Teeth with caries. What causes caries? Causes of pathology

Caries is characterized by softening of the enamel and the formation of a defect in the form of a carious hole. The health of our teeth leaks into these “black holes”. The disease has not one, but a whole variety of causes: hygiene, nutrition, the chemical composition of the secretion of the salivary glands, heredity and others.

There are more than 400 theories of the occurrence of caries, but only one of them is unambiguous: teeth are spoiled by “bad” cariogenic bacteria (Streptococcus mutans, Aktinomyces viscosus, etc.). They live in the mouth of every person, including you personally.

5 theories of the occurrence of caries


According to this 1934 concept, disease arises from the nervous system's response to environmental stimuli. For example, stress, emotional overstrain, and unfavorable social conditions worsen the condition of the central nervous system (CNS). As a result, pathological reflexes arise that disrupt the trophism (nutrition) of hard tissues.


According to this paradigm, caries is promoted by the simultaneous processes of proteolysis and chelation:

  • Proteolysis is the breakdown of proteins under the influence of enzymes (enzyme attack of microbes on enamel proteins).
  • Chelation is the destruction of the enamel layer due to the combination of calcium ions with aions (negatively charged ions) of acids.

Scheme of action of caries

Back in the 19th century, the German dentist W. Miller conducted research and proved that caries is a consequence of the destructive effects of organic acids. Bacteria in the mouth ferment carbohydrates (sucrose), resulting in fermentation.

As a result of fermentation, acids are released (formic, acetic, etc.), which destroy the dental coating. It is Miller's theory that underlies modern ideas about the etiology of caries.

Entin's physicochemical theory

This model states that tooth enamel is a membrane that separates two environments (saliva and blood). The membrane passes osmotic currents caused by different pressures of the internal and external environment. Due to metabolic disorders, as well as the chemical composition of the secretion of the salivary glands, the strength and direction of the current changes. As a result, resistance to adverse factors decreases.

Trophic (biological) theory according to Lukomsky

Lukomsky claims that the basis of caries pathogenesis is a deficiency of vitamins (especially vitamin D), as well as insufficient or excessive content of minerals (calcium, fluorine) in food. Because of this, the nutrition of enamel and dentin deteriorates, their composition changes, and therefore a destructive carious reaction occurs. External conditions also matter, because it is known that vitamin D is produced in the body under the influence of sunlight.

Why does caries develop in adults?

The main danger to teeth is the bacterial microflora of the oral cavity. Bacteria literally “stick” to the enamel along with saliva, forming a dense biofilm.

The main causative agents of caries are streptococci, actinomycetes and veillonella. During their life, they process sugar, releasing organic acids. Acids “corrode” the enamel and wash away calcium.

The source of sucrose and other carbohydrates are microparticles of food that remain in the mouth after eating. Sweet and flour products are a real nutritional paradise for bacteria. The first 20 minutes are especially dangerous; during this period, the acidity of the oral cavity increases sharply. Therefore, it is very important to rinse your mouth after eating, or even better, use a toothbrush.

Now it is obvious that caries is a problem for people who neglect hygienic care, therefore:

  1. Bacteria must be removed daily.
  2. Brush your teeth at least 2 times a day.
  3. Use a mouthwash with an antiseptic.
  4. Remove pieces of food stuck between teeth with floss.

Here are other conditions for the appearance of caries that are typical for adult patients.

Gum recession

Recession is a decrease in gum level. This problem is a consequence of age-related changes. Due to a lack of nutrients and oxygen, the gums lose elasticity and recede. Plaque adheres to the exposed roots of the teeth, and caries begins.

Decreased saliva production (xerostomia)

Saliva plays an important role in the fight against tooth decay. This liquid contains valuable immunoglobulin proteins with antibacterial properties. It also neutralizes lactic, acetic and other organic acids due to its alkaline environment.

Many older people experience a decrease in the production of oral fluid and, as a result, dry mouth. Such patients have a high risk of developing caries. The appearance of insufficient salivation is also facilitated by taking medications - antidepressants, hormonal drugs, etc.

Bad habits

Smoking and alcohol abuse have never improved anyone's dental health. Cariogenic bacteria feel perfectly protected under the yellow nicotine coating. In addition, hot smoke together with resin particles dries out and injures the enamel. Microcracks form on the surface of the teeth, where bacteria and acids penetrate.

