Removable dentures: which are better, reviews. Removable prosthetics: types, advantages and disadvantages Partially removable prosthetics

Removable partial dentures are used to restore the dentition when one or more units are missing. The types of designs, their advantages and features of the installation will be discussed in the article.

What are removable partial dentures?

Partial removable prosthetic products are an orthopedic structure made of a plate imitating the gum, artificial teeth, as well as fixing elements (clasps or attachments).

This is the ideal option for restoring chewing units. The main advantages are comfortable wearing and affordable price.

The main condition for the installation of partial removable dentures is the presence of healthy abutment teeth.

Indications for installation:

  • loss of one or more units in the upper or lower dentition;
  • when it is impossible to perform an operation to implant implants;
  • as a temporary prosthesis (when a longer time is required to implant the implant);
  • in the presence of end defects of the teeth (unilateral or bilateral type);
  • absence of chewing molars.

Types of partial removable dentures for the upper and lower jaw

Partially removable dentures are made in several ways, from different materials with structural differences. These factors determine belonging to a particular species.

What are they and what do they look like?

Acrylic (plate)

Acrylic prostheses are used to restore the dentition with missing one or more units for temporary or permanent wear. The basis of the design is in the form of a plate, made of plastic.

Acrylic is used for artificial teeth. Sometimes the base is reinforced with a metal layer. Modeling is carried out by a dental technician on an individual impression.

The prosthesis system is installed with the help of clamps (clasps, attachments), therefore, an important condition for the possibility of using this type is the presence of two supporting teeth.


  • aesthetics, modern materials skillfully imitate the natural color of the gums and teeth;
  • affordable price;
  • restoration of chewing function;
  • prostheses can be repaired, relined.


  • insufficiently tight fixation of the structure to the gums, as a result of which pressure is created on the tissue, discomfort is felt;
  • the monomers that make up acrylic provoke an allergic reaction;
  • the porosity of the material structure contributes to the accumulation of microorganisms on the surface of the prosthesis;
  • insufficient strength, the product often breaks.

The price of a lamellar acrylic prosthesis is on average 18,000 rubles.

The prosthesis system is installed with the help of retainers, therefore, an important condition for the possibility of using this type is the presence of two supporting teeth


Nylon construction is similar to acrylic and plastic partial dentures, but the structure of the product is soft and elastic.

The colors of the base, as well as artificial teeth, imitate the natural tonality. This type is suitable for restoring the dentition in the absence of one or more teeth, including adentia.

The prosthesis is made of hypoallergenic elastic material, which ensures quick adaptation and comfortable wearing.

To achieve a strong fixation, it is necessary to observe high accuracy, therefore, the manufacturing process of the structure involves the use of innovative technologies.

The installation of the prosthesis is carried out with the help of special elastic retainers that have the color of the gums, therefore, with a wide smile, the product does not betray itself even on the front teeth.


  • comfortable wearing, no problems with diction;
  • the design ensures a snug fit of the base to the gum;
  • hypoallergenicity of the materials used;
  • installation does not require grinding of supporting teeth;
  • fast adaptation;
  • despite elasticity, the prosthesis is adapted to mechanical loads, pressure
  • the fixing elements are made of flexible material, do not create problems when wearing;
  • does not change color during operation;
  • evenly distributes the chewing load, without creating excessive impact on the abutment teeth.


  • elasticity provokes atrophy of bone tissue;
  • special care is required;
  • over time, the product is deformed, which provides for its complete replacement;
  • the impossibility of relocation and repair.

The average cost of a partial nylon prosthesis is 8,600 rubles.

The prosthesis is made of hypoallergenic elastic material, which ensures quick adaptation and comfortable wearing.


The design is a kind of bridge, the shape of which imitates the natural gingiva in color and configuration.

Artificial teeth, which are missing in the row, are also installed on the basis. The base is made of high-strength metal, fasteners and functionality are fixed on it. If you are allergic to metal surfaces, you can choose a product with a base of polymeric materials.

A partial denture of the clasp type is made by casting with strict observance of the parameters of the patient's jaw. This effect is achieved thanks to the cast taken and the model made of plaster.

The structure is installed in place of the missing units, fixing the position with clasps, attachments or telescopic crowns. The hook-shaped lock securely holds the prosthesis during chewing loads and night sleep.


