Incorrect use of foreign words. A law banning foreign words was introduced into the State Duma. The problem of borrowing foreign words

Verbosity - using words that repeat an already expressed meaning. The following types of verbosity occur in speech:

tautology (from Greek tauto - the same, logos - word) close repetition in the text of the same root or identical words: on rice ovate rice unok; he knows Very a lot of interesting things and Very tells fascinatingly;

pleonasm (from the Greek pleonasmos - excess) – a figure of speech in which words that partially or completely coincide in meaning are unjustifiably repeated ( Human twenty of people ), or those in which the meaning of one word is included in another ( patriot of the Motherland; patriot - a person devoted to the Motherland).

From the point of view of linguistic norms, lexical pleonasm is, as a rule, unacceptable. Some pleonastic combinations, however, have become entrenched in the language. For example, exhibition exhibit (exhibit– exposed).

6. Appropriate use of foreign words.

Borrowed words appear in a language as a result of communication between peoples, as a result of political and economic ties between them. As a rule, the use of foreign words is caused by the need to name a new thing, a new phenomenon (iPhone, byte), as well as the need to distinguish between content-related but still different concepts ( Contract- contract).

Unmotivated use of foreign words should be avoided if the language has Russian words with the same meaning: my brother was completely indifferent to politics. It should be said: indifferent.

In addition, you need to know the meaning of the borrowed word: He was presented as a sort of polyglot: he was a physicist, a mathematician, and a poet. (Polyglot - a person who speaks many languages. Therefore, the use of this word is inappropriate).

Misunderstanding of the meanings of foreign words can lead to pleonastic expressions: move forward progress. (Progress- forward movement).

7. Correct use of phraseological units.

Phraseologisms stable combinations of words with a holistic meaning: puzzle over(think), sink into oblivion(disappear).

When using phraseological units, the following errors occur:

1) replacing a component of a phraseological combination: grazing(Right: on pasture);the talk of the town(Right: byword);

2) unjustified reduction or expansion of the composition of phraseological units: from empty to empty(Right: pour from empty to empty); step on other people's toes(Right: step on your heels);

3) mixing two revolutions: from young hair(Right: from young nails And until gray hair);

4) distortion of the grammatical form of the components of the phraseological unit: pour water into the mill(Right: pour water into the mill);

5) stylistic inappropriateness of using phraseological units: the boss tore the throat of his subordinates. (Rip throat- a colloquial expression. It should be said: the boss shouted at his subordinates).

8. Elimination of the use of words with a general meaning instead of words with a specific meaning: my friend had her appendix removed. (Appendicitis– inflammation of the appendix, i.e. vermiform appendix of the cecum. Right: my friend had her appendix removed).

9. Exclusion of speech insufficiency.

Speech failure - This is an unintentional omission of the desired word: the beak of a wood pigeon is no different in shape from a city pigeon(Right: the beak of a wood pigeon does not differ in shape from the beak of a city pigeon); Announcement on the X-ray room: we urgently do only fractures(Right: We urgently take only photographs of fractures).

  • 1. History of borrowings
  • 2. Foreign language vocabulary
  • 3. Mastering foreign words
  • Conclusion

The question of how to approach the study and scientific description of language requires certain philosophical and methodological prerequisites for understanding the nature and role of language among the phenomena of reality.

We all recognize that language is “the most important means of human communication”, that all people who form any group need it.

Language is not an ideology, but a special kind of tool, which has not a design, like any material tool, say, an ax or a plow, but a structure and systemic organization, then for all speakers the first task is to practically master this tool in its given state .

In any language, the main element is speech. Speech, as you know, consists of words and phrases, individual sentences. Many words in Russian are borrowed from other languages. Their knowledge is necessary, since in everyday life we ​​constantly encounter them. These are words that relate to the everyday sphere, and to the sphere of public life, and to individual special industries and spheres, but are more or less known not only to specialists, but also to a wide range of native speakers of the Russian language. These words and knowledge of them, therefore, are an indicator of general culture and education.

