Types of coffee makers Which manufacturer is the best

Coffee tones, invigorates and energizes, brings bright colors to our lives. In many countries of the world, this drink is found everywhere. Each type of coffee is prepared at its own temperature and certain conditions. Coffee makers are used for cooking.

Geyser coffee maker

Operates by using steam pressure.

Includes containers for filling clean cold water and finished product. A special filter is installed between the containers, which is filled with ground coffee.

The basis of the model is made of alloys with ferromagnetic properties. This allows it to interact with the surface of the plate.

In fact, an induction coffee maker is a geyser model with a ferromagnetic base.

It is completed with containers for filling with clean cold water and for the finished drink. A special filter is installed between the containers, which is filled with ground coffee.

When heated, water evaporates through the filter under the action of steam pressure into the container for the finished coffee drink. Passing through the filter, the steam is saturated with taste and aroma.


  1. Disassemble into: water container, for brewed coffee, filter;
  2. Pour clean cool water into the lower part up to the indicated mark;
  3. Fill the medium coffee filter;
  4. Clean the filter rim from excess;
  5. Assemble the coffee maker and put on the stove;
  6. After filling the upper container, remove from the stove.


  • The size. Designed to cook a certain volume.
  • Material. Made from stainless steel, aluminum, cast iron, ceramics. Steel coffee makers are reliable, durable, they can be washed in. Ceramic coffee makers are beautiful, light, but break more easily;
  • Pen. The material of the handle must be odorless.

Among coffee makers there are simple and inexpensive models available to everyone - these are drip and geyser models. They are suitable for lovers of not strong coffee, in large quantities.

The drip coffee maker is ready for reuse immediately after the cycle is completed. In the case of a geyser coffee maker, you will have to wait, as it needs time to cool.

There are also automatic models that are equipped with additional functions of a timer, preliminary laying of grains and others.

Capsule models are suitable for people who do not like to wait. Ready ground coffee is placed in a sealed capsule, which is installed in the coffee maker. Capsule coffee makers are relatively inexpensive because the manufacturer makes money from coffee capsules.

Automatic coffee makers belong to the middle and higher price range. A coffee grinder and additional options are built into them.

Not necessarily an expensive model with a huge number of incomprehensible buttons and settings will brew coffee better than a simple geyser or carob coffee maker. Additional settings help to facilitate, automate the process. You just need to learn how to use them correctly.

Inexpensive, easy to operate and unpretentious in operation, drip, geyser and carob models of coffee makers have gained popularity among coffee lovers. The rest of the variety is suitable for aesthetes, gourmets or specialized establishments.

It would seem: just fill a bag of instant coffee with boiling water and drink the finished drink. Why extra complexity? However, more and more people are ditching the powder of unknown origin and are thinking about how to choose a coffee maker for the home in order to enjoy a real strong drink more often. Moreover, anyone who has ever tried how delicious the coffee maker cooks does not want to mess with soluble powders anymore.

And rightly so, because it is still unknown what exactly is put in the notorious bags. Another thing is grain. One scent is worth it! And the taste? It's just a fairy tale! But which coffee maker is really worth choosing for your home? There are so many of them that it's literally dizzying. You can, of course, contact the consultants in the store and ask them to explain the difference between different types of devices. But are they always objective? Let's better understand on our own how to choose a modern coffee maker for the home.

  • drip;
  • carob or espresso;
  • geyser;
  • capsular;
  • combined.

There are also coffee machines, complex and expensive devices that can make a delicious drink at home without any human intervention. However, they will be discussed separately. And today, let's determine what type of device is better to choose for your home. Shall we start?

"French press"

It's not even a coffee maker, but rather a brewing device. It is a glass jug with a piston and a metal filter at the end. To prepare a drink at home, you need to pour the ground raw materials into the cylinder, pour boiling water over it and wait a few minutes. When you're done, simply slide the filter down with the plunger. So all the thick will be at the bottom.


