Where can you wear an incense. Types of church amulets for men and women. Mother of God of seven

Turning to religious liturgical rites, people often encounter pagan traditions. The magical amulet is one of them. Some consider it a relic of paganism, a prejudice, others suggest that if you wear it correctly, you can counteract troubles and diseases, but this is not enough. The main condition for the effectiveness of a wearable amulet is faith.

What does an incense tree look like?

People have long prayed for the knowledge of Divine power and protection and wore amulets on their chests, personifying faith. Ladanka is one of them. An ancient amulet looks like a bag made of leather or fabric, a wooden case or a pendant with a cavity made of gold, silver, bronze or copper. In ancient times, bones, claws, animal entrails, precious stones, and plants endowed with magical properties were used to fill incense. After the adoption of Orthodoxy by the Slavs, attributes of Christianity appeared instead of objects of pagan worship. The faces of the Lord Almighty, the Virgin Mary, the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and other saints are often depicted on the amulet. Church incense is placed inside, earth from places of God's special presence, relics, saving prayers are sewn up, various items that help the wearer to overcome life's difficulties with faith and hope for the best.

The popularity of fragrant tree resin as a content is explained by its use in worship services, for the consecration and purification of rooms. Others believe in the magical properties of incense to resist disease, scare away evil spirits. Scientists have scientifically confirmed the antiseptic and immunity-enhancing qualities of fragrant resin. Its aroma soothes, setting up for prayer. A peaceful state is also achieved at home, you just need to properly kindle the incense.

It is not difficult to make an incense with your own hands. It can be leather, fabric, paper or other material, the main thing is to securely store the enclosed item.

The value of the amulet

With such an attribute, merchant activity proceeded much better and safer.

In ancient times, the amulet served as a protective magical amulet. For example, military people, going to war, took a handful of their native land with them, believing that this would save them from death, endow them with physical and spiritual strength, and preserve memories of their home. Merchants used amulets as a protective talisman, because robbers knew about the caravan routes and often attacked them. Nominal amulets with the patron saint were found among travelers and sailors. Having performed the rite of baptism over the baby, for good health, the grandmother put on the child an amulet with a sewn-in umbilical cord inside.

The priests believe that the church incense itself does not protect against evil and cannot help in communion with God, and unceasing prayer, repentance and mercy serve as real protection from negativity. But the pendants-icons consecrated in the temple, and the presence in them of particles of relics, holy land requires faith, spiritual awe and careful wearing of such amulets.

Description of the talisman

For women

Women wear a pendant with the image of Faith, Hope, Love, their mother Sophia, Xenia of Petersburg, any icon of the Virgin Mary in order to maintain harmony in the family, to bear and give birth normally to a child, to be loved by her husband. At the same time, each icon of the Mother of God has a special purpose:

The amulet with the Kazan Mother of God is used by women when they want to get married happily.
  • Seven arrow icon. Protection from the evil intentions of others.
  • Kazan. Blessing for a happy marriage.
  • Vladimirskaya. Help in resolving everyday difficulties.
  • "Mammal". Support for breastfeeding mothers.
  • "The Omen". Help with mental and physical ailments.
  • "The All-Queen". Treatment of oncological pathologies.

Male amulet

Men usually wear amulets that preserve life, protect against enemies and are associated with the profession. They show:

  • Savior Jesus Christ. Assistance in any trouble, when making the most important decisions, for liberation from bad thoughts.
  • George the Victorious. A symbol of victory over the dark force, a defender of those who risk themselves for the sake of others - the military, rescuers, policemen, firefighters, athletes.
  • Nikolay Ugodnik. Patronizes travelers and people connected on duty with wanderings, including drivers, pilots, sailors.
  • Archangel Michael. Protector of the military and sailors. Defender of the house from robbers and thieves.

Mother of God

The attribute with the Matrona of Moscow will be useful to everyone who needs the help of a saint.

The incense with the image of the Most Holy Theotokos is suitable not only for women, because the icon of the Virgin Mary patronizes all believers. It gives strength and determination, strengthens faith, supports in difficult life situations. Suitable for everyone is the amulet of the Matrona of Moscow, who is credited with the same inexhaustible power as her faith was. Holy Matrona will bestow grace on everyone who asks. The icon "Holy Trinity" contributes to the resolution of all haunting problems, purification through prayer from negativity and sinfulness.

Orthodox people have long sought to see and feel the power of God. The main expression of the grace that visibly stays with us is the pectoral cross, which has been on our body since Baptism itself. The incense and reliquaries are the same sign that protects the believer.

These are not amulets and not amulets, but something even more powerful - a reminder of God's eternal care and His love for people, objects that do not let us lose heart in a difficult moment, through which the Lord works miracles in our lives.

What does an amulet look like, how does it differ from a reliquary

An amulet is a container for storing holy incense on the body, a reliquary is for storing holy relics.
These are one of the oldest personal shrines that Orthodox people use. It is known that in Ancient Russia, warriors wore amulets and reliquaries.

At the same time, it is very difficult to get particles of relics and not always accessible to ordinary people: you need to ask the abbots of the monasteries where the holy relics reside, or the bishop about this. Frankincense, a fragrant resin that is thrown into the censer in an Orthodox church, is available to every believer. In this case, it is better to purchase the incense directly.

A reliquary is usually a cross with a recess for relics, where they are placed filled with wax.