  • the installation of the prosthesis does not provide for the preparation of adjacent teeth;
  • aesthetics;
  • uniform load distribution during chewing movements of the jaws;
  • light weight, compact size, which makes wearing comfortable;
  • the possibility of choosing a metal-free design (for allergy sufferers);
  • absence of membranes in the palatal part;
  • long service life (more than 10 years).


  • the alveolar process is subject to atrophy;
  • special care is required due to the possibility of accumulating food debris in the castle parts;
  • relatively high price.

The average price of a clasp partial denture is 30,000 rubles.

A partial denture of the clasp type is made by casting with strict observance of the parameters of the patient's jaw

The design is a base that imitates the natural gum, artificial teeth (one or more in a row) and hook-shaped retainers located on the sides. Due to the external similarity, the product is called a butterfly prosthesis.

Immediate designs are used for permanent and temporary wear, mainly for the restoration of chewing units. They are made according to individual parameters, which are fixed in the cast.

In order to maintain the most accurate dimensions, it is recommended to make an impression before the extraction of the diseased tooth. By computer simulation, a model of an artificial tooth and gum part is created. Applicable materials: plastics, nylon.

The installation process takes a little time. In the case of clasps, hooks are hooked onto adjacent teeth, products with suction cups are simply fixed to the gum.


  • suitable for patients of different age groups;
  • high aesthetic qualities;
  • the installation does not provide for damage to the enamel of adjacent teeth;
  • speed of prosthetics;
  • easy addiction;
  • special care is not required.


  • fragility of the product, which leads to frequent breakdowns;
  • in some cases, there is a long addiction, discomfort when wearing;
  • fragility.

The cost of the product depends on the parameters of the prosthesis and the materials used, the price starts from 6,500 rubles.

By computer simulation, a model of an artificial tooth and gum part is created

The design is not much different from conventional partial dentures, but the palatal part is absent, and fixation is carried out on locks or attachments located in the patient's own teeth.

This type refers to conditionally removable products, since it is not required to remove it daily. Additionally, fastening is carried out by the gum part by suction.

For the manufacture of a new generation of sandwich prostheses, plastic, acrylic and metal retainers are used. The product is modeled according to the parameters of the cast taken from the patient's jaw, after which the structure is cast.

Installation is carried out on the prepared abutment teeth, where the elements of the retainers are attached under the root. The second part of the fasteners is located in the prosthesis itself.


  • high levels of comfort;
  • aesthetic factor;
  • reliable fixation, even at night you should not worry about the loss of the prosthesis;
  • the design does not change the taste sensations and diction;
  • the product does not provoke atrophy of bone tissue;
  • durability.


  • high price;
  • may cause allergy (to metal);
  • unstable psyche;
  • installation is possible in the presence of healthy reference units.

The average cost of a sandwich prosthesis is 40,000 rubles.

Installation is carried out on prepared abutment teeth, where elements of the retainers are attached under the root

Which ones are better?

You can evaluate the advantages of one or another type of partial removable denture by reading a brief comparative description:

Comparative analysis of partial removable dentures


Acrylic Nylon Clasp Sandwich dentures
Comfort Low High High, does not violate diction Quick fit, comfortable to wear High, does not violate diction
Allergenicity Material may cause allergies Hypoallergenic Reactions to metal The manifestation of allergies is possible in acrylic products, nylon - hypoallergenic Possible local allergy
The need to grind abutment teeth Required but not always Not required A small layer of enamel is removed when installing a product with attachments Not required Not required
Strength Often break Do not break, but subject to shrinkage High strength Low High strength
Life time 3-4 years 5 years Over 10 years 3-5 months 7-10 years old
Relocation, repair Maybe Impossible Mostly possible Acrylic structures can be repaired, nylon structures must be replaced Maybe
Price, rubles 18 000 8 600 – 10 000 25 000 – 40 000 7 500 – 9 300 40 000

Wearing and care

In addition to hygiene procedures, you will need to use dental floss and conditioner

Care for partial dentures is the same as for healthy teeth: hygiene procedures with high-quality paste and a properly selected brush (twice a day).

Acrylic products require a little more attention.

