House from foundation blocks. Do-it-yourself foundation from fbs blocks. Video: building a foundation from blocks

A house made of FBS blocks is a very popular type of building. Such material is used to create load-bearing elements of a building that can be operated at temperatures from -70 to +50 degrees. Their most relevant use is for the construction of basement and basement surfaces and laying strip foundations. It is worth noting that such blocks are perfectly combined with all types of soil and climatic features. In our article, we will find out how to build a building from FBS correctly and independently.

Pros and cons of the material

Before choosing blocks for installation work, you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of the FBS material. Namely these:

  • Good strength;
  • Durability;
  • Resistance to mechanical and biological impact;
  • High level of thermal insulation;
  • Environmental Safety;
  • Wide range of block models.

Such advantages expand the range of application of FBS products, allowing them to be used in the most uncomfortable conditions. Construction specialists strongly recommend using such material for laying basements, as this will reduce the time for building a house. Of course, such blocks have a huge number of advantages, but we must also consider the disadvantages of these products:

  • It is worth noting, to note that the blocks have a high cost, but it is lower than that of a monolith;
  • In addition, in most cases it is not possible to obtain maximum sealing at the joints. If you install a self-leveling foundation and a plinth, you can get a more reliable structure. This design is especially relevant in difficult climatic conditions.
  • For construction works erecting a basement, it is necessary to use the services of special machines.

Attention! FBS products are more expensive than other materials, and require additional waterproofing treatment of the basement or basement.

Choosing blocks for installation

When choosing a building material for the house, namely FBS blocks, first of all, you need to check the product documentation and the availability of a passport. The official product certificate must contain the following information:

  • Contact information of the manufacturer's plant;
  • Serial code and batch number;
  • Overall parameters, brand, weight;
  • An indicator of strength during compression;
  • Resistance to frost and moisture;
  • Basic operating rules.

The foundation of the blocks for the house must be made of suitable materials. It is for this reason that measurements must be taken, which should have almost the same dimensions. It should be noted that the deviation should not exceed 6 mm. Otherwise, you should not buy such a block cube, as you will spend extra finances. If you need to purchase elements for the basement floor, then consult with the seller whether the material is suitable for such purposes.

Although the blocks are made of reinforced concrete and are heavy, numerous reviews indicate an increase in demand for them. It should be assumed that this was influenced by 1 fact - the ability to withstand heavy loads. Plus, the blocks are durable and reliable. Very often, FBS products are used in the construction of residential and office buildings. But such a device is justified only in such situations:

  • If necessary, build the foundation of the house as quickly as possible. In this situation, it is not the speed of construction work that matters, but the quality of construction in such a short time. You can perform all installation tasks both with your own hands and with the help of specialized equipment.
  • If private construction is being carried out, especially in situations where you do not have special skills. Most often, this design is used because of the simplicity of the process and the ease of performing calculations.
  • In the case when the site is characterized by a mixed type of soil. To solve all possible unpleasant phenomena, it is recommended to install a strip base in one row, expanded to the edges. But, be sure to mount the foundation on a sand cushion.

We carry out the foundation of the blocks with our own hands

The execution of the construction process from FBS products is no different, but the work must be done in strict accordance with the instructions. So, the first thing you need is to calculate all the quantities. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Calculation of the amount of materials

Before you go shopping. We need to know how much material we need to complete the construction. The volume of the bearing masonry is calculated by the following formula:

V \u003d l by a by h, that is, multiply the length by the thickness and height. Further, the obtained value is divided into indicators of one block. If the building has the shape of a parallelepiped, then the calculation is over, the amount received will be the amount of material needed.

Attention! Here it is very important not to forget that the elements of the FBS are heavy, therefore, to perform the work, you should use the services of specialized equipment. Based on this fact, professionals recommend performing calculations for medium blocks, as they will be easier to install.

To date, manufacturers produce several standard parameters for block products. Such values ​​​​simplify the implementation of construction work. Usually the block has a height of 58 cm, but for the calculated actions you need to use the figure 60. The side walls can be slightly convex, but this is not a mandatory norm, so most blocks are even. Design features are based on the financial capabilities of the owner.

Attention! Of the main requirements, one must not forget that construction should begin from the creation of a sand and gravel cushion for the foundation. All work is carried out easily, the main thing is to do everything accurately and correctly.

Tools and materials for work

As we have already found out, the installation of the base under the house is carried out without any special difficulties. The duration of the process depends on the characteristics of the soil on the site and total weight the buildings. But, you should not forget that the blocks must be mounted on a prepared surface, which takes most of the time. The following tools are required for installation:

  • Level of construction purpose;
  • Special level, clamp and long rope;
  • Compact excavator or shovel. The choice of this tool depends on the dimensions of the house.
  • Sand and gravel;
  • Vibrating mechanism for tamping;
  • FBS blocks;
  • Wooden board for creating formwork;
  • Concrete solution.

The materials for creating a prefabricated base are such blocks of FBS, with a length of 120 to 240 cm, and a height of 40 and 60 cm. These values ​​\u200b\u200bare standard, but at the present time, experts use other options.

Attention! Before you buy blocks, you must decide for yourself. Which blocks will be more profitable for you to install.

Preliminary construction phase

When you need to lay blocks, you must not forget about the most important works- preparatory. This stage includes the following sequential steps:

  • We prepare the area for work. To do this, you need to level the soil, remove large grass and bulges of the site. Further, by deep shunting, we determine the type of soil. It is from this factor will depend on the type of finish.
  • If the construction is carried out on clay soil. For such conditions, it is necessary to dig a ditch of a certain depth. At the bottom you need to lay sand and gravel, 30 cm wide. Such a layer can be created in several ways, which are selected according to the availability of building materials. Compacting the pillow should be done with a special vibro tool.
  • After making a layer of sand and gravel, trapezoidal slabs should be laid on the pillow. FBS products are used to increase the load area on the soil. This process increases the overall strength and stability of the building. It is recommended to perform the laying of blocks through one, in the form of a chessboard.
  • If the site has sandy soil, then the process is slightly different. For installation, it is recommended to use a different method. First. What needs to be done is to prepare the trench. It is worth noting that for such soil a sand cushion is not necessary. We tamp the bottom, install the plate and fill it, 10 cm thick.