The occurrence of caries in children

The cause of caries in children is exactly the same as in adult patients: violation of hygiene rules and accumulation of microbial plaque. However, children's teeth decay faster and are more prone to caries.

The highest caries activity is observed between the ages of 2 and 11 years. And that's why:

  • baby teeth are covered with a thin enamel layer with high permeability;
  • dentin (inner tissue) of baby teeth has a special structure; it is penetrated by hundreds of microtubules;
  • local immunity is still very weak and cannot fully cope with harmful bacteria.

About 30% of children under 2 years of age have dental caries. The upper and lower incisors are destroyed first. Behind these troubles is a bottle filled with a sweet drink. If you give your baby juice, compote or fermented milk products before bed, cariogenic bacteria will actively multiply in your mouth.

At night, the salivary glands “sleep”; fluid is not produced in sufficient quantities, so nothing prevents microbes from destroying tooth enamel. It is also not recommended to introduce a child to sweets, chocolates and other sweets under 3 years of age.

Infant bottle caries is often a consequence of calcium deficiency in the mother in the first trimester of pregnancy. Severe toxicosis at the beginning of the period, viral and infectious diseases also affect the formation and growth of dental tissues.

Caries in teenagers

Wearing braces contributes to the formation of caries in adolescents. Of course, braces themselves are not dangerous, but after their installation, dental care becomes much more difficult. Food particles constantly accumulate between the grooves, which are difficult to remove with a regular toothbrush. Here you need a special brush.

But if a child does not take care of his teeth during the period of orthodontic correction, and is also fond of chips, toffees, popcorn and other prohibited foods, then caries is guaranteed! All pulling and crunchy foods get stuck between the elements of braces and create a favorable environment for bacteria.

Another nuance: caries in adolescents is often activated due to hormonal changes.

Risk factors for caries formation


  • Crowding of teeth - it is impossible to carry out high-quality hygienic care; food particles remain between the teeth, which contributes to the process of fermentation and decay;
  • excessive consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates - this applies to lovers of sweets, cakes, sweet soda, flour products;
  • reduced pH of the oral cavity - within a few minutes after taking sucrose (sugar), the pH level drops from 6 to 4. The destruction of the surface enamel layer begins at a pH of 4.5;
  • lack of rough food in the diet - rough food of natural origin, for example, apples, carrots, pumpkin, provide natural mechanical cleaning of the enamel;
  • the presence of fissures - small tubercles on the chewing surface; plaque often accumulates in such areas and caries occurs.

Another “popular” reason is the accumulation of tartar. Due to poor hygiene, a soft coating forms, which over time turns into hard, rocky deposits. They can no longer be removed at home; it is necessary to undergo ultrasonic cleaning at the dentist.

Neglect of hygienic care also leads to the formation of pellicles. This is a thin organic film covering the enamel, it helps to attach microorganisms to the tooth surface.

Are common

  • Lack of calcium, fluorine and phosphorus - these minerals are the main building materials for teeth;
  • vitamin D deficiency – calcium is absorbed thanks to vitamin D, which is produced by the body under the influence of ultraviolet rays and also comes from food (fish, caviar, fatty dairy products);
  • weakened immunity - the fight against any bacteria, including caries pathogens, becomes difficult with low immunity;
  • systemic diseases of the body - chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, endocrine systems;
  • various extreme effects on the body - radiation, high, low temperatures, stress;
  • poor quality drinking water;
  • heredity - determines the shape, size of teeth, as well as the structure of hard tissues and the chemical composition of saliva.

Caries is an unpleasant word in itself. Every person, having heard it, feels unpleasant sensations, since, most likely, they have experienced all the “delights” of this disease. But the worst thing is advanced caries. If the disease is not treated in its early stages, it becomes more severe. The pulp may be affected, that is, pulpitis will occur, then the disease can also develop into. Harmful microorganisms infect tissues outside the dental pulp.

About the disease

Caries that has progressed to a deep form is the final stage of the disease. It affects tooth tissue, including deep dentin.

Caries is diagnosed based on the nature of the destruction of the upper part of the dental organ, which is accompanied by pain when exposed to mechanical, temperature and chemical stimuli.

Deep caries can be determined based on patient complaints, visual examination and thermal diagnostics.

Deep stage caries is treated through installation, application and the affected cavity. With this disease, the hard tissues of the tooth undergo demineralization and destruction.

There are four stages of caries:

  • deep.

How to recognize the disease?