This is due to the porosity of the material, which creates favorable conditions for the accumulation of plaque.

In addition to hygiene procedures, you will need to use dental floss and rinse balm for thorough cleaning after each meal.

Periodically, you should contact the clinic for professional oral hygiene.

When removing the prosthesis at night, there is no need to immerse it in a glass of water, just wrap the product in a clean napkin.

If during putting on or taking off the structure, you feel the relaxation of the clamps, then you should make an appointment with the dentist to correct the fasteners.

The service life depends on the chosen design for dental prosthetics. On average, dentures are worn for 5 years. If there is increased atrophy of the jaw bone tissue, then the period of operation is halved.

To prolong the service life of prosthetic products, it is recommended to follow the rules for care and order design adjustments in a timely manner.

Some types of partial dentures can be relined and repaired. For example, acrylic and clasp can be repaired, and if the shape of nylon products is lost, they are completely replaced.

The cost of repairing a simple breakdown is an average of 2,000 rubles, a complex one - 5,000 rubles. For relocation in the oral cavity, you will have to pay from 2,000 rubles.

Popular questions

What are conditionally removable dentures?

This type of prosthesis is used in the absence of one or more units in the dentition. The design is fixed to the abutment teeth using micro locks or cement. In the absence of supports, implantation is provided.

What prostheses are attached to hooks?

Partial removable dentures of various types are fixed on hooks: acrylic, nylon, immediate, clasp.

What is the difference between upper and lower jaw prostheses?

The main difference is in the design of the palatal part. On products for the lower jaw, the membrane is made in the form of a thin strip of a curved shape. This decision is explained by the presence of a frenulum of the tongue at the bottom of the mouth. At the top, the area in the area of ​​the dental arch is large, so the prosthesis has a continuous connecting field.

Which false jaw is better?

The selection of the false jaw is carried out after examining the patient's oral cavity and studying all the features. There is no single answer to the question, since the appropriate option is selected, in particular, taking into account the budget.

If we take into account comfort and practicality, then clasp prostheses on clasps and quadrotti deserve more attention.

Which is better - a removable denture or a bridge?

Each prosthetic product has a number of advantages and certain indications. Also, when choosing, contraindications are taken into account. Therefore, there is no single answer to the question posed.

However, when considering the functionality and practicality of these types of prostheses, preference is given to a removable structure. When using partial products, the supporting teeth are rarely subjected to grinding, if such a need arises, then the minimum thickness is removed from the enamel.

In addition, this model makes it possible to control the state of tooth tissues, to identify various diseases at the initial stage of development.

Modern prosthetics can replace any number of missing teeth. If there are several of them, but at the same time their own healthy teeth remain, partially removable dentures are installed.

Such prostheses are often used as temporary ones.

It assumes that the patient himself can remove the structures, and then install them again, also without the help of a doctor. Some time ago, such products were not popular because they were bulky and difficult to manufacture.

But today, dentistry uses comfortable and inconspicuous partial dentures. Testimony to their installation are considered:

  • Absence of several chewing teeth.
  • The inability to fix the bridge.
  • Presence of contraindications for fixation of implants.

A partial removable denture can also be installed as a temporary one - for example, for the period while it is being made or at the time of implantation.


One of the design features is the presence of fasteners, with the help of which the prostheses are attached to the supporting teeth. Fixing can be done in the following ways:

  1. Clasps, or hooks that wrap around the abutment teeth and thereby hold the structure. Most often, with this method of attachment, it is recommended to cover the abutment tooth with a crown, since a metal hook can damage the enamel.
  2. Attachments- lock-type devices, one part of which is attached to the abutment tooth, the second - to the prosthesis.
  3. Telescopic crowns, consisting of two parts, identical in shape, but different in size. The larger part is put on the smaller one, thereby ensuring a strong fixation.

Varieties of partial dentures

Today, several methods of partially removable prosthetics are used. Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages.

Acrylic partially removable dentures

The most popular systems, due to their low cost. The basis of products is made of acrylic plastic, crowns are attached to it. Most often, such structures have a clasp fixation. TO virtues products include:

  1. There is a risk of allergy to the components that make up the plastic.
  2. The material has a porous structure and becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, for the reproduction of which in the oral cavity there are all conditions. This leads to inflammation that captures the mucous membranes.
  3. Adapting to prostheses is quite difficult. At the slightest deviation in size, they can rub the sky, cause a gag reflex.
  4. The design covers a significant part of the sky (therefore it is called cover) and causes atrophy of the bone tissue.