Attention! For a sandy type of site, it is cheaper to install a strip base.

The main stage of the construction process

This stage is called the main one, since it is now that the blocks are being laid. There are some rules for performing this task. It is necessary to lay the FSB products from corner to corner and diagonally. We begin work with the implementation of the first layer of construction. Blocks must be installed on a prepared concrete layer, which must be strong and free of gravel and crushed stone. It is worth noting that this principle resembles brickwork.

Installation of block elements must be carried out with dressing in the corners of the building. In this case, there should be no seams between adjacent blocks. Each layer of the structure must be protected from water and moisture. Materials such as rubber, liquid resin and roofing material are suitable for waterproofing.

The position of the structure plays an equally important role in the quality of the building. It should be noted that it can be performed vertically and horizontally. The second method is characterized by checking with the help of special beacons, a rope and a building level. The deviation from the norm of the angle can be as follows: horizontally - 2 degrees, vertically - 3.

Attention! It is impossible to create voids when mounting block devices, as they can quickly deform or lead to the destruction of the building.

The final stage of construction

When creating a building on any type of soil, with the exception of a sandy type, the last stage is to perform the following mandatory work:

  • Perform waterproofing material. You can complete this task with the help of roofing material, liquid rubber, bitumen.
  • When the waterproofing agent dries, it is necessary to backfill the area near the walls with sand from the inside and outside. Its useful to note. That all layers need to be compacted with a vibrating block.

Attention! A prerequisite for such a construction is the need to install drainage system and concrete pavements.

So we got acquainted with all the nuances and features of the installation of houses from FBS blocks with our own hands. Now you can build the desired building yourself.

Bulky reinforced concrete slabs left private construction for a long time. Now the capital foundation is usually made of durable material that can withstand up to 7-8 floors. It's about block FBS. Since there is a demand for a similar type of building material, it means that there are distinctive characteristics. Which we will describe next.

Advantages and disadvantages of the foundation of FBS blocks

Positive characteristics:

  1. Can save time without mixing concrete. It is easy to calculate the material and keep the proportion.
  2. Manufacturers try to make such blocks so that the installation process did not require special equipment. An ordinary faucet is enough.
  3. Some block types have grooves, additionally strengthening the structure.
  4. Applicable on any soil. Suitable for any climate. Frost is not terrible, an excess of moisture. The material itself is highly resistant. Impregnated with a special substance that prevents the destruction of the block.

Natural cons:

  1. Price.
  2. Installation only with special equipment.
  3. Block construction is not a monolith. The risk of a drawdown cannot be ruled out.
  4. Need a good level waterproofing. Although any type of foundation for a private house is necessarily sheathed and protected from external influences.

Dimensions of blocks for the foundation, GOST

Naturally, the manufacturer provides the strength and geometry characteristics established by GOST 13579-78. Otherwise, at the slightest deviation, the destruction of the building cannot be avoided. The usual block for the FBS foundation is a parallelepiped, poured expanded clay or silicate. The density should be from 1800 kilograms per cubic meter. Voids are not provided. Mandatory technological underforming to ensure vertical reinforcement of the masonry with cement mortar.

There is also its strength class for this building material. According to the standard, it should not be lower than B 7.5.

Foundation device: scheme and types

FBS blocks can be used on:

It is advisable to give preference to the first option, if you plan to build a bathhouse or a two-story residential building with a base 6x8 or 8x8. It is also customary to select these blocks for complex soil with high acidity. Under a residential building, a columnar structure made of FBS is ideal if the object itself is assembled using a shield method.

Tape type base in one row is good for oversized low-rise building, for example, an ordinary summer house without a basement. But with significant loads on the foundation, it is better to abandon the FBS blocks in favor of a monolith. The blocks will still cope with the load, but there is always a shrinkage of the building. Here, the lack of material will be reflected on it - the seams may disperse in some part of the structure in a few years. This occurs when saving on a sand and gravel cushion or difficult soils.

Foundation waterproofing from FBS blocks

During the construction process, they begin to create only after they have installed all the rows of the foundation. Here is how it is customary to do it yourself:

In general, there are several types of waterproofing block foundation. Classify:

  1. Plaster. It is carried out using a cement mortar, to which some additives are added. It is better to use liquid glass. So the foundation will be protected from the accumulation of moisture inside the material and the room.
  2. Pasting. A simple, inexpensive form of waterproofing. It is necessary to purchase a waterproof material based on bitumen. It is easy to process it with a burner, and already in a heated state, apply to the outer part of the base. There are special materials for waterproofing with a self-adhesive surface. They don't even need a torch. Usually treated with roofing material, hydroisol or brizol.
  3. Coating. Special compositions that form a multilayer shell. They are applied from the outside of the foundation. Coating is based on asphalt, bitumen or tar.

"Capital" waterproofing is carried out according to the following cycles:

  1. Embroider the seams between the blocks that are installed in the first second and third row.
  2. Holes are drilled in the new foundation to half the thickness.
  3. Next, you need to put parkers adapted for injection.
  4. A special polymer is poured between the blocks.
  5. A pump is used to inject into the temporary structure.
  6. Then the parkers are dismantled.
  7. Close up the holes.
  8. Perform finishing, conventional waterproofing of the entire block foundation.

