Do-it-yourself foundation for a garage step by step instructions. Filling the foundation for the garage. Pit waterproofing

If your goal is to build a garage, then the installation and arrangement of the optimal foundation should be taken care of first. The more reliable and stronger the supporting structure is, the longer the operation of the garage will last. Thanks to a quality foundation, all types of loads will be properly distributed throughout the garage structure.

Understanding the importance of technologically correct and thorough laying of the foundation for your garage, every motorist asks himself the question of how to fill the foundation for the garage with his own efforts, avoiding marriage during pouring, and also how to avoid mistakes if everything is done according to the rules?

To answer this question, as well as to develop the right approach to the installation of the foundation, you need to decide on the type of foundation that will be used in a particular case. The selection of the foundation is made taking into account the parameters of the future garage (dimensions, total weight) and the elements that will be attached to it.

The size of the foundation and the strength values ​​will grow along with the growth of the above indicators. These calculations are usually made at the stage of drawing up a garage design plan, which contains the following characteristics of the technical plan for the future supporting structure:

  • the diameter of the rods to be used in the metal structure;
  • reinforcement step;
  • brand of concrete;
  • plan, etc.

You need to get serious theoretical training if you want to build a quality foundation. We will try to give you all the necessary information:

  • where to start;
  • secrets and rules;
  • useful hints: video and photo.

Before starting the foundation laying process, some geological surveys are required in order to collect information about some soil properties (soil composition, groundwater level).

These parameters directly affect the depth of installation of the foundation.

During sampling, you may find that there is too much liquid in the soil or there are problems with absorption. In this case, arrangement will help you drainage system. This service is provided by relevant specialists and is quite expensive.

You should not save on this operation, since the reliability of the foundation is the key to the trouble-free service of the supporting structure and the structure that is erected on it. If you decide to refuse the services of specialists, then in the future this may lead to swelling of the soil.

Basic information about the main devices for laying the foundation

When laying the foundation, you can safely use several devices that are most often used when performing this operation and are basic. These devices include:

  • reinforced concrete blocks;
  • fixed formwork;
  • ordinary formwork.

When making the installation of a foundation for a garage using reinforced concrete blocks, it will not be possible to rely only on one's own strength during the manufacture of laying and working material.

To install reinforced concrete structural elements, which have an extremely impressive weight, in the foundation trenches, you will need lifting equipment and a whole team of workers.

This will lead to the fact that the cost of laying the supporting structure will increase several times. And if your goal is self-assembly foundation for your own garage, then this method is unacceptable for you.

For self-construction of the foundation, a formwork structure is usually chosen, which can be either fixed or ordinary.

Types of fixed formwork

In front of you is a non-removable polystyrene formwork.

In the construction of the base, during the pouring of which a fixed formwork was used, a special building box is the basic element of the auxiliary type. It is usually represented by the following types of fixed formwork:

  • polystyrene fixed formwork;
  • concrete non-removable formwork.

The first option is a pair of expanded polystyrene plates, between which reinforcement is placed, which solves two problems at once: the formation and strengthening of the supporting structure.

The second option is two concrete slabs, which are fastened to each other so that there is a small gap between them.

Reinforcement bars are placed there, and then the entire structure is poured with a concrete mixture.

Useful tips: how to fill the perfect foundation for a garage

  • When pouring the foundation, the arrangement of the correct trench is of paramount importance, which can be dug manually or using special equipment.
  • To dig a trench, you should put a stencil of the future garage on the site, then mark up using wooden pegs, clothespins, cord and tape measure.
  • If you want to build a garage, then the first thing you need to take care of is the arrangement and installation of the optimal supporting structure.
  • The pegs are driven in about half a meter, then we measure the wall, it will be perpendicular, after that we hook the cord at the junction. If the markup is done, then you need to go in the dig of a trench, the width of which is 70 centimeters, and the length is standard half a meter.
  • The finished trench is covered with a layer, which consists of layers of sand and gravel, each layer should be carefully tamped.
  • To properly lay the foundation on your own, you need to know how to install a high-quality formwork structure. Formwork is a special structure that plays the role of a box, which is designed to be a form for pouring concrete.
  • The formwork is dismantled after the concrete mixture has been poured and has already hardened. As such a structure, it is easier to use reusable ready-made structures, but they are somewhat more expensive than do-it-yourself formwork.

The formwork is mounted directly in the trench; for this purpose, supports are installed on the bottom, to which the formwork doors are attached.

The design should not let the mortar through, that is, the boards must reliably and tightly adjoin each other at the joints and stay motionless in place. To fix the formwork structure, supports are used, which are installed along the perimeter of the foundation.

