Causes of itching in the uterus. Possible causes of burning, itching in the vagina - treatment. What does traditional medicine offer?

Genital itching is a very common phenomenon. Often women complain of discomfort in the intimate area, which is not accompanied by discharge. And such a symptom can be not only a separate ailment, but also evidence of some serious disorder.

Specific measures to eliminate itching depend on what caused this phenomenon. There are many reasons, let’s look at each of them in more detail.

Often itching appears due to normal irritation of the genitourinary organs, resulting from improper care (or, alternatively, lack thereof). You need to know that for cleanliness of the body and normal vaginal microflora, any woman must wash her external genitalia at least twice a day. And if hygiene is not observed, various unpleasant sensations may arise, including itching.

Note! All women sometimes find themselves in a situation where, due to the lack of warm water, it is not possible to take a bath (for example, during a hiking trip, a long business trip, etc.). To do this, you should always have wet wipes on hand, which, of course, will not replace proper washing, but will prevent irritation.

Reason #2. Allergic reaction

If there is itching, redness and inflammation in the intimate area, but there is no discharge, then we may be talking about an allergy. Allergies can develop for many reasons, such as synthetic underwear, gels, soaps, sanitary napkins (especially scented ones), toilet paper, etc.

It must be remembered that the dermis in these places is especially thin and sensitive, and therefore requires special attention. You cannot use products that are not intended for the genitourinary system, otherwise irritation and disruption of the microflora may occur, which will lead to the development of candidiasis.

To eliminate the problem, you just need to stop using the allergen - after a few days the itching should go away on its own.

Reason #3. Hormonal changes

During menopause, itching, burning or dryness may occur in the perineum, but this does not indicate an allergy or some kind of disease, but rather an estrogen deficiency. Because of this deficiency, the mucous membrane becomes thinner and becomes more vulnerable. As a result, a woman suffers from discomfort during intimacy. If soap or urine gets on the wounds that appear, then painful sensations arise.

Menopause, estrogen deficiency, resulting in irritation and itching

Treatment in such cases consists of hormonal therapy or, alternatively, the prescription of a cream containing the hormone estrogen.

Reason #4. Allergy to semen

Sometimes married women (that is, with one sexual partner) feel itching after sex without contraceptives. The reason for this is an allergy to the spouse’s sperm. This happens extremely rarely and may also be accompanied by redness.

Such an allergy can become a problem for a married couple, because it not only causes discomfort, but can also lead to thoughts of cheating. Typically, the irritant can be either sperm protein or food products or medications taken by a man. In such cases, you need to consult a doctor who will do allergy tests of the semen and determine further tactics.

Reason #5. Sexual infections

There are also a number of hidden infectious diseases that belong to the group of STDs. Such diseases may not manifest themselves for a long time, but under certain conditions (for example, a weakened immune system, a virus, or an exacerbation of a secondary chronic disease), mild discomfort, itching and burning may occur.

Table. Sexual infections that cause itching

NameBrief description, symptoms

Includes gonorrhea, donovanosis, syphilis, chancroid and lymphogranuloma.

A viral disease that develops in the vagina in the form of growths. Here, the causative agent is the papilloma virus.

Another disease that causes intimate itching. In women it is predominantly recurrent in nature.

In addition to severe itching, this disease provokes the appearance of a painful rash caused by the herpes virus.

Note! As a complication of these diseases, urethritis can develop, a disease in which the urethra becomes inflamed. Symptoms of urethritis include pain when urinating, burning and itching.

To eliminate a symptom, you must first find out its cause, that is, a specific disease. Therefore, you should start by visiting a gynecologist, who will conduct an examination and prescribe all the necessary tests. Once the diagnosis is made, appropriate treatment will be prescribed (usually a course of antibiotics).

Reason #6. Non-gynecological diseases

There are a number of causes of itching in intimate places that are not gynecological at all. Let's take a brief look at each of them.

Table. Non-gynecological causes of genital itching

NameBrief description, treatment

One of the symptoms of diabetes (especially type 2) may be itching in the perineum. Less commonly, itching is an allergy to certain medications used for diabetes. As for treatment, this disease is incurable - a woman must take insulin for the rest of her life. To eliminate unpleasant sensations, you need to contact your doctor, who, if necessary, will prescribe additional medications or replace those already prescribed.

Depression, fatigue, emotional overload - all this can also cause itching. Treatment consists of visiting a psychotherapist, taking tranquilizers and sedatives, but - and this is very important - only as prescribed by a doctor.

The cause may also be pubic lice. To treat the disease, it is recommended to shave your pubic hair and then use insecticidal shampoos or ointments. As a rule, at least several applications of the drug are required.

