Usv baths. Mineral baths are contraindications. Additional materials on the thermal waters of the Zhemchugskoye deposit

Among the wellness procedures that the Vorovsky Sanatorium offers to its patients, mineral baths occupy a special place. They speed up metabolic processes, improve blood circulation, help cleanse the body and remove toxins. In hot water, pores open to the maximum and blood flow increases, due to which minerals penetrate the body better, and tissues are enriched with oxygen.

Indications for the procedure

Baths with mineral water in the Vorovsky Sanatorium are prescribed to patients in the following cases:

  • With skin diseases to accelerate regeneration processes. The course intake significantly alleviates the symptoms in acute eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, furunculosis, scleroderma.
  • To relieve pain. Thanks to the salts and minerals dissolved in water, tactile sensitivity decreases, the musculoskeletal system is unloaded, which helps to reduce pain in the muscles, spine, joints with osteochondrosis, arthritis, and sciatica.
  • With nervous and mental disorders, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, headache. Immersion in warm water reduces the level of stress hormones (adrenaline, cortisone, norepinephrine) in the blood.
  • In cardiovascular diseases (initial stages of atherosclerosis, hypertension I and II degree, chronic venous insufficiency, etc.). The procedures help to improve blood circulation, the outflow of venous blood from the periphery to the heart, and reduce its viscosity.


Not all patients may benefit from mineral water baths. Procedures are not prescribed if a person has:

  • individual intolerance to bath components;
  • severe form of diabetes;
  • open wounds;
  • fungal infection;
  • weeping dermatitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • kidney failure, etc.

After a course of therapeutic mineral baths in the Sanatorium named after Vorovsky, immunity is strengthened, sleep improves, chronic ailments recede for a long time. Returning home, people will feel rested and rejuvenated.

Mineral baths are recommended in the following cases:
- circulatory disorders and diseases of the cardiovascular system (heart, cardiomyopathy, ischemia, diseases of peripheral veins and arteries);
- inflammation and diseases of the central nervous system;
- diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
- gynecological diseases;
- inflammatory processes and skin diseases;
- light forms;
- diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, enterocolitis, colitis);
- respiratory diseases;
- ;
- obesity;
- violations of work.

Mineral baths also help in the treatment of the stomach, gallbladder, liver, intestines, restore health after surgery.

Useful properties of mineral baths

Mineral waters contain various gases (carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide or radon) and chemicals. Such water affects the body not only by its gas and chemical composition, but also by physical factors - water temperature, hydrostatic pressure. The procedure has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, increases the efficiency of the cerebral cortex, due to the balancing of the processes of inhibition and excitation.

In a gas mineral bath, underwater traction of the spine is performed. During the procedure, the heart begins to beat evenly, becomes deep, the speed of blood flow changes, blood circulation in the capillaries improves. Normalizes blood pressure. The positive changes that the circulatory system and heart undergo when taking a therapeutic bath remain in the body for several hours.

The cosmetic effect of the mineral bath helps to reduce visible cellulite, removes obesity, gives the skin a toned and youthful appearance, cleanses the pores. Mineral water fights nail splitting and allergies, reduces tension and stress, improves immunity, and improves sleep. Baths have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.


Mineral baths are a useful procedure, but still have their contraindications. It is recommended to take into account the state of your health and consult a specialist before taking a bath. Among the contraindications: varicose veins, tuberculosis, renal failure, angina pectoris, severe diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, weeping dermatitis, hypertension, atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, thyrotoxicosis, pregnancy and fungal skin lesions.

5 kilometers from the village of Zhemchug, on the banks of the Irkut River, there is a balneological resort area "Vyshka", where in the 50s and 80s, when searching for oil in the Tunka Valley, two thermal mineral springs were discovered by deep wells. Oil was not found, oil rigs were not installed, the baths were called "Pearl", and the area began to bear the name "Tower".
Currently, the resort area "Vyshka" is being rapidly built up and on its basis a rural-type settlement of Maly Zhemchug of the Tunkinsky district of the Republic of Buryatia has been formed. The Zhemchuzhina municipal health-improving enterprise, boarding houses, a bathroom building, two swimming pools with healing mineral water, a common shower cabin, and a medical hospital are under construction here. Some vacationers use water that flows freely from wells; in the summer, many vacationers take wild mud baths on the banks of the Irkut.
In the Vyshka area, a camping site is equipped. Vacationers come here in their cars, arranging large tent cities around the resort. More comfortable conditions for living are provided by guest houses and a hotel.
The resort has a cafe, the menu of which includes dishes from traditional Buryat cuisine. There are shops, a massage house, a shooting gallery. Local residents offer horse and camel rides to vacationers. A Buddhist datsan-academy is under construction. The visitor center of the Tunkinsky National Park is open.
Despite the fact that about five hundred people a day take health baths and therapeutic muds only on the territory of Maly Zhemchug, Vladimir Sushkeev, director of Zhemchuzhina, reports that, in his opinion: “Russians do not know about the properties of thermal springs. There are two wells with methane on the territory of Vyshka, the likes of which are not found in Russia.”