There are also simply small wearable icons, which must be handled in the same way as amulets and reliquaries.

The incense might look like

  • Small metal box
  • Icon with embedded incense,
  • Tiny fabric bag
  • Leather pouch.

Remember that the amulet is not an ornament, you need to treat it with care. You can kiss the amulet and the holy cross at night.

Not only incense is placed inside, but also earth from the grave of a saint or from a monastery. The incense is often consecrated on holy relics. Also inside the amulet, you can place another small image (if it cannot be directly hung on the chest) and the text of the prayer.

Do not call the amulet a church amulet or amulet. They don't exist. What protects us is the grace of God and the Sacraments of the Church.

The Lord is a great Power and great Love, you only need to believe - and therefore trust Him with your life and your soul. Christ is not even a soldier who in battle lay down on the embrasure for the sake of his fellow soldiers, His feat is higher: being the Almighty, he voluntarily, in order to erase the past and future sins of mankind from the history of the universe, went to humiliation, torture and terrible suffering on the Cross from those whose He created the ancestors. But we ourselves must strive for a life pleasing to God, visit the church, pray at the service, help people, forgive the sins and mistakes of our neighbors, and behave calmly in conflicts.

How to wear an incense

  • The incense is most often hung around the neck on a thin cord.
  • Sometimes attached to the inside of outerwear with a pin.
  • It is best to hang the amulet on the same chain with the cross so that they do not get confused.
  • It is necessary that the amulet touches the body. Usually the amulet is called underwear, like the cross.
  • It doesn't matter if someone touches your amulet or not.

There are no signs associated with crosses and amulets. If you have lost a shrine - it's a pity, be more careful in the future. Perhaps the Lord is giving you a sign, reminding you of Himself. Think about how long you have been in church, confessed and received communion, whether you have committed a serious sin.

  • It is better to buy an amulet in the church, and not put the received shrine in a bag made by oneself.
  • The amulet can be made in the form of an icon, for example, the Guardian Angel, the Mother of God, a saint, and have a written prayer on the back. The main thing is that it should not be a decorative pendant.
    Also, your pectoral cross may have a recess for incense or relics - such crosses are called encolpions.
  • Choose a chain or leather cord long enough so that the cross and incense can be hidden under clothing. In the Orthodox tradition, in the Slavic lands, it is not customary to wear a cross on a short chain so that it is noticeable. Only Orthodox priests wear crosses over their clothes - but these are not underwear, but pectoral (that is, “chest”, translated from Church Slavonic) crosses, which are given during ordination to the priesthood.

incense for men

Since the amulet is a great shrine, it was most often worn by men.
Warriors, setting off on a long journey, asked God to protect them from attacks by enemies and death. So today, the military and people associated with the service acquire amulets with the image of the following saints - defenders from enemies and evil spirits:

  • Great Martyr George the Victorious,
  • Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica,
  • Holy Blessed Demetrius of Donskoy,
  • Martyr Tryphon.

Merchants and merchants prayed for protection from robbery and good luck in trade. The Orthodox Church also blesses success and striving for material security. Humble enduring inevitable poverty is a virtue, but laziness and inaction are vices. Providing for a family, educating children, helping the needy is a charitable deed. Do not exalt yourself with wealth, being proud of yourself, but trust God, humbly accept successes and failures, enjoy life in moderation and help others at the same time. If you have your own business or need to increase your material well-being, you can purchase an amulet with an icon

  • Reverend Seraphim of Sarov,
  • Saint Spyridon Trimifuntsky,
  • Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker (Pleasant).

Nicholas the Pleasant is the most famous and revered saint. He performed many miracles even after death. He is also revered by sailors and fishermen, risking their lives on the water. They did not wear expensive jewelry, but modest amulets prayerfully took care of them. And today, travelers before a long journey pray to him, acquiring wearable amulets and icons.

Also, sailors and water travelers pray to the holy Apostle Andrew, since he was a fisherman.

Incense for women

Women wear amulets on their chests, images of holy intercessors, helping in all necessary matters and concerns. The shining holy women are especially famous:

  • Blessed Matrona of Moscow and Blessed Xenia of Petersburg are helpers and protectors in all troubles and misfortunes;
  • Saint Anastasia the Patterner is a healer and helper to avoid dangers;
  • Saint Fevronia of Murom, who, together with the holy husband Peter, helps to maintain and improve family relationships, love in marriage, and meet your soul mate.

Patron Saints' incense

Each baptized person has his own patron - the namesake saint. They find the patron saint by date of birth: they will be a saint or a saint whose memory is celebrated in the coming days after the birthday. For example, if you were born on October 6 and bear the name Sergei, then your patron will be St. Sergius of Radonezh (his memory is October 8), and if on October 10 is the martyr Sergius (his memory is October 20).

You need to turn to your patron saint in all troubles and joys. Moreover, it is necessary to do this: the patron saint is the closest heavenly helper. It is known that for the saints of God there are no unimportant prayers: women tend to get very upset because of the little things in which one has only to pray.

On Name Day, also called “Angel Day” in the church — the day of remembrance of your patron saint — you need to visit the temple, but it’s better to prepare in advance and proceed to the Church Sacraments of Confession and Communion. If this is difficult or impossible, pray according to the texts below in front of the image of the holy house, lighting a thin church candle purchased in the temple in front of it.

