Learn Portuguese from scratch on your own. Brazilian Portuguese for beginners. Which type is more complex - European or Brazilian

Knowledge of the Portuguese language will help in many ways - you decide to relax in sunny Portugal, you are going to meet friends or you are going to start partnerships. In any case, knowledge of Portuguese will be, if not a big plus, then a good helper in achieving your goals.

Portuguese by the method of Elena Shipilova

The author of the channel and a professional teacher Elena Shipilova gives the most basic Portuguese course, consisting of 7 lessons. This course for beginners will help in case superficial knowledge is required.
Channel visitors will be able to learn about tenses and learn the main verbs of the Portuguese language, Elena will talk about the rules for composing sentences.
Video lessons have been added to the channel for learning other languages ​​in the same compressed form - you can learn other popular languages, for example, English, German, Italian.

Portuguese with Roman Stelmakh

The host of the channel - a Ukrainian immigrating to Portugal - talks about Portugal in Russian. His youtube page contains many video tutorials with materials for learning, including the Portuguese language.
Here you can master the initial level of language proficiency, raise your level, get acquainted with Portugal and its features. A channel visitor will be able to learn about Portuguese cuisine and other features of the country.

Portuguese lessons with Elena

The visitor will find Portuguese video courses for beginners on the channel. The author of the channel is a native speaker, has lived in Portugal for more than 10 years and will talk about how to behave in everyday situations where Portuguese may be needed. Subtitles and explanatory captions in the video appear as needed. Audio lessons for Portuguese pronunciation are available.
All training takes place in Russian. The materials do not claim to be a full-fledged course, but they can be a good help in learning the language. Short videos will help you get acquainted with Portuguese cuisine, study and life.

Portuguese with Sandra

Charming teacher with a graceful accent Sandra in Russian will tell all the guests of the channel about Portuguese. Here you can find Portuguese courses for beginners and tourists. There is a video about the most common mistakes learners of Portuguese. All information is presented in a non-standard interesting way, designed to remember the lessons for a long time.

Portuguese with Amir Ordabayev

Amir will help you learn the language using a special Michel Thomas method for Russian speakers. The channel's materials will help those who wish to raise their level of Portuguese language skills to achieve their goal, there are also videos for beginners to learn the language. Teaching materials are given, as a rule, in the form of presentations with explanations in Russian and Portuguese, which will help improve grammar and pronunciation. On the channel you can also find videos about traveling around the world.
The author of the channel is a polyglot, so on his channel you can also find materials for learning other languages ​​- English, German, French, Dutch, Kazakh and many others.

Portuguese with Skylcclub online

The authors of the channel promise that after completing the classes, the student will be able to speak a foreign language and negotiate with foreigners.
The channel contains materials for learning Portuguese, English, German and Russian as a foreign language. For the Portuguese part of the channel, there are videos that will introduce you to entry level learning - students will get comfortable with grammar, be able to replenish vocabulary and learn how to learn a language faster.

Section Description

Contents of the Portuguese Books section

  • Portuguese language books by year

Below you can download for free e-books and textbooks and read articles and lessons for the section Books in Portuguese:

Section contents Section description

Description of the section "Books on the Portuguese language"

In this section, for your attention are provided for free download Portuguese language books. Portuguese is a Romance language of the Indo-European family of languages. Developed from medieval Galician-Portuguese. Writing based on the Latin alphabet. It is the second largest Romance language after the closely related Spanish and one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world.

Speakers of the Portuguese language are united under the general term Lusophones after the Roman province of Lusitania, which roughly corresponded to the territory of modern Portugal, and the entire set of Portuguese-speaking territories - Lusophonia.

In addition to books, the site has Portuguese audio courses. We highly recommend the book "Visa to Portugal - Portuguese Audio Course". The book contains more than 400 necessary words, phrases, expressions. All everyday topics from greetings and words of courtesy to questions that will help you not get lost in an unfamiliar city, find Right place, register at a hotel, explain yourself in a restaurant or shop.
Also includes sections on meetings, acquaintances and nightlife.

You will learn from books that Portuguese writing is based on the Latin alphabet, with a number of diacritics. The principle of "as it is heard is as it is spelled" is observed less consistently in Portuguese than in Spanish, so Portuguese is somewhat more difficult to learn.

