Ao Karamanov Development Corporation appeal. Sergey Maslov covered the embezzlement with a troubled bank. What is Sergei Maslov famous for?

Comment by the Chairman of the ICA "Ter-Akopov and Partners", Ter-Akopov Georgy Rubenovich:

“According to media reports (RIA NOVOSTI, INTERFAX and others), General Director of Development Corporation JSC Sergey Maslov and his deputy Vladimir Karamanov have been detained in the case.

What is Development Corporation JSC?

A little historical business background.

May 16, 2005 President Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, at a meeting on the development of the Urals Federal District, which is the richest mineral resource region, set the task of developing the project "Ural Industrial - Ural Polar". Already on August 30, 2006, with the support of P. M. Latyshev, the plenipotentiary representative of the President in the Urals Federal District, OJSC "Corporation Ural Industrial - Ural Polar" was established. The task of the corporation was to manage and synchronize the processes of the development project "Ural Industrial - Ural Polar". The goal of the project was to ensure economic accessibility and expediency of involving the richest mineral resources of the Subpolar and Polar Urals in the Urals industrial production by creating a transport corridor along the eastern slope of the Ural Mountains.

Until 2009, the UP-UP corporation was engaged only in project documentation, and subsidiaries were also formed, which steadily generated a loss. Its shareholders are the regions of the Ural Federal District: Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra; Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug; Tyumen region; Chelyabinsk region; Sverdlovsk region; D.B. International.

Who is Sergey Maslov?

General Director of JSC "Corporation for Development" - Sergey Maslov, on May 30, 2013, by the decision of the Supervisory Board of JSC "Corporation for Development" was appointed to the position of General Director.
Born on August 15, 1960 in Grozny, graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy (MSLA), was awarded the Order of Friendship, has the title of Honorary Oilman, and has six children. Since its foundation in the early 90s, NK Lukoil has held senior positions in the company's subsidiaries: 1992 - General Director of Lukoil Trading, since 1996 - in senior positions in oil company Lukoil, President of Lukoil International (Vienna, Austria).

Since February 2001, he has been the President of Joint Stock Company for Pipeline Transportation of Oil Products Transnefteprodukt. From May to September 2008, Maslov combined two positions - the head of AK Transnefteprodukt and CJSC SPbMTSB. In September 2008, Maslov resigned as president of AK Transnefteprodukt, remaining the head of the stock exchange.

First Deputy General Director of Development Corporation JSC – Vladimir Alekseevich Karamanov. Born on April 03, 1959, graduated from the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute. Lenin Komsomol, candidate of technical sciences. Awarded: Order of Honor, Order of Friendship. He has honorary titles: "Honored Worker of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation", "Honorary Oilman", "Honorary Builder", "Honorary Machine Builder". Has six children. No less worthy biography and career.

upon appropriation of funds

The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Rostov Region opened a criminal case on the fact of misappropriation of funds (part 4 of article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) at the end of September 2016. According to media reports, Maslov and Karamanov are suspected of having invested in the People's Client bank funds received from the shareholders of the Development Corporation shortly before the bank's license was revoked. According to the investigators, Maslov and Karamanov specifically chose the troubled bank to make it easier to explain the subsequent loss of money that the regions of the Ural Federal District invested in the project "Ural Industrial - Ural Polar", aimed at developing transport, energy and social infrastructure of the district. The amount of theft exceeded 1 billion rubles. The management of the People's Client Bank aided in the transfer of money to Cypriot offshore companies, which were later invested in the personal projects of Sergey Maslov and Vladimir Karamanov. Moreover, as the source specified, the amount of damage could increase several times - according to law enforcement officers, the administration of Development Corporation JSC could place money in other unreliable banks in the same way.