The initial stage of the disease is characterized by light or brownish spots on the surface of the tooth. The enamel is smooth, without any irregularities.

When the enamel is destroyed, the tooth begins to react strongly to hot, cold, sweet and sour foods. The middle stage of the disease leads to complete destruction of the enamel. At this time it is time to visit a doctor.

Why is caries dangerous? First of all, the speed of its development. Within a year, most of the organs of the oral cavity can be affected. Thus, generalized or multiple caries occurs.

The patient himself can diagnose the disease. In the oral cavity, caries is visible on almost all dental organs. There may be several affected lesions in one tooth. In addition, the patient experiences pain and bad breath.

Manifestation of generalized disease:

  • infection of most of the teeth;
  • the enamel is slightly damaged, while the dentin is significantly destroyed;
  • several cavities in different parts of one dental organ;
  • immune zones and organs that are significantly resistant to the disease - incisors and canines - are also affected;
  • severe painful reaction to sweet and sour foods;
  • reaction to cold and hot;
  • rapid onset of plaque;
  • increased viscosity and a small amount of saliva, which does not clean the teeth well;
  • decreased levels of secretory IgA;
  • pain on probing, the cause of which is the lack of replacement dentin;
  • There are lesions at different stages of the disease, from initial white spots on the enamel to advanced forms - periodontitis.

Due to the small amount and strong viscosity of the saliva of a patient who has multiple caries, it is much more difficult to clean the teeth. After all, saliva is a natural cleanser for the oral cavity. It is also capable of returning lost microelements (calcium, phosphorus, fluorine and others) necessary for the structure of the enamel.

The treatment of generalized caries is also complicated by the fact that the fillings placed can fall out within a couple of months. This means that the disease is still progressing under the fillings, the tissues are softening, and the fixation of the fillings is weakening.

In addition, this disease causes significant unaestheticness of the dentition. It is dangerous for the patient’s health as a whole, it provokes and requires one to limit oneself in the choice of foods consumed.

The disease can cause complexes. The patient will be embarrassed about his smile. Will no longer feel attractive, will feel discomfort and uncertainty. Such manifestations are especially dangerous in children.

Causes of the disease

Today, the factors that provoke caries have been studied quite well.

Caries appears due to exposure of the dental organs to organic acids, which are secreted by cariogenic microorganisms. Such defects are the result of the influence of several factors.

Therefore, the disease may not occur in all people, although the microflora of the oral cavity is almost the same in everyone.

The main factors provoking the disease:

  1. Geographical. This includes climate features, the mineral composition of the soil in the region where the patient lives, and the amount of precipitation. In America, caries occurs in 99% of residents, while in Nigeria only 2%. Fluoride, which is found in drinking water, is of great importance. The required amount of it in the human body makes teeth more resistant to harmful microorganisms. But an excess of this substance can cause fluorosis, which changes the tissues of the oral cavity and leads to their defects.
  2. Sexual. More often the disease occurs in women. The reason is the characteristics of the body. During lactation, a woman loses many vitamins and nutrients. In addition, women eat more sweets.
  3. Professional. More often, the disease is observed in employees of confectionery shops, as well as companies involved in the production of acids and alkalis.
  4. Age. Studies have shown that the disease gains momentum between the ages of 2 and 11 years. And the decline occurs after 40 years.

Caries occurs when three conditions coincide:

  • the development of cariogenic microorganisms on the tooth surface that release acid that destroys dental tissue;
  • bacteria feed on carbohydrates, which are often found in the oral cavity;
  • low enamel resistance to growth caused by genetic or pathological factors.

Common causes of caries:

  • composition of the water consumed by the patient;
  • diet;
  • ecological situation;
  • heredity;
  • presence of somatic diseases;
  • poor oral hygiene.

The disease rather affects an organism weakened by other diseases. At the same time, children often suffer from caries. This is especially true for young patients with heart defects, chronic diseases and those who have suffered acute infectious diseases.

Often multiple caries appears in children after tonsillitis, scarlet fever, as well as in the presence of chronic rheumatism, glomerulonephritis, Little's disease, Down syndrome, marble disease, tuberculosis, HIV, endocrine disorders and diabetes mellitus.

During adolescence, the disease progresses most.

Multiple caries is a very serious and dangerous disease for the body, affecting both adults and children. Therefore, it must be treated immediately. And in such a situation it is better to carefully choose a doctor. Only an experienced specialist can carry out the correct treatment.