You can also download Portuguese tutorials. The tutorials are very easy to learn. The material will contain words first in Russian, then in Portuguese with transcription. For a better understanding of diction, listen to the pronunciation in audio files.

The language barrier is one of the main issues that may arise in front of a person planning a trip or a trip to Brazil. The official language in Brazil is Portuguese, and despite the fact that popular Brazilian cities such as Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, El Salvador, etc. are quite touristy, it is often quite difficult to find a person who speaks even a little English, in this case, a Russian-Portuguese phrasebook containing basic words and phrases that may be useful to a tourist in Brazil or Portugal can come to the rescue.

Most of these words and phrases have already been dealt with more similarly in separate publications, so where possible, links to additional information will be provided.

For convenience, the words of the phrasebook are divided into separate categories by topic.


Portuguese Translation Transcription Pronunciation
Ola Ola Hello
bom dia bom jia Good morning Your browser does not support given type media content
Boa tarde boa tarji Good afternoon Your browser does not support this type of media content
Boa noite boa neuche Good evening Your browser does not support this type of media content
Tchau Tchau Bye Your browser does not support this type of media content

You can read more about greeting words in Portuguese in the following publications:


Portuguese Translation Transcription Pronunciation
Tudo bem? Get there? Everything is fine? Your browser does not support this type of media content
Obrigado Obrigado Thank you Your browser does not support this type of media content
Desculpa Descoupe sorry day Your browser does not support this type of media content
De nada ji nada My pleasure Your browser does not support this type of media content
por favor Por favor Please Your browser does not support this type of media content

You can read more about etiquette in Portuguese in the following publications:

Consent or refusal

Portuguese Translation Transcription Pronunciation
Sim YesXinYour browser does not support this type of media content
Nao NoNauYour browser does not support this type of media content
Nao sei Don't knowNow thisYour browser does not support this type of media content

For more ways to say "yes" or "no" in Portuguese, see the following posts:

Where is?

Portuguese Translation Transcription Pronunciation
Onde fica..? Onji Fika..? Where is..? Your browser does not support this type of media content
Metro Metro Metro Your browser does not support this type of media content
supermercado supermercadu Supermarket Your browser does not support this type of media content
Banheiro Baneiro Toilet Your browser does not support this type of media content
Onde voce esta? Is Onji still eating? Where are you? Your browser does not support this type of media content
Em casa Em kaza At home Your browser does not support this type of media content
No hotel Well oteu In a hotel Your browser does not support this type of media content
Na rua on rua On the street Your browser does not support this type of media content
Perto Perth Close Your browser does not support this type of media content
Longe longy Far Your browser does not support this type of media content

Food and drink

Portuguese Translation Transcription Pronunciation
Agua Agua Water Your browser does not support this type of media content
Cha shcha Tea Your browser does not support this type of media content
Cafe Cafe Coffee Your browser does not support this type of media content
Cerveja Servezh Beer Your browser does not support this type of media content
Vinho Vinho Wine Your browser does not support this type of media content
Suco Bitch Juice Your browser does not support this type of media content
carne carnet Meat Your browser does not support this type of media content
Peixe Peisha Fish Your browser does not support this type of media content

You can learn more about the topic of food and drink in separate publications on the site.


Portuguese Translation Transcription Pronunciation
Quantocusta? Kuanto bush? What is the price? Your browser does not support this type of media content
caro Karoo Expensive Your browser does not support this type of media content
barato Baratu Cheap Your browser does not support this type of media content
Aberto Abertou Open Your browser does not support this type of media content
Fechado Feshadu Closed Your browser does not support this type of media content


Portuguese Translation Transcription Pronunciation
um Mind One Your browser does not support this type of media content
Dois dois Two Your browser does not support this type of media content
Tres Trace Three Your browser does not support this type of media content
Quatro Quatru Four Your browser does not support this type of media content
Cinco Sinku Five Your browser does not support this type of media content
seis seis Six Your browser does not support this type of media content
Sete Seche Seven Your browser does not support this type of media content
Oito Oitu Eight Your browser does not support this type of media content
New Novi Nine Your browser does not support this type of media content
Dez Daiz Ten Your browser does not support this type of media content

More information on the topic of using numerals and ordinal numbers (first, second, etc.) can be found in the following publications:


Portuguese Translation Transcription Pronunciation
Eu eu I Your browser does not support this type of media content
Você Vose You Your browser does not support this type of media content
Ela Ela She Your browser does not support this type of media content
Ele Eli He Your browser does not support this type of media content
Nos Nose We Your browser does not support this type of media content
Elas elas They (female) Your browser does not support this type of media content
Eles Alice They (male) Your browser does not support this type of media content

More information about pronouns in Portuguese can be found in a separate publication.


