Snip corrosion protection. Gumming protective coatings

    Appendix A (recommended). Classification of operating environments (not applicable) Annex B (mandatory). Classification of corrosiveness of media Appendix B (mandatory). Degree of aggressive influence of media Appendix D (mandatory). Aggressive effect of chlorides Appendix E (recommended). Requirements for concrete and reinforced concrete structures (not applicable) Appendix E (informative). Approximate compliance of concrete permeability indicators (not applicable) Annex G (mandatory). Requirements for concrete and reinforced concrete structures Appendix I (informative). Conditions of exposure to the environment on embedded parts and connecting elements in buildings with external walls of three-layer wall panels (not applicable) Appendix K (recommended). Corrosion protection of embedded parts and connecting elements (not applicable) Annex L (mandatory). Requirements for the protection of enclosing structures Appendix M (recommended). Requirements for the choice of coatings depending on the operating conditions of structures (not applicable) Appendix H (informative). Requirements for insulation of various types (not applicable) Appendix P (informative). Types of structural protection (not applicable) Annex R (mandatory). Requirements for the protection of wooden structures Annex C (informative). Means and methods of protection against biological corrosion of wooden structures (not applicable) Appendix T (recommended). Protection against biological corrosion of wooden structures (not applicable) Annex U (mandatory). Requirements for the protection of stone structures Appendix F (informative). Paints and varnishes for the protection of stone structures against corrosion (not applicable) Appendix X (mandatory). Requirements for the protection of metal structures Appendix C (recommended). Paint and varnish coatings for the protection of metal structures (not applicable) Annex H (mandatory). Permissible humidity values ​​for building materials Annex III (mandatory). Requirements for protection against biodamage (not applicable) Appendix II (informative). Features of protection of hydraulic structures from biological corrosion (not applicable)

Information about changes:

5.2.3 With simultaneous exposure to aggressive media that differ in indices, but of the same class, the requirements relating to the environment with a higher index are applied (unless otherwise specified in the project).

5.2.5 The degree of aggressive action on concrete and reinforced concrete structures of biologically active media - fungi and thionic bacteria is given in Table B.7 for concrete of the W4 water resistance grade. For other biologically active media and concretes, the assessment of the degree of aggressive impact on concrete and reinforced concrete structures is carried out on the basis of special studies.

5.2.6 The values ​​of the media aggressiveness indicators are given for the media temperature from 5°С to 20°С. With each increase in the temperature of the medium by 10°C above 20°C, the degree of aggressive influence of the medium increases by one level. For liquid media, aggressiveness values ​​are given for flow rates up to 1.0 m/s. If the water flow rate exceeds 1.0 m/s, the assessment of the aggressiveness of the environment is carried out on the basis of studies of specialized organizations.

5.2.7 The degree of aggressive impact of the environment on structures located inside heated premises is assessed taking into account these standards, and on structures located in unheated buildings and on outdoors with protection against atmospheric precipitation, additionally taking into account SP 131.13330. When wetting structures in a gaseous environment, condensate, spills or precipitation, the operating environment is assessed as wet.

5.2.9 The degree of aggressive action of liquid media is given for structures with a liquid head of up to 0.1 MPa. At higher pressures, corrosion protection requirements are assigned by specialized organizations based on research results.

5.2.10 With simultaneous exposure to an aggressive environment and mechanical loads (high mechanical stresses, dynamic loads, abrading effect on pedestrian and automobile ways, abrasion of storm sewer trays by solid precipitation, abrasion of pebbles in the area of ​​action of the sea surf, abrasion of floors of livestock buildings, etc.) the degree of aggressive influence increases by one level.

5.3 Selecting the protection method

5.3.1 Depending on the degree of aggressiveness of the environment, the following types of protection or their combinations should be used:

1) in a slightly aggressive environment - primary and, if necessary, secondary;

2) in a medium-aggressive and highly aggressive environment - primary in combination with secondary and special.

5.3.2 Measures to protect against biodamage should be developed by specialized organizations. Activities are carried out at the stage of pre-design work and surveys, in the process of design, construction, reconstruction and operation of buildings and structures.

At the stage of pre-project works and surveys, the following activities are carried out:

determination of the degree of biological contamination of the environment (soil, water, gaseous environment);

making a forecast of a possible change in the operating environment of building structures;

assessment of the conditions affecting the development of biodestructors (humidity and temperature of the environment and building structures, sources of moisture, the presence of a nutrient and energy substrate for microorganisms).

At the stage of project development, the following activities are established:

prevention of moisture structures;

prevention of contamination of structures with organic and other substances that promote the development of biodestructors;

reducing the aggressiveness of the corrosive environment (for example, preliminary treatment of wastewater, reducing the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the gaseous medium by increasing the oxygen content in wastewater, treating wastewater with oxidizers, ventilation of facilities, changing the temperature regime);

selection of materials with increased biostability (putties, plasters, finishing materials containing biocides);

selection of protective materials (biocidal additives and surface treatments, insulating coatings, etc.).

During the construction and reconstruction phase, the following activities are implemented:

protection of structures from moisture during construction;

use of bioresistant finishing materials (putties, plasters, paints and varnishes);

surface treatment of structures with biocides.

At the stage of operation of the structures, take measures to reduce the humidity of the material of the structure (reducing the humidity of the environment, eliminating moisture condensation, dousing and capillary suction), treating the surface of the structures with biocides.

5.3.3 Protection from the impact of biologically active environments of structures made of materials based on cement is provided (tables III.1, III.2):

lowering the permeability of concrete and plaster for bacteria, spores and hyphae of fungi, plant roots; constructive measures - exclusion of cracks, increase in resistance to mechanical impact of plant roots and fungal hyphae;

the use of aggregates from hard igneous rocks when exposed to stone grinders;

the use of biocide additives in the composition of concrete;

periodic treatment of the concrete surface with biocide solutions;

the use of secondary protection means (biocidal putties, paint coatings, impregnations, water-repellent treatments) that prevent infection of the concrete surface with fungal spores and bacteria.

The possibility of damage to underground structures (communication collectors, sewage collectors, underground reservoirs) by plant roots is prevented by removing herbaceous plants, shrubs and trees from the area where underground structures are located, increasing the strength of concrete, and eliminating the formation of cracks in structures and joints between them.

5.3.4 The presence and nature of biologically active media, the presence of bacteria and fungal spores in materials used for the manufacture of concrete, as well as in secondary protection means (putties, primers, paints and varnishes) are checked by specialized organizations.

5.3.5 The choice of corrosion protection measures should be carried out on the basis of a technical and economic comparison of options, taking into account the predicted service life and costs, including the costs of resuming secondary protection, current and major repairs, and other costs.

5.3.6 The service life of the corrosion protection of concrete and reinforced concrete structures, taking into account its periodic restoration, must correspond to the service life of the building or structure.

5.4 Material and construction requirements

5.4.1 Requirements for concrete and building structures should be assigned based on the need to ensure the design life of the building or structure.

5.4.2 Requirements to ensure the corrosion resistance of concrete for each operating condition should include:

1) permitted types and grades (classes) of concrete components;

2) the minimum required content of cement in concrete;

3) the minimum class of concrete for compressive strength;

4) the minimum allowable brand of concrete for water resistance and / or the maximum allowable diffusion coefficient of chlorides or carbon dioxide;

5) the minimum volume of entrained air or gas (for concrete with requirements for frost resistance).

5.4.3 The following should be used as binders for the preparation of concrete (Table D.2):

It is allowed to use cements (binders) of low water demand (TsNV, VNV), stressing and non-shrinking cements and other binders prepared on the basis of the above cements. At the same time, it is necessary to confirm the compliance of the corrosion resistance and frost resistance of concrete on the specified binders and the resistance of reinforcement in these concretes to the operating conditions of structures, buildings and structures.

In gaseous and solid media (tables B.1, B.3), Portland cement, Portland cement with mineral additives, Portland slag cement should be used.


5.4.4 Quartz sand according to GOST 8736 class I, as well as porous sand according to GOST 9757 should be used as a fine aggregate. Class II sand according to GOST 8736 is allowed to be used for concrete structures operated in aggressive environments, if there is a technical justification.

As a coarse aggregate for concrete, fractionated crushed stone from igneous rocks, gravel and crushed stone from gravel of a crushability grade of at least 800 according to GOST 8267 should be used.

Homogeneous crushed stone from sedimentary rocks, not containing weak inclusions, with a crushability grade of at least 600 and a water absorption of not more than 2%, is allowed to be used for the manufacture of structures operated in gaseous, solid and liquid media with any degree of aggressive impact, with the exception of liquid media that have pH value below 4.

For structural lightweight concrete, artificial and natural porous aggregates should be used in accordance with GOST 9757 and GOST 22263.

The presence and quantity of harmful impurities in the aggregates should be indicated in the relevant documentation for the aggregate and taken into account when designing concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Fine and coarse aggregates should be tested for potentially reactive rocks. If there are reactive rocks in the composition of the aggregates, the following measures should be provided as measures to protect against corrosion caused by the interaction of the reactive rocks of the aggregate with cement alkalis:

1) selection of the composition of concrete with a minimum consumption of cement;

2) production of concrete on cements with an alkali content of not more than 0.6% per; the content of alkalis in concrete, calculated on a basis, should not exceed 3, provided that Portland cement is used without mineral additives in accordance with GOST 10178, GOST 31108;

3) production of concrete on Portland cements with mineral additives, Portland pozzolanic cement and Portland slag cement;

4) the use of active mineral additives in the composition of concrete;

5) introduction of water-repellent and gas-releasing additives into the concrete composition;

6) prohibition to introduce antifreeze additives and hardening accelerator additives containing sodium and potassium salts - potash, sodium nitrite, sodium sulfate, etc. into the composition of concrete;

7) introduction of additives of lithium salts;

8) dilution of aggregates with impurities of reactive rocks with aggregates that do not contain reactive components;

9) creation of dry operating conditions.

The effectiveness of these measures when using a specific aggregate must be proven by tests according to the methods of GOST 8269.0.

For high-strength concretes, non-reactive aggregates with cement alkalis should be used.

5.4.5 To increase the resistance of concrete of reinforced concrete structures operated in aggressive environments, additives should be used in accordance with GOST 24211, which reduce the permeability of concrete and increase its chemical resistance and frost resistance, enhance the protective effect of concrete in relation to reinforcement, and also increase the resistance of concrete under impact conditions. biologically active environments.

The total amount of chemical additives when used for concrete preparation should not exceed 5% of the mass of cement. With a larger number of additives, experimental confirmation of the corrosion resistance of concrete is required.

Additives used in the manufacture of reinforced concrete products and structures should not have a corrosive effect on concrete and reinforcement.

The maximum permissible content of chlorides in concrete, expressed as a percentage of chloride ions to the mass of cement, should not exceed the values ​​specified in Table D.3.

The introduction of chlorides (sodium, calcium chlorides, etc.) into the composition of concrete is not allowed in the manufacture of the following reinforced concrete structures:

2) with non-tensioned wire reinforcement with a diameter of 5 mm or less;

3) operated in wet or wet conditions;

4) with autoclaving;

5) exposed to electrocorrosion.

It is not allowed to introduce chlorides into the composition of concretes and mortars for injecting channels of prestressed structures, as well as for embedding seams and joints in prefabricated and precast-monolithic reinforced concrete structures.

The use of electrolyte additives in the concrete of structures subjected to electrocorrosion is not allowed.

The amount of mineral additives introduced into concrete should be determined based on the requirements to ensure the necessary corrosion resistance of concrete at a level not lower than that of concrete without such additives.

5.4.6 Water for mixing the concrete mixture and moistening the hardening concrete should be used in accordance with GOST 23732. The use of recycled and combined (mixed) water for concrete structures intended for operation in aggressive environments is allowed if there is experimental confirmation of the corrosion resistance of concrete.