Classification of the disease

To establish standard treatment procedures for each manifestation of the disease, it was divided into classes, each of which implies a specific method of filling and preparation.

Let's look at each class in more detail:

  1. A disease that affects pits, fissures and other natural depressions.
  2. Caries on contact surfaces.
  3. Damage to the contact surface of the incisors and canines, when the cutting edges remain intact.
  4. More serious damage to the front teeth occurs when their edges are destroyed.
  5. All dental organs are affected in areas near the gums.
  6. The formation of caries on the cutting surfaces of the front teeth and on the cusps of the molars.

What is the danger of the disease, and what complications can there be?

If you ignore this disease and do not treat it, you can lose your tooth. Other diseases are also possible, the cause of which is complicated caries.

Let's consider the main consequences that advanced caries can lead to:

  1. Pulpitis is a disease associated with inflammation of a bundle of nerves (pulp). Its main symptoms are severe pain that occurs when the tooth is exposed to cold or hot food, as well as when biting on it. This disease can also occur after caries treatment. The reasons in this case are incomplete removal of the affected tissue, thermal burn or the consequences of deep caries.
  2. Periodontitis occurs when the disease, in addition to nerves, also affects ligaments. The illness may also be. The chronic form has almost no symptoms, while the acute form is accompanied by severe pain.
  3. Infection in the soft tissues of the oral cavity can cause inflammation of the gums and face.
  4. A tooth affected by caries also has an adverse effect on the condition of various systems and joints of the body.
  5. Allergic reactions as a consequence of the constant presence of infection.

The danger of the disease is also characterized by the complexity of its assessment. After all, such an illness in the early and middle stages can occur without pain, and the patient will not rush to see a specialist in this case. But when a tooth hurts badly, most likely the pulp is already affected.

Additionally, the affected tooth becomes less functional or nonfunctional at all. Since, when chewed, it can hurt, and food can get stuck in the formed cavities, further accelerating the process of destruction of the dental organ. This leads to a deterioration in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, because food is not chewed well enough.

Well, the loss of a tooth that is affected by the disease is a completely unpleasant consequence.

The aesthetic condition of teeth is also greatly affected by caries. After all, a dentition with dark spots and decayed teeth has never adorned anyone.

What to do if advanced caries is detected?

If the patient notices signs of deep or multiple caries, he, of course, should first visit a doctor. These diseases are dangerous for the general condition of the body, so you should not hesitate to visit.

This disease is a source of infection, so it needs to be eradicated as soon as possible. If you visit a specialist on time, the tooth can be saved, otherwise it will most likely be removed.

The main thing is to go to modern clinics that have all the necessary tools, equipment and materials. Typically, treatment follows the following scheme: pulp removal, canal cleaning, filling. The disadvantage of this treatment is that the dental organ becomes quite fragile.


How difficult it is to identify the disease depends on the stage of development of the infected areas and their location in the oral cavity. Early signs of the initial disease can be determined using special means.

At a more serious stage, a dental mirror and probe are used. In this case, you can even determine the disease yourself. Such formations are easy to notice visually and also by touch. In addition, when eating food and when exposed to cold air, such teeth begin to hurt.

But there are also cases when the disease proceeds unnoticed until the need for removal of a dental organ or depulpation.

How to prevent complications?

With a severely advanced disease, the nerve of the tooth will gradually die. A rotting process will occur in the affected cavity. The human body fights such cases on its own. To avoid complications, a granuloma is formed, which gradually grows to the size of a cyst.

Pulpitis and periodontitis can also become serious complications.

On a note: In order to prevent such complications, experts recommend using special toothpastes that saturate the enamel with minerals, resist the development of bacteria and remove soft plaque.

But such pastes can only be used by residents of areas where a liter of water contains no more than 1.2 milligrams of fluoride.

How to cure multiple caries?

Timely treatment of multiple caries is necessary for both adults and children. It is also very important to treat milk teeth affected by the disease, because even after they fall out, there may be problems with the permanent teeth that erupt in their place.

A child with such an illness will be examined by a dentist, then, after dental treatment, he will be sent for examination to other specialists.

Main stages of treatment:

  • tooth preparation and anesthesia;
  • removal of affected areas of dentin;
  • drilling of cavities and their antiseptic treatment;
  • silvering of some dental organs;
  • the use of medications that stimulate the production of new dentin.