The detained leaders of the Development Corporation JSC, as well as the chairman of the board of directors of RITC-bank Dmitry Khasanov and a member of the board of directors Elmira Miloserdova, who provided them with financial services, were transferred to Rostov-on-Don. All 4 defendants in the criminal case were placed under arrest until November 30, 2016. Kommersant also notes that Stanislav Svetlitsky, a friend of Sergei Maslov, ex-deputy minister of energy of the Russian Federation and owner of the Narodny Credit bank, Maya Nyushkova, deputy chairman Irina Pereverzeva, and head of the security service of Narodny credit" Nikolay Molotilkin. They are accused of embezzling 10 billion rubles from the People's Credit. It's not that simple.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, no one can be found guilty of a crime except by a court verdict. So it is premature to talk about their unconditional guilt. On the other hand, conducting an investigation on suspicion of committing a crime is the duty of the state, which is carried out by various law enforcement agencies. The only question is the objectivity and impartiality of the prosecution and the implementation of the right guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation to defend by all means not prohibited by law. In simple terms, this means that no one should be found guilty just because the money was missing, and someone should be held accountable for this. Judicial practice knows many cases when very significant organizations kept large amounts of money in very reputable banks that lost their licenses. Suffice it to recall Vneshprombank. Individuals can only be found guilty if their involvement in the disappearance of the money is established, and not in the fact that they kept the money in bank accounts that were deprived of licenses. And for this it is necessary to establish by whose will, on what grounds and where exactly the money went. Responsibility should be borne only by the person who committed specific actions aimed at stealing these funds. And these actions must be proved by the investigation without any shadow of assumptions, which must be based on reliable, admissible, and, it would not hurt to add, indisputable evidence. Only in this case, the sentence can be considered lawful and justified, and, of course, meet the criteria of justice. In the meantime, the investigating authorities need to prove guilt, to extract all this reliable evidence. It must be stated that the correct legal position of the person brought to criminal responsibility is of great importance. Both to defend against an unfounded accusation in one case, and to legally commute a sentence in another case. Whether he committed or did not commit, admit guilt, or defend himself against an unfounded accusation uncompromisingly and to the bitter end, this is the main question for the accused and his defense. Choosing the right position can be compared with the most complex surgical operation, on which a lot depends, including freedom, and sometimes even a person’s life.

Thinking Out Loud: Commentary by a Criminal Lawyer

According to Part 1 of Art. 14 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, a guilty socially dangerous act prohibited by this Code under the threat of punishment is recognized as a crime. One of the key concepts of the definition of crime is "under the threat of punishment". According to the sanctions of articles 159 and 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the maximum possible punishment is limited to 10 years in prison. According to the established judicial practice, taking into account extenuating circumstances, on average, it does not exceed 5-6 years. It is also important that convicts have the right to parole after serving half of the sentence, which is used by a significant number of convicts. Not to mention the fact that in practice, under certain circumstances, you can get a suspended sentence. Consequently, in addition to the unfounded confidence of many people in their own inaccessibility to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, in addition to the unreasonable confidence in the possibility of "paying off", there may also be a certain calculation: "steal" hundreds of millions or several billion, serve 2-3 years and with a "clear conscience" and full bins of money for freedom. It is clear that these may be the thoughts of the poor and the middle peasants who are beginning to “get fat”, and by no means successful billionaires. But to disagree that such a lenient punishment contributes to the decision to commit a crime, one can say that it provokes its commission. After all, huge money is at stake, which an ordinary person cannot earn in a lifetime, against 2-4 years in prison. Many are not afraid of this. The “threat of punishment” factor does not work. On the other hand, it is a threat to the economic security of the state. There is something to think about. And to protect your rights and legitimate interests, even if a person is in the status of an accused, is not only “necessary”, but necessary.”

As it became known to Kommersant, in a luxurious estate in the Arkhangelskoye cottage village near Moscow, the decoration of which is a sculpture by Salvador Dali, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Security Service detained the general director of Sergey Maslov, created on behalf of the president of Development Corporation JSC. Together with his deputy Vladimir Karamanov, he is suspected of embezzling at least 1 billion rubles. According to the investigation, the funds allocated by the regions that are shareholders of the joint-stock company, they placed the funds for the implementation of the large investment project "Ural Industrial - Ural Polar" in a problem bank, so that then there would be someone to blame for their disappearance.

The operation, which involved dozens of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, was carried out last Wednesday at almost 30 addresses in Moscow and the Moscow region. In the office of JSC Development Corporation in Bolshoi Savvinsky Lane, counterintelligence officers and employees of the GUEBiPK did not find any of the leaders they were interested in and, having seized the documentation, went to search the apartments and country houses of the suspects.

It was not difficult for representatives of law enforcement agencies to get into the Arkhangelskoye cottage settlement, where 56-year-old Sergey Maslov lives. Seeing the soldiers of the special forces of the National Guard who got out of the minibus, the guards immediately raised the barrier. But in the estate located on more than 3 hectares with an area of ​​​​almost 3 thousand square meters. It turned out to be more difficult to get in - in any case, no one was in a hurry to open the doors to calls and knocks. The owner of the estate appeared only after one of the commandos broke the glass on the front door with a sledgehammer.