Pouring concrete mixture and laying reinforcement

Metal rods in the concrete mixture play the role of stabilizers and increase the strength characteristics of the entire base. Such a kind of strengthening is carried out with the help of reinforcement rods with a thickness of about 8-10 centimeters.

Pouring concrete is a step-by-step process. The first step is to fill the first layer, you need to add the concrete mix until the sand layer is completely covered with mortar.

The narrowed formwork is installed, waiting for the mixture to solidify. Then a layer-by-layer filling with a thickness of 20 centimeters is made. Each layer is left to harden for about an hour and a half.

Strip foundation is becoming more and more popular. It is used in many projects, due to its relatively low cost compared to slab, and good load-bearing qualities. If you need a viewing hole or a cellar for a garage, a strip foundation makes it easy to build them.

Before erecting a monolithic strip foundation for a garage, you need to calculate its depth and width.

Very common shallow strip foundation. It's pretty economical. It takes a small amount to build. building materials: formwork, reinforcement and reinforced concrete. The minimum depth of the strip foundation is 40 cm. Such a foundation can be erected if the soil under it is not heaving, not loose. Construction on organic soil is not allowed. Most other soils are great for a strip monolithic foundation.

The strip foundation is laid to a depth of 2-3 m. heaving soils the foundation for the garage falls below the maximum freezing depth. On loose soils, it is recommended to install the base of the foundation as deep as possible. The deeper the foundation, the greater the resistance to compression. A deep foundation has less risk of significant shrinkage.

The width of the foundation must be at least 10 cm greater than the width of the walls.

After marking the location of the strip foundation, you need to dig a pit to the depth of its occurrence with an allowance of a sand cushion of 10-20 cm.

Filling the strip foundation under the garage can be done in two ways.

More common is the installation of formwork to the full height of all foundation walls, then reinforcement and pouring with reinforced concrete mixture.

Less common is the laying of a strip foundation in two stages. Several approaches are necessary if a small team of workers is working on the foundation. You may not have time to make the required amount of mixture in a concrete mixer in one day. If there is a problem with lack of time, first pour the main part of the foundation directly into the trench, having previously made reinforcement. After the reinforced concrete has hardened, the formwork is installed and fixed to the required height and the foundation is poured again to the end.

What formwork should be for the foundation for the garage is determined depending on the budget for the construction of the garage and its overall design.

Exist fixed formwork- metal, reinforced concrete and expanded polystyrene. Formwork of this kind must be sheathed with a material that can be chosen in accordance with the overall design of the garage. When using fixed formwork, you do not have to spend time removing it.

Fixed formwork is made of wooden boards or plywood sheets. For installation, the formwork panels are tightly joined to each other and fixed with a knitting wire.

It is necessary to reinforce the foundation to strengthen its bearing qualities.

Reinforcing cage consists of at least two rows of vertical bars. Horizontal rods are usually arranged in increments of 30 cm. Their number increases in proportion to the depth of the foundation.

After installing the formwork and reinforcing, the foundation for the garage must be poured with reinforced concrete. The finished mixture can be bought at a hardware store or you can make it yourself. It is necessary to mix cement, sand, crushed stone in a ratio of 1:3:5. The foundation can be poured in two stages, but a monolithic strip foundation poured in one step will be much more durable.

A monolithic foundation is often chosen by builders. High material costs and a rather complicated installation process are justified by good bearing qualities, high wear resistance and the possibility of erection on almost any type of soil.

FBS block foundation

The foundation of these blocks also belongs to the tape type, but is not built by monolithic pouring of concrete, but laying blocks around the perimeter of the bearing walls of the building. A monolithic foundation is stronger than FBS blocks and has a greater bearing capacity. FBS blocks are used quite often, because they have a number of advantages that are not available for monolithic masonry.

Attracts a lower cost compared to a monolithic foundation. For the construction of a monolithic foundation, it is necessary to purchase and lay formwork, reinforcement and concrete mix. The foundation of the blocks does not need anything. Developers will need to dig a trench, fill and level a sand cushion 30-40 cm high and lay the purchased blocks, fixing them with cement mortar.

When it comes to finishing a garage in one season or less, builders value fast materials. When using a monolithic foundation, reinforced concrete hardens for about one month. Only after its final strengthening, you can continue to work on the garage, build walls and a roof. FBS block foundation for a garage does not take much time for freezing. It is enough to wait for the cement to harden (1-2 days) and start laying the walls.

Blocks can be stacked manually. The recommended size for self-laying is 20x20x40 cm, such blocks will weigh 30 kg, which will make it possible to lift them independently. Special equipment is often used for laying blocks, with its help the process is accelerated and, for a small garage, it can take 1-2 days. Sometimes it is impossible to do without a crane, since large blocks reach 1.4 tons in weight.

