Viagra: instructions for use. Viagra (drug) What is Viagra and how does it work

Even if a man does not have problems sexually, he obviously has at least once, but there was a desire to find out and try for himself how Viagra works. There are many reasons for using this drug, starting with impotence and ending with banal interest, but the effect of its use pleases everyone. How to diversify your sex life without harming your health, how to gain confidence in your abilities on the love front and feel like a man again? All this later in this topic.

How does Viagra work?

With the help of this drug, blood flow to the penis increases, because the reason for insufficient erection or its absence is precisely in poor blood circulation, this is the secret of this remedy. Some people are mistaken that Viagra has an effect on the psyche of a man. As mentioned earlier, it stimulates blood circulation.

Some people think that they will drink this remedy and the erection will last for hours. There is truth in this, but it is worth clarifying. The thing is that if a man experiences sexual arousal, then Viagra will immediately start working. If earlier a man was aroused, but there was no erection or it was insufficient, and the penis was not ready for action, then if the drug is used, the penis will reach the maximum possible size, and it will also be guaranteed to be hard and strong. A bonus for men is the opportunity to have a long sexual intercourse, thanks to the action of the drug Viagra, but after the end of the sexual intercourse, the erection will stop, and only with subsequent arousal, the drug will work again. The total effect of Viagra is a little more than 4 hours. These are several full-fledged sexual acts. Conclusion: sexual stimulation is necessary for the effective action of the pills.

It should be noted that an integral plus is that the action of Viagra is effective in natural sexual arousal, so this is a kind of insurance for men. The action of Viagra will not start at an inconvenient moment and will not put a man in an awkward situation, for example, during a business meeting. So Viagra does not work, it starts only in natural ways, and not unexpectedly. The positive thing is that a woman will not suspect a man of using this drug, everything will go on as usual, but only better.

The effectiveness of the drug will be slightly lower with excessive use of alcohol, which in itself can prevent the onset of an erection, after a heavy dinner. If you think about it, then what kind of high-quality and pleasant sexual intercourse can we talk about if the stomach is full of fatty foods, and the only desire is to lie down. A stronger effect can be expected with moderate food intake. The drug can be taken during a meal. If a man has taken too much alcohol, then in many cases without the use of Viagra tablets, things will be bad, the erection will be either weak or completely absent. If you take the drug against the background of intoxication, then there will be an erection, but not so powerful.

Viagra does not save from infection with sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS, so in this case it is necessary to use a condom, not to lose your head from excitement.

This remedy can make life easier for men with urethral disease, as it is directly related to impaired blood supply, and the symptoms of diseases also decrease. The drug puts potency in order and reduces the painful symptoms of urethral diseases.

In the presence of penile deformity, Viagra will not play a big role, in this case more drastic measures are needed. This remedy deals with increasing blood circulation, and in case of damage to the penis, the problem lies elsewhere.

Time of action of the drug

How long does it take for the drug to start working? This question is asked by many men who are interested in this drug. Viagra is an ideal drug for both planned sex and spontaneous. So how long does this drug last? Viagra acts 15-60 minutes after taking the pills, in some men the drug starts working earlier, in others - a little later. Thus, knowing how long the drug works, you can plan a successful sex. Once again, you do not need to drink pills, as the body can get used to the action of this remedy, and the effect of Viagra will decrease next time if abused. Some men drink the drug just before sex, so they have time for foreplay, which is important for a woman, and subsequently the drug begins to work.

Indications before use

As already mentioned, this drug should not be abused, the maximum dose should not exceed 100 mg per day. In some cases (earlier myocardial infarction, age over 65, or liver and kidney disease), this dose will be no more than 25 mg.

Since this drug increases blood circulation, people with high blood pressure are not recommended to use more than 25 mg of the drug.