Waterproofing the foundation from FBS blocks (tape type) on the video:

Calculations and dimensions

This construction material are made on vibrating tables, where supports are placed that provide a given density, a flat surface and the required dimensions. If the product violates the geometry, then it is possible to build a foundation, but the standards for the thickness of the seam will be violated. And their value (according to the rules) does not exceed 5 millimeters, otherwise the waterproofing is violated.

It is dense, even and high-quality surfaces that prevent cracking and premature destruction.

According to the state standard, there are fixed lengths for the FBS block (mm):

  • 1180.

The width should vary from 300 to 600 millimeters. And the height is not more than 580 millimeters, but not less than 280.

Note! Blocks with a height of 280 mm are not used in modern construction. For the base of the foundation, their bearing load is too weak.

For a profitable calculation, it is advisable to check everything in advance on a calculator.

But for clarity and visual representation, we present the following table to know the cost of work:

Laying, installation: step by step instructions

At work, you can not do without:

  • polystyrene;
  • pipes;
  • mastic;
  • hydrostekloizola;
  • fittings;
  • shovels;
  • sand;
  • boards;
  • cement;
  • geotextile.

The construction of the foundation for a real estate object is carried out in certain stages. Using the example of a private residential building, here's how to do it right:

  1. Marking out the lines for installation and pre-treatment of the foundation section.
  2. To do this, you need stakes and an ordinary light thread.
  3. Where the marking lines intersect, it is necessary to knock out the reinforcing bars. According to their location, the plumb line (horizon) is dying out.
  4. We bury the trenches, having previously cleared their upper fertile layer. The depth of any trench should be determined by the level of freezing.
  5. We equip the pillow. We wake up the rammed trench with sand and gravel. The best pad for a clay site is a combination of sand plus gravel plus sand.
  6. We moisten the pillow and ramming.
  7. Pour over it thin concrete layer(enough 3 centimeters). We are waiting for solidification. Spillage with concrete is not done if a masonry mesh is provided over the pillow.
  8. We start installation. The blocks are laid from the points indicated by the reinforcing bars. Rods, as a rule, are exposed at the corners.
  9. The initial first row is block flat FBS. It reduces shrinkage. Blocks must be fixed with mortar. To do this, pour the mixture into the grooves and joints.
  10. The first level must be checked for the horizon.
  1. Each subsequent row requires dressing.
  2. Let's give an analogy with brickwork - there are at least differences. Vertical seams that are in the center of the lower blocks must be covered by the element installed from above.
  3. Corners deserve more attention. There needs to be an overlap. Let's say the right side remains extreme. The next layer or level must start from the left block.
  4. We trace the thickness of the gaps between the building material. And densely fill with cement mortar, reinforcing the joints with fragments of brick or concrete.
  5. Let's not forget about the grillage. Dry for at least 4 weeks.

How to build a slab foundation from FBS blocks:

Estimate for the foundation

Even the smallest FBS unit weighs at least 250 kilograms. Manually with such material do not work. Necessary lifting equipment. To more accurately calculate the estimate, labor costs and rental of lifting equipment, there is such a table:

The most important thing is to know the mass of the material. Otherwise, there will be problems with delivery, loading and unloading. Blocks are transported by 10 ton or 20 ton trucks. Therefore, I know exactly the weight of the cargo, you can save money on transportation.

To summarize a simple list for calculating the price:

  1. Crane order.
  2. Retail or wholesale cost of blocks.
  3. Delivery and unloading at the construction site.
  4. Installation works, waterproofing.

What Owners and Developers Are Saying

People who have mastered construction with such blocks put pluses:

  • Excellent mounting characteristics;
  • Easy to fix at any time of the year;
  • A very reliable foundation for brick, wooden, block or stone low-rise buildings.

The cons unanimously include:

  • High cost of materials. Prefabricated strip foundations from turnkey FBS blocks cost from 6900 per meter (price for the central region). Monolith will cost between 3-3.5 for the same unit.
  • Large labor costs;
  • Equipment rental required. For your information, the work of loading equipment is measured in shifts. For a day of work they will ask for at least 12 thousand.
  • The creation process requires a whole team of workers.


A block foundation made of FBS is a design that is convenient when there is a need for fast construction. After all, it is allowed to collect the base from already dried blocks at any time of the year.

Blocks are not afraid of cold, external factors and loads. But the problem is always in the seams, because improper installation and improperly processed connection elements will only lead to disastrous results.

Foundation building blocks allow you to build reliable and durable foundations for a wide variety of structures. Favorably standing out against the background of monolithic structures with the convenience and speed of arrangement, the foundation of FBS blocks has deservedly become popular in the areas of one-story and multi-story construction.

The following guide will allow you to understand the technology of arranging from building blocks and independently carry out the necessary activities.

Basic information about block foundations

LengthWidthHeightThe weight
FBS-9-3-6t88 30 58 350
FBS-9-4-6t88 40 58 470
FBS-9-5-6t88 50 58 590
FBS-9-6-6t88 60 58 700
FBS-12-3-6t118 30 58 460
FBS-12-4-3t118 40 28 310
FBS-12-5-3t118 50 28 390
FBS-12-5-6t118 50 58 790
FBS-12-6-3t118 60 28 460
FBS-12-6-6t118 60 58 960
FBS-24-3-6t238 30 58 970
FBS-24-4-6t238 40 58 1300
FBS-24-5-6t238 50 58 1630
FBS-24-6-6t238 60 58 1960
FBS-12-4-6t118 40 58 640

The construction of the block base is extremely simple. It consists of a reinforced cushion, block walls and waterproofing. If necessary, the upper armored belt is equipped. This will be discussed separately below.

The only significant drawback of such a foundation is the need to attract a crane to lift the blocks. Of course, you can build a winch and try to place the blocks manually, but the labor costs in this case will be inappropriate and.

