Snip 2.05 02 87 highways

System normative documents in construction






SNiP 32-03-96

Introduction date 1997-01-01

UDC (083.74)


1 DEVELOPED by the institutes of the GPI and NIIGA "Aeroproekt", Lenaeroproekt, 26th Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, SoyuzdorNII, MADI (TU).

2 INTRODUCED by the Main Technical Regulation of the Ministry of Construction of Russia.

4 INSTEAD OF SNiP 2.05.08-85 and SNiP 3.06.06-88.

5 These building codes and rules are an authentic text of the interstate building codes "Aerodromes".


These rules and regulations apply to newly built, expanded and reconstructed structures of airfields (heliports), with the exception of landing sites for helicopters on ships, drilling platforms, buildings and special structures.

At the same time, the requirements of norms and standards for the applied building structures and materials should be taken into account.


The following terms and definitions are used in these rules and regulations.

Aerodrome (heliport)- a land or water area specially prepared and equipped to ensure takeoff, landing, taxiing, parking and maintenance of aircraft.

Laerodrome field- part of the aerodrome on which one or more runways, taxiways, aprons and special purpose areas are located.

Airstrip (LP)- part of the airfield of the aerodrome, including the runway and adjacent planned and in some cases compacted, as well as reinforced unpaved areas, designed to reduce the risk of damage to aircraft that have rolled out of the runway.

Takeoff and landingstrip (WFP)- part of the flight path specially prepared and equipped for the takeoff and landing of aircraft. A runway may be paved (RWY) or unpaved (GRWY).

Rulezhnaya track (RD)- part of the airfield of the aerodrome, specially prepared for taxiing and towing aircraft. RD can be main (MRD), connecting, auxiliary.

Platform- part of the airfield of the airfield. designed to accommodate aircraft for the purpose of boarding and disembarking passengers, loading and unloading baggage, mail and cargo, as well as other types of services.

Aircraft parking position (IS)- part of the apron or special purpose area of ​​the aerodrome, intended for the parking of an aircraft for the purpose of its maintenance and storage.

Aerodrome structures include ground elements of the airfield, ground bases, airfield pavements, drainage and drainage systems, as well as special platforms and structures.

Ground bases- planned and compacted local or imported soils designed to absorb loads distributed through the airfield pavement structure.

Aerodrome pavements- structures that perceive loads and impacts from aircraft, operational and natural factors, which include:

The upper layers (layer), hereinafter referred to as the "coating", directly perceiving the loads from the wheels of aircraft, the effects of natural factors (variable temperature and humidity conditions, repeated freezing and thawing, the effects of solar radiation, wind erosion), thermal and mechanical effects of gas-air jets aircraft engines and mechanisms intended for the operation of the airfield, as well as the impact of anti-icing chemicals;

The lower layers (layer), hereinafter referred to as "artificial base", providing, together with the coating, the transfer of loads to the soil base, which, in addition to the bearing function, can also perform drainage, anti-silting, thermal insulation, anti-heam, waterproofing and other functions.

Drainage and drainage systems- a system of structures designed to drain water from the pavement surface and lower the groundwater level in order to ensure the necessary stability of the soil base and layers of the airfield pavement when absorbing loads during the design period of the highest soil moisture, as well as to exclude hydroplaning of aircraft wheels when moving along the runway.

Special structures (jet deflectors, mooring and grounding devices, buried channels, wells, lighting equipment, etc.) that absorb forces from wind, wheel loads, air-gas jets of aircraft engines, etc., are designed to ensure the normal safe operation of aircraft at various parts of the airfield .


3.1 The classification of aerodromes in these standards is not given and is determined by departmental regulations.

3.2 The dimensions of the aerodrome area and the permissible height of natural and artificial obstacles within its boundaries should be established in accordance with industry regulations based on the condition for ensuring the safety of aircraft takeoff and landing.

3.3 The design of the general plan of the airfield, the vertical layout should be carried out in accordance with the standards of the department to which the aerodrome belongs.

3.4 For aerodromes of international airports, in addition to these standards, the standards and recommendations of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) must be observed.

3.5 These rules and regulations use references to regulatory documents in accordance with Appendix A.


4.1 Ground elements of the airfield must meet the requirements of safety, evenness, strength, erosion resistance. Their surface must be cleared of foreign objects and have slopes that provide a reliable flow of melt and rainwater. They can be with and without sod cover.

4.2 Permissible values ​​of the longitudinal and transverse slopes of the ground elements of the LP must be taken in accordance with the standards of the department to which the aerodrome belongs.

4.3 The soil part of the LP should be without soil trays. Soil trays within the LP are allowed in exceptional cases, subject to a feasibility study, taking into account the hydrological, hydrogeological and engineering-geological conditions of the area.

4.4 The ground surface of the planned part of the LP at the interface with artificial surfaces (runways, shoulders, taxiways, etc.) should be located on the same level.

4.5 The part of the strip adjacent to the end of the runway must be reinforced to prevent erosion from the gas-air jets of aircraft engines and to protect landing aircraft from hitting the end of the runway. These sections must withstand loads from aircraft in case of accidental rollout during takeoff or landing, as well as loads from operational equipment.

4.6 The unpaved shoulders of the runway, taxiway, MS and aprons should provide for the removal of surface water from the areas of artificial pavements and a gradual transition from artificial pavements to the ground, for which reinforced blind areas (junctions) should be arranged.

4.7 The blind area must be capable of withstanding the load generated by an aircraft inadvertently rolling out without causing structural damage to it, as well as the load of ground vehicles that can move along the shoulder.

4.8 Soil compaction coefficient to a depth of 30 cm must be at least:

At the starting sections of the main runway, MS, engine test sites, taxiways: for sands and sandy loams - 0.95, for loams and clays - 1.00;

In the middle sections of the runway and other soil elements of the LP, as well as for bulk soils on the airfield that are not included in the LP, - 0.90 and 0.95, respectively.

Below (to a depth of up to 55 and up to 70 cm), the compaction coefficient can be reduced by no more than 5 and 15%, respectively.

4.9 In the presence of subsiding soils on the airfield, subsidence must be eliminated to the depth of the active zone, established by calculation according to SNiP 2.02.01.

4.10 On unpaved areas of the airfield without sod cover, dust control measures should be provided. When choosing a dust control method, the requirements for environmental protection (section 9) should be observed.

4.11 To increase the resistance of the soil to aircraft loads and reduce erosion from the action of aerodynamic loads created by air-gas jets of aircraft engines, if possible, sod cover should be arranged.

4.12 The quality of the turf cover must meet the regulatory requirements given in Table 1. Acceptance of work on the creation of the turf cover of the airfield should be carried out after the development (emergence) of sown grasses.


5.1 Soil bases must ensure the stability of the airfield pavement, regardless of weather conditions and seasons, taking into account:

composition and properties of soils;

terrain types according to hydrogeological conditions given in Table 2;

Table 1

table 2

Type of terrain according to hydrogeological conditions

Terrain type characteristic

1 - dry area

Surface runoff is provided, groundwater does not have a significant impact on the moistening of the upper layer of soils of natural base

2 - damp area

Surface runoff is not provided, groundwater lies below the depth of soil freezing; soils with signs of surface waterlogging; in spring and autumn, stagnation of water appears on the surface

3 - wet area

Groundwater or long standing (more than 20 days) surface water occurs above the depth of soil freezing; peaty soils, gleyed with signs of waterlogging


1 For road-climatic zone I, the type of terrain in each specific case should be determined during surveys, taking into account the location of the elements of the airfield (terraces of rivers and lakes, tundra and forest-tundra, etc.), the presence of peat moss cover, the continuity of its distribution and thickness, availability underground ice, supra-permafrost waters, etc.

2 Groundwater does not have a significant impact on the moistening of the upper soil layer, if the level of groundwater in the pre-frost period lies below the estimated freezing depth by:

2 m and more - in clays, silty loams;

1.5 m and more - in loams, silty sandy loams;

1 m and more - in sandy loam, dusty sands.

3 The level of the groundwater horizon by the beginning of soil freezing is calculated from the top of the cover to the groundwater level established by surveys, and in the presence of deep drainage or other water-reducing devices - to the top of the depression curve.

4 The calculated groundwater level should be taken as the maximum possible autumn (before freezing) level, and in areas where frequent prolonged thaws are observed, the maximum possible spring groundwater level. In the absence of the necessary data, it is allowed to take the level determined from the top of the soil gleying line as the calculated one

dividing the territory into road-climatic zones in accordance with Figure 1;

experience in the construction and operation of airfields located in similar engineering-geological, hydrogeological and climatic conditions.

5.2 The nomenclature of soils used for the soil base, according to genesis, composition, state in natural occurrence, heaving, swelling and subsidence, should be established in accordance with GOST 25100.


1 The characteristics of soils of natural occurrence, as well as of artificial origin, should be determined, as a rule, on the basis of their direct tests in field or laboratory conditions, taking into account possible changes in soil moisture during the construction and operation of airfield facilities.

2 It is allowed to use tabular values ​​of design characteristics established on the basis of statistical processing of mass soil tests.

5.3 The depth of the compressible thickness of the soil base, within which the composition and properties of soils are taken into account, is taken from Table 3, depending on the number of wheels on the aircraft main leg and the load on one wheel of this leg.

Table 3

Road-climatic zones include the following geographical zones: I - tundra, forest-tundra and the north-eastern part of the forest zone with the spread of permafrost soils; II - forests with excessive soil moisture; III - forest-steppe with significant soil moisture in some years, IV - steppe with insufficient soil moisture; V - desert and desert-steppe with an arid climate and the spread of saline soils.

The Kuban and the western part of the North Caucasus should be attributed to the III road-climatic zone; The Black Sea coast, Ciscaucasian steppes, with the exception of the Kuban and the western part of the North Caucasus, should be attributed to zone IV; mountainous areas located above 1000 m above sea level, as well as little-studied areas should be attributed to one or another zone depending on local natural conditions

Picture 1 - Road-climatic zones of the CIS

5.4 The depth of seasonal freezing or, for permafrost soils, thawing is determined by calculation for an open surface of the coating cleared of snow and is calculated from its top, taking into account the vertical layout of the airfield surface and the thermal characteristics of the base and coating materials.

5.5 If there are weak soils in the soil base (water-saturated clay, peaty, peat, silt, sapropel), loess, saline, swelling and other subsiding varieties of soils, as well as permafrost, subsidence during thawing soils, it is necessary to take into account the precipitation (subsidence) of the base soil S d occurring during earthworks, as well as with further consolidation of the base soil during the operation of the coating under the influence of natural and climatic factors.

Noted ie - Weak soils include soils whose deformation modulus is equal to or less than 5 MPa.

5.6 Estimated values ​​of vertical deformations of the base S d during the period of operation of the coating should not exceed the limit values S u indicated in table 4.

When reconstructing or strengthening existing airfield pavements, in cases where their actual vertical deformations (according to operating experience) exceed the limit values ​​indicated in Table 4, the admissibility of exceeding deformations after reconstruction (reinforcement) should be decided taking into account the operating experience of the existing pavement.

Table 4

5.7 In order to prevent exceeding the limiting vertical deformations of soil foundations, the following measures should be taken to eliminate or reduce the harmful effects of natural and operational factors, eliminate the unfavorable properties of the soil under the airfield cover:

installation of special layers of artificial base and interlayers (waterproofing, capillary interrupting, thermal insulation, anti-silting, reinforcing, etc.);

water protection measures on sites composed of soils sensitive to changes in humidity (corresponding horizontal and vertical planning of the aerodrome area, providing surface water runoff; installation of a drainage network);

improvement of the building properties of base soils (compacting by tamping, preliminary soaking of subsiding soils, complete or partial replacement of soils with unsatisfactory properties, etc.) to a depth determined by calculation from the condition of reducing the possible vertical deformation of the base to an acceptable value;

soil strengthening (by chemical, electrochemical, thermal and other methods).

The boundaries of special layers of base or soil with eliminated unfavorable properties must be at least 3 m from the edge of the coating.

5.8 Settlement calculation and substantiation of measures to eliminate unfavorable soil properties under the airfield pavement are recommended to be carried out in accordance with the Code of Rules (SP) for the design and construction of airfields *.

* Until the adoption of the Code of Rules for the Design and Construction of Aerodromes, the canceled SNiP 2.05.08-85 and SNiP 3.06.06-88 should be used as recommended standards to the extent that they do not contradict the requirements of these standards.

5.9 The elevation of the surface of the coating above the calculated level of groundwater must be not less than that specified in Table 5.

Table 5

In the case when the implementation of these requirements is technically and economically impractical, in the soil foundation constructed in the II and III road-climatic zones, capillary-interrupting layers should be arranged, and in the IV and V road-climatic zones - waterproofing layers, the top of which should be located at a distance from coating surface of at least 0.9 m for zones II and III and 0.75 m for zones IV and V. The bottom of the layers should be at least 0.2 m from the groundwater horizon.

5.10 For airfields located in the I road-climatic zone, in the absence of permafrost soils, as well as when the latter are used as a natural foundation according to principle II (with preliminary thawing, removal or drainage of waterlogged layers), the minimum elevation of the surface of the coating above the groundwater level should be taken as for II road-climatic zone (Table 5).

5.11 In the presence of saline soils, the elevation of the surface of the coating above the calculated level of groundwater should be taken 20% more than indicated in Table 5, and on the surface of the soil base, composed of medium and highly saline soils, it is necessary to provide for the installation of a waterproofing layer or interlayer.

5.12 When reconstructing (strengthening) pavements, in cases where the actual elevation of the pavement in use above the groundwater level is less than that established in Table 5, the admissibility of maintaining such a position after reconstruction should be decided taking into account the operating experience of the existing pavement.

5.13 The required degree of compaction of bulk soils should correspond to the soil compaction coefficients (the ratio of the lowest required density to the maximum density for standard compaction) given in Table 6 and in 4.8.

Table 6

5.14 If under the airfield pavement the natural density of the soil is lower than required, the soils should be compacted to the standards given in Table 6: to a depth of 1.2 m - for I-III road-climatic zones and 0.8 m - for IV-V zones, counting from ground base surface.

5.15 The compaction coefficient of soils of embankments erected from saline soils should be taken at least 0.98 for a light type pavement and for the unpaved part of the airfield, 1.00 - for a capital type pavement.

5.16 Regulatory requirements that must be met and controlled during earthworks, and control methods are given in table 7.

Table 7

Structural element, type of work and controlled

Control method


i/c*, I, II and III

Soil base, GVPP, soil elements LP

1. The thickness of the fertile

Not more than 5%

No more than 10%


values ​​may have deviations from design values ​​up to minus 20%, the rest - up to minus 10%

2. Axis elevations

The same, up to ± 30 mm,

the rest - up to ± 20 mm

3. Longitudinal slopes

The same, up to ± 0.002,

the rest - up to ± 0.001

4. Cross slopes

The same, up to ± 0.008,

the rest - up to ± 0.003

5. Density of the soil layer

No more than 10% of the results of determinations may have deviations

GOST 5180, it is allowed to use accelerated

up to minus 2%

up to minus 4%

and field express

the rest - must be not lower than the design

methods and instruments

6. Evenness along the axis (clearance under the rail 3 m long):

on GWP, ground

Not more than 2%

Not more than 5%

According to GOST 30412

LP elements

results of determinations can have clearance values ​​up to 60 mm, the rest - up to 30 mm

on the ground

The same, up to 40 mm,

the rest - up to 20 mm

7. Algebraic difference of elevations of points according to

Leveling and calculation

axes of the GVPP with intervals of 5, 10

60, 100, 160 mm

75, 120, 200 mm

the rest - up to 30, 50, 80 mm


6.1 General instructions

6.1.1 Aerodrome pavements according to the nature of the resistance to the action of loads from aircraft are divided into:

rigid (concrete, reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete, as well as asphalt concrete pavements on a cement concrete base);

non-rigid (from asphalt concrete; durable stone materials of a selected composition, treated with organic binders; from crushed stone and gravel materials, soils and local materials treated with inorganic or organic binders; prefabricated metal, plastic or rubber elements).

P notes

1 Reinforced concrete is considered to be a coating of cement concrete reinforced with a metal mesh designed to absorb thermal stresses.

2 Reinforced concrete pavement is considered to be reinforced concrete pavement, in which the required cross-sectional area of ​​the reinforcement is determined by calculating the strength and crack opening width.

6.1.2 Coatings are divided according to the degree of capitalization into:

capital (with hard and asphalt concrete coatings);

lightweight (with non-rigid pavement, except for asphalt concrete pavement).

6.1.3 Airfield pavements must meet the requirements of:

safety and regularity of aircraft takeoff and landing operations;

strength, reliability and durability of the structure as a whole and its constituent elements (provided by strength calculation and compliance with the requirements for building materials);

evenness and roughness of the surface in accordance with table 8;

environmental protection in accordance with section 9.

The regulatory requirements that should be met and controlled during the construction of each layer of airfield pavement, and control methods are given in Table 8.