In some cases, with helminthiasis, itching occurs not only in the anus, but also in the vaginal area, which means you first need to be tested for worm eggs. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe one of the specific drugs (Levamisole, Diethylcarbamazine, Albendazole, etc.). In parallel with this, symptomatic treatment and a special diet are prescribed.

Dysbacteriosis, hemorrhoids (both external and internal types), proctitis and anal fissures - all this can also provoke genital itching. This is explained by the fact that the vulva is very close to the anus. As for treatment, it depends on the specific disease, so you should start with a medical examination.

Another reason for the treatment of which antibiotics are used (but only as prescribed by a doctor).

Genital itching may indicate leukemia or cancer of the female genital organs. Radiotherapy or chemotherapy, as well as surgical methods, may be prescribed to treat cancer.

Reason #7. Uncomfortable tight underwear

Tight and uncomfortable underwear, even high-quality ones, can create a greenhouse effect and constantly rub the perineum. The only way out is to wear looser underpants.

Reason #8. Overheating/hypothermia of the body

Exposure to too hot or cold temperatures can also trigger vaginal itching. Therefore, women are advised to always dress according to the weather and try to avoid such aggressive conditions.

Reason #9. Condoms

Sometimes there is a congenital intolerance to the lubricant of condoms (more precisely, spermicides or lubricants used during processing) or latex itself, which leads to itching during intimacy.

Genital itching - what to do?

As noted earlier, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. If this is not yet possible for one reason or another, you can resort to the measures below.

  1. First, you should protect yourself from possible allergens. It is better not to resort to any herbal baths.
  2. Then you need to relieve irritation, for which you can apply a bottle of cold water to the perineum and treat the labia with a special cream (for example, Vagisil).

  3. If you suspect an infection, you can treat the labia with Clotrimazole cream or use vaginal tablets with the same name.

  4. Antihistamines (for example, Suprastin) cope well with unpleasant sensations.

  5. You should also avoid eating foods containing yeast (kvass, baked goods, grapes, mushrooms, etc.).

Specific treatment is possible only after a medical examination.

During pregnancy, the female body is vulnerable to irritation in the genitourinary area. Itching usually occurs in the fourth or fifth month, sometimes earlier. For some, the sensations are almost imperceptible, while others experience serious difficulties.

Note! The main reason in this case is dry skin, provoked by hormonal changes. Therefore, to prevent dehydration, you need to regularly moisturize the irritated areas with cream.

Also, the cause of itching can be the infectious diseases mentioned above, because the vaginal microflora during pregnancy creates ideal conditions for the proliferation of harmful microorganisms. Finally, discomfort may be the result of nervous overstrain, and at a later date – pressure from the fetus on the blood vessels of the pelvis.

To eliminate itching, it is necessary, first of all, not to abuse hygiene procedures, wear cotton underwear and adjust your diet. Pregnant women should not take most medications, which means that treatment should be carried out under strict medical supervision.

Video - Vaginal itching without discharge, treatment and possible causes

Every woman is familiar with vaginal itching, pain or various discharges.

There are many reasons for these phenomena, and they can be symptoms of both serious illnesses and a common cold or poor intimate hygiene.

Often the itching spreads to the labia and perineal area and is accompanied by redness, burning and vaginal discharge. Depending on the nature of the disease, itching in the vagina after intercourse is complemented by pain during intercourse or pain during urination.

Annoying itching leads to scratching and wounds through which pathogenic microorganisms easily enter, leading to infectious inflammation and creating additional problems.

If the vaginal or external genital area itches, it doesn't always mean a terrible disease– perhaps to eliminate the itching it will be enough to use antiseptics a couple of times. But you should not self-medicate or ignore unpleasant symptoms, as they may indicate a serious illness that requires complex treatment, for example, candidiasis, allergies or a sexually transmitted disease.

Only a gynecologist, based on examination and tests, will help you get rid of the symptoms of the disease quickly and forever.

Vaginal itching: mechanism of occurrence

Itching in the vagina is caused by inflamed, irritated walls. Such irritation is caused by biological microorganisms or chemicals. The brain's reaction to inflammation of the vaginal mucosa is weak pain impulses, which the body interprets as a feeling of itching.

Sometimes the mechanism for the occurrence of such sensations is the formation of central impulses in the brain due to psychological abnormalities. Naturally, in this case, even anesthetics will not help - corrective psychotherapy is needed.

Causes of vaginal itching

A constant desire to scratch the perineal area, which does not go away for a long time after rubbing, washing or douching - this is how itching in the vagina is characterized, causing you to be wary and consult a doctor.

The vaginal mucosa and the skin around it are injured, even wounds and scratching to the point of bleeding are possible.

Any unprofessional measures of influence - douching with medications, taking sedatives, painkillers or anesthetic medications - all this can radically change the picture of the disease and mislead the doctor during the examination.

