Truncation of the frenulum of the foreskin. Plastic surgery of the frenulum of the foreskin: indications for surgery. Are there any contraindications

The frenulum of the penis is a longitudinal fold, which is located between the foreskin and the head of the penis on the reverse side (or in other words on the lower surface). The left and right sides of the flesh, when the head is pulled together, are connected and thus form a frenulum.


In the region of the frenulum there is a huge number of nerve endings, blood and lymphatic vessels. Therefore, this part of the "male organ" is particularly sensitive, and its pathology can cause premature ejaculation, which further leads to impotence.

The main function of the frenulum is regulatory, it is "responsible" for exposing the head of the penis during its enlargement (during erection), and also coordinates the bending of the head, preventing the foreskin from falling lower than it should be. Normally, the bridle is distinguished by good elasticity, and when it is stretched, a man does not experience any discomfort, unpleasant or painful sensations.

Plastic surgery of the frenulum of the foreskin is required if a short frenulum is diagnosed. Usually, a short frenulum is a congenital feature or the result of physical injury. With this disease, exposure of the head of the penis during intercourse or masturbation is difficult, and men experience discomfort and even pain. Intense friction can lead to a rupture of the frenulum - a very painful condition. The “self-healing” of the rupture causes the formation of a scar, which shortens the frenulum even more with a huge risk of re-rupture. Some patients, before coming to our clinic, “go around in such a circle” for years and as a result have not only physiological problems with a full-fledged sexual intercourse, but also psychological complexes.

The only way to remedy the situation is to do plastic surgery of the frenulum of the penis. Experts recommend not to delay and contact the surgeon before the first rupture occurs. The operation allows you to completely eliminate the excessive tension of the foreskin. The main indications for plasty of the short frenulum of the penis include:

  • a noticeable downward tilt of the penis, tension and discomfort in an erection
  • painful sensitivity or pain when exposing the head;
  • discomfort and pain during friction (during sexual intercourse or masturbation);
  • periodic appearance of cracks on the bridle after committing fictions;
  • frenulum rupture (primary or recurring).

Another indication for plastic surgery of the frenulum of the penis is premature ejaculation. A sensitive nerve is located in this zone, during an erection it is exposed and irritated, ejaculation occurs. Plastic surgery helps to reduce the sensitivity of the nerve due to

Photos Before and After

How is the operation

This operation is performed under local anesthesia and takes about 10-20 minutes. The essence of the operation is the transverse dissection of the short frenulum and the loan of its stitching in the longitudinal direction. If there have already been ruptures of the frenulum and scar tissue remains after them, it is excised and over time “turns” into a pale thin suture-thread. The "thread" becomes a continuation of the natural seam passing along the lower surface of the penis and along the scrotum.

After a successful plastic surgery, the foreskin should be freely retracted to the base of the penis, and the head should be easily exposed from above and below.

In the DEKA clinic, plastic surgery of the frenulum of the foreskin is performed with a laser. The combination of the professionalism of the surgeon and laser technology allows you to achieve excellent results. Many of our patients have already had the opportunity to evaluate the advantages of using a laser when performing plastic surgery of the short frenulum of the foreskin:

  • bloodlessness, minimal trauma and sterility;
  • high accuracy, impact only on the desired tissue;
  • fast healing and short rehabilitation period;
  • the absence of a postoperative scar (the edges are soldered, and not sutured with sutures);
  • predictable aesthetic result.

Contraindications to plastic surgery of the frenulum of the penis are chronic and acute liver diseases, sexual infections, viral diseases, immunodeficiency diseases (including HIV), and inflammatory processes in the area of ​​intervention. In the absence of contraindications, the operation can be performed even on the day of treatment.

Once after the operation, the patient goes home, there is no need to stay in the hospital. Recovery after frenuloplasty is easy and painless, the patient should refrain from activities that cause an erection and from physical exertion, as well as follow the doctor's recommendations. The patient leads a normal life (excluding the above).