Bathroom building "Yurts". Quiet, but really...

... near the spa is always crowded.

Bactrian camel, or Bactrian ( camelus bactrianus) is the largest representative of the camelid family.

Thermal springs of the village of Maly Zhemchug

So, in the area of ​​the village of Zhemchug, as a result of drilling for oil, at different times, geologists discovered two thermal mineral springs. This deposit is unique due to the combination of methane and carbon dioxide thermal waters in one place. Deep wells are located at a distance of 200 meters from each other, their water has different temperatures and different chemical composition.
Erzhena Danilova, Senior Researcher at the Institute of General and Experimental Biology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, emphasizes the peculiarity of the thermal springs of the Maly Zhemchug village: “Their uniqueness lies in their excellent healing effect. Most likely, this is due to biochemistry, the metabolism of bacteria in these waters. The methane springs of Zhemchug are unique in their gas composition.”
Self-flowing from well R-1 with a debit of about 8 l / s, methane, hydrocarbonate sodium mineral water with a temperature of 38 ° C enters the bathroom building through pipes, and a shower room, simultaneously accommodating up to 10 people, is located directly above the well.
As of 2013, the administration of AOU "Zhemchuzhina" set the cost of visiting the shower:
- children under 5 years old - free of charge;
- from 5 to 10 years - 50 rubles;
- from 10 years and older - 100 rubles.
Shower benefits are not included.

The bathroom building at the methane source operates all year round. In the bathroom building, vacationers are greeted by friendly and competent staff. In the summer, a massage therapist and a consultant doctor work. It is possible to take a methane bath in an individual booth, to the sounds of relaxing music. There is a new service - herbal baths, which are prescribed for the prevention and complex treatment of a number of diseases of the nervous system, skin, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and joints. Phytocollection is made according to an old Tibetan recipe by the Center for Oriental Medicine (Ulan-Ude) and in combination with methane water gives the best results.
The carbon dioxide water of the second well G-1 has a temperature of 55 °C. Outdoor wooden pools were built around the gushing well.
Thermal springs operate all year round.

Healing properties of Zhemchug mineral waters

The water of the R-1 well, drilled in 1953-1954, obtained from a depth of 834-864 m, has a low mineralization (1.2 g/l), a temperature of 38 °C, in terms of chemical composition it is methane, hydrocarbonate sodium, with a small content of hydrogen sulfide and radon (radioactivity 6 eman). Thermal water has no analogues in the world (although some authors compare it with the methane water of the Bulgarian Kumaritsa in terms of its physicochemical and medicinal properties) and is singled out as an independent type. Currently, the well is self-flowing with a flow rate of 8 l/s.
Sixty years of experience in hydrotherapy has shown excellent results in the treatment of various diseases.
Indications for use:
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the musculoskeletal system,
Diseases of the nervous system
Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue,
Diseases of the female and male reproductive organs.
Restorative and immuno-enhancing action.

The second well G-1, drilled in 1988 200 meters to the north from well R-1, contains carbonic siliceous chloride-hydrocarbonate magnesium-sodium water with a salinity of 4.2 g/l and a temperature of 55-56°C. According to GOST 13273-88 "Mineral waters for drinking medicinal and medicinal table waters" the water is classified as the Dzhavsky type of mineral waters and is close to the well-known Yessentukinsky waters (No. 4) and is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in diseases:
musculoskeletal system;
nervous system;
female genital area.
When drinking, the water of the G-1 well is recommended for a large list of diseases of the digestive system - chronic gastritis, duodenal ulcer, chronic colitis and enteritis, liver and biliary tract diseases, pancreatitis, etc.

The healing properties of the thermal waters of the village of Maly Zhemchug, containing elements of strontium, lithium, traces of titanium and molybdenum, have not been fully studied, external use is recommended in limited intervals: adults 15-20 minutes, children 10-15 minutes. The local population recommends taking a shower no more than 2 times a day for 10 minutes.
1. All diseases in the acute stage
2. All venereal diseases
3. Mental disorders (progressive paralysis, drug addiction)
4. Malignant neoplasms
5. All blood diseases in the acute stage
6. Pathological pregnancy, at all times and normal pregnancy from 5 months

The shower device is a tubular circle with a diameter of two meters with drilled holes, mounted directly into the head of the R-1 well.