As a rule, when the vagina itches, the following may additionally occur:

Unpleasant odor;

Rash on the mucous membrane or labia;

White, slimy, bloody, or brown vaginal discharge;

Itching of the entire perineum;

Vaginal dryness;

Pain in the lower abdomen;

Sensation of a foreign body in the itchy area.

Itching can vary in intensity - from unbearable itching that disrupts normal activity, to mild itching that only reminds you of itself before going to bed or during periods of rest. It is usually aggravated by wearing synthetic and tight underwear and clothing, and the abuse of panty liners. At the same time, the temperature in the groin area increases, the number of microorganisms grows faster and friction increases.

Vaginal itching: main causes

Itching can be caused by a huge number of reasons. Conventionally, three groups are distinguished - gynecological diseases, general pathologies of the body, and other irritants. We'll tell you more about each one.

Gynecological diseases

Itching in the vagina due to a gynecological disease can be caused by both an inflammatory process and muscle atrophy or tumor.

Inflammatory nature of itching

Almost every inflammatory process in the genitourinary system is accompanied by itching and burning in and around the vagina.

Pathology of the genitourinary system can be caused by:

Opportunistic bacteria, which are normally present in the body of every woman, and lead to problems only when the immune system is weakened or the vaginal microflora is disrupted, when they begin to multiply rapidly;

External sexually transmitted infection (STD) - can develop latently, not appearing for a long time, and under favorable conditions they reveal themselves by itching, rashes and burning.

The main bacterial inflammations that cause itching:

Candidiasis (thrush, yeast colpitis) caused by the yeast fungus Candida albicans or Monilia - accompanied by a burning white or grayish cheesy thick discharge with a characteristic odor;

Bacterial vaginitis or colpitis is the active growth of opportunistic bacteria (gardnerella, E. coli or cocci), leading to white discharge with an unpleasant fishy odor, symptoms intensify before menstruation.

Inflammations caused by sexually transmitted infections:

Sexually transmitted diseases – syphilis, gonorrhea, chancroid, lymphogranuloma venereum, donovanosis;

Chlamydia with frequent relapses;

Trichomoniasis with yellow-green discharge of an unpleasant odor;

Genital herpes - caused by the corresponding virus, is accompanied by painful blistering rashes on swollen skin or mucous membranes, and when the blisters burst, they provoke many small erosions and severe swelling;

Ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis – greenish discharge is observed along with itching;

Genital warts (condylomas), which are caused by HPV and are very difficult to treat.

Complications of infectious diseases such as inflammation of the cervix (endometritis), urethra (urethritis), and uterus (endometritis) are common. Such diseases are accompanied by additional secretions that provoke pain and burning.

Hormonal atrophic age-related changes

Atrophy itself in a young woman is quite rare, so such pathologies of the female genital organs are typical for women after 35 years of age or in patients with menstrual irregularities.

The vagina may itch with the following atrophies:

Kraurosis of the vagina and vulva is a precancerous age-related process associated with atrophy of the mucous membrane and skin of the vulva, manifested by dryness and itching on the outside of the vagina, its stenosis and sclerotic changes in the labia minora and majora;

Atrophy of the mucous membrane - typical for women during menopause, menstrual irregularities and autoimmune diseases, with burning, tingling and dryness of the vagina and labia, especially during sexual intercourse;

Urogenital fistulas - formed after operations on the genitourinary system, lead to inflammation of the vagina when urine gets on it.

Neoplasms of the genital organs:

Oncological diseases of the uterus, cervix, ovaries or vagina;


Gartner's cyst.

Any neoplasm is unpredictable and can cause pain, burning, itching in the vagina and discharge on the external genitalia.

What somatic diseases cause vaginal itching?

Any disease can provoke intoxication of the body and affect all its systems and organs. The mucous membrane of the vaginal walls often suffers. What to suspect?

1. Diabetes mellitus. With this disease, without proper correction, pathogenic bacteria multiply much faster.

2. Hormonal disorders are caused by a lack of estradiol. This is a female sex hormone that is responsible for the renewal and condition of the mucous membrane of the vaginal walls and the inner layer of the uterus. If there is not enough estradiol, then the mucous membrane atrophies, there is not enough secretion, and this dryness leads to severe sensitivity of the vagina. It reacts to external stimuli with severe injuries.

3. Diseases of the thyroid gland, kidneys or liver. Cirrhosis, hepatitis, nephritis, anemia are a small part of the diseases that can cause discomfort in the vaginal area.

4. Cystitis. It is a common concomitant disease with STDs, candidiasis or pyelonephritis, causing itching, burning and pain.

5. Pubic lice, helminthiasis. These diseases can create the illusion of inflammation of the vagina, since irritants are located near it. Therefore, if you complain of vaginal itching, your doctor may refer you for a worm test.