Often, 50 mg of this remedy is enough for men in order for the maximum effect to be achieved, therefore it is advantageous to purchase tablets with a dosage of 200 mg and divide them into several parts. Do not abuse this drug, thinking that it is designed for a person's body weight. This is a misconception, so you need to use exactly as much of the drug as prescribed by the doctor.

There are reviews about Viagra that it does not help. In this case, the recommendation of doctors is as follows: in some cases, the pills may not start working the first time or even the second, so such people are advised to try again. Such a slow effect of the drug is obtained by men with erectile dysfunction.

Give preference to pills during a period of fatigue, stress, when the point is that you do not want sex, but your partner needs it. And during the rest, the reception of this remedy can be suspended, because in this case the erection should be better, stronger.

If there are side effects (and they exist with each drug), for example, redness of certain areas of the skin, most often the neck, nausea, headache and other tolerable painful symptoms, the drug can be used, but only with caution. If you have more serious side effects, you should consult your doctor or stop using this drug altogether.

If nitrites enter your body, then the use of Viagra tablets is strictly prohibited, otherwise very undesirable consequences are possible.

Age restrictions in use

The main age group of men for whom Viagra is recommended are men over 40 years of age. Guys under 18 years of age are highly discouraged from using these pills, because at this age everything should work as it should, and the use of the drug will still not benefit the body of a young person. It can even cause psychological dependence if you start using the medicine at such an early age, and the guy later on will not be able to have an erection without miracle pills.

Women with low libido are also interested in the action of Viagra, but for them it is powerless, since the drug only affects men.

It is necessary to adhere to the principle of safety, therefore, before the active use of this drug, it is recommended to consult a specialist, without consultation, the use of Viagra is not recommended.

Psychological self-confidence

Viagra gives confidence that sexual intercourse will take place, that it will be high-quality sex with a good erection and a long time (which is necessary in order to satisfy both partners). A clear advantage of such tablets is the real effect after application. If we recall the pills that doctors prescribe for the treatment of any disease, then the effect is not always visible, and sometimes it is not at all. In the case of Viagra, everything works unconditionally (in 9 cases out of 10).

Do not think that this remedy is only for those men who do not have a penis. If there is a desire to diversify your sex, enhance the sensations during the process, then a completely healthy man can take Viagra, because the penis size will be larger than usual, and sex will be longer than usual in time.

There are men who have erectile dysfunction during prolonged sex or repeated sexual intercourse, that is, more than 1 full time, men cannot have sex, despite a strong desire. Viagra in this case will help prolong the pleasure, because usually both parties want this process.


93% accuracy

10 thousand

Remember that this is not only your problem, some men also live with this trouble. That is why the drug Viagra is very popular among men. The action of Viagra has been proven over the years, the experience of men who have ever used it, and many continue to do so regularly. You should not put a sentence on yourself in the absence of potency. With the help of Viagra, the problem will be defeated and forgotten once and for all.

Viagra is a drug manufactured by the American company Pfizer (Pfizer). It is available in the form of tablets of 25, 50 and 100 mg, which contain, respectively, 25, 50 and 100 mg of sildenafil citrate.

Viagra is a simple and convenient drug for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and impotence. Other methods involve injections into the penis or medical procedures of a different nature. When using Viagra, 1 tablet is used immediately before sexual intercourse. Viagra is able to help many men suffering from erectile dysfunction, acts with sexual arousal. Without it, the drug will not show its effect.

When a man is aroused, the penis quickly fills with the necessary amount of blood for a natural erection. Viagra works only when a man experiences natural sexual arousal, and when sexual intercourse is over, the penis naturally returns to its normal relaxed state. In other words, sildenafil acts only on the natural mechanisms of erection, and this is its undeniable advantage, novelty and the secret of great popularity. If the erection lasts for a long time (more than 6 hours), it can harm the penis. You should contact your doctor immediately if your erection lasts more than 4 hours. Some medications interfere with the natural process of erection.