Portuguese Translation Transcription Pronunciation
Agora Agora Now Your browser does not support this type of media content
Depois Depois After Your browser does not support this type of media content
Hoje oji Today Your browser does not support this type of media content
Ontem Ontem Yesterday Your browser does not support this type of media content
Amanha Amania Tomorrow Your browser does not support this type of media content

Words and phrases in Portuguese

The Russian-Portuguese phrasebook will be gradually improved, so feel free to write in the comments what other topics you would like to cover (while not forgetting that the phrasebook is still general phrases, so you should not go into any individual topics in depth).

If you dream of living in Brazil or just by coincidence you have been brought to this paradise, you should think about learning Portuguese, since it is difficult to communicate in other dialects here. I myself, when I started learning Portuguese many years ago, did it solely because it was spoken in Brazil, but as I studied, I really fell in love with this language, and it began to be of great value to me in itself.

Learning Portuguese is a task that requires a lot of time and effort. Is it a difficult language? I wouldn't say it's difficult: English was harder for me, although most Brazilians I know find Portuguese more difficult than English. Therefore, the conclusion: the complexity of the language is a subjective matter. If you really love the Portuguese language and study it day and night, it will not seem boring or difficult.

The volume of the program is so large that the question arises: where to start? What textbooks are best for studying? For beginners to learn Portuguese, I can recommend Maria Fernanda Allen's textbook “Portuguese in Three Months”. Of course, no one learns a language in three months, so I don't pay attention to the name. The textbook is good in that it provides an initial base in order to start studying the Brazilian version of the Portuguese language according to Brazilian textbooks for foreigners (not adapted for the Russian audience). When studying this textbook, do not pay attention to the “imitated pronunciation” system, because 90% of the transcriptions that are given there do not correspond to reality. Keep in mind that this textbook gives continental Portuguese, with notes on Brazilian differences. But I think that this is by no means a minus, and then it will still count for you, since you cannot completely ignore the European version either.

SIMULTANEOUSLY with this tutorial, I highly recommend learning the Brazilian version of the language on the Internet: listening to Brazilian radio, brazilian music chatting with Brazilians on social networks.

After a year of studying this textbook, you can proceed to the Brazilian version itself. The course starts from the very beginning, but you already have a base that you will improve. The recommended textbook is “Falar. Ler. Escrever.” (Livro-texto), as well as the accompanying exercise book (Livro de exercícios), and disks for phonetic exercises. It is recommended to study Portuguese every day for at least 3 hours, spreading the days evenly between:

  • lessons in the basic textbook and exercise book (3-4 days);
  • phonetic exercises (1-2 days);
  • reading Brazilian literature in the original (1 day);
  • watching Brazilian films, series and TV shows (2 days);
  • communication with Brazilians on the Internet;
  • regional studies and the study of culture, history and geography of Brazil;
  • visiting Russian forums and Internet resources dedicated to the Portuguese language.

After completing this textbook (about 2 years), you are considered to have a basic level of Portuguese. Then it will simply need to be improved without textbooks: by reading the press, scientific literature, specialized literature, fiction etc.

You can also take the MGIMO textbook for students studying Portuguese as a second language as a reinforcement. But it is also worth keeping in mind that it is focused on the continental option.

Read the blog, ask any questions about the Portuguese language, grammar, vocabulary, etc., I will always answer and I will be happy to discuss.

Good luck and welcome to fairy world Portuguese!