  • easy to use;
  • does not need to be connected to the mains;
  • no need to buy consumables (filters, etc.);
  • you can prepare a different amount of coffee (within the capacity of the cylinder);
  • compactness.


  • impossible to weld different types(espresso, cappuccino, etc.);
  • the fortress will have to be determined empirically;
  • there are no additional features (timer, heating, etc.).

If you want to choose just such a device for your home, pay attention to its details: the cylinder should be made of heat-resistant glass, the piston and filter should be made of good stainless steel, and the handle should not heat up.


An apparatus of this type can be seen in some American films. It consists of two different vessels with a compartment for ground raw materials between them. It is necessary to pour water into the upper one up to a certain mark, then pour the ground grains into the compartment and turn on the device. Water will heat up to 90 degrees and begin to flow down, seeping drop by drop through the raw material until the lower vessel is full.


  • a lot of drink is prepared at once in one cycle;
  • you can choose any type of ground coffee;
  • if there is a thermos or heating, everything is generally prepared and poured continuously, one has only to add water to the drip coffee maker in a timely manner and change the raw materials in it;
  • suitable for large companies.


  • drops do not always have time to “pull out” the aroma and taste from the ground grains, so the drink sometimes does not turn out tasty;
  • it is necessary to change filters in a timely manner;
  • you will always be forced to prepare a full vessel, otherwise the apparatus will not work correctly.

Those who want to choose a drip-type coffee maker for their home should look at the following indicators:

  1. Power. The lower it is, the slower the water flows and, accordingly, the stronger the coffee. Devices with a power of 700-800 W have the strongest finished product.
  2. Flask. It is better if it is glass, as plastic can spoil the taste. Let the handle of the flask be made of a material that does not conduct heat well, otherwise you risk getting burned when pouring coffee at home.
  3. Flask size. Before choosing a device, consider how many people will use it at the same time.
  4. Filters. They can be disposable, nylon (60 brews) and "gold" with almost unlimited use.
  5. Thermos or heater. Basically, the longer the coffee sits, the worse it tastes. However, sometimes the use of a heater or a thermos is justified.
  6. Timer. It allows you to turn on or off the machine at a specified time.
  7. Fortress selection. This feature is not available on all models.

Carob or espresso

They are divided into two types:

  1. With pressure up to 15 bar. Here, coffee is brewed with the help of steam: water is poured into the vessel, which is heated to a significant temperature and turns into steam. At a certain moment, a hidden valve opens, and pressurized steam is pushed through the horn with ground raw materials. As it cools, it pours into a mug in the form of coffee. The drink prepared in this way is very strong and tasty.
  2. With pressure over 15 bar. The ground grains are prepared using water heated to 87-90 degrees, which is passed under pressure through a cone with raw materials and poured into a cup in the form of a finished drink. Such a carob coffee maker works much faster and the coffee in it does not lose its unique aroma.


  • you can choose a model for one or two cups;
  • you can prepare cappuccino and espresso;
  • the drink is prepared quickly and retains all its unique properties;
  • the carob-type coffee maker is easy to clean, and the quality of the finished product does not depend on the time of its intensive use.


  • in carob-type steam engines, the drink is prepared for a long time, which is why it partially loses its aroma and taste;
  • for cooking, you need to select only grains of a certain grinding.

If you wanted to choose a carob-type coffee maker for your home, it should have:

  • a metal horn, as a plastic one can spoil the taste;
  • a pallet to collect possible leaks;
  • a milk tank or a special tube for making cappuccino;
  • overheat protection.


They come in two types: electric and conventional, which need to be heated on the stove. They look like teapots. Inside the geyser models there are two compartments: for water and for ground raw materials. While the coffee maker is running, the water heats up, passes through the ground bean compartment and falls back into place.

Before choosing a geyser coffee maker, determine which of the two types suits you best. It is also worth weighing all the pros and cons of this type.


  • you can get a large amount of drink;
  • Suitable for both coffee and tea.


  • coffee is not as aromatic as in other models;
  • difficulty in operation (too many parts and compartments that need to be washed).


