OAO NK Rosneft is the leader of the Russian oil industry. Rosneft Russian oil and gas company Powerpoint presentations Rosneft oil company


1 Rosneft Oil Company Presentation for investors June

2 Important Notice The information contained in this presentation has been prepared by the Company. The conclusions presented here are based on general information collected at the time of writing and are subject to change without notice. The Company relies on information obtained from sources it believes to be reliable; however, it does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. These materials contain forward-looking statements and explanatory notes that are forecasts of such events. Any statements in these materials that are not statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements that involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause our actual results, results and achievements to differ materially from any future results, results or results. achievements reflected in or implied by such forward-looking statements. We do not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect actual results, changes in assumptions, or changes in factors affecting such statements. This presentation does not constitute an offer to sell or encourage any offer to subscribe to or purchase any securities. It is understood that nothing in this report/presentation constitutes the basis of any contract or obligation of any kind. The information contained in this presentation should not, for any purpose, be relied upon to be complete, accurate, or unbiased. The information in this presentation is subject to verification, finalization and modification. The content of this presentation has not been verified by the Company. Accordingly, we have not and do not make, on behalf of the Company, its shareholders, directors, officers or employees, or any other person, any representation or warranty, either express or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness or objectivity of the information or opinions. None of the directors of the Company, its shareholders, officers or employees, or any other persons, accepts any responsibility for any loss of any kind that may be incurred as a result of any use of this presentation or its contents, or otherwise in links to this presentation. 2

3 Leader in terms of reserves, production and efficiency Hydrocarbon reserves 1 Hydrocarbon production HC production costs 2 bn boe million barrels OE/day USD/bbl AD,2 2.1 83 4.3 3.5 59 4.3 9.2 52 3.7 10.2 50 3.5 10.3 38 2.6 13.0 37 2.6 13.0 31 2.4 13.4 25 Liquid hydrocarbons Gas 1.7 14 -commercial) stocks. (2) Chevron, Shell, PetroChina, ExxonMobil, BP, Eni data for 20153

4 Activities in the field of ensuring environmental safety The Company's goal in the field of environmental protection is to achieve leadership in the field of environmental safety among oil and gas companies Key results of 2015: Environment The Program for improving environmental efficiency until 2025 was developed, the implementation of which will contribute to the achievement of the Company's strategic goal in the field of environmental protection The Program for the conservation of the biological diversity of marine ecosystems in the licensed areas of Rosneft Oil Company located in the Arctic zone is approved and is being implemented Russian Federation, until 2020. The international certifying organization BSI confirmed the compliance of the HSE MIS with the international standard ISO 14001, noted the strengths of the environmental management system. RUB 71.7 billion environmental protection costs, incl. RUB 44.7 billion investments in fixed assets that reduce the negative impact on the environment (+65% compared to 2012) 4

5 Priorities in the field of labor protection and industrial safety The Company's policy in the field of industrial safety and labor protection was put into effect. The international certifying organization BSI confirmed the compliance of the HSE MIS with the international standard OHSAS The long-term goal of the Company in the field of labor protection is to reduce occupational injuries 0.282 0.327. As part of achieving the set goal, the Company develops and implements targeted programs on occupational safety Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec A program to improve safety culture and conscious leadership in Occupational Health and Safety, billion rubles has been developed and is being implemented. the field of industrial safety and labor protection. 44 Fact 2014 Measures are being taken to ensure fountain safety; 31 Fact 2015 programs are being implemented aimed at reducing risks in the field of fire safety. A set of measures in the field of transport security is being implemented on a regular basis Work is underway to introduce new approaches in the field of assessing and managing risks in the field of industrial safety and labor protection 0, % Total for OHS Frequency of lost time incidents LTIF for 2014 LTIF for Occupational safety Industrial safety Fire safety 1 0.329 1 Fountain, radiation safety Expenditure on activities in the field of occupational health and safety 44 billion rubles. (+42% compared to 2014) 5

6 Stable replacement of production with reserves Cost of organic reserve addition 1 in Organic reserve replacement rate yr. in years USD/bbl AD 132% % 100% % % >240% 10-year average hydrocarbon reserve replacement ratio 132% SEC organic reserve replacement over the past two years World leader in exploration efficiency: cost per barrel of new reserves is more than 10 times below average by key competitors 19% 54% 69% 62% Total reserves: 131 billion barrels AD ABC1+C2 ABC1-46 year reserves -35% 100% Source: company data Note: (1) Exploration costs divided by SEC organic growth, including dependents. PetroChina data excluding dependents. Due to the negative addition of Petrobras reserves, the cost of organic addition of reserves per bbl. AD not shown. (2) Taking into account dependents. PetroChina data excluding dependents. 6

7 Highly efficient development of the resource base Exploration and development costs 1 in Growth in hydrocarbon production USD/bbl AD mmboe/d gas liquid hydrocarbons 5.2 ~6, Doubling of hydrocarbon production on average every three years in World leader in exploration and development costs: $4.1/bbl AD in the years Overall production growth was driven primarily by the gas segment The Company maintains production growth plans, with plans to produce 300 mmtoe of hydrocarbons in 2020. Maintaining leadership in development efficiency is one of the main strategic objectives Source: company data Geological exploration + development costs"/"Movement of proved reserves according to SEC as a result of revaluation of reserves, discovery of new reserves and reserves resulting from the application of enhanced oil recovery methods". Taking into account dependents. PetroChina data excluding dependents. Due to the negative growth of Petrobras reserves, exploration and development costs per boe. not shown. 7

8 High-tech service business Commercial speed 1 Dynamics of changes in the cost of services 1 m/st.-month. Weighted average commercial speed % Producer price index Internal service companies RN-Drilling + 22% by 2013 Third-party contractors Third-party contractor The program of technical renovation of the fleet of its own drilling rigs continues: Rosneft's drilling service is the most modern among Russian drilling companies (61% of the fleet is represented by drilling rigs under 10 years, including drilling rigs in direct ownership, in financial and operational leasing) State of own fleet of drilling rigs 223 drilling rigs 213 drilling rigs 220 drilling rigs ~850 drilling rigs 2 66% Availability of own drilling service restrains the growth of rates of external contractors Full coverage of the Company's need for drilling capacity on new projects 34% In 2015, successfully acquired and integrated hydraulic fracturing assets of Trican Well Service LLC New rigs (<10 лет) Старые БУ (>10 years) Note: (1) Data for directional wells for LLC RN-Yuganskneftegaz for 2015, (2) RBC Research, Russian Oilfield Services Market 2014 RF 8

9 Growth of drilling volumes and application of advanced technologies Growth dynamics of horizontal wells 1 Commissioning of new wells 47% Horizontal wells Deviated wells 31% 38% 29% 30% 20% 21% 22% 20% % Gazprom Neft Lukoil Rosneft Well flow rate 2015 d. 2 Growth in the share of horizontal wells to 30% across the entire portfolio Significantly higher than the industry average in terms of average well flow rates t/day Rosneft Avg. indicator for Russia 49.0 Optimization of technological programs for well construction increase in the speed of construction of horizontal wells by 6% compared to 2014 34.0 Efficient use of geological and technical measures growth of horizontal wells with hydraulic fracturing, completed by construction, by ~ 45%; growth of sidetracking by more than 44% with additional production over 2.6 mmt 14.3 9.4 Yuganskneftegaz: the share of horizontal wells with MSHF increased to 13% in 2015 (8% in 2014) Average flow rate per well (oil well stock), t/day Wed production rate of new production wells, t/day

10 Efficiency leader in the upstream segment $/bbl AD Production and capital expenditures R&D 71 opex 2015 capex 2015 opex + capex 4-5 times global competitors Increasing competitive advantage in a highly volatile oil market 10

11 Labaganskoye Naulskoye Suzun Plan for the development of new fields Commissioning of new fields High efficiency of new projects 3 Taas-Yuryakh (2 points) Russkoye Lodochnoye Uvat+VCHNG+Vankor Index for the R&D segment of UTM Company 159.0 Production shelf, million tons V.Messoyakha 1 Rospan 2 Kuyumba 1 Tagulskoye Year of commissioning 105.2 48.8 Avg. . flow rate of new wells, t/d 85.8 OPEX per boe, RUB/boe bln RUB Commissioning of new fields 4 Investments, RUB bln Production, mt mt The Company is optimizing the budget with a focus on new projects in production Commissioning of the Labaganskoye field in July 2015; in 2016 it is planned to produce about ~1 Mtoe. The main goals for launches in the near future Suzun, Naul and Vostochnaya Messoyakha Preliminary contracts for the delivery of oil to pipeline system OJSC AK Transneft (Zapolyarye-Purpe, Kuyumba-Taishet) Note: (1) 100% are indicated. Rosneft's share is 50%, (2) Including oil, condensate and LPG, (3) Based on 2015 data, (4) All projects are listed as 100% 11

12 Optimization of the portfolio of producing assets Attracting partners to the existing projects of Vankorneft JSC - a deal was closed to sell 15% of the shares of the Indian ONGC; Russkoe Sale of up to 49% stake in Vancore Partner: ONGC (15%, up to 26%), a group of Indian investors (up to 23.9%) - a memorandum of understanding on cooperation was signed, suggesting an increase in ONGC's stake to 26%; - an agreement was signed on the main conditions for the acquisition by a group of Indian companies of up to 23.9%. Aurora Borealis Sale of 50% stake in OOO Taas-Yuryakh Neftegazodobycha - deal to sell 20% to BP closed; - signed an agreement for the sale of a 29.9% stake with a consortium of strategic investors from India Attracting partners to development projects to share risks, finance and exchange technologies on the most efficient approach to field development Sale of up to 49% in Yurubcheno-Tokhomskoye, Russkoye and Tagulskoye deposits; Tagulskoe Sale of up to 49% stake Moscow Optimization of "low-margin assets" Regular ranking, prioritization of projects; work with “low-margin assets” UTM Sale of up to 49% stake in Taas-Yuryakh Partners: BP (20%), a consortium of Indian investors (29.9%) A deal was closed to sell a 50% stake in Polar Lights 12

13 production shelf, billion cubic meters m Beregovoye Rospan KChLU Kharampurskoye (Senoman) Russko-Rechenskoye Kharampurskoye (Turon) Minkhovskoye Sakhalin-1 (100%) Severo-Veninskoye Gas business: efficient increase in production Gas production 1 Commissioning of new fields bcm. m % Key Achievements Gas production grew organically by 10% in 2015. ABC1+C2 gas reserves under the Russian classification increased by 4% to 7.5 trillion cubic meters. m at the end of 2015. Key strategic objectives increase in production to 100 billion cubic meters. m by 2020 to achieve a share in the domestic gas market of more than 20%. Taking a leading position in the Russian market among independent gas producers becoming a global player in the LNG market All production volumes of newly acquired assets are shown from the acquisition date. thirteen