Knowledge of words is multifaceted. This includes knowledge of what it means, and in what areas it is found, and how it is more appropriate to use it, and, finally, knowledge of where the word was taken from, how it arose in the language, from what language and when it was borrowed.

Therefore, the purpose of the work is to consider the problem of using foreign words in the Russian language.

The objectives of the work are to consider the origins of borrowed words in the Russian language, where and how foreign words are used in modern Russian.

1. History of borrowings By the Russian language in the scientific use of this term we understand the totality of those adverbs and dialects that were used both today and in previous eras. Andreev A.R. Russian language. Terminology and research. - Moscow: “Printing Resources”, 2001. - p.83Language in its modern state cannot be unified, since it represents a combination of separate individual languages. Practical decisions must be based on how close these individual languages ​​are to each other today. Much of the Russian language was borrowed from Indo-European culture. It is assumed that the ancestral territory of the eastern Indo-European tribes, including the ancestors of the Slavs, was the north-west of Russia, the Baltic Sea basin. A comparative study of Indo-European languages ​​proves the special closeness between the Slavic and Baltic languages. It should be noted that the original Slavs gravitated to the west - to the Germans, from whom they borrowed their material culture, their military life, and political structure. Let us consider words related to these areas, borrowed by the Russian language from Germanic languages. For example: shelom - helmet; finely - milk, khyz - house, hut; as well as glass, buy, cattle, etc. The number of words borrowed from Iranian languages ​​is very small. These are words like God - from ancient Persian. Baga; ax - tappari. Another example of borrowing: from Germanic, Celtic and Latin is the word sea - lat. Mare, german. Meri, Celt. Muir. Much is borrowed from Finnish languages: palttina - linen; varpu - sparrow; arti - army; suntia - church minister; sun "d - judge, court. 2. Foreign language vocabulary Before talking about foreign language vocabulary in the Russian language, let's say a few words about the original Russian vocabulary. Once again, we will say that these are words dating back to the Proto-Indo-European, Proto-Slavic and Old Russian eras and inherited by the Russian language , as well as those created in the Russian language according to existing models. Kasatkin L.L. Reference book on the modern Russian language. - Moscow: “Higher School”, 2000 - p. 16 Russian words themselves arose from the end of the 14th century. These are almost all nouns with suffixes -schik, -chik, -yatin (a), -lk (a), ovk (a), -telstvo (o), -sh (a), -nost, -ability, -shchin (a), -tel (with the meaning of a tool or device) For example: mason, hauler, sour, lighter, leaflet, certificate, doctor's, reality, controllability, piecework, switch; compound nouns: university, salary. Actually Russian are also words that arose in earlier eras and then changed their meaning. Thus, the word red in Proto-Slavic and Old Russian meant “good”, “beautiful”, and in Russian it began to mean color. The most ancient, Proto-Indo-European layer of the original Russian vocabulary has correspondences in other Indo-European languages. These are some terms of kinship: mother, son, brother; animal names: wolf, goose, deer. Natural phenomena: water, moon, snow, stone. Body parts: nose, tooth, ear, eye; some actions: take, give, be, see; numbers: two, three, etc. Proto-Slavic vocabulary is represented by a greater number and diversity than Proto-Indo-European. These are words that have correspondences in Slavic languages ​​and are absent in other Indo-European languages: heart, child, spring, rain, grass, snake, saddle, labor, kind, ring, yesterday, etc. The words of these two layers are only about 2000, but they relate to the most common. The Old Russian layer of vocabulary consists of words common to the Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian languages ​​and absent in other Slavic languages. These are words such as, for example: uncle, spinner, samovar, lark, cheap, pockmarked, vouch, forty, ninety, etc. Words of other languages ​​used in the Ryssky language as regular lexical units are called foreign language vocabulary. In the Russian language, about 10% of words are borrowed from other languages. Lekant P.A. Russian language. Tutorial. - Moscow: “Higher Education”, 2001. - p.48 Borrowing is based on trade, cultural, scientific ties between peoples and, as a consequence, language contacts. The