If you don't like to fiddle with beans for a long time, capsule coffee makers are made especially for you. One has only to put a special capsule or paper bag with coffee, and soon you will be able to enjoy a great drink. Such devices are in demand in cafes and offices, as they allow you to quickly brew any amount of drink: know, change your bags and add water.

But before choosing a pod-type coffee maker for your home, keep in mind that you will only be able to use pods of a certain brand, as others will not be able to fit your machine. Moreover, only the chief technologist of the manufacturer knows exactly what was put in the bag. So you can't experiment.


Combined combine several types at once, which is why they are more expensive. It is convenient if one of the functions of such an apparatus is the ability to prepare coffee from capsules. This way you can try different types and still quickly brew a bag of your favorite drink if necessary.

When choosing any device for making coffee, be sure to check: is it convenient to use it? It is desirable that all parts be removed and washed under running water, and even with detergent. The fact is that the sediment that remains on the walls can spoil the taste of the finished drink.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of such a drink as coffee. For some, this means to wake up quickly, for others - a whole ritual. You will not surprise anyone with instant coffee, because any connoisseur of the drink has a coffee maker in his kitchen. Those who are just about to buy it and want to know what types of coffee makers exist on the market should read this publication.

There are the following types of coffee machines:

  1. The simplest, drip models.
  2. Complicated carob-type devices.
  3. Capsule machines.
  4. Geyser models.
  5. Electric Turks.
  6. Combined options.

The choice of the type of future coffee machine largely depends on what kind of drink you prefer. Each of these devices has its own advantages, disadvantages and features.

Drip coffee makers

These models are the simplest of those on the market today. The principle of their work is quite simple. You pour water into a special compartment where it heats up and then condenses. Hot drops fall on the poured coffee and pass through it, falling straight into your cup.

To prepare one small cup of medium-strong coffee, you will need to add 3 teaspoons of powder.

In order to choose such a coffee maker, you must consider the following parameters:

  1. The presence of a plastic or glass vessel. Models with plastic jugs are cheaper, but the glass does not give the drink an unpleasant aftertaste.
  2. filter material. There are paper, metal and nylon options. Metal does not have to be changed, however, it gives the drink an unpleasant aftertaste and leaves a coffee residue. Paper and completely disposable. Nylon filter for 60 cups.
  3. Water filter. This feature is only important if you are using tap water.
  4. The importance of power for a coffee machine is greatly exaggerated. It depends only on the speed of preparation of the drink.
  5. The presence of a drop control system that allows you to stop the machine at any time.
  6. Volume. It all depends on how many people in your family will use it.
  7. The presence or absence of additional features.

Carob coffee makers

The drinks that are prepared in this machine are made on the basis of milk. So do not overpay and buy an expensive device if you drink black coffee. Its working principle is based on steam pressure. There are the following types of espresso coffee makers:

  1. Steam-based coffee makers.
  2. pump models.

Such a coffee machine is designed for only a few cups, but it does not take much time to prepare them.

If you decide to buy such a device for your home, then you need to know the following:

  1. Horns for the apparatus are made of metal or plastic. It is best to choose the first option, since the taste of coffee from it is noticeably better.
  2. Not only the speed of preparation of the drink, but also its strength depends on what level of pressure will be in your machine.
  3. But power only affects speed, so this is not the most important indicator.
  4. How many cups you can cook at a time depends on the volume.
  5. The presence of a function for whipping foam. It is necessary for those who prefer to drink cappuccino.
  6. The presence or absence of the possibility of using a pod.
  7. Additional gadgets that depend only on your wishes.

Pods are a disposable coffee sachet, which is in a special package. Its main advantage is that after use it is not necessary to wash the car from coffee powder.

Capsule coffee makers

This is the most expensive device, but fully automatic. All you have to do is drop the capsule into the machine and press start. There are two types of capsule machines:

  1. Devices designed for the preparation of several options for a drink.
  2. Machines that can make dozens of different types of coffee.

When choosing a capsule machine, it is important to consider whether you are purchasing it for your home or is it an office machine. The type, volume, and cost of the device will depend on this.

