Viagra (drug). What are Viagra pills for men? What is viagra pills

Viagra is a drug manufactured by the American company Pfizer (Pfizer). It is available in the form of tablets of 25, 50 and 100 mg, which contain, respectively, 25, 50 and 100 mg of sildenafil citrate.

Viagra is a simple and convenient drug for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and impotence. Other methods involve injections into the penis or medical procedures of a different nature. When using Viagra, 1 tablet is used immediately before sexual intercourse. Viagra is able to help many men suffering from erectile dysfunction, acts with sexual arousal. Without it, the drug will not show its effect.

When a man is aroused, the penis quickly fills with the necessary amount of blood for a natural erection. Viagra works only when a man experiences natural sexual arousal, and when sexual intercourse is over, the penis naturally returns to its normal relaxed state. In other words, sildenafil acts only on the natural mechanisms of erection, and this is its undeniable advantage, novelty and the secret of great popularity. If the erection lasts for a long time (more than 6 hours), it can harm the penis. You should contact your doctor immediately if your erection lasts more than 4 hours. Some medications interfere with the natural process of erection.

If the penis cannot fill with enough blood, then the person will not get an erection. This is called erectile dysfunction and many men suffer from this problem. During sex, the heart rate rises, so sexual intercourse is undesirable for people with heart disease. Before taking any measures to restore potency, ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough. If you experience chest pain, dizziness, or nausea during intercourse, stop intercourse and tell your doctor.


Viagra helps many men with erectile dysfunction respond to sexual arousal with penile tension. When a man is aroused, Viagra helps the penis fill with enough blood to produce an erection.

Viagra is a selective (selective) inhibitor of the activity of the enzyme - phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDEס). This enzyme inhibits the production of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (CGMP) in smooth muscle tissue, which is formed from guanosine monophosphate (GMP) under the action of nitric oxide (NO). The main function of CGMP is to relax the smooth muscles of the cavernous (cavernous) bodies of the penis. When the action of PDEס is inhibited, a significantly larger amount of CGMP accumulates in the cavernous bodies, their smooth muscles relax much better and more blood flows to the penis, thereby causing an erection.

It's no secret that the problem of male impotence has now acquired a serious scale. Stress, family troubles, conflicts at work, business failures - all these factors negatively affect potency.

Of course, there is a huge arsenal of ways to establish a sexual life, and one of the most effective are medications that are specially designed to make a man always feel like a man. Of course, we are talking about the well-known Viagra. The effectiveness of this means of increasing potency has been proven for a long time. However, until now, not all representatives of the stronger sex know how Viagra works. Before proceeding to consider this issue, a few words about what this unique drug is.

What do we know about Viagra?

If only a few have an idea of ​​​​how Viagra works, then almost everyone knows what it is intended for.

Today, any young man will tell you that the above drug helps to get rid of erectile dysfunction. Indeed, it is. However, the drug does not provide a physiological treatment for male impotence. Then how does Viagra work? Everything is very simple. This remedy is aimed at increasing blood flow in the area of ​​the male genital organ, as a result of which the quality of erection improves, and sexual life returns to normal. Simply put, after using the above drug, a man begins to experience a burning sexual desire. This is how Viagra works. Now let's move on to the question of how this unique remedy for male impotence was created.

History of creation

Back in the 90s of the last century, employees of the Pfizer company (USA) puzzled over how to create an effective medicine that would relieve a person from pain in the chest with angina pectoris.

During the period of clinical trials, it was found that the active ingredient of the drug - sildenafil - does not drastically affect the functioning of the heart, while the representatives of the stronger sex who participated in the studies said that this drug significantly increased their male libido. When the participants of the experiment announced that they would not give up pills that were useless for the heart, the scientists realized that they had created a truly innovative development, which was called "Viagra", which translated as "the power of Niagara Falls." Such vivid associations were caused by this know-how.

In 1993, detailed analyzes were carried out on the subject of how Viagra works on men. As a result, it was found that the drug is not only effective in combating sexual impotence, but also safe. After that, the US authorities gave the go-ahead for the production of Viagra and the supply of the drug to the world market.

Panacea or not?

One way or another, but the question of how Viagra acts on men needs to be supplemented.

This restorative drug works a little differently than other potency-enhancing drugs. The thing is that Viagra is aimed at eradicating the paramount and most of the stronger sex position the drug as a panacea. But in order to maintain your own health, it is very important to know what the mechanism of the above remedy is. Here we should return to the question of how Viagra works on men. First of all, the drug restores the function of the blood vessels involved in the mechanism of erection. In other words, this medicine is specifically designed to get rid of erectile dysfunction. It allows you to achieve high-quality potency for a long period of time for sexual intercourse. However, considering the question of how Viagra acts on a person, it is necessary to make a reservation: in the absence of sexual arousal, the above drug cannot guarantee a normal erection! Here's what men should remember.