Sometimes, if necessary and / or at the request of the patient, frenuloplasty and circumcision are combined. Flesh circumcision is indicated for phimosis (narrowing of the foreskin), and can also be performed for aesthetic and hygienic reasons. In the course of such a “double” operation, after the frenuloplasty, the surgeon performs a circular excision of the foreskin.

How much does foreskin frenuloplasty cost?

This operation is available to every man who has a short frenulum problem and wants to solve it. If you are in the mood for plastic surgery of the penis frenulum, the price will pleasantly surprise you - only 5,000 rubles.

The clinic employs the most experienced specialists, among whom it is necessary to single out the head of the department of urology Alexander Nikolaevich Kalashnikov. More than 20 years of practical experience as a surgeon, virtuosity in laser technologies, implementation of the successful experience of foreign colleagues and innovations, attentive attitude to the patient's problems - in short, this specialist can be said like this.

You can consult Alexander Nikolaevich, who, after a thorough examination, will draw up a detailed plan for complex treatment (if there is more than one problem) and indicate the feasibility of plastic surgery of the penis frenulum. The consultation price is symbolic - 1000 rubles.

Are there problems "out there"? Sign up and come! We guarantee everything will be fine!

Frenuloplasty of the foreskin (frenuloplasty) is a surgical operation to correct the short frenulum of the foreskin. One of the varieties of the operation involves its dissection or partial removal. The frenulum, located along the penis as a lower longitudinal skin fold, performs the function of holding the foreskin. What is the operation, as well as how much the intervention costs, we will consider below.

The frenulum is necessary to release the penis during an erection. It has a good blood supply, a large number of nerve endings responsible for the sensations that arise during sexual intercourse. A decrease in its length complicates this process, disrupts the normal conduct of sexual intercourse, and contributes to early ejaculation. This condition is observed in 30% of adult men. Reasons for having a short frenulum:

  1. Congenital underdevelopment - occurs in 5% of cases. Associated with phimosis.
  2. Inflammatory diseases of the external genitalia of men, leading to scarring of the frenulum. They are often found in patients with diabetes mellitus. Complications in the form of inflammation after surgery, when plastic surgery of the foreskin was performed, lead to scarring of the frenulum, it becomes short.
  3. Injuries of the genitals with developed scarring, a decrease in the length of the frenulum. In addition to acute injuries (this may be after circumcision of the foreskin), a chronic injury caused by tight underwear plays a certain role. Sometimes the plastic of the foreskin with phimosis (hypertrophic form) is complicated by the consequences in the form of the development of a short frenulum. Such a result of the operation is possible when plastic surgery for the correction of the foreskin is performed in early childhood.

In all these cases, the only treatment is plastic frenulum of the foreskin (frenuloplasty). It is performed by a urologist.

When inconvenience is unbearable

Any man is afraid of the operation, this forces him to endure the inconvenience of a short bridle. This is not only the inferiority of sexual intercourse, but almost always an additional injury to the short frenulum with pain, bleeding. The healing of the injury takes at least two weeks (so much is needed for the formation of a scar). Reasons for the need for surgery:

  • Pain, bleeding.
  • Psychological trauma due to inferiority of sexual intercourse.
  • Progression of shortening of the frenulum with the formation of persistent impotence.
  • Male infertility due to early ejaculation.

These factors are most often the reason for visiting a doctor. After the operation, the source of all these ailments is eliminated, which makes the life of a man full.

How to prepare

The decision to perform the operation is made by the urologist or surgeon after examination and preparation of the patient. Before starting the intervention, you must be sure that there will be no complications during its implementation. To do this, the patient is explained how long the operation takes, what plastic surgery is, how to prepare for the procedure.

  1. There should be no acute inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the operation. Body temperature should be normal. Usually, intervention is postponed if there is an acute infectious disease of any localization. It reduces immunity, makes it difficult to heal, and can be the cause of inflammatory complications. The surgeon decides how many days to postpone the procedure.
  2. The presence of chronic inflammation of the urogenital area is excluded. For this, a man is examined for blood for STIs (sexually transmitted infections), syphilis, HIV, and a general urine test is prescribed. How much does research cost, specify in the laboratory.
  3. The blood coagulation system is being studied to prevent the risk of postoperative bleeding (general blood test, coagulogram). The essence of the intervention is explained to the man (sometimes shown on video or referred to video sources on the Internet). They specify how much the procedure costs, how to behave after the operation at home. The price of the procedure in different clinics ranges from 4,000–10,000 rubles.