How to get to the village of Maly Zhemchug

With your transport. At 94 km of the Tunkinsky tract (highway A-164 Kultuk-Mondy) there is a village of Zhemchug rural type, after which at 99 km immediately after the Kharagun river there will be a left turn, 3 km of a gravel road and you are at the Zhemchug thermal springs.
Public transport. You can get there by regular and shuttle buses following "Ulan-Ude - Arshan" from the bus station of Ulan-Ude; "Irkutsk - Arshan" from the bus station and the railway station of Irkutsk. From Arshan to Zhemchug can be reached by minibus or by "private".
You can take the train to the Slyudyanka station, then by the Slyudyanka-Kyren regular bus to the Vyshka stop, then 3 km along the dirt road - you can walk them on foot or catch a passing car. Minibuses and large buses do not go there because of the bad road.
The distance from the Slyudyanka station is 120 km, from the Arshan resort - 45 km, from the district center of the village of Kyren - 22 km.

Bank of the Irkut River near the Zhemchug thermal springs

Additional materials on the thermal waters of the Zhemchugskoye deposit

(downloads: 130)

"Possibilities of using thermal mineral water of the Zhemchug deposit for the treatment of post-traumatic lesions of the musculoskeletal system" Sindykheeva N.G., Goryaev Yu.A.(Successes of modern natural science. - 2006. - No. 3 - pp. 50-51)

Purpose of the study: study of the effectiveness of treatment with mineral waters of wells R-1, G-1 in post-traumatic diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Material and research methods. 46 patients with traumatic injuries of bones and joints were examined: 22 people arrived for treatment with injuries to the bones of the extremities, 4 people with spinal injuries, 20 people with various injuries of the joints, including small joints of the hands and feet. All injuries were confirmed by X-ray data and the conclusions of traumatologists. Among the surveyed 39 people of working age (17-54 years); 18 women, 28 men.
Baths, semi-baths, jet showers with alternating methane and carbon dioxide water with a time interval of 6-8 hours for 8-15 minutes, a course of 10-12 baths were used. To evaluate the results of the study, a questionnaire was used, which included general information about the patient, diagnosis, duration of the disease, where he was treated, whether he was at this resort, when, what effect, the nature of the prescribed treatment, its tolerability, the use of drugs during this period, the dynamics of pain , limitation of mobility, functional insufficiency according to the VAS scale (visual analogue scale), assessment of the quality of life according to the SF-36 questionnaire, the presence of complications.
Research results. The procedures were tolerated satisfactorily by all 46 patients, balneo-reaction was observed in 2 cases in the form of palpitations after carbonic baths. At the same time, the majority of patients under the age of 60 after baths showed positive changes in the hemodynamic index. By the end of treatment, in 39 patients pain in the joints and spine decreased, motor activity improved, in five patients the pain disappeared, the pain disappeared, only in two patients without dynamics. As a result of the survey, there is a significant improvement in 11% of patients, with improvement - 84%, without improvement - 5%, no deterioration was noted. Long-term results were studied on the basis of a questionnaire survey 1 year after the first course in 18 patients: a good effect was noted in 62%, a satisfactory effect in 17.7%, and a poor short-term effect in 20.3%. The unstable effect of spa treatment was associated with physical overload at work in everyday life, subsequent hypothermia.
findings. These data indicate the feasibility of a wider use of mineral thermal waters of the Zhemchug spring for the purpose of treatment and rehabilitation of patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Therapeutic factors of the thermal waters of the Zhemchug deposit

Indications and contraindications for the treatment of patients in the "Pearls". Recommended hydrotherapy methods


The administration of the Tunkinsky district of the Republic of Buryatia, in order to preserve the health of the population, decided to expand and reconstruct the health resort at the Zhemchugsky deposit of thermal methane and carbon dioxide waters, located on the right bank of the Irkut, 5 km from Zhemchug, 3 km from the Kultuk-Mondy highway, in 120 km from the station. Slyudyanka.
Currently, as part of the hydropathic resorts, there are boarding houses of industrial enterprises in the years. Irkutsk, Angarsk. Slyudyanka and the local municipal unitary health-improving enterprise, where up to 70 people can be treated year-round. During the summer months, the number of patients increases to 500 or more, camped in tents on trailers and along the river bank.