Otherwise, even a beginner will not have any difficulties with arranging the foundation from FBS blocks.

In terms of rigidity and strength, block foundations are inferior to their monolithic counterparts, but they outperform them in terms of cost, simplicity and speed of construction.

Block foundations are best suited for soils with a predominant sand content. In areas with loose and soft soil, it is better to refrain from erecting such a foundation - the structure can simply sag, which will lead to significant deformations or even complete destruction of the building erected above it.

Block foundations normally tolerate the effects of soil heaving forces. Under conditions under which a monolithic tape concrete structure could break, the blocks will bend at most. This property of the block base is ensured precisely by the absence of its solidity. The design contains seams, which provides the necessary mobility and flexibility of the masonry.

Also among the advantages of the blocks should be attributed the possibility of laying them even in the snow, even in the downpour. Concrete cannot be poured under such weather conditions.

Prices for building blocks

Building blocks

Foundation Construction Guide

The procedure for arranging a block base is reduced to the sequential execution of several technological stages. Follow the guide and everything will definitely work out.

The first stage is preparatory

To begin with, let's get acquainted with the features of the blocks themselves, as well as study recommendations for their selection and overall work planning.

Foundation blocks are produced using the vibrocompression method and are used advantageously for the construction of supporting structures. Also, such blocks are suitable for laying the walls of basement floors.

Before starting work, it is necessary to create a project for the future foundation. To do this, open any computer program with the appropriate functions and draw the layout of our blocks. So we can thoroughly understand the order of their installation and dressing. In the absence of skills in working with such programs, we draw the masonry the old fashioned way on paper.

Most often, the width of the first row of the block support is kept at 400 mm. For the next two rows, this figure is reduced to 300 mm. Knowing the required dimensions of the structure and the required number of blocks, you can go to a specialized store to buy them. As a rule, such stores offer services for the delivery and installation of building materials, which is very convenient.

Important! You must decide in advance on the places for the output of engineering communications and choose blocks taking into account these points. Masonry elements with pre-created holes are available for sale. If you forget about this event, holes will have to be drilled in the future, which will require additional time, labor and financial costs.

The second stage - earthworks

Carefully study the construction site. Think about where it will be most convenient to place the crane, what can interfere during operation, etc. If possible, remove all existing interference. Further work is carried out in the standard order.

First step. We determine the corners of the future structure and drive pegs into them. We stretch the ropes between the bars, and then we expose the intermediate marking elements in the places of the future arrangement of the external and internal walls.

Second step. Roem a pit. According to the standards, the depth of the pit should be equal to the freezing depth increased by 20-25 cm. But in some regions, the freezing depth can reach two meters - the cost of arranging such a foundation will be inappropriate and. Therefore, a value of 80-100 cm was taken as the "golden mean". We adhere to it. Additionally, it is recommended to remove the top fertile soil layer (10-20 cm) along the perimeter of the remaining space of the site.

The third stage - the arrangement of the sole

There are 2 options for arranging a block base: on and on a concrete base. The second type of support is suitable for unstable soils, however, pouring a concrete base significantly increases the cost of effort, time and money for construction.

Until the moment of arranging the compacted sand cushion, inclusive, the procedure for erecting both types of foundation is the same. Directly, the process of building a foundation structure on a concrete support begins with the stage of mounting the formwork and laying reinforcement.

We pre-harvest crushed stone 20-40 fractions, sand and rebar. Further, we work in this sequence.

First step. We level the walls and bottom of the pit for arranging the sole.

Second step. We fill the hole with a 10-15 cm layer of sand, spill it with water and carefully tamp.

Third step. We fill the sand cushion with a 10-centimeter layer of gravel and ram it again.

The fourth stage - installation of formwork and reinforcement

For the assembly of formwork, a 25 mm thick edged board is well suited. We fasten the formwork boards in a suitable way. Usually self-tapping screws are used for this. We expose the formwork along the walls of the pit and be sure to check the evenness of its installation using a level.

For we use steel bars with a diameter of 12-14 mm. We will tie them into a grid with cells of 10x10 cm (you can 15x15 cm) using a flexible wire. As a rule, reinforcement is performed in 2 layers, while the lower and upper meshes are placed approximately at the same distance from the gravel and the top of the future fill, respectively. To fasten the grids, we first drive vertical bars of reinforcement into the base. If necessary (for example, if the construction of a large and massive building is planned), the number of reinforcing layers can be increased.

Fifth stage - filling the pillow

We fill the entire structure below with concrete. Pour slowly, evenly. In several places we pierce the filling with fittings to remove excess air. The surface of the pillow is carefully leveled.

We leave our design to gain strength for 3-4 weeks. In the heat, concrete must be periodically moistened with water so that it does not crack.

The sixth stage - laying blocks

For laying FBS, as noted, you will need to call a crane. The equipment will lift heavy building elements. You and your assistants will need to correct the blocks and put them in the places intended for this.

For masonry, you will need a concrete solution of the M100 brand. On average, the installation of one block takes about 10-15 liters of such a solution.

First, we set the blocks in the corners, for better orientation we stretch the rope between them and sequentially fill the spans with blocks according to the level. Fill vertical seams with mortar. The next rows of blocks are laid on the solution in the opposite direction. Gradually we move from corners and external masonry to internal partitions. We regularly check the quality and correctness of the work performed using the level.

Stage seven - waterproofing

For waterproofing, it is most convenient to use. We carefully coat the inner and outer walls of the foundation with an insulating compound.

Prices for mastics

Eighth stage - armored belt

Often, to strengthen the base structure, a reinforced concrete belt 200-300 mm thick is cast along the top row. For reinforcement, 10 mm reinforcement is used. In the future, floor slabs will be laid on this belt.

