The most ancient monument in Mineralnye Vody. Mineralnye Caucasian Waters: photos and reviews from tourists. Sights and sanatoriums of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. Aviation Museum

Despite its name, the resort town of Mineralnye Vody does not have a single source of medicinal mineral water on its territory, but despite this, thousands of tourists visit it every year. What should vacationers pay their attention to first of all?

Cathedral of the Virgin Mary in Mineralnye Vody

The main Orthodox attraction of Mineralnye Vody is the Cathedral of the Intercession Holy Mother of God, built relatively recently. In 1990, with the approval of the Metropolitan of Stavropol, a plot of land was consecrated for the construction of the Cathedral. Some time later, an icon of Tikhvinskaya was discovered at this place by local residents. Mother of God, which served good sign to construction. In 1997, the construction of the Cathedral was completed. Today, on the territory of the cathedral, everyone can see the whole architectural complex, which includes a temple, utility and administrative buildings and a large belfry with 8 bells. Look at the photos and videos in the article. Every year the Cathedral is visited by pilgrims from all over the country; every guest of the city considers it his duty to kneel before the icon of the Mother of God. Even non-believers remain deeply impressed by the beauty, wealth and luxury of the Cathedral.

Small, but very green, where there are many sanatoriums.

Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

One of the significant attractions of Mineralnye Vody is the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is not the only Orthodox attraction of Mineralnye Vody. The Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, also built in the second half of the twentieth century, is no less popular among city guests. The exterior and interior decoration of the church is very simple, but this does not make it any less beautiful. In this place, believers feel peace and extraordinary lightness. You can clearly see what the church looks like in the video and photos in the article.

In addition to the church, the architectural complex includes only a bell tower. The entire territory is fenced with a red brick fence; all other buildings are made of the same material. Visiting tourists should definitely visit the church, appreciate the simple beauty and feel the calm atmosphere reigning here.

Airport and railway station

Mineralnye Vody is the main transport artery of the entire Caucasian Mineralnye Vody. There is a huge airport here, where planes fly from all over Russia and countries near and far abroad. Next to the airport in Minvody there is a large railway station, from where you can travel to anywhere in Russia by train. You can also travel by train to the resort years of Pyatigorsk, Essentuki and Kislovodsk. For examples of what this looks like, look at the photos and videos in the article.

Also don’t forget to look at the article, you won’t regret it.

Eagle sculpture

What resort town of the Caucasian Mineral Waters can do without a sculpture of a majestic eagle. In Mineralnye Vody, this bird greets all guests at the station square. Almost every tourist knows that an eagle with open wings holding a snake in its claws symbolizes victory over disease.

The eagle was erected in the 20th century from bronze. Since then, the sculpture has not undergone any changes and today pleases the eye of every person who comes to Mineralnye Vody. Tourists love to take pictures near the Eagle - the symbol of the entire Caucasus. Look at the photo to see what an eagle looks like.

Every tourist should know

During their visit to Mineralnye Vody, tourists should not miss the opportunity to visit the Tersky Stud Farm, located at the foot of Mount Zmeyka. It was built in 1880 by order of Count S. A. Stroganov, who attempted to breed Arabian horses in Russia. Up to this point, he had tried several times to bring an “overseas horse” into the country, but to no avail. Then he began to look for territory that would be similar to natural environment habitat of the animal, and his choice fell on Mineral Waters.

Revolutions and wars had a negative impact on the development of the stud farm; in the mid-twentieth century, the number of horses decreased sharply, but did not disappear completely. It was at this plant that a new breed of horses was bred - Terskaya. Today, the Terek Stud Farm holds animal exhibitions and international auctions. Animal connoisseurs have the opportunity to admire noble animals and also ride them.


In this video clip you can see what the resort town of Mineralnye Vody is like. If you visited Minvody as a tourist, then leave your review below in the comments. And perhaps you can advise interesting places for visiting. We and our users will be very grateful.