If the disease is severely advanced, it may be necessary to perform depulpation, installation or removal of the tooth with further installation.

To prevent the disease from returning, it is important to determine its cause and cure the disease that has become it. It is possible to carry out a medical examination of the patient with general strengthening therapy, physiotherapy, prescription of vitamins and a special diet.

In order to strengthen the immune system and replenish the balance of phosphorus and calcium, the patient is prescribed to drink medications with calcium, fluorine, phosphorus, iron and vitamins. Such treatment may take six months, because the normalization of mineral metabolism is quite slow.

The diet is individual for each patient, it all depends on the cause of the disease and the nature of its course. Products rich in vitamins, mineral salts and proteins are required.

Physiotherapy gives excellent results in the fight against multiple caries. Electrophoresis or other special preparations are used for calcination and fluoridation.

For children who have generalized caries, oral cavity sanitation is necessary in combination with the following preventive measures:

  1. Professional cleaning (removal of stone and plaque).
  2. Training on how to properly carry out hygiene of the growth cavity of parents and the child himself.
  3. Mineralization of teeth with preparations containing fluoride and calcium.
  4. Treatment of sore gums. They cannot be ignored, because this can cause multiple infections, which will lead to the destruction of the dental organs.

Effective therapies

Thanks to new diagnostic methods, identifying the disease and reducing its duration has become much easier. Using modern technologies, specialists are able to cure even deep caries easily and painlessly.

Some patients try to cure the disease with folk remedies. This is not recommended, because an incorrectly selected treatment method can cause additional complications in the form of gumboil or pulpitis. And eradicating these diseases will be much more difficult. A positive result of caries treatment can only be guaranteed with professional treatment.

This technology involves removing damaged areas using a drill, and then filling.

Depending on the stage of the lesion, treatment is carried out as follows:

  1. At the initial stage, it is enough to carry out remineralization, that is, saturate the affected enamel with calcium and fluoride.
  2. Superficial caries is treated with a drill.
  3. In advanced stages of the disease, you usually need to visit the dentist twice. On the first visit, the tooth is treated, removing the affected tissue, disinfected with medications, and then filled with a temporary composition. In order to prevent the appearance of pulpitis, special therapeutic pads are used. On the second visit, if the tooth does not hurt, a permanent filling is placed.

What are the consequences of neglecting treatment?

It is better to cure caries as early as possible. This way you can save the tooth and avoid many possible complications. Treatment of advanced caries will take much longer and is likely to be less effective.

If caries is not treated, there will be a permanent source of infection in the oral cavity. Let's look at what this outbreak leads to:

  • the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases;
  • joint inflammation;
  • chronic allergies.

Patients often ask whether tooth decay can lead to death. There is no clear answer to this question. It is clear that you cannot die from a bad tooth. But the consequences caused by complications of such a disease may well lead to death.

Israeli scientists also indicate that caries can cause male impotence. Of course, this may only be an advanced stage, in which the inflammatory process has spread throughout the body.


The main type of caries prevention is to protect teeth from its occurrence.

Let's consider the main criteria for prevention:

  1. High-quality oral hygiene. From an early age, teeth should be brushed at least twice a day. At the same time, it is important to choose the right paste and brush, and also not to forget to change the latter in a timely manner.
  2. Carrying out professional cleaning in the clinic against stone and plaque.
  3. Restoring the integrity of the dentition, so as not to unnecessarily load individual organs, not to spoil the bite, protecting oneself from inflammation that can cause caries.
  4. Visit your doctor regularly to diagnose the disease on time.

Video on the topic

Pulpitis, periodontitis, granuloma and cyst - consequences of caries or a “horror story” from dentists?
Even the hardest tissue of the body is exposed to the large number of bacteria found in the oral cavity.

A common disease, the causes of its formation lie in simple bacteria, and the consequences are not limited to tooth loss. Also, caries can cause the formation of cysts, which are dangerous to human health. Infections that enter the human body can spread to the gastric tract and other organs of the human body.

Caries does not immediately lead to the death of a tooth; it has several stages of destruction. To prevent early, without health complications, mild stages of caries, it is important to visit a dental clinic 2-3 times to qualified specialists.

For regular visits to the dentist, caries is not the only reason; there are others, no less important: increased sensitivity of the teeth, their general condition, bleeding and inflammation of the gums. It is necessary to monitor the internal condition of the teeth, their structure and roots; it is highly advisable to take photographs 1-2 times a year.