Experienced builders can dispute the need for arrangement, arguing that the slabs already distribute the incoming loads fairly evenly, you just need to lay them correctly. However, as practice shows, it is better not to ignore the stage of arranging the armored belt - it definitely won’t get worse from it.

The structure is built as follows:

  • formwork is installed along the perimeter of the foundation walls;
  • a reinforcing mesh is laid in the formwork;
  • concrete is poured.

On this, the foundation of the FBS blocks is ready. The technology is laborious, but simple. By doing everything according to the instructions, you will get a safe, reliable, strong and durable foundation, while spending relatively little money on its construction.

Successful work!

Video - Do-it-yourself foundation from FBS blocks

The construction of any building begins with the construction of the foundation. This part is responsible for the reliability and safety of the entire structure. Therefore, it is very important to choose the type of foundation. Given that the arrangement of the foundation takes up to 30% of the total construction costs, each owner wants to reduce this item of expenditure. There are a large number of materials designed specifically for home improvement below floor level. The most accessible are the FBS blocks.

The solid foundation block (FBS) is manufactured at the factories of reinforced concrete products. The material is a structure of a special form, which consists of a concrete mixture with reinforcement bars poured inside. Thanks to special additives, the blocks have increased frost resistance and the ability to retain their shape at temperatures from -70 0 C to +50 0 C. FBS blocks are most popular when laying a tape-type foundation.

FBS blocks can be laid in a short period of time without using a large amount of concrete mix. This greatly simplifies the construction of the foundation and makes it less expensive. It is quite possible to make such a foundation with your own hands without building experience.

The choice of blocks for the foundation

When choosing FBS blocks for building a foundation, it is worth considering the basic requirements:

  • Availability of documents confirming the production in the factory. This guarantees the high quality of the material and helps to avoid unpleasant consequences during operation.
  • The correct shape of the products helps to reduce the costs associated with further finishing the foundation.
  • Product size also matters. Standard FBS blocks have a height of 58 cm, a width of 30,40,50 and 60 cm, a length of 78,118 and 238 cm. The width of the products is selected depending on the thickness of the building wall. You can choose any length, but it is worth remembering that a block with a length of 238 cm will allow you to complete construction faster and reduce costs.

For the construction of the foundation, two types of blocks are used:

  • The foundation block is solid, having the shape of a rectangle. This product has special mounting loops on the upper side for moving. Vertical channels on the sides, which are filled with concrete mortar, which enhances the strength of the base. In some models, channels are provided on the upper part, into which engineering systems are laid.
  • Pillow blocks have the shape of a trapezoid. These products increase the bearing capacity of the foundation, so they are laid on the sole of the base.

The type of blocks and their size are regulated by the regulatory document GOST 13579-78.

For easier orientation in the names and specifications, each product is marked:

  • The letters are the name of the block: The foundation block is solid.
  • Further, the figure indicates the length of the product in decimeters (8, 12 and 24).
  • The next digit through a dot or dash is the block width, also indicated in decimeters (3, 4, 5 and 6).
  • The third designation is the height (6).
  • After the numerical values, there is a letter that indicates the type of concrete used (T-heavy, P-porous, C-silicate concrete).

From this it follows that the designation FBS 24.4.6-T can be deciphered as follows: a foundation block with a solid length of 238 cm, a width of 40 cm, a height of 58 cm, made of heavy concrete grades.

Advantages and disadvantages of the foundation of FBS blocks

All the positive and negative characteristics of the base, made of solid foundation blocks, are associated with the properties of these products.

  • Resistant to severe frosts. In some regions, the temperature can change dramatically, which negatively affects any building material. FBS blocks contain special frost-resistant additives that allow the material to maintain quality characteristics in any climatic conditions.
  • Resistance to aggressive environment. Foundation blocks do not respond to aggressive impact environment, therefore it can be used for construction in areas with a predominance of soil hyperacidity. Such soils are found in many regions of Russia.
  • Various models. FBS blocks are produced in different sizes and shapes, which is especially important when choosing models for construction according to standard projects.
  • General costs. The construction of the foundation from FBS blocks allows you to save not only on materials, but also reduces the time for the construction of the foundation.

Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the high cost of laying blocks. The mass of one product is more than a ton, so special equipment is required.

In addition, the seams between the blocks can become conductors of cold, so it is required.

Installation of the foundation from FBS blocks

The base of the blocks is being built in several stages.

Site preparation

Before construction begins, the allotted area must be cleared of excess vegetation and large debris. It also requires careful leveling of the site.


The markup is carried out in accordance with the project of the house, which is drawn up in advance. The corners of the house are marked on the site, and a nylon thread or cord is stretched between them. The load-bearing walls of the building, under which it is planned to build a foundation, are also marked.


For a strip foundation, it is necessary to dig a trench, the parameters of which depend on the type of soil on the site and the width of the blocks being laid. The sole of the foundation should lie about 25 cm below the freezing level of the soil. To determine the width of the trench, take the width of the block and add 20 cm to it for the convenience of subsequent work with the foundation.

base cushion

At the bottom of the finished trench, a pillow is arranged, the composition of which depends on the type of soil.

  • For clay soil pour 15 cm of sand, 30 cm of crushed stone and 15 cm of sand.
  • For other types of soil - 5 cm of sand and 10 cm of crushed stone.

Regardless of the composition of the pillow, each layer is shed with water and carefully compacted. Concrete is poured over the pillow with a layer of 2-5 cm and left until completely solidified.

Block calculation

Before starting the installation of the foundation, it is imperative to calculate the required number of FBS blocks. The most popular are blocks with parameters 24 * 4 * 6 dm (respectively, length * width * height). Knowing the parameters of the house, blocks and the height of the foundation, it is easy to calculate the amount of material. In this case, we must not forget about the bearing supports of the building.