5.4.7 Requirements for concrete, depending on the classes of service environments, are given in table E.1. This table is used taking into account the tables regulating concrete grades for water resistance, diffusion permeability, and frost resistance. Concrete permeability values ​​are given in Table E.1

5.4.8 Requirements for concrete of reinforced concrete structures operating under conditions of sign-variable temperatures are given in tables G.1, G.2. Concrete of reinforced concrete structures subjected to simultaneous effects of alternating freezing and thawing and aggressive liquid media (chlorides, sulfates, nitrates and other salts, including in the presence of evaporating surfaces) must be subject to increased requirements for frost resistance. Frost resistance tests are carried out according to GOST 10060

5.4.9 Concrete of structures of buildings and structures exposed to water and alternating temperatures, frost resistance grades over F150 should be made using air-entraining or microgas-forming additives, as well as complex additives based on them. The volume of air involved in the concrete mixture for the manufacture of reinforced concrete structures and products must comply with the values ​​specified in GOST 26633, GOST 31384 and other regulatory documents for specific types of concrete.

5.4.10 The selection of the composition of concrete, taking into account the impact of the operating environment, is recommended to be carried out in specialized laboratories of research institutes, universities, and other research organizations in cases where:

1) the service life of the building and structure specified by the project significantly exceeds 50 years, and also if the building or structure has an increased level of responsibility in accordance with GOST R 54257;

2) the operating environment is aggressive, but the nature of the aggressiveness is not clear;

3) it is possible to increase the aggressiveness of the environment during the operation of the building or structure;

4) mass erection of the same type structures is planned;

5) new materials are used for the preparation of concrete (cements, aggregates, fillers, additives, etc.).

5.4.11 Calculation of reinforced concrete structures exposed to aggressive environments should be carried out taking into account the category of requirements for crack resistance and the maximum allowable width of cracks in concrete, for gaseous and solid aggressive environments according to Table G.3, and for liquid aggressive environments - according to Table G .4 .

5.4.12 When reconstructing buildings and structures, it is recommended to perform a verification calculation of structures, taking into account the corrosive wear of concrete and reinforcement.

5.4.13 Reinforcing steels are subdivided into groups I-II according to the degree of danger of corrosion damage. Group III includes non-metallic composite reinforcement.

Group I. Reinforcement for structures without prestressing, hot-rolled, hot-rolled and thermomechanically hardened, supplied in rods and coils.

Group II. Prestressing reinforcement in the form of hot-rolled and thermomechanically hardened rods with normalized resistance to corrosion cracking, as well as high-strength reinforcing wire and wire ropes.

When reinforcing with 7-wire strands, the ends of the structures must be plugged or the reinforcement must have a protective coating.

For reinforcement of prestressed reinforced concrete structures operated in aggressive environments, it is preferable to use group II reinforcing steel and group III non-metallic reinforcement.

In reinforced concrete structures without prestressing, operated in medium-aggressive and highly aggressive environments, it is allowed to use thermomechanically hardened reinforcement of classes A400, A500, hot-rolled reinforcement of class A500 and cold-formed reinforcement of classes A500 and B500, which withstand tests for resistance to corrosion cracking in accordance with GOST 10884 and GOST 31383 in for at least 40 hours. In aggressive environments, for reinforcement, it is recommended to use non-metallic composite reinforcement that meets the requirements of the regulatory and technical documentation for it.

5.4.15 The thickness of the protective layer of heavy and lightweight concrete structures of flat slabs, shelves of ribbed slabs and shelves of wall panels is allowed to be taken equal to 15 mm for a slightly aggressive and medium aggressive degree of exposure to a gaseous environment and 20 mm - for a highly aggressive degree, regardless of the class of reinforcing steels. For non-metallic composite reinforcement, the thickness of the protective layer is assigned from the condition of ensuring joint operation of reinforcement with concrete.

The thickness of the protective layer of monolithic structures should be taken 5 mm more than the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in tables D.1, G.3, G.4, G.5.

For prestressed reinforced concrete structures of the 2nd category of crack resistance, the width of a short crack opening can be increased by 0.05 mm with an increase in the thickness of the protective layer by 10 mm.

5.4.16 For structures of the 3rd category of crack resistance, the use of wire of classes B-I and VR-I with a diameter of less than 4 mm is not allowed in structures intended for operation in aggressive environments.

5.4.17 Reinforcing ropes for prestressed reinforced concrete structures should be made of wire with a diameter of at least 2.5 mm in the outer and at least 2.0 mm in the inner layers of the rope.

5.4.18 The use of concrete and reinforced concrete structures made of lightweight concrete in aggressive environments is allowed on a par with heavy concrete if their physical and technical characteristics correspond to the corresponding characteristics of heavy concrete.

5.4.19 Bearing structures made of lightweight concrete on porous aggregates with water absorption of more than 14% of the volume for use in aggressive environments are not allowed.

5.4.20 Enclosing structures made of lightweight and cellular concrete for production with aggressive gaseous and solid media should be used in accordance with Table L.1.

5.4.21 Reinforced concrete structures made of reinforced cement may be used in slightly aggressive gaseous, liquid and solid media, provided that they are reinforced with galvanized reinforcement or non-metallic composite reinforcement. In liquid and solid media, it is necessary to apply secondary protection to the surface of reinforced cement structures.

5.5 Requirements for corrosion protection of steel embedded parts and connecting elements

5.5.1 The need to protect steel embedded parts and connecting elements, as well as the choice of corrosion protection methods, is determined by the environmental conditions in which the connection elements operate during the operation of reinforced concrete structures.

5.5.2 Embedded parts and connecting elements operating in aggressive environments are preferably made of corrosion-resistant steels.

5.5.3 In concreted joints and junctions of structures, embedded parts and connecting elements made of ordinary steels without protective coatings must have a protective layer of concrete and a concrete grade for water resistance not lower than in joined structures. The crack opening width in concreted joints and junctions of structures should not exceed that specified in tables G.3 and G.4.

Unprotected embedded parts must be cleaned of dust, rust and other contaminants before being placed in the molds for concreting.

5.5.4 The degree of aggressive impact of the environment on non-concrete surfaces of embedded and connecting parts is determined as to the elements of metal structures.

5.5.6 Corrosion protection of embedded parts and connecting elements may not be performed if it is necessary only for the period of installation of structures and if, at the same time, the appearance of rust on their surface during the operation of the building will not cause a violation of aesthetic requirements.

5.5.7 It is allowed not to apply protective coatings on the areas of embedded parts and connecting elements facing each other with flat surfaces (such as sheet overlays) that are hermetically welded along the entire contour.

5.5.8 The minimum thicknesses of coatings applied by galvanic method, hot-dip galvanizing, cold-dip galvanizing and thermal spraying should be at least 30 µm, 50 µm, 60 µm, 100 µm, respectively.

5.5.9 The thickness of the steel elements of embedded parts and ties (sheet, strip, profile) should be at least 6 mm, and reinforcing bars at least 12 mm.

5.5.10 Embedded parts and connecting elements at the joints of external enclosing structures, such as prefabricated reinforced concrete wall panels (including three-layer wall panels), are subject to corrosion protection.

5.5.11 According to the environmental conditions, steel ties of the outer walls of buildings can be divided into five groups:

group I - steel embedded and connecting parts of elements of facades of buildings, located outside the outer wall panels, exposed in the open air, without concreting;

group II - concreted or embedded steel embedded and connecting parts of building facade elements located outside the outer wall panels, as well as in the outer layer of concrete of three-layer wall panels;

group III - embedded steel embedded and connecting parts located in the horizontal and vertical joints of the outer three-layer wall panels in the inner layer of concrete;

group IV - the same as in III, but located throughout the thickness of the wall panel;

group V - embedded steel embedded and connecting parts of structures located inside the building, adjacent and not adjacent to the outer wall panels.

An assessment of the aggressive impact of the environment and the location of embedded parts and connecting elements in buildings with external walls made of three-layer wall panels are given in table I.1.

Note - Concreting is understood as embedding with concrete or mortar of elements of parts located on the surfaces of structures; under monolithic - inside the junction of structures.

5.5.12 Each of the five groups corresponds to certain types of embedded and connecting parts that are in relatively the same temperature and humidity conditions of exposure, for which equivalent options for corrosion protection methods can be recommended (Table K.1).

5.5.13 Concreting of embedded and connecting parts or their embedding in junctions of structures of groups II-IV should be carried out with heavy, including fine-grained concrete of a water resistance grade equal to the water resistance grade of concrete of joined structures, but not lower than W4, and for group V - according to project.

The thickness of the protective layer of concrete (the distance from the outer surface to the surface of the nearest steel element of the embedded or connecting part) should not be less than 20 mm.

5.5.14 In the basement of the building and in the technical underground, the protection of the embedded and connecting parts of the outer panels between themselves and with the panels of the inner walls should be carried out according to group II. In the technical underground, the thickness of all elements of embedded and connecting parts (plates, corners) and the diameters of anchoring and connecting rods must be increased by at least 2 mm compared to the calculated or design values.

In the basement part of the building and in the technical underground, the grade of concrete for water impermeability must be at least W6.

5.5.15 Exposed metal elements of embedded parts for fastening structures of flights of stairs located inside the premises are to be painted with group II paintwork according to Table Ts.7 (two layers with a total thickness of at least 55 microns).

5.5.16 The weld, as well as areas of protective coatings adjacent to it, damaged during installation and welding, must be protected and restored by applying the same or equivalent coatings.

5.6 Requirements for corrosion protection of the surface of concrete and reinforced concrete structures

5.6.1 The protection of the surfaces of structures should be assigned depending on the type and degree of aggressive impact of the environment.

5.6.2 In the technical specifications for structures for which secondary corrosion protection is provided, the following should be indicated:

1) requirements for the protected surface;

2) requirements for the shape of the structural element to be protected and for the hardness of its surface layer, indicating the allowable crack width and the required tightness of the protective coating;

3) requirements for protective coating materials, taking into account their possible interaction with the construction material;

4) requirements for the joint work of the material of structures and the protective coating under conditions of variable temperatures;

5) the frequency of inspection of the state of structures and the restoration of their protection.

5.6.3 When designing the surface protection of structures, the following should be provided:

1) paint and varnish coatings - under the action of gaseous and solid media (aerosols);

2) paint-and-lacquer thick-layer (mastic) coatings - under the action of liquid media and in direct contact of the coating with a solid aggressive environment;

3) pasting coatings - under the action of liquid media, in soils, as an impermeable sublayer in facing coatings;

4) facing coatings, including those made of polymer concrete, - under the action of liquid media, and soils as protection against mechanical damage to the pasting coating;

5) impregnation (sealing) with chemically resistant materials - under the action of liquid media, in soils;

6) hydrophobization - with periodic moistening with water or atmospheric precipitation, the formation of condensate;

7) biocidal materials - when exposed to acid-producing bacteria and fungi.

5.6.4 Corrosion protection of the surface of above-ground and underground reinforced concrete structures should be assigned based on the condition of the possibility of renewal of protective coatings. For underground structures, the opening and repair of which during operation is practically excluded, it is necessary to use materials that ensure the protection of structures for the entire period of operation.

5.6.5 To assess the state of the surface of concrete and reinforced concrete structures before applying anti-corrosion protection, the following standardized indicators are established: standardized roughness class; compressive strength of the surface layer; allowable alkalinity; humidity of the surface layer; no damage or defects; lack of sharp corners and ribs near the surface; absence of contaminants on the surface.

5.6.6 The prepared concrete surface, depending on the type of protective coating, must comply with the requirements of SP 72.13330.

The compressive strength of the surface layer must be at least 15 MPa for concrete and at least 8 MPa for cement-sand mortar.

The moisture content of concrete in the surface layer 20 mm thick should be no more than 4%. When using water-based materials, the moisture content of the surface layer is allowed no higher than 12%.

5.6.7 Protective materials must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation for a specific material, according to recipes and technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

Paints and varnishes used in construction (paints, enamels, varnishes, primers, fillers) must comply with the requirements of GOST R 52491.