6. Diseases of the digestive system - hemorrhoids, intestinal dysbiosis, anal fissures and proctitis often lead to mild itching of the external genitalia.

7. Nervous fatigue, stress. Emotional, mental disorders, depression, diseases of the nervous system and other disorders of the brain can also cause discomfort in the vagina.

Other reasons

The vagina can itch for other reasons.


The body's immune response, expressed by unpleasant sensations in the vagina, can occur to any allergen. These can be vaginal tampons or suppositories, intimate hygiene products, condoms, and similar items for daily use.

A fairly rare, but very uncomfortable phenomenon is an allergy to the sperm of a sexual partner. The allergen can be either the sperm protein itself or various medications or foods that the partner took before sexual intercourse. To dispel doubts, you need to take allergy tests.

Vaginal discomfort during pregnancy

The vast majority of pregnant women experienced itching, burning or pain in both the external and internal genital organs. The hormonal surges described above are to blame. The mucous membrane of the vaginal walls changes the acid-base environment, leading to both its dryness and increased growth of the thrush fungus, which very often occurs in pregnant women.

In addition to thrush, itching in the vaginal area in pregnant women can be due to genital herpes, which occurs due to a decrease in the body's immunity.

Itching factors that you can remove yourself

Frequent visits to a doctor with a complaint of itching, which a woman causes due to improper behavior or inattention:

Wearing tight synthetic underwear;

Hypothermia or overheating;

The use of scented products that act as an irritant - fragrances in shower gel, soap, sanitary pads, tampons, washing powder or toilet paper;

Ignoring individual intolerance to contraceptives and barrier contraceptives, as well as lubricants and sex toys;

Violation of hygiene rules - insufficient care of the external genitalia and perineum;

Imbalance of nutrients as a result of unhealthy diets for weight loss, and as a result of poor nutrition - addiction to processed foods, fast food, sweet or spicy foods.

If the discomfort is caused by one of the above conditions, then if it is excluded within three days, the symptoms should disappear. Otherwise, you need to urgently contact a gynecologist.

How to diagnose the cause of vaginal itching

The main task of diagnosis is to find out the root cause of unpleasant sensations - inflammatory, infectious, hormonal, allergic disease or other types of disorders. The doctor must draw up the correct clinical picture during an external examination; to do this, you need to follow some rules before going to the doctor.

Rules of conduct before visiting a gynecologist:

A couple of days before going to see a doctor, you should not use any suppositories or sprays, antibacterial agents, have sexual intercourse, or douche;

Do not urinate a couple of hours before going to the doctor;

The evening before the visit, you need to wash your external genitalia with warm water and regular (not antibacterial!) soap.

What tests are needed?

First of all, a smear is taken from the cervical canal to determine the microflora of the vagina, after which, depending on the general picture and symptoms of the disease, the following tests are possible:

A smear or scraping to diagnose PCR or ELISA for infections;

Culture of vaginal discharge for the presence of anaerobic and aerobic bacteria and fungi with resistance to antibiotics;

General blood analysis;

Blood test for hormones (if atrophic changes in the mucous membranes are suspected);

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;

Allergy tests.

It may well be that after a thorough examination, the gynecologist will not need tests at all if the causes of concern are already clear - these could be characteristic herpetic lesions, candida cheesy plaque or the condition of the cervix and vaginal mucosa.

If the examination reveals non-gynecological problems that cause itching in the vagina, the patient is referred to a specialized specialist for further consultation and treatment.

Vaginal itching: correct treatment

Before going to the doctor, you need to exclude all possible irritants from your diet and treatment and observe the reaction for a couple of days. If the itching does not stop, you should immediately contact a medical facility.

If it is not possible to go to the hospital right away, then to alleviate the condition you need:

Wash yourself more often, adding antiseptics to the water - chlorhexidine or a little furatsilin (but not manganese or iodine);

Adhere to a hypoallergenic diet, excluding spicy, pickled and sweet foods, consume more fermented milk products;

Use only cotton, breathable underwear;

Avoid physical activity and sexual intercourse.

After an examination by a gynecologist, depending on the diagnosis of vaginal itching, appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

Examples of therapy for gynecological diseases

Candidiasis (thrush) is treated with antifungal drugs based on clotrimazole, both topically and orally. Additionally, the vagina is treated with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine. To normalize microflora and boost immunity, the drugs “Linex”, “Acidophilus”, immunomodulators and a vitamin complex are used. An integral part of therapy for fungal diseases is a gentle diet without alcohol, sweets, spices and salt.

Bacterial vaginosis can be treated with local medications in the form of antibacterial tablets or suppositories, and the main goal is to restore the vaginal microflora with eubiotics. It is also recommended to use more fermented milk products in the diet of a sick woman.