There is no trace of any mineral water in Mineralnye Vody.

In the Stavropol Territory there is a city whose name is often confused with the name of an entire resort region - there are no traces of mineral waters in Mineralnye Vody, and tourists prefer to relax in other cities of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody (KMV) resort area. Mineralnye Vody is located 130 km from Stavropol, on the Kuma River. This is the largest transport hub in the south of Russia - there is an airport, a junction railway station and the federal highway M-29 Caucasus. From Mineralnye Vody you can get to other cities in the resort region: Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Kislovodsk and Lermontov.

By and large, Minvody is no different from other resorts in the region. The same pleasant climate, the same mountains, the same sanatoriums and boarding houses and even the same attractions. By the way, about them.

The main attraction of Mineralnye Vody can be called the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Pyatigorskaya Street, 35). This is a new product and the most big temple throughout the entire territory of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, erected in a relatively short time in the early 90s of the last century. The temple turned out to be amazing, simple and intricate at the same time. At the heart of the cathedral is an equal-pointed cross as a symbol of the salvation of people. Interior decoration made by craftsmen who painted the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow.

Another beautiful temple is located on Svobody Street, 94. This is St. Nicholas Church, built shortly after the Great Patriotic War. The ancient icon “Quick to Hear”, painted by monks living on Mount Athos, is kept here. This and many other facts from the history of the city will be told to tourists who decide to stay in the Mineralovodsk Museum of Local Lore, which is located on Kislovodskaya Street, 66. The museum covers a large time period from primitive times to the Soviet years. You can admire a variety of aircraft at the Museum of Aviation Technology, and the exhibitions of the Writer’s Museum on Proletarskaya Street, 137, will tell about the life of the writer A.P. Bibik.

Another popular attraction is the magmatic mountain Zmeyka, or “Zhlan-tau” (in Turkic). This 994 m high mountain has been declared a state natural monument; geologists specially come here to study volcanic rocks.

What else to see in Mineralnye Vody? The railway station building, built at the end of the 19th century, is worth seeing. From the Soviet period, in addition to most of the city, what remains is a real steam locomotive, which today stands (since 1985) at the city station, marking
50th anniversary of the Stakhanov movement. Daily housing in Mineralnye Vody, which is easy to find, can also be attributed to the period of the USSR. Well, that's true, by the way. Finally, the portal will allow you to give all guests of Mineralnye Vody a couple of tips.

First, be sure to go to a couple of branded shops on the main street of the city and buy local mineral water there. By the way, you can bring it home as a souvenir - 100% real water from the KMS springs. Secondly, go to the already mentioned Snake Mountain, breathe the air there, pick up a small pebble for good luck. They say that the stones of those places are charged with special energy. Thirdly, just walk around the city, absorbing the atmosphere of friendliness and hospitality.

We wish you have a nice holiday and only bright impressions!

Economic problems dictate their conditions. When the euro has approached 80 rubles, planning winter holidays in Europe or abroad in general becomes very, very problematic. Therefore, we open a map of Russia and a guide to prices for flights... This is how the idea of ​​going to the Caucasus was prosaically born. Here the weather in January seems to be not bad, the nature is wonderful and the prices are reasonable. They decided to develop the southern borders of the Motherland from, perhaps, the most “promoted” places - the Caucasian Mineral Waters (CMW).

The place for spending the winter holidays seemed very promising. There are springs and mountains and nature. At this point it is appropriate to give a little information regarding geographical data and terms used. Well, so that there is no confusion. There is a city called Mineralnye Vody. It is the administrative center of the Mineralovodsk urban district of the Stavropol Territory. There is an airport of the same name and a railway station here. Important: there is no mineral water here (otherwise you will come to Mineralnye Vody to drink mineral water). That is, there are no sources, despite the name (I’ll tell you why below). We look at the map again and see that there are also Caucasian mineral waters. This is not a city, not a village, or a populated area at all. This is the name for a group of resorts, a specially protected ecological resort region-agglomeration of Russia, which has a coordinating administration (eco wrapped). To put it simply: this is the name given to cities that are resorts. Direct public administration this region is entrusted to the administration of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, the head of which is appointed by the President Russian Federation on the proposal of the Governor of the Stavropol Territory. That is we're talking about about a special region in the region (I don’t know why you need these details, but you need to know).