A prayer to a saint or a saint in all needs for every day, if you bear this name, can be read online according to the text below:
“Pray to God for me, holy (th) saint (tsa) of God (I) (name), because I diligently ask for your intercession, helper (tsy) in everything and a prayer book (tsy) for my soul.”

The patron saint and, accordingly, his pectoral image, an amulet with his image is also worn along with the cross, praying in front of the image at any time, thereby gaining an intercessor.

Ladanka, a talisman from the curse

If it seems to you that you are having an evil, witchcraft effect, the amulet can really become a talisman - not in the pagan sense, but a visible symbol of the grace of God, which even demons see and fear. It is known that the devil "bounces" from the shrines in fear.

Prayer for witchcraft is the main cure for corruption and the evil eye. In no case do not go to sorcerers, healers and other servants of the dark forces to remove damage.

In Orthodoxy there is a special saint - the Hieromartyr Cyprian, a former sorcerer, martyred together with the virgin martyr Justina. He was a powerful sorcerer, but he converted to Christianity when a Christian maiden with a prayer drove away all his intrigues and charms.

In all ages after the martyrdom of Saints Cyprian and Justina, they are addressed for protection from evil spirits.

For fear of damage, wear an amulet with the icon of St. Cyprian. Also, in no case do not remove the pectoral cross; if you find yourself in the hospital, keep the amulet or the “Save and Save” ring on you.

Believe in the existence of God as a Person, in the coming to earth and the Resurrection of His Son - the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray at home using a prayer book or find prayers on the Internet - the most common ones, for example, “To the King of Heaven”, “Our Lady, Virgin”, “Our Father”.

Reflect on your life, prepare for confession - perhaps you committed mortal sins or yourself harmed people, accidentally or deliberately cursed them.

Parents can pray for the removal of damage, from deliverance from the effects of evil forces on children. It is better to do this next to the child or with him (the baby can stand nearby and listen to the words of the prayer).

After the prayer, cross yourself three times and bow, kiss the amulet of St. Cyprian.

After the prayer, you can drink holy water previously collected in the church: in each temple, all the time while it is open, you can collect drinking water free of charge, consecrated at the water-blessing prayer service by the priest. Holy water is a spiritual medicine, a material evidence of the purification of a person by the grace of God.

“O holy saint of God, Hieromartyr Cyprian, helper and prayer book for all who pray to you. Accept from us, sinners, prayers and ask Christ God for us - may He give us strength in illnesses, healing in sickness, comfort in despair, and everything useful for life.
Send your strong prayer to the Lord so that He protects us from sins and iniquities, teaches us real repentance and the vision of our sins, delivers us from the devil's nets and any action of evil spirits on us, saves us from attacking people.
Be a strong protector for us from all spiritual and carnal enemies, give us humility in difficulties, and at the hour of death be our intercessor from demons that block the path of the soul in ordeals, so that under your protection we will come to Heavenly Jerusalem and in heavenly abodes with you and everyone saints glorified the Holy Name of the Lord. Amen".

Ladanka with the icon of the Virgin

There are many miraculous icons of the Mother of God revered by the Orthodox Church. Traditionally, they wear amulets with icons of the Mother of God, which they pray in different circumstances, various everyday difficulties, for example

  • Before the icons "Healer", "Peschanskaya", "Kaluga", "Kasperovskaya" - about the healing of any disease, and before the icon "The Tsaritsa" - about getting rid of cancer.
  • About imminent marriage - in front of the icon "Fadeless Color", "Kozelshchanskaya".
  • About family happiness - in front of Kazanskaya, Vladimirskaya, Joy and Consolation.
  • About the conception and upbringing of children - in front of the images "Assistant in childbirth", "Mammal feeder", "Three-year-old".
  • About getting rid of sorrows - in front of the icon "The Redeemer", "Joy of All Who Sorrow", "Unexpected Joy", "Desperate One Hope".

Remember that the Mother of God is one, however, each person can choose a favorite image of the Mother of God and pray to the Queen of Heaven in front of him.

“O Great and Most Holy Lady of the whole world, Lady Mother of God! With faith, love and awe, standing before your miraculous icon, we implore you: do not turn away from those who come to you, ask, Merciful Mother of God, your Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, that He save us from all evil, give happiness in family life, saved our country from wars and civil strife, affirmed His Holy Church from religious wars, schisms and persecutions.
We have no other help, we have no other hope, except for You, Lady, help us: we rely on You and are proud of You - we are Your servants, may we not be left without help.

Through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos and all the saints, may the Lord bless you!

A man's amulet is a wearable small pendant that serves as a talisman against the evil eye and curses. Often it is a small wearable icon depicting guardian angels. Gold amulets for men are attached to crosses on a chain or rope. Some people wear them separately and hem an inner pocket on the chest to the clothes, where they put the icon.

Until our times, bags with various fillers were worn in the form of amulets around the neck. It could be seeds, bones, herbs, and even a piece of a baby's umbilical cord. Various amulets, talismans made of wood, bones or stones were also popular. The incense is used to read prayers and thanks. It is believed that such a talisman is able to protect its wearer from making wrong decisions and making mistakes. However, it is not enough to simply wear the amulet. This is a symbol of prayer, faith, and therefore it must be treated accordingly.