Cervicitis requires complex treatment with antibiotics, antiviral and other medications, depending on the stage of the disease and the sensitivity of the pathogen to drugs. Chlamydial cervicitis is treated with tetracyclines, macrolides, quinolones and azalides, candidal cervicitis is treated with fluconazole. Locally combined preparations such as terzhinan are also used in the form of suppositories and creams.

Genital herpes can be treated with Acyclovir, Zovirax, Immunex, and other antiviral medications. The effectiveness of therapy directly depends on the advanced stage of the disease. The sooner treatment is started, the easier it is to cope with the symptoms of herpes. During treatment, immune support therapy is required.

STDs require serious comprehensive treatment only after a final diagnosis has been made. Depending on the type of infection, antibiotics, immunostimulants, hepatoprotectors, enzyme preparations and a vitamin complex are used. Local treatment of such diseases is ineffective.

In other cases of vaginal itching not associated with gynecological diseases, therapy is selected by a specialized specialist - an allergist, endocrinologist, immunologist, neurologist or psychotherapist. Physiotherapy, hormonal therapy, sedatives and antihistamines may be prescribed.

Self-medication and scratching of itchy areas can lead to a secondary infection and difficulty diagnosing the underlying disease. In addition, the unauthorized use of antiseptics and, worse, antibiotics, causes bacteria to become addictive, increases their resistance and transfers the disease to a chronic stage. Relapses are very difficult to cure.

Do not get carried away with douching, drugs imposed by advice from girlfriends and advertising - symptoms that are identical at first glance are often a manifestation of completely different diseases, the treatment of which should only be entrusted to a qualified doctor!

Itching in the vagina is the most common symptom of pathological processes in the body, accompanied by irritation of the genital organs and the appearance of characteristic discharge.

Vaginal itching is a fairly common phenomenon; it occurs in women at any age and for various reasons. Itching indicates problems in the body or the development of some disease. If this unpleasant symptom appears, you should be examined by a gynecologist, and, if necessary, undergo a general examination. You should not treat itching yourself with douches and ointments, because this is only a symptom; it is important to find the cause. Only after a correct diagnosis will a specialist prescribe the optimal treatment.

There is no need to scratch areas of irritation, as this creates an ideal environment for infection by pathogens and inflammation. If various discharges accompany the itching, and even with an unpleasant odor, you should immediately consult a doctor, as they may indicate the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. In general, there are many reasons for the appearance of irritation and itching of the vulva.

Causes of vaginal itching:

Inflammation of the mucous membrane.
Most often, itching is provoked by the development of inflammation of the vaginal mucosa against the background of the activity of opportunistic microflora (Gardnerella, Candida fungi). Mainly diagnosed:
  • gardnerellosis (bacterial vaginosis) - against the background of the activity of gardnerella, it is accompanied by the appearance of copious, unpleasant-smelling foamy discharge of white or gray color (if untreated, the discharge acquires a yellow-green tint), may be a consequence of the activity of E. coli (with poor hygiene) or coccal infections occurring by mixed type;
  • candidiasis (thrush) – swelling and redness of the vulva, thick white, cheesy, odorless discharge, pain during urination and sexual intercourse are also observed;
  • colpitis (vaginitis) – irritation appears, unpleasant-smelling thick discharge of a yellow-green or gray color, sometimes mixed with blood, pain during sexual intercourse and urination.
Venereal diseases.
Another common cause of vaginal itching is sexually transmitted infections:
  • chlamydia – in addition to irritation, there is a discharge from the genital tract with a fishy odor, the disease often recurs;
  • trichomoniasis - accompanied by profuse foamy greenish discharge and a fishy odor;
  • genital herpes - the appearance of painful blisters with further formation of ulcers is noted;
  • ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis - itching is one of the first signs of the presence of the disease;
  • genital warts or genital condylomas - the disease develops against the background of the activity of the human papillomavirus, in addition to itching, the appearance of skin outgrowths or condylomas in the genital area is noted;
  • gonorrhea - itching is one of the signals of the presence of the disease in an acute form, in addition to it, purulent vaginal discharge, swelling, redness of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, burning, painful urination and frequent urge to urinate, intermenstrual bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen are observed;
  • syphilis - in addition to itching, the appearance on the external genitalia, cervix and mucous membrane of the vulva of a hard chancre with a dense base, smooth edges and a brown-red bottom is noted.
Against the background of STDs, cervicitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervix), endometritis (inflammation of the uterus), urethritis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra), each of which is accompanied by unbearable itching in the vulva, can develop as complications.

Intoxication due to any infectious disease, severe poisoning can affect the vaginal mucosa, itching is one of the manifestations of this effect.