Let's consider several stages of caries development and its consequences that are dangerous for the body:

The initial stage of caries is a carious spot, which can have either a white (different from the color of the teeth) or a darkish tint. Such spots are often mistaken for plaque. These formations are easily removed by remineralization of the enamel. It reduces the risk of developing caries and reduces tooth sensitivity, so the procedure should be carried out for prevention too.

The next stage is called superficial, which passes into the middle stage; in the process of tooth destruction, not only its surface is damaged, but also the inner layer - dentin. The stage of caries development is determined by the depth of the lesions, which results in damage and destruction of teeth and unpleasant pain. During the treatment process, the affected dental tissue is removed, then the tooth is filled.

High probability of development or acute if caries passes under the dentin. In other words, the infection reaches the root canal, the treatment of which may require an orthopedist, because In case of major damage, a tab will be needed.

What are the consequences of advanced caries:

  • spread of pain throughout the jaw and its echoes on other organs (eyes, ears, throat, pain in the temples);
  • inflammation in the oral cavity (bleeding/inflamed gums);
  • the occurrence of a rotting process penetrating lower and lower into the gums;
  • the formation of a granuloma (purulent sac), turning into a cyst, which leads to tooth extraction;
  • infection (from the root of the tooth) through saliva into the gastrointestinal tract;
  • infection of the cardiovascular system, joints;
  • increased allergic reactions.

Advanced caries brings with it a lot of diseases and lesions in the oral cavity; it can develop into pulpitis and acute periodontitis, and can lead to the formation of granulomas and cysts, which means tooth extraction is inevitable.

In some cases, a person himself can assume the presence of caries, based on a change in the appearance of the teeth or the appearance of certain symptoms. But for a reliable diagnosis of the disease, you need to consult a dentist, since some examinations can determine caries. For this, 3 main methods are used: vital staining of enamel, examination using ultraviolet irradiation and radiography.

Staining the enamel allows you to determine the initial stages of caries; for this, a special dye is applied to the previously cleaned and dried tooth surface. Areas of enamel damage do not change color. If such disorders are detected, the doctor may prescribe a remineralization course to restore the structure of the surface tissues. Such an examination may be useful during routine examinations for the prevention and early detection of caries.

Ultraviolet examination requires cleaning teeth from plaque and then drying them. Areas of caries development under the influence of ultraviolet radiation do not emit a luminescent glow, unlike healthy enamel.

The X-ray method does not require special preparation and allows you to determine the degree of destruction and the condition of nearby tissues.

Stages of caries development

Depending on the depth of the lesion, 3 stages are distinguished:

  1. initial - the stage of a spot or superficial caries, in which white foci of demineralization first appear, and then the damaged enamel darkens and becomes rough;
  2. medium caries, when the layer of dentin underlying the enamel is damaged and a carious cavity is formed;
  3. deep caries, in which inflammation moves beyond the dentin and various complications develop.

The rate of destruction may vary. In adults, the process most often has a chronic, sluggish nature. And children often experience acute caries, which causes rapid destruction of baby teeth.

Why is caries dangerous if left untreated?

Insufficient attention to the condition of teeth leads to the progression of caries, which creates a risk of developing various complications. This occurs when the infectious-inflammatory process spreads beyond the hard tissues.

Development of pulpitis

Inflammation of the soft tissues of the tooth (internal neurovascular bundle) is called pulpitis. It is accompanied by severe pain. In the absence of adequate treatment, the inflammation becomes purulent, the pulp dies, and the tooth tissues cease to receive nutrition from the inside.

Development of periodontitis

The spread of infection through the canals inside the tooth causes inflammation of nearby tissues called periodontium. If the process is diffuse in nature, they speak of periodontitis. And when a purulent cavity forms at the roots, a diagnosis of periodontal abscess is established.

Cyst development

With periodontitis, destruction of bone tissue can occur with the growth of granulations and the formation of a cavity among them. Subsequently, a radicular (located at the root) cyst of the jaw appears here. It is most often filled with pus. If such a condition is detected, the doctor performs a puncture and, if necessary, excises the cyst.

Flux development

Severe swelling of the gums and/or cheeks is called gumboil. The cause of this condition is the spread of inflammation to the periosteum, which covers the outside of the bones. Periostitis develops with detachment of the periosteum, the resulting space is filled with pus. During treatment, it is necessary to evacuate the pus through the incision and eliminate the inflammation with antibiotics. If a decision is made to preserve a tooth affected by caries, it is necessary to carry out full treatment of pulpitis and periodontitis. This is a prevention of re-flux.