Materials for men's amulets

The amulet can be either a bag made of fabric or leather, or an icon made of silver or gold. It is important to consider that the material, in principle, does not matter. You can buy church gold or silver amulets for men from a priest or clergyman, but you can make “pagan” charms with your own hands. The difference is that you can put things that are not related to religion in "pagan" incense. For example, personal items that are dear to the person himself. Making such a talisman is quite simple. It is enough to take a bag made of leather or any fabric and fill it with whatever you want. The main thing here is what to put inside. The vessel itself is irrelevant. It can even be a small box that closes with a lock. Many people are guided by this principle:

  • aspen - to protect against the effects of magic;
  • land from your native place - for a successful trip;
  • mistletoe - a symbol of love;
  • a photograph of a person is put up to protect him from evil influences.

In addition, incense made with their own hands, they put charmed objects: for happiness, for love, for wealth. Reading prayers, referring to such a talisman, is not worth it. It is not a symbol of faith or religion. The "pagan" incense should be treated as an amulet or a talisman.

How are men's amulets different from women's?

Depending on the image on the amulet, they can be divided into female and male. Women prefer to buy amulets with the image of the Most Holy Theotokos - the first woman who prayed for all living and non-living people before God. Although her image can be worn by both men and children, it is generally accepted that she helps women realize maternal happiness, bring peace and comfort to the family. Also, girls wear icons with images of such shrines as Faith, Hope, Love, their mother Sophia. As a gift, it is customary for women to give amulets with the application of the Matrona of Moscow on them.

On the men's amulets, in turn, Christ the Savior is depicted. Often the text of the prayer is applied on the back. Such an amulet can protect against troubles, illnesses and problems, but in itself it will not bring any help if a person does not know prayer and does not read it periodically to God. Also, men can wear incense with the image of the patron of their activities. As a gift, men are presented with an amulet with the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. He is able to help if a person lives without material well-being. Such incense is preferred by sailors.

Golden amulets for men usually contain the image of St. George the Victorious and the Savior Christ, and the icon of Panteleimon the Healer is carved on silver amulets. George is suitable for the military, firefighters, police and rescuers. He was one of the best warriors and was distinguished by a good mind, great strength and beauty. Therefore, George the Victorious is considered the patron of people whose profession, one way or another, is associated with risk.

From what should their amulets protect men?

Men's amulets from women's began to be distinguished in ancient times. For example, when a mother gathered her son for war, she put special prayers in a bag for him. So incense began to be distinguished by its purpose. Male incense, to a greater extent, should protect its wearer from life's difficulties and indicate the right path. It is a protector from bullets, arrows and stab wounds, giving the male person physical and spiritual strength. If women's amulets bring family well-being, beauty, and comfort to life, then men's, in turn, protect from various troubles, misfortunes, incurable diseases, bad thoughts, natural disasters and poverty.

How to choose an amulet for a man?

To choose the right amulets, you need to pay attention to several factors:

  • the material from which the amulet is made;
  • what is depicted on the amulet or what it is filled with, if the talisman is a bag;
  • the ratio of the mass of the talisman to the chain.

A golden amulet for men is both a talisman and a piece of jewelry. The pendant is worn over clothing. There is a belief that amulets consisting of gold themselves choose their owner. In order to determine this, you need to take incense in your hands and pay attention to your feelings. A person should feel calm, harmony, peace.

Silver incense is worn under clothing. They should fit snugly against the skin. Do not be afraid of an allergic reaction or skin irritation. Silver does not cause these problems. In terms of pricing, such amulets are inferior to golden incense, which especially attracts the attention of men.

Talismans made of leather are often decorated with amber stones. It is an assistant to improve health and immunity. Symbols of the Christian religion are placed on leather incense. This is painstaking manual work, which will always be in value. After the material is selected, it is necessary to pay attention to who is depicted on the amulet. Depending on the type of activity and what the person himself wants to receive from the amulet, you need to pick up an icon with a portrait of a guardian angel. Information about whose image is most suitable can be found on the Internet or by asking a clergyman. Next, you should pay attention to the ratio of the mass of incense to the chain. Experts advise choosing so that the pendant with the pendant is in a ratio of one to one.


It is important to remember that the amulet is, first of all, a symbol of faith, and it is able to provide assistance and protection only if it is treated accordingly. Not knowing prayer, not having strong faith in the heart, the amulet will serve as an ordinary pendant and will not carry any valuable significance. You need to wear incense so that it is always clean. If it is attached to a pin, you should always pay attention to how firmly it is attached.

It is strictly forbidden to fasten the amulet below the belt. In addition, it is not customary to give or re-gift an amulet given to a person to other people. You should not try on and put on other people's charms on yourself. This will not bring any benefit, and some beliefs even say that in this way you can take away someone else's fate and other people's troubles.

How do the amulets of saints and angels help, in particular, the amulet of the Matrona of Moscow, how to wear them - these questions arise for many who want to acquire holy protection. Read below about the ways of wearing and about the protection that the amulets of saints and the guardian angel give.

In the article:

Ladanka of the Matrona of Moscow - how to wear it

Matrona of Moscow is a saint known to many, a healer and even a fortune teller. She helped people a lot during her life. Even after death, one has only to listen to the stories of miracles that happen at her relics. But you can get the personal intercession of a holy woman. The constant intercession of the Matron appears if you put on her amulet.