The main therapeutic factor are mineral thermal waters - carbonic and methane. Both sources (since 1954 and 1988, respectively) were actively used in the "wild" way, both by local residents and visitors from other regions for treatment. Over the years of its existence, the "resort" has gained a steady reputation as having mineral thermal waters with high biological activity for the effective treatment of a large list of diseases.

Medical research in Zhemchug was carried out in May - September 1999 by the Siberian Medical and Environmental Company. Regional Center for Medical Ecology of the All-Russian Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in cooperation with the Irkutsk State Medical University. The task of the study was to study the experience of treatment in the "Zhemchug" of past years, to conduct clinical and physiological observations of the treatment of patients, to develop recommendations on the methodology and indications for treatment with these waters, as well as to determine the acquired studies for the future.

Well R-1. Water well R-1. drilled in 1953 - 1954. obtained from a depth of 834 - 864 m has a low mineralization (1.2 g/l). temperature 38 °С, flow rate 6 l/sec. According to its chemical composition, it is methane (83 vol./%) and bicarbonate sodium, has no analogues and therefore is separated into an independent Tunkinsky type of low-mineralized methane waters. The balneological properties of these waters have not been studied, and it is not possible to use the experience of using Apsheron, Chekelen, Maikop and other methane deposits for the treatment of methane waters due to their high mineralization and significant content of hydrogen sulfide and other biologically active substances.
Since there is no information about the effect of methane on the human body in the literature, in this case a rare opportunity was presented for balneological practice to study the effect of methane on people suffering from various diseases in a “pure” form, since the presence of other active components in the water of the well P -1 is negligible and is unlikely to have a tangible effect in the treatment of patients. Therefore, the study of the medicinal properties of water from the R-1 well is not only of practical, but also of great scientific importance. 40 years of experience in treating patients with water from the R-1 well and our observations showed that the most favorable results were obtained in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, skin and subcutaneous tissue, female and male reproductive organs.

Well G-1. Drilled in 1988, located 200 meters north of the R-1 well. From a depth of 1066 m, carbonic thermal water was obtained with a mineralization of 4.2 g/l and a temperature of 55 °C. Its debit is sufficient to provide daily hydrotherapy for more than 1900 people. According to the chemical composition, the water is carbonic chloride-hydrocarbonate magnesium-sodium and, in terms of medicinal qualities, is close to the popular Essentuki waters (especially to the water of the Java resort). According to our data and the conclusion of the Tomsk Research Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy, the same diseases can be treated with water from this well as with water from the R-1 well when used externally, and by drinking a large list of diseases of the digestive system - chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach of the duodenum, chronic colitis and enteritis. Diseases of the liver and biliary tract, pancreatitis, etc.
The Zhemchugskoye deposit has a good prospect for further development, because it is unique in terms of the content of various medicinal waters. Neither in Russia nor in other regions of Europe and Asia are there such deposits that simultaneously have thermal carbonic and methane waters that can be used both for external use and for drinking treatment. In addition, the huge reserves of mineral waters, the proximity of the highway, the area around the wells that is convenient for construction, the strong base of local food products, as well as the high demand in the Siberian region for treatment with these waters - these are the conditions that accelerate the construction of a large sanatorium-resort complex here. , carrying out in-depth research work.

For a more rational use of the mineral waters of the Zhemchugskoye deposit, it is necessary in the future to implement a set of organizational, economic, environmental, environmental and hygienic measures aimed at creating a favorable rest regime and sanatorium treatment for recreants and comfortable living conditions for service personnel.
At present, based on a retrospective analysis of data from local health institutions, field clinical and physiological studies, as well as through surveys and questionnaires, it has been established that these waters can be used for medicinal purposes.