Intervention progress

Plastic frenulum of the foreskin is carried out in several ways. The most preferred method is the dissection of the frenulum with ligation of damaged vessels, suturing.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia under sterile conditions. Rarely, but it is quite possible to carry it out under anesthesia (if you are allergic to local anesthetics, at the request of the patient). After dissection of the skin, bleeding is stopped by ligation of the vessels or coagulation of the edges of the wound using a laser, inductothermy.

It is considered mandatory to suture the edges of the wound, which improves the healing process. This prevents a complication in the form of a divergence of the edges of the wound with rough scarring. However, the final decision on the need for sutures, how many to apply, is made by the surgeon during the intervention. After suturing, an aseptic dressing is used.

Indications for an operation to correct the frenulum of the penis are:

This is a cosmetic operation, the purpose of which is to normalize the sensitivity of the frenulum, increase the duration of sexual intercourse by eliminating third-party factors that irritate the nerve endings, and increase the length. Removal is carried out only in case of irreversible changes (necrosis, gangrene), and also if phimosis or paraphimosis cannot be cured in any other way. With balanoposthitis, the chance to keep the frenulum is quite high.

Correction methods

According to the method of influencing soft tissues, 2 methods are distinguished.

According to the method of implementation and purpose.

  1. suturing- performed with a slight gap, if there are no irreversible changes in the soft tissues. The wound is cleaned and sutured. If the patient did not seek medical help in time - microexcision, cleansing, suturing or suturing, depending on the degree of damage. V-Y technique. The method is used to lengthen the bridle. The incision is made in the likeness of the letter V - the wound is sutured in the likeness of a Y. This technique allows you to lengthen the frenulum by 1.5-2 cm.
  2. Removal scars and other growths. Unlike the first method, the incision is longitudinal.
  3. Removal frenulum - carried out simultaneously with circumcision. First, removal, then treatment of phimosis, paraphimosis, or elimination of necrotic or gangrenous manifestations.

The duration of the operation when using one or another method does not differ significantly - 10-15 minutes with laser or 15-30 minutes with traditional correction. Regardless of the method of execution, the procedure is performed under local or spinal anesthesia. General anesthesia applies:

  • At hypersensitivity or low pain threshold
  • If there diseases or spinal cord injury;
  • When mental illness when the conscious presence and spying on the doctor's manipulations can lead to an increase in the disease;
  • Optional patient if there are no contraindications.

Main contraindications

The main contraindication is infectious diseases. Other contraindications.

  1. Diabetes, provided that the normalization of sugar levels was not carried out for more than a week. Then its normalization can lead to a sharp increase or decrease to values ​​far from the norm. In the first case, there is a high risk of suppuration and the development of pathogenic microflora. In the second - Rapid drop in blood pressure.
  2. inflammation in the genitourinary system, except for inflammatory diseases that are indications for the procedure, for example, balanoposthitis.
  3. chronic diseases at the stage of exacerbation, especially rheumatoid manifestations. Exacerbation of these pathologies is accompanied by reactive inflammation and a drop in immunity. If you operate, it is possible to accelerate the course of these diseases, for example, premature ankylosis of one or another joint.
  4. Low clotting blood.
  5. Immune and autoimmune diseases.
  6. Oncological diseases, except for the formation of a tumor on the frenulum.

Postoperative period

Average duration rehabilitation is: after a traditional operation about a month; laser - 2-3 weeks.

Smoking does not apply to contraindications during rehabilitation. But cigarettes should be abstained for 24-38 hours or longer if there is pain when urinating or if the patient has high blood pressure or sudden jumps - 48 hours or longer.

sex do not practice for a month. If there is discomfort or pain, stop and consult a doctor.