Ladanka with the image of the Matrona of Moscow

How should you wear the amulet of the Matrona of Moscow? There are two most common methods. The first of them is on a regular chain, or lace. Hangs around the neck, next to the cross. But do not forget that this is not an ornament, so you should not flaunt your amulet in front of everyone. Wear it under your clothes, do not forget to offer prayers to Matrona, and you will receive her help. You can also wear it on a pin - so it will always remain clean and hidden from prying eyes. The main thing is to pin it closer to the heart.

Ladanka of Nicholas the Wonderworker for protection and good luck on the road

Ladanka "Nicholas the Wonderworker"

Nicholas the Wonderworker is a well-known figure in Christian culture. Being a very influential person, he still did not forget about all possible assistance to every believer. For which he was canonized. Since then, it is not for nothing that he is considered an intercessor travelers and sailors. He protects everyone who goes on a long and difficult journey.

The help of the amulet of Nicholas the Wonderworker is resorted to when good luck is needed on a journey. It can be both protection from breakdowns on the road, and from accidents. Also with such help you can go on a business trip. It will help you complete things in the best way for you, make a profit. Although, of course, using the image of a saint for material gain is not exactly what is suitable for a true believer. So it is better to turn to the intercession of the Wonderworker when you need to go on a pilgrimage.

This amulet does not have to be worn on the body. It is quite possible to hang it inside your vehicle, but in a way that it is not visible. Still, the meaning is not in decoration, but in the protection that it gives. So better hide it somewhere, even in the glove compartment. Make sure she is always clean and tidy.

Ladanka Seven-shooter from all failures

The seven-shot amulet is one of the most revered images of believers, because it depicts itself Mother of God. In addition to its great cultural significance, it has other features. Miracles happen very often with this image, the Mother of God is known for her mercy, which was shed on anyone who asked. Indeed, it occupies a special place in the life of any believer! It is best not to acquire such images from someone's hands - who knows for what purpose a person is selling it? And in general, to acquire spiritual values ​​in exchange for material ones is not the best solution.

Ladanka "Mother of God of Seven Arrows"

To buy an amulet, it is best to contact the church, the spiritual fathers and clergymen. Yes, there are not faithful figures there, but the chance to get on this is extremely low. Moreover, if you have doubts, you can consecrate the item again. This is exactly what they do with things that are suspicious from a magical point of view.

What requests are addressed to the Seven-shooter icon? Those who have been overtaken by a long streak of failures. Business, personal, it doesn't matter. Anyone will get help, you just have to ask. Shaken health also falls under the influence of the image, especially if the cause of such a fall is the unkind look of the enemy. The incense creates like a shield around a person, warding off evil - words, or actions.

How to wear such an incense? It gives purely personal protection, so you need to wear it exclusively on the underwear, next to the cross. It is not advised to strengthen it on clothes - it is better to hang it next to the cross, on a string. But do not show the amulet, it should be hidden from other people's eyes and dirt. Hide under your clothes.

Protective amulet Guardian Angel

Each person has his own, and many of them even have several. They help us live, guide us along the way God's Plan. They provide, so to speak, a connection between us and the heavenly plan. And many prefer to wear the amulet of the guardian angel, so as not to lose hope for the successful outcome of any business. But what does such a symbol actually carry and how to wear it?

incense guardian angel

In principle, amulets really help in business. The connection with the guardian angel becomes stronger, intuition strengthens, with the help of which the guardian angel communicates with us. But that's not all. Also, this amulet is an excellent choice for those who decide to radically change their lifestyle. This is about sinners. Often, just prayer may not be enough - the temptations of a sinful life continue to loom before a person who atones for his guilt. In such cases, the amulet of the guardian angel will help. Desires will become less acute, and a person will be able to resist them.

How to wear such an image? There are no strict rules here, except for one - like any religious symbol, it must be hidden from prying eyes. And the method of wearing it depends only on you - as long as it is comfortable. But we want to warn you - do not choose expensive chains to wear. A simple lace is better.

Archangel Michael's incense for military and civilian

The closest assistant of the Lord, archangel, leader of the heavenly host. A figure that plays a big role both in religion and in the history of mankind. Many miracles were performed in his name, many commanders wore his face, believing that he would bring good luck in military affairs. But how can the amulet of the Archangel Michael help a modern person? Few of us are related to the military craft, but we want to have Archangel Michael as our assistants. Is it worth it to wear such an incense? And if so, how?

We will try to answer the question in detail: a prayer for an amulet on the site: the site is for our esteemed readers.

Bless the father. The question is next. Is it permissible on the silver image (ladanka?) of the Holy Trinity, the prayer “Almighty Life-Giving Holy Trinity, do not leave us cursed in our evil deeds to die” is engraved on the back, below “the evil-chief and the envious and the destroyer of the ridicule of being” As I understand it, this is a prayer from the Octoechos. Is it permissible for a layman to wear an image with such a text?

And is it not a sin to wear amulets at all, with reverence, of course, otherwise I read that in the old days they were excommunicated from Communion for 3 years for this sin. Sincerely, thanks for your reply.

Magazine number: Golden issue of "Slavyanka"

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Why do you need an incense on the neck and what to put in it

The incense on the neck is an excellent individual amulet. It can be made with your own hands, which means it can be completely customized, taking into account all its features. But what exactly is put in amulets and how to wear them?