History of Caucasian Mineral Waters

Tsarist times

For the first time, healing springs in this region were discovered under Peter I, who sent scientists to study the properties of “acidic waters,” but this place officially became a resort under Alexander I, when the Emperor signed the Rescript of 1803 “On recognition of the national significance of the Caucasian Mineral Waters and the need for their devices." Before medicinal properties mineral waters were studied for a long time by a special commission, which ultimately came to the conclusion of their exceptional benefits for the body. Somewhat later, Tambukan mud, mined in the lake of the same name, was recognized as medicinal. However, at first the resort was not particularly popular. In the first years after the signing of the already mentioned Rescript, the resort was visited by as many as several dozen people. There was also no real plan for the construction and development of the KMS. From 1844 to 1857, KavMinVody was managed exclusively by military people, and since 1862, management was transferred to private hands to tenants. But this event did not bring much success (the military, it must be admitted, also failed) and in 1879 the “Administrative Project for the Construction of Waters” was approved, approved State Council in 1883 and adopted under the title “On the temporary order of management of the Caucasian mineral waters” (PSZ-3, vol. 3, No. 1896), according to which they were transferred from a private tenant to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of State Property. IN general history The resort was not an easy one and its development was hampered by the distance from Moscow and St. Petersburg (the journey took one and a half to two months by horse-drawn carriages) and the turbulent situation in the Caucasus. After such a long and unsafe journey, the entire effect of the treatment could have come to naught, or there was simply no one to treat.

In 1875, the Vladikavkaz Railway passed near the region, and the Sultanovskaya station was built, almost immediately renamed Mineralnye Vody: the road to the resorts began from it, and in 1893 the railway went to Kislovodsk. This circumstance has definitely breathed life into the region. The village at the Mineralnye Vody station began to grow and received the name Illarionovsky, and in 1922 the village became the city of Mineralnye Vody.

The CMS was also popular among the “stars” of the Soviet period. Chaliapin, Gorky, and Bulgakov rested and worked here.

Soviet (especially post-war period) greatly changed the appearance of resort towns. To replace or in addition to low-rise buildings of various architectural styles came standard multi-storey boxes, which were used to build all the resorts of the USSR - from Druskininkai to the Urals.

And this, in general, is not at all a reproach to the architects of that time. The large working class needed places to rest. A trip to a sanatorium was an incentive from an enterprise that was valued more than a monetary reward.

Only very wealthy people and celebrities (for example, Pushkin and Lermontov) could afford to visit the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters in the 19th – early 20th centuries. The common people simply did not have enough funds for such a long journey. Truth in the First World War hospitals were often used for the rehabilitation of wounded soldiers, sailors and officers.

In the years Soviet power The region acquired the significance of an all-Union health resort, but not everyone could get here for treatment. Sanatorium-resort treatment was provided only by referral. CMS cities abounded in departmental sanatoriums, boarding houses and health resorts for workers from a certain industrial enterprise, department or ministry.

By the way, you can still relax and receive treatment at Krugozor today:

Consequently, the buildings of boarding houses, sanatoriums and related infrastructure had to be erected quickly, inexpensively, and be spacious. Aesthetics - for later. The architectural appearance of each city was invariably complemented by a monument to the leader of the world proletariat (where would we be without him).