It also happens that a woman who has had a relationship with one sexual partner (husband) all her life develops an allergic reaction to his sperm. As a result, after an unprotected act of love, she experiences unbearable itching in the vaginal area. Such cases are rare and are also accompanied by burning, hyperemia, swelling of the vulva and external genitalia immediately after sexual intercourse. Medicines or food products that a man consumes can also serve as an irritating factor (to clarify, allergy tests are carried out on the husband’s sperm). Itching can be one of the manifestations of incompatibility between the microflora of a woman and a man.

Itching as an allergic reaction can occur due to the use of local contraceptives (suppositories, foams, creams); latex or condom lubricants, lubricants, some sanitary pads, and even some food products can be an irritating factor.

Tumors of the pelvic organs and inflammation in the genital organs.
Neoplasms of various natures of the uterus, cervix or vagina (fibroids, fibroids, polyps), inflammatory processes in the uterus (endometritis), ovaries (adnexitis) can cause itching, in addition, these processes are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

Impairment or cessation of the functions of the vaginal mucosa (atrophy).
Dryness, tingling, burning, itching of the vagina and labia may be a consequence of atrophic processes characteristic of menopausal women (for example, vulvar kraurosis, vulvar lichen or leukoplakia). Over the years, the amount of lubricant secreted by the glands decreases, against this background the sensitivity of the vaginal mucosa sharply increases, hence discomfort, pain and irritation appear during and immediately after sexual intercourse.

A disease such as kraurosis of the vagina and vulva is a progressive atrophic process on the mucous membrane and skin of the vulva. It is characterized by severe itching, vaginal stenosis, vaginal dryness, sclerotic changes in the clitoris and labia. Atrophy can also be caused by autoimmune diseases.

Urogenital fistulas.
One of the symptoms of urogenital fistulas is itching of the genitals against the background of irritation of the mucous membrane around the fistula (in this case, the irritating factor is urine). Such fistulas usually form after a cesarean section, after natural childbirth and other surgical interventions of a gynecological or urological nature.

Insufficient hygiene of intimate areas.
Non-compliance, insufficient compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, or excessive hygiene can provoke itching of the genitals, in particular the vulva. The reason may also be a preference for synthetic underwear, too tight underwear, the use of soap, or too frequent douching procedures, which ultimately disrupt the microflora and cause vaginal dysbiosis.

Hormonal imbalances.
Hormonal changes in the body can occur against the background of endocrine diseases, in particular against the background of diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, liver failure, ovarian dysfunction, hepatitis, and blood diseases. Most often, vaginal itching is accompanied by skin itching. Hormonal imbalances due to a lack of estrogen make the walls of the vulva inelastic.

Antibiotic therapy leads to the destruction of beneficial lactobacilli, which are responsible for maintaining the acidic environment in the vagina and preventing pathogens from multiplying.

Inflammatory dermatitis of the skin.
The cause of itching of the vulva can be any allergic disease, dermatitis of various natures, or simple cutaneous lichen.

Mental and nervous disorders.
For example, peripheral or central neuropathy, brain damage can be one of the causes of itching.

Stress, overwork.
Depression, emotional overload, and stress can affect the condition of the vulvar mucosa.

Diseases of the liver, kidneys, thyroid gland, blood diseases.
Malfunctions of the thyroid gland, diseases such as anemia, cirrhosis, hepatitis, leukemia, among others, can provoke the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the perineum.

Diseases of the digestive system.
Hemorrhoids, gastrointestinal diseases, anal fissures, intestinal dysbiosis, proctitis can provoke itching and burning in the vulva area, this is explained by the fact that the anus and vulva area are close to each other.

External causes can also cause itching, in particular banal overheating or hypothermia, mechanical damage to the mucous membrane.

Itching in the vagina can be constant (urogenital infections) or periodic (synthetic underwear). It often intensifies on the eve of menstruation.

If the cause of itching is external irritants, then for treatment it is enough to eliminate the irritating factor. If you have no doubts about the correctness of intimate hygiene, external irritants have been removed, and the itching does not disappear within three days, you should consult a doctor, since most likely there is an infection or other serious disease that requires mandatory intervention from a specialist.

Scratching itchy areas and self-medicating by douching or using antiseptics is not recommended, since all these measures increase the risk of secondary infection several times and complicate the diagnosis of the disease. An incorrect diagnosis for yourself can contribute to the development of a chronic form of the disease.

To identify the cause of vaginal itching, the following tests are taken and carried out: a smear for microflora, bacterial culture, tests for the presence of sexually transmitted infections using ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) and PCR (polymerase chain reaction). The sensitivity of flora microorganisms to antibiotics is determined, and also examined for the presence of intestinal dysbiosis. At the same time, it is necessary to test feces for worm eggs.