overwhelming majority of foreign words were borrowed by the Russian language along with a thing, a concept: school is a Greek word, class is a Latin word, briefcase is French, satchel is German, pencil is Turkic, pioneer is English, tea is Chinese, candy is Italian, tundra is Finnish. As you know, a borrowed word can denote a special type of object, concept that existed in the Russian language. For example, the word jam from English means “a special kind of jam”, from French, for example, porter - “a type of service in a hotel.” The reason for borrowing words from other languages ​​may also be the desire to replace a descriptive expression, a phrase with one word. Let's take an example: the English word sniper instead of the phrase "sharpshooter". Or, for example, motel (English word) - instead of “hotel for motor tourists”, tour (French word) - instead of traveling along a circular route. Foreign words penetrated into the Russian language at different periods of its history. Some of these words came from the Old Russian language, which, in turn, could have received them from Proto-Slavic. Such ancient borrowings from Germanic languages ​​are, for example, prince, king, beech, carp, onion (as a plant), barn. The words whip, hook, pood, herring came into the Old Russian language from the Scandinavian languages. From Finnish - navaga, herring, salmon, fir, riga, blizzard, tundra. From the Turkic - armyak, bashlyk, shoe, sheepskin coat, horse, herd, barn, shed, chest, hero, guard. From Greek - bed, notebook, ship, sail, beetroot, whale, lantern. It should be said that the borrowing of a word may not be direct, but through another language. Thus, many Greekisms penetrated into the Old Russian language through Old Church Slavonic, and words from other eastern languages ​​were borrowed through Turkic languages. The words beads and dagger are borrowed from Arabic. Tub, turquoise, cripple are borrowed from Persian. At a later time, Greek words penetrated through various Western European languages. Such as anatomy, geometry, philosophy, analysis, democracy, politics, drama, tragedy, architecture. Latin words: inertia, radius, student, dean, dictatorship, republic. Words from Western European languages ​​could be borrowed through Polish. For example, a bottle, a guitar, a lady, a turkey, a carriage, a market, a fruit. From the era of Peter I, the expansion of the vocabulary of the Russian language began due to borrowing from Western European languages. Maritime terms were borrowed from the Dutch language. For example, words such as boatswain, harbor, sailor, storm. And also from the English language: emergency, boat. At a later time, sports terms were borrowed from English. Let's give an example: boxing, volleyball, start, finish, champion. Military terms came from German into Russian, for example: parapet, camp, officer, soldier, bayonet. And mining terms such as mine, adit, drift. Art terms were borrowed from the French language: ballet, parterre, landscape, still life, director. Literature terms: genre, novel, feuilleton, march. Culinary: dessert, cutlet, soup, puree, stew. Names of clothing: jacket, muffler, suit, coat. Musical terms entered Russian from the Italian language. For example: aria, baritone, cello, mandolin, serenade and many others. At the very beginning of the 20s of the 20th century, due to the isolation of the country, borrowing became scarce. In the 20s, the influence of vernacular language, dialects, and jargons on the literary language was especially noticeable. The strengthening of the norms of the literary language, which began in the 30s, eliminated many words used in various literary genres in the previous period, but some of these words remained in the literary language. In the late 20s and 30s, mainly English words were borrowed. Such as jazz, combine, conveyor, container, speedometer, trolleybus. From the vernacular and dialects, such words as wilderness, milkmaid, dark, korzhik, kosovitsa, hassle, new settler, vacation, ladle, comb, study entered literary usage. From jargons - junk. Blat, thieves, buzz. Some of these words have lost their non-literary connotation, while others still belong to colloquial or colloquial vocabulary. Literary use also includes professionalisms. In the 20s, such words as interlayer, bond, soldering, binding, cell. In the 30s - words: gas, loading, refueling, filming, listening, shipping, rolling, sorting. In the 40s, especially in the late 40s - early 50s, due to a sharply negative attitude towards Borrowing words from all foreign countries is rare. The process of borrowing has been intensifying since the second half of the 50s, mainly from the English language: scuba, biathlon, jeans, clips, camping, motel, nylon, transistor, hobby, curtains