Pillar foundation for a garage

The main thing positive quality column foundation- the ability to install to a depth of 3.5 m or more. This makes the foundation suitable for any type of soil.

It is problematic to install a strip foundation on clay soils. The columnar foundation is installed to a depth below the freezing of the soil, reinforced with reinforcement and serves for a long time without cracking or warping the garage.

When using a columnar foundation, it is impossible to make a basement in the garage.

Foundation pillars, located at the corners of the garage, sometimes go into the ground 0.5-1 m below the others. The pillars are located under all walls of the building at a distance of 1.5-2 m from each other.

The columnar foundation is usually made using TISE technology. Before installing the pillars at predetermined points, wells are drilled with a foundation drill.

Most often, the pillars are made of reinforced concrete mix. two ways.

Lighter- installation of reinforcement in a drilled well and pouring a reinforced concrete mixture into it.

Another way is more expensive to manufacture, but has the best load-bearing qualities. A roofing material is laid in a free place, and wooden boards are horizontally fastened to it with nails. A wooden formwork is being constructed, equal in size to the future pillar. The walls of the formwork are fastened with nails so that the cement mortar that has not yet taken up does not flow out. Instead of formwork, you can use asbestos-cement or metal pipes.

Reinforcing columns are installed in the formwork or pipe and reinforced concrete mixture is poured. For its manufacture recommended use cement grade 300 or 400. The base plate is manufactured separately. Its height is not less than 10 cm, and its width depends on the diameter of the pillars and the size of the step between them.

The base plate is concreted to the posts made in the formwork, together with it they are placed in the drilled holes using a crane. For pillars formed by pouring concrete mixture into wells, the base plate is concreted after their installation.

The diameter of the well should be 3-4 cm larger than the diameter of the previously made column. After placing the pillars in the wells, the remaining unfilled place near them is covered with soil, which ensures reliable fixation of the foundation.

Depending on purpose and material, from which the walls are made, use a wooden, brick and stone columnar foundation.

A wooden garage is made, for example, for installation next to wooden house, in this case, the foundation for it can be made of wood. Before laying a wooden foundation, it is imperative to protect the wood from decay. First of all, you need to make sure that the wood is dry. After the manufacture or purchase of wooden poles, they are applied protective covering. You can cover wooden poles with bitumen. It is desirable to add 2-3 layers of roofing material to such a coating.

There are other processing options, but when in contact with wet soil, they are washed off and the tree quickly rots.

For processing wood in contact with moisture, organic solvents are used: solvent, white spirit. Brick and stone pillars of the foundation also need additional processing with bituminous mastic. Bearing pillars instead of brick or stone are always made of reinforced concrete.

Installation of a column foundation for a garage allows you to get by with minimal costs with the possibility of erection on almost any type of soil. If wood or stone is used instead of universal reinforced concrete, there will be additional difficulties and material costs associated with the formation of pillars and their additional coverage.

Foundation on piles for a garage

Pile foundation for garage formed using the same technique as the columnar foundation. Piles have pointed ends that will help you to easily screw them into the ground. Piles can not only be screwed, but also poured, having previously drilled the required depth.

Before screwing the pile by hand, a recess of 15-20 cm is made. The pile is installed, a crowbar (diameter up to 3 cm) is inserted into the technical hole, a square pipe is used as a lever. The pile is twisted when the scrap is rotated in a circle around its axis.

slab foundation

Reinforced concrete monolithic is installed to a depth of 0.5 m for a garage, with relatively light walls. A foundation depth of 1.5 m is required for brick walls. Reinforced concrete slab foundation requires a lot of money because its area is large. The foundation justifies the costs with high bearing qualities, strength and the ability to install on poor soils for building a foundation.

Do-it-yourself garage foundation waterproofing

Garage waterproofing is divided into vertical and horizontal. If no basements are provided for the garage, then only horizontal type waterproofing is carried out. If the GWL (groundwater level) is below the base of the foundation, which is always recommended for construction, then roofing material is applied to the foundation in 1-2 layers. If the GWL level rises above the base of the foundation, then 2 or more layers of roofing material are laid for waterproofing, between which a layer of bituminous mastic is smeared.

When the water level reaches the base or rises above the foundation, the appropriate action is to install a drainage system.

Horizontal waterproofing of the foundation is needed if there is a basement. The boundaries of the inspection pit or cellar are coated with bitumen mastic, if this is not enough, the walls and floor of the room are laid with one or more layers of roofing material, which are also coated with bitumen.

Need to remember about the initial waterproofing of the foundation for the garage. Before laying the foundation, the necessary, well-compacted layer of sand or gravel is poured onto the ground.

Taking into account all the necessary parameters in the manufacture, material costs, properties and bearing qualities of the foundation, it is chosen which foundation to make for a particular garage.