Solution preparation

A solution of medium density should be prepared immediately before laying. The components used, in particular sand and cement, must be of the highest quality. You can add special substances to the solution that increase the strength of the concrete solution.

Block stacking

  1. For increase bearing capacity foundation, the first row should be pillow blocks. The correctness of their installation is checked using the building level. The gap between the blocks is filled with concrete mortar, which makes the base stronger.
  2. Reinforcement bars and a layer of concrete up to 3 cm are laid on top of the trapezoidal blocks.
  3. Next, install the first row of foundation blocks. In this case, the seams should be offset. The optimal shift during the installation of blocks is about half the length of one product. It is not necessary to allow the joints to coincide in subsequent rows in order to prevent deformation of the base during seasonal soil movements. When laying several rows between them, it is recommended to lay a reinforcing belt and a layer of concrete mortar. Each row is checked for horizontality building level and verticality with a plumb bob.
  4. The blocks are laid first at the corners of the house and at the intersection of load-bearing walls. These will be the beacon elements along which the rest of the blocks are aligned. Next, a mooring cord is pulled between the corner blocks. It will become a guideline for the installation of other elements. FBS blocks must be placed exactly in the middle of the pillow block. The maximum deviation must not exceed 12 mm.
  5. It is also recommended to follow the order of laying the elements: first they put the largest blocks, then the middle ones and complete the laying with smaller blocks.


The erected foundation of FBS blocks must be protected from ground, flood and melt water. For this purpose, waterproofing of the base is performed. This technology has several options:

  • Pasting with roofing material.
  • Coating.
  • Painting with paints and varnishes of a special composition.
  • , in which polymeric substances are added.
  • Coated with penetrating insulation.

The choice of a particular option depends on the overall construction budget. The main condition that must be met in the process of waterproofing is the continuous application of a protective layer.

The foundation of FBS blocks can be done with your own hands. Although the work may require additional labor and construction equipment, this option of building a foundation will help to significantly reduce some costs.

In some regions, the favorable time for construction, unfortunately, is short-lived. Sometimes in 3-4 months you need to have time to lay the foundation, build a box and it is desirable to block it. In cases where time is running out, block foundations help out.

Foundation from blocks: we build quickly and reliably

Foundation laying - crucial moment. The foundation of the house has the biggest load, therefore, the strength and durability of the entire structure depends on the correctly chosen type of foundation, well-conducted work on its construction, adherence to deadlines and standards, and the use of high-quality materials.

What is a block foundation

Various technologies for laying the foundation of a house are known, and construction with the help of concrete blocks occupies a worthy place among others. A block foundation is a structure made of concrete and reinforcement embedded in the blocks themselves. No need to make a separate reinforcing foundation frame, and then pour it with concrete mortar. Everything is ready here. Maximum 5 days for laying the first layer (reinforced monolithic tape) and for it to dry. And then blocks are installed according to the principle of brickwork.

The block foundation is quick and easy to do on your own. The only thing you need is a crane and 2-3 people to help. Blocks are laid in any weather - in snow or rain there are no problems with installation, which saves time. In the short period allotted by nature for construction, it is possible to complete all the planned work. Therefore, foundation blocks are increasingly gaining popularity and trust among private domestic developers.

The foundation of the blocks determines the reliability and durability of the entire structure

Advantages and disadvantages of block foundations

Benefits of using concrete blocks:

  • the speed of the structure is, in fact, a monolithic foundation of the structure already pre-broken into fragments, which quickly folds into the desired configuration;
  • universality - the ability to build a foundation of any complexity;
  • reliability - the use of reinforced concrete products (reinforced concrete products), manufactured under industrial conditions with quality control at each stage of production, will make it possible to obtain a base much stronger than the classic one;
  • stress resistance - some brands of reinforced concrete products include special additives, which makes block foundations successful even in permafrost areas;
  • ease of installation - formwork is not required;
  • strictness of geometry - each assortment line has an exact predetermined strength, foundation blocks of the same size are clearly fitted to each other and equipped with special grooves for their tight joining.

But along with the advantages of block foundations, there are also disadvantages:

  • price - a considerable weight of reinforced concrete products requires the involvement of special equipment, which undoubtedly increases the cost of construction:
  • the need for thorough waterproofing - unlike solid foundations, they consist of blocks and mortar that have different physical properties (water absorption level, frost resistance) and therefore react differently to environmental influences, which is why after laying, waterproofing should be done;
  • low resistance to heat loss.

Of course, some shortcomings can be corrected - make external insulation, for example, with polystyrene foam, which will reliably protect weak spots(connecting seams) and will extend the life of the block foundation. Or choose small blocks so as not to involve heavy construction equipment.

It is possible to compensate for the low resistance of the block foundation to heat loss by insulating its outer surface with extruded polystyrene foam

However, all these additional measures also affect the construction budget a lot, so if saving is a decisive factor for you, then it is better to choose a different type of foundation, less expensive. And since the speed of construction is in the first place, then, of course, the advantage is behind the blocks.

Many-sided foundation blocks

The main criterion for choosing foundation blocks is their quality. Therefore, you need to pay attention to compliance with the technical conditions of manufacture. Only large manufacturers who value their reputation can guarantee high product performance. But small handicraftsmen often change the conditions of the production process and the formula of concrete, which negatively affects the properties of concrete products.

Given the considerable cost of blocks, private developers often buy second-hand reinforced concrete products. This must be done carefully and in the presence of a master who will correctly assess the degree of their wear - how, with what load and under what conditions the blocks were used. Without sufficient knowledge, you will not do it yourself, and sometimes seemingly whole blocks can be fraught with annoying surprises that will certainly appear over time.