Only with this factor in mind, we can talk about the effectiveness of Viagra in terms of increasing blood flow in the male genital organ. Naturally, after intimacy and the process of ejaculation, the phallus will take its original state.

It is important to establish the cause

At the same time, it should be remembered that the problem of erectile dysfunction in each person is individual, and the speed of its solution depends on how accurately it is possible to establish the causes of the disease. And there are a huge number of them. Even minor damage to muscle tissues, capillaries, blood vessels and nerve endings can lead to sexual dysfunction, not to mention such serious diseases as pyelonephritis, diabetes mellitus or hepatitis. According to statistics, in most cases (75%) male impotence is due to physiological factors and only in some (25%) - psychological.

Of course, the question is: “How does the Viagra tablet work?” is more relevant today than ever, but whether the patient knows the answer to it or not, the first thing he should do is go to see a doctor.

Do not use Viagra without consulting a specialist

Self-medication with this drug is excluded. Why? The thing is that the active component of Viagra - sildanefil - immediately interacts with a huge list of medications. The first on this list are nitrates used to treat heart disease. When the latter are combined with Viagra, serious negative health consequences can occur. That is why it is important to know not only how Viagra acts on the body, but also with what drugs this drug should not be taken. However, it should be recognized that in 99% of cases the considered method is effective. Now you know how Viagra works. Patient reviews indicate that the drug effectively copes with erectile dysfunction. This is stated by about 80% of men who have this problem. About 15% of patients note that Viagra did not help them very much. Approximately 5% of the stronger sex were dissatisfied with the effect of this drug.

Application Specifics

Many men are interested in the question of how quickly Viagra works. If you take the pill on an empty stomach, then after half an hour you can feel a rush of blood in the groin area. In the case when the drug is taken after a meal, a similar effect is achieved in about an hour. How long is the effect of Viagra?

There is no single answer to this question. Some patients claim that the drug works within 4 hours. Others claim that the next morning the effect of Viagra does not disappear anywhere. For each man, the remedy works differently.

Side effect

In attempts to solve the problem of sexual impotence, one should not forget that medications, relieving this disease, carry the risk of side effects. "Viagra" in this sense is no exception. However, if you follow all the recommendations of the doctor, then there is nothing to worry about. If they are ignored and overdosed with the dosage, then the consequences can be adverse. For example, it is possible that the state of health will worsen, puffiness will appear on the face, malaise, headache, abdominal pain, and allergic reactions will occur. Diseases of the cardiovascular system can also declare themselves: arrhythmia, tachycardia, ischemia, heart attack, stroke. The digestive system may also suffer, which manifests itself in the form of such ailments as colitis, gastritis, gastroenteritis.

If the patient suffers from chronic diseases of the heart, kidneys, adrenal glands or liver, blood cancer or anemia, then in no case should he take Viagra without first consulting a doctor.

When Viagra fails

It is necessary to take into account the fact that Viagra may not help all men. In particular, we are talking about those who have low testosterone levels. It is this male sex hormone that is responsible for sexual arousal. If a person has defects in the inner lining of blood vessels (endothelium), then the effectiveness of Viagra will also be reduced to zero.

Such a dangerous disease as atherosclerosis can significantly reduce the effect of the drug.

There is Viagra for men and for women

It is generally accepted that Viagra is a medicine exclusively for men. However, there is a drug for the fairer sex. Women's "Viagra" is recommended for use by those who have a low libido and lack of desire for intimacy.

After a certain period of life, about 70% of men are faced with a lack of erection. People are becoming interested in treatments and specialized drugs. In particular, we are often asked what kind of . Let's answer this question.

Viagra - what is it?

Viagra is a unique drug used to treat erectile dysfunction in men. As a rule, such disorders occur after the age of forty. But often younger men also have problems. The reasons are psychological, hormonal, vascular, etc.

The medicine is produced by a well-known pharmaceutical company. Pfizer company. Diamond-shaped tablets are film-coated, have a blue color. The active substance of the drug is Sildenafil. The number of milligrams indicated on the package corresponds to the content of the active substance. The recommended dose is 50 mg. It is optimal for most men, but can be increased to 100 mg, or vice versa reduced to 25 mg, based on the effect obtained and individual tolerance. Viagra should be taken no more than 1 time per day, an hour before sexual intercourse. The tablet should be swallowed whole with water. Duration of action up to 4 hours.