Having presented the search warrant to Sergei Maslov, the police and security officers began to inspect the premises. According to the participants in the operation, the residence of the head of the Development Corporation JSC was more like a museum: in the park, the owner placed the author’s copy of the famous sculpture “Rhino” by Salvador Dali, the walls of the house were decorated with paintings by Russian artists, including Ivan Shishkin, and a collection was placed in a separate room watches of famous brands, the cost of some of them - for example, Piaget encrusted with diamonds - exceeded $ 100 thousand. Several safes were hidden behind the racks with shoes, in which about $ 100 thousand were stored. Bentley and Maybach, as well as two rare Mercedes, were in Maslov's garage. In addition, Sergei Maslov, who has Russian and Swiss citizenship, according to intelligence agencies, has several apartments in Moscow, real estate abroad, and built a 70-meter yacht worth more than €50 million at one of the foreign shipyards.

In parallel, a similar event was held in a cottage village in the Petrovo-Dalny area on Novorizhskoye Highway, where Maslov's first deputy, 57-year-old Vladimir Karamanov, lives. Like the boss, Karamanov (who also has Austrian citizenship and real estate in this country) did not immediately open the door. However, when he saw a SOBR soldier walking towards the house with a sledgehammer, he preferred not to resist. Law enforcement officers also found a large sum of money and a lot of jewelry in the mansion of the Deputy General Director of Development Corporation JSC.

At the same time, they did not seize anything from the detainees except for documents and electronic media. True, according to Kommersant, in the near future the investigation intends to apply to the court with petitions to seize the property of the defendants in the case to pay off the alleged damage. In particular, the estate of the same Maslov, according to some sources, is estimated at more than $100 million.

The detainees Sergey Maslov and Vladimir Karamanov, as well as the former chairman of the board of directors of RITC-bank Dmitry Khasanov and Elmira Miloserdova, who was previously a member of it (they provided financial and legal services to the management of the Development Corporation) were transferred to Rostov-on-Don. At the request of the investigation, all four were arrested by the Leninsky District Court until November 30 as part of a criminal case initiated at the end of September by the local Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on “misappropriation of funds” (Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) of the clients of the Narodny Credit bank.

As law enforcement officials established, in October 2014, shortly before the license was revoked from Narodny Credit, Maslov and Karamanov invested more than 1 billion rubles in it, received from the shareholders of the Development Corporation - regions of the Ural Federal District for the development of transport, energy and social infrastructures within the framework of the project "Industrial Urals - Polar Urals". The money, with the assistance of the bank's leaders, according to the investigation, was withdrawn to offshore companies in Cyprus and invested in personal projects of the JSC's leaders.

Now he is also in custody in Rostov-on-Don on charges of embezzling more than 10 billion rubles from this bank. there are the former Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation and the owner of Narodny Kredit, Stanislav Svetlitsky, who is a friend of Sergei Maslov, the deputy chairman of this credit institution, Irina Pereverzeva, the head of the bank's security service, Nikolai Molotilkin, and accountant Maya Nyushkova. According to the Deposit Insurance Agency, as of July 1, the amount of the bank's debt to creditors amounted to more than 20 billion rubles.

Meanwhile, according to the investigation, the management of JSC "Corporation for Development" could place funds for their subsequent theft in other problem banks. In any case, according to a Kommersant source in law enforcement agencies, the amount of damage incriminated to the defendants in the case can grow at least a dozen times.

The corporation itself refrained from commenting, citing the lack of leadership.


At the request of the investigation, all four were arrested by the Leninsky District Court until November 30 as part of a criminal case initiated at the end of September by the local Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on "misappropriation of funds" (Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) of the clients of the Narodny Credit Bank

As law enforcement officials established, in October 2014, shortly before the revocation of the license from Narodny Credit, Maslov and Karamanov invested more than one billion rubles in it, received from the shareholders of the Development Corporation
RIA Novosti / Mikhail Voskresensky

The head of JSC Development Corporation, Sergei Maslov, was detained in the Moscow region, Interfax reports, citing a source familiar with the situation. In addition to Maslov, his deputy Vladimir Karamanov was detained, RIA Novosti reports, citing an informed source. The detentions were carried out as part of the investigation of a criminal case on embezzlement of funds.