and others. In the Russian language there is such a thing as internationalisms. These words are borrowed from the Russian language. But they are characteristic in the same meaning to many other, including unrelated, languages. These words are created mainly from Greek and Latin morphemes. Internationalism words include words such as association, bureaucracy, demonstration, inertia, intellectual, classification, communism, culture, morality, nation, popular, press, proletariat, reform, specialist, telephone, utopia, civilization, energy and others. The main part of the words-internationalisms are terms of science, technology, socio-political life, economics, literature, art, sports. In addition to the words - internationalisms in the Russian language there is such a thing as tracing words. Vorontsova V.L. Russian language. - Moscow: “Higher School”, 2000. - p.148 Translated from French “calque” - tracing paper means “copy”, “imitation”. Calques are borrowings through literal translation. There are word-building, semantic and phraseological tracing papers. A word-building tracing paper is a word in the Russian language that arose as a result of a morphemic translation of a foreign word. Let's take an example: the word "alphabet" comes from the Greek word "alphabetos". “Hydrogen comes from the Latin word hydrogenium. The word "division" comes from the French word "subdivision". “Superman” - from the German “bermensch”. “Skyscraper” comes from the English “Sky-skraper”. Semantic tracing paper is the meaning of a Russian word that appeared under the influence of a foreign word due to the coincidence of their other meanings. For example, take the word “give” - it means “to hand over something to someone.” For example, give a glass of water. Under the influence of the French word “donner,” the word “give” acquired the meaning “to arrange,” that is, for example, “to give dinner.” And under the influence of the German word “geben” it acquired the meaning “to teach,” that is, to give a lesson. Phraseological tracing paper is a stable combination of words that arose as a result of word-by-word translation of a foreign phraseology unit. For example: “grove Augen machen”, which translated into Russian literally means the phrase “to make big eyes”. Or the phrase “take action” comes from the French phraseological unit “prendre des mesures”. In the Russian language there is such a thing as “phraseological half-calque”. In phraseological semi-calculation, some of the components of a foreign language phraseological unit are translated, some are left without translation. Let's take an example. “To make a breach” comes from the French “battre en breche.” That is, in this case, only the word “to break through” is translated - battre, the word “breach” is left without the translation “breche”. Borrowed words from foreign languages ​​also include exotic words. In the translation of the Greek language “exftikos” means “alien”, “foreign”. Nadel-Chervinskaya M.A. Common vocabulary. Tutorial. - Rostov-on-Don: “Phoenix”, 2003 - p. 449 Exoticisms are words that are used in the Russian language and name phenomena in the life, everyday life and culture of other peoples. Exoticisms are, for example, the names of monetary units: guilder, dinar, dollar, drachma, yen, crown, lira and others. Names of dwellings: wigwam, saklya, brta, yaranga. Names of villages: aul, kishlak. Items of clothing: epancha, zhupan, kimono, burqa, sari, veil, turban and others. As well as positions and titles and people, as well as by their occupation and position: abbot, hidalgo, kaiser, curé, lady, policeman and others. State and public institutions: Bundestag, Reichstag, Sporting and so on. Borrowed words can be identified by certain characteristics. Within the framework of this work, we will designate only some of them. A graphic sign of borrowed words. - This is, for example, the letter “a” at the beginning of the word: August, diamond, watermelon. In addition to interjections: ah, yeah, conjunction a. the presence of the letter “f” in the word: fact, rhyme, graph; the letter “e” - screen, element, sir; In addition to pronominal words and interjections: this, this, eh and other borrowed words, they are also distinguished by the presence of a combination of vowels at the root of the word. For example, oasis, virtuoso, kaka double consonants in words such as bath, grammar, collective, a combination of consonants like gz, kz. For example, zigzag, train station. J - jam, loggia, bridge. Ng - penguin, slogan; letter combinations ge, ke, he in the words coat of arms, footman, mohair. Byu, pyu, vu, mu, gyu, kyu in words, for example: bust, puree, revue, murid, guis, ditch.