If the penis cannot fill with enough blood, then the person will not get an erection. This is called erectile dysfunction and many men suffer from this problem. During sex, the heart rate rises, so sexual intercourse is undesirable for people with heart disease. Before taking any measures to restore potency, ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough. If you experience chest pain, dizziness, or nausea during intercourse, stop intercourse and tell your doctor.


Viagra helps many men with erectile dysfunction respond to sexual arousal with penile tension. When a man is aroused, Viagra helps the penis fill with enough blood to produce an erection.

Viagra is a selective (selective) inhibitor of the activity of the enzyme - phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDEס). This enzyme inhibits the production of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (CGMP) in smooth muscle tissue, which is formed from guanosine monophosphate (GMP) under the action of nitric oxide (NO). The main function of CGMP is to relax the smooth muscles of the cavernous (cavernous) bodies of the penis. When the action of PDEס is inhibited, a significantly larger amount of CGMP accumulates in the cavernous bodies, their smooth muscles relax much better and more blood flows to the penis, thereby causing an erection.

To date, Viagra is not only the very first synthetic drug in history to increase male strength, but also the current flagship of the entire line of drugs against erectile dysfunction.

Description of the drug

The name of the drug - Viagra (manufacturer - USA) literally means - the power of Niagara. The effect of the drug was discovered by chance. Initially, the employees of the farm. Pfizer companies were engaged in the synthesis of an anti-angina drug (it was assumed that it would improve blood flow to the myocardium). No significant positive effect was achieved.

However, the staff noticed that the men were reluctant to return the remaining pills. After a little investigation and research, the sale of Viagra tablets began under the guise of a male pathogen. In Russia, this medicine is actively being sold, it is also part of the radar

Note! Today "Viagra" - has become a household word. Almost any product intended for potency, increased libido, etc. is commonly called "Viagra activator". Sometimes these words can be written on untested tablets and dietary supplements.

Components of the drug

The key component and main active ingredient of Viagra is Sildenafil. This compound is also included in most of the funds that act on potency. As excipients, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate and calcium hydrogen phosphate can be distinguished.

Release form

The drug is available in the form of an original blue tablet. Also, a tablet of this drug can be distinguished by the engraving "Pfizer". The most important difference between Viagra tablets is the amount of the active substance (sildenafil).

You can buy the drug "Viagra" in a pharmacy in three forms:

  • 25 mg;
  • "Viagra" tablets 50 mg;
  • "Viagra" 100 mg.

In accordance with these concentrations, the engraving “VGR25”, “VGR50”, “VGR100” can be seen on the tablet. The top of the tablet is covered with a protective shell.

Viagra in a pharmacy can be sold in different ways:

  • Viagra per piece (1 tablet per pack);
  • 2 tablets;
  • 4 tablets;
  • 12 tablets.

Mechanism of action

All properties of Viagra are based on its active ingredient. Sildenafil acts as an inhibitor of phosphodiesterase (PDE), a special enzyme whose task is to break down cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP for short).

Thus, this blockade leads to the accumulation of cGMP in the male body. Which, in turn, provokes relaxation of the smooth muscles of the penis (cavernous or cavernous bodies). This increases the amount of incoming blood. Therefore, the effect of excitation is achieved in the body.

Important! The drug affects the erection, reduced on the background of stress. The medicine will not help a man if there is no attraction or excitement in principle. Here it is better to turn to a psychologist, since the medicine will not be able to raise the male libido.

Viagra: instructions for use

While everyone knows how to take Viagra, not everyone does it right. Remember: the drug does not have a direct effect on the heart and the body of a man. However, dosages should be followed. For maximum effect and pleasure, it is important to follow the instructions.


The description of the drug recommends that a man use Viagra, a 50 mg tablet (average dosage). The drug does not act immediately, so it should be taken forty minutes before sexual intercourse. However, the time to admission is highly variable and individual. It can only be found out in a practical way.