Ladanka on the neck - the history of the amulet

Amulet is an amulet or charm that you can always carry with you. It is most convenient to wear it around the neck. It sensitively affects your condition and can attract good luck, or protect against negative influences. A huge plus of the amulet is that even an ordinary person who has not comprehended the secrets of magical practices can make it. After all, the main part of the power that the amulet uses lies in us ourselves - this is faith. That is why there are such a large number of church amulets, because where is there more faith than in religion?

The incense acts as a resonator. They sensitively capture your thoughts and amplify them, helping you achieve what you want. It is also important what item is enclosed inside the amulet. He is like the center of your thoughts, he can concentrate them, strengthen them and direct them in the right direction.

So, what do they put in amulets? Something that will help achieve the goal and items of value. In the case of the church, these are images of patron saints, or even a particle of the relics of a holy person.

But one thing we can say right now. The body amulet is a great way to build self-confidence, which is always useful in any endeavor. The faith you experience will come back multiplied. Such a talisman will help open the door to the inner reserve of strength and scoop it out when you need it most.

What is the incense for?

We have already touched on this issue briefly, but it is better to consider it in more detail. We will also talk about how to properly wear an amulet on a pin and simply on the body. The main purpose of wearing is protection from evil, physical or spiritual. It will help you a lot when you are not sure about the outcome of the case, or maybe you are just nervous. Also, such an amulet can help in acquiring good luck on the way to spiritual balance, or in the search for material well-being.

You really need to remember one thing: amulets will not help when you yourself do not believe in his help or are too lazy to take the first steps. Water does not flow under a lying stone - this is true for any Slavic amulets. Strength needs to be concentrated, and then find a point where to apply itself. You will indicate this to her with the help of your thoughts and actions (you will push her in the right direction).

The last question is how to wear an amulet on a pin and can it be worn in a similar way? Usually the amulet is worn on a cord. But a pin is a perfectly acceptable method of wearing. The main thing is to follow a few rules:

  1. The amulet should hang above the waist, closer to the heart. After all, it is there that the heart chakra, according to Indian tradition, is located, the concentration of your desires, your faith.
  2. Fasten it so that it does not get dirty. It must remain clean under all circumstances. It can be closed part of the clothes, or even worn under outerwear.
  3. It is necessary to monitor the safety of the amulet.

church amulet

Now let's find out how the church relates to amulets? And this question is not accidental, because the church has always been against magical practices. In fact, amulets or amulets are part of them, and the amulet belongs to them. But here you can remain calm, the church has always supported this practice - there is a lot of evidence for this. In the Middle Ages, many monarchs wore similar "decorations" that were given to them by church leaders. And since such things can be worn by the anointed ones, so can everyone else.

Now not only those amulets that were issued by the church are called church ones. In modern times, such a name is given to any such amulet in which a thing related to religion is placed. It can be an icon, or a small prayer book. Everything that somehow directly relates to faith in its most classical incarnation.

The main thing you need to make sure of is whether scammers give you such a thing. They can convince that everything is clean and the thing is consecrated according to all the canons. But be careful. It is better for a Christian to consult a priest, re-perform the rite of consecration and not take the amulet from the hands of suspicious individuals. They can be cunning enough to slip you an amulet that will bring a curse. But in church shops, amulets are guaranteed to be without a catch.

How to make an incense with your own hands

Of course, it is better to take the church one from the hands of the current priest, but the “pagan” one can be made with your own hands. Do not be afraid of the name - this is a pure formality. They do this because the things that are placed in such amulets have nothing to do with religion. For example, it can be just memorabilia, or one that makes sense to you.

Making your own amulets is a fairly simple act. To do this, you need to choose a container and what you put in it. The receptacle can be a small bag, or a box that securely closes with a lock. This one fits nicely in the breast pocket of a shirt. Choose the one that seems most appropriate to you. The receptacle is only a vessel, the main thing here is that it be reliable, nothing more. How it will look, or what it is made of - it does not matter at all.

What to put in the amulet:

  • To protect against witches and sorcerers, you will need a piece of aspen, or buckthorn. It has long been known how well they protect against magic.
  • To make any trip safe - take a pinch of your native land with you. Yes, just like the old story.
  • If you need luck in love affairs, then you can put a sprig of mistletoe in the amulet - a long-standing symbol of love.
  • No matter what happens to your loved one, his photograph, which is constantly next to your heart, will help here.
  • Lucky ruble will help to attract the desired wealth.
  • Also suitable are various charmed objects.

Ladanka is a talisman that people carry with them for many centuries and it is impossible to turn a blind eye to its miraculous abilities. If you do not have enough faith in yourself, or you want to attract good luck to your side. This amulet will help you in any endeavor.

    • divination
    • Conspiracies
    • rituals
    • Signs
    • Evil Eye and Corruption
    • amulets
    • love spells
    • Lapels
    • Numerology
    • Psychics
    • Astral
    • Mantras
    • Creatures and

    On this day there were extensive festivities, the people drank and walked. It was believed that it is not a sin to drink a lot if the bins are full. It was not for nothing that they said: “I got nicked!”. On winter Nicholas, it is customary to make conspiracies against alcoholism. You can order a prayer service for the health of a relative with alcohol addiction. On December 19, St. Nicholas brings gifts to children, and relatives read prayers for their health.

    Ladanka - what is it, how to wear it and what does it give?