How to fill the foundation under the garage?

Car owners are serious about building a garage and often do it themselves. If the foundation of the future building is performed taking into account building requirements, then the shrinkage of the structure will occur evenly, and cracks will not appear on the walls. Knowing how to properly pour the foundation for the garage, you can ensure the durability and reliability of the future building.

Performing the preparation of the base, filling the site under the car - available works even for people who have not experienced construction. We will get acquainted with the features of performing these operations. Before starting construction, decide on the type of foundation, the features of the fill, take into account the mass of the structure, the characteristics of the soil. There are no trifles in this matter, the size of the garage for the car and the height of the base are also important. Everything must be planned in advance! With this approach, you will predict future costs and avoid problems during the operation of the building, as well as during the construction process. Let's consider in detail the stages of work.

The foundation is the so-called "sole" of the building, it must have balance, stability and compensate for all power loads

Beginning of work

Before starting earthworks, perform a set of preliminary measures:

  • Development of a sketch of a future building, performed on initial stage work. When sketching, analyze the presence of communications lying under the construction object, the depth of the location. This will avoid conflict situations with the owners of neighboring plots and utilities.
  • Calculation of the mass of the future garage, which allows you to determine the type of foundation. Using a preliminary drawing with dimensions, the results of calculations, the need for building materials is determined, and the level of costs is estimated.
  • Site selection for construction. It is not enough just to determine the location of the structure, it is important to study the characteristics of the soil and start digging trenches after completing the geological survey. Soil exploration will determine the level of groundwater occurrence, make a decision on the depth of the trench. Do-it-yourself pouring of the foundation for the garage is carried out after sampling at the construction site and sample analysis. Remember that with high soil moisture, drainage is necessary. After all, freezing of water in the soil causes deformation of the base, and in the future can cause cracks.
  • Marking the site using rope and pegs. This is the final stage, allowing you to accurately fix the boundaries of the structure. The exact contour of the building will allow you to properly prepare and concrete the site for the garage.

The next step is earthworks: with the help of a peg and a rope, you need to make the exact boundaries of future trenches, they will help to properly fill the foundation of the garage and not distort the “base”

Assessment of the influence of soil features

Before starting concrete work and digging trenches, analyze the type of soil on which the concrete platform for the room will be located. The type of soil determines the depth of the trench, which depends on the density of the soil. The recommendations are:

  • Stony and rocky rocks, characterized by hardness, allow you to build a garage on a planned site, without preparing trenches.
  • Gravel soils require foundation depths above the freezing level.
  • forces a trench to be made deep below the freezing layers.
  • Sandy rocks, characterized by flowability, require foundations with a depth of more than 2 meters.
  • Peatlands are unsuitable for construction, but they allow construction to be carried out after the complete removal of peat and filling the cavity with a gravel-sand mixture.

Assessing the soil, remember the main thing - the garage is installed on a solid foundation.


What to choose the basis for the construction of the garage? Before you pour the foundation for the garage with your own hands, you need to choose the right option. Consider the possible types of bases:

  • Tape, which is a concrete solution poured into a wooden formwork. Foundation is traditionally used in normal soils where a timber frame is placed around the perimeter of the building in a prepared trench and is not recommended if groundwater is close to the surface. Formwork can be dismantled or be stationary.

Survey work determines the depth and method of pouring the garage base, because groundwater can behave unpredictably

  • Floating (solid), which is a kind of tape, designed for installation on unreliable soils. The base is a solid reinforced concrete slab, buried below the zero mark.
  • Solid, made in the form of a contour of reinforced concrete foundation slabs.
  • Rubble concrete, poured along the contour of the garage. It consists of rubble stone, cement mortar and is laid on a cushion of coarse sand.

It is important to ensure the convenience of entering the premises, try to avoid the involvement of heavy lifting equipment and hired workers. Fulfillment of these requirements will significantly reduce costs.

Tape construction

The tape base of a monolithic structure is a popular option for a garage room with standard dimensions. Car owners who prefer this basis are attracted by simplicity and affordable price.

To properly fill the foundation for the garage, use a removable formwork

The sequence of measures for the construction of a strip foundation corresponds to a proven algorithm:

  • preparation of the trench in accordance with the markings made, ensuring the width of the base is 20 cm wider than the walls;
  • laying filtering sand and gravel mixture 15 cm thick, mandatory compaction;
  • installation, ensuring immobility, tightness of wooden formwork panels;
  • reinforcement of the contour with steel reinforcement with a diameter of at least 0.8 -1 cm;
  • mixing the working mixture;
  • pouring into the concrete cavity to the required height;
  • leveling the upper plane with a trowel;
  • moisturizing (during hot weather) the surface during the first three days;
  • waterproofing protection of the surface with sheet roofing material.