Phonetic features.

unstressed vowel [o] in the words: b[o]lero, d[o]sier, m[o]derat[o];

hard paired consonant before “e”, for example: mo[de]l, an[te]nna, ti[re].

Morphological features - indeclinability of nouns and adjectives. For example: coffee, pari, stew, tango, beige, burgundy, khaki.

Words such as barbarism occupy a special place in the Russian language. These are foreign words and expressions that are used in the Russian text, but are not included in the Russian language. Barbarisms can be conveyed graphically using the source language or Russian graphics. For example, homo sapiens is a reasonable person, okay - okay - everything is in order.

3. Mastering foreign words

The development of foreign words means the adaptation of foreign words to Russian graphic and linguistic norms. In the Russian language there are the following types of development: graphic, phonetic, morphological development. Let's consider these types in more detail.

Graphic development. Graphics are a set of writing tools used to record speech. The main means of graphics are letters, each of which has a specific meaning. The letters are combined into an alphabet. Their meanings are related to the phonemic and positional principles of graphics.

In addition to letters, non-literal graphic means are also used: accent mark, hyphen, punctuation marks, apostrophe; paragraph sign. The graphic development of foreign words consists in the fact that foreign words begin to be expressed in Russian letters.

Phonetic mastery. Phonetics is the study of the sound side of language. Derived from the Greek word phфnз, which means “sound.” Chernov A.I. Phonetics of the Russian language. Tutorial. - Moscow: MSU, 2000. - p.115 This is a science that studies sounds and their regular alternations, as well as stress, intonation, and the peculiarities of dividing a sound stream into syllables and larger segments. Phonetics is also the name given to the sound aspect of language itself.

As for the phonetic development of borrowed words, this is the adaptation of a foreign word to the norms of Russian pronunciation. Other people's sounds are replaced by our own. So, for example, the sound [h] that is absent in the Russian language is replaced by similar ones [g] and [x] or is discarded. For example, duke - German Herzog, hall - English hall, hurray - German hurra.

The sound [l] is expressed as [l"] or [l]: currency - Italian valuta, cocktail - English coctail, point - French ball.

Russian [r] replaces the corresponding sounds of English, French, German and other languages ​​that differ from it.

Nasal vowels are replaced by non-nasal vowels; at the end of the word, voiced consonants are replaced by voiceless ones.

Pronunciation in a borrowed word of sounds that are generally absent in the Russian language in this position, for example, unstressed “o” or soft “zh”: jury. This indicates his incomplete phonetic mastery.

Morphological development. Morphology is part of the grammatical structure of a language, which is a system of morphological categories that reflect the grammatical properties of words and their forms. The morphological structure of the modern Russian language is characterized as a system of synthetic-analytical type. On the other hand, morphology is a branch of linguistics that studies the grammatical properties of words.

Morphological mastery of foreign words leads to their acquisition of grammatical meanings characteristic of the Russian language, and the ability to change, that is, inflect or conjugate, according to the laws of Russian morphology. At the same time, foreign words can receive Russian affixes. For example: terrace - from the French terasse, pathetic - from the French pathetique, rocket - from the German Rakete.

In the process of morphological development of a borrowed word, its gender may change. For example, the Greek words politika, problema are neuter, and the Russian words politics and problem are feminine. The number may be rethought. For example, in Russian, the borrowed words curl, rail, coconut go back to plural forms, for example, the German word Locken (singular Locke), English rails (singular rail). The belonging of a word to one or another part of speech may change.

When mastered, a phrase can turn into one word. For example, the Latin word res publica - public business - in Russian is a republic; Latin phrase pro forma - for form - proforma.