Table 8

Structural element, type of work and

Values ​​of normative requirements for categories of normative loads

Control method

controlled parameter

i.v., I, II and III

1. All layers of artificial bases and coatings

1.1. Elevation marks for

Not more than 5%

No more than 10%


axes of each row

the results of determinations may have deviations from the design values ​​up to ±15 mm, the rest - up to ±5 mm

1.2. Cross slope of each row

The same, up to ± 0.005, the rest - up to ± 0.002 (but not higher than the shelf life)

Calculation based on the results of executive geodetic survey

2. Bases, leveling layers and coatings (except for prefabricated concrete)

2.1. Laying row width:

monolithic concrete, reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete pavements (bases) and asphalt concrete pavements

The same, up to ±10 cm, the rest - up to ±5 cm

Measuring with a measuring tape, tape measure

all other types of bases, coatings and leveling layers from sand-cement mixture

The same, up to ±20 cm, the rest - up to ±10 cm

2.2. Straightness

Not more than 5%

No more than 10%

Measurement of metal

longitudinal and transverse seams of coatings

the results of determinations may have deviations from a straight line up to 8 mm, the rest - up to 5 mm per 1 m (but not more than 10 mm per 7.5 m)

ruler along the edge of the layer

2.3. The width of the grooves of the expansion joints of all types of coatings

Not less than design, but not more than 35 mm

Measuring with a feeler gauge or caliper

2.4 Structural layer thickness:

cement concrete

Not more than 5%

No more than 10%


substrates and all types of coatings

the results of the determinations may have deviations about the design values ​​up to minus 7.5%, the rest - up to minus 5%, but not more than 10 mm

metal ruler along the edge of the layer

all other types of bases and coatings

The same, up to minus 7.5%, the rest - up to minus 5%, but not more than 20 mm

2.5. Coefficients of compaction of structural layers of asphalt concrete

The same, up to minus 0.003, the rest - up to minus 0.02

According to GOST 12801

2.6. Concrete strength

Not lower than the design strength class

According to GOST 18105

2.7. Frost resistance of concrete

Not below the design mark

According to GOST 10060

2.8. Evenness along the axis of the row (clearance under the rail 3 m long):

artificial grounds

Not more than 2%

Not more than 5%

According to GOST 30412

results of determinations can have clearance values ​​up to

the rest up to

all types of coatings and



the rest up to

2.9. Algebraic elevation difference of coverage

Not more than 5% of the results of the determinations can be up to

Leveling and calculation

along the axis of the series (points,

separated from each other by

the rest up to

distance 5, 10 and 20 m)

2.10. Raising the faces of adjacent slabs in the joints of monolithic rigid pavements:


No more than 10%

Not more than 20%



The same, up to 10 mm, the rest - up to 3 mm

3. Prefabricated prestressed concrete slabs

3.1. Evenness (clearance under

Not more than 2%

Not more than 5%

According to GOST 30412

rail 3 m long)

results of determinations can have clearance values ​​up to 10 mm, the rest - up to 5 mm

3.2. Exceeding the faces of adjacent slabs in the joints of prefabricated roofs:


No more than 10%

Not more than 20%


results of determinations can have values ​​up to 6 mm, the rest - up to 3 mm

metal ruler or caliper


The same, up to 10 mm, the rest - up to 5 mm

4. The length of the runway, taxiway, apron and MS pavements along their axes

Not less than design value

Measuring with a measuring tape

5. Wheel friction coefficient with runway surface

Not less than 0.45

According to GOST 30413 or measurement by ATT-2 machine on the wet surface of the coating

6.1.4 Coatings on the sides of the runway, taxiway, MS, aprons, reinforced areas adjacent to the ends of the runway, and coatings of the end deceleration lanes should be provided resistant to the effects of gas-air jets from aircraft engines, as well as possible loads from vehicles and operational facilities.

6.1.5 The thickness of the coating on the reinforced areas should be taken according to the calculation, but not less than the minimum allowable for the structural layer of this material.

6.1.6 In order to avoid damage to aircraft when they accidentally roll out from the runway, at civil aerodromes with standard load categories IV and above, the interface of reinforced sections of taxiway shoulders, reinforced sections adjacent to the ends of the runway, as well as the pavement around the structures of the drainage network (wells, closed ditches trays, etc.) with a soil surface, the LP should be arranged in the form of a ramp with the edge of the coating (blind area) deepened into the soil to a depth established by calculation. In this case, the steepness of the ramp should be no more than 1:10.

6.2 Artificial bases

6.2.1 For artificial bases and thermal insulation layers, heavy and fine-grained concrete should be used according to GOST 26633, light concrete - according to GOST 25820, rigid concrete mixes - according to TU 218 RF 620-90, dense, porous and highly porous asphalt concrete - according to GOST 9128, crushed stone, gravel materials and sandy, untreated - in accordance with GOST 25607 and treated with inorganic - in accordance with GOST 23558 and organic binders, crushed stone and gravel - in accordance with GOST 3344, GOST 23845, sand - in accordance with GOST 8736, as well as other local materials.

6 .2.2 The materials of all layers of artificial bases must have frost resistance corresponding to the climatic conditions of the construction area. Requirements for frost resistance are given in table 9.

Table 9

Material layers of artificial base

Frost resistance of materials, not lower, at the average monthly air temperature of the coldest month, °С

below minus 5 to minus 15 inclusive

minus 5 and above

Crushed stone and crushed gravel

Crushed stone, gravel, sand and gravel, soil-gravel and soil-gravel mixtures, reinforced with organic binders

Crushed stone treated with inorganic binders

Gravel, sand-gravel, soil-gravel and soil-crushed stone mixtures reinforced with inorganic binders, sand cement and soil cement in the base part:

Sand-gravel, soil-gravel and soil-crushed stone mixtures

Fine-grained concrete, expanded clay concrete, cinder concrete, lean concrete

P note - The upper part of the base includes the layers lying within the upper half of the freezing depth of the sections, the lower part - the layers lying within the lower half of the freezing depth, counting from the surface of the coating

6.2.3 When constructing artificial foundations from coarse-grained materials laid directly on clay soils, an anti-silting layer should be provided, which would exclude the possibility of penetration of the foundation soil when it is moistened into a layer of coarse-porous material.

The thickness of the anti-silt layer should not be less than the size of the largest particles of the used granular material, but not less than 5 cm

6.2.4 For areas with hydrogeological conditions of the second type, when the soil base consists of non-draining soils (clays, loams and silty sandy loams), drainage layers of materials with a filtration coefficient of at least 7 m / day should be arranged in the structures of artificial foundations. The thickness of the drainage layers of coarse and medium-sized sands should correspond to the data in Table 10.

Table 10

The thickness of drainage layers made of other materials, including those using interlayers of synthetic non-woven materials, should be determined by calculation.

6.2.5 The strength of the bearing layers of artificial foundations should be sufficient to absorb the loads from construction transport used in the construction of artificial surfaces.

6.3 Rigid coatings

6 .3.1 The construction of rigid pavements should, as a rule, be made of heavy concrete that meets the requirements of GOST 26633 and these standards.

It is allowed to use fine-grained concrete that meets the requirements of GOST 26633, while the compressive strength class when used in a single-layer or top layer of a two-layer coating must be at least B 30.

6.3.2 Concrete tensile strength classes in bending must be taken not lower than those indicated in Table 11.

Table 11

Airfield coverage

Minimum concrete tensile strength class in bending

Single-layer and upper layers of a two-layer monolithic coating of concrete, reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete (with non-stressed reinforcement)

The bottom layer of a two-layer coating and joint plates

Prefabricated from reinforced concrete prestressed slabs, reinforced:

wire reinforcement or reinforcing ropes

rod reinforcement


1 For precast prestressed concrete slabs, an additional requirement for the minimum design compressive strength of concrete should be provided: B 30 for slabs reinforced with wire reinforcement or reinforcing ropes, and B 25 for slabs reinforced with bar reinforcement.

2 For single-layer and upper layer of two-layer coatings, designed for loads with air pressure in the tire tires of not more than 0.6 MPa, it is allowed, with an appropriate feasibility study, to use concrete of tensile strength class in bending Btb 3.2

6.3.3 The concrete grade for frost resistance for single-layer and the top layer of two-layer coatings should be assigned in accordance with the map in Figure 2.

For airfields located on the border of the areas indicated on the map, a higher frost resistance grade should be taken.

For the lower layer of two-layer coatings, the concrete grade for frost resistance should be taken at the average monthly temperature of the coldest month, ° С:

from 0 to minus 5 ............................. not below F50

from minus 5 to minus 15 ............... "" F75

below minus 15 ............................. "" F100


1 The estimated average monthly outdoor temperature is taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.01.01.

2 If the bottom layer remains open for the winter period, it must be covered with water-repellent or other protective compounds.

Figure 2 - Zoning of the territory of the CIS according to the required frost resistance of concrete for single-layer and top layer of two-layer coatings

6.3.4 The type and class of reinforcement should be established depending on the type of coating, the purpose of the reinforcement, the technology for the preparation of reinforcing elements and the methods of their use (non-stressed and prestressed reinforcement).

The characteristics of reinforcing steels should be set in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.03.01.

6.3.5 The required thickness of monolithic rigid layers should be determined by calculation.

The maximum and minimum thickness of the hard pavement layer should be determined taking into account the technical feasibility of the concrete paving kits and the accepted construction technology.

6 .3.6 Prefabricated coatings from typical PAG-14 slabs should be used for wheel loads of not more than 100 kN for a multi-wheel support and not more than 170 kN for a single-wheel support, PAG-18 - not more than 140 kN for a multi-wheel support and not more than 200 kN for a single-wheel support, PAG-20 - no more than 180 kN and 250 kN, respectively. Plates must meet the requirements of GOST 25912.0 - GOST 25912.4.

6.3.7 Between the slabs of rigid monolithic coatings and artificial bases, as well as between the layers of two-layer monolithic coatings, it is necessary to provide constructive measures that ensure the independence of the horizontal movement of the layers (separating layers of glassine, polymer film and other materials). The use of a sand-bitumen mat is not allowed.

When installing two-layer coatings by splicing, a separating layer is not arranged.

6.3.8 Prefabricated coatings from prestressed reinforced concrete slabs, arranged on bases of all types, except sandy, should be laid on a leveling layer of sand-cement mixture 3-5 cm thick. In this case, a separating layer is not satisfied.

6.4 Expansion joints in rigid pavements

6.4.1 Rigid monolithic coatings should be divided into separate slabs by expansion joints. The dimensions of the slabs should be set depending on the local climatic conditions, as well as in accordance with the intended technology for the construction work.

6.4.2 Distances between expansion joints of compression (length of plates) should not exceed, m, for monolithic coatings:

concrete thickness

less than 30 cm ........................................25 times the layer thickness (rounding to the nearest metre)

concrete 30 cm thick

and more................................................ ...7.5

reinforced concrete with reinforcement

same level ........................................7.5

reinforced concrete with reinforcement

in two levels ........................................ 20

reinforced concrete at annual

amplitude of average monthly

temperature, °С:

45 and up......................................10

less than 45......................................15

Note - The annual amplitude of average monthly temperatures is calculated as the difference between the average air temperatures of the hottest and coldest months, determined in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.01.01.

6 .4.3 In areas with difficult engineering and geological conditions, the distances between compression expansion joints for reinforced concrete and reinforced concrete pavements should not exceed 10 m.

6.4.4 In monolithic coatings technological seams. as a rule, should be combined with expansion joints. For adjacent pavement strips of the same design, the transverse seams should be matched.

Technological joints include seams, the device of which is determined by the width of the concrete paving machines and possible interruptions in the construction process.

6.4.5 The need for expansion joints in rigid monolithic pavements and the distances between them should be justified by calculation, taking into account climatic conditions and structural features of pavements.

6.4.6 Expansion joints must be arranged when pavements adjoin other structures, as well as when taxiways adjoin the runway and apron.

6.4.7 in prefabricated pavements of prestressed slabs with butt joints that prevent horizontal movement of the slabs, expansion joints should be arranged.

6.4.8 Distances, m, between transverse expansion joints, as well as between longitudinal expansion joints of prefabricated pavements on aprons, MS and special-purpose sites, should not exceed at the annual amplitude of average monthly temperatures, °С:

St. 45................................................. 12

30 to 45 ...................................... 18

less than 30......................................24

6.4.9 Longitudinal expansion joints in prefabricated runway and taxiway pavements are not arranged.

6.4.10 The distance between expansion joints in the lower concrete layer of two-layer coatings should not exceed 10 m.

6.4.11 In foundations made of lean concrete, expanded clay concrete, sandy (fine-grained) concrete, as well as cinder concrete, compression joints should be arranged, the distance between which should be no more than 15 m.

P note - If a break in construction work for the winter period is envisaged, the distances between expansion joints in the lower layers of two-layer pavements and bases should be taken as for concrete pavements in accordance with the requirements of 6.4.2.

6.4.12 In the expansion joints of single-layer coatings, it is necessary to use butt joints that ensure the transfer of load from one plate to another. Instead of butt joints, it is allowed to reinforce the edge sections of the slabs either by reinforcing, or by using seam slabs, or by increasing the thickness of the slab, justified by calculation.

6.4.13 Two-layer coatings, as a rule, should be arranged with the alignment of the seams in the layers. In some cases, it is allowed to arrange two-layer coatings with misaligned seams (coatings in which the longitudinal and transverse seams in the upper and lower layers are mutually offset by more than 2 t sup, where t sup - top layer thickness).

6.4.14 Two-layer coatings with combined seams should, as a rule, be arranged with butt joints in the longitudinal and transverse seams. It is allowed to arrange butt joints only in the upper layer.

6.4.15 In two-layer pavements with non-aligned seams, the lower zone of the top layer slabs must be reinforced above the seams of the bottom layer in accordance with the calculation. It is allowed to replace reinforcement by increasing the thickness of the upper layer.

6.4.16 Expansion joints of rigid pavements must be protected from the penetration of surface water and operating fluids, as well as from clogging them with sand, gravel and other solid materials. As joint fillers, special sealing materials of hot and cold application must be used that meet departmental requirements for deformability, adhesion to concrete, temperature resistance, chemical resistance, stickiness to aircraft tires and fatigue deformations corresponding to the conditions of their use. Materials - joint fillers - should not change their operational properties during short-term exposure to hot gas-air jets from aircraft engines.

6.5 Non-rigid coatings

6.5.1 Non-rigid coatings are arranged in multilayer. The required layer thickness is justified by calculation. The minimum allowable thickness of the structural layer (in the compacted state) is taken according to table 12.

6.5.2 The total thickness of asphalt concrete layers on bases made of materials treated with inorganic binders should not be less than that given in Table 13.

Table 12

Structural layer material of non-rigid pavement

and artificial base

Minimum layer thickness, cm

Asphalt concrete at internal air pressure in the pneumatics of aircraft wheels, MPa (kgf / cm 2):

less than 0.6 (6)

from 0.6 (6) to 0.7 (7)

St. 0.7 (7) "1.0 (10)

Crushed stone, gravel, soils treated with binders

Crushed stone treated with organic binders according to the impregnation method

Soils and low-strength stone materials treated with mineral binders

Crushed stone or gravel, not treated with binders and laid on a sandy base


1 The maximum grain size of the coarse fraction used in the layer of mineral material must be at least 1.5 times less than the thickness of the structural layer.

2 It is allowed to arrange asphalt concrete layers with a thickness of 9-12 cm in two layers from a mixture of the same quality, provided that adhesion between them is ensured.

Table 13

Average monthly air temperature of the coldest month, °С

The total minimum thickness of asphalt concrete layers, cm, on bases made of materials treated with inorganic binders and cement concrete pavements

on the runway, main taxiway

on other parts of the airport

minus 5 and above

Below minus 5 to minus 15

Below minus 15, or the number of temperature transitions through 0 °C over 50 times a year

6 .5.3 Asphalt concrete pavements must be made from asphalt concrete mixtures that meet the requirements of GOST 9128, or polymer-asphalt concrete mixtures in accordance with TU 35-1669.

6 .5.4 The upper layers of asphalt concrete pavements should be made of dense mixtures, the lower ones - from dense or porous mixtures. The use of porous asphalt concrete mixtures on bases that are a water-resistant layer is not allowed.

6.5.5 Under loads of normative category III and above, in the upper layers of non-rigid pavements, dense asphalt concrete (or polymer-asphalt concrete) mixtures of grade I should be used, under loads of category IV - grades not lower than II, under loads of categories V and VI - not lower than grade III in strength.

6.5.6 Cold asphalt concrete mixtures may be used with an appropriate feasibility study only on taxiways, aprons and MS under loads of category IV and below.

6.5.7 The type of asphalt mix and the corresponding grade of bitumen should be taken into account taking into account climatic conditions in accordance with GOST 9128 and GOST 22245.

6.5.8 Under loads of normative category IV and above, asphalt concrete pavements should be laid on artificial bases from materials treated with binders.

6.6 Reinforcement of existing coatings

6.6.1 The need and methods for strengthening existing pavements during the reconstruction of aerodromes should be established taking into account the assigned class of the aerodrome and the category of standard load, as well as depending on the state of the existing pavement, natural and artificial bases and drainage network, local hydrogeological conditions, characteristics of the materials of the existing pavement and base , height position of the coating surface.

6.6.2 The required thickness of the reinforcement layer must be determined by calculation, taking into account the actual bearing capacity of the existing pavement. In this case, the design characteristics of the existing pavement and base should, as a rule, be determined on the basis of test data.

Note - In cases where testing is not possible, it is allowed to determine the design characteristics of the structural layers of the existing pavement according to the project data, taking into account the category of destruction established on the basis of statistical processing of mass data on the technical condition of airfield pavements of various types and types.

6.6.3 When strengthening the coatings, it is necessary to first eliminate the defects of the existing structure, as well as restore the drainage and drainage network; in the absence of a network, decide on the need for its device. It is allowed to fragmentize the top layer of existing hard pavements.

6.6.4 Rigid pavements can be reinforced with all types of hard pavement and asphalt concrete based on the most efficient use of the existing pavement's bearing capacity, taking into account specific conditions.

6.6.5 When strengthening prefabricated pavements with prefabricated slabs, the seams of the reinforcement layer in relation to the seams of the existing pavement should be displaced by at least 0.5 m for longitudinal and 1 m for transverse seams.

6.6.6 When strengthening monolithic rigid pavements with monolithic concrete, reinforced concrete or reinforced concrete, the requirements for two-layer pavements in accordance with 6.3.7, 6.4.13 - 6.4.15 shall be met. If the number of layers is more than two, the lower one should be considered the layer located directly under the upper one, and the remaining layers should be considered as artificial foundations.

6.6.7 To ensure the contact of the slabs with the base when reinforcing rigid pavements with precast prestressed reinforced concrete slabs, it is imperative, regardless of the evenness of the existing pavement, to arrange a leveling layer of sand cement with an average thickness of at least 3 cm between the existing pavement and precast slabs; the separating layer in this case is not satisfied.

6.6.8 The total minimum thickness of asphalt concrete layers when reinforcing hard pavements must comply with the requirements of Table 13. To reinforce hard pavements with asphalt concrete, only dense asphalt concrete mixtures should be used in all layers.

6.6.9 Reinforcement of non-rigid pavements can be performed with non-rigid and rigid pavements of all types.

6.6.10 When reinforcing existing hard pavements with asphalt concrete, constructive measures (reinforcing, cutting expansion joints in asphalt concrete, etc.) should be applied to reduce the likelihood of reflected cracks in the reinforcement layer and leveling layer.

6.7 Basic principles for calculating the strength of coatings

6.7.1 Aerodrome pavements, including layers of artificial bases, should be calculated by the method of limit states for repeated exposure to vertical loads from aircraft as multilayer structures lying on an elastic foundation.

Asphalt-concrete pavements, in addition, should be designed for the perception of aerodynamic loads from gas-air jets of aircraft engines, if the average jet velocity in the contact zone with the pavement is equal to or more than 100 m/s.

The design limit states of rigid pavements are:

concrete and reinforced concrete - strength limit state;

reinforced concrete with non-stressed reinforcement - limit states for strength, crack opening and pressure on the soil base;

reinforced concrete with prestressed reinforcement - the limit state for the formation of cracks and pressure on the soil base.