According to Kommersant, citing sources in law enforcement agencies, Maslov was detained in a cottage in the village of Arkhangelskoye. Maslov appeared on the threshold of the house only after one of the commandos broke the glass on the front door with a sledgehammer. Having presented the search warrant, the participants in the operational activities began to inspect the premises.

According to the participants in the operation, the residence of the head of the Development Corporation was more like a museum: in the park, the owner placed the author's copy of the famous sculpture by Salvador Dali "Rhinoceros", the walls of the house were decorated with paintings by Russian artists, including Ivan Shishkin, and a collection of watches was placed in a separate room well-known brands, the cost of some of them exceeded 100 thousand dollars.

Behind the shoe racks were hidden several safes, which also contained about 100 thousand dollars. In Maslov's garage were Bentley and Maybach, as well as two rare Mercedes. In addition, having Russian and Swiss citizenship, Maslov, according to intelligence agencies, has several apartments in Moscow, real estate abroad, and built a 70-meter yacht worth more than 50 million euros at one of the foreign shipyards.

In parallel, a similar event was held in a cottage village in the Petrovo-Dalny area on Novorizhskoye Highway, where Maslov's first deputy, Vladimir Karamanov, lives. Karamanov, who also has Austrian citizenship and real estate in this country, did not immediately open the door. However, when he saw a SOBR soldier walking towards the house with a sledgehammer, he preferred not to resist. In the mansion of the deputy head of the company, law enforcement officers also found money and a lot of jewelry.

At the same time, they did not seize anything from the detainees except for documents and electronic media.

In addition to Maslov and Karamanov, Dmitry Khasanov, chairman of the board of directors of RITZ-Bank, and Elmira Miloserdova, a member of it, were detained. They provided financial and legal services to the management of the Development Corporation. All four were transferred to Rostov-on-Don. At the request of the investigation, the Leninsky District Court arrested all the defendants until November 30 as part of a criminal case initiated at the end of September by the local Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the "misappropriation of funds" (Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) of clients of the Narodny Credit bank.

As law enforcement officers established, in October 2014, shortly before the revocation of the license from Narodny Credit, Maslov and Karamanov invested more than one billion rubles in it, received from the shareholders of the Development Corporation - the regions of the Ural Federal District for the development of transport, energy and social infrastructures within the framework of the project "Industrial Urals - Polar Urals". The money, with the assistance of the bank's leaders, according to the investigation, was withdrawn to offshore companies in Cyprus and invested in personal projects of the JSC's leaders.

According to the investigation, the management of the Development Corporation could place funds for their subsequent theft in other troubled banks. The amount of damage incriminated to the defendants in the case can grow at least a dozen times.

The main projects of the Development Corporation are the Northern Latitudinal Railway, a bridge across the Nadym River with automobile and railway parts, the Polyarnaya TPP in the YaNAO, the Polar Quartz project, and a building materials plant in Nyagan.

The Corporation has 17 subsidiaries, including OJSC Yamal Railway Company, LLC Seversetrazvitie, CJSC Production Center KVANT-2, LLC Efficient Heat Power Engineering. The main shareholders are the property department of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (35.31 %), property department of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (34.9%), property department of the Tyumen region (28.7%).

Oleg Rubnikovich

As it became known to Kommersant, in a luxurious estate in the Arkhangelskoye cottage village near Moscow, the decoration of which is a sculpture by Salvador Dali, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB detained the general director of the joint-stock company created on behalf of the president, Sergei Maslov. Together with his deputy Vladimir Karamanov, he is suspected of embezzling at least 1 billion rubles. According to the investigation, the funds allocated by the regions that are shareholders of the joint-stock company, they placed the funds for the implementation of the large investment project "Ural Industrial - Ural Polar" in a problem bank, so that then there would be someone to blame for their disappearance.

The operation, which involved dozens of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, was carried out last Wednesday at almost 30 addresses in Moscow and the Moscow region. In the office of JSC Development Corporation in Bolshoi Savvinsky Lane, counterintelligence officers and employees of the GUEBiPK did not find any of the leaders they were interested in and, having seized the documentation, went to search the apartments and country houses of the suspects.