Desirable do not contact with harmful chemicals 5-6 months. aromatherapy can provoke a swelling of the head, cracks in the frenulum may appear.

From physical activity give up for 3-6 months. During this period, do not lift more than 5 kg.

At the end of a month after the operation, do not use condoms when having sex. For bathing during the recovery period, use condoms without lubricants that irritate the frenulum. It is better to buy them at the clinic where the operation was performed, preferably with a written referral from the attending physician.

How much does the procedure cost

The cost of correction or removal is affected;

The average cost of only operations in the Russian Federation is - traditional 10000 , laser 15000 rubles. The premium includes a high qualification of the doctor.

In the intimate life and reproductive system of every man, the frenulum of the foreskin plays an important role, which is a longitudinal fold of skin on the lower surface between the glans penis and the foreskin.

It performs the functions of a natural regulator, which is responsible for exposing the head during erection, coordinating its bending and preventing the prepuce from moving below a certain area.

The frenulum of the foreskin is an extremely fragile mechanism that can fail at any moment. Due to the numerous nerve endings, blood and lymph vessels, this small fold of skin is highly sensitive.

The number of receptors in it is much higher than in the head. During intimacy, it periodically stretches, thereby accelerating arousal and orgasm.

The natural functioning of the penis largely depends on this small leather strip. Defects can lead to early ejaculation and subsequently to impotence.

Due to pain and bleeding, a man, fearing a repetition of the gap, restrains himself during intercourse, thereby complicating the process of achieving orgasm, not only physically, but also psychologically. The result is complete erectile dysfunction. That is why for any suspicious symptoms, redness and pain, you should consult a urologist.

Many men are sure that circumcision can solve the problem once and for all. But it is not necessary to go to such extreme measures. If the discomfort is caused by any defect of the frenulum, it can be eliminated with a simple plastic surgery.

Frenulotomy in urology

Frenulotomy (from the Latin frenulum - frenulum and ancient Greek tome - cutting) - surgical dissection of the frenulum of the foreskin. In urology, indications for frenulotomy are congenital and acquired short frenulum, which causes difficulty and pain during intercourse, tears and tears, accompanied by bleeding.

The operation itself takes only 15-20 minutes. Age restrictions are not provided. Preliminary medical preparation is also not required. The only preoperative action is a thorough treatment of the penis. After that, the patient is given anesthesia.

Photo: the course of the operation
In this case, you should follow the rules for the use of anesthesia in accordance with the age categories of citizens. For children under 12 years of age, intravenous anesthesia is provided, for adults, the anesthetic is injected directly into the skin of the penis.

A few minutes after the introduction of the anesthetic, the surgeon proceeds to frenulotomy. The frenulum is dissected with a scalpel in the transverse direction, a ligature is applied to the crossed artery, and the edges of the resulting wound are sutured in the longitudinal direction. If a rough scar is found on the patient's genitals, formed due to previous breaks and tears of the frenulum, it is immediately removed. After the end of the operation, a gauze roller is applied to the wound.

Photo: operation technique

For all stages of frenulotomy, the patient will spend a maximum of half an hour. Hospitalization is not required. The patient can return to daily activities immediately after the operation.

Video: Plastic frenulum of the foreskin of the penis

Caution: Y-plastic!

In addition to transverse incision in surgery, another method of plasty of the frenulum of the foreskin is used - the so-called Y-plastic. Due to the poor effect, this method has not gained such popularity as frenulotomy.

The risk of phimosis is most likely during Y-plasty. In addition to a scar of an unaesthetic appearance, a narrowing of the foreskin is formed, which delivers even more physical suffering to the patient.

Bridle operation

Of all the defects of the frenulum of the foreskin known to medicine, the most common is its lack of elasticity and length. A short frenulum can be either a congenital defect or acquired.

Photo: before and after circumcision

The cause of deformation of this part of the male genital organ can be a trauma. During intercourse, a frenulum defect gives a man inconvenience and discomfort, since the foreskin does not move properly, leaving the head half-closed. In addition, pain may occur during arousal.