The manufacturer indicates that alcohol does not interact with the tablet in any way. However, magnesium stearate in its composition is completely associated with alcohol. Also, according to reviews and comments, taking the drug on an empty stomach will speed up the time of action almost twice.

In addition to the requirements of the instructions, the use of the drug includes several additional rules. So, after using the original pill, for a greater effect, the partner should stimulate you. The effect of sexual stimulation will give an accelerated effect, and you will not have to wait all night.

Indications for use

Often you can find a lot of angry comments from men who do not know how Viagra works. Therefore, it is worth noting separately in which cases it is worth buying tablets, and in which not.

Natural, original products from Pfizer are aimed at:

  • maintaining an erection (helps increase the duration of sexual intercourse);
  • stimulation of a sluggish erection.

The key word here is maintenance. It makes no sense to buy medicine if:

  • excitation does not occur due to dysfunction of the circulatory system;
  • lack of arousal is associated with a failure in the hormonal background;
  • PDE synthesis is impaired - then the drug will simply have nothing to inhibit.

Use the drug only after consulting a doctor. Only knowing the cause of weak erectile dysfunction, you can decide whether you should spend money on pills.

Viagra: contraindications and consequences

Important! Unfortunately, cheaper versions of the original drug are increasingly appearing on the pharmaceutical market. This annotation can only be applied to natural medicinal products.

In preparations, synthetic substances are used, in addition to natural ones. Therefore, there is a ban on the use of Viagra for men by people with hypersensitivity to these components.

Men under the influence:

  • nitrates or nitrites;
  • drugs that act as nitric oxide donators;
  • other tablets with the properties of pathogens.

A man with arrhythmia, unstable angina, cardiac angina should think about the consequences. It is forbidden to use Viagra for men with priapism. Diseases leading to bleeding are also on the list of contraindications.

Here are the key side effects in case of dosage violation:

  • vomiting and nausea;
  • skin rash;
  • stomach upset;
  • eye inflammation, conjunctivitis.

Compliance with this annotation will make your nights not only pleasant, but also safe.

Viagra: buy, price, reviews

Today you can buy Viagra on the Internet, a pharmacy, order Viagra by mail. However, this diversity raises a number of questions:

  1. Where is cheaper?
  2. Can I arrange online delivery or receive Viagra by mail?
  3. Where is the drug sold at the best price?
  4. Is there a relationship between prices and product quality?
  5. Is it possible to buy cheap substances instead of the original?
  6. How to understand that the purchased products are real?
  7. Do generics work?

How to distinguish real products

Due to high sales, this drug is the most counterfeited drug in the world. Therefore, it is extremely important to be able to distinguish a real pill from a fake. It doesn't matter if you buy the drug online or in a pharmacy - there is no guarantee that you will get what you bought.

Cost is also not always an indicator. Needless to say, a cheap fake not only works worse, but also causes side effects not described in the annotation.

The original starts to work after 30-40 minutes (with stimulation), the effect should last at least 4 hours. All Pfizer products (variants of Viagra tablets 25, 50, 100 mg) have a characteristic blue color, beveled edges and appropriate engraving.

The price of an unforgettable night

The price of Viagra varies greatly. It matters whether you buy online with delivery, in a pharmacy or order by mail.

Viagra in pharmacies. The easiest way is to purchase the drug at a pharmacy. Remember: Viagra is far from cheap:

  • a 25 mg tablet costs 700 rubles;
  • a 50 mg tablet will cost you 750 rubles, twelve pieces cost about 4000 rubles;
  • a 100 mg tablet costs 900 rubles, two - about 1650.

Buy this drug in trusted pharmacy chains. After all, in a pharmacy they can sell you a fake. And at night, instead of love, you will get tachycardia.

You will find the cheapest options in "these are your internets." It is convenient, it is usually delivered, but it is fraught with many dangers. First, online resources rarely list the original drug for sale. Most often, they will try to sell you generics.