It was not difficult for representatives of law enforcement agencies to get into the Arkhangelskoye cottage settlement, where 56-year-old Sergey Maslov lives. Seeing the soldiers of the special forces of the National Guard who got out of the minibus, the guards immediately raised the barrier. But in the estate located on more than 3 hectares with an area of ​​​​almost 3 thousand square meters. It turned out to be more difficult to get in - in any case, no one was in a hurry to open the doors to calls and knocks. The owner of the estate appeared only after one of the commandos broke the glass on the front door with a sledgehammer.

Having presented the search warrant to Sergei Maslov, the police and security officers began to inspect the premises. According to the participants in the operation, the residence of the head of the Development Corporation JSC was more like a museum: in the park, the owner placed the author’s copy of the famous sculpture “Rhino” by Salvador Dali, the walls of the house were decorated with paintings by Russian artists, including Ivan Shishkin, and a collection was placed in a separate room watches of famous brands, the cost of some of them - for example, Piaget encrusted with diamonds - exceeded $ 100 thousand. Several safes were hidden behind the racks with shoes, in which about $ 100 thousand were stored. Bentley and Maybach, as well as two rare Mercedes, were in Maslov's garage. In addition, Sergei Maslov, who has Russian and Swiss citizenship, according to intelligence agencies, has several apartments in Moscow, real estate abroad, and built a 70-meter yacht worth more than €50 million at one of the foreign shipyards.

In parallel, a similar event was held in a cottage village in the Petrovo-Dalny area on Novorizhskoye Highway, where Maslov's first deputy, 57-year-old Vladimir Karamanov, lives. Like the boss, Karamanov (who also has Austrian citizenship and real estate in this country) did not immediately open the door. However, when he saw a SOBR soldier walking towards the house with a sledgehammer, he preferred not to resist. Law enforcement officers also found a large sum of money and a lot of jewelry in the mansion of the Deputy General Director of Development Corporation JSC.

At the same time, they did not seize anything from the detainees except for documents and electronic media. True, according to Kommersant, in the near future the investigation intends to apply to the court with petitions to seize the property of the defendants in the case to pay off the alleged damage. In particular, the estate of the same Maslov, according to some sources, is estimated at more than $100 million.

The detainees Sergei Maslov and Vladimir Karamanov, as well as the chairman of the board of directors of RITC-bank Dmitry Khasanov and Elmira Miloserdova, a member of it (they provided financial and legal services to the management of the Development Corporation) were transferred to Rostov-on-Don. At the request of the investigation, all four were arrested by the Leninsky District Court until November 30 as part of a criminal case initiated at the end of September by the local Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on “misappropriation of funds” (Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) of the clients of the Narodny Credit bank.

As law enforcement officials established, in October 2014, shortly before the license was revoked from Narodny Credit, Maslov and Karamanov invested more than 1 billion rubles in it, received from the shareholders of the Development Corporation - regions of the Ural Federal District for the development of transport, energy and social infrastructures within the framework of the project "Industrial Urals - Polar Urals". The money, with the assistance of the bank's leaders, according to the investigation, was withdrawn to offshore companies in Cyprus and invested in personal projects of the JSC's leaders.

Now he is also in custody in Rostov-on-Don on charges of embezzling more than 10 billion rubles from this bank. are the former Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation and the owner of Narodny Kredit Stanislav Svetlitsky, who is a friend of Sergei Maslov, the deputy chairman of this credit institution, Irina Pereverzeva, the head of the bank's security service, Nikolai Molotilkin, and the accountant Maya Nyushkova. According to the Deposit Insurance Agency, as of July 1, the amount of the bank's debt to creditors amounted to more than 20 billion rubles.

Meanwhile, according to the investigation, the management of JSC "Corporation for Development" could place funds for their subsequent theft in other problem banks. In any case, according to a Kommersant source in law enforcement agencies, the amount of damage incriminated to the defendants in the case can grow at least a dozen times.

The corporation itself refrained from commenting, citing the lack of leadership.

JSC Development Corporation

It was established on August 30, 2006 as JSC "Corporation Ural Industrial - Ural Polar", since 2012 it has its current name. The priority area of ​​activity is the implementation of investment projects that ensure an increase in the competitiveness of the regional economy, its diversification, and stimulate investment activity. Development of transport, energy, social infrastructures, integrated development of the resource potential of the Ural Federal District.