Each factory-made product must be marked. This marking contains all the information necessary for the buyer (size, maximum load indicators, concrete composition, additives, reinforcement, etc.), knowing which you can always choose the appropriate option and not overpay.

In addition, many manufacturers have launched the production of small block products (20x20x40 cm), which are in great demand among private developers, since such dimensions do not require the use of special equipment for laying and are convenient for transportation, which significantly reduces the cost of construction.

The most common types of reinforced concrete products are:

  • solid foundation blocks (marking FBS) - solid, without any cavities and holes;
  • blocks for the foundation with a cutout (FBV) - with recesses (grooves) for jumpers and laying communications;
  • foundation hollow blocks (FBP);
  • unified perforated foundation blocks (UDB);
  • block foundation pillows (FL), designed for light buildings;
  • expanded clay and foam concrete blocks.

Foundation from FBS blocks

Looks like concrete briquettes different sizes reinforced from the inside with a reinforcing cage. They are manufactured at reinforced concrete enterprises according to strictly approved standards and are marked in accordance with GOST.

FBS means a monolithic wall reinforced concrete block of a rectangular shape with clearly marked dimensions and a level of withstand load.

FBS means a monolithic wall reinforced concrete block of a rectangular shape with clearly marked dimensions and a level of withstand load. All characteristics of the block are encrypted in its code. FBS-12.6.6 - means that we have a solid solid block for the foundation with a length (12) of 120 cm, a height and a width (6.6) of 60 cm each.

Physical and technical qualities are indicated for the entire batch of homogeneous products. These include the compressive strength of concrete, frost resistance and water resistance, block density, and so on. If necessary, FBS blocks are made to order with desired properties and sizes.

Specifics of working with FBS blocks

As we noted above, blocks are mounted according to the brickwork scheme: exact location relative to each other, tying the seams of adjacent rows. Particular attention is paid to laying the base row (first), for which a previously prepared horizontal installation surface is provided.

As binders, a sand-cement mortar is used, which is made right at the installation site, or special glue. Adhesive masonry is simpler, since there is no need to select the optimal ratio of the components of the solution - the dry mixture is diluted with water in the proportions indicated by the manufacturer on the package. But it is more expensive, so the solution is used more often.

Foam concrete has been known for over a hundred years and was initially used for the construction of light structures. But modern technologies have made it possible to improve it so that, subject to the rules for working with this material, it is quite suitable for building a foundation. This aroused great interest among private developers, and today foam concrete foundations are common.

The foundation of foam blocks must be erected as carefully as possible, since foam concrete has a low contact strength and can collapse under mechanical stress

Properties of foam blocks and conditions for their use for foundations

Let's compare, for example, the main quality indicators of foam concrete in comparison with ceramic bricks:

  • frost resistance level - for foam block products MD1200 is 30–40 cycles, and for ceramic briquettes 25–30;
  • compressive strength is a key criterion for creating a foam block foundation, it fluctuates in a rather wide range of 35–90 kg / m², and the tensile strength for structures made of heavy grades corresponds to the average indicators of ceramic red bricks - up to 12 MPa;
  • water absorption - at the level of 12–14%, which is not inferior to analogues from ceramics.

However, with high positive indicators, the foam block has 2 big drawbacks: low contact strength and the ability to accumulate water as a result of diffusion. Therefore, the foundation foam concrete masonry will not be rigid and flexible, and even with a small bending load it can be easily broken. Any mechanical influences - shocks, damages - can cause nicks, dents and cracks, although the foam block can withstand the static load (weight of the structure) perfectly. Here's some tricky stuff. In addition, the porous structure of the foam block contributes to the accumulation of so-called diffusion water, due to which, in a fairly short time, the cellular material can turn into a dank cold stone. So the construction of the foundation of foam blocks should be accompanied by the laying of a drainage system and powerful waterproofing and be extremely careful.

Foundation of expanded clay concrete blocks

Expanded clay concrete has found wide application in private construction due to its environmental friendliness, strength, durability and ability to retain heat well in the house.

To use this material for the foundation, you need to take into account the type of soil under the building, the depth of groundwater and the load of the finished structure on the foundation.

Expanded clay concrete is a universal highly environmentally friendly building material that is widely used for the construction of foundations and walls. Expanded clay blocks - a good solution for fast and reliable construction

The advantages of expanded clay concrete foundation blocks include:

  • high coefficient of strength, which makes it possible to erect heavy private buildings on a claydite-concrete base (this material is not suitable for the foundations of high-rise buildings);
  • lightness and fire resistance;
  • excellent heat and sound insulation performance (this makes it possible not to make additional thermal insulation);
  • resistance to sudden temperature changes, humidity, ultraviolet.

On the basis of expanded clay concrete blocks, any type of foundation is built: columnar, tape, pile. Its depth is determined according to the type of soil - on a stable immovable one can build a shallow expanded claydite concrete foundation, on an unstable one subject to shifts, deeper structures should be made.

In areas with a large freezing depth, it is not recommended to use expanded clay concrete for the construction of a foundation.

Foundation made of reinforced concrete blocks

Reinforced concrete blocks are different:

  • in size - large, mounted on the sole only with a crane and a winch, and small, comparable in size to an average foam block;
  • according to the technological process - are there any additives that increase certain qualities of concrete, or not, what was the hardening of concrete (forced steaming or natural drying), etc.

Therefore, both the way they are laid and the type of foundation being created differ. Large blocks (reinforced concrete slabs) are installed on a lean concrete leveling screed that covers the waterproofing layer passing over the drainage (sand) pad. Such designs are good for creating strip foundations with beam grillages.

For such work, a crane with a team of workers is needed, therefore, blocks of small sizes are more often used, the base structure of which is almost the same:

  • drainage cushion - crushed stone bedding about 30 cm high;
  • hydrolayer - roofing material or liquid rubber on top of the pillow, also covered with rubble;
  • block masonry reinforced with steel pins;
  • cement screed over the blocks.