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Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


The quality of the tape structure is ensured by following the recommendations:

  • Level the trench under the foundation so that the depth is below the freezing point of the soil for the area.
  • Compact the sand and gravel mixture before each new batch.
  • Check the straightness of the formwork installation along the perimeter of the structure.
  • Follow the recipe of the mixture, ensuring compliance with the grade M200 and higher.
  • Portionally filling the volume, do not allow breaks, evenly distribute the solution along the contour of the opening. This will avoid joining seams and ensure the integrity of the platform.
  • Remove air pockets using an armature or internal vibrator.
  • Lay overlapping layers of waterproofing to make it difficult for moisture to enter the joints.

If you plan to pour the foundation yourself, then the garage plan is best for this, which has a standard project and a standard foundation depth.

floating foundation

Being a kind of tape-type base, the floating base compensates for soil vibrations, perceives loads and is not sensitive to natural vagaries. What is the design of such a foundation for a car? It is a deepened concrete slab reinforced with steel reinforcement mesh.

When arranging a floating base, follow the sequence of work:

  • Dig a rectangular pit.
  • Cover the base with a sand cushion, compact the surface.
  • Install a mesh-type reinforcing cage for strength.
  • Pour the foundation with concrete mortar until it is completely immersed in the reinforcement.
  • Plan the surface.

After hardening, you can install waterproofing, concrete the platform for the vehicle using a cement-sand mortar.

The use of reinforced blocks

For a major garage, the design of which is characterized by a significant mass, you can use as a base foundation blocks. Reinforced concrete slabs are laid in a previously prepared trench with the help of lifting equipment. If necessary, the upper plane is reinforced and poured with concrete.

When installing the foundation for a garage using concrete blocks, it will not be possible to rely only on one's own strength during the manufacture of laying and working material

Such a platform is able to withstand the mass of a heavy structure, ensure stability over a long period of operation.

Rubble concrete base

A foundation made of rubble stone fixed with concrete mortar is inexpensive and one of the most common options. It is convenient if you are pouring the foundation for the garage with your own hands, in this case there is no need to use specialized construction equipment.

The work is done in the following order:

  • mark the site, dig a trench of the required size;
  • prepare Portland cement brand M400, rubble stone, crushed stone, sand;
  • pour the crushed stone-sand composition to the bottom, compact;
  • knead the cement-sand mortar, adding 2 parts of sand to 1 part of cement and water;
  • lay one layer of rubble stone on the bottom, tamp and fill with mortar on top;
  • sequentially laying and pouring layers, fill the volume until the final layer of cement reaches the required level.

Arrangement of a platform for a car

If you have finished pouring the foundation for the garage with your own hands, proceed to prepare the site for vehicle. At first glance, it seems that this is a simple job, especially if the contour of the site is limited to a previously prepared foundation. However, there are some features that you need to know in order to ensure the strength of the surface and prevent cracking.

Carry out the preparation of the base for the machine in the following sequence:

  • Plan the site located inside the foundation edging. Eliminate surface irregularities that increase the consumption of concrete mix and violate the uniformity of the structure.
  • Lay a pillow of crushed stone-sand mixture 20-40 cm thick on the bottom, carefully tamp. Moisten the surface and keep it flat with available products.
  • Cover the surface with agrofibre, which will hold the pillow material and allow moisture to pass through without hindrance.
  • Install beacons, keeping a distance of 0.5 meters between them. They, according to the technology, are required to ensure the flatness of the concreted horizontal surface. Use a standard drywall profile. Ensure its immobility by fixing it with cement-sand mortar laid out with slides. Use a level to control horizontality.

    If you want to build a garage, then the first thing you need to take care of is the arrangement and installation of the optimal supporting structure.

  • Reinforce the foundation that reinforces the concrete mass. Use a reinforcing mesh with bars with a diameter of 8-10 mm. The reinforcement frame can be made independently (by tying up perpendicular rods with wire) or you can use a ready-made purchased grille. The connection of reinforcement by welding is prohibited, since the frame must have a degree of freedom.
  • Prepare a concrete solution by mixing crushed stone, cement and sand in a ratio of 3: 1: 2.5. This recipe guarantees the quality of concrete at the level of the M300 brand. Given the significant volume of pouring, use a concrete mixer that ensures a uniform mixture. It is allowed to use a cement-sand mortar, in a ratio of 1: 1, if the crushed stone is previously laid under the reinforcement.
  • Distribute the concrete unloaded from the concrete mixer evenly between the installed beacons, gradually filling the entire volume. Provide a layer thickness of 10-15 cm. Remove excess mixture.
  • With a construction rail installed on horizontal beacons, stretch along the flooded array, removing excess mortar. Repeat the procedure until a level surface is achieved.
  • Cover the surface of the platform under the car with a plastic film that protects against moisture evaporation and concrete cracking. At elevated air temperatures - moisten the surface in the first days after the concrete platform under the vehicle is poured.
  • Conclusion

    After reviewing the above material, you can draw certain conclusions for yourself regarding how to properly fill the foundation for a garage. It's easy if you follow our instructions.