Important! In connection with the listed shortcomings, most dentists recommend using it as a temporary one.

Nylon structures

Nylon is a soft and elastic material. Not only the base, but also clasps are made from it, so it is convenient to wear such designs. They also have others dignity:

However, there are also very serious flaws:

  1. Flexibility and elasticity prevent an even distribution of the chewing load.
  2. The product justifies itself when you need to replace no more than 3-4 teeth. If the defect is larger, the prosthesis may be deformed during chewing.

Clasp prostheses

Prosthetics of teeth with partial absence using clasp structures is considered one of the best solutions. Such products are a reduced base and crowns that are attached to a metal arc. They can be attached to the abutment teeth both with the help of clasps and by means of micro-locks. Experts recommend such products due to their benefits:

  • The design is very reliable, it is firmly held in the mouth.
  • Byugel contributes to a uniform distribution of the load, so bone tissue atrophy slows down.
  • Aesthetic appearance, no effect on diction and taste sensations.
  • Convenience and ease of use.

TO shortcomings partial prosthetics of teeth with the help of clasp structures include:

Quadrotti prostheses became a definite solution to these problems. These are clasp structures that have several important differences from the standard ones:

  • The basis is made of Dental D plastic, which is distinguished by its elasticity, resistance to impact, and elasticity.
  • Clasps are also made of Dental D plastic, so they are invisible and do not damage the enamel. In this regard, there is no need to install crowns on supporting units.

At the same time, the reliability of fixation in Quadrotti is lower than that of conventional byugels, so it is impossible to say unequivocally which option would be preferable.


Such products are called "butterflies" for their resemblance to butterfly wings. They are crowns with "wings" - plastic clasps that will clasp adjacent teeth. Most often they are made of nylon and replace no more than three teeth.

This design is quite convenient, but it can hardly be called reliable, so "butterflies" are most often used as a temporary measure in the process of prosthetics or implantation.

Features of care

Regardless of which structures were used in the partial absence of teeth, they require careful care. To prolong their service life and prevent complications, it is necessary to observe some rules:

  1. After eating, remove the products and rinse them.
  2. Brush twice a day just like natural teeth.
  3. It is better to refuse the use of viscous products, chewing gums.
  4. Design corrections are mandatory: at least three within two weeks after installation.

Getting used to prostheses lasts from a week to five months, depending on the condition of the oral cavity, the types of construction and fasteners used. If you feel severe discomfort, there are signs of inflammation or allergies, you should contact the dental center where the prosthesis was performed.


  1. Zhulev E.N. Removable partial dentures (theory, clinic and laboratory equipment). Nizhny Novgorod, 2000.
  2. Kopeikin V.N. Orthopedic dentistry. Moscow, 2001.

Partially removable dentures are used in dentistry in cases where there are still healthy living teeth in the oral cavity. Such designs make it possible to restore missing teeth, as well as correct many cosmetic defects in a smile. What are the features, pros and cons of this type of prosthetics?

What are partially removable structures?

What are the types of partially removable dentures? Depending on the medical indications and the individual characteristics of the patient, such designs can be:

The prosthesis is fixed with clasps or locks.

  1. lamellar are used in the absence of several teeth that were located in a row.
  2. These are modern orthopedic products that can replace both several teeth and a whole row.
  3. This is a temporary design.
  4. Nylon products make it possible to restore several missing teeth.

Partially removable dentures are fixed with clasps or special locks. Clasps can be made from both metal and. They are attached at the base of the teeth and are completely invisible to others.

Locks also consist of two main parts, one of them is located on the prosthesis, and the second on the supporting tooth. When the doctor fixes the structure, he connects these two parts of the lock together. This type of fastening is characterized by high strength and reliability.

Read also:

What are the indications and contraindications for the installation?

This type of prosthetics is used in the following cases:

  • Chewing teeth are missing.
  • Allergy to metals.
  • The presence of contraindications to the installation.
  • Used as a temporary structure.
  • If it is not possible to use non-removable products.