The main projects of the corporation are the Northern Latitudinal Railway (707 km), the bridge across the Nadym River with automobile and railway parts, the Polyarnaya TPP in the YaNAO with a capacity of 268 MW, the Polar Quartz project (creation of the production of high-purity quartz concentrates), the plant building materials price Nyagan and others. The Corporation has 17 subsidiaries, including OJSC Yamal Railway Company, LLC Seversetrazvitie, CJSC Production Center KVANT-2, LLC Efficient Heat Power Engineering.

The main shareholders are the property department of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (35.31%), the property department of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (34.9%), the property department of the Tyumen Region (28.7%). Authorized capital - 29.48 billion rubles. The corporation's revenue in 2015 amounted to 253.2 million rubles, net profit - 40.96 million rubles.

What is Sergei Maslov famous for?

Maslov Sergey Vladimirovich was born on August 15, 1960 in Grozny (Chechen-Ingush ASSR). In 1982 he graduated from the Surgut Oil College, in 1992 from the Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry with a degree in drilling oil and gas wells, and in 2004 from the Moscow State Law Academy.

He worked as a quality control foreman of the Surgutneftegaz trust, a section foreman of the Kogalymneftegazstroy trust, a foreman of a specialized section of the Surgutneftedorstroyremont trust. Since its founding in the early 1990s, NK LUKOIL has held senior positions in the company's subsidiaries: since 1992 - General Director of LUKOIL Trading, from 1996 to 2000 - First Vice President of LUKOIL International, until 2001 - President of the company . Since February 2001 - President of the Transnefteprodukt pipeline company. In April 2008, he became president of the St. Petersburg International Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange CJSC. In September of the same year, he resigned as president of Transnefteprodukt, remaining the head of the stock exchange. Since May 2013 - General Director of Development Corporation JSC.

Awarded the Order of Friendship. He has the title of "Honorary Oilman". Married, father of six children.

"FederalPress" became aware of the details of the development of the case of the leaders of JSC "Development Corporation" and their detention. Sergei Maslov refuses to cooperate with the investigation and is waiting to be released. Law enforcement officers are studying the possibility of initiating a second criminal case, but at the same time they fear that the managers may repeat the fate of Serdyukov and be released.

Behind the high-profile detention and discussion about luxury homes, millions in closets and expensive cars, a fundamental fact has gone unnoticed: there is no “Corporation Development Case”. The fact that within the framework of this case, representatives of the power bloc are not involved in financial matters Corporations, two sources confirmed to FederalPress. The Friday sensation does not have a Ural residence permit at all: the law enforcement officers of the Southern Federal District are conducting the case.

“In the course of studying the materials on the bank [revocation of the license of Narodny Kredit] regarding the withdrawal of funds abroad, the development of citizens M and K [and Vladimir Karamanov]. Representatives of law enforcement agencies conducted this case from the very beginning to its logical end in the form of detention in the Moscow region, ”says an informed source.

Indirectly, the information is confirmed by the wording specified in the decision of the Leninsky Court of Rostov-on-Don. Top managers of the Development Corporation were arrested in a criminal case under Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (misappropriation or embezzlement) for embezzlement of 1 billion rubles through the People's Credit Bank. The investigation believes that the money, with the assistance of the bank's leaders, was withdrawn to Cypriot offshores, and then partially legalized, and partially invested in the projects of the leaders.

Considering that the FSB officers of Rostov-on-Don, with the support of the National Guard fighters, carried out operational work, after the arrest, Maslov and Karamanov were taken to Rostov-on-Don. The status of the leaders of the Development Corporation is such that they most likely were not sent to pre-trial detention center No. 1 of the GUFSIN in the Rostov region, the source of the agency reflects.

Moreover, one of the four pre-trial detention centers of the FSB (known as pre-trial detention center No. 4) is located in the city. It is located right in the premises of the regional FSB and occupies part of the first floor. It is designed for about 25 beds and is much more comfortable than a classic pre-trial detention center: the cells have TVs, comfortable furniture, carpets, good heating and ventilation, “they remotely resemble an apartment,” the source knows. The detainees receive good food and, if necessary, medical care. At the same time, the strict internal regime is known. The ex-mayor of Makhachkala was kept here Said Amirov, who was accused of organizing contract killings (at the moment he is serving a sentence in the Black Dolphin colony for life imprisonment, clarifies "").