5.6.8 Coating systems are divided into four groups according to their protective properties. Requirements for the choice of coatings depending on the operating conditions of the structures are given in table M.1; the protective properties of coatings increase from the first group to the fourth.

Types of paint-and-lacquer thin-layer coating systems (up to 250 microns thick) intended for anti-corrosion protection of the surface of concrete and reinforced concrete structures are given in Table A.1.

Types of paint-and-lacquer thick-layer, combined, impregnating-clotting systems of protective coatings are given in table A.2.

Crack-resistant coatings should be provided for structures whose deformations are accompanied by crack opening within the limits specified in tables G.3 and G.4.

5.6.9 Protective coatings and systems designed for corrosion protection of the surface of reinforced concrete structures, depending on the expected operating conditions, must have certain quality indicators: adhesion to concrete, water resistance, frost resistance, chemical resistance, crack resistance, vapor permeability, decorative and other properties.

5.6.10 The values ​​of the quality indicators of protective coating systems on concrete should be established in regulatory or technical documents for a specific protection system, as well as in design documentation for specific objects.

The adhesion strength of protective coating systems to the concrete surface must be at least 1.0 MPa.

5.6.11 The surface protection of underground structures is selected depending on the operating conditions, taking into account the type of reinforced concrete structures, their massiveness, manufacturing and erection technology.

The outer side surfaces of underground structures of buildings and structures, as well as the enclosing structures of basements (walls, floors) exposed to aggressive groundwater, are usually protected by mastic, pasting or facing coatings.

The requirements for different types of insulation are given in Table H.1.

On concrete and reinforced concrete structures exposed to moisture and negative temperatures, it is not allowed to apply coatings that prevent the evaporation of moisture from concrete.

5.6.12 To protect the soles of concrete and reinforced concrete foundations and structures, it is necessary to provide insulation that is resistant to aggressive environments.

Preparation materials for foundation structures must have corrosion resistance to the soil environment in the foundation area.

5.6.13 The side surfaces of underground concrete and reinforced concrete structures in contact with aggressive groundwater or soil should be protected, taking into account the possible increase in the level of groundwater and its aggressiveness during the operation of the structure.

If there are more than 10 g/kg of water-soluble salts in soils, for areas with an average monthly temperature of the hottest month over 25 ° C, with an average monthly relative humidity of less than 40%, it is necessary to waterproof all foundation surfaces.

5.6.14 In the presence of liquid aggressive media, concrete and reinforced concrete foundations for metal columns and equipment, as well as surface areas of other structures adjacent to the floor, must be protected with chemically resistant materials to a height of at least 300 mm from the level of the finished floor. In case of possible systematic contact with the foundations of technological liquids of medium and strong degree of aggressive action, it is necessary to provide for the installation of pallets. Areas of the surface of reinforced concrete structures, where it is impossible to avoid spills or splashing with aggressive liquids by technological measures, should have slopes, ladders, local additional protection with pasting, facing, impregnating or other coatings.

5.6.15 Protection of concrete and reinforced concrete floor structures is carried out according to a special project, taking into account the degree of aggressive effect of the environment on the material and mechanical loads (abrasive action of cars and pedestrians, shock loads) and thermal effects.

When designing floors on the ground, waterproofing under the underlying layer should be provided, regardless of the presence of groundwater and its level.

5.6.16 Underground utility pipelines transporting liquids that are aggressive towards concrete or reinforced concrete must be located in channels or tunnels and be available for systematic inspection.

Sewage trays, pits, collectors transporting aggressive liquids must be removed from the foundations of buildings, columns, walls, foundations for equipment at a distance of at least 1 m. The internal surfaces of these building structures must be accessible for inspection and repair.

5.6.17 Reinforced concrete structures of sewer facilities with an aggressive gaseous internal environment should be made of concrete of a strength class of at least B30, and water resistance of at least W8. When designing sewer pipelines, wells, chambers in areas with an aggressive gaseous internal environment, protection with chemically resistant non-cement silicate, polymer and other materials should be provided, reinforced concrete pipes with an internal polymer lining should be used. The effectiveness of protective coatings of sewer structures must be confirmed by field tests. Metal elements subject to gas corrosion should be made of stainless steel or protected with chemically resistant coatings.

5.6.18 The grade of concrete for water resistance in the manufacture of piles must be at least W6. Protection of the surface of driven and vibro-immersed reinforced concrete piles with coatings is not allowed. Protection of piles by impregnation or penetrating sealing materials is allowed provided that it is proved that they do not affect bearing capacity piles.

5.6.19 For reinforced concrete structures, the surface protection of which is difficult (bored piles, structures erected by the "wall in the ground" method, etc.), it is necessary to apply primary protection by choosing special types of cements, aggregates, selecting concrete compositions, introducing additives that increase the resistance of concrete, etc.

5.6.20 In expansion joints of enclosing reinforced concrete structures, expansion joints made of galvanized, stainless or rubber-coated steel, polyisobutylene or other corrosion-resistant materials should be provided, as well as their installation on chemically resistant mastic with tight fixing. The design of the expansion joint should exclude the possibility of aggressive media penetrating through it. Sealing of joints and seams of enclosing structures should be carried out by filling the gaps with sealants or by installing elastic compensators.

5.6.21 In the event that corrosion protection of concrete and reinforced concrete structures cannot be provided within the framework of the requirements put forward in this standard, structures made of chemically resistant concrete should be used.

5.7 Requirements for the protection of reinforced concrete structures from electrocorrosion

5.7.1 Protection of reinforced concrete structures against electrocorrosion should be provided for:

in the presence of stray currents from direct current installations for reinforced concrete structures of buildings and structures of electrolysis departments; structures of structures of electrified rail transport at direct current, pipelines, collectors, foundations and other extended underground structures in the area of ​​currents from extraneous sources;

under the action of alternating current from reinforced concrete structures used as grounding conductors.

When designing the protection of building structures against corrosion, the requirements of GOST 9.602 should be taken into account.

5.7.2 The risk of corrosion by stray currents should be determined by the values ​​of the "reinforcement-concrete" potential or by the values ​​of the leakage current density from the reinforcement. Hazard indicators are given in Table B.8.

5.7.3 The risk of corrosion by alternating current of industrial frequency for structures used as grounding devices is determined by the density of the current flowing for a long time from the surface of the reinforcement of underground structures into the ground, exceeding 10.

5.7.4 Methods for protecting reinforced concrete structures from corrosion by stray currents are divided into the following groups:

I - limitation of leakage currents, performed on sources of stray currents;

II - passive protection performed on reinforced concrete structures;

Ill - active (electrochemical) protection, performed on reinforced concrete structures, if passive protection is impossible or insufficient.

When designing reinforced concrete structures of buildings and structures of electrolysis departments and structures of rail transport electrified at direct current, methods of protection against electrocorrosion of groups I and II should be provided.

5.7.5 Passive protection of reinforced concrete structures of buildings and structures of electrolysis departments and structures of rail transport electrified at direct current should be provided:

the use of concrete grade for water resistance not lower than W6;

the use of concrete with increased electrical resistance, achieved through the use of complex plasticizing and compacting additives;

excluding the use of concrete with additives that reduce the electrical resistance of concrete, including those that inhibit steel corrosion;

the appointment of a concrete protective layer thickness of at least 20 mm, and for contact network supports - at least 16 mm;

limiting the crack opening width to not more than 0.1 mm for prestressed structures and not more than 0.2 mm for conventional structures.

5.7.6 It is not allowed to add additives of electrolyte salts, which reduce the electrical resistance of concrete, into the concrete of structures located in the current field from extraneous sources.

5.7.7 To protect buildings and structures of electrolysis departments from electrocorrosion, the following should be provided:

installation of electrical insulating joints in reinforced concrete floors, reinforced concrete platforms for servicing electrolyzers, in underground reinforced concrete structures;

the use of polymer concrete for structures adjacent to electrical equipment (pillars, beams and foundations for electrolyzers, support pillars for busbars, support beams and foundations for equipment connected to electrolyzers) in aqueous solution electrolysis departments;

measures to prevent pouring mortar over structures (installation of protective visors, etc.);

protection of foundation surfaces with coatings recommended for corrosion protection of underground structures;

steel reinforcement of foundations for electrolyzers is not allowed when they are installed at or below the level of the ground, channels, gutters and other structures in the departments for the electrolysis of aqueous solutions.

5.7.8 To protect reinforced concrete structures of rail transport structures from electrocorrosion, it is necessary to provide for the installation of electrically insulating parts and devices that provide electrical resistance of at least 10,000 Ohm of the grounding circuit of the contact network supports and details of fastening the contact network to structural elements of bridges, flyovers, tunnels, etc.

5.7.9 When using reinforced concrete structures as grounding devices, it is necessary to provide for the connection of all structural elements (as well as embedded parts installed in reinforced concrete columns for connecting electrical process equipment) to a continuous electric circuit for metal by welding reinforcement or embedded parts of contacting structural elements. In this case, the design scheme of the structure operation should not change.

5.7.10 It is not allowed to use reinforced concrete foundations as grounding conductors, which are subjected to medium and severe aggressive environmental influences, as well as reinforced concrete structures for grounding electrical installations operating on direct electric current.

5.7.11 In structures subject to electrical corrosion, it is allowed to replace steel reinforcement with non-metallic reinforcement with high electrical resistance (basalt-plastic, fiberglass, etc.) with appropriate justification. CFRP reinforcement, which has a high electrical conductivity, is not allowed under such conditions.

6 Wooden structures

6.4 Wooden structures intended for use in chemical environments of medium and strong aggressive effects should be made of coniferous wood with increased resistance - spruce, pine, fir, larch, cedar and others.

For wooden structures, use debarked wood that is not affected by wood-destroying fungi and insects, taking into account GOST 9463 and GOST 2140; use only dried wood, the moisture content of which does not exceed 20% (Table Part 1).

6.5 Protection of wooden structures from biological and chemical corrosion is carried out using structural measures and chemical products (biocides) according to Table III.2.

6.6 Structural measures are mandatory regardless of the service life of the building or structure, as well as whether the wood is chemically protected or not.

In cases where the wood has a high initial moisture content and its rapid drying in the structure is difficult, and also in cases where structural measures cannot eliminate the constant or periodic wetting of the wood, chemical protection measures should be applied.

6.7 Structural measures should include:

a) protection of timber structures from direct moisture from atmospheric precipitation, groundwater and melt water (with the exception of overhead power transmission line supports), technological solutions, etc.;

b) protection of wood structures from capillary and condensation moisture;

c) systematic drying of wood structures by creating a drying temperature and humidity regime (natural and forced ventilation premises, arrangement of dehumidifiers, aerators in structures and parts of buildings).

6.8 Bearing wooden structures (trusses, arches, beams, etc.) must be open, well ventilated, and, if possible, accessible in all parts for inspection and work to protect structural elements.

6.9 In buildings and structures with a chemically aggressive environment of medium and strong degree of aggressiveness, load-bearing wooden structures and their elements must have a solid section and a minimum number of metal elements.

The use of metal-wood structures in such buildings and structures should be limited as much as possible.

In buildings with a chemically aggressive environment of medium and strong degree of aggressiveness, the use of through-bearing structures, in particular, trusses, should be avoided due to the presence of a large number of intermediate nodes and open horizontal and inclined edges of the wooden elements of the lattice, on which chemically aggressive dust accumulates.

6.10 Metal fittings of timber structures shall be protected against corrosion in accordance with the provisions of Clause 9. The degree of aggressive action on metal parts should be taken from tables X.1 - X.5, and methods of corrosion protection - from table Ts.6.

Fastening metal elements (hardware) - nails, self-tapping screws, bolts, studs, etc. must have a zinc coating.

In load-bearing glued wooden structures operated in a chemical environment of medium and strong degree of aggressiveness, glued wooden rods should be preferred for nodal connections and for connecting wooden elements to each other.

6.11 Bearing structures operated outdoors must have a solid massive section and be made of beams, round timber or glued timber. For the manufacture of structures, wood should be used that is not affected by wood-destroying fungi and insects, with humidity corresponding to the operational one.