Design limit states of non-rigid pavements are:

for capital-type pavements - limit states for the relative deflection of the entire structure and for the strength of asphalt concrete layers;

for lightweight coatings - the limit state for the relative deflection of the entire structure.

6.7.2 The pavement structures of civil aviation aerodromes should be designed for standard loads, the categories and parameters of which are given in tables 14 (for airplanes) and 15 (for helicopters).

It is allowed to design coatings for the effects of loads from a particular type of aircraft.

The pavements of airfields of other departments must be calculated for loads, the parameters of which are established by departmental regulations.

6.7.3 When calculating the strength of pavements, the effects of loads from different types of aircraft should be reduced to the equivalent effect of the design load. The aircraft (standard load category) that has the maximum impact on the pavement should be taken as the design aircraft.

6.7.4 Pavement strength data for civil aviation aerodromes should be reported in pavement classification numbers (PCN) in accordance with departmental regulations and classification established by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

In cases of deviations of pavement characteristics from the design ones, confirmed by operational control data during construction, the classification number PCN should be determined based on test load test data of pavements and foundations.

6.7.5 Aerodrome pavements are divided into groups of sections according to the degree of impact of aircraft loads and bearing capacity in accordance with Figure 3. to group A.

Heliport pavement strength analysis should be carried out in accordance with the requirements for Group A sites (Figure 3).

The thickness of the coverings of the blind area and the reinforced sections adjacent to the ends of the runway should be calculated as for sections of group D, taking into account Note 3 to Table 14.

6.7.6 Strength calculations of airfield pavements are carried out in accordance with the Joint Venture for the design and construction of airfields.

Plot groups: BUT - main taxiways; main taxi ways on stands and aprons; runway end sections; the middle part of the runway in width, along which the systematic taxiing of aircraft is carried out; B- sections of the runway designed according to scheme 1, adjacent to its end sections; marginal sections in the middle part of the runway, designed according to scheme 2; auxiliary and connecting taxiways, stands, aprons, except for main taxiways, and other similar areas for aircraft parking; AT- the middle part of the runway ( AT runway /2), designed according to scheme 1; G - marginal areas in width in the middle part of the runway ( AT runway /4) designed according to scheme 1, except for those adjacent to connecting taxiways; reinforced sections adjacent to the ends of the runway, blind areas

Figure 3 - Schemes for dividing aerodrome pavements into groups of sections: Scheme 1 - for aerodromes where aircraft taxiing is carried out along a main taxiway;

scheme 2 - for aerodromes where aircraft taxiing is carried out on the runway

Table 14

, on the main (conditional) support of the aircraft, kN

Internal air pressure in tire tires R a, MPa

Main support


One wheel


1 The distances between the tires of a four-wheel support are assumed to be 70 cm between adjacent wheels and 130 cm between rows of wheels.

2 Standard loads III and Category IV can be replaced by loads on a single-wheel main support and take 170 and 120 kN, respectively, and the pressure in the tire tires for standard loads of categories V and VI is 0.8 MPa.

3 For coverings of blind areas and reinforced areas adjacent to the ends of the runway, the standard load is multiplied by a factor of 0.5.

Table 15


7.1 To collect and drain surface and groundwater, depending on climatic and hydrogeological conditions at aerodromes, drainage and drainage systems should be arranged.

7.2 Drainage systems should be provided for sections of airfields with clay soils, as well as for sections located in conditions of erosion risk (if there are soils subject to erosion, significant slopes of the terrain, rainfall).

For areas with sandy, sandy loam and other well-filtering soils, as well as in the V road-climatic zone, drainage systems should be provided selectively.

7.3 The dimensions of the cross-sections of the elements of drainage systems (pipes, trays, ditches) and their design slopes are set on the basis of a hydraulic calculation. The deepening of the pipes of the drainage and drainage systems is established on the basis of calculating their strength from the impact of operational loads.

7.4 Schemes and design solutions for drainage and drainage systems should be taken depending on the road-climatic zone of the aerodrome location; type of terrain by the nature of surface runoff and the degree of moisture; type, properties and condition of soils; topographic and other local conditions in accordance with the joint venture for the design and construction of airfields.

7.5 It is necessary to ensure the drainage of water from the drainage layers of the bases, as well as the protection of the latter from the ingress of groundwater or perched water from the territories adjacent to the coating.

7.6 When installing drainage and drainage systems, one should be guided by the requirements of SNiP 3.05.04, and it is also necessary to take into account the prospects for the development of airfield elements and observe the following rules:

the length of linear drainage and drainage facilities should be minimal;

laying of collectors under airfield pavements is allowed as an exception;

Discharge of water from drainage and drainage systems must be carried out into a natural reservoir or onto a relief surface, while the environmental protection requirements set forth in Section 9 must be met.

7.7 Drainage and drainage systems may include the following elements: upland ditches, open trays in covers, soil trays, inspection, storm water and talve wells, collectors, drainage layers, edge and screen drains, tubular bypasses and dryers, the design of which must be carried out in accordance with the requirements Joint venture for the design and construction of airfields.

7.8 The axis of the soil tray should be located at a distance of at least 25 m from the edges of the runway pavements, and at least 10 m from the taxiways.

7.9 Collectors should be located along the edges of airfield pavements at a distance of 10 to 15 m from them.

7.10 The depth of pipe laying (distance from the soil surface to the shed) of the collectors should be taken not less than the depth of soil freezing when the surface is free from snow.

In areas with a soil freezing depth of more than 1.5 m, it is allowed to lay collector pipes in the freezing zone, while providing for the maximum possible number of water discharges into water intakes according to local conditions, as well as thermal insulation of pipes.

7.11 Collector and bypass pipes laid in the soil freezing zone must have a slope not less than the critical one, taken depending on the pipe diameter, mm, equal to:

up to 750 .............................. 0.008

from 1000 to 1200...................... 0.007

1500............................................. 0,006

7.12 Drainage ditches should be located outside the airfield of the aerodrome, as a rule, at the shortest distance from the outlet heads of the collectors to the water intakes.

7.13 The bottom of the drainage ditch at its junction with the water intake should be 0.3-0.5 m above the level of the highest flood water horizon in the water intake with a flood frequency of once every 5 years.

7.14 Upland ditches arranged for the interception and diversion of surface water coming from the catchment areas adjacent to the aerodrome must be located outside the airstrips or their planned parts at a distance of at least 30 m from their borders, as well as from the edges of aprons and special areas.

7.15 To protect the territory of the airfield from flooding when the water level rises in adjacent reservoirs, enclosing dams should be installed with a height of at least 0.5 m above the calculated high water level, taking into account the height of the wave and its incursion on the slope of the dam.

7.16 The design high water level, if it is necessary to protect the aerodrome from flooding, should be taken with a probability of exceeding 1:100 for aerodromes intended for the operation of aircraft of the II standard load category and above, and 1:50 for other aerodromes.

7.17 The speed of water movement in soil trays, drainage and upland ditches with an unreinforced surface should not exceed the limit values ​​\u200b\u200bleading to erosion.

At high speeds of water movement, the surface of soil trays, drainage and upland ditches should be strengthened, and, if necessary, fast currents and drops should be provided.

7.18 Longitudinal slopes should ensure that the linear elements of drainage and drainage systems are not silted up.

7.19 The installation of drainage and drainage systems for aerodromes located in difficult engineering and geological conditions should be carried out in accordance with the joint venture for the design and construction of aerodromes.

7.20 In case of saline soils and underground waters that are aggressive to concrete and asbestos cement, it is necessary to perform coating insulation of collector pipes, external surfaces of inspection and talvezh wells in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.04.01. For bypasses and drains, as a rule, polyethylene pipes should be used.


8.1 Jet deflectors should be used on sites intended for the race of aircraft engines, in aircraft parking areas, as well as on other parts of the aerodrome, if necessary, to protect people, aircraft, structures and ground equipment from the effects of gas-air jets. It is allowed to use jet deflectors to prevent dusting of the airfield in a feasibility study that contains a comparison with other methods of dedusting.

The design of the shield must ensure the interception of at least half of the jet cross section in height and deflect it upwards.

8.2 Mooring arrangements should be used to hold aircraft at the parking areas in a predetermined position when exposed to wind load, and at engine race sites - from the total effect of wind load and engine thrust.

8.3 The layout of the mooring devices, the amount of design forces for each device are taken in accordance with the departmental regulatory document for technical operation for the design type of the aircraft. The estimated wind speed (with a probability of exceeding once every 5 years) to determine the value of the wind load is determined from climatological reference books or data from hydrometeorological stations.

The requirements for materials for the construction of mooring devices should be adopted as for rigid pavements.

8.4 For the manufacture of metal jet deflector shields, anchors and anchor rings of mooring devices, steels allowed by SNiP II-23 for open metal structures should be used, depending on the climatic conditions of the area.

8.5 Underground structures for laying communications should provide access to them for repair work and replacement through the appropriate placement of wells, overlapping with removable slabs or the use of through collectors.

8.6 Unburied floor slabs of canals and structural elements of manholes located on sections of the aerodrome intended for maneuvering and parking aircraft, as well as within the airstrips, must be designed to withstand the load from aircraft wheels and meet the frost resistance requirements for airfield pavements.

8.7 When constructing buried sewers and tunnels, the possibility of an increase in the load in the future due to the reconstruction of airfield pavements and an increase in the mass of operated aircraft should be taken into account. These structures must also meet the requirements of SNiP II-44, SNiP 2.03.01, SNiP 3.03.01.

8.8 When arranging special-purpose sites (starting engines, pre-fabrication; finishing work; eliminating deviation, degassing and washing aircraft and aircraft chemical equipment; parking and storage of apron mechanization and special vehicles), patrol roads and airfield fencing; as well as grounding devices; lighting equipment; marking on the coating and installation of index signs should be guided by departmental regulations.


9.1 When choosing a site for the construction of an aerodrome and developing options for the design of airfield pavements, the degree of impact of the aerodrome on the surrounding air, water and ground environment both during construction and during operation should be taken into account, giving preference to solutions that have a minimal impact on the environment.

9.2 During the construction of aerodromes (heliports), environmental protection measures should be taken to prevent the occurrence and activation of processes unfavorable for the construction and operation of aerodromes. The composition of environmental protection measures should include engineering solutions that provide for:

compensation for heat and mass transfer of the environment, changed during the preparation and development of the territory;

limiting and regulating the development of cryogenic processes; organization and regulation of snow cover, storm and technological drains;

biological reclamation of vegetation cover;

limitation and regulation of thermal abrasion.

9.3 Environmental measures provided for during the construction and operation of airfields must meet the requirements of the current legislation on environmental protection, the fundamentals of land legislation, the fundamentals of subsoil legislation, the current resolutions, regulations, rules, standards, instructions and guidelines approved by the relevant authorities in their development .

9.4 The performance of all types of work is allowed only within the boundaries of the areas allocated by the customer to the area, allocated in accordance with the established procedure for permanent or temporary use.

9.5 During the construction (expansion) of the airfield, the fertile soil layer must be cut off with a view to its subsequent use for the restoration (recultivation) of disturbed or unproductive agricultural lands, landscaping of the building area.

9.6 In areas where permafrost soils are distributed, measures should be taken to prevent the occurrence and activation of thermokarst, thermal erosion, thermal abrasion, heaving, frost cracking, solifluction, ice formation and other cryogenic processes.

9.7 In the event that archaeological or paleontological objects buried in the ground, other monuments of culture and history, or natural phenomena are discovered during the work, work on this site should be suspended, measures should be taken to preserve the object, and this should be reported to the appropriate management body.

9.8 Before acceptance of the completed construction of the aerodrome (its section), the forests adjacent to the aerodrome, other vegetation massifs, as well as the banks and bottom of reservoirs and watercourses must be completely cleared of waste generated during the work.

9.9 Land plots allotted for the period of construction of the airfield to accommodate temporary production bases, temporary access roads and for other needs of construction, after its completion, are subject to return to those land users from whom these plots were seized, after their restoration in the prescribed manner.

9.10 Newly constructed airfields (heliports) must be located outside cities and towns. In this case, the distances from the boundaries of the airfield of the aerodrome (heliport) to the boundaries of the residential area should be determined in each specific case, taking into account:

ensuring the safety of aircraft flights;

permissible maximum and equivalent levels of aircraft noise established by GOST 22283;

types of aircraft operated at this aerodrome; intensity of their flights;

the number of runways at the aerodrome;

the location of the boundaries of the residential area in relation to the runway;

relief, air temperature and humidity, wind direction and speed, as well as other local conditions.

9.11 For the estimated approximation of the boundary of the residential area to the airfield of the aerodrome (heliport), the greatest distance should be taken, obtained on the basis of taking into account flight safety factors, permissible levels of aircraft noise or intensity of exposure from sources of electromagnetic radiation.

9.12 For newly constructed aerodromes, the distances from the airfield boundaries to the boundaries of the residential area, taking into account their prospective expansion, placement in the areas of aerodromes, within and outside the boundaries of air approaches to them, buildings, structures, including communication lines, high-voltage power lines, radio engineering and other objects, which may threaten the safety of aircraft flights or interfere with the normal operation of airfield radio equipment, as well as the procedure for coordinating the location of these objects must be adopted taking into account the requirements of SNiP 2.07.01. At the same time, if the flight path does not cross the border of the residential area, the minimum distance between the horizontal projection of the flight path along the approach route and the boundary of the residential area should also be ensured for aerodromes with a runway length of 1500 m or more - 3 km, the rest - 2 km.

9.13 Helicopter landing sites must be located no closer than 2 km from the residential area in the take-off (landing) direction and have a gap between the lateral border of the LP (landing area) and the boundary of the residential area of ​​at least 0.3 km.

9.14 The main types of harmful effects of an aerodrome on people, animals, vegetation, the environment (atmospheric air, water bodies, landscape and soil) are:

acoustic (impact of noise of aircraft engines and engines of ground equipment);

electromagnetic fields created by stationary and mobile radio equipment;

pollution of atmospheric air, soils, underground waters and reservoirs by objects of construction and operation of the airfield;

violation of the soil cover and the hydrological regime of surface and groundwater.

9.15 The level of acoustic impact in the territories of residential and other buildings near the airfield should not exceed certain values, normalized by GOST 22283.

9.16 Permissible parameters of aircraft noise for airfields located near the territory of protected and protected areas should be established with the obligatory coordination with the local territorial environmental authority.

9.17 For guard service personnel, passengers and the local population from the effects of electromagnetic radiation, it is necessary to arrange sanitary protection zones (SPZ) and building restriction zones (ZZZ) around the installed radio equipment. The sizes of these zones should be determined by calculations in accordance with departmental regulations.

9.18 Within the SPZ and SPZ, new residential construction is not allowed, but the existing residential development can be preserved provided that a complex of measures for the protection of the population, justified by the calculation, is carried out, which includes: allocation of sectors with radiation power reduced to a safe level; the use of special screens made of radioprotective materials; use of protective forest plantations; systematic monitoring of radiation levels in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.006 and other measures.

9.19 The concentration of pollutants released into the atmosphere during construction work, as well as from aircraft engines and ground vehicles during the operation of the aerodrome (background pollution), should not exceed the maximum allowable values ​​established by sanitary standards.

9.20 Aerodromes with a runway length of 1500 m or more, having drainage systems from artificial pavements and drainage of underground and surface sewage (storm and melt water), must be equipped with local facilities for mechanical, biological and other treatment of polluted waters.

9.21 Aerodrome sections intended for servicing aircraft used to apply fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture and during forest protection, and other special sites (pre-hanging, finishing, washing and de-icing treatment of aircraft, special motor depots, warehouses of fuel and lubricants, etc.) should be equipped with facilities for chemical-reagent and mechanical treatment, as well as neutralization of wastewater discharged into airport sewer.

9.22 The composition of treatment facilities, their efficiency and performance must comply with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.03, SNiP 3.05.04 and departmental regulatory documents for the design of facilities for the treatment of surface runoff of rain and melt water from airports.

9.23 The discharge of surface runoff of rain, melt and drainage water into the city sewerage system must, in terms of the nomenclature and quantitative composition of pollutants, meet the requirements of the Rules for the acceptance of industrial wastewater into the sewerage systems of settlements and take into account the requirements of the owner of the treatment facilities of the settlement.

9.24 An aerodrome accepted for operation must have an environmental passport drawn up in accordance with GOST

9.25 In preparation of pre-project feasibility studies for investments in the construction of an aerodrome or in the development of a feasibility study for the construction, reconstruction or expansion of an aerodrome, an environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the planned activities of the airport should be carried out, and practical measures should be developed to guarantee environmental safety to society.

9. 26 EIA materials should contain an assessment of possible emergency situations and a list of measures to limit and eliminate the consequences of emergency situations that ensure the safety of people and the environment, in accordance with the requirements of departmental regulatory documents.