The construction of a garage begins with the construction of the foundation. It is important to choose the right foundation for a garage. In the article, we will consider the types of foundations and analyze which one is better to choose.

Column Foundation

Many do not make foundations for modular garages, as they believe that they are lightweight and do not need additional support. However, under a metal garage, it is better to make a columnar foundation. It's cheaper and easier to build.
After measuring the dimensions of the module, determine the required number of columns. After that, you need to remove the soil under each of them. Columns can be from different materials. If necessary, they must be concreted. Parts are mounted on the top of the columns, to which the garage frame will subsequently be attached.

Column foundation device

Strip foundation

The construction of a strip foundation is more expensive. The technology of its manufacture is quite complicated and requires a certain experience. It is necessary to dig a trench around the perimeter of the garage, properly concrete it and secure it from destruction. This design is best built for garages made of bricks and heavy blocks.

Strip foundation scheme

On bulk soils and in areas with an increased level of groundwater, a monolithic foundation slab can be laid. It is a concrete slab reinforced with a space frame.

Monolithic strip foundation

For self-manufacturing most private builders choose monolithic foundations. They are somewhat reminiscent of paths buried in the ground. These paths copy the shape of the building's sole. They set the walls of the building.

In full-scale structures, the foundation tape is laid under all walls, including internal ones. When building a garage, it is enough to lay it around the outer perimeter.

floating foundation

The tape type foundation is good on stable grounds. On unstable soils, bases are mounted, which are called "floating soles". Technologically, such a base is a monolithic slab, which lies under the area of ​​​​the whole house.

Floating Foundation Diagram

On the monolithic slab heavy structures made of brick, concrete and stone will be excellently held. Sometimes a solid reinforced concrete slab is taken as a base, in other cases concrete is poured. Vibrators are used to compact concrete slabs.

concrete foundation

To reduce the cost of the production process, concrete foundations are mounted under the garage. This option is suitable if the soil in the region is stable. In such a construction site, rubble stone is used, which has a low price.

Scheme of concrete foundation

Instead of a slab or a metal grate, which is mounted during the construction of floating soles, masonry is made of rubble stone. After you have done a soil analysis and made sure that the rubble concrete foundation can be installed, clear the site.

Remove a 5 cm layer of soil. Next, make a pillow under the foundation, laying and compacting rubble and sand in layers of 15 cm each. After that, pour a 15 cm layer of concrete, lay stones on top of it, at a distance of at least 4 cm. Limit the structure to the formwork. Pour 25 cm of cement on top. Make several rows in this way.

The foundation is prefabricated from blocks

Sometimes foundations are made of blocks. These blocks are produced specifically so that they can withstand a specific load. With the help of block construction, it is possible to obtain structures that are frost-resistant and resistant to aggressive environments. Block foundations are inexpensive, they can be mounted in various configurations.

Prefabricated Foundation Scheme

The disadvantages of this method of construction include the fact that moving the blocks may require special equipment. Its involvement will increase the cost of construction. You will also have to work with the butt seams. These seams can become weak point skipping cold. Therefore, you will need to install thermal insulation.

Foundation with fixed formwork

To preserve the thermal insulation properties, the technology of erecting foundations with fixed formwork is used, which consists of blocks assembled into a single structure. Most often, polystyrene foam is used for its manufacture. In second place in terms of frequency of use is polystyrene concrete.

Fixed formwork device

Sometimes wood and concrete are used as the basis. Formwork blocks are hollow parts. Reinforcement is placed in these cavities before concrete is poured. On the inside of the blocks there are bumps and roughness. They are necessary in order to ensure the best quality adhesion to concrete and cement.

The choice of foundation depending on the type of soil

The best soil for the foundation is considered to be sandy, which has good drainage properties. Soils containing clay are classified as problematic. Among the most difficult swampy soils and floating sands. On them, as well as on peat and with abundant groundwater, it is better to build columnar foundations and pile.

Different soils during freezing affect the degree of soil deformation in different ways. Depending on the strength of influence, soils are divided into non-rocky, low-rocky, medium-rocky, very heaving.
Watch the video and the criteria for a rational choice of foundation.

Marking and earthworks

Before proceeding with the bookmark, it is necessary to mark the territory. To do this, in those places where the corners of the building should be located, you need to drive in wedges. Pull the cords over the wedges. They will indicate the direction of the walls.