Our times

As is customary to say in such cases, today the Caucasian Mineral Waters resort is modern... Perhaps we will formulate it differently: today the KMS is gaining popularity again - people come here not only “by referral” or “from the department” or for medical reasons, but also for tourism purposes: “savages” and simply curious and unorganized travelers. Although, really, there are a lot of departments here... Some have a sanatorium in each city. You walk down the street in Essentuki, and the signs seem to be in the center of Moscow: ministries, offices, services, offices, etc. Everything is like in the capital, only with the prefix “Sanatorium”. One cannot help but sympathize with the poor health of our officials. The work is hard and wears out. So you have to restore your nerves in the Narzan baths. In the Soviet period, in Kislovodsk, for example, there was a sanatorium “Kolkhoznik” (now the name has been encrypted and called “Golden Ear”), but a sanatorium for a “farmer” or, say, a “tired entrepreneur” cannot be found. They don’t get sick now, unlike ministry workers. But oh today The CMS and each city separately will be discussed in the following articles.

How to get to Caucasian Mineral Waters

By plane

Now everything is simpler and faster than in Lermontov’s time, two months of travel are not required, just a couple of hours by plane, a little less than a day by bus or your car, or 33 hours by train. Everyone makes their own choice.

The price of the flight is quite humane even in high season. Conclusions can be drawn from the table:

By clicking on the inverted triangle in the upper right corner, you can find out the cost of a flight from your city.

By train

If for some reason the plane is not suitable (aerophobia, for example) or you just want to take a nap while listening to the sound of the wheels, you can also get there by train. The advantage is that trains go to both Essentuki and Kislovodsk, that is, the savings on taxis from Mineralnye Vody are quite obvious. You can see ticket prices and schedule here:

By bus

Buses run from Moscow to all resort towns. Travel time: 27-29 hours, ticket prices from 2,300 rubles per passenger one way.

How to get from Mineralnye Vody airport to Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk

Minibuses run from the airport to each of the cities of the KMS. You can also take a minibus or taxi to the Mineralnye Vody train station and then by train to the right place. But these options can take a lot of time. We used a taxi, having ordered it in advance. Economy class car Ordering a transfer from the airport is actually easier and ultimately cheaper than looking for a taxi on the spot. You can see prices for transfers from Mineralnye Vody to Kislovodsk and Zheleznovodsk. It is also more convenient to travel within cities by taxi; the prices are quite reasonable - the average cost of a trip is 100 rubles. (we only got more than once).

There is an electric train running between the cities, it is quite comfortable, the fare is 50-70 rubles one way, tickets can be bought either at the ticket office or from the conductor on the train, there are also vending machines, but they were not working when we arrived. The schedule can be viewed on the Yandex service, Schedule.