During the three days before your examination with a doctor, it is important to:

  • do not use any means (suppositories, sprays, etc.), do not douche;
  • don't have sex;
  • do not use intimate hygiene products.
The evening before going to the specialist, wash the external genitalia with warm water and baby soap, and on the day of the visit, try not to urinate three hours before the doctor’s appointment.

Treatment of vaginal itching.
Treatment of vaginal itching is the field of gynecologists, but basically treatment has an integrated approach and requires the intervention of other specialists (therapist, dermatologist, neurologist, allergist).

Treatment in each specific case is carried out individually and depends on the cause that provoked the development of this unpleasant phenomenon. In the presence of an infectious process, antimicrobial drugs of local and systemic action are prescribed. Fungal infections are treated with antifungal agents. If allergies are the cause of itching, patients are prescribed sedatives and antihistamines. Drugs with anti-inflammatory, antipruritic or combined effects (usually vaginal suppositories and tablets) are also prescribed. If necessary, hormone therapy, additional treatment from other specialists, and physical therapy methods may be prescribed.

If the cause of itching is nervous and mental disorders, psychotherapy and sedatives are used in treatment, endocrine disorders are treated with hormonal drugs, and in the case of diabetes, normal blood sugar levels are restored.

Treatment of vaginal itching with folk remedies.
The use of folk remedies is allowed as an auxiliary means in addition to the main treatment. Regular chamomile is considered a good antipruritic remedy; it is used for sitz baths. For two tablespoons of dried flowers, add a liter of boiling water, leave for half an hour.

Douching with herbal decoctions and medicated tampons are effective in treating vaginal itching. For example, pour a tablespoon of chamomile flowers into 400 ml of boiling water and place in a water bath for three minutes. Cool the resulting broth to a temperature of 37 degrees and strain through gauze folded in several layers. Use for douching daily for seven days. Instead of chamomile, it is effective to use calendula flowers or nettle (200 ml of boiling water per tablespoon of herb, leave for twenty minutes). Douche with warm infusion.

The following composition will help to relieve the itching somewhat: mix 50 grams of cocoa butter and 5 g of fir oil. Heat in an enamel bowl, first let it boil, and then cool to a temperature of 35-40 ° C. Make a gauze swab, moisten it in the mixture and insert it into the vagina. Place the tampon overnight and remove it in the morning, immediately after waking up. In parallel with this procedure, it is recommended to take an infusion: combine 100 g of St. John's wort, hop cones, birch leaves, chicory, string, and calendula flowers. Take two tablespoons of the resulting herbal mixture, add half a liter of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Take 50 ml orally three times a day half an hour before meals.

If we talk about diseases that cause this symptom, they are limited to the listed two groups. But there are other reasons.

Why does it itch and itch inside the vagina?

There are so many risk factors that only a doctor can definitely say why the vagina itches after a personal examination and history, as well as after the necessary laboratory tests.

Diagnosis is further complicated by the fact that a third group is added to the listed two groups - which is in no way related to diseases and pathologies.

Itching in the vagina: causes not related to diseases

Causes of itching in the vagina can be, for example, allergic reactions to any irritant that has entered the body or found itself in the external environment. Many women have individual intolerance to certain foods, but it’s not always just them. Allergies and irritation can be caused by synthetic underwear, incorrectly selected intimate care products, or regular soap that a girl uses to wash herself. Often many people think that they are itching inside, but in fact the problem is concentrated only on the outside.

Another point is special female conditions: a certain period of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, breastfeeding, entering menopause and menopause. It is important to understand one more thing: often unpleasant sensations are caused by incorrectly selected hormonal pills or contraceptive suppositories.

Advice. If you decide to use female contraceptives, in particular pills, injections or suppositories, consult a gynecologist and endocrinologist. Such drugs contain hormones, and it is better to choose them wisely than to experience health problems later.

This group of factors also includes: improper diets that depress the general condition of the body, an unhealthy lifestyle and bad habits (alcohol, as is known, dries out the mucous membranes), non-compliance with or ignorance of the basic rules of intimate hygiene.
We have described a whole range of reasons that influence the appearance of the symptom. How to fight the disease and how to treat it? Again, only a specialist will give a definite answer, but we will consider the question in general.

Itching in the vagina: treatment

Treatment of vaginal itching almost always involves an integrated approach. The doctor will start by identifying the causes of the problem, tell you what tests you will need to take and what is needed for an accurate diagnosis, determine what is happening to you, and only then prescribe the necessary medications. However, everyone understands that people often turn to a doctor when they have already exhausted ways to cure themselves. This is a wrong approach that threatens your health. We strongly discourage unauthorized prescribing of medications and taking courses of pills. The safest thing you can do to help yourself and alleviate the condition is folk remedies. Take and use all other medications only after prescription by a specialist.