14 The Company strives to take a leading position among independent gas suppliers in the domestic market The Company's share in the domestic gas market Plans for gas supplies in the UGSS zone by 2020 3% 10% 15% 16% Achievements in the field of gas marketing terms and consumers about 2/3 of the portfolio are electric power companies, which are the largest consumers of natural gas in the Russian Federation the current share in the domestic market is about 16% Long-term goals in the field of gas sales less than 5 billion cubic meters more than 5 billion cubic meters region Rep. Bashkortostan Main gas transmission routes Gas production centers Perm Territory Orenburg Region Sverdlovsk Region Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug bcm Novosibirsk Region Altai region Kemerovo region improving the efficiency of gas marketing by concluding long-term contracts with end consumers in the Russian Federation expanding the geography of supplies in the UGSS zone and the Far East occupying a leading position among independent gas suppliers with a share in the domestic market of more than 20% Portfolio structure by types of consumers 66% 19% 15 % Power industry Industrial consumers Communal and regional distribution companies Note: (1) Preliminary data based on the forecast of total domestic gas consumption in 2015. 14

15 Rosneft continues to implement its refinery modernization program in the Russian Federation Refining and production of motor fuels 1 Key achievements in 2015 % 81% 100% 100% 80% Increase in the yield of light petroleum products from 54.8% to 55.3%, as well as an increase in the refining depth from 65 .3% to 66.5% % 59% 54% 55% 55% 55% % Upon completion of modernization Oil refining in the Russian Federation, mmt Share of production Euro 4/5 gasoline and diesel fuel, % Light output, % Refinery modernization program implementation status 92 60% 40% 20% 0% Full transition to production for the Russian market of Euro-5 gasoline and diesel fuel in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations Commissioning of isomerization units at the Kuibyshev Refinery, Novokuibyshevsk Refinery and Ryazan Oil Refinery and commissioning of an MTBE unit at the Angarsk Petrochemical Complex Completion of reconstruction of catalytic reforming units at the Syzran and Kuibyshev refineries Plans for 2016 Kuibyshev refinery Tuapse refinery Syzran refinery Novokuibyshevsk refinery Komsomolsk refinery Angarskaya petrochemical complex Achinsk refinery 50% 48% 58% 55% 55% 62% 59% Commissioning of FCC catalytic cracking units and MTBE production at the Kuibyshev Refinery Continue construction of modernization program facilities Implementation of the import substitution program - completion of the catalyst regeneration project at the Novokuibyshev Catalyst Plant Ryazan Refinery 46% Implementation of efficiency improvement measures and maintenance program Note: (1) excluding the VNKhK project, the share of motor gasoline and diesel fuel excluding mini-refineries of operating assets 15

16 Effect of the modernization program implementation Growth of the average refining margin Effect of the tax maneuver -1.4 USD/bbl. Effect of the modernization program +7.5 USD/bbl Rosneft (2014) Rosneft without modernization Rosneft after modernization As a result of the completion of the modernization program, the refining depth at the Company's Russian refineries will be about 79%, the yield of light oil products will reach about 69%, and the production of motor fuels will corresponding TR CU, will increase to 55 million tons. The cost of capital investments for the Reconstruction and Modernization Program of the Company's refineries is estimated at 1.1 trillion rubles (including VAT), of which more than 700 billion rubles have already been financed. Deteriorating macroeconomic conditions and a reduction in refining margins due to the negative impact of the “big tax maneuver” led to a reduction in funding opportunities for a capital-intensive refinery modernization program, however, the Company managed to retain almost all refinery development projects in the portfolio and continue their implementation within the available funds. Note: (1) Rosneft's refining margin data is based on the following macroeconomic parameters: Brent oil price $55/bbl, RUB62.5/$62.5. sixteen

17 Refinery Modernization Map Refinery Primary Processing Vacuum block isomerization cat. cracking hydrorefining reforming alkylation coking 1 hydrocracking processing depth gasoline Euro-5 yield of light fuel Euro-5 gasoline Euro-5 gasoline Euro-5 refining depth light gasoline yield Euro 5 Construction completed Completion in 2016 Completion in 2017 and beyond Reconstruction Note: (1) Delayed coking or flexo coking plant capacity 17

18 Efficient oil sales Destination China 9% 1% Novorossiysk / Primorsk / Ust-Luga Counterparty CNPC, Transneft Glencore, Vitol, Trafigura Average annual volume (mmt)² up to 40³ Term 13 5 years Germany Totsa, RTSA years Poland Orlen, Grupa LOTOS S.A years Czech Republic Orlen 2 3 years Domestic market Oil sales destinations 2008 70% 20% Asia Europe and other CIS Domestic market 52% 8% 5% 2015 Long-term oil supply contracts 1 35% Afipsky Refinery 2 3 years Full-time work on optimizing logistics and maximizing netbacks Growth in deliveries to Asian markets by 120% over the past four years; Achieving record deliveries of 39.7 mmtpa in 2015 Plans to further expand deliveries to Asia to 49.5 mmt by 2020 (42% of total exports) Portfolio of long-term oil supply contracts ensures sales stability through high-margin channels on market pricing conditions, which guarantees highly profitable monetization of the resource billion USD Prepayments under long-term contracts 14.8 29.7 41.7 Received 2013 Received 2014 Redeemed 2015 Note: (1) List of valid contracts as of March 2016. indicating their full validity period (2) the volumes of each specific year may differ (3) the volume is indicated taking into account the possible expansion of supplies from 7 to 10 million tons per year 18

19 Flexible investment policy RUB bln billion rubles Capital expenditures and production R&D mature PKiL field maintenance Other R&D new PKiL field development 595 mmbbl OE/day q R&D P&L Other HC production 533 Capital expenditures USD/bbl AD CAPEX R&D 2015: comparative analysis Flexible investment program: prompt response to changes in the macro environment Stability of strategic goals: increase in production while focusing on the most efficient projects, fulfillment of licensed and international rights. obligations, including ensuring the supply of oil and oil products, Range Note: (1) Including international and offshore projects, maintaining market share CAPEX: new projects 1 R&D ~620 billion rubles, development projects P&L ~160 billion rubles. Maintaining leadership in terms of specific efficiency of capital investments 19

20 Dividend yield High free cash flow generation RUB bln Free cash flow FCF 2015: comparative analysis (majors) Growth of free cash flow (FCF) in 2015 to 657 billion rubles. (+10% vs. 2014) Despite deteriorating global market conditions, Rosneft continues to generate FCF at $6-7/boe, the best among public oil and gas companies Rosneft maintains its leading position in generating FCF among Russian oil and gas companies With FCF yields above 15 % Rosneft has significant dividend growth potential FCF and dividend yield (2016 Bloomberg consensus) USD/bbl OE % 8% 6% 4% 2% PBR SIBN RDSA STL CVX COP SGGD PTR Debt financed BP FP LKOD ENI OGZD XOM BANE ATAD NVTK 0% -20% -15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% FCF yield Dividends covered by FCF 20

21 Sources and use of cash bn RUB Sources Directions of use Sources Directions of use Sources Directions of use Attraction of external financing Prepayments under long-term oil supply agreements Increase in funds available for debt management Acquisition of assets Dividends Sale of assets Operating cash flow Acquisition of non-current financial assets Interest Capital expenditures and licenses 21

22 Sustainable business profitability Oil exporter margin (mature fields 1) Oil exporter margin (new fields 1) USD/barr. -48% USD/bbl -47% % 22 Oil price Oil production margin Oil price Oil production margin $/bbl % Oil price % MET, export duty and transport % Operating expenses % Gross production margin % r on the example of the route "RN-Yuganskneftegaz" Primorsk, on the new oil fields on the example of the route "Taas-Yuryakh Neftegazodobycha" - Kozmino 22

23 Financial stability,7 1.7 12.7 Dynamics of debt and net debt 14.4 1.2 23.0 22.4 23.6 0.8 56.0 54.3 47.5 45.6 47.5 0 .6 43.3 39.9 0.4 24.5 23.2 23.9 0.2 0.0 1 q q q q q q Cash and cash equivalents, other current financial assets and part of long-term deposits Net debt Net debt /ebitda 1.1 47.5 Total debt Maturity schedule USD bn 1 1.2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 Loan portfolio management: Total debt decreased by 24.6% in 2015 , net debt by 47.0% Total debt increased by 4.2% in Q1 3, net debt by 3.0% 3 Liquidity: Significant liquidity balances maintained 4 in excess of $20bn 1 at end-2015 and Q1 Smoothed debt repayment schedule, no peak loads Debt structure by currency USD 5bn 2 11% Foreign currency RUB 9.2 9.7 11.7 15.6 89% 1.8 Q2-4 Notes : (1) At the US dollar exchange rate set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation at the end of the corresponding reporting period, (2) At exchange rates and interest rates for (without (3) Compared to the end of 2015, (4) Includes free cash on accounts, short-term financial assets and part of long-term deposits, (5) As at 31 March 2016 23

24 Steady dividend payouts/high yields Dividend payouts and oil prices Dividends per share, rub. Brent, USD/bbl 111.3 108.7 12.9 61.7 3.7 9.2* 11.8** 7.5 8.1 8.2 1.3 1.6 1.9 2.3 2, Yield of FCF 1 : comparative analysis 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7, 50 8.00 8.50 9.00 9.50 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 16 .00 16.50 17.00 17.50 18.00 18.50 19.00 19.50 20.00 20.50 21.00 21.50 22.00 22.50 23.00 23.50 24.00 24.50 25.00 25.50 26.00 26.50 27.00 27.50 28.00 28.50 29.00 29.50 30.00 30.50 31.00 31.50 32.00 32, 50 33.00 33.50 34.00 34.50 35.00 35.50 36.00 36.50 37.00 37.50 38.00 38.50 39.00 39.50 40.00 40.50 41 .00 41.50 42.00 42.50 43.00 43.50 44.00 44.50 45.00 45.50 46.00 46.50 47.00 47.50 48.00 48.50 49.00 49.50 50.00 50.50 51.00 51.50 52.00 52.50 53.00 53.50 54.00 54.50 55.00 55.50 56.00 56.50 57.00 57, 50 58.00 58.50 59.00 59.50 60.00 60.50 61.00 61.50 62.00 62.50 63.00 63.50 64.00 64.50 65.00 65.50 66 .00 66.50 67.00 67.50 68.00 68.50 69.00 69.50 70.00 70.50 71.00 71.50 72.00 72.50 73.00 73.50 74.00 74.50 75.00 75.50 76.00 76.50 77.00 77.50 78.00 78.50 79.00 79.50 80.00 80.50 81.00 81.50 82.00 82.50 83.00 83.50 84, 00 84.50 85.00 85.50 86.00 86.50 87.00 87.50 88.00 88.50 89.00 89.50 90.00 90.50 91.00 91.50 92.00 92 .50 93.00 93.50 94.00 94.50 95.00 95.50 96.00 96.50 97.00 97.50 98.00 98.50 99.00 99.50 100.00 100.50 101.00 101.50 102.00 102.50 103.00 103.50 104.00 104.50 105.00 105.50 106.00 106.50 107.00 107.50 108.00 108.50 109, 00 109.50 110.00 110.50 111.00 111.50 112.00 112.50 113.00 113.50 114.00 114.50 115.00 115.50 116.00 116.50 117.00 117 ,50 118.00 118.50 119.00 119.50 120.00 The total volume of dividend payments since the IPO is more than RUB 615 billion** The compound annual dividend growth rate since the IPO (CAGR) >25% Dividend payout ratio at the level at least 25% of IFRS net profit from 2011 RUB 11.75 per share (RUB 124.5 billion, 35% of IFRS net profit) amount of dividend payments recommended by the Board of Directors for 2015, 43% growth vs. 2014 Shareholder structure 2 18% Free float 10.75% 19 .75% BP 11% 11% 10% 7% 5% -7% Government 69.50% **including dividends recommended by the Board of Directors for 2015 Note: (1) Calculated based on free cash flow for the last 12 months. (rolling year), (2) As of June 1, 2016 24