How to prevent the development of caries

Brushing your teeth should be done twice a day, the procedure should take about 2 minutes. Thorough cleaning of the internal surfaces, perigingival, interdental spaces and tongue allows you to eliminate the main causes of dental caries. Mechanical regular cleaning is an effective prevention of dental caries. A competent choice of toothbrush and toothpaste will help make this process even more effective.

Use mouthwash

To prevent caries, it is advisable to rinse your mouth after every meal. Finish your morning and evening teeth brushing with a mouth rinse. For this you can use LISTERINE® products. These rinses contain 4 purified essential oils: menthol, thymol, eucalyptol and methyl salicylate. They have a detrimental effect on bacteria, destroying up to 99.9% of pathogenic microorganisms*. Daily use of LISTERINE® products helps strengthen enamel and reduce plaque, even in hard-to-reach areas. This prevention of dental caries can significantly reduce the risk of harmful bacteria.

Replenish fluoride deficiency

In many regions, drinking water does not contain enough fluoride, which leads to insufficient enamel strength. The deficiency of this microelement can be compensated for by fluoridation of water. But it’s easier to use special rinses. For example, LISTERINE® Total Care and LISTERINE® Expert Cavity Protection contain enough fluoride to protect your teeth with regular use. In addition to these remedies, you can introduce more seafood into the menu; this is a natural prevention of dental caries.

Avoid eating foods with contrasting temperatures

Eating excessively cold, hot or contrasting food negatively affects the condition of the enamel; microcracks may appear on it. They become entry points for carious bacteria.

Visit the dentist regularly

Almost every person suffers from dental disease from time to time. The most common dental disease is caries. It is a process of destruction of hard tooth tissues. First, caries affects the tooth enamel and if left untreated, the process begins to affect the deeper layers of the tooth and can lead to its complete destruction. If the disease starts, a hole appears in the tooth enamel; it gradually increases, allowing pathogenic bacteria access inside the tooth. This leads to the fact that other diseases join caries, aggravating the situation. What are the causes of caries and is it possible to protect yourself from it?

This disease does not occur on its own. It is caused by special cariogenic bacteria Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sanguis and actinomycetes living in the oral cavity. But why do some people rarely experience caries, while others are forced to visit the dentist every year, or even more often? The fact is that each organism has different resistance to these microorganisms. It has been noted that people with weak immunity are more susceptible to the effects of cariogenic bacteria.

Attention! Bacteria live and multiply in dental plaque. Brushing your teeth can remove plaque, but using a toothbrush can only remove soft deposits. Within a few days, plaque turns into hard tartar, which cannot be removed on your own. To get rid of it, you need to see a doctor.

Using special instruments, the doctor will break up and remove hard deposits. If you do not get rid of tartar in time, cariogenic bacteria will continuously attack the tooth, and this will sooner or later lead to caries.

There are many reasons for the occurrence of caries, but we encounter some every day: improper oral care, poor water quality, lack of vitamins and minerals in the body - it is necessary to pay attention to these factors, because. we can control them.

Bacteria require certain conditions to actively reproduce. These conditions are:

  • poor oral care;
  • poor cleaning;
  • the predominance of foods rich in carbohydrates (flour, sweets) in the diet, as well as a lack of fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • low-quality drinking water with low calcium, fluorine, phosphorus content;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • decreased immunity;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • disruption of the formation of teeth, which can be caused by diseases suffered in childhood (tuberculosis, rickets).

Under the influence of these factors, plaque begins to accumulate on the teeth - a favorable environment for bacteria. The enamel becomes thinner, becomes brittle and is affected by caries. To avoid this, it is necessary to eliminate or reduce the influence of harmful factors.

Why does tooth decay still occur?

As mentioned above, the main causes of the disease are cariogenic bacteria that actively multiply in food debris and dental plaque. But, in addition to this, there are several additional factors that increase the risk of caries. What does this include?

Diagnosis of caries

If the carious process has already developed, it becomes visible to the naked eye, but at the initial stage it is impossible to independently determine the presence of the disease. This can only be done by a dentist using special equipment. Three main types of examination are used: vital staining of tooth enamel, ultraviolet irradiation, and x-rays.