In open structures, it is necessary to use to the maximum extent means that protect wooden structural elements from direct contact with atmospheric moisture.

To protect against atmospheric precipitation, open horizontal and inclined edges of load-bearing structures should be protected with visors made of weather- and corrosion-resistant material, including boards pre-preserved with bioprotective compounds.

6.12 In the enclosing structures of heated buildings and structures, excessive moisture accumulation during operation should be excluded.

In wall panels and floor slabs, ventilation ducts communicating with the outside air should be provided, and in cases provided for by thermal engineering calculations, a vapor barrier layer should be used. The type of corrosion protection shall comply with the requirements of Table C.1.

6.13 Chemical measures to protect wooden structures from corrosion caused by exposure to biological agents include antiseptic, conservation, application of paints and varnishes or compositions of complex action. When exposed to chemical aggressive environments, coating of structures with paints and varnishes or surface impregnation with compounds of complex action should be provided.

7 Stone structures

7.1 Assessment of the degree of aggressive impact on masonry structures is carried out separately for mortar and masonry material and for masonry structures as a whole is taken as for the material for which the environment is the most aggressive.

7.2 Structures made of silicate bricks, hollow ceramic products and ceramic bricks of semi-dry pressing in liquid aggressive environments and soils are not allowed.

7.3 The degree of aggressive action of a liquid medium and soils in the presence of an evaporating surface on solid ceramic brick structures when exposed to solutions containing chlorides, sulfates, nitrates and other salts and caustic alkalis, in an amount of 10 to 15 g/l (g/kg) should be take as slightly aggressive, from 15 to 20 g/l (g/kg) - as medium aggressive, over 20 g/l (g/kg) - as highly aggressive.

The degree of aggressive action of gaseous and solid media on structures made of ceramic and silicate bricks should be taken from tables U.1 and U.2.

7.4 The degree of aggressive action of liquid media on cement masonry mortars should be taken as for concrete of the W4 water resistance grade on Portland cement according to tables B.3, B.4, B.6; for solutions with the addition of lime as a plasticizing component, the degree of aggressive effect of the medium should be taken one level higher than indicated in these tables.

In aggressive environments, the use of masonry mortar using clay and ash is not allowed.

The degree of aggressive impact of gaseous and solid media on masonry mortars based on Portland cement should be taken from tables B.1 and B.3.

7.5 In case of periodic freezing of masonry, the brand of masonry mortar for frost resistance should be taken according to table G.2.

7.7 The seams of masonry in rooms with an aggressive environment must be embroidered. The surface of stone and reinforced masonry structures operated in aggressive environments should be protected from corrosion with paints and varnishes (on plaster or directly on masonry) in accordance with the requirements of Table F.1.

For structures located in the above-ground part, protective materials should be used that provide the necessary vapor permeability.

7.8 Steel parts in masonry shall be protected against corrosion in accordance with the requirements of section 5.5.

8 Chrysotile cement structures

8.1 The degree of aggressive effect of media on structures made on the basis of chrysotile asbestos according to GOST 12871 and cement should be taken as for concrete on Portland cement grade for water resistance W4: gaseous - according to table B.1, solid - according to table B.3, liquid - according to Tables B.3, B.4, B.6.

8.2 In chrysotile-cement boxes used for ventilation of buildings and structures with an aggressive environment, the degree of aggressive effect of the environment inside the box should be taken one level higher than inside the building.

8.3 Chrysotile cement wall panels should not come into contact with the ground. These structures should be placed on a plinth, which has a waterproofing gasket that protects the chrysotile-cement wall panels from capillary suction of groundwater.

8.5 Protection of chrysotile-cement composite structures that use wood, metal, polymeric materials should be provided taking into account the degree of impact of aggressive environments on each of the materials used.

9 Metal structures

9.1 Aggressiveness of media

9.1.1 The degrees of aggressive action of media on metal structures are given:

liquid inorganic media - in table X.3;

liquid organic media - in table X.4;

groundwater and soil on carbon steel structures - in Table X.5.

9.2.8 It is not allowed to provide for the use of aluminum, galvanized steel or metal protective coatings in the design of structures of buildings and structures that are affected by liquid media or soils with pH up to 3 and over 11, solutions of salts of copper, mercury, tin, nickel, lead and others heavy metals, solid alkali, soda ash or other highly soluble hygroscopic salts with an alkaline reaction, capable of being deposited on structures in the form of dust, if, without taking into account the impact of dust, the degree of aggressive influence of the environment corresponds to moderately aggressive or highly aggressive.

Note - In case of possible contact with the above aggressive media, as well as mortars and unhardened concrete on the surface of aluminum structures, the project should indicate the need to remove them from the surface of the structures.

9.2.9 It is not allowed to design aluminum structures of buildings and structures with moderately aggressive and highly aggressive environments at a concentration of chlorine, hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride in gas groups C and D. Aluminum alloys of grades 1915, 1925, 1915T, 1925T, 1935T are not allowed to be used for structures located in inorganic liquid media.

9.2.10 When designing offshore oil and gas field hydraulic structures, with the exception of deep-water bases of stationary platforms, it is not allowed:

a) placement of elements of connections (struts, braces, welds) in the zone of periodic wetting;

b) connection of connections to supports with clamps;

c) placement of span structures in the zone of periodic wetting.

These restrictions for fixed platform deep water structures are subject to:

for structures in the Caspian Sea - to a height of at least 1 m above the water's edge;

on structures in other water areas - to the height of the tidal zones.

9.2.11 It is not allowed to design steel structures with riveted joints made of steel grade 09G2 for buildings and structures in slightly aggressive environments containing sulfur dioxide or hydrogen sulfide in gas group B, as well as buildings and structures with moderately aggressive and highly aggressive environments.

9.2.12 When designing structural elements of steel ropes for outdoor structures, the requirements given in Table Ts.4 should be taken into account, and for steel ropes inside buildings with aggressive environments or inside boxes (the degree of aggressiveness of the environment in which is estimated according to Table X.1 . - as for unheated buildings) according to Table C.4 (as for moderately aggressive or highly aggressive environments in the open air).

9.2.13 When designing structures made of dissimilar metals for operation in aggressive environments, it is necessary to provide for measures to prevent contact corrosion in the contact zones of dissimilar metals, and when designing welded structures, the requirements of Table Ts.5 must be taken into account.

9.2.14 The minimum thickness of sheets of enclosing structures used without corrosion protection should be determined in accordance with Table X.8.

9.3 Requirements for corrosion protection of surfaces of steel and aluminum structures

9.3.1 Corrosion protection methods for steel load-bearing structures and enclosing structures made of aluminum and galvanized steel are given in tables Ts.1, Ts.6, Ts.8. Bearing structures made of steel grade 10KhNDP may not be protected from corrosion in the open air in environments with a slightly aggressive degree of exposure, from steel grades 10KhSND and 15KhSND - in the open air in a dry zone when the atmosphere contains gases of group A (slightly aggressive degree of exposure to the environment). Enclosing structures made of steel grades 10KhNDP (for environments with gases of groups A and B) and 10KhDP (only for environments with gases of group A) can be used without corrosion protection, subject to exposure to slightly aggressive environments in the open air. Parts of structures made of steel of these grades, located inside buildings with non-aggressive or slightly aggressive environments, must be protected from corrosion by paint coatings of groups II and III applied on metal painting and profiling lines, or by protection methods provided for environments with a slightly aggressive degree of impact.

Enclosing structures made of non-galvanized carbon steel with paint coatings of groups II and III applied on metal painting and profiling lines may be provided for environments with a non-aggressive degree of exposure.

Bearing metal structures of building frames made of thin-sheet bent profiles and enclosing structures made of galvanized steel with hot zinc coating of class 1 according to GOST 14918 and class 275 according to GOST R 52246 are allowed to be used only in conditions of non-aggressive environmental influences. Bearing structures made of these profiles and enclosing structures made of thin-sheet galvanized steel with an additional paint coating can be used in conditions of slightly aggressive environmental influences. The choice of grades of materials and the thickness of protective and decorative paint coatings for additional protection against corrosion of galvanized steel should be made taking into account the service life of the paint coating in specific operating conditions. The predicted service life of the coating should be established based on the results of accelerated climatic tests of coating samples, which are fragments of real structures with coatings. Accelerated coating tests are carried out in accordance with GOST 9.401.

9.3.2 When designing load-bearing aluminum structures exposed to aggressive environments (with the exception of slightly aggressive environments containing chlorine, hydrogen chloride or hydrogen fluoride of gas group B), the requirements for corrosion protection as for enclosing structures made of aluminum should be observed. For the environments indicated above in parentheses, supporting structures made of aluminum of all grades must be protected against corrosion by electrochemical anodizing (layer thickness µm).

Structures operated in water with a total concentration of sulfates and chlorides over 5 g/l must be protected by electrochemical anodizing (µm) followed by the application of group IV water-resistant paint coatings.

The thickness of the layer of paint coatings for enclosing and load-bearing structures made of aluminum must be at least 70 microns.

The adjunction of aluminum structures to structures made of brick or concrete is allowed only after complete hardening of the solution or concrete, regardless of the degree of aggressive influence of the environment. The junction areas must be protected with paint and varnish coatings. Concreting of aluminum structures is not allowed. The adjunction of painted aluminum structures to wooden structures is allowed provided that the latter are impregnated with creosote.

9.3.3 The degree of cleaning of the surface of load-bearing steel structures from mill scale, rust, slag inclusions before applying protective coatings must comply with the requirements given in Table X.6. In technically justified cases, the degree of cleaning of the surface of steel structures from scale and rust can be increased by one level. The surface of enclosing steel structures for paint coatings should be cleaned to the degree of cleaning I in accordance with GOST 9.402.

Surface cleaning of aluminum structures before applying paint coatings must be carried out in accordance with GOST 9.402.

9.3.4 In the designs of load-bearing steel structures, it should be indicated that the quality of the paintwork must comply with classes according to GOST 9.032: IV or V - for environments with a medium and highly aggressive degree of impact and for structures in slightly aggressive and non-aggressive environments located in the working area; from IV to VI - for other structures in slightly aggressive environments and up to VII - in non-aggressive environments.

To protect steel and aluminum structures from corrosion, paint coatings of groups are used: I - alkyd (pentaphthalic, glyphthalic, alkyd-styrene), alkyd-urethane (uralkyds), ​​oil, oil-bitumen, epoxy ether, nitrocellulose; II - phenol-formaldehyde, perchlorovinyl and vinyl chloride copolymers, chlorinated rubber, polyvinyl butyral, acrylic, polyester silicone, organosilicate; III - perchlorovinyl and vinyl chloride copolymers, chlorinated rubber, polystyrene, organosilicon, organosilicate, polysiloxane, polyurethane, epoxy; IV perchlorovinyl and vinyl chloride copolymers, epoxy.

GOST 9.316 must be provided for corrosion protection of steel structures with bolted joints, with butt welding and fillet welds, as well as bolts, washers and nuts. These methods of protection against corrosion may be provided for steel structures with overlap welding, provided that there is continuous welding along the contour or that a guaranteed gap between the welded elements is not less than 1.5 mm.

Mounting welds of structural joints must be protected by thermal spraying of zinc or aluminum in accordance with GOST 9.304 or paint coatings of groups III and IV using a protective zinc-rich primer after the installation of structures. Zinc-plated interface surfaces of structures on high-strength bolts must be treated with metal shot before installation to ensure a friction coefficient of at least 0.37.

Instead of hot-dip galvanizing of steel structures (with a layer thickness of 60-100 microns), it is allowed to provide for small elements (with a measured length of up to 1 m), except for bolts, nuts and washers, galvanizing or cadmium plating (with a layer thickness of 42 microns) followed by chromating. This method of corrosion protection may be provided for bolts of normal strength, nuts and washers with a layer thickness of up to 21 microns (the thickness of the coating in the thread should ensure the screwing of the threaded connection) with subsequent additional protection of the protruding parts of the bolted connections with paint coatings III and IV groups.