With intense friction, inflammation of the frenulum and even more serious injuries can occur. Healing an injured organ is a rather lengthy process. If it is torn, you should immediately contact a specialist, since it is often impossible to stop the bleeding without surgical assistance.

Healing can also take place naturally. However, a scar is formed at the site of the injury, the length of the frenulum becomes even smaller, and the frequency of premature ejaculations will increase. Deciding whether to suture or not is up to the doctor, not the patient.

The soft and plastic scar that will remain after plastic surgery will look quite aesthetically pleasing and will not cause any inconvenience. However, until the wound heals completely, it may occur due to infection.

To avoid complications, the patient should:

  • follow the doctor's recommendations;
  • treat the wound with the means prescribed by the doctor;
  • refrain from intimate life and masturbation until the final healing of the wound.
  • Contraindications for surgery
  • Contraindications are:
  • chronic liver diseases;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • immunodeficiency states, in particular HIV, AIDS.

Do you want to know what septoplasty is and why the postoperative period is quite uncomfortable on the first day? We advise you to read.

Laser application

Previously, frenulum defects were removed surgically. The operation consisted of a transverse incision of the skin fold, followed by longitudinal stitching. Today, laser technologies are actively used in medicine, including for performing operations on the genitals.

With their help, the release of blood during the operation is minimized, suturing small incisions is not required, since the edges are sealed together. It would seem that the use of laser and radio wave instruments should reduce the risk of complications. But a short experience of their application revealed serious shortcomings of laser technology. Since the male genital organ does not have a constant size due to natural physiological reasons, the use of the so-called "seamless" technique turned out to be impossible.

The edges of the wound soldered with a laser tool diverge with minimal erection, as a result of which there is a need for their additional fixation.

Before the final healing, it will be necessary to fix the edges of the wound several times. As a result, due to repeated fixation on the penis, a rough, completely non-aesthetic scar is formed, which will cause problems during intercourse, in particular premature ejaculation.

We must not forget that when using laser and radio wave instruments, the risk of injuring the urethra and other external and internal genital organs increases significantly.

Fideo: Male circumcision

Price for the operation

The price includes consultations, anesthesia, surgery, removal of sutures, dressings. The price of frenulotomy also depends on the category of complexity. But most importantly, literally immediately after plastic surgery, a man can lead a normal life, without pain and discomfort.

The only restriction is abstinence from sexual intercourse and following the doctor's recommendations.

The frenulum of the foreskin of the male penis performs important functions. This strip of tissue connecting the head of the penis and the foreskin regulates the movement of the second relative to the first during an erection. That is, when the penis increases in size, thanks to the frenulum, the foreskin moves down, exposing the head. At the same time, the bridle does not allow the skin fold to fall below the desired area, reliably fixing it.

An important function of this zone of the penis is the sexual pleasure of a man. The frenulum contains a huge number of sensitive receptors that affect orgasm. Ideally, the bridle gives men only pleasure, and if it causes discomfort, then serious problems have arisen in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. To eliminate the defect, plastic frenulum of the foreskin is required, scientifically - frenulotomy.

Frenulum pathologies in most cases are congenital.

Due to individual anatomical features, this section of the penis may be too short. Pathology is often accompanied by a narrowing of the foreskin, which is called phimosis. Usually the disease can be noticed at an early age. In a small percentage of boys 14-15 years old, the pathology occurs during puberty, when the organs grow very quickly and unevenly.

In addition to anatomical anomalies in the development of the penis, the pathology of the frenulum can be caused by external causes:

  • Mechanical damage, injuries cause a violation of the integrity and elasticity of the frenulum. Wearing too tight clothes causes microtrauma on this part of the organ, which can lead to the fusion of the foreskin and head in the process of tissue regeneration. During sexual intercourse, a rupture of the frenulum may occur, which, after healing, forms rough scars, reducing tissue elasticity.
  • Chronic balanitis and balanoposthitis cause deformation of the tissues of the head, foreskin and frenulum. This, in turn, leads to the development of phimosis and injuries.
  • Diabetes mellitus in the phase of decompensation(lack of treatment) negatively affects the condition of the vessels, increasing the risk of frenulum pathology.