SNiP 2.01.01-82

Building climatology and geophysics

SNiP 2.02.01-83*

Foundations of buildings and structures

SNiP 2.03.01-84*

Concrete and reinforced concrete structures

SNiP 2.04.03-85

Sewerage. Outdoor networks and facilities

SNiP 2.07.01-89*

Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements

SNiP II-23-81*

Steel structures

SNiP II-44-78

Railway and road tunnels

SNiP 3.03.01-87

Bearing and enclosing structures

SNiP 3.04.01-87

Insulating and finishing coatings

SNiP 3.05.04-85*

External networks and water supply and sewerage facilities

GOST 3344-83

Crushed stone and sand slag for road construction. Specifications

GOST 5180-84

Soils. Methods for laboratory determination of physical characteristics

GOST 8267-93

Crushed stone and gravel from dense rocks for construction work. Specifications

GOST 8736-93

Sand for construction work. Specifications

GOST 9128-84*

Mixes asphalt concrete road, airfield and asphalt concrete. Specifications

GOST 10060.0-95 - GOST 10060.4-95

Concrete. Methods for determining frost resistance

GOST 12.1.006-84

Electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies. Permissible levels in the workplace and requirements for monitoring

GOST 12801-84

Road and airfield asphalt concrete mixes, road tar concrete, asphalt concrete and tar concrete. Test Methods


Protection of Nature. Ecological passport of an industrial enterprise. Basic provisions

GOST 18105-86

Concrete. Strength control rules

GOST 22245-90

Bitumens oil road viscous. Specifications

GOST 22283-88

Aircraft noise. Permissible noise levels in the territory of residential development and methods for its measurement

GOST 23558-94

Crushed stone-gravel-sand mixtures and soils treated with inorganic binders for road and airfield construction. Specifications

GOST 23845-86

Rocky rock for the production of crushed stone for construction work. Technical requirements and test methods

GOST 25100-95

Soils. Classification

GOST 25607-94

Crushed stone-gravel-sand mixtures for coatings and bases of roads and airfields. Specifications

GOST 25820-83*

Concrete is light. Specifications

GOST 25912.0-91

Reinforced concrete prestressed PAG slabs for airfield pavements. Specifications

GOST 25912.1-91

Prestressed reinforced concrete slabs PAG-14 for airfield pavements. Design

Prestressed reinforced concrete slabs PAG-18 for airfield pavements. Design

GOST 25912.3-91

Prestressed reinforced concrete slabs PAG-20 for airfield pavements. Design

GOST 25912.4-91

Reinforcing and assembly-butt products of reinforced concrete slabs for airfield pavements. Design

GOST 26633-91

Concrete is heavy and fine-grained. Specifications

GOST 30412-96

Roads and airfields. Methods for measuring the unevenness of bases and coatings

GOST 30413-96

Automobile roads. Method for determining the coefficient of adhesion of a car wheel with a road surface

changes #1 and #2

Polymer-bitumen binders based on DST and polymer-asphalt concrete

TU 218 RF 620-90

Rigid concrete mixes for the construction of cement concrete pavements and foundations for roads and airfields. Specifications

Keywords: airfield pavements, ground elements of the airfield of the airfield, ground bases

1 area of ​​use

2 Definitions

3 General

4 Ground elements of the airfield of the airfield

5 Ground bases

6 Aerodrome pavements

6.1 General information

6.2 Artificial bases

6.3 Rigid pavements

6.4 Movement joints in rigid pavements

6.5 Non-rigid pavements

6.6 Reinforcement of existing pavements

6.7 Basic principles for calculating the strength of coatings

7 Drainage and drainage systems

8 Special designs

9 Environmental protection

1 area of ​​use

This set of rules establishes design standards for newly built, reconstructed and overhauled public roads and departmental roads. The requirements of this set of rules do not apply to temporary roads, test roads of industrial enterprises and winter roads.

2.1 This set of rules uses references to the following regulatory documents: SP 14.13330.2011 "SNiP II-7-81* Construction in seismic areas" SP 35.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.05.03-84* Bridges and pipes" SP 39.13330.2012 " SNiP 2.06.05-84* Dams made of soil materials” SP 42.13330.2011 “SNiP 2.07.01-89* Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements” SP 104.13330.2011 “SNiP 2.06.15-85 Engineering protection of territories from flooding and flooding” SP 116.13330.2012 “SNiP 22-02-2003 Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from hazardous geological processes. Basic provisions” SP 122.13330.2012 “SNiP 32-04-97 Railway and road tunnels” SP 131.13330.2012 “SNiP 23-01-99* Building climatology” GOST R 51256-2011 Technical means of traffic management. Road marking. Classification. Specifications GOST R 52056-2003 Polymer-bitumen road binders based on styrene-butadiene-styrene block copolymers. Specifications GOST R 52289-2004 Technical means of traffic management. Rules for the use of road signs, markings, traffic lights, road barriers and guides GOST R 52290-2004 Technical means of traffic management. Road signs. General technical requirements GOST R 52575-2006 Roads for public use. Road marking materials. Technical requirements GOST R 52576-2006 Public motor roads. Road marking materials. Test methods GOST R 52606-2006 Technical means of traffic management. Classification of road barriers GOST R 52607-2006 Technical means of traffic management. Protections road holding lateral for cars. General technical requirements GOST R 53225-2008 Geotextile materials. Terms and definitions GOST R 54257-2010 Reliability of building structures and foundations. Basic provisions and requirements of GOST Nature protection. Earth. Classification of overburden and enclosing rocks for biological land reclamation GOST 3344-83 Crushed stone and slag sand for road construction. Specifications GOST 7473-2010 Concrete mixes. Specifications GOST 8267-93 Crushed stone and gravel from dense rocks for construction work. Specifications GOST 8736-93 Sand for construction work. Specifications GOST 9128-2009 Asphalt concrete mixes for road, airfield and asphalt concrete. Specifications GOST 10060. 1-95 Concrete. Basic method for determining frost resistance GOST 10060.2-95 Concrete. Accelerated methods for determining frost resistance during repeated freezing and thawing GOST 10180-2012 Concrete. Methods for determining strength according to control samples GOST 18105-2010 Concrete. Rules for control and assessment of strength GOST 22733-2002 Soils. Method for laboratory determination of maximum density GOST 23558-94 Crushed stone-gravel-sand mixtures and soils treated with inorganic binders for road and airfield construction. Specifications GOST 24451-80 Road tunnels. Approach dimensions of buildings and equipment GOST 25100-2011 Soils. Classification GOST 25192-2012 Concrete. Classification and general technical requirements GOST 25458-82 Supports wooden traffic signs. Specifications GOST 25459-82 Reinforced concrete road signs. Specifications GOST 25607-2009 Crushed stone-gravel-sand mixtures for pavements and foundations of roads and airfields. Specifications GOST 26633-91 Heavy and fine-grained concrete. Specifications GOST 27006-86 Concrete. Rules for the selection of composition GOST 30412-96 Automobile roads and airfields. Methods for measuring the unevenness of bases and coatings GOST 30413-96 Automobile roads. Method for determining the coefficient of adhesion of a vehicle wheel with road surface GOST 30491-97 Organo-mineral mixtures and soils reinforced with organic binders for road and airfield construction. Specifications GOST 31015-2002 Asphalt concrete mixes and crushed stone-mastic asphalt concrete. Specifications SanPiN 2.2.1 / Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects SanPiN Hygienic requirements for ensuring the quality of atmospheric air in populated areas SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements to soil quality SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the organization of construction production and construction work SN 2.2.4 / Noise at workplaces, in residential, public buildings and in residential areas.

Note- When using this set of rules, it is advisable to check the effect of reference standards and classifiers in the public information system - on the official website of the national bodies of the Russian Federation for standardization on the Internet or according to the annually published information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding monthly published information indexes published in the current year. If the referenced document is replaced (modified), then when using this set of rules, one should be guided by the replaced (modified) document. If the referenced document is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the link to it is given applies to the extent that this link is not affected.

3 Terms and definitions

In this set of rules, the following terms are used with their respective definitions:

3.1 motorway: A motor road intended only for high-speed motor traffic, having separate carriageways in both directions, crossing other transport routes exclusively at different levels: exit-entry to adjacent land plots is prohibited.

3.2 passenger car, reduced: Equal passenger car unit of account, which takes into account all other types of vehicles on the road, taking into account their dynamic properties and dimensions, with the aim of averaging them to calculate traffic characteristics (intensity, design speed, etc.).

3.3 highway: A complex of structural elements intended for movement at established speeds, loads and dimensions of cars and other ground vehicles carrying passengers and (or) cargo, as well as land plots provided for their placement.

3.4 biclothoid: A curve consisting of two identically directed clothoids with the same parameters, without the inclusion of circular curvature, at the point of contact of which both have the same radii and a common tangent.

3.5 overtaking visibility: The distance of visibility required by a driver to be able to overtake another vehicle without obstructing an oncoming vehicle at its designed speed or forcing it to slow down.

3.6 visibility of an oncoming vehicle: The smallest distance of visibility of an oncoming vehicle, which is less than visibility when overtaking and ensures a safe interruption of overtaking when an oncoming vehicle is rapidly approaching;

3.7 high-speed road: A high-speed road having a median and crossings, as a rule, at the same level.

3.8 road network: The set of all public roads in a given area.

3.10 road category (project): A criterion that characterizes the importance of a highway in the country's general transport network and is determined by the traffic intensity on it. In accordance with the category, all technical parameters of the road are assigned.

3.11 clothoid curve whose curvature increases inversely with the length of the curve

3.12 normal condition for the adhesion of car tires to the surface of the carriageway: Grip on a clean, dry or wet surface with a coefficient of longitudinal adhesion at a speed of 60 km / h for a dry state of 0.6, and for a wet one - in accordance with table 45 - in the summer at an air temperature of 20 °C, a relative humidity of 50%, a meteorological visibility range of more than 500 m, no wind, and an atmospheric pressure of 0.1013 MPa.

3.13 design standards for geometric parameters: The main minimum and maximum standards used in road design: design speeds and loads, radii, longitudinal and transverse slopes, convex and concave curves, visibility range, etc.

3.14 turn-off: A section on a curve with a gradual smooth transition from a two-slope transverse profile to a single-slope with a slope inside the curve to the design slope.

3.15 stopping lane: A lane located next to the carriageway or edge fortification lane and intended for placing cars in the event of a forced cessation or interruption of traffic.

3.16 intersection in the same level: A type of road junction in which all junctions and exits or all junction points of roads are located in the same plane.

3.17 level crossing: A type of road junction in which the meeting roads are located at two or more levels

3.18 transition curve: A geometric element of variable curvature, designed for visual orientation and informing drivers about the development trend of the route in order to take the initiative in time and ensure a smooth, safe and comfortable change in driving modes;

3.19 variable speed transition curve depending on this, the transition curve can be braking or accelerating;

3.20 constant speed transition curve the non-linear pattern of curvature may be due to constructive or aesthetic criteria (the so-called aesthetic transition curves);

3.21 access roads of industrial enterprises: Motor roads connecting these enterprises with public roads, with other enterprises, railway stations, ports, calculated on the passage of vehicles allowed for circulation on public roads.

3.22 traffic lane: The lane of the carriageway, the width of which is considered to be the maximum allowable width for a passable vehicle, including safety clearances.

3.23 acceleration lane: An additional lane of the main road, which serves to facilitate the entry of vehicles into the main stream with the alignment of the speed of movement along the main stream.

3.24 stop lane: An additional lane on a main road that serves to allow vehicles exiting the main stream to slow down without interfering with main traffic.

3.25 junction

3.26 principles of visual orientation of drivers: The use of landscape design methods and elements of arrangement to orient drivers when driving on the road.

3.27 design speed: The highest possible (in terms of stability and safety) speed of a single vehicle under normal weather conditions and the adhesion of vehicle tires to the surface of the carriageway, which, on the most unfavorable sections of the route, corresponds to the maximum permissible values ​​of the road elements.

3.28 road reconstruction: A complex of construction works on an existing road in order to improve its transport and operational performance with the transfer of the road as a whole or individual sections to a higher category. Includes: straightening of individual sections, softening of longitudinal slopes, bypassing settlements, widening the subgrade and carriageway, strengthening the structure of pavements, widening or replacing bridges and engineering structures, reorganizing intersections and junctions, etc. The production technology of works is similar to the technology of road construction.

3.29 road construction: A complex of all types of work performed during the construction of roads, bridges and other engineering structures and road linear buildings.

3.30 transport network: The totality of all transport routes in a certain area.

3.31 routing: Laying a road route between given points in accordance with optimal operational, construction-technological, economic, topographical and aesthetic requirements.

3.32 difficult sections of mountainous terrain: Sections of passes through mountain ranges and sections of mountain gorges with complex, strongly indented or unstable slopes.

3.33 difficult sections of rough terrain: A relief cut by often alternating deep valleys, with a difference in the elevations of valleys and watersheds of more than 50 m at a distance of not more than 0.5 km, with side deep gullies and ravines, with unstable slopes.

3.34 valuable agricultural land: Irrigated, drained and other reclaimed land occupied by perennial fruit plantations and vineyards, as well as areas with high natural soil fertility and other land equivalent to them.

3.35 road junction: An engineering structure that serves to connect two or more roads.

3.36 bend slope: One-way cross slope of the carriageway on a curve, greater in magnitude than the cross slope on a straight section.

3.37 subgrade width:

The distance between the edges of the subgrade. earth bed

3.38 reinforcement: Reinforcement of road structures and materials in order to improve their mechanical characteristics.

3.39 reinforcing geosynthetic material: Rolled geosynthetic material (woven geotextile, geogrid, flat geogrid and their compositions, flexible volumetric geogrid (geocells)), designed to strengthen road structures and materials, improve the mechanical characteristics of materials.

3.40 reinforced soil: Reinforced soil created by constructive and technological combination of soil layers and reinforcement in the form of metal, plastic strips, layers of geosynthetic materials located horizontally, capable of withstanding significant tensile forces compared to soil.

3.41 berm: A narrow, horizontal or slightly sloping strip provided to break a slope.

3.42 swamp type I: Filled with bog soils, the strength of which in the natural state makes it possible to erect an embankment up to 3 m high without the process of lateral extrusion of weak soil.

3.43 swamp type II: Containing at least one layer within the swamp thickness, which can be squeezed out at a certain intensity of embankment construction up to 3 m high, but is not squeezed out at a lower intensity of embankment construction.

3.44 type III bog: Containing at least one layer within the bog thickness, which is squeezed out during the construction of an embankment up to 3 m high, regardless of the intensity of embankment construction.

3.45 water-thermal regime of the subgrade: The pattern of changes during the year in the humidity and temperature of the upper layers of the soil of the subgrade, characteristic of a given road-climatic zone and local hydrogeological conditions, as well as a system of measures aimed at regulating the water-thermal regime, which makes it possible to reduce humidity and the magnitude of frost heaving of the working layer of the subgrade.

3.46 road drainage: A set of all devices that divert water from the subgrade and pavement and prevent waterlogging of the subgrade.

3.47 embankment height: The vertical distance from the natural ground level to the bottom of the pavement, determined along the axis of the subgrade.

3.48 slope height: The vertical distance from the top edge of the slope to the bottom edge.

3.49 geocomposites: Two-, three-layer rolled geosynthetic materials made by connecting geotextiles, geogrids, flat geogrids, geomembranes and geomats in various combinations.

3.50 geomat

3.51 geomembrane

3.52 geo-envelope: A container made of rolled geosynthetic material for filling with soil or other building materials.

3.53 geoplate: A multilayer rigid road slab based on a composite material made of mineral (glass, basalt, etc.) or polymer-fiber geotextile impregnated with a polymer binder.

3.54 volumetric geogrid (geocellular material, spatial geogrid, geocells): A geosynthetic product produced in the form of a flexible compact module of polymer or geotextile tapes connected to each other in a checkerboard pattern by means of linear seams, and forming a spatial cellular structure in a stretched position.

3.55 flat geogrid: A rolled geosynthetic material of a cellular structure with rigid nodal points and through cells with a size of at least 2.5 mm, obtained: by the extrusion method (extrusive geogrid); by extrusion of a continuous sheet (geomembrane) with its subsequent perforation and drawing in one or more directions (drawn geogrid); welding of polymeric tapes (welded geogrid).

3.56 geogrid: Rolled geosynthetic material in the form of flexible webs, obtained by methods of the textile industry from fibers (filaments, threads, tapes) with the formation of cells larger than 2.5 mm.

3.57 geosynthetic materials: A class of artificial building materials made mainly or partly from synthetic raw materials and used in the construction of roads, airfields and other geotechnical facilities.

3.58 non-woven geotextile: Rolled geosynthetic material, consisting of filaments (fibers) randomly located in the plane of the web, interconnected mechanically (needle-punched) or thermally.

3.59 woven geotextile: A rolled geosynthetic material consisting of two interwoven fiber systems (threads, tapes) having a mutually perpendicular arrangement and forming pores (cells) less than 2.5 mm in size. Yarn intersections (knots) can be reinforced with a third fiber system.

3.60 groundwater: Groundwater located in the first layer of the earth from the surface.

3.61 drainage collection and transfer of sediments, ground water and other liquids in the plane of the material

3.62 protection: Protection of the surface of an object from possible damage.

3.63 surface erosion protection preventing or limiting the movement of soil or other particles across the surface of an object

3.64 subgrade: A geotechnical structure made in the form of embankments, cuts or half-fills - half-cuts, which serves to provide the design spatial location of the carriageway and as a subgrade (underlying soil) of the pavement structure.

3.65 side roadside ditch: A ditch running along the subgrade to collect and drain surface water, cross section tray, triangular or trapezoidal profile.

3.66 upland ditch: A ditch located on the upland side of the road to intercept water flowing down the slope and divert it from the road.

3.67 soil compaction coefficient: The ratio of the actual density of dry soil in a structure to the maximum density of the same dry soil determined in the laboratory when tested by the standard compaction method. 3.68 frost-protective layer: An additional base layer of pavement made of non-foaming materials, providing, together with other base and pavement layers, protection of the structure from unacceptable frost heaving deformations.

3.69 unstable layers of embankment: Layers of frozen or thawed waterlogged soils, which in the embankment have a degree of compaction that does not meet the requirements of this set of rules, as a result of which, during thawing or prolonged action of loads, residual deformations of the layer may occur.

3.70 slope: A lateral slope that delimits an artificial earthwork.

3.71 excavation base: An array of soil below the boundary of the working layer.

3.72 embankment base: a mass of soil in natural occurrence, located below the bulk layer.

3.73 surface drainage: Devices designed to drain water from the surface of the road; drainage devices used to drain water from the surface of the subgrade.

3.74 working layer of the subgrade (underlying soil): The upper part of the subgrade within the range from the bottom of the pavement to a level corresponding to 2/3 of the freezing depth of the structure, but not less than 1.5 m, counting from the pavement surface.

3.75 separation: Prevention of mutual penetration of particles of materials of adjacent layers of road structures.

3.76 stabilization: Strengthening, giving permanent greater stability to discrete (loose) materials of layers of road structures, including the use of geosynthetic materials;

3.77 stable layers of embankment: Layers constructed from thawed and loosely frozen soils, the degree of compaction of which in the embankment meets the requirements of this set of rules.

3.78 thermal insulation: Restriction of the heat flow between the object and the environment.

3.79 filtration: The passage of a liquid into or through the structure of a material while retaining soil and similar particles. Road clothes

3.80 road construction: A complex that includes pavement and subgrade with drainage, drainage, retaining and reinforcing structural elements.

3.81 pavement: a structural element of a road that receives the load from vehicles and transfers it to the subgrade.

3.82 rigid pavement: Pavement with cement-concrete monolithic pavements, with prefabricated pavements of reinforced concrete or reinforced concrete slabs with a base of cement concrete or reinforced concrete.

3.83 capital road pavement: Pavement with the highest performance, corresponding to the traffic conditions and service life of roads of high categories.

3.84 non-rigid pavement: Pavement that does not contain structural layers of monolithic cement concrete, precast concrete or reinforced concrete.

3.85 pavement classification - the division of pavement by type based on their solidity, which characterizes the performance of the pavement.