How to treat vaginal itching, and what to do if it itches a lot? Douching with chamomile decoction, carried out daily, will help. Instead of this herb, you can take a mixture of calendula and stinging nettle. You can wash the vagina with a soda solution, and at night insert tampons moistened with melted cocoa and fir oils, cooled to human body temperature. Baths with copper sulfate will be useful. People advise lubricating the affected areas with sea buckthorn oil, and at night using a tampon soaked in this substance.

The safest medications are: Ginocomfort gels, Fluconazole and Pimafucin, drugs with antibiotic action such as Acyclovir or Diflucan. Often, the doctor prescribes a medicine that restores the microflora: Ovestin, Acylact, etc. Do not forget that usually the sexual partner also has to be treated. Now you know everything about the disease: why it can appear and how to get rid of vaginal itching before getting help from a specialist. Well, our portal wishes every woman good health, mutual love and a great mood!
Watch the video for a complete picture of the problem:

Girls and women of all ages, from teenagers to the elderly, experience itching, burning and discomfort in the intimate area. Regular scratching of delicate skin and mucous membranes leads to microtraumas, which can become infected. In addition, a woman may be bothered by redness and swelling. All these symptoms can significantly reduce the quality of life, interfere with work, rest and make normal sex life impossible.

Indeed, it is not easy to work, sitting in the office next to colleagues when there is a “fire”, or to leisurely walk along the street with friends, experiencing an irresistible urge to scratch. Women are often deterred from immediately visiting a gynecologist by the fact that itching occurs periodically - the acute form gradually goes into remission and the discomfort can be forgotten until the next time.

Why is self-medication dangerous?

As a rule, when itching appears in the genital area, many women decide to pay more attention to intimate hygiene. All kinds of gels, emulsions, creams, ointments and special wipes are used. Also, without medical consultation, traditional medicine recipes are widely used - herbal decoctions and tinctures, applications, intimate baths, douching and self-made “medicinal” tampons.

In most cases, excessive zeal, attempts to “clean everything squeaky clean” and self-medication lead to a sad result - a disease that could have been cured in just one or two visits to the gynecologist recurs, becomes chronic and leads to the development of complications and diseases of other organ systems.

Remember: itching and burning in themselves are not a disease! They are just symptoms that indicate that there is something wrong with your body. Treatment will be effective only if the cause of the discomfort is correctly identified before it begins. And only a doctor can do this.

By the way, self-medication and the use of “miracle” lotions can disrupt the clinical picture of the disease, which will make it difficult to make a diagnosis when contacting a gynecologist. Therefore, do not experiment to your own detriment; if you experience even seemingly minor discomfort in the intimate area, immediately contact a specialist

Causes of itching and burning in the intimate area in women

Both diseases directly related to the reproductive organs and diseases of other organs and systems can provoke the appearance of discomfort in the genital area. In addition, itching and burning can be caused by such seemingly unexpected reasons as unsuitable underwear fabric, diet and stress.

Candidiasis (thrush)

Thrush, familiar to most women, is an inflammatory disease caused by fungi of the genus Candida. Often the development of candidiasis occurs against the background of uncontrolled use of antibiotics and a decrease in the level of immunity. In addition to the itching and burning that usually occurs with thrush, a thick, curd-like white discharge is also observed. If candidiasis is not treated in time, then over time it can turn into a serious problem.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

Chlamydia, trichomoniasis, genital herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, chancroid and many other infections are manifested by itching, burning and the appearance of characteristic discharge. Untimely treatment of these diseases can lead to infertility and serious illnesses and life-threatening complications.


An allergic reaction can be caused by any irritant: food, medications used both internally and externally, condoms, synthetic underwear, partner’s sperm and many other factors. In each individual case, allergy tests and individually selected therapy are required.


Diabetes mellitus causes disturbances in carbohydrate metabolism, as well as damage to blood vessels and nerves in the skin and mucous membranes. All this can cause incessant itching in the intimate area. In addition, diabetes mellitus negatively affects the immune system, making it more difficult for a woman’s body to fight bacteria, fungi and viruses.


At first glance, any dietary restrictions and desire for a slim figure have nothing to do with discomfort in the genital area. But in fact, an unbalanced diet, a lack of vitamins and beneficial microelements may well cause itching and burning in an intimate place.

If you are not into diets, but like to eat semi-finished and instant foods with a lot of preservatives, dyes and flavor enhancers, this can also negatively affect the microflora of the genital organs.

The only right decision if any discomfort occurs is to immediately make an appointment with a specialist.

Take care of yourself and remember that timely assistance from a gynecologist is the key to your health and well-being.

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