only possible with constant screening. Signs to pay special attention to:

The pain can be localized in the lumbar region, sacrum, and rectum. This symptom occurs when the pathological process has already protracted. A nonspecific sign of cervical cancer is a frequent urge to urinate.

Symptoms of endometrial cancer

The main symptoms to suspect endometrial cancer are acyclic bleeding and pain in the pelvic area. Uterine bleeding occurs in the vast majority of women. During reproductive age, they differ in duration and abundance. Another warning symptom is discharge:

Pulling and cramping pain indicates tumor growth into the bladder, intestinal wall or pelvis. There are problems with bowel movements and emptying the bladder.

How to recognize an ovarian tumor

Ovarian cancer is called the “silent killer” because it lacks early symptoms and signs. Only a third of sick women reach oncologists in a timely manner at the initial stage of pathology. The localization of pain in ovarian cancer is the area around the navel and the groin area. Pain may occur during sexual intercourse. About the formation of a tumor in the ovary says:

At the time of defecation, a woman may experience the presence of a foreign body in the pelvic area. Perhaps the appearance of nausea after eating, rapid saturation with a small amount of food, flatulence.

Despite the loss of appetite, weight gain is noted.

The process of urination is disrupted - the urge occurs suddenly and can result in an involuntary act. The mammary glands become painful and harden.

Often a woman is held back from visiting a doctor by the fear of hearing a fatal diagnosis. This is a big mistake, since today cancer is no longer considered a fatal disease and is highly treatable in the initial stages.



Malignant tumors, which appear more often during menopause in the form of dense nodules, papillary growths, infiltrates, ulcers with dense edges often occur. Precancerous conditions are leukoplakia and kraurosis of the vulva. A dense cancerous tumor grows over the surface and deep into the tissue, involving the inguinal lymph nodes in the process.

Symptoms and course

The initial symptom is itching, a burning sensation in the vulva area, followed by pain, and if the tumor disintegrates, purulent bloody discharge from it.

Treatment of cancer of the female genital organs

During stages I and II - combined treatment (surgery and radiation), and during stages III and IV - only radiation.


It occurs quite rarely as an independent disease. Women during menopause and menopause are more susceptible. The process takes place in the form of the appearance of dense infiltrates or ulcers on the vaginal wall with a rapid process of ulceration.

Symptoms and course of the disease

Purulent-bloody leucorrhoea, pain occurs no earlier than stage II of the process. The following signs are compression of the vagina, disturbances in urination, and general intoxication of the body.

Vaginal cancer treatment

Usually only radiation, while mobile metastases occurring in regional lymph nodes are removed surgically and by excision.


The most common malignant tumor of the female genital organs.


  • Stage 0 (initial);
  • Stage I (affects only the cervix);
  • Stage II (tumor spread throughout the vagina, uterus and parametrial tissue);
  • Stage III (as in stage II, but the process covers more space);
  • Stage IV (tumor growth into the rectum, bladder. Metastases spread to distant organs - lungs, bones, liver, etc.)

Symptoms and course

According to subjective factors, the initial zero stage does not appear. Already at stage I, the discharge of serous-bloody or serous leucorrhoea, which intensifies during vaginal examination, as well as after sexual intercourse, defecation (so-called contact bleeding). Then, at stages II and III, purulent bloody leucorrhoea begins, characterized by a putrid odor, pain begins in the abdomen and lower back, and the general condition is disrupted, manifested in intoxication, bladder dysfunction, and sudden weight loss.

Cervical cancer treatment

In the initial stage (0 or I), surgical and combined (surgical and radiation) treatment methods are possible. In stages II and III, combined radiation therapy is performed. In stage IV - symptomatic treatment.

Prevention is considered to be the identification of a pathological condition of the cervix, which can contribute to the development of cancer: various erosions in the cervix, the appearance of scar changes, endocervicitis, after which their treatment should be carried out.


Occurs in the form of diffuse lesions of the inner lining of the uterus (endometrium) or a separate polypous growth. Growing into the tissue of the uterus, such a cancerous tumor can spread to the peritoneum and appendages. Metastases appear later.

Symptoms and course of uterine cancer

The disease progresses slowly and is characterized by purulent-bloody or serous-bloody foul-smelling leucorrhoea or acyclic bleeding in older women or bleeding during menopause. With such symptoms, curettage from the uterine cavity is performed with histological examination of scrapings.


Treatment of uterine cancer is combined (surgical, radiation) or can be complex (radiation, surgery, hormone therapy).


The initial stages are asymptomatic. Then the abdomen enlarges, the tumor is palpable, and ascites appears (i.e., accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity). In advanced cases, pain, intoxication occurs, the function of the bladder and intestines is impaired, and cachexia or exhaustion begins.

Ovarian cancer treatment

Combined: surgery, then the use of radiation therapy, chemotherapy and hormonal therapy.

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