The world that opens up for Portuguese learners: Brazil, Portugal, Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Sao Tome and Principe, East Timor, Guinea-Bissau

In the Portuguese language category are free videos lessons on learning it foreign language. Portuguese is a Romance language of the Indo-European family of languages. It is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world. It is the official language of Portugal, Brazil, Mozambique, Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Sao Tome and Principe, East Timor and Macau. Now most of all modern speakers of the Portuguese language live in Brazil. The Portuguese language is written based on the Latin alphabet. There are two main recognized variants, European Portuguese and Brazilian. Learning Portuguese with video lessons will be useful for both beginners and more experienced translators. You can watch video lessons from the Portuguese language heading for free at any convenient time. Some video lessons in Portuguese are attached Additional materials for learning which can be downloaded. Happy learning!

Total materials: 16
Shown Materials: 1-10

Portuguese for beginners in 16 hours - Polyglot course. Part 1. Verbs

Video lesson "Portuguese for beginners in 16 hours - Polyglot course. Part 1. Verbs” is devoted to the question of how to learn Portuguese in just sixteen lessons. Before you start learning the basic structures of the Portuguese language, here you will get acquainted with the words of etiquette, i.e. how people greet each other and how they communicate in a polite way. The main theme this lesson is devoted to the study of the structure of the Portuguese verb. In any language, especially Romance languages...

Portuguese for Beginners - Polyglot. Final 16 lesson

Video “Portuguese for Beginners - Polyglot. Final Lesson 16” is devoted to the question of how to learn to speak Portuguese in 16 hours. This lesson is the last one in the Polyglot course dedicated to the study of the Portuguese language. Of course, in such a short time it is impossible to fully learn the language and master it perfectly. But this time is quite enough to start quite free communication on a variety of topics. And for this you need to learn the most ...

Portuguese from scratch - Polyglot Program (because Culture). Activity 15 of 16

This video lesson shows you how to learn Portuguese fluently in just 16 hours using the Polyglot course. This is the fifteenth lesson, which is the penultimate one in this tutorial. A lot has already been done, almost all the basic rules of the Portuguese language have been mastered, and a lot of words have been studied, which already allow us to compose a fairly impressive number of sentences. In this video lesson, a lot of time will be devoted to ...

Polyglot Course - Learn Portuguese from scratch. Part 11 of 16

Video lesson “Polyglot Course - Learning Portuguese from scratch. Part 11 of 16 is dedicated to the question of how to learn Portuguese in just sixteen lessons. This technique is intended for beginners. The program allows you to master all the basic rules and structures of the language in the shortest possible time, as well as learn the necessary number of words that will allow you to make sentences on a variety of topics of ordinary everyday communication. Gradually, this vocabulary will be replenished by everyone ...

Portuguese language course Polyglot. Part 6 of 16

Video “Portuguese language course Polyglot. Part 6 of 16” is devoted to the question of how to learn to speak Portuguese in a short time. Unlike German, Italian, in English, there are no mutually incomprehensible dialects in Portuguese. If in Germany and Italy there are places where they speak very significantly different variants of these languages, then in Portuguese there are territorial variants, there are variants associated with pronunciation and with certain grammatical ...

Course Polyglot - Portuguese in 16 lessons. Lesson 5

This video tutorial shows you how to learn Portuguese in just 16 hours using the Polyglot course. To learn any foreign language, you need to master all the basic rules of the language and learn the words. Concerning vocabulary. In any language there is a certain core, i.e. the minimum vocabulary required for normal communication. As a rule, these words are not very many. There is a very well-known statistical figure in linguistics. Ninety percent of the speech we use...

Portuguese from scratch - Polyglot. Part 4 of 16. Numerals

Online lesson “Portuguese from scratch - Polyglot. Part 4 of 16. Numerals ”is devoted to the question of how to master spoken Portuguese in sixteen hours. During the course, you will gradually master all the necessary schemes that allow you to combine sentences from words. Knowledge of these patterns and rules of the Portuguese language is very important. they allow even a small amount elements, i.e. words, to make a large number of sentences. This allows you to start...

Learning Portuguese from scratch - Polyglot course. Lesson 3 of 16

This video is about how to learn how to speak Portuguese in a short time. Now you have the third lesson of the Polyglot training course, which some time ago was broadcast on television channel Culture. The teacher of this course is Dmitry Petrov. The course consists of 16 lessons. First of all, you need to figure out what can be done in such a limited time. Is it possible to learn the language during this time? Of course, you can’t completely learn the language, but you can get very close ...

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