9.3.9 Electrochemical protection must be provided for steel structures: structures in soils in accordance with GOST 9.602 partially or completely immersed in liquid media given in Table X.3, except for alkali solutions; internal surfaces of the bottoms of tanks for oil and oil products, if water settles in the tanks. Electrochemical protection of structures in soils must be provided together with insulating coatings, and in liquid media it is allowed to be provided together with paint coatings of groups III and IV. The design of electrochemical protection of steel structures is carried out by a special design organization.

9.3.10 Chemical oxidation followed by the application of paint coatings or electrochemical anodizing of the surface should be provided for corrosion protection of aluminum structures. Structural sections on which the integrity of the protective anode or paint film is violated during welding, riveting and other work performed during installation must be protected with paint coatings after preliminary cleaning.

9.3.11 Insulating coatings should be provided for structures located in soils. Elements of circular and rectangular cross-section, including those made of ropes, cables, pipes, are protected according to GOST 9.602 with normal, reinforced or highly reinforced coatings made of polymer adhesive tapes or based on bitumen-rubber, bitumen-polymer, etc. compositions with reinforcing winding; sheet structures and structures made of profiled rolled products - with bitumen, bitumen-polymer or bitumen-rubber coatings with a layer thickness of at least 3 mm. Mounting welds protect after welding. Prior to installation, it is allowed to provide for the priming of installation welding sites with bituminous primers in one layer.

9.4 Requirements for corrosion protection of flue, gas and ventilation pipes, tanks

9.4.1 The choice of steel for gas outlet shafts and materials for protecting their internal surfaces from corrosion should be made according to Table Ts.2. In projects of unlined steel pipes, it is necessary to provide devices for periodic inspections of the inner surface of the shaft, and for pipes of the "pipe in pipe" type, also for inspection of the annular space. When designing pipe trunks from individual elements suspended from a supporting steel frame, methods for protecting frame structures from corrosion must be applied in accordance with the instructions in Table C.1 and Table C.6, and the degree of aggressive media exposure should be determined from Table X.1 for gases of the group WITH.

9.4.2 Structures of load-bearing steel frames designed from steel grade 10KhNDP and intended for construction in dry and normal humidity zones with a slightly aggressive degree of exposure to outside air may be used without corrosion protection. The upper part of the chimney exhaust shaft must be made of corrosion-resistant steel in accordance with Table C.2.

9.4.3 The degree of aggressive action of media on the internal surfaces of steel structures of tanks for oil and oil products should be taken from Table X.7.

9.4.4 Corrosion protection methods for external above-ground, underground and internal surfaces of structures of tanks for cold water, oil and oil products, designed from carbon and low-alloy steel or aluminum, should be provided in accordance with the requirements of Tables Ts.1 and Ts.6, in including the internal surfaces of the structures of tanks for oil and oil products - taking into account the requirements of GOST 1510.

9.4.5 Protection of the internal surfaces of hot water tanks (in the underwater part) should be carried out by electrochemical protection, water deaeration and prevention of its re-oxygenation in the tanks by applying a sealant film to the water surface. It is allowed to apply paint and varnish coatings resistant to hot water on the underwater parts of the tanks.

9.4.6 When designing the protection of the internal surfaces of tanks for storing liquid mineral fertilizers, acids and alkalis, designed from carbon steel, lining with non-metallic chemically resistant materials or electrochemical protection in tanks for storing mineral fertilizers and acids should be provided. In this case, the structures must be calculated taking into account deformations from temperature effects on the lining materials. Welded seams of the bodies of such tanks should be designed as butt welds. On the structures of tanks protected from corrosion by linings, dynamic loads from process equipment should not be transferred. Pipes with hot water or air inside such tanks should be placed at a distance of at least 50 mm from the surface of the lining, and high-speed agitators (rotation speed over 300 rpm) - at a distance of at least 300 mm from the protective coating to the agitator blades.

10 Safety and environmental requirements

10.1 Materials used for protective coatings in rooms and other places intended for the stay of people, keeping animals and birds, food and medicinal warehouses and storage facilities, drinking water tanks, as well as at enterprises where, according to production conditions, the use of harmful substances is not allowed, must be safe for people, animals and birds.

10.2 Construction Materials should not have a negative impact on human health, i.e. do not emit harmful substances, spores of fungi and bacteria into the environment.

10.3 When performing work to protect the surfaces of building structures of buildings and structures, it is necessary to comply with the safety and fire safety rules provided for by SNiP 12-03, SNiP 12-04.

10.4 All painting work related to the use of paints and varnishes in construction must be carried out in accordance with the general safety requirements in accordance with GOST 12.3.002 and GOST 12.3.005.

10.5 When designing anti-corrosion protection areas, warehouses, units for preparing emulsions, aqueous solutions, suspensions, the requirements of the current standards in terms of sanitary, explosion, explosion and fire safety must be observed.

10.6 Anti-corrosion coatings should not release harmful substances into the environment. chemical substances in quantities exceeding the maximum allowable concentrations (MPC) approved in the prescribed manner.

10.7 It is prohibited to discharge or pour into sanitary water bodies and sewerage materials of anti-corrosion protection, their solutions, emulsions, as well as waste generated from washing process equipment and pipelines. If it is impossible to exclude the discharge or discharge of the above materials or wastes, it is necessary to provide for preliminary treatment of wastewater.

11 Fire safety

11.1 Corrosion protection of surfaces of building structures should be carried out taking into account the requirements for fire resistance and fire hazard. The choice of anti-corrosion materials should be carried out taking into account their fire-technical characteristics (fire hazard) and their compatibility with fire-retardant materials.

11.2 The procedure for classifying building structures in terms of fire resistance and fire hazard is established in accordance with the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" and fire safety regulations.

11.5 The combined use of anti-corrosion and flame retardants should be carried out taking into account their compatibility and adhesion. The possibility of using flame retardants over anti-corrosion ones must be confirmed by fire tests. Fire protection means applied to structures should not lead to corrosion of structures.

11.6 In cases where, as a result of the replacement of anti-corrosion coatings of the operating structure, the fire protection coating is violated, it is necessary to provide for measures to restore the fire protection coating to ensure the required fire resistance limits and (or) functional fire hazard classes.

11.7 When using structural fire protection, it is necessary to provide for additional measures to ensure corrosion protection of structures, taking into account the type and degree of aggressive environmental impact.

11.8 Sprayed flame retardants and thin-layer fire retardant coatings shall be designed to be resistant to aggressive environment conditions or be protected by special coatings.

11.9 When using flame retardants with surface protection of the coating, the fire retardant performance should be determined taking into account the surface layer.

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SNiP 2.03.11-85


Protection of building structures

against corrosion

Introduction date 1986-01-01

DEVELOPED BY NIIZhB Gosstroy of the USSR (Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Prof. S.N. Alekseev - leader of the topic, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Prof. F.M. Ivanov, Candidates of Engineering Sciences M.G. Bulgakova, Yu. A. Savvin); TsNIIproektsteelkonstruktsiya im. Melnikov of the State Construction Committee of the USSR - Section 5 (Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Prof. A.I. Golubev, Candidate of Engineering Sciences A.M. Shlyafirner); TsNIISK them. Kucherenko of Gosstroy of the USSR - section 3 (Ph.D. of technical sciences A.B. Sholokhova, A.V. Bekker) with the participation of the Institute of Proektkhimzashchita of the Ministry of Installation and Special Construction of the USSR (S.K. Bachurina, S.N. Shulzhenko, T.G. Kustova) , VNIPI Teploproject Minmontazhspetsstroy of the USSR (candidate of technical sciences B.D. Trinker), TsNIIEPselstroy of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture, MISI im. V.V. Kuibyshev of the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR, Gipromorneftegaz of Mingazprom, VILS of Minaviaprom, VNIKTIstalkonstruktsiya Minmontazhspetsstroy of the USSR.


PREPARED FOR APPROVAL by the Main Technical Regulation of the State Construction Committee of the USSR (F.V. Bobrov, I.I. Krupnitskaya).

APPROVED by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Construction of August 30, 1985 No. 137.

With the entry into force of SNiP 2.03.11-85 "Protection of building structures against corrosion" from January 1, 1986, the following are no longer valid:

Clause 1 of the Decree of the Gosstroy of the USSR dated July 12, 1973 No. 124 “On approval of the head of SNiP II-B.9-73 “Anti-corrosion protection of building structures of buildings and structures. Design standards”;

Decree of the Gosstroy of the USSR of April 17, 1975 No. 57 “On a partial change in the Decree of the Gosstroy of the USSR of July 12, 1973 No. 124 and the addition of the chapter SNiP II-28-73 “Protection of building structures from corrosion”;

Clause 1 of the Decree of the Gosstroy of the USSR of September 17, 1976 No. 148 “On approval of the “Instructions for the protection of reinforced concrete structures from corrosion caused by stray currents” (SN 65-76);

Decree of the Gosstroy of the USSR of September 28, 1979 No. 181 “On changing the chapter of SNiP II-28-73 “Protection of building structures from corrosion”.

In SNiP 2.03.11-85 "Protection of building structures against corrosion", amendment No. 1 was introduced, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated August 5, 1996 No. 18-59. Items, tables that have been amended are marked in these Building Codes and Rules with a sign (K).

Changes were made according to BST N 10, 1996.

These standards apply to the design of corrosion protection of building structures (concrete, reinforced concrete, steel, aluminum, wood, stone and asbestos-cement) buildings and structures when exposed to aggressive environments with temperatures from minus 70 to plus 50 ° C.

The standards do not apply to the design of protection of building structures against corrosion caused by radioactive substances, as well as to the design of structures made of special concretes (polymer concrete, acid-resistant, heat-resistant concrete).

The design of the reconstruction of buildings and structures should include an analysis of the corrosion state of structures and protective coatings, taking into account the type and degree of aggressiveness of the environment in the new operating conditions.


1.1. Protection of building structures should be carried out using materials that are corrosion-resistant for a given environment and the fulfillment of design requirements (primary protection), applying metal, oxide, paint, metallization-paint and mastic coatings, lubricants, film, facing and other materials on the surface of structures (secondary protection). ), as well as the use of electrochemical methods.

1.2(K). According to the degree of impact on building structures, the environments are divided into non-aggressive, slightly aggressive, medium-aggressive and highly aggressive.

According to the physical state of the environment are divided into gaseous, solid and liquid.

According to the nature of the action, the media are divided into chemically and biologically active media.

1.3. Surface protection of building structures manufactured at the factory should be carried out in the factory.

1.4 (K). In order to reduce the degree of aggressive impact of the environment on building structures, it is necessary to provide for the following when designing:

development of master plans for enterprises, space-planning and design solutions, taking into account the wind rose and the direction of the flow of groundwater;

technological equipment with the maximum possible sealing, forced-air and exhaust ventilation, exhausts in places of the greatest release of vapors, gases and dusts.

1.5. When designing building structures, such cross-sectional shapes of structural elements should be provided that exclude or reduce the possibility of stagnation of aggressive gases, as well as the accumulation of liquids and dust on their surface.

1.6. When designing the protection of building structures against corrosion of industries associated with the manufacture and use food products, animal feed, as well as premises for the stay of people and animals, it is necessary to take into account the sanitary and hygienic requirements for protective materials and the possible aggressive action of disinfectants.



Moscow 1980

Official edition


UDC 42(083.75): /O*0.1*7 « 824.01

Chapter SNNP 11-28-73 “Protection of building structures from corrosion. Design standards / Gosstroy of the USSR. M.: Stroyizdat, 1980.- 45 p.

Developed by the Research Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Gosstroy CfcCP with the participation of: Central Research Institute of Industrial Buildings. TsNIISK nm. Kucherenko Gosstroy of the USSR. Proskthnmzashchita and VNIPItsploproekt Mimmontazhspetsstroy of the USSR. TsNIIS of the Ministry of Transstroy of the USSR, TsNIIEPselstroy of the Miiselstroy of the USSR.