Where to stay in KMV

This question is not as easy to answer as it seems, because this answer directly depends on the main purpose of the trip - to receive treatment or have fun (the resort is therapeutic). If you are going for treatment, then before choosing a city, decide what you are going to treat or what to be treated for. You can't go wrong here, as I used to say famous character. It is appropriate, of course, to send the reader to a doctor, as required by law - “to consult with a specialist,” but I think I still have the right to give some direction. In general, if your stomach is acting up and your intestines don’t give you peace, Essentuki is for you. Irrigate with healing water from all points of view. If your nerves are acting up and your heart is beating too fast (we brush aside the symptoms of falling in love - they don’t treat it here) - come to Kislovodsk, if your kidneys are falling off - welcome to Zheleznovodsk. Everyone is welcome here! Of course, treatment should be approached wisely: the ulcer will not be cured over the weekend even if you do not move away from the source; renal colic will not go away with a couple of procedures. And mud therapy with a health path is useless if your stay is less than 21 days. If the length of stay is less than 10 days, then you should forget about treatment in principle. You are just a tourist and you should choose your destination city not based on the “what hurts” principle, but based on their comfort, cost of living and other things that accompany a regular vacation. This does not mean at all that your health will not improve - walks in the freshest and healing air have never harmed anyone, sound sleep in silence, Caucasian cuisine, wine and good mood They will heal your nerves in just a couple of days. So in CMV treatment is included in any case. So, what does the resort offer in terms of accommodation? Let's return to the goal again: if everything is real: procedures, diet, getting up, lights out, then you should go to a sanatorium. There are many of them here. There are modern and expensive ones, there are pre-revolutionary ones, there are ministerial ones (in the latter the tariff is double: accommodation + taxes you have already paid). But the sanatorium is not suitable for everyone: breakfast until 9 am, bedtime at 11. In general, a hospital with a light regime. Such a vacation or really for honey. indications or for the very disciplined. For everyone else, there is a rather large selection of hotels and a rapidly growing private sector. If you choose a city to spend weekends, holidays, vacations (without fanatical treatment), then the best option– Kislovodsk. Why? On average, the number of clear days per year in Kislovodsk is about 150, while in Pyatigorsk - 98, in Zheleznovodsk - 112, and in Essentuki - 117. Argument? Another one. The largest resort park is 950 hectares. For comparison, in Zheleznovodsk - 203, in Essentuki - 51. This is also a reason, since walking in the KMV is something that can be consumed with guaranteed health benefits, in any quantity and without a doctor’s prescription. But if you couldn’t find a suitable option in Kislovodsk, feel free to look in Essentuki. It’s 20 minutes by train to Kislovodsk, the same to Pyatigorsk and the most unpalatable mineral water. My favorite is #17. There is nothing special to say about Zheleznovodsk (we simply haven’t been here) except that it is the most difficult to reach city in terms of public transport. There is no station here and you need to take a taxi or minibus (albeit a very short distance - about 5 km) to the city from the Beshtau platform (this is between Pyatigorsk and Mineralnye Vody).

The city of Mineralnye Vody is the administrative center of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody region.. This is a major transport hub where most of the tourists who go on holiday to this region arrive. Although there are actually no mineral water sources here, the city, surrounded on all sides by picturesque mountains and boasting numerous interesting sights, is of great interest to tourists.

The city of Mineralnye Vody is one of the largest settlements Stavropol region. It is located approximately 200 km from the regional center. The city is located in the Kuma River valley at the foot of the picturesque Zmeyka Mountain, the slopes of which are covered with dense forest. The population is about 75 thousand people.

There is a railway station, a major airport and the M-29 federal highway. From here it is easy to get to the main resorts of Kavminvod - Pyatigorsk, Essentuki. The climate is quite dry. This is facilitated by the surrounding mountains, which trap rain clouds.

In summer the average temperature is +24 °C, in winter it drops to -4 °C. Most precipitation falls from April to June. Autumn is quite dry. The change of seasons is noticeable.

In the city itself and its surroundings there are numerous sanatoriums and health resorts, where, in addition to all the conditions for a comfortable stay, prevention and treatment of various diseases are offered. In addition, there are many interesting places and attractions, a visit to which will make your vacation rich and varied.

Main attractions

What can you see in Mineralnye Vody? There are many such places; we will list the main attractions with their photos and descriptions.

One of the most famous natural attractions of Mineralnye Vody. Her photos or drawings are usually placed on most souvenirs. The snake is of volcanic origin. Its height is 994 meters. The lower part of the mountain consists of shale, top part rocky ledge - from the rock beshtaunite. On the slopes of the mountain there are two monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, which can be viewed during the ascent.

In the western part of the rock there is a source of mineral water. Two more springs are located at the foot of the Snake. The climb to the top is quite difficult and is recommended only for people with good physical fitness. You can reach the foot of the mountain from the city on foot, by car or by bus as part of an organized excursion. Zmeyka is located approximately 4 km from the central part of Mineralnye Vody. Free admission.

Located in the city center. Its construction was completed in 1997. The relics of St. Theodosius of the Caucasus, who is considered the heavenly patron of Stavropol, are kept here. Numerous pilgrims come here from everywhere to venerate the relics of the saint. The temple itself is made in an eclectic style with elements of ancient Russian traditions.