It is indicated that it is forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages during the reception, as this contributes to the weakening of the effect and sensitivity. Abundant food, especially fatty - slows down the action of the drug, the effect may come later. In men over 65, Viagra is excreted more slowly, circulates in the blood for a long time, and therefore the doctor may prescribe a lower dosage. Now you know what Viagra is in tablets, how to take it and what effect you can get.

It should be noted that an erection occurs in the presence of natural sexual arousal. Intimate surroundings and the presence of an attractive woman will help you feel powerful again.

If a man has a weak potency, one of the possible ways to restore it can be the most popular drug today - Viagra. His action is certainly effective and he has already earned the trust of many.

Effective drug

What is the action of Viagra and how much should be used to increase the level of potency to the desired level?

In addition to increasing erection, Viagra also improves blood circulation, increases the efficiency of the cardiovascular system. In a word, its action is complex, since without the normal operation of these functions of the body, an increase in potency is impossible.

Viagra tablets used for men have an effect due to which the blood vessels of the male penis expand and this leads to the normalization of sexual health.

Additionally, Viagra provides the male body with

  • Increase the quality of sexual intercourse and its duration;
  • Reduction of pauses between contacts during sex;
  • Increasing the efficiency of the body as a whole.

This drug is taken orally. The action of Viagra begins within half an hour after application. Sometimes the reaction in the body can be felt a little earlier.

The action of Viagra depends on the characteristics of the body of a man. Here everything is individual:

How the substance works
  • body type;
  • Manifestation of sensitivity to the substance;
  • The process of filling the stomach.

Viagra can and should be controlled by a man depending on its tolerance or intolerance by a man. Due to these factors, the man has the right to reduce the dosage if necessary.

It is not recommended to use Viagra more than once a day, since such an increased use of it can cause serious harm to health, and not increase the level of potency.

The use of tablets begins with small doses, gradually increasing it until the manifestation of a therapeutic effect.

What substance is in the composition?

duration of intercourse

Without consulting a doctor, experts do not recommend using Viagra. Since everyone has their tolerability, like many other medicines, the doctor must determine how much a man is able to use it so as not to harm himself.

The composition of the tablets contains a substance called sildenafil - a rapidly acting element on other elements in the body, including medicinal substances of a different origin.

If you use Viagra in parallel with other pills, any organism may experience serious complications. And they don't want to be allowed.

In general, Viagra does not cause particularly acute complications and affects men in a mostly positive way.

Viagra tablets for men instructions for use

Viagra tablets for men contain a number of contraindications that you need to rely on before use.

They may be as follows:

Doctor's recommendations
  • Very high sensitivity in relation to the components of the drug;
  • Consuming at the same time as items such as nitrates, nitrites, or nitric oxide dispensers;
  • Acute liver diseases;
  • Severe visual impairment.

It is strongly undesirable to use the drug in such cases:

  • The presence of a stomach ulcer;
  • Changes in the penis of a natural nature;
  • Violation in the circulatory system;
  • The presence of high or low blood pressure;
  • Arrhythmia;
  • Consequences of heart attacks or stroke;
  • visual impairment at various levels.

Viagra side effects

Since the drug is aimed at increasing potency in men and has a fairly strong degree of impact, many, of course, will ask the question - does it have side effects? Can the drug cause serious complications in case of an overdose?

Taking pills can lead to the following consequences:

Are there side effects
  • Nasal congestion;
  • stomach disorders;
  • Flu-like illness
  • Respiratory failure;
  • Allergic reaction;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Allergic rash in the nose;
  • Failure in the prostate system.

Sometimes there may be dizziness, vomiting, nausea, heart palpitations, too long erection, breathing problems - as the main side effects after taking Viagra

Viagra will give you:

How does the drug work
  • Firm and stable erection;
  • Strong and vivid orgasms;
  • Unforgettable sensations during sexual contact;
  • Strong sexual attraction and desire.

After the first application, you can be sure that Viagra will work immediately and you will feel the corresponding effect, which is facilitated by the complex and rather strong properties of Viagra.

Men's sex life is much more important than women's. And its lack or absence at all can lead to a sharp deterioration and frequent depression. Therefore, the return of an erection to the desired level may be simply a necessary thing. And it is also undesirable to neglect this.

What harmful manifestations occur after the use of the drug?

Is there any harm in using

Side effects, despite the imaginary harmlessness, Viagra has more than enough. And all of them are manifested in connection with its improper use and an undesirable increase in dosage.

If you use the pills not too often and correctly, there will be no side effects at all.

In addition to these side effects, if Viagra is used too often, it can easily provoke infertility. And you, you see, would not like to face such a thing.