With the entry into force of this chapter, the “Instructions for the design and installation of anti-corrosion protection of exhaust pipes of enterprises with aggressive environments” (SN 163-61), “Temporary instructions for the anti-corrosion protection of steel embedded parts and welded joints in large-panel buildings” (SN 206- 62), “Design instructions. Signs and norms of water-environment aggressiveness for reinforced concrete and concrete structures ”(SN 249-63 *). “Guidelines for the design of anti-corrosion protection of building structures” (SN 262-67) and the head of SNiP 1-B.27-7I “Protection of building structures from corrosion. Materials and products. corrosion resistant*.

Supplement to the chapter SNiP 11-28-73* "Protection of building structures against corrosion". sec. 6 "Steel and aluminum structures" was developed by TsNIIproektsteel-construction of the Gosstroy of the USSR with the participation of MISI im. V. V. Kuibyshev of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the USSR and TsNIIEPselstroy of the Ministry of Agricultural Construction of the USSR.

Chapter SNiP 11-28-73 * is published subject to changes and additions approved by the resolutions of the USSR Gosstroy as of January 1, 1980.

There are no paragraphs in the text. 5.11, 6.32 and tab. 20. 27, 42, which became invalid on January 1, 1980.

Editors of the head of SNiP 11-28-73* - Dr. Tech. Sciences V. M. Moskvin, kaid. tech. Sci. Yu. A. Savvin (NIIZhB Gosstroy of the USSR).

The editors of the addition to the chapter of SNiP M-28-73 * are engineers F. M. Shlemin. I. I. Krupnitskaya (Gosstroy of the USSR), Ph.D. tech. Sciences A. M. Shlyafirchgr (TsNIIproektstealkonstruktsiya Gosstroy of the USSR).

GOSSTROYA USSR Construction sterns and walkways Part II Design standards D a a a 28

Protection of building* structures against corrosion

Editorial staff of instructive literature edited by G. A. Zhigachev Editor E. A. Volkova Ml. editor A. N. Nenasheva Technical editor M. V. Pavlova Proofreader E. D. Par evidence

Handed over in set 26 02.60 Signed and printed 11.0880, Format &4XI08 "/" d e. Typographical paper "3. Literary typeface. High print. Large print. 5.W. Considering. 5.13 Circulation 150,000 ke Sunset M 299. Price 25 kopecks.

Stroykadat, 101442. Moscow, Kalyaeaskaya. 23a

Vladimir printing house "Sokhipoligrafprom" under the State Committee of the USSR for grandfathers of publishing houses, printing and book trade "SOSO. Vladimir, Oktyabrskhi* avenue, 7

30713-3*!_ Cistruat.-feed., II issue.-1.2-M. 3201000000.047(01)

© Stroyizdat, 1980


1.1. These norms and rules must be observed when designing anti-corrosion protection of building structures of buildings and structures exposed to aggressive environments.

Notes: I. When designing anti-corrosion protection of building structures, the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents approved or agreed by the USSR State Construction Committee must also be observed.

2. When designing anti-corrosion protection of structures against corrosion caused by stray currents, as well as structures of buildings of industries related to the manufacture of food products, the release of radioactive substances or mercury vapor, the requirements of special documents for the design of anti-corrosion protection of structures of buildings of these industries, approved or agreed Gosstroy of the USSR.

1.2. In order to reduce the impact of aggressive environments on the building structures of buildings and structures, when designing, it is necessary to provide for master plan solutions, space-planning and design solutions depending on the type of impact, select process equipment with the highest possible sealing, provide for sealing joints and connections in process equipment and pipelines , as well as supply and exhaust ventilation and suction in places of the greatest release of aggressive gases, ensuring their removal from the structure zone or a decrease in the concentration of these gases.

1.3. When designing anti-corrosion protection of building structures, We take into account the hydrogeological and climatic conditions of the construction site, as well as the degree of aggressive environmental impact, operating conditions, the properties of the materials used and the type of building structures.


2.1. The degree of impact of aggressive environments on non-metallic structures is determined by:

for gas media - the type and concentration of gases, the solubility of gases in water, humidity and temperature:

for liquid media - by the presence and concentration of aggressive agents, temperature, head or velocity of the liquid near the surface of the structure;

for solid media (salts, aerosols, dust, soils) - dispersion, solubility in water, hygroscopicity, environmental humidity.

2.2. Environments according to the degree of impact on structures are divided into non-aggressive, slightly aggressive, medium-aggressive and highly aggressive.

The degree of aggressive impact of the environment on unprotected non-metallic structures is given in Appendix. 1 (Table 22).

2.3. The degree of aggressive impact of gaseous media on non-metallic structures is given in Table. one ; groups of aggressive gases depending on their type and concentration are given in App. 2 (Table 23*).

2.4. The degree of aggressive impact of solid media on non-metallic structures is given in Table. 2.

2.6. The degree of aggressive effect of the water-environment on the concrete of structures, depending on the indicator of the aggressiveness of the environment (characterizing the processes of corrosion of I, II and III types) and the operating conditions of the structures, is given in Table. For*, 36*, Sv*.

2.6. The degree of aggressive action of oils, oil and solvents on non-metallic structures is given in Table. 4.

Contributed by the Research Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete (NIIZhB) of the USSR State Construction Committee

Approved by the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction Affairs on July 12, 1973

Implementation date October 1, 1973

the possibility of accumulation or stagnation of aggressive gases, liquids and dust at their surface is excluded or reduced.

3.2. Structural elements should be designed taking into account the possibility of periodic renewal of anti-corrosion protection. If it is impossible to fulfill this requirement, protection of the elements for the design life of the structure should be provided.

Table 1*

Otee reindeer moss

Stelet, aggressive aozdsyasgaiya gmoaih environments "a design about

air humidity pom "amt". %

Clarity ala zone

veto" * I asbestos cement


wood and


SNiP 11-3.79)








Weak and boa gressive

Slightly aggressive

Middle Greek


Slightly aggressive




Slightly aggressive



Weakly aggressive





Strongly aggressive


Average Peagres-


Strongly aggressive



Slightly aggressive

Slightly aggressive


Slightly aggressive


Strongly aggressive

Strongly aggressive


Strongly aggressive

1 The effect of biological corrosion should be taken into account in accordance with chapter SNiP II-B.4-7I "Wood

wicked structures. Design standards*.

Note. The assessment of the aggressive impact of media for all non-metallic materials is given

at positive temperatures up to 50 * C.

table 2

Relate l-

The degree of aggressive impact of solid media and the construction of

May room air humidity. H


Zoya * humidity (according to the chapter SNiP 11-3-79)

solid media 1

concrete to asbestos cement

reinforced concrete


g liang other plastic pressing


Slightly soluble Well soluble low hygro-


Non-aggressive Slightly aggressive






Slightly aggressive


3.1. When designing building structures, such surfaces of walls and ceilings, as well as sections of structural elements, should be provided for, in which

Continuation of the table. nine


The degree of aggressive impact of solid media on the structure of

may difficulty air p iole-

Characteristics of solid media 1


concrete* and asbestos cement

iron stop "






Slightly soluble






Well soluble

Slightly aggressive


Slightly aggressive

Slightly aggressive


my low hygroscopic

Highly soluble hygroscopic


Highly aggressive-

Slightly soluble


Weak Aggression




Well soluble


Highly aggressive-

Weak Aggression



my low hygroscopic

Highly soluble hygroscopic


Slightly soluble salts include salts with a solubility of less than 2 g / l, and highly soluble - more than 2 g / l. Low-hygroscopic salts include salts that have an equilibrium relative humidity at a temperature of 20 ° C of 60% or more, and hygroscopic - less than 00%.

A list of the most common soluble salts and their characteristics are given in App. 3 (table.

* The degree of aggressive impact is specified additionally, taking into account the aggressiveness of the resulting solution according to Table. 3\

Table For*

Conditions for the operation of structures

Non-pressure structures

whether the aggressiveness of the environment, characteristic

The degree of aggressive

strongly » middle-filter soils. Kf>0.1 m/day; open water

with l abofmltruyuscke soils Kf<0.1 м/сут

Pressure structures"




Beta Density**

corroemia I type





special option totiyaA

Not standardized

Not standardized

Continuation of the table. Behind

‘The assessment of the degree of aggressive impact of water-environment is given in the temperature range of 0-50 * C.

* Characteristics of concrete density are given in Table. 5.

* The pressure value should not exceed 100 m. In the case of a higher pressure, the degree of aggressiveness of the water-environment is established experimentally.

Notes: I. Under the action of water-environment on concrete structures, corrosion processes are divided into three main types: a) type I corrosion is characterized by leaching of soluble components of concrete; b) type II corrosion is characterized by the formation of soluble compounds or products that do not have astringent properties, as a result exchange reactions between the components of the cement stone and the liquid aggressive environment; c) type III corrosion is characterized by the formation and accumulation of sparingly soluble salts in concrete, characterized by an increase in volume during the transition to the solid phase.

2. When assessing the degree of aggressive action of the water-environment on concrete of massive low-reinforced structures, the pH value is taken for concretes of normal density as for concretes of increased density of this table, and for concretes of increased density - as for extra-dense concretes.

3. In the case of high concentrations of organic acids in the structure, where the pH value does not give a correct assessment of the aggressive effect of the water-environment, the aggressiveness is determined on the basis of data from experimental studies.

4. The values ​​of the coefficients a and b for determining the content of free carbon dioxide are given in App. 4 (Table 25).

5. In the table. 3a*, 3b* the degrees of aggressive action of water-environment during corrosion of I and II types for Portland zemeites are given. slag portlaidcemeites, pozzolanic Portland cements and their varieties according to GOST 10178-76 and GOST 22266-70.

L9 "s" No.

Cicflcab ■ r»«n


Tables." 36*

Uelo." Build KShShKV"

■ build..

Naparkm seoruzhekaya*

df>0.| k, tight s-trslv ■odo "

Pzhopyusl Segoka*


Hydrogen aerosol pH





>6,5 6.5-6 5,9-5,5 <5.5

>5.9 5,9-5.5 5.4-5



Not yor kmruetskh

Not minks.

Not standardized




Not mink

a | Ca "+ 14-6. h a | Ca * + 14-

>a1S»Ch-1+ Ch 64-40

Not nornya-

PS norms * "rules

Not standardized

Not normal-Pierca

Not standardized


<2500 2501-3300

<1500 1501-2000

help them. mg/i.


and in terms of Me* ion"







<50 51-60 61-80 >« iechankya yene

<60 61-во 81-100 >100 ■ski to table. 3

SNnP I-28-P*

Table For*

environments". "VRVITCH-R "1" "" R * -

Gtmp "arpacushasev near vstii * ■R"lm

Conditions jsoyuatakp sort "" *

Boveiiorzh * "yuruzhtiiya

Napori "* soerukvaya *

evlvo-> sremeOalttuvzzhvv soils. df>9.1 and /cyr. opavlmy vodvem

Color veto***

osoSoolot "".*


osoTsp vopiSh

a) Portland cement

b) sulfate-resistant:

portland-tsamaita, portland cement with mineral * additives, was coaort - tan d cement m putzvo-lamo-oortland cement


Slightly aggressive

Average gres-

Strong heating





<3000 3000-4000 4001 - 5000 >5000

<4000 4000-5000 5001 - 7000 >7000

<5000 5000-7000 7001-10 000 >10000

Non-aggressive* Weak Grey Siam* Medium Grey Siam*

Highly aggressive

and s. see note

1*1 and footnotes

tab. Behind*.