Karamanov and Maslov are most likely being held in SIZO No. 4 in Rostov-on-Don

Investigators have already begun work with Sergei Maslov and Vladimir Karamanov. Our sources in law enforcement agencies of the Rostov region note that the top manager of the Development Corporation does not recognize the charges. “He [Maslov] showed very impudent behavior during his arrest. During special procedures [fingerprinting, clearance required documents, - "FederalPress"] expressed with full confidence that he would soon leave here. That he will certainly be pulled out, ”the source of the agency emphasizes. He clarifies that Sergei Maslov refuses to cooperate with the investigation and "goes into denial on the charges that they are trying to bring against him."

“The security forces did not expect such an effect: when the media published publications the day after the arrest, it became clear that Narodny Kredit was the tip of the iceberg,” says the agency’s interlocutor from law enforcement agencies on condition of anonymity. - Given the resonance, the region fears that the trial may go the same way as the case [acquitted after suspicions of embezzlement in Oboronservis ex-Minister of Defense Anatoly] Serdyukov, and the accused will repeat his fate - that is, they will be free.

The Rostov investigators really have no grounds for the Development Corporation case, given that violations (if any) could be committed on the territory of the Urals Federal District. Accordingly, for the appearance of the case, attention to the case of representatives of the investigative committee of the Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and YaNAO or statements from representatives of the regions as victims is necessary.

Representatives of the Development Corporation have already declared their readiness to cooperate with the investigation. As FederalPress previously reported, on Friday a meeting of the Supervisory Board of JSC Development Corporation was held in Yekaterinburg, at which, in the presence of the plenipotentiary Igor Kholmansky(the supervisory board also includes his deputy Boris Kirillov) discussed candidates for the post and. about. head of the corporation.

The plenipotentiary did not give the name of the potential head: “I was forced to leave for Nizhny Tagil and therefore I don’t know yet decisions taken". According to FederalPress, the meeting of the Supervisory Board, at which the appointment will take place, will take place on Wednesday, October 26.

On Friday, the plenipotentiary attended a meeting of the Supervisory Board, where candidates for the position and. about. Head of the Corporation

Recall, on Wednesday, October 19, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Security Service, with the support of the National Guard, seized documents at the office of the Development Corporation JSC in Bolshoy Savvinsky Lane and searched 30 addresses in Moscow and the Moscow Region, including in apartments and country houses suspects. They will be accused of embezzlement of 1 billion rubles through the bank "People's Credit" (Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, embezzlement or embezzlement).

Experts admit that there is a conflict of influential forces behind the searches: Sergey Maslov is considered a member of the team Gennady Timchenko, their contacts have been traced since 2011, and within the framework of the Development Corporation, Novatek, co-owned by Gennady Timchenko, became a partner in the Northern Latitudinal Railway project. At the same time, interest in the impressive budgets operated by the Development Corporation may be shown by structures controlled by Sergei Chemezov experts say.

“The detention of Maslov is both a fight against corruption and a conflict of interests of corporations,” he said. Nikita Isaev, director of the Institute of Contemporary Economics. - We see a blow from the authorities on quasi-structures exercising control over budgetary funds that are not managed by the state. But in this case, for example, there was also a conflict of interest between the Development Corporation and Russian Railways, where this Corporation tried to get into. Indeed, the names of Chemezov and Timchenko flicker, whose interests obviously clashed, and in the middle was Mr. Maslov with his deputy, there is also the figure of the head of Transneft Tokarev, with whom Maslov is also associated.

Head of Minchenko Consulting Holding Evgeny Minchenko reflects on the political consequences of the case: “The fact that everything is not going smoothly there was known for a long time,” Minchenko noted, “Now the question is in the political consequences. I don’t know how deep the security forces are digging into time, because questions may arise for those high-ranking officials who stood at the origins of this corporation.”

Influence groups and clans take advantage of the events around the corporation, but it is obvious to everyone that we are talking about a systemic strengthening of the state's fight against corruption, notes the Director General of the Center for Political Information Alexey Mukhin. “Perhaps this or that arrest or detention will weaken the position of one and strengthen the position of the other. The Investigative Committee and the FSB are acting according to their plan. Maybe somewhere they are coordinating their [actions] with groups of influence, but, to be honest, I doubt it very much. Such incidents, of course, are used by groups of influence to strengthen their positions and weaken the positions of opponents, but nothing more.

Alexey Vakhrushev

The material was prepared jointly by UralPolit.Ru and FederalPress

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