The morphological development of a foreign word may not go to completion: some borrowed nouns and adjectives are not declined in Russian. For example, bolero, cafe, kangaroo, hummingbird, beige, extra and others.

In the process of mastering a foreign word, its semantic structure often changes. Thus, a process of narrowing meanings may occur. For example, the English word “sport” has many different meanings - sport, hunting, fishing, fan, dandy, entertainment, joke, fun and others.

In the Russian word sport, only the first meaning has been established, that is, the word means sport.

The French word nocturne, in addition to the meaning of “type of musical work”, which passed into the Russian word nocturne, has other meanings - night, all-night vigil.

The meanings of words can expand. For example, the French orangerie - greenhouse for growing oranges - greenhouse, greenhouse.

4. Orthoepic norms of borrowed words

Orthoepy is a set of literary language norms associated with the sound design of significant units: morphemes, words, sentences. Among these norms, pronunciation norms differ. With a broader understanding of orthoepy, it also includes the formation of variant grammatical forms. Orthoepicy is also called a branch of linguistics that studies the functioning of such norms and develops pronunciation recommendations - orthoepic rules.

As for the orthoepic norms of borrowed words, it should be said that they have their own characteristics.

In some borrowed words, the pronunciation of an unstressed [o] is allowed: adagio, bolero, dossier, cocoa, credo, poet, poetic, radio, rococo, solfeggio, trio, foyer and others. Often [o] is pronounced in proper names: Flaubert, Chopin, Borneo. But the pronunciation of such [o] in almost all of these words is not necessary. To compare, for example, one can say p[o]et and p[a]et, b[o]lero and b[b]lero. In most borrowed words implemented in accordance with Russian phonetic norms: k[a]suit, v[b]leyball, piano[b]. The pronunciation of unstressed [o] in the words aroma, glass, station, suit, progress, novel, piano and others is considered archaic or mannered.

In borrowed words in accordance with<э>in the unstressed position, various sounds are pronounced depending on the mastery of the word in the Russian language. In words that retain a bookish-literary character, [e] is pronounced at the beginning of the word and after a hard consonant: evenk, equipment, excavator, extract, embryo, asteroid, businessman, corps de ballet, tender, andante. In foreign words that have been fully mastered by the Russian language, the pronunciation [ie] is possible at the beginning of the word: [ie] economy, [ie] migrant, [ie] floor. After a hard consonant in the first pre-stressed syllable [ыъ]: at[ыъ]lie, but[ыъ]rbrod; in other unstressed syllables [ъ]: alternative [ъ]rnative, modernization. In this regard, neutralization of “e” and “i” occurs in unstressed syllables at the beginning of a word - they are pronounced the same way, for example: “the squadron left the frame” and “the squadron left”; “and the crane was moved” and “the screen was moved”; after paired hard consonants in the first pre-stressed syllable.

Previously, there was a pattern in the Russian language: before “e” there could only be soft consonants, except sh, zh, ts. Therefore, in borrowed words before “e”, hard consonants were replaced by paired soft ones. Now this pattern has been lost; in many borrowed words only hard consonants are pronounced: antenna, business, beefsteak, delta, cabaret, cafe, muffler, codex, model, hotel, partner, pastel, poetess, mashed potatoes, dash, etc. In some words, double pronunciation is acceptable - with a hard and soft consonant. In many words, only a soft consonant is pronounced. The pronunciation of a hard consonant before “e” in words such as pool, beige, brunette, museum, pioneer, rail, term, plywood is erroneous.

Within a morpheme, in accordance with the spelling of two identical consonants, a long consonant and a short consonant can be pronounced. Thus, the long consonant is pronounced in the words bonna, gross, bath, vassal, ghetto, cash, madonna, mass, mullah. A short consonant is much more common than a long one. Pronounced in the words appendicitis, certificate, attraction, balloon and so on.