3.86 additional base layers: Layers between the bearing base and the underlying soil, provided to ensure the required frost resistance and drainage of the structure, allowing to reduce the thickness of the overlying layers of expensive materials. Depending on the function, the additional layer is frost-protective, heat-insulating, draining. Additional layers are made from sand and other local materials in their natural state, including the use of geosynthetics; from local soils treated with various types of binders or stabilizers, as well as from mixtures with the addition of porous aggregates.

3.87 normative axle load: The total load from the most loaded axle of a conditional two-axle vehicle, to which all vehicles with lower axle loads are reduced, established by the codes of practice for pavements for a given capital ratio and used to determine the design load when calculating pavement strength.

3.88 base: Part of the pavement structure located under the pavement and providing, together with the pavement, the redistribution of stresses in the structure and the reduction of their magnitude in the soil of the working layer of the subgrade (underlying soil), as well as frost resistance and drainage of the structure. It is necessary to distinguish between the bearing part of the base ( load-bearing base) and its additional layers.

3.89 pavement base: A load-bearing solid part of the pavement, which, together with the pavement, provides redistribution and pressure reduction on the additional base layers or subgrade soil located below.

3.90 pavement: The upper part of the pavement, consisting of one or more layers uniform in material, directly perceiving forces from the wheels of vehicles and directly exposed to atmospheric agents. On the surface of the coating, layers of surface treatments for various purposes (to increase roughness, protective layers, etc.) can be arranged, which are not taken into account when evaluating the structure for strength and frost resistance.

3.91 prefabricated road pavement: A pavement consisting of separate slabs of various shapes and sizes, made of concrete, reinforced concrete or other composite material, laid on a prepared base and interconnected by any known method.

3.92 design axle load: The maximum load on the most loaded axle for two-axle vehicles or on the reduced axle for multi-axle vehicles, the share of which in the composition and traffic intensity, taking into account the prospect of changes by the end of the overhaul period, is at least 5%. Road pavement with a given solidity cannot be calculated for the calculated axial load less than the standard one.

3.93 design specific load: The specific load acting on the design tire imprint area of ​​the design two-axle vehicle, characterized by the pressure in the pneumatic tire and the diameter of the circle, equal to the design wheel imprint, and directly used in the calculation.

DEVELOPED by Soyuzdornia of the Ministry of Transport and Construction (Candidate of Technical Sciences V.M. Yumashev - leader of the topic; O.N. Yakovlev; Candidates of Technical Sciences N.A. Ryabikov, N.F. Khoroshilov; Doctor of Technical Sciences V.D. Kazarnovsky, Candidate of Technical Sciences V.A. Chernigov, A.E. Merzlikin, Yu.L. Motylev, A.M. Sheinin, I.A. Plotnikova, V.S. participation of the Soyuzdorproekt of the Ministry of Transport and Construction (V.R. Silkov; Candidate of Technical Sciences V.D. Braslavsky; S.A. Zarifyants), the Moscow Automobile and Road Institute of the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR (Doctor of Technical Sciences V.F. Babkov, E. M. Lobanov, V.V. Silyanov), Soyuzpromtransniiproekt of Gosstroy of the USSR (V.I. Polyakov, P.I. Zarubin, V.S. V.V.Novizentsev; V.Ya.Builenko), Giprodornii of the Minavtodor of the RSFSR (Doctor of Technical Sciences A.P.Vasiliev; Candidates of Technical Sciences V.D.Belov, E.M.Okorokov), Giproavtotrans of the Ministry of Autotransport of the RSFSR (V.A. Velyuga, Yu.A. Goldenberg), Giproneftetrans of the State Committee for Oil Products of the RSFSR (A.V. Shcherbin), Georgian State Organization of the Minavtodor of the GSSR (Candidate of Technical Sciences T.A. Shilakadze).

SNiP 2.05.02-85* is a reissue of SNiP 2.05.02-85 with change No. 2, approved by the Decree of the USSR Gosstroy of June 9, 1988 No. 106, change No. 3, approved by the Decree of the Gosstroy of the USSR of July 13, 1990 No. 61, change No. 4, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Construction of Russia of June 8, 1995 No. 18-57, and change No. 5, approved by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia of June 30, 2003 No. 132.

These rules and regulations apply to the design of newly built and reconstructed public roads in the Russian Federation and access roads to industrial and agricultural enterprises.

These norms and rules do not apply to the design of temporary motor roads for various purposes (constructed for a service life of less than 5 years), winter roads, roads of logging enterprises, internal roads of industrial enterprises (test, on-site, quarry, etc.), on-farm roads in collective farms, state farms and other agricultural enterprises and organizations.

Estimated traffic intensity, pref. units/day
Trunk federal roads(to connect the capital of the Russian Federation with the capitals of independent states, the capitals of republics within the Russian Federation, the administrative centers of territories and regions, as well as providing international road transport links)I-a
St. 14000
St. 14000
St. 6000
Other federal roads(for communication between the capitals of the republics within the Russian Federation, the administrative centers of territories and regions, as well as these cities with the nearest administrative centers of autonomous entities)I-b
St. 14000

IISt. 6000
St. 2000 to 6000
Republican, regional, regional roads and roads of autonomous formationsSt. 6000 to 14000
IIISt. 2000 to 6000
St. 200 to 2000
Local roadsIVSt. 200 to 2000
up to 200
Notes: 1. The category of access roads to industrial and agricultural enterprises, entrances to airports, sea and river ports, railway stations, entrances to large cities, bypass and ring roads around large cities is assigned in accordance with their significance and estimated traffic intensity.
2. When applying the same requirements for road I-a and I-b categories in the text of the norms they are assigned to category I.

1.2. The access roads of industrial enterprises include motor roads connecting these enterprises with public roads, with other enterprises, railway stations, ports, calculated on the passage of vehicles allowed for circulation on public roads.

Vehicle typesReduction factor
Sidecar motorcycles
Motorcycles and mopeds
Trucks with carrying capacity, t:
St. fourteen
Road trains with carrying capacity, t:
St. thirty
Notes: 1. For intermediate values ​​of the carrying capacity of vehicles, the reduction factors should be determined by interpolation.
2. The reduction factors for buses and special vehicles should be taken as for base vehicles of the corresponding load capacity.
3. The reduction coefficients for trucks and road trains should be increased by 1.2 times for rough and mountainous terrain.

1.5. The estimated traffic intensity should be taken in total in both directions based on the data of economic surveys. At the same time, the average annual daily traffic intensity for the last year of the prospective period should be taken as the calculated one, and if data on the hourly traffic intensity is available, the highest hourly traffic intensity achieved (or exceeded) within 50 hours for the last year of the prospective period, expressed in units reduced to passenger car.

In cases where the average monthly daily intensity of the busiest month of the year is more than 2 times higher than the average annual daily intensity established on the basis of economic research or calculations, the latter should be increased by 1.5 times for the assignment of a road category (clause 1.1).

1.6. In projects, a higher category of road should be adopted in cases where, according to the estimated traffic intensity (clause 1.1 *), unequal categories are required.

1.7. The prospective period for assigning categories of roads, designing elements of the plan, longitudinal and transverse profiles should be taken equal to 20 years. Access roads to industrial enterprises should be designed for an estimated period corresponding to the year the enterprise or its line reaches its full design capacity, taking into account the volume of traffic during the construction period of the enterprise.

The year of completion of the development of the road project (or an independent section of the road) should be taken as the initial year of the estimated prospective period.

1.10. During the construction of roads in difficult engineering and geological conditions, when the time for stabilization of the subgrade significantly exceeds the established construction time, it is allowed to provide for a staged arrangement of pavement.

1.11. Motor roads of I-III categories should, as a rule, be laid around settlements with the device of entrances to them. In order to ensure the possible reconstruction of roads in the future, the distance from the edge of the subgrade to the building line of settlements should be taken in accordance with their general plans, but not less than 200 m.

In some cases, when, according to technical and economic calculations, the feasibility of laying roads of categories I-III through settlements has been established, they should be designed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.07.01-89*.

1.12. Number of lanes for roads with a multi-lane carriageway, environmental protection measures, choice of solutions for road intersections and junctions, pavement structures, furnishings, engineering devices (including fences, bicycle paths, lighting and communications), composition of buildings and structures of road and motor transport services in order to reduce one-time costs should be taken into account the staging of their construction as traffic intensity increases. For highways of category I in mountainous and rough terrain, as a rule, separate tracing of carriageways in opposite directions should be provided, taking into account the gradual increase in the number of lanes and the preservation of large independent forms of landscape and natural monuments.

1.13*. When designing roads, it is necessary to provide for measures to protect the natural environment that ensure minimal disruption of the existing ecological, geological, hydrogeological and other natural conditions. When developing measures, it is necessary to take into account the careful attitude to valuable agricultural land, recreation areas and locations of medical institutions and sanatoriums. The locations of bridges, design and other solutions should not lead to a sharp change in the regimes of rivers, and the construction of the subgrade - to a sharp change in the regime of groundwater and surface water runoff.

It is necessary to comply with the requirements for ensuring the safety of traffic, buildings and structures of road and motor transport services, taking into account the presence of prohibited (dangerous) zones and areas at facilities for the manufacture and storage of explosives, materials and products based on them. The sizes of prohibited (dangerous) zones and areas are determined according to special regulatory documents approved in the prescribed manner and in agreement with the state supervision bodies, ministries and departments in charge of these facilities.

The impact of vehicle traffic (noise, vibration, gas pollution, glare from headlights) on the environment should be taken into account. The choice of the road route should be based on a comparison of options considering a wide range of interrelated technical, economic, ergonomic, aesthetic, environmental and other factors.

Note. Valuable agricultural lands include irrigated, drained and other reclaimed lands occupied by perennial fruit plantations and vineyards, as well as areas with high natural soil fertility and other lands equivalent to them.

1.14*. Withdrawal land plots for the placement of roads, buildings and structures of the road and motor transport services, drainage, protective and other structures, lanes for the placement of communications running along the roads is carried out in accordance with the current regulatory documents for land acquisition for the construction of roads and road structures.



SNiP 2.05.08-85

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SNiP 2.05.08 85. Aerodromes/Gosstroy of the USSR. - M.: CITP Gosstroy of the USSR. 1985. - 59 p.

DEVELOPED by the State Design and Survey and Research Institute Aeroproekt, its branches Lem aero lroek g, Dalaero project and Ukraeroproekt; Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers of the Moscow State Aviation University (PhD V.N. Ivanov - head of the topic; Doctors of Technical Sciences V.I. Blokhin and O.N. Totsky] Candidates of Technical Sciences V.I. Anufriev. V.P. Apestina, A. P. Vinogradov, G. Ya. Klyuchnikov, I. B. Lyuvich, and V. L. Polov, A. B. Babkov, Yu. S. Barit, V. G. Gavko, and A. B. Dospekhov , B. P. Mamontov, A. V. Mitroshin, B. G. Novikov, M. I. Pugachev); organizations of the Ministry of Defense (Candidate of Technical Sciences B.I. Demin - head of the topic; Candidate of Technical Sciences V.A. Dolinchenko; V.N. Avdeev. V.N. Boyko. V.A. Kul-chiiy. V. A. Lavrovsky, V. V. Makarova, S. A. Usanov); Moscow Automobile and Road Institute of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education 1 Doctor of Engineering. Sciences G.I. Glushkov and V.E. Trigoni; cand. tech. Sciences L.I. Goretsky).

INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Civil Aviation.

PREPARED FOR APPROVAL by the Glavtekhnormirovanie Gosstroy of the USSR [I.D. Demin).

With the entry into force of SNiP 2.05.08-85 .. Aerodromes "from January 1, 1986, it loses its sipu SNiP 11-47-80.

When using a regulatory document, one should take into account the approved changes in building codes and regulations and state standards published in the journal "Bulletin of Construction Equipment" of the USSR State Construction Committee and the information index "State Standards of the USSR" of the State Standard.

© TsITP Gosstroy of the USSR. 1985

USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs (Gosstroy USSR)

These norms and rules apply to the design of newly built and reconstructed airfields (heliports) located on the territory of the USSR.

Section requirements. 2 and 3 of these rules and regulations apply only to the design of civil aviation aerodromes (heliports) intended for aircraft carrying out passenger and cargo transportation. The requirements corresponding to those given in these sections and to be observed when designing aerodromes (heliports) for other purposes are established departmental regulatory documents agreed with the State Construction Committee of the USSR.

When designing aerodromes of international airports, in addition to these rules and regulations, standards and recommendations of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) should be used.


1.1. Civil airfields are divided into classes A, B, C, D, D and E, heliports - into classes I, II and III in accordance with the requirements of departmental regulatory documents.

Note. Here and below, heliports are understood to mean airfields intended for takeoff, landing, taxiing, storage and maintenance of helicopters.

1.2. The design of aerodromes (heliports) should be carried out taking into account the operation of the specified types of aircraft and the intensity of their traffic for 10 years after the aerodrome (heliport) is put into operation, as well as taking into account the possibility of further development of the airport (helicopter station) in the next 10 years .

1.3. The size of the land plots allocated for the aerodrome should be established in accordance with the requirements of SN 457-74.

Land plots allotted for the period of construction of the airfield for the placement of temporary production bases, temporary access roads and for other needs of construction, after its completion, are subject to return to those land users from whom these plots were withdrawn, after bringing them into the condition provided for by the “Basic Provisions for the Restoration lands disturbed during the development of mineral deposits, geological exploration.

construction and other works" approved by the State Committee on Science and Technology, the USSR State Construction Committee, the USSR Ministry of Agriculture and the USSR State Forestry Enterprise.

The airfield project should provide for the cutting of the fertile soil layer for its subsequent use for the purpose of restoring (reclamation) disturbed or inefficient agricultural lands, planting greenery in the development area.

1.4. The main technical solutions for projects of new, reconstruction or expansion of existing aerodromes and heliports (elements of horizontal and vertical planning, construction of soil foundations, airfield pavements and artificial foundations) should be made based on the results of comparing the technical and economic indicators of the options. At the same time, the selected version of the design solution should provide: the complexity of solutions for horizontal and vertical planning, airfield clothing structures, surface and groundwater drainage systems, environmental and agrotechnical measures;

safety and regularity of carrying out velvt-no-l sedimentation operations;

strength, stability and durability of soil and artificial foundations, pavement and other structures of the airfield;

the most complete use of the strength and deformation characteristics of soils and the physical and mechanical properties of materials used for the construction of airfield clothing;

evenness, wear resistance, dustlessness and roughness of the coating surface;

economical consumption of metal and binding materials;

widespread use of local building materials, industrial waste and by-products;

the possibility of maximum industrialization, mechanization and high manufacturability of construction and repair work;

optimal performance of the aerodrome and its individual elements;

environmental protection; the minimum necessary one-time capital investments and the total reduced costs for the construction of individual elements of the airfield and the possibility of their further phased construction, strengthening and expansion.

Official edition

Page 2 SNiP 2.06.08-85

1.5. The dimensions of the aerodrome territory and the permissible heights of natural and artificial obstacles within its boundaries should be established in accordance with departmental regulations based on the conditions for ensuring the safety of take-off and landing of aircraft.



2.1. Airfields should include the following main elements:

airstrips (LP), including runways (runways) with artificial pavement (RWY) and (or) unpaved (GWPP), side (BPB) and end (KPB) safety strips;

taxiways (RD);

aircraft parking areas (MS);

special purpose sites.

The functional purpose of the airfield and its main elements should be taken in accordance with GOST 23071-78.

Flight stripes

2.2. When choosing the direction and location of the landing strip, one should take into account meteorological factors (wind conditions, fog, haze, low cloudiness, etc.), the presence of obstacles on the aerodrome territory, the direction and location of the landing strip of neighboring airfields, the prospects for the development of settlements adjacent to the aerodrome, and the terrain. , as well as features of the winter operation of the aerodrome.

2.3. The required length of the LP elements should be set in accordance with the requirements of departmental regulatory documents.

The width of the individual elements of the LP should be taken according to Table 1.

Table 1

For civil airfields located in cramped planning and topographic, complex engineering and geological conditions (on permafrost soils, if thermal insulation embankments are necessary, in the presence of buildings and structures that are not subject to demolition or reconstruction, etc.), on valuable agricultural lands ( irrigated and other reclaimed lands, areas occupied by perennial fruit plantations and vineyards, as well as areas with a high natural yield

rhodium soils and other land equivalent to them) LP is allowed to be designed without a GVPP.

With an appropriate feasibility study, it is allowed to take the runway width different from that indicated in Table. 1, taking into account specific types of aircraft and construction equipment used.

The width of the runway for a class A aerodrome may be taken equal to 45 m, while reinforced shoulders should be provided with a width of 7.5 m on each side of the runway.

2.4. The wind loading of the runway strip of the aerodrome (probable frequency of use of any particular direction of the strip, expressed as a percentage of all wind directions) and the speed of the normal wind component should correspond to those given in Table. 2.

table 2

The wind loading should be calculated for 8 or 16 points using observational data from the nearest meteorological station to the aerodrome for as long as possible, but not less than 5 years.

In cases where the required minimum wind loading of the LP is not provided, an auxiliary runway should be provided, located at an angle relative to the main runway, the value of which is set in accordance with the requirements of departmental regulatory documents.

2.5. The capacity of the runway should be sufficient for the anticipated traffic volume. With appropriate justification, it is allowed to provide for the construction of additional runways. Runway capacity values ​​for various schemes their location should be set in accordance with the requirements of departmental regulations.

2.6. In the absence of a taxiway adjacent to the end section of the runway, it should be widened. ensuring the safe turn of an aircraft of design type and its exit to the runway axis to the minimum distance from its end.

2.7. Soil areas adjacent to the ends of the runway must be strengthened. In this case, the width of the end sections to be reinforced should be gradually reduced to l /j of the runway width.

The size of the runway in places of widening and the length of the reinforced soil sections adjacent to the ends of the runway should be taken from Table. 3.

SNiP 2.05.08-85 Page 3

T'blitz 3

2.8. Along the edges of the runway, reinforced blind areas (junctions) with a width of no more than 1.5 m and dirt shoulders with a width of at least 25 m should be provided.

In places where the runways of aerodromes of classes A, B and C are widened, it is necessary to provide reinforced shoulders 5 m wide, when operating aircraft with a distance between the axles of external engines of 30 m or more - reinforced shoulders 9 m wide.


2.9. The number of taxiways (TAI) must be determined from the condition of ensuring aircraft maneuvering, taking into account the intensity of their movement, with a minimum length of taxi paths between the runway and other elements of the aerodrome. The location of the taxiway for aerodromes of classes A, B, 8 and, as a rule, for aerodromes of classes D, D, E should exclude the oncoming traffic of aircraft and special vehicles, as well as the intersection of the working area of ​​glide path beacons of the instrumental approach system for aircraft landing . For the airfield, it is necessary to provide measures and devices (light signaling, indicators, passing lanes, etc.) that ensure the safety of traffic on the taxiway.