When buying a capsule-type coffee maker, it is important to consider the following characteristics:

  1. By choosing between a plastic or metal model, you choose the lifespan of your machine.
  2. Not only the speed of the equipment, but also the taste of the resulting product depends on the power declared in the passport. After all, it is known that the less coffee is brewed, the tastier the drink is.
  3. Models that indicate low pump pressure should not be selected. This will negatively affect the taste.
  4. In capsule machines, it is important to consider the level of noise produced.
  5. volume of the coffee maker.

Geyser types

The name of the device reflects the whole process of its work. When water boils, it forms steam that passes through the coffee mass. The existing types of geyser coffee makers are divided into:

  1. For those that work from the network.
  2. On manual, which must be used on the stove.

Today, most of the population prefers to use electrical appliances, but there are also connoisseurs who like not only the taste of the drink, but also the process of its preparation.

When choosing a geyser-type coffee machine, the following criteria should be considered:

  1. The volume calculated from how many people will use the machine.
  2. The power of the device, which is proportional to its volume.
  3. The quality of the machine, which is affected by the material from which it is made.
  4. Additional functionality.

Electric Turks

This appliance is designed specifically for those who like the taste of Turkish coffee, but there is no way to prepare it. There are various fancy types of coffee makers, but this model is best suited for home use.

By and large, the device works on the principle of an electric kettle. Only in this case, a Turk is installed on the heating element, and not a container with water.

When choosing an electric Turk, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. The optimal power of the device should be in the range of 700 - 800 watts.
  2. Automatic shut-off feature that saves you from standing over the appliance.
  3. The material from which the heating element is made. It is better to choose stainless steel.

Combined models

Combined coffee machines are a combination of several types in one. To meet such a device at home is a rarity. But in a cafe or bar, they are used very often. If you decide to purchase such a coffee monster home, then pay attention to the following parameters when buying:

  1. It is important to choose powerful machines, this affects both the speed of preparation of the drink and its taste.
  2. For the preparation of many types of coffee, it is important to choose the right steam pressure.
  3. You need to know that coffee is prepared at a temperature of about 95 degrees, so check this point when buying.
  4. Built-in coffee grinder.
  5. Container volume.
  6. Cappuccino function.

It must be understood that a coffee machine and a coffee maker are somewhat different devices. Each of them has pros and cons. It has its own characteristics and purpose.

Coffee maker: pros and cons

Coffee makers are designed to prepare black coffee directly. They have some advantages:

  1. These are quite simply arranged machines, due to which they are more reliable. And in the event of a breakdown, they are easy enough to repair.
  2. Budget option to get a delicious drink.
  3. Large selection of models.
  4. They don't take up much space.
  5. They have a pleasant appearance.

Speaking about the cost of the device, keep in mind that you will have to buy both consumables and change some of its parts, such as a filter.

Of the shortcomings, it should be noted:

  1. Brewing coffee is not a fully automated process.
  2. Difficulty adjusting coffee strength.
  3. Some models require a special grinding of grains.
  4. As a rule, it is used only for one type of coffee.

Coffee machines: pros and cons

For those who can not make a choice, you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages of coffee machines:

  1. Fully automatic process.
  2. Built-in coffee grinder.
  3. The ability to track the stages of preparation.
  4. The ability to independently adjust the settings.

There are also disadvantages that are important to consider:

  1. The cost of the device.
  2. They take up a lot of space.
  3. High noise level.
  4. Difficulty in care.


When choosing a coffee maker, you need to decide whether you want a coffee maker or you need a coffee machine. For those who drink exclusively black coffee, it does not make sense to overpay for expensive equipment that you will not use even by 10 percent.

Choosing a coffee maker for your home can be tricky as there is a truly wide range of home appliances on the market these days. Let's try to figure out what to consider when choosing a device, what criteria to follow when buying, and which model to prefer in the price segment that is acceptable for you. To understand the variety of home coffee makers on the market and decide which model to choose, descriptions of individual manufacturers and reviews of real users will help.