1. Therapeutic factors of the thermal waters of the Zhemchugskoye deposit

According to natural conditions, the location of the Zhemchug balneary is classified as a comfortable area, favorable for permanent residence, sanatorium treatment and recreation for the population.
The waters of both wells can be used for baths, methane (warm - R-1) can also be used for shower procedures. Carbonic water (hot - G-1) can be used for drinking treatment.
The type and therapeutic qualities of the water of the R-1 well are determined by the dominant content of methane, bicarbonate, sodium and silicic acid, elevated temperature and alkaline reaction.
For the water of the G-1 well, the basis of its medicinal properties is an increased concentration of carbon dioxide, bicarbonate, chlorine, magnesium, sodium, silicic acid, and general mineralization.
Equally important for both waters is the unique combination of chemicals. Each chemical substance dissolved in mineral water, like temperature, has a peculiar effect on the human body.
Temperature is one of the most important means that determine the value, methods and techniques of the practical use of water for medicinal purposes. The action of thermal baths is based on the effect of elevated temperature on numerous nerve endings embedded in the skin. As a result of balneological procedures, a significant amount of heat enters through the skin, which leads to an increase in the intensity of pathological products formed in the foci of inflammation and contributes to their removal from the body, accelerating the recovery process. Thermal baths enhance the excretion of protein breakdown products, normalize fat metabolism. Such baths are valuable in the treatment of a number of chronic inflammatory diseases of bones, joints, muscles and peripheral nerve fibers, in chronic occupational poisoning. with skin, gynecological and other diseases.
Silicic acid, contained in high amounts in thermal water, has a number of valuable medicinal properties. In this water, it is contained in the form of non-dissociated molecules - monomolecular and colloidal silicic acid and hydrosilicate ion.
Colloidal silicic acid contributes to the normalization of many metabolic processes, leading to the acceleration of the healing of various ulcers, erosions of the mucous membranes lining the surface of the stomach. intestines and other internal organs of a person: restores nerve conduction and stimulates the growth and development of many cellular structures in the body.
Nitrogen contained in water in the form of small bubbles irritates skin receptors. Nitrogen baths enhance the work of the central nervous system in patients with vascular disorders of the brain, contribute to the normalization of general and cerebral hemodynamics, normalize the bioelectric activity of the brain, lipid and protein metabolism, stimulate neuroendocrine functions, change the reactivity of subcortical formations and hypothalamic structures. They can be prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis, neurasthenia and other diseases.
Sodium is the main component in blood plasma and tissue fluids in the form of chloride, bicarbonate and phosphate compounds. It is easily absorbed and, in combination with chlorine, maintains the osmotic pressure at a certain level. Sodium chloride increases intestinal peristalsis.
Magnesium is also found in tissue fluids, cells and blood. It has a relatively small absorption capacity. To a greater or lesser extent, magnesium ions can be absorbed in the stomach. In the intestine, the predominant amount of magnesium is formed by hardly soluble, non-dissociating compounds; therefore, a small part of the incoming magnesium is absorbed in the form of magnesium salts of bile acids. Being deposited in the muscles, it activates anaerobic metabolism in the muscles. Magnesium thickens tissues, causes their dehydration, affects the secretion of bile, and causes a laxative effect.
When taken orally, carbonic water irritates the gastric mucosa, thereby affecting the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract and liver, increasing metabolism and the body's resistance to infections. Once in the stomach, they increase the production of juice, increase its digestive activity. By stimulating the motor activity of the stomach, carbonic waters accelerate the transition of the contents of the stomach into the intestines, cause increased hyperemia of the intestinal mucosa, which has a beneficial effect on the function of the liver, kidneys, and metabolism. Drinking carbonic water leads to an increase in appetite, so they are used, especially low-mineralized ones, as excellent tasty and refreshing table drinks.
In addition to internal consumption, carbonic water is widely used externally in the form of baths, showers and other water procedures. Under their influence, redistribution and movement of blood occurs, which improves the functions of individual organs and systems of the human body. Carbon dioxide baths give a good therapeutic effect in diseases of the cardiovascular system, metabolism, central and peripheral nervous system, kidneys, liver, organs of the musculoskeletal system and gynecological diseases.

About methane waters, their impact on human organs and systems can only be hypothesized at the present time, because. their influence has not been studied. According to our observations, taking methane baths, depending on the initial state of the patient, increases blood pressure when it is initially low, and vice versa, when it is low, it increases it.
Changes in blood pressure levels occur more slowly than when taking carbon dioxide treatments. Patients feel good both during bathing and at the end of the procedure, as a rule, they do not feel lethargy and fatigue. The reaction of skin redness to a one-time bath is less pronounced. The skin turns pink, but not as intensely as when taking carbonic baths. Balneological reaction is often absent or weak. Malaise or increased pain in the affected areas lasts 2-3 days. Most of those treated with these waters after the course notice the disappearance or a significant decrease in pain, restoration of movement and restful sleep, and feel healthy again.
Since the general condition of a person and his individual systems largely depends on the functional state of the autonomic nervous system, changes in the tone of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system were monitored. It has been established that under the influence of thermal methane and carbonic waters of the "pearl" the contrast of indicators of the Krede index. characterizing the vegetative balance decreases, which indicates its restoration, leading to favorable outcomes of treatment. Consequently, the Zhemchugsky waters have a regulating effect on the ratio of tones of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.