Viagra - where to sell

This magical medicine can be purchased at almost every pharmacy. The cheapest package will cost you about 500 rubles or more. It all depends on the brand of the drug and the result after its use.

It is sold without a doctor's prescription. But still, before you allow yourself such a pleasure and buy Viagra, it is better to visit your doctor so that you don’t have any questions in the future.

After buying Viagra, the level of your sex life will increase significantly, and you will forget about your problems faster than possible.

If you are really already desperate, but want to live the same full life as other men - get Viagra and be as self-confident as possible.

Basically, reviews on Viagra in most cases are positive. Many men who tried it once saw how effectively it affected not only their sexual life and its rapid development, but also the improvement of their health in general.

It works absolutely flawlessly, especially if you use it correctly according to the available instructions.

Viagra prices may vary. You can purchase the drug at a price of 500 rubles per package (1 tablet - 100 milligrams), or higher, up to several thousand. Its purchase, of course, depends entirely on your budget, desires and capabilities.

Try to use the pills strictly according to the instructions, they act very powerfully and quickly.

In order not to face problems such as infertility, which no one would like to get, carefully read the dosage of the drug. Several tablets a day should never be used.

If you neglect this fact, you can bring a decent amount of consequences to your health, and it will be impossible to restore them.
Take the use of the drug as seriously as possible, because it is very important for every man not only to increase erection, but also the health of the body.
You will feel the action of Viagra quickly and you will get instant satisfaction with your sex life!

It is she who is able to enhance not only the duration of sexual intercourse, but also make the orgasm more vivid. The pleasure of sexual intercourse will be much greater than you have felt so far.

The action of Viagra is as effective as you will feel it immediately after use, along with all the most pleasant sensations during sexual contact, without which you had to live before.
When visiting a doctor before buying, a scheme for using the drug is agreed with him.

Before buying Viagra, study Viagra pills for men in as much detail as possible in order to understand how much the drug is already trusted by those buyers who have successfully used it for a long time.

A whole course is not required for application - one or two times is enough to feel the full result. You will practically not find any disadvantages in Viagra, with the exception of side effects that may occur after improper use of the drug. However, after the first pill, you will very quickly feel a strong desire, and your woman will be able to feel all the sensations she needs.

Try this drug for a long time and still popular among men and appreciate all its advantages!

Buy Viagra pills for men at the best prices at any pharmacy in your city, use it correctly and return your sex life to the right level!

Buy magic pills at the best prices and let your sex life be the brightest and most unforgettable!
After buying Viagra, you will not regret the result for a minute!
Viagra is the best drug for increasing male potency that everyone can afford!

Even if a man does not have problems sexually, he obviously has at least once, but there was a desire to find out and try for himself how Viagra works. There are many reasons for using this drug, starting with impotence and ending with banal interest, but the effect of its use pleases everyone. How to diversify your sex life without harming your health, how to gain confidence in your abilities on the love front and feel like a man again? All this later in this topic.

How does Viagra work?

With the help of this drug, blood flow to the penis increases, because the reason for insufficient erection or its absence is precisely in poor blood circulation, this is the secret of this remedy. Some people are mistaken that Viagra has an effect on the psyche of a man. As mentioned earlier, it stimulates blood circulation.

Some people think that they will drink this remedy and the erection will last for hours. There is truth in this, but it is worth clarifying. The thing is that if a man experiences sexual arousal, then Viagra will immediately start working. If earlier a man was aroused, but there was no erection or it was insufficient, and the penis was not ready for action, then if the drug is used, the penis will reach the maximum possible size, and it will also be guaranteed to be hard and strong. A bonus for men is the opportunity to have a long sexual intercourse, thanks to the action of the drug Viagra, but after the end of the sexual intercourse, the erection will stop, and only with subsequent arousal, the drug will work again. The total effect of Viagra is a little more than 4 hours. These are several full-fledged sexual acts. Conclusion: sexual stimulation is necessary for the effective action of the pills.

It should be noted that an integral plus is that the action of Viagra is effective in natural sexual arousal, so this is a kind of insurance for men. The action of Viagra will not start at an inconvenient moment and will not put a man in an awkward situation, for example, during a business meeting. So Viagra does not work, it starts only in natural ways, and not unexpectedly. The positive thing is that a woman will not suspect a man of using this drug, everything will go on as usual, but only better.