The fact that the frenulum needs diagnosis and treatment is indicated by the following factors:

  • when the head of the penis is exposed, painful sensations occur;
  • after sexual intercourse, bleeding and cracks appear on the frenulum;
  • in a state of erection, the head of the penis is lowered down;
  • there is a feeling of tension of the frenulum during erection.

If a man periodically has such signs, then this is a serious reason to think about the state of his health. Since a problem with a frenulum can cause serious complications that prevent harmonious sexual relations.

Health risks associated with frenulum pathology:

  • profuse bleeding at rupture;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • the development of phimosis and paraphimosis, accompanied by pinching of the head and circulatory disorders;
  • pain syndrome during intimacy;
  • inflammatory processes against the background of frequent injury;
  • tissue scarring due to prolonged healing after rupture.

Rupture of the frenulum and, as a result, profuse bleeding are quite common phenomena. During violent sex, thin tissue can simply tear due to strong tension.

Since the frenulum is replete with nerve endings and blood vessels, a man experiences acute pain when it breaks, which can lead to shock, and the blood does not always stop on its own. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Self-healing of tissues after a rupture of the frenulum can lead to the formation of coarse growths.

This is due to the fact that the tissues on the genital organ heal slowly, and the constant injury of the wound with clothing further increases this period. As a result, scars form at the site of the rupture, which leads to a loss of elasticity of the organ. And this, in turn, again and again causes injury to the frenulum.

A short frenulum often provokes the development of such an ailment as premature ejaculation. In this small area of ​​the penis is the largest accumulation of sensitive receptors. Due to the fact that the frenulum is subjected to strong tension during intercourse, a quick and uncontrollable orgasm occurs. Thus, a man can develop pathologies that affect his sexual life: erectile dysfunction, erotophobia (fear of sex), impotence.


Pain, blood, lack of sex - these terrible phenomena can be caused by the pathology of a small organ called the frenulum of the foreskin. Therefore, you should not self-medicate at home or hope that everything will heal itself. You should contact a competent specialist for advice and undergo appropriate treatment.

Indications for plastic frenulum of the foreskin:

  • disproportionately short frenulum;
  • rupture of organ tissue;
  • phimosis and paraphimosis;
  • premature ejaculation (with concomitant pathology of the frenulum);
  • formation of scar tissue after rupture of the frenulum.

Plastic surgery on the bridle is a full-fledged surgical intervention and therefore has limitations for its implementation. Quite often, plastic surgery of the frenulum of the foreskin is done simultaneously with circumcision. In this case, the doctor solves two problems - eliminates phimosis and solves the problem of a short frenulum. To exclude pathologies that prevent the plasticity of the organ, the patient should be examined by a urologist and donate blood and urine for research.

Contraindications to the operation on the frenulum of the foreskin:

  • inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • infectious diseases;
  • oncology;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • AIDS, hepatitis;
  • the presence of sexually transmitted infections.

Methods of operation on the frenulum in men

Frenulotomy is a quick and uncomplicated operation, which is characterized by an excellent result, guaranteeing a 100% solution to the problem of frenulum pathology.

The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, using local anesthesia. The injection is made directly into the genitals.

For patients under the age of 18, anesthesia is administered intravenously.

The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

Operation methods:

  1. Classic bridle operation in men with the help of a scalpel. This traditional method of tissue incisions is still used most often. Its disadvantage is significant blood loss and the possibility of tissue infection during surgery.
  2. Frenuloplasty with laser- a modern way of conducting operations. Laser equipment is successfully used in medicine for a variety of manipulations with body tissues.

Many patients prefer the virtually painless and bloodless method of laser surgery. Indeed, the laser beam acts on tissues softer than a scalpel. When organs are cut with a laser, the process of coagulation of blood vessels and cells occurs, and the liquid instantly evaporates. Thus, blood loss becomes minimal. Due to this, the recovery period is easier to bear, and the sites of incisions sealed with a beam are almost invisible after tissue healing.