It is really possible to make such a foundation with two or three people easily and quickly without involving construction equipment.

Video: small reinforced concrete foundation blocks and their laying

Block foundation construction

The construction of the block foundation is simple. We have already written about this above. Even a beginner will not be difficult to understand and do it yourself.

The design of the block foundation is simple

But before starting the construction of the foundation, you need to draw up its project and count the number of blocks. Even if a foreman commands everything at your construction site, do not be too lazy to calculate the building materials yourself - additional knowledge will not hurt, and a check will not be superfluous.

Calculation of the number of blocks per foundation

As an example, let's take a strip foundation measuring 10x12 m, the height of the foundation from the ground is 0.6 m, the height of the foundation itself is 1.8 m, FBS-24.4.6 blocks. We take a leaf in a box, draw a foundation and calculate:

  1. The length of the foundation is equal to the length of the perimeter plus the length of all load-bearing walls. The width of the foundation is equal to the width of the walls of the future structure. Let's say that the length of the bearing walls will be 12 m. We calculate how many blocks are required to lay one row: ((44 + 12) x 0.4): (2.4 x 0.4) = 23.33 pcs.
  2. The height of the foundation is 1.8 m, the distance of the foundation from the ground (drainage cushion + hydraulic layer, if done for centuries) is 0.6 m, which means that the net height of the foundation is 1.2 m. With the selected blocks with a height of 0.6 m, we you will need to lay 2 rows (1.8 - 0.6): 0.6.
  3. Total: 23.33 pcs. x 2 = 46.67 pcs. Round up to 47 pieces. These are 2 KamAZ vehicles.

Be sure to purchase blocks with a margin, but here already be guided by how many blocks will be loaded into the machine. In our example, 47 blocks are 2 cars, and 50 are already 3, and so that the car does not go half empty, combine the purchase of blocks with other necessary building materials, for example, with a brick that can be used to close up "windows" in the foundation.

Why draw on a piece of paper, because you can just count? No. Having drawn a plan for your foundation, you will know exactly where and how the communications will take place in order to decide how many special FBV blocks with grooves or perforated UDB are required, and replace them with FBS blocks in right places(you can use a brick). Otherwise, you will have to drill holes in the finished foundation, and this is effort, money and time.

When assembling blocks, you need to leave holes for engineering systems. Breaking the finished foundation is unacceptable

Solution consumption calculation

In addition to reinforced concrete blocks, you will need sand, crushed stone and cement. For foundations, the solution is prepared in the following proportion 1:3:5. That is, 1 part of cement accounts for 3 parts of sand and 5 crushed stone or gravel. The concrete mixture is needed to hold the blocks together (as when laying bricks), on the cement screed over the blocks, and on the leveling laying layer when using large reinforced concrete slabs.

The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. A mixture is prepared from all components.
  2. The required amount of water is added.
  3. Mixed until smooth.

If the volumes are large, then it is better to use a concrete mixer. With small volumes, the solution is made manually in a large old container or on a metal sheet, stirring actively with a shovel or construction mixer. Water is added gradually to prevent overabundance. A mortar of good consistency should stick slightly to the trowel, leaving a thin concrete mark on it. Sometimes a waterproofing additive is mixed into the solution, which increases the strength of the structure, or a concrete solution M100 is used. But in any case, the finished solution must be consumed within two hours, after which it begins to solidify.

The calculation of the amount of solution is simple - on average, about 10–15 liters of the finished solution are used to install 1 block.

Do-it-yourself block laying

For the construction of the foundation, it is important to choose the right time. The block foundation, like others, is preferably erected in summer in dry weather. If in the midst of work it suddenly started to rain, then it is better to interrupt the construction and wait for it to finish and until the earth dries out.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

Waterproofing foundation blocks

Waterproofing is the protection of the foundation from the penetration of ground and ground water. It provides dryness to the base of the house, protects the room from mold and fungus, and prolongs the longevity of the entire building.

The principle of work is reduced to applying a waterproofing layer to the surface of the blocks, which can be:

It is advisable to make external and internal waterproofing of the foundation, but if circumstances do not allow and you have to choose, then give preference to the external one. The blocks are waterproofed at a temperature not lower than +5 ° C, the insulating layer is applied to the surface thoroughly cleaned of dirt, protrusions and chips. Work begins from below, from the base of the foundation, gradually rising to the place where rainwater enters.

The choice of waterproofing material

In ancient times, waterproofing materials were not thought much about. They removed birch bark from birches and laid it on the foundation: it does not rot and does not let water through. Today, birch bark has been replaced by roll waterproofers, among which roofing material occupies a prominent place. It is used in most cases for horizontal waterproofing, especially when the house is without a basement.

For waterproofing vertical surfaces, membrane materials, various types of mastics, plasters and paints, liquid rubber, sheet insulators, etc. are offered. The choice is huge, but what kind of material is suitable for a particular foundation is determined by the climate of the area where the construction is taking place. The level of groundwater, air humidity, the amount of precipitation, temperature changes and other indicators are taken into account.

Video: waterproofing the foundation from FBS blocks with mastic

Also in demand as a waterproofing material is bituminous resin deposited on the surface of the blocks. It is affordable, withstands static and hydrostatic pressure well, is resistant to mechanical stress, does not absorb water and is easy to install. And to make the waterproofing very reliable, you can use liquid glass, which, of course, is expensive, but durable.

Video: do-it-yourself foundation from FBS blocks

By choosing the right blocks for the foundation of the house and strictly following the laying technology, you will get a solid structure. And for many years you will not have to worry about his condition. Good luck in your endeavors!

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