25 Financial priorities Lower than inflation Operating cost control Managing SGA control of managed and production items operating costs Optimization Capital cost control Review Optimization of the current project portfolio of investments, to increase profitability with suppliers Positive Free Cash Flow Generate cash flow sufficient to meet all obligations not less than 25% of IFRS net income Dividend payout Provide a consistently high return to shareholders ~1.3-1.4x Leverage growth containment Optimal debt/equity ratio 25

26 Applications

27 Key financial indicators Indicator % 2013 % EBITDA, RUB bn, 8% ,6% Net profit, RUB bn attributable to shareholders of Rosneft Adjusted operating cash flow 1, billion RUB, 0% 549 (36.6)% .9% .8% Capital expenditures, billion RUB, 6% 560 (4.8)% Adjusted free cash flow 1, billion RUB, 2% 204 >100% EBITDA, USD bn 20.8 29.0 (28.3)% 29.5 (1.7)% Net income, USD bn Attributable to Rosneft shareholders Adjusted operating cash flow 1, USD billion 6.1 9.3 (34.4)% 17.4 (46.6)% 21.9 29.7 (26.3)% 24.0 23.8% Capital expenditures, USD billion 9 .7 13.9 (30.2)% 17.6 (21.0)% Adjusted free cash flow $1, bn Urals oil price, ths. 12.2 15.8 (22.8)% 6.4 >100% 3.14 3.75 (16.3)% 3.43 9.3% Note: (1) Adjusted for prepayments under long-term oil supply contracts and operations with trading securities 27

28 Geography of operations Countries of presence of the Company Producing assets Norway Mongolia Refineries Belarus Ukraine Russia Kyrgyzstan Germany Turkmenistan Canada Gulf of Mexico Georgia Armenia Italy VNHK Tianjin Refinery China India Cuba Venezuela Algeria Egypt Vietnam Brazil Mozambique Indonesia Exploration and production, processing and marketing projects in 23 countries of the world 821 license for the extraction of hydrocarbons in Russia and abroad 1 The largest subsoil user on the shelf of the Russian Federation: resources of 23 billion tons of oil and condensate, 22.8 trillion cubic meters of gas 2 11 refineries in Russia and shares in 7 refineries outside its borders Wide network of filling stations : stations 3

Rosneft is the leader of the Russian oil industry E.Yu. Khudainatov President of Rosneft Oil Company New York, April 18, 2012 Dynamics of the Company's development since the IPO (2006-2011) Replenishment of reserves Significant

Presentation to investors 23 October 2012 23.10.2012 Proposed terms of transaction Acquisition of TNK-BP Rosneft has agreed with BP the main terms of the acquisition of BP's 50% stake in TNK-BP for: $17.1 billion in cash

Item 1: Approval of the Company’s annual report St. Petersburg, June 4, 2019 Tax payments % of federal budget expenditures 1 Investments Rosneft’s contribution to Russia’s social and economic development

ROSNEFT Value Creation Peter O'Brien, Vice President, Head of the Rosneft President's Group of Financial Advisors October 29, 2008

Issue 1: APPROVAL OF THE COMPANY'S ANNUAL REPORT St. Petersburg, June 15, 2016 AGM on the results of 2015 Important note The information contained in this presentation was prepared by the Company. Represented

Oil markets: risks or new opportunities I.I. Sechin, Chief Executive Officer of Rosneft Oil Company PJSC St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, May 25, 2018 1 Key topics The future of the hydrocarbon

IFRS results for 12 months 2017 April 3, 2018 PJSC NK RussNeft 2018 Speakers Olga Evgenievna PROZOROVSKAYA Senior Vice President for Economics and Finance Mikhail V. SUKHOPAROV Vice President

Financial results 9 months (US GAAP) November Forward-Looking Statements Certain statements in this presentation are not historical facts, but are forward-looking statements

LUKOIL: development strategy, focus on value growth December 29 Forward-looking statements 1 Some statements in this presentation are not historical facts, but are statements

IFRS results for 6 months of 2019 August 30, 2019 PJSC NK RussNeft 2019 Speakers KOROTIN Vladimir Yuryevich Director of Corporate Finance Department Mikhail V. SUKHOPAROV Vice President

Financial results 9 months (US GAAP) January 27 Forward-Looking Statements Certain statements in this presentation are not historical facts, but are forward-looking statements


Financial Results, Economic Environment and Key Figures Vice President Leonid Fedun Forward-Looking Statements Certain statements in this presentation are not historical facts,

Investor Presentation Samara 2013 Disclaimer The information contained in this presentation was prepared by Samaraneftegeofizika Open Joint Stock Company (the “Company”).

Approval of Rosneft's annual report for 2014, annual financial statements, distribution of profits, amount, timing, form of payment of dividends I.I. Sechin Chairman of the Board of Rosneft Oil Company

Bashneft Group of Companies 3Q 2015 IFRS Results Disclaimer Certain statements in this presentation may contain assumptions or forecasts about future

Bashneft Group of Companies 3Q 2016 IFRS Results Disclaimer Certain statements in this presentation may contain assumptions or forecasts regarding future

Bashneft Group of Companies 2Q 2016 IFRS results Disclaimer Certain statements in this presentation may contain assumptions or forecasts about future

Data of the consolidated interim condensed financial statements in accordance with IFRS Results of operations of the Transneft Group for the 9 months ended September 30, 2017 Public Joint Stock Company

BALANCED DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY UNLEASHING POTENTIAL 23 Balanced positioning in a volatile macro environment Strategy objectives: Strategic goals are achievable at $50/bbl oil price. Cash flow

Bashneft Group of Companies 4Q and 12M 2011 IFRS results

FINANCE Profit maximization Conservative financial policy Balanced distribution of funds to shareholders Alexander Matytsyn First Vice President of PJSC LUKOIL 92 2017 results Improvement

Oil industry, results of 5 months of 2015 "Tax maneuver" MOSCOW 2015 Dynamics of oil and gas condensate production until 2015 Average Brent price, $/barr. Total in Russia, including mt +3.0%

Development of the Russian oil industry. Prospects for the export of petroleum products. Sergey Agibalov Institute of Energy and Finance June 216 Oil MET duties Company income Oil and taxes mutual attraction Export

Investor Presentation 1H 214 Data September 214 1 Operating Review 2 Crude Oil Production and Yield of TANECO Oil Products Production Dynamics Oil Products Produced

Bashneft Group of Companies 4Q 2015 and 12M 2015 IFRS results Disclaimer Some statements in this presentation may contain assumptions or forecasts

Financial results for the year (US GAAP) January 2005 Economic situation Economic indicators Domestic market 14.64 7.92 Actual oil price (USD/bbl) 19.50 14.67 223.16 166.27 Actual

Financial results for the year (US GAAP) L. A. Fedun, Vice President of OAO LUKOIL Economic situation Actual price of petroleum products (USD/t) Inflation (%) Domestic market Actual price of oil

Financial results for the year (US GAAP) Leonid Fedun, Vice President of OAO “LUKOIL” June Forward-looking statements 1 Certain statements in this presentation are not historical facts, but represent

Bashneft Group of Companies 1Q 211 IFRS results Moscow, June 211

US GAAP financial results for 2002 Sibneft's results for 2002 Alexander Korsik First Vice President Key results of the company's activities in 2002

Q3 financial results 2013 (US GAAP) Moscow, November 2013 Forward looking statements Certain statements in this presentation are not historical facts but are

FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC POLICY OF PJSC GAZPROM PRESS CONFERENCE JUNE 22, 217 Moscow LIMITATION OF LIABILITY This presentation has been prepared by PJSC Gazprom (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) and contains information

Strategy 2025 Tatneft Group Key parameters Approved by the Board of Directors of PJSC TATNEFT named after V.D. Shashin August 3, 2016 (insider disclosure) 2 STRATEGY 2025: FOCUS ON DOUBLE

Financial results 9 months 2012 (US GAAP) Director of investment projects Andrey Gaidamaka November 2012 Forward-Looking Statements Certain statements in this presentation do not constitute

MANAGEMENT'S REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF THE FINANCIAL POSITION AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE This analysis of the financial position and financial performance should be read in the context of

Investor presentation April 2013 1 Operating activities 2 Significant resource base Proved reserves Oil and condensate (billion barrels) 6,141 5,982 6,193 6,192 2009 2010 2011 2012 Source:

MANAGEMENT'S REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF THE FINANCIAL POSITION AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE This analysis of the financial position and financial performance should be read in the context of

RESULTS OVERVIEW FINANCIAL RESULTS KEY INDICATORS (IFRS) KEY INDICATORS (RUB MILLION) Revenue including duties (sales) 1 1,695,764 2,003,575 18.2 Less: export duties and excise on sales

MANAGEMENT'S REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF THE FINANCIAL POSITION AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE This analysis of the financial position and financial performance should be read in the context of

MANAGEMENT'S REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF THE FINANCIAL POSITION AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE This analysis of the financial position and financial performance should be read in the context of

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MANAGEMENT'S REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF THE FINANCIAL POSITION AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE This analysis of the financial position and financial performance should be read in the context of

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A presentation on the topic "rosneft" can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Subject of the project: Social science. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 11 slide(s).