But they are contraindicated for people with serious diseases of the central nervous system, diseases of the oral mucosa, as well as for those who have allergic reactions to prosthesis materials.

Partially removable plate prosthesis

Partially removable plate prosthesis is the most affordable option for this type of construction. But most patients complain that the product is not very comfortable to wear and often causes discomfort.

Expert opinion. Dentist Yurchenko S.S.: “The base of the plate prosthesis is made of plastic, artificial teeth and other elements are already attached to it. Such a design can be made of both soft and hard plastic (the first option is much more expensive, and the second is not very comfortable to use).”

Advantages and disadvantages

Partially removable products have the following advantages:

But this type of prosthetics (read about the main types of prosthetics) often brings discomfort: sometimes patients notice a change in diction, pain, and a disturbance in the perception of the taste of products. Please note that when using this type of prosthetics, there may be some complications:

  • The occurrence of a gag reflex.
  • The development of inflammatory gum disease.
  • Erasing of enamel at the point of contact with clasps.
  • Irritation of the mucous membrane.
  • The self-cleaning of the mouth with saliva is impaired.

After each meal, be sure to rinse the product under running water to clean it of food debris. It is necessary to clean the structure twice a day with a brush and toothpaste. Eliminate from your menu viscous, hard and sticky foods that can break the product.

Please note that at first, unpleasant or even painful sensations may occur when wearing a prosthesis. The next day after fixing the product, it will be necessary to visit a specialist in order to carry out a correction. Then, within a few weeks, such corrections will be carried out 2-3 more times.

Getting used to this type of design takes a long time. This process often takes up to six months. But if the prosthesis is made and installed with high quality and the patient follows all the recommendations of the doctor, the adaptation will be much faster.

As a result of complete (edentulous) or partial loss of teeth, the upper and lower jaws are subjected to uneven loading. If a person ignores the timely treatment of this non-obvious problem, then the bone tissue may atrophy over time, which will not allow the installation of a partial denture in the future.

Along with dental problems, the quality of life also deteriorates. The absence of even one tooth can cause facial asymmetry, pathological bite, psychological discomfort, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Partial dentures are used in cases where it is necessary to restore missing molars or incisors that are missing in the dentition. To install an orthopedic structure, an important condition is necessary - the presence of at least two own teeth on the jaw, to which the system will be fixed with attachments and clasps.

Thanks to partial removable prosthetics, it is possible not only to eliminate cosmetic defects, but also to normalize the chewing function, the digestive system, which were disturbed due to the loss of one or more teeth.

Partial dentures are indicated under the following circumstances:

  • simultaneous removal of a large number of teeth;
  • if at least one tooth or several are missing (aesthetic prosthetics);
  • as a splinting (strengthening) prosthesis, as well as a temporary structure necessary for other dental procedures;
  • there are no supporting teeth in the right amount to install a clasp or bridge system;
  • it is impossible to install implants for essential indications;
  • allergy to metal structures;
  • the presence of serious defects in the dentition that cannot be restored in order to normalize the chewing function.

Often the procedure is well tolerated, so there are a number of minimal contraindications. Most often, negative manifestations can be caused by an individual reaction of the body to orthopedic materials, their properties, as well as in the presence of disorders in the general somatic condition.

Partially removable prosthesis is not installed:

  • there is no minimum number of full-fledged teeth that are needed for reliable fastening and installation, even distribution of the chewing load;
  • allergy to the properties of the materials from which the construction is planned to be manufactured;
  • if the mucous membrane of the oral cavity is affected, or diseases that have not been cured by a therapeutic method have been identified;
  • in the diagnosis of epilepsy, schizophrenia.

It is worth emphasizing that in dental practice the listed contraindications are extremely rare. But if they are identified, the doctor will be able to choose a different method of prosthetics, taking into account the individual characteristics of the person.

Types of partial dentures

Partially removable systems are divided into two main groups:

  • structures installed on a permanent basis;
  • temporary, the use of which is necessary to prepare and install permanent removable or fixed orthopedic systems.

Temporary structures greatly facilitate the condition of a person and help at the stage of transition associated with complete loss of teeth. This applies to cases where the use of complete removable structures is unavoidable. In addition, partial dentures are indispensable for temporary prosthetics, when it is necessary to prevent tooth displacement (for example, if it has been removed).