After successful marking, it is necessary to excavate the soil. The soil must be removed to a depth, which is determined based on the results of a preliminary analysis of the soil and the structural features of the building.

Reinforcing structure construction

Reinforcement scheme

After you have successfully excavated the soil along the pre-marked perimeter of the structure, you will need to build a reinforcing structure. It is needed to reduce the risk of stretch zones. To begin with, drive rods equal in length to the depth of the trench into the trench.

Stands are laid at the bottom, which can be used as bricks. Several threads of reinforcement are laid on them. These rows need to be fixed with transverse jumpers. Crossings are tied with welding or wire.

Installation of removable formwork

Removable formwork device

When pouring concrete, removable structures are used, which are called formwork. Boards with a width of 25 to 50 cm are taken for it. It should be noted that the wider the board, the more real the risk of a crack on it.

The boards must be nailed to the beams so that the ends of the boards are pressed against each other. A structure should be obtained, which in height should be equal to the depth of the foundation. The length of the bars should be one third more than the height of the formwork. The gaps between the boards close up.

The formwork structure is mounted on a pre-prepared surface with a cushion. First, bars are driven into the trench. They should rise above ground level to the height of the foundation. Boards are nailed to them. The bars themselves are reinforced with supports.

Pouring concrete into formwork

Concreting must be done very carefully. It is produced in different ways, depending on the type of concrete product. Concrete is fed from the mixer tray into the prepared formwork by pushing with shovels or using a concrete pump and a bell. Immediately after the concrete is in place, it is compacted with a vibrator.

Foundation waterproofing work

The foundation is subject to the destructive effects of moisture, from which it must be protected with waterproofing. Waterproofing can only be installed during the construction process and has various types. The choice of type of waterproofing depends on the degree of flooding of the garage. One of the most popular types is horizontal. It is mounted at the depth of the basement and at the base of the house. In this case, bituminous and adhesive mastics, greasy clay, roofing material cement, brushes, rollers are used.

Waterproofing scheme

Fatty clay is laid on the bottom of the pit, compacted, covered with concrete on top. Concrete is coated with mastic and covered with roofing material. Upon completion of the construction of the foundation, it is waterproofed in a similar way.

The construction of the blind area

The base of the garage must be protected with blind areas. Their form depends on climatic conditions, the volume of destructive factors and the shape of the building. Made from asphalt and concrete. This structure is a small sidewalk around the house.

blind area

First, soil is removed on the territory of the future blind area. A border is installed from its outer part. The recess is covered with clay, sand and crushed stone with gravel. The blind area should be deepened by at least 20 cm. Its outer part in the thickest place should rise by 10 cm.

External finishing of the foundation

The construction of the foundation should end with its finishing.

One of the cheapest and most popular ways is natural stone trim.

First, prime the wall with concrete. After that, apply a concrete solution and fix a pre-selected stone on it. Don't place stones too close.

Try to avoid creating air gaps under the stones. Moisture will accumulate in them, which will lead to the destruction of the base. To do this, gently tap on the stones. If you want one of the edges of such a finish to be even, cut it with a grinder. Align the seams and clean before the mortar becomes solid.

Cost calculation

At the initial stage of construction, you must calculate the cost of this building. The final result of the calculation should be determined by the type of foundation. Its price can be 20% of the price of building the entire garage. In the estimate, you need to include the price of building materials, their delivery, and the use of equipment. At the same time, it is very important to draw up a detailed list of materials that you plan to use. The cost of pouring one cubic meter of concrete can range from 2 to 4.5 thousand rubles.

The construction of any building begins with the creation of a solid foundation. In our article we will talk about how to make a foundation for a garage.

At the initial stage, a place is chosen for the construction of a foundation for a garage. To correctly determine it, you need to have information:

  • about the type of soil;
  • about the level of groundwater and the depth of soil freezing;
  • about the approximate weight of the structure.

soil type

Features of the structure of the soil can be determined independently. Depending on the type of soil, the dimensions of the foundation for the garage will be determined with the appropriate laying depth.

There are the following types of soil:

  1. Rocky. Pretty dense soil, which will allow you to build a garage directly on the leveled area.
  2. Clay and gravel. The foundation for the garage is laid below the freezing depth of the soil.
  3. Sandy. The sand does not freeze and does not shrink under the weight of the structure, and the water passes through it without delay. Therefore, the depth of the foundation is in the range of 0.4-0.7 m.
  4. Sandy loam. The foundation for the garage is poured at a depth of more than 2 m.
  5. Peat. It is not recommended to build a garage on it. If, nevertheless, it was not possible to find another place for construction, then the peat layer should be completely removed, and the trench should be covered with coarse sand.