2.10. For aerodromes of classes A and B, the combination of the main taxiway with the stands, aprons and special purpose areas is not allowed. Taxiways connecting the main taxiway with stands, aprons and special-purpose platforms should be designed in accordance with the requirements for connecting taxiways.

2.11. To increase the capacity of the runway and reduce the taxiing paths of aircraft, with appropriate justification, connecting taxiways, including high-speed exit taxiways, located at an angle of 30-45 ° to the runway, should be provided.

2.12. The width of the taxiways of aerodromes must be taken in accordance with Table. 4.

The width of the main or connecting taxiway with a hard surface of airfields of classes B and C may be increased to 22.5 m based on the width of the concrete paving machines.

2.13. Along the side edges of taxiway pavements, earth roadsides with a width of at least 10 m should be provided, and where reinforced roadsides are not provided, reinforced blind areas (junctions) with a width of not more than 1.5 m should also be provided.

2.14. For aerodromes of classes A, B and C along the taxiways on both sides, reinforced shoulders should be designed with a width indicated in Table. 5.

Table S

The width of the reinforced shoulders of the main and/or connecting taxiways of class A and B aerodromes may be taken equal to 5 m, if this taxiway does not provide for the operation of aircraft with a distance between the axles of external engines of 30 m or more.

2.15. The distances between the edges of the coatings of taxiways, runways and fixed obstacles should be taken according to Table. 6.

table in

Note. If air traffic control, radio navigation and landing facilities are not located between the I8PP and the taxiway, the distances indicated under the line should be taken.

Page 4 SNiP 2.05.08-85

2.16. At the places where the taxiway junctions with the runway, aprons,

MS and other taxiways, as well as at their intersections

rounding of internal

edges of the coating in the plan with a radius taken

according to the table 7._ „

Table 7

Type of taxiway interface with other elements of the aerodrome

Curve radius along inner edge of taxiway pavement, m, for class aerodromes

Aprons, aircraft parking areas and special purpose areas

2.17. The dimensions and configuration of the apron, aircraft parking areas (IS) and special purpose areas should provide:

placement of the estimated number of aircraft and their safe maneuvering;

travel and placement of airfield vehicles and apron mechanization;

placement of mobile and stationary equipment intended for aircraft maintenance;

placement of grounding devices (to remove static electricity). fastening of aircraft, jet deflecting shields, as well as other necessary devices;

the possibility of mechanized cleaning of the coating from snow.

2.18. Along the edges of aprons, MS and special-purpose areas, dirt roadsides with a width of at least 10 m and reinforced blind areas (junctions) with a width of no more than 1.5 m should be provided.

2.19. The distance from the gauge of an aircraft maneuvering on an apron, MS or a special purpose site to the building (structure, device) or the gauge "of a standing aircraft" must be, at least, at the maximum take-off weight of the aircraft, t:

see. 30............7.5

from 10 to 30.............6

less than 10............4

Table 8

Heliport elements

Dimensions, m. elements of the heliport and landing sites for helicopters with takeoff weight, t

St. 15 (heavy)

5 to 15 (medium)

less than 5 (light)

Runways 1I8PP) during takeoffs and landings of helicopters in an airplane

Helicopter takeoff and landing landing sites

Working area of ​​landing sites with artificial turf

The same, located on the roofs of buildings and elevated


Safety lanes:

terminal (KPB)

lateral (BPB)

landing sites

Taxiways (RD)

Strips treated with materials that prevent


along the side edges of the taxiway

along the edges of the mooring areas

on the thrust of the main rotor or with the help of a towing vehicle

fly at low altitude

Mooring platforms

military cop

chassis lei


2. When landing sites are located on the roofs of buildings, elevated platforms and other similar structures, it is allowed not to provide for safety lanes.

3. Methods of takeoff and landing of helicopters (in an airplane-like manner using the effect of an "air cushion" or in a helicopter-tilt manner - vertically), as well as methods for installing helicopters in individual parking lots (on the main rotor, with the help of a towing vehicle or with a turn helicopter in the air at low altitude) are established by the technological part of the heliport project.

SNiP 2.05.08-85 Page 5

The distance from the clearance of the aircraft standing on the apron, stands or special purpose site to the edge of the pavement must be at least 4 m.


2.20. The composition of heliports should provide for the following main elements:

airstrips (YP). including runways (runways) with artificial pavement (RWY) and (or) unpaved (GWPP), side (BPB) and end (KPB) safety lanes;

taxiways (RD);

helicopter parking areas (MS);

mooring sites.

2.21. Dimensions of elements of heliports and landing sites should be taken in accordance with Table. eight.

2.22. The dimensions and configuration of the apron and the Ivartovki sites should ensure the simultaneous placement of the estimated number of helicopters and their safe maneuvering and service vehicles.

2.23. Helicopter stands should be located outside the areas of air approaches to the heliport. If there are several directions of takeoff and landing of helicopters, the MS may be located in the areas of air approaches of the directions with the least wind loading.

The longitudinal axis of an individual MS should, as a rule, coincide with the direction of the prevailing winds.


The minimum value of the distance for the method of movement of helicopters

on the pull of the carrier

with the help of a tow truck

fly at low altitude

between axles.

adjacent MS

Taxiway and Shoartovy platform

Between the edge of the MS coating and the structure (device)

Between the axis of the mooring area and the side edge of the LP cover or structure (device)

Between the ends of the rotor blades of helicopters. located on the mooring yards

2.24. When heliports (landing sites) are located in mountainous, coastal and other areas where the wind speed reaches 20 m/s or more, as well as when the MS is located on the roofs of buildings and elevated platforms, the MS should be equipped with anchors.

2.25. In places where taxiways are adjacent to runways, stands and aprons, the inner edges of the pavement should be rounded in plan with a radius equal to twice the width of the taxiway.

2.26. The distances between the elements of the heliport, depending on the diameter D of the main rotor and the gauge K / landing gear of the design type helicopter, must be not less than those indicated in Table. nine.

The distance from the ends of the rotor blades of the main and tail rotors of a helicopter standing on a group stand to the edge of the cover must be at least


3.1. The maximum allowable longitudinal and transverse slopes of airfield elements should be taken from Table. 10 and 11, heliports - according to the table. 12.

When reconstructing existing airfields, the values ​​​​of transverse and longitudinal slopes indicated in Table. 10, it is allowed to increase, but not more than 20%.

3.2. To ensure a reliable runoff of rain and melt water on the surface of artificial pavements and reduce the risk of gliding of aircraft wheels, the transverse profile of the runway must be designed as a symmetrical gable. During the feasibility study, it is allowed to accept a single-slope transverse profile of the runway.

3.3. The cross profile of the runway should be designed without the installation of soil trays within the runway.

The arrangement of soil trays within the airstrip may be provided in exceptional cases during a feasibility study, taking into account the hydrological, hydrogeological and engineering-geological conditions of the area.

3.4. The transverse profile of the taxiway, depending on the features of the terrain, the adopted drainage scheme and the construction equipment used, it is allowed to use both double-slope and single-slope.

3.5. The transverse slopes of the surface of aerodrome elements must be at least for:

runway. .-................0.008

RD. MS. platforms and platforms for special purposes ........ 0.005

unpaved roadsides of the runway. RD. perronov i. special-purpose sites ............... 0.015

Tables* 10

Slope type

Maximum allowable slope of paved elements for class aerodromes

Longitudinal slope of runway sections: middle end

Runway cross slope

Longitudinal slope of taxiways: main and connecting auxiliary

Cross slope of taxiway

Longitudinal and transverse slopes of aprons, MS and platforms of special

Longitudinal slope of reinforced sections adjacent to the ends of the runway

Cross slope of reinforced sections adjacent to the ends of the runway

The transverse slope of the runway pavement being reinforced. platforms. MS and special purpose sites, roadsides of taxiways (viving the limits of the airstrip)

Among the longitudinal y clone 1 0.010 runway

Notes: 1. The length of the end sections of the runway when assigning longitudinal slopes is taken equal to % of the runway length.

2. At end sections AND runways, longitudinal* slopes must be in the same direction (only ascending* or only descending*).

3. Taxiway slopes and roadsides. located within the YaP. must correspond to the slopes adopted for the YaP.

4. The average longitudinal slope of the runway is understood as the ratio of the difference between the marks of the beginning and end of the runway to w* lengths*.

Longitudinal and transverse slopes of the surface of soil elements (with the exception of dirt roadsides) must be at least with soils:

clayey and loamy ...... 0.007

sandy loamy, sandy, gravel, crushed stone ........... 0.006

3.6. In the turn sections of main taxiways, turns should be provided (single-slope transverse profiles with a slope towards the center of the curve), the transverse slopes of which should not exceed 0.025.

3.7. The surfaces of the elements of the airfield in the longitudinal direction should be matched with vertical curved radii not less than those given in Table. thirteen.

Table 11

Maximum allowed*

slope value

ground elements

slope type

for aerodrome classes

Longitudinal slope of the GVPP section:


terminal descending


Transverse slope of the main runway (with single-slope and dual-slope transverse profiles)

Longitudinal slope of CPB sections:



The transverse slope of the KPB at the profile:



Longitudinal slope of BPB sections:


terminal descending

** ascendant

Cross slope of BPB

Longitudinal and transverse slopes of the taxiway

Longitudinal slope of group MS

Cross slope, group MS

Cross slope of dirt roadsides:

Runways, platforms and group MS

Taxiway and special sites

but d about destination

Notes: 1. The length of the end sections of the main runway and BPB when assigning longitudinal slopes is taken equal to /| GVPP length.

2. The surface of a taxiway located within the runway must be smoothly mated with its surface and have longitudinal and transverse slopes, as well as vertical curve radii not exceeding those allowed for the corresponding ground element of the runway.

3. See note. 2 to table. ten.

3.8. The radii of vertical curves for mating the surface of the elements of the heliport in the longitudinal direction should be at least 6000 m - for runways and main runways. 4000 m - for CPB, BPB and RD.

The radii of vertical curves for mating the surface of aprons, group MS, mooring areas of heliports in the longitudinal and transverse directions must be at least 3000 m.

SNiP 2.05.08-85 Page 7

Table 12 where 5 is the vertical curve design step. m;

Slope type

Maximum g g ~ minimum "th radius of the vertical curvature allowed howl, m. value of the slope

elements for 3.10. The value of the break D / of the mating surface-heliports of the artificial pavements of airfields of all

Longitudinal slope:

classes (except class E) should not exceed 0.015, class E aerodromes - 0.02.

0.020 (0.0251)

Cross slope: runway runway runway


sections) the distance L, m, between adjacent fractures of the longitudinal slopes of the runway must satisfy the condition

Longitudinal and transverse slopes of the working area of ​​the landing site

0.030/. >g g (D/ g, ♦ D/,. 2 >. (2)

Longitudinal and transverse slopes of landing sites located on the roofs of buildings and elevated platforms*

0, oy where D/ r, DU, - 2 - algebraic difference of the longitudinal slopes in adjacent fractures of the runway elements.

3.11. The longitudinal profile of the runway should provide

The transverse slope of the surface of the territory. directly adjacent to the safety lane

0.100 read:

mutual visibility at a distance of at least half the runway length of two points located

Longitudinal and transverse slopes of MS. platform and mooring platform

0.015 at a height of 3 m from the runway surface for aerodromes of classes A. B, C, D and D and at a height of 2 m - for

Longitudinal slope of taxiway

0.030 class E aerodromes;

Cross slope of taxiway

0 Q20 localizer antenna visibility with

Cross-slope of unpaved roadsides of the runway. MS. apron and taxiway

less than: longitudinal - 0.0025. transverse! soil surface LP - not less than 0.С 2. The values ​​​​of the longitudinal slopes of the IV are in brackets, dromov should be used. intended for servicing petoe.

^ 020 of the reference point of the radio beacon system (RMS) of the aerodrome, depending on the category of the RMS, established by the project in accordance with the standards for

P A « l ^1 s b ‘ t n * design of air control facilities - 0.005; slopes

F5 traffic, radio navigation and landing.

LP and GVPP. 3.12. The longitudinal profile of the taxiway should provide, at least all, a free view of the taxiway surface at a distance of light verticals from the rear m from the lux, a point located at a height of 3 m - for aerodromes of classes A. B. C, D. D and on

a distance of 250 m from any point located at a height of 2 m - for class E aerodromes.

3.13. The maximum ascending slopes of the terrain in the areas where the CPB and BPB interface with the ground surface must correspond to all

airfield element

domestic regulatory requirements, limiting

Minimum radius, which determines the allowable height of natural and vertical curves _ _ in the longitudinal direction of artificial obstacles on the aerodrome area

for airfield elements of rhetoric classes.



trunk and connecting auxiliary atsliyam

30 000 10 000 6000

20 000 10000 6000

10 000 6000 4000


4000 4.1. Soil bases (planned and compacted local or imported soils that receive distributed loads through the overlying multilayer structure of the airfield 2500 clothing) should be designed based on the conditions for ensuring the strength and stability of the airfield.

free clothing regardless of weather conditions 3.9. The magnitude of the break (algebraic difference and time of year, taking into account.

adjacent slopes) Smax surfaces of the elements COMPOSITION and C80SISTV of soils within the compressible

Thicknesses and zones of action on soils of natural factors

airfield within the vertical curve should.

satisfy the condition ro "

types of hydrogeological conditions given

dy ^ in mandatory annex 1;

max r v "dividing the territory of the USSR into road climate

physical zones in accordance with mandatory Appendix 2;

experience in the design, construction and operation of airfields located in similar engineering-geological, hydrogeological and climatic conditions.

42. The nomenclature of soils used for the soil base, according to genesis, composition, state in natural occurrence, heaving, swelling and subsidence, should be established in accordance with GOST 25100-82. Clay soils, depending on their grain composition and plasticity number, are further subdivided into varieties according to reference Appendix 3.

4.3. The characteristics of soils of natural occurrence, as well as of artificial origin, should be determined, as a rule, on the basis of their direct tests in field or laboratory conditions, taking into account possible changes in soil moisture during the construction and operation of airfield facilities.

The design characteristics of soils (bed coefficient K s for rigid pavements and modulus of elasticity E for non-rigid pavements) should be established for homogeneous soils in accordance with the mandatory Appendix 4. For multi-layer soil bases or when the top soil layer is compacted, and the bottom remains unpacked and has a porosity coefficient e\u003e 0.8 or if there are solid rocky soils in the natural base with a temporary resistance to uniaxial compression of at least 5 MPa (50 kgf / cm 2), a softening coefficient in water of not more than 0.75 and incapable of dissolving in water, an equivalent coefficient should be used bedding K se of the entire foundation (taking into account the underlying rocky soil), determined according to the recommended annex 5.

The design of soil foundations without an appropriate engineering-geological and hydrogeological justification or in case of its insufficiency is not allowed.

4.4. The depth of the compressible thickness of the soil base, within which the composition and properties of soils are taken into account, is taken from Table. 14 depending on the category of the standard load and according to the table. 15 - depending on the load on one wheel of the main support of a particular aircraft, and for permafrost soils it is limited to the estimated depth of seasonal thawing.

Table 14

V / c - non-categorical normative load.

Table 16

Number of wheels per aircraft main leg

Depth of the compressible thickness of the soil base from the top of the coating, m with a load on one wheel of the main support, kN (tf)

4.5. The depth of seasonal freezing df or, for permafrost soils, thawing d, should be determined on the basis of a calculation in accordance with mandatory Appendix 6.

4-6. Precipitation (subsidence) of base soils that occur during earthworks, as well as during further consolidation of base soils during the operation of the coating under the influence of natural and climatic factors, must be taken into account if there are weak soils in the soil base (water-saturated clay, peat, peat, silt , sapropel), loess. saline and other subsiding varieties, as well as permafrost subsiding soils during thawing.

Note. Weak soils include soils whose elastic modulus is less than 5 MPa (50 kgf / cm 5).

4.7. The calculated values ​​of the expected vertical deformations of the base Sd during the operation of the coating should not exceed the limit values ​​s u specified in Table. sixteen.

Table 16

4.8. When designing soil foundations, measures should be taken to eliminate or reduce the harmful effects of natural and operational factors, eliminate the unfavorable properties of the soil under the airfield clothing;

SNiP 2.05.08-85 Page nine

arrangement of special layers of artificial base (waterproofing, capillary interrupting, thermal insulation);

water protection measures on sites composed of soils sensitive to changes in humidity (corresponding horizontal and vertical planning of the aerodrome area, providing surface water runoff; installation of a drainage network);

transformation of the building properties of the base soils (compacting by tamping, preliminary soaking of soils; complete or partial replacement of soils with unsatisfactory properties, etc.) to a depth determined by calculation from the condition of reducing the possible vertical deformation of the base to an acceptable value;

soil strengthening (by chemical, electrochemical, thermal and other methods).

The boundaries of special layers of base or soil with eliminated unfavorable properties must be at least 3 m from the edge of the coating.

4.9. The elevation of the surface of the airfield pavement above the calculated level of groundwater should be taken not less than that specified in Table. 17.

Table 17

In cases where the fulfillment of these requirements is technically and economically impractical, in the soil foundation constructed in the II and III road-climatic zones, it is necessary to provide for the installation of capillary-interrupting, and in the IV and V road-climatic zones - waterproofing layers, the top of which should be located at a distance from the coating surface 0.9 m - for zones II and III and 0.75 m - for zones IV and V. The bottom of the layers should be at least 0.2 m from the groundwater horizon.

For aerodromes located in road climatic zone I, in the absence of permafrost soils, as well as when permafrost soils are used as a natural foundation according to principle III (clause 4.25), the minimum elevation of the surface of the airfield pavement above the groundwater level should be taken as for road climatic zone II. zones.

For the design level of groundwater should be taken as the maximum possible autumn (pe

before freezing) level, and in areas where frequent prolonged thaws are observed, the maximum possible spring groundwater level. In the absence of the necessary data, it is allowed to take the level determined by the upper line of soil gleying as the calculated one.

4.10. The required degree of compaction of the embankment soils should be provided based on the compaction coefficient (the ratio of the lowest required density to the maximum density with standard compaction), the values ​​​​of which are given in Table 18.

Table 18

Note. Before the line, the values ​​of the soil compaction coefficient in the zone of seasonal freezing are given, after the line - below the border of seasonal freezing, as well as for embankments erected in IV and V road-climatic zones.