Consist of the following elements:

  • the basic part, which is in contact with the mucous membrane of the oral cavity;
  • artificial teeth fixed on the basis;
  • devices intended for holding and fixing (clasps, attachments);
  • in the clasp system, the presence of a frame in the form of an arc and a branch is also provided.

Based on the design features, partial removable dentures can be acrylic (hard) lamellar, nylon (soft), clasp. What is better to choose partial removable dentures is decided by the doctor in each case.

It is worth mentioning the immediate systems that are intended for temporary installation. They are used after removal or in preparation for the establishment of a permanent structure. If there is a need for unilateral restoration of the chewing row, then removable segments or sectors of the dentition are used.


An acrylic (plate) denture is a plastic plate with several artificial teeth, in some cases there is also a reinforcing metal layer inside. Universal system, used in the complete absence of one or more teeth. The procedure using this system is characterized by relatively simple manufacture, simple maintenance and affordable cost.

However, in modern dentistry, they are less and less likely to resort to installing this type for a number of reasons:

  • due to a fairly tight fixation to the jaw, pressure on the gums, a change in diction, a feeling of discomfort are possible;
  • the content of monomers in the composition of the material can provoke allergies, stomatitis;
  • have the ability to accumulate microorganisms in the pores;
  • can break, although they are repairable;
  • have a relatively short service life;
  • subject to loss of functional and aesthetic qualities within a few months after installation.

This can be reflected in the loss of elastic properties by the wire clasp, chewing tubercles are often erased and gradually the artificial tooth itself;

  • dulling of taste sensations;
  • color change due to the porous structure of the material;
  • some patients have a headache, a mandibular joint.

Basically, modern clinics for the manufacture of partial plate systems use ceramics or composites, since these materials are of better quality than plastic. The use is optimally suited for temporary installation, after which it is planned to use a more durable design.


Nylon constructions are used for partial and complete prosthetics. The nylon partial denture is elastic, which ensures a perfect fit without causing discomfort. Due to this property, they are called flexible (soft).


  • despite the increased flexibility, the design is durable, adapted to mechanical stress, stress, pressure;
  • compared to acrylic, this material is resistant to the penetration of bacteria, food dyes;
  • flexible prosthesis does not cause allergies;
  • own teeth, which will serve as a support, are not grinded during the manufacture of systemic teeth;
  • high aesthetic characteristics: the prosthesis has a translucent appearance, matches the color of the gums, elastic clasps are used for fixation, which are invisible to strangers;
  • daily operation also does not cause trouble: prostheses are securely fixed, non-massive, gum injury is excluded;
  • fast getting used to the design, the possibility of long-term wearing (if desired, you can leave it overnight).

With all the positive characteristics, a partial nylon removable denture must be replaced after a certain period of time, since the jaw is prone to gradual atrophy and change in configuration. This leads to a poor fit of the structure in the oral cavity.


- a special design in the form of a bridge, installed in places where there are no teeth, intended exclusively for partial prosthetics. The base is made of a light metal frame - an arc. It contains all the fastening, fixing and functional elements.

The metal frame is connected to a plastic case, on which artificial teeth are installed to replace the defect.

Main characteristics:

  • individual production of a metal frame. High-precision casting is used, safe heavy-duty chrome-cobalt, titanium, gold-platinum alloys;
  • high structural strength combined with low weight;
  • when using there is no discomfort;
  • prostheses are adapted for daily use, it is not necessary to remove them during a night's sleep;
  • uniform distribution of chewing load on the gingival surface of the jaw and preserved teeth;
  • fixation is carried out with the help of clasps and lock fasteners (attachments);
  • the presence of a very strong fixation, thanks to the locks with a special key. This feature allows a person to be sure that the prosthesis will not fly off in inappropriate situations.

This type is ranked among the most practical, convenient and reliable systems, with a corresponding cost. Despite the numerous advantages, the clasp prosthesis is quite rigid, which may take time to get used to.

Oksana Shiyka


Which one is better to choose, you will finally decide on a consultation with a doctor after an examination - this question is very individual.