    In ancient times, a person felt defenseless in front of the outside world. Nature was not only a good ally to him, but also an insidious enemy. Diseases, wars, crop failures and famine threatened innumerable troubles. And the darkness, the spirits of the night, ghosts and demons, which were not so easy to deal with, were especially terrible. As an effective protective agent, an ancient man put an amulet around his neck. The darkness of centuries swept over the planet for a long time. However, in our advanced era of computers and the Internet, no, no, and you will see someone around the neck, next to the pectoral cross, the treasured bag.

    What is an incense

    Linen, canvas, silk or satin, on a coarse cord, thin rope or chain, hidden on the chest, this bag was worn under the clothes of a noble secular beauty, and a royal grandee of blue blood, and a hard worker-plowman, from dawn to dawn, watering the cornfield with his sweat . Such different people, nevertheless, believed that the amulet would save them from many troubles and misfortunes. What is it, we found out. But what are the contents of these pouches? Here is where you can do some research.

    Magic item

    Even at the time of paganism, there were various amulets and amulets that people tried to have with them. These were objects spoken by sorcerers and shamans, mixtures of aromatic herbs, tinctures, elixirs and much more that human superstition elevated to the rank of an absolute. In general, it was for magical purposes that the amulet was invented. That this is the strongest amulet, the effect of which is not limited by time, no one had any doubts. The main thing was to fill it correctly. The bones of animals and birds, dried frog legs and snake skin, claws and teeth of predators were used. Or “magic” stones (in ancient times, for example, magnets were considered as such), which included some precious and semi-precious ones. This is what the amulet looked like in general terms in pre-Christian times. What kind of amulet is this, what function did it perform among different peoples - many books have been written about this by ethnographers.

    Christian times

    With the spread of Christianity, the contents of the amulets began to change. A little church consecrated incense was placed in a body bag, which, it was believed, drives away evil spirits, dispels obsessions, cleanses the body and soul of a person. By the way, hence the name of the bag: amulet. It is difficult to say what it actually gave those who wore it. It probably really helped. In addition to the aromatic substance, various shrines were sewn into it. For example, special, protective prayers and psalms, copied by oneself or by monks, small icons depicting Christ, the Mother of God, holy martyrs. Sick, suffering from bodily ailments, tried to get pieces of the relics of their heavenly patrons or saints known for healing. They, too, were carefully sewn into amulets. When Catholic priests sold indulgences in the Middle Ages, naive believers tried to keep these absolutions in body bags.

    special purpose

    In addition to universal ones, special amulets were also made, for men and women. For example, when collecting a son, brother, husband for war, his relatives made sure to make a charm, where saving prayers were put. According to popular beliefs, they were supposed to protect against arrows and knives, bullets and projectiles, avert trouble during the battle, and promote the rapid healing of wounds. In addition to other ordinary shrines, a handful of native land was poured into such Orthodox amulets, so that it would give the warrior physical and spiritual strength, so that he would not forget his father's house and family, his wife. Other amulets were also made. In order for a man to retain his ardor and reproductive function until old age, special herbs and charmed objects were sewn into it. For women, the corresponding amulets helped to conceive and carry a baby, safely resolve the burden, and remain attractive and desirable for her husband. Such an amulet on the neck contained prayers to the Mother of God, suitable Dreams of the Virgin and ritual consecrated or spoken little things.

    home iconostasis

    Churched people keep icons at home - family, nominal. Hang them in the corner provided for this or put them on the shelves. In the old days, such a corner was called red. A church amulet is installed near them. Usually this is a censer where pieces of incense lie. They are set on fire and fumigated living quarters or left to slowly smoke under the icons. This is also the name of containers where aromatic liquids or oils are poured. By purifying the air in a house or apartment, such an amulet helps to establish a special blissful atmosphere in the home. However, an ordinary porcelain saucer or a small plate can also perform its function.

    Attitude towards the amulets of the ministers of the church

    This question, it is worth noting, is not even idle. The Orthodox Church will not approve of magical rites and rituals, amulets and amulets, among which, as already mentioned, wearable amulets are included. Although their name is associated with church incense, nothing is said about amulets in any texts of the Bible, writings of the holy fathers, lives and other religious literature. There are no decrees, resolutions, recommendations about them among the documents adopted during the Ecumenical Councils. There are no data in other church teachings. This is how the priests of Orthodox churches answer the question about amulets. What is the conclusion? That's right, about the pagan nature of these now Christian relics. Therefore, the Church does not bless the wearing of amulets next to baptismal crosses. But it doesn't forbid.

    Wearing rules

    How to wear an amulet and whether to wear it at all is a personal matter for every Christian. This may be an additional shrine, which seems to a person a reliable protection from demonic and other evil. He himself determines the composition of the amulet. Relatives can also give it, explaining necessarily what is in the pectoral pouch, how to use it, which saints to pray to. Parts of the clothes of the martyrs of the saints and their relics, consecrated monastic ground, pebbles picked up in the Holy Land and many other cult items containing God's grace, of course, are difficult for an ordinary Orthodox to get. But incense is the most accessible shrine. The pouch with it and other relics, as already mentioned, is worn around the neck. You can pin it to underwear. During water procedures, the amulet, of course, is removed. Washing the bag is not recommended. Just over time, transfer its contents to another bag, and use it further. Some, using the techniques of village magic, after 3 months carry the bag on themselves, part of the incense from it is buried on the territory of the existing monastery. Church egregor, connecting to a person, helps him.