Presentation slides

slide 1

PJSC NK Rosneft

Kraev A.D. Saribekyan V.K.

slide 2

Rosneft is a state-owned vertically integrated oil company. Rosneft is included in the list of strategic enterprises, the state's share in the company's capital is fixed at 75%. Rosneft represents Russia's interests in international projects. According to Expert magazine, in 2017 it ranked third among Russian companies in terms of revenue. Full name - Public Joint Stock Company Rosneft Oil Company. The headquarters is in Moscow. Included in the 2017 Fortune Global 500 list (158th).

slide 3

The structure of the company

Production RN-Yuganskneftegaz LLC RN-Purneftegaz LLC RN-Severnaya Neft OJSC RN-Samaraneftegaz OJSC Tomskneft OJSC Udmurtneft OJSC RN-Sakhalinmorneftegaz LLC RN-Krasnodarneftegaz LLC Grozneftegaz OJSC CJSC Sakhalin Projects (Sakhalin-1) LLC RN-Stavropolneftegaz LLC Polar Lights Company CJSC Vankorneft OJSC NK Rosneft-Dagneft

Refining Angarsk Petrochemical Company OJSC Achinsk Oil Refinery OJSC RN-Komsomolsky Oil Refinery OJSC RN-Novokuybyshevsky Oil Refinery OJSC Kuibyshev Oil Refinery OJSC Syzransky Oil Refinery OJSC RN-Tuapse Oil Refinery OJSC Rosneft Oil Company OJSC - Moscow plant

Sales of LLC RN-Nakhodkanefteprodukt LLC RN-Vostoknefteprodukt LLC RN-Arkhangelsknefteprodukt LLC RN-Tuapsenefteprodukt OJSC NK Rosneft-Altainenefteprodukt OJSC NK Rosneft-Kubannefteprodukt OJSC NK Rosneft-Kurgannefteprodukt OJSC NK Rosneft-Smolensknefteprodukt JSC NK Rosneft-Kabardino-Balkar Fuel Company JSC NK Rosneft-Karachayevo-Cherkessknefteprodukt JSC NK Rosneft-Stavropolye JSC NK Rosneft-Yamalnefteprodukt LLC RN-Trade OJSC "Germes-Moscow" OJSC "Belgorodnefteprodukt" CJSC "Irkutsknefteprodukt" CJSC "Orelnefteprodukt" CJSC "Penzanefteprodukt" OJSC "Stavropolnefteprodukt" OJSC "Tomsknefteprodukt" VNK CJSC "NBA-Service"

slide 4

Governing body

The supreme management body of Rosneft Oil Company is the General Meeting of Shareholders. The Board of Directors carries out strategic management of the Company's activities on behalf of and in the interests of all shareholders. Rosneft's day-to-day activities are managed by the sole executive body (Chief Executive Director) and the collegial executive body (Management Board). The executive bodies are accountable to the Board of Directors and the general meeting of shareholders. The position in the system of Rosneft’s governing bodies and the activities of the executive bodies are regulated by the following internal documents of the Company: Charter of Rosneft (new edition (changes No. 1, 2, 3)) Regulations on the collegial executive body (Management Board) new edition (as amended No. 1)) Regulations on the Sole Executive Body (Chief Executive Director) (new edition (as amended No. 1)) Corporate Governance Code

slide 5

Igor Sechin Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Management Board, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rosneft

Yury Kalinin Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Vice President for Human Resources and Social Affairs of Rosneft Oil Company PJSC

Eric Maurice Liron First Vice President of PJSC NK Rosneft

Gennady Bukaev Vice President - Head of the Internal Audit Service of Rosneft Oil Company PJSC

Didier Casimiro Vice President for Refining, Petrochemistry, Commerce and Logistics, Rosneft

Petr Lazarev Financial Director of PJSC NK Rosneft

Elena Zavaleeva State Secretary - Vice President of Rosneft Oil Company PJSC

Zeljko Runje Vice President for Offshore Projects, PJSC NK Rosneft

Yury Kurilin Vice President – ​​Chief of Staff of the Company

Andrey Shishkin Vice President for Energy, Localization and Innovation, PJSC NK Rosneft

slide 6

history of the company

Rosneft was established in 1993 as a company with 100% state participation. In the 90s, the state repeatedly planned to privatize the company, but these plans were not implemented due to the low interest of investors. Low interest from investors was due to the poor financial condition of the company. By 1998, at the request of creditors, most of Rosneft's property was seized, the company almost lost its main mining and processing enterprises. Rosneft's financial position began to improve after Sergei Bogdanchikov was appointed president of the company in 1998. A significant role in the growth of the company's financial performance was played by the rise in oil prices on the world market. Within a few years, Rosneft managed to regain control over subsidiaries and acquire new assets. A new stage in the development of Rosneft began in connection with the bankruptcy of Yukos. At the end of 2004, Rosneft bought Yuganskneftegaz, and in 2007 acquired most of the remaining assets of Yukos. This allowed Rosneft to take the first place in Russia in terms of oil production and refining, and to become a leading player in the oil products sales market. The share of former Yukos enterprises accounts for about 3/4 of Rosneft's assets.

Slide 7

Rosneft today

Rosneft is the leader of the Russian oil industry and the largest public oil and gas corporation in the world. The main activities of PJSC NK Rosneft are the search and exploration of hydrocarbon deposits, the production of oil, gas, gas condensate, the implementation of projects for the development of offshore fields, the processing of extracted raw materials, the sale of oil, gas and products of their processing in Russia and abroad . The company is included in the list of strategic enterprises in Russia. Its main shareholder (50.00000001% of shares) is JSC ROSNEFTEGAZ, 100% owned by the state, 19.75% of shares are owned by BP, 18.93% of shares are owned by QH Oil Investments LLK / QH Oil Investments LLC, one share owned by the state, the remaining shares are in free circulation. The main goals and objectives of Rosneft are to replenish reserves at a level of at least 100%, efficient production at mature fields and its growth through the implementation of new projects, the creation of new offshore production clusters, the development of technologies and the introduction of world-class project management practices , monetization of gas reserves and competitive growth in production, the optimal configuration of the refinery and the most profitable sale of the Company's products. The successful performance of Rosneft in 2016 confirms the effectiveness of the applied strategy, the importance of the identified priorities and allows us to predict the further sustainable development of the Company for the benefit of shareholders.

Slide 8


The company operates in Russia, Venezuela, the Republic of Cuba, Canada, USA, Brazil, Norway, Germany, Italy, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, China, Vietnam, Myanmar, Turkmenistan, Georgia, Armenia, Belarus, Egypt, Mozambique, Iraq and Indonesia. The geography of activities of PJSC OC Rosneft in the Exploration and Production block covers all the main oil and gas provinces of Russia, including Western Siberia, Eastern Siberia, the Volga and Ural regions, the Far East, Timan-Pechora, the Krasnodar Territory, as well as the shelves of the seas of the Russian Federation , including the Arctic, as well as promising regions abroad, in particular, in Latin America and Southeast Asia.

Slide 9

resource base

Rosneft is the largest oil and gas company in the Russian Federation and the world's largest in terms of reserves and production of liquid hydrocarbons among public oil and gas companies. PJSC Rosneft Oil Company is the leader among peers of public international oil and gas companies in terms of organic increase in reserves, reserve replacement ratio, including organic reserve replacement ratio excluding acquisition, and reserve coverage. The replacement ratio for proved hydrocarbon reserves according to the SEC classification was 148%. The organic reserve replacement ratio was 140%. At the end of 2016, Rosneft's proven hydrocarbon reserves under the SEC classification amounted to 19.9 years.

Slide 10

Oil and gas

Rosneft is the world's largest producer of liquid hydrocarbons among public oil and gas companies. In 2017, oil and gas condensate production amounted to 210.0 million tons. The Company's share in oil production in the Russian Federation is about 40%, and in world production 6%. As part of the global trend of growing production and use of gas as the most environmentally friendly fossil fuel, Rosneft continues to increase the share of gas in both its asset portfolio and hydrocarbon production (21%), consistently approaching the figures of the largest international companies (30–50%). In the fourth quarter of 2017, the Company increased production, which allowed it to take the leading position in terms of average daily gas production among Russian independent gas producers. Gas production in 2017 increased by 7.3%, reaching a record 67.1 billion cubic meters. m.

slide 11

Strategic priorities of Rosneft

In the field of exploration and production onshore - maintaining production and maximizing the potential of existing fields, rational implementation of new projects to ensure a sustainable production profile and maximum hydrocarbon recovery, as well as economically viable development of unconventional and complex reservoirs. Formation of a technologically advanced oilfield services business of a new type, which allows to meet the strategic needs of the Company and the best economic efficiency in the industry on the basis of its own drilling and service company RN-Bureniye with the possible involvement of partners, as well as the creation of a pool of innovative technologies and competencies in all key areas of future development. Gas business development - the third largest gas producer in the Russian Federation. The company develops significant gas reserves in Western and Eastern Siberia and has a unique portfolio of licenses for the development of hydrocarbon resources on the Russian continental shelf. The strategic goal of Rosneft is to ensure the efficient development and sale of gas resources and significantly increase the contribution of the gas business to increasing the Company's shareholder value. The level of gas production should reach 100 billion cubic meters by 2020 based on the planned development of the existing portfolio of gas projects.

Tips on how to make a good presentation or project report

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, the game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional Interesting Facts, you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. No need to overload your project slides with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. Only the key information should be on the slide, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because. The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.

There are several definitions of organizational (corporate) culture: 1. the values ​​and norms learned and applied by the members of the organization, which at the same time decisively determine their behavior; 2. the atmosphere or social climate in the organization; 3. The system of values ​​and behaviors that dominates in the organization. 2

Corporate culture performs two main functions: 1. internal integration: carries out internal integration of the members of the organization in such a way that they know how they should interact with each other; 2. external adaptation: helps the organization to adapt to the external environment. 3

The main elements of organizational culture: 1. behavioral stereotypes: common language used by members of the organization; the customs and traditions they follow; rituals performed by them in certain situations. 2. group norms: standards and patterns inherent in groups that regulate the behavior of their members. 3. proclaimed values: articulated, publicly announced principles and values ​​that an organization or group strives to implement (“product quality”, “market leadership”, etc.). 4

4. philosophy of the organization: the most general political and ideological principles that determine its actions in relation to employees, customers or intermediaries. 5. rules of the game: rules of conduct when working in an organization; traditions and restrictions that a newcomer should learn in order to become a full-fledged member of the organization; "routine order". 6. organizational climate: the feeling defined by the physical composition of the group and the characteristic manner in which members of the organization interact with each other, customers or other third parties. 7. existing practical experience: methods and techniques used by group members to achieve certain goals; the ability to perform certain actions, passed down from generation to generation and does not require mandatory written fixation. 5

Types of corporate cultures Clan organizational culture: A very friendly place to work where people have a lot in common. The organization emphasizes the long-term benefits of personal development, attaches importance to a high degree of team cohesion and moral climate. An adhocracy organizational culture is a dynamic, entrepreneurial and creative workplace. The organization encourages individual initiative, creativity and freedom. Hierarchical organizational culture: A highly formalized and structured place to work. market culture. This type of organizational culture dominates results-oriented organizations. The style of the organization is a rigidly drawn line on competitiveness. 6

Brief Description of OJSC Rosneft Rosneft is an open joint stock company. OJSC Rosneft is legal entity and operates on the basis of the Charter and the legislation of the Russian Federation. Rosneft is a vertically integrated company actively developing oil exploration and production, production and sale of petroleum products (gasoline, diesel fuel, oils, antifreeze, kerosene, etc.). The Company is building its future on active and sustainable growth in the main sectors of the oil and gas business, strengthening its leading position in the industry through effective

Rosneft strives to remain a socially oriented company, comply with environmental standards, and respect the historical heritage of its country. Rosneft's mission is to be a sustainable leader in the sectors of oil exploration and production, production and sale of petroleum products through the use of the company's internal potential and the acquisition of new assets, to ensure long-term and profitable business growth in order to increase the value of the company's shares and shareholder income. The enterprise consists of a central office and sales departments subordinate to it. eight

Among the positive features of Rosneft's organizational culture are the following: 1. A rationally organized training system for newcomers: passing a probationary period, which in most cases contributes to better adaptation in the workplace, securing experienced mentors who help to understand the specifics of work; 2. Tradition to celebrate the birthday of the company; 3. The presence of a uniform (business dress code); 4. The symbolism of the enterprise, the release of various products with this symbolism: pens, calendars of large and small formats, folders, letterheads, etc.; nine

Of course, there are some shortcomings of the current organizational culture, they cannot be called negative sides, because they do not immediately and directly lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the organization, but in the future they can affect it negatively. These features include the absence of: 1. Written rules of conduct; 2. Legends and myths about the company; 3. Professional skill competitions.