Manufacturing and installation

To make a partial denture, it will take from 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the possibilities of the clinic.

Manufacturing includes the following steps:

  • examination of the patient, identification and elimination of diseases of the oral cavity;
  • removal of casts from the jaw;
  • the dental technician makes an individually selected “spoon” so that the attending physician can further use and take an accurate impression;
  • the resulting casts serve as the basis for the manufacture of a wax blank;
  • then the design is adjusted and tried on;
  • if everything is done properly, then proceed to the stage of manufacturing the main prosthesis in the laboratory;
  • final fitting and transfer of the partial denture to the person for use.

The prosthesis is installed and fixed with clasps or special locks:

  1. Clasps are hooks invisible to outsiders, attached to the bases of preserved teeth (supporting). They are made of nylon, metal, which ensures a secure fit;
  2. special locks (attachments) - are two elements, visually aesthetic and reliable. One part is located in the cavity of the prosthesis, and the second is fixed on the supporting tooth under an artificial crown.

On the advantages and disadvantages

The positive qualities include:

  • can be installed without preparing adjacent teeth;
  • the possibility of installing additional teeth (if necessary);
  • simple care;
  • aesthetic correction;
  • partially lost teeth are restored;
  • relatively affordable price (depending on the material).

Possible disadvantages:

  • the presence of weak fixation and slippage of the prosthesis at the wrong time. To ensure temporary reliability, adhesive materials, creams can be used;
  • the alveolar process is subject to atrophy;
  • creating a greenhouse effect in the oral cavity;
  • food debris accumulates.

The advantages and disadvantages largely depend on the quality of the materials and how well the prosthesis is made.

The main ones are quite simple:

  • prosthesis hygiene - clean with toothpaste and brush in the morning, in the evening;
  • rinsing the mouth after eating;
  • it is not desirable to use dishes of viscous, sticky, hard consistency, chewing gum;
  • the use of special solutions for periodic cleaning, disinfection;
  • do not expose to chemical and mechanical influences;
  • it is forbidden to independently perform sawing, grinding;
  • if there are cracks, breakages - visit a doctor for a competent repair;
  • preventive examination every 6 months.

Finally, watch the video opinion of a professional orthodontist about these prostheses:

To install a partially removable prosthesis, one should mentally tune in that in the initial stages of addiction, the system can exert pressure and cause discomfort. If discomfort persists for a long time, you should consult a doctor for correction.

A partial removable denture is usually called a special design, which is used in the case when the patient's teeth are partially missing. You can use this type of dentures only if there are healthy teeth left on the jaw, to which the design can be easily adapted. Such a dental procedure is able to restore the patient's lost teeth, as well as improve the aesthetic appearance of a smile.

Whether it is worth installing a partial denture is decided by the attending dentist, based on a comprehensive examination of the patient.

Most temporary partial dentures include several main parts: the main base and fasteners adjacent to it in the form of hooks or micro-locks. Now removable dentures are quite common and used everywhere, and because of their low price they have received good reviews from their users.

What are removable partial dentures?

Looking at the individual characteristics of the patient, dentists give recommendations on the purchase of the most suitable removable prosthesis. Of all the types of structures, several should be distinguished, which most popular in modern dentistry.

Who should use and who shouldn't?

More often dentists prescribe the installation of removable partial dentures in the following cases:

  1. The patient is missing some teeth.
  2. The complete absence of the upper or lower row of teeth.
  3. If a certain number of good teeth are missing in the oral cavity, for the installation of a bridge or clasp system.

It must be said that removable partial dentures in almost every case do not have any contraindications, except for some:

  1. A certain number of healthy teeth are missing in the oral cavity in order to install the structure and securely fix it and distribute the entire load evenly over the entire jaw area.
  2. If the patient has an allergic reaction to some component that is used during the creation of orthodontic construction.

In modern medicine, there are a large number of different materials that can be used during the creation of prostheses, as a result of which an allergic reaction in a patient can be easily avoided if appropriate components are selected for further manufacturing.

The main principles of implantation of orthodontic systems

Installation and fastening of the filming structure to the teeth in most cases occurs with the help of special locks or clasps.

How is the fabrication process going?