Railway station

One of the city's attractions is the building of the Mineralnye Vody Railway Station. The modern building in Baroque style was built in 1955. Next to the central entrance there is a sculpture “Eagle”, which is a figure of a bird holding a snake in its claws. Also, next to the station, a real pre-war steam locomotive was installed as a monument to the heroic Stakhanov workers.

It is located in the central part of the city and was built on the site of a church that stood here from 1888 until its destruction in the 30s of the last century. The modern temple was restored in 2010. It is a church with 6 domes and a bell tower. The temple in the traditional Old Russian style was built of red brick according to the design of the architect M. Lesovoy.

Installed in Hope Square in the center of Mineralnye Vody. The statue of the legendary commander-in-chief of the Russian troops in the Caucasus is made of bronze. Ermolov did a lot for the annexation of the Caucasus, as well as for the development of this region. His memory is immortalized in this memorial.

Located on the territory of the aircraft repair plant in Mineralnye Vody. An open-air exhibition of Soviet and modern aircraft is presented.. In particular, here you can see Mi-1, Mi-8 helicopters, and Yak-40 aircraft. Ticket price – 150 rubles. The museum is located near the Mineralnye Vody airport. You can get there by car or local bus.

Has a discreet appearance. It is a rectangular building, devoid of elaborate decorative elements. Its interior decoration is also quite modest. The building is quite new; the church was built in the 50s of the 20th century.

However, it is here that the famous sacred Orthodox relic is located - the ancient icon “Quick to Hear of Athos,” which was painted by the monks on Mount Athos. The icon is believed to have miraculous powers. Every year numerous pilgrims come here to worship her.

Not far from the city center there is a memorial dedicated to the city residents who died during the Great Patriotic War defending their country. The monument is a stone bas-relief surrounded by columns. The heart of the monument is the eternal flame. The complex is located in a park, on the alleys of which there are bas-reliefs of residents of Mineralnye Vody who became Heroes Soviet Union. Entrance to the park is free.

Not far from Zmeyka Mountain there is an interesting place - the famous Terek Stud Farm. S. A. Stroganov began breeding horses here in 1888. After the revolution, on the basis of his horse farm, a factory was created that was breeding horses for the needs of the Red Army.

Since 1970, horses from the Terek Stud Farm have successfully participated in international exhibitions. Now this is one of the largest such farms in our country. The most convenient way to get here is by car. You can check the time and cost of the excursion in advance on the website.

Not far from the city, on the picturesque bank of the Dzhemukha River, a T-34 tank is installed on a stone pedestal. This is a tribute to the memory of the tankers who took part in the liberation of the city. The names of heroes killed in battle are engraved on the pedestal..

Was created in 1999. Several exhibitions tell about the history of the region and the city itself. A rich collection of weapons, bladed and small arms, archaeological finds, and household items is presented here. A separate exhibition is dedicated to the famous writer A.P. Bibikov, who lived in the city for a long time.

City in winter

Most of the temples, cathedrals and historical buildings located in the city are open during the winter and are accessible to tourists. In addition, at this time of year you can have a good rest and undergo treatment in local sanatoriums. Prices usually go down and the number of guests gets smaller.

Many vacationers from Mineralnye Vody go to other resorts in the region - Pyatigorsk, Essentuki.

Another popular activity in Mineralnye Vody and the surrounding area is winter sports. Not far from the city is the famous Elbrus with a ski slope. The Elbrusye ski resort complex is one of the largest in Russia.

Due to its comfortable climate, beautiful natural views and numerous attractions, Mineralnye Vody will be a good place to spend all or part of your vacation here. Additional advantages are also convenient transport accessibility, a large number of accommodation options and a relatively low price level.