Based on the corporate culture of Rosneft, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. Rosneft values ​​individualism, professionalism, communication skills and a creative approach to the work performed in a person. 2. The communication system includes written, oral and non-verbal communication, "telephone law" and openness. But the openness of communications differs from group to group, from unit to unit. 3. The ability to look is valued in an employee. Employees are characterized by a business style of dress, neatness, etc. A person in any working situation must bear the name of the company with honor. 4. Meals are organized right in the office, which is very convenient, since there is no long break from work. Meals are subsidized by the company. 12

5. Compliance with the time schedule and punctuality are urgent requirements. 6. Relations in the organization cannot be called purely formal, since there is a certain freedom in them. But this freedom comes within certain limits. To the higher in rank. 7. In organizational life, people value work and their position. But there is no zeal for higher positions, in which the best human qualities fade. These values ​​are enshrined in respect for responsibility, professionalism and healthy competition. 8. Employees have faith in leadership, in their own strength, in mutual assistance, in ethical behavior and in justice. Moral standards also affect the quality of work. 9. All workers strive for the conscious performance of work, relying on intelligence and strength. There are procedures for informing employees. thirteen

OJSC NK Rosneft, CJSC RN-Shelf-Far East Activities for the Protection of Atlantic Walrz, in the production of seismic exploration 3D in the South-Russian Licensed Site of 2012 Action on the Protection of Atlantic Walrut in the production of 3D seismic exploration works in the South Russian Licensed License site INFORMATION Work area: South-eastern part of the Barents Sea (Pechora Sea) In the coastal zone adjacent to the territory of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Within and outside the territorial sea, within the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation and the continental shelf of the Russian Federation. At a distance of 0 to 80 km from the coast. Customer of work - CJSC "RN-Shelf-Far East" Contractor - FGUGP "Yuzhmorgeologia" Technology of work: three-dimensional seismic survey using the common depth point method (CDP) Research objects: one discovered field (Severo-Gulyaevskoye) and two promising structures (Pakhancheskaya and Madachagskaya ) The purpose of the work is a comprehensive geological study and preparation for exploratory drilling of promising objects identified earlier by seismic surveys, identifying new oil and gas promising objects. Technology - with the use of pneumatic sources as a seismic signal source and bottom receiving devices. (At depths less than 5 m - using shallow-draught watercraft.) After laying the streamers according to a given configuration, pneumatic sources will be towed behind the watercraft (source vessel) at a speed of about 4 - 6 knots along the excitation line with periodic triggering of pneumatic sources. RECEIVE VESSEL SOURCE VESSEL GEOLOGICAL OBJECTS ELASTIC WAVES PROPAGATION TRAJECTORIES After shooting, the seismic streamers are raised and moved to a new location to cover the entire study area. 3 MEASURES FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE ATLANTIC WALRALUS DURING 3D SEISMIC SURVEY WORKS IN THE YUZHNO-RUSSIAN LICENSE AREA ORGANIZATION OF FIELD WORK Stages of field work: Vessels (research vessel and escort vessels) and personnel are mobilized in the port determined by the work contractor (Murmansk or Arkhangelsk). Preliminary testing of equipment - in the area of ​​work after the full deployment of equipment in order to determine the optimal parameters of seismic signal sources and receivers, adjust other geophysical equipment. Performing seismic surveys To carry out work in the coastal zone at depths of less than 5 m, small-sized watercraft such as self-propelled pontoons, inflatable catamarans, boats with a motor, etc. will be used. Seismic exploration will be carried out simultaneously on three blocks, 10-50 km apart from each other, in three field parties. Up to 29 vessels will be located in the work area to perform the work: . 3 receiver-base vessels (for placement of a seismic recording system, delivery and storage of equipment and accommodation of personnel); . 4 source vessels (for towing pneumatic sources); . up to 9 small size spreader/pinger vessels (for installation and repositioning of bottom seismic streamers and clarification of the location of laid out cables); . 2 escort vessels; . 10 motor boats for maintenance of outboard equipment and work at extremely shallow depths. If necessary, a dry-cargo crane can be used (for the delivery, placement and lowering / lifting of small boats). SOURCE VESSEL RECEIVER VESSEL Demobilization: upon completion of the seismic survey, vessels will select all outboard equipment and leave the work area. ACOUSTIC POSITIONING MODULES BOTTOM STRESSERS WORK FLOW 4 MEASURES TO PROTECT THE ATLANTIC WALRUSE DURING PRODUCTION OF 3D SEISMIC EXPLORATION CDP at the YUZHNO-RUSSIAN LICENSE AREA OF VESSELS-BASES Cargo-type vessel equipped with the necessary number of accommodation and equipment. RV YUZHMORGEOLOGIA RV PETROGRADSKY Placed on board:: . the central post of the navigation system. seismic recording system, . quality control system. geophysical staff. RV KAZHIMYAKSKY RV GEOSHELF 5 MEASURES FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE ATLANTIC WALRALUS DURING 3D SEISMIC EXPLORATION WORKS ON THE YUZHNO-RUSSIAN LICENSE AREA VESSELS - SOURCES "Professor Ryabinkin" or similar. R/V PROFESSOR RYABINKIN R/V SKAT For operation at shallow depths (<5 м) - «Ротан» или судно с аналогичными характеристиками. НИС «НАРЬЯН-МАР» НИС «РОТАН» 6 МЕРОПРИЯТИЯ ПО ОХРАНЕ АТЛАНТИЧЕСКОГО МОРЖА ПРИ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕ СЕЙСМОРАЗВЕДОЧНЫХ РАБОТ 3D МОГТ на ЮЖНО-РУССКОМ ЛИЦЕНЗИОННОМ УЧАСТКЕ ВСПОМОГАТЕЛЬНЫЕ СУДА / МАЛОМЕРНЫЕ СУДА Суда-раскладчики - с лебедочным оборудованием для спуска/подъема донных приемных устройств и с навигационным оборудованием для пингеровки донных приемников. Типовое судно - «ГЕО-21» или Моторные лодки для наладки забортного оборудования, замены аккумуляторов и т.д. класса «Буревестник» и «Зодиак». Судно-раскладчик катамаран проекта «ГЕО-21» Моторная лодка класса «Зодиак» Для снабжения, бункеровки, смены экипажа и обеспечения безопасной работы исследовательского судна будет использоваться судно сопровождения типа «Атлас». Судно сопровождения «Атлас» Моторная лодка класса «Буревестник» 7 МЕРОПРИЯТИЯ ПО ОХРАНЕ АТЛАНТИЧЕСКОГО МОРЖА ПРИ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕ СЕЙСМОРАЗВЕДОЧНЫХ РАБОТ 3D МОГТ на ЮЖНО-РУССКОМ ЛИЦЕНЗИОННОМ УЧАСТКЕ ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ СЕЙСМИЧЕСКИХ ИСТОЧНИКОВ При работе на акватории планируется использовать пневматические источники типа Bolt 1900LL и 1500LL. СХЕМА ПНЕВМОИСТОЧНИКА И ПРИНЦИП РАБОТЫ Принцип работы пневмоисточников заключается в использовании в качестве возбуждения колебаний выхлопа в воду сжатого под большим давлением воздуха. Для работ на глубокой воде будут компоноваться группы общим объемом до 25 литров, для работ на мелководье - до 13 литров. ПНЕВМАТИЧЕСКИЕ ИСТОЧНИКИ ТИПА BOLT 1500LL И 1900LL КЛАСТЕРЫ ИЗ ДВУХ И ТРЕХ ПНЕВМАТИЧЕСКИХ ИСТОЧНИКОВ ТИПА BOLT 8 МЕРОПРИЯТИЯ ПО ОХРАНЕ АТЛАНТИЧЕСКОГО МОРЖА ПРИ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕ СЕЙСМОРАЗВЕДОЧНЫХ РАБОТ 3D МОГТ на ЮЖНО-РУССКОМ ЛИЦЕНЗИОННОМ УЧАСТКЕ Воздействие сейсморазведочных работ на состояние популяции Атлантического моржа Атлантический морж включен в Красную книгу РФ. В региональных Красных книгах НАО и Архангельской области - 2 категория (подвид, сокращающийся в численности). В 2006 г северо-западная популяция атлантического моржа была внесена в список Канадского акта по угрожаемым видам (Canadian Species at Risk Act) как почти исчезнувшая в Канаде. Вид включен в список МСОП. Состояние популяции атлантического моржа требует выполнения мероприятий по его защите в период проведения сейсморазведочных работ 9 МЕРОПРИЯТИЯ ПО ОХРАНЕ АТЛАНТИЧЕСКОГО МОРЖА ПРИ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕ СЕЙСМОРАЗВЕДОЧНЫХ РАБОТ 3D МОГТ на ЮЖНО-РУССКОМ ЛИЦЕНЗИОННОМ УЧАСТКЕ Атлантический морж (Odobenus rosmarus) Распространение в Печорском море в летний период Во время весенней подвижки льдов моржи покидают Печорское море, уходя к июню в Карское море. В летний период существуют береговые залежки моржей на западном побережье о. Вайгач и у о. Долгий. К концу лета моржи, обитающие в Карском море, начинают возвращаться на места зимовки и образовывать береговые лежбища обычно в Баренцевом море - в августе, в районе пролива Карские Ворота - в октябре. Район планируемых работ не относится к нагульным ареалам моржей и может использоваться ими только в качестве транзитной акватории при миграциях и кочевках. Ближайшие залежки моржа располагаются на расстоянии более 50 км от границ района работ. Поэтому вероятность присутствия моржей в районе работ в летний период крайне мала. 10 МЕРОПРИЯТИЯ ПО ОХРАНЕ АТЛАНТИЧЕСКОГО МОРЖА ПРИ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕ СЕЙСМОРАЗВЕДОЧНЫХ РАБОТ 3D МОГТ на ЮЖНО-РУССКОМ ЛИЦЕНЗИОННОМ УЧАСТКЕ ОСОБО ОХРАНЯЕМЫЕ ПРИРОДНЫЕ ТЕРРИТОРИИ К акватории Печорского моря, на которой планируется проведение работ, прилегают 4 ООПТ. Большинство ООПТ (за исключением заповедника Ненецкий) расположены на значительном (более 70 км) удалении. Район планируемых работ располагается за пределами ООПТ. Береговые залежки моржей в летний период располагаются в пределах ООПТ. 11 МЕРОПРИЯТИЯ ПО ОХРАНЕ АТЛАНТИЧЕСКОГО МОРЖА ПРИ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕ СЕЙСМОРАЗВЕДОЧНЫХ РАБОТ 3D МОГТ на ЮЖНО-РУССКОМ ЛИЦЕНЗИОННОМ УЧАСТКЕ ОСОБО ОХРАНЯЕМЫЕ ПРИРОДНЫЕ ТЕРРИТОРИИ (чувствительные