The effectiveness of the drug will be slightly lower with excessive use of alcohol, which in itself can prevent the onset of an erection, after a heavy dinner. If you think about it, then what kind of high-quality and pleasant sexual intercourse can we talk about if the stomach is full of fatty foods, and the only desire is to lie down. A stronger effect can be expected with moderate food intake. The drug can be taken during a meal. If a man has taken too much alcohol, then in many cases without the use of Viagra tablets, things will be bad, the erection will be either weak or completely absent. If you take the drug against the background of intoxication, then there will be an erection, but not so powerful.

Viagra does not save from infection with sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS, so in this case it is necessary to use a condom, not to lose your head from excitement.

This remedy can make life easier for men with urethral disease, as it is directly related to impaired blood supply, and the symptoms of diseases also decrease. The drug puts potency in order and reduces the painful symptoms of urethral diseases.

In the presence of penile deformity, Viagra will not play a big role, in this case more drastic measures are needed. This remedy deals with increasing blood circulation, and in case of damage to the penis, the problem lies elsewhere.

Time of action of the drug

How long does it take for the drug to start working? This question is asked by many men who are interested in this drug. Viagra is an ideal drug for both planned sex and spontaneous. So how long does this drug last? Viagra acts 15-60 minutes after taking the pills, in some men the drug starts working earlier, in others - a little later. Thus, knowing how long the drug works, you can plan a successful sex. Once again, you do not need to drink pills, as the body can get used to the action of this remedy, and the effect of Viagra will decrease next time if abused. Some men drink the drug just before sex, so they have time for foreplay, which is important for a woman, and subsequently the drug begins to work.

Indications before use

As already mentioned, this drug should not be abused, the maximum dose should not exceed 100 mg per day. In some cases (earlier myocardial infarction, age over 65, or liver and kidney disease), this dose will be no more than 25 mg.

Since this drug increases blood circulation, people with high blood pressure are not recommended to use more than 25 mg of the drug.

Often, 50 mg of this remedy is enough for men in order for the maximum effect to be achieved, therefore it is advantageous to purchase tablets with a dosage of 200 mg and divide them into several parts. Do not abuse this drug, thinking that it is designed for a person's body weight. This is a misconception, so you need to use exactly as much of the drug as prescribed by the doctor.

There are reviews about Viagra that it does not help. In this case, the recommendation of doctors is as follows: in some cases, the pills may not start working the first time or even the second, so such people are advised to try again. Such a slow effect of the drug is obtained by men with erectile dysfunction.

Give preference to pills during a period of fatigue, stress, when the point is that you do not want sex, but your partner needs it. And during the rest, the reception of this remedy can be suspended, because in this case the erection should be better, stronger.

If there are side effects (and they exist with each drug), for example, redness of certain areas of the skin, most often the neck, nausea, headache and other tolerable painful symptoms, the drug can be used, but only with caution. If you have more serious side effects, you should consult your doctor or stop using this drug altogether.

If nitrites enter your body, then the use of Viagra tablets is strictly prohibited, otherwise very undesirable consequences are possible.

Age restrictions in use

The main age group of men for whom Viagra is recommended are men over 40 years of age. Guys under 18 years of age are highly discouraged from using these pills, because at this age everything should work as it should, and the use of the drug will still not benefit the body of a young person. It can even cause psychological dependence if you start using the medicine at such an early age, and the guy later on will not be able to have an erection without miracle pills.

Women with low libido are also interested in the action of Viagra, but for them it is powerless, since the drug only affects men.

It is necessary to adhere to the principle of safety, therefore, before the active use of this drug, it is recommended to consult a specialist, without consultation, the use of Viagra is not recommended.

Psychological self-confidence

Viagra gives confidence that sexual intercourse will take place, that it will be high-quality sex with a good erection and a long time (which is necessary in order to satisfy both partners). A clear advantage of such tablets is the real effect after application. If we recall the pills that doctors prescribe for the treatment of any disease, then the effect is not always visible, and sometimes it is not at all. In the case of Viagra, everything works unconditionally (in 9 cases out of 10).

Do not think that this remedy is only for those men who do not have a penis. If there is a desire to diversify your sex, enhance the sensations during the process, then a completely healthy man can take Viagra, because the penis size will be larger than usual, and sex will be longer than usual in time.

There are men who have erectile dysfunction during prolonged sex or repeated sexual intercourse, that is, more than 1 full time, men cannot have sex, despite a strong desire. Viagra in this case will help prolong the pleasure, because usually both parties want this process.


93% accuracy

10 thousand

Remember that this is not only your problem, some men also live with this trouble. That is why the drug Viagra is very popular among men. The action of Viagra has been proven over the years, the experience of men who have ever used it, and many continue to do so regularly. You should not put a sentence on yourself in the absence of potency. With the help of Viagra, the problem will be defeated and forgotten once and for all.

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