    May the Lord, Mother of God and holy angels with archangels keep you!

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    Ladanka, what is it, how to wear it and what does it give?

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    Since ancient times, a believer, in order to know the power and protection of God, not only turned to him in prayers, but also wore objects on his body that symbolized his unshakable faith. One of these items is the church amulet. This is a small casket, handbag or leather pouch, inside which is placed incense, holy earth or other object that protects its owner from life's difficulties.

    In addition, this decoration is quite beautiful and original. At the same time, it must be remembered that this is not a simple accessory, but a talisman that keeps a person from both physical and spiritual torment, giving him faith and instilling hope for the best.

    Ladanka how to wear

    Most often, this decoration, usually with the image of Jesus Christ, is hung around the neck on a cord of medium thickness. Sometimes this item is attached to clothing with a pin. But when choosing the latter method, you must adhere to the following rules:

    • you need to fix the amulet so that it does not have the opportunity to get dirty;
    • you can not wear a charm below the belt;
    • be careful - the pin tends to unfasten.

    But the main thing is that you must definitely adhere to the church canon, always remembering that the amulet is put on the neck. It should be as close as possible to the human body in order to protect it in any life situation.

    Ladanka underwear

    Initially, this church item was aimed at protecting its owner from all sorts of misfortunes and was worn in most cases on the body (hence the name). Back in the days of Kievan Rus, every warrior who went on a campaign put on a talisman, where a piece of his native land lay. There was a belief that he would save him from the enemy, a stray bullet and any danger along the way.

    Such amulets were worn by merchants. Robbers often lay in wait for their caravans on the way. And invisible protection was very necessary for them. The amulet was also very popular among sailors. Going out to sea (and this is a rather risky occupation), each of them had this item with them.

    Also of particular importance for the owner of this jewelry was its content. Inside the church amulet they mainly put:

    • a small icon depicting a saint, often a patron;
    • a particle of relics;
    • earth;
    • the text of the prayer;
    • incense.

    It is important to remember that you can give, give or transfer jewelry only if you specifically purchased it for a specific person. The strongest amulets are those that were donated by close relatives.

    It is undesirable to transfer your own amulet to other people under any circumstances. This is a very individual thing, which can only be touched by its owner. Losing him is a bad omen. This means that the person has lost protection and support. Then you need to immediately go to the temple and turn to your saint with prayers and repentance.

    The church amulet is a personal thing, and its choice should be considered. Therefore, you need to know that there are amulets of saints, male and female.

    Frankincense for men

    Usually men wear amulets with the image of:

    • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
    • George the Victorious;
    • Lord Almighty.

    Since ancient times, these decorations were intended for sailors and warriors, so men's amulets not only saved life, but were also aimed at protection from enemies and procreation.

    Incense for women

    Women, on the other hand, prefer various images of the Virgin, because it is she who is the patron saint of mothers:

    • “Seven-shot” Mother of God: protects from the evil thoughts of other people;
    • “Vladimirskaya”: helps to resolve everyday difficulties;
    • “Sign”: helps with various diseases;
    • “Kazan” Mother of God: blesses for marriage;
    • Mammal icon: Protects a nursing mother.

    Any icon of the Mother of God will suit every woman: it will give health, peace and tranquility, and most importantly, it will help her fulfill her main mission on Earth - to become a mother and raise worthy children.

    Both men and women need to understand how to wear an amulet. After all, this amulet has power only when it is treated with understanding and knowledge. If the person who wears this jewelry truly believes in it, follows all the rules and adheres to the basic church canons, then the power of the saint depicted on the amulet will only grow, thus filling the life of its owner with meaning, love and hope.

    Holy incense

    Amulets depicting saints deserve special attention. Often people choose them by date of birth or name, thereby acquiring a great intercessor in the person of their guardian angel.

    Knowledgeable people say that such church decorations themselves choose their owner, or rather his soul. When a person sees the face of a saint and at the same time feels calm and peaceful, it means that this saint himself chooses him. You just need to listen carefully to your heart.

    Ladanka Mother of God

    This is a universal amulet that suits absolutely everyone, because the Virgin Mary is the intercessor of all believers. It will help in any life situation, give strength and determination, keep faith.

    Ladanka of Matrona of Moscow

    This decoration can also be worn by all believers, since it is the Holy Matronushka who bestows her mercy on everyone who asks. She is approached with any request for help. Her strength is inexhaustible, and her faith is strong and unshakable.

    How to wear Matrona's amulet

    The amulet with the image of Mother must be worn, adhering to certain rules:

    • can be fixed on one cord or chain with a cross with which a person was baptized;
    • it is better to hide the amulet under your clothes, as this is not a simple decoration, but a very personal thing.

    Ladanka Nicholas the Wonderworker

    This decoration is appropriate to wear to people of the following professions:

    • seafarers;
    • travelers;
    • sales managers.

    The saint protects on long journeys connected with money and any trade.

    The amulet is a beautiful decoration that is in great demand today, but when purchasing it for yourself or a loved one, you should remember that it is already endowed from above with a special power that accompanies a person throughout life, helping in any situations, keeping from all misfortunes and bestowing the eternal - faith.

    The Lord is always with you!

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