местообитания моржей) Основные виды возможного негативного воздействия. Беспокойство (акустическое и визуальное воздействие) . Изменение свойств воздуха. Изменение свойств воды. Облегчение доступа к ООПТ 12 МЕРОПРИЯТИЯ ПО ОХРАНЕ АТЛАНТИЧЕСКОГО МОРЖА ПРИ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕ СЕЙСМОРАЗВЕДОЧНЫХ РАБОТ 3D МОГТ на ЮЖНО-РУССКОМ ЛИЦЕНЗИОННОМ УЧАСТКЕ ОСОБО ОХРАНЯЕМЫЕ ПРИРОДНЫЕ ТЕРРИТОРИИ Мероприятия по охране. Для обеспечения минимизации воздействия на ООПТ введен категорический запрет на посещение ООПТ персоналом. Крупнотоннажные суда, задействованные в выполнении сейсморазведочных работ, как правило, будут располагаться на расстоянии более 10 км от островов, входящих в состав ООПТ. Участки работы пневмоистоников расположены на значительном расстоянии (не менее 10 км) от заповедных островов. Программой предусмотрен постоянный экологический контроль на судах для предотвращения загрязнения воздушной и водной среды. Бункеровочные операции (при необходимости таковых) будут осуществляться на максимально возможном удалении от ООПТ 13 МЕРОПРИЯТИЯ ПО ОХРАНЕ АТЛАНТИЧЕСКОГО МОРЖА ПРИ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕ СЕЙСМОРАЗВЕДОЧНЫХ РАБОТ 3D МОГТ на ЮЖНО-РУССКОМ ЛИЦЕНЗИОННОМ УЧАСТКЕ ОСОБО ОХРАНЯЕМЫЕ ПРИРОДНЫЕ ТЕРРИТОРИИ И ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИ ЧУВСТВИТЕЛЬНЫЕ РАЙОНЫ Ожидаемое воздействие намечаемых сейсморазведочных работ                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Воздействие на ООПТ и экологически чувствительные районы ожидается: кратковременным по временному масштабу локальным по пространственному масштабу от незначительного до умеренного по интенсивности По значимости воздействие на ООПТ и экологически чувствительные районы оценивается как НЕСУЩЕСТВЕННОЕ 14 МЕРОПРИЯТИЯ ПО ОХРАНЕ АТЛАНТИЧЕСКОГО МОРЖА ПРИ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕ СЕЙСМОРАЗВЕДОЧНЫХ РАБОТ 3D МОГТ на ЮЖНО-РУССКОМ ЛИЦЕНЗИОННОМ УЧАСТКЕ Атлантический морж (Odobenus rosmarus) Источники возможного негативного воздействия при производстве сейсморазведочных работ. Физическое присутствие судов и сейсмического оборудования (сейсмокос) на акватории. Навигационное и производственное освещение судов. Воздушные шумы различного происхождения. Подводные шумы от плавсредств. Подводные шумы от работающих пневмоисточников Основным источником воздействия на атлантического моржа при штатной деятельности будет работа пневмоисточников, формирующих акустические сигналы в воде. 15 МЕРОПРИЯТИЯ ПО ОХРАНЕ АТЛАНТИЧЕСКОГО МОРЖА ПРИ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕ СЕЙСМОРАЗВЕДОЧНЫХ РАБОТ 3D МОГТ на ЮЖНО-РУССКОМ ЛИЦЕНЗИОННОМ УЧАСТКЕ МЕРОПРИЯТИЯ ПО СНИЖЕНИЮ ВОЗДЕЙСТВИЯ НА МОРСКУЮ БИОТУ ПРИ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕ СЕЙСМОРАЗВЕДОЧНЫХ РАБОТ. Минимальный размер пневмоисточников при работе в прибрежной зоне. Мягкий старт пневмоисточников, начиная с одной пневмопушки. Круглосуточная работа пневмоисточников (отпугивание морских млекопитающих от опасной для них зоны) . Непрерывные визуальные наблюдения за морскими млекопитающими. Задержка пуска пневмоисточников при обнаружении морских млекопитающих в пределах зон безопасности на 20 минут. Изменение скорости или курса движения судна при угрозе столкновения с млекопитающими. Остановка работы пневмоисточников в случае приближения охраняемых видов морских млекопитающих на расстояние менее 500 м от пневмоисточников 16 МЕРОПРИЯТИЯ ПО ОХРАНЕ АТЛАНТИЧЕСКОГО МОРЖА ПРИ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕ СЕЙСМОРАЗВЕДОЧНЫХ РАБОТ 3D МОГТ на ЮЖНО-РУССКОМ ЛИЦЕНЗИОННОМ УЧАСТКЕ ПЛАН МОНИТОРИНГА И МЕРОПРИЯТИЙ ПО СНИЖЕНИЮ ВОЗДЕЙСТВИЯ НА МОРСКИХ МЛЕКОПИТАЮЩИХ Основан на результатах исследований в море Бофорта и в др.регионах. Учитывает требования международных организаций (JNCC, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) и National Oceanographic и Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), HESS (США), APPEA (Австралия) для определения зоны безопасности для ММ при проведении сейсморазведочных работ Настоящий План распространяет свое действие на все виды морских млекопитающих, нагуливающихся или мигрирующих по акватории лицензионного участка и вблизи неё в период производства сейсморазведочных работ 17 МЕРОПРИЯТИЯ ПО ОХРАНЕ АТЛАНТИЧЕСКОГО МОРЖА ПРИ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕ СЕЙСМОРАЗВЕДОЧНЫХ РАБОТ 3D МОГТ на ЮЖНО-РУССКОМ ЛИЦЕНЗИОННОМ УЧАСТКЕ ПЛАН МОНИТОРИНГА И МЕРОПРИЯТИЙ ПО СНИЖЕНИЮ ВОЗДЕЙСТВИЯ НА МОРСКИХ МЛЕКОПИТАЮЩИХ Цели мониторинга ММ: . соблюдение требований международного и российского природоохранного законодательства в части охраны морских биоресурсов; . минимизация потенциального негативного воздействия на морских млекопитающих при проведении морских сейсморазведочных работ. . учет численности, видового состава и распределения ММ Мероприятия должны выполняться: . до начала включения пневмоисточников. непосредственно в ходе проведения морских сейсморазведочных работ; . в случае происшествий с участием морских млекопитающих. 18 МЕРОПРИЯТИЯ ПО ОХРАНЕ АТЛАНТИЧЕСКОГО МОРЖА ПРИ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕ СЕЙСМОРАЗВЕДОЧНЫХ РАБОТ 3D МОГТ на ЮЖНО-РУССКОМ ЛИЦЕНЗИОННОМ УЧАСТКЕ Расчетные уровни звукового давления (УЗД) на заданных расстояниях для сейсморазведочных работ на акватории. В ходе производства сейсморазведочных работ на лицензионном участке пневмоисточники располагаются в группах с общим рабочим объемом от 500 до 1500 куб. дюймов. На основании результатов научных исследований, шумовое воздействие на ластоногих не должно превышать 190 дБ на 1 мкПа. На основании этих параметров принят радиус зоны безопасности для моржа в 450-500 м. По данным современных исследований (Southall и др., 2007), радиус зоны, где возможно физическое повреждение организма китообразных и ластоногих в результате звукового воздействия, не превышает 500 м на любых глубинах. Расстояние, км УЗДRMS, дБ отн. 1 мкПа ПИ 500 куб.дюйм. ПИ 1500 куб.дюйм. 0.001 233 244 0.01 213 229 0.1 193 214 0.14 190 201 0.45 180 190 1.0 171 182 1.2 169 180 1.5 166 177 2.0 163 174 2.5 160 171 3.0 157 168 4.0 153 164 5.0 149 160 6.0 145 156 19 МЕРОПРИЯТИЯ ПО ОХРАНЕ АТЛАНТИЧЕСКОГО МОРЖА ПРИ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕ СЕЙСМОРАЗВЕДОЧНЫХ РАБОТ 3D МОГТ на ЮЖНО-РУССКОМ ЛИЦЕНЗИОННОМ УЧАСТКЕ ЗОНЫ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ (БУФЕРНЫЕ ЗОНЫ) ДЛЯ МОРСКИХ МЛЕКОПИТАЮЩИХ ПРИ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕ СЕЙСМОРАЗВЕДОЧНЫХ РАБОТ Перед началом работы: при обнаружении ММ в пределах опасной зоны (500 метров для ластоногих и белухи, 1400 м для усатых китов) «мягкий старт» ПИ откладывается до отхода ММ или судна на расстояние, превышающее радиус этой зоны В процессе работы пневмоисточников: в случае захода охраняемых видов ММ в пределы опасной зоны (радиус 500 м от ПИ), дается незамедлительная команда на выключение ПИ 20 МЕРОПРИЯТИЯ ПО ОХРАНЕ АТЛАНТИЧЕСКОГО МОРЖА ПРИ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕ СЕЙСМОРАЗВЕДОЧНЫХ РАБОТ 3D МОГТ на ЮЖНО-РУССКОМ ЛИЦЕНЗИОННОМ УЧАСТКЕ Наблюдения за морскими млекопитающими при производстве сейсморазведочных работ. наблюдения будут проводиться непрерывно и независимо от работы сейсмического оборудования, во время выполнения всех морских операций; . наблюдения будут выполняться квалифицированными специалистами-биологами (2 человека/судно) и штурманским составом сейсмического судна; . в работе будут принимать участие специалисты из ведущих научно-исследовательских и рыбохозяйственных организаций; . непрерывные наблюдения с борта судна позволят отследить местонахождение особей морских млекопитающих, определить направление их движения, выявить особенности их поведения, оценить дистанцию до них от судна или батареи пневмоисточников 21 МЕРОПРИЯТИЯ ПО ОХРАНЕ АТЛАНТИЧЕСКОГО МОРЖА ПРИ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕ СЕЙСМОРАЗВЕДОЧНЫХ РАБОТ 3D МОГТ на ЮЖНО-РУССКОМ ЛИЦЕНЗИОННОМ УЧАСТКЕ Схема организации и выполнения наблюдений за морскими млекопитающими 22 МЕРОПРИЯТИЯ ПО ОХРАНЕ АТЛАНТИЧЕСКОГО МОРЖА ПРИ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕ СЕЙСМОРАЗВЕДОЧНЫХ РАБОТ 3D МОГТ на ЮЖНО-РУССКОМ ЛИЦЕНЗИОННОМ УЧАСТКЕ СВОДНЫЕ ПОЛОЖЕНИЯ ПО МИНИМИЗАЦИИ ВОЗДЕЙСТВИЯ НА МОРЖЕЙ Удаление от пневмоисточников Событие Принимаемые меры Пневмоисточники выключены (переход или дрейф судна) максимально возможное Переход судна в район работ Обходить районы нагула и скопления моржей Перед включением пневмоисточников (за 30 минут до включения) Моржи замечены в пределах опасной зоны <500 м Работа пневмоисточников начинается не ранее, чем через 20 мин после того, как моржи покинут опасную зону Пневмоисточники включены Моржи обнаружены вблизи опасной зоны или двигаются по направлению к ее границе >500 m Walrus found within the danger zone<500 м Постоянное наблюдение за животными Работа пневмоисточников останавливается Происшествия с участием моржей Запутывание в сейсмокосах, столкновение с судном, ранение, потеря ориентации, или неадекватное поведение Непредвиденные события Прекращение сейсморазведочных работ до ликвидации последствий происшествия (отключение ПИ, остановка судна или смена его курса) Меры принимаются с учетом поведения моржей, с минимальным вмешательством в программу сейсморазведочных работ 23 МЕРОПРИЯТИЯ ПО ОХРАНЕ АТЛАНТИЧЕСКОГО МОРЖА ПРИ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕ СЕЙСМОРАЗВЕДОЧНЫХ РАБОТ 3D МОГТ на ЮЖНО-РУССКОМ ЛИЦЕНЗИОННОМ УЧАСТКЕ Ожидаемое воздействие намечаемых сейсморазведочных работ На атлантического моржа (Odobenus rosmarus)                                                                                                               Планируемые сейсморазведочные работы не окажут воздействия на популяцию атлантического моржа в Печорском море, либо значимость воздействия будет минимальной (несущественной) 24 МЕРОПРИЯТИЯ ПО ОХРАНЕ АТЛАНТИЧЕСКОГО МОРЖА ПРИ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕ СЕЙСМОРАЗВЕДОЧНЫХ РАБОТ 3D МОГТ на ЮЖНО-РУССКОМ ЛИЦЕНЗИОННОМ УЧАСТКЕ СПАСИБО ЗА ВНИМАНИЕ 25