According to SPSTSMMSHY The same

SNiP 11-28-73*


3.3*. When designing concrete and reinforced concrete structures, the following should be taken into account:

a) as a binder: in gas, solid and liquid media - ■ Portland cement, Portland slag cement; in the presence of sulfate-containing compounds in an aggressive environment, sulfate-resistant cements;

b) as a fine aggregate - clean sand (elutriable particles not more than 1% by weight) with a fineness modulus of 2-2.5;

c) as a coarse aggregate - fractionated crushed stone of igneous unweathered rocks (the amount of elutriated particles is not more than 0.5% by weight). In cases where the structures are intended for operation in slightly aggressive environments, it is allowed to accept dense (water absorption no more than 6%) and strong (not lower than 600 kgf / cm *) sedimentary rocks, if they are homogeneous and do not contain weak interlayers; for concretes on porous aggregates, aggregates with water absorption rates of no more than 12% for natural porous aggregates and no more than 25% for artificial ones should be provided;

d) water for mixing concrete mix - in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23732-79. Water for concretes and mortars. Specifications. Sea water, as well as marsh and sewage waters, are not allowed to be used for mixing the concrete mixture.

Notes: 1. For the manufacture of reinforced concrete structures and the filling of reinforced joints of structures intended for operation in aggressive gas and solid environments, the use of alumina Portland cement, sulfated expanding and fast-hardening cements should not be provided.

2. The use of sea water for the manufacture of concrete and reinforced concrete structures of hydraulic structures may be provided only in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents approved or agreed by the USSR State Construction Committee.

3.4*. When designing concrete and reinforced concrete structures intended for operating conditions in environments with an aggressive effect on structures, concrete of normal, increased density or extra-dense concrete should be provided. The density of concrete is characterized by direct indicators (filtration coefficient or the corresponding brand of concrete according to 2-299

waterproof); indirect indicators (water absorption of concrete and water-cement ratio) are indicative and cannot serve as independent indicators without direct ones. Concrete density indicators are given in table. 5*.

Table 4

The degree of aggressive action and struhtsin on








2. Oil and oil products:

raw oil






3. Solvents:



1 Under the action of oils, as well as oil, oil products and solvents, wooden structures are allowed for use according to special instructions.

* When oxidized, the oils become aggressive towards concrete and reinforced concrete.

SP 28.13330.2012



Protection against corrosion of construction

Updated version of SNiP 2.03.11-85

OKS 91.080.40

Introduction date 2013-01-01


The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established federal law December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ, and the development rules - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2008 N 858 "On the procedure for the development and approval of sets of rules"

About the set of rules

1 PERFORMERS - Research, Design and Technological Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete. A.A. Gvozdeva (NIIZHB named after A.A. Gvozdev), Central Research Institute of Building Structures named after A.A. V.A.Kucherenko (TsNIISK named after V.A.Kucherenko) - Institute of OAO "Research Center "Construction", CJSC "Central Research and Design Institute of Building Metal Structures named after V.A.Kucherenko" N.P.Melnikova" (ZAO "TsNIIPSK named after N.P.Melnikov"), St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University (SPb SPU)

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 PREPARED for approval by the Department of Architecture, Building and Urban Policy

4 APPROVED by the order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) dated December 29, 2011 N 625 and entered into force on January 01, 2013.

5 REGISTERED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart). Revision of SP 28.13330.2010 "SNiP 2.03.11-85 Corrosion protection of building structures"

Information about changes to this updated set of rules is published in the annually published information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments - in the monthly published information indexes "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this set of rules, a corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the developer (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) on the Internet.


This document contains requirements that meet the objectives Federal Law of December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ "Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures" subject to paragraph 1 of Article 46 Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ "On technical regulation".

Updating of SNiP 2.03.11-85 was carried out by the team of authors: V.F. Stepanova, N.K. Rozental, S.A. Madatyan, V.I. Savin, G.V. .Lyubarskaya, S.E.Sokolova (NIIZHB named after A.A.Gvozdev), O.I.Ponomarev, Yu.V.Krivtsov, A.D.Lomakin, E.M.Verenkova, V.V.Pivovarov, I .R. Ladygina (TsNIISK named after V.A. Kucherenko), G.V. Onosov, N.I. Sotskov (ZAO "TsNIIPSK named after N.P. Melnikov"), S.A. .

1 area of ​​use

This set of rules applies to the design of corrosion protection of building structures (concrete, reinforced concrete, steel, aluminum, wood, stone and chrysotile cement).

This set of rules defines the technical requirements for corrosion protection of building structures of buildings and structures when exposed to aggressive environments with temperatures ranging from minus 50 to 50 °C.

This set of rules does not apply to the design of protection of building structures against corrosion caused by radioactive substances, as well as to the design of structures made of special concretes (polymer concrete, acid-resistant, heat-resistant concrete, etc.).

GOST R 52146-2004* Thin-sheet cold-rolled and cold-rolled hot-dip galvanized steel with polymer coating from continuous lines. Specifications


GOST R 52246-2004 Hot-dipped galvanized sheet metal. Specifications

GOST R 52491-2005 Paint and varnish materials used in construction. General specifications

GOST R 52544-2006 A500C and B500C welded rebar for the reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures. Specifications

GOST R 52804-2007 Protection of concrete and reinforced concrete structures against corrosion. Test Methods

GOST R 54257-2010 Reliability of building structures and foundations. Basic provisions and requirements

GOST 9.032-74 ESZKS. Paint coatings. Groups. Technical requirements and designations

GOST 9.304-87 ESZKS. Coatings are thermal. General requirements and control methods

GOST 9.307-89 ESZKS. Hot zinc coatings. General requirements and control methods

GOST 9.316-2006* Thermal diffusion zinc coatings. General requirements and control methods


GOST 9.401-91 ESZKS. Paint coatings. General requirements and accelerated test methods for resistance to climatic factors

GOST 9.402-2004 ESZKS. Paint coatings. Preparation of metal surfaces for painting

GOST 9.602-2005 ESZKS. Underground structures. General requirements for corrosion protection

GOST 9.903-81 ESZKS. High-strength steels and alloys. Accelerated Test Methods for Stress Corrosion Cracking

GOST 12.3.002-75 SSBT. Manufacturing processes. General safety requirements GOST 12.3.005-75 SSBT. Painting works. General safety requirements

GOST 21.513-83 SPDS. Anticorrosive protection of structures of buildings and structures. Working drawings

GOST 969-91 Aluminous and high aluminous cements. Specifications

GOST 1510-84 * Oil and oil products. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage

GOST 2140-81 Visible defects of wood. Classification, terms and definitions, methods of measurement

GOST 8267-93 Crushed stone and gravel from dense rocks for construction work. Specifications

GOST 8269.0-97 Crushed stone and gravel from dense rocks and industrial waste for construction work. Methods of physical and mechanical tests

GOST 8736-93 Sand for construction work. Specifications GOST 9463-88 Coniferous round timber. Specifications

GOST 9757-90 Artificial porous gravel, crushed stone and sand. Specifications GOST 10060.0-95 Concrete. Methods for determining frost resistance. General requirements GOST 10060.1-95 Concrete. Basic method for determining frost resistance

GOST 10060.2-95 Concrete. Accelerated methods for determining frost resistance during repeated freezing and thawing

GOST 10060.3-95 Concrete. Dilatometric method for accelerated determination of frost resistance.

GOST 10178-85 Portland cement and Portland slag cement. Specifications

GOST 10884-94 Thermomechanically hardened reinforcing steel for reinforced concrete structures. Specifications

GOST 12871-93 * Chrysotile asbestos. General specifications

GOST 14918-80 * Galvanized sheet steel with continuous lines. Specifications

GOST 20022.1-90 Wood protection. Terms and definitions GOST 22263-76 Crushed stone and sand from porous rocks. Specifications GOST 22266-94 Sulphate-resistant cements. Specifications

GOST 23486-79 Three-layer metal wall panels with polyurethane foam insulation. Specifications

GOST 23732-79 Water for concretes and mortars. Specifications GOST 24211-2008 Additives for concrete and mortar. General specifications GOST 25485-89 Cellular concrete. Specifications

GOST 26633-91 Heavy and fine-grained concrete. Specifications GOST 30515-97 Cements. General specifications

GOST 31108-2003 General construction cements. Specifications

GOST 31383-2008 Protection of concrete and reinforced concrete structures against corrosion. Test Methods

GOST 31384-2008 Protection of concrete and reinforced concrete structures against corrosion. General

technical requirements

SP 20.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.01.07-85* Loads and impacts"

SP 47.13330.2012* "SNiP 11-02-96 Engineering surveys for construction. Basic provisions"

* There is currently no official release information. - Database manufacturer's note.

SP 50.13330.2012* "SNiP 23-02-2003 Thermal protection of buildings"

SP 63.13330.2012* "SNiP 52-01-2003 Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Basic provisions"

SP 64.13330.2011 "SNiP II-25-80 "Wooden structures"

SP 72.13330.2012* "SNiP 3.04.03-85 Protection of building structures and facilities against corrosion"

SP 131.13330.2012* "SNiP 23-01-99* Building climatology"

* Currently, there is no official information about the publication, hereinafter in the text. - Database manufacturer's note.

SNiP 12-03-2001 Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements

SNiP 12-04-2002 Occupational safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production

Note - When using this set of rules, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards and classifiers in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annually published information index "National Standards", which is published as of 1 January of the current year, and according to the corresponding monthly published information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (cancelled), then when using this set of rules, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Terms and definitions

In this document, terms are used, the definitions of which are accepted according to regulatory documents:

3.1 wood surface preservative:Chemical protection of wood,

providing for the application of a protective agent on the surface of the object of protection, not designed for its penetration deep into the object of protection.

3.2 biodegrader

3.3 biodegradation: A set of chemical and physical processes that destroy a material, caused by the action of organisms.

3.4 biological agents of wood destruction:Bacteria, fungi, insects, molluscs

and crustaceans that damage and destroy wood.

3.5 biodamage: A change in the physical and chemical properties of materials due to the impact of living organisms in the course of their life activity.

3.6 biocidal solution: A solution of a chemical (biocide) capable of destroying living organisms.

3.7 wet room conditions: Room mode in which the relative humidity exceeds 75%.

3.8 mineralized water: Water containing dissolved salts in an amount of more than 5 g / l.

3.9 secondary protection: Protection of the building structure against corrosion, implemented after the manufacture (erection) of the structure. It is performed when primary protection is insufficient.

3.10 wood conservation: Chemical protection of wood, providing for the treatment with a protective agent and designed for its penetration deep into the object of protection.

3.11 structural fire protection: A fire protection method based on the creation of a heat-insulating layer of fire protection means on the heated surface of the structure, which does not change its thickness during fire exposure. Structural fire protection includes fire-retardant sprayed compositions, coatings, linings with fire-resistant plate, sheet and other materials, including those on a frame, with air gaps, as well as combinations of these materials, including those with thin-layer intumescent coatings.

3.12 structural wood protection:Protection of wood using constructive measures that make it difficult or preclude the destruction of the object of protection by biological agents and (or) fire.

3.13 massive low-reinforced structures:Structures with a thickness of over 0.5 m and a reinforcement percentage of not more than 0.5.

3.14 wet room mode: The mode of operation of the premises, in which the surface of building structures is moistened with drop-liquid moisture (condensate, spraying, spills).

3.15 normal room humidity:Room mode, in which the relative humidity of the air is more than 60 to 75% inclusive.

3.16 sprayed flame retardant:A fibrous or mineral-based fire retardant spray applied to a structure to provide fire resistance.

3.17 primary protection: Protection of building structures against corrosion, implemented at the stage of design and manufacture (erection) of the structure.

3.18 dry room mode: Room mode in which the relative humidity does not exceed 60%.

3.19 thin layer fire retardant coating (intumescent coating, paint):

A special fire-retardant coating applied to the heated surface of a structure, with a dry layer thickness, as a rule, not exceeding 3 mm, which multiplies its thickness during fire exposure.

4 General provisions

4.1 The requirements for primary and secondary protection are specified for structures with a service life of 50 years. For structures with a service life of 100 years and structures of buildings and structures of the first (higher) level of responsibility for GOST R 54257 the assessment of the degree of aggressiveness is increased by one level. If the assessment of the degree of aggressiveness of the medium cannot be increased (for example, for a highly aggressive environment), corrosion protection is carried out according to a special project.