2. Indications and contraindications for the treatment of patients in the "Pearls"

Successful treatment of patients with mineral waters primarily depends on the completeness of the scientific substantiation of balneotherapy methods and indications for treatment with these waters. In this case, the conclusions and proposals are based on the analysis of materials obtained as a result of clinical and physiological observations carried out in 1999 over the treatment of patients in Zhemchug. As well as archival data and information about the nosostructure of patients treated at resorts with mineral waters that are similar in chemical composition and medicinal properties.

Indications for sanatorium treatment for certain nosological groups of methane (well R-1) and carbon dioxide (G-1) water of the Zhemchug hydropathic.

Skin diseases:
- chronic psoriasis, winter form without erythroderma and arthrosis with ankylosis (treatment in the summer);
- psoriasis in a stationary form with the phenomena of arthralgia and cash forms of arthrosis that do not require bed rest;
- psoriasis with an exacerbation of the process in the spring and summer (treatment from November to April);
- neurodermatitis limited and diffuse, with the exception of the exudative form;
- seborrheic eczema (chronic stage, winter form, stationary phase).

General contraindications for referring patients to resorts.

In spa practice, mineral mineral waters are used for external and internal (drinking) treatment.
Hydrotherapy procedures for external use are divided into general and local. General procedures affect the entire surface of the human body. These include shared baths, semi-baths (up to the navel), showers (jet. circular, needle, etc.). general dousing, wet wrapping.
Local procedures (hand, foot, sitz baths - up to the pubis), compresses on certain parts of the body.
There are rules that the patient must follow while taking water procedures. It has been established that water procedures should not be taken immediately after meals and physical exertion. Before taking a bath, you need to rest for 30 minutes, after a methane bath you need to rest for 20-30 minutes, after a carbonic bath - 1-1.5 hours.
When taking a general bath, the patient is immersed in the bath to the level of the nipples of the chest. With a deeper dive, discomfort, shortness of breath, palpitations, chest pressure, profuse sweat, lethargy, fatigue appear. Baths are best taken lying on your back. The head should be above the bathtub, slightly tilted back and resting on the side of the bathtub.
It is advisable to prescribe mineral baths after 2-3 days of acclimatization, especially for patients who come from remote areas.
According to the temperature regime, thermal therapeutic baths are usually divided into indifferent, warm and hot.
indifferent bath(fresh - 35 - 36 degrees C, carbon dioxide - 33 - 34 degrees C) does not cause pronounced changes in body temperature, pulse and respiration. Such baths have a regulating effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems, reduce muscle tone, lower blood pressure, improve metabolism in the body. Similar procedures are prescribed for increased excitability of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, disorders of vascular tone and other diseases. Indifferent baths are taken from 15 to 30 minutes, for a course of 8-12 baths.
Warm baths with water temperature +36 - +37 degrees. With have a calming (sedative) effect on the nervous system, contribute to the onset of restful sleep. Characterized by vasodilation, lowering blood pressure, increased cardiovascular activity, gastric secretion, bile secretion and increased diuresis. With prolonged exposure to heat, muscle relaxation appears, fatigue increases. the functions of hormonal regulators increase.
When taking warm baths with a significant difference in water and body temperature, as well as when taking cold and cool procedures, there is an increase and acceleration of heart contractions, an increase in blood pressure, but the degree of vasoconstriction is less and skin blanching is less pronounced and shorter.
With a small difference in temperature between water and skin, blanching of the skin (the first phase) is often not observed, and the second phase of active and markedly pronounced hyperemia of the skin immediately sets in. The reaction begins with vasodilatation, but does not lead to significant changes in the cardiovascular system.
Warm baths are prescribed for 10-20 minutes for degenerative, inflammatory and post-traumatic diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, chronic inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and some diseases of internal organs.
hot baths with a water temperature of 38 degrees. C and above have a very strong effect on the body. Being an intense irritant, hot baths tone up capillary blood circulation, reduce spasm of smooth and striated muscles, increase sweating, increase the rate of metabolic processes, and relieve painful sensations. With prolonged bathing, the body overheats and then after 2-3 minutes a pronounced reddening of the skin appears, and after 10-12 minutes the patient often feels lethargy, weakness (when taking carbon dioxide baths, these signs appear even earlier). As a result, insomnia, poor appetite, headaches, deterioration of the cardiovascular system are possible. Hot baths are prescribed for patients who do not have concomitant underlying diseases of the cardiovascular system. Recommended: the patient lies down in a bath with a temperature of 36-38 degrees. C, after 3 -5 minutes, water with a higher temperature up to 40 - 43 degrees C is poured into the bath. The entire water procedure lasts no more than 10 minutes. After taking a bath, rest is required for at least one hour.
There are no conditions for using cold and cool procedures in Zhemchug, because there are no cooling devices. Mineral water enters the baths with a temperature of 37 and 54 degrees. C, in the shower - 38 degrees. C. Therefore, it is often necessary to wait a long time until the water cools down to the required level.
Shower procedures are no less important. Jet shower in the Zhemchug hydropathic patients take with a water temperature of 38 degrees. C, directly from well R-1. A jet shower is prescribed for patients with functional disorders of the nervous system, with asthenic conditions, metabolic disorders, as a rule, associated with the underlying disease. The shower was used according to the generally accepted method for 8-12 minutes daily or every other day for a course of 6-12 procedures. When treating patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous system, depending on the state of health and tolerance of water procedures, a jet shower is prescribed in the morning, in the afternoon or in the evening. The break between baths and showers was 6-8 hours. When taking a shower, as a rule, reddening of the body appears. Muscle tone increases, metabolic processes accelerate, the range of motion in the joints increases in violation of their functions.

In the Zhemchug hydropathic the following types of treatment are used:

1. External use of methane and carbon dioxide water in the form of general and local baths;
2. Treatment with jet shower with methane water;
3. Internal use - drinking mineral water from the G-1 well and, optionally, the ferruginous water of the Khongorul spring;
4. General and local massage, psychotherapy;
5. Treatment of patients with the methods of Indo-Tibetan medicine.

External use of mineral waters

1. Therapeutic diseases of the joints, bones, muscles, tendons.
The main means of treating these diseases are thermal methane and carbonic waters of wells R-1 and G-1.
General baths and semi-baths from methane water with a temperature of 36 degrees are prescribed. C and a duration of 6-8 minutes, followed by an increase in temperature to 37-38 degrees. WITH.
The exposure increases to 12 - 15 minutes. Some patients are given baths of carbonic water, but in these cases the initial baths are taken at a temperature of 34 - 35 degrees. C. which during the procedure can be increased by individual patients (depending on tolerability) up to 40 degrees. C. 10-15 baths are prescribed for the course of treatment, taken 2 days in a row with a rest on the third. In addition to baths, on the day of treatment or rest, shower procedures are prescribed according to K) - 12 minutes The break between baths and showers should be 6-8 hours. The same technique can be used in the treatment of osteochondrosis. Depending on the localization of chondropathy, acceptance is made for the predominant use of baths or showers. When prescribing these procedures, the condition and individual tolerance of water procedures to patients are taken into account.

2. Treatment of patients with lumbosacral sciatica. General baths or semi-baths are prescribed for 6-15 minutes. The temperature of the first 2-3 baths should be 36 degrees. C. and then increased to 38 - 40 degrees. S. for a course of 12 - 15 baths. The first baths (2-3) are prescribed every other day, and the next - two days in a row with a break for the third. For baths, methane and carbonic water is used. Particular attention should be paid to the tolerance of water procedures by patients taking carbonic baths, especially if there are changes in the cardiovascular system.

3. Treatment of traumatic injuries of the central and peripheral nervous system. In case of paralysis and paresis of the lower extremities that have developed as a result of an injury, "sitting" baths or half-baths of indifferent temperature are prescribed in the first days, and then with a temperature of up to 38 degrees C, for 10-15 minutes, taken every other day. On the course 12 - 14 baths. Patients with hemiparesis or localization of the lesion in the cervical region are prescribed general baths according to the same method, but for a shorter duration of bathing.

4. Treatment of the consequences of poliomyelitis. Hydrotherapy is recommended to start 2-4 days after the arrival of the patient. General baths or semi-baths are assigned, alternating with local baths. The procedure for taking general baths: every other day or for two days in a row and subsequent rest, with a water temperature of 36 degrees C, and then 38 degrees C, lasting 10-15 minutes, up to 15-20 baths in total. Patients with limb deformities, contractures and paralysis may alternate between general and local baths. The latter are taken with a temperature of 39 - 40 degrees C and a duration of 15 - 20 minutes. For a course of general baths up to 12 - 15 and local 10 - 15.

5. Treatment of gynecological diseases. These patients are mainly prescribed half-baths with a temperature of 36 - 38 degrees C, lasting 8 - 15 minutes. Baths are taken 2 days in a row, followed by a day of rest for a course of 12 - 15 half-baths.

6. Treatment of infectious nonspecific polyarthritis. Patients are prescribed general, hand or foot baths from both wells (in a mixture or separately) with a temperature of 36 to 40 degrees. C. lasting 10-15 minutes, for a course of 10-18 baths, two days in a row with a break for the third: jet shower - every other day - 6 - 10 procedures.

7. Treatment of traumatic arthritis. General baths, semi-baths, hand or foot baths are prescribed from a mixture of P-1 and G-L waters or separately, the temperature is 38 - 40 degrees. C. for 15 minutes, 10-12 baths per course, jet shower - 6 - 10 procedures. 8. Treatment of rheumatic arthritis. Patients are prescribed common baths with methane water from well R-1. water temperature 36-38 degrees. C. for 12 - 15 minutes, on average 10 -15 baths per course, two days in a row with a break for the third, on days free from baths, patients take a jet shower.

8. Treatment of rheumatic polyarthritis. Patients are prescribed general baths with methane water from well R-1, water temperature 36 - 38 degrees C, for 12 - 15 minutes, for a course of an average of 10 -15 baths, two days in a row with a break for the third, on days free from baths, patients take a jet shower.

9. Treatment of patients with psoriasis. General baths (R-1) are prescribed with a temperature of 37 - 38 degrees. C. lasting 12-15 minutes, daily or two days in a row with a break on the third. Additional days of bathing and rest (in the evening) shower procedures were prescribed for 12 - 20 minutes. On average, take 10-14 baths and 10-12 showers.

10. Treatment of patients with eczema. Patients should be prescribed general or local baths (P-1) according to the generally accepted method. On a course from J2 to 22 baths.

11. Treatment of patients with dermatitis. General or manual baths are prescribed with water from the R-1 well with a temperature of 37-38 degrees. C. from 8 to 20 minutes. For a course of treatment, 12-17 vayans are taken daily or two days in a row with a rest on the 3rd day.

Video: Expedition "Around the Big Sayan". Preface. Warm lakes. Arshan. Pearl

Mineral baths are a pleasant way to improve your health, and possibly cure your illness. They fight many diseases, providing a powerful therapeutic effect and significantly improving the condition of the human body.

Useful properties and indications for taking mineral baths

The beneficial and healing effect of mineral baths produces the following positive effects on the human body, provided that a full course of procedures is completed:

  • Cleansing the body and accelerating metabolism, improving blood circulation. Hot water maximizes the opening of pores and accelerates blood flow, which ensures the release of all toxins and the flow of minerals. It helps to solve the problem of excess weight, problem skin;
  • Treatment of skin diseases. With the help of a full course of mineral baths, it is possible to alleviate the manifestations of an acute form of eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, diathesis, furunculosis;
  • Reducing pain in diseases of the joints, muscles and spine. Mineral baths help with radiculitis, arthritis, osteochondrosis;
  • Strengthening immunity. Due to the intake of a large amount of minerals in the body, its defenses increase, and resistance to both colds and infections of varying complexity increases. Mineral baths help with bronchial asthma, digestive problems, liver;
  • Calming. Depression and nervous disorders pass, stress resistance increases. Therapy with mineral baths can save a person even from some types of mental disorders;
  • Relaxing. Mineral baths can completely relax all the muscle tissues of the body, cure headaches, restore strength and overcome insomnia;
  • Fight cellulite and excess weight. Mineral baths help to speed up the metabolism and the release of fluid that has stagnated in the body;
  • Hair strengthening and skin rejuvenation. Due to its rich composition and the effect of open pores obtained in water, beneficial substances penetrate deep into the dermis and saturate it, the hair roots. Mineral baths are simply necessary for the treatment of problem skin.

It should be remembered that mineral baths are of various types (depending on the content of one or another substance in them in a larger amount). This explains their diverse effects on the body. Mineral, gynecological diseases, disorders in the nervous system, cardiovascular, endocrine, digestive, immune are used.

Contraindications to the use of mineral baths

They may vary depending on your diagnosis and the type of mineral bath. Common are:

  • Tuberculosis;
  • A complex form of diabetes;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Heat;
  • Serious open wounds;
  • Hypertension;
  • Psychosis;
  • Fungus;
  • weeping dermatitis;
  • Pregnancy.

How to apply mineral baths

At home, mineral baths can be done using ordinary water and packaged sea salt:

  • Type hot water in the bathroom;
  • Add 250 mg of salt to it;
  • Dilute it with cold water to reach a temperature of 36-38°C;
  • Immerse yourself in the bathroom for 12-20 minutes;
  • Take a shower;
  • Moisturize the skin with oil;
  • Lie down under the covers for 30-60 minutes.

You can take such baths 3 times a week. The course should consist of 10-12 procedures. It needs to be repeated every 3-6 months. To enhance the therapeutic effect, you can increase the concentration of salt. Take time for yourself and be healthy!

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