However, the practice of frenuloplasty with a laser revealed serious shortcomings of this method. The most attractive advantage of laser surgery is the absence of sutures. But unlike other organs, which can be in a calm state during the rehabilitation period, the penis is mobile.

Even a slight erection can lead to a divergence of the tissues soldered by the laser.

Thus, until the wound edges heal, repeated fixation of their position is required. Otherwise, the constant divergence of tissues forms a rough scar.

Another significant advantage of the laser over the scalpel is the impossibility of introducing an infection during the operation.

The laser beam cuts tissues by heating them up to 400 degrees Celsius, which eliminates wound infection. Therefore, when deciding on the method of the operation, it is necessary to take into account this factor, since more than 10% of all postoperative complications are inflammatory processes and infections.

Regardless of the chosen method of surgical intervention, a bridle operation in men can cause a number of complications obtained during the operation or during the rehabilitation period:

  • severe pain;
  • pronounced swelling of the body of the penis;
  • bleeding from wounds;
  • poor aesthetic results;
  • scarring of seams;
  • genital infection.

All complications are treated on an outpatient basis and do not require hospitalization. Pain is usually relieved with analgesics, and swelling is reduced after the use of decongestant ointments. The issue of dissatisfaction with the appearance of the member after the operation is resolved directly with the surgeon.

How is frenuloplasty done: types of operations and rehabilitation period

Plastic surgery on the bridle differs in the technique of execution. It depends on the severity of the defect and associated complications. The most demanded are the plastic of a short frenulum and the operation after its rupture. In addition, surgeons often combine the operation with circumcision, since it is easier to eliminate the pathology of the frenulum and phimosis at the same time. No less popular is the operation to lengthen the frenulum technique V-Y. Consider the types of operations in order.

  1. Rupture of the frenulum after active sex should be eliminated in the clinic. Self-healing of the wound can cause comorbidities and further darken the sexual life of a man. Immediately after the rupture of the frenulum, you need to apply a tight bandage and rush to an appointment with a urologist. The doctor in this case sutures the wound, applies an antiseptic bandage and prescribes medications that promote better tissue healing and prevent infection.
  2. Short frenulum plasty is performed by the method of transverse dissection of the fold. If there is scar tissue or other growths on the bridle, they are cut out. After the incision and other necessary manipulations, the tissues are sutured in the longitudinal direction. In this delicate area, thin, self-absorbable sutures are usually used. The operation is carried out within 10 minutes, and soon the patient can go home.
  3. Removal of the frenulum is carried out in the case when, as a result of ruptures and self-growth of tissues, the frenulum is completely covered with scars. If the doctor sees that there is no useful tissue left, then he cuts out the fold and sews up the wound. This operation is called a frenulectomy.
  4. The operation to lengthen the frenulum is performed similarly to the short plasty. The difference lies in the shape of the cuts. For the purpose of lengthening, the doctor makes an incision along the fold in the shape of a V, and sutures it in the shape of a Y. Thus, it is possible to lengthen the frenulum by 1-1.5 centimeters.

Frenuloplasty is considered more of a cosmetic procedure than a major surgical procedure. However, a timely visit to a doctor to eliminate the defect will help maintain the functionality of this part of the organ and save you from serious problems.

Rehabilitation after the operation on the bridle lasts about a month. At this time, you need to carefully look after the genitals and exclude intimacy for at least two weeks.

In the first days, the patient needs to be dressed with a sterile cloth, use antibacterial ointments and other drugs prescribed by the doctor. As additional funds, baths with chamomile or oak bark can be recommended. During the recovery period, physical activity should be limited. Within a week after the operation, it is undesirable to wet the genitals when bathing. To do this, a man needs to put on a condom, tighten at the base, and after bathing, remove it.

After the wound has healed and a tender scar has formed, it is recommended to use lubricants to soften friction during sex.

Such a remedy should be applied to the genitals for at least a month.

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