Need to know! Generics are drugs that are often bought as cheap substitutes for the real drug. However, generics not only have the beneficial properties of Viagra and have the same effect on the body, but also undergo mandatory testing, analysis, and certification. For each of them there is an indication for use.

If a generic has a specific side effect, it is indicated on the package. Their low prices are affected by the expiration date of the patent. When this original drug expires (meaning the expiration date of the patent for the name), any company can manufacture it under its own name.

Because of the high competition, the generic is sold inexpensively, although it does everything the same. Buy - you will not regret it, but pay special attention to the description and online reviews.

You can also order cheaper options for drugs:

  • Sildigra - 80 rubles per tablet;
  • Kamagra Gold - 150 rubles per tablet.

Here are some examples of generic prices for men:

"Viagra soft", Sildenafil concentration - 100 mg:

  • packaging for 10 tablets - 1,250 rubles;
  • packaging for 20 tablets - 2,259 rubles;
  • packaging for 30 tablets - 3,250 rubles;
  • packaging for 50 tablets - 4,500 rubles.

Even when ordering with delivery, the purchased generic will cost ten times cheaper than the original.

The composition of Viagra sildenafil (Sildenafil) may come in concentrations of 25, 50 or 100 mg.

Apart from sildenafil the composition of the drug contains: microcrystalline cellulose (Microcrystalline cellulose), calcium hydrogen phosphate (Calcium hydrophosphate), sodium crosscarmellose (Croscarmellose sodium), magnesium stearate (Magnesium stearate).

Opadry blue and clear are used for the manufacture of the film coating tablet.

The composition of Viagra does not differ depending on the concentration of the active substance.

Release form

The dosage form of Viagra is film-coated tablets.

The tablets are slightly biconvex, have a diamond shape, their edges are cut and rounded, the color is blue. On one side of the tablet there is the inscription "Pfizer", on the other - "VGR 25/50/100" (depending on the concentration sildenafil ).

One package may contain 1, 2, 4 or 12 tablets.

pharmachologic effect

The action of the drug is aimed at restoring the physiological response to sexual arousal.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Viagra is intended for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

When sexual arousal occurs, the agent renews by increasing blood flow to the penis.

The natural mechanism of erection is associated with the release of NO (nitric oxide) in the cavernous (cavernous) body of the penis during sexual stimulation, which contributes to the activation of the enzyme guanylate cyclase .

The latter, in turn, stimulates an increase in the concentration of cGMP ( cyclic guanosine monophosphate ). As a result, it relaxes smooth muscle of the cavernous body and increased flow blood .

Sildenafil is a potent and selective inhibitor of cGMP-specific PDE-5 (phosphodiesterase-5) in the cavernous body, where PDE-5 plays an important role in the breakdown of cGMP.

The effect of the substance on erectile function is peripheral in nature: the drug does not have a direct relaxing effect on the isolated human cavernous body, while powerfully enhancing the relaxing effect of nitric oxide on it.

To be under the influence sildenafil the necessary therapeutic effect developed, sexual arousal is required.

TCmax (time to reach maximum plasma concentration) when taken orally sildenafil on an empty stomach is from 0.5 to 2 hours, the bioavailability index is in the range from 25 to 60%.

When taking the drug with fatty foods, the pharmacokinetic Cmax decreases by at least 20% (sometimes up to 40%), it takes from 1.5 to 3 hours to achieve it.

Metabolization sildenafil happening in liver under influence microsomal isoenzymes of the cytochrome system .

Period elimination half-life of sildenafil in its pure form and N-desmethylmetabolite, which is its main metabolite , — from 3 to 5 hours. The drug is excreted in the form of inactive products metabolism . About 80% is eliminated with the contents intestines , approximately 15% is eliminated kidneys.

Indications for use: what are Viagra tablets for?

The description of the drug states that Viagra is intended for treatment of erectile dysfunction , which are the result of vascular disorders or nervous disorders and are defined as the inability to achieve an erection of the penis and maintain it for the time necessary for successful sexual intercourse.