The simplest version of coffee makers, ideal for outdoor trips, since it does not require an electrical connection. Inside a small transparent teapot is located piston with filter. The principle of operation of the press is very simple: the required amount of powder is poured inside and poured with hot water. After that, the kettle is closed with a lid, and after 5-8 minutes the piston is lowered. Thanks to the filter, the sediment does not get inside the finished drink, it turns out to be transparent and fragrant.

  1. Ease of use on the go.
  2. To use, just boil water.
  3. A versatile household item that allows you to prepare not only coffee, but also teas and other drinks.
  1. The dubious taste of the finished product, which is unlikely to please true connoisseurs.
  2. Quick cooling of the drink.


The most common type of coffee maker. For preparation, the container is filled with the required amount of water, and the required amount of coffee is poured into a special tank. The process of boiling water is accompanied by passing it drop by drop through the powder, then the finished drink goes through the filter into a container, which is installed on a heated stand. Drip-type technology contributes to the output more watery drink, in comparison with pressure models, so the purchase of such a device is most justified for lovers of the traditional "americano".

  • acceptable price;
  • convenience and ease of use.
  • the inability to prepare a strong drink;
  • duration of the process;
  • filters need to be changed regularly.

Before choosing a drip coffee maker, pay attention for power household appliance.

It is better to buy a device of low power, it is this property that will ensure a longer contact of water and powder, making the drink stronger and more aromatic.

Not superfluous will be the possibility of manual adjustment of the degree of saturation and protection against transfusion. Filters can be disposable paper or reusable made from a variety of sustainable materials.


If you do not know how to choose a geyser coffee maker, carefully read its functionality. The essence of the operation of the device is as follows: we pour water into the lower compartment of the device, it is heated through the action of an electric current. Through a specially removed tube, water reaches the container with poured coffee and passes through it different number of times- it depends on the model. Naturally, the more times the water passes through the powder container, the more saturated and tasty the drink will be.

When choosing such a device, do not lose sight of the fact that the larger the volume it has, the higher the power should be.

  1. The versatility of the device - you can prepare not only coffee, but also a variety of herbal teas.
  2. Saturation of taste.
  3. Ease of operation.
  4. Manual versions of geyser devices can be used without an outlet, they are placed directly on the stove.
  1. The capacity is designed for a certain amount of drink, less than which it will not be possible to prepare.
  2. Relatively long cooking time.


A truly Italian geyser coffee maker, called "mocha", is designed to prepare traditional espresso at home. In Italy itself, it is also called a coffee pot or coffee machine. The coffee maker was created back in 1933 by businessman A. Bialetti, after several decades, “mocha” has not lost its popularity.

Its device is unpretentious: two compartments and a metal filter. Water is poured into the lower compartment, coffee is poured into a special filter hole, after that the upper part is twisted, and the coffee maker is put on fire. Mokka can work both on an electric stove and on gas. After boiling, water gradually begins to flow into the upper compartment, forming a ready-made aromatic drink. As a rule, such coffee makers are made of aluminum, so it is advised to wash the mocha exceptionally warm water without the use of special cleaners. This contributes to the preservation of the protective film formed over time, which prevents the interaction of coffee and metal.


Undoubtedly the best choice. It is the carob model of a coffee maker for home (espresso coffee maker) that is able to realize all your taste fantasies regarding coffee. It allows you to prepare, in addition to the usual, options such as cappuccino, espresso, latte and many others.

The machine is set to pass high pressure steam through the coffee powder.

When answering the question of how to choose a carob coffee maker, you can prefer a steam model or a pump option. The first create a steam pressure of up to 5 bar, the second - up to 15. Naturally, the pump version of the coffee maker is more often used in production, although at home it will not be superfluous if the possibilities allow you to purchase such an option.

  • speed of preparation;
  • variety of options;
  • excellent quality;
  • efficiency - the powder is required much less than in other devices.
  • the need to use finely ground raw materials;
  • steam units heat water up to 100 degrees, and a temperature of 90 0 C is considered ideal;
  • high price.