If under the airfield clothing the natural density of the soil is lower than required, compaction of the soil should be provided to the standards given in Table. 18, to a depth of 1.2 m for road climatic zones I-III and 0.8 m for zones IV and V, counting from the surface of the soil base.

4.11. The greatest steepness of embankment slopes should be assigned from the condition of ensuring their stability, depending on the height of the embankment and the type of soil.

SUBSTRATES ON Swelling Soils

4.12. The swelling properties of clay soils used for foundation should be taken into account if, when soaked with water or chemical solutions, the value of their relative free (without load) swelling e, w> 0.04.

The value of relative swelling (the ratio of the increase in the height of the soil sample as a result of its soaking with water or other liquid to the initial height of the soil sample with natural moisture) is determined according to GOST 24143-80.

4.13. When designing foundations on swelling soils, structural measures should be taken to prevent moistening of the natural soil, as well as to replace the swelling soil with a non-swelling soil or to build an embankment of non-swelling soils in such a way that the upper boundary of the swelling soils is at a depth from the top of the airfield pavement, m, not less than:

1.3 - for weakly swelling soils (0.04

1.8- "medium swelling *" (0.08

2,3- "silkmono-swelling" (e w >0.12).


4.14. The subsidence properties of soils used as a base should be taken into account within the thickness of the soil, where:

the total compressive stress from the own weight of the soil and airfield clothing o zg and the operational load o gr exceeds the initial settlement pressure p sc ;

soil moisture w is higher (or may become higher) than the initial subsidence moisture content w sc (the minimum moisture content at which the subsidence properties of the soil are manifested);

relative subsidence under the action of an external load e c > 0.01.

When designing foundations composed of subsiding soils, one should take into account the possibility of increasing the moisture content of soils with a degree of humidity S,< 0,5, из-за нарушения природных условий испарения вследствие устройства аэродромного покрытия (экранирования поверхности) . Конечную влажность грунтов надлежит принимать равной влажности на границе раскатывания w p .

The characteristics of the subsidence properties of soils are determined according to GOST 23161-78.

4.15. The ground conditions of sites composed of subsidence soils, depending on the possibility of subsidence, are divided into two types:

I - subsidence occurs within the compressible thickness of the soil (mainly within its upper part) from the action of the operational load, and the subsidence of the soil from its own weight is absent or does not exceed 0.05 m;

II - in addition to subsidence of the soil from the operational load, subsidence is possible (mainly in the lower part of the subsidence thickness) from the own weight of the soil, and its size exceeds 0.05.

4.16. Measures to eliminate the subsidence properties of the soil should be provided depending on the fulfillment of the condition

Ozp+o zg

where o gr - vertical compressive stress in the soil from the operational load, determined according to the mandatory Appendix 8; o zg - vertical compressive stress from the own weight of the soil and airfield clothing;

Psc - initial subsidence pressure (the minimum pressure at which the subsidence properties of the soil appear when it is fully saturated), determined according to GOST 23161-78.

If condition (3) is satisfied, compaction of the upper layer of subsidence soil should be provided in accordance with the requirements of clause 4.10.

If o zp + o zg > p tc , it is necessary to provide measures in addition to compaction of the upper layer

to eliminate the subsidence properties of the soil (pre-soaking, complete or partial replacement of the soil with cushions of sand, gravel, crushed stone and other non-settling materials) to a depth that ensures the satisfaction of the condition

where s sc is the value of the vertical deformation of the base caused by subsidence of the soil, determined at a moisture content w p at the border of rolling; s u - limit value of vertical deformation. taken according to the table. sixteen.

4.17. When designing the elements of an aerodrome located in areas with soil conditions of type II in terms of subsidence, along with the elimination of subsidence properties of the foundation soils, it is necessary to provide for the installation of a waterproofing layer under the airfield clothing and at a distance of 3 m on both sides from the edge of the coating, the installation of waterproof blind areas with a width of at least 2 m, and if the initial subsidence moisture »v JC is less than the moisture at the rolling boundary w p - the elimination of the subsidence properties of the soil by its preliminary soaking.

4.18. For the construction of low embankments (up to 1 m high) in areas with soil conditions of type 11 in terms of subsidence, the use of non-draining soils should be envisaged. Draining soils may be used during a feasibility study only in areas with soil conditions of type I in terms of subsidence.

For the construction of embankments with a height of more than 1 m, it is allowed to use draining soils, however, the natural soil under the embankment and at a distance of at least 5 m on both sides of it must be compacted to a depth of at least 0.5 m to a density of dry soil = 1.7 t / m 1 or the lower part of the embankment (0.5 m high) should be made of non-draining soils.



4.19. When designing soil foundations for airfield clothing, located on peat, peaty and weak clay soils, the following should be provided:

for bases for airfield clothes, calculated on the normative loads of high-rise, I, II and III categories, and for airfield clothes with asphalt concrete pavement, calculated also for normative loads of IV, V and VI categories, replacement of peat and peaty soils for the entire depth of their occurrence and replacement of weak clayey soils to the depth of the compressible stratum (see tables 14 and 15);

for bases for light-weight airfield clothing, as well as for airfield clothing with a coating of precast concrete slabs, calculated for the normative load of category IV. it is allowed to use peat, peaty and soft soils within the compressible thickness of the soil base, while the device of airfield clothing should be provided for

SNiP 2.05.08 85 Page eleven

le preliminary compression of peat, peaty or soft soil by the weight of the embankment until conditional stabilization of the sediment S s , m, determined by the formula

s s * s tot - (5)

where s fol is the total draft, m, calculated in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.02.01-83;

$ and ~ limiting draft of the airfield pavement, m, taken according to Table. sixteen.

4.20. To increase the bearing capacity of an embankment erected on a natural base from peat, peaty and weak soils, its resistance to the impact of operational loads, to exclude local subsidence and penetration of these soils into the body of the embankment, as well as to ensure the possibility of performing work on the construction of the embankment during the period of waterlogging of natural soil it is necessary to provide for the laying of rolled synthetic materials (for example, "Dornita-F-1") on the surface of peat, peaty or weak clay soil.


4.21. When designing foundations provided for in areas where saline soils are distributed, their special properties should be taken into account if the salt horizon is within the compressible thickness of the soil (see Tables 14 and 15).

the possibility of using soils of varying degrees of salinity as a natural base and in embankments should be established according to Table. 19. In this case, in the case of a salt content uneven in depth, the degree of salinity of the soil should be taken according to the weighted average salt content.

Table 19

4.22. Soils containing gypsum may be used as a natural base without restriction, and in embankments erected during

11-IV road-climatic zones, - with a gypsum content of not more than 30% of the mass of dry soil, in zone V - not more than 40%.

For airfields located in the artificial irrigation zone, or at a depth of the groundwater level less than the freezing depth, the use of strongly saline soils as the base of airfield clothes is not allowed, and the limiting content of gypsum in the soils of embankments must be reduced by 10%.

4.23. The elevation of the airfield pavement above the calculated level of groundwater should be taken 20% more than indicated in Table. 17, and on the surface of the base, composed of medium and highly saline soils, it is necessary to provide for the installation of a waterproofing layer.

4.24. The compaction coefficient of embankments erected from saline soils should be taken at least 0.98 for lightweight airfield clothing and for the unpaved part of the airfield,

1.00 - with capital-type airfield clothing.


4.25. When designing aerodromes located in permafrost areas, one of the following three principles for using soils as natural bases for airfield clothes should be adopted:

I - base soils are used in a frozen state, maintained during the entire specified period of operation of airfield pavements;

II - partial or complete thawing of soils (seasonally thawing layer) is allowed, which thawed before the installation of airfield clothing;

III - provides for preliminary thawing of permafrost soils with the removal or drainage of waterlogged layers.

4.26. Principles 1 and II of the use of permafrost soils as the base of airfield clothing should be applied if the annual temperature balance of the pavement is negative (the sum of negative degree-hours of the pavement is not less than the sum of positive degree-hours of the pavement), i.e. subject to the condition

£ t mp ri<0. (6)

where / is the month of the year;

f mp is the average monthly surface temperature of the coating, determined taking into account the average monthly air temperature and average monthly solar radiation, taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.01.01-82;

G/ - duration of the i-th month, h.

Principle I should be applied if the natural soils of the seasonally thawed layer in the thawed state do not have sufficient bearing capacity or give unacceptable precipitation, at an economically feasible cost for measures to preserve the permafrost state.

Principle II should be applied in the presence of soils in the base, the deformation of which during seasonal thawing to the design depth does not exceed the maximum allowable values ​​for aerodromes of this class.

Principle III should be applied if the annual temperature balance of the coating is positive, while the preliminary thawing of permafrost soils is carried out to the horizon of soils that are not subsidence during thawing. The application of this principle of using soils as bases for airfield clothes should be justified by the technological capabilities and economic feasibility of the planned methods for thawing permafrost soils.

4.27. The vertical planning of airfields using natural soils according to principles I and II should be carried out by filling in the form of a heat-insulating embankment without disturbing the existing peat moss cover.

Soils and materials that are not subject to deformation during freezing or thawing should be used as the main materials for the embankment.

4.28. To reduce the thickness of the heat-insulating embankment (with an appropriate feasibility study), layers of highly efficient heat-insulating materials should be provided in its body: polymeric (foam plastics); lightweight concretes containing porous aggregates (expanded clay, agloporite, crushed foam particles, etc.); ash and slag mixtures, etc.

The required thickness of the heat-insulating layer should be determined on the basis of heat engineering calculations (see mandatory Appendix 6) based on the condition that for bases designed according to principle I, the calculated thawing depth is within the heat-insulating embankment, and for bases designed according to principle II. condition

s f ,< s u . (7)

where Sf, is the value of the expected heaving deformation of the seasonally thawing soil layer, determined in accordance with mandatory Appendix 7;

s u - the limiting value of the vertical deformation, taken according to the table. sixteen.

4.29. When using soils as foundations according to principle II. and also according to principle I, if temporary thawing of the base soils is allowed during excavation, it is necessary to provide for the installation of a drainage layer with a thickness of at least 0.5 m from soils and materials with a filtration coefficient of at least 7 m / day.

4.30. When soils are used as foundations according to principle III, the expected settlement of permafrost soils s,. m, after thawing should be determined by the formula

St = * "gtU. (eight)

where n is the number of soil layers into which the thawing base is divided depending on the subsidence properties of the soil;

€,( - the value of the relative settlement of the i-th layer of soil, determined by field tests of permafrost soils by thawing cores under the total pressure from the own weight of the soil, airfield clothing and from the operational load or by the hot stamp method. natural soil moisture w. porosity coefficient e and plasticity number 1 p. For a compacted peat layer, the value of ec can be taken equal to from 0.03 to 0.04, and for an uncompacted layer - 0.5; tj is the thickness of the i-th layer of compressible soil in its natural state, m.

4.31. When assigning the frost heaving coefficient and the bedding coefficient, foundations designed according to principle I should be attributed to the first type of hydrogeological conditions, and those designed according to principles II and III - to the second type with provided drainage and to the third type if water drainage from the thawing layer is not provided .


4.32. The abyssal properties of soils should be taken into account if clay soils by the beginning of freezing have a fluidity index l L > 0 or if the groundwater level is below the calculated freezing depth, m, by less than:

1.0 - for fine sands;

1.5 - for silty sands, sandy loams and silty sandy loams;

2.5 - for loams, silty loams, coarse-grained soils with clay filler;

3.0 - for clays.

4.33. Foundations on radiant soils must satisfy the condition

where Sf is the uniform heaving deformation of the subgrade surface, determined in accordance with the mandatory Appendix 7;

Su is the limiting value of the vertical heaving deformation, taken according to Table. sixteen.

4.34. To fulfill condition (9), it is necessary to provide:

lowering of the groundwater level;

the device at the base of a stable layer of non-radiant materials with the use in some cases of heat-insulating materials to reduce the depth of freezing of heaving soil;

measures to reduce the heaving of base soils by treating them to the calculated depth with salts (NaCl, CaCl) , MgCIj, etc.), which lower the freezing point, organic and mineral binders, as well as by electrochemical treatment.

SNiL 2.05.08-85 Page. thirteen


5.1. Aerodrome clothing, perceiving loads and impacts from aircraft, operational and natural factors, should include:

coating - the upper bearing layer (layers) that directly perceives the loads from the wheels of aircraft, the effects of natural factors (variable temperature and humidity conditions, repeated freezing and thawing, the effects of solar radiation, wind erosion), thermal and mechanical effects of gas-air jets of aircraft engines and mechanisms intended for the operation of the airfield, as well as the impact of anti-icing chemicals;

artificial base - the bearing part of the airfield clothing, providing, together with the coating, the transfer of loads to the soil base and consisting of separate structural layers, which can also perform draining, anti-silting, thermally insulating, anti-heaving, waterproofing and other functions.

5.2. Aerodrome pavements should be subdivided according to the nature of resistance to the action of loads from aircraft into:

rigid (with concrete, reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete pavements, as well as with asphalt concrete pavement on a cement concrete base);

non-rigid (with asphalt concrete pavement; durable stone materials of selected composition, treated with organic binders; crushed stone and gravel materials, soils and local materials treated with mineral or organic binders).

Aerodrome clothing should be divided according to the service life and degree of perfection into:

capital (with hard and asphalt concrete coatings);

lightweight (with non-rigid pavement, except for asphalt concrete pavement).


5.3. For rigid airfield pavements, heavy concrete should be provided that meets the requirements of the relevant standards and these codes.

In a feasibility study, it is allowed to use fine-grained (sandy) concrete.

5.4. The design classes of concrete for strength must be taken not lower than those indicated in Table. 20.

5.5. The frost resistance of concrete should not be lower than that indicated in Table. 21.

5.6. The normative and design characteristics of concrete, asphalt concrete, materials used for the construction of bases for hard and non-rigid types of coatings should be taken according to mandatory Appendix 9.

Table 20

Minimum design class of concrete for strength

Airfield coverage

tensile bending

for compression

Single-layer prefabricated from reinforced concrete prestressed slabs, reinforced with: wire reinforcement or reinforcing ropes bar reinforcement

B*,*4.0 Bfrf/>3.6

Single-layer monolithic concrete. reinforced concrete and reinforced concrete with prestressed reinforcement

The upper joint of a monolithic concrete, reinforced concrete or reinforced concrete two-layer coating with prestressed reinforcement

The bottom layer of a two-layer coating and subshops of the plate

Notes: 1. For reinforced concrete pavements with non-stressed reinforcement, the design class of concrete in terms of compressive strength should be taken at least B30 (without limiting the class in terms of tensile strength in bending).

2. For coatings designed for standard loads of categories V and VI, it is allowed to take the design class for tensile strength in bending and the class for compressive strength of concrete, respectively, not lower than

Table 21

Notes: 1. Mild climatic conditions are characterized by the average monthly temperature of the outside air of the coldest month from 0 to minus 6 °C, moderate - below minus 5 to minus 15 °C. severe - below minus 15 °С.

2- The calculated average monthly outdoor temperature is taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2-01.01-82.

5.7. The type and class of reinforcement, the characteristics of reinforcing steels should be established in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.03.01-84, depending on the type of coating, the purpose of reinforcement, temperature conditions, the technology for preparing reinforcing elements and methods of their use (non-stressed and prestressed reinforcement).

As non-tensioned reinforcement, ordinary reinforcing wire of classes Bp-I and B-I (in welded meshes and frames) or hot-rolled reinforcing steel of a periodic profile of classes A-I and A-Ill should be used. As a mounting. for distribution and structural fittings, as well as for elements of butt joints, hot-rolled smooth reinforcing steel of class A-I and ordinary smooth reinforcing wire of class B-1 should be used.

5.8. Massive type foundations for aircraft anchorages in parking areas must be made of concrete of a compressive strength class of at least B20. For the manufacture of a metal anchor embedded in concrete and an anchor ring, hot-rolled reinforcing steel of class A-I grade 8SgZsp2 should be used. as well as class A-I brand 10GT, class A-1H brand 25G2S and class A-IV brand 20HG2Ts.

5.9. As materials for filling the expansion joints of rigid pavements, rubber-bitumen binders and polymeric sealants, laid in a cold state, bitumen-polymer mastics, laid in a hot state, or ready-made elastic gaskets that meet the requirements for materials for sealing joints of rigid pavements, should be used.

Table 22

Material of layers of artificial bases

Frost resistance of materials, not lower, for climatic conditions

Crushed stone and gravel from gravel

Crushed stone, gravel, sand and gravel. soil-gravel and soil-crushed-stone mixtures reinforced with organic binders

Crushed stone treated with inorganic binders Gravel. sand and gravel, soil gravel and gravel mixtures, reinforced with inorganic binders, sand cement and gruitotsmsit in the base part:

Sand-gravel, soil-gravel and soil-crushed-stone mixtures

Fine-grained concrete, expanded clay concrete, slag concrete

Note. The upper part of the base includes layers lying within the upper half of the freezing depth of the sections, and the lower part of the base - lying within the lower half of the freezing depth, counting from the surface of the coating.

5.10. Asphalt concrete pavements must be provided from asphalt concrete mixtures that meet GOST 9128-84 and satisfy the strength characteristics given in mandatory Appendix 9 (Table 2).

5.11. For artificial bases and thermal insulation layers, fine-grained (sandy) concrete, expanded clay concrete and cinder concrete (with metallurgical slag filler), as well as crushed stone, gravel, sand and gravel, soil-gravel and soil-crushed stone mixtures and other local materials and soils, processed and not processed, should be used. astringents.

5.12. The materials of all layers of artificial bases must have frost resistance corresponding to the climatic conditions of the construction area. Requirements for frost resistance are given in table. 22.


General instructions

5.13. The choice of the optimal design of airfield pavements and artificial foundations and the determination of their structural layers should be made on the basis of a comparison of the technical and economic indicators of design options in accordance with clause 1.4. At the same time, prefabricated coatings from PAG-14 slabs should, as a rule, be used for standard loads not higher than category III, from PAG-18 slabs - not higher than category II.

5.14. If it is necessary to build airfield clothes in areas of terrain with the third type of hydrogeological conditions, appropriate engineering measures (drainage, lowering the level of groundwater, erection of embankments, etc.) should be provided to bring the existing hydrogeological conditions to the conditions of the second type of terrain.

Rigid airfield pavements

5.15. The required thickness of monolithic cement concrete layers should be determined by calculation, but taken at least 16 cm.

When reinforcing coatings with concrete or reinforced concrete, the minimum layer thickness should be taken equal to 20 cm.

5.16. The maximum thickness of single-layer hard pavements should be determined based on the technical feasibility of concrete paving kits and the accepted construction technology.

5.17. The thickness of the protective layer in monolithic reinforced concrete pavements must be at least 40 mm for the top reinforcement and 30 mm for the bottom.