Sexual stimulation is necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the drug.


Viagra has a number of contraindications. So, the tool is prohibited to use when:

  • hypersensitivity to its constituent components;
  • simultaneous use with nitrites and nitrates in any form, and nitric oxide donators (for example, with );
  • the presence of contraindications to sexual activity (for example, if the patient is diagnosed with serious heart diseases And vascular system disorders severe form of heart failure or unstable );
  • loss of vision in one eye, which was provoked anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (optic neuropathy ) non-arterial genesis, regardless of whether this pathology is related to the previous use of type 5 PDE inhibitors;
  • liver dysfunction severe degree.

Also, Viagra should not be taken by women, children and adolescents under 18 years of age. With caution, the drug is prescribed:

  • at anatomical deformities of the penis (including when fibroplastic induration of the penis , fibrosis of the cavernous bodies , angulations etc.);
  • with diseases that may become a predisposing factor for the development priapism ( , sickle cell anemia , thrombocytopenia , multiple myeloma, etc.);
  • in diseases that are accompanied by bleeding;
  • or duodenal ulcer in the acute stage;
  • if the patient has suffered in the past six months or;
  • if the patient is diagnosed with a hereditary degenerative disease of the retina (For example, retinitis pigmentosa );
  • at unstable angina or heart failure ;
  • when, which may pose a threat to the life of the patient;
  • arterial hypotension (in cases where blood pressure does not exceed 90/50 mmHg) or hypertension (in cases where blood pressure indicators do not exceed 170/100 mm Hg. Art.)

Side effects

As a rule, the side effects that develop during the use of Viagra are characterized as mild or moderate and are transient. The frequency of development of undesirable symptoms increases as the dosage increases.

The use of Viagra can cause:

  • pain in the abdomen, back, muscles or joints;
  • asthenia ;
  • flu-like syndrome ;
  • infections (including the respiratory tract and urinary system);
  • nausea;
  • increasing muscle tone;
  • insomnia;
  • nasal congestion;
  • inflammation of the lymphoid tissue and pharyngeal mucosa ();
  • inflammation of the paranasal sinuses ();
  • respiratory dysfunction;
  • skin rashes;
  • violations of color perception of objects (usually such a change in vision is expressed in a mild form and is transient);
  • conjunctivitis ;
  • prostate dysfunction ;

During clinical trials, side effects such as blurred vision, increased perception of light, rhinitis, dizziness, vasodilation .

When using the drug in high doses, the patient experiences the same side effects, but they occur an order of magnitude more often than when the dosage regimen specified in the instructions is observed.

In the process of post-marketing use of Viagra in some patients, in connection with the use of the drug, the following were recorded:

  • syncope , arterial hypotension , heartbeat , tachycardia ;
  • vomit;
  • prolonged erection and/or priapism ;
  • redness of the eyes and pain in them;
  • allergic reactions.

Viagra, instructions for use

The instructions for the use of Viagra indicate that the drug should be taken orally. It is recommended to drink tablets before meals, because in this case their action develops more quickly.

Viagra - how to take for men?

The drug is available in three dosages - 25, 50 and 100 mg. Typically for most patients starting dose is 50 mg . Tablets are taken one at a time approximately one hour before sexual activity.

Their action begins after 30-60 minutes and persists for the next 4 hours. To make the drug work faster, it is recommended take before meals .

Depending on the severity of the effect and taking into account the tolerability of the drug by the patient, the dose can be adjusted both upwards and downwards.

In some cases, adhere another scheme - tablets begin to be taken with a minimum dosage, gradually increasing it until a pronounced therapeutic effect occurs.

The doctor determines how to take Viagra correctly, the scheme of application and the dose of the drug individually, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's body.

Elderly patients do not need to adjust the dosing regimen.