In most cases, to create a removable partial denture, you need to spend about one month:

  1. The dentist comprehensively examines and diagnoses the patient's oral cavity, eliminates various defects that are present on the patient's healthy teeth.
  2. Next, the dentist takes a special cast from the jaw.
  3. The dental technician creates an individual tray so that later the attending physician can use it to take the most accurate impression.
  4. Using the obtained casts of the patient's oral cavity, doctors create a wax blank.
  5. Next, the dentist corrects the resulting form and tries on the patient.
  6. After that, in a special laboratory, the main frame is created.
  7. Obtained after all operations, a removable prosthesis is put on by the patient and given for further full use.

The use of combined prostheses

You should be aware that the combined type of structures can be used both in partial and complete prosthetics. Such a prosthesis can be called a removable type ceramic acrylic structure. This design is considered comfortable, strong and quite effective. The main advantages of using combined structures:

It should be noted that a partial removable construction is not a tool that can be removed in separate halves. This name is given to the prosthesis due to the fact that it is used during the replacement of lost teeth, and also, it is quickly removed from the mouth.

Partial models can be made from a wide range of materials, depending on the characteristics of the patient, his personal preferences, as well as financial possibilities. Also, mainly when creating prostheses, attention is paid to fixing materials. This is due to the fact that the strength and reliability of hooks and locks will directly depend on how well they will be attached to the patient's jaw, which will affect the comfort and efficiency of use. With all this, the prosthesis consists of three parts - plastic gums, artificial teeth, and fasteners.

The main pros and cons of orthodontic systems

The advantages of using partial structures include the following options:

  1. Ease of maintenance and care.
  2. Natural and most aesthetic in appearance.
  3. Good help during adentia.
  4. The possibility of implantation without filing healthy teeth that are in the neighborhood.
  5. If the patient needs it, he can install additional implants.
  6. Low cost.

Of course, like other types of prostheses, removable structures of a partial view also have their negative qualities:

How to store and maintain a removable structure?

Removable model care process is no different from caring for healthy teeth. The denture should be cleaned using a toothbrush and toothpaste about twice a day.

  1. After each meal, the prosthesis should be rinsed with running water.
  2. Experts prohibit the use of viscous or sticky foods.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to eat too hard foods (crackers, nuts, and so on), and you should not chew chewing gum.

During the operation of the orthodontic system, a person may experience pain. This is due to the weight and pressure of the prosthetic structure. To fix this problem, you need to correct a removable prosthesis.

The process of getting used to the orthodontic system can be equally influenced by the fixing materials and the characteristics of the mental state of the patient. At the same time, over time, each person is able to get used to wearing a removable partial denture and hardly notice its presence.

How to restore teeth without using a partial removable denture?

An analogue of the procedure for prosthetics of the patient's oral cavity considered implantation during which specialists are able to restore even the root of the tooth itself. This type of prosthetics is considered to be the longest, aesthetically pleasing and reliable. In the process of implantation, it is not necessary to grind either healthy teeth or adjacent teeth. At the same time, the price for such work will be much higher than for fixing structures and frames.

It is for this reason that before choosing the most suitable option for denture prosthetics, you should consider all the positive and negative qualities, as well as coordinate your choice with your doctor, who will be able to suggest how this or that treatment procedure is carried out in a particular situation.

Frequently asked questions from patients

In most cases, patients who go to the installation of prostheses, have a lot of questions, to which they want to get the most detailed answers, since they are going to use these devices 100%.

The most frequent questions are how much to wear structures, how often they need to be pulled out. Usually, in such a situation, experts advise removing prostheses once or twice a day in order to clean the inserted structure.

There are patients who wonder which models should be used- made of plastic or nylon. The answer is quite simple, because nylon designs are considered hypoallergenic, and they are also much more natural and practical. In addition, the possibility of their breakage is at a minimum. Dental structures, consisting of plastic, include a large number of negative qualities.

The last and most common question is - how much does a denture cost? The price of the model depends, most often, on the material from which it is created. Also, the price depends on the mounting and manufacturing method. Looking at this, it is possible to determine only the average price for such models of prostheses, since it will be individual for each person.

If you determine the specific cost of such equipment, then it can vary from 12 to 15 thousand rubles. Most often, such a price is common in large cities, and in the provinces such prostheses will cost 8-12 thousand.

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