As a result, it should be said that not only the grammatical and phonetic system of each language is individual. The vocabulary of a language is also individual. This also applies to foreign language vocabulary. Due to the fact that vocabulary does not exist “by itself,” but in the structure of the language, that is, it is subject to the phonetic and grammatical norms of the language, regardless of its origin, the individuality of the lexical systems of different languages ​​is determined by different ways of developing figurative meanings in each individual language.

Let us say once again that the main function of language is to be a tool of communication for everyone who wants, can and should use it in order to be a member of a given society.

In this work, our goal was to consider the problems of using foreign words in the Russian language. In the process of work, we achieved our goal. Having studied how borrowed words are defined, what their features are, what they are, we gave several definitions to such concepts as foreign language vocabulary, internationalisms and other words.

We became familiar with the history of the origin of foreign words and their use in the modern Russian language, thereby we solved the tasks assigned to us.


Andreev A.R. Russian language. Terminology and research. - Moscow: “Printing Resources”, 2001. - 489s.

Vorontsova V.L. Russian language. Tutorial. - Moscow: “Higher School”, 2000. - 431s.

Kasatkin L.P. Handbook of modern Russian language. - Moscow: “Higher School”, 2000. - 987s.

Lekant P.A. Russian language. - Moscow: “Higher School”, 2001. - 595s.

Nadel-Chervinskaya M.A. Common vocabulary. Tutorial. - Rostov-on-Don: “Phoenix”, 2003. - 700s.

Chernov A.I. Phonetics of the Russian language. Tutorial. - Moscow: MSU, 2000. - 312s.

Use of foreign words. The use of foreign words must be appropriate, i.e. caused by necessity. If you have to make a choice between synonymous words (words that are close in meaning), one of which is Russian and the other is borrowed, you must first determine whether the semantic difference between them is significant. If a foreign synonym has shades of meaning that are important for your text and are absent in the original Russian word, the choice in favor of the borrowed version is justified. Yes, words "convenient" And "comfortable" similar in meaning, but adjective of English origin "comfortable" more accurately conveys the shades of meaning - “convenient in everyday life, comfortable.” Apparently, it occupies an increasingly stronger position in modern Russian speech.

But sometimes the choice of a foreign word is not explained by anything other than a tribute to fashion. Why, for example, write prolonged instead of extended, represent instead of introduce? The only justification that can be found is this: words whose borrowed nature is obvious often have a stylistic connotation of formality, which gives the document more weight (“the contract has been extended” sounds better than "the contract has been extended"). But this logic is not flawless. After all, terms that have not yet been fully mastered in the Russian language can most likely be misinterpreted. Therefore, before you succumb to their “stylistic charm,” you need to make sure that their meaning is completely clear to both the writer and the addressee.

When working on drafting documents, you can use modern dictionaries of foreign words.

See also:

Question: Nowadays, quite often in texts, both official and personal, you come across words such as “coffee break”, “lunch”, “image”. Do you think it is acceptable to use foreign words in Russian if there are Russian analogues?

Answer: Dear Maria Ivanovna!

In paragraph 6 of Art. 1 of the Federal Law dated 01.06.2005 N 53-FZ (as amended on 05.05.2014) “On the State Language of the Russian Federation” directly states the following:

“When using the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation, it is not allowed to use words and expressions that do not comply with the norms of the modern Russian literary language (including obscene language), with the exception of foreign words that do not have commonly used analogues in the Russian language.”

In Art. 3 of the same law defines the areas of use of the state language of the Russian Federation, which include the activities of federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other government bodies, local government bodies, organizations of all forms of ownership, and media products , and advertising.

However, following these articles of the law is not so easy.

Firstly, an analogue is something that represents a correspondence to another object, phenomenon or concept. Note: not similarity, but correspondence. In other words, analogous words must completely coincide in their meanings, stylistic shades, areas of use, etc. In reality, that is, in living speech, analogous words do not occur. Compare, for example: the image of Tatyana Larina is the image of a politician. Is it possible to replace image with image in these combinations and vice versa? Obviously it's impossible. Image we call a purposefully formed image (of a person, phenomenon, object), designed to have an emotional and psychological impact on someone for the purposes of popularization, advertising, etc. In the meaning of the word, the image of many components of the semantics of the word image (the purposefulness of creation, influence function, etc.) no.