In studies conducted on healthy volunteers, it was found that a single dose of up to 0.8 grams provokes the same side effects that were noted when taking the drug in much lower doses, however, their frequency and severity increased.

Use sildenafil at a dose of 0.2 grams, does not increase the effectiveness of the drug, but provokes an increase in the incidence of side effects. The most common are flushing, dizziness, headaches, visual disturbances, dyspeptic symptoms, nasal congestion.

In case of an overdose of Viagra, the usual supportive treatment is prescribed for such situations. Because the sildenafil characterized by a high degree of binding to blood plasma proteins (the binding rate is 96%) and is not eliminated in the urine, the acceleration of the clearance of the substance when hemodialysis considered unlikely.


Sildenafil exposed metabolism V liver , mainly under the influence isoenzymes CYP3A4 and partly under the influence of CYP2C9, so inhibitors of these isoenzymes reduce, and their inductors, respectively, increase the clearance sildenafil .

So, 0.8 grams cimetidine , which is non-specific inhibitor CYP3A4, combined with 0.05 grams sildenafil provokes an increase in the plasma concentration of the latter by 56%.

As a substitute for Viagra for men, drugs that are made from plants and various parts of animals (for example, tortoiseshell, deer antlers, Tibetan yak testicles, etc.) can be used: Boss Royal Viagra , Wuka-Vuka , Impaza , Sealex , Yohimbe forte , Biagra , Yarsagumba and other drugs.

Since the market is represented by a sufficiently large number of drugs to improve erections in men, the questions naturally arise: “What is better - or Viagra?”, “How to replace the drug?”, “What to choose - Viagra or Dynamico ?”.

An unequivocal answer, which is better - Viagra or, Viagra or Cialis , Viagra or Dynamico , No.

Dynamico is a synonym for the drug, that is, its basis is the same active substance as Viagra. The only differences between both tools are the manufacturer and price ( Dynamico somewhat cheaper than its structural counterpart).

Comparison of Viagra with Levitra or Cialis not entirely correct, since the drugs have different active substances and, therefore, the mechanism of action. Cialis take about 10 minutes before sexual activity, Levitra - in 20 minutes, Viagra - in half an hour or an hour.

At the same time, the duration of action of the drugs is also different: for Viagra it is 4 hours, for Levitra - from 4 to 10 hours, for Cialis - up to 36 hours ( Cialis 40 mg lasts up to 72 hours).

The effect of the application Levitra And Cialis does not depend on food intake (and on the amount eaten), in addition, Levitra compatible with alcohol, but on effectiveness Cialis alcohol has no significant effect. As for Viagra, this drug is best taken on an empty stomach.

Often the price of analogues is cheaper than the price of the original drug. So, as a more affordable Russian counterpart, you can buy tablets in a pharmacy.

viagra and alcohol

Viagra with alcohol - compatible or not? There is no categorical ban on taking these products in combination; from a chemical point of view, they do not interact with each other.

However, if sildenafil enters the stomach with alcohol, its absorption and, consequently, the rate of action slows down. In addition, with the simultaneous use of the drug with alcoholic beverages, the load on the body as a whole and in particular on cardiac muscle (which should be considered by people suffering from hypertension or heart disease ).

Thus, despite the fact that Viagra and alcohol are not mutually exclusive, they should be combined as rarely as possible and in a minimal dose.

Scientists have concluded (and reviews of men who took Viagra confirm this) that for normal health when using the drug in combination with alcohol, you should drink no more than 100 grams of vodka, 700 grams of beer or 450 grams of wine.

Photo drug Viagra

The action of the product begins with the presence of natural stimulation

The main indication for the use of the drug is the presence of a disorder of the reproductive system in a person. Unfortunately, men of all age groups are equally susceptible to this pathology. The causes of the phenomenon are diseases and inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs (for example, prostatitis).