Groundwater level and depth of soil freezing

Data on the depth of soil freezing, which differs in different values ​​depending on the region, can be found in the reference literature.

The level of groundwater location is compared with the depth of soil freezing. After that, a decision is made on laying the foundation. There are three options for determining the depth of the foundation for the garage:

  1. The depth of soil freezing above the groundwater level. In this case, the foundation is laid at a depth that is 0.1 m higher than the soil freezing mark.
  2. If in winter time the groundwater level is up to 2 m above the freezing depth of the soil, then the lower part of the foundation for the garage can be created at the level of the freezing depth. Moreover, the soil located below 0.5 m is removed, and the space is filled with sand or gravel.
  3. When the groundwater level exceeds the freezing depth of a two-meter mark, it is recommended to lay the foundation at a depth of 0.4-0.5 m.

Garage weight

This criterion is also one of the most important in determining the size of the foundation. It is necessary to take into account:

  • the material from which the garage is built;
  • the complexity of the configuration of the building;
  • operational characteristics of the building (height and width, wall thickness, reinforcement fixing step).

Naturally, if the garage is too heavy, the foundation should be more reliable. In principle, various types of foundation can be used for a garage:

  • pile;
  • columnar;
  • slab;
  • tape.

The most common is laying a strip foundation.

Foundation laying

A process such as pouring a foundation for a garage includes the following sequential steps:

  • site marking;
  • trench digging;
  • creating a pillow;
  • formwork installation;
  • base reinforcement;
  • production and pouring of concrete mix.

Foundation layout

At this stage, the initial angle of the building should be correctly determined, which will serve as a guide for the rest of the markup. At the location of the first corner, a peg is driven in.

From a securely fixed peg at a right angle, two ropes are pulled in two directions, with the help of which the length and width of the garage are set. The ends of the ropes are also fixed with pegs.

Appropriate dimensions are made to locate the fourth corner. The tension of the ropes to it should be carried out at right angles. The made rectangle is the outer boundary of the foundation. Based on the width of the foundation, the marking of its inner part is similarly performed.

Digging a trench and backfilling a pillow

This stage of building a foundation for a garage is the most time-consuming process. In most cases, the building does not carry a large load. In this regard, there is no need to fill in too strong a foundation. For digging a trench, a depth of 0.5-0.8 m is quite enough.

As for the width of the base, this parameter depends on the type of soil. In the presence of solid soil, the width of the trench will be in the range of 0.4-0.5 m, and the formwork is made only for the ground part of the foundation. With loose soil, the formwork is also constructed underground. And this means that when digging a trench, you should make a margin for the size of the formwork.

Creating a pillow and formwork

At the next stage, the bottom of the trench is alternately covered with a layer of gravel (15 cm) and sand (10 cm). Both layers are carefully compacted. For a more reliable implementation of this process, sand is recommended to be filled with water.

After the installation of a sand and gravel cushion, they proceed to the construction of the formwork. Usually it is made from flat boards. Shields are made of them, which are fixed with supports installed around the entire perimeter of the trench. To prevent the structure from bursting with concrete mortar for fastening the shields, you should use wire or trimmed boards.

Rebar laying

In order for the strip foundation to be as strong as possible, it should be compacted metal frame. As reinforcement, rods with a thickness of 1-1.2 cm are used.

Reinforcement technology involves:

  • laying two long rods at a distance of 5 cm from the bottom of the pit and from the formwork;
  • subsequent cross-wiring of long rods with short rods in increments of 0.4-0.5 m;
  • fixing vertical rods;
  • welding short rods to vertical bars at a distance of 0.2-0.3 m from each other.

After the reinforcement, a lattice should be obtained.

Making and pouring concrete mortar

The final stage of creating a foundation for a garage with your own hands is concreting. For a high-quality "tape", the pouring of the solution must be carried out continuously. For this reason, you should get a concrete mixer in advance.

The concrete solution is prepared in the following proportions:

  • 1 hour cement;
  • 2-3 hours of sand;
  • 4 hours gravel;
  • 0.5 hours of water.

The working mixture is produced in the following sequence:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • rubble.

To facilitate the pouring of prepared concrete into the trench, the concrete mixer is placed near the formwork. The concreting process is necessarily accompanied by tamping of the mortar, with the help of which air is removed. The leveling of the upper part of the foundation is carried out until the concrete has completely set.

After pouring the strip foundation for the garage, you should:

  • maintain optimal temperature conditions;
  • protect the structure from wind and hot sunlight.

In the summer, the foundation is periodically wetted with water, and on rainy days it is covered with plastic wrap. The removal of the formwork and the erection of the walls of the garage occurs only after the concrete mortar has completely solidified.

Video about the construction of the foundation for the garage:

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