Useful maps and videos

Look interesting videos about the resort town of Mineralnye Vody:

Attractions map:


It is unlikely that the city of Mineralnye Vody will ever become a tourist mecca. Yes, they don’t strive for this here, judging by the narrow dusty streets and broken sidewalks. But it is in Mineralnye Vody that the airport is located, receiving passengers from all over Russia, from where they travel to neighboring resort towns of the namesake region or make their route further to the alluring whiteness of Elbrus. And since we ended up here in transit, it would be a sin not to take advantage of the opportunity to look at the city closer. And there are several reasons for this.

Firstly, Mount Zmeyka is located not far from Mineralnye Vody. If you have a desire and a few hours of free time, then climb the mountain to get a bird's eye view of the surroundings. Secondly, at the foot of the Snake lies the horse kingdom - the legendary one, founded by Count Sergei Alexandrovich Stroganov, where “Russian Arabs” are bred. Why go to the stud farm and how to get there, I told you in a separate post.

Thirdly, a few kilometers from the city, the Novoterskaya mineral water is bottled, and a sanatorium has been built nearby, where they treat and mineral water, and healing Tambukan mud. Well, fourthly, I wonder what kind of city this is - Mineralnye Vody.

The first city attraction is the railway station building.

The station appeared here back in 1875 and until 1922 it was called Sultanovskaya station. The founding date of the city itself is considered to be 1878, when, after the construction of the Rostov-Vladikavkaz railway Railway workers settled here.

The current station building was built in 1957. In accordance with the architectural fashion of that time, the station is decorated with an impressively sized colonnade, in the center of which there is an indispensable symbol of the Kavminvod - an eagle tormenting a snake. If you look closely at the mosaic panel with inside circular colonnade, you will see a more interesting picture: the silhouette of the Caucasus Range, in the center of which is Elbrus, is clearly visible on the panel.

From the station you can walk to the city park. Nothing outstanding, but clean, bird-like benches, mothers and fathers with children.

In the 90s, the construction of the huge Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary was completed in the city. Today it is the largest temple in the North Caucasus. The territory of the cathedral is also significant; some monasteries could envy it. The red-brick architectural ensemble of the temple is designed in a very unusual way; it has something of a fortress with walls and towers.

In 2008, near the Intercession Cathedral, on a square next to residential high-rise buildings, a monument to the hero of the War of 1812, the commander-in-chief of the Caucasian War, General Alexei Petrovich Ermolov, was opened. Local Cossacks collected money for the monument.

General Ermolov became famous not only for his exploits on the battlefield, but also for his diligent work to improve the entire region of the Caucasian mineral waters: under him, the Georgian Military Road was modernized, hospitals were established on mineral springs, where it became safe for the resort public to be.

On the outskirts of the city, next to the Caucasus highway, there is a small park with the Flame of Eternal Glory memorials. Five bas-reliefs according to the number of months German occupation the cities, assembled into a pentagon, stand on five double pylons, between which a stone seems to be sandwiched, which symbolizes the inaccessibility of the Caucasus Mountains to the enemy.

The bas-relief “Motherland” encrypts the story that more than 18 thousand mineral workers went to the front and 7 thousand 584 of them died in battle. About 10 thousand more residents were executed by the Germans and thrown into an anti-tank ditch. There is also a bas-relief dedicated to the reconnaissance group "Revenge". On December 14, 1942, nine people were landed in the Zmeika Mountain area to establish reconnaissance and sabotage work at the Mineralovodsk railway junction and the cities of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody. But there were traitors from local residents, the group was captured by the Nazis. After torture by the Gestapo, on December 31, the saboteurs were shot in the forest at the foot of Mashuk.

This war happened a long time ago. But heading towards the railway station, in the area of ​​the city market, we saw a monument at the site of the 2001 terrorist attack, when the explosion killed 21 people and injured about 100.

On the same day there was an explosion and I really want this to not happen here again. Let the small town, from where the door to the large Kavminvody opens, remain as quiet and cozy as we saw it this spring.

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