An unhealthy lifestyle also has a negative effect on erection:

  1. unbalanced diet;
  2. low physical activity;
  3. alcohol abuse;
  4. smoking;
  5. stress;
  6. lack of sleep.

Pathology can occur as a result of nervous strain, psychological trauma or chronic fatigue. In addition, sexual dysfunction can develop as a result of taking hormonal drugs.

Action time: up to 4 hours

Beginning of action: in 30-50 minutes

Reception with alcohol: incompatible

Composition and action

Sildenafil has a powerful effect on the blood vessels of the penis

Viagra contains the potent selective inhibitor Sildenafil. Initially, the medicinal substance was used as a stimulant to restore healthy blood circulation to the cardiac system.

However, laboratory studies have proven its low effectiveness in the fight against diseases of the heart and blood vessels. At the same time, it turned out that the drug was effective for the normalization of sexual function.

Sildenafil has a powerful effect on the blood vessels of the penis:

  • strengthens their walls;
  • accelerates blood circulation;
  • causes a long erection.

Under the influence of the drug Viagra, the sensitivity of erogenous zones increases, due to which the orgasm becomes more expressive. The tool suppresses nerve impulses that provoke premature ejaculation, and also absorbs serotonin, which is released during intercourse, as a result of which the erection lasts several times longer, improving the quality of sexual contact.

In addition, Viagra fights inflammation and reduces the risk of prostatitis. The product increases energy and muscle tone, enhances the endurance of the body. With regular use, the drug increases the production of testosterone and other organs, stimulates the production of sperm and speeds up the movement of sperm.

Sildenafil has contraindications for health reasons, often causing adverse reactions in the body. Before using the drug, it is recommended to exclude the presence of contraindications and undergo a medical examination. Sildenafil should not be taken while drinking alcohol. Ethanol prevents the rapid absorption and absorption of the drug, significantly reducing the quality of its action.

The combination of Viagra with alcohol adversely affects the functioning of the heart and liver, increases the concentration of Sildenafil in plasma, and can also cause long-term side effects.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

It is impossible to take the drug to increase the potency of Viagra if the body is highly sensitive to the active substance. As a result of clinical trials, it has been proven that the use of the product with individual intolerance to Sildenafil can cause severe allergic reactions and complications of chronic pathologies. The first dose of Viagra is recommended to be limited to the minimum dose of Sildenafil (25 mg per day). The drug is contraindicated in women, children, underage men.

Also, you can not use Viagra when:

Viagra is contraindicated within six months after a stroke, heart attack, major abdominal surgery. It is impossible to take Viagra in the treatment of medicines, which contain inhibitors for HIV-infected people, nitrogen donators, nitrates, alpha-blockers, antidepressants.

The tool is incompatible with other drugs or dietary supplements to restore potency. Viagra should be taken at the lowest dose when using vasodilator products. Viagra causes adverse reactions in case of overdose or allergy to Sildenafil. They manifest themselves in the form of headaches, pulling spasms in the lower back, short visual disturbances, high photosensitivity, mild symptoms of a runny nose, upset stomach or intestines, nausea, tachycardia. Adverse reactions from Viagra are mild and short-lived. They are not hazardous to human health.

sex prolonging drugs

Mode of application

Viagra is allowed to take no more than once a day (100 milligrams of Sildenafil in 24 hours). The tablet should be taken 60 minutes before sexual intercourse with plenty of warm water. With daily use of Sildenafil, it is necessary to reduce its dose to 25 milligrams. Also, a reduced dosage of the product is indicated for men over 60 years of age and those with kidney or liver disease.

To prolong intimacy, Viagra should be used occasionally. For a quality treatment of erectile dysfunction, it is recommended to take the product regularly (for four weeks). A second course of treatment is carried out after a short break, after consulting with the doctor.

Store the product at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius in a dry and dark place. Do not unpack it before use, and check the production date before treatment. Do not give the product to children or pets.

Teas for potency, video

From the video you can find out that male potency can be enhanced with tea.

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