Stages of the disease

Like any disease, caries develops gradually and has several stages. Dentists distinguish three stages of disease development.

  • Early caries. At this stage, the tooth retains its integrity, but a small white spot appears on its surface. Gradually, the enamel becomes pigmented, acquiring a grayish tint, and its surface becomes rough.
  • Average caries. At this stage, the carious process affects not only the enamel, but also the next layer of the tooth - dentin, as a result of which a cavity appears in it, which gradually increases in size.
  • Deep caries. If the patient does not see a doctor, the carious process continues its destructive effect and affects the deep layers of the tooth. At this stage, others may join the main disease.

This figure shows caries in three stages: early, middle and deep caries.

Each person develops caries at a different rate - some quickly, some slowly. Usually in adults the disease is chronic and sluggish. In children, this process occurs much faster, since baby teeth are not as strong as permanent teeth. The rapid course of the disease is called acute caries.

Patients who neglect their dental health and do not treat tooth decay are at risk of complications. Untreated caries destroys the hard tissues of the tooth and extends beyond them. What complications may arise?


Inside the tooth there is a neurovascular bundle - the pulp. When the inflammatory process affects it, pulpitis develops. The disease is characterized by severe pain. If measures are not taken, the pulp tissues die and the tooth is deprived of its source of nutrition.


Periodontitis is inflammation of the periodontium. Periodontal tissue is the tissue located around the tooth. The inflammatory process spreads to the canals located inside the tooth and covers nearby tissues. If pus accumulates in the root area, this indicates the development of a periodontal abscess.

Tooth cyst

Dental tissues are destroyed, leading to the growth of granulations and the formation of a cavity that is filled with pus. To treat a cyst, the dentist makes a puncture and removes the formation.


Patients often come to the dentist with a swollen cheek. This condition indicates the development of gumboil. Flux occurs when the periosteum, the tissue covering the bone, becomes inflamed. The periosteum peels off, and the resulting cavity is filled with pus. In this case, the patient needs urgent treatment. The doctor makes a small incision, drains the pus, cleans the cavity, and then prescribes the patient a course of antibiotics. If the tooth can still be saved, treatment of pulpitis and periodontitis will be required. In this case, the flux will not develop again.

Many people believe that caries is not a serious dental disease and turn to the dentist after the appearance of pain. But the pain indicates that caries has already reached a severe stage and dangerous consequences may appear in the form of pulpitis, periodontitis, cysts or gumboil.

Prevention of caries

In order not to suffer from caries and its consequences, you need to try to prevent the disease. Methods for preventing caries:

  • Regular teeth cleaning. To keep your teeth healthy, you need to brush them twice a day - in the morning, after waking up, and in the evening, before going to bed. The procedure should take at least two minutes and not be limited to cleaning the surface of the teeth. It is also necessary to clean the interdental, peri-gingival spaces and tongue, since microbes also accumulate there. To make brushing as effective as possible, you need to choose the right toothpaste and brush.
  • Mouth rinse. In addition to brushing your teeth regularly, dentists recommend rinsing your mouth with water after every meal. This helps to wash away acids left by acid-containing foods from the surface of the teeth, as well as get rid of food particles stuck in the spaces between teeth. In the morning and evening after brushing your teeth, you need to use special mouth rinses. They freshen breath, slow down the process of plaque formation, and also strengthen the enamel, saturating it with minerals.
  • Replenishment of fluoride deficiency.

    Attention! Fluoride is an important trace element that affects the strength of tooth tissue. It is found in drinking water, but not all regions have sufficient amounts of this substance. A lack of fluoride leads to thinning of tooth enamel.

    This problem can be solved by fluoridating drinking water. But the easiest way to care for your mouth is to use rinses that contain fluoride. Another way to compensate for fluoride deficiency is to eat foods rich in this element, such as fish and other seafood.

  • Food temperature. Sudden temperature changes are harmful to tooth enamel, since such exposure leads to the appearance of microcracks, into which microbes then penetrate. To avoid this, do not eat too hot, cold or contrasting foods.
  • Regular visits to the dentist. Often, patients consult a doctor only when their teeth begin to hurt. It is not right. To prevent caries, it is recommended to undergo periodic medical examinations at the dentist in order to promptly identify the first signs of the disease. Adults need to visit a doctor at least once every six months, and children every three months, since their teeth decay much faster.

Do not neglect preventive examinations. This will help to detect dental problems in time and avoid possible complications.

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