OJSC NK Rosneft 2nd place among VIOCs in terms of the number of filling stations - more place among VIOCs in terms of the number of refineries - 7 1st place among VIOCs in terms of oil reserves, production and refining volumes

Distribution network of OJSC NK Rosneft LLC RN-Trade, North-Western Federal District of CJSC ParkOil Company, Central Federal District of OJSC Voronezhnefteprodukt, Central Chernozemny District of OJSC NK RN - Kubannefteprodukt, Yuzhny Federal District + North-Caucasian Federal District of OAO Samaranefteprodukt, Volga Federal District of OAO NK RN - Kurgannefteprodukt, Ural Federal District of NZMPANHK CJSC Irkutsknefteprodukt, Siberian Federal District of OOO RN - Vostoknefteprodukt, Far Eastern Federal District Distribution Network (8 NGOs-Distributors + Dealers, 52) and optimally located refineries create conditions for the effective promotion of Rosneft Branded Oils in the Russian market

Activities of OAO NK Rosneft-Kurgannefteprodukt OAO NK Rosneft-Kurgannefteprodukt Retail trade in fuels through a network of its own filling stations / filling stations - 45 (Kurgan Region) Small-scale wholesale trade in fuels through a tank farm and filling points Small-scale wholesale trade in bulk oils through tank farms Small-scale wholesale trade packaged oils through dealers

Segmentation of oils OAO NK Rosneft Packaged oils Rosneft Branded packaged oils Oils GOST PVL and CVLCVL and IND 1l. and 4l. GOST 1l. and 4l. FFM 20l. FFM 216.5l. FFM 20l. GOST 216.5 l. GOST Premium 5W-40 Maximum 5W-40 Maximum 10W-40 Maximum Diesel 10W-40 Optimum 10W-30 Optimum 10W-40 Optimum 15W-40 Optimum Diesel 15W-40 Kinetic 75W-90 Kinetic 80W-90 Kinetic 80W-85 Kinetic 85W- 90 Express M-8V M-10G2k M-8DM M-10DM TSP-15k 1l.,4l.,20l.,216.5l.1l.,4l.

Lubricants Industrial Lubricants (Industrial oils) Terms Motor Hydraulic Transmission Gear Flushing Compressor Turbine PVL CVL IND Passenger Vehicle Lubricants (Oils for passenger cars) Commercial Vehicle Lubricants (Oils for cargo (commercial) vehicles) 1l. and 4l. - Retail4l. and 20l. – Retail, AZS216.5 and Naliv 20l. and 216.5 liters. - Service stations and Enterprises 216.5 liters. – Service stations and Enterprises

API and SAE engine oil classifications SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers Society of Automotive Engineers (USA) The standard classifies oils by viscosity API - American Petroleum Institute American Petroleum Institute The standard classifies oils by purpose and level of performance properties

API motor oil classifications SM SL SJ SH SG SF SE SD SC SB SA CI-4 CH-4 CG-4 CF-4 CF-2 CF CE CD-II CD CC CB CA S (service) Gasoline engine oils C (commercial) Diesel engine oils For passenger cars For trucks By performance level For cars For trucks

Category Application SM For all imported vehicles currently in service. SL For imported vehicles manufactured in 2004 or earlier. For domestic vehicles currently in service. SJ For imported vehicles manufactured in 2001 or earlier. For domestic cars manufactured in 2007 or earlier. SHFor imported vehicles manufactured in 1996 or earlier. SG For imported vehicles manufactured in 1993 or earlier. For domestic cars manufactured in 2005 or earlier. SF For imported vehicles manufactured in 1988 or earlier. For domestic vehicles manufactured in 2000 or earlier. SE For imported vehicles manufactured in 1979 or earlier. SD For imported vehicles manufactured in 1971 or earlier. SC For imported vehicles manufactured in 1967 or earlier. SB for old imported cars. Used only when there are specific instructions from the manufacturer. SA for old imported cars. There are no quality requirements. Classification of engine oils according to API for passenger cars

Classification of engine oils according to API for trucks Category Application CJ-4 CI-4 For imported long-haul trucks manufactured between 2002 and 2007. For domestic trucks with Euro-3 engines produced from 2008 to the present day. CH-4 For imported long-haul trucks manufactured between 1998 and 2002. CG-4 For imported long-haul trucks manufactured between 1995 and 1998. For domestic trucks with Euro-2 engines produced in the period from 2006 to 2008. CF-4 For imported long-haul trucks manufactured between 1990 and 1995. For domestic trucks with Euro-2 engines produced in the period from 2006 to 2008. CF-2 For heavy duty two-stroke engines. CF For imported off-road vehicles. CE For imported trucks manufactured between 1985 and 1990. CD-2 For two-stroke engines. (Category is currently not valid) CD For imported trucks manufactured in the period from 1965 to 1985. For domestic vehicles with diesel turbocharged engines Euro-1 and Euro-0 CC For imported trucks manufactured in the period from 1961 to 1965. For domestic vehicles with diesel engines without turbines. CB For imported trucks manufactured between 1949 and 1961. For domestic vehicles with diesel engines with a service life of over 20 years. CA For imported trucks manufactured between the 1950s and 1960s.

Engine oil classification according to SAE J 300 Crankability - the maximum low-temperature dynamic viscosity of the oil when starting in cold weather, which ensures crankshaft cranking at the speed necessary for normal engine start. Minimum kinematic oil viscosity required for normal engine operation at elevated temperatures Minimum dynamic viscosity of thickened oils after HTHS test lubrication at the initial stage of operation of a cold engine.

Temperature ranges for the use of engine oils Viscosity class Minimum engine start temperature, ° С 0W0W-35 5W-30 10W-25 15W-20 20W-15 25W-10 Viscosity class Recommended operating temperature, ° С

Gear oil classifications according to API and SAE SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers Society of Automotive Engineers (USA) The standard classifies oils by viscosity API - American Petroleum Institute The American Petroleum Institute The standard classifies oils by purpose and level of performance properties

Cat.Application GL1Non-additive oils for manual transmissions. GL2 For worm gears. Contains anti-wear additives and/or specific worm gear additives GL3 For manual gearboxes and transmissions operating under light to medium loads. GL4 For manual transmissions and simple heavy duty transmissions. They can be used to a limited extent in hypoid gears under light loads. GL5 Heavy duty hypoid gear oils. Contains anti-wear and extreme pressure additives. Usually not used in manual transmissions with non-ferrous synchromesh. API classification of gear oils

GL-4 1. For manual transmissions and simple transmissions operating under severe conditions. 2. Can be used to a limited extent in hypoid gears under light loads. 1. Parallel shafts 2. High speed 3. Light shock loads 4. Corrosion sensitive non-ferrous synchronizers GL-5 1. For heavy duty hypoid gears. 2.Contain extreme pressure additives. 3. Not commonly used in synchronized manual transmissions 1. Non-intersecting shafts 2. High impact loads 3. Radial shaft movements

Classification of gear oils according to API Viscosity class Minimum engine start temperature, o C 70W-55 75W-40 80W-26 85W-12 Viscosity class Recommended operating temperature, o C

Base oil Additives Mineral (petroleum) Synthetic (PAO, hydrocracking) Antioxidant Detergent Dispersant Antiwear Depressant Anticorrosive Antifoam + Viscosity modifier = Motor Transm. oils Commodity oil Recipe for all-weather oils + Viscosity-thickening additive

Engine cleanliness - resistance to high loads and temperatures (anti-oxidation and shear stable viscosity additives) to prevent varnish and carbon formation - soot retention (dispersant additives) detergent additives (ash content) - prevention of low temperature deposits (dispersant additives) Combustion chamber cleanliness - mobility rings (antioxidant + detergent additives) - maximum complete oil combustion (low ash content) Wear protection - low viscosity at start-up - required (high) viscosity + anti-wear additives + low foaming Easy start-up - low viscosity at negative temperatures / pour point Economical to use – Long drain life (stability of properties + high additive content) – Reduced fuel consumption/friction (low viscosity) – Low waste consumption Corrosion protection – Acid neutralization – Detergent additives (ash content) Oil functions

Rosneft oils range Synthetic Premium 5W-40 API SM/CF Semi-synthetic Maximum 5W-40 API SL/CF Maximum 10W-40 API SL/СF Maximum Diesel 10W-40 CH-4/SJ Mineral Optimum 10W-30 API SG/CD Optimum 10W -40 API SG/CD Optimum 15W-40 API SG/CD Optimum Diesel 15W-40 CH-4/SJ Optimum Diesel 15W-40 CF-4/SJ Gear Kinetic 75W-90 API GL-4/5 Kinetic 80W-90 API GL-5 Kinetic 80W-85 API GL-4 Kinetic 85W-90 API GL-5 TSP-15k API GL-3 Flush Express GOST M-8V M-10G2k M-10DM M-8DM

Rosneft oils Rosneft Premium Fully synthetic engine oil SAE 5W-40 API SM/CF Designed for use in the most modern gasoline and diesel engines Approved: MB sheet Volkswagen VW , VW Opel GM-LL-B-025 Domestic and imported analogues Mobil Super 3000 X1 5W-40 Castrol Magnatec 5W-40 C3 G-Energy F Synth 5W-40 LUKOIL LUX 5W-40 THK Magnum Professional C3 5W-40 TNK Magnum Ultratec 5W-40 ZIC XQ Gasoline 5W-40 All the latest new imported and domestic passenger vehicles with gasoline and diesel engines.