Secondly, new words, including those that come from outside, are necessary for the language. More precisely, let's say this: they remain in the language if it needs them, and disappear without a trace if they do not fit into its system. As a result of the appearance of new words in the language, separate, specialized meanings are assigned to each of them. Moreover, borrowing terms are extremely convenient: after all, almost every Russian word over the long centuries of its existence has acquired many meanings, including figurative ones - and the term must be unambiguous. This is where borrowing comes in handy. This is how the borrowings sandwich and sandwich once appeared (and then took root) in the Russian language. While there was no such dish in our everyday life as “a slice of bread or roll with butter, cheese, sausage, etc.”, we had no need for a separate word by which such a dish is called. This dish appeared in Russia in the Peter the Great era - at the same time we learned the German word sandwich. And today in our language, sandwich and sandwich coexist side by side, without interfering with each other at all. Because a sandwich is not the same as a sandwich, which consists of two slices of bread with cheese, sausage, etc. sandwiched between them, and, as a rule, without any butter.

What is lunch? Dictionaries define the meaning of this borrowing as follows: ‘a second, later (afternoon) breakfast, during friendly or business meetings’. Until the beginning of the 20th century, in domestic dictionaries this wording of the meaning was certainly added “in England; from the British; in the UK, USA and some other countries." However, then the tradition of meeting for lunch penetrated into our everyday life - that’s why the word turned out to be in demand.

In other words, it is not so easy to replace borrowings such as image, lunch, coffee break and the like with Russian-language analogues. And is it really necessary if we learn to use these words in accordance with their special meanings and in the appropriate situation?

Many organizations seeking to attract as many potential customers as possible to their advertising use such an element as the use of foreign words, expressions, and phrases. There is nothing wrong with this advertisement being published in the country whose language is used. But if you use advertising on the territory of the Russian Federation, you must place a translation in Russian next to it. This is due to legislation that requires the use of only those words and expressions that cannot lead to a distortion of the general meaning of the information provided.

Official rules for the use of foreign words in advertising

Article three of the Federal Law “On Advertising” dated March 13, 2006 No. 38-FZ states that advertising is information that is disseminated in any way and is addressed to the circle of people whose attention needs to be attracted and generated interest in a group of goods or services in order to promote them on the market. The fifth article of this law states that foreign phrases, words and expressions that can distort information are not allowed in advertising.

This rule also applies to the use of foreign words written in Russian letters in advertising. For example, words such as “new”, “okay”, “please”, etc. are considered unacceptable and may entail penalties in the form of fines and other restrictions. Any use of such words without an accompanying translation into Russian is considered illegal.

Rules of the Russian language in outdoor advertising

Another violation is the use in advertising materials of Russian words with incorrect or deliberately incorrect spelling or pronunciation.

Antimonopoly authorities can hold accountable those advertisers who ignore or deliberately violate the rules of the Russian language in order to draw the attention of the audience to such an advertisement, provoke discussion and thereby conduct a PR campaign.

In order to avoid violations, it is necessary to carefully check each phrase, find analogues of foreign words, and if this is not possible, then be sure to include a Russian translation in the ad.

Such already familiar advertising phrases as “Everything will be Coca-Cola” or “Snickersney” also violate the rules. Nobody pays attention to the words “let’s connect”, “creatives” that used to grate the ears, which also came into our speech from a foreign language. Of course, such phrases are catchy due to their unusualness, but it is also worth thinking about the fact that many of them cause irritation and rejection among the audience they are aimed at.

Punishment for using foreign words in advertising

a fine of from 100 to 500 thousand rubles(Part 1 of Article 14.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), which could be imposed for violation of Part 1 of Article 5. 5 of Federal Law No. 38-FZ

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