4.2 Design, construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures should be carried out taking into account the operating experience of similar construction projects, while

an analysis of the corrosion state of structures and protective coatings should be provided, taking into account the type and degree of aggressiveness of the environment. The requirements of the standards should be taken into account when developing working and design documentation for building structures.

4.3 When designing corrosion protection in new construction, the initial data are:

1) information about the climatic conditions of the region according to SP 131.13330.

2) the results of surveys carried out on the territory of the construction site (composition, standing level and direction of the flow of groundwater, the possibility of increasing the level of groundwater, the presence in the soil and groundwater of substances aggressive to the materials of building structures, the presence of leakage currents, etc.);

3) characteristics of a gas aggressive environment (gases, aerosols): type and concentration of an aggressive substance, temperature and humidity of the environment in the building (structure) and outside, taking into account the prevailing wind direction, as well as taking into account possible changes in the characteristics of the environment during the operation of building structures;

4) mechanical, thermal and biological effects on building structures.

The results of engineering and geological surveys at the construction site should characterize soils and groundwater at a depth not less than the depth of the building structures. The survey results should contain information about the predicted change in groundwater levels.

4.4 When designing corrosion protection for reconstructed buildings and structures, the initial data are given in 4.3, and additionally the following:

data on the state of building structures;

results of studying the causes of damage to structures.

4.5 Protection of building structures against corrosion should be provided by methods of primary

and secondary protection and special measures.

4.6 The primary protection of building structures against corrosion should be carried out in the process of designing and manufacturing structures and include the choice of design solutions that reduce the aggressive impact, and materials that are resistant to the operating environment.

4.7 Secondary protection of building structures includes measures that provide protection against corrosion in cases where primary protection measures are insufficient. Secondary protection measures include the use of protective coatings, impregnations and other methods of isolating structures from aggressive environmental influences.

4.8 Special protection includes protection measures that are not part of the primary and secondary protection, various physical and physical and chemical methods, measures that reduce the aggressive impact of the environment (local and general ventilation, organization of wastewater, drainage), removal of production with the release of aggressive substances into isolated rooms, etc.

4.9 The waterproofing provided for by the project should, as a rule, provide at the same time protection against corrosion, which is achieved by using waterproofing materials that are resistant to aggressive environments and not subject to destruction during deformation of the structure, building and structure.

4.10 Prefabricated building structures of tunnels, pipelines, capacitive and other structures must have dimensions with tolerances that allow the effective use of sealing and waterproofing materials.

4.11 Structures of buildings and structures should be available for periodic diagnostics (direct or remote monitoring), repair or replacement of damaged structures.

4.12 Thermal engineering calculations, design and implementation of projects should exclude freezing of structures of heated buildings with the formation of condensate.

4.13 Corrosion protection should be assigned taking into account the most unfavorable values ​​of aggressiveness indicators. The design and implementation of the protection of structures exposed to highly aggressive environments should be carried out with the involvement of specialized organizations.

4.14 When designing buildings and structures, it is necessary to provide for sealing equipment, grouping it in rooms according to the type of aggressive media released, collecting and neutralizing aggressive spills and dust, and other measures that reduce the degree of aggressive impact on structures.

4.15 The shape of structures and constructive solutions of buildings and structures should exclude the formation of poorly ventilated zones, areas where accumulation of gases, vapors, dust, and moisture that are aggressive to building structures is possible.

4.16 During the period of construction and operation, it is not allowed to remove snow and ice from the surface of structures using anti-icing reagents, if the structure does not provide protection from the effects of reagents on concrete and reinforced concrete.

4.17 The degree of aggressive impact of media on chrysotile-cement structures should be assessed as for concrete structures. Protection measures for chrysotile-cement structures should be assigned as for concrete structures.

5 Concrete and reinforced concrete structures

5.1 General requirements

5.1.1 Primary protection measures for concrete and reinforced concrete structures include:

1) the use of concretes resistant to aggressive environments, which is ensured by the choice of cement and aggregates, the selection of concrete composition, the reduction of concrete permeability, the use of sealing, air-entraining and other additives that increase the resistance of concrete in an aggressive environment and the protective effect of concrete in relation to steel reinforcement, steel mortgages details and connecting elements;

2) selection and use of fittings corresponding to the corrosion characteristics of the operating conditions;

3) protection against corrosion of embedded parts and connections at the stage of manufacturing and installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures, protection of prestressed reinforcement in the channels of structures manufactured with subsequent tension of reinforcement on concrete;

4) compliance with additional design and structural requirements when designing concrete and reinforced concrete structures, including ensuring the design thickness of the concrete protective layer and limiting the crack opening width, etc.

5.1.2 Secondary protection measures include surface protection of concrete and reinforced concrete structures:

1) paintwork, including thick-layer (mastic), coatings;

2) adhesive insulation;

3) coating and plaster coatings;

4) facing with piece or block products;

5) sealing impregnation of the surface layer of structures with chemically resistant materials;

6) treatment of the concrete surface with penetrating compositions with compaction of the porous structure of concrete with crystallizing neoplasms;

7) treatment with hydrophobizing compounds;

8) treatment with drugs - biocides, antiseptics, etc.

5.2 The degree of aggressive influence of environments

5.2.1 Depending on the physical state, aggressive media are divided into gaseous, liquid and solid. Depending on the intensity of the aggressive impact on concrete and reinforced concrete structures, the media are divided into non-aggressive, slightly aggressive, medium aggressive and highly aggressive. Depending on the nature of the impact of aggressive environments on concrete, the media are divided into chemical (for example, sulfate, magnesian, acidic, alkaline, etc.) and biologically active (for example, the chemical effect of metabolic products of fungi, bacteria, physical and mechanical effects of plant roots, fungal hyphae, fouling with algae, lichens, etc.).

5.2.2 Depending on the conditions of exposure to aggressive media on concrete, the media are divided into classes, which are determined in relation to a specific concrete that is not protected from corrosion.

and reinforced concrete. Classes of media with indication of their indices in increasing aggressiveness are shown in Table A.1.

5.2.3 With simultaneous exposure to aggressive environments that differ in indices, but of the same class, the requirements relating to the environment with a higher index are applied (unless otherwise specified in the project).

5.2.4 The classification of operating environments and the degree of aggressive impact of media on structures made of concrete and reinforced concrete are given in Appendices A, B, C and D:

1) gaseous media - tables A.1, B.1, B.2;

2) solid media - tables A.1, B.3, B.4, C.1, C.2;

3) soils above the groundwater level - tables A.1, B.1, B.2;

4) liquid inorganic media - tables A.1, B.3, B.4, B.5, D.2;

5) chlorides - tables A.1, B.3, B.4, C.2, C.3, D.2;

6) liquid organic media - tables A.1, B.6;

7) biologically active media - table B.7.

5.2.5 The degree of aggressive action on concrete and reinforced concrete structures of biologically active media - fungi and thionic bacteria is given in Table B.7 for concrete of the W4 water resistance grade. For other biologically active media and concretes, the assessment of the degree of aggressive impact on concrete and reinforced concrete structures is carried out on the basis of special studies.

5.2.6 The value of indicators of aggressiveness of media is given for the temperature of the medium from 5 °C to 20 °C. With each increase in the temperature of the medium by 10 °C above 20 °C, the degree of aggressive action of the medium increases by one level. For liquid media aggressiveness indicators

given for flow rates up to 1.0 m/s. If the water flow rate exceeds 1.0 m/s, the assessment of the aggressiveness of the environment is carried out on the basis of studies of specialized organizations.

5.2.7 The degree of aggressive impact of the environment on structures located inside heated premises is assessed taking into account these standards, and on structures located in unheated buildings and outdoors with protection from atmospheric precipitation, additionally taking into account SP 131.13330. When wetting structures in a gaseous environment, condensate, spills or precipitation, the operating environment is assessed as wet.

5.2.8 The degree of aggressive action of liquid media indicated in tables B.3, B.4, B.5 should be reduced by one level for concrete of massive low-reinforced structures.

5.2.9 The degree of aggressive impact of liquid media is given for structures with a liquid head of up to 0.1 MPa. At higher pressures, corrosion protection requirements are assigned by specialized organizations based on research results.

5.2.10 With simultaneous exposure to an aggressive environment and mechanical loads (high mechanical stresses, dynamic loads, abrading effect on pedestrian and automobile routes, abrasion of storm sewer trays with solid sediments, abrasion of pebbles in the zone of action of the sea surf, abrasion of floors of livestock buildings, etc.) the degree of aggressive impact rises one level.

5.3 Choosing a protection method

5.3.1 Depending on the degree of aggressiveness of the environment, the following types of protection or their combinations should be used:

1) in a slightly aggressive environment - primary and, if necessary, secondary;

2) in a medium-aggressive and highly aggressive environment - primary in combination with secondary and special.

5.3.2 Measures to protect against biodamage should be developed by specialized organizations. Activities are carried out at the stage of pre-design work and surveys, in the process of design, construction, reconstruction and operation of buildings and structures.

At the stage of pre-project works and surveys, the following activities are carried out:

determination of the degree of biological contamination of the environment (soil, water, gaseous environment);

making a forecast of a possible change in the operating environment of building structures;

assessment of the conditions affecting the development of biodestructors (humidity and temperature of the environment and building structures, sources of moisture, the presence of a nutrient and energy substrate for microorganisms).

At the stage of project development, the following activities are established:

prevention of moisture structures;

prevention of contamination of structures with organic and other substances that promote the development of biodestructors;

reducing the aggressiveness of the corrosive environment (for example, preliminary treatment of wastewater, reducing the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the gaseous medium by increasing the oxygen content in wastewater, treating wastewater with oxidizers, ventilation of facilities, changing the temperature regime);

selection of materials with increased biostability (putties, plasters, finishing materials containing biocides);

selection of protective materials (biocidal additives and surface treatments,

insulating coatings, etc.).

During the construction and reconstruction phase, the following activities are implemented:

protection of structures from moisture during construction;

use of bioresistant finishing materials (putties, plasters, paints and varnishes);

surface treatment of structures with biocides.

At the stage of operation of the structures, take measures to reduce the humidity of the material of the structure (reducing the humidity of the environment, eliminating moisture condensation, dousing and capillary suction), treating the surface of the structures with biocides.

5.3.3 Protection from the impact of biologically active environments of structures made of materials based on cement is provided (tables N.1, N.2):

lowering the permeability of concrete and plaster for bacteria, spores and hyphae of fungi, plant roots; constructive measures - exclusion of cracks, increase in resistance to mechanical impact of plant roots and fungal hyphae;

the use of aggregates from hard igneous rocks when exposed to stone grinders;

the use of biocide additives in the composition of concrete;

periodic treatment of the concrete surface with biocide solutions;

the use of secondary protection means (biocidal putties, paint coatings, impregnations, water-repellent treatments) that prevent infection of the concrete surface with fungal spores and bacteria.

The possibility of damage to underground structures (communication collectors, sewage collectors, underground reservoirs) by plant roots is prevented by removing herbaceous plants, shrubs and trees from the area where underground structures are located, increasing the strength of concrete, and eliminating the formation of cracks in structures and joints between them.

5.3.4 The presence and nature of biologically active media, the presence of bacteria and fungal spores in materials used for the manufacture of concrete, as well as in secondary protection means (putties, primers, paints and varnishes) are checked by specialized organizations.

5.3.5 The choice of corrosion protection measures should be carried out on the basis of a feasibility comparison of options, taking into account the predicted service life and costs, including the costs of resuming secondary protection, maintenance and overhaul, and other costs.

5.3.6 The service life of the corrosion protection of concrete and reinforced concrete structures, taking into account its periodic restoration, must correspond to the service life of the building or structure.

5.4 Requirements for materials and structures

5.4.1 Requirements for concrete and building structures should be assigned based on the need to ensure the design life of the building or structure.

5.4.2 Requirements for ensuring the corrosion resistance of concrete for each operating condition should include:

1) permitted types and grades (classes) of concrete components;

2) minimum required content of cement in concrete;

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