The speed of preparation of the drink directly depends on the power of the carob coffee maker. A power of 1000 W allows you to prepare a cup of coffee in 2-3 minutes, at 1800 W - in half a minute.

An espresso coffee maker is sure to be a great choice for your home.


It differs from carob in that the resulting steam does not pass through coffee, but through the capsule itself. This eliminates the need to calculate the ratio of powder and water. The product from such coffee makers is not inferior in quality to a drink from fully automated coffee machines, while the devices are compact and mobile.

Capsule-type models are expensive, in addition, most often they are focused on the use of capsules from an identical manufacturer, which creates certain difficulties in operation.

Features of choice

So, when choosing a coffee maker, you should focus on some aspects of its use:

  • First, you need to evaluate well how much time you are willing to spend preparing an invigorating drink.
  • Secondly, an important factor is the number of cups that you are ready to drink daily, as well as the variety of drinks you prefer.
  • Thirdly, you need to decide to what extent ease of use can be a determining factor for you when choosing.
  • And finally, decide for yourself how much money you are willing to spend on the purchase of the device.

Before choosing a coffee maker for your home, please note that carob coffee makers are considered the most versatile, they can be used to prepare the required number of servings of your favorite drink in a relatively short period of time. If you want to minimize the time for caring for the device, then you should buy capsule equipment. For rich coffee options the best choice there will be a geyser. Combined models can combine the properties of horn and drip machines.

It is worth considering that the functionality may be redundant specifically for you. Remember, there is no need to buy an expensive thing and overpay for features that you will never use.

Popular Models

Mystery MCB 5125 - drip type model, optimal for making coffee from beans. The coffee maker is easy to use, impressive volume allows you to prepare a drink for a large company. Equipped with a built-in coffee grinder. Among the shortcomings are the overall size and high noise level during operation.

“I was visiting friends, offered coffee. I was not familiar with the Mystery brand before, it became interesting. Surprisingly, the product turned out to be very tasty, and the price, as friends said, is below 5,000 rubles. The only thing that confused me was the protruding compartment for coffee, which somehow looks strange and spoils the appearance. Well, the coffee grinder grinds quite large, although if this does not affect the quality of the drink, then, probably, this can hardly be called a disadvantage. In general, an excellent device for the money!”

Mikhail, 30 years old, Yaroslavl.

Redmond skycoffee M1505 S- a drip device with a built-in coffee grinder and functions of automatic heating and manual adjustment of the strength of the drink. It has an interesting design and the ability to control from the gadget. The model is compact, so it is not suitable for those who are used to preparing a lot of coffee. This coffee maker can only be cleaned by hand.

Bosch TKA 6001/6003 . The low cost of the device and the large volume make it possible to use such a coffee maker in any family. Bosch is distinguished by high-quality assembly and reliability. The disadvantage is, perhaps, only the lack of an automatic shutdown function.

“In addition to making coffee, I use this device for brewing tea. Outwardly, it looks very dignified, the coffee turns out delicious, tea too. Among the disadvantages: an inconvenient lid that needs to be lifted so as not to spill past the cup, as well as the inability to wash the upper bowl separately. At first there was a smell of plastic, which was easily eliminated by boiling with vinegar.

Marina, 42 years old, St. Petersburg.

Redmond RCM-1502 - carob model of coffee makers with a wide range of functions at an affordable price. Equipped with a power indicator and an anti-drip system. However, all the advantages can be covered by one significant drawback - the output volume of the product is only a quarter of a liter. Therefore, such a device is more suitable for a family of 2-3 people.

Vitek VT-1511 - the coffee maker has established itself as a high-quality and inexpensive carob-type device. It works almost silently, the drink is tasty and fragrant.

“I have been using Vitek for less than a month and am very satisfied! Runs very quietly and delivers superb foam. It is controlled by only three buttons, for me it is very convenient. Perhaps, specifically, I lack the ability to manually select the fortress, but the price of 3000 rubles more than justifies this drawback. I advise!