Domestic and imported analogues Mobil Super 2000 X1 10W-40 Esso Ultra 10W-40 Shell Helix plus 10W-40 CASTROL Magnatec 10W-40 CASTROL GTX SAE 10W-40 ZIC A Plus 10W-40 Mannol Molibden Benzin SAE 10W-40 TNK Magnum Semisynthetic 10W -40 Lukoil Lux 5W-40 Lukoil Lux 10W-40 G-Energy S Synth 10W-40 Sibi Motor Extra 10W-40 Modern imported and domestic passenger vehicles with petrol and diesel engines. Oils of OAO NK Rosneft Rosneft Maximum Semi-synthetic oil SAE 5W-40; 10W-40; API SL/CF Designed for use in modern gasoline and diesel engines Optimally suited for the climatic conditions of Russia Approvals: AvtoVAZ JSC, AAI B5

Domestic and imported analogues CASTROL TECTION 10W-40 Shell Helix plus 10W-40 ZIC RV Diesel 10W-40 TNK Revolux D2 10W-40 Lukoil Avangard Extra 10W-40 G-Profi MSH 10W-40 Sibi Motor Diesel Priority 10W-40 Modern imported and domestic diesel trucks of Euro-3 level. Semi-synthetic oil SAE 10W-40; API CH-4/SJ Best suited for Russian climatic conditions Approvals: OJSC KAMAZ, AAI D4+, OJSC Avtodizel Oils OJSC NK Rosneft Rosneft Maximum Diesel

Imported and domestic passenger cars with mileage. Oils of OAO NK Rosneft Rosneft Optimum High-quality mineral oil SAE 10W-40; 10W-30; 15W-40; API SG/CD Designed for use in gasoline and diesel engines Approvals: JSC AvtoVAZ, AAI B4 Domestic and imported analogues Esso Uniflo 10W-40 Shell Helix 10w-40 Shell Helix 15W-40 ZIC HIFLO 10W-30 SH ZIC HIFLO 15W- 40 SH Mannol UNIVERSAL 15W-40 TNK Magnum Motor Plus 10W-30,10W-40,15W-40 Lukoil Super 15W-40 Sibi Motor Lux 10W-40, 10W-30, 15W-40

Domestic and imported analogues CASTROL TECTION 15W-40 Shell Helix plus 15W-40 ZIC RV Diesel 15W-40 TNK Revolux D2 15W-40 Lukoil Avangard Extra 15W-40 G-Profi MSH 15W-40 Sibi Motor Diesel Priority 15W-40 Modern imported and domestic diesel trucks of Euro-3 level. Rosneft Oils Rosneft Optimum Diesel High-quality mineral oil SAE 15W-40; API CH-4/SJ Designed for use in modern diesel engines Approvals: OJSC KAMAZ, AAI D4+

Rosneft oils Rosneft Kinetic High-quality semi-synthetic oil SAE 75W-90 API GL-4/5 Recommended for use in a wide range of temperatures in units with high loads Specially developed and approved by AvtoVAZ Domestic and imported analogues Mobil Mobilube HD 75W-90 Shell Spirax ASX R SAE 75W-90 Lukoil Transmission TM-5 75W-90 TNK Trans Gipoid Super 75W-90 G-Box GL-5 75W-90 Designed for use in transmissions where oils of GL-5 level are required (usually trucks) or in hypoid transmissions for trucks and cars (differentials, axles)

Domestic and imported analogues of Castrol Magnatec Diesel 15W-40 B3 Lukoil Avangard 15W-40 Sibi Motor Diesel Extra 15W-40 Imported and domestic diesel trucks of Euro-2 level. Oils of OAO NK Rosneft Rosneft Maximum Diesel High-quality mineral oil SAE 15W-40; API CF-4/SJ Designed for use in modern diesel engines Approvals: OJSC KAMAZ, AAI D4+, OJSC Avtodizel

Oils of OAO NK Rosneft Rosneft Kinetic High-quality mineral oil SAE 80W-85; API GL-4 Specially developed and approved by AvtoVAZ Domestic counterparts Lukoil Transmission TM-4 80W-85 THK Trans KP 80W-85 Sibi Motor Trans KP-2 80W-85 Designed for use in front-wheel drive transmissions of domestic passenger cars

Oils of OAO NK Rosneft Rosneft Kinetic High-quality mineral oil SAE 80W-90; 85W-90 API GL-5 Designed for use in hypoid gears in cars and trucks Specially developed and approved by AvtoVAZ Domestic and imported analogues Mobil Mobilube HD 80W-90 Castrol Axle EPX 80W-90 Shell Spirax AX 80W-90 ZIC G5 Gear 80W-90 Mannol HYPOID GETRIEBEOEL 80W-90 Lukoil Transmission TM-5 80W-90,85W-90 THK Trans Gipoid 80W-90 Sibi Motor Super T-2, Super T-3 Designed for use in hypoid gears of cars and trucks domestic and imported vehicles

Rosneft Oils Rosneft Express High-quality flushing mineral oil Designed for effective flushing of all types of engines Recommended for use when flushing the engine before each oil change Specially developed and approved by AvtoVAZ Domestic and imported analogues ZIC FLUSH Lukoil Sibi Motor MP Flushing Sibi Motor MP Classic TNK Promo Express TNK Promo Standard

Oils of OAO NK Rosneft GOST 1. For seasonal use in domestic vehicles with and without turbocharged engines. 2. They have improved detergent and anti-wear properties compared to oils of the G2k and V series and are recommended instead of them M-8DM, M-10DM 1. For seasonal use in domestic vehicles with naturally aspirated or moderately supercharged engines. 2. Unlike M-8G2 and M-10G2 oils, they contain an improved package of additives, which increases the replacement time. 1. For all-weather use in medium-powered gasoline engines of domestic passenger cars and trucks, as well as winter oil for medium-powered automotive diesel engines. M-8G2k, M-10G2k M-8V

Planogram for placement of Rosneft oils for PTT Maximum planogram for placement of FFM Rosneft in PTT Minimum recommended planogram for placement of FFM Rosneft in PTT Synthetic oils Premium 5W-40 API SM/CF Semi-synthetic oils Maximum 5W-40 API SL/CF Maximum 10W-40API SL /СF Maximum Diesel 10W-40API CH-4/SJ Semi-synthetic oils Maximum 5W-40 API SL/CF Maximum 10W-40API SL/СF Mineral Optimum 10W-30API SG/СD Optimum 10W-40API SG/СD Optimum 15W-40API SG/ CD Optimum Diesel 15W-40API CH-4/SJ (CF-4/SJ) Mineral Optimum 10W-40API SG/СD Optimum 15W-40API SG/CD Transmission Kinetic 75W-90API GL-4/5 Kinetic 80W-90API GL-5 Kinetic 80W-85API GL-4 Transmission Kinetic 75W-90 API GL-4/5 Flushing Express Flushing Express GOST oils M-8V M-10G2K M-10DM (M-8DM)

Inventory management of Rosneft FFM in retail outlets 1.Principle of inventory sufficiency in PTT. In accordance with this, the managers of the Dealer's company must regularly visit the point of sale, control the balance of goods in the warehouse and on the trading floor, and timely deliver the goods to the PTT. 2. The product range of Rosneft oils must comply with the recommended planogram: The minimum allowable product range is indicated in the minimum planogram (see below), but Dealer company managers should strive to place the maximum range of products in the PTT. (maximum planogram see below). When forming a commodity stock, it is necessary to take into account seasonal changes in the intensity and structure of consumption, as well as the location of the outlet. 3. Presence on the shelf: The entire range of products delivered in PTT must be displayed on the sales floor!

FFM Rosneft display rules in retail outlets 1. Priority goods must be placed at the level of the buyer's eyes. Since it has been proven that moving products from eye level to a lower level reduces sales by 40-80%, and moving from a lower shelf to eye level increases sales by 40% 2. Facing the buyer. Canisters must face the buyer. Laying canisters upside down is not allowed. The information on the packaging should be easy to read and not obscured by other packaging and price tags. At the same time, if the shelf space is small, the following arrangement of canisters on the shelf is allowed: canisters of the same name stand side by side - 4 liters on the left. canister, right - 1 l. canister. It is also allowed to set 1 liter. canisters before 4 l.

Promotional materials of Rosneft FFM in retail outlets (POS materials) Functional area Design task Types of POS materials used Outdoor decoration Indicate that our products are sold in this PTT, and also encourage the consumer to enter the hall. Window dressing, remote structures, image stickers, stickers "from myself", "to myself", etc. Sales area Direct the consumer to the place of display of goods, as well as interest him in buying our products. Posters, image stickers, flags, signs, floor graphics, etc. Place of display of goods It is advantageous to distinguish our products among the products of competitors, to emphasize the unique characteristics of the product Shelftalkers, wobblers, flags, price tags, booklets, leaflets. POS-materials (Point of Sale Materials) - advertising materials intended for the design of a retail outlet Shelftalker is a strip of hard cardboard with promotional information about a product or brand. It is fixed with an adhesive strip on the shelf. Visually highlights the shelf space. Booklet - an information booklet for customers is placed in special dispensers. Or a neat pile in the checkout area. Booklets must be available to the buyer. They are offered by the seller to the buyer when he chooses the brand of engine oil. It is also desirable to hand out booklets to everyone who has bought any product of Rosneft oils. Dispenser - a stand for printed promotional products. The dispenser is placed in the checkout area of ​​the store so that the customer waiting in line can take a leaflet or booklet from it and familiarize themselves with it. It is necessary to keep a sufficient number of information leaflets or booklets in the dispenser at all times.

Recommendations for placing POS-materials Poster - placed in the place of greatest attention of customers (checkout area, the wall opposite the entrance to the store, the wall next to the shelf with the most purchased products in the store). It is important that the buyer sees the poster when entering the outlet. Sticker The rules for placing a sticker - sticker are similar to the rules for placing a poster. The sticker should be placed in the places of greatest attention of customers (surfaces in the checkout area, the outer sides of PTT showcases) Wobblers Serve to attract attention on the shelf where FFM Rosneft is displayed. The wobbler is attached either directly to the shelf with Rosneft oil products, or to the shelf above it. It is important that the wobbler does not obscure the products. Neckhenger branded price tag that is worn on the neck of the canister.

Recommendations for placement of POS-materials Sticker "Push" "Push" Stickers are placed on the front door next to the door handle on both sides in accordance with the inscriptions. The corporate package is located in the checkout area. Awarded to buyers upon purchase of FFM Rosneft. It is advisable to put information leaflets and brochures in the bag along with the canister. A coin box and a box for receipts are placed in the checkout area for the purpose of an additional reminder of the Rosneft brand of motor oils

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