5.18. Reinforced concrete coatings with a slab thickness of up to 30 cm should be reinforced with meshes of bar reinforcement with a diameter of 10 to 14 mm, with a slab thickness of more than 30 cm - with a diameter of 14 to 18 mm. Grids should be placed at a distance from the surface equal to "/e AO Y 2 plate thickness.

SNiP 2.05.08-85 Page fifteen

The percentage of longitudinal reinforcement of the slabs (the degree of saturation of concrete with reinforcement) should be taken from 0.10 to 0.15, and the spacing of the rods should be from 15 to 40 cm, depending on the length of the slab and the diameter of the reinforcement rods.

Transverse reinforcement - constructive; the distance between the transverse rods should be taken equal to 40 cm.

5.19. For reinforcing reinforced concrete pavements with non-stressed reinforcement, reinforcement with a diameter of 12 to 18 mm in the form of welded frames should be used. The required cross-sectional area of ​​the reinforcement should be determined by calculation, while the percentage of reinforcement should be at least 0.25. The reinforcement must be placed in the longitudinal and transverse directions in the upper and lower zones of the slab section in accordance with the magnitude of the bending moments.

The distance between the rods, depending on the required reinforcement area and the adopted diameter of the rods, should be taken from 10 to 30 cm.

5.20. It is allowed to design two-layer pavements with overlapping and misalignment of seams in the layers (coverings in which the longitudinal and transverse seams in the upper and lower layers are mutually displaced by more than 2t iup are considered to be mismatched seams, where 1 sr is the thickness of the upper layer).

When designing coatings with aligned seams, as a rule, mutual displacement of the seams in both directions from 1.5 to 2.0t tup should be provided. 8 coatings with combined seams, the rigidity of the lower layer should not exceed the rigidity of the upper one by more than 2 times.

5.21. For two-layer coatings, it is necessary to provide a separating layer between the layers, which should be glassine, film polymer materials, sand-bitumen mat and other materials; in coatings with non-aligned seams, roll materials forming a separating layer should be laid in two layers; - in one layer.

5.22. Roadside sections adjacent to runways, taxiways. MS and aprons should be provided with coatings that are resistant to the effects of gas and air jets from aircraft engines, as well as possible loads from vehicles and operational vehicles.

When constructing roadsides made of asphalt concrete, the requirements of clause 5.36 must be taken into account.

The thickness of the coating for reinforcing the shoulders should be taken according to the calculation, but not less than the minimum allowable for the material of this structural layer.

5.23. The pavements of the reinforced sections of the end safety lanes adjacent to the ends of the runway must meet the same requirements as the pavements of the reinforced shoulders.

5.24. Between slabs of rigid monolithic coatings and artificial bases, separation layers of bituminized paper, glassine, film

polymer materials. Separating layers for prefabricated coatings are not provided.

When constructing prefabricated coatings from pre-indispensable reinforced concrete slabs laid on<: .ования всех типов, кроме песчаного, следует пред, сматривать выравнивающую прослойку из пескоцементной смеси.

5.25. When designing artificial foundations made of coarse-grained materials laid directly on clayey and dusty soils, an anti-swelling layer of materials that do not become plastic when moistened (sand, local soil treated with binders, slag, etc.) should be provided, which excluded would be the possibility of penetration of the base soil when it is moistened into a layer of large-pore material.

The thickness of the anti-silt layer should not be less than the size of the largest particles of the material used, but not less than 5 cm.

5.26. For areas with hydrogeological conditions of the second type, when the natural base is composed of non-draining soils (clays, loams, loams and silty sandy loams), in the structures of artificial foundations, drainage floods of coarse and medium-sized sands with a filtration coefficient of at least 7 m / day and a thickness in accordance with the table. 23.

Table 23

Primachaniv. The thickness of the words indicated by the pared line should be taken for the areas located in the southern part of the "road-climatic zone", after the line - in the northern part.

Expansion joints in rigid airfield pavements

5.27. Rigid airfield pavements should be divided into separate slabs by expansion joints. The dimensions of the slabs should be set depending on the local climatic conditions, as well as in accordance with the intended construction technology.

5.28. Distances between expansion joints should not exceed, m, for monolithic coatings:

concrete less than 30 cm thick......S

„ 30 cm or more.....7.5

reinforced concrete ................20

armobvtoiiyh at the annual amplitude of average daily temperatures, °С:

45 and above...............10

less than 45...................15

For airfields located in areas with difficult engineering and geological conditions, the dimensions of ermoconcrete and reinforced concrete slabs should be taken no more than 10 m.

In monolithic coatings, longitudinal technological seams must be used as expansion joints.

For adjacent strips of coating, it is necessary to provide for the alignment of transverse seams.

Notes: 1. The annual amplitude of average daily temperatures should be calculated as the difference between the average air temperatures of the hottest and coldest months, determined in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.01.01-82.

2. Technological seams. the device of which is determined by the width of the concrete paving machines and possible interruptions in the construction process.

5.29. For prefabricated roofs made of prestressed slabs with butt joints that prevent horizontal movement of the slabs, expansion joints must be provided.

The distances, m, between the transverse expansion joints, as well as between the longitudinal expansion joints on aprons and MS should not exceed the annual amplitude of average monthly temperatures, °С:

see. 45............12

from 30 to 45......................18

less than 30................24

Longitudinal expansion joints in prefabricated runway and taxiway pavements should not be provided.

5.30. The distance between expansion joints in the lower concrete layer of two-layer coatings should not exceed 10 m.

5.31. In the expansion joints of single-layer coatings, it is necessary to provide for the arrangement of joints that ensure the transfer of the load from one plate to another, and the possibility of mutual horizontal displacement of the plates in the direction perpendicular to the joint. Instead of butt joints, it is allowed to provide for reinforcement of the edge sections of the slabs with reinforcement or thickening, or to use jointed slabs.

5.32. Two-layer coatings with matched seams should, as a rule, be designed with butt joints in the longitudinal and transverse seams. Butt joints need to be arranged only on the top layer, but their parameters should be taken as for a single-layer plate with a stiffness equal to the total stiffness of the layers.

5.33. In two-layer coatings with non-aligned seams, butt joints should be provided only in transverse technological (working) seams.

Edge reinforcement should be provided in the lower zone of the top layer slabs.

Non-rigid airfield pavements

5.34. Non-rigid airfield pavements, together with artificial bases, must be designed as multilayer, providing, as a rule, a smooth transition from less deformable

ny upper layers to more deformative lower ones.

5.35. The minimum allowable thickness of structural layers (in the compacted state) of non-rigid coatings and artificial bases should be taken according to Table. 24. In this case, the thickness of the structural layer must in all cases not be less than 1.5 times the size of the largest fraction of the mineral material used in the layer.

Table 24

Structural layer material


non-rigid coating

layer thickness.

and artificial base

Asphalt concrete under internal pressure

air in the pneumatics of aircraft wheels. MPa (kgf/cm*):

less than 0.6 (6)

from 0.6 (6) to 0.7 (7)

over 0.7(7) „ 1.0<10)

Crushed stone, gravel, soils, processed

organic binders

Crushed stone treated with organic binders according to the following methods:



Soils and low-strength stone materials. treated with mineral knitting

Crushed stone or gravel, not treated with binders and laid on a sandy base

Crushed stone, not treated with binders and laid on a solid (stone or reinforced with binders soil) foundation

5.36. The device of the upper layers of the asphalt concrete pavement should be provided from dense asphalt concrete mixtures, the lower layers - from dense or porous asphalt concrete mixtures.

View. the brand and type of asphalt concrete mixtures for the top layers of the pavement, as well as the corresponding brand of bitumen, should be taken in accordance with GOST 9128-84, depending on the category of the standard load, the elements of the airfield (heliport) and the road climatic zone.

Under loads of normative category IV and above, asphalt concrete pavements should be laid on bases made of materials treated with binders.

Asphalt-concrete pavements are not allowed to be installed in areas that perceive long-term (over 3-4 min) exposure to a gas jet from aircraft jet engines, where the temperature on the surface of the pavement exceeds 100 ° C, and the gas flow velocity is 50 m / s and higher.

SNiP 2.05.08-85 Page 17

Strengthening existing pavements during the reconstruction of airfields

6.37. The need and methods for strengthening existing pavements during the reconstruction of aerodromes should be determined taking into account the class of the aerodrome and the category of standard load, as well as depending on the state of the existing pavement, natural and artificial bases and drainage network, local hydrogeological conditions, characteristics of the materials of the existing pavement and foundation , height position of the coating surface.

Tables" 25

Notes: 1. The category of destruction is set according to the attribute that gives the highest category of destruction.

2. Through cracks are taken into account if the average distance between them is less than 5 m and they are not allowed by the design limit state.

3. When determining the percentage of destroyed slabs, one should take: for a runway - an average strip with a width equal to half the width of the runway along its entire length; for taxiways and other pavement elements, a series of slabs subjected to loads from aircraft main legs; for MS and aprons - the entire working area.

5.39. The pavement reinforcement project should provide for the preliminary repair of the base and restoration of the destroyed pavement, including the installation of a leveling layer for ledges, potholes and other irregularities of the existing pavement over 2 cm, as well as the restoration and development of the drainage network, in the absence of a network, decide whether it is necessary devices.

5.40. Monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete pavements should be reinforced with monolithic concrete, reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete and precast prestressed reinforced concrete slabs or asphalt concrete.

Monolithic reinforced concrete pavements should be reinforced, as a rule, with monolithic reinforced concrete or asphalt concrete.

Prefabricated roofs from prestressed concrete slabs need to be strengthened

be precast with prestressed slabs or asphalt concrete; it is not allowed to reinforce them with monolithic concrete or reinforced concrete.

When strengthening prefabricated pavements with prefabricated slabs, the seams of the reinforcement layer with respect to the seams of the existing pavement must be displaced by at least 0.5 m for longitudinal and 1 m for transverse seams.

When strengthening hard pavements built in adverse hydrogeological conditions with monolithic concrete or reinforced concrete, the dimensions of the reinforcement layer slabs should be taken in accordance with paragraph 5.28-

5.41. When strengthening monolithic rigid coatings with monolithic concrete, reinforced concrete or reinforced concrete, the requirements for two-layer coatings established in paragraphs. 5.20, 5.32 and 5.33. If the number of layers is more than two, the lower one should be considered the layer located directly below the upper one.

When strengthening rigid pavements with precast prestressed reinforced concrete slabs, between the existing pavement and prefabricated slabs, it is imperative, regardless of the evenness of the existing pavement, to provide for a leveling layer of sand concrete or sand cement with an average thickness of at least 3 cm; the separating layer in this case is not satisfied.

5.42. The total ■ minimum thickness of the layer (s) of asphalt concrete when strengthening hard airfield pavements should be taken in accordance with Table. 26. To reinforce hard pavements, only dense asphalt mixes should be used in all layers.

Table 26

Total minimum thickness of the asphalt concrete layer(s), cm, hard pavement reinforcements

Average monthly air temperature of the coldest month. °С

airfield sections

5.43. Reinforcement of non-rigid pavements can be performed with non-rigid and rigid pavements of all types.

Strengthening non-rigid coatings with rigid ones should be

Page 18 SNiP 2.06.08-85

carry out along the separating layer with the device, if necessary, a leveling layer in accordance with the instructions of clause 5.39.

5.44. Reinforcement of the asphalt concrete reinforcement layer with polymer or fiberglass meshes (specially produced for this purpose) located under the top layer of asphalt concrete. it is necessary to provide for aerodromes of classes A, B and C in areas with a large number of through cracks.

When reinforcing hard pavements with asphalt concrete, regardless of their condition, reinforcement with meshes of the reinforcement layer should be provided: in places of systematic launch and testing of aircraft engines; in the areas where the taxiway adjoins the runway; in places of preliminary engine start along the entire width of the main taxiway with a length of the reinforced section of 20 m;

across the entire width of the end sections of the runway, 150 m long;

over the entire width of group MS along the line of placement of the main supports and engines of aircraft, including the zone of influence of the gas jet.

5.45. The project of reinforcing existing hard airfield pavements with asphalt concrete should provide for measures (reinforcing, cutting expansion joints) to reduce the likelihood of reflected cracks in the reinforcement layer.

Cutting of expansion joints should be carried out above all expansion joints, reinforcement of asphalt concrete should be provided above the remaining joints. In the absence of expansion joints on the existing rigid coating, the distance between the expansion joints (the step of cutting the joints) is taken according to Table. 27.

Table 27

Note. The distance between the deformation necks must be a multiple of the length of the existing pavement slabs.


5.46. Aerodrome pavements should be calculated according to the limit state method for the effect of vertical loads from aircraft as structures lying on an elastic foundation.

The calculated limit states of rigid airfield pavements are for sections: concrete and reinforced concrete - limit state in strength;

with non-stressed reinforcement - limit states for strength and crack opening;

with prestressing reinforcement - the limit state for the formation of cracks.

The design limit states of non-rigid airfield pavements are for pavements as part of clothing:

capital type - limit states for the relative deflection of the entire structure and for the strength of asphalt concrete layers;

lightweight type - the limit state for the relative deflection of the entire structure.

5.47. Aerodrome pavements should be designed for standard loads, the categories and parameters of which are given in Table. 28 (for aircraft) and tab. 29 (for helicopters).

Table 28

Notes: 1. The distances between the pneumatics of the four wheel bearings are assumed to be 70 cm between adjacent wheels and 130 cm between rows of wheels.

2. Standard loads of categories III and GU may be replaced by loads on a single-wheeled main support and taken, respectively, 170 kN (17 tf) and 120 kN (12 tf), in the pressure in the wheel piping machines for standard loads of categories V and VI equal to 0.8 MPa ( 8 kgf / cm 2).

Table 29

Notes: (..The main support is one-wheeled.

2. When assigning design requirements for heliports and their land masses, the loads of heavy helicopters (with a take-off weight of more than 15 tons) are equated to category III of the standard load, medium (from 5 to 15 tons) - to category V, light (less than 5 tons) - to category VI.

8 in accordance with the design assignment, it is allowed to calculate airfield pavements for the effect of vertical loads from an aircraft of a particular type.

Building regulations

Car roads

SNiP 2.05.02-85

Moscow 1997

DEVELOPED by Soyuzdornii of the Ministry of Construction (PhD V.M. Yumashev - leader of the topic; O.N. Yakovlev, Candidates of Technical Sciences N.A. Ryabikov, N.F. Khoroshilov; Doctor of Technical Sciences V.D. Kazarnovsky, V. A. Chernigov, A. E. Merzlikin, Yu. L. Motylev, A. M. Sheinin, I. A. Plotnikova, V. S. Isaev, N. S. Bezzubik) participation of the Soyuzdorproject of the Ministry of Transport and Construction (V.R. Silkov; Candidate of Technical Sciences V.D. Braslavsky; S.A. Zarifiants), the Moscow Automobile and Road Institute of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education (Doctor of Technical Sciences V.F. Babkov, E. M. Lobanov, V.V. Silyanov), Soyuzpromtransniiproject Gosstroy of the USSR (V.I. Polyakov, P.I. Zarubin, V.S. Porozhnyakov; Candidate of Technical Sciences A.G. Kolchanov), VNIIBD of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs V.V. Novizentsev; V.Ya. Builenko), Giprodornii of the Minavtodor of the RSFSR (Doctor of Technical Sciences A.P. Vasiliev; Candidates of Technical Sciences V.D. Belov, E.M. Okorokov), Giproavtotrans of the Minavtotrans of the RSFSR (V.A. Velyuga, Yu.A. Goldenberg), Giproneftetrans of the Goskomnefteproducts of the RSFSR (A.V. Shcherbin), Georgian State Administration of the Minavtodor of the GSSR (candidate of technical sciences T. BUT. Shilakadze).

INTRODUCED by the Soyuzdornia Ministry of Transport.

PREPARED FOR APPROVAL by the Glavtekhnormirovanie Gosstroy of the USSR (Yu.M. Zhukov).

With the entry into force of SNiP 2.05.02-85 “Motorways”, from January 1, 1987, SNiP II-D.5-72 “Motorways. Design standards” and “Guidelines for the design of subgrades for railways and highways” (SN 449-72) in terms of designing standards for subgrades for highways.

When using a normative document, the approved changes in building codes and rules and state standards should be taken into account.

On putting into effect the standards of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance ST SEV 5387-85 “International automobile roads. Tunnels. Design standards” and ST SEV 5388-85 “International automobile roads. Basic technical requirements and design standards”

State Construction Committee of the USSR


1. Put into effect the standards of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance ST CMEA 5387-85 “International motor roads. Tunnels. Design standards” and ST SEV 5388-85 “International automobile roads. Basic technical requirements and design standards” by introducing them into SNiP 2.05.02.-85 “Roads”.

Standards ST SEV 5387-85 and ST SEV 5388-85 have been in force since January 1, 1987 for application in the national economy and in contractual and legal relations for economic, scientific and technical cooperation with the CMEA member countries.

2. Fix the standards of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance ST SEV 5387-85 “International motor roads. Tunnels. Design standards” and ST SEV 5388-85 “International automobile roads. Basic technical requirements and design standards” for the Ministry of Transport of the USSR.

3. Approve and put into effect from March 1, 1987, change No. 1 of SNiP 2.05.02.-85 “Motor roads”, approved by the Decree of the USSR Gosstroy of December 17, 1985 No. 233, the introduction of a paragraph (before the general provision) with the following content: “ Technical parameters of SNiP 2.05.02.-85 correspond to ST SEV 2791-80, ST SEV 5387-85, ST SEV 5388-85”

USSR State Committee for Construction

Building regulations

SNiP 2.05.02-85

(Gosstroy of the USSR)

Car roads

Instead of SNiP II -D.5-72 and

SN 449-72 in terms of design standards for subgrade roads

These norms and rules apply to the design of newly constructed and reconstructed motor roads of the USSR for general use and access roads to industrial enterprises.

These norms and rules do not apply to the design of temporary motor roads for various purposes (constructed for a service life of less than 5 years), winter roads, roads of logging enterprises, internal roads of industrial enterprises (test, on-site, quarry, etc.), on-farm roads in collective farms, state farms and other agricultural enterprises and organizations.


1.1. Motor roads along their entire length or in separate sections, depending on the estimated traffic intensity and their national economic and administrative significance, are divided into categories according to Table. one.

1.2. The access roads of industrial enterprises include motor roads connecting these enterprises with public roads, with other enterprises, railway stations, ports, calculated on the passage of vehicles allowed for circulation on public roads.

You can download the entire document from the link below:

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