Olesya, 40 years old, Saratov.

Philips Saeco HD 8745 - a small premium model. The extended functionality offered to the user fully justifies the rather high price of the device (up to 20,000 rubles).

It seems that all the tips and reviews listed above should be enough so that the question of how to choose the right coffee maker does not torment you anymore. Whatever coffee maker you choose, be sure that immediately or over time it will become one of the necessary devices for daily use. Get the right model, enjoy the taste and aroma of real coffee and enjoy every new day!

If you count yourself among the people who appreciate the aroma of natural coffee, then you can appreciate the importance of having a coffee maker in the house. In a minimum time, she is able to prepare a delicious tonic drink for you, your loved ones or friends. If you have not yet decided which coffee maker to choose for your home, reviews and recommendations from experts will come in handy for making the right choice. We will compare the principle of operation of various devices, consider their features, and talk about suitable options for specific conditions.

When choosing a coffee maker, you must answer a few important questions for yourself:

  • how much time are you willing to spend preparing a drink;
  • how many cups do you expect to drink per day;
  • how wide is the variety of drinks that you will prepare;
  • how much are you willing to spend on buying a coffee maker;
  • How important is the usability of your device to you?

Based on these criteria, choose the right model. Coffee makers for the home, the rating of which can be studied on numerous websites of sellers of this equipment, are divided into several types, depending on the design and features of preparing a coffee drink.

french press

Such mechanisms work without electricity, which makes them indispensable for hiking, far from civilization, although some prefer to use them at home because of the simplicity of the device. The press consists of a transparent container, inside of which there is a movable piston with a filter. Ground coffee powder is poured to the bottom of the container, poured with boiling water. The container is covered with a lid with the piston raised. After 4-7 minutes, the piston descends, and the filter prevents sediment from passing through itself. The drink is poured into cups.


  • to make coffee, just boil water;
  • so you can also brew tea;
  • ideal for hiking conditions.


  • the taste of the resulting drink is far from ideal;
  • in such a device it is impossible to prepare any coffee drink other than coffee;
  • the finished drink cools down quickly.

drip devices

How to choose a coffee maker for your home so that it has a simple design and is affordable? Pay attention to drip models. This type of coffee maker is considered the most popular. To prepare a drink, it is enough to pour a certain amount of water into the container, and place a measured amount of ground coffee in a special mesh.

The water boils and is passed drop by drop through the coffee. Through the filter, the drink flows into a glass teapot mounted on a heated stand. Cups can be filled from the kettle.


  • low cost;
  • after preparation, the device keeps the coffee hot;
  • simple operation.


  • the drink turns out to be of medium strength;
  • long cooking time;
  • the need for frequent filter replacement.


  1. Power. The smaller it is, the longer the water will be in contact with the coffee, and the stronger the drink will be at the exit.
  2. Adjusting the coffee strength will allow you to manually change the strength of the drink.
  3. The container for the finished drink must certainly be glass.
  4. The drip-stop function will stop the flow of coffee into the kettle if it is taken out of the coffee maker, and the overflow protection will stop the coffee making process as soon as its volume in the kettle reaches the maximum value.
  5. An indicator of the ratio of coffee and water will be useful.
  6. Filters are both disposable paper and reusable (nylon and gold).

Geyser coffee makers

Water is poured into the lower compartment of the apparatus, which is heated by electric current. Then it rises along a vertical tube, and passes through the coffee powder. Depending on the model, water can pass through the coffee layer from one to several times. With several passes, the drink turns out to be rich and more aromatic.

Tip: Keep in mind the amount of drink that you plan to prepare in 1 serving. If the container is designed exclusively for 6 cups, then you will not be able to prepare a smaller amount of coffee. The coffee maker simply will not be able to work if less water is poured.


  • there is the possibility of preparing not only coffee. The device can brew tea, as well as herbs;
  • quite rich taste of the drink;
  • ease of maintenance.


  • the need to prepare a full portion of the drink, even when it is not necessary;
  • long coffee preparation time (about 5 minutes).

Features when choosing:

  1. The larger the coffee maker has, the more power the device must have.
  2. The function of heating the finished drink will be very convenient.
  3. The function of changing the strength of the drink will allow you to change the saturation of the coffee as you wish.
  4. There are manual models of geyser home coffee makers that do not require an outlet. They need to be put on the stove.

Horn devices

When we decide which is better to choose a coffee maker for the home, the reviews of real coffee lovers are unanimous: it is the carob type. Only with such a machine you can appreciate the whole variety of coffee drinks, prepare them quickly and easily.

With this model, you can make regular coffee, as well as cappuccino, espresso, latte and other varieties. fragrant drink. The operation of the apparatus is based on passing steam under high pressure through the coffee powder. It is possible to prepare cappuccino by adding thick milk foam to the drink.

When deciding which coffee maker to choose for a carob-type home, you need to know that such devices are divided into steam (pressure of about 4 bar), usually used in everyday life, and pump-action (pressure of 15 bar), which are more often used at a professional level, although for at home, such a coffee maker will be much better than a steam one.


  • the minimum time for preparing a drink (from 30 seconds);
  • many options for drinks;
  • the best quality of drinks;
  • less coffee is needed than in other types of coffee makers;
  • in some models, the possibility of preparing coffee in pods is provided. This will eliminate the need to free the machine from the coffee grounds.


  • coffee should be used finely ground;
  • in steam devices, water is heated to a boiling point (100 degrees), although a temperature of about 90 degrees is considered ideal. Pump-action models are free from this drawback.

Pay attention when choosing:

  1. The function of the automatic mill will allow the machine to grind the grains laid by you, and even in the fraction necessary for brewing espresso. However, this feature makes the cost higher.
  2. The greater the power of the apparatus, the greater the pressure will be created, and the faster the drink will be prepared. For example, at a power of 1000 W, a pressure of 5 bar is created. A cup of coffee will be prepared in about 2 minutes. With a power of 1800 W, the pressure will already be 15 bar. Coffee will be prepared in just 30 seconds.
  3. Cappuccino lovers will appreciate the presence of a cappuccino maker.

Capsule coffee makers

According to the principle of operation, the capsule coffee maker works in exactly the same way as the carob model, but with one difference: the steam does not pass through the coffee layer, but through the capsule. Thus, there is no need to calculate the right amount of coffee and water.


  • using different types of capsules with coffee, you can get drinks of different strength and taste;
  • the device does not need regular cleaning, requires minimal maintenance;
  • Ease of controls.


  • the cost of finished capsules is high;
  • the composition of the capsules is not diverse;
  • the price of such coffee makers is still quite high.

Important: Some models of capsule devices only work with capsules from the same manufacturer that produced the coffee maker. This can be very inconvenient, so ask the seller about this nuance in advance.


  1. Models that allow you to adjust the amount of water per 1 cup will allow you to change the strength of the coffee.
  2. The function of automatic ejection of the capsule will facilitate the care of the coffee maker.

Features of choosing a coffee maker

What coffee makers and how to choose for the home, so as not to regret your purchase? For the right choice, you should keep in mind some features of the operation of these devices:

  1. Consider the number of members in your family. Carob models are considered universal, capable of preparing the right amount of drink in a short time. It is also recommended to purchase a carob machine for those people who have a clear lack of time.
  2. If you care about the absence of care for the device, choose a capsule device.
  3. For lovers of espresso or cappuccino, you can advise the carob apparatus.
  4. Americano coffee is more successful in drip-type machines.
  5. If you like rich drinks, then a geyser-type device may be the most successful for you.
  6. The most affordable are drip and geyser coffee makers.
  7. The cost of a coffee maker depends on whether it has many functions. Some of them may turn out to be useless at all, so it's not worth paying money for them.
There are also combined coffee makers that combine the functions of carob and drip models.

Having listened to the above tips, you can easily choose the option of a coffee maker that suits you. When